Jose A. Torres v. Morgan Stanley Smith Barney, LLC ( 2020 )

  •          USCA11 Case: 20-11535    Date Filed: 12/10/2020   Page: 1 of 14
    No. 20-11535
    Non-Argument Calendar
    D.C. Docket No. 1:19-cv-22977-MGC
    Plaintiffs - Appellees
    Cross Appellants,
    d.b.a. Morgan Stanley,
    Defendant - Appellant
    Cross Appellees.
    Appeals from the United States District Court
    for the Southern District of Florida
    (December 10, 2020)
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    Before JORDAN, NEWSOM, and EDMONDSON, Circuit Judges.
    Morgan Stanley Smith Barney, LLC (“Morgan Stanley”) appeals the district
    court’s confirmation of an arbitration award in favor of Jose Torres and Isabel
    Litovitch-Quintana (“Petitioners”) and the denial of Morgan Stanley’s motion to
    vacate this award. Petitioners cross-appeal the district court’s denial of their
    motion for sanctions. No reversible error has been shown; we affirm.
    Briefly stated, Petitioners are former Morgan Stanley clients who
    purportedly suffered financial losses after investing in funds recommended by a
    Morgan Stanley financial advisor. Petitioners’ Client Agreement with Morgan
    Stanley contained a mandatory arbitration clause.
    In compliance with the Client Agreement, Petitioners initiated arbitration
    proceedings against Morgan Stanley before the Financial Industry Regulatory
    Authority (“FINRA”). Petitioners asserted claims for breach of fiduciary duty,
    negligence, negligent supervision, fraud, breach of contract, and violation of
    federal, Florida, and Puerto Rico securities laws.
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    Following several days of hearings, the three-member arbitration panel
    (“Panel”) entered an award in favor of Petitioners and against Morgan Stanley.
    The award included (1) $261,420.63 in compensatory damages and (2) $3 million
    in monetary sanctions: sanctions imposed based on Morgan Stanley’s repeated
    failure to comply with the Panel’s discovery orders.
    Petitioners petitioned the district court to confirm the arbitration award. In
    response, Morgan Stanley moved to vacate the arbitration award. Petitioners also
    moved for sanctions against Morgan Stanley for raising “patently baseless and
    frivolous” challenges to the arbitration award.
    The district court determined that Morgan Stanley failed to establish a
    statutory basis for vacating the arbitration award. Accordingly, the district court
    granted the petition to confirm the arbitration award and denied the motion to
    vacate the award. The district court also denied Petitioners’ motion for sanctions.
    “We review confirmations of arbitration awards and denials of motions to
    vacate arbitration awards under the same standard, reviewing the district court’s
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    findings of fact for clear error and its legal conclusions de novo.” Frazier v.
    CitiFinancial Corp., LLC, 
    604 F.3d 1313
    , 1321 (11th Cir. 2010).
    The Federal Arbitration Act (“FAA”) “imposes a heavy presumption in
    favor of confirming arbitration awards.” Riccard v. Prudential Ins. Co. of Am.,
    307 F.3d 1277
    , 1288 (11th Cir. 2002). Under the FAA, a federal court’s authority
    to vacate or to modify an arbitration award is limited. Gherardi v. Citigroup
    Global Mkts., Inc., 
    975 F.3d 1232
    , 1236 (11th Cir. 2020). Federal courts may
    vacate an award only in the four “very unusual circumstances” set forth in 
    9 U.S.C. § 10
     Pertinent to this appeal, an arbitration award may be vacated (1)
    “where there was evident partiality . . . in the arbitrators” or (2) “where the
    arbitrators exceeded their powers . . ..” See 
    9 U.S.C. § 10
    (a)(2), (4). The party
    seeking vacatur bears the burden of proving one of the statutory grounds set forth
    in section 10(a). Riccard, 
    307 F.3d at 1289
    A. Evident Partiality
    Morgan Stanley first contends that vacatur of the arbitration award is
    warranted under section 10(a)(2) based on the “evident partiality” of two of the
    Panel’s arbitrators: Arbitrators Ruiz and Pilgrim.
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    We have said that the evident partiality exception must be strictly construed.
