United States v. Francisco Feliciano , 761 F.3d 1202 ( 2014 )

  •          Case: 12-15341   Date Filed: 06/12/2014   Page: 1 of 20
    No. 12-15341
    D.C. Docket No. 8:11-cr-00249-EAK-TBM-2
    Appeal from the United States District Court
    for the Middle District of Florida
    (June 12, 2014)
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    Before PRYOR and MARTIN, Circuit Judges, and GOLD, * District Judge.
    MARTIN, Circuit Judge:
    The Petition for Rehearing filed by Francisco Feliciano is granted. We have
    modified certain language from our previous opinion in this case, United States v
    747 F. 3d 1284
     (11th Cir. 2014). Our earlier opinion is vacated and
    withdrawn, and the revised opinion we issue here is substituted in its stead.
    Francisco Feliciano was indicted in federal court for both an attempted bank
    robbery on April 1, 2011 as well as a more successful bank robbery ten days later
    in which over $10,000 was taken from the bank. Mr. Feliciano was also charged
    with using a firearm during each of those robberies and for being a felon in
    possession of a firearm. 1 The jury convicted Mr. Feliciano on all five Counts. The
    District Court sentenced him to 110 months for both bank robberies and for being a
    felon in possession; a consecutive term of 84 months on the gun charge associated
    with the attempted bank robbery; and another consecutive term of 300 months for
    the gun charge associated with the successful bank robbery. Mr. Feliciano asks
    this Court to vacate all of his convictions associated with the bank robberies, but
    Honorable Alan Stephen Gold, United States District Judge for the Southern District of Florida,
    sitting by designation.
    Specifically, the charges against Feliciano were : (Count One) attempted bank robbery in
    violation of 
    18 U.S.C. §§ 2113
    (a) and (d) and 2; (Count Two) use of a firearm during the
    attempted bank robbery in violation of 
    18 U.S.C. §§ 924
    (c)(1)(A)(ii) and 2; (Count Three) bank
    robbery in violation of 
    18 U.S.C. §§ 2113
    (a) and 2; (Count Four) use of a firearm during the
    bank robbery in violation of 
    18 U.S.C. §§ 924
    (c)(1)(A)(ii) and 2; and (Count Five) being a felon
    in possession of a firearm in violation of 
    18 U.S.C. § 922
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    concedes there was sufficient evidence to sustain his conviction for being a felon in
    possession. We agree with Mr. Feliciano that the jury’s verdict on the gun charge
    associated with the second bank robbery cannot stand and vacate that conviction.
    We affirm his convictions on the remaining Counts.
    We first address Mr. Feliciano’s challenge to the sufficiency of the evidence
    supporting his convictions. Central to the government’s case was the testimony of
    the two people who were alleged to have participated in the April 1st and/or 11th
    incidents with Feliciano: Steven Trubey and Christopher Quinn. Investigators
    recovered no fingerprints, DNA, or other physical evidence at the banks or in the
    getaway vehicle used on April 11th. The person the government alleged to be Mr.
    Feliciano at the two incidents was hard to identify from bank surveillance of the
    robberies, because the robber was wearing a mask, gloves, a hooded sweatshirt,
    and long pants. Therefore, Messrs. Trubey and Quinn, who detailed what they
    knew about the planning and execution of the April 1st and 11th incidents,
    including Mr. Feliciano’s purported central role, were key.
    According to Mr. Trubey, he and Mr. Feliciano planned the April 1st
    incident in part by going to the target, First Bank, before the intended robbery to
    decide how easy it would be to rob and to plan how they would get there and back.
    Mr. Trubey told the following account. On April 1st, they came to First Bank
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    together in the afternoon, and Mr. Trubey went in to ask about opening a checking
    account for the purpose of casing the bank. After Mr. Trubey returned to the car,
    Mr. Feliciano—wearing his disguise—then entered the bank. Mr. Feliciano
    eventually left First Bank without taking any money because the tellers
    successfully hid from him. He then jumped in the car with Mr. Trubey. At that
    point Mr. Trubey noticed that Mr. Feliciano had a gun, which they sold to a pawn
    shop later that day. A few days later, Mr. Feliciano raised the idea with Mr.
