Carolyn Simmons v. Indian Rivers Mental Health Center , 652 F. App'x 809 ( 2016 )

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    No. 15-11658
    D.C. Docket No. 7:08-cv-01035-SLB
    as Administratrix of the Estate of Terri Franks,
    Appeal from the United States District Court
    for the Northern District of Alabama
    (June 13, 2016)
    Case: 15-11658       Date Filed: 06/13/2016        Page: 2 of 24
    Before WILSON and MARTIN, Circuit Judges, and RODGERS, * District Judge.
    Carolyn Simmons, as Administratrix of the Estate of Terri Franks, appeals
    the district court’s disposition of the Family and Medical Leave Act (“FMLA”)
    claims of Terri Franks. 1 See 29 U.S.C. § 2601, et seq. After being fired following
    a period of medical leave, Franks filed claims of FMLA interference and retaliation
    against her employer, Indian Rivers Mental Health Center (“Indian Rivers”). We
    are asked to consider whether the district court properly applied issue preclusion to
    bar Franks from relitigating the reason for her termination. The district court
    decided that a prior state agency unemployment compensation decision should be
    given preclusive effect because the agency had found that Franks had been
    terminated for misconduct. We conclude on the specific facts of this case that
    Alabama law would not apply issue preclusion to the agency determination.
    Therefore, after careful consideration and with the benefit of oral argument, we
    reverse and remand Franks’s FMLA termination claims for trial. We affirm in all
    other respects.
    Honorable Margaret C. Rodgers, Chief United States District Judge for the Northern
    District of Florida, sitting by designation.
    Sadly, Terri Franks died during the pendency of this lawsuit. Her mother, Carolyn
    Simmons, was appointed as Administratrix of her estate and substituted as Plaintiff before trial.
    At issue in this appeal are two summary judgment orders and an order of the district court
    following a bench trial.
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    A.    Job Performance
    Terri Franks, a Licensed Professional Counselor in the State of Alabama,
    was hired by Indian Rivers in 1993. Indian Rivers provides mental health and
    mental retardation services for individuals in several Alabama counties. In 2006,
    Franks was promoted to Adult Outpatient Program Manager with responsibility for
    intake assessment, probate matters, the Crisis Response Team and Substance
    Abuse Services, group and individual therapy, crisis intervention, and mental
    retardation services. One of her main responsibilities was to oversee, conduct and
    certify patient Treatment Plan Reviews (“TPRs”). The record reflects that the TPR
    process, established by the State Department of Mental Health and Medicaid,
    requires a certified reviewer to review patient treatment plans on a set schedule
    every 90 days for Medicaid and residential patients and once yearly for self-pay
    and private insurance patients. As part of the claims repayment process, the
    reviewer must certify that each treatment plan is medically necessary, that goals
    remain appropriate, that the documentation accurately reflects the treatment being
    provided, and that continued treatment is recommended. Franks was a certified
    TPR reviewer and responsible for developing the TPR form used by Indian Rivers.
    She also trained other staff members on the TPR process. At the request of her
    supervisor, Clinical Director Connie Robbins, Franks created a system for
    Case: 15-11658       Date Filed: 06/13/2016       Page: 4 of 24
    monitoring and tracking TPR due dates to ensure that Indian Rivers was in full
    compliance with all state and federal legal requirements. Thus, Franks was well
    aware of the Medicaid guidelines and the TPR process, including the importance of
    timely documentation and avoiding duplicate billing.
    According to Robbins, Franks failed to follow through with TPRs that were
    due in August and September of 2006. Robbins provided Franks with a new chart
    to follow to remedy the situation but also added more cases to her caseload. By
    March and April 2007, there were numerous TPRs again waiting for Franks’s
    review and signature. On April 4, 2007, Robbins met with Franks about her
    performance and drafted a detailed memo outlining her poor management, stating,
    “[f]or the second time now in less than a year, updating the [Adult Outreach
    Program] TPRs has become a crisis,” due to Franks’s failure to follow the system.
    Robbins told Franks that this had “resulted in a payback of greater than $40,000”
    to Medicaid and required work by numerous other employees to remedy the
    situation.2 In a responsive memo dated April 11, 2007, Franks acknowledged
    having had difficulty completing all of the TPRs but explained that Indian Rivers
    had “a broken system on many levels” due to human error and staffing
    inadequacies. Also, Franks said she often did not receive a copy of the necessary
    Medicaid reports, which interfered with her ability to review the appropriate files
    The district court noted that nothing in the record confirmed a payback to Medicaid of
    $40,000 attributable to Franks.
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    in a timely manner. Franks offered various suggestions for how she intended to
    improve her performance as a manager and stated she expected to receive the
