United States v. Labbe ( 2009 )

  • 08-0673-cr
    U.S. v. Labbe
    August Term 2009
    Heard: October 16, 2009                            Decided: December 4, 2009
    Docket No. 08-0673-cr
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    Before: NEWMAN, POOLER, and KATZMANN, Circuit Judges.
    Appeal from the January 31, 2008, judgment of the United States
    District Court for the Southern District of New York (Robert W. Sweet,
    District Judge) sentencing the defendant to 87 months’ imprisonment
    for interstate transportation of stolen property in violation of 
    18 U.S.C. § 2314
    .      Defendant contends that he was improperly denied a
    minimal role adjustment that the District Judge had contemplated
    giving in a written sentencing opinion. We conclude that the decision
    not to impose the contemplated adjustment requires findings, and we
    remand for that purpose.
    Devin McLaughlin, Langrock Sperry &
    Wool, LLP, Middlebury, VT, for
    Seetha Ramachandran, Asst. U.S. Atty.,
    New York, N.Y. (Lev L. Dassin, Acting
    U.S. Atty., Iris Lan, Asst. U.S.
    Atty., New York, N.Y., on the brief),
    for Appellee.
    JON O. NEWMAN, Circuit Judge.
    This sentencing appeal challenges a District Judge’s denial at a
    sentencing hearing of a minimal role adjustment, U.S.S.G. § 3B1.2(a),
    in making a Sentencing Guidelines calculation after the Judge had
    stated in a carefully prepared “Sentencing Opinion” that the defendant
    was entitled to the adjustment.             Kenny Ola Labbe, a citizen of
    Nigeria, appeals from the January 31, 2008, judgment of the United
    States District Court for the Southern District of New York (Robert W.
    Sweet, District Judge), sentencing him principally to 87 months’
    imprisonment upon his plea of guilty to interstate transportation of
    stolen property, in violation of 
    18 U.S.C. § 2314
    .           Although we have
    no desire to inhibit the commendable practice of issuing an indication
    of a likely sentence in advance of a sentencing hearing, we conclude
    that procedural error occurs when a defendant is not alerted to a
    likely change from a judge’s anticipated Guidelines calculation and
    when   that   change   is   not   sufficiently   supported   by   the   Judge’s
    findings.     We therefore remand so that at a renewed sentencing
    hearing, Labbe, now on notice that a minimal role adjustment is likely
    to be denied, can personally and through counsel make a full argument
    for    such   an   adjustment   and    so    that   the   District   Judge,   after
    considering both the Government’s and the defendant’s presentations
    concerning that adjustment, make a fresh determination, supported by
    appropriate findings, as to whether an adjustment is warranted.
    Labbe was indicted for transporting stolen property in interstate
    commerce, in violation of 
    18 U.S.C. § 2314
    , and conspiracy to commit
    that   offense,     in   violation    of    
    18 U.S.C. § 371
    .   The   conduct
    constituting the substantive offense was alleged to have occurred
    between December 2005 and January 2006.             The conspiracy was alleged to
    have spanned the interval between 2002 and January 2006.                      These
    charges stemmed from an elaborate scheme to steal and cash checks sent
    to a lockbox maintained by JP Morgan Chase Bank (“Chase”).                    Chase
    account holders sent checks to the lockbox to be credited to their
    accounts.     One of the conspirators stole quantities of checks from the
    lockbox.      Another conspirator sent unsolicited e-mails to strangers
    throughout the United States claiming to seek help to complete a
    financial transaction.          Some of these strangers became unwitting
    participants in the scheme by providing their names and addresses to
    conspirators.       Conspirators removed the true payee’s name from a
    stolen check and substituted the name of an unwitting participant.
    The altered check was then mailed to the participant, who deposited
    the check in his own account and wired a portion of the proceeds to an
    overseas bank account controlled by a conspirator.
