Savannah College of Art and Design, Inc. v. Sportswear, Inc. ( 2020 )

  •            USCA11 Case: 19-11258          Date Filed: 12/22/2020       Page: 1 of 29
    No. 19-11258
    D.C. Docket No. 1:14-cv-02288-TWT
    Plaintiff - Appellee,
    d.b.a. PrepSportswear,
    Defendant - Appellant.
    Appeal from the United States District Court
    for the Northern District of Georgia
    (December 22, 2020)
    Before WILLIAM PRYOR, Chief Judge, ROSENBAUM, Circuit Judge, and
    MOORE *, District Judge.
    * Honorable K. Michael Moore, Chief United States District Judge for the Southern District
    of Florida, sitting by designation.
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    ROSENBAUM, Circuit Judge:
    As a student struggling in 1971 to afford art classes at Portland State
    University, Carolyn Davidson did not say “no” when a businessman offered to pay
    her to come up with a logo design for his company. She drew a few different designs
    on tissue paper, and the businessman selected one. From these humble origins,
    Davidson’s design became the globally recognized Nike Swoosh. 1
    Successful logos and design marks are lucrative—their recognition can
    instantly ignite an emotional connection with the associated brand. 2 And this is
    especially true for colleges, where sentimentality and pride create great demand for
    products emblazoned with schools’ word and design marks—so much so that an
    entire industry has grown up around producing logo products for schools, colleges,
    and universities.
    Plaintiff-Appellee Savannah College of Art and Design, Inc. (“SCAD”), and
    Defendant-Appellant Sportswear, Inc. (“Sportswear”), are now before us a second
    1  Carolyn Davidson, How a College Student Created One of Sport’s Most Iconic Images,
    ABC News, (June 17, 2016, 4:57 PM),
    sports-iconic-images/story?id=39945185 (last visited Dec. 21, 2020). Davidson charged only $35
    for her first deal with the shoe company now valued in the billions. Twelve years later, in 1983,
    Nike also gave her a gold ring in the shape of the Swoosh with a diamond in it and shares of Nike
    stock (not to mention chocolate dessert Swooshes). Id.
    2 When Tropicana briefly dropped its iconic green-and-gold-lettering and orange-with-a-
    protruding-straw design marks for plain font appearing next to a glass of orange juice, the
    Tropicana Pure Premium line experienced a 20% drop in sales in less than two months. Sarah
    Shearman, Five Brand Logo Redesigns that Misfired and How to Deal with the Backlash, The
    Guardian, (Aug. 1, 2014),
    blog/2014/aug/01/brand-logo-redesign-airbnb-foursquare. That was apparently enough to
    convince Tropicana to return to its former design marks. See id.
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    time on the merits in a dispute over Sportswear’s use of the college’s word marks
    “SCAD” and “SAVANNAH COLLEGE OF ART AND DESIGN” and the college’s
    design mark that includes its mascot, Art the Bee.
    SCAD did not authorize Sportswear to use its marks to sell products inscribed
    with SCAD’s name and mascot. Upon discovery of Sportswear’s offerings, SCAD
    sued Sportswear for trademark infringement, unfair competition, false designation
    of origin, and counterfeiting under the Lanham Act, and for unfair competition and
    trademark infringement under Georgia common law.
    On the first trip to this Court, SCAD appealed, and we considered the district
    court’s grant of summary judgment to Sportswear on all counts. We reversed,
    holding that our precedent required us to conclude that SCAD enjoyed enforceable
    trademark rights in the marks Sportswear used. 3 We remanded to the district court
    to determine, in the first instance, whether Sportswear’s uses of the marks were
    likely to cause consumer confusion. Savannah College of Art & Design, Inc. v.
    Sportswear, Inc., 
    872 F.3d 1256
    , 1264, 1265 (11th Cir. 2017) (“SCAD I”).
    On remand, the district court concluded they were. Having previously
    dismissed SCAD’s counterfeit claim, the district court granted summary judgment
    3 An infringement claim requires demonstration “(1) that the plaintiff had enforceable
    trademark rights in the mark or name, and (2) that the defendant made unauthorized use of the
    mark or name such that consumers were likely to confuse the two.” See Custom Mfg. & Eng'g,
    Inc. v. Midway Servs., Inc., 
    508 F.3d 641
    , 647 (11th Cir. 2007) (citation and internal quotation
    marks omitted).
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    to SCAD on its remaining three counts—two claims under the Lanham Act and one
    claim under Georgia law—and permanently enjoined Sportswear from selling
    products bearing the SCAD marks at issue. Now, on this case’s second merits trip
    to this Court, Sportswear appeals the district court’s decision.                 After careful
    consideration, we affirm.
    I.     Factual Background
    We begin with a summary of the underlying facts of this case. 4 SCAD, based
    in Georgia, is a private, non-profit college founded in 1978. It provides educational
    services to more than 11,000 students from more than 100 countries, including the
    United States. SCAD is principally known for specialized art programs in areas like
    painting, sculpture, architecture, fashion, photography, film, and design. Beyond
    SCAD’s educational programs, SCAD’s athletic teams compete in a variety of
    intercollegiate sports.
    This case concerns two word marks and one design mark that SCAD has used
    to market and promote its educational programs and services, as well as its athletic
    4 The facts are outlined in more detail in SCAD I, 872 F.3d at 1259–60, including specific
    circumstances surrounding the marks’ registrations and incontestable status. For reasons we
    discuss below in Section IV, we do not reach the legal arguments regarding the significance of the
    marks’ incontestable status, so we need not recount those details here.
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    SCAD has used the two word marks—“SCAD” and “SAVANNAH COLLEGE
    OF ART AND DESIGN”—since 1979. As for the design mark containing
    SCAD’s mascot, “Art the Bee,” SCAD began using that in 2001, after having
    used variations of the bee portion since 1996. 5
    Sportswear operates an online business that markets and sells “fan” apparel
    and other items, such as t-shirts, sweatshirts, baseball caps, and duffel bags.
    Although Sportswear began selling apparel for kindergartens, grade schools, and
    high schools in 2003, it currently offers made-to-order apparel and related goods