    Trubey to try to rob a different bank. Mr. Feliciano suggested adding a third
    person, Mr. Quinn.
    According to Mr. Quinn’s testimony, Mr. Feliciano first asked him to steal a
    car, but did not explain that it would serve as a getaway car for a robbery. Mr.
    Quinn gave the following account. It was only later in planning for the April 11th
    robbery that Mr. Feliciano asked Mr. Quinn to participate in robbing the second
    target, the San Antonio Citizens Federal Credit Union, and Mr. Quinn agreed. On
    April 10th Messrs. Feliciano and Trubey met to discuss plans for the Credit Union
    robbery, including that Mr. Quinn would carry a fake bomb in an effort to ensure
    compliance with their demands. The next morning the three men met at Mr.
    Feliciano’s house and made the fake bomb for Mr. Quinn to hold. That afternoon
    they went together to the Credit Union, and Messrs. Feliciano and Quinn went in
    while Mr. Trubey waited in the car. Inside, Mr. Quinn saw Mr. Feliciano jump
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    over the counter, get money from the tellers’ cash drawers, and jump back. The
    two then left the bank and drove away with Mr. Trubey.
    Mr. Feliciano challenges the sufficiency of the evidence, primarily attacking
    the credibility of Messrs. Trubey and Quinn. This Court reviews de novo a
    challenge to the sufficiency of the evidence. United States v. Brown, 
    665 F.3d 1239
    , 1248 (11th Cir. 2011). “We take the evidence in the light most favorable to
    the government and draw all reasonable inferences in favor of the jury’s verdict. A
    conviction must be upheld unless a rational fact-finder could not have found the
    defendant guilty under any reasonable construction of the evidence.” 
    (quotation marks and alterations omitted).
    The jury has exclusive province over the credibility of witnesses, “and the
    court of appeals may not revisit this question” unless it is “incredible as a matter of
    law.” United States v. Chastain, 
    198 F.3d 1338
    , 1351 (11th Cir. 1999). “[F]or the
    testimony to be considered incredible, it must be unbelievable on its face, i.e.,
    testimony as to facts that the witness physically could not have possibly observed
    or events that could not have occurred under the laws of nature.” United States v.
    775 F.2d 1559
    , 1561 (11th Cir. 1985) (quotation marks and alterations
    Although Messrs. Trubey and Quinn both admitted on the stand that they
    had at times not told the truth, their credibility was for the jury to determine. On
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    appeal Mr. Feliciano points to several minor issues with their testimony, but those
    issues have far too little impact on the broader narrative that both men told: Mr.
    Feliciano’s planning, preparation, and participation in both the April 1st and April
    11th incidents. For example, Mr. Feliciano refers to an exchange during Mr.
    Trubey’s testimony as “bizarre” because Mr. Trubey answered “no” when asked if
    he ever had a conversation with Mr. Feliciano about robbing a bank and then later
    explained that he had. The jury may have thought Mr. Trubey understood the
    question at first to mean whether they had had such conversations in advance of
    those that led to the April 1st incident, or may have thought he was nervous, or
    may have thought he was lying. Whatever it thought, the jury heard the testimony
    and could make its own determination.
    One part of Mr. Trubey’s testimony was obviously wrong and Mr. Feliciano
    rightly takes issue with it. Even so, it seems easily explained and in any event was
    another issue of credibility for the jury. Mr. Trubey testified that on April 1st,
    between casing the bank and Mr. Feliciano’s attempted robbery, the two men
    drove to a court hearing and back in 41 minutes—something that would have
    necessitated an average speed of approximately 200 miles per hour. One part of
    the explanation, of which the jury was aware, was that Mr. Trubey had some
    mental difficulties, and often had trouble remembering the order of events. More
    fundamentally, Mr. Trubey seems to have simply mixed up the day of when he
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    took Mr. Feliciano to an appointment related to another of Mr. Feliciano’s cases.