    Labbe pled guilty to both counts of the indictment.   At the plea
    colloquy before a Magistrate Judge, he acknowledged that his acts
    constituted the elements of the charged offenses, but he asserted that
    he had not acted “in the way” the offenses were detailed in the
    indictment.   Questioned carefully by the Magistrate Judge, Labbe
    stated that an individual had approached him and asked for help in
    mailing some checks.   Labbe said an individual gave him a list of
    names, and Labbe had to match the list with certain checks, place
    addresses he had been given on envelopes, and send the checks from a
    Federal Express office.   He was to do this during a brief interval
    while the individual was out of the country.   Labbe admitted that he
    knew the checks were stolen, but denied knowing they had been altered.
    He subsequently told the Probation Department that he was promised
    some indefinite form of payment, which he never received, and that he
    pocketed only $400 that was left over from the funds given him to send
    the checks.
    The Presentence Report (“PSR”) began the Guidelines calculation
    with a base offense level of 6, see U.S.S.G. § 2B1.1(a)(2), added 20
    levels for a loss greater then $7 million but less than $12 million,
    see id. § 2B1.1(b)(1)(K),1 added 4 levels because the offense involved
    more than 50 victims, see id. § 2B1.1(b)(2)(B), and added 2 levels
    because a substantial part of the offense was committed outside the
    United States, see id. § 2B1.1(b)(9)(B).    Subtracting 3 levels for
    acceptance of responsibility, see id. § 3E1.1(a), (b), the PSR arrived
    at an adjusted offense level of 29, which, with Criminal History
    Category III, yielded a sentencing range of 108 to 135 months.    The
    PSR recommended a term of 108 months.
    After receiving sentencing submissions from the Government and
    the defendant, Judge Sweet issued a 21-page “Sentencing Opinion,”
    dated January 23, 2008.   Describing the offense conduct, Judge Sweet
    wrote that Labbe and others “caused the stolen lockbox checks . . . to
    be altered” and “removed the original payees’ names from the stolen
    checks and replaced them with the names of participating e-mail
    recipients,” that Labbe sent packages of stolen checks via Federal
    Express to participating e-mail recipients, and that Labbe asked an
    internet café owner to scan and e-mail a document that contained a
    list of individuals, their contact information, and dollar amounts.
    Judge Sweet also stated that a Federal Express employee had told an
    FBI agent that Labbe had sent packages almost every weeknight from
    The loss amount was determined by multiplying the amounts of the
    checks Labbe sent on the day of his arrest, more than $500,000, by the
    number of weeknights Labbe was observed sending packages from the
    Federal Express office.
    December 25, 2005, to January 23, 2006.              Finally, Judge Sweet stated
    that   various    pieces    of    paper   relating     to   the    scheme   had   been
    discovered at Labbe’s residence.
    Using the 2007 Guidelines Manual, Judge Sweet calculated Labbe’s
    adjusted offense level to be 23, following the PSR’s calculation with
    one difference, which is relevant to this appeal.                 Judge Sweet wrote,
    “Because the defendant’s role in the offense was minimal, he is
    entitled to a mitigating role decrease of four levels, pursuant to
    U.S.S.G. § 3B1.2(a).”        That subsection provides for a four-level
    reduction of the offense level “[i]f the defendant was a minimal
    participant in any criminal activity.”                 A two-level reduction is
    authorized if      the defendant was a minor participant. See U.S.S.G.
    § 3B1.2(b).      In Criminal History Category III, the adjusted offense
    level of 23 yielded a sentencing range of 57 to 71 months.                        Judge
    Sweet then considered the factors identified in 
    18 U.S.C. § 3553
    determined that a Guidelines sentence was warranted, and concluded,
    “For the instant offense, Labbe is hereby sentenced [sic] to a term of
    57 months’ imprisonment and a term of supervised release of three
    years.”    He also ordered forfeiture of $44 million of currency and
    U.S. Postal Service money orders totaling approximately $25,000.
    Also relevant to this appeal is the concluding sentence of the
    Sentencing    Opinion:     “The   terms    of   this   sentence     are   subject    to
    modification at the sentencing hearing set for January 29, 2008.”
