James E. King v. Secretary, US Department of the Army , 652 F. App'x 845 ( 2016 )

  •            Case: 15-13001    Date Filed: 06/15/2016   Page: 1 of 6
    No. 15-13001
    Non-Argument Calendar
    D.C. Docket No. 1:12-cv-00193-JRH-BKE
    Appeal from the United States District Court
    for the Southern District of Georgia
    (June 15, 2016)
    Before JORDAN, JULIE CARNES, and ANDERSON, Circuit Judges.
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    James King appeals the district court’s grant of summary judgment in favor
    of John M. McHugh, the Secretary of the Department of the Army (“the Army”).
    King argues on appeal the Army’s legitimate, non-discriminatory reason for
    charging him with being absent without leave (“AWOL”) was a pretext for
    retaliation against his protected conduct.1 He argues that he did not violate the
    appropriate sick leave policies and that his supervisor retaliated against him by
    charging him with being AWOL. Additionally, he argues that the district court
    improperly found facts in favor of the Army during summary judgment.
    We review a district court’s grant of summary judgment de novo. Holloman
    v. Mail-Well Corp., 
    443 F.3d 832
    , 836 (11th Cir. 2006). “A party seeking
    summary judgment must demonstrate that there is no genuine issue as to any
    material fact and that the moving party is entitled to a judgment as a matter of
    law.” Rice-Lamar v. City of Ft. Lauderdale, Fla., 
    232 F.3d 836
    , 840 (11th Cir.
    2000) (quotations omitted). In deciding a summary judgment motion, a district
    court’s function is not to resolve issues of material fact, but rather to determine
    whether there are any such issues to be tried. Anderson v. Liberty Lobby, Inc., 
    477 U.S. 242
    , 251, 
    106 S. Ct. 2505
    , 2511-12, 
    91 L. Ed. 2d 202
    (1986). Moreover, when
    In addition to his AWOL-related retaliation claim, King also alleged additional claims of
    reprisal, racial discrimination, and a hostile work environment, which the district court
    dismissed. Because King is not challenging the district court’s dismissal of his other claims on
    appeal, we consider these claims abandoned. Access Now, Inc. v. Southwest Airlines Co., 
    385 F.3d 1324
    , 1330 (11th Cir. 2004).
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    ruling on a motion for summary judgment, any inferences must be viewed in the
    light most favorable to the party opposing the motion. Welch v. Celotex Corp., 
    951 F.2d 1235
    , 1237 (11th Cir. 1992). Additionally, “a mere scintilla of evidence in
    support of the nonmoving party will not suffice to overcome a motion for summary
    judgment.” Young v. City of Palm Bay, 
    358 F.3d 859
    , 860 (11th Cir. 2004).
    Title VII forbids a private employer from retaliating against an employee
    because he has opposed “an unlawful employment practice . . . or because he has
    made a charge, testified, assisted, or participated in any manner in an investigation,
    proceeding, or hearing.” 42 U.S.C. § 2000e-3(a). While § 2000e-16 does not
    specifically mention retaliation, we have noted that the provision expanded
    coverage of Title VII to federal employees to the same extent as non-federal
    employees. Llampallas v. Mini-Circuits, Lab, Inc., 
    163 F.3d 1236
    , 1243 (11th Cir.
    When a plaintiff presents only circumstantial evidence of retaliation, we
    analyze his claim under the framework announced in McDonnell Douglas Corp. v.
    411 U.S. 792
    , 802-05, 
    93 S. Ct. 1817
    , 1824-26, 
    36 L. Ed. 2d 668
    (1973). If
    the plaintiff makes out a prima facie case, and the employer articulates a
    legitimate, nondiscriminatory reason for the adverse action, then the plaintiff bears
    the burden of showing that the reason offered was merely pretextual. Rojas v.
    285 F.3d 1339
    , 1342 (11th Cir. 2002). After the employer has met its
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    burden, the plaintiff bears the burden of showing that the reason offered was
    merely pretextual. 
