Wingfield v. Secretary, Department of Corrections , 203 F. App'x 276 ( 2006 )

  •                                                      [DO NOT PUBLISH]
    ________________________ ELEVENTH CIRCUIT
    OCT 17, 2006
    No. 04-16437                 THOMAS K. KAHN
    Non-Argument Calendar                CLERK
    D. C. Docket No. 04-02428-CV-T-24-MAP
    Appeal from the United States District Court
    for the Middle District of Florida
    (October 17, 2006)
    Before TJOFLAT, ANDERSON and HULL, Circuit Judges.
    On November 3, 2004, Reginald Wingfield, who is serving a 30-year
    sentence, filed his 
    28 U.S.C. § 2254
     petition. Seven days later, on November 10,
    2004, the district court sua sponte dismissed without prejudice Wingfield’s habeas
    petition for failure to comply with Rule 2(c) of the Rules Governing Section 2254
    The district court stated that pursuant to Rule 4, it had conducted a
    preliminary review of Wingfield’s petition and determined that “only part of the
    document is written on the court-required form” and that Wingfield’s petition is a
    “rambling, disjointed, and confusing document.” According to the district court,
    Wingfield “will need to use the required form and commence a new action to
    pursue a challenge to his conviction.” The district court further directed the Clerk
    “to enter judgment against Petitioner and to close this case.”
    On December 6, 2004, Wingfield timely filed a notice of appeal, and on
    February 25, 2005, we granted a certificate of appealability on one issue:
    Whether the district court erred in dismissing, without prejudice,
    28 U.S.C. § 2254
     petition for failure to comply with Rule
    2(c) of the Rules Governing Section 2254 Cases, in light of the fact
    that any subsequent petitions may now be time-barred. See Duncan v.
    533 U.S. 167
    , 181-82, 
    121 S.Ct. 2120
    , 2129, 
    150 L.Ed.2d 251
    (2001) (holding that a § 2254 petition does not toll 
    28 U.S.C. § 2244
    (d)’s one-year statute of limitations).
    As a general matter, dismissals of habeas petitions are governed by Rule 4 of
    the Rules Governing Section 2254 Cases. See Prather v. Norman, 
    901 F.2d 915
    918 (11th Cir. 1990) (determining that the district court erred where it dismissed a
    petitioner’s habeas corpus petition on the basis that the petition was frivolous due
    to petitioner’s failure to exhaust state remedies). Under Rule 4, district courts are
    required summarily to dismiss any § 2254 petition “if it plainly appears from the
    face of the petition . . . that the petitioner is not entitled to relief.” While we have
    not published a case interpreting this specific language of Rule 4, other courts of
    appeals have found that Rule 4 serves as authority for the dismissal of plainly
    frivolous appeals. See Williams v. Kullman, 
    722 F.2d 1048
    , 1050 (2nd Cir. 1983)
    (concluding that “Rule 4 does not confer unbridled discretion” to dispose of habeas
    petitions, but rather provides for summary dismissal “only in those cases where
    pleadings indicate that petitioner can prove no set of facts to support a claim
    entitling him to relief”).1
    Rule 2(c) of the Rules Governing Section 2254 Cases2 sets forth the
    standard for the form of a § 2254 petition and states, in relevant part, “[the petition]
    shall specify all the grounds for relief which are available to the petitioner . . . and
    See also Calderon v. United States Dist. Court for the N. Dist. of Cal., 
    98 F.3d 1102
    1109 (9th Cir. 1996) (Schroeder, J., concurring) (determining that “a habeas court reviewing a
    petition under Rule 4 reviews only to see if it plainly appears that petitioner is not entitled to
    relief . . . Rule 4 is entitled to screen out plainly frivolous appeals”) (emphasis in original).
