United States v. Sirtaj \"Tosh\" Mathauda , 740 F.3d 565 ( 2014 )

  •                 Case: 11-13558       Date Filed: 01/21/2014       Page: 1 of 10
    No. 11-13558
    D.C. Docket No. 1:09-cr-20210-JAL-1
    Plaintiff - Appellee,
    a.k.a. Mark Bolan,
    Defendant - Appellant.
    Appeals from the United States District Court
    for the Southern District of Florida
    (January 21, 2014)
    Before CARNES, Chief Judge, WILSON, Circuit Judge, and CORRIGAN, ∗
    District Judge.
    Honorable Timothy J. Corrigan, United States District Judge for the Middle District of
    Florida, sitting by designation.
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    In March 2009, a grand jury in the Southern District of Florida charged
    Sirtaj “Tosh” Mathauda with conspiracy to commit mail and wire fraud in
    violation of 
    18 U.S.C. §§ 1349
    , 2326 (Count 1); mail fraud in violation of 
    18 U.S.C. §§ 1341
    , 2326, 2 (Counts 2 through 14); and wire fraud in violation of 
    18 U.S.C. §§ 1343
    , 2326, 2 (Counts 15 and 16). The indictment alleged that
    Mathauda and his co-conspirators operated a series of companies that marketed
    and sold fraudulent business opportunities, such as the ownership and operation of
    vending machines, coffee display racks, and greeting card display racks. All sales
    were made over the phone from a call room in Costa Rica. A jury ultimately found
    Mathauda guilty on all counts presented for consideration,1 and he was sentenced
    to 252 months’ imprisonment. Mathauda now brings a myriad of arguments on
    appeal; however, only one of those arguments requires discussion: whether the
    district court erred in adding a two-level sentence enhancement for Mathauda’s
    alleged violation of a prior court order. 2 We find that the district court did err, and
    Prior to charging the jury, the district court granted the government’s motion to dismiss
    Counts 3, 7, 9, and 10.
    Under the 2012 Guidelines Manual, this provision is now U.S.S.G. § 2B1.1(b)(9)(C).
    This opinion will refer to the provision as § 2B1.1(b)(8)(C), as that was its designation in the
    2010 Guidelines, which apply to this case.
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    thus vacate Mathauda’s sentence and remand for resentencing. We affirm all
    other issues raised in this appeal. 3
    I.     Background
    From roughly June 2004 until January 2009, Mathauda ran several sham
    businesses out of a call room in Costa Rica. He and his co-conspirators worked
    under a series of company names: Apex Management, USA Beverages, Omega
    Business Systems, and Nation West. Each company would operate for a few
    months, taking money from would-be franchisees, and then closing its doors,
    leaving victims high and dry. According to the indictment, Mathauda would entice
    his victims as follows: (1) advertise business opportunities in the United States,
    urging interested people to call certain toll-free U.S. telephone numbers; (2) route
    those telephone numbers to Costa Rica; (3) connect the interested persons with a
    “fronter,” who would describe the business opportunities and arrange to ship
    promotional materials to the interested persons; (4) sometimes connect the
    interested persons with a “reference” or “locator,” co-conspirators who would pose
    as third parties who had made money through one of Mathauda’s companies or
    were in the business of consulting with interested persons on lucrative locations to
    On appeal, Mathauda also challenges the district court’s denial of his motion to dismiss
    the indictment, whether the evidence was sufficient to prove his guilt beyond a reasonable doubt,
    whether alleged improper evidentiary rulings, alleged prosecutorial conduct, and other issues
    resulted in cumulative error, and whether Mathauda’s sentence was substantively reasonable.
    We find these arguments have no merit and thus do not address them in this appeal.
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    place their vending machines and merchandise racks; and (5) connect the interested
    persons with a “closer,” who would finalize sales and provide instructions for
    wiring or otherwise transferring funds to the companies as payment for the
    business opportunities. The purported business opportunities cost thousands of
    dollars each. In total, Mathauda fraudulently obtained millions of dollars from his
    Prior to the commencement of his criminal prosecution, Mathauda and his
    co-conspirators were the subject of a civil action brought by the Federal Trade
    Commission (FTC). The FTC filed a complaint in October 2005 alleging that
    Mathauda and his co-conspirators had violated § 5(a) of the FTC Act, 
    15 U.S.C. § 45
    (a)(1), which prohibits “unfair or deceptive acts or practices in or affecting
    commerce,” and the FTC’s Trade Regulation Rule entitled “Disclosure