    Mr. Trubey testified it was April 1st, but others testified it was April 11th. Later
    Mr. Trubey, apparently realizing his mistake, said, “If I got the dates mixed up, I’m
    very sorry to the Court that I might have got the dates messed up.” It was for the
    jury to determine the significance of this mistake, and it is not the province of this
    Court to disturb that decision.
    Mr. Feliciano’s other sufficiency argument is that there was a considerable
    discrepancy among eyewitness descriptions of the size of the masked man at the
    April 1st and 11th incidents, and a further discrepancy between those descriptions
    and Mr. Feliciano’s actual size. It appears Mr. Feliciano was 255 pounds when
    arrested on April 21st. 2 Eyewitnesses described the masked man at the April 1st
    and 11th incidents variously as “over 200 pounds”; “heavier set”; “[k]ind of
    husky”; “a little stockier build, probably 230”; and “large.” One outlier witness
    thought the masked man was “[m]aybe 180 pounds, 175 pounds.” But these size
    estimates are not so inconsistent with Mr. Feliciano’s build as to upset the jury’s
    verdict on a sufficiency challenge. See Brown, 
    665 F.3d at 1248
    During the trial, counsel for Mr. Feliciano was able to demonstrate that both
    Messrs. Trubey and Quinn were not always truthful. Still, the jury chose to credit
    One page of Defendant’s Exhibit 21C, a record from the Hillsborough County Sheriff’s Office,
    stated Mr. Feliciano was 235 pounds. But that is contradicted by another record in 21C that
    stated he was 255 pounds. We use 255 because that is the number Mr. Feliciano uses.
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    their testimony regarding Mr. Feliciano’s role in the April 1st and 11th incidents.
    And while there were slight differences in the description of the size of the masked
    man at those incidents, they were mostly consistent with Mr. Feliciano’s
    appearance. Therefore, Mr. Feliciano’s sufficiency challenge to the jury’s verdict
    We next address Mr. Feliciano’s argument that he was improperly denied
    expert assistance that was crucial to his defense. Central to Mr. Feliciano’s
    defense was the argument that he could not have been the masked robber on April
    11th because that man vaulted back and forth over a teller counter which Mr.
    Feliciano could not have done. He claimed he had a long-term back injury that
    prevented him from such activity.
    Before trial, counsel for Mr. Feliciano moved ex parte pursuant to 18 U.S.C.
    § 3006A(e)3 for an order authorizing an MRI for his client, along with a physical
    examination and expert opinion. The motion stated that counsel had “medical
    records . . . showing a history of treatment for significant back problems,”
    including records from 2010 and 2011, but efforts to obtain an MRI Mr. Feliciano
    “Counsel for a person who is financially unable to obtain investigative, expert, or other services
    necessary for adequate representation may request them in an ex parte application. Upon
    finding, after appropriate inquiry in an ex parte proceeding, that the services are necessary and
    that the person is financially unable to obtain them, the court, or the United States magistrate
    judge if the services are required in connection with a matter over which he has jurisdiction, shall
    authorize counsel to obtain the services.” 18 U.S.C. § 3006A(e)(1).
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    had in 2002 “have been unsuccessful.” 4 Counsel requested $1,100 pursuant to the
    Criminal Justice Act to pay for the MRI and an expert to read the MRI. The
    magistrate judge denied the motion because “[t]here appears to be other less costly
    means of establishing medical impairment available to the Defendant.”
    Mr. Feliciano moved for reconsideration of the magistrate judge’s denial.
