Powers v. Stuart-James Co. , 148 F.3d 1223 ( 1998 )

  •                                                                                        PUBLISH
    No. 97-2283                                FILED
    D. C. Docket No. 88-32-CIV-T-24A ELEVENTH CIRCUIT
    WALTER L. POWERS, JR. and JOICELYN H. POWERS, individually and on
    behalf of a class,
    Appeal from the United States District Court
    for the Middle District of Florida
    (August 3, 1998)
    Before EDMONDSON and BIRCH, Circuit Judges, and LAWSON*, District
    *Honorable Hugh Lawson, U.S. District Judge for the Middle District of
    Georgia, sitting by designation.
    EDMONDSON, Circuit Judge:
    Plaintiffs -- a class of individuals alleging federal
    securities law violations -- appeal the district court’s grant of
    summary judgment for Defendants, officers of the Stuart-
    James Company (a penny-stock brokerage company). The
    company was involved in securities transactions with or for
    Plaintiffs. The district court concluded that Plaintiffs’ Fourth
    Amended Complaint adding Defendants did not relate back to
    the original filing of the class action. The court then granted
    Defendants’ motion for summary judgment because the
    claim was barred by the statute of limitations. Because the
    district court did not err in refusing to allow the Fourth
    Amended Complaint to relate back to the date of the original
    filing, we affirm.1
    Plaintiffs, in their many amended complaints, named a
    number of defendants, including Stuart-James Company,
    “John Does 1-1,000” (unknown brokers), known brokers, and
    the individual defendants involved in this appeal: Stuart
    Graff, C. James Padgett, and Marc Geman, control persons of
    A certified class of Florida plaintiffs, represented by Walter
    and Joicelyn Powers, filed a complaint in Florida state court
    against the Stuart-James Company, Inc., Rex Alan Field (the
    Powers’ broker), and John Does 1-1,000 (representing all
    Florida-based Stuart-James brokers and brokers who sold
    securities to Florida residents). The plaintiff class included
    Florida residents who purchased specific securities from
    Stuart-James between May 1984 and January 1988. The claims
    were based on alleged wrongdoing by the company and its
    brokers: Stuart-James’s manipulation of the market for certain
    Stuart-James. All of Plaintiffs’ claims, except those against
    the individual control persons of Stuart-James, have been
    disposed of in the district court and are not before us.
    Plaintiffs now argue that their original complaint was
    based on acts Plaintiffs believed to be the acts of “rogue”
    brokers. But as discussed in this opinion, Plaintiffs alleged
    The case was removed to federal court; and Plaintiffs
    sought to and did amend their complaint several times. The
    Original Complaint, filed 8 December 1987, named as
    defendants the company and all brokers dealing with Florida
    residents during the relevant period.       The First Amended
    Complaint added a claim for violation of section 10(b) of the
    Securities and Exchange Act. The Second Amended Complaint
    deleted the “John Doe” brokers and enlarged the class to
    include all purchasers of securities from Stuart-James
    nationwide.3    The Third Amended Complaint refined or
    corrected certain jurisdictional allegations.       The Fourth
    Amended Complaint, with which we are concerned in this
    appeal, was filed on 13 December 1990;4 this amendment added
    wrongdoing on the part of the company, not just its agents,
    from the start of the litigation.
    This new class was seemingly certified by the district court.
    This date was beyond the statute of limitations for filing
    the pertinent claims against Defendants.
    Graff, Padgett, Geman, and 50 other Stuart-James control
    persons as defendants.5
    Plaintiffs’ claims were disposed of pursuant to a motion for
    summary judgment filed by Defendants in accord with Federal
    Rule of Civil Procedure 56. But the essence of this appeal is
    not Rule 56. “When a plaintiff amends a complaint to add a
    defendant, but the plaintiff does so after the running of the
    relevant statute of limitations, then Rule 15(c)(3) controls
    Control, or controlling, persons are defined in the
    Securities and Exchange Act:
    Every person who, directly or indirectly, controls
    any person liable under any provision of this
    chapter or of any rule or regulation thereunder shall
    also be liable jointly and severally with and to the
    same extent as such controlled person to any
    person to whom such controlled person is liable . . .
    15 U.S.C. § 78t(a) (1994).
    whether the amended complaint may ‘relate back’ to the filing
    of the original complaint and thereby escape a timeliness
    objection.” Wilson v. United States, 
    23 F.3d 559
    , 562 (1st Cir.
