United States v. Toddrey Willie Bruce ( 2020 )

  •          USCA11 Case: 18-10969      Date Filed: 10/08/2020   Page: 1 of 25
    No. 18-10969
    D.C. Docket No. 1:17-cr-20530-RNS-1
    Appeal from the United States District Court
    for the Southern District of Florida
    (October 8, 2020)
    Before MARTIN, GRANT, and LAGOA, Circuit Judges.
    GRANT, Circuit Judge:
    At 3:20 a.m., an unnamed 911 caller reported that men were outside arguing
    next to a white car. One had a gun. The caller warned that responding officers
    should be careful because there “might be shooting any minute from now.”
    Minutes later officers were on scene, lights flashing, in an area of Miami-Dade
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    County that accounted for a disproportionate number of their patrol area’s 911
    calls. They saw two men sitting in a car at the address the caller had specified.
    The officers approached cautiously, guns drawn. One of the men in the car—
    Toddrey Bruce, who had a prior felony conviction—tried to flee. An officer
    tackled him, and a loaded pistol fell from Bruce’s waist. The police arrested him
    on a felon-in-possession charge.
    Bruce now argues that the police should not have stopped him because they
    lacked reasonable suspicion that he had engaged in criminal activity. But given the
    details of the 911 call, the time of day, and the high-crime area, the officers could
    reasonably suspect that Bruce had engaged in criminal activity. Bruce also argues,
    for the first time on appeal, that the police needed more than reasonable suspicion
    because they stopped him in an area that was an extension of a home, known as
    curtilage. But because the facts before us do not show he was within the curtilage
    of his home—or, really, anyone’s home—Bruce’s new argument does not help
    him. Seeing no error, we affirm the district court’s judgment.
    The recorded 911 call came in a little after 3:00 a.m. An unnamed man said
    that he saw a “disturbance” in the front yard of a “drug house”—and that one of
    the men involved had a gun. When the 911 operator asked what was happening
    “as we speak right now,” the caller replied that “they’re arguing in the front yard.”
    The caller described the person holding the gun as a black man dressed in all black,
    and said that he was standing next to a white car in front of the house. Before the
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    call ended, the tipster warned that the police should use caution because there
    “might be shooting any minute.”
    Dispatch quickly relayed the key parts of this call to the police. The
    dispatch message told police (in shorthand) about the “argument in front yard, and
    black male standing next to white vehicle, and this subject holding handgun.”
    Officers were also given the address in the Perrine neighborhood where the
    disturbance was taking place. Several officers were nearby because Perrine
    accounted for about half of the 911 calls for their zone, even though the
    neighborhood was only a small portion of the entire area they patrolled. Within
    five minutes, flashing police lights were at the scene.
    The approaching officers saw two men in the white car at the specified
    address. For safety reasons, they drew their guns as they drew near to the car.
    Their priority, as one officer explained, was “officer safety” and the safety of
    people who might be “gathered in the area.” When they told the men to exit the
    car, Bruce tried to make a break for it. One of the officers grabbed him, and in the
    scuffle a loaded semi-automatic pistol dropped from Bruce’s waistband. Though
    officers soon discovered that Bruce and his associate were likely arguing with
    someone on the phone rather than with each other, they also found out that Bruce
    was a felon—meaning that it was illegal for him to carry a gun.
    Bruce was charged with unlawful possession of a firearm under 
    18 U.S.C. § 922
    (g)(1). He moved to suppress evidence of his gun, as well as incriminating
    statements he made after his arrest. The district court denied the motion; it found
    that the police were conducting a valid investigatory stop. After the court reached
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    its decision, Bruce pleaded guilty but reserved the right to appeal the lawfulness of
    the investigatory stop. He now exercises that option.
    We review the district court’s legal conclusions on Fourth Amendment
    questions de novo, viewing all facts “in the light most favorable to the prevailing
    party below.” United States v. Lewis, 
    674 F.3d 1298
    , 1303 (11th Cir. 2012)
    (citation omitted). We review for plain error any theories supporting a motion to
    suppress that were not raised below. United States v. Young, 
    350 F.3d 1302
    , 1305
    (11th Cir. 2003). “For a plain error to have occurred, the error must be one that is
    obvious and is clear under current law.” United States v. Madden, 
    733 F.3d 1314
    1322 (11th Cir. 2013) (citation omitted).
