United States v. Ivan Curbelo , 726 F.3d 1260 ( 2013 )

  •                Case: 10-14665       Date Filed: 08/09/2013      Page: 1 of 35
    No. 10-14665
    D.C. Docket No. 2:09-cr-00077-JES-SPC-3
    Appeals from the United States District Court
    for the Middle District of Florida
    (August 9, 2013)
    Before DUBINA, JORDAN and BALDOCK,* Circuit Judges.
    BALDOCK, Circuit Judge:
    Honorable Bobby R. Baldock, United States Circuit Judge for the Tenth Circuit, sitting
    by designation.
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    A jury convicted Defendant Ivan Curbelo of conspiracy to manufacture and
    possess marijuana with intent to distribute, as well as the substantive crime of
    manufacturing and possessing marijuana with intent to distribute. He now
    appeals, challenging his conviction and sentence. We have jurisdiction under 
    28 U.S.C. § 1291
    18 U.S.C. § 3742
    . We affirm.
    Defendant began working for Jose Diaz as a carpenter around 2007, doing
    finish work inside Diaz’s residence in Naples, Florida. But Diaz, who had been
    running an indoor marijuana growing operation since 2002, soon offered
    Defendant the opportunity to engage in that more lucrative business. Apparently,
    it was an offer Defendant could not refuse. In 2007, Diaz purchased a home on
    Abdella Lane in North Port, Florida, putting the house in Defendant’s name.
    Defendant and his cousin Carlos Curbelo prepared the house to grow marijuana,
    and Defendant then hired Carlos as caretaker. Diaz paid Defendant 30 percent of
    the profits to supervise the house, and Defendant in turn paid Carlos 15 percent to
    serve as caretaker. Defendant eventually replaced Carlos with Damien Alzarez.
    Sometime in 2008, Diaz put Defendant in charge of another grow house on Van
    Camp Street because he was dissatisfied with that house’s yield. Defendant hired
    a woman to act as caretaker. When the house developed an electrical problem
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    after only one harvest, Defendant oversaw the installation of a transformer that
    Diaz had stolen. Diaz testified that Defendant participated in a total of six
    marijuana harvests between the Abdella and Van Camp houses. Diaz said each
    harvest at the Abdella house yielded 190 plants, except for the last harvest, which
    yielded between 240 and 250 plants because of the addition of the garage. He said
    each harvest at Van Camp produced 190 plants. Diaz also testified that Defendant
    helped process some plants cut at a grow house on Everglades Boulevard and
    provided the new seedlings for that house.
    In the course of investigating Diaz’s organization, Drug Enforcement
    Administration (DEA) agents placed global–positioning–system (GPS) tracking
    devices on vehicles used by Diaz and another of his right-hand men, Herman
    Torres. The investigators did not obtain a warrant before installing the tracking
    devices. The DEA also conducted GPS tracking of cellular phones used by
    unspecified members of the organization. Investigators obtained court
    authorization to intercept Diaz’s cellular phone communications. They intercepted
    Diaz’s conversations with Defendant and Herman Torres, in which they discussed
    many aspects of the marijuana growing operation.
    A grand jury indicted Defendant and the other members of the Diaz
    conspiracy with violations of the Controlled Substances Act. The superseding
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    indictment charged Defendant with (1) conspiring to manufacture and possess
    with intent to distribute 1,000 or more marijuana plants and to distribute and
    possess with intent to distribute 100 or more kilograms of marijuana in violation
    21 U.S.C. §§ 841
    (a)(1), (b)(1)(A)(vii), (b)(1)(B)(vii), and 846, and (2)
    manufacturing and possessing with intent to distribute 100 or more marijuana
    plants in violation of 
    21 U.S.C. § 841
    (a)(1) and (b)(1)(B)(vii) and 
    18 U.S.C. § 2
    Defendant went to trial along with four of his co-conspirators.
    During trial, the Government played recordings of the wiretaps of Diaz’s
    telephone. Most of the conversations were in Spanish, so the Government
    provided the jury an English-language transcript. The Government did not
    identify who prepared the transcript. Instead, the Government established the
    accuracy of the transcripts through the testimony of Diaz, who was able to speak
    and read both Spanish and English. Defendant’s trial counsel objected to the
    translations as hearsay and as “a violation of [the] confrontation clause.” Doc. 450
    at 130.1 He continued, “The person, who translated the records, . . . that person’s
    not here. I can’t cross examine.” 
     The district court overruled these objections
    Defendant appealed along with three of his co-defendants, with each defendant filing a
    separate record on appeal in their corresponding case numbers. Only one of the co-defendants,
    however, included the trial transcripts from their joint trial. This creates some confusion in the
    page numbering. Accordingly, when we cite the trial transcripts in this case, we will cite the
    district court docket. See Fed. R. App. P. 10(a)(2). When we cite the “Record,” we mean the
    four-volume record filed in this case, appellate number 10-14665.
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    and allowed the jury to view the translated transcripts. The jury convicted
    Defendant on both counts. Defendant’s initial guideline imprisonment range
    under the United States Sentencing Guidelines was 108–135 months, but his
    conviction on the conspiracy count carried a mandatory minimum sentence of ten
    years. See 
    21 U.S.C. § 841
     (b)(1)(A)(vii). Accordingly, the district court
    sentenced Defendant to concurrent 120-month sentences on each count. The court
    also imposed a joint and several forfeiture judgment against Defendant and his co-
    defendants in the amount of $850,000.
    Defendant appeals, raising the following five arguments: (1) the GPS
    tracking evidence was obtained in violation of the Fourth Amendment, (2) trial
    counsel was ineffective for failing to move to suppress the GPS tracking evidence,
    (3) the evidence was insufficient to support a sentencing enhancement for
    conspiracy to possess over 1,000 plants, (4) the court violated the Confrontation
    Clause by admitting the translated transcripts, and (5) the court erred in not
    submitting the forfeiture allegations to the jury.