    1994). Rule 15, in relevant part, sets forth these standards:
    (c) Relation Back of Amendments. An amendment of
    a pleading relates back to the date of the original
    pleading when
    (2) the claim or defense asserted in the amended
    pleading arose out of the conduct, transaction,
    or occurrence set forth or attempted to be set
    forth in the original pleading, or
    (3) the amendment changes the party or the
    naming of the party against whom a claim is
    asserted if the foregoing provision (2) is satisfied
    and, within the period provided by Rule 4(m) for
    service of the summons and complaint, the party
    to be brought in by amendment (A) has received
    such notice of the institution of the action that
    the party will not be prejudiced in maintaining a
    defense on the merits, and (B) knew or should
    have known that, but for a mistake concerning
    the identity of the proper party, the action would
    have been brought against the party.
    Fed. R. Civ. P. 15(c).
    Application of Rule 15(c) is reviewed for abuse of
    discretion. See Andrews v. Lakeshore Rehabilitation Hosp., 
    140 F.3d 1405
    , 1409 n.6 (11th Cir. 1998). But the findings of fact
    necessary for application of the rule are reviewed for clear
    error. See Gerritsen v. Consulado General De Mexico, 
    989 F.2d 340
    , 344 (9th Cir. 1993); cf. McCurry v. Allen, 
    688 F.2d 581
    , 585
    (8th Cir. 1982).6
    Plaintiffs mainly contend that the district court’s decision
    about relation back was contrary to our decision in Itel Capital
    Although we generally review grants of summary
    judgment de novo, this appeal is not really a review of the
    grant of summary judgment. Instead the appeal is a review
    of the district court’s prerequisite decision not to allow the
    Plaintiffs’ Fourth Amended Complaint to relate back to the
    date of the original pleading. Once we review that
    preliminary decision of the district court, the legal issue of
    whether the claims are barred by the statute of limitations
    can be determined de novo. But in this case, no party seems
    to dispute that, if the amended complaint does not relate
    back, the claims against Defendants are time barred; we
    Corp. v. Cups Coal Co., 
    707 F.2d 1253
    (11th Cir. 1983). We
    In Itel, we made a fact-based decision that the amended
    complaint should relate back because the facts established that
    all of the requirements of Rule 15 were met. We concluded,
    based on the facts of that case, that the added defendant, a 97%
    owner of the corporation named in the original complaint, was
    on notice of the action from the time of the original complaint.
    We wrote that the owner “knew or should have known, but for
    a mistake by Itel, . . . he would have been named as a defendant
    when the complaint was filed.” 
    Id. at 1258.
    Itel established no
    general rules about suits originally filed against a corporation
    where the plaintiff later attempts to add corporate control
    persons or owners as individual defendants.
    Although the relation back provisions of Rule 15 are to be
    somewhat liberally applied, the purpose of the provision does
    not support relation back in cases like this one: cases where
    the newly added defendants were known to the plaintiff before
    the running of the statute of limitations and where the potential
    defendants should not necessarily have known that, absent a
    mistake by the plaintiff, they would have been sued. When
    relation back is too liberally allowed the important policy
    reasons for limitations periods are circumvented. Cf. Wells v.
    HBO & Co., 
    813 F. Supp. 1561
    , 1567 (N.D. Ga. 1992) (“Rule 15(c)
    plainly provides that potential defendants are entitled to repose
    after a certain period unless they know they have escaped suit
    only by mistake.”).
    The purpose of Rule 15(c) is to permit amended complaints
    to relate back to original filings for statute of limitations
    purposes when the amended complaint is correcting a mistake
    about the identity of the defendant. See Worthington v. Wilson,
    8 F.3d 1253
    , 1256 (7th Cir. 1993) (Relation back applies where
    the amendment is made “to correct a misnomer of a defendant
    where the proper defendant is already before the court and the
    effect is merely to correct the name under which he is sued.”).
    See generally Hill v. United States Postal Serv., 
    961 F.2d 153
    (11th Cir. 1992) (permitting pro se plaintiff’s amended complaint
    to relate back when he mistakenly named postal service instead
    of   postmaster    as    defendant,    contrary    to   statutory
    requirements); see also Schiavone v. Fortune, 
    106 S. Ct. 2379
    (1986). “[The Rule] permits an amendment to relate back only
    where there has been an error made concerning the identity of
    the proper party and where that party is chargeable with
    knowledge of the mistake, but it does not permit relation back
    where . . . there is a lack of knowledge of the proper party.”
    Worthington, 8 F.3d at 1256
    (emphasis added).
    “A potential defendant who has not been named in a
    lawsuit by the time the statute of limitations has run is entitled
    to repose -- unless      it is or should be apparent to that
    person that he is the beneficiary of a mere slip of the pen, as it
    were.” Rendall-Speranza v. Nassim, 
    107 F.3d 913
    , 918 (D.C. Cir.
