United States v. Gilbert , 136 F.3d 1451 ( 1998 )

  •                                                                          PUBLISH
    No. 97-2208
    D. C. Docket No. 3:96-CR-47-LAC
    Appeal from the United States District Court
    for the Northern District of Florida
    (March 18, 1998)
    Before EDMONDSON and BIRCH, Circuit Judges, and FAY, Senior Circuit Judge.
    EDMONDSON, Circuit Judge:
    Defendant Richard Gilbert appeals his
    conviction          for      concealing   assets   of   a
    bankrupt’s estate, in violation of 18 U.S.C.
    § 152.       Defendant challenges the district
    court’s failure to dismiss the indictment
    18 U.S.C. § 152
     provides, in relevant part,
    that “[a] person who . . . knowingly and
    fraudulently conceals from a custodian,
    trustee, marshal, or other officer of the
    court charged with the control or custody of
    property, or, in connection with a case
    under title 11, from creditors or the United
    States Trustee, any property belonging to
    the estate of a debtor . . . shall be fined
    under        this   title,    imprisoned   not     more
    than 5 years, or both.”
    as barred by the statute of limitations.
    We agree with Defendant. Thus, we reverse
    the conviction.
    Defendant also argued, among other
    things, that the indictment should have
    been dismissed due to pre-indictment delay;
    that insufficient evidence existed upon
    which a jury could have based the guilty
    verdict;    and   that       the   district   court
    improperly        determined         Defendant’s
    Defendant was the president and
    sole stockholder of Corporate Air Limited,
    Inc. (“CAL”).   In 1985, CAL contracted to
    purchase   a    piece   of     real    estate    called
    Robinson   Island.        Before       the    sale   of
    Robinson    Island       to     CAL     was      final,
    Defendant formed a second corporation to
    take title to the property.              The second
    corporation     was     Isle    of    Fantasy,    Inc.
    (“IOF”). IOF paid for Robinson Island using
    funds   received    from        CAL.     The     funds
    provided by CAL represented either loans
    to IOF or an interest in Robinson Island
    to be held by CAL.
    In   1987,     CAL     filed    a    petition          for
    bankruptcy        under        Chapter        11    of    the
    Bankruptcy Code. The petition included the
    necessary schedules of CAL’s assets.                      No
    interest     in   connection           with        Robinson
    Island was disclosed.
    On    1   December          1987,    CAL        had    the
    bankruptcy        petition        converted              from
    Chapter 11 (reorganization) to Chapter 7
    (liquidation).    A bankruptcy trustee was
    appointed; and eventually the existence of
    Robinson Island, and CAL’s interest, was
    Defendant was indicted in July 1996 for
    concealing assets of the bankrupt’s estate:
    CAL’s     interest      in   Robinson     Island.
    Defendant        moved       to   dismiss       the
    Defendant disputes that an interest
    existed    in    Robinson    Island.     For    our
    purposes,   we    can   assume    that   such   an
    interest did exist.
    indictment as barred by the statute of
    limitations.    That   motion   was   denied.
    Defendant was convicted of concealing
    assets of the bankrupt’s estate.
    The general statute of limitations for
    noncapital offenses is
    five years. See 
    18 U.S.C. § 3282
     (“Except as
    otherwise expressly provided by law, no
    person      shall    be     prosecuted,        tried,     or
    punished    for     any      offense,        not    capital,
    unless    the   indictment             is   found   or    the
    information         is     instituted        within      five
    years next after such offense shall have
    been     committed.”).           The    parties     do   not
    dispute    that     this    five-year        limitations
    period     applies         to      the       offense       of
    concealment         of     assets.          Instead,      the
    dispute is about when the time began to
    We     review      the     district     court’s
    interpretation       and    application     of   the
    statute   of   limitations     de   novo.        See
    Grayson v. K Mart Corp., 
    79 F.3d 1086
    , 1105
    (11th Cir. 1996) (interpretation of statute is
    question of law reviewed de novo); Morris
    v. Haren, 
    52 F.3d 947
    , 949 (11th Cir. 1995)
    “Statutes    of    limitations        normally
    begin to run when the crime is complete.”
    Pendergast v. United States, 
    63 S.Ct. 268