    We turn first to Defendant’s Fourth Amendment argument. He argues the
    district court plainly erred when it allowed the Government to present evidence
    obtained from the GPS tracking of Diaz and Herman Torres’s vehicles and some
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    of the conspirators’ cellular phones. Defendant relies on the Supreme Court’s
    holding, handed down more than a year after his trial, that “the attachment of a
    Global–Positioning–System (GPS) tracking device to an individual’s vehicle, and
    subsequent use of that device to monitor the vehicle’s movements on public
    streets, constitutes a search or seizure within the meaning of the Fourth
    Amendment.” United States v. Jones, 
    132 S. Ct. 945
    , 948 (2012). Defendant did
    not file a motion to suppress the GPS-tracking evidence in the district court, but he
    claims we can review the issue for plain error.2 See Fed. R. Crim. P. 52(b). The
    Government, in turn, argues Defendant waived the issue entirely.
    Federal Rule of Criminal Procedure 12(b)(3) requires motions to suppress to
    be made before trial. Rule 12(e), in turn, says, “A party waives any Rule 12(b)(3)
    defense, objection, or request not raised by the deadline the court sets under Rule
    12(c) or by any extension the court provides. For good cause, the court may grant
    relief from the waiver.” In keeping with Rule 12(e), we have said, “A defendant
    who fails to make a timely suppression motion cannot raise that claim for the first
    As the Government points out, it is not entirely clear any evidence introduced at trial
    resulted from the GPS tracking. But the affidavit supporting the search warrant for the Van
    Camp house said, “The data received from these GPS tracking devices led to the identification of
    a suspected grow house located at 6800 Van Camp Street in North Port, Florida.” Record, vol. 2
    at 222. Most of the warrant applications for the other grow houses contained similar language.
    So an evidentiary hearing might well have shown the physical evidence at those houses was fruit
    of the GPS tracking.
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    time on appeal.” United States v. Lall, 
    607 F.3d 1277
    , 1288 (11th Cir. 2010)
    (brackets omitted) (quoting United States v. Pope, 
    467 F.3d 912
    , 918 (5th Cir.
    Defendant tries to get around Rule 12(e)’s waiver rule by invoking Griffith
    v. Kentucky, 
    479 U.S. 314
     (1987). In Griffith, the Supreme Court held that “a
    new rule for the conduct of criminal prosecutions is to be applied retroactively to
    all cases, state or federal, pending on direct review or not yet final, with no
    exception for cases in which the new rule constitutes a ‘clear break’ with the past.”
    Id. at 328
    . But Griffith does not save Defendant’s suppression argument. “The
    Griffith holding . . . applies only to defendants who preserved their objections
    throughout the trial and appeals process.” United States v. Verbitskaya, 
    406 F.3d 1324
    , 1340 n.18 (11th Cir. 2005). See also Shea v. Louisiana, 
    470 U.S. 51
    , 59 n.4
    (1985) (observing that retroactive application of the Fifth and Fourteenth
    Amendments is subject “to established principles of waiver, harmless error, and
    the like”). So, even though Defendant’s case was pending on appeal when the
    Supreme Court decided Jones, Defendant cannot take advantage of Jones’s
    holding. As the Tenth Circuit recently explained,
    To say that Jones should be the governing law on this direct appeal is
    to say no more than that it should be treated the same as law that had
    been settled years earlier. And arguments based on years-ago
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    decisions certainly can be forfeited and waived (otherwise nothing
    could be waived under Rule 12(e)), even though there could be no
    dispute that those decisions “apply” to cases on appeal.
    United States v. Baker, 
    713 F.3d 558
    , 562 (10th Cir. 2013). In short, Griffith does
    not allow Defendant to get around our usual rule that failing to file a suppression
    motion waives Fourth Amendment claims, even claims based on a new ruling from
    the Supreme Court.
    Because Defendant waived this argument under Rule 12(e), we need only
    examine whether good cause would support relief from the waiver. Defendant has
    not pointed to anything that would qualify as good cause. No good cause exists if
    “the defendant had all the information necessary to bring a Rule 12(b) motion
    before the date set for pretrial motions, but failed to file it by that date.” United
    States v. Seher, 
    562 F.3d 1344
    , 1359 n.15 (11th Cir. 2009). Here, Defendant was
    aware before trial that the Government used GPS tracking, but he did not
    challenge the tracking. So we will not set aside Defendant’s waiver of his
    suppression claim.3
    The Government also argues Defendant has no Fourth Amendment standing because the
    record does not indicate the DEA tracked Defendant’s vehicle or cellular phone. See United
    States v. Gibson, 
    708 F.3d 1256
    , 1277 (11th Cir. 2013). We need not reach this issue because
    Defendant waived the Fourth Amendment argument. Of course, the doctrine of standing as it
    relates to our jurisdiction under Article III is ordinarily a question we resolve before turning to
    anything else. Nat’l Parks Conservation Ass’n v. Norton, 
    324 F.3d 1229
    , 1242 (11th Cir. 2003).
    But a person’s ability to raise a Fourth Amendment challenge is not a matter of Article III
    standing, but of “substantive Fourth Amendment law.” Rakas v. Illinois, 
    439 U.S. 128
    , 140
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    Defendant next argues his trial counsel was ineffective because he failed to
    move to suppress the GPS evidence. “Except in the rare instance when the record
    is sufficiently developed, we will not address claims for ineffective assistance of
    counsel on direct appeal.” Verbitskaya, 
    406 F.3d at 1337
    . An ineffective
    assistance claim should usually be raised in a motion under 
    28 U.S.C. § 2255
    United States v. Patterson, 
    595 F.3d 1324
    , 1328 (11th Cir. 2010). Defendant
    asserts that the record is sufficiently developed to conclude his counsel was
    ineffective. But the record does not show the DEA ever tracked Defendant’s
    telephone or vehicle. Thus, on this record, Defendant’s counsel had no basis for
    filing a suppression motion. See United States v. Gibson, 
    708 F.3d 1256
    , 1277
    (11th Cir. 2013) (holding that a defendant could not challenge the GPS tracking of
    a vehicle “when it was moving on public roads and he was neither the driver nor a
    passenger”). And it goes without saying that counsel is not ineffective for failing
    to file a meritless suppression motion. See Jefferson v. Fountain, 
    382 F.3d 1286
    1297 (11th Cir. 2004). We simply cannot consider Defendant’s ineffective
    assistance claim on this record.
    (1978). So we can decide this case based on Defendant’s waiver alone.