    See Gianelli Money Purchase Plan & Trust v. ADM Inv. Servs., 
    146 F.3d 1309
    1312 (11th Cir. 1998). Evident partiality exists only where there is (1) an actual
    conflict or (2) “the arbitrator knows of, but fails to disclose, information which
    would lead a reasonable person to believe that a potential conflict exists.” 
    Morgan Stanley’s arguments fall under the second situation.
    When a party seeks to establish a potential conflict based on nondisclosure,
    the party “must establish that the undisclosed facts create a ‘reasonable impression
    of partiality.’” Lifecare Int’l v. CD Med., 
    68 F.3d 429
    , 433 (11th Cir. 1995).
    “[T]he mere appearance of bias or partiality is not enough to set aside an
    arbitration award.” 
     Instead, the alleged partiality must be “direct, definite and
    capable of demonstration rather than remote, uncertain and speculative.” 
    Whether there exists “evident partiality” is a fact-intensive inquiry. Id. at 435.
    Arbitrator Ruiz:
    Morgan Stanley contends that Arbitrator Ruiz failed to make adequate
    disclosures about a 2002 medical malpractice lawsuit she filed against the hospital
    where she gave birth in 1995.
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    In her Disclosure Report, Arbitrator Ruiz provided a brief description of the
    nature of the civil action, the case name, the case number, and the name of the
    lawyer who represented her. Arbitrator Ruiz also said that a settlement was
    reached in 2013 and that the case was inactive.
    Morgan Stanley complains that Arbitrator Ruiz failed to disclose that some
    of her claims in the 2002 malpractice action were dismissed as untimely under
    Puerto Rico’s statute of limitations. Because Morgan Stanley asserted a defense in
    the underlying arbitration based on a Puerto Rico statute of limitations, Morgan
    Stanley says the undisclosed information is material and creates an impression of
    potential bias.
    We reject this argument. Morgan Stanley has presented no “direct, definite”
    or demonstrable evidence of partiality. That some of Arbitrator Ruiz’s claims --
    asserted in a completely unrelated civil action filed 15 years before the initiation of
    this arbitration -- were dismissed on statute-of-limitation grounds gives rise to no
    reasonable impression of partiality. Cf. Lifecare Int’l, 68 F.3d at 434 (concluding
    that an arbitrator’s nondisclosure of a scheduling dispute -- between the arbitrator
    and a lawyer at the law firm representing the defendant to the arbitration -- created
    no reasonable impression of bias because the dispute (1) involved none of the
    parties to the arbitration hearing and (2) took place 18 months before the
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    arbitration proceedings). Morgan Stanley’s contention that Arbitrator Ruiz holds a
    potential bias against parties raising a Puerto Rico statute-of-limitations defense is
    the kind of remote, uncertain, and speculative assertion of partiality that cannot
    support a vacatur of an arbitration award. The district court committed no clear
    error in finding that the undisclosed information would lead no objective
    reasonable person to believe that a potential conflict existed. 1
    Arbitrator Pilgrim:
    Morgan Stanley next contends that Arbitrator Pilgrim failed to disclose
    properly a foreclosure action. On her Disclosure Report, Arbitrator Pilgrim
    disclosed that she had a mortgage with “CitiMortgage (Citigroup).” Morgan
    Stanley says, however, that Arbitrator Pilgrim failed to disclose that CitiMortgage
    purportedly filed a foreclosure action against her in 2013.
    On appeal, Morgan Stanley mischaracterizes the district court as (1) requiring a showing that
    Arbitrator Ruiz had a “direct interest” in the underlying arbitration, and (2) creating a
    “concurrency requirement.” Contrary to Morgan Stanley’s assertions, the district court created
    and imposed no new test for determining evident partiality. Instead, the district court engaged
    properly in a fact-intensive inquiry and considered the facts pertinent to this case -- including the
    timing of the undisclosed events and the relationship of those undisclosed events to the matters at
    issue in the arbitration.
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    In rejecting Morgan Stanley’s argument, the district court first found that
    Morgan Stanley had failed to establish that Arbitrator Pilgrim knew of the
    undisclosed foreclosure action. In the alternative, the district court concluded --
    even if Arbitrator Pilgrim knew of the action -- that Morgan Stanley had failed to
    show that a reasonable person would believe a potential conflict existed.