    The District Court found that Mr. Feliciano “has not included any explanation for
    the absence of . . . medical records” from 2002 to 2011, 5 and also that “an MRI
    taken in 2012 is not necessarily probative of the Defendant’s physical impairment
    from herniated discs in 2011.” The District Court concluded that Mr. Feliciano
    “has established that an expert would be of assistance to the defense, but not that
    the denial of expert assistance would result in a fundamentally unfair trial,” and
    denied the motion without prejudice. Mr. Feliciano moved again for a review of
    the magistrate judge’s denial, stating in part that the proposed expert could
    “distinguish any recent back injury from any old, chronic injury to discs or other
    conditions.” He also offered to cover all the costs. The magistrate judge denied
    the motion, stating: “By my consideration, the fact of an old back injury is
    unlikely to be relevant to any defense to be asserted in this case. Even assuming
    It was determined later that Mr. Feliciano misremembered the date and the MRI was taken
    around 2000. Counsel eventually located a report about the MRI and some related materials, but
    the MRI itself had been destroyed in keeping with the record retention policy of the facility
    where it was performed.
    The District Court statement regarding the absence of medical records for that time period
    appears to have been a mistake.
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    that it is, there are other ways of the Defendant proving this condition as
    demonstrated by his motion.” Mr. Feliciano appealed the magistrate judge’s denial
    of his request, which the District Court again denied.
    We review the denial of a motion for expert services under 18 U.S.C.
    § 3006A(e) for abuse of discretion. United States v. Rinchack, 
    820 F.2d 1557
    1563 (11th Cir. 1987). Here, Mr. Feliciano asked not only for expert assistance,
    but also transportation and an escort from prison to a medical facility in order to
    receive the MRI. Because we conclude that the District Court did not abuse its
    discretion in denying Mr. Feliciano this expert assistance, we need not decide
    whether it erred in denying transportation to seek those services.
    To determine whether a District Court abused its discretion in denying
    expert services, we have said that we “will modify a district court’s management of
    a trial only if the defendant suffered prejudice from an abuse of the court’s
    managerial discretion. This standard applies also to requests for legal services
    under 18 U.S.C. § 3006A . . . .” United States v. Smith, 
    605 F.2d 839
    , 843–44 (5th
    Cir. 1979)6; see also United States v. Gilmore, 
    282 F.3d 398
    , 406 (6th Cir. 2002)
    (synthesizing decisions from the First, Second, Third, Fourth, Seventh, Eighth,
    Ninth, and Tenth Circuits to conclude that “[a]n indigent defendant may obtain
    In Bonner v. City of Prichard, 
    661 F.2d 1206
     (11th Cir. 1981) (en banc), we adopted as binding
    precedent all decisions of the former Fifth Circuit handed down before October 1, 1981. 
    Id. at 1209
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    authorization for investigative, expert, or other services under 18 U.S.C.
    § 3006A(e)(1) upon a demonstration that (1) such services are necessary to mount
    a plausible defense, and (2) without such authorization, the defendant’s case would
    be prejudiced”).
    We find that the District Court did not abuse its discretion. The facts of this
    case present a closer question than we have seen in our precedent, so it is hard to
    fathom why the District Court denied Mr. Feliciano’s request to get an MRI he was
    willing to pay for. Still, we cannot say that the denial prejudiced Mr. Feliciano.
    Mr. Feliciano told the District Court in his requests for expert assistance that he did
    have some medical records covering a wide period of time. And ultimately Mr.
    Feliciano got what he wanted, albeit not in the exact form he wanted: he was
    examined and tested by a doctor who then testified at trial that it was his opinion
    that Mr. Feliciano was not physically capable of jumping over the teller window.
    This is similar to our ruling in Rinchack, where we found the District Court did not
    err in determining that “additional psychiatric services were not necessary.” 
    820 F.2d at 1565
     (quotation marks omitted). We reasoned in Rinchak that “[w]hile the
    appellant might have preferred to present his incompetency claim with the benefit
    of an additional expert, we cannot say that the district court abused its discretion in
    denying the appellant’s Section 3006A(e) request.” 