    Prior to the sentencing hearing, the Government sent Judge Sweet
    a letter, objecting to the Court’s contemplated four-level reduction
    for a minimal role in the offense.      The Government pointed out that
    Labbe’s offense level was based only on the loss resulting from his
    own conduct in the conspiracy, i.e., mailing checks between December
    25 and January 23.     Specifically with respect to the minimal role
    reduction, the Government stated that Labbe had communicated with a
    co-conspirator in Nigeria, had “tried to send him a list of names and
    addresses that corresponded to people who were contacted through the
    email scam,” and, when arrested, had various documents connected with
    the scam.
    At the sentencing hearing, Judge Sweet first confirmed that
    defense counsel had reviewed the PSR and the Judge’s Sentencing
    Opinion with Labbe.   The Judge then afforded defense counsel and Labbe
    an opportunity to speak.   Defense counsel primarily disputed the loss
    calculation.   With respect to Labbe’s role, counsel first said, “I
    think it is important to note that of all the people involved in this
    conspiracy, Mr. Labbe really was the lowest on the rung.    I know that
    your Honor takes that into consideration in a role adjustment,” and
    later said, “Even though he has been given a role in the offense
    adjustment, I don’t think that truly compensates for the large 20-
    level increase that he is being given.” Labbe told the Judge, “I
    really did play a very minute part in this.”
    In response, the Government defended the loss calculation and
    then said:
    I don’t think he can be characterized as a minor or minimal
    participant in this scheme. I think the evidence shows that
    he had an awareness of what was in the packages, who was
    getting these things, trying to fax the document to Nigeria
    at the Internet café, the evidence that was recovered from
    him when he was arrested, and also the $25,000 in money
    orders that was found at his residence after he was
    Judge Sweet then asked the prosecutor, “What is the government’s
    view with respect to the relative participation of all three [Labbe
    and two other defendants scheduled for sentencing in the Southern
    District]?” The prosecutor ranked co-conspirator Ellis as the highest
    because of his activity in buying the checks and deciding which ones
    should   be   used   for   the   scam.         She   then   said   that   Labbe   had
    participated in gathering the e-mail addresses and circulating them,
    and ranked Labbe below Ellis but higher than co-conspirator Hailey,
    the Chase employee who had stolen the checks from the lockbox.
    Labbe briefly responded, apparently endeavoring to dispute the
    contention that he had gathered the e-mail addresses.                 He said that
    someone had given him “an e-mail to go check.”
    Judge Sweet then imposed sentence.                He stated, “I think the
    government’s argument and its reading of the guidelines with respect
    to the minor and minimal participants is right.                    It is a correct
    interpretation.” He then stated that he would impose a Guidelines
    sentence and apply a sentencing range of 87 to 108 months.                 This range
    was apparently derived from an adjusted offense level of                     27 (the
    originally contemplated level of 23 plus the rejected four-level
    reduction for minimal role) and Criminal History Category III.                    Judge
    Sweet imposed a sentence of 87 months’ imprisonment, using the bottom
    of   the   applicable     range.     The    bottom    of    the    range   with     the
    contemplated minimal role adjustment would have been 57 months.                     The
    disallowance of the adjustment therefore raised the sentence by two
    and one-half years.
    Defense   counsel    then    sought    to   argue    for    the   minimal   role
    adjustment, stating that Labbe “had no independent decision-making.
    He was told to pick up checks and he was told to take them to a mail
    depository.     That is what he did.          He didn’t steal the checks. He
    wasn’t an insider.      He was the person who was used by everybody else
    to take the checks and mail them off.”               Judge Sweet responded, “I
    After Judge Sweet imposed a forfeiture of $12 million, the
    following occurred:
    THE DEFENDANT: Your Honor, your Honor, your Honor –
    MR. SEIDLER [defense counsel]: I spoke to Mr. Labbe
    downstairs and explained to Mr. Labbe your sentencing
    opinion and he is extremely upset now because he thinks I
    misled him because your Honor imposed a more severe sentence
    than the sentencing opinion.
    THE COURT: Yes, well, the sentencing opinion, Mr.
    Labbe, was one which I determined but I did not have the
    advantage of the government’s comments which I have received
    afterwards and I changed my mind.
