Thomas W. Holmes v. Alabama Board of Pardons & Paroles , 591 F. App'x 737 ( 2014 )

  •            Case: 14-11330   Date Filed: 11/13/2014   Page: 1 of 22
    No. 14-11330
    Non-Argument Calendar
    D.C. Docket No. 2:12-cv-00279-WKW-CSC
    WILLIAM W. WYNNE, JR., et al.,
    Appeal from the United States District Court
    for the Middle District of Alabama
    (November 13, 2014)
    Before HULL, JORDAN and JULIE CARNES, Circuit Judges.
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    Thomas W. Holmes, a white male Probation and Parole Officer, appeals the
    grant of summary judgment to his employer, the Alabama Board of Pardons and
    Paroles (“Board”), in his suit alleging, inter alia, violations of Title VII of the Civil
    Rights Act, 42 U.S.C. § 2000e-2, when the Board failed to promote him to Senior
    Officer based on his race and gender or to District Manager based on his race. On
    appeal, Holmes argues that the district court erred by: (1) granting summary
    judgment on his Senior Officer claims; and (2) finding that he had failed to exhaust
    his administrative remedies as to his District Manager claim. 1 After review, we
    A.     Promotion of Probation and Parole Officers
    Because Holmes’s claims involve the Board’s failure to promote him to
    Senior Officer or District Manager positions, we first review the Board’s
    promotion process.
    Under Alabama’s merit system, an entry-level Probation and Parole Officer
    (or PO I) with two years of service is eligible for promotion to Senior Officer (or
    On appeal, Holmes does not challenge the district court’s order dismissing: (1) all of his
    claims against the individual defendants; (2) his claims under the Age Discrimination in
    Employment Act, 42 U.S.C. §§ 1981 and 1983, and state law; and (3) his Title VII hostile work
    environment claim. Accordingly, Holmes has abandoned any issues with respect to these claims.
    See Timson v. Sampson, 
    518 F.3d 870
    , 874 (11th Cir. 2008).
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    PO III) or District Manager (or PO IV). 2 To be promoted, the officer must apply
    with the State Personnel Department, which administers tests to all eligible
    applicants. The State Personnel Board then places the applicants on a promotional
    register, or “certificate of eligibles,” and groups the applicants in “bands” based on
    their test scores. Applicants within a band have statistically similar test scores and
    are considered equally ranked within the applicant pool. This promotional register
    lists the top ten “eligibles” and all applicants who tied the tenth highest eligible.
    Applicants are ranked both statewide and by preferred county. An applicant may
    share his statewide or county rank with other applicants.
    Because the register for Senior Officer promotions is “continuous,” officers
    wishing to be considered for those promotions must retake the Senior Officer test
    periodically to avoid falling off the register. Consequently, names and rankings on
    the Senior Officer register frequently change as old names receive promotions or
    fall off and new names are added.
    The District Manager classification has a separate test and promotional
    register. Unlike the Senior Officer register, the District Manager register is
    “closed,” meaning the State Personnel Department opens the register for only a
    In late 2011, the Board changed the promotion protocol to require two years of service in
    the Senior Officer classification to be eligible for promotion to District Manager. At the time of
    the events giving rise to Holmes’s claims, however, an entry-level officer with two years of
    service could apply for promotion to District Manager.
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    short period to accept applications for a vacancy and then closes the register again
    until there is another vacancy.
    The Board had a promotion protocol, effective August 15, 2009, for
    promoting officers to supervisor or manager positions within the agency. The
    2009 protocol contains a list of objective criteria that must be considered in making
    promotional decisions, including the candidate’s: (1) band number; (2) advanced
    degrees; (3) years in law enforcement, social services, or rehabilitation services;
    (4) unique objectively-based qualifications; (5) supervisory experience; and (6)
    past three years of performance appraisals, disciplinary actions, reprimands, and
    written warnings. The 2009 protocol also contains a list of subjective criteria,
    including: (1) the candidate’s audits and statistical reports; (2) the last three years
    of supervisors’ evaluations; (3) additional written input from the current
    supervisor; (4) the candidate’s writing sample and resume; and (5) the interview.