    Rule 2 was amended on December 1, 2004. The former Rule 2 was still in effect at the
    time of the dismissal in this case.
    shall set forth in summary form the facts supporting each of the grounds thus
    specified.” Rule 2(e) authorizes the court to return a petition to the petitioner if it
    fails to “substantially comply with the requirements of Rule 2.” 3 Rule 2 does not,
    however, expressly authorize the sua sponte dismissal of a petition for the
    petitioner’s failure substantially to comply with the rule. Commenting on the
    interplay between the liberal pleading rules under Rule 2 and the allowance of sua
    sponte dismissal under Rule 4, the Second Circuit held that Rule 2(e) serves as the
    middle ground, allowing the district court to “return an insufficient petition to the
    petitioner, together with a statement of a reason for its return.” Williams, 
    722 F.2d at 1051
    . The Eighth Circuit explained that “Rule 2(e) clearly contemplates that a
    returned petition may be refiled, so long as deficiencies are corrected and the
    petition substantially complies with the Section 2254 Rules.” Adams v.
    897 F.2d 332
    , 334 (8th Cir. 1990).
    We have not published a decision covering the factual situation presented
    here.       However, in an analogous civil case, we held that where a dismissal “has
    the effect of precluding [plaintiff] from refiling his claim due to the running of the
    In December 2004, Rule 2 was amended to eliminate any reference in Rule 2(e) to a
    district court’s authority or responsibility to return a habeas petition that failed to meet the
    requirements of Rule 2. Because we are applying the version of Rule 2(e) in effect prior to
    December 2004, we make no judgment as to what actions a district court is now required or
    authorized to undertake once a habeas petition is demeaned to be in violation of the requirements
    of Rule 2.
    statute of limitations . . . [t]he dismissal [is] tantamount to a dismissal with
    prejudice.” Justice v. United States, 
    6 F.3d 1474
    , 1482 n. 15 (11th Cir. 1993)
    (quoting Burden v. Yates, 
    644 F.2d 503
    , 505 (5th Cir. Unit B 1981)). A dismissal
    with prejudice is a sanction of last resort and should be used “only in those
    situations where a lesser sanction would not better serve the interests of justice.”
    6 F.3d at
    1482 n.15 (quotations omitted).
    In the case at hand, the court dismissed the November 3, 2004 petition
    without prejudice on November 10, 2004. Given the one-year limitations period
    governing the filing of section 2254 petitions, though, the dismissal of the
    petitioner’s § 2254 petition, when combined with the appeal period from December
    6, 2004, to the present, has rendered any subsequent petition untimely. See
    Duncan v. Walker, 
    533 U.S. 167
    , 181-82, 
    121 S. Ct. 2120
    , 2129 (2001) (holding
    that a § 2254 petition does not toll 
    28 U.S.C. § 2244
    (d)’s one-year statute of
    limitations).4 Under this circumstance and given the district court’s authority in
    Rule 2(e) to return an insufficient petition for refiling, we would be remiss if we
    According to the government, Wingfield’s conviction did not become final until March
    27, 2003. The government also indicates that Wingfield filed his Rule 3.850 motion in Florida
    on July 22, 2003, and that the statute of limitations was tolled from July 22, 2003, until October
    21, 2004, when Wingfield’s Rule 3.850 motion was denied. Assuming these dates are correct,
    Wingfield’s § 2254 petition appears to have been timely filed on November 3, 2004, but almost
    five months had already elapsed on his one-year limitations period when Wingfield filed his
    § 2254 petition. Thus, he had seven months left on the limitations period, which expired during
    this appeal.
    did not vacate the district court’s judgment and remand the case for further
    Accordingly, this case is remanded to the district court with instructions to
    give the petitioner a specified time period to submit a revised § 2254 petition on
    the proper form that complies with the requirements of Rule 2. If Wingfield
    submits a revised § 2254 petition within the specified time period that meets the
    requirements of Rule 2, the district court shall treat the revised petition as having
    been filed on November 3, 2004.
    However, should Wingfield fail to submit a proper § 2254 petition within
    the specified time period, the district court is expressly authorized to dismiss
    Wingfield’s § 2254 petition with prejudice. We further note that this opinion in no
    way comments on the merits of Wingfield’s § 2254 petition.