Polo Ralph Lauren v. Tropical , 215 F.3d 1217 ( 2000 )

  •                                                                         [PUBLISH]
    ______________________                             FILED
    No. 98-5729                        ELEVENTH CIRCUIT
    ______________________                        06/21/00
    D.C. Docket No. 97-01720-CV-KMM
    f.d.b.a. General Accident Insurance Co.
    of America,
    CO., LTD.,
    Appeal from the United States District Court
    for the Southern District of Florida
    (June 21, 2000)
    Before COX and DUBINA, Circuit Judges, and KRAVITCH, Senior Circuit
    KRAVITCH, Senior Circuit Judge:
    This appeal centers on what recourse, if any, an owner of goods lost at sea
    has against the carrier when the owner of the goods is not a named party to the bill
    of lading. We also address the novel issue of what cause of action is afforded
    under the Carriage of Goods by Sea Act, 46 U.S.C. § 1300-1315 (1999)
    Appellants Polo Ralph Lauren, L.P. (“Polo”) and its subrogated insurer,
    General Accident Insurance Company (“General Accident”),1 seek damages for
    cargo lost overboard while in transport with Appellee Tropical Shipping &
    Construction Company (“Tropical”). Polo apparently entered into a bailment
    contract2 with Drusco, Inc. (“Drusco”) for the manufacture and delivery of 4643
    pairs of mens’ pants. Under the terms of this agreement, Polo sent fabric to Drusco
    in Florida, which Drusco then cut and pre-assembled before shipping the fabric
    pieces to the Dominican Republic to be sewed into finished pants. Drusco entered
    into similar arrangements with several other clothing manufacturers and combined
    the pants from all of the manufacturers into two large sealed containers that it
    delivered to Tropical. Drusco also arranged for the return shipment of the finished
    For clarity, this opinion refers only to Polo.
    This contract was never made part of the record.
    trousers to Florida where it would add designer accoutrements before returning
    them to the manufacturers for sale to retailers.
    While en route from the Dominican Republic to Florida, the container
    containing Polo’s cargo was lost overboard in rough seas. General Accident paid
    Polo $197,907.80 for its loss. Polo, in a three count complaint against Tropical
    filed in the Southern District of Florida, asserted claims for breach of contract,
    bailment, and negligence. In a motion for partial summary judgment, Tropical
    sought judgment on the contract claim or, in the alternative, to limit the extent of
    damages recoverable by Polo to the value of the fabric shipped to Drusco. The
    district court granted the motion as to the contract claim on the ground that Polo
    did not have standing because it was not named in the bills of lading. The court
    also granted summary judgment to Tropical on the bailment and negligence claims
    as preempted by COGSA.3 Polo timely appealed, challenging both the district
    court’s conclusion that COGSA provides an exclusive remedy and that Polo is
    barred from seeking redress under COGSA.
    A. COGSA – An Exclusive Remedy
    The contract claim was not originally styled as a COGSA claim in the complaint,
    although COGSA was asserted as one basis for the court’s jurisdiction, but the court and the
    parties treated the claim as such. The preemption argument did not appear in the briefs; the
    parties presumably raised it during oral argument.
    COGSA, enacted in 1936, governs “all contracts for carriage of goods by sea
    to or from ports of the United States in foreign trade.” 46 U.S.C. § 1312 (1999).
    “The purpose of COGSA was to achieve international uniformity and to redress the
    edge in bargaining power enjoyed by carriers over shipper and cargo interests by
    setting out certain duties and responsibilities of carriers that cannot be avoided
    even by express contractual provision.” Thomas J. Schoenbaum, Admiralty and
    Maritime Law § 8-15, at 537 (2d ed. 1994). Although the act is not explicit, courts
    have agreed that a plaintiff states a prima facie claim under COGSA by
    demonstrating delivery of goods in sound condition to a carrier and their
    subsequent receipt in damaged condition. The burden then shifts to the carrier to
    establish that the damage was not caused by its negligence. See 
    id. § 8-22,
    at 556.
    The first question before us is whether this COGSA cause of action excludes
    all other remedies. Citing St. Paul’s Fire & Marine Ins. Co. v. Marine Transp.
    Servs. Sea-Barge Group, Inc., 
    727 F. Supp. 1438
    , 1442 (S.D. Fla. 1989), the
    district court held that COGSA provided an exclusive remedy and therefore
    preempted Polo’s tort claims. On appeal, Polo challenges the district court’s