    As mentioned at the outset, this case presents two main issues. We first
    decide whether the officers’ investigatory stop was justified based on a reasonable
    suspicion of criminal activity. Given the 911 call reporting a gun-wielding man
    arguing in the dark hours of the morning, we think the answer is yes. We then
    consider Bruce’s argument that the officers needed more than reasonable suspicion
    because the stop occurred on the curtilage of a home. This new and fact-intensive
    argument does not survive plain error review, so it does not disturb our previous
    conclusion that the investigatory stop was justified.
    The Fourth Amendment secures the right of the people “against
    unreasonable searches and seizures.” U.S. Const. amend. IV. Brief investigative
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    stops have long been recognized as reasonable, at least under appropriate
    circumstances. Terry v. Ohio, 
    392 U.S. 1
    , 30 (1968). Officers “may briefly detain
    a person as part of an investigatory stop if they have a reasonable articulable
    suspicion based on objective facts that the person has engaged in criminal
    activity.” United States v. Blackman, 
    66 F.3d 1572
    , 1576 (11th Cir. 1995).
    To have reasonable suspicion, an officer needs “at least a minimal level of
    objective justification for making the stop.” Illinois v. Wardlow, 
    528 U.S. 119
    , 123
    (2000). “Although a mere hunch does not create reasonable suspicion, the level of
    suspicion the standard requires is considerably less than proof of wrongdoing by a
    preponderance of the evidence, and obviously less than is necessary for probable
    cause.” Navarette v. California, 
    572 U.S. 393
    , 397 (2014) (quotation marks and
    citations omitted). We look to the totality of the circumstances to decide if the
    police had reasonable suspicion. See United States v. Lindsey, 
    482 F.3d 1285
    1290 (11th Cir. 2007). This reasonable-suspicion inquiry ultimately hinges on
    “both the content of information possessed by police and its degree of reliability.”
    Alabama v. White, 
    496 U.S. 325
    , 330 (1990).
    The Supreme Court has been clear that “an anonymous tip can demonstrate
    ‘sufficient indicia of reliability to provide reasonable suspicion to make an
    investigatory stop.’” Navarette, 572 U.S. at 397 (quoting White, 
    496 U.S. at 327
    (punctuation omitted). So we first review the reliability of the tip here—the 911
    call—and then consider how it informs the reasonable-suspicion analysis on these
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    Bruce insists that the officers had no reason at all to find the anonymous tip
    reliable, but that’s just not so. For purposes of a brief investigatory detention like
    the one we consider here, 1 an anonymous 911 call giving eyewitness details of a
    real-time event is reliable enough “to credit the caller’s account.” Navarette, 572
    U.S. at 398; see also, e.g., United States v. Mosley, 
    878 F.3d 246
    , 253 (8th Cir.
    2017); United States v. Edwards, 
    761 F.3d 977
    , 984 (9th Cir. 2014).
    The Supreme Court in Navarette v. California considered a tip much like the
    one Bruce challenges. The unnamed 911 caller there reported that a silver pickup
    truck (identified by its make, model, and plate number) had just run her off the
    road. Navarette, 572 U.S. at 395. That “call bore adequate indicia of reliability”
    because the caller (1) “claimed eyewitness knowledge” of the event, (2) provided a
    “contemporaneous report,” and (3) used the 911 emergency system. Id. at 398–
    400. Each of those factors is also present here.
    To start, the caller claimed eyewitness knowledge of the event. He told the
    911 operator that “the person that I see out there with a gun is a guy” wearing “full
    black,” gripping a gun, and arguing with another man. That matters—a key reason
    to worry about an anonymous tip is that, standing alone, it “seldom demonstrates
    the informant’s basis of knowledge.” White, 
    496 U.S. at 329
    . By itself, a tip is not
    reliable if it is a “bare report of an unknown, unaccountable informant who neither
    Reasonable suspicion would not have been enough for an arrest—that requires probable
    cause—but in his opening brief, Bruce does not argue that he was arrested when police told him
    to step out of the white car. Any challenge he had on that score has thus been abandoned, and
    we do not consider it. Access Now, Inc. v. Sw. Airlines Co., 
    385 F.3d 1324
    , 1330 (11th Cir.
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    explained how he knew about the gun nor supplied any basis for believing he had
    inside information.” Florida v. J.L., 
    529 U.S. 266
    , 271 (2000). But where, as
    here, the caller gives a first-hand account, that “basis of knowledge lends
    significant support to the tip’s reliability”—even where the caller’s identity is
    unknown. Navarette, 572 U.S. at 399. 2
    The caller also gave a contemporaneous report, describing events as he was
    seeing them. He told the 911 operator that he was reporting the argument “as we
    speak right now.” The dispatch message communicated this fact to the officers by
    using a progressive verb tense to describe Bruce’s actions: “standing next to [the]
    white vehicle” and “holding [a] handgun.” And when officers responded a few
    minutes later, they confirmed that two men were near (by that time, inside) the
    white car at the address provided, which itself suggests that the caller reported in
    real-time. “That sort of contemporaneous report has long been treated as
    especially reliable.” Id.
