United States v. Scheer , 168 F.3d 445 ( 1999 )

  •                                                                                    PUBLISH
    No. 96-4225         ELEVENTH CIRCUIT
    _______________            2/25/99
    D. C. Docket No. 87-6034-CR-HOEVELER CLERK
    Appeal from the United States District Court
    for the Southern District of Florida
    (February 25, 1999)
    Before EDMONDSON and BIRCH, Circuit Judges, and LAWSON*, District
    Honorable Hugh Lawson, U. S. District Judge for the Middle District of Georgia, sitting
    by designation.
    BIRCH, Circuit Judge:
    Dana Scheer appeals his convictions for misapplication of
    bank funds, 
    18 U.S.C. §§ 2
     and 657, and making false statements
    for the purpose of influencing a financial institution, 
    18 U.S.C. §§ 1014
     and 2. Scheer’s trial and convictions arise from his
    participation in a series of transactions that culminated in the
    insolvency of the Sunrise Savings and Loan Association. In this
    appeal, Scheer raises numerous issues concerning the fairness of
    his trial, several of which relate to alleged prosecutorial
    misconduct. Having reviewed the record with respect to each of
    these claims, we conclude that Scheer’s claim regarding
    prosecutorial intimidation of a witness sufficiently undermines our
    confidence in the integrity of Scheer’s trial and in the verdict to
    warrant reversal of Scheer’s convictions and, therefore, remand
    this case for a new trial.1
    Because we set aside Scheer’s convictions based on this single issue, we decline to
    address the other enumerations of error that Scheer raises on appeal.
    The facts surrounding the formation and eventual failure of
    Sunrise Savings and Loan Association (“Sunrise”) have been
    detailed extensively in several of our prior opinions, see, e.g.,
    United States v. Foxman, 
    87 F.3d 1220
     (11th Cir. 1996) and
    United States v. Jacoby, 
    955 F.2d 1527
     (11th Cir. 1992). We
    briefly summarize the facts and allegations relevant solely to the
    charges against Scheer and the specific issues raised in this
    appeal: In 1984, the year in which most of the events pertinent to
    this action transpired, Scheer worked as an associate at the law
    firm of Blank, Rome, Comiskey, and McCauley (“Blank, Rome”).
    Scheer’s immediate supervisor at that time was Kenneth
    Treadwell, a partner at Blank, Rome. Among his duties as an
    attorney, Scheer routinely handled real estate closings on behalf
    of Sunrise, which had been founded by another Blank, Rome
    partner, Michael Foxman. In 1984, Robert Jacoby was the
    president and chairman of the board of directors at Sunrise. Early
    in that same year, Sunrise’s board of directors entered into a
    supervisory agreement with the Federal Savings and Loan
    Insurance Corporation (FSLIC) and the Florida Comptroller’s
    Office pursuant to which, inter alia, all future Sunrise loans
    exceeding a specified amount would require board approval and
    “specific supporting documentation demonstrating compliance
    with underwriting and credit requirements.” Jacoby, 
    955 F.2d at 1531
    William Frederick and Thomas Moye were co-owners of
    Commercial Center Development Corporation, a real estate
    company that developed commercial properties. Frederick and
    Moye began borrowing money from Sunrise in 1980 and, over the
    course of the next five years, Sunrise became their exclusive
    lending institution. By 1983, Frederick and Moye had fallen
    behind substantially on the interest payments on their loans but,
    to maintain the appearance that the accounts were current,
    obtained additional loans through overdrafts, or unsecured lines of
    credit, that were approved by individuals within Sunrise. By the
    summer of 1984, Sunrise had loaned Frederick, Moye, and their
    business concerns over $150 million. At the same time, Sunrise’s
    outside auditors discovered that Frederick and Moye’s personal
    accounts collectively were overdrawn by more than $4 million. As
    a result, the auditors advised Jacoby that, unless the overdrafts
    were satisfied by August 30th, the auditors would not certify
    Sunrise’s financial statements for that fiscal year. R34 at 2911.
    According to testimony adduced at trial, Jacoby, Frederick, and
    several other individuals associated with Sunrise2 discussed
    various options for eliminating the Frederick and Moye overdrafts.
    See R34 at 2913. The participants at the meeting agreed that
    Sunrise would extend loans in the amount of $500,0003 to various
    Trial testimony from several witnesses consistently showed the following individuals to
    have been present at this meeting: Jacoby; Frederick; William Frame, Sunrise’s executive vice-
    president for lending operations and a co-defendant at Scheer’s trial; Joseph Taber, also a
    Sunrise executive vice-president; Thomas Skubal, a Sunrise Mortgage Corporation vice-
    president; and Ron Berkovitz, a representative from Alpha Capital Group, which arranged
    financing for developers. See e.g., R39 at 3579; R34 at 2912.
    According to the government’s theory of the case at trial, setting the amount of the loans
    at $500,000.00 or less enabled the various individuals who implemented this plan to circumvent
    both the documentation required by the supervisory agreement and the requirement that the loan
    personal acquaintances or relatives of those attending the
    meeting; these borrowers would use the funds to purchase
    property from Frederick and Moye, who would in turn use those
    proceeds to cover the overdrafts in their accounts with Sunrise.
    The borrowers chosen for these transactions were Charles
    Powell, an associate of Ron Berkovitz at Alpha Capital Group;
    Virginia Valosin, Frederick’s cousin and employee; and Meryl
    Wood, Frederick’s yacht broker. According to the testimony of
    Taber, at the conclusion of the meeting Jacoby requested that
    those present “get it done.” Id. at 2918. It is undisputed that on
    August 30th and 31st, Sunrise extended lines of credit for real
    estate, guaranteed by Frederick, to Meryl Wood, Charles Powell,
    and Virginia Valosin, and that Scheer acted as the closing
    attorney for these transactions (“the August 30th transactions”). It
    was the government’s contention at trial that the loans to each of
    these individuals constituted sham transactions, whereby Powell,
    be approved by Sunrise’s board of directors.
    Wood, and Valosin acted as nominee borrowers to enable
    Sunrise to extend further credit (that Sunrise would otherwise be
    precluded from extending by virtue of the supervisory agreement)
    to Frederick and Moye.
    In addition, the government introduced evidence at trial
    demonstrating that, subsequent to the August 30th transactions,
    Sunrise purchased from Frederick and Moye a property, referred
    to by the parties as “Seawalk,” for $13.5 million. See e.g., R34 at
    2957. The government argued at trial that Sunrise purchased
    Seawalk for more than its fair market value; that this constituted
    another attempt to cover the increasingly delinquent interest
    payments accruing in Frederick’s and Moye’s accounts with
    Sunrise; and that Scheer facilitated this scheme by acting as
    closing attorney on the real estate purchase.
    The government indicted and prosecuted Scheer for thirteen
    counts of conspiracy to misapply bank funds, misapplication of
    bank funds, and aiding and abetting the making of false
    statements on a loan application in relation to both the August 30th
    and Seawalk transactions. R1 at 436. After a lengthy trial, the jury
    convicted Scheer of conspiracy to misapply bank funds, as well as
    two counts of misapplication of bank funds and two counts of
    aiding the making of false statements in connection with the