    for other entities, including colleges, Greek and military organizations, golf
    courses, professional sports teams, and even fantasy sports teams. Sportswear
    sells some of its goods with licensing agreements and others—such as the goods
    bearing SCAD’s marks—without.
    In August 2009, Sportswear sold its first merchandise bearing SCAD’s
    marks. But SCAD remained unaware of Sportswear’s unauthorized use of its
    marks on products until February 2014, when a parent of a student-athlete
    5 The design mark, as shown above, consists of an image of SCAD’s mascot, “Art the Bee,”
    in the middle of a circle containing the words “SAVANNAH COLLEGE OF ART AND DESIGN”
    and “BEES.” In this opinion, we refer to this design mark as the “Bee Design Mark.”
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    forwarded Sportswear’s website to one of SCAD’s coaches. SCAD filed this
    case in July 2014, and Sportswear then stopped selling the unlicensed
    merchandise with SCAD’s marks in its online “Savannah College of Art and
    Design Bees” store.
    Before then, though, Sportswear undeniably marketed and sold products
    with both of SCAD’s word marks, “SCAD” and “Savannah College of Art and
    Design.” And while it did not use the Bee Design Mark in its full depiction,
    Sportswear’s online store did offer apparel imprinted with SCAD’s “Art the Bee”
    mascot, a prominent feature in the Bee Design Mark.
    Sportswear’s website contained several disclaimers that the clothing was not
    sponsored, endorsed by, or affiliated with SCAD and that all products were
    exclusively produced and fulfilled by Sportswear. Similarly, Sportswear’s website,
    advertising material, and packaging material did not indicate that any of the
    merchandise constituted official SCAD products or were endorsed by SCAD.
    Finally, we note that several other third-party online retailers besides Sportswear
    printed SCAD’s word marks on apparel.
    II.   Procedural Background
    Based on these facts, SCAD sued Sportswear under the Lanham Act for
    claims of trademark infringement, unfair competition and false designation of origin,
    and counterfeiting, and under Georgia common law for unfair competition and
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    trademark infringement. Sportswear moved for summary judgment, and the district
    court granted its motion. SCAD appealed.
    That brings us to SCAD I, Savannah College of Art & Design, Inc. v.
    Sportswear, Inc., 
    872 F.3d 1256
     (11th Cir. 2017). In SCAD I, we reversed the district
    court’s grant of summary judgment in favor of Sportswear. We explained that
    SCAD’s claims for trademark infringement under § 32(a) of the Act, codified at 
    15 U.S.C. § 1114
    (1)(a), and for unfair competition and false designation of origin under
    § 43(a), codified at 
    15 U.S.C. §1125
    (a), required SCAD to establish two things.
    First, SCAD needed to show enforceable trademark rights in its marks used by
    Id. at 1261
    . And second, it had to prove that Sportswear’s unauthorized
    use of its marks was likely to confuse consumers. 
    With respect to the first requirement, we concluded that the district court had
    applied an erroneous standard in limiting the reach of SCAD’s service-mark rights
    from extending to goods. 
    Id. at 1260, 1262
    . Under our binding precedent, we said,
    SCAD’s enforceable service-mark rights for educational “services” could also cover
    “goods” in the form of the apparel Sportswear sold. 
     at 1262–64 (relying on
    Boston Prof’l Hockey Ass’n, Inc. v. Dallas Cap & Emblem Mfg., Inc., 
    510 F.2d 1004
    (5th Cir. 1975)). 6
    6  See Bonner v. City of Prichard, 
    661 F.2d 1206
    , 1207 (11th Cir. 1981) (en banc) (holding
    that all decisions of the “old Fifth” Circuit handed down prior to the close of business on September
    30, 1981, are binding precedent in the Eleventh Circuit).
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    Then we turned to the second inquiry: likelihood of confusion. Because the
    district court had not previously had the opportunity to assess the likelihood of
    confusion, we remanded the matter and directed the district court to assess in the
    first instance whether Sportswear’s use of SCAD’s service marks in Sportswear’s
    apparel was likely to cause confusion. 
    Id. at 1264
    . To evaluate this, we instructed
    the district court to consider the following seven factors: the strength of SCAD’s
    marks; the similarity between SCAD’s and Sportswear’s marks, between
    Sportswear’s goods and SCAD’s services represented by the marks, between the
    parties’ trade channels and customers, and between the advertising media used by
    the parties; Sportswear’s intent; and the existence of any actual consumer confusion.
     (citing Fla. Int’l Univ. Bd. of Trustees v. Fla. Nat’l Univ., Inc., 
    830 F.3d 1242
    1255 (11th Cir. 2016)). 7
    Following remand, the parties filed letter briefs with the district court and
    responses thereto, addressing the likelihood-of-confusion issue and asserting that the
    record was complete and that no disputes of fact remained for trial. The court then
    once again took under advisement the parties’ previously filed cross-motions for
    summary judgment, this time applying our guidance in SCAD I.
    After consideration, the district court entered an order granting in part
    7  Before the case returned to the district court, Sportswear unsuccessfully sought a writ of
    certiorari to the United States Supreme Court. Sportswear, Inc. v. Savannah Coll. of Art & Design,
    139 S. Ct. 57
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    Sportswear’s motion for summary judgment 8 and granting SCAD’s motion for
    summary judgment on the trademark-infringement, unfair-competition, and false-
    designation-of-origin claims. Based on this ruling, the district court ultimately
    entered permanent injunctive relief for SCAD against Sportswear. In particular, the
    court enjoined Sportswear from using in any way the three SCAD marks at issue in
    this case. It further ordered Sportswear to delete all references to the three SCAD
    marks from its websites and databases. Finally, the court directed that any sales or
    shipments in the continental United States by Sportswear of products bearing the
    SCAD marks, without SCAD’s prior written consent “shall be deemed a
    presumptive violation” of the injunction.
    Sportswear appeals.
    III.   Standard of Review
    We review de novo the district court’s grant of summary judgment. Code