    Finally, the fact that the tipster called 911 to report the incident proves to be
    another “indicator of veracity” under Navarette. Id. at 400. A 911 call can be
    traced if necessary, and can also be recorded (as it was here). See id. at 400–01.
    These tools diminish the chance that a lying tipster could hide behind the cloak of
    anonymity. And if that were not enough, a caller can be prosecuted for providing a
    Although the unnamed tipster told the 911 operator that he was seeing the argument unfold, the
    record does not reveal whether the operator explicitly passed that fact along to police. The
    district court considered the details of the 911 call itself (rather than only the dispatch report)
    when determining that the call was reliable, and Bruce did not question that approach in his
    opening brief. Because he did not protest that approach, any challenge he might have made on
    that front “is deemed abandoned and its merits will not be addressed.” Access Now, 
    385 F.3d at 1330
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    false tip. See id. at 400; 
    Fla. Stat. § 817.49
    . That does not necessarily mean that
    every 911 caller is telling the truth—we assume that some do not. But it does
    mean that a “reasonable officer could conclude that a false tipster would think
    twice” before calling 911. Navarette, 572 U.S. at 401. Law enforcement would be
    hamstrung if it could not ordinarily “rely on information conveyed by anonymous
    911 callers.” United States v. Holloway, 
    290 F.3d 1331
    , 1339 (11th Cir. 2002).
    Those three factors made the tip reliable on its own, without the police
    independently seeing any criminal activity. The same was true in Navarette, where
    the police never saw the reckless driving that the tipster alleged. See 572 U.S. at
    403–04; see also United States v. McCants, 
    952 F.3d 416
    , 423 (3d Cir. 2020)
    (“The absence of corroborative evidence, the Court held, did not negate the
    reasonable suspicion created by the 911 call.” (citing Navarette, 572 U.S. at 403–
    04)). To be sure, if a tip is not trustworthy on its own or “has a relatively low
    degree of reliability, more information will be required to establish the requisite
    quantum of suspicion than would be required if the tip were more reliable.” White,
    496 U.S. at 330
    . Here, though, police could depend on the tip for purposes of a
    short investigative stop—especially because the stakes were so high with the report
    of a heated exchange and fear of a gunfight. Cf. Holloway, 
    290 F.3d at 1339
    (“[W]hen an emergency is reported by an anonymous caller, the need for
    immediate action may outweigh the need to verify the reliability of the caller.”
    (emphasis in original)).
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    A trustworthy tip, though, is not always enough: “Even a reliable tip will
    justify an investigative stop only if it creates reasonable suspicion that ‘criminal
    activity may be afoot.’” Navarette, 572 U.S. at 401 (quoting Terry, 
    392 U.S. at 30
    ). The tip in this case does just that. There is no doubt, we think, that police
    could have performed an investigative stop if Bruce had been gesturing with his
    firearm during a heated argument when they arrived. The question is whether the
    reasonable suspicion generated by the reliable tip had dissipated by the time the
    officers arrived on the scene. And the answer is no.
    It was not unreasonable for the officers to suspect that the two men who
    were sitting in a car that matched the vehicle described in the tip, at an address that
    matched the location provided in the tip, could be the same two men that had been
    engaged in the violent argument described in the tip. Nor was it unreasonable for
    the 911 caller, and then the officers, to think that a man gripping a gun and arguing
    at 3:30 a.m. had engaged in criminal activity, or was about to. Although the 911
    dispatcher never warned the officers of an impending shooting, he did not need to
    do so for them to have reasonable suspicion. Police officers, of all people, know
    that loud arguments and drawn guns don’t mix well, and they could reasonably
    conclude that those two ingredients were a recipe for violent crime. The fact that
    the argument took place in a high-crime area only underscored that suspicion. See
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    674 F.3d at 1309
     (relevant that the activity “took place at night in a high
    crime area”).
    The “absence of additional suspicious conduct” when the police arrived did
    not “dispel the reasonable suspicion” of criminal activity. Navarette, 572 U.S. at
    403. That’s no surprise; those engaged in criminal activity would rationally be
    inspired to hide it at the first sign of police. See id. It is thus hardly remarkable
    that Bruce was not wielding a gun in a shouting match when the police arrived
    with their flashing lights. And although the dissent finds it unreasonable to
    conclude that both men would “agree to ‘press pause’ on their hostilities and sit
    together in a car,” the dissent’s take misunderstands the persuasive power of a gun.