    extension of credit to Wood and Valosin on August 30th, 1984; the
    jury acquitted Scheer of all counts related to the Seawalk
    In a post-trial order, the district court set aside the conspiracy
    conviction with respect to Scheer (as well as his two co-
    defendants) after finding a variance in the indictment and the
    proof adduced at trial that substantially prejudiced the defendants.
    Specifically, the court determined that the indictment alleged that
    part of the conspiracy count involved another savings and loan
    institution, referred to by the parties as “Crusader,” in which these
    defendants unambiguously never participated and which occurred
    prior to their tenure with Sunrise; that the prosecutor argued his
    intention to “link up” the evidence but, in fact, never showed any
    relationship between the events surrounding Crusader and the
    evidence that arguably implicated these defendants; and that the
    prosecutor made repeated reference to Crusader in his opening
    and closing statements and in questions to witnesses,
    notwithstanding the fact that—as found by the district court—there
    was no connection between Crusader and any of the allegations
    regarding Scheer or his co-defendants.
    In its order, the district court further remarked upon multiple
    instances of prosecutorial overzealousness and excess, see e.g.,
    R4 - 817 at 37 (“Apparently, one of the prosecution’s motivations
    for introducing Crusader evidence was to prejudice these
    defendants by tainting them with crimes in which they played no
    role.”); id. at 42 (“The enthusiasm and aggressiveness with which
    the prosecution pursued this case . . . ultimately led to excesses,
    some, but certainly not all, of which have been outlined.”); id. at
    28 (“The vigor and enthusiasm which powers the successful
    prosecution of those guilty of criminal conduct is commendable
    and should be encouraged. We must never, however, sanction
    the excesses which result form [sic] unchecked
    enthusiasm—excesses which lead to justifications of the type
    presented [by the prosecution] here.”). The court, however, found
    the evidence sufficient to sustain the remaining convictions
    against Scheer for misapplication and false statements in
    connection with the August 30th loans to Wood and Valosin.
    Prominent among the instances of possible prosecutorial
    overreaching described by the district court in its post-trial
    memorandum, the court noted that, during the trial, the lead
    prosecutor apparently issued a verbal threat to a critical witness,
    Robert Jacoby, who testified on behalf of the government. The
    district court held a hearing on the allegation and decided that,
    although the incident did “appear[] to be an instance of
    prosecutorial intimidation of a witness,” id. at 45, the defendants
    had not shown that Jacoby had changed his testimony as a result
    of the threat. Finding no connection between the prosecutor’s
    threat and Jacoby’s testimony, the court let the convictions stand.
    Although we note that the district court’s handling of this unwieldy
    and contentious trial from start to finish was often exemplary, the
    following discussion outlines our basis of disagreement with the
    court’s disposition of this particular issue.
    Scheer presents his claim of prosecutorial misconduct under
    the rubric of Brady v. Maryland, 
    373 U.S. 83
    83 S. Ct. 1194
    10 L.Ed.2d 215
     (1963). Scheer argues that, in withholding
    information regarding the prosecutor’s threatening remarks to a
    key prosecution witness, the government failed to divulge material
    impeachment evidence that was, in essence, exculpatory by
    virtue of its ability to cast substantial doubt on the credibility of the
    witness. The facts and allegations underlying this contention are
    described briefly below.
    A. The Conversation Between Jacoby and Genge
    Jacoby was on probation when he testified at Scheer’s trial
    and at the post-trial evidentiary hearing. At the hearing, Jacoby
    testified that, during the week end that intervened between the
    first and second day of his testimony, he met with Assistant
    United States Attorney Genge and another member of the
    prosecution team, David Batlle, to go over his testimony. Jacoby
    testified that, during that conversation,
    [Mr. Genge] at some point kind of turns to me
    and says—he has a funny way of
    pointing—kind of points at me and says,
    “Now, I know you are going to come through
    for us or for me. I know you are going to
    come through on that, and if you don’t come
    through on that, Tony4 is going to put the
    cuffs on you and you are going to be out of
    there in 45 seconds.”
    He kind of rocks back and smiles. He
    may have done it twice, rocked back and
    smiles. I turned to David. I looked at Dave,
    kind of like, “What is that?” Dave looked at
    Genge’s reference to “Tony” referred to an agent of the Federal Bureau of Investigation,
    Tony Yanketis. See R64 at 27.
    me. He didn’t smile. He just kind of looked
    sheepishly away, and then we went on.
    R64 at 81. Jacoby suggested that he inferred from these remarks
    that Genge was directing him to state in his testimony that
    Jacoby had defrauded Sunrise, see 
    id. at 121
    , a position that
    Jacoby had not taken at his own trial. Jacoby offered conflicting
    testimony as to whether he had regarded Genge’s comments as a
    threat that had real possible consequences. Jacoby testified that
    he had related this entire event to Frame and Thomas Skubal, a
    defendant in an earlier criminal proceeding involving Sunrise.
    Jacoby suggested, however, that he may have exaggerated his
    description of his own response to Genge’s remarks to “mollify,
    placate, or in other words, otherwise deal with Mr. Skubal . . .
    [who] is a lot more emotionally involved in this case.” 
    Id. at 83
    Later in his testimony, Jacoby stated that he “embellished” the
    importance of the event in order to “help” Frame prepare for a
    conviction in this case. See 
    id. at 140-42
    . In response to yet
    another round of questioning about Jacoby’s perception of
    Genge’s remarks, Jacoby testified that “I still don’t think it was a
    joking matter in the sense that it is somebody in my spot wouldn’t
    take it necessarily as a joke.” 
    Id. at 138-39
    . Jacoby also offered
    the following observations regarding the effect of Genge’s
    comments on his trial testimony:
    I wasn’t—what is the word? I wasn’t
    influenced by it. It did not make me change
    my testimony. I didn’t lie because of it. I
    didn’t do anything because of it, but it did
    upset me, and I would use a different word if I
    wasn’t in the court. I thought it was
    insensitive, but again that is probably
    Id. at 83
    Jacoby acknowledged in his testimony that, although the
    relevant conversation with Genge took place in October, at the
    same time he was giving testimony in the case, it is likely that he
    did not tell Frame about it until the jury deliberations began in
    January. See 
    id. at 109
    . Jacoby also agreed that he had refused
    to speak to any of the defendants’ lawyers prior to the evidentiary
    hearing and, similarly, had refused to speak to the Justice
    Department regarding its earlier investigation of Genge. See 
    id. at 94-98
    Thomas Skubal, one of Jacoby’s former Sunrise associates,
    also testified at the evidentiary hearing. Skubal stated that he had
    met with Frame and Jacoby at a bar to discuss business5
    sometime during or after the trial. Skubal offered the following
    account of what transpired during that meeting:
    A: Well, [Jacoby] had told Frame and myself
    that Mr. Genge pulled him aside after one of
    his days of testimony, and told him that if he