    reliance on St. Paul Fire & Marine and offers contrary appellate authority for the
    proposition that COGSA does not preclude tort law claims.
    We conclude that because COGSA applies in this case, it provides Polo’s
    exclusive remedy.4 COGSA was intended to govern all contracts for carriage of
    goods between the United States and foreign ports. See 46 U.S.C. § 1312 (1999).
    Although the statute is silent on its preemptive scope, it states that it does not
    supersede any laws “insofar as they relate to the duties, responsibilities, and
    liabilities of the ship or carrier prior to the time when the goods are loaded on or
    after the time they are discharged from the ship.” 
    Id. § 1311.
    Because COGSA
    governs during the time after cargo is loaded and before it is removed from the
    ship, the implication from this provision is that COGSA, when it applies,
    supersedes other laws. The few courts addressing this issue have reached the same
    conclusion. See Sail America Found. v. M/V T.S. Prosperity, 
    778 F. Supp. 1282
    1285 (S.D.N.Y. 1991); St. Paul Fire & 
    Marine, 727 F. Supp. at 1442
    ; B.F.
    McKernin & Co. v. United States Lines, Inc., 
    416 F. Supp. 1068
    , 1071 (S.D.N.Y.
    We have found no cases in which a court has allowed a tort claim to proceed
    when COGSA applies. A few courts have permitted cargo owners or shippers to
    bring bailment claims against vessel owners, but only after a determination that
    COGSA liability did not lie. See Tuscaloosa Steel Corp. v. M/V “Naimo”, 1993
    Polo does not dispute that COGSA governs this controversy. See Appellants’ Br. at 18.
    5 A.M.C. 622
    , 626-27 (S.D.N.Y. 1992) (equity permitted a cargo owner to bring a
    tort claim against a negligent vessel owner who was not a “carrier” within the
    meaning of COGSA); DB-Trade Int’l, Inc. v. Astramar, 
    1988 A.M.C. 766
    , 767
    (N.D. Ill. 1987) (same); cf. Nichimen Co. v. M/V Farland, 
    462 F.2d 319
    , 325-26 &
    n.1 (2d Cir. 1972) (had COGSA not applied to plaintiff’s claim, the defendant
    carrier would have had to meet a different standard defending against a federal
    bailment claim).
    Even though Polo concedes that COGSA applies, it maintains the viability
    of its tort claims as brought under COGSA. In Polo’s view, because COGSA
    incorporated elements of tort law, it may bring a tort claim even if a contract claim
    under COGSA would fail. We disagree. That COGSA claims are hybrids born of
    elements from contract and tort does not change the fact that the resulting claim is
    a unitary statutory remedy, rather than an array of common law claims.5
    Many courts have recognized that a COGSA claim against a negligent
    carrier for lost or damaged goods comprises elements of both contract, arising from
    the breach of the contract of carriage, and tort, issuing from the breach of the
    carrier’s duty of care. See Associated Metals & Minerals Corp. v. Alexander’s
    Polo’s complaint therefore should have stated a single COGSA claim instead of three
    separate causes of action. At some point in the proceedings before the district court, the contract
    claim was treated as the COGSA claim, thus segregating the remaining tort claims even though it
    appears that Polo intended all three claims as COGSA claims.
    Unity MV, 
    41 F.3d 1007
    , 1017 (5th Cir. 1995) (COGSA claim against negligent
    carriers for lost goods or damaged was a hybrid contract and tort claim and was
    thus a “preferred maritime lien”); Texport Oil Co. v. M/V Amolyntos, 
    11 F.3d 361
    367 (2d Cir. 1993), overruled on other grounds by Wilton v. Seven Falls Co., 
    515 U.S. 277
    115 S. Ct. 2137
    (1995) (collateral source rule applies to COGSA claim
    because it is a mixture of contract and tort); All Alaskan Seafoods, Inc. v. M/V Sea
    882 F.2d 425
    , 430 (9th Cir. 1989) (cargo claims under Ship Mortgage
    Act sounded in tort and thus were entitled to preferred lien status); Oriente
    Commercial, Inc. v. The American Flag Vessel, 
    529 F.2d 221
    , 223 (4th Cir. 1975)
    (COGSA claims against negligent carriers bore an element of tort and are thus
    “preferred maritime liens” against defaulted vessels).
    Although recognizing the COGSA claim’s hybrid nature, these cases do not
    stand for the proposition that COGSA provides various causes of action, both
    contract and tort, from which a plaintiff may choose in seeking redress from a
    negligent carrier. Nothing in the language of COGSA or the cases interpreting it
    leads us to believe otherwise. We therefore conclude that COGSA affords one
    cause of action for lost or damaged goods which, depending on the underlying
    circumstances, may sound louder in either contract or tort.
    The parties here agree that COGSA applies to Polo’s claim against Tropical.