    Dissenting Op. at 24. Consider, for instance, a domestic-violence victim or a
    hostage at gunpoint who has been ordered to act naturally, or even to tell
    responding officers that everything is okay. When officers arrived on the scene
    here, nothing they saw undercut the reasonable suspicion they had already formed
    based on the reliable 911 call. Not the movement of the two men from outside to
    inside the car—a new position that would make them less visible to the police—
    and not the scene’s apparent calm. If anything, those changes are entirely
    consistent with a hostage-type situation.
    So it is true that the officers did not see Bruce acting unlawfully—but it is
    also true that they did not need to. The Supreme Court has “firmly rejected the
    argument ‘that reasonable cause for an investigative stop can only be based on the
    officer’s personal observation, rather than on information supplied by another
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    person.’” Id. at 397 (punctuation omitted) (quoting Adams v. Williams, 
    407 U.S. 143
    , 147 (1972)).
    Apparently overlooking this holding, our dissenting colleague’s analysis, at
    its core, depends on accepting the very rule that the Supreme Court has already
    rejected. For the dissent, any reasonable suspicion of a violent altercation here
    “should have dissipated when the officers arrived at the scene and saw nothing of
    the sort.” Dissenting Op. at 19. Under that reasoning, however, Navarette would
    have come out differently because the police did not see anything resembling
    drunk driving. The dissent says that, unlike drunk driving, an armed dispute “is
    not obviously disguisable.” Id. at 20. Respectfully, we disagree. If the drunk
    driver could have driven safely and without exhibiting any signs of impairment, we
    presume that the driver would have done so in the first place. But the chemical
    impact of alcohol on the body is not a mind-over-matter issue. Moving a few feet
    to sit in a car, however, is easily handled; in fact, it would be a wise move for
    someone attempting to avoid attention from the police in the middle of the night.
    The Supreme Court’s firm rejection of a police-observation rule cannot be dodged
    so easily.
    The truth is that no one needed to see criminal activity: reasonable suspicion
    “may be formed by observing exclusively legal activity.” United States v. Harris,
    526 F.3d 1334
    , 1337 (11th Cir. 2008) (citation omitted). And law enforcement
    “need not rule out the possibility of innocent conduct.” United States v. Arvizu,
    534 U.S. 266
    , 277 (2002). Given the tip’s reliability, which has already been
    established, the officers were not required to forget why they had been called to the
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    scene. Whatever innocent conduct could explain arguing, gun-in-hand, at 3:30 in
    the morning, does not negate the officers’ reasonable suspicion. They had “at least
    a minimal level of objective justification” for stopping Bruce for investigative
    purposes. Wardlow, 
    528 U.S. at 123
    Bruce objects that, even if the police reasonably suspected that someone had
    committed a crime, they could not have reasonably suspected that he was that
    someone. But it is not as if police picked Bruce out of a crowded scene; when the
    officers approached the area immediately after the tip, there were only two people
    in the white car at the address given. A less specific tip certainly might lead to a
    different result. On these facts, though, the police had reasonable suspicion to
    briefly hold both Bruce and his associate.
    Once officers reasonably suspect crime, the reasonableness of their
    “decision to stop a suspect does not turn on the availability of less intrusive
    investigatory techniques.” Navarette, 572 U.S. at 404 (quoting United States v.
    490 U.S. 1
    , 11 (1989)). To ignore that rule here would be “particularly
    inappropriate” because of the “disastrous consequences” posed by armed conflict.
     It would leave officers with only two constitutional options: avoid responding
    to the emergency 911 call or approach the scene without tools to control it.
    Neither of these is required by the Fourth Amendment. Waiting to see if the
    apparently dormant scene erupted with gunfire or some other hostility would
    endanger the public—including the other person in the car. And recall that the
    officers were not sneaky in their approach; they showed up with lights flashing,
    which would likely inspire a pause in any criminal activity until they had
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    abandoned the scene. So waiting and watching was not a feasible approach under
    these circumstances. On the other hand, approaching the white car without at least
    limited authority to contain the potential threat could risk the officers’ lives. As we
    have said in another context, “the law does not require officers in a tense and
    dangerous situation to wait until the moment a suspect uses a deadly weapon to act
    to stop the suspect.” Long v. Slaton, 
    508 F.3d 576
    , 581 (11th Cir. 2007). In
    response to both of these suggestions, our answer is the same: “We think the police
    need not have taken that chance and hoped for the best.” Scott v. Harris, 
    550 U.S. 372
    , 385 (2007).
