American Bankers v. Northwestern , 198 F.3d 1332 ( 1999 )

  •                                                                   [PUBLISH]
    Nos. 98-5266 & 98-5387
    D. C. Docket No. 97-1827-CV-EBD
    No. 99-4195
    D. C. Docket No. 97-1827-CV-EBD
    Appeals from the United States District Court
    for the Southern District of Florida
    (December 30, 1999)
    Before EDMONDSON, BARKETT, Circuit Judges and COHILL*, Senior District
    BARKETT, Circuit Judge:
    Northwestern National Insurance Company (“Northwestern”) appeals from
    an adverse summary judgment in favor of American Bankers Insurance Company
    of Florida (“American Bankers”) on American Bankers’ suit to enforce the
    reinsurance contract between the parties.1 Northwestern seeks a reversal of the
    district court’s judgment, and a grant of summary judgment in its favor declaring
    that Northwestern has no liability under the insurance contract, or alternatively, a
    reversal of the district court’s determination of the prejudgment interest amount in
    the amended final judgment.
    This case involves the reinsurance contract between Northwestern and
    American Bankers to indemnify payments originally made by Hartford Insurance
    Company (“Hartford”) to Dow Corning Corporation (“Dow”) under Hartford’s
    Honorable Maurice B. Cohill, Jr., Senior U.S. District Judge for the Western District of
    Pennsylvania, sitting by designation.
    A reinsurance contract provides that one insurer (the “ceding insurer” or “reinsured”)
    “cedes” all or part of the risk it underwrites, pursuant to a policy or group of policies, to another
    insurer. The reinsurer agrees to indemnify the ceding insurer on the transferred risk. The purpose
    of the reinsurance contract is to diversify the risk of loss, and to reduce required capital reserves.
    See 13A John A. Appleman & Jean Appleman, Insurance Law and Practice §§ 7681, at 480
    (1976); 19 George J. Couch, Cyclopedia of Insurance Law §§ 80:1, at 624 et seq. (2d ed. 1983).
    primary insurance policy with Dow. These payments satisfied personal injury
    claims asserted against Dow by women who had received silicone breast implants.
    Dow was directly insured by Hartford through two policies: (1) a
    comprehensive general liability policy of $1 million on a “per occurrence” basis,
    subject to a $50,000 deductible; and (2) additional coverage on an “aggregate”
    basis, providing that any number of occurrences could be combined up to the $1
    million policy limit, subject to a $500,000 deductible.
    In order to spread its risk under this policy, Hartford purchased reinsurance
    protection from American Bankers for the per occurrence policy. It chose not to
    reinsure the aggregate basis policy. Under American Bankers’ reinsurance contract
    with Hartford, American Bankers agreed to accept 30 percent of Hartford’s
    liability up to $225,000 for any per occurrence loss exceeding $250,000.
    American Bankers in turn sought to spread its risk by purchasing reinsurance and
    contracted with Northwestern for this purpose. Under this contract, Northwestern
    agreed to accept 92.3 percent of American Bankers’ exposure to Hartford up to
    $224,500 for any per occurrence loss greater than $225,000.
    Between October 24, 1994 and March 28, 1995, Hartford paid Dow’s
    claims, and then submitted bills to American Bankers which American Bankers
    paid. American Bankers subsequently billed Northwestern for its share of the
    payments under their contract. After paying the initial claims submitted to them by
    American Bankers, Northwestern objected to the billing on the basis that American
    Bankers had not acted reasonably in paying Hartford’s claims. Northwestern
    asserted that although Hartford made payments to Dow on an aggregate basis, it
    billed American Bankers on a per occurrence basis, which would not have been
    covered by the reinsurance contracts. Northwestern took the position that
    American Bankers failed to investigate adequately and should not have paid
    Hartford’s claims.
    After Northwestern refused to make any further payments, American
    Bankers filed this suit to enforce the reinsurance contract. Northwestern
    counterclaimed for the return of payments it had already made and sought a
    declaration that Northwestern had no obligation to American Bankers under their
    contract. The district court granted summary judgment to American Bankers and
    denied Northwestern’s cross-motion for summary judgment. Northwestern now
    appeals. We review a district court’s grant of summary judgment de novo,
    applying the same standards utilized by the district court, and viewing the evidence
    in the light most favorable to the party against whom judgment was granted.
    Squish La Fish, Inc. v. Thomco Specialty Prods., Inc., 
    149 F.3d 1288
    , 1290 (11th
    Cir. 1998).
    In this case, American Bankers seeks to enforce the reinsurance contract
    between the parties while Northwestern seeks a declaration that it has no
    obligations under the contract. Thus, our starting point is the language of the
    contract in order to ascertain its terms and determine whether it has been breached.