    Medicaid reports so she could effectively manage the TPRs. She also denied being
    told previously that she was responsible for a Medicaid payback of $40,000 and
    insisted she should not be held responsible if a payback resulted from someone
    receiving a benefit without her being aware of it.
    B.    FMLA Leave and Termination
    A few days after the memo, on April 15, 2007, Franks went to the
    emergency room due to debilitating neck pain, and the following day she learned
    she needed surgery. Franks called Robbins and Rita Harless, Human Resources
    Director for Indian Rivers, to inform them of her condition and need for medical
    leave through May 1, 2007.3 Harless informed Franks that she needed to submit
    her FMLA paperwork, including a physician’s certification, within 10 days.
    Franks picked up the paperwork on April 17 and attempted to submit some
    information by email the same day, but Harless was unable to access the emails
    due to computer problems. On April 26, Robbins documented that Franks had not
    yet provided her or Harless with information about the surgery. On April 27, after
    not being able to reach Franks by email or telephone, Harless sent her a letter,
    reminding her of the need to submit the required FMLA documentation and that
    Franks was out on medical leave until June 26, 2007, a total of ten weeks.
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    Indian Rivers had to be able to communicate with her while she was on leave.4
    She gave Franks an additional 10 days to provide the required physician’s
    certification because Indian Rivers still had not received any documentation from
    Franks’s physician. Harless and Franks also spoke by telephone on April 27, and a
    recording of the conversation reflects that Harless told Franks that management
    positions can be excluded from FMLA and that Franks was still “expected to
    function and communicate in a limited capacity” while on leave “so others can
    continue to keep the business going.” Franks faxed the physician’s order to Indian
    Rivers that day, and her physician submitted the certification forms on April 30.
    Franks’s FMLA leave was then approved retroactive to April 16.
    On April 19, Franks sent Robbins a memo in which she complained of
    receiving numerous work-related telephone calls during the first few days of her
    medical leave. She had documented eight such telephone calls, seven from
    Robbins and one from another staff member, B. Johnson. Robbins’s testimony
    confirms that for each of her seven calls to Franks, she merely left a message
    concerning work-related matters, such as requesting information on the location of
    treatment plans and inquiring about the location of a crisis telephone used by the
    Harless stated in the April 27th letter that Franks had told her and Robbins about the
    doctor’s work excuse note but still had not provided it. She also said in the letter that she had
    tried to reach Franks “several times” by phone (cell and home) and stressed the importance of
    management-level responsibilities, explaining, “the Organization must be able to communicate
    with you during your absence and you are expected to follow policy and procedure for this and
    all other work related issues.”
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    crisis response team. 5 Robbins made one additional brief call to Franks, which was
    recorded. In her deposition testimony, Franks named four other staff members
    with whom she had spoken by telephone during her leave, but she did not state
    who initiated those calls or how many calls there were. Franks informed Robbins
    and Harless that she had documented the calls and would keep track of her time if
    she were required to perform work for Indian Rivers during her medical leave, but
    no other call documentation was presented. However, Franks’s mother, Simmons,
    testified at trial that she cared for Franks after her surgery for five out of seven
    days a week and said Franks “could have three to five phone calls from Indian
    Rivers” per day while she was there.6 Simmons said Franks would take the calls if
    she was awake and the calls were sometimes short in duration and other times
    lasted from three to five minutes. Simmons also admitted that she had memory
    difficulties at the time of Franks’s medical leave in 2007.7
    In her EEOC complaint, Franks referred to these calls as “insignificant questions
    regarding [her] job duties.”
    Carolyn Simmons’s deposition testimony was not taken taken during discovery and
    therefore was not part of the summary judgment record. She was allowed to testify at trial only
    because Franks had died.
    In particular, Simmons testified that Franks always recorded the calls, even when
    Simmons was there to answer them, because Simmons had difficulty remembering messages and
    names. Simmons also testified that she subsequently suffered a medical issue in 2013 that
    caused her to lose some memory. The events at issue in this case occurred in 2007, and trial was
    in 2015.
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    While Franks was on FMLA leave, Indian Rivers discovered numerous
    unsigned TPRs and employee leave requests on her desk.8 Indian Rivers also
    performed an audit of Franks’s patient files while she was out and found billing
    irregularities. According to the Accounting Department, Franks had billed an