    Requirements and Prohibitions Concerning Franchising,” 
    16 C.F.R. § 436
    , which
    requires sellers of franchises and business opportunities to provide a basic
    disclosure document detailing, among other things, the names, employment
    history, and litigation history of the franchisors. See 
    16 C.F.R. § 436.5
    . The FTC
    complaint and accompanying paperwork were served on Mathauda on December
    18, 2005. In addition to the complaint, Mathauda received a number of other
    documents, including a copy of a proposed temporary restraining order, a
    memorandum in support of the temporary restraining order, and an order to show
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    cause. In response, Mathauda hired an attorney to represent him in the case.
    Mathauda himself never did anything else and continued to operate his conspiracy.
    Unbeknownst to Mathauda, his attorney also did nothing about the case, and
    default judgment was entered on June 27, 2006.
    After the jury found Mathauda guilty in the criminal matter, the Probation
    Office prepared a Presentence Investigation Report (PSI). Although Mathauda
    raised various objections to the PSI, the only objection pertinent to our discussion
    on appeal is his objection to the two-level enhancement based on a knowing
    violation of a prior, specific judicial order pursuant to U.S.S.G. § 2B1.1(b)(8)(C). 4
    Mathauda conceded that he had been served with the FTC complaint and
    accompanying paperwork, and that he had retained and paid counsel for
    representation. However, he did not know his attorney failed to respond, that
    default judgment was eventually entered, and that he had been judicially ordered to
    cease his fraudulent activity. According to Mathauda, he never received the final
    court order entering the default judgment. And the government conceded that
    much. The government argued, however, that the enhancement was proper
    because Mathauda was willfully blind to the court’s order and that willful
    blindness to an order constitutes knowledge of the order, rendering any subsequent
    See U.S.S.G. § 2B1.1 cmt. n. 8(C) (requiring knowledge of the prior decree or order).
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    violation a knowing violation for purposes of § 2B1.1(b)(8)(C). The district court
    agreed and overruled Mathauda’s objections to the PSI.
    II.    Discussion
    On appeal, Mathauda objects to the district court’s imposition of a two-level
    enhancement based on his “violation of [a] prior, specific judicial . . . order.”
    U.S.S.G. § 2B1.1(b)(8)(C). We review a district court’s factual findings at
    sentencing for clear error. See United States v. Lee, 
    427 F.3d 881
    , 892 (11th Cir.
    Mathauda argues that the two-level enhancement was erroneous because he
    never received the court’s order and therefore he did not know that he was in
    violation of it. Thus, since the government has failed to prove that Mathauda knew
    of the order’s existence, the enhancement was improper. The government
    responds that Mathauda was on notice of the order despite not receiving it because
    he knew about the civil proceedings and potential consequences he would face
    should he not respond to the FTC complaint. Specifically, the government argues
    that Mathauda should not be able to avoid the consequences of violating the terms
    of the default judgment issued against him by remaining willfully blind to the
    outcome of a case of which he was aware.
    Whether willful blindness satisfies the knowing requirement of §
    2B1.1(b)(8)(C) is an issue of first impression in this circuit. In United States v.
    Case: 11-13558     Date Filed: 01/21/2014   Page: 7 of 10
    Bisong, the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia held that
    the district court did not err when it applied a sentencing enhancement based on the
    defendant’s violation of a prior court order, despite the defendant’s alleged lack of
    knowledge of the order, because he was willfully blind to the order he violated.
    645 F.3d 384
    , 399–400 (D.C. Cir. 2011).
    John Bisong was convicted of seven counts of bank fraud and four counts of
    immigration fraud. 
    Id. at 386
    . His scheme involved filing over one hundred phony
    applications for alien labor certifications and subsequently stealing money from
    alien bank accounts by way of counterfeit checks. 
    Id. at 387
    . The scheme lasted
    from March 1999–January 2002. 
     In 1994, however, an Administrative Law
    Judge found that Bisong was making misrepresentations in advertisements about
    his alien assistance activities, and thus ordered him to “cease and desist from
    engaging in any unlawful trade practices in the District of Columbia.” 
    Id. at 399