    didn’t start cooperating, shaking his finger at
    Jacoby, that he would have the FBI Agent
    Yanketis take him back to Eglin, or take him
    back to prison. I am sorry.
    R64 at 27. Skubal testified that Jacoby recounted that Genge
    intended for Jacoby to be taken “[o]ff the stand” and back to
    At time of the hearing, Skubal operated a pool hall located in a shopping center that
    Jacoby managed.
    prison if Jacoby did not “start cooperating.” 
     Skubal further
    testified that Jacoby had interpreted the prosecutor’s comment as
    a directive to testify that Jacoby had knowingly and intentionally
    defrauded the directors of Sunrise and government officials. Id. at
    29. Skubal also noted that, in a subsequent conversation held
    closer to the time of the hearing, Jacoby told him that “in Mr.
    Genge’s mind he may have been joking, but there is no way that
    he [Jacoby] took it as a joke.” Id. at 35.6
    Frame’s lawyer, with whom Jacoby spoke briefly about the
    incident, testified that Jacoby had told him that “any reasonable
    person would conclude that what Mr. Genge had said to him was
    a threat.” Id. at 69-70. He also stated that Jacoby had indicated
    that he would not provide an affidavit describing the incident until
    the trial was over. Id. at 70.
    In addition, Skubal testified that, while in prison together, he and Jacoby had coined an
    expression, “the wrath of Genge,” to refer to the fact that “if we did not cooperate with Mr.
    Genge, we did not know what was going to happen to us.” Id. at 32.
    Scheer argues that Genge’s remarks constituted critical
    impeachment evidence that the government, by concealing this
    incident, withheld from Scheer at the time of the trial. The
    potentially exculpatory nature of these remarks derives from the
    possibility that Jacoby may have felt compelled to fully implicate
    himself, as president of Sunrise, in the knowing, intentional
    defrauding of the bank at the risk of having his probation revoked.
    The import of such a “confession” would be to fully implicate the
    defendant-lawyers, who were admittedly involved in the day-to-
    day operations of the bank, as equally knowing participants in
    Jacoby’s plan to commit bank fraud. Had Scheer been able to
    bring out in his cross-examination of Jacoby the fact that Jacoby
    had been intimidated by the assistant U.S. attorney prosecuting
    this case, the value of Jacoby’s testimony would have been
    considerably diminished.
    The government contends on appeal, as it did at the
    evidentiary hearing, that Scheer (and his co-defendants)
    waived this claim by failing to raise it immediately when they
    learned of the alleged threats to Jacoby. The district court held
    its evidentiary hearing regarding the allegation of prosecutorial
    intimidation of Jacoby several months after the trial had
    concluded. At that hearing, the defendants’ lawyers indicated to
    the judge that, during the third week of jury deliberations, Jacoby
    had advised one of the defendants, William Frame, that he had
    been threatened by one of the assistant United States attorneys,
    Lothar Genge, who was prosecuting the case. Jacoby
    subsequently spoke to Frame’s lawyer, who notified the attorneys
    for Scheer and the remaining co-defendant, Kenneth Treadwell.
    Immediately following the trial, a representative from the law firm
    of Treadwell’s lawyer asked the Office of Professional
    Responsibility (“OPR”), a division of the United States Department
    of Justice, to investigate the allegation. OPR referred the matter
    to the Justice Department’s Office of Public Integrity to conduct a
    criminal investigation, but the Justice Department declined to
    press criminal charges against the prosecutor. Before this
    investigation had been completed, however, the defendants had
    filed with the district court a motion for a new trial based on these
    same allegations.
    Although we are cognizant both of the duty of a defendant
    to bring to the trial court’s attention any perceived violations or
    objections that potentially undermine the integrity of the
    process and the concomitant probability that the defendant’s
    failure to voice these challenges in a timely fashion may result
    in waiver, see Watkins v. Bowen, 
    105 F.3d 1344
    , 1352 n.16
    (11th Cir. 1997), we conclude that the facts of this case militate
    against the formulaic application of this well-established
    procedural principle. As noted by Scheer’s trial counsel at the
    court’s hearing, Jacoby’s communication to one of Scheer’s co-
    defendant placed the defendants in a peculiarly difficult
    dilemma: On the one hand, they faced the prospect that, by
    failing to raise this allegation, they might waive the issue
    altogether. On the other hand, they also knew that (1) neither
    Jacoby nor the prosecutor who allegedly issued the threat
    would talk to defense counsel during the trial and, as a result,
    there was no way to corroborate the allegation; (2) Jacoby may
    have remained genuinely fearful that the prosecutor would
    revoke his probation if he testified at an evidentiary hearing
    regarding this threat; and (3) this entire trial had been
    characterized by a considerable rancor between defense
    counsel and the lead prosecutor, thereby rendering potentially
    suspect any serious allegations of prosecutorial misconduct
    that lacked substantiation or corroboration. See R64 at 15-16.
    Bearing these particular facts in mind, it was reasonable for
    defense counsel to attempt, in the first instance, to bring the
    entire matter to the Justice Department in the hopes of
    obtaining truthful testimony from Jacoby without fear of
    retaliation or repercussion from the same prosecutor who had
    issued the threat.
    B. The Legal Principles Governing this Case
    We determine, at the outset, that some version of the
    comments by the assistant U.S. attorney, as described in
    various accounts at the evidentiary hearing, actually occurred.
    Genge, the assistant U.S. attorney who allegedly made the
    remarks, was present at the evidentiary hearing but did not
    testify. The government has never argued that the incident did
    not occur. The district court, for purposes of its post-trial order,
    assumed that the conversation did take place and, after hearing
    Jacoby’s testimony at the evidentiary hearing, noted that “[t]he
    Court has little doubt that Jacoby construed the prosecutor’s
    statement as a threat.” R4-817 at 45. Although we
    acknowledge that there are slightly different versions of what
    Genge said to Jacoby on this particular occasion, the fact that
    this assistant U.S. attorney made a remark to Jacoby that
    reasonably could be construed as an implicit—if not an
    explicit—threat regarding the nature of Jacoby’s upcoming
    testimony remains uncontroverted.
    As previously noted by both our court and the Supreme
    Court “regardless of request, favorable, exculpatory or
    impeachment evidence is material, and constitutional error results
    from its suppression by the government, if there is a reasonable
    probability that, had the evidence been disclosed to the defense,
    the result of the proceeding would have been different.” United
    States v. Noriega, 
    117 F.3d 1206
    , 1218 (11th Cir. 1997) (quoting
    Kyles v. Whitley, 
    514 U.S. 419
    , 433, 
    115 S. Ct. 1555
    , 1565, 
    131 L.Ed.2d 490
     (1995)) (internal markings and quotation marks
    omitted). A reasonable probability of a different result is shown
    when the government’s evidentiary suppression undermines
    confidence in the outcome of the trial. Kyles, 
    514 U.S. at 434
    115 S. Ct. at 1566
     (quotation marks and citation omitted). In the