    impossibly large number of TPRs between March 28 and April 4, before taking
    FMLA leave, 20 of which were duplicates. As a result, Indian Rivers locked
    Franks’s office and suspended her remote computer access.9 Harless informed
    Franks of the job performance concerns she had discovered and of the need to
    discuss the matter on Franks’s return to work.
    Indian Rivers also terminated Franks’s on-call pay while she was on leave.
    Harless testified at trial that on-call pay is a yearly stipend divided into 26 pay
    periods and that Franks continued to receive on-call pay as long as she was
    available to work the on-call rotation at any time during a particular pay period. 10
    Harless explained that Franks’s on-call pay was removed in May 2007 after the
    Franks explained in her affidavit that the work on her desk was in progress when she
    was unexpectedly placed on medical leave.
    In a letter dated May 29, 2007, Harless informed Franks of these concerns and
    explained, “to preserve all relevant records and for your protection, we have suspended anyone
    from having access to your computer and office and any remote access to our records.”
    Franks stated in her affidavit that “it had never been the practice of Indian Rivers to
    stop the on-call salary of any team member on leave before it happened to me during FMLA
    leave,” and instead, the team members would simply cover for one another by rearranging their
    on-call dates. At trial, however, the district court excluded this statement, finding that Franks did
    not have personal knowledge regarding Indian Rivers’ on-call pay policy.
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    records showed she had been on FMLA leave for the entire pay period, which took
    her out of the on-call rotation.
    Franks’s paid leave time was exhausted on June 8, 2007. She remained on
    unpaid FMLA leave through August 25, 2007. On the day Franks returned to
    work, she met with Executive Director Jim Moore to discuss the job performance
    issues Indian Rivers had discovered during her leave. Moore discussed the
    problems with Franks, and Franks attempted to provide explanations for the
    irregularities noted in her performance, pointing out, for instance, that the billing
    logs were not in her handwriting. Moore nonetheless terminated Franks’s
    employment that day, notwithstanding Indian Rivers’ progressive disciplinary
    C.    Unemployment Compensation Proceedings
    On July 1, 2007, Franks applied for unemployment compensation,
    identifying the reason given for her discharge as “misconduct.” When the
    Alabama Department of Industrial Relations (“ADIR”) Claims Examiner notified
    Indian Rivers of the claim, it responded with a brief, hand-written and unsworn
    explanation, stating that Franks was terminated for, “Repeated failure to complete
    assigned objective; code of conduct violation – No. 2; submission of claims that
    represent that services all or part of which were not performed.” Based on this
    unsworn response, the Claims Examiner determined that Franks was disqualified
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    from receiving benefits, citing Ala. Code § 25-4-78(3)(a) (1975), which provides
    that a claimant is disqualified from receiving benefits if discharged for a dishonest
    or criminal act in connection with work.
    Franks appealed and requested a hearing, which was scheduled for August
    24. However, Franks had secured new employment on July 30 and did not attend
    the hearing. Indian Rivers appeared by telephone but presented no testimony or
    other evidence. The Hearing Officer determined that “the nonappearance of the
    appellant and the absence of additional evidence require[d] the Administrative
    Hearing Officer to make a decision based upon the evidence contained in the file,
    which consists of prior statements not under oath.” The Hearing Officer then
    concluded that there was no basis for any change in the Claims Examiner’s
    determination. Franks did not appeal the decision administratively or seek judicial
    review in state court.
    D.     District Court Proceedings
    After filing a charge of FMLA discrimination and retaliation with the Equal
    Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), Franks filed this FMLA suit. 11
    Indian Rivers moved for summary judgment, which the district court granted in
    part on some of the FMLA interference claims. The district court found no FMLA
    Franks also alleged a violation of HIPAA and state law claims of invasion of privacy,
    negligent hiring, training, supervision, and retention, and intentional infliction of emotional
    distress, none of which is at issue in this appeal.
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    interference based on the removal of the on-call crisis response team pay because
    Franks was not available to take the crisis calls, likening the pay to a bonus based
    on production goals. The district court also found that the work-related telephone
    calls Franks received from Indian Rivers’ staff during her leave did not constitute
    interference by themselves, but the court found there was a question of fact as to
    whether Franks was required to work during her FMLA leave, which precluded
    summary judgment on the interference claim. The court also found questions of
    fact as to pretext on Franks’s retaliation claim related to her termination, and the
