Valarie Kay Kilgore v. Trussville Development, LLC , 646 F. App'x 765 ( 2016 )

  •           Case: 15-11850   Date Filed: 03/24/2016   Page: 1 of 24
    No. 15-11850
    Non-Argument Calendar
    D.C. Docket No. 2:13-cv-00304-SLB
    d.b.a. Hilton Garden Inc.,
    Appeal from the United States District Court
    for the Northern District of Alabama
    (March 24, 2016)
    Before MARTIN, ROSENBAUM, and ANDERSON, Circuit Judges.
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    Valarie Kay “Katie” Kilgore, a Caucasian female in her sixties, appeals pro
    se following entry of summary judgment in favor of her former employer,
    Trussville Development, LLC, d/b/a Hilton Garden Inn (“Hilton”), in her
    employment-discrimination suit alleging that she was terminated because of her
    age and her race.        On appeal, Kilgore argues that summary judgment was
    inappropriate and that the court abused its discretion on a discovery matter. After
    careful review, we find that triable issues of fact preclude entry of summary
    judgment and therefore vacate in part and remand for further proceedings. We
    affirm as to the district court’s denial of Kilgore’s discovery motions.
    I. Factual Background
    Kilgore began working as a front-desk agent for Hilton in Trussville,
    Alabama, in December 2011.1 She previously had been working for another hotel
    in Liberty Park. At all relevant times, Quincey Beckwith, an African-American
    female, was the front-desk manager and Kilgore’s supervisor. In February 2012,
    Joe Malik, a Caucasian male, became general manager of the hotel.
    In late February 2012, Beckwith asked Kilgore to train two new, part-time
    front-desk agents. Both new hires were young, African-American females with no
    In reviewing whether summary judgment was appropriate, we present the facts in the
    light most favorable to the non-moving party, Kilgore, and construe all reasonable inferences in
    her favor. Feliciano v. City of Miami Beach, 
    707 F.3d 1244
    , 1247 (11th Cir. 2013). We note
    that many of these facts are taken from a personal affidavit filed by Kilgore in opposition to
    Hilton’s motion to summary judgment—an affidavit Hilton claims is a “sham” that should be
    disregarded. As we explain in more detail below, we find that the affidavit may not be
    disregarded for purposes of summary judgment.
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    front-desk experience. Kilgore was told that the new hires were to work at a
    Hampton Inn, a sister property, but they remained at Hilton even after Kilgore was
    terminated. Kilgore had her hours reduced because of the new hires.
    In February and April 2012, Malik made comments concerning Kilgore’s
    race and age. In late February 2012, Kilgore asked Malik to tell LaCretta “Cretta”
    Shipley, the Housekeeping Manager and Beckwith’s sister, to “stop making
    frequent, derogatory comments” about Kilgore’s age, lack of memory, and hearing.
    In response, Malik laughed and told her, “You are old, Katie. Where’s your sense
    of humor? Or can’t you remember what that is? You did hear me right?” Malik
    then directed Kilgore to return to work.
    Within a week or so, Shipley yelled at Kilgore because she allowed a guest
    to go to his room without being told by Shipley that the room was ready. Shipley
    informed Malik, who also yelled at Kilgore regarding the incident.             Kilgore
    suggested that Malik discuss the incident with the maintenance man, who had told
    her the room was ready. Malik told her he did not care about her suggestions. He
    then stated, “You’re a stubborn, old woman, who either won’t listen or can’t hear
    what you’re being told to do. This business between you and Cretta better stop,
    and stop now; you’ll never win these battles; you’re the wrong color, lady.”
    In April 2012, Beckwith informed Kilgore that Debra Quick, a Caucasian
    female front-desk agent over the age of forty, had been fired by Malik. Quick,
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    who had years of front-desk experience, was the only other Caucasian front-desk
    agent during Kilgore’s employment. Quick allegedly was terminated for failure to
    perform her duties satisfactorily, but Kilgore believed that Quick was great with
    guests and co-workers.
    On April 18, 2012, Kilgore fell and was injured on a wet floor while looking
    for a guest’s item in the lost and found. Kilgore left work shortly thereafter. After
    Kilgore’s departure, another employee wrote a report stating that she had
    witnessed an altercation between Kilgore and a male guest who had asked Kilgore
    to look for his son’s missing red tie. According to the employee, Kilgore “brushed
    the man off” and said that she was too busy and had already looked for the item.