    Id. at 1566
    . Mr. Feliciano had
    expert assistance. That it was not in what he believes is the most persuasive form
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    does not mean the District Court abused its discretion in denying him expert
    services. Here, where the jury heard the doctor’s testimony that Mr. Feliciano was
    not physically capable of jumping over the teller window, Mr. Feliciano has not
    demonstrated prejudice from the District Court’s denial of expert services pursuant
    to 18 U.S.C. § 3006A(e).
    Mr. Feliciano next claims the District Court erred by allowing a portion of a
    phone call between him and his brother Elias Feliciano (Elias) to be played in the
    government’s rebuttal case to impeach Elias. Mr. Feliciano argues that the call
    was improper impeachment and that it was improperly used as substantive
    evidence, both in violation of Federal Rule of Evidence 613(b). We generally
    review evidentiary rulings for abuse of discretion. United States v. Utter, 
    97 F.3d 509
    , 513 (11th Cir. 1996).
    Elias was called to testify during both the government’s case in chief and the
    defense’s case. He testified that he had not spoken to his brother on the phone
    while Mr. Feliciano was in jail. He also said Mr. Feliciano came over to his
    house—at the time he lived across the street—for a birthday party for their father
    on April 1st around 2:30 or 3:00 p.m. But in the April 21, 2011 recording played
    for the jury, Elias told his brother, then in jail, about a conversation he had with a
    detective. Elias said to Mr. Feliciano:
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    And he asked me on April 1 where was your brother, and I said
    that was the day of the birthday party and you was at the birthday
    party. He said what time was that? We started about 6 o’clock in
    the evening. He was like, where was he before that? You know,
    like you always do; you were sleeping. I said my brother’s up all
    night, and he—I normally see him coming home when I’m sending
    my son to the bus.
    At trial, the District Court allowed the recording of Elias to be played during
    the government’s rebuttal case without Elias being recalled to the stand. Mr.
    Feliciano unsuccessfully objected “to the entire process because Elias was on the
    stand. And if this is a prior inconsistent statement, he should have had his attention
    drawn to that statement.” The District Court told Mr. Feliciano he could put on
    “an unusual defendant’s surrebuttal,” but that the surrebuttal could include “[n]o
    other witnesses, no other comments.” Mr. Feliciano did not object to that ruling,
    or specifically ask for Elias to be recalled to the stand. Therefore any argument of
    error in Elias not being allowed to be recalled to the stand is waived. See
    Wilmington Trust Co. v. Mfrs. Life Ins. Co., 
    749 F.2d 694
    , 699 (11th Cir. 1985)
    (finding the failure to request the impeached witness to testify in surrebuttal a
    waiver of the issue).
    The District Court committed no error in allowing the recording to be played
    after Elias was on the stand. Rule 613(b) states: “Extrinsic evidence of a witness’s
    prior inconsistent statement is admissible only if the witness is given an
    opportunity to explain or deny the statement and an adverse party is given an
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    opportunity to examine the witness about it, or if justice so requires.” Although
    Mr. Feliciano objected to the timing of the introduction of the call, our precedent
    allows Elias’s recorded statement to be introduced after he testified. Wilmington
    Trust Co. clarifies that Rule 613(b) provides “no specification of any particular
    time or sequence for this foundation requirement.” 
    749 F.2d at 699
    . Elias was
    asked about whether he ever spoke on the phone with his brother—not just about
    the April 1st party but on any topic—and he denied it. The government therefore
    could use the phone call to impeach him with respect to that issue.
    Mr. Feliciano also argues that the District Court erred in allowing the phone
    call to be used as substantive evidence, suggesting there should have been a
    limiting instruction given to the jury. Ordinarily a prior inconsistent statement is
    admissible only for the purpose of impeachment and not as substantive evidence.