    We see no clear error in the district court’s finding that Morgan Stanley
    failed to prove knowledge. The complained-of foreclosure action (filed in state
    court in November 2013) was discontinued voluntarily after Arbitrator Pilgrim
    entered into a loan modification agreement with CitiMortgage in January 2014.
    The record demonstrates that never was Arbitrator Pilgrim served in the
    foreclosure action. In conjunction with discontinuing the foreclosure action,
    CitiMortgage’s lawyer filed an attorney affirmation with the state court, attesting
    under penalty of perjury that “[a]fter the Summons and Complaint was filed,
    service on the defendants was not effectuated.” (emphasis added). 2
    In its reply brief in the district court, Morgan Stanley attached a letter sent by Arbitrator
    Pilgrim to CitiMortgage’s lawyer in February 2014. In that letter, Arbitrator Pilgrim expressed
    her “puzzlement” after receiving a summons and complaint after CitiMortgage approved a loan
    modification and also sought written proof that no foreclosure action had been filed against her.
    Contrary to Morgan Stanley’s position on appeal, this letter is no evidence that Arbitrator
    Pilgrim knew that she had been named as a defendant in a valid foreclosure action. Instead, it
    shows only that Arbitrator Pilgrim was served in error in a foreclosure action after CitiMortgage
    had ceased its foreclosure activity.
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    Moreover, CitiMortgage had only a very tenuous connection to Morgan
    Stanley. Morgan Stanley says CitiMortgage was an affiliate of Citigroup Global
    Markets, Inc. which it says was a “key entity” in the arbitration and a party in a
    joint venture with Morgan Stanley. The record evidences, however, that Citigroup
    Global Markets, Inc. sold its interest in the joint venture in June 2013 -- 5 months
    before the complained-of foreclosure action was initiated in November 2013. In
    other words, the undisclosed foreclosure action involved none of the parties to the
    underlying arbitration hearing.
    Given the absence of overlap between the parties to the foreclosure action
    and the parties to the arbitration and that the undisclosed foreclosure action was
    discontinued more than three years before this arbitration was initiated, we cannot
    conclude that an objective reasonable person would believe a potential conflict
    existed. Morgan Stanley has failed to satisfy its burden of showing partiality that
    is direct, definite, and capable of demonstration.
    B. Exceeded Powers
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    Morgan Stanley next contends that the arbitration award must be vacated
    under section 10(a)(4). Morgan Stanley says the Panel exceeded its powers in
    awarding $3 million in monetary sanctions.
    We construe section 10(a)(4) very narrowly. Gherardi, 975 F.3d at 1237.
    “A party seeking relief under that provision bears a heavy burden.” Oxford Health
    Plan LLC v. Sutter, 
    569 U.S. 564
    , 569 (2013).
    When parties agree to arbitrate their disputes, they “opt out of the court
    system” and thus, have limited avenues for relief in federal court. Gherardi, 975
    F.3d at 1238. We have said that “in § 10(a)(4) cases, our review is quasi-
    jurisdictional: a check to make sure that the arbitration agreement granted the
    arbitrator authority to reach the issues it resolved.” Id.; see White Springs Agric.
    Chems., Inc. v. Glawson Invs. Corp., 
    660 F.3d 1277
    , 1281 (11th Cir. 2011)
    (“Because arbitrators derive their power from the parties’ agreement, we look to
    the terms of the governing arbitration clause to determine the powers of the
    arbitration panel.” (quotation omitted)). “Only if the arbitrator acts outside the
    scope of his contractually delegated authority -- issuing an award that simply
    reflects his own notions of economic justice rather than drawing its essence from
    the contract -- may a court overturn his determination.” Sutter, 569 U.S. at 569
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    (quotations and alterations omitted). That an arbitrator committed an error (even a
    serious error) will not warrant vacatur under section 10(a)(4). Id.
    By signing the Client Agreement, the parties in this case “agree[d] that all
    claims or controversies, whether such claims or controversies arose prior, on or
    subsequent to the date hereof, . . . concerning or arising from . . . the construction,
    performance or breach of this or any other agreement between us . . . shall be
    determined by arbitration . . ..” The Client Agreement also incorporated expressly
    the rules of the pertinent arbitration forum: in this case, FINRA. Morgan Stanley
    then executed a FINRA Arbitration Submission Agreement, agreeing to “submit
    the present matter in controversy . . . to arbitration in accordance with the FINRA
    By-Laws, Rules, and Code of Arbitration Procedure” and “agree[ing] to be bound
    by these procedures and rules.”