    Because COGSA provides an exclusive remedy, the district court properly granted
    summary judgment on Polo’s actions in bailment and negligence.6
    B. Polo’s Standing to Bring a COGSA Claim
    In its motion for partial summary judgment, Tropical sought judgment on
    Polo’s COGSA claim7 on the ground that Polo was not named in the bills of lading.
    The district court rejected Polo’s argument that it was a third-party beneficiary to
    the bills of lading and granted summary judgment. In its motion for
    reconsideration Polo raised the alternative argument that the terms and conditions
    in the bills of lading contained numerous references to the “owner of the goods” as
    distinct from both shippers and consignees, and that owners of the shipped goods
    were a readily identifiable class of persons intended to be benefitted by the terms
    of the bills of lading. Tropical maintains that Polo waived this argument by failing
    to raise it earlier.
    If Polo’s argument, at its root, is merely that determination of a proper party in interest
    for a COGSA claim should not be limited to contract principles but should also make reference
    to tort claims, that argument is adequately addressed in this court’s conclusion, infra, that the
    district court failed to consider fully Polo’s ability to bring a COGSA claim as owner of the lost
    As noted earlier, the court treated Polo’s contract claim as a COGSA claim.
    Polo sufficiently raised the third-party beneficiary argument before the
    district court. Polo’s reliance on the bills of lading’s references to the term “owner
    of the goods” to sustain Polo’s breach of contract claim is not a new argument, but
    part and parcel of its original argument that it was an intended third-party
    beneficiary to the bills of lading. The argument therefore is properly before us.
    Polo is not named in the bills of lading. Contracts bind only named parties
    unless both parties to the contract clearly express an intent to benefit a third party.
    See Blu-J, Inc. v. Kemper C.P.A. Group, 
    916 F.2d 637
    , 640 (11th Cir. 1990). This
    rule of strict construction applies with equal force in contracts of carriage. See
    Hale Container Line, Inc. v. Houston Sea Packing Co., 
    137 F.3d 1455
    , 1465 (11th
    Cir. 1998). The third party need not be mentioned by name as long as the contract
    refers to a “well defined class of readily identifiable persons” that it intends to
    benefit. Generali v. D’Amico, 
    766 F.2d 485
    , 490 (11th Cir. 1985) (internal
    quotations omitted). Polo argues that the inclusion of the “owner of the goods” in
    the bills of lading evinces a clear intent to benefit that class of persons.
    The two bills of lading underlying this action list two different companies in
    the Dominican Republic as shipper/exporter, Drusco as both consignee and
    notifying party, and Tropical as carrier. The owner of the goods is not specified
    anywhere on the forms. The front of the forms, however, contains the following
    In accepting this ocean bill of lading the shipper, consignee and owner
    of the goods agree to be bound by all of its stipulations, exceptions, and
    conditions, whether written, printed, or stamped on the front or back
    thereof, any local customs or privileges to the contrary notwithstanding.8
    The back of the bills of lading uses the phrase “shipper, consignee or owner
    of the goods” repeatedly in defining the conditions of the contract of carriage. The
    final clause of the bills iterates that the “Shippers, Consignees and Owners of the
    goods and the Holder of the Bill of Lading expressly agree to all its terms.”9 Polo
    argues that these recurring references to the “owner of the goods” intend to benefit
    Our research found one case presenting strikingly similar facts, the
    reasoning of which we find persuasive. In All Pacific Trading, Inc. v. Vessel M/V
    Hanjin Yosu, 
    7 F.3d 1427
    (9th Cir. 1993), the court considered a consolidated
    action brought by nine owners of damaged goods and their insurers. Eight of the
    nine plaintiffs delivered their goods to different non-vessel-operating common
    carriers (“NVOCCs”) who issued bills of lading to the shippers and then delivered
    the goods to the carrier, who in turn executed separate bills of lading with the
    Compl., Ex. A, in R., Tab 1.
    Pl’s Mot. for Recons., Ex. A, in R., Tab 41.
    NVOCCs. See 
    id. at 1429-30.
    The cargo owners were not named in the bills of
    lading with the carrier. See 
    id. at 1430.
    The court rejected the carrier’s argument
    that the plaintiff cargo owners lacked standing to sue because it found that the
    cargo owners were actual parties to the bills of lading under their definition of
