Brooks v. Miller , 158 F.3d 1230 ( 1998 )

  •                                                                         [PUBLISH]
    No. 96-9284         U.S. COURT OF APPEALS
    D. C. Docket No. 1:90-CV-1001-RCF       10/30/98
    ZELL MILLER, Governor of Georgia, GEORGIA STATE
    Appeal from the United States District Court
    for the Northern District of Georgia
    (October 30, 1998)
    Before DUBINA and MARCUS, Circuit Judges, and PROPST*, Senior District Judge.
    DUBINA, Circuit Judge:
    *Honorable Robert B. Propst, Senior U.S. District Judge for the Northern District of
    Alabama, sitting by designation:
    In this voting rights action, Plaintiffs, 27 black Georgia residents and voters,
    challenge the majority vote requirement for primary elections in Georgia, set forth in
    O.C.G.A. § 21-2-501. The complaint was certified as a class action on behalf of all
    present and future black registered voters in Georgia. Plaintiffs contend that the majority
    vote requirement, also known as the primary runoff requirement, violates § 2 of the
    Voting Rights Act, 
    42 U.S.C. § 1973
    , as well as the First, Fourteenth, and Fifteenth
    Amendments to the United States Constitution. After a bench trial, the district court ruled
    that Georgia’s majority vote provision for primary elections is constitutional and does not
    violate § 2.
    I. FACTS
    O.C.G.A. § 21-2-501 originally required that a candidate in a primary or general
    election receive a majority of the votes cast in order to be nominated or elected and
    provided for a runoff election in the event that no candidate received a majority. In 1994,
    after the filing of this action, Georgia’s General Assembly repealed the majority vote
    requirement for all general elections, except those for certain constitutional offices not at
    issue here, and replaced it with a 45 percent plurality rule. See O.C.G.A. § 21-2-501(b),
    as amended by Ga. L. 1994, p. 279, § 11; O.C.G.A. § 21-2-2(18.1) (defining plurality as
    45 percent of the total votes). In this action, Plaintiffs do not challenge the 45 percent
    plurality rule for general elections or majority voting as it affects multi-member offices
    such as school boards and county commissions. What Plaintiffs do challenge is the
    majority vote requirement for primary elections for single member, county-level offices,
    members of the General Assembly, superior court judges and district attorneys, and
    judges and justices of the Georgia Court of Appeals and Georgia Supreme Court.1
    In 1990, after conducting a five-day hearing on Plaintiffs’ motion for preliminary
    injunctive relief, the district court denied the Plaintiffs’ motion. Shortly thereafter, the
    United States Department of Justice filed a parallel case which was consolidated with this
    action. Before trial, the United States filed a motion to voluntarily dismiss its complaint
    which the district court granted.
    The district court made extensive findings of fact in this case. The district court
    relied on testimony presented at the four-day bench trial in 1996 and testimony presented
    at the hearing held in 1990 on Plaintiffs’ motion for preliminary injunctive relief, along
    with other exhibits and reports submitted by the parties. In order to resolve the Plaintiffs’
    claims, the district court focused its findings of fact on two key areas. First, the district
    court examined evidence relating to the process by which the majority vote provision was
    enacted into law to determine whether it was passed for a racially discriminatory purpose.
    Second, the district court considered evidence presented on the issue of whether the
    Georgia is one of nine states with a majority vote requirement for primary
    elections. See 
    Ala. Code § 17-16-36
    Ark. Code Ann. § 7-7-102
     (Michie 1993);
    Fla. Stat. Ann. § 100.061
     (West 1982); O.C.G.A. § 21-2-501 (1993 & Supp. 1997); La.
    Rev. Stat. Ann. § 18:511 (West 1979 & Supp. 1998); Miss. Code Ann. 23-15-191 (1990);
    Okla. Stat. Ann. tit. 26, § 1-103
     (West 1991); 
    S.C. Code Ann. § 7-17-600
     (Law. Co-op.
    Tex. Elec. Code Ann. § 172.003
     (West 1986).
    majority vote law has a discriminatory impact. The following is a summary of the district
    court’s factual findings. A.       Discriminatory Purpose
    The district court acknowledged Georgia’s long history of racial discrimination at
    all levels of government. The voting strength of blacks has historically been diminished
    in Georgia in numerous ways, including property ownership requirements, literacy tests,
    and the use of the county unit system which undermined the voting power of counties
    with large black populations. The county unit system gave each county twice as many
    unit votes for the purpose of nominating candidates for statewide office as the county had
    representatives in the Georgia House. This system had the effect of increasing the voting
    power of rural counties and diluting that of urban areas. In 1962, a three-judge federal
    panel struck down Georgia’s county unit system as unconstitutional. See Sanders v.
    203 F.Supp. 158
     (N.D. Ga. 1962).