    Sometimes tipster cases are close. But this one is not. Reasonable suspicion
    “depends on the factual and practical considerations of everyday life on which
    reasonable and prudent men, not legal technicians, act.” Navarette, 572 U.S. at
    402 (quotation marks and citation omitted). Officers need not—and should not—
    turn a blind eye to commonsense concerns of danger when responding to an
    emergency 911 call. Nor should we when analyzing the circumstances. See id.
    “Law enforcement officers are at greatest risk when dealing with potentially armed
    individuals because they are the first to confront this perilous and unpredictable
    situation.” United States v. Gibson, 
    64 F.3d 617
    , 624 (11th Cir. 1995). The “very
    rationale underpinning Terry—the protection of officer safety and the safety of
    others nearby, especially from the dangers posed by firearms—is presented by the
    facts of this case.” Lewis, 
    674 F.3d at 1309
    . The officers had reasonable suspicion
    to perform an investigatory stop.
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    Bruce advances one more argument—that the officers needed probable
    cause, rather than reasonable suspicion, because they stopped him on the curtilage
    of a home. The parties debate whether Bruce actually reserved the right to appeal
    this issue when he conditionally pleaded guilty, but we need not decide that point.
    At the very least, Bruce failed to raise the issue below, so he must—but cannot—
    establish plain error. See Young, 
    350 F.3d at 1305
    Curtilage is an area near and closely associated with the home; at the
    founding, it was considered part of the house for Fourth Amendment purposes.
    See Collins v. Virginia, 
    138 S. Ct. 1663
    , 1676 (2018) (Thomas, J., concurring)
    (citing 4 William Blackstone, Commentaries on the Laws of England 225 (1769)).
    The most recent Supreme Court case on the issue (and the one Bruce leans on to
    show plain error) is Collins v. Virginia. There, the Court held that the automobile
    exception to the Fourth Amendment does not permit a police officer, “uninvited
    and without a warrant, to enter the curtilage of a home in order to search a vehicle
    parked therein.” 
    Id. at 1668
     (majority opinion). The decision was limited though.
    As the Court explained, Collins was materially different from a case in which the
    record did not indicate any Fourth Amendment interest in the place where the
    vehicle was parked and in which the record offered no “determination that the
    driveway was curtilage.” 
    Id. at 1674
    Those distinctions devastate Bruce’s attempt to rely on Collins. By his own
    admission, the “record does not disclose Mr. Bruce’s relationship to the house”
    where he was stopped. The record also lacks important detail needed to sort out if
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    the property was within anyone’s curtilage. That question turns on four fact-
    intensive inquiries: “(1) the proximity of the area claimed to be curtilage to the
    home; (2) the nature of the uses to which the area is put; (3) whether the area is
    included within an enclosure surrounding the home; and, (4) the steps the resident
    takes to protect the area from observation.” United States v. Taylor, 
    458 F.3d 1201
    , 1206 (11th Cir. 2006). All we know on appeal is the location where the
    white car was parked, and that the area was not enclosed. We know nothing about
    the other two factors. These sparse details are just not enough.
    In a last-ditch effort, Bruce asks us to remand for factfinding on this issue.
    But doing so “would undermine the plain-error doctrine,” which is designed to
    encourage parties to raise issues in the district court. United States v. Cabezas-
    949 F.3d 567
    , 592 (11th Cir. 2020). On the record before us, then,
    Bruce has not established plain error.
    *        *     *
    Officers cannot stop people for no reason. Or for a bad reason. But here,
    they had a very good reason—a reliable tip describing an imminent gunfight. We
    will not ask police to forget what they already know when they approach a
    potential crime scene. A contrary decision would put not only police, but the
    public in danger. Under the circumstances here, it was reasonable for them to
    suspect Bruce of criminal activity and to proceed with caution. We therefore
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    MARTIN, Circuit Judge, dissenting:
    This case asks us to decide whether officers violated Toddrey Bruce’s
    Fourth Amendment right to be free from unreasonable seizures when they stopped
    him on the basis of an anonymous tip. I agree with the majority’s conclusion that
    under the Supreme Court’s ruling in Navarette v. California, 
    572 U.S. 393
    134 S. Ct. 1683
     (2014), we must accept the anonymous tip in this case as reliable. Maj.