    case of impeachment evidence, a constitutional error may derive
    from the government’s failure to assist the defense by disclosing
    information that might have been helpful in conducting the cross-
    examination. United States v. Bagley, 
    473 U.S. 667
    , 678, 
    105 S. Ct. 3375
    , 3381, 
    87 L.Ed.2d 871
     (1985). In rejecting any
    distinction between impeachment evidence and exculpatory
    evidence in the Brady context, the Supreme Court has observed
    that “[t]he jury’s estimate of the truthfulness and reliability of a
    given witness may well be determinative of guilt or innocence, and
    it is upon such subtle factors as possible interest of the witness in
    testifying falsely that a defendant’s life or liberty may depend.”
    Napue v. Illinois, 
    360 U.S. 264
    , 269, 
    79 S. Ct. 1173
    , 1177, 
    3 L.Ed.2d 1217
    In Hays v. Alabama, 
    85 F.3d 1492
     (11th Cir. 1996), we
    explicitly set forth the factors, as established by the Supreme
    Court in Kyles, that necessarily must guide our determination as
    to the materiality of evidence: First, “‘a showing of materiality does
    not require demonstration by a preponderance that disclosure of
    the suppressed evidence would have resulted ultimately in the
    defendant’s acquittal,’” 
    id. at 1498
     (quoting Kyles, 
    514 U.S. at 434
    115 S. Ct. at 1566
    ). “Thus, undisclosed evidence can
    require a new trial even if it is more likely than not that a jury
    seeing the new evidence would still convict.” 
     Second, “a
    defendant need not show there was insufficient evidence to
    convict in view of the suppressed evidence.” 
     Third, “there is
    no harmless error review of Bagley errors.” 
    “materiality is to be determined collectively, not item-by-item.” 
    (internal citation and quotation marks omitted). We review de
    novo the district court’s determination as to whether a reasonable
    probability exists that the suppressed evidence would have
    change the outcome. 
    We conclude that the district court did not properly apply
    either the “materiality” or “reasonable probability” analysis
    established by the Supreme Court in Kyles. The district court
    found, for instance, that because Jacoby testified that he was
    upset but not influenced by Genge’s remarks, “[t]he necessary
    connection between the prosecutor’s threats and Jacoby’s
    testimony, therefore, appears to be absent.” R4-817 at 45. The
    court further observed that, even if Jacoby had altered his
    testimony in response to a perceived act of intimidation, “other
    evidence against Scheer . . . was sufficiently compelling to convict
     Under both Kyles and Hays, however, Scheer need
    not prove that Jacoby in fact changed his testimony. Scheer also
    is not required to show that, had the government not suppressed
    this evidence, other evidence in the case standing alone would
    have been insufficient to convict. The relevant inquiry, rather, is
    whether the suppression of this information undermines our
    confidence in the trial. See Kyles, 
    514 U.S. at 434
    115 S. Ct. at 1566
    Although an evaluation of whether there is a reasonable
    probability of a different result may necessitate an examination of
    the other evidence presented at trial, the Supreme Court
    expressly has disavowed a simple “sufficiency of the evidence”
    test in the Brady/Bagley context:
    The possibility of an acquittal on a criminal
    charge does not imply an insufficient
    evidentiary basis to convict. One does not
    show a Brady violation by demonstrating that
    some of the inculpatory evidence should have
    been excluded, but by showing that the
    favorable evidence could reasonably be
    taken to put the whole case in such a
    different light as to undermine confidence in
    the verdict.
    See Kyles, 
    514 U.S. at 435
    115 S. Ct. at 1566
    . (footnote omitted).
    Having reviewed the extensive record in this case with
    respect to both the trial and the evidentiary hearing held to
    explore the relevant Brady violation, we conclude not only that
    Genge’s threatening remark to Jacoby constituted material
    impeachment evidence but, moreover, that disclosure of this
    evidence to Scheer’s counsel would have made a different result
    reasonably probable. Our conclusion is informed by the
    importance and specificity of Jacoby’s testimony, particularly
    when compared with that of other prosecution witnesses.
    C. Why the Prosecutor’s Undisclosed Remarks are Material and
    Jacoby’s testimony was critically important to the
    government’s case. At trial, Jacoby testified that he had
    discussed with Scheer the existence of the Frederick overdrafts,
    see R. Supp. 5 at 1198; that Scheer had attended meetings at
    Sunrise at which possible solutions to the overdrafts were
    discussed, see id. at 1276; and that Scheer had given Jacoby
    advice regarding federal regulations governing the amount of
    credit a bank could extend to a single borrower (the “loan-to-one”
    regulations)7, see R. Supp. 8 at 1907. Jacoby also testified that
    Joe Taber, a Sunrise executive, had told Jacoby that Scheer had
    In response to cross-examination revealing that Jacoby had testified at his own criminal
    trial that he probably didn’t consult Scheer “much” about loans-to-one borrower regulations,
    Jacoby subsequently stated that “I didn’t say I spoke much to him. I said I spoke to him about it,
    yes.” R. Supp. 8 at 1907.
    “chosen the individuals” later allegedly used by Sunrise as
    nominee borrowers in the August 30th transactions.8 R. Supp. 5 at
    1284. The government also used Jacoby as a vehicle for
    introducing a memorandum written by Scheer that the
    government suggested, through Jacoby’s testimony, constituted
    evidence of Scheer’s efforts to conceal his involvement in the
    August 30th transactions. That memorandum, dated August 29,
    1984, and addressed to Scheer’s own file, stated, in pertinent
    I was requested by Rob Jacoby, in a
    telephone conversation on this date, (Rob
    Jacoby was in New York) to close each of
    these loans. Mr. Jacoby indicated that he
    Interestingly, Taber did not corroborate this assertion in his own testimony at Scheer’s
    trial. In his direct testimony, Taber stated that he had spoken to Scheer on the telephone
    regarding the August 30th transactions. According to Taber, Scheer had told him in that
    conversation that Scheer was “having a hard time securing Sunrise’s mortgage interest in one of
    the properties that was supposed to secure one of the loans.” R34 at 2924. Taber also testified
    extensively about a meeting held at Sunrise on August 27th, 1984, that Jacoby attended at which
    the plan to create loans to nominee borrowers for the purpose of covering Frederick’s and
    Moye’s overdrafts was discussed. On cross-examination by Scheer’s counsel, Taber agreed that
    the prospective borrowers (including Valosin, Wood, and Powell) were proposed at that meeting;
    that Scheer did not attend the meeting; and that Jacoby “actively participated” in the meeting.
    See R37 at 3438-39. Taber also agreed that Jacoby was present when the August 30th borrowers
    were chosen. Finally, in response to a direct question as to whether Taber had ever told Mr.
    Jacoby “that Dana Scheer picked the borrowers,” Taber responded “No.” Id. at 3440.
    had presented these loans before executive
    committee in evening session, August 28th,
    1984, and had received their approval.
    Mr. Jacoby indicated that upon his
    return to Palm Beach, he would immediately
    sign and forward a memo authorizing me to
    close these loans, notwithstanding having no
    surveys, appraisals, title commitments, utility
    letters, permit, opinions of counsel, and
    notwithstanding the fact that by making