    The majority vote provision at issue in this case was enacted as part of a sweeping
    election reform bill signed into law in 1964 by then-Governor Carl E. Sanders (“Governor
    Sanders” or “Sanders”). This law was Georgia’s first election code. Prior to 1964,
    Georgia’s election system was chaotic. The rules for primary and general elections varied
    from county to county and election to election. Corruption and manipulation were
    commonplace. Throughout the state, and particularly in rural counties, groups known as
    “courthouse crowds” controlled local elections and often manipulated election practices
    to maintain their own power. Georgia was essentially a one-party state, and a victory in a
    Democratic primary was tantamount to election.
    One form of election manipulation used under the plurality system consisted of
    entering a “stalking horse” into a local race to split the opposition vote and assure victory
    to courthouse crowd candidates. Governor Sanders experienced this tactic first hand
    when he ran against Peter Zack Greer in the 1962 lieutenant governor’s race. Sanders
    withdrew from the race after hearing that Greer planned to enter a candidate named Carl
    F. Sanders in the race to confuse voters and ensure his own victory. Sanders ran for
    governor instead and won.
    When the Georgia legislature created the first Election Laws Study Committee
    (“ELSC”) in 1957 to examine election practices and propose legislation, members of this
    committee were interested in maintaining the discriminatory status quo through measures
    such as literacy tests. The first ELSC did not produce any comprehensive election
    reform. A second ELSC was formed in 1961 but dissolved without taking any action.
    In 1963, after the county unit system had been struck down as unconstitutional,
    Denmark Groover (“Groover”), a state representative known for his staunch
    segregationist views, attempted to pass a majority vote requirement. There is no doubt
    that Groover’s majority vote bill was the product of racial animus. He opposed “bloc
    voting,” a euphemism for black citizens voting in a bloc. Groover’s bill passed in the
    House but died in committee in the Georgia Senate.
    Governor Sanders called for the creation of a third ELSC in 1963 for the purpose
    of drafting an election code. There were more racially moderate members on this
    committee than on the previous ELSCs. The third ELSC recommended a majority vote
    requirement, in addition to numerous other measures, as part of a comprehensive election
    code. The General Assembly adopted most of these recommendations, including the
    majority vote requirement. The ELSC’s recommendations included some discriminatory
    measures such as a scaled-down version of a literacy test. However, some of the
    proposals of the third ELSC were either not related to race or promoted increased black
    participation in elections. For example, the 1964 code required that a voting registrar be
    present at the county courthouse during all business hours and that voter registration
    remain open until 50 days before an election.
    Many supporters of the 1964 election code’s majority vote requirement had
    legitimate “good government” motives. These backers wanted to reduce the power of the
    courthouse crowds and to eliminate the use of stalking horses and dummy candidates as a
    method of election manipulation. Governor Sanders was one of the key supporters of the
    measure. In the context of Georgia politics in the early 1960's, Sanders was regarded as a
    moderate on racial issues. He opposed the civil rights movement, yet he was not a
    militant segregationist. Sanders had considerable power over the General Assembly,
    enabling him to influence the agenda of the legislature. His power in the legislature was
    so great that he was able to install his friend and supporter, George T. Smith (“Smith”), as
    Speaker of the House.
    Plaintiffs emphasize the racial antipathy of Groover and attempt to impute the
    improper motivations behind his proposal of the majority vote in 1963 to the supporters
    of the 1964 code’s majority vote requirement. The district court found that Groover’s
    racist motives were not attributable to the supporters of the 1964 law. Groover supported
    Sanders’ opponent in the governor’s race and was not involved in the Sanders
    administration. He was not a member of the third ELSC, and he had no influence over
    that committee.
    The district court also acknowledged that Sanders favored at-large elections in
    1962, when he was president pro tem of the Senate, for racially discriminatory reasons as
    well as some sound government reasons. Again, the district court chose not to impute
    those discriminatory motives to Sanders’s support of the majority vote law in 1964 in the
    absence of evidence indicating that the 1964 majority vote provision itself was racially
    B.     Discriminatory Impact
    On the question of the effect of the majority vote law, the district court considered
    testimony as to the law’s impact on individuals considering a run for office as well as
    statistical analyses of data showing how the law affected actual elections. The district
    court found that though there was some evidence minimally supporting the theory that
    black candidates were discouraged from running for office by the prospect of a runoff, the
    evidence did not enable the court to ascertain how pervasive any deterrent effect had
    been. In other words, the Plaintiffs failed to prove that the majority vote law improperly
    discourages potential black candidates. In addition, there was no proof that the law would
    act as a greater deterrent for black candidates than for white candidates.
    Defendants’ expert witness supervised the compilation of a database containing
    information on the effect of the majority vote requirement on Georgia primary elections
    from 1970 to 1995. During this period, there were a total of 2,798 runoff sequences, and
    complete data was available for 2,773 of these. Over 90 percent of these runoffs were in
    Democratic party primaries. Of these 2,773 runoff sequences, there were 278 which
    involved a black candidate and a white candidate in both the primary election and the
    runoff. In 85 of the runoffs between a black candidate and a white candidate, the
    candidate who won a plurality of votes in the initial primary election lost in the runoff.
    The district court described these 85 runoff elections as “flip” sequences.