    “Merchant.” See 
    id. at 1431-32.
    As with the bills of lading before us, those bills
    of lading contained a clause obligating the “owner of the goods” to their terms.
    id. at 1432.
    Polo’s parallel contention is that well-established principles of maritime law
    grant an owner of lost or damaged cargo standing to sue for damages based on its
    proprietary interest in the goods, even if the owner is not explicitly named in the
    bill of lading.10 See, e.g., Schoenbaum, supra, § 8-10.11 Relying on the repeated
    references to the unnamed “owner of goods” in the bills of lading, Polo maintains
    This argument was raised in Polo’s response to Tropical’s motion for partial summary
    judgment. See Pl.’s Resp. & Mem. of Law in Opp’n to Def.’s Mot. for Partial Summ. J. at 3, in
    R., Tab 29.
    Tropical voices concern over the possibility of double recovery in the suits brought by
    Drusco and Polo. Polo acknowledges its obligation to Drusco, however, and any remaining
    apprehensions “are matters for practical determination.” Compagnie de Navigation Fraissinet &
    Cyprien Faire, S.A. v. Mondial United Corp., 
    316 F.2d 163
    , 172 & n.14 (5th Cir. 1963). For
    example, on remand, Polo could agree to consolidate its claim with Drusco’s or reduce its
    request for damages by the amount sought by Drusco in its complaint. The record demonstrates
    that Drusco and Polo are amenable to making such arrangements. See Pl.’s Reply to Def.’s
    Resp. to Pl.’s Mot. for Recons., Ex. A, in R. Tab 45 (letter from Drusco’s counsel to Polo’s
    counsel); Notice of Pendency of Other Actions and Mot. to Consolidate, in R., Tab 10 (filed by
    that it is a proper party in interest to seek recovery from Tropical for the lost
    Under either theory of recovery, Tropical contends that summary judgment
    was appropriate because Polo never presented sufficient evidence of its ownership
    of the lost goods. The record generated by this case is regrettably sparse, but our
    review of its limited contents finds evidence of Polo’s ownership of the goods
    sufficient to withstand summary judgment. Polo submitted an affidavit of Karen
    Jeannetti-Pascucci, Senior Director of Treasury and Risk Operations at Polo,13
    which attested that “POLO RALPH LAUREN owned 100% of the subject cargo,
    which consisted of 4,643 pairs of finished pants, at the time of the loss.”14 Polo
    Admiralty cases, like any other, must be brought by a real party in interest. See Fed. R.
    Civ. P. 17(a); Farbwerke Hoeschst A.G. v. M/V “Don Nicky”, 
    589 F.2d 795
    , 797 (5th Cir. 1979)
    (“The Federal Rules of Civil Procedure are fully applicable in admiralty cases.”). Depending on
    the circumstances of the underlying transaction, a proper admiralty plaintiff might be the shipper
    or consignee named in the bill of lading, or the owner of the goods, with consideration given to
    which party had a proprietary or financial stake in the lost or damaged goods, and which party
    bore the risk of loss. For example, when a shipper sells goods to a buyer, determination of
    whether the seller or buyer is the real party in interest turns on whether title to the goods passed
    from the former to the latter at the point of shipment or of receipt of the goods. See Grant
    Gilmore & Charles L. Black, Jr., The Law of Admiralty § 3-6 at 100-08 (2d ed. 1975). This case
    presents somewhat unusual circumstances in that the goods were being sent and received by the
    same party.
    Tropical questions the affidavit because Polo filed a correction after learning that the
    affidavit misstated that Polo had already paid Drusco for its services. This error, however, does
    not undermine the accuracy of the remainder of the affidavit.
    Pl.’s Resp. & Mem. of Law in Opp’n Def’s Motion for Partial Summ. J., Ex. 1 ¶ 2, in
    R., Tab 29.
    also presented deposition testimony of Daniel H. Moss, Executive Vice-President
    of Drusco, who stated that, “The cargo was dropped overboard. It was Polo’s
    fabric. I owe Polo for the fabric.”15 Mr. Moss further testified that, under Drusco’s
    contract with Polo, “Polo ships me their fabric. . . . I cut it. I ship it to the
    Dominican Republic. . . . I buy what is known as trimmings or sundries and add
    that to it. I add the value of the labor to stitch it together. I ship it back.”16 The
    bills of lading, with their numerous references to “owner of the goods,” were also
    before the district court.
    The bills of lading between Tropical and Drusco recurrently refers to the
    “owner of the goods” and specifically binds the “owner of the goods” to its terms
    and obligations, creating the possibility that Polo would have standing to sue as
    owner of the goods or as a third-party beneficiary to the bills of lading. Although