    several of these loans, we might be violating
    doing business laws in the State of Maryland
    and placing mortgages on parcels which were
    not legally able to be subdivided in the event
    of foreclosure.
    Mr. Jacoby indicated that no board
    approval would be necessary for any of these
    loans, and that it was necessary to
    immediately close as soon as possible.
    A letter to file has been dictated by me
    and is in Mr. Jacoby’s office awaiting his
    R. Supp. 8 at 1927-28. On direct examination, Jacoby read this
    memorandum aloud and, in response to the prosecutor’s
    questions regarding each paragraph, essentially discredited the
    veracity of each statement in the memorandum. For example,
    Jacoby testified that (1) he did not recall asking Scheer to close
    the August 30th loans; (2) he did not believe that he had indicated
    to Scheer that he had received the approval of the executive
    committee for the loans; (3) he did not subsequently forward to
    Scheer a memorandum authorizing the loans; and (4) he did not
    receive a letter from Scheer when he returned from his trip to his
    office.9 R. Supp. 5 at 1304-07.
    Finally, Jacoby offered the following testimony on redirect
    Q: Well, Mr. Jacoby, during the period of time
    beginning 1983 and continuing through 1984,
    sir, let me just ask you this:
    It is interesting to note that at Jacoby’s own trial, at which Jacoby sought to shift
    responsibility for many of Sunrise’s questionable transactions to bad (or nonexistent) legal
    advice from Sunrise’s Blank, Rome lawyers, the government introduced the “Scheer
    Memorandum” as evidence that Blank, Rome had acted in good faith with respect to Sunrise;
    that Jacoby had not relied on his attorneys’ faulty legal judgment regarding the legality of these
    transactions; and that the lawyers at Blank, Rome simply were executing the wishes of their
    client, Sunrise. Indeed, it was Jacoby who sought unsuccessfully to exclude the Scheer
    Memorandum from evidence at his trial, and the government that prevailed in introducing the
    memorandum to demonstrate the law firm’s lack of culpability. Through Jacoby’s testimony at
    Scheer’s trial, however, the government sought to demonstrate that, in composing this
    memorandum, Scheer had attempted to “cover” his participation in the August 30th transactions
    by making it appear that, notwithstanding Scheer’s legal advice to the contrary, Jacoby had
    requested that he close the relevant loans.
    Did you knowingly and intentionally cause
    false internal reports, such as loan to one
    borrower reports, to be filed at Sunrise. Yes
    or no?
    A: I participated in that, yes.
    Q: And did you do that knowingly and
    A: I was conscious of it, yes.
    Q: Did you take those actions, sir, with intent
    to defraud Sunrise?
    A: Some of the actions I took I knew I was
    doing something that was not to the benefit of
    Q: Did you know it was wrong?
    A: I knew some of it was wrong, yes.
    R. Supp. 10 at 2386. Jacoby further testified that he consciously
    acted to misapply funds in connection with the August 30th loan
    closings; that he intentionally misapplied funds in connection with
    the Seawalk purchase. See id. at 2387-88. Jacoby noted that
    Scheer was “involved” in these wrongful acts, “[m]ore so as to the
    August 30th. I am not certain at all as to Seawalk.” Id. at 2388.
    Although we do not apply a “sufficiency of the evidence” test
    to the testimony of other witnesses at Scheer’s trial, we do note
    that the importance of Jacoby’s testimony—and his credibility in
    relation to that testimony—cannot be evaluated in isolation from
    the less conclusive testimony offered by other witnesses. Several
    of the individuals who borrowed money from Sunrise in relation to
    the August 30th transactions, denominated by the government as
    “nominee borrowers,” testified at Scheer’s trial. Virginia Valosin,
    for instance, testified that, on August 31st, 1984, she signed a
    series of documents at the office of Commercial Development
    Corporation10 that effectively granted to her a line of credit of
    $500,000.00. Valosin further stated that, at the time she signed
    Valosin had gone to the office of Blank, Rome with Moye’s sister, Sandy, on the
    previous day, August 30th, at Frederick’s direction, presumably to execute these same
    documents. After arriving at the Blank, Rome offices, however, Moye and Treadwell had a
    heated argument that caused Moye to inform Valosin that they would have to leave. By the next
    day, Moye apparently had changed his mind about Valosin signing the documents necessary to
    close the loan. See R40 at 3872-74.
    these papers, her net worth was approximately $1,000.00; that
    she had never actually applied for the loan she received, nor
    provided any financial documentation to support the loan; and that
    she signed a document stating that she, as the applicant of the
    loan, was not acting as an agent or nominee on behalf of another
    person, although she knew that this statement was false. On
    cross-examination, however, Valosin indicated that she may
    not have read most of the documents she signed and that she
    assumed the transactions were valid because she trusted
    Frederick. See R40 at 3918. In response to Scheer’s inquiry as
    to whether Valosin believed that she was actually purchasing
    property, identified as the “Greentree parcel,” Valosin stated that
    she was familiar with the property in question; that she
    understood that she “was borrowing $500,000.00 that would have
    been guaranteed by a portion of property that they were
    transferring to [Valosin’s] name,” id. at 3920; that she knew that
    Frederick had guaranteed the loan; and that Frederick’s
    guarantee of the loan made her “more secure” in signing the
    documents. Id. at 3920-22. During Valosin’s testimony, the
    government placed into evidence the closing papers on Valosin’s
    loan indicating that Scheer was the closing attorney and had
    witnessed Frederick’s signature as guarantor on the loan. Valosin
    testified that she had no actual communication or contact with
    Scheer regarding the loan documents she had signed. Id. at
    Wood testified that, on August 30th, 1984, he met in a Blank,
    Rome conference room with Scheer and Frederick to execute
    what he believed to be a valid real estate transaction involving the
    extension of credit to Wood for approximately $305,000.00.
    Wood testified that Scheer and Frederick instructed him to sign or
    initial a stack of documents; that he attempted to read the
    documents but was instructed by Scheer, jokingly, to “sign. Don’t
    read.” R39 at 3656-57. Wood also testified that, in response to
    his request that he receive copies of the documents he had
    signed, Scheer laughed. See id. Wood stated that, at the time he
    signed these loan documents, Scheer knew that Wood was
    Frederick’s yacht broker. Id. at 3658-59.
    Powell’s account of his August 30th meeting with Scheer
    differed sharply from that offered by Wood. Powell, a real estate
    broker, testified that at the time he purchased the Frederick
    properties, he understood that Frederick would be liable for the
    interest on the loan in exchange for Powell giving him the option
    to purchase back the property. See R48 at 6011. Powell further
    noted that, based on his experience at numerous real estate
    closings, this particular closing was not unusual; that Scheer and
    Treadwell had suggested that Powell read the documents he was
    signing; and that Powell did read the documents and found them
    to be satisfactory. Id. at 6017-18. Powell also stated that, at the
    time of the closing, he believed that he was receiving free and
    clear title to the properties he had purchased. See R49 at 6363.