    In 56 of the flip sequences, the black candidate lost the runoff after receiving a
    plurality of the votes in the initial primary. In 29 of the flip elections, the white
    candidate lost the runoff after receiving a plurality of the votes in the initial primary.
    Thus, the majority vote requirement for primary elections yielded a net result of 27 fewer
    black candidates than would have been nominated under a pure plurality scheme.2
    Most of the 27 flip elections adverse to black candidates occurred at the county
    and local levels. A net loss of 30 black candidates in local and county elections resulted
    from the majority vote requirement. In state legislature and superior court elections, the
    primary runoff requirement resulted in a net gain of three black candidates. In state-wide
    Significantly, it does not follow that Georgia would have had 27 additional black
    office holders because a victory in a primary election does not ensure a win in the general
    and federal primaries, the net results would have been the same under a plurality scheme
    as they were under the majority vote requirement.
    The district court found that the disparity in outcomes in primary runoff elections
    was attributable to the relative strength of individual candidates and not to any alleged
    discriminatory impact of the majority vote requirement. The Defendants’ political science
    expert presented a theory under which a candidate who receives 40 percent or more of the
    votes in the initial election and who leads his or her opponent by at least five percent is
    considered a “strong leader.” In other words, a “strong leader” is a candidate who
    soundly wins an election. Runoff winners were overwhelmingly “strong leaders” in their
    initial primary races. The runoff winners averaged above 40 percent of the initial vote
    and generally led their nearest opponent by 10 to 12 percentage points. Black “strong
    leaders” defeated white opponents in runoffs 71 percent of the time. The black
    candidates who lost in runoffs typically entered the runoff elections in a much weaker
    position. The district court concluded that black leaders who lost runoffs were on average
    weaker candidates than black or white leaders who won runoff elections. On the question
    of racial polarization, the district court found that the Plaintiffs failed to prove that voting
    in Georgia was racially polarized.
    The district court concluded that, overall, Plaintiffs failed to demonstrate that the
    majority vote requirement in primary elections had a significant adverse effect on black
    voters and candidates.
    The issue of whether an election system was established or maintained for a
    discriminatory purpose is a question of fact subject to the clearly erroneous standard of
    review. Rogers v. Lodge, 
    458 U.S. 613
    , 622-23 (1982).        Rule 52(a) of the Federal Rules
    of Civil Procedure is particularly relevant to our review of the district court’s findings on
    purpose. Rule 52(a) requires that in reviewing the district court’s factual findings, we
    must give due regard to the court’s opportunity to judge the credibility of witnesses. Fed.
    R. Civ. P. 52(a).
    We review the district court’s determination of whether the majority vote
    requirement has had a discriminatory impact for clear error. Thornburg v. Gingles, 
    478 U.S. 30
    , 79 (1986) (stating that “application of the clearly-erroneous standard to ultimate
    findings of vote dilution preserves the benefit of the trial court’s particular familiarity
    with the indigenous political reality without endangering the rule of law”). Thus, while
    we review the district court’s conclusions of law de novo, Davis v. Chiles, 
    139 F.3d 1414
    1420 (11th Cir. 1998), the Supreme Court has clarified that the clearly erroneous standard
    applies to the district court’s ultimate conclusion as to whether an election mechanism
    leads to discriminatory results. Gingles, 
    478 U.S. at 79
    . The trial court “is to consider the
    totality of the circumstances and to determine, based upon a searching practical
    evaluation of the past and present reality, whether the political process is equally open” to
     (citations and quotations omitted). In conducting our review of the
    district court’s decision, we have the “power to correct errors of law, including those that
    may infect a so-called mixed finding of law and fact, or a finding of fact that is predicated
    on a misunderstanding of the governing rule of law.” 
     (citations omitted).
    A.     Discriminatory Purpose
    The district court found that the majority vote requirement was not passed for a
    discriminatory purpose and that the key supporters of the requirement had good
    government reasons for their support. There is adequate support in the record for this
    finding, and we hold that it was not clearly erroneous. The district court credited the
    testimony of Governor Sanders who explained that prior to the passage of the 1964
    election code, Georgia elections were “in a state of chaos.” (1st Supp. R., vol. 4, 167).
    Some counties used a plurality system, while others had a majority vote requirement. 
    Election fraud was pervasive throughout the state, including the use of “stalking horses”
    in elections where only a plurality was required for victory. 
    Id. at 167-69
    . In addition,
    according to Governor Sanders, incumbents frequently attempted to “muddy the water”
    by getting as many people as possible to run in their races to dilute the opposition vote
    and win a plurality. 
    Id. at 170
    The district court also credited the testimony of other witnesses to the effect that
    the majority vote requirement was not motivated by an intent to discriminate on the basis
    of race. Eugene Patterson, an anti-segregationist who was editor of The Atlanta
    Constitution in the early sixties testified that Sanders was not racist in his attitudes and
    that the 1964 code, including the majority vote provision, was passed for legitimate
    government reasons and not to discriminate against black voters and candidates. (R., vol.