    When the employee intervened to help the guest, the guest whispered to her that
    Kilgore did not “have to be so nasty.” At work the next day, Kilgore was called to
    Malik’s office and received her first verbal warning, as reflected on a “Discipline
    Documentation Form,” which she signed. According to Beckwith, Kilgore was
    told by Malik at that meeting that she would be terminated for another bad report.
    A week later Shipley reported Kilgore for being hostile, disrespectful, and
    noncompliant. Kilgore refused to sign the write-up and insisted that Malik view
    the surveillance tape. After reviewing the tape, Malik stated, “I’ll let it go this
    time.” Later that day, when Kilgore confronted Malik in his office, he told her,
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    “Like I’ve said before, Katie, you’re never going to win these battles; you’re the
    wrong color, and frankly, you’re too old to fight the fight.”
    On April 30, 2012, Malik and Beckwith reprimanded Kilgore for failing to
    follow Beckwith’s instructions the day before regarding a guest’s billing request.
    Kilgore believed Beckwith’s instructions were inconsistent with corporate policy.
    When Kilgore noticed that the managers were prepared to give her another
    Discipline Form, she objected and stated that she would take this up with the
    corporate office if she had to. She then left the room. A day or two later, Malik
    walked by and whispered, “The old lady wins one; but it ain’t over yet.”
    A couple of weeks later, Beckwith mentioned to Kilgore that a guest had
    lodged a corporate complaint against Beckwith regarding the billing incident.
    Beckwith stated that Malik did not put it in her file, just like he had not put a
    previous corporate complaint in her file. As Beckwith left the room, Kilgore heard
    her say, “You old white Bi . . . , ” but Kilgore did not hear the end of the sentence.
    On June 5, 2012, Hilton received a negative survey from a guest who had
    stayed at the hotel from May 25-28. In the survey, the guest indicated that she was
    extremely dissatisfied with the hotel’s value for price paid, bed comfort, and
    housekeeping services. She also stated that “[t]he front desk staff on [her] second
    day was extremely rude and short tempered.” According to Beckwith, Malik or
    Beckwith, or both, called the customer to apologize for the poor service and to
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    request information about the identity of Hilton staff involved. “Based on the
    information provided,” Beckwith stated, “we felt certain that the Plaintiff was the
    employee responsible for offending the guest in question.” Doc. 11-2 at 2.
    On June 6, 2012, Malik and Beckwith met with Kilgore and terminated her
    employment. Kilgore objected and requested to view the surveillance tape and to
    be told what information the guest provided that identified Kilgore as the culpable
    front-desk agent. Beckwith and Malik refused to discuss the details of the alleged
    guest complaint, and Kilgore never was given an opportunity to view the
    surveillance tape. Malik issued another Discipline Documentation Form, on which
    he wrote that a “guest stated on a survey that Katie was extremely rude and short
    tempered,” and that in a phone conversation, the “guest couldn’t believe how rude
    she was.” The Form indicates that the date of the incident was May 28, 2012.
    Kilgore submitted records indicating that she was not working on May 28.
    According to Beckwith, Kilgore was terminated because of her “continually poor
    attitude” towards Hilton’s guests.
    II. Procedural Background
    Following her termination, Kilgore filed a charge of discrimination with the
    Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, and later, upon receiving her right-
    to-sue letter, filed suit in the United States District Court for the Northern District
    of Alabama in April 2013. Kilgore alleged that she had been terminated based on
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    her race, in violation of Title VII, 42 U.S.C. § 2000e-2, and her age, in violation of
    the Age Discrimination in Employment Act (“ADEA”), 
    29 U.S.C. § 623
    . The
    district court entered a scheduling order setting deadlines for discovery (June 30,
    2014) and dispositive motions (July 31, 2014).
    Well before the close of discovery, on February 26, 2014, Hilton moved for
    summary judgment. Hilton argued that Kilgore could not establish a prima facie
    case of either race or age discrimination because she did not show that she was
    treated less favorably than any similarly situated employee outside of her protected
    class, and she had no evidence to show that Hilton’s legitimate, non-discriminatory
    reason for terminating her—Kilgore’s rude and discourteous behavior toward
    guests—was actually a pretext for discrimination. In support of its motion, Hilton
    filed two exhibits: (1) Kilgore’s responses to Hilton’s interrogatories; and
    (2) Beckwith’s affidavit. On appeal, Hilton characterizes its motion as a “no
    evidence” motion for summary judgment.           Without addressing the discovery
    deadline set in the scheduling order, the district court directed Kilgore to respond
    in opposition to Hilton’s motion for summary judgment, including filing any
    evidentiary materials in support, by March 19, 2014.