    (internal quotation marks omitted). Bisong, however, did not receive the final
    court order. 
     At the sentencing hearing in Bisong’s criminal bank fraud and
    immigration case, the district court judge imposed a two-level enhancement based
    on Bisong’s “‘violation of any prior, specific judicial or administrative order,
    injunction, decree, or process.’” 
     (quoting U.S.S.G. § 2B1.1(b)(8)(C)).
    Bisong appealed, among other issues, the district court’s award of the two-
    level enhancement under U.S.S.G. § 2B1.1(b)(8)(C). Id. at 399. On appeal, the
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    court agreed that there was overwhelming evidence that Bisong was aware of the
    civil proceedings against him and that he purposely avoided learning more about
    the case. Id. at 399–400. Relying heavily on the fact that Bisong attended the first
    day of the administrative hearing, requested and was granted a continuance, and
    then failed to show up for the rescheduled hearing, the court found that Bisong was
    “willfully blind” to the prior court order. Id. at 399–400. The court stated that “the
    district court could reasonably infer, for it had observed that Bisong was an
    intelligent man, that, based on a preponderance of the evidence, Bisong realized
    the high probability that an order would issue.” Id. at 400. Thus, despite never
    receiving the prior judicial order, the two-level enhancement was still proper
    because Bisong knew enough about the civil proceedings and that a final order was
    inevitable. Id.
    We agree with the United States Court of Appeals for the District of
    Columbia Circuit that there are “two predominant formulations of ‘willful
    blindness’: when a defendant purposely contrived to avoid learning all the facts, or
    the defendant was aware of a high probability of the fact in dispute and
    consciously avoided confirming that fact.” Id. (internal quotation marks and
    brackets omitted). We adopt this same standard here today, and when applied to
    the case at hand, the government failed to prove by a preponderance of the
    evidence that Mathauda was willfully blind to the court’s final order against him.
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    Accordingly, it was clear error for the district court to apply the two-level
    enhancement for violation of a prior judicial order.
    It is true that Mathauda admitted that he received the FTC complaint and
    accompanying paperwork. It is also true that Mathauda admitted to retaining an
    attorney in the matter. But that is all. He did not appear in court, and as far as
    Mathauda knew, his attorney was handling the matter. His attorney, however, did
    not file a single document in response to the FTC complaint. Accordingly, because
    no one responded on Mathauda’s behalf, default judgment was entered. The final
    order was never served on Mathauda, and Mathauda never heard anything more
    about the case until his sentencing in the current matter, when he was awarded a
    two-level enhancement because he violated an order he never actually received
    from a case his attorney presumably should have handled.
    The government attempts to analogize this case to Bisong. While there are
    some similarities, the differences are far more important. Unlike Bisong,
    Mathauda was not an active participant in the FTC proceedings. He was served
    with the complaint, and he hired an attorney. That was all. Bisong, in contrast,
    appeared at the first day of the proceedings against him, personally called to
    request a continuance, and then failed to show up for the continued hearing. Id.
    We do not have that level of active participation in Mathauda’s case, which would
    have created a “high probability” in Mathauda’s mind that an order would issue.
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    See id. at 400. Nor do we have evidence that Mathauda failed to appear at a
    hearing date he requested, which would demonstrate purposely avoiding learning
    all the facts. See id. at 399–400.
    This is not to say that the defendant who does nothing will never be found
    “willfully blind.” But the burden is on the government to prove by a
    preponderance of the evidence that the “defendant purposely contrived to avoid
    learning all the facts, or the defendant was aware of a high probability of the fact in
    dispute and consciously avoided confirming that fact.” Id. (internal quotation
    marks and brackets omitted). The government failed to do that here. We thus
    vacate Mathauda’s sentence and remand for resentencing. We affirm on all other
    issues raised in this appeal.

Document Info

Docket Number: 11-13558

Citation Numbers: 740 F.3d 565

Judges: Carnes, Corrigan, Per Curiam, Wilson

Filed Date: 1/21/2014

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 8/31/2023