    15, 447-49). George T. Smith, Speaker of the House during the Sanders administration,
    testified that there was no discussion of discrimination against black candidates in
    connection with the Sanders administration’s support for majority voting. (1st Supp. R.,
    vol. 5, 77). Melba Williams, a member of the third ELSC, whom no one suggests was
    racially motivated in her support for majority voting, testified that the committee’s
    decision to include a majority voting provision in the ELSC’s proposed code had nothing
    to do with race. (1st Supp. R., vol. 5, 137-40).
    Plaintiffs contend that the district court clearly erred in failing to impute the
    discriminatory motives behind Groover’s 1963 majority vote bill to the supporters of the
    1964 election code’s majority vote provision. However, Governor Sanders testified that
    Groover, who had supported his opponent in the governor’s race, had “nothing to do
    with” the comprehensive 1964 election reform law. (1st Supp. R., vol. 4, 195). This
    testimony as to Groover’s lack of input in the 1964 bill was corroborated by Smith. (1st
    Supp. R., vol. 5, 74-77). It appears that Plaintiffs’ emphasis on the discriminatory intent
    of Groover in connection with majority voting is necessitated by the lack of evidence that
    the proponents of the 1964 election code had racially discriminatory motives for their
    support of the majority vote provision. One of the Plaintiffs’ experts admitted on cross
    examination that in his review of all of the records of the third ELSC that produced the
    1964 election code, he did not find any evidence of a “smoking gun,” meaning evidence
    providing a clear link between the majority vote provision in that code and race
    discrimination. (R., vol. 14, p. 187). The Plaintiffs’ theory was that a discriminatory
    purpose behind the 1964 provision could be inferred circumstantially from the improper
    motives behind Groover’s previous majority vote bill, from the third ELSC’s proposal of
    a modified literacy test, and from evidence that Sanders’ support of previous measures,
    such as at-large voting, was racially motivated. The district court did not commit clear
    error by rejecting this theory and focusing instead on specific evidence concerning how
    and why the majority vote rule was included in the 1964 election code.
    B.     Discriminatory Impact
    With respect to Plaintiffs’ allegation that the challenged provision discouraged
    blacks from running for office, the district court heard testimony from three witnesses
    who had held office in Georgia, including Plaintiff Tyrone Brooks, a state legislator from
    Atlanta. These witnesses testified to the effect that the majority vote law was a deterrent
    for many potential black candidates. Although two of these witnesses gave a few specific
    examples of black individuals they had talked to who said that they were discouraged by
    the prospect of a primary runoff, the district court found that this evidence gave only
    minimal support for the theory that black candidates were deterred by the possibility of a
    runoff before entering an election. This evidence did nothing to bolster the theory that the
    potential for a runoff was more of a deterrent for black candidates than for white
    On the question of whether the Plaintiffs proved that the majority vote requirement
    had a significant, adverse effect on black candidates, the district court found that the
    racial impact of the majority vote requirement has been negligible at most. The court
    considered the fact that the requirement caused a net loss of 27 black nominees over 25
    years and that there was no negative impact on black candidates in roughly 99 percent of
    all runoffs during this period. The district court’s finding that the majority vote law does
    not have a discriminatory effect on black candidates has strong support in the record and
    therefore is not clearly erroneous.
    A.     Section 2 of the Voting Rights Act
    With respect to the Plaintiffs’ claim under § 2 of the Voting Rights Act, 
    42 U.S.C. § 1973
    , the district court concluded that Georgia’s majority vote requirement for primary
    elections does not violate § 2.
    1.     Discriminatory Purpose
    Plaintiffs argue that a showing of discriminatory purpose alone is sufficient for a
    violation of § 2.   The Plaintiffs’ claim under this theory fails for two reasons. First, as
    discussed above, we affirm the district court’s factual finding that the majority vote
    requirement contained in the 1964 election code was not motivated by a discriminatory
    purpose. Second, even if we found clear error in the district court’s finding on
    discriminatory purpose, we are bound by Johnson v. DeSoto County Bd. of Comm’rs, 72
    14 F.3d 1556
     (11th Cir. 1996), which held that discriminatory intent alone, in the absence of a
    showing of discriminatory effect, is insufficient to establish a violation of § 2. Id. at
    1561. We will, therefore, focus our discussion on the “results test” for § 2 violations.
    2.     Discriminatory Results
    Congress amended § 2 in 1982 to clarify that a violation of this statute may be
    proved by a showing of discriminatory results alone, thereby superceding City of Mobile
    v. Bolden, 
    446 U.S. 55
     (1980), which held that a plaintiff had to show both a
    discriminatory purpose and a discriminatory effect to establish a violation. Section 2, as
    amended, provides:
    (a) No voting qualification or prerequisite to voting or standard, practice, or
    procedure shall be imposed or applied by any State or political subdivision
    in a manner which results in a denial or abridgement of the right of any
    citizen of the United States to vote on account of race or color, or in
    contravention of the guarantees set forth in section 1973b(f)(2), as provided
    in subsection (b).