    See, e.g., United States v. Livingston, 
    816 F.2d 184
    , 191–92 (5th Cir. 1987)
    (instructing jury was proper at close of evidence to consider prior inconsistent
    statement only for impeachment). Mr. Feliciano did not request a limiting
    instruction at trial or object to any purported uses of the call as substantive
    evidence. He raises the issue for the first time on appeal, so we review it for plain
    error. United States v. Knowles, 
    66 F.3d 1146
    , 1157 (11th Cir. 1995). “Plain error
    appears only when the impeaching testimony is extremely damaging, the need for
    the instruction is obvious, and the failure to give it is so prejudicial as to affect the
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    substantial rights of the accused.” United States v. Billue, 
    994 F.2d 1562
    , 1567
    (11th Cir. 1993) (quotation marks omitted).
    We conclude that Mr. Feliciano failed to meet his burden in demonstrating
    that the District Court committed plain error when it allowed introduction of the
    phone call as substantive evidence. Mr. Feliciano argues that the call “was used to
    prove the factual assertions that the father’s April 1st birthday party started at 6:00
    [p.m.] and that Francisco Feliciano did not arrive until that time.” But Elias said
    that Mr. Feliciano was at his home asleep, which is actually exculpatory. It is
    therefore difficult to credit this as substantive evidence against Mr. Feliciano. In
    addition, Elias was not the only one to testify that the party started at 6:00 p.m. but
    that certain guests came over earlier to help set up. Although it may be best for
    District Courts to routinely issue an instruction limiting the use of a prior
    inconsistent statement admitted under Rule 613(b) to impeachment, the District
    Court’s failure to do so here did not constitute plain error that affected Mr.
    Feliciano’s substantial rights. See Billue, 
    994 F.2d at 1567
    We now examine Mr. Feliciano’s argument that the errors he alleges, when
    viewed together, resulted in an unfair trail. “We must consider the cumulative
    effect of these incidents and determine whether, viewing the trial as a whole,
    appellant[] received a fair trial as is [his] due under our Constitution.” United
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    States v. Blasco, 
    702 F.2d 1315
    , 1329 (11th Cir. 1983). In addition to the issues
    discussed above, Mr. Feliciano argues two additional problems plagued his trial.
    Mr. Feliciano’s first additional issue for his cumulative error claim is
    misstatements by the government in closing arguments. Prosecutorial misconduct
    during closing arguments is established when improper remarks “prejudicially
    affect the substantial rights of the defendant.” United States v. Lopez, 
    590 F.3d 1238
    , 1256 (11th Cir. 2009). This Court looks to four factors in deciding whether
    prosecutorial misconduct has occurred: “(1) the degree to which the challenged
    remarks have a tendency to mislead the jury and to prejudice the accused; (2)
    whether they are isolated or extensive; (3) whether they were deliberately or
    accidentally placed before the jury; and (4) the strength of the competent proof to
    establish the guilt of the accused.” 
    Mr. Feliciano’s arguments about “significant misstatements of evidence”
    during closing arguments fail to persuade. He argues that the government’s claim
    that eyewitnesses generally agreed and provided descriptions of the masked man
    consistent with that of Mr. Feliciano “is not supported by the eyewitness
    testimony.” We have already considered this argument and rejected it above in
    section I.
    Mr. Feliciano also criticizes the closing arguments because of the
    government’s references to the testimony given about his medical condition. For
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    example, the government dismissed the testimony because there was no recent
    MRI, which is exactly what Mr. Feliciano had asked the District Court to permit
    him to have. The government argued that the doctor who testified for Mr.
    Feliciano “saw no MRIs more current than 11 years ago, 2000. He saw no x-rays
    whatsoever, no films of recent vintage. . . . If the opinion or information is old or
    incomplete, the opinion is going to be unreliable.” During oral argument before
    this Court counsel for Mr. Feliciano acknowledged that he did not think it was
    unfair for the government to make that comment because the “die had been cast”
    already by the judge’s decision to allow counsel to attack on these points during
    cross-examination. We have already concluded that the District Court did not
    abuse its discretion in denying expert services. Consistent with that conclusion, we
    cannot say that this statement during closing prejudiced Mr. Feliciano’s substantial
    Finally, Mr. Feliciano argues cumulative error due to the purported
    withholding of exculpatory material in violation of Brady v. Maryland, 
    373 U.S. 83
    83 S. Ct. 1194
     (1963). A new trial is warranted for a Brady violation when the
    government suppresses otherwise unavailable evidence favorable to the defendant
    and “had the evidence been revealed to the defense, there is a reasonable
    probability that the outcome of the proceedings would have been different.”