    Lucy Holton, a Blank, Rome real estate paralegal, testified
    that she had worked closely with Scheer on many real estate
    transactions. Holton stated that she had been present during the
    real estate closing with Wood but did not elaborate as to her
    specific recollection of that meeting. Holton agreed when asked,
    however, that Scheer customarily “explain[ed] to borrowers who
    were asking questions, to answer their questions about the details
    of their loans . . . [and to] give copies to borrowers of their loan
    documents.” R33 at 2663-64. During Holton’s testimony, the
    government introduced two series of checks pertaining to the
    August 30th transactions that bore Scheer’s signatures; the first
    set contained the description “Frederick Workout” and the name
    of the borrower in the check legend, but this identification, along
    with Scheer’s signature, had been removed. The second series
    of checks identified in the same space the name of the borrower
    and the purchased properties. See id. at 2599. The government
    also introduced carbon copies of these checks, in which
    information in the memorandum section had been crossed out.
    See id. at 2607. These carbons did not contain Scheer’s
    signature. In response to Scheer’s questions regarding the
    duplicate set of checks, Holton testified that she had ordered new
    checks from Blank, Rome’s bookkeeping department with respect
    to the August 30th transactions to reflect the proper names of the
    borrowers; that nobody had told her to obliterate information on
    the checks; and that Scheer had never told her to conceal any
    information regarding these closings. Id. at 2658-60.11
    It is clear that the government presented some testimony
    that implicated Scheer in the relevant Sunrise transactions. This
    testimony, however, was neither uniform nor overwhelming in
    showing that Scheer knowingly misapplied funds; more
    importantly, it was not cumulative in relation to Jacoby’s
    testimony. Jacoby was central to the government’s case precisely
    Although many other witnesses testified at the trial of Scheer and his two co-
    defendants, we have excerpted or summarized portions of the trial transcript containing
    testimony described by both Scheer and the government as highly relevant (and, in some cases,
    damaging) to Scheer.
    because he was an “insider” with respect to each and every
    aspect of this case. In theory, Jacoby, as president of Sunrise,
    was uniquely positioned to know the precise involvement of each
    banker or lawyer in each transaction alluded to by the
    government. Moreover, by acknowledging on redirect full
    culpability for his conduct at Sunrise (though reluctantly, to be
    sure), Jacoby effectively undermined Scheer’s effort to distance
    himself from any intentional scheme to misapply funds or to
    argue that he was unaware that the loans he had closed were
    illegitimate. Finally, Jacoby’s testimony discrediting Scheer’s
    memorandum to Jacoby potentially invalidated a piece of
    evidence that would have been critical in showing that Jacoby had
    requested Scheer to close the August 30th loans notwithstanding
    Scheer’s advice to the contrary.
    In short, Jacoby was a crucial prosecution witness. Again,
    we do not imply that he was the only witness who testified
    against Scheer, nor do we suggest that there was not other
    compelling testimony that could support Scheer’s conviction.
    Rather, it is because of the relative importance of Jacoby’s
    testimony that we view his credibility to the jurors as so
    fundamental to Scheer’s convictions. See Kyles, 
    514 U.S. at
    115 S. Ct. at 1569
     (where Court determined that
    government’s non-disclosure of exculpatory statements by
    eyewitnesses undermined confidence in verdict, Court
    observed that “[d]isclosure of [these] statements would have
    resulted in a markedly weaker case for the prosecution and a
    markedly stronger one for the defense.”). It is worth observing
    that the government chose to begin and end its summation with
    a pointed recapitulation of Jacoby’s testimony. Toward the
    beginning of his closing statement, Genge discussed in depth
    the reasons why the jury should credit Jacoby’s testimony and,
    shortly thereafter, read extensive quotations from Jacoby’s
    testimony directly implicating Scheer. See R57 at 7777-80.
    Genge concluded his summation by reading, again, directly
    from Jacoby’s testimony, quoted earlier here, in which Jacoby
    stated not only that he had acted with intent to defraud Sunrise
    but, moreover, that he had done so with the “involvement” of
    Scheer and his co-defendants. See id. at 7878-79. Finally,
    after completing his reading of relevant portions of Jacoby’s
    testimony, Genge stated:
    That was Mr. Jacoby. You heard him.
    You saw him. It is for you to judge his
    testimony and to evaluate it in light of
    everything else you have heard in this case.
    Was he, is he, did he lie before you? He is
    trying to pull the wool over your eyes, or
    somebody else?
    I respectfully submit to you and I leave
    you with this final thought. In assessing Mr.
    Jacoby’s testimony, assess his by the same
    standards that you are going to apply to Mr.
    Powell’s testimony, and if you do that in all
    respects, I am confidant that you will return
    a true and just verdict in this case and we
    cannot ask for anything more. Thank you
    very much.
    Id. at 7879.
    It is thus reasonable to infer that the government, too,
    viewed both the content of Jacoby’s testimony and his
    credibility before the jury as vital for obtaining convictions
    against the defendants. At the close of a trial that lasted more
    than three months and involved numerous witnesses, it was of
    Jacoby’s testimony that the prosecutor sought to remind the
    jury as deliberations began.12
    For the sake of clarity, we observe, again, that Genge’s
    intimidating remarks to Jacoby were potentially exculpatory in
    nature because knowledge of this incident would have allowed
    Scheer powerfully to impeach the credibility of Jacoby—a
    witness whose credibility was central to the prosecutorial effort
    here. In fact, the extent to which the jury should credit Jacoby’s
    testimony was a recurring theme at different points in the trial.
    Indeed, it is interesting that Jacoby testified that Scheer was more involved in the
    August 30th loans than in the Seawalk purchase and, consistent with this characterization, the
    jury convicted Scheer of the August 30th transactions but acquitted him of any involvement in
    Seawalk. Similarly, Jacoby testified that one of Scheer’s co-defendants, Treadwell, was less
    involved in the August 30th loans but very involved in Seawalk; the jury convicted Treadwell of
    the events surrounding Seawalk but acquitted him of the August 30th deals.
    Jacoby testified repeatedly that he had been given immunity
    from future prosecution if he testified truthfully at Scheer’s trial,
    but had no other agreement with the government in exchange
    for testimony. Jacoby testified extensively as to false
    statements he had given at his own trial, see R. Supp. 6 at
    1428-32, and conceded that Genge had referred to him as “a
    brazen perjuror” in a sentencing memorandum, id. at 1563.
    Jacoby testified that, although he hoped his testimony at
    Scheer’s trial would result in a reduction in his probation,
    neither he nor his lawyers had, thus far, discussed this
    possibility with the government. See R. Supp. 7 at 1644-45. In
    the context of Jacoby’s testimony before the grand jury, Jacoby
    also stated that, although he had an expectation that Genge
    would report his cooperation to the district court, he was