    271       (1943).         But   some      offenses        are
    considered continuing offenses: offenses
    which are not complete upon the first
    illegal    act,     but    instead       continue    to    be
    perpetrated over time.                   Offenses should
    not be considered continuing unless “the
    explicit language of the . . . statute compels
    A continuing offense is the “[t]ype of
    crime which is committed over a span of
    time as, for example, a conspiracy.                  As to
    period of statute of limitation, the last
    act       of      the      offense        controls        for
    commencement of the period. . . .”                  Black’s
    Law Dictionary 291 (5th ed. 1979).
    such a conclusion, or the nature of the
    crime involved is such that Congress must
    assuredly have intended that it be treated
    as   a   continuing   [offense].”   Toussie   v.
    United States, 
    90 S.Ct. 858
    , 860 (1970).
    Congress   has   explicitly    recognized
    concealment of assets as a continuing
    offense: “The concealment of assets of a
    debtor in a case under title 11 [bankruptcy]
    shall be deemed to be a continuing offense
    until the debtor shall have been finally
    discharged or a discharge denied, and the
    period of limitations shall not begin to
    run until such final discharge or denial of
    18 U.S.C. § 3284
     (emphasis added).
    So, not only has Congress expressed that
    concealment      is   a    continuing       offense,
    Congress   has    also    specified    when    that
    continuing       offense       shall   be    deemed
    complete for limitations purposes.
    “Statutes of limitations, both criminal
    and civil, are to be liberally interpreted in
    favor of repose.”     United States v. Phillips,
    843 F.2d 438
    , 443 (11th Cir. 1988); see also
    United States v. Marion, 
    92 S.Ct. 455
    , 464
    n.14 (1971). The Supreme Court has addressed
    what    a   court     should     consider        when
    determining        when        the    statute         of
    limitations begins to run:
    In   deciding     when     the    statute     of
    limitations      begins     to    run    in   a
    given case several considerations
    guide our decision.       The purpose of a
    statute of limitations is to limit
    exposure to criminal prosecution to
    a   certain     fixed     period    of   time
    following   the   occurrence        of   those
    acts the legislature has decided to
    punish by criminal sanctions. Such
    a limitation is designed to protect
    individuals from having to defend
    themselves against charges when the
    basic      facts   may      have   become
    obscured by the passage of time and
    to minimize the danger of official
    punishment because of acts in the
    far-distant past. Such a time limit
    may also have the salutary effect of
    encouraging          law    enforcement
    officials promptly to investigate
    suspected criminal activity.
    90 S.Ct. at 860
    .     When doubt exists
    about   the   statute    of   limitations   in   a
    criminal case, the limitations period should
    be construed in favor of the defendant.
    See United States v. Habig, 
    88 S.Ct. 926
    , 929
    (1968).       With these thoughts in mind, we
    turn to the case before us.
    Section          3284       provides      that     the
    limitations period begins when the debtor
    is discharged or denied discharge. CAL, as a
    corporate debtor, potentially could have
    received discharge under Chapter 11.                 See 
    11 U.S.C. § 1141
    (d)(1)(A)   (“Except   as   otherwise
    provided in this subsection, in the plan, or
    in the order confirming the plan, the
    confirmation of a plan . . . discharges the
    debtor from any debt that arose before the
    date of such confirmation . . . .”). But when
    CAL converted from Chapter 11 to Chapter
    7, discharge was no longer possible. Under
    Chapter 7, a corporate debtor cannot be
    discharged.   See 
    11 U.S.C. § 727
     (“The court
    shall grant the debtor a discharge, unless .
    . . the debtor is not an individual . . . .”).
    The government argues that, because
    discharge     (and    therefore     denial       of
    discharge) is no longer possible for CAL, the
    statute of limitations never will begin to
    run.    This view would place the offense of
    concealment         of    assets   in    the   same
    category       as    capital       offenses,     the
    extraordinary        offenses      for   which   no
    limitation exists.        We cannot agree that
    Congress intended that result.
    Congress last amended 
    18 U.S.C. § 3284