    Revision Comm’n for Gen. Assembly of Ga. v. Public.Resource.Org, Inc., 
    906 F.3d 1229
    , 1235 (11th Cir. 2018). In so doing, we apply the same standards that bound
    the district court. 
     We view the record and draw all factual inferences in the light
    most favorable to the non-movant—here, Sportswear. SCAD I, 872 F.3d at 1260.
    8  The district court ruled on two issues that are not subject to this appeal. It granted
    Sportswear’s motion for summary judgment on SCAD’s claims for infringement of the “shield
    design mark” because SCAD offered no proof that Sportswear has ever used the image. And to
    the extent that SCAD sought to hold Sportswear liable for its use of the words in the shield design,
    the district court noted that SCAD’s other counts already covered that. The district court also
    denied Sportswear’s motion for summary judgment on the defense of functionality.
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    Summary judgment is proper if the movant demonstrates that no genuine dispute of
    any material fact exists and the movant is entitled to judgment as a matter of law.
    Fed. R. Civ. P. 56(a).
    We may affirm a district-court judgment on any ground supported in the
    record, even if the district court did not specifically address it. Wetherbee v. S. Co.,
    754 F.3d 901
    , 905 (11th Cir. 2014).
    IV.    Discussion
    We conclude that our trademark precedents of Boston Hockey, Laite, 9 and
    SCAD I require affirmance of the district court’s judgment. 10 Our mandate in SCAD
    I directed the district court to “assess the strength of SCAD’s word marks” and to
    “consider whether SCAD has demonstrated that Sportswear’s use of its word marks
    is likely to create consumer confusion as to origin, source, approval, affiliation,
    association, or sponsorship.” 872 F.3d at 1264. The district court complied, and we
    see no error in its determination.
    9  Univ. of Ga. Ath. Ass’n v. Laite, 
    756 F.2d 1535
     (11th Cir. 1985).
    10  We do not consider the so-called Dieter presumption in our analysis. In Dieter v. B &
    H Industries of Southwest Florida, Inc., we held that a mark’s incontestable status is a factor to be
    taken into consideration in the likelihood-of-confusion analysis, concluding that the incontestable
    status required a presumption that the mark was “at least descriptive with secondary meaning, and
    therefore a relatively strong mark.” 
    880 F.2d 322
    , 329 (11th Cir. 1989). We have recognized that
    Dieter is an outlier and opined that it is “almost certainly incorrect.” Sovereign Military
    Hospitaller Order of Saint John of Jerusalem of Rhodes & of Malta v. Florida Priory of the Knights
    Hospitallers of the Sovereign Order of Saint John of Jerusalem, Knights of Malta, The Ecumenical
    809 F.3d 1171
    , 1183 (11th Cir. 2015). Nevertheless, until Dieter has been overturned by
    this Court en banc, it remains the law of this Circuit. Id. at 1184. But here, the record supports
    the entry of summary judgment in favor of SCAD even without the Dieter presumption, so we do
    not address Sportswear’s arguments concerning the district court’s application of Dieter.
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    1.      Likelihood-of-Confusion Framework
    In this Circuit, we consider seven factors when we analyze whether a
    likelihood of confusion exists between two marks:
    (1) strength of the mark alleged to have been infringed; (2) similarity of the
    infringed and infringing marks; (3) similarity between the goods and services
    offered under the two marks; (4) similarity of the actual sales methods used
    by the holders of the marks, such as their sales outlets and customer base;
    (5) similarity of advertising methods; (6) intent of the alleged infringer to
    misappropriate the proprietor’s good will; and (7) the existence and extent of
    actual confusion in the consuming public.
    Sovereign Military Hospitaller Order of Saint John of Jerusalem of Rhodes & of
    Malta v. Florida Priory of the Knights Hospitallers of the Sovereign Order of Saint
    John of Jerusalem, Knights of Malta, The Ecumenical Order, 
    809 F.3d 1171
    , 1181
    (11th Cir. 2015) (quoting Tana v. Dantanna’s, 
    611 F.3d 767
    , 774–75 (11th Cir.
    2010)). The district court need not consider all factors in every case. 
     But we
    have said that “the type of mark and the evidence of actual confusion are the most
    important” of all the factors. Fla. Int’l Univ. Bd. of Trustees v. Fla. Nat’l Univ., Inc.,
    830 F.3d 1242
    , 1255 (11th Cir. 2016).
    On the other hand, in cases where the concern for confusion does not arise
    from the defendant’s unfair competition with the plaintiff’s products, but rather from
    “the defendant’s misuse of the plaintiff’s reputation and good will as embodied in
    the plaintiff’s mark,” we discount certain likelihood-of-confusion factors. Laite, 
    756 F.2d at 1547
    . In particular, we have held that the three factors of similarity of
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    product, identity of retail outlets and purchasers, and identity of advertising media
    utilized are less relevant in these types of cases. 
     So their absence “does not
    undermine the district court’s finding of a ‘likelihood of confusion.’” 
    In line with the reasoning we expressed in Laite, our instructions in SCAD I
    to address the likelihood-of-confusion analysis focused on confusion over “origin,
    source, approval, affiliation, association, or sponsorship.” 872 F.3d at 1264. These
    considerations directly relate to the misuse of SCAD’s “reputation and good will as
    embodied in [its] mark[s].” Laite, 
    756 F.2d at 1547
    On review of a district court’s grant of summary judgment on a likelihood-of-
    confusion analysis, “[t]he real question is whether the court’s ultimate determination
    about the ‘likelihood of confusion’ was correct.” Sovereign Military, 809 F.3d at
    1181 (11th Cir. 2015) (citation and internal quotation marks omitted). And while
    generally likelihood of confusion raises a question of fact, when appropriate, it may
    be determined as a matter of law. Alliance Metals, Inc., of Atlanta v. Hinely Indus.,
    222 F.3d 895
    , 907 (11th Cir. 2000).
    We decide each case on its own merits, determining whether the plaintiff has
    satisfied the threshold for evidence of confusion based on the circumstances of the
    particular case. See Lone Star Steakhouse & Saloon, Inc. v. Longhorn Steaks, Inc.,
    122 F.3d 1379
    , 1382 (11th Cir. 1997). When we analyze the likelihood of confusion,