    this court does not express an opinion on whether Polo ultimately will be able to
    prove ownership of the lost trousers, there was sufficient evidence before the
    district court of Polo’s ownership to render improvident its grant of summary
    judgment on Polo’s COGSA claim.
    C. Polo’s Agency Argument
    Pl.’s Mot. for Partial Summ. J. as to Damages, Ex. 1 at 8, in R., Tab 36.
    Id. at 8-9,
    in R., Tab 36.
    Polo contends in the alternative that it has standing to sue under the bills of
    lading as an undisclosed principal to Drusco, who acted as its agent in signing the
    bills of lading. See New Jersey Steam Navigation Co. v. Merchants’ Bank, 47 U.S.
    (6 How.) 343, 380-81 (1848). Tropical and Polo dispute whether this agency
    argument was presented sufficiently to the district court or whether it is being
    raised for the first time on this appeal. This court’s review of the record comports
    with the latter view. In its complaint and response to Tropical’s motion for partial
    summary judgment, Polo asserted its rights only as owner of the goods and as
    third-party beneficiary to the bill of lading, but never raised an agency argument.17
    This court may consider an issue not brought before the district court in the
    following narrow exceptions:
    First, an appellate court will consider an issue not raised in the district
    court if it involves a pure question of law, and if refusal to consider it
    would result in a miscarriage of justice. Second, the rule may be relaxed
    where the appellant raises an objection to an order which he had no
    chance to raise at the district court level. Third, the rule does not bar
    consideration by the appellate court in the first instance where the
    interest of substantial justice is at stake. Fourth, a federal appellate court
    in justified in resolving an issue not passed on below . . . where the
    proper resolution is beyond doubt. Finally, it may be appropriate to
    Even if Polo had raised it, there is no evidence in the record to support Polo’s
    contention that Drusco acted as its agent. Although Polo cites portions of its bailment agreement
    with Drusco, that agreement was never made part of the record. In addition, the testimony of
    Drusco’s Vice-President regarding its relationship with Polo could be characterized equally well
    as that of agent or independent contractor.
    consider an issue first raised on appeal if that issue presents significant
    questions of general impact or of great public concern.
    Narey v. Dean, 
    32 F.3d 1521
    , 1526-27 (11th Cir. 1994) (quoting Dean Witter
    Reynolds, Inc. v. Fernandez, 
    741 F.2d 355
    , 360-61 (11th Cir. 1984)).
    Polo propounds four of these five bases as justification for considering its
    agency argument, none of which are availing. First, determination of the existence
    of an agency relationship is a factual question. Second, we do not find that the
    interest of substantial justice is at stake here when Polo forsook its opportunity to
    present its agency argument to the district court. Third, the resolution of this issue,
    in light of the scanty record, is hardly beyond doubt. Finally, although this court
    appreciates Polo’s view that matters of great moment are implicated by this appeal,
    we cannot agree that resolution of Polo’s relationship with Drusco in this instance
    warrants exception to the general rule that matters must be presented before the
    district court in the first instance. We therefore decline to consider Polo’s agency
    D. Damages
    If Polo is allowed to maintain any cause of action against Tropical, Tropical
    contends that its damages should be limited to $35,155.25, the value of the fabric
    that Polo delivered to Drusco. Polo counters that well-established maritime law
    sets the value of lost goods as the fair market value of the goods upon their arrival,
    and that the value of the then-finished pants totaled $179,916.25.18 Resolution of
    this issue is best left to the district court in the first instance if it finds that Polo is
    entitled to damages.
    Based on the foregoing reasons, we AFFIRM the district court’s grant of
    summary judgment on Polo’s bailment and negligence claims and REVERSE the
    district court’s grant of summary judgment to Tropical on Polo’s COGSA claim
    and REMAND for further proceedings consistent with this opinion.
    AFFIRMED in part; REVERSED and REMANDED in part.
    Polo acknowledges that $27,977.75 of that amount would be set aside for Drusco for
    the value of its services performed. See Appellants’ Reply Br. at 10. Under the terms of its
    insurance policy, General Accident paid Polo the market value of the lost goods plus 10%, for a
    total payment of $197,907.80.