    (b) A violation of subsection (a) of this section is established if, based on
    the totality of circumstances, it is shown that the political processes leading
    to nomination or election in the State or political subdivision are not
    equally open to participation by members of a class of citizens protected by
    subsection (a) in that its members have less opportunity than other members
    of the electorate to participate in the political process and to elect
    representatives of their choice. The extent to which members of a protected
    class have been elected to office in the State or political subdivision is one
    circumstance which may be considered: Provided, That nothing in this
    section establishes a right to have members of a protected class elected in
    numbers equal to their proportion in the population.
    42 U.S.C.A. § 1973
    . The Senate Judiciary Committee Majority Report accompanying the
    1982 amendment listed a number of factors that may show a § 2 violation.3
    The “typical factors” listed in the Senate Report are as follows:
    1. the extent of any history of official discrimination in the state or political
    subdivision that touched the right of the members of the minority group to
    register, to vote, or otherwise to participate in the democratic process;
    2. the extent to which voting in the elections of the state or political
    subdivision is racially polarized;
    3. the extent to which the state or political subdivision has used unusually
    large election districts, majority vote requirements, anti-single shot
    provisions, or other voting practices or procedures that may enhance the
    opportunity for discrimination against the minority group;
    4. if there is a candidate slating process, whether the members of the
    minority group have been denied access to that process;
    5. the extent to which members of the minority group in the state or
    political subdivision bear the effects of discrimination in such areas as
    education, employment and health, which hinder their ability to participate
    effectively in the political process;
    6. whether political campaigns have been characterized by overt or subtle
    racial appeals;[and]
    7. the extent to which members of the minority group have been elected to
    public office in the jurisdiction.
    Additional factors that in some cases have had probative value as part of
    plaintiffs' evidence to establish a violation are:
    whether there is a significant lack of responsiveness on the part of elected
    officials to the particularized needs of the members of the minority group
    whether the policy underlying the state or political subdivision's use of
    such voting qualification, prerequisite to voting, or standard, practice or
    procedure is tenuous.
    S.Rep. No. 97-417, 97th Cong. 2nd Sess. 28, 28-29 (1982), U.S.Code Cong. &
    Admin.News 1982, pp. 206-207. The Senate Committee clarified that “‘there is no
    requirement that any particular number of factors be shown, or that a majority of them
    point one way or the other.’” Gingles, 
    478 U.S. at 45
     (quoting S.Rep. No. 97-417 at 29).
    Though the test for § 2 violations is generally flexible and fact-intensive, the
    Senate Report placed three limits on the way § 2 violations may be proved. Gingles, 
    478 U.S. at 46
    . First, electoral devices such as at-large elections, or in this case, a majority
    vote requirement, do not violate § 2 per se. See id. Those challenging an electoral
    device must prove that under the totality of the circumstance, the device “result[s] in
    unequal access to the electoral process.” Id. Second, a violation of § 2 cannot be
    established by showing “the conjunction of an allegedly dilutive electoral mechanism and
    the lack of proportional representation alone.” Id. Finally, plaintiffs must prove the
    existence of racial bloc voting. Id. The results test does not assume it. Id.
    a.      Applicability of the Gingles prerequisites
    The Gingles case involved a vote dilution claim against the use of multi-member
    districts. In this context, the Supreme Court developed three prerequisites for a claim of
    vote dilution. Gingles, 
    478 U.S. at 50
    . The Supreme Court has not heard any challenges
    to majority vote requirements, though such challenges have been presented in lower
    federal courts.4 Because the requirement of a majority of the votes in a primary election
    In Whitfield v. Democratic Party of the State of Arkansas, 
    686 F. Supp. 1365
    (E.D. Ark. 1988), aff’d by equally divided court without opinion, 
    902 F.2d 15
     (8th Cir.
    1990) (en banc), a district court held that Arkansas’ majority vote requirement for
    primary elections did not violate § 2 of the Voting Rights or the Fourteenth and Fifteenth
    Amendments to the United States Constitution. In another challenge, a three-judge panel
    held that Arkansas’ majority vote provision for general elections was unconstitutional, but
    rejected the constitutional attack on the majority vote requirement as applied to primary
    elections. Jeffers v. Clinton, 
    740 F. Supp. 585
    , 594-95 (E.D. Ark. 1990) (reasoning that
    the primary runoff represents a legitimate means to ensure that the nominee has a
    majority of party support and that a runoff is not necessary in a general election because
    is distinct from the establishment of a multi-member district such as that at issue in the
    Gingles case, Georgia’s majority vote provision does not fit neatly into the analytical
    framework set out in Gingles. See Whitfield, 
    686 F.Supp. at 1374-75
     (stating that it “is
    doubtful” that the Gingles prerequisites would be emphasized in a challenge to a runoff
    Nonetheless, we agree with the district court that, with slight modification, the
    three prerequisites for the results test set out in Gingles are applicable to this case.