    On the same day Hilton filed its motion for summary judgment, Kilgore
    filed a motion to compel “meaningful responses” to certain discovery she
    requested. Hilton filed a response in opposition to Kilgore’s motion to compel,
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    and, on September 11, 2014, the district court entered an order granting in part and
    denying in part Kilgore’s motion to compel. The court went through each request
    and response. The court then directed Kilgore to respond to Hilton’s summary-
    judgment motion by October 31, 2014. Kilgore filed a motion to reconsider,
    asking the court to revisit certain rulings on her motion to compel, and she also
    requested an extension of time to complete discovery. The court denied both
    On October 31, 2014, Kilgore filed her response in opposition to summary
    judgment. She disputed, in regard to the negative guest survey, that she was
    personally identified by the guest, and she noted that Hilton did not explain what
    information it received from the guest that purportedly identified Kilgore. Kilgore
    submitted with her response a personal affidavit, which she relied on as the
    primary evidence of discrimination.     Many of the specific factual allegations
    presented above in the factual background, particularly concerning discriminatory
    comments by Malik and Beckwith, come from this affidavit.                  Kilgore also
    submitted Hilton attendance records, asserting that she did not work the date of the
    incident reflected on the discipline form, May 28, 2012.
    In November 2014, Hilton moved to strike Kilgore’s affidavit as a “sham,”
    asserting that it was inconsistent with her unambiguous, sworn interrogatory
    responses. In a separate filing, Hilton contended that it was entitled to summary
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    judgment even if the district court considered the affidavit. Kilgore responded that
    Hilton had mischaracterized her interrogatory responses, that she may have
    misunderstood some of the interrogatories, and that “[s]he was waiting to be
    deposed to testify under oath as to her personal knowledge.” She also noted that
    Hilton chose not to take her deposition and did not submit more specific
    interrogatories for further elaboration or clarification.
    On March 30, 2015, the district court granted summary judgment in favor of
    Hilton. The court found that Kilgore had not established a prima facie case of
    either race or age discrimination because she had not identified a similarly situated
    employee outside of her protected class who was treated more favorably. And
    even if she had established a prima facie case, the court stated, she had not shown
    that Hilton’s legitimate, nondiscriminatory reason for her termination—guest
    complaints about her demeanor—was a pretext for discrimination. While Kilgore
    disputed whether the guest complaints were legitimate, the court explained, she did
    not assert that she was not the front-desk agent about whom the guest complained.
    Because the district court concluded that Kilgore failed to create a genuine issue of
    material fact even with her affidavit, the court denied as moot Hilton’s motion to
    strike the affidavit as a sham. Kilgore timely appealed.
    On appeal, Kilgore argues that summary judgment was improperly granted
    and that the district court abused its discretion in denying in part her motion to
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    compel discovery. Hilton responds that this Court should ignore Kilgore’s alleged
    sham affidavit, that it is entitled to summary judgment regardless of whether the
    affidavit is considered, and that the district court did not abuse its discretion in its
    discovery rulings.
    III. Discussion
    We review a district court’s grant of summary judgment de novo, viewing
    the evidence and drawing all reasonable inferences in favor of the non-moving
    party. Strickland v. Norfolk S. Ry. Co., 
    692 F.3d 1151
    , 1154 (11th Cir. 2012);
    Thomas v. Cooper Lighting, Inc., 
    506 F.3d 1361
    , 1363 (11th Cir. 2007). Summary
    judgment is appropriate when the record evidence, including depositions, sworn
    declarations, and other materials, shows “that there is no genuine dispute as to any
    material fact and the movant is entitled to judgment as a matter of law.” Fed. R.
    Civ. P. 56(a), (c). The district court generally must consider all record evidence
    when reviewing a motion for summary judgment. Strickland, 692 F.3d at 1154.
    At the summary-judgment stage, the judge’s function is not to weigh the
    evidence but to determine if there is a “genuine issue for trial.” Anderson v.
    Liberty Lobby, Inc., 
    477 U.S. 242
    , 249, 
    106 S. Ct. 2505
    , 2511 (1986). “[T]here is
    no issue for trial unless there is sufficient evidence favoring the nonmoving party
    for a jury to return a verdict for that party.” 
     Therefore, summary judgment
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    may be granted “[i]f the evidence is merely colorable or is not significantly
    Id. at 249-50
    106 S. Ct. at 2511
     (citations omitted).