    case was set for trial. 12
    Shortly before trial, Indian Rivers raised the argument that Franks’s
    retaliation claim was barred by issue preclusion in light of the ADIR’s prior
    determination that she had been fired for misconduct.13 The district court agreed,
    finding that the Hearing Officer necessarily determined that Franks was terminated
    for dishonest conduct at work. The district court found it significant that the
    Hearing Officer did not declare a default and instead based the decision on “the
    evidence in the file.” The district court concluded that the ADIR had made a
    Regarding her termination, Franks claimed both FMLA interference and retaliation, but
    Indian Rivers moved for summary judgment only on the retaliation claim.
    The issue had been raised initially in Indian Rivers’ answer but not in its summary
    judgment motion. When Indian Rivers raised the issue in its proposed pretrial order, the district
    court sua sponte moved for summary judgment on the issue and gave Franks an opportunity to
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    necessary determination on the merits regarding the reason for the termination and
    thus precluded Franks from relitigating the issue under the FMLA.
    The case proceeded to a bench trial on Franks’s remaining interference claim
    that Indian Rivers had required her to perform work during her FMLA leave. The
    district court ultimately decided Indian Rivers did not interfere with Franks’s
    FMLA leave because there was no evidence that Franks had performed work
    during her leave. The court found that the work-related telephone contacts were
    “brief and limited to reasonable inquiries ‘about the location of files or passing
    along institutional status or knowledge’ to those who would cover Franks’s
    responsibilities and duties during her absence.” Additionally, the district court
    refused to consider claims based on the removal of on-call pay, misinformation
    about the time allowed for providing a doctor’s certification, and Franks being told
    she had to be available to answer questions, which the court found were not within
    the scope of the Complaint; alternatively, the court concluded that even
    considering these facts, there was no FMLA interference. Ultimately, the district
    court entered final judgment in favor of Indian Rivers, and Simmons appealed.
    II. Standards of Review
    We review a grant of summary judgment de novo, applying the same
    standards as the district court. See White v. Beltram Edge Tool Supply, Inc., 
    789 F.3d 1188
    , 1193 (11th Cir. 2015). “Summary judgment is appropriate if ‘the
    Case: 15-11658     Date Filed: 06/13/2016    Page: 13 of 24
    movant shows that there is no genuine dispute as to any material fact and the
    movant is entitled to judgment as a matter of law.’” 
    Id. (quoting Fed.
    R. Civ. P.
    56(a)); see also Celotex Corp. v. Catrett, 
    477 U.S. 317
    , 322–23, 
    106 S. Ct. 2548
    91 L. Ed. 2d 265
    (1986). We also apply de novo review to the district court’s
    interpretation of state law, including whether to apply the principles of collateral
    estoppel or issue preclusion. See Tampa Bay Water v. HDR Eng’g, Inc., 
    731 F.3d 1171
    , 1177 (11th Cir. 2013). “After a bench trial, we review the district court’s
    conclusions of law de novo and the district court’s factual findings for clear error.”
    Tartell v. S. Fla. Sinus & Allergy Ctr., Inc., 
    790 F.3d 1253
    , 1257 (11th Cir. 2015)
    (quoting Proudfoot Consulting Co. v. Gordon, 
    576 F.3d 1223
    , 1230 (11th Cir.
    III. Discussion
    A.    Issue Preclusion
    Simmons argues that the district court erred by applying issue preclusion to
    bar Franks’s FMLA retaliation claim on the facts of this case. Alabama law
    governs this issue. See Univ. of Tenn. v. Elliott, 
    478 U.S. 788
    , 799, 
    106 S. Ct. 3220
    , 3226, 
    92 L. Ed. 2d 635
    (1986) (stating that when a state agency acts in a
    judicial capacity, federal courts “give[ ] the agency’s factfinding the same
    preclusive effect to which it would be entitled in the State’s courts.”). In Alabama,
    issue preclusion applies to a state administrative agency’s decision when: “(1)
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    there is identity of the parties or their privies; (2) there is identity of issues; (3) the
    parties had an adequate opportunity to litigate the issues in the administrative
    proceeding; (4) the issues to be estopped were actually litigated and determined in
    the administrative proceeding; and (5) the findings on the issues to be estopped
    were necessary to the administrative decision.” Wal–Mart Stores, Inc. v.
    743 So. 2d 442
    , 445 (Ala.1999) (quoting Ex parte Smith, 
    683 So. 2d 431
    , 433 (Ala. 1996)), overruled on other grounds by Ex Parte Rogers, 
    68 So. 3d 773
    (Ala. 2010). In the past, courts in Alabama have given preclusive effect to a
    prior ADIR finding that an employee was discharged for misconduct. See Wal–
    Mart Stores, Inc. v. Hepp, 
    882 So. 2d 329
    , 332-35 (Ala. 2003), overruled on other
    grounds by Ex parte Rogers, 
    68 So. 3d 773
    (Ala. 2010); 14 
    Smitherman, 743 So. 2d at 445-46
    . Notwithstanding these cases, we conclude that Alabama law compels a
    different result on the facts of this case.
    Here, there is no question regarding identity of parties and identity of issues.