    Gingles calls for a flexible, fact-intensive inquiry into whether an electoral mechanism
    results in the dilution of minority votes, and the Court in Gingles recognized the
    “potentially dilutive” effect of majority vote requirements. See 
    478 U.S. at 46, 56
    b.    Analysis under Gingles
    The Court in Gingles developed the following three threshold requirements for
    establishing a violation of § 2: (1) “the minority group must be able to demonstrate that it
    is sufficiently large and geographically compact to constitute a majority in a single-
    member district;” (2) “the minority group must be able to show that it is politically
    cohesive;” and (3) “the minority group must be able to demonstrate that the white
    majority votes sufficiently as a bloc to enable it . . . to defeat the minority’s preferred
    candidate.” Gingles, 
    478 U.S. at 50
    . These three circumstances are “necessary
    preconditions” for a showing that an electoral scheme impaired minority voters’ ability to
    there are almost never more than two substantial candidates).
    elect their chosen representatives. 
     Once plaintiffs establish the three prerequisites,
    they must go on to show that, under the totality of the circumstances, they have been
    denied an equal opportunity to elect representatives of their choice. Nipper v. Smith, 
    39 F.3d 1494
    , 1512 (11th Cir. 1994).
    i.      The first Gingles prerequisite
    The first prerequisite essentially “asks whether the court can fashion a remedy for
    a demonstrated abridgement.” Nipper, 
    39 F.3d at 1511
    . If the plaintiffs in a § 2 case
    cannot show the existence of an adequate alternative electoral system under which the
    minority group’s rights will be protected, then the case ends on the first prerequisite. See
    id. at 1511 n.34. In its analysis under the first prerequisite, the district court determined
    that “[t]he analogous question in the case at bar is whether black voting strength would be
    ‘less diluted’ under some workable regime other than a strict majority vote requirement.”
    (R., vol. 12, Tab 165, 22). This is a proper interpretation of the first Gingles prerequisite
    as applied to Georgia’s majority vote provision.
    The district court found that the Plaintiffs failed to establish the first Gingles
    prerequisite because they did not prove that any alternative to the majority vote
    requirement would result in a net increase of black elected officials. Under a 45 percent
    plurality rule, like that in place in Georgia’s general elections, there would have been a
    net loss of one black primary winner between 1970 and 1995. Although the evidence
    demonstrated that under a pure plurality system in Georgia primaries, there would have
    been a net increase of 27 black nominees for political office during the same period, “[i]n
    assessing a plaintiff’s proposed remedy, a court must look to the totality of the
    circumstances, weighing both the state’s interest in maintaining its election system and
    the plaintiff’s interest in the adoption of his suggested remedial plan.” Davis v. Chiles,
    139 F.3d 1414
    , 1419-20 (11th Cir. 1998) (citing Houston Lawyers’ Ass’n v. Attorney
    Gen’l of Tex., 
    501 U.S. 419
     (1991)). As Defendants pointed out, a pure plurality system
    such as that suggested by Plaintiffs could theoretically result in a candidate’s winning
    with 1% of the vote if enough candidates entered the race. Obviously, this type of result
    would seriously undermine the legitimacy of the government, and the state has a
    substantially compelling interest in preventing this from occurring. Particularly when
    balanced against the average of only one additional nominee per year statewide over the
    past twenty-five years that would have resulted from a pure plurality system, the district
    court could properly conclude that the harm resulting from Plaintiffs’ proposed remedy is
    simply too great to justify ordering such a system. Accordingly we hold that the district
    court did not err in concluding that Plaintiffs failed to establish an adequate remedy.
    Because Plaintiffs fail on the first prerequisite, the case under § 2 could end here. Nipper,
    39 F.3d at
    1511 n. 34. Nevertheless, we will review the remainder of the district court’s §
    2 analysis.
    ii.    The second and third Gingles prerequisites
    The district court dealt with the second and third Gingles factors together,
    concluding that the Plaintiffs failed to meet either requirement. The second prerequisite
    requires a showing that the minority group is politically cohesive, while the third calls for
    proof of majority white bloc voting sufficient to defeat the minority’s preferred
    candidates. Gingles, 
    478 U.S. at 50
    . In other words, these prerequisites ask whether
    voting is racially polarized and, if so, whether the white majority is usually able to defeat
    the minority bloc’s candidates. In the absence of minority political cohesion and
    significant white bloc voting, it would be difficult, if not impossible, to prove dilution of
    minority votes in violation of § 2. See Nipper, 
    39 F.3d at 1533
    The district court, while acknowledging Georgia’s notorious history of official
    discrimination against black voters as well as the possibility “that racially polarized
    voting is the norm in Georgia,” found that the Plaintiffs failed to carry their burden of
    proof on the question of racial polarization. (R., vol. 12, Tab 165, 23). The district court
    went on to state that even if the Plaintiffs had proven racially polarized voting, they failed
    to show that the purported white voting bloc “usually” defeated the purported minority
    bloc’s candidates under the majority vote system. Id. at 24.
    In discussing the proper legal standard for analysis of racial polarization, the
    Gingles Court explained that “in general, a white bloc vote that normally will defeat the
    combined strength of minority support plus white ‘crossover’ votes rises to the level of
    legally significant white bloc voting.” 