    A. The “Sham Affidavit” Doctrine
    Because Kilgore’s claims of discrimination largely hinge on the content in
    her personal affidavit, we first address Hilton’s contention that this affidavit should
    be disregarded as a “sham.” Hilton claims that Kilgore, a pro se party, “made a
    very calculated gamble” to omit material and relevant information in response to
    interrogatories “with the apparent hopes of ‘springing’ that information in some
    sort of shocking fashion in a later deposition,” and when no deposition occurred,
    she waited to bring that information in a surprise affidavit.
    “A court may determine that an affidavit is a sham when it contradicts
    previous deposition testimony and the party submitting the affidavit does not give
    any valid explanation for the contradiction.” Latimer v. Roaring Toyz, Inc., 
    601 F.3d 1224
    , 1237 (11th Cir. 2010); see Lane v. Celotex Corp., 
    782 F.2d 1526
    , 1532
    (11th Cir. 1986) (“[W]e may only disregard an affidavit that “contradicts, without
    explanation, previously given clear testimony.”) (emphasis in original).          The
    doctrine is to be applied sparingly given the harsh effect it may have on a party’s
    case. Latimer, 
    601 F.3d at 1237
    . To apply the doctrine, courts must find an
    “inherent inconsistency” between the affidavit and the prior sworn testimony. 
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    We do not believe that Kilgore’s affidavit is a “sham” that may be
    disregarded. Initially, we note that Hilton has cited no decision from this Court
    applying the doctrine in the specific circumstances here—an alleged inconsistency
    between a later affidavit and earlier, apparently unsworn, interrogatory responses.
    Rather, our Court appears to have discussed application of the doctrine only when
    an affidavit or declaration allegedly contradicted sworn deposition testimony. See,
    e.g., Allen v. Bd. of Pub. Educ. For Bibb Cty., 
    495 F.3d 1306
    , 1316-17 (11th Cir.
    2007); Rollins v. TechSouth, Inc., 
    833 F.2d 1525
    , 1530 (11th Cir. 1987); Tippens v.
    Celotex Corp., 
    805 F.2d 949
    , 954 (11th Cir. 1986); Van T. Junkins & Assocs., Inc.
    v. U.S. Indus., Inc., 
    736 F.2d 656
    , 656-57 (11th Cir. 1984).
    We need not consider here whether the doctrine applies generally in this
    context because even if it does, we do not find any unexplained, inherent
    inconsistency between Kilgore’s interrogatory responses and her affidavit. Hilton
    relies on Kilgore’s responses to two interrogatories, only one of which we present
    in full below. 2
    Interrogatory No. 13:
    The other interrogatory on which Hilton relies, No. 8, asked Kilgore to identify “each
    and every individual from whom you have received any information concerning the allegations”
    in Kilgore’s complaint. In response, Kilgore did not identify individuals, instead non-
    responsively stating that she “received no factual information from any individual” regarding the
    allegations in her complaint. But it is clear and undisputed that Malik and Beckwith were the
    focus of Kilgore’s allegations, and they were identified by Kilgore in a later interrogatory
    response. There is nothing in Kilgore’s response that could establish that Malik and Beckwith
    were not individuals with information about the substance of her claims.
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    Please describe the sum and substance of any
    communication you had with any employee or former
    employee of HGI which leads you to believe that you
    were terminated in a discriminatory manner as alleged in
    your Complaint. In so doing, identify the employee or
    former employee making each and every such statement,
    substance of each statement and identify the dates and
    times upon which said statements were made.
    Response to Interrogatory No. 13:
    Plaintiff received no factual information from any
    individual, relating to Plaintiff’s Amendment Complaint.
    What stands out from Kilgore’s pro se response is not that it is inherently
    inconsistent with her later affidavit, but that it is simply non-responsive to the
    interrogatory. She stated only that she “received no factual information from any
    individual” relating to her complaint. What she meant by this is not clear, though
    it appears that she may have misunderstood the interrogatory as asking her to
    disclose any information that an employee had given her indicating that she had
    been fired for discriminatory reasons.            Nor did Kilgore’s response to the
    interrogatory state that no employee or former employee had made a statement that
    led her to believe that she was terminated in a discriminatory manner. 3 Because
    we find no clear, sworn testimony that is inherently inconsistent with her affidavit,
    see Lane, 
    782 F.2d at 1532
    , we do not agree with Hilton that Kilgore’s affidavit
    Even before Hilton filed its motion for summary judgment, it should have been obvious
    to Hilton that Kilgore apparently misunderstood the question. Kilgore’s amended complaint set
    forth specific factual allegations regarding Hilton employees’ actions that Kilgore found
    discriminatory. Under these circumstances and particularly in view of Kilgore’s pro se status,
    Hilton could have sought to compel better answers from Kilgore or could have taken her
    Case: 15-11850       Date Filed: 03/24/2016      Page: 14 of 24
    should be disregarded as a sham. See Latimer, 
    601 F.3d at 1237
    . The affidavit
    was therefore properly considered along with other record evidence, and the
    credibility of its contents is a matter for the jury. See Tippens, 
    805 F.2d at 953-54
    B. Disparate-Treatment Claims
    Title VII forbids employment discrimination against any person based
    on that individual’s race. 