    Indeed, the parties are the same. Further, the Hearing Officer identified the issue
    before the ADIR as: “Whether the claimant was discharged or removed from work
    for a dishonest or criminal act committed in connection with his work . . . .” See
    Ala. Code § 25-4-78(3)(a). And for FMLA purposes, “an employer can deny
    In Rogers, the Alabama Supreme Court ruled that the employer has the burden to prove
    that a claimant is disqualified from receiving unemployment compensation benefits on the basis
    of misconduct, overruling Hepp and Smitherman to the extent they held 
    otherwise. 68 So. 3d at 781
    Case: 15-11658     Date Filed: 06/13/2016    Page: 15 of 24
    reinstatement ‘if it can demonstrate that it would have discharged the employee
    had [s]he not been on FMLA leave.’” Martin v. Brevard Cty. Pub. Sch., 
    543 F.3d 1261
    , 1267 (11th Cir. 2008) (quoting Strickland v. Water Works and Sewer Bd. of
    City of Birmingham, 
    239 F.3d 1199
    , 1208 (11th Cir. 2001)). Thus, the reason for
    Franks’s termination was at issue in both proceedings. See 
    Smitherman, 743 So. 2d at 446
    (finding identity of issues because the reason for the discharge was at issue
    in the unemployment determination and also in the subsequent suit for retaliation).
    We find it unnecessary in this case to consider the third factor of whether
    there was an adequate opportunity to litigate the issue in the administrative
    proceeding because, even assuming there was, see 
    Smitherman, 743 So. 2d at 446
    47, the remaining factors are not satisfied. The fourth and fifth factors, requiring
    that the issue was “actually litigated” and that the findings were “necessary” to the
    administrative decision, are intertwined in this case because Simmons argues the
    ADIR decision was effectively a default, and thus, neither factor is satisfied. We
    agree. The district court concluded instead that the Hearing Officer necessarily
    determined, after considering and examining “the evidence” contained in the file,
    that Indian Rivers had terminated Franks for dishonest conduct. The problem with
    this conclusion, however, is that the file contained no “evidence.” The Hearing
    Officer’s decision acknowledges that the record contained only unsworn
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    statements.15 A federal court gives a state agency determination preclusive effect
    only when the agency is “acting in a judicial capacity.” 
    Elliott, 478 U.S. at 799
    106 S. Ct. at 3226 (quoting United States v. Utah Constr. & Mining Co., 
    384 U.S. 394
    , 422, 
    86 S. Ct. 1545
    , 1560, 
    16 L. Ed. 2d 642
    (1966)). Because the record
    contained only unsworn statements, there was no competent evidence from which
    the Hearing Officer or Claims Examiner could make a merits determination in a
    judicial capacity, and thus, we cannot find that the issue was “actually litigated.”16
    See Malfatti v. Bank of America, N.A., 
    99 So. 3d 1221
    , 1225-26 (Ala. 2012)
    (explaining that a default is not given preclusive effect because nothing is “actually
    litigated”). Additionally, Franks failed to appear at the hearing and had no
    incentive to litigate the issue given that she had obtained employment less than a
    month after her termination and prior to the agency hearing. Pursuant to
    In both Hepp and Smitherman, where issue preclusion was applied, a hearing had been
    held in which both parties participated and presented testimony or other evidence to the agency.
    The Alabama Administrative Code contemplates that a hearing will involve the presentation of
    relevant evidence and testimony given under oath. See Ala. Admin. Code r. 480-1-4-.04. But
    here, there was none.
    We reject Indian Rivers’ contention that the Hearing Officer’s determination was a
    merits decision on an unopposed record comparable to Smith v. Lawyers Sur. Corp., 
    624 So. 2d 526
    , 527-28 (Ala. 1993). In Smith, contrary to the ADIR proceedings at issue here, there was a
    competent and undisputed summary judgment record that included affidavit testimony. The
    instant case is more akin to a default judgment based on pleadings alone, which is not given
    preclusive effect under either Alabama or federal law because nothing was “actually litigated.”
    See, e.g., Bush v. Balfour Beatty Bahamas, Ltd., 
    62 F.3d 1319
    , 1323 (11th Cir. 1995)
    (“Ordinarily, a default judgment will not support the application of collateral estoppel because
    ‘[i]n the case of a judgment entered by confession, consent, or default, none of the issues is
    actually litigated.’ Restatement (Second) of Judgments § 27 cmt. e (1982)” (alteration in
    Malfatti, 99 So. 3d at 1226
    Bush, 62 F.3d at 1323
    Case: 15-11658      Date Filed: 06/13/2016    Page: 17 of 24
    administrative regulations, where a claimant fails to appear after having received
    notice of the hearing, the Hearing Officer has discretion to make a decision on the
    merits or declare a default. See Ala. Admin. Code r. 480-1-4-.10(2). Because the
    hearing officer had the option to declare a default, and Indian Rivers presented no
    evidence, it cannot be said that a decision on the merits was “necessary.”
    Accordingly, for this reason as well, we find that the district court erred in
    applying issue preclusion, and the case must be remanded for a trial on the claims