    Op. at 8. But as the majority recognizes, id. at 9, even when we accept the tip as
    reliable, we must also assess whether the police had the reasonable and
    particularized suspicion of criminal activity necessary to justify an investigatory
    stop. See Navarette, 572 U.S. at 401, 
    134 S. Ct. at 1690
    . To the extent the
    anonymous tip here provided officers with reasonable suspicion, it is my view that
    any such reasonable suspicion should have dissipated upon the officers’ arrival at
    the reported address. I therefore respectfully dissent from the majority’s opinion
    affirming the District Court’s denial of Mr. Bruce’s motion to suppress.
    While the majority’s recitation of the facts is accurate, I recount them briefly
    in order to highlight one important matter. It is true, as the majority writes, that an
    anonymous caller told a 911 operator that he witnessed an argument taking place in
    the front yard of what he referred to as a “drug house.” It is also true that the caller
    said the individuals arguing “might be shooting any minute from now,” and
    warned the operator that officers “have to be careful.” It is important to our legal
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    analysis to know, however, that the 911 dispatcher did not relay any of these
    details to the officers who went to the scene of the reported altercation. Rather, the
    officers had only a barebones report from dispatch that there was an “an argument
    in the front yard [of the reported address] with a black male standing next to a
    white vehicle holding a handgun.”
    Dispatch’s failure to give the officers the full details of the anonymous tip is
    significant because we are required to judge whether an officer has reasonable
    suspicion to conduct a stop based on “the facts available to the officer at the
    moment of the seizure or the search.” See United States v. Franklin, 
    323 F.3d 1298
    , 1301 (11th Cir. 2003) (quotation marks omitted); see also United States v.
    250 F.3d 130
    , 132, 138 (2d Cir. 2001) (holding information provided by
    anonymous 911 caller to civilian operator but not provided to arresting officers
    could not retroactively create reasonable suspicion). For that reason, the question
    of whether the officers had reasonable suspicion to stop Mr. Bruce must be
    determined based on the following circumstances: (1) officers received a dispatch
    concerning an “argument” in which one of the parties had a gun and stood next to a
    white car; (2) the report was made in the middle of the night, and concerned
    activity in a high-crime neighborhood; and (3) when officers arrived at the reported
    address, they saw two men sitting in the white car with the headlamp on.
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    An investigatory stop “must be justified by some objective manifestation
    that the person stopped is, or is about to be, engaged in criminal activity.” United
    States v. Cortez, 
    449 U.S. 411
    , 417, 
    101 S. Ct. 690
    , 695 (1981). And in
    determining whether reasonable suspicion exists, courts consider the “the totality
    of the circumstances.” 
     Once reasonable suspicion is established, it does not
    exist in perpetuity; rather, an investigative stop must “cease once law
    enforcement’s reasonable, articulable suspicions . . . [are] allayed.” Croom v.
    645 F.3d 1240
    , 1251 n.15 (11th Cir. 2011) (per curiam).
    Had police, upon arriving at the reported address, observed two people
    having an argument, with one of the parties holding a gun, I would have no
    question that reasonable suspicion would have justified an investigatory stop. See
    United States v. Holloway, 
    290 F.3d 1331
    , 1337–38 (11th Cir. 2002) (holding that
    emergency situations involving endangerment to life provide probable cause for
    police intervention). But when police arrived at the reported address, they did not
    witness a violent argument or any other emergency. No one was in the front yard
    causing a disturbance, and no one stood next to the white car brandishing a
    handgun. In fact, no one was standing anywhere. The officers’ sole observation
    upon their arrival was a white car, with two people inside, parked in the driveway
    of the house. The officers did not testify to hearing a commotion or other
    disturbance coming from the vehicle. Nevertheless, the officers immediately
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    initiated a stop by getting out of their patrol cars and approaching the parked car
    with their weapons drawn. 1
    On these facts, even if dispatch’s report gave the officers reasonable
    suspicion that a violent altercation was ongoing or imminent, any such reasonable
    suspicion should have dissipated when the officers arrived at the scene and saw
    nothing of the sort. See United States v. Watson, 
    900 F.3d 892
    , 896 (7th Cir.
    2018) (holding that officers did not have reasonable suspicion based on anonymous
    tip that “boys” were “playing with guns” because when officers arrived and
    observed only that “men were seated inside the identified car with no guns in
    sight,” any concern about an emergency “should have dissipated”). In fact, what
    these officers saw upon arriving at the address should have suggested the opposite
    of what was reported in the tip. The two men at the scene were not fighting, but
    were instead sitting together in a car.
    The majority opinion holds the officers still had reasonable suspicion upon
    arriving at the reported address. It recites the principle that the absence of
    additional suspicious conduct does not necessarily dispel reasonable suspicion.