    we are mindful that “sophisticated consumers” of complex goods or services “are
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    less likely to be confused than casual purchasers of small items.” Fla. Int’l Univ.,
    830 F.3d at 1256 (citation and internal quotation marks omitted). We accord weight
    to the individual likelihood-of-confusion factors based on what the situation calls for
    and do not simply calculate the number of factors favoring such a conclusion and
    the number of factors militating against it. See Jellibeans, Inc. v. Skating Clubs of
    Ga., Inc., 
    716 F.2d 833
    , 840 n.17 (11th Cir. 1983).
    In reviewing the likelihood-of-confusion factors here, we begin with SCAD’s
    word marks and then move on to its Bee Design Mark.
    2.      SCAD’s Word Marks
    a.    Strength of the Marks
    On the issue of the strength of SCAD’s word marks (“SCAD” and “Savannah
    College of Art and Design”), it is undisputed that both service marks hold
    incontestable status. But as we have noted above, see supra at n.10, on this record
    we do not rely on the Dieter presumption to conclude that SCAD’s word marks are
    strong under these facts.
    Instead, we consider the strength of the mark under our traditional analysis.
    Our Circuit recognizes four categories of a mark’s distinctiveness, listed in
    ascending order of strength:
    (1) generic—marks that suggest the basic nature of the product or
    service; (2) descriptive—marks that identify the characteristic or
    quality of a product or service; (3) suggestive—marks that suggest
    characteristics of the product or service and require an effort of the
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    imagination by the consumer in order to be understood as descriptive;
    and (4) arbitrary or fanciful—marks that bear no relationship to the
    product or service, and the strongest category of trademarks.
    Gift of Learning Found., Inc. v. TGC, Inc., 
    329 F.3d 792
    , 797–98 (11th Cir. 2003).
    We have explained that we view the last two categories of marks—suggestive and
    arbitrary or fanciful—as “inherently distinctive.” Tana, 
    611 F.3d at 774
    and internal quotation marks omitted). These are marks whose “intrinsic nature
    serves to identify a particular source of a product.” 
     (citation and internal
    quotation marks omitted). At the other end of the spectrum, generic marks, which
    cannot be registered as trademarks under the Lanham Act, generally cannot receive
    trademark protection. 
    Descriptive marks fall between these two extremes. Although they are not
    inherently distinctive like suggestive and arbitrary or fanciful marks, descriptive
    marks nonetheless may become distinctive enough to enjoy trademark protection if
    they acquire “secondary meaning.” Id.; 
    15 U.S.C. § 1052
    (f). Secondary meaning
    develops when the consuming public primarily associates a name with the producer,
    as opposed to the product. Tana, 
    611 F.3d at 774
    . Ultimately, the strength or
    distinctiveness of the trademark or service mark corresponds directly with the scope
    of protection it receives. Welding Servs., Inc. v. Forman, 
    509 F.3d 1351
    , 1361 (11th
    Cir. 2007).
    SCAD’s word marks have acquired significant strength through the more than
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    four decades of their use and through SCAD’s investment in goodwill. At the time
    the parties filed their cross-motions for summary judgment, SCAD enrolled over
    11,000 students, and now its enrollment numbers thousands more than that. It is
    among the leading institutions for creative professionals, with several programs
    honored as the best in the nation. Not only that, but SCAD also has nationally ranked
    athletic teams. As a consequence of that growth in goodwill and reputation since
    1978, SCAD enjoys a worldwide reach of students and alumni, as well as other
    supporters, who recognize its marks. And beyond academics and athletics, SCAD
    coordinates other events throughout the year that draw tens of thousands of
    These unrebutted facts support the conclusion that SCAD’s word marks have
    acquired strength through the promotional efforts of SCAD and its network of
    connections. See John H. Harland Co. v. Clarke Checks, Inc., 
    711 F.2d 966
    , 974
    n.13 (11th Cir. 1983).     Even words that could be considered weak, such as
    geographical terms, can acquire secondary meaning and be afforded protection for
    that secondary meaning. See also Cont’l Motors Corp. v. Cont’l Aviation Corp., 
    375 F.2d 857
    , 861 (5th Cir. 1967) (“Protection is warranted on what it has come to
    signify regardless of any original weakness, actual or supposed.”).
    Sportswear attempts to rebut any strength of SCAD’s word marks by pointing
    to three other third-party apparel manufacturers who have used the marks.
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    Sportswear is correct that, as a general matter, third-party use has the potential to
    weaken a finding of a mark’s strength. See Fla. Int’l Univ., 830 F.3d at 1257 (“Thus,
    the number of third-party users is important, but there is no hard-and-fast rule
    establishing a single number that suffices to weaken a mark.” (citation and internal
    quotation marks omitted)). Indeed, when extensive third-party use has occurred, that
    diminishes a mark’s strength. Id. at 1257–58 (finding twelve third-party uses
    sufficient to diminish); AmBrit, Inc. v. Kraft, Inc., 
    812 F.2d 1531
    , 1539 (11th Cir.
    1986) (affording lesser protection where eight third-party users employed similar
    trade dress); El Chico, Inc. v. El Chico Cafe, 
    214 F.2d 721
    , 725 (5th Cir. 1954)
    (concluding “El Chico” trademark was “weak” in light of registrations of the name
    and similar names by twenty-seven third parties).
    But here, Sportswear has identified only three third-party usages of SCAD’s
    marks—significantly fewer than we have previously relied on in finding a mark’s
    strength to be materially diluted.        “[C]ommercial strength measures the
    marketplace’s recognition value of the mark.” Fla. Int’l Univ., 830 F.3d at 1258.
    And as we have explained, SCAD’s word marks here developed substantial strength
    over SCAD’s forty years of existence, because of the size and reach of its student
    body, its alumni network, and its programs. Under these circumstances, even
    viewing the facts in the light most favorable to Sportswear, we cannot conclude that