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    Next, Defendant argues the evidence was insufficient to support the
    sentencing enhancement for a conspiracy involving more than 1,000 marijuana
    plants. The Government argues that we review “for clear error the district court’s
    determination of the drug quantity attributable to a defendant.” Appellant’s Br. at
    32. This properly states our standard or review for a district court’s factual
    findings at sentencing. See United States v. Carillo-Ayala, 
    713 F.3d 82
    , 87 (11th
    Cir. 2013). But the drug quantities in this case were found by a jury, not the court.
    We review a jury’s findings de novo, asking “whether, after viewing the evidence
    in the light most favorable to the prosecution, any rational trier of fact could have
    found the essential elements of the crime beyond a reasonable doubt.” Jackson v.
    443 U.S. 307
    , 319 (1979) (emphasis omitted). Until recently, the
    Government might have been right about the standard of review. That is, we
    might have concluded that since the jury did not need to find the drug quantity, we
    could simply review the district court’s application of the jury’s findings as if they
    were the court’s own. But that door was closed by the Supreme Court’s recent
    decision in Alleyne v. United States, 
    133 S. Ct. 2151
     (2013), as we explain.
    Section 846 of Title 21 says, “Any person who attempts or conspires to
    commit any offense defined in this subchapter shall be subject to the same
    penalties as those prescribed for the offense, the commission of which was the
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    object of the attempt or conspiracy.” The indictment in this case charged
    Defendant with conspiracy to violate § 841(a)(1) and with the penalties in
    subsections (b)(1)(A)(vii) (for 1,000 or more marijuana plants) and (b)(1)(B)(vii)
    (for 100 kilograms or more of marijuana). Section 841(a)(1) generally proscribes
    knowingly or intentionally manufacturing or possessing with intent to distribute a
    controlled substance. The maximum sentence for possessing a Schedule I
    substance (including marijuana) in violation of § 841(a)(1) is 20 years. A simple
    violation of § 841(a) carries no mandatory minimum. Subsections (b)(1)(A) and
    (b)(1)(B), however, increase the statutory maximum and impose mandatory
    minimums. They increase the maximum sentence to either life imprisonment (for
    1,000 or more marijuana plants) or 40 years (for 100 kilograms or more of
    marijuana). They also carry mandatory minimum sentences of ten and five years,
    The statutory scheme is straightforward enough. The more complicated
    question has been who is responsible for making factual findings—the court or the
    jury. Prior to 2000, this circuit said a jury only needed to find the elements of the
    § 841(a)(1) offense and that the district court could impose sentence enhancements
    under § 841(b) based on its own factual findings. See United States v. Hester, 
    199 F.3d 1287
    , 1292–93 (11th Cir. 2000) (rejecting the argument that the enhancement
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    under § 841(b)(1)(A)(vii) for 1,000 or more marijuana plants was an element of
    the offense). Under that scheme, we reviewed the district court’s factual findings
    for clear error. Id. at 1289.
    Everything changed, however, with the Supreme Court’s decision in
    Apprendi v. New Jersey, 
    530 U.S. 466
     (2000). There, the Court held that “[o]ther
    than the fact of a prior conviction, any fact that increases the penalty for a crime
    beyond the prescribed statutory maximum must be submitted to a jury, and proved
    beyond a reasonable doubt.” 
    Id. at 490
    . In Blakely v. Washington, 
    542 U.S. 296
    303–04 (2004), the Court clarified that “the relevant ‘statutory maximum’ is not
    the maximum sentence a judge may impose after finding additional facts, but the
    maximum he may impose without any additional findings.” Apprendi and Blakely
    did not put an end to judicial fact-finding in sentencing. For one thing, the Court
    held in Harris v. United States, 
    536 U.S. 545
    , 568 (2002), that Apprendi did not
    apply to mandatory minimum sentences. Thus, judges could make factual findings
    relevant to statutory minimums by a preponderance of the evidence as long as the
    minimum was “[w]ithin the range authorized by the jury’s verdict.” 
    Id. at 567
    See Spero v. United States, 
    375 F.3d 1285
    , 1286 (11th Cir. 2004) (per curiam).
    For another, judges could determine facts relevant to the appropriate sentence
    under the United States Sentencing Guidelines, as long as those findings did not
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    take the sentence above the statutory maximum. United States v. Booker, 
    543 U.S. 220
    , 233 (2005) (“[W]hen a trial judge exercises his discretion to select a
    specific sentence within a defined range, the defendant has no right to a jury
    determination of the facts that the judge deems relevant.”).
    Under the law as it stood during briefing and oral argument in this case, the
    fact-finding duties were allocated as follows. The jury had to find each element of
    the § 841(a)(1) offense beyond a reasonable doubt. The jury also had to find the
    facts supporting the various § 841(b) enhancements beyond a reasonable doubt if
    the court was going to impose a sentence above 20 years (the maximum for a
    § 841(a)(1) offense involving a Schedule I substance). But if the court imposed a
    sentence of 20 years or less, it could find by a preponderance the facts relevant to
    a defendant’s guideline range and the facts supporting a mandatory minimum,
    such as the five- and ten-year minimums under § 841(b)(1)(B)(vii) and
    (b)(1)(A)(vii). Spero, 
    375 F.3d at 1286
    A week after oral argument in this case, the Supreme Court decided
    Alleyne, which overruled Harris and held that “any fact that increases the
    mandatory minimum is an ‘element’ that must be submitted to the jury.” Alleyne,
    133 S. Ct. at 2155
    . Because § 841(b)(1)(A) and (b)(1)(B) impose a mandatory
    minimum, the drug quantities in those subsections are elements of the offense
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    under Alleyne and must be charged in the indictment and submitted to a jury.
    Happily for the Government, it submitted the sentencing facts to the jury even
    though Alleyne had not yet been decided. So this case does not raise any
    Apprendi concerns. But Alleyne does affect our standard of review, because we
    are reviewing the jury’s fact-finding, not the district court’s. Accordingly, our
    task is to determine whether, viewing the evidence in the light most favorable to
    the Government, “a reasonable trier of fact could find that the evidence established
    guilt beyond a reasonable doubt.” United States v. Williams, 
    527 F.3d 1235
    , 1244
    (11th Cir. 2008) (quoting United States v. Calhoon, 
    97 F.3d 518
    , 523 (11th Cir.