    related to Franks’s termination.
    B.    FMLA Interference
    Simmons also appeals the district court’s findings that Indian Rivers did not
    interfere with Franks’s FMLA leave by making telephone calls to her during her
    FMLA leave and by removing her on-call pay. It is “unlawful for any employer to
    interfere with, restrain, or deny the exercise of or the attempt to exercise, any right
    provided” by the FMLA. 29 U.S.C. § 2615(a)(1). To prove a claim of FMLA
    interference, a plaintiff must demonstrate, by a preponderance of the evidence, the
    denial of an FMLA benefit to which she was entitled “and that she ‘has been
    prejudiced by the violation in some way.’” Evans v. Books-A-Million, 
    762 F.3d 1288
    , 1295 (11th Cir. 2014) (quoting Ragsdale v. Wolverine World Wide, Inc., 
    535 U.S. 81
    , 89, 
    122 S. Ct. 1155
    152 L. Ed. 2d 167
    (2002)). A plaintiff is not required
    to show that the employer acted with an intent to deny the FMLA benefit but only
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    that the plaintiff was “entitled to the benefit denied.” See 
    Strickland, 239 F.3d at 1207
    In reviewing the district court’s findings, we construe the facts in the light
    most favorable to the prevailing party and give “substantial deference to the
    factfinder’s credibility determinations, both explicit and implicit.” United States v.
    674 F.3d 1298
    , 1303 (11th Cir. 2012). We will overturn the district court’s
    findings of fact only for clear error, and we “must give due regard to the trial
    court’s opportunity to judge the witnesses’ credibility.” Fed. R. Civ. P. 52(a)(6).
    The district court’s factfinding “is ‘clearly erroneous’ when although there is
    evidence to support it, the reviewing court on the entire evidence is left with the
    definite and firm conviction that a mistake has been committed.” Anderson v. City
    of Bessemer City, 
    470 U.S. 564
    , 573, 
    105 S. Ct. 1504
    , 1511, 
    84 L. Ed. 2d 518
    (1985) (quoting United States v. United States Gypsum Co., 
    333 U.S. 364
    , 395, 
    68 S. Ct. 525
    , 542, 
    92 L. Ed. 746
    (1948)); see also Morrissette–Brown v. Mobile
    Infirmary Med. Ctr., 
    506 F.3d 1317
    , 1319 (11th Cir. 2007).
    1.    Telephone Calls
    Simmons argues that the district court erred in concluding that the telephone
    calls from staff members of Indian Rivers did not rise to the level of interference,
    insisting that by having to receive and respond to calls Franks was required to
    work without compensation during her leave. An employer violates the FMLA by
    Case: 15-11658     Date Filed: 06/13/2016   Page: 19 of 24
    requiring an employee to perform work during FMLA leave. See 
    Evans, 762 F.3d at 1297
    (noting that even if an employee is paid for work during FMLA leave, “if
    an employer coerces an employee to work during her intended FMLA leave period
    and, subsequently, reassigns her based upon her allegedly poor performance during
    that period, the employee may well have been harmed by the employer’s FMLA
    violation”); Arban v. West Pub’g Corp., 
    345 F.3d 390
    , 405 (6th Cir. 2003)
    (recognizing that terminating an employee’s employment for refusing to perform a
    work-related task while on medical leave amounts to interference with FMLA
    rights). Similarly, an employee who takes FMLA leave cannot be required to
    remain “on call” to the employer throughout the leave period. See, e.g., Sherman
    v. AI/FOCS, Inc., 
    113 F. Supp. 2d 65
    , 70-71 (D. Mass. 2000) (noting it is FMLA
    interference to condition leave on the willingness to remain “on call” or to fire an
    employee for not responding to telephone calls or performing work while on
    FMLA leave).
    The district court expressly credited Robbins’s testimony concerning the
    number, length, and content of the telephone calls and found that the calls were
    occasional, brief, limited in scope, and did not require Franks to perform work at
    home. Simmons criticizes the district court for failing to credit her testimony that
    Franks “could have three to five calls” per day from Indian Rivers while she was
    caring for Franks, which meant that Franks could have received up to 25 calls per
    Case: 15-11658      Date Filed: 06/13/2016    Page: 20 of 24
    week after her surgery. We accord “substantial deference” to both explicit and
    implicit credibility determinations of the factfinder. 
    Lewis, 674 F.3d at 1303
    . Our
    “function is not to decide factual issues de novo;” instead, we must affirm “[i]f the
    district court’s account of the evidence is plausible in light of the record viewed in
    its entirety,” even if it is possible to weigh the evidence differently. 
    Anderson, 470 U.S. at 573-74
    , 105 S. Ct. at 1511. In other words, “[w]here there are two
    permissible views of the evidence, the factfinder’s choice between them cannot be
    clearly erroneous.” 
    Id. In this
    case, we are not left with a “definite and firm conviction that a
    mistake has been committed,” 
    id. at 573,
    105 S. Ct. at 1511 (quoting United States
    Co., 333 U.S. at 395
    , 68 S. Ct. at 542), and thus, the district court’s
    implicit rejection of Simmons’s testimony is not clear error. Simmons admitted
    she had memory problems, and no other testimony supported a finding that Franks
    received 25 calls per week from staff. Moreover, the FMLA does not create an