    42 U.S.C. § 2000-2
    (a). The ADEA forbids employment
    discrimination against an employee, who is at least 40 years of age, on the basis of
    that employee’s age. 
    29 U.S.C. §§ 623
    (a)(1), 631(a).
    Under either statute, the plaintiff bears the burden of proving that the
    employer discriminated against her unlawfully, and she may establish her claim
    using either direct evidence of discrimination or circumstantial evidence that
    creates an inference of discrimination.4 Kragor v. Takeda Pharms. Am., Inc., 
    702 F.3d 1304
    , 1308 (11th Cir. 2012) (ADEA); Standard v. A.B.E.L. Servs., Inc., 
    161 F.3d 1318
    , 1330-31 (11th Cir. 1998) (Title VII). When a claim is based on
    circumstantial evidence, we generally apply the familiar burden-shifting
    We agree with the district court that Malik’s and Beckwith’s comments about Kilgore’s
    age and her race do not constitute direct evidence of discrimination. “Direct evidence is
    evidence that establishes the existence of discriminatory intent behind the employment decision
    without any inference or presumption.” Standard v. A.B.E.L. Servs., Inc., 
    161 F.3d 1318
    , 1330
    (11th Cir. 1998).       “[R]emarks by non-decisionmakers or remarks unrelated to the
    decisionmaking process itself are not direct evidence of discrimination.” 
     Here, the
    discriminatory remarks were not made in the context of Kilgore’s termination, so they were not
    direct evidence of discrimination. 
     Nonetheless, we consider them in evaluating Kilgore’s
    circumstantial evidence of discrimination. See 
    id. at 1331
    Case: 15-11850    Date Filed: 03/24/2016    Page: 15 of 24
    framework established in McDonnell Douglas Corp. v. Green, 
    411 U.S. 792
    93 S. Ct. 1817
    Under the McDonnell Douglas framework, the plaintiff has the initial burden
    of establishing a prima facie case of discrimination, which creates a rebuttable
    presumption that the employer acted illegally.          Kragor, 702 F.3d at 1308;
    Standard, 161 F.3d at 1331. If the plaintiff establishes such a prima facie case, the
    burden shifts to the employer to articulate a legitimate, non-discriminatory reason
    for the employment action. Id. Once the employer proffers a non-discriminatory
    reason for the employment action, “the inference of discrimination drops out of the
    case entirely,” and the plaintiff then has the opportunity to show that the
    employer’s proffered reasons were a pretext for discrimination. Vessels v. Atlanta
    Indep. Sch. Sys., 
    408 F.3d 763
    , 767 (11th Cir. 2005).
    The plaintiff’s burden at the pretext stage “merges with the plaintiff’s
    ultimate burden of persuading the court that the employer intentionally
    discriminated against her.” Alvarez v. Royal Atl. Developers, Inc., 
    610 F.3d 1253
    1265 (11th Cir. 2010). “A plaintiff may prevail on an employment discrimination
    claim by either proving that intentional discrimination motivated the employer or
    producing sufficient evidence to allow a rational trier of fact to disbelieve the
    legitimate reason proffered by the employer, which permits, but does not compel,
    the trier of fact to find illegal discrimination.” Wilson v. B/E Aerospace, Inc., 376
    Case: 15-11850    Date Filed: 03/24/2016   Page: 16 of 
    24 F.3d 1079
    , 1088 (11th Cir. 2004); see Brooks v. Cty. Comm’n of Jefferson Cty.,
    446 F.3d 1160
    , 1163 (11th Cir. 2006).
    The McDonnell-Douglas framework, however, is not the exclusive means of
    creating a triable issue of fact in an employment-discrimination case. Smith v.