    We can easily conclude that the evidence was sufficient for the jury to find
    Defendant conspired to possess 1,000 or more marijuana plants. To convict a
    defendant of conspiracy under 
    21 U.S.C. § 846
    , the Government must prove (1) an
    agreement existed between the defendant and at least one other person, (2) the
    defendant knew the object of the conspiracy and the object was illegal, and (3) the
    defendant knowingly and voluntarily participated in the conspiracy. United States
    v. Westry, 
    524 F.3d 1198
    , 1212 (11th Cir. 2008) (per curiam). The evidence did
    not need to show Defendant himself possessed 1,000 or more marijuana plants
    with intent to distribute. See Salinas v. United States, 
    522 U.S. 52
    , 63 (1997).
    Case: 10-14665        Date Filed: 08/09/2013       Page: 15 of 35
    Instead, the Government only needed to prove Defendant joined a conspiracy that
    had the “object” of manufacturing or possessing with intent to distribute more than
    1,000 marijuana plants. 
    21 U.S.C. § 846
    . “The partners in the criminal plan must
    agree to pursue the same criminal objective and may divide up the work, yet each
    is responsible for the acts of each other.”4 Salinas, 
    522 U.S. at
    63–64 (citing
    Pinkerton v. United States, 
    328 U.S. 640
    , 646 (1946)).
    Here, the jury heard that Defendant supervised six harvests at the Abdella
    and Van Camp houses. The testimony was fuzzy regarding whether this was six
    total harvests or six harvests at the Abdella house plus some harvests at Van
    Camp.5 Either way, the jury heard that Defendant supervised one harvest of 240 to
    250 plants, and at least five harvests of 190 plants each. So the Abdella and Van
    Camp houses produced at least 1,190 to 1,200 plants on Defendant’s watch. When
    In discussing Defendant’s responsibility for the acts of his co-conspirators, the
    Government cites only the Sentencing Guidelines’ definition of relevant conduct, which includes
    all acts Defendant “committed, aided, [or] abetted” during the conspiracy and “all reasonably
    foreseeable acts and omissions of others in furtherance of the jointly undertaken criminal
    activity.” U.S.S.G. § 1B1.3(a)(1)(A), (B). The Guidelines’ definition is, indeed, the proper
    standard for a district court to use in calculating a defendant’s guideline range. But the
    Guidelines’ standard is not the standard we use when reviewing the jury’s finding that Defendant
    joined a conspiracy that had the goal of distributing 1,000 or more marijuana plants.
    Initially, Diaz testified that Defendant participated in “six” total harvests, including
    harvests at Abdella and Van Camp. Doc. 451 at 30–31. Later, however, Defendant’s counsel
    asked Diaz, “So when you testified that there were six harvests allegedly at the Abdella home,
    the vast majority of those . . . would have been just the main house alone, not the garage?” Id. at
    152–53. Diaz responded “exactly,” without correcting counsel’s assumption that he participated
    in six harvests at the Abdella house.
    Case: 10-14665     Date Filed: 08/09/2013    Page: 16 of 35
    police executed a search warrant at the Abdella house, they found another 200
    plants. Then there was Diaz’s testimony that Defendant assisted with processing
    at least one harvest from the Everglades Boulevard house, which yielded about
    200 plants. So the evidence showed Defendant was directly involved in growing
    more than 1,000 marijuana plants. This is without considering the many plants
    grown at the organization’s other houses during Defendant’s participation in the
    As part of his sufficiency argument, Defendant raises a new argument that
    “the jury form improperly mixed and matched the number of plants sentencing
    enhancement with the weight of marijuana sentencing enhancement for Count 1.”
    Appellant’s Br. at 46. Defendant did not object to the jury verdict form below, so
    we review this newly-minted argument only for plain error. United States v.
    146 F.3d 1338
    , 1342 (11th Cir. 1998). “In order to show plain error, a
    defendant must demonstrate that (1) error existed, (2) the error was plain, (3) the
    error affected his substantial rights, and (4) the error seriously affected the
    fairness, integrity or public reputation of judicial proceedings.” United States v.
    710 F.3d 1234
    , 1240 (11th Cir. 2013) (per curiam).
    Count 1, the conspiracy count, charged Defendant with conspiracy “to
    manufacture and possess with intent to distribute one thousand (1000) or more
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    marijuana plants, and to distribute and possess with intent to distribute one
    hundred (100) or more kilograms of . . . marijuana . . . .” Record, vol. 1 at 62. The
    jury verdict form, after asking if Defendant was guilty or not guilty, asked the jury
    to specify the number of plants and quantity of marijuana involved. The options
    for the number of marijuana plants were (1) 1,000 or more, (2) less than 1,000 but
    more than 100, and (3) less than 100. For the amount of marijuana, the options
    were (1) 100 kilograms or more and (2) less than 100 kilograms. The jury checked
    the boxes for “1000 or more marijuana plants” and “100 kilograms or more of
    marijuana.” Record, vol. 2 at 342–43.
    Defendant says the “verdict form improperly omitted the 1,000 kilograms or
    more jury question as was required under 
    21 U.S.C. § 841
    Appellant’s Br. at 47. Defendant is correct that the Government “mixed and
    matched” statutory provisions. 
    Id. at 46
    . Subsection (b)(1)(A)(vii) applies to
    either 1,000 kilograms of marijuana or 1,000 marijuana plants. And subsection
    (b)(1)(B)(vii) applies to 100 kilograms of marijuana or 100 marijuana plants. The
    indictment’s conspiracy count borrowed from each subsection, charging 1,000 or
    more plants but only 100 kilograms. Charging two different penalty provisions
    (with different maximum and minimum sentences) in one count is certainly
    unusual. But Defendant has not shown us how the verdict form was “improper.”
    Case: 10-14665      Date Filed: 08/09/2013       Page: 18 of 35
    The verdict form required the jury to make individualized findings regarding the
    weight of marijuana and the number of plants. Because the jury found the
    conspiracy involved more than 1,000 marijuana plants, the higher statutory
    maximum and minimum were appropriate. The jury’s finding that the conspiracy
    involved more than 100 kilograms of marijuana became essentially irrelevant and
    did not affect Defendant’s sentence. So we can perceive no error, plain or
    Furthermore, the solution Defendant points to—including a “1,000
    kilograms or more jury question”—would have changed nothing. Because the
    Government did not try to prove the conspiracy involved 1,000 or more kilograms,
    the jury likely would have checked exactly the same boxes it did.6 So Defendant
    could not show prejudice, even if he could show a plain error.