    United States v. Newton, 
    44 F.3d 913
    , 918 (11th Cir. 1994). Mr. Feliciano cannot
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    make the required showing here. For example, he argues that he learned at trial for
    the first time that Mr. Trubey claimed he went to a court hearing with him between
    casing First Bank on April 1st and the attempted robbery. But the record indicates
    that the government did disclose that information previously. For example,
    counsel for Mr. Feliciano asked Mr. Trubey at trial: “I don’t know if you testified
    about this, but isn’t it a fact that you told Special Agent Manning that on the day of
    the attempted bank robbery that Mr. Feliciano had a court appearance [on April
    1st]?” None of Mr. Feliciano’s other allegations of Brady violations have merit
    either. Messrs. Trubey and Quinn did not give “starkly contradictory” statements
    on what happened to the fake bomb, and Special Agent Manning’s investigation of
    whether Mr. Feliciano had a probation meeting on April 11th could have easily
    been duplicated by the defense.
    Although we take exception to the District Court’s handling of the expert
    assistance request, the alleged errors in the trial, when viewed individually and
    cumulatively, did not result in a trial that was outside the bounds of the
    Constitution. See Blasco, 
    702 F.2d at 1329
    . Mr. Feliciano’s cumulative error
    argument fails.
    Mr. Feliciano’s conviction of Count Four, the 
    18 U.S.C. § 924
    (c) charge for
    using and brandishing a gun in the commission of the April 11th robbery, is
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    vacated. Mr. Quinn testified he never saw Mr. Feliciano with a gun on April 11th,
    and Mr. Trubey testified he knew “for a fact” that Mr. Feliciano did not have one
    that day. None of the eyewitnesses on April 11th saw a gun. The government’s
    evidence is plainly insufficient. See United States v. Powell, 
    469 U.S. 57
    , 67, 
    105 S. Ct. 471
    , 478 (1984); see also Rosemond v. United States, ___ U.S. ___, 
    134 S. Ct. 1240
    The government’s decision to charge Count Four in this case raises
    concerns. The government clearly knew there were problems with this charge
    before trial. At a hearing in the District Court on January 30, 2012, the
    government told the court it would not be going forward with its prosecution of
    Count Four. Contrary to that representation to the District Court, it proceeded with
    the prosecution of Count Four anyway. When the government filed its initial brief
    in this appeal, it argued that Mr. Quinn’s scant testimony at trial was sufficient to
    support Count Four. But then the government filed an amended brief, admitting
    that Mr. Quinn’s testimony was a far too “slender reed” to support the Count Four
    conviction, and admitted the evidence was insufficient. While it is good that the
    government eventually reached an understanding of the inherent weakness in
    Count Four, they knew from interviews with Messrs. Trubey and Quinn long
    before trial that no one saw a gun, and that Mr. Trubey in particular said there
    Case: 12-15341    Date Filed: 06/12/2014   Page: 20 of 20
    definitely was no gun because Mr. Feliciano’s one and only gun had been pawned
    on April 1st. We expect more from United States prosecutors.
    Mr. Feliciano concedes there was sufficient evidence on Count Five, the 
    18 U.S.C. § 922
    (g) felon-in-possession charge, but nonetheless asks for a new trial
    because “it is difficult or impossible to retrospectively ascertain the impact of the
    above-described cumulative errors on the fairness of that verdict.” We have
    already rejected the cumulative error claim. Because the evidence for Count Five
    is uncontroverted, this claim fails.
    We REVERSE Count Four and AFFIRM Mr. Feliciano’s remaining