    Lockheed-Martin Corp., 
    644 F.3d 1321
    , 1328 (11th Cir. 2011) (“[E]stablishing the
    elements of the McDonnell Douglas framework is not, and never was intended to
    be, the sine qua non for a plaintiff to survive a summary judgment motion in an
    employment discrimination case.”). A plaintiff can also create a triable issue of
    fact concerning an employer’s discriminatory intent by presenting “a convincing
    mosaic of circumstantial evidence that would allow a jury to infer intentional
    discrimination by the decisionmaker.” 
     (quoting Silverman v. Bd. of Educ., 
    637 F.3d 729
    , 733-34 (7th Cir. 2011) (footnote omitted)).
    1.    Prima Facie Case
    “The burden of establishing a prima facie case of disparate treatment is not
    onerous.” Texas Dep’t of Cmty. Affairs v. Burdine, 
    450 U.S. 248
    , 253, 
    101 S. Ct. 1089
    , 1094 (1981). The plaintiff must prove by a preponderance of the evidence
    that the challenged employment action occurred “under circumstances which give
    rise to an inference of unlawful discrimination.” 
     “The methods of presenting a
    prima facie case are not fixed; they are flexible and depend to a large degree upon
    the employment situation.” Wilson, 376 F.3d at 1087. In cases of termination, the
    Case: 15-11850     Date Filed: 03/24/2016   Page: 17 of 24
    plaintiff generally must show that she is a member of a protected class and either
    was replaced by someone outside the protected class, Coutu v. Martin Cty. Bd. of
    Cty. Comm’rs, 
    47 F.3d 1068
    , 1073 (11th Cir. 1995), or was treated worse than
    similarly situated employees outside of her protected class, Wilson, 376 F.3d at
    Here, we conclude that Kilgore presented sufficient evidence to establish a
    prima facie case of both age and race discrimination, creating an inference of
    unlawful discrimination.       Kilgore’s affidavit states that two young, African-
    Americans employees were hired as front-desk agents shortly after Malik took over
    as general manager in February 2012. Kilgore had her hours reduced because of
    the new hires, and, while Kilgore was told that the new hires were being trained for
    a sister hotel, they remained at Hilton even after Kilgore was terminated. Thus,
    Kilgore presented some evidence to suggest that she was replaced as a front-desk
    agent by persons outside her protected classes.
    In addition, from February 2012 until her termination in June 2012, Malik
    made several references to Kilgore as being “old” (“a stubborn, old woman,” “too
    old,” an “old lady,”) and the “wrong color.” Such comments are circumstantial
    evidence of discriminatory intent, particularly where many of these comments
    occurred in the context of discussing work-related or disciplinary matters. See,
    e.g., Ross v. Rhodes Furniture, Inc., 
    146 F.3d 1286
    , 1291 (11th Cir. 1998) (racial
    Case: 15-11850     Date Filed: 03/24/2016   Page: 18 of 24
    comments “may provide circumstantial evidence to support an inference of
    discrimination”); Mora v. Jackson Mem’l Found., Inc., 
    597 F.3d 1201
    , 1204-05
    (11th Cir. 2010) (comments by a supervisor that a plaintiff is “too old” can be
    circumstantial evidence of age discrimination); Alphin v. Sears, Roebuck & Co.,
    940 F.2d 1497
    , 1501 (11th Cir. 1991) (ambiguous comment by a supervisor that
    the plaintiff was “too old” “certainly supports a showing of discriminatory intent if
    we interpret the remark in the light most favorable to Alphin”).
    For example, Malik once told her that she was the “wrong color” and “too
    old” to win battles with her co-workers, which, in the light most favorable to
    Kilgore, suggests that she was being treated differently with respect to disciplinary
    matters and the conditions of her employment than employees who were younger
    and a different color than Kilgore. Furthermore, Malik on another occasion told
    Kilgore, with respect to Kilgore’s failure to follow Beckwith’s instructions, “The
    old lady wins one; but it ain’t over yet,” linking an age-based comment with an
    implicit threat of future action against Kilgore.