    Defendant next argues the translated transcripts of the wiretaps were
    improperly admitted. He renews the Confrontation Clause argument he made in
    the district court and to a lesser extent his objection that the transcripts lacked an
    evidentiary foundation.
    Diaz testified that four plants produced about a pound and a half of marijuana. Doc. 451
    at 30. Thus, 1,000 plants would only yield about 375 pounds or 170 kilograms.
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    Defendant’s lack of foundation argument need not detain us long. This
    circuit has established a procedure for “challenging the accuracy of an English-
    language transcript of a conversation conducted in a foreign language.” United
    States v. Le, 
    256 F.3d 1229
    , 1238 (11th Cir. 2001). If the parties cannot agree on
    a stipulated transcript, “then each side should produce its own version of a
    transcript or its own version of the disputed portions.” 
     (quoting United States
    v. Cruz, 
    765 F.2d 1020
    , 1023 (11th Cir. 1985)). When a defendant does not avail
    himself of this procedure, he “waive[s] his right to challenge the translation and
    the transcripts.” 
     Because Defendant did not produce any alternative
    transcripts, he has waived this argument.
    Even if Defendant had preserved the argument, the Government adduced an
    adequate foundation for the transcripts. Under Federal Rule of Evidence 901(a),
    the proponent need only “produce evidence sufficient to support a finding that the
    item is what the proponent claims it is.” Here, Diaz testified that he was fluent in
    both Spanish and English, was able to read both languages, had listened to the
    wiretap recordings, and believed the translated transcripts accurately reflected the
    recorded conversations. Because Diaz had himself been a party to each of the
    conversations, he was in an excellent position to authenticate the transcripts. See
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    United States v. Hogan, 
    986 F.2d 1364
    , 1376 (11th Cir. 1993) (finding no error
    when a party to a English-language conversation authenticated the transcripts). So
    Defendant’s authentication argument cannot prevail.
    Defendant’s failure to present his own transcripts did not waive his
    Confrontation Clause argument. See Bullcoming v. New Mexico, 
    131 S. Ct. 2705
    2718 (2011) (noting that the Government bears the burden of presenting its
    witnesses). We review a preserved Confrontation Clause claim de novo. United
    States v. Ignasiak, 
    667 F.3d 1217
    , 1227 (11th Cir. 2012). The Sixth Amendment
    provides, “In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right . . . to be
    confronted with the witnesses against him . . . .” U.S. Const. amend. VI. In
    Crawford v. Washington, 
    541 U.S. 36
    , 59 (2004), the Supreme Court held that the
    Sixth Amendment permits the admission of “testimonial statements of witnesses
    absent from trial . . . only where the declarant is unavailable, and only where the
    defendant has had a prior opportunity to cross-examine.” Testimonial statements
    include statements that are the “functional equivalent” of in-court testimony, such
    as affidavits, depositions, prior testimony and “statements that were made under
    circumstances which would lead an objective witness reasonably to believe that
    the statement would be available for use at a later trial.” 
     at 51–52. Thus, the
    Case: 10-14665        Date Filed: 08/09/2013        Page: 21 of 35
    Court has held that the Confrontation Clause applies to a laboratory analyst’s
    certification that a blood sample contained a certain blood alcohol content,
    131 S. Ct. at 2713
    , or that a substance contained cocaine, Melendez-
    Diaz v. Massachusetts, 
    557 U.S. 305
    , 310–11 (2009).
    The Confrontation Clause only applies to “testimonial statements,”
    specifically testimonial hearsay. Crawford, 
    541 U.S. at 53, 59
    . So to apply the
    Confrontation Clause to the transcripts in question, we must first identify in the
    transcripts a statement that is both testimonial and hearsay. We can first dispense
    with the idea that the original wiretapped conversations were testimonial hearsay.
    Even if the Government introduced Diaz’s telephone conversations with
    Defendant and Herman Torres to prove the truth of the matters asserted, the three
    men had no reason to believe their conversations “would be available for use at a
    later trial.”7 Crawford, 
    541 U.S. at 52
    . Nor did the unidentified translator certify
    the accuracy of the transcripts in the way the analysts certified the laboratory
    results in Bullcoming or Melendez-Diaz. If the translator had, for example,
    certified that “the above English-language transcript is a true and accurate
    Additionally, Diaz’s statements in the wiretapped conversations would be admissible
    because he “appear[ed] for cross-examination at trial,” meaning “the Confrontation Clause places
    no constraints at all on the use of his prior testimonial statements.” Crawford, 
    541 U.S. at
    59 n.9.
    And Defendant’s side of the conversations would not be hearsay, because a defendant’s own
    admissions may be admitted against him without violating the Confrontation Clause. United
    States v. Brown, 
    441 F.3d 1330
    , 1358–59 (11th Cir. 2006).
    Case: 10-14665      Date Filed: 08/09/2013    Page: 22 of 35
    translation of the conversations recorded in Government’s exhibits 17 and 18,” we
    would be faced with an obvious testimonial statement. But here the transcripts
    contained no certification.
    This means that the closest thing we have to a hearsay statement by the
    anonymous translator is the transcripts themselves. But can a mere transcript of a
    conversation be a hearsay statement for Confrontation Clause purposes? Insofar
    as the transcripts are simply English versions of Diaz’s telephone conversations,
    they do not contain any hearsay statements by the translator. The Confrontation
    Clause only applies to testimonial statements that are used to establish “the truth
    of the matter asserted.” Crawford, 
    541 U.S. at
    59 n.9. But the transcripts in this
    case did not contain any express “assertions” by the translator that could be true or
    false. The translator’s only assertion in the transcripts is his or her implicit
    statement that the translation was accurate. That is, when the translator created the
    transcripts, he or she represented that each English word, phrase, or concept
    corresponded to the original Spanish word, phrase, or concept.