    The relevant language in the contract at issue is as follows:
    All claims involving this reinsurance when settled by the
    Company, shall be binding on the Reinsurer, which shall
    be bound to pay its proportion of such settlements . . . .
    American Bankers contends that under this provision of the contract Northwestern
    cannot “second-guess” its decisions to pay claims and must defer to American
    Bankers’ judgment. Northwestern argues that although this may be true generally,
    Northwestern is not obligated to defer to American Bankers’ judgments where, as
    here, American Bankers did not fulfill its obligation to act in good faith.
    When faced with reviewing the terms of a reinsurance contract, courts have
    recognized that the parties to these particular contracts are sophisticated
    companies regularly involved in bargaining on an equal footing. Both parties to
    this relationship are experts in the subject around which their relationship centers.
    Moreover, reinsurance contracts themselves are sophisticated documents. The
    Second Circuit has succinctly explained the nature of the reinsurance contract and
    the pragmatic derivations of the need both to defer to the decisions of the ceding
    insurance company, but at the same time, to require good faith in the making of
    those decisions:
    Reinsurance involves contracts of indemnity, not liability. Reinsurers
    do not examine risks, receive notice of loss from the original insured,
    or investigate claims. In practice, the reinsurer has no contact with the
    insured. . . . The reinsurance relationship is often characterized as
    one of “utmost good faith.” This utmost good faith may be viewed as
    a legal rule but also as a tradition honored by ceding insurers and
    reinsurers in their ongoing commercial relationships. Historically, the
    reinsurance market has relied on a practice of the exercise of utmost
    good faith to decrease monitoring costs and ex ante contracting costs.
    . . . [R]einsurers cannot duplicate the costly but necessary efforts of
    the primary insurer in evaluating risks and handling claims.
    Reinsurers may thus not have actuarial expertise . . . in defending
    ordinary claims. They are protected, however, by a large area of
    common interest with ceding insurers and by the tradition of utmost
    good faith.
    Unigard Sec. Ins. Co. v. North River Ins. Co., 
    4 F.3d 1049
    , 1054 (2d Cir. 1993)
    (citations omitted). The relationship of these reinsurance contracts and companies
    leads to the principle that reinsurers are generally bound by the reinsured’s
    decision to pay the claim and must refrain from second guessing a good faith
    decision to do so. See Henry T. Kramer, The Nature of Reinsurance, in
    Reinsurance 1, 5 (R.W. Strain ed., 1980); Christiania Gen. Ins. Corp. v. Great Am.
    Ins. Co., 
    979 F.2d 268
    , 280 (2d Cir. 1992) (“A reinsurer cannot second guess the
    good faith liability determinations made by its reinsured . . . .”).
    The contractual articulation of this general principle has been called the
    “follow the fortunes” clause in reinsurance certificates or contracts. As it does in
    this case, the clause usually states that when an insurer loses to -- or settles with --
    the insured, the reinsurer must “follow the fortunes” of the ceding company and
    pay on its reinsurance obligations. The Third Circuit has noted the compelling
    policy reasons that counsel against de novo review of the insured’s decision to pay
    under the “follow the fortunes” doctrine:
    To permit the reinsurer to revisit coverage issues resolved between the
    insurer and its insured would place insurers in the untenable position
    of advancing defenses in coverage contests that would be used against
    them by reinsurers seeking to deny coverage. . . . Were the Court to
    conduct a de novo review of [the insurer's] decision-making process,
    the foundation of the cedent-reinsurer relationship would be forever
    damaged. The goals of maximum coverage and settlement that have
    been long established would give way to a proliferation of litigation.
    Cedents faced with de novo review of their claims determinations
    would ultimately litigate every coverage issue before making any
    attempt at settlement.
    North River Ins. Co. v. CIGNA Reinsurance Co., 
    52 F.3d 1194
    , 1206 (3rd Cir.
    1995) (citations omitted).
    This is not to say that there are no limitations to this doctrine. A court must
    still ask whether the ceding insurer acted in good faith in settling or paying the
    claims. This in turn requires that we determine what constitutes good faith in this
    context. We are persuaded that simple negligence cannot be enough to establish
    bad faith. Virtually every decision by the ceding insurance company could be
    second-guessed and litigated under a simple negligence standard. Thus, to equate
    bad faith with simple negligence would vitiate all of the policy reasons that give
    rise to the follow the fortunes doctrine. Rather, we agree with the Second Circuit
    that the proper minimum standard for bad faith should be deliberate deception,
    gross negligence or recklessness. See Unigard, 
    4 F.3d at 1069
    ; see also North
    52 F.3d at 1216
     (“As we have noted, bad faith requires an extraordinary
    showing of a disingenuous or dishonest failure to carry out a contract. The standard
    is not mere negligence, but gross negligence or recklessness. ”); 
    id. at 1207
    (“‘[F]ollow the fortunes’ doctrine requires a court to find reinsurance coverage
    unless the reinsurer demonstrates the liability to the insured was the result of fraud
    and collusion or not reasonably within the scope of the original policy.”).