    Viewing the evidence as a whole, and keeping in mind that the prima facie
    case is “not onerous,” we find that Kilgore has presented sufficient evidence that
    she was terminated “under circumstances which give rise to an inference of
    unlawful discrimination.” Burdine, 
    450 U.S. at 253
    101 S. Ct. at 1094
    2.    Legitimate, Non-Discriminatory Reason
    Case: 15-11850       Date Filed: 03/24/2016   Page: 19 of 24
    As a legitimate, non-discriminatory reason for her termination, Hilton cited
    Kilgore’s rude and discourteous behavior towards hotel guests on at least two
    occasions. We do not believe Kilgore disputes that being rude or discourteous
    towards guests “might motivate a reasonable employer” engaged primarily in
    customer service to discharge an employee, even if she does dispute whether she
    was in fact rude or discourteous toward guests. See, e.g., Chapman v. AI Transp.,
    229 F.3d 1012
    , 1030-31 (11th Cir. 2000) (en banc). Accordingly, Kilgore then had
    the opportunity to demonstrate that Hilton’s reason was a pretext for unlawful
    Id. at 1024-25
    3.    Pretext
    A legitimate, non-discriminatory reason proffered by the employer is not a
    pretext for prohibited conduct unless it is shown that the reason is false and that the
    real reason is impermissible discrimination. St. Mary’s Honor Ctr. v. Hicks, 
    509 U.S. 502
    , 515-16, 
    113 S. Ct. 2742
    , 2752 (1993). To show pretext, a plaintiff
    generally must present sufficient evidence for a reasonable factfinder to find the
    employer’s proffered legitimate reasons for its action are unworthy of credence.
    610 F.3d at 1265
    We do not sit as a super-personnel department judging the wisdom or
    accuracy of the employer’s decision. See Elrod v. Sears, Roebuck & Co., 
    939 F.2d 1466
    , 1470 (11th Cir. 1991).        Rather, “our inquiry is limited to whether the
    Case: 15-11850     Date Filed: 03/24/2016    Page: 20 of 24
    employer gave an honest explanation of its behavior.” 
     (internal quotation
    marks omitted); see Alvarez, 
    610 F.3d at 1266
     (“The inquiry into pretext centers on
    the employer’s beliefs, not the employee’s beliefs and . . . not on reality as it exists
    outside of the decision maker’s head.”). Therefore, in attempting to show pretext,
    a plaintiff must meet the employer’s reason head on and rebut it; she cannot simply
    recast the employer’s reason, substitute her business judgment for that of the
    employer, or otherwise quarrel with the wisdom of the decision. Alvarez, 
    610 F.3d at 1265
    Here, to the extent Kilgore simply argues that she was not in fact rude to
    guests, her contentions are insufficient to establish pretext. An employer does not
    unlawfully discriminate against an employee “if the employer fired an employee
    because it honestly believed that the employee had violated a company policy,
    even if it was mistaken in such belief.” Smith v. Papp Clinic, P.A., 
    808 F.2d 1449
    1452-53 (11th Cir. 1987). Even assuming that Kilgore was not in fact rude to
    guests, such evidence would not alone show that Malik and Beckwith did not
    honestly believe she had been rude to guests based on a report filed by Kilgore’s
    co-worker and on a negative guest review. See Alvarez, 
    610 F.3d at 1266
    Nevertheless, liberally construing her pro se appellate brief and her response
    in opposition to summary judgment, Kilgore argues that Malik and Beckwith did
    not honestly believe that Kilgore was the front-desk staff member identified in the
    Case: 15-11850        Date Filed: 03/24/2016       Page: 21 of 24
    negative guest survey. 5 And viewing the evidence in the light most favorable to
    Kilgore and construing all reasonable inferences in her favor, we conclude that
    Kilgore has created triable issues of fact on whether she was terminated because of
    her race and her age.
    The record evidence, in the light most favorable to Kilgore, shows that
    Malik and Beckwith decided to fire Kilgore based on a guest survey that did not
    name her. Beckwith’s testimony that the guest later identified Kilgore as the
    offending front-desk agent alone does not defeat Kilgore’s claims because the jury
    is not required to believe Beckwith’s testimony on that point, particularly when it
    refers only vaguely to “information provided” by the guest.                      See Reeves v.
    Sanderson Plumbing Prods., Inc., 
    530 U.S. 133
    , 150-51, 
    120 S. Ct. 2097
    , 2110
    (2000) (“[A]lthough the court should review the record as a whole, it must
    disregard all evidence favorable to the moving party that the jury is not required to
    believe . . . [and] give credence to the evidence favoring the nonmovant as well as
    that evidence supporting the moving party that is uncontradicted and unimpeached,
    at least to the extent that that evidence comes from disinterested witnesses.”)
    (citations and internal quotation marks omitted) (emphasis added). Beckwith is not
    a disinterested witness.