    Maj. Op. at 9–10. An accurate statement of the law, no doubt, but one that begs
    the question, reasonable suspicion of what? In the Supreme Court’s Navarette
    The parties do not dispute that the officers initiated the stop when they approached the white
    car with their weapons drawn.
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    decision, which the majority relies on for this proposition, an anonymous tipster
    complained of being driven off the road by another vehicle, thus causing officers to
    have a reasonable suspicion that the other vehicle’s driver was intoxicated.
    Navarette, 572 U.S. at 403–04, 
    134 S. Ct. at
    1691–92. When officers finally
    caught up to the reported vehicle, they followed it for five minutes without
    observing any driving irregularities. 
     at 403–04, 
    134 S. Ct. at 1691
    . The Court
    held that the officers nevertheless had reasonable suspicion because it was “hardly
    surprising” that an intoxicated driver would operate his vehicle more carefully
    while being followed by a marked police vehicle. Id. at 403, 
    134 S. Ct. at 1691
    Here, by contrast, dispatch reported that an argument was taking place, and one of
    the parties had a gun. Unlike a drunk driver, who manages to conceal his
    drunkenness for a period of time, an ongoing violent conflict is not obviously
    The majority says my conclusion that reasonable suspicion should have
    dissipated here is at odds with the rule that reasonable suspicion need not be based
    on an officer’s personal observations. Maj. Op. at 10–11 (citing Navarette, 572
    U.S. at 397, 
    134 S. Ct. at 1688
    ). Thus, the majority contends, my analysis “at its
    core” is at odds with Navarette. Maj. Op. at 11. Respectfully, the majority
    misunderstands my analysis, and overstates the holding in Navarette. I do not
    suggest that reasonable suspicion cannot be supplied by a third party, such as an
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    anonymous tipster. Indeed, I have assumed for the purposes of my analysis that
    the tip here did furnish reasonable suspicion. See supra at 19. But just as
    reasonable suspicion may be formed, it may also be dispelled. Kansas v. Glover,
    589 U.S. ___, 
    140 S. Ct. 1183
    , 1191 (2020) (observing that, because a stop must be
    “justified at its inception,” the “presence of additional facts might dispel
    reasonable suspicion”). Contrary to the suggestion of the majority opinion,
    Navarette did not renounce this principle. While the Court held that operating a
    vehicle carefully for a short time does not dispel reasonable suspicion of drunk
    driving, it also explained that “[e]xtended observation of an allegedly drunk driver
    might eventually dispel a reasonable suspicion of intoxication.” Navarette, 572
    U.S. at 403–04, 
    134 S. Ct. at 1691
    . And in my view, what the officers observed
    here—unlike what the officer saw in Navarette—should have dispelled any
    reasonable suspicion of criminal activity. 2
    As I’ve stated above, the circumstances of this case are distinguishable from Navarette because,
    while it might be reasonable to think that a driver has masked his intoxication for a short time, it
    was unreasonable to suspect that the parties here had concealed their armed conflict. The
    majority disagrees. It says drunk driving is not disguisable because the impact of alcohol “is not
    a mind-over-matter issue,” whereas “[m]oving a few feet to sit in a car . . . is easily handled.”
    Maj. Op. at 11. First, by characterizing drunk driving in this way, the majority seems to endorse
    a view that the Court rejected in Navarette. Compare 572 U.S. at 403, 
    134 S. Ct. at 1691
     (“It is
    hardly surprising that the appearance of a marked police car would inspire more careful
    driving.”) with 572 U.S. at 413, 
    134 S. Ct. at 1697
     (Scalia, J., dissenting) (“[T]he dangers of
    intoxicated driving are the intoxicant’s impairing effects on the body—effects that no mere act of
    the will can resist.”). Beyond that, the majority’s emphasis on how easy (or how difficult) it is to
    enter a car is misplaced. In determining whether these officers still had reasonable suspicion
    upon arriving at the reported address, the question is not whether the individuals described in the
    dispatch had the physical capability to enter a car. I assume the answer is yes, since they had
    been reported to be standing next to the car. Instead, the question that is relevant to our analysis
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    The majority posits two hypothetical scenarios to explain why two
    individuals sitting together in a car—without any sign of argument—nevertheless
    provides reasonable suspicion of an ongoing or impending violent conflict. The
    first is that the officers might have believed that one of the people in the car was a
    “domestic-violence victim.” Maj. Op. at 10. Had the tipster here reported a
    domestic violence incident, and had dispatch relayed that information to the
    reporting officers, the majority’s hypothetical might have some force. As our
    sister circuits have recognized, “domestic violence comes and goes,” so the
    absence of violence does not exclude its possible recurrence. See, e.g., United
    States v. McCants, 
    952 F.3d 416
    , 424 (3d Cir. 2020) (quotation marks omitted).