    The evaluating committee or person has direct access to each candidate’s personnel
    file and may be provided “candidate packets” of information “to use in
    Under the 2009 protocol, once the Board identifies a Senior Officer or
    District Manager vacancy, the Board requests a certified promotional register from
    the State Personnel Department, which the Board uses to fill the vacancy. A
    person or committee interviews applicants from the register and then completes
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    two worksheets of notes evaluating the candidates based on the objective and
    subjective criteria. The criteria are not weighted. Each evaluator has discretion in
    assigning weight to the criteria, and the worksheets are merely tools used to
    evaluate each interviewed candidate. After evaluating the candidates and
    deliberating, the person or committee recommends a candidate for promotion up
    the chain of command. Ultimately, the Board votes on the recommendation and
    has discretion in making the final promotion decision. 3
    B.     Holmes’s Employment
    In February 2001, Holmes began working as a Probation and Parole Officer,
    most of that time in the field office in Montgomery, Alabama, where he lives. In
    March 2009, Holmes moved to the Montgomery field office’s Pardon Unit, where
    he primarily processed pardon applications. In this assignment, Holmes did not
    ordinarily perform routine probation and parole officer field work, such as
    supervising offenders, maintaining field notes, participating in arrests, attending
    revocation hearings, preparing PSI reports or parole plans, collecting fees and
    arrearages, collecting DNA samples, and performing drug tests. On June 16, 2013,
    The record also contains a different, 2010 promotion protocol, effective December 6,
    2010, applicable to all classifications of Board employment. Under the 2009 protocol, all
    candidates on the register were interviewed and under the 2010 protocol, all candidates on the
    register were “considered,” but only some were interviewed. The 2010 protocol does not contain
    lists of objective and subjective criteria that must be considered.
    For summary judgment purposes, we assume that the 2009 protocol, which was specific
    to probation and parole officers, still applied.
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    Holmes was promoted to Senior Officer in the Montgomery Central Office’s
    Pardon Unit.
    Throughout his employment, Holmes received generally positive
    evaluations, although a few evaluations noted issues with timeliness and attention
    to detail. Additionally, Holmes’s personnel file contains some disciplinary actions
    during the years before he moved to the Pardon Unit, including: (1) a 2003
    reprimand for failing to accurately report an offender’s sentence end date, which
    led to three months of wrongful incarceration; (2) notes in his 2003 evaluation
    about the failure to comply with arrest procedures; (3) a 2004 written reprimand
    for improper use of an assigned cell phone, making an insubordinate statement,
    and conducting field activities without the presence of another officer, in violation
    of office policy; and (4) a 2006 written warning for making an unauthorized
    request for the criminal history of a supervisor.
    C.    Senior Officer Promotions
    In either 2004 or 2005, Holmes first took the Senior Officer test and began
    applying for promotion. Thereafter, Holmes periodically re-took the Senior
    Officer test when he received notice that he had dropped off the register. At one
    point, Holmes was on the register statewide, but later (Holmes does not know
    when), he changed his desired locations to counties around Montgomery.
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    Holmes claims that he was consistently passed over for Senior Officer
    promotions in favor of officers who were African-American or female. Holmes’s
    peers frequently commented to him that Holmes was “not the right color” for
    promotion, but Holmes did not hear this comment from supervisors in his chain of
    command. Holmes believed he was denied promotions based on his race and
    gender because he “continually” saw less experienced and less educated African-
    American and female officers get promoted rather than him. Holmes also believed
    there was a conspiracy within upper management to ensure African-American and
    women officers were promoted to Senior Officer positions.
    State Personnel Department records indicate that, between January 2005 and
    April 2013, a total of 95 Probation and Parole Officers were promoted to Senior
    Officer throughout the state. Of those 95 promotions, 58 officers were white, and
    62 officers were male. In other words, during the time Holmes was applying for
    Senior Officer promotions, white and male officers received more Senior Officer
    promotions than anyone else.
    It is undisputed that Holmes did not receive a promotion until June 2013.
    Before 2009, however, it is unclear how often Holmes’s name appeared on the
    Senior Officer register, whether and when he was available for promotion
    statewide, and how often he was considered or interviewed for promotion.
    According to State Personnel Department records, between January 2009 and
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    August 2011, 36 Senior Officer promotions occurred. During that time, Holmes’s
    name appeared on only six Senior Officer promotional registers. In other words,
    during the period for which there are records, Holmes was eligible for less than
    twenty percent of the Senior Officer promotions.