    in     1948.   The       amendments       were   in
    response to an asset concealment case,
    United States v. Fraidin, 
    63 F. Supp. 271
    (D.Md. 1945), and are discussed in United
    States v. Guglielmini, 
    425 F.2d 439
     (2d Cir.
    In    1945,   six       men         had     been
    prosecuted    for       concealment           of
    assets in the District of Maryland.
    At that time, the statute governing
    the period of limitation read: “* * *
    concealment of assets * * * shall be
    deemed to be a continuing offense
    until the bankrupt shall have been
    finally discharged, and the period of
    limitation * * * shall not begin to
    run   until     such        final   discharge.”
    Because   [in     Fraidin]          there    had
    never been an application for a
    discharge, and the time to apply for
    a discharge had expired, the trial
    court faced a situation where the
    statute of limitations would never
    run under the strict wording of the
    tolling section, since there was no
    longer     a    possibility            of   “final
    discharge.”     The district court held
    that the intent of Congress could be
    followed only by reading the tolling
    provision as if the words “or until
    denial thereof” were appended to
    “final   discharge.”       .   .   .    Congress
    subsequently closed the statutory gap
    by amending the tolling provision
    as   the      court    in          Fraidin     had
    construed      it.    As       Fraidin       itself
    involved a waiver, rather than a
    denial, of discharge, it is clear to us
    that Congress intended a waiver to
    have the same effect as a denial for
    the purpose of calculating the period
    of limitation.
    425 F.2d at 442-43
    added) (footnote omitted).
    “While there is little recent case law on
    this issue, several courts have extended the
    statute of limitations under section 3284
    to events that have the same effect as
    denying   a   discharge   of   the   bankrupt.”
    United States v. Dolan, 
    120 F.3d 856
    , 867
    (8th Cir. 1997) (citing Guglielmini, 
    425 F.2d at 443
    ; Rudin v. United States, 
    254 F.2d 45
    47 (6th Cir. 1958); United States v. Zisblatt
    Furniture Co., 
    78 F. Supp. 9
    , 12-13 (S.D.N.Y.
    1948)).      Courts addressing this issue have
    determined that, where discharge is no
    longer possible, the date upon which the
    discharge became impossible is the date
    upon      which    the   statute   of   limitations
    begins     to     run.    In    other    words,   the
    limitations period should begin when an
    event occurs that has the same effect as
    the denial of discharge. Events which have
    been held to have the same effect as denial
    of   discharge     include     the    voluntary
    dismissal of bankruptcy proceedings, the
    waiver of discharge, and the failure to file
    timely for discharge. See Guglielmini, 
    425 F.2d at 443
    ; Rudin, 
    254 F.2d at 47
    ; Zisblatt
    Furniture   Co.,   
    78 F. Supp. at 12-13
    ;   cf.
    Winslow v. United States, 
    216 F.2d 912
    , 915
    (9th Cir. 1954) (because power to apply for
    discharge   remained         with     defendant,
    statute of limitations did not begin to
    run   until   application     for   discharge        or
    denial of discharge).
    Considering          the         alternative
    interpretation           offered        by       the
    government,       that       no      statute         of
    limitations applies to situations like this
    one, we decide that Defendant’s view of the
    law is correct:   “[T]he period of limitation
    runs from the date of the event when
    discharge     becomes    impossible     .    .   .    .”
    425 F.2d at 443
    . In our view,
    CAL’s choice to convert from Chapter 11 to
    Chapter   7     operated      like   a   waiver   of
    discharge, making discharge impossible.
    When CAL’s bankruptcy was converted
    to Chapter 7, on 1 December 1987, discharge
    was no longer possible; and the statute of
    limitations      began     to    run.     Thus,   the
    government had until December 1992 to
    file an indictment for the concealment of
    CAL’s assets.    The indictment in this case
    was not filed until July 1996. Therefore, the
    charges against Defendant were brought
    after   the   expiration   of   the   period   of
    limitations; and the motion to dismiss the
    indictment should have been granted.

Document Info

Docket Number: 97-2208

Citation Numbers: 136 F.3d 1451

Filed Date: 3/18/1998

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 3/3/2016

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