    But that principle is irrelevant here, because neither the anonymous tip nor the
    dispatcher’s communication even hinted that the disturbance at issue involved a
    domestic conflict.
    Neither does the barebones report of an “argument” involving a man with a
    handgun support the majority’s second hypothetical: that the men arguing on the
    front yard relocated to the parked car because their confrontation evolved into a
    hostage crisis. Maj. Op. at 10. To start, the officers never testified that they
    suspected a hostage situation, and the government never argued as much in the
    is whether it was reasonable for arresting officers to suspect that two people in a violent conflict
    decided to cease their hostilities and sit quietly together in a car. I think not.
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    District Court. And even if they had, the notion that two people sitting together in
    a car is really a hostage situation is precisely the type of “hunch of criminal
    activity” that cannot support reasonable suspicion. United States v. Perkins, 
    348 F.3d 965
    , 970 (11th Cir. 2003) (quotation marks omitted); see also United States v.
    804 F.3d 677
    , 684 (4th Cir. 2015) (declining to “use whatever facts are
    present, no matter how innocent, as indicia of suspicious activity” (alteration
    adopted) (quotation marks omitted)). 3
    Finally, I disagree with the majority’s suggestion that we must find
    reasonable suspicion here or else officers facing these circumstances will be left
    with the following dilemma: “avoid responding to the emergency 911 call or
    approach the scene without tools to control it.” Maj. Op. at 12. These officers had
    other options. For one, they could have observed the car for some period of time
    to see if the occupants’ conduct gave rise to reasonable suspicion. The majority
    says this option is not realistic for two reasons: (1) waiting until the apparently
    dormant scene erupted with hostilities “would endanger the public—including the
    other person in the car”; and (2) because the officers “showed up with [their
    The majority says that by rejecting its hostage and domestic-violence hypotheticals, I
    “misunderstand[] the persuasive power of a gun.” Maj. Op. at 10. To the contrary, I agree that
    guns may spell danger under certain circumstances. However, the presence of a gun does not
    give courts license to conceive of any possible scenario, however unsupported by the record, to
    find the reasonable suspicion necessary to justify a search. Cf. Watson, 900 F.3d at 896 (“[A]
    mere possibility of unlawful use of a gun is not sufficient to establish reasonable suspicion.”
    (quotation marks omitted)).
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    police] lights flashing,” the people at the scene likely would have “pause[d] . . .
    any criminal activity.” Id. The former reason is unpersuasive because, as I have
    set out above, nothing the officers observed upon arriving at the reported address
    should have suggested that a violent conflict was imminent. The latter reason is
    unrealistic because the only “criminal activity” reported by dispatch was an armed
    conflict, and it is hardly reasonable to believe that the officers’ arrival would have
    inspired the two men to agree to “press pause” on their hostilities and sit together
    in a car.
    Another option for the officers would have been to conduct a consensual
    encounter, by approaching the vehicle and questioning its occupants. The majority
    discounts this option as well because law enforcement “are at greatest risk when
    dealing with potentially armed individuals.” Maj. Op. at 13 (quoting United States
    v. Gibson, 
    64 F.3d 617
    , 624 (11th Cir. 1995)). I don’t take issue with that
    proposition, but the mere presence of a firearm does not, by default, give police the
    right to conduct an investigatory stop. In Florida v. J.L., 
    529 U.S. 266
    120 S. Ct. 1375
     (2000), the Supreme Court rejected a proposed “firearm exception” to the
    reasonable suspicion rule. 
     at 272–73, 120 S. Ct. at 1379–80. It held that,
    although “[f]irearms are dangerous, and extraordinary dangers sometimes justify
    unusual precautions,” the rule allowing investigatory stops on the basis of
    reasonable suspicion was designed precisely to balance the majority’s safety
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    concerns with the Fourth Amendment right to be free from unreasonable searches
    and seizures. Id. at 272, 120 S. Ct. at 1379. I fear the majority’s conclusion that
    police could not have conducted a consensual encounter here due to the potential
    presence of a gun inches us ever closer to the “firearm exception” expressly
    rejected in J.L.
    For these reasons, I would reverse the District Court’s decision to deny Mr.
    Bruce’s motion to suppress, and by extension, vacate Mr. Bruce’s conviction and
    sentence. I respectfully dissent.