    Holmes’s appeal involves only three Senior Officer promotions in the
    Montgomery field office, all of which occurred in 2011. 4 Holmes appeared on the
    register, and was considered and interviewed, for each of these three promotions,
    but ultimately was not selected. Instead, the Board promoted Elizabeth Planer, a
    white woman, and Reginald Carter, an African-American man, on April 27, 2011,
    and Christopher Causey, an African-American man, on June 30, 2011. 5
    State Personnel Department records reflect that Planer, Carter, Causey, and
    Holmes all fell within the same “band” on the promotional registers and thus were
    equally ranked. While Holmes had a masters degree, Carter had a law degree, and
    The district court concluded that these three Senior Officer promotions were the only
    promotions that occurred within 180 days of Holmes’s filing of his charge with the Equal
    Employment Opportunity Commission (“EEOC”) and thus were the only failure-to-promote
    claims that were not time-barred. See 42 U.S.C. § 2000e-5(e)(1) (requiring an employee in a
    non-deferral state such as Alabama to exhaust administrative remedies by filing a charge of
    discrimination with the EEOC within 180 days of the alleged unlawful employment practice).
    On appeal, Holmes does not challenge this ruling, and we do not address it.
    Holmes heard rumors within the agency that some African-American and female
    officers received help preparing their answers to the take-home Senior Officer test and
    complained to upper management, the State Personnel Department, and the Alabama Attorney
    General’s Office. After a 2010 internal affairs investigation, a new Senior Officer test was
    introduced in March 2011. Holmes did not present any evidence that the three successful
    promotees for Holmes’s claims (Carter, Causey, or Planer) received help with respect to their
    2011 promotions and admitted in his deposition that he did not know whether any of them had
    cheated on the Senior Officer test.
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    Causey and Planer had bachelors degrees. Holmes had more years of experience at
    the agency than Carter, Causey, or Planer.
    D.    District Manager Promotions
    At some point (Holmes does not remember when), Holmes took the District
    Manager test and began to apply for District Manager promotions. Although it
    was theoretically possible to be promoted directly to District Manager without first
    being promoted to Senior Officer, Holmes was unaware of any such promotions.
    Between January 2005 and April 2013, 19 officers were promoted to District
    Manager, 12 of whom were white and 13 of whom were male.
    In October 2008, Holmes’s name appeared on a newly created promotional
    register for a District Manager position, along with 67 other candidates. Ten
    candidates were listed in band 01. Holmes and 42 other candidates were listed in
    band 02, and the remaining 15 candidates were listed in band 03. Thus, at that
    time, Holmes was “ranked” eleventh in the state, but he was tied for that position
    with 41 other band 02 applicants. On November 26, 2008, Stephanie Woodruff, a
    black woman who also was on band 02, received the promotion.
    According to a printout from the State Personnel Board’s website, in August
    2010, Holmes’s name appeared on a “current” promotional register for a District
    Manager position. The printout listed Holmes’s statewide rank as tenth, but did
    not indicate how many other candidates were on the register. State Personnel
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    Department records indicate, however, that no District Manager promotions
    occurred in 2010. In July and August 2011, three white males were promoted to
    District Manager positions. Holmes appeared on those promotional registers, and
    was considered for the three promotions, but was not selected.
    E.    EEOC Charge
    Shortly thereafter, in late July and early August 2011, Holmes wrote two
    letters to the EEOC claiming race and gender discrimination in the Board’s failure
    to promote him to a Senior Officer position and age discrimination in failing to
    promote him to any of the three 2011 District Manager positions. On August 9,
    2011, Holmes filed a formal charge of discrimination based on these claims.
    F.    Post-Charge District Manager Promotion
    On September 13, 2011, after Holmes filed his EEOC charge, a third District
    Manager promotion occurred. Specifically, Roderick Chambers, a black male
    Senior Officer was promoted to District Manager in the Montgomery field office.
    The record does not reflect whether Holmes appeared on the register for this
    District Manager position. In a subsequent letter to the EEOC, Holmes cited the
    Board’s failure to promote him to Chambers’s District Manager position as another
    example of his employer promoting a “younger, less educated, and less
    experienced” candidate than Holmes.