    We recently concluded, for similar reasons, that an oral interpreter was “the
    declarant of the English-language statements” when a witness repeated the
    Case: 10-14665        Date Filed: 08/09/2013        Page: 23 of 35
    interpreted conversation at trial.8 United States v. Charles, — F.3d —, No. 12-
    14080, slip. op. at 10 (11th Cir., July 25, 2013). To limit the Confrontation Clause
    to express hearsay statements would allow the Government to skirt the Clause’s
    requirements. We doubt the prosecution in Bullcoming or Melendez-Diaz could
    have avoided the Confrontation Clause simply by admitting the numeric or
    chemical results of the blood–alcohol or cocaine tests without an analyst’s
    certification about how he arrived at those results. See Bullcoming, 
    131 S. Ct. at 2717
     (concluding that allowing disallowing sworn statements but allowing
    unsworn statements “would make the right to confrontation easily erasable”);
    Williams v. Illinois, 
    132 S. Ct. 2221
    , 2276 (2012) (Kagan, J., dissenting)
    (observing the Bullcoming decision would not have allowed “the laboratory to file
    the selfsame report without the oath”). As the Court said in Melendez-Diaz, the
    certificates of analysis contained “the precise testimony the analysts would have
    been expected to provide if called at trial.” Melendez-Diaz, 
    557 U.S. at 310
    . If,
    Although in Charles we did not discuss whether the translator’s statements were explicit
    or implicit, we reasoned that the interpreter’s statements were not the same as the original
    declarant’s because interpretation “is the oral form of transferring meaning from one language
    . . . into another language.” Charles, No. 12-14080, slip op. at 10. Of course, the only assertions
    that an interpreter makes relate to this process of transferring meaning. When an interpreter or
    translator renders the French “l’etat, c’est moi” into “I am the state,” he is not asserting he is the
    state, but rather that “I am the state” is an accurate rendering of what the speaker (or Louis XIV)
    said. It is this added layer—the translator or interpreter’s implicit assertions about the meaning
    of words—that make “the statements of the language interpreter and [the defendant] . . . not one
    and the same.” Id. at 10.
    Case: 10-14665        Date Filed: 08/09/2013       Page: 24 of 35
    instead of introducing the transcripts, the Government had called the translator to
    interpret the audio recordings to the jury, the testimony would have differed little
    from the transcripts. So the translator’s implicit representation that the transcripts
    were correct qualifies as a hearsay statement for purposes of the Confrontation
    Next, of course, we must ask if this statement is testimonial. We do not
    know when or why the translator prepared the transcripts, but we would assume he
    or she did so with an eye toward trial. See Crawford, 
    541 U.S. at
    (characterizing as testimonial “statements that were made under circumstances
    which would lead an objective witness reasonably to believe that the statement
    would be available for use at a later trial”). Furthermore, although the
    Government’s concession is not dispositive, see Gilbert v. United States, 
    640 F.3d 9
    Two of our sister circuits have applied the “language conduit” rule to conclude that an
    oral interpreter’s statements are really statements of the speaker for purposes of the
    Confrontation Clause. United States v. Orm Hieng, 
    679 F.3d 1131
    , 1139 (9th Cir. 2012); United
    States v. Martinez-Gaytan, 
    213 F.3d 890
     (5th Cir. 2000). “A defendant and an interpreter are
    treated as identical for testimonial purposes if the interpreter acted as a ‘mere language conduit’
    or agent of the defendant.” Orm Hieng, 
    679 F.3d at 1139
     (quoting United States v. Nazemian,
    948 F.2d 522
    , 528 (9th Cir. 1991). The factors for determining whether an interpreter is a
    language conduit include “which party supplied the interpreter, whether the interpreter had any
    motive to mislead or distort, the interpreter’s qualifications and language skill, and whether
    actions taken subsequent to the conversation were consistent with the statements as translated.”
     (quoting Nazemian, 
    948 F.2d at 527
    ). Although we have cited the language conduit rule with
    approval in the hearsay context, United States v. Alvarez, 
    755 F.2d 830
    , 860 (11th Cir. 1985), we
    recently held that it does not apply in the Confrontation Clause context. Charles, No. 12-14080,
    slip op. at 19.
    Case: 10-14665     Date Filed: 08/09/2013   Page: 25 of 35
    1293, 1306 n.14 (11th Cir. 2011) (en banc), the Government conceded at oral
    argument that the transcript was testimonial.
    Yet even if the translator made a testimonial statement out of court, the
    transcripts’ admission did not violate the Confrontation Clause. The transcripts
    can only be testimonial to the extent they reflect the translator’s statement
    (implicit here) that the English translation accurately reflects the Spanish
    conversation. Yet this is exactly what Diaz—a participant in the
    conversations—testified to based on his independent review of the recordings and
    transcripts. In fact, the anonymous translator’s implicit statement was never
    admitted at trial. The only statement the jury heard regarding the transcripts’
    accuracy came from Diaz. Thus, even if the translator made a testimonial
    statement out of court, he or she did not become a “witness against” Defendant at
    Of course, the transcripts were the translator’s work product, not Diaz’s.
    But Diaz testified to his own judgment that the transcripts were accurate, not to the
    translator’s judgment. That fact distinguishes this case from Melendez-Diaz and
    Bullcoming. In Melendez-Diaz, the state charged the defendant with distributing
    cocaine after he was arrested with several plastic bags that apparently contained
    cocaine. Melendez-Diaz, 
    557 U.S. at 308
    . At trial, the prosecution placed the
    Case: 10-14665      Date Filed: 08/09/2013    Page: 26 of 35
    bags into evidence, along with three certificates of analysis stating the substance
    in the bags contained cocaine. 
     The Supreme Court held that the certificates,
    which had been sworn before a notary, “were testimonial statements, and the
    analysts were ‘witnesses’ for purposes of the Sixth Amendment.” 
    Id. at 311
    Thus, admitting the certificates without allowing the analysts to be cross-examined
    violated the Confrontation Clause. Here, by contrast, the Government did not
    introduce the transcripts on the weight of the translator’s certification, but on
    Diaz’s testimony.
    In Bullcoming, Curtis Caylor, a forensic analyst at the New Mexico
    Department of Health’s Scientific Laboratory Division (SLD), tested a blood
    sample taken from the defendant upon his arrest for drunk driving. Bullcoming,
    131 S. Ct. at 2710
    . Caylor signed a certificate of analysis stating that he had tested
    the blood with a gas chromatograph machine and had followed established
     at 2710–11. The certificate reported a blood alcohol content well
    over the legal limit. 