    478 U.S. at 56
    . We agree with the district court
    that the statistical evidence offered by the Plaintiffs did not support the proposition that
    the white voting bloc normally defeated the candidate supported by most black voters.
    Runoffs caused by Georgia’s majority vote law occur in only a small fraction of all
    primaries in the state. Thus, even if there were a significant racial impact in the context
    of all runoffs, it could not be said that the white majority usually defeats the minority’s
    preferred candidate under Georgia’s primary runoff system. Moreover, the majority vote
    law had no net adverse racial impact on black candidates in roughly 99 percent of all
    runoffs over a 25 year period. We therefore affirm the district court’s conclusion that
    Plaintiffs failed to prove that white bloc voting “usually” leads to the defeat of black
    voters’ preferred candidates under the majority vote scheme.
    Plaintiffs criticize the district court’s analysis under the second and third Gingles
    factors as containing “an extraordinary inconsistency.” (Plaintiffs’ brief at 36.) The
    alleged inconsistency lies in the following passage of the district court’s order:
    Rather than demonstrating to the court that black primary winners would be
    capable of winning general elections, plaintiffs have made every effort to
    convince the court that voting in Georgia is so polarized that racial
    minorities cannot win in majority white districts. Accepting their
    arguments as true, a plurality primary system would not increase “the
    potential [of blacks] to elect representatives in the absence of the challenged
    (R., vol. 12, Tab. 165, 23 (quoting Gingles, 
    478 U.S. at
    50 n. 17)). The district court did
    make a factual finding that the Plaintiffs failed to prove racially polarized voting. We do
    not, however, agree with the Plaintiffs that the district court’s reasoning was logically
    flawed merely because it assumed, arguendo, that voting was as racially polarized as the
    Plaintiffs attempted to demonstrate for purposes of the second and third Gingles
    Rather, the Plaintiffs themselves have advocated conflicting positions on the
    question of racially polarized voting. Georgia maintains the majority vote requirement
    only for primary elections. To succeed on the first Gingles prerequisite, the Plaintiffs
    must demonstrate that if an alternative system such as a pure plurality were in place, more
    black candidates would in fact be elected to office. This, however, would require proof of
    substantial white crossover voting in general elections which is very difficult to achieve
    in conjunction with a showing, required by the second and third Gingles prerequisites,
    that voting is so racially polarized that the white majority, voting as a bloc, has the ability
    to defeat the minority’s preferred candidates. In an effort to walk that fine line, the
    Plaintiffs point to the fact that there was “a minimal level of ” white crossover voting, to
    the success of some black candidates in runoffs in majority white jurisdictions, and to the
    testimony of former Atlanta mayor Maynard Jackson. (Plaintiffs’ brief at 36). Jackson
    testified that in his opinion, if a black candidate could win the primary, he or she would
    gain the support of the Democratic party, obtaining an advantage in the general election.
    (R., vol 13, 79-80.) The district court did not consider this evidence sufficient proof of
    Plaintiffs’ theory that those black candidates who are only capable of winning a primary
    under a pure plurality system would in fact go on to defeat their opponents in the general
    Overall, the district court concluded that under the totality of the evidence
    presented by the parties, Georgia’s majority vote requirement does not “eviscerate[] the
    ability of minority voters to elect their candidates of choice.” (R., vol. 12, Tab 165, 24
    (citing Nipper, 
    39 F.3d at 1512
    )). Detecting no errors of law in the district court’s
    analysis, we affirm under the clearly erroneous standard the district court’s ultimate
    finding that the majority vote law does not yield racially discriminatory results. See
    478 U.S. at 79
     (stating that clearly erroneous standard applies to ultimate finding
    of vote dilution).
    B.     Constitutional Claims
    To make out a constitutional claim against the majority vote requirement, which is
    racially neutral on its face, Plaintiffs must demonstrate that the provision was motivated
    by a discriminatory purpose under the analysis used by the Supreme Court in Hunter v.
    471 U.S. 222
    , 225 (1985).       The Court in Hunter held that the test set out in
    Mt. Healthy City Bd. of Ed. v. Doyle, 
    429 U.S. 274
     (1979) applies to the determination of
    whether voting statutes are unconstitutional because of a discriminatory purpose. Hunter,
    471 U.S. at 232
    . Under this test, a court must first determine whether the discriminatory
    motive was a “substantial factor” or a “motivating factor” behind a governmental
    decision. Mt. Healthy, 429 U.S. at 287. “Once racial discrimination is shown to have
    been a ‘substantial’ or ‘motivating’ factor behind enactment of the law, the burden shifts
    to the law’s defenders to demonstrate that the law would have been enacted without this
    factor.” Hunter, 
    471 U.S. at 228
     (quoting Mt. Healthy, 429 U.S. at 287).
    The district court found that discrimination was not a substantial or motivating
    factor behind enactment of the majority vote provision. As previously discussed in our
    factual analysis, we conclude that this finding is not clearly erroneous. The district court
    explained that although it was evident that “the virus of race-consciousness was in the
    air,” Plaintiffs failed to prove that “the specific measure at issue here–the majority vote
    requirement in the 1964 election code–was infected thusly.” (R., vol. 12, Tab 165, 26).