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    After the EEOC issued a right to sue letter, Holmes filed this action in the
    district court. The district court granted the Board’s summary judgment motion
    with respect to both the Senior Officer and District Manager failure-to-promote
    claims. As to the Senior Officer claims, the district court concluded that Holmes
    failed to present evidence establishing his prima facie case. As to the District
    Manager claims, the district court found that Holmes claimed only age
    discrimination in the EEOC and that his race and gender discrimination claims
    were “beyond the scope of the EEOC charge.”
    A.    McDonnell-Douglas Framework
    Where, as here, a Title VII plaintiff uses circumstantial evidence to prove
    discrimination, we apply the burden-shifting approach articulated in McDonnell
    Douglas Corporation v. Green, 
    411 U.S. 792
    93 S. Ct. 1817
    (1973). Brown v.
    Ala. Dep’t of Transp., 
    597 F.3d 1160
    , 1181 (11th Cir. 2010). Under this approach,
    the plaintiff must first make a prima facie case of discrimination. Alvarez v. Royal
    Atlantic Developers, Inc., 
    610 F.3d 1253
    , 1264 (11th Cir. 2010). If the plaintiff
    does so, a presumption of discrimination arises, and the burden of production, but
    not persuasion, shifts to the employer to articulate a legitimate, non-discriminatory
    reason for the promotion decision. Kidd v. Mando Am. Corp., 
    731 F.3d 1196
    1205 (11th Cir. 2013). If the employer meets its burden, the burden shifts back to
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    the plaintiff to produce evidence that the proffered reason was a pretext for
    discrimination. Springer v. Convergys Customer Mgmt. Group, Inc., 
    509 F.3d 1344
    , 1347 (11th Cir. 2007). While the intermediate burdens of production shift
    back and forth, “[t]he ultimate burden of persuading the trier of fact that the
    defendant intentionally discriminated against the plaintiff remains at all times with
    the plaintiff.” 
    Id. B. Prima
    Facie Case
    To state a prima facie case, the plaintiff must show that: (1) he is a member
    of a protected class; (2) he was qualified and applied for the promotion; (3) he was
    rejected despite his qualifications; and (4) the position was filled with an individual
    outside the protected class. Walker v. Mortham, 
    158 F.3d 1177
    , 1186, 1193 (11th
    Cir. 1998). In Walker, this Court concluded that the plaintiff need not establish as
    part of the prima facie case that the promoted employee was equally or less
    qualified than the plaintiff. 
    Id. at 1193.
    Since Walker, some of this Court’s
    decisions state that the fourth element does require the plaintiff to show that the
    promoted employee was equally or less qualified. See, e.g., Brown v. Ala. Dep’t
    of Transp., 
    597 F.3d 1160
    , 1174 (11th Cir. 2010); Wilson v. B/E Aerospace, Inc.,
    376 F.3d 1079
    , 1089 (11th Cir. 2004); Lee v. GTE Florida, Inc., 
    226 F.3d 1249
    1253 (11th Cir. 2000). We need not resolve this conflict because, even assuming
    arguendo that Holmes satisfied his prima facie case, Holmes failed to rebut the
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    Board’s legitimate, non-discriminatory reasons for not promoting him. See
    Cuddeback v. Fla. Bd. of Educ., 
    381 F.3d 1230
    , 1235-36 (11th Cir. 2004)
    (explaining that we may affirm the district court’s grant of summary judgment on
    any legal ground supported by the record, regardless of whether the district court
    relied on that ground).
    B.    Pretext
    To show pretext, the plaintiff cannot recast the employer’s proffered reason,
    but must meet the reason “head on and rebut it.” Chapman v. AI Transport, 
    229 F.3d 1012
    , 1030 (11th Cir. 2000) (en banc). The plaintiff must show both that the
    reason was false and that discrimination was the real reason. Brooks v. Cnty.
    Comm’n of Jefferson Cnty., Ala., 
    446 F.3d 1160
    , 1163 (11th Cir. 2006). At this
    stage, a “new level of specificity” applies, and the plaintiff must demonstrate “such
    weaknesses, implausibilities, inconsistencies, incoherencies, or contradictions in
    the employer’s proffered legitimate reasons for its action that a reasonable
    factfinder could find them unworthy of credence.” Rioux v. City of Atlanta, 
    520 F.3d 1269
    , 1275 (11th Cir. 2008); see also Earley v. Champion Int’l Corp., 
    907 F.2d 1077
    , 1081 (11th Cir. 1990) (explaining that the plaintiff must “present
    concrete evidence in the form of specific facts which show that the defendant’s
    proffered reason is mere pretext. Mere conclusory allegations and assertions will
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    not suffice”). If the employer proffers more than one reason, the plaintiff must
    rebut each of them to survive summary judgment. 