    Id. To establish
    pretext, a plaintiff must come forward and
    show, by a preponderance of the evidence, that the reason given by the employer
    was not the real reason for the adverse employment decision, but was a pretext for
    discrimination. Tex. Dep’t of Cmty. Affairs v. Burdine, 
    450 U.S. 248
    , 253, 101 S.
    Ct. 1089, 1093, 
    67 L. Ed. 2d 207
    “[A] reason cannot be proved to be ‘a pretext for discrimination’ unless it is
    shown both that the reason was false, and that discrimination was the real reason.”
    St. Mary’s Honor Ctr. v. Hicks, 
    509 U.S. 502
    , 515, 
    113 S. Ct. 2742
    , 2752, 125 L.
    Ed. 2d 407 (1993) (emphasis in original). We have stated that if “the proffered
    reason is one that might motivate a reasonable employer, an employee must meet
    that reason head on and rebut it, and the employee cannot succeed by simply
    quarreling with the wisdom of that reason,” or showing that the decision was based
    on erroneous facts. Chapman v. AI Transport, 
    229 F.3d 1012
    , 1030 (11th Cir.
    2000) (en banc). An employer’s deviation from its established policies may be
    evidence of pretext. See Hurlbert v. St. Mary’s Health Care Sys., Inc., 
    439 F.3d 1286
    , 1299 (11th Cir. 2006). Additionally, while the burden of causation may be
    met by showing close temporal proximity between a plaintiff’s protected activity
    and an adverse employment action, temporal proximity, alone, must be “very
    close.” Thomas v. Cooper Lighting, Inc., 
    506 F.3d 1361
    , 1364 (11th Cir. 2007).
    Case: 15-13001     Date Filed: 06/15/2016    Page: 5 of 6
    However, while close temporal proximity between the protected action and adverse
    employment action is evidence of pretext, it is not necessarily sufficient alone to
    establish pretext. 
    Hurlbert, 439 F.3d at 1298
    An asserted “work rule” violation may be pretextual if the plaintiff proffers
    evidence that he did not actually violate the rule or, if he violated the rule, other
    employees who committed similar violations were not similarly treated. Damon v.
    Fleming Supermarkets of Florida, 
    196 F.3d 1354
    , 1363 (11th Cir. 1999).
    Nevertheless, “[a]n employer who fires an employee under the mistaken but honest
    impression that the employee violated a work rule is not liable for discriminatory
    Id. at 1363
    n.3. Thus, when an employer violates its own policies, it
    does not necessarily indicate that the employer’s given reason is pretextual.
    Springer v. Convergys Customer Mgmt. Group, Inc., 
    509 F.3d 1344
    , 1350 (race
    discrimination case). Thus, whether an employment decision was prudent or fair is
    Rojas, 285 F.3d at 1342
    . Ultimately, a plaintiff must show that his
    protected activity was a but-for cause of the alleged adverse action by the
    employer. Univ. of Tex. Sw. Med. Ctr. v. Nassar, 
    133 S. Ct. 2517
    , 2533–34, 
    186 L. Ed. 2d 503
    The district court did not err in concluding that King failed to establish that
    the Army’s legitimate, non-discriminatory reason for charging him with being
    AWOL was pretextual. Although King’s AWOL charges were in close temporal
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    proximity to his protected conduct, the only other evidence tending to show falsity
    was the disputed nature of the leave policy. While a failure to follow established
    policies can be evidence of pretext, in this case, King did not present evidence
    showing that his supervisor’s true reason for charging him with being AWOL was
    retaliatory. See 
    Damon, 196 F.3d at 1363
    . Even if King followed leave
    procedures, he presented no evidence outside of the temporal proximity and poor
    relationship he had with his supervisor to suggest that his supervisor intended to
    retaliate against him for engaging in protected conduct. Because a scintilla of
    evidence is not sufficient to survive summary judgment, the district court did not
    err in granting summary judgment in favor of the Army. See 
    Young, 358 F.3d at 860
    . Additionally, the district court did not improperly find facts in favor of the
    Army because the district court reached its verdict under the assumption that King
    followed proper leave procedures. Therefore, King did not show either pretext or
    that retaliation was the but-for cause of Peloquin’s actions, and we affirm. See
    Nassar, 133 S. Ct. at 2533