    absolute right to be left alone. See e.g., O’Donnell v. Passport Health Comms.,
    Inc., 561 F. App’x 212, 218 (3d Cir. 2014) (unpublished); Callison v. City of
    430 F.3d 117
    , 121 (3d Cir. 2005) (“Finally, contrary to Callison's
    assertion, there is no right in the FMLA to be ‘left alone.’”). On the facts of this
    case, the district court did not err in finding that interference had not been
    established because Franks received only occasional and brief telephone calls of a
    Case: 15-11658       Date Filed: 06/13/2016      Page: 21 of 24
    limited nature, she was not required to perform work during her FMLA leave, she
    received all the leave she was due, and she suffered no consequences for refusing
    to take or respond to occasional telephone calls while she was on leave.17
    2.     Removal of On-Call Pay
    Simmons also argues that it was FMLA interference to remove Franks’s on-
    call pay while she was on FMLA leave. In particular, Simmons argues that the
    district court erred in granting summary judgment on this claim because Franks’s
    affidavit created a question of fact by showing it was not Indian Rivers’ policy to
    stop the on-call salary of a team member on leave. She also argues the court erred
    by finding that the on-call pay was a performance bonus, as opposed to a yearly
    stipend, and by concluding at trial that this claim was beyond the scope of the
    We may affirm the district court’s judgment or a grant of summary judgment
    “on any basis supported by the record.” Wilchombe v. TeeVee Toons, Inc., 
    555 F.3d 949
    , 960 (11th Cir. 2009) (quoting Burton v. Tampa Hous. Auth., 
    271 F.3d 1274
    , 1277 (11th Cir. 2001)); Koziara v. City of Casselberry, 
    392 F.3d 1302
    , 1306
    n.2 (11th Cir. 2004). Despite the grant of summary judgment on this claim and the
    Although the district court noted that some federal courts have recognized a
    “professional courtesy” exception that permits occasional work-related contact during FMLA
    leave, see, e.g., Reilly v. Revlon, Inc., 
    620 F. Supp. 2d 524
    , 537 (S.D.N.Y. 2009); Kesler v.
    Barris, Scott, Denn & Driker, PLLC, 
    482 F. Supp. 2d 886
    , 910-11 (E.D. Mich. 2007), we find it
    unnecessary to reach that issue or to endorse such a blanket exception in this case.
    Case: 15-11658      Date Filed: 06/13/2016    Page: 22 of 24
    conclusion that the claim was beyond the scope of the Complaint, the district court
    effectively reconsidered the issue at trial and ruled alternatively that the facts did
    not show FMLA interference. At trial, the district court found Franks’s affidavit
    testimony regarding Indian Rivers’ on-call pay policy inadmissible for lack of
    personal knowledge and instead allowed Harless, who had personal knowledge of
    the policy, to testify to it. Harless explained not only that the crisis response pay
    was a stipend distributed throughout the year but also that a crisis response team
    member would continue to receive the pay only for as long as the member was
    available to work the on-call rotation at some time during a particular pay period.
    She testified that Franks’s on-call pay was removed in May 2007 after pay records
    reflected that Franks had been on FMLA leave for the entire pay period, which
    took her out of the on-call rotation, and thus, she was not entitled to the pay. On
    this record, we agree with the district court’s alternative conclusion that the
    removal of Franks’s on-call pay did not amount to FMLA interference.
    3.     Remaining FMLA Interference Claims
    Simmons also argues the district court erred by limiting the scope of
    Franks’s FMLA interference claim to the factual averments of the Complaint. The
    district court noted that at trial Simmons attempted to expand the Complaint to
    include a claim that Franks was misinformed of the deadline for providing FMLA
    certification and was told that management employees must answer calls while on
    Case: 15-11658     Date Filed: 06/13/2016   Page: 23 of 24
    FMLA leave. The district court found these claims beyond the scope of the
    Complaint and concluded alternatively that this evidence did not show interference
    with her right to medical leave. We find no error. An FMLA plaintiff cannot raise
    a new claim at trial. See generally 
    White, 789 F.3d at 1199-1200
    (precluding a
    plaintiff from asserting a new claim or theory of liability at the summary judgment
    stage without amending the complaint where the complaint did not give the
    employer notice of the claim). Franks’s Complaint did not articulate a claim of
    interference for having been misinformed about FMLA certification requirements
    or her FMLA rights, and thus the district court correctly rejected the claim. In any
    event, even considering these facts, they do not amount to FMLA interference.
    The record shows that Franks was given additional time to provide her required
    medical certification, her entire leave request was approved retroactively to the
    first day she was on medical leave, and there was no evidence that any
    misinformation resulted in Franks being required to perform work during her
    FMLA leave.
    We reverse and remand for trial on the FMLA interference and retaliation
    claims based on Franks’s termination, consistent with this opinion. In all other
    respects, we affirm.
    Case: 15-11658   Date Filed: 06/13/2016   Page: 24 of 24