    unaware that he would not get a reduction in sentence without
    the government’s support.13 See R. Supp. 6 at 1579. As
    Jacoby’s assertion that he did not necessarily understand the importance of receiving
    government support in obtaining a reduction in sentence or probation strains credulity. Jacoby
    alluded to earlier, Genge spoke for several minutes during his
    closing argument at Scheer’s trial explicitly about Jacoby’s
    credibility. As part of his discussion regarding Jacoby’s
    credibility, Genge stated, for example:
    And also, you will recall Mr. Nathan
    [Treadwell’s lawyer] pointed out for you that
    at Mr. Jacoby’s sentencing, I referred to him
    or I characterized his own testimony at his
    trial as perjurious and I characterized him
    as a perjurious witness at that point.
    And Mr. Nathan is going to make a big
    issue out of that, but again, ultimately, it
    isn’t. That’s sort of a side issue in a sense,
    because ultimately it is important for you to
    determine whether Mr. Jacoby testified
    truthfully before you in this case. That’s
    going to be for you really to decide.
    Now, clearly, I mean, Mr. Jacoby did
    commit perjury at his first trial and no one
    can condone that, but I think we can all to
    some extent perhaps understand that
    someone is going to lie to protect himself,
    but will that person also like [sic] under oath
    had already received a substantial reduction in his sentence after the government filed a motion
    under Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure 35(b), based on Jacoby’s substantial cooperation. It
    is therefore unlikely that Jacoby did not comprehend the crucial role that the government plays
    in sentence reductions.
    to protect—not to protect, but, in fact, to
    convict innocent people?
    R57 at 7758. Bearing in mind the considerable importance of
    Jacoby’s testimony, Jacoby’s credibility thus was a focal point
    for both the prosecution and the defense. The prosecution
    expressly presented Jacoby as someone who had lied at his
    own trial but, in this case, had no reason, motive, or inclination
    to lie. The defense, in its attempts to impeach Jacoby’s
    credibility, was armed with little more than a reiteration of the
    prosecution’s openly acknowledged characterization of Jacoby
    as a “brazen perjuror” at his criminal proceeding. Given the
    fact that the government had elicited from Jacoby information
    regarding his previous history of giving perjured testimony, it
    was reasonable for the jury to assume that it now knew the
    most damaging available information about Jacoby’s
    In reaching a determination that the prosecutor’s remarks
    in this instance constituted material impeachment evidence that
    affected the integrity of these proceedings, it is important to
    emphasize what the case is not about: Although Jacoby
    testified under immunity, this case does not involve any other
    type of cooperation agreement that Jacoby might have
    breached while on the witness stand. Indeed, Jacoby
    repeatedly disavowed the existence of any agreement or
    promise by the government in exchange for his testimony. To
    be sure, Jacoby may have hoped for or expected to derive
    some future benefit from giving testimony favorable to the
    government, but there was no outstanding agreement between
    Jacoby and the government at the time of his testimony. We
    reiterate this point for the following reason: Although we do not
    countenance prosecutorial threats or intimidation of witnesses
    under any circumstances, we do acknowledge that, where a
    witness has agreed to cooperate with the government and give
    certain testimony in exchange for a reduction in sentence or
    probation, for instance, but fails to give the proffered testimony,
    it would hardly be unusual or inappropriate for the prosecutor to
    remind the witness of the terms of their agreement. In this
    instance, however, there was no agreement or promise about
    which the prosecutor may have been “reminding” Jacoby. The
    record is devoid of any reference or indication that Jacoby
    reasonably should have feared that his probation would be
    revoked entirely based on the nature of his testimony. It is
    therefore difficult for us to construe Genge’s comments as
    anything other than an attempt to intimidate Jacoby into
    testifying “correctly.”
    It is also critical to observe that, whether Genge intended
    his remark to intimidate Jacoby or, as Jacoby later testified, to
    be a “joke” is immaterial to our analysis. The record supports
    the inference that Jacoby understood the remark to be a threat,
    and we have little difficulty concluding that Scheer could have
    used this information to undermine the credibility of a witness
    whose credibility was already a prominent issue in the case.
    Moreover, it is worth noting that the record also supports the
    inference that Jacoby had ample reason to take Genge’s
    remarks seriously. Jacoby testified at the evidentiary hearing
    that he was aware, while in prison, that the government had at
    first given Treadwell, a Blank, Rome partner and one of
    Scheer’s co-defendants, full immunity in exchange for his
    cooperation but, subsequently, revoked the immunity and
    indicted him along with Scheer. R64 at 133-34. For purposes
    of this discussion, the fact that Jacoby knew—prior to his
    conversation with Genge regarding the necessity that Jacoby
    provide “cooperative” testimony---that the government had
    revoked its promised immunity to Treadwell lends credence to
    the possibility that Jacoby genuinely was fearful that Genge
    could–and might–carry out his threat to return Jacoby to jail.14
    In sum, we are convinced that Scheer’s knowledge of the
    incident between Genge and Jacoby, at which Genge intimated
    that Jacoby’s failure to testify in a “cooperative” fashion might
    result in his return to prison, was material information that might
    have substantially undermined the critical value of Jacoby’s
    testimony. As a result, the government’s failure to
    communicate this information to Scheer effectively undermines
    our confidence in the integrity of the verdict. See Kyles, 
    514 U.S. at 434
    115 S.Ct. 1566
     (“One does not show a Brady
    violation by demonstrating that some of the inculpatory
    evidence should have been excluded, but by showing that the
    favorable evidence could reasonably be taken to put the whole
    case in such a different light as to undermine confidence in the
    In its post-trial order, the district court found that the government had nullified
    Treadwell’s immunity agreement in bad faith and had breached the terms of the agreement. R4-
    817 at 20 & 28. Consistent with this determination, the court reinstated Treadwell’s immunity
    and dismissed the indictment against him.
    verdict.”). Had Scheer been able to use knowledge of this
    incident to impeach the credibility of this critically important
    witness, whose credibility had already been called into question
    by the government, there is a reasonable probability that the
    outcome of the proceeding would have been different.
    Scheer asks that we set aside his convictions for
    misapplication of bank funds and making false statements on
    an application for funds to a bank. Having reviewed the
    extensive record in this case, we conclude that the prosecutor’s
    potentially intimidating remarks to a critical government witness
    undermines our confidence in the verdict such that, had
    information regarding this incident been known to Scheer at the
    time the incident allegedly occurred, there is a reasonable
    probability that the result of the proceeding would have been
    different. We therefore REVERSE Scheer’s convictions and
    REMAND this case for a new trial.