    Sportswear has shown that the three third-party uses diminished the strength of
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    SCAD’s word marks by more than any negligible amount.
    Nor can Sportswear contend persuasively that the SCAD marks are weak. On
    the contrary, it strains credulity for Sportswear to argue against the strength of
    SCAD’s marks when Sportswear offered and sold merchandise with those identical
    word marks to obtain a profit from its consumers. If the marks had no strength,
    consumers would not purchase attire imprinted with them in the first place, and
    Sportswear would have no reason to offer for sale products bearing the marks. We
    have recognized this concept in our precedent that proof of intentional copying is
    probative on the secondary-meaning analysis. See Brooks Shoe Mfg. Co. v. Suave
    Shoe Corp., 
    716 F.2d 854
    , 860 (11th Cir. 1983).
    In sum, the strength factor favors SCAD, as the district court correctly
    concluded, even without reliance on the Dieter presumption.
    b.     Similarity Between the Infringed and Infringing Marks
    We evaluate similarity by accounting for “the overall impression created by
    the marks.” Jellibeans, 716 F.2d at 842. Here, Sportswear undoubtedly used similar
    marks to SCAD’s word marks. In fact, they were not just similar, but identical, as
    the record shows that Sportswear used SCAD’s two word marks on its apparel, as
    well as the Art the Bee design with other SCAD marks. So this factor weighs in
    SCAD’s favor as well, as the district court correctly concluded.
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    c.     Similarity of Goods or Services
    The similarity-of-goods factor assesses “whether the goods are so related in
    the minds of consumers that they get the sense that a single producer is likely to put
    out both goods.” Frehling Enters., Inc. v. Int’l Select Grp., Inc., 
    192 F.3d 1330
    1338 (11th Cir. 1999); see also PlayNation Play Sys., Inc. v. Velex Corp., 
    924 F.3d 1159
    , 1168 (11th Cir. 2019).
    In Laite, as we have highlighted, we noted that this factor is less important in
    cases—like this one—that concern the use of the plaintiff’s service marks on the
    defendant’s goods for the very reason that the plaintiff’s marks embody the
    plaintiff’s goodwill and reputation. See Laite, 
    756 F.2d at 1547
    . So the district court
    did not err in giving the factor little significance.
    d.     Similarity of Actual Sales Methods
    The similarity-of-actual-sales-methods factor contemplates the similarity of
    the parties’ customer bases. See Sovereign Military, 809 F.3d at 1181. Here, the
    parties’ customer bases overlap, as the target customers for Sportswear’s apparel
    goods bearing SCAD’s word marks are the same as those of SCAD’s educational
    services—namely, its current students and their parents, its alumni and faculty, and
    fans of its athletic teams.      This factor therefore weighs in favor of SCAD.
    Nevertheless, since Laite instructs that this factor bears less (if any) weight in cases
    like this one (where the defendant seeks to trade off the plaintiff’s goodwill and
    USCA11 Case: 19-11258      Date Filed: 12/22/2020     Page: 19 of 29
    reputation, as opposed to its products), its weight is not much. See Laite, 
    756 F.2d at 1547
    e.      Similarity of Advertising Methods
    The similarity of advertising methods is the third factor that Laite holds is less
    important to the likelihood-of-confusion analysis in a case like this one. See Laite,
    756 F.2d at 1547
    . We conclude that the district court did not err in finding this factor
    neutral. As the district court noted, although both parties advertise over the internet,
    “[t]hat the goods or services of the parties are both found on the Internet proves little,
    if anything, about the likelihood that consumers will confuse similar marks used on
    such goods or services.” 4 McCarthy on Trademarks and Unfair Competition §
    24:53.50 (5th ed.).
    f.      Sportswear’s Intent to Misappropriate SCAD’s Goodwill
    Next up, we consider Sportswear’s intent to misappropriate SCAD’s
    goodwill. Sportswear relies on its use of website disclaimers to negate any finding
    of intent to confuse consumers. Intent may be proven by circumstantial evidence.
    716 F.2d at 843
    . The district court, relying on Babbit Electronics, Inc. v.
    Dynascan Corp., 
    38 F.3d 1161
    , 1179 (11th Cir. 1994), reasoned that intent to copy
    in itself can create a rebuttable presumption of the likelihood of confusion. But the
    district court ended its analysis there, noting that SCAD had not argued for such a
    presumption, yet concluding that the factor favored SCAD.
    USCA11 Case: 19-11258       Date Filed: 12/22/2020   Page: 20 of 29
    Babbit certainly supports the notion that, as a matter of law, courts may find
    a likelihood of confusion “if the defendant intended to derive benefit from the
    plaintiff’s trademark.” 
    38 F.3d at 1179
    . And where a party copies a mark “with the
    intent that the public recognize and purchase the emblems as the symbol of the”
    mark holder, intent likewise can be found. Boston Hockey, 
    510 F.2d at 1012
    This is equally true when the defendant intends to derive a benefit from the
    good will of the mark holder. See John H. Harland Co., 
    711 F.2d at 977
     (“In this
    case, there is some evidence from which the jury might have inferred that Clarke
    adopted the Entry Stub mark in order to appropriate some of the good will associated
    with Harland’s Memory Stub mark. Clarke was well aware of the success of
    Harland’s Memory Stub product.”); AmBrit, 812 F.2d at 1542 (“[A] finding that
    Kraft adopted the trade dress with the intent of deriving benefit from the reputation
    of Isaly’s Klondike may alone be enough to justify the inference that there is
    confusing similarity.”); see also AmBrit, 812 F.2d at 1543 (“Although Kraft was free
    to copy the Klondike product and the functional packaging features of that product,
    the finder of fact may infer from evidence of such actions an intent to derive benefit
    from Isaly’s goodwill.”).
    Nevertheless, we have observed that mere evidence of intentional copying—
    in the absence of any other evidence—does not conclusively establish a likelihood
    of confusion. Yellowfin Yachts, Inc. v. Barker Boatworks, LLC, 
    898 F.3d 1279
    , 1293
    USCA11 Case: 19-11258       Date Filed: 12/22/2020   Page: 21 of 29
    (11th Cir. 2018). Rather, the plaintiff must also present some evidence indicating