Document Info

Docket Number: 15-11658

Citation Numbers: 652 F. App'x 809

Filed Date: 6/13/2016

Precedential Status: Non-Precedential

Modified Date: 1/13/2023

Authorities (22)

Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. v. Smitherman , 743 So. 2d 442 ( 1999 )

Ex Parte Smith , 683 So. 2d 431 ( 1996 )

Connie Burton v. Tampa Housing Authority , 271 F.3d 1274 ( 2001 )

Morrissette-Brown v. Mobile Infirmary Medical Center , 506 F.3d 1317 ( 2007 )

Pauline Koziara v. City of Casselberry , 392 F.3d 1302 ( 2004 )

Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. v. Hepp , 882 So. 2d 329 ( 2003 )

Wilchombe v. TeeVee Toons, Inc. , 555 F.3d 949 ( 2009 )

United States v. Lewis , 674 F.3d 1298 ( 2012 )

In Re Freddie Maxton Bush, Debtor. Freddie Maxton Bush v. ... , 62 F.3d 1319 ( 1995 )

David W. Callison v. City of Philadelphia , 430 F.3d 117 ( 2005 )

Martin v. Brevard County Public Schools , 543 F.3d 1261 ( 2008 )

Proudfoot Consulting Co. v. Gordon , 576 F.3d 1223 ( 2009 )

Daniel R. Arban, Plaintiff-Appellee/cross-Appellant v. West ... , 345 F.3d 390 ( 2003 )

Sherman v. AI/FOCS, INC. , 113 F. Supp. 2d 65 ( 2000 )

Ragsdale v. Wolverine World Wide, Inc. , 122 S. Ct. 1155 ( 2002 )

United States v. United States Gypsum Co. , 68 S. Ct. 525 ( 1948 )

United States v. Utah Construction & Mining Co. , 86 S. Ct. 1545 ( 1966 )

Anderson v. City of Bessemer City , 105 S. Ct. 1504 ( 1985 )

Kesler v. Barris, Sott, Denn & Driker, PLLC , 482 F. Supp. 2d 886 ( 2007 )

Reilly v. Revlon, Inc. , 620 F. Supp. 2d 524 ( 2009 )

View All Authorities »