    Chapman, 229 F.3d at 1037
    . 6
    The Board proffered two reasons for its decisions not to promote Holmes to
    the three Senior Officer positions—Holmes’s disciplinary record and his
    specialization in pardon work in the Montgomery field office. Specifically,
    although Holmes’s disciplinary matters were not a bar to his promotion, they
    influenced his supervisors’ recommendations regarding whether to promote him.
    The Board further explained that while Holmes’s specialization in pardon work
    was a negative factor for promotion to a field office supervisor, it was a positive
    factor in 2013, when Holmes was promoted to Senior Officer within the
    Montgomery Central Office Pardon Unit.
    Holmes attempted to rebut the Board’s reasons by showing that he was more
    qualified than the promoted employees because he had a masters degree and had
    more years of experience as a parole and probation officer. Holmes pointed to the
    Board’s 2009 promotion protocol, which listed among its objective criteria the
    candidate’s advanced degrees and years in law enforcement.
    We review de novo the grant of summary judgment, construing the facts and drawing all
    reasonable inferences from those facts in the light most favorable to the non-moving party.
    Moton v. Coward, 
    631 F.3d 1337
    , 1341 (11th Cir. 2011). Summary judgment is proper “if the
    movant shows that there is no genuine dispute as to any material fact and the movant is entitled
    to judgment as a matter of law. Fed. R. Civ. P. 56(a).
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    Holmes also relied upon his own declaration, in which he provided
    generalized information about Senior Officer promotions by race and gender
    between 2007 and 2011. Although Holmes’s declaration claimed that he “learned”
    this information from “examination of the discovery” materials the Board had
    produced, he did not submit any of those discovery materials to the district court. 7
    The Board did submit some of those discovery materials, including State Personnel
    Department’s records of Senior Officer and District Manager promotions, which
    demonstrated that Holmes’s data was in fact inaccurate. Holmes further stated his
    own conclusory opinion that he was more qualified than all the individuals
    promoted because he was “more highly ranked and had superior education and
    Holmes’s declaration did not specifically address the qualifications of
    Causey, Carter, and Planer. Holmes claimed that “Carter was promoted with
    disciplinary warnings and reprimands in his file,” but did not provide any details or
    attach any supporting documents. Holmes made no claims about Causey’s and
    Planer’s disciplinary record and did not provide information about the three
    Specifically, Holmes’s declaration stated that, based on his “examination of the
    discovery in this case,” he had “learned that 23 officers were awarded promotions” to Senior
    Officer between January 2007 and August 2011, and that “22 of these 23 promotions were
    awarded to officers who were nonwhite and/or female.” Holmes further stated that he learned
    “[f]rom [his] examination of the applications of these officers,” that “none of the 23 officers
    selected for promotion has more experience that [sic] [he] did, and 12 had less than three years’
    experience” and that “18 of the 23 officers selected for promotion . . . did not possess a graduate
    degree.” But, Holmes did not submit any of the discovery he claimed to have reviewed.
    Case: 14-11330     Date Filed: 11/13/2014    Page: 16 of 22
    promoted officers’ work experience or areas of specialization. Further, Holmes did
    not dispute his own disciplinary record or that, as a pardons specialist, he
    ordinarily did not perform field duties.