    that the defendant copied the marks with the intent to confuse customers. 
    Id. at 1294
    (finding the district court properly concluded plaintiff put forth no evidence showing
    intent to copy “in order to deceive consumers as to the source of [the] boats” and
    “cause consumer confusion”); see 
    id. at 1293
     (“There is a difference between
    intentional copying and intentional copying with the intent to cause confusion.”
    (emphasis in original)); see also Jellibeans, 
    716 F.2d at 843
    evidence, including testimony, supported finding of intent to confuse roller-skaters).
    The very nature of school memorabilia relies upon the goodwill, reputation,
    and affiliation people associate with that school.      So it is not surprising that
    Sportswear even admits on appeal that customers visit its website to “create apparel
    bearing the name of the school, team, or organization with which they desire to
    express affiliation.” Cognizant of the intuitive link between school merchandise and
    sponsorship, Sportswear cannot reasonably argue against a finding of intent here.
    Nor can Sportswear rely on its website disclaimers to completely negate any
    finding of intent.    To be sure, Sportswear’s website bears these prominent
    disclaimers: “This store is not sponsored or endorsed by Savannah College of Art
    and Design” and “This store is not affiliated with, sponsored or endorsed by
    Savannah College of Art and Design. All products in this store are produced and
    fulfilled by Prep Sportswear.” And Sportswear urges the Court to distinguish our
    USCA11 Case: 19-11258     Date Filed: 12/22/2020   Page: 22 of 29
    holdings on the insufficiency of product disclaimers in Boston Hockey and Laite and
    instead rely on the finding of successful website disclaimers in the District of
    Maryland and the Northern District of Georgia. But while Sportswear correctly
    notes that the disclaimers in Boston Hockey and Laite did not involve websites, but
    rather disclaimers on physical products, we are nonetheless guided by those holdings
    In Boston Hockey, we considered the unauthorized manufacturing and sale of
    National Hockey League embroidered cloth emblems, which “were substantial
    duplications of the marks,” and which the defendant reproduced with the intention
    that consumers recognize the hockey-team symbols and purchase them for that
    510 F.2d at 1009
    .    After we addressed the Lanham Act claims, we
    considered and rejected the idea that the common-law unfair competition claim
    could be rendered fair with a disclaimer. We said, “The exact duplication of the
    symbol and the sale as the team’s emblem satisfying the confusion requirement of
    the law, words which indicate it was not authorized by the trademark owner are
    insufficient to remedy the illegal confusion. Only a prohibition of the unauthorized
    use will sufficiently remedy the wrong.” 
    Id. at 1013
    Similarly, in Laite, the defendant, a wholesaler of novelty beers, began
    marketing “Battlin’ Bulldog Beer,” which the district court found caused a
    likelihood of confusion with the University of Georgia Bulldog. 
    756 F.2d at 1537
    USCA11 Case: 19-11258      Date Filed: 12/22/2020   Page: 23 of 29
    The beer wholesaler argued, among other things, on appeal that no confusion from
    the sale of “Battlin’ Bulldog Beer” could occur because each can contained a
    disclaimer that the beer was “[n]ot associated with the University of Georgia.” 
    Id. at 1547
    . We soundly rejected that argument and held that the disclaimer was
    insufficient to negate confusion—both because the disclaimer was inconspicuous on
    the individual cans and because Boston Hockey required us to conclude that
    disclaimers noting that a product is not authorized by a trademark owner are
    insufficient to remedy the consumer’s confusion. 
     (citing Boston Hockey, 
    510 F.2d at 1013
    So as in SCAD I, Boston Hockey and its progeny control our analysis here—
    this time on the disclaimer issue—and they require us to find that the intent factor
    does not favor Sportswear. Perhaps the website disclaimers here may be viewed as
    negating some of Sportswear’s intent. But even if they are, like the disclaimers in
    Boston Hockey and Laite, they are insufficient under our binding precedent to totally
    negate the confusion. See Boston Hockey, 
    510 F.2d at 1013
    The record and the nature of this case demonstrate that companies like
    Sportswear copy the word marks of schools like SCAD for application on apparel
    for the very reason that SCAD’s goodwill and educational reputation fundamentally
    drive the sales. Like the intended customers in Boston Hockey and Laite, the
    customers who purchased Sportswear’s SCAD-branded merchandise, whether
    USCA11 Case: 19-11258       Date Filed: 12/22/2020    Page: 24 of 29
    current students and faculty, alumni, or sports fans, did so because of the
    merchandise’s affiliation with the marks and because what the marks represent are
    meaningful to buyers. Indeed, that’s the same reason the Boston Hockey defendant
    sold patches bearing the teams’ trademarks: it hoped to benefit from the patches’
    association with what they represented. See Boston Hockey, 
    510 F.2d at 1012
    . Thus,
    we conclude that the district court did not err in finding that this factor favors SCAD.
    g.     Actual Confusion in the Consuming Public
    While this final actual-confusion factor weighs heavily in the balance, we
    have noted that its absence does not necessarily spell doom for a final finding of a
    “likelihood” of confusion under the seven-factor analysis. E. Remy Martin & Co.,
    S.A. v. Shaw-Ross Int’l Imports, Inc., 
    756 F.2d 1525
    , 1529 (11th Cir. 1985). “Actual
    confusion” and “likelihood of confusion” are demonstrably different concepts. That
    is especially the case in smaller markets with cheaper items and minimal sales.
    AmBrit, 812 F.2d at 1544. Survey evidence is similarly unnecessary for a likelihood-
    of-confusion finding. See PlayNation, 924 F.3d at 1169 (“Lack of survey evidence
    does not weigh against the plaintiff when determining likelihood of confusion.”).
    Here, SCAD offers only one piece of evidence to show actual confusion: a
    parent of a student sent a link to Sportswear’s website to one of SCAD’s employees,
    and the employees were unsure whether Sportswear’s use was authorized. This is
    hardly strong evidence of actual confusion. As the district court correctly concluded,
    USCA11 Case: 19-11258       Date Filed: 12/22/2020    Page: 25 of 29