    In this case, Northwestern argues that Hartford submitted a false claim to
    American Bankers which American Bankers then paid as a result of its failure to
    investigate. Specifically, Northwestern asserts that Hartford paid Dow for multiple
    claims under its aggregate policy, but treated all of the claims as a single
    occurrence for purposes of presenting them to American Bankers, its reinsurers.
    Northwestern argues that American Bankers should have investigated and
    determined that Hartford’s claims were not covered by the reinsurance contract
    between Hartford and American Bankers and, therefore, not covered by the
    reinsurance contract between American Bankers and Northwestern.
    American Bankers responds that it acted appropriately in evaluating and
    paying Harthord’s claims. It points out that the reinsurance contract defines
    “occurrence” to mean “an accident, event or happening, including continuous or
    repeated exposure to conditions, which results in bodily injury . . . .[,]” and that
    Hartford’s policy provides that:
    $50,000 shall be deducted from the aggregate amount of all sums
    which the Company shall be obligated to pay as (a) damages . . . with
    respect to all insurance afforded by the policy as the result of Bodily
    Injury . . . arising out of any one occurrence.
    American Bankers argues that at the time of its decision there was legitimate
    debate about whether a large group of similar claims were the result of a single
    occurrence or multiple occurrences. See Barry R. Ostrager & Thomas R. Newman,
    Insurance Coverage Disputes §9.02 (8th ed. 1995). American Bankers points out
    that courts had held that many claims may constitute a single occurrence in the
    context of massive toxic tort losses, and where multiple claims constitute a single
    occurrence, single occurrence based coverage operates in a manner similar to
    aggregate coverage. Hartford’s bills were presented on the basis that all of the
    auto-immune breast implant claims constituted a single occurrence. American
    Bankers maintains that, in good faith, it determined that it should pay those claims.
    We agree with American Bankers that Northwestern’s contention that the
    reinsurance contracts provided only for per occurrence coverage merely begs the
    question of whether the claims constituted a single occurrence or multiple
    occurrences. Under the state of the law 2 at the time of the submission of
    Hartford’s claim for payment, we cannot say that American Bankers acted in a
    grossly negligent or reckless manner in accepting or paying those claims.
    American Bankers was, in fact, “following the fortunes” of its ceding insurance
    company, Hartford. Nor is there anything in the record to support a claim that
    American Bankers acted in a fraudulent or deliberately deceptive or grossly
    negligent manner.
    We are not persuaded that the after the fact determination by Hartford that it
    had erroneously billed American Bankers makes a difference to our decision.3 To
    See, e.g., Uniroyal, Inc. v. Home Insurance Co., 
    707 F. Supp. 1368
    , 1380-87 (E.D.N.Y.
    1988) (Agent Orange); Owens-Illinois, Inc. v. Aetna Casualty and Surety Co., 
    597 F. Supp. 1515
    , 1527-28 (D.D.C. 1984) (asbestos); Owens-Illinois, Inc. v. United Insurance Co., 
    264 N.J. Super. 460
    , 498-503, 
    625 A.2d 1
    , 21-23 (N.J. App. Div. 1993), aff’d in part, rev’d in part, 
    138 N.J. 437
    650 A.2d 974
     (1994) (asbestos); Insurance Coverage Disputes §9.02. See also
    International Surplus Lines Insurance Co. v. Certain Underwriters at Lloyd’s, 
    868 F. Supp. 917
    921 (S.D. Ohio 1994) (reinsurer could not challenge the single occurrence basis on which the
    ceding company had paid the asbestos claims presented by its insured).
    Subsequent to American Bankers’ payments to Hartford on its reinsurance contract,
    Hartford advised American Bankers that it had erroneously overbilled American Bankers.
    Hartford explained that it believed that the aggregate deductible issued to Dow had already been
    exhausted by previous claims. Because the deductible actually had not been exhausted,
    “[H]artford has amended its bills to allow the unexhausted portion of the aggregate deductible . .
    . to respond as if on a per claim basis.” Hartford concluded that American Bankers should have
    determine whether a decision is made in good faith, we must look to the
    circumstances at the time of the decision. The question is not whether Hartford or
    American Bankers were ultimately correct or incorrect, but whether they acted in
    good faith at the time. Under the facts in the record, we conclude that the district
    court did not err in determining that American Bankers was entitled to recover on
    its reinsurance contract.