Document Info

Docket Number: 96-4225

Citation Numbers: 168 F.3d 445

Filed Date: 2/25/1999

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 3/3/2020

Cited By (18)

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United States v. Sanabria , 645 F.3d 505 ( 2011 )

United States v. Morales-Sanabria ( 2011 )

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United States v. Doherty , 233 F.3d 1275 ( 2000 )

United States v. Doherty , 233 F.3d 1275 ( 2000 )

United States v. Rodney L. Simms , 385 F.3d 1347 ( 2004 )

Larry Eugene Moon v. Frederick J. Head , 285 F.3d 1301 ( 2002 )

United States v. Doherty , 233 F.3d 1275 ( 2000 )

Anthony Keith Johnson v. State of Alabama , 256 F.3d 1156 ( 2001 )

John W. Byrd, Jr. v. Terry L. Collins, Warden , 227 F.3d 756 ( 2000 )

State v. Gutierrez , 6 N.M. 567 ( 2014 )

United States v. Yanny Aguila-Urbay , 480 F. App'x 564 ( 2012 )

Anthony Keith Johnson v. State of Alabama , 256 F.3d 1156 ( 2001 )

United States v. Doherty , 233 F.3d 1275 ( 2000 )

John W. Byrd, Jr. v. Terry L. Collins, Warden , 209 F.3d 486 ( 2000 )

United States v. Jones , 620 F. Supp. 2d 163 ( 2009 )

United States v. Henry Lee Bryant ( 2019 )

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