    That arbitrators have power to impose sanctions under FINRA’s Code of
    Arbitration Procedure (“Code”) is undisputed. The Code authorizes the arbitration
    panel to “sanction a party for failure to comply with any provision in the Code, or
    any order of the panel or single arbitrator authorized to act on behalf of the panel.”
    FINRA Rule 12212(a). Examples of possible sanctions include “[a]ssessing
    monetary penalties payable to one or more parties” unless doing so is “prohibited
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    by applicable law.” Id. The Code also authorizes sanctions for failing to comply
    with discovery. FINRA Rule 12511(a).
    Here, the Panel imposed monetary sanctions against Morgan Stanley
    pursuant to Rules 12212 and 12511. The Panel described Morgan Stanley’s
    repeated failure to comply with the Panel’s discovery orders. The Panel also noted
    that -- by withholding documents the Panel deemed “highly relevant to the
    dispute” -- Morgan Stanley’s noncompliance with the Panel’s discovery orders
    caused “extreme prejudice” to Petitioners.
    Under the terms of the Client Agreement, the parties conferred authority to
    the Panel to resolve the disputes in this case. Moreover, the FINRA Rules --
    incorporated into the Client Agreement -- provide that “[t]he panel has the
    authority to interpret and determine the applicability of all provisions under the
    Code” and that “[s]uch interpretations are final and binding upon the parties.” See
    FINRA Rule 12409. Because the Panel was thus authorized to decide this case and
    to interpret and apply its own rules in adjudicating the parties’ claims, the Panel
    never exceeded its contractually delegated authority.
    On appeal, Morgan Stanley challenges the Panel’s award of monetary
    sanctions as prohibited by “applicable law.” Morgan Stanley characterizes the
    sanctions as “punitive” and, thus, impermissible under the Supreme Court’s
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    decision in Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co. v. Haeger, 
    137 S. Ct. 1178
    (addressing a federal court’s inherent authority to impose sanctions). Morgan
    Stanley also contends that the Panel exceeded its authority by awarding “an
    arbitrary amount of sanctions well beyond the amount actually sought by
    Whether the Panel applied its rules consistent with “applicable law” or in an
    arbitrary manner are legal questions that are beyond the limited scope of our
    judicial review. See White Springs, 
    660 F.3d at 1283
     (declining to address
    arguments that the arbitration panel exceeded its power by awarding fees
    prohibited by federal and state law: the courts “cannot . . . review the panel’s
    award for underlying legal error.”); Frazier, 
    604 F.3d at 1324
     (concluding that
    arbitrariness is no basis for vacatur: the statutory grounds set forth in 
    9 U.S.C. § 10
    are exclusive).
    Morgan Stanley has failed to establish a statutory basis for vacating the
    arbitration award. We thus affirm the confirmation of the arbitration award and the
    district court’s denial of Morgan Stanley motion to vacate.
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    On cross-appeal, Petitioners challenge the district court’s denial of their
    motion for sanctions. Relying on our decision in B.L. Harbert Int’l v. Hercules
    Steel Co., 
    441 F.3d 905
     (11th Cir. 2006), Petitioners contend that sanctions are
    appropriate because Morgan Stanley’s arguments lacked legal merit, were not
    properly preserved, were based on conclusory allegations, and ignored established
    We review a district court’s ruling on sanctions under an abuse-of-discretion
    standard. Silva v. Pro Transp., Inc., 
    898 F.3d 1335
    , 1338-39 (11th Cir. 2018).
    In Hercules Steel, we expressed our exasperation with parties “who attempt
    to salvage arbitration losses through litigation that has no sound basis in the law
    applicable to arbitration awards.” 
    441 F.3d at 913-14
    . We also warned that “to
    further the purposes of the FAA and to protect arbitration as a remedy” courts may
    “consider imposing sanctions in appropriate cases.” 
    In denying Petitioners’ motion for sanctions, the district court acknowledged
    our decision in Hercules Steel. The district court then explained that Morgan
    Stanley’s arguments -- although unsuccessful -- were not “wholly baseless.” On
    this record, the district court abused no discretion in denying sanctions.