    Id. at 2710
    . At the defendant’s trial, the state did not call
     at 2711–12. Instead, the state admitted the certificate of analysis
    through the testimony of another scientist, Gerasimos Razatos, “who had neither
    observed nor reviewed Caylor’s analysis.” Id. at 21712.
    Case: 10-14665     Date Filed: 08/09/2013     Page: 27 of 35
    The New Mexico Supreme Court concluded Razatos’s testimony sufficed
    because Razatos was an expert “with respect to the gas chromatograph machine
    and the SLD’s laboratory procedures.” Id. at 2716 (quoting State v. Bullcoming,
    226 P.3d 1
    , 9 (N.M. 2010)). The United States Supreme Court rejected this
    argument. Razatos had no firsthand knowledge of several facts contained in
    Caylor’s certification, including that the blood sample seal was unbroken and that
    Caylor adhered to precise testing protocols. 
    Id. at 2714
    . The Court said the Sixth
    Amendment “does not tolerate dispensing with confrontation simply because the
    court believes that questioning one witness about another’s testimonial statements
    provides a fair enough opportunity for cross-examination.” 
    Id. at 2716
    Unlike Razatos in Bullcoming, Diaz did not testify regarding the first
    translator’s expertise or adherence to proper protocols. Instead, he testified that he
    had independently confirmed the transcripts’ accuracy. This is exactly what
    Razatos was unable to do. The Court in Bullcoming said, “New Mexico could
    have avoided any Confrontation Clause problem by asking Razatos to retest the
    sample, and then testify to the results of his retest rather than to the results of a test
    he did not conduct or observe.” Bullcoming, 
    131 S. Ct. at 2718
    . Diaz conducted
    the equivalent of a “retest” in this case. He testified he had listened to the
    Case: 10-14665     Date Filed: 08/09/2013   Page: 28 of 35
    recordings, reviewed the transcripts, and believed the transcripts to be accurate
    reflections of the recordings. See Doc. 450 at 126–27.
    To be sure, Diaz did not start from scratch in translating the conversations.
    So it was not a retest in the sense that a new blood test would be. But Diaz did not
    need to sit down with pencil and paper and start the translation process anew. Just
    because the translator worked on the transcript did not taint it constitutionally. In
    Melendez-Diaz, the Court said, “[W]e do not hold, and it is not the case, that
    anyone whose testimony may be relevant in establishing the chain of custody,
    authenticity of the sample, or accuracy of the testing device, must appear in person
    as part of the prosecution’s case.” Melendez-Diaz, 
    557 U.S. at
    311 n.1. Rather,
    “what testimony is introduced must (if the defendant objects) be introduced live.”
     Diaz’s live testimony was the only statement introduced to support the
    transcript’s accuracy. Furthermore, his testimony was based on firsthand
    comparison of the recordings and the transcripts. See Bullcoming, 
    131 S. Ct. at 2722
     (Sotomayor, concurring) (“[T]his is not a case in which the person testifying
    is a supervisor, reviewer, or someone else with a personal . . . connection to the
    scientific test at issue.”). So the only testimony introduced to support the
    transcripts was “introduced live.”
    Case: 10-14665     Date Filed: 08/09/2013   Page: 29 of 35
    Defendant, of course, objects that Diaz was unqualified to testify regarding
    the transcripts’ accuracy. But that is a question wholly independent from the
    Confrontation Clause. The Confrontation Clause makes no distinction between
    accurate and inaccurate testimony; it only insists that testimony be subject to
    cross-examination. Crawford, 
    541 U.S. at 61
     (“[The Confrontation Clause]
    commands, not that evidence be reliable, but that the reliability be assessed in a
    particular manner: by testing in the crucible of cross-examination.”). Nothing
    prevented Defendant from vigorously cross-examining Defendant regarding his
    language expertise, his biases, and the translation’s accuracy. This is no more and
    no less than Defendant could have done if the original translator had taken the
    The conclusion we reach today is similar to the one we reached in an
    unpublished opinion, United States v. Sardinas, 386 F. App’x 927 (11th Cir. 2010)
    (unpublished). There, the Government introduced both audio and video
    recordings of various conversations conducted in Spanish. Id. at 941. The
    Government also introduced transcripts containing the Spanish original alongside
    an English translation. Id. Transcribers working for the drug task force initially
    prepared the transcripts, but a bilingual agent, Agent Checo, listened to the
    recordings, made corrections, and had the final word on the content of the
    Case: 10-14665     Date Filed: 08/09/2013   Page: 30 of 35
    transcripts. Id. Agent Checo testified at trial. Id. at 942. Reviewing the
    Confrontation Clause issue for plain error, we rejected the defendant’s argument
    that the original transcribers needed to testify. Id. at 942. We concluded that
    “even assuming the transcripts fall into the ‘core class of testimonial statements’
    under Crawford and Melendez-Diaz,” the defendant had shown no error. Id. We
    said, “Agent Checo, who reviewed the recordings himself, had the ultimate say
    over the content of the transcripts, making him the final translator. He is thus the
    witness against [the defendant] for Confrontation Clause purposes.” Id. In this
    case, Diaz was not actively involved in the production of the final transcript in the
    way Agent Checo was in Sardinas. But, like Agent Checo, Diaz testified to the
    accuracy of the transcripts and was subject to cross-examination. And—let us not
    forget—Diaz was a party to the transcribed conversations, meaning he was in a
    better position than anyone else to know what was actually said (and meant) in the
    Our recent decision in United States v. Charles does not affect the outcome
    in this case. In Charles, the Government charged the defendant, a Haitian
    national, with using a fraudulently altered travel document. Charles, No. 12-
    14080, slip op. at 2. A Customs and Border Protection (CBP) officer interviewed
    the defendant with the assistance of an over-the-phone Creole interpreter. Id. at 3.