Document Info

Docket Number: 98-5729

Citation Numbers: 215 F.3d 1217

Filed Date: 6/21/2000

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/19/2016

Authorities (16)

Dean Witter Reynolds, Inc. v. Marilyn Kay Fernandez, Etc., ... , 741 F.2d 355 ( 1984 )

Hale Container Line, Inc. v. Houston Sea Packing Co. , 137 F.3d 1455 ( 1998 )

Nichimen Company, Inc. v. M. v. Farland, Her Engines, ... , 462 F.2d 319 ( 1972 )

Assicurazioni Generali v. D'Amico and Harrington & Company, ... , 766 F.2d 485 ( 1985 )

Blu-J, Inc. v. Kemper C.P.A. Group , 916 F.2d 637 ( 1990 )

james-h-narey-v-darrell-dean-individually-and-in-his-official-capacity , 32 F.3d 1521 ( 1994 )

oriente-commercial-inc-and-black-decker-inc-v-the-american-flag , 529 F.2d 221 ( 1975 )

Texport Oil Co., Cross-Appellee v. M/v Amolyntos, Its ... , 11 F.3d 361 ( 1993 )

Associated Metals and Minerals Corp. v. Alexander's Unity MV , 41 F.3d 1007 ( 1995 )

compagnie-de-navigation-fraissinet-cyprien-fabre-sa-and-s-s , 316 F.2d 163 ( 1963 )

all-alaskan-seafoods-inc-v-mv-sea-producer-her-engines-tackle , 882 F.2d 425 ( 1989 )

all-pacific-trading-inc-a-corporation-and-tokio-fire-marine-ins-co , 7 F.3d 1427 ( 1993 )

St. Paul Fire & Marine Insurance v. Marine Transportation ... , 727 F. Supp. 1438 ( 1989 )

B. F. McKernin & Co. v. United States Lines, Inc. , 416 F. Supp. 1068 ( 1976 )

Wilton v. Seven Falls Co. , 115 S. Ct. 2137 ( 1995 )

Sail America Foundation v. M/V T.S. Prosperity , 778 F. Supp. 1282 ( 1991 )

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