    this factor weighs in favor of Sportswear, but it is not determinative of the issue of
    likelihood of confusion under the multifactor analysis. In fact, for the entirety of the
    nearly five-year period from August 31, 2009, to July 27, 2014, when Sportswear
    sold products bearing SCAD’s marks, the record of total sales for those products was
    $23,703.14, with net profits of $1,896.25. The vast majority of individual sales were
    under $100, with a small number reaching into the $200–$300 range. In other words,
    this is precisely the type of case, with a smaller market and inexpensive goods, in
    which we have cautioned that weak evidence of actual consumer confusion is not
    dispositive. See AmBrit, 812 F.2d at 1544.
    h.     Balancing the Seven Factors
    Now that we have individually reviewed each of the seven likelihood-of-
    confusion factors, we evaluate the weight of the facts, considering the unique
    circumstances of the case. See Lone Star Steakhouse, 
    122 F.3d at 1382
    ; Jellibeans,
    716 F.2d at
    840 n.17. In doing so, we must keep in mind that the strength and type
    of the mark and the evidence of actual confusion are the most important factors. Fla.
    Int’l Univ., 830 F.3d at 1255.
    Of the seven factors, four favor SCAD: the strength of the mark, the similarity
    of the infringed and infringing marks, the similarity of Sportswear’s and SCAD’s
    customer base, and the intent of Sportswear to misappropriate SCAD’s goodwill.
    One factor—undoubtedly one of the two most important ones—favors
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    Sportswear, since the record contains little evidence of any actual consumer
    confusion. But as we just discussed, the relatively low sales volume, over the five-
    year period, of items bearing SCAD’s marks and the relatively inexpensive nature
    of the goods further lessen the import of the actual-confusion factor. See AmBrit,
    812 F.2d at 1544. As we have explained, the likelihood-of-confusion analysis must
    be mindful that “casual purchasers of small items” are more likely to be confused
    than more sophisticated consumers of complex goods. See Fla. Int’l Univ., 830 F.3d
    at 1256 (citation and internal quotation marks omitted).
    Finally, as we have also described, the remaining factors are of little relevance
    here because the concern for confusion does not arise from Sportswear’s unfair
    competition with SCAD’s products, but rather from Sportswear’s “misuse of the
    plaintiff’s reputation and good will as embodied in the plaintiff’s mark.” See Laite,
    756 F.2d at 1547
    . Given the balance of facts in this matter, we conclude that the
    district court correctly found a likelihood of confusion as to Sportswear’s use of
    SCAD’s word marks.
    3.      The Bee Design Mark
    Now we briefly address the parties’ arguments concerning Art the Bee. First,
    Sportswear argues that it cannot be held liable for use of Art the Bee because SCAD
    ostensibly abandoned the design mark in 2011. But since we are reviewing the
    denial of Sportswear’s motion for summary judgment on that issue, we must take
    USCA11 Case: 19-11258        Date Filed: 12/22/2020    Page: 27 of 29
    the facts in the light most favorable to SCAD. While Sportswear points to the 2011
    memo regarding non-use of the Art the Bee mark in future athletic merchandise,
    SCAD responds with evidence of Art the Bee’s continued use on athletic apparel.
    So we cannot say that Sportswear has shown entitlement as a matter of law under
    the stringent, heavy burden for demonstrating abandonment. See Cumulus Media,
    Inc. v. Clear Channel Commc’ns, Inc., 
    304 F.3d 1167
    , 1175 (11th Cir. 2002).
    Next, Sportswear argues that any claims regarding its use of Art the Bee are
    moot, relying on the cancellation of the design mark in September 2016. A case
    becomes moot if “the issues presented are no longer ‘live’ or the parties lack a legally
    cognizable interest in the outcome.” De La Teja v. United States, 
    321 F.3d 1357
    1362 (11th Cir. 2003) (citation and internal quotation marks omitted). A court may
    not decide a case that has become moot because it no longer constitutes a “Case” or
    “Controversy” as Article III of the Constitution requires, so the court lacks
    jurisdiction. BankWest, Inc. v. Baker, 
    446 F.3d 1358
    , 1363 (11th Cir. 2006). Rather,
    Article III’s case-or-controversy requirement demands a live controversy throughout
    all stages of the litigation. 
    Here, the case is not moot. Though Sportswear points to SCAD’s cancellation
    of the Art the Bee design mark in 2016, all Sportswear’s uses occurred before that
    happened—between 2009 and 2014. So to the extent that Sportswear violated the
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    Bee Design Mark during that period, SCAD may be entitled to damages, regardless
    of its later cancellation of the mark. As a result, the design-mark claim is not moot.
    Sportswear next asserts that it should prevail on the design-mark issue because
    the record is devoid of any evidence that it ever printed products with the Bee Design
    Mark. But violating the Bee Design Mark does not require a verbatim copying of
    the Bee Design Mark. Jellibeans, 716 F.2d at 842. Rather, a violation can occur
    based on the overall impression of the copy. Id.
    Likewise, any argument by Sportswear that it cannot infringe SCAD’s Bee
    Design Mark because it did not use the identical version of the design
    misunderstands the likelihood-of-confusion test, which does not require the marks
    to be identical. Rather, the question is similarity of the marks. And the graphic
    Sportswear used for apparel on its website is materially indistinguishable from the
    “angry bee” SCAD used as Art the Bee:
    For these reasons, the district court correctly determined that “uncontroverted
    evidence” established that Sportswear had used “the bee portion of the logo in
    USCA11 Case: 19-11258      Date Filed: 12/22/2020   Page: 29 of 29
    conjunction with [SCAD’s] text marks.” And the same analysis we conducted with
    respect to SCAD’s word marks applies equally to the Bee Design Mark here. As a
    result, the likelihood-of-confusion factors support the district court’s finding that
    Sportswear’s uses of the Bee Design Mark were an infringement.
    V.    Conclusion
    For the reasons we have explained, the district court properly entered
    summary judgment and the corresponding permanent injunction in favor of SCAD.
    We therefore affirm the judgment of the district court.