    As to Northwestern’s second appeal seeking reversal of the district court’s
    ruling on prejudgment interest, we likewise affirm. The issue of prejudgment
    interest was litigated as part of the original case. During the litigation, American
    Bankers argued that prejudgment interest should be calculated from the date on
    which each bill was approved for payment by Northwestern’s claims department to
    July 27, 1998. Northwestern, by motion, opposed American Bankers’ method of
    calculating prejudgment interest, arguing that under Florida law prejudgment
    interest should run from the time the cause of action accrues. The district court
    rejected Northwestern’s argument and its final judgment reflected the prejudgment
    interest as sought by American Bankers. Northwestern’s notice of appeal from this
    been billed a total of $1,054,955.21, rather than $1,803,836.29. The difference of $748,881.08
    was refunded to American Bankers and the appropriate percentage of overbilling was likewise
    refunded to Northwestern. The district court subsequently amended its final judgment, reducing
    American Bankers’ recovery.
    judgment, case numbers 98-5266 and 98-5387, did not raise any issue pertaining to
    prejudgment interest.
    Two months after the final judgment had been entered, and after
    Northwestern’s notice of appeal had been filed, Hartford notified the parties of its
    billing error. See note 3 supra. Northwestern filed a motion pursuant to Rule 60(b)
    of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure4 to vacate the judgment on the ground of
    “newly discovered evidence.” The district court granted Northwestern’s motion
    only for the purpose of appropriately computing the amount owed to American
    Bankers by Northwestern in light of Hartford’s refunds. The district court
    specifically noted that:
    Rule 60(b) provides in part:
    On motion and upon such terms as are just, the court may relieve a party or [his]
    legal representative from a final judgment, order, or proceeding for the following
    reasons: (1) mistake, inadvertence, surprise, or excusable neglect; (2) newly
    discovered evidence which by due diligence could not have been discovered in
    time to move for a new trial under Rule 59(b); (3) fraud (whether heretofore
    denominated intrinsic or extrinsic), misrepresentation, or other misconduct of an
    adverse party; (4) the judgment is void; (5) the judgment has been satisfied,
    released, or discharged, or a prior judgment upon which it is based has been
    reversed or otherwise vacated, or it is no longer equitable that the judgment
    should have prospective application; or (6) any other reason justifying relief from
    the operation of the judgment. The motion shall be made within a reasonable
    time, and for reasons (1), (2), and (3) not more than one year after the judgment,
    order, or proceeding was entered or taken.
    Fed.R.Civ.P. 60(b).
    this Court granted the Rule 60 motion only to the extent
    necessary to adjust the final judgment amount. No other
    aspect of the court’s original final judgment is under
    review or subject to reconsideration. Appellate-leave
    would only serve to unnecessarily delay the correction of
    a simple matter which has little bearing, if any, on the
    liability issues on appeal.
    American Bankers v. Northwestern, No. 97-1827 (S.D. Fla. Nov. 17, 1998).
    Northwestern filed a notice of appeal from the amended final judgment (i)
    reiterating its position regarding American Bankers’ decision to pay Hartford’s
    claims, and (ii) appealing the district court’s ruling regarding the calculation of
    prejudgment interest. Having resolved the contractual issue, the question
    remaining is the calculation of prejudgment interest.
    Before we can address the merits of this question, however, we must address
    American Banker’s contention that Northwestern’s argument in this regard is
    untimely. An order granting or denying relief under Rule 60(b) is final and
    appealable. 7 J. Moore’s Federal Practice, para. 60.30[3], at 60-343. An appeal of
    a ruling on a Rule 60(b) motion, however, is narrow in scope, addressing only the
    propriety of the denial or grant of relief and does not raise issues in the underlying
    judgment for review. See Browder v. Director, Dep't of Corrections, 
    434 U.S. 257
    263 n.7 (1978). Because of this limitation, the law is clear that Rule 60(b) may not
    be used to challenge mistakes of law which could have been raised on direct
    appeal. Gulf Coast Fans, Inc. v. Midwest Electronics Importers, 
    740 F.2d 1499
    1507 (11th Cir. 1984) (“Rule 60(b) does not extend the time for filing a notice of
    appeal.”). Moreover, a district court’s order under Rule 60(b) is reviewable only
    for abuse of discretion. Browder, 
    434 U.S. at 263
    ; Gulf Coast Fans, 
    740 F.2d at 1510
    Both the original and final amended judgment calculate the prejudgment
    interest in the same way, running from the date on which each of the three bills at
    issue was approved by Northwestern. While Northwestern objected to this manner
    of calculation before the final judgment, it never mentioned it in its briefs on direct
    appeal. Given that this issue was litigated before the original final judgment,
    Northwestern cannot now raise the issue in its subsequent appeal from the district
    court’s grant of relief under Rule 60(b). Thus, we agree that Northwestern’s
    argument regarding prejudgment interest is untimely. For all the foregoing reasons
    the judgments of the district court are