    In this respect, we disagree with the district court’s finding that Kilgore did not assert
    that she was not the front-desk agent about whom the guest complained. In her response in
    opposition to summary judgment, Kilgore asserted that she was not working on May 28, 2012,
    the date of the incident reflected on the Discipline Form, and she submitted Hilton attendance
    records supporting that assertion.
    Case: 15-11850        Date Filed: 03/24/2016       Page: 22 of 24
    Moreover, whether Hilton gave an “honest explanation of its behavior” is
    called into doubt by Kilgore’s evidence that Malik and Beckwith refused to
    disclose the information they received from the guest allegedly identifying Kilgore
    as the offending front-desk agent, that they denied Kilgore’s request to view a
    surveillance tape of the day in question (when Malik previously had exonerated
    Kilgore after viewing a surveillance tape), and that Kilgore was not working on the
    day of the incident cited in the guest survey. 6
    Furthermore, Kilgore presented evidence suggesting that the reason she was
    fired was because of unlawful discrimination. As recounted above, both Malik and
    Beckwith made comments to Kilgore about her age and her race, and these
    comments were relatively close in time to her termination by Malik and Beckwith.
    See Jones v. Bessemer Carraway Med. Ctr., 
    151 F.3d 1321
    , 1323 n.11 (11th Cir.
    1998) (“Language not amounting to direct evidence, but showing some racial
    animus, may be significant evidence of pretext once a plaintiff has set out the
    prima facie case.”). Moreover, Malik had recently fired the only other white,
    front-desk agent, while earlier hiring two younger, African-American front-desk
    We note that the guest complaint cites the “second day” of the guest’s stay as the date of
    the incident, which would have been earlier than May 28. Nevertheless, the Discipline Form
    reflects that the date of the incident was May 28, and the Form appears to have been prepared
    after Malik or Beckwith spoke with the guest, which could indicate that the guest clarified when
    the incident occurred. At the least, though, this creates a factual issue as to the date of the
    incident and whether Kilgore was working on that date.
    Case: 15-11850    Date Filed: 03/24/2016   Page: 23 of 24
    Overall, Kilgore’s circumstantial evidence, construed in the light most
    favorable to Kilgore, supports an inference that the guest survey was used as a
    pretext to fire Kilgore because she was “too old” and the “wrong color.”
    Accordingly, we vacate the district court’s order granting summary judgment to
    Hilton and remand for further proceedings on Kilgore’s claims.
    We review the denial of a motion to compel discovery and the denial of a
    motion for reconsideration for an abuse of discretion. Holloman v. Mail-Well
    443 F.3d 832
    , 837 (11th Cir. 2006) (denial of motion to compel discovery);
    Sanderlin v. Seminole Tribe of Fla., 
    243 F.3d 1282
    , 1285 (11th Cir. 2001) (denial
    of motion for reconsideration). District courts are accorded wide discretion in
    discovery matters and we will defer to the district court unless it has made a clear
    error of judgment. Holloman, 
    443 F.3d at 837
    ; Iraola & CIA, S.A. v. Kimberly-
    Clark Corp., 
    325 F.3d 1274
    , 1286 (11th Cir. 2003). We will not overturn a
    discovery ruling unless the appellant shows that the district court’s ruling resulted
    in substantial harm to her case. Iraola & CIA, S.A., 
    325 F.3d at 1286
    Here, the district court did not abuse its discretion when it denied in part
    Kilgore’s motion to compel discovery and denied her subsequent motion for
    reconsideration. The district court, which was in the best position to determine the
    matter, reviewed each of Kilgore’s discovery requests identified in the motion to
    Case: 15-11850    Date Filed: 03/24/2016   Page: 24 of 24
    compel and Hilton’s responses to those requests, and then issued an individual
    ruling pertaining to each. Many of Kilgore’s requests were overly broad, asked for
    information not material to the substantive issues before us, or concerned specifics
    of events already within Kilgore’s personal knowledge. Kilgore has not shown
    that the district court’s denial of her motion to compel harmed her case. See 
    For the foregoing reasons, we vacate the district court’s order granting
    summary judgment to Hilton on Kilgore’s claims of age and race discrimination,
    and we remand for further proceedings on those claims. We affirm the district
    court’s orders respecting Kilgore’s motion to compel.

Document Info

Docket Number: 15-11850

Citation Numbers: 646 F. App'x 765

Filed Date: 3/24/2016

Precedential Status: Non-Precedential

Modified Date: 1/13/2023

Authorities (28)

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