Document Info

Docket Number: 19-11258

Filed Date: 12/22/2020

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 12/22/2020

Authorities (19)

Cumulus Media, Inc. v. Clear Channel Communications, Inc. , 304 F.3d 1167 ( 2002 )

Tana v. Dantanna's , 611 F.3d 767 ( 2010 )

Carlos Gustavo De La Teja v. United States of America, John ... , 321 F.3d 1357 ( 2003 )

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Brooks Shoe Manufacturing Co., Inc., a Pennsylvania ... , 716 F.2d 854 ( 1983 )

University of Georgia Athletic Association, Etc. v. Bill ... , 756 F.2d 1535 ( 1985 )

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lone-star-steakhouse-saloon-inc-plaintiff-counterdefendant-appellant , 122 F.3d 1379 ( 1997 )

El Chico, Inc. v. El Chico Cafe , 214 F.2d 721 ( 1954 )

John H. Harland Company, Cross-Appellant v. Clarke Checks, ... , 711 F.2d 966 ( 1983 )

Boston Professional Hockey Association, Inc. v. Dallas Cap &... , 510 F.2d 1004 ( 1975 )

Continental Motors Corporation and Continental Aviation and ... , 375 F.2d 857 ( 1967 )

Alliance Metals, Inc. v. Hinely Industries, Inc. , 222 F.3d 895 ( 2000 )

View All Authorities »