    By focusing on his years of experience and advanced degree, Holmes merely
    quarreled with the wisdom of the Board’s reasons for not promoting him in 2011
    and did not address those reasons “head on.” See 
    Chapman, 229 F.3d at 1030
    Additionally, Holmes’s declaration made only conclusory assertions that the
    officers receiving promotions were less qualified, which is not sufficient to show
    pretext. Instead, Holmes needed to present “concrete evidence in the form of
    specific facts” rebutting the Board’s reasons. See 
    Earley, 907 F.2d at 1081
    ; see
    also Leigh v. Warner Bros., Inc., 
    212 F.3d 1210
    , 1217 (11th Cir. 2000) (explaining
    that “conclusory allegations without specific supporting facts have no probative
    value” in opposing summary judgment). For example, Holmes did not present
    evidence that Causey, Carter, and Planer had similar disciplinary records or that
    they also specialized in pardon work. Indeed, Holmes failed to present almost any
    evidence at all of the three promoted employees’ qualifications, whether linked to
    the Board’s proffered reasons or not. Thus, Holmes failed to show that Causey,
    Carter, and Planer were less qualified than him, much less that there was a
    disparity in qualifications “of such weight and significance” that a reasonable
    Case: 14-11330     Date Filed: 11/13/2014   Page: 17 of 22
    person could not have chosen Causey, Carter, and Planer over Holmes. See 
    Kidd, 731 F.3d at 1206
    Holmes’s declaration also identified three officers (other than Causey,
    Carter, or Planer) who were promoted to Senior Officer positions even though they
    either had a disciplinary record or performed pardon work. Holmes argues that the
    fact that these other officers were promoted shows the Board’s reasons lack
    credibility. The Board, however, did not claim that a disciplinary record or pardon
    work is a bar to promotion, just that they influenced his supervisors’
    recommendations of him for the three relevant Senior Officer promotions.
    Furthermore, evidence of comparators who are treated more favorably
    cannot show pretext unless those comparators are “similarly situated to the plaintiff
    in all relevant respects.” See 
    Rioux, 520 F.3d at 1280
    (quotation marks and
    alterations omitted). Holmes offered no other information about his proffered
    comparators except that they had a disciplinary record or performed pardon work
    and thus did not show they were “similarly situated” to him in all relevant respects.
    Accordingly, Holmes did not present evidence from which a reasonable jury could
    conclude that the Board’s two proffered reasons were false and a pretext for
    Finally, Holmes’s argument that the district court improperly shifted the
    burden of proof to him at summary judgment lacks merit. Consistent with Federal
    Case: 14-11330     Date Filed: 11/13/2014    Page: 18 of 22
    Rule of Civil Procedure 56(c)(1), the Board both cited to record evidence showing
    the presence of some undisputed facts and also pointed out that Holmes’s own
    evidence was insufficient to carry his ultimate burden to prove by a preponderance
    of the evidence that the failure to promote him to the three Senior Officer positions
    was discriminatory. See Fed. R. Civ. P. 56(c)(1)(A)-(B) & advisory committee’s
    notes (2010 Amendments, Subdivision (c)); see also Celotex Corp. v. Catrett, 
    477 U.S. 317
    , 322-323, 
    106 S. Ct. 2548
    , 2552 (1986) (explaining that the moving party
    need not affirmatively negate the opponent’s claim with affidavits or other
    materials, but instead may meet its summary judgment burden by showing there is
    a lack of evidence to support the essential elements the non-moving party must
    prove at trial); Clark v. Coats & Clark, Inc., 
    929 F.2d 604
    , 608 (11th Cir. 1991)
    (explaining that, per Celotex, “under certain circumstances the movant may meet
    its Rule 56 burden without negating an element of the non-moving party’s claim
    and that under such circumstances it is sufficient to point to materials on file that
    demonstrate that the party bearing the burden of proof at trial will not be able to
    meet that burden”).
    A.    Exhaustion of Administrative Remedies
    Holmes claimed that the Board denied him the September 2011 District
    Manager promotion—the one awarded to Chambers—based on race. The district
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    court concluded that Holmes had failed to exhaust this race-based failure-to-
    promote claim in the EEOC. We agree.
    Before a plaintiff may file a Title VII action, he must first exhaust his
    administrative remedies by filing a charge of discrimination with the EEOC.
    Gregory v. Ga. Dep’t of Human Res., 
    355 F.3d 1277
    , 1279 (11th Cir. 2004).
    While we must liberally construe an EEOC charge that was prepared without
    assistance of counsel, a plaintiff’s civil complaint remains “limited by the scope of
    the EEOC investigation which can reasonably be expected to grow out of the
    charge of discrimination.” 
    Id. at 1280
    (quotation marks omitted). We have
    cautioned “that allegations of new acts of discrimination are inappropriate” for a
    post-charge judicial complaint. 
    Id. at 1279-80.