    Case: 10-14665    Date Filed: 08/09/2013    Page: 31 of 35
    At trial, the officer testified to what the defendant said in the interview, though the
    officer was really testifying to what the interpreter said. Id. The Government did
    not call the interpreter as a witness. Id. at 4. We concluded the interpreter made
    out-of-court testimonial statements when she conveyed in English what the
    defendant said in Creole. Id. at 9–10. We said, “[G]iven the nature of language
    interpretation, the statements of the language interpreter and [the defendant] are
    not one and the same.” Id. at 10. We concluded the Confrontation Clause
    required the interpreter to be subject to cross-examination at trial. Id. at 23–24.
    But because the defendant only raised the Confrontation Clause on appeal, our
    review in Charles was only for plain error. Id. at 5. We held the error was not
    plain because of the absence of binding precedent “clearly articulating that the
    declarant of the statements testified to by the CBP officer is the language
    interpreter.” Id. at 24.
    The present case differs from Charles in one important respect. The CBP
    officer in Charles testified to out-of-court statements made by the interpreter.
    Here, by contrast, Diaz never even mentioned the anonymous translator. Rather,
    he testified regarding his own assessment that the transcripts were accurate
    translations. In short, because Diaz, not the original translator, was the “witness[]
    Case: 10-14665     Date Filed: 08/09/2013   Page: 32 of 35
    against” Defendant under the Sixth Amendment, the admission of the transcripts
    through Diaz’s testimony did not violate the Confrontation Clause.
    Finally, Defendant argues the district court erred when it denied his request
    to submit the forfeiture allegations to a jury. Federal Rule of Criminal Procedure
    32.2 governs criminal forfeiture actions. The Government argues the rule does not
    give Defendant a right to a jury determination of the forfeitability of a money
    judgment as opposed to specific property. Because this question hinges on the
    proper interpretation of a procedural rule, our review is de novo. United States v.
    113 F.3d 118
    , 189 (11th Cir. 1997).
    Federal Rule of Criminal Procedure 32.2(b)(1)(A) says,
    If the government seeks forfeiture of specific property, the court must
    determine whether the government has established the requisite nexus
    between the property and the offense. If the government seeks a
    personal money judgment, the court must determine the amount of
    money that the defendant will be ordered to pay.
    Subsection (b)(5) then says,
    (A) Retaining the Jury. In any case tried before a jury, if the indictment
    or information states that the government is seeking forfeiture, the court
    must determine before the jury begins deliberating whether either party
    requests that the jury be retained to determine the forfeitability of
    specific property if it returns a guilty verdict.
    Case: 10-14665      Date Filed: 08/09/2013    Page: 33 of 35
    (B) Special Verdict Form. If a party timely requests to have the jury
    determine forfeiture, the government must submit a proposed Special
    Verdict Form listing each property subject to forfeiture and asking the
    jury to determine whether the government has established the requisite
    nexus between the property and the offense committed by the defendant.
    Fed. R. Crim. P. 32.2(b)(5).
    Although the rule’s structure is somewhat confusing, its substance is not.
    Subsection (b)(1)(A) tasks the district court with two functions. First, the court
    “must determine . . . the requisite nexus between the property and the offense” for
    forfeiture of specific property. Second, the court must “determine the amount of
    money” for a money judgment forfeiture. Clear enough so far. But then
    Subsection (b)(5) creates an exception in jury cases. In cases, “tried before a
    jury,” the district court’s initial task is to “determine . . . whether either party
    requests that the jury be retained to determine the forfeitability of specific property
    . . . .” Fed. R. Crim. P. 32.2(b)(5)(A). If neither party makes such a request, the
    district court will do the fact-finding for both specific property and money
    judgment forfeitures. But if a party requests that a jury determine the forfeitability
    of specific property, the district court must submit that question to the jury by way
    of a special verdict form.
    Case: 10-14665    Date Filed: 08/09/2013   Page: 34 of 35
    The rule says nothing about a jury determining the amount of a money
    judgment. By negative implication, a party is not entitled to a jury finding
    regarding a money judgment. Instead, “the court must determine the amount of
    money that the defendant will be ordered to pay.” Fed. R. Crim. P. 32.2(b)(1)(A)
    (emphasis added). Defendant’s argument ignores the negative implication canon,
    often expressed in the Latin phrase expressio unius est exlusio alterius. This
    canon applies where “items expressed are members of an associated group or
    series, justifying the inference that items not mentioned were excluded by
    deliberate choice, not inadvertence.” Barnhart v. Peabody Coal Co., 
    537 U.S. 149
    168 (2003) (internal quotation marks omitted). The Rule’s inclusion of both
    money judgments and specific property forfeitures in subsection (b)(1)(A) and its
    exclusion of money judgments in subsection (b)(5) was obviously deliberate. So
    we cannot read subsection (b)(5)’s jury procedures as applying to money
    Our reading of the rule accords with precedent. We held in an unpublished
    opinion that Rule 32.2 does not create a right to a jury determination for money
    judgment forfeitures. United States v. Gray, 443 F. App’x 515, 523 (11th Cir.
    2011) (rejecting the argument “ that Federal Rule of Criminal Procedure
    32.[2](b)(5) should be read to apply to personal money judgments”). The other
    Case: 10-14665        Date Filed: 08/09/2013       Page: 35 of 35
    circuits to address the question have reached the same conclusion. United States
    v. Phillips, 
    704 F.3d 754
    , 771 (9th Cir. 2012); United States v. Gregoire, 
    638 F.3d 962
    , 972 (8th Cir. 2011); United States v. Tedder, 
    403 F.3d 836
    , 841 (7th Cir.
    2005). Defendant cites only a footnote in a district court case , United States v.
    2002 WL 459005
     at *9 n.3 (W.D.N.Y. 2002), for the proposition that Rule
    32.2 “gives the defendant the right to have the jury determine the forfeiture if the
    case was tried before a jury.” Appellant’s Br. at 55. Defendant misconstrues the
    case entirely. In fact, the Gaskin said only that Rule 32.2 allows a jury
    determination for the “nexus between the offense and the property to be forfeited.”
    2002 WL 459005
     at *9 n.3 (emphasis added). This tells us nothing more
    than Rule 32.2 itself already did. We remain persuaded that the court, not a jury,
    should determine the amount of a money judgment forfeiture.10
    Defendant did not raise the Sixth Amendment, but we note that “the right to a jury
    verdict on forefeitability does not fall within the Sixth Amendment’s constitutional protection.”
    Libretti v. United States, 
    516 U.S. 29
    , 49 (1995).