    1997). Contrary to this idea, Plaintiffs argue that they are
    entitled to relation back because, although they knew early in
    the litigation that Defendants controlled Stuart-James (a named
    defendant), Plaintiffs did not learn until later that the control
    persons might be proper defendants.
    We disagree that these alleged facts entitle Plaintiffs to
    relation back. “The Advisory Committee Notes (1991) state that
    Rule 15(c) deals with ‘the problem of a misnamed defendant.’
    . . . Nothing in the Rule or in the Notes indicates that the
    provision applies to a plaintiff who was fully aware of the
    potential defendant’s identity but not of its responsibility for the
    harm alleged.” 
    Id. Before the
    statute of limitations period ran, Plaintiffs knew
    Defendants’ identities.7 As the district court seemingly found,
    No later than April 1988, the date of Defendant Geman’s
    deposition, the details of Stuart-James’s ownership and
    management structure were known to Plaintiffs. At that
    point, if not sooner, the identity of Stuart-James’s control
    persons was known.
    only when Stuart-James faced possible insolvency did Plaintiffs
    amend their complaint to add these known Defendants. “[E]ven
    the most liberal interpretation of ‘mistake’ cannot include a
    deliberate decision not to sue a party whose identity plaintiff
    knew from the outset.” 
    Wells, 813 F. Supp. at 1567
    Not only did Plaintiffs know the identity of Defendants
    before expiration of the limitations period -- justifying the
    district court’s refusal to allow relation back under Rule 15(c) --
    Plaintiffs also should have known that Defendants would be
    proper parties to the suit, that is, persons arguably liable for the
    alleged wrongdoing.8 To know that Defendants may have been
    liable for the wrongdoing, Plaintiffs need only have known that
    In the light of the law and circumstances, Plaintiffs did
    know or should have known very early that Defendants could
    be proper parties. The same law and circumstances would
    give Defendants no reason to believe that they were omitted
    from the original complaint on account of mistake, as
    opposed to some kind of strategic choice by Plaintiffs.
    See Fed.R.Civ.P. 15(c)(3)(B). Thus for this reason too, the
    attempted amendment should not relate back to the date of
    that original complaint.
    Defendants were, in fact, control persons of Stuart-James. See
    generally Brown v. Enstar Group, Inc., 
    84 F.3d 393
    (11th Cir.
    1996). No showing of intentional wrongdoing is necessary.
    Plaintiffs, in their original complaint, alleged the fraudulent
    manipulation of certain stocks on an institutional scale.9 So,
    the control persons involved with the stock brokerage company
    were known to be potential defendants as early as 1987. Thus,
    it was not clearly erroneous for the district court to find that
    Plaintiffs not only knew Defendants’ identity, but also knew of
    a claim against Defendants, and that Plaintiffs elected not to
    sue these individuals.
    For example, in Plaintiffs’ original complaint in 1987,
    Plaintiffs alleged that the fraudulent securities transactions
    were conducted by Stuart-James employees “acting within
    the scope of their employment” and “with the knowledge,
    consent, direction and full cooperation and approval of
    STUART JAMES.” Such cooperation and approval could only
    be given by those in charge of Stuart-James, the control
    person Defendants.
    Consistent with these facts, the district court found that,
    throughout the litigation, Plaintiffs knew of the potential role
    Defendants played in the alleged wrongdoing and did include
    facts in their original complaint that would support a claim
    against Defendants;10 yet Plaintiffs did not seek to name
    Defendants until Plaintiffs learned that Stuart-James was going
    out of business and might be facing insolvency. The district
    court had every reason to find that the decision not to name the
    control persons of this company was a conscious choice by
    Plaintiffs; the pertinent proposed amendment was not due to
    the kind of mistaken identity addressed by Rule 15(c).
    The district court found that no mistake of identity had
    been made that would entitle Plaintiffs to relation back under
    Rule 15: Plaintiffs made “a deliberate decision” not to sue
    individual Defendants.        These findings are not clearly
    Plaintiffs’ deposed Defendant Geman as early as April 1988.
    During this deposition, Geman was asked about the
    management structure at Stuart-James.
    erroneous. Cf. 
    Andrews, 140 F.3d at 1409
    (recognizing that if
    supported by evidence in the record a district court’s
    preliminary factual findings made to apply Rule 15(c) will
    probably stand). And based on these factual findings, the
    district court properly denied relation back and did not abuse
    its discretion. Plaintiffs’ claims against Defendants are time