    Here, Holmes’s raced-based District Manager claim did not fall within the
    scope of his EEOC charge for two reasons. First, this claim alleged a discrete act
    of discrimination—a promotion—that occurred after Holmes filed his EEOC
    charge. See Nat’l R.R. Passenger Corp. v. Morgan, 
    536 U.S. 101
    , 114, 
    122 S. Ct. 2061
    , 2073 (2002) (“Each incident of discrimination . . . constitutes a separate
    actionable ‘unlawful employment practice.’”); 
    Gregory, 355 F.3d at 1279
    that it is inappropriate to allege new acts of discrimination). Specifically, Holmes
    filed his charge on August 9, 2011, but Chambers’ promotion did not occur until
    one month later, on September 13, 2011.
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    Second, Holmes’s communications with the EEOC emphasized only age
    discrimination with regard to District Manager promotions, and not race
    discrimination. For example, in the two pre-charge letters Holmes sent to the
    EEOC, he advised, inter alia, that he had recently interviewed for two District
    Manager positions, but that two white males who were younger and had less
    experience had been selected for these positions. Holmes stated that “therefore, I
    am making another claim of age discrimination.”
    In his formal EEOC charge, Holmes checked the boxes for discrimination
    based on race, color, sex, and age, but he claimed African-American candidates
    were selected over him only with respect to the Senior Officer position. As to the
    District Manager position, Holmes’s charge stated, “I was also denied a promotion
    to the position of district manager and a less experienced, less educated, younger
    officer was promoted.”
    Later, in a September 8, 2011 post-charge letter, Holmes again discussed the
    District Manager promotions, stating that since July 2011, he was passed over four
    times, and that “[a]t least two of these recent promotions to District Manager were
    to less educated, less experienced, and younger candidates than me .” With respect
    to Roderick Chambers’s promotion in particular, Holmes stated that Chambers
    “happens to be black,” but also claimed Chambers was “less educated, less
    experienced, and younger than me.” Holmes asserted that “in the absence of clear
    Case: 14-11330   Date Filed: 11/13/2014   Page: 21 of 22
    definitive promotional policy, my employer promotes those younger, less
    educated, and less experienced than myself.” Holmes further pointed out that
    Chambers’s promotion to District Manager discriminated against both him and an
    African-American female officer in her fifties, signifying that age, not race, was
    the alleged discriminatory motive in the decision.
    Given that Holmes’s own communications with the EEOC stressed age, not
    race, discrimination in the District Manager promotions, we cannot say a race
    discrimination claim could reasonably be expected to arise from his complaints
    about the District Manager promotions. Accordingly, the district court correctly
    concluded that any race discrimination claim as to the District Manager position
    was outside the scope of Holmes’s EEOC charge and properly declined to consider
    such a claim.
    B.    Prima Facie Case
    However, even assuming arguendo that Holmes’s passing reference to
    Chambers’s race in his September 8, 2011 letter exhausted Holmes’s race
    discrimination claim, the district court still properly granted summary judgment on
    this claim because Holmes did not present evidence that he was “qualified for” the
    District Manager position Chambers received. To establish a prima facie claim of
    failure to promote, the plaintiff must present evidence that he “applied for and was
    qualified for” the promotion. 
    Brown, 597 F.3d at 1174
    . An employee is “qualified
    Case: 14-11330     Date Filed: 11/13/2014   Page: 22 of 22
    for” a promotion if the employee “offers evidence that [he] satisfied an employer’s
    objective qualifications.” 
    Kidd, 731 F.3d at 1204
    (quotation marks omitted).
    In Holmes’s case, it is undisputed that to be eligible for promotion to an
    open District Manager position, a probation and parole officer must take the
    District Manager test and appear on the State Personnel Board’s promotional
    register, or “certificate of eligibles.” In his deposition, Holmes admitted he took
    the District Manager test only once, but he could not remember when he did so.
    Holmes submitted a printout from the State Personnel Board’s website indicating
    that he was on a “current” District Manager promotional register on August 18,
    2010. The decision to promote Chambers, however, did not occur until September
    2011, one year later. And, District Manager promotional registers are closed rather
    than continuous, meaning they do not remain open to fill later vacancies.
    Therefore, Holmes did not present evidence that he was listed on the particular
    promotional register used to fill, and thus was eligible for, the District Manager
    position that Chambers received.
    For all these reasons, we affirm the district court’s entry of summary
    judgment in favor of the Board on Holmes’s failure to promote claims.