    The court went on to state that even if the Plaintiffs had proven that race-conscious
    reasons were a substantial or motivating factor behind the challenged law, Defendants
    have shown that it would have been enacted even in the absence of those reasons. We
    agree that the Defendants demonstrated that the supporters of the 1964 majority vote
    provisions had ample “good government” reasons and that the law would have been
    passed in the absence of any discriminatory motive. Plaintiffs argue that the district court
    placed too much emphasis on the motivations of Governor Sanders and his
    administration, in light of the fact that the entire Georgia legislature enacted the code
    which contained the majority vote provision. However, the Defendants’ evidence
    persuaded the district court that Sanders wielded enough power in the legislature not only
    to install one of his friends and allies as Speaker of the House, but also to effectuate the
    passage of the 1964 election code. The Defendants proved that legitimate “good
    government” reasons were the primary motivating factor behind the majority vote
    provision’s key proponents, including Sanders, and that the Sanders administration had
    sufficient power over the legislature to have the 1964 election code enacted. Even if
    some of the legislators who eventually voted the 1964 code into law had discriminatory
    reasons for their support, the Plaintiffs’ constitutional claims fail under the “but for” test
    set out in Hunter and Mt. Healthy.
    Plaintiffs critique the district court’s fact finding on the question of discriminatory
    purpose, citing Arlington Heights for the proposition that the district court erred in relying
    heavily on the testimony of decision makers involved in the passage of the majority vote
    provision. See Village of Arlington Heights v. Metropolitan Housing Dev. Corp., 
    429 U.S. 252
    , 268 (1977) (stating that in “extraordinary instances the members [of a decision
    making body] might be called to the stand at trial to testify concerning the purpose of the
    official action”); Citizens to Preserve Overton Park, Inc. v. Volpe, 
    401 U.S. 402
    , 420
    (1971) (expressing concern that after-the-fact reconstructions of legislative purpose can
    be self-serving and unreliable and cautioning that such recollections should be viewed
    critically). Plaintiffs contend that the district court should have placed more emphasis on
    the contemporaneous record relating to the legislation. See Hunter, 
    471 U.S. at 228-29
    Overton Park, 
    401 U.S. at 420
    While the Plaintiffs are correct that the contemporaneous record should factor
    heavily into a trial court’s determination of legislative purpose, the district court did in
    fact consider evidence of the legislative history of the 1964 majority vote provision. To
    the extent the Plaintiffs contend that newspaper evidence is part of the contemporaneous
    record and should, therefore, be the primary source for ascertaining legislative intent, we
    reject this theory. News articles often contain multiple layers of hearsay and do not trump
    the sworn testimony of eyewitnesses. In ascertaining legislative purpose, a trial court
    operates under the same rules of evidence that control in any case. The Arlington Heights
    Court explained that “[d]etermining whether invidious discriminatory purpose was a
    motivating factor demands a sensitive inquiry into such circumstantial and direct evidence
    of intent as may be available.” 
    429 U.S. at 266
    . In our view, the district court’s review of
    the available evidence constituted the “sensitive inquiry” required by Arlington Heights.
    The court analyzed the history of the 1964 majority vote provision and considered the
    ELSC reports, specifically acknowledging that relevant considerations of discriminatory
    purpose “include the historical background of the challenged act, the ‘specific sequence
    of events’ leading up to the act’s passage, and the legislative history of the act, ‘especially
    where there are contemporaneous statements by members of the decisionmaking body,
    minutes of its meeting, or reports’” (R. vol. 12, Tab 165, 25 (quoting Arlington Heights,
    429 U.S. at 266-68
    Although Plaintiffs offered evidence of racially discriminatory intent from the first
    two ELSCs appointed by Governor Sanders’ predecessors, this evidence did not address
    why the 1964 code’s majority vote provision was passed. The evidence included the
    unpurged records of the ELSC that proposed the 1964 code, (R. vol. 9, Tab 151, 2), and
    the Plaintiffs’ own expert admitted on the stand that nothing in these records provides a
    clear link between race and the majority vote provision. (R., vol. 14, p. 187). There was
    evidence of explicit racial considerations on other issues in the third ELSC’s records, as
    well as in the records of the previous ELSC’s. However, the clear historical trail of racial
    purpose on other issues and in previous committees stands in stark contrast with the
    absence of evidence of racial purpose in connection with the majority vote proposal in the
    third ELSC’s records. This contrast supports the district court’s finding that the
    challenged provision was not racially motivated.
    Because we affirm the district court’s finding that race was not a substantial
    purpose behind the majority vote law, we need not address the Plaintiffs’ contention that
    even if the racial impact of the majority vote provision is insignificant, it can be
    invalidated as unconstitutional and in violation of § 2 of the Voting Rights Act if race was
    a predominant purpose behind its adoption.
    For the foregoing reasons, we affirm the judgment of the district court.