    On appeal, Labbe challenges the disallowance of the minimal role
    adjustment, contending that the District Court’s change from the
    allowance of the adjustment in the sentencing opinion is not supported
    by adequate findings.
    We have not previously encountered a sentence challenged on the
    ground that it differs from the sentence contemplated in a judge’s
    sentencing opinion issued after receipt of the PSR but prior to the
    sentencing hearing.     Labbe makes no claim that the issuance of that
    opinion impaired either his or his counsel’s right to be heard prior
    to the imposition of sentence. See Fed. R. Crim. P. 32(i)(4)(A)(i),
    (ii).   No doubt most sentencing judges have formulated a tentative
    sentence after reading a PSR.    Judge Sweet’s issuance of a sentencing
    opinion shares his tentative view with the parties and usefully
    focuses their attention on matters worthy of dispute by written
    submission or oral presentation.          At the same time, despite the
    concluding disclaimer stating, “The terms of this sentence are subject
    to modification at the sentencing hearing,” the sentencing opinion
    understandably raised expectations, which were heightened by the
    words, “For the instant offense, Labbe is hereby sentenced to a term
    of 57 months’ imprisonment.”
    We consider first whether the District Judge, having issued a
    sentencing opinion that included the definitive words “is hereby
    sentenced,”    should    have   alerted     the    defendant    to    the   distinct
    likelihood    that   there   would   be    an     adverse   change,    notably   the
    disallowance of the role adjustment.                The Supreme Court recently
    considered an issue concerning appropriate notice from a sentencing
    judge in a different context.        In Irizarry v. United States, 
    128 S. Ct. 2198
     (2008), the Court ruled that, once the Guidelines became
    advisory, a sentencing judge need not give notice of an intention to
    impose a non-Guidelines sentence.              Under the mandatory Guidelines
    regime, the Court had ruled that a sentencing judge must notify the
    parties of an intention to make an upward departure. See Burns v.
    United States, 
    501 U.S. 129
    , 138 (1991).
    The Court’s explanation in Irizarry               is instructive for our
    situation.      First,   the    Court     noted,    “Now    faced    with   advisory
    Guidelines, neither the Government nor the defendant may place the
    same degree of reliance on the type of ‘expectancy’ that gave rise to
    a special need for notice in Burns.” Irizarry, 
    128 S. Ct. at 2202-03
    The Court also said, “Sound practice dictates that judges in all
    cases should make sure that the information provided to the parties in
    advance of the hearing, and in the hearing itself, has given them an
    adequate opportunity to confront and debate the relevant issues.” 
    Id. at 2203
    .   We think that Judge Sweet’s sentencing opinion, as worded,
    did present the defendant with an “expectancy” that gave rise to the
    need for notice that a significant change was likely.                And such notice
    was needed to provide the defendant with “an adequate opportunity” to
    oppose the contemplated change and argue for a role adjustment.
    Indeed, the case for notice here is stronger than the one presented in
    Burns. The defendant there knew from the Guidelines Manual, case law,
    and established practice that an upward departure was available, but
    the Court nevertheless ruled that he needed notice of a departure that
    the judge was contemplating.       In the pending case, the defendant had
    less reason to expect a change disallowing the role adjustment that
    was included in the sentencing opinion than the defendant in Burns had
    to expect an upward departure.           Such a change is likely to be more
    infrequent    and   more    unexpected    than   were   departures   under   the
    mandatory Guidelines regime.
    With    respect   to   the   merits    of   Labbe’s   claim   for   a   role
    adjustment, we recognize the “very wide latitude” of sentencing judges
    “to decide the proper degree of punishment for an individual offender
    and a particular crime,” United States v. Cavera, 
    550 F.3d 180
    , 188
    (2d Cir. 2008) (in banc), and we also recognize that a district judge
    has “discretion” in deciding whether to accord a defendant a role
    adjustment. See United States v. Habbas, 
    527 F.3d 266
    , 274 (2d Cir.
    2008).   However, although our review is deferential, a sentencing
    court “is required to make findings sufficient to permit appellate
    review.” United States v. Legros, 
    529 F.3d 470
    , 474 (2d Cir. 2008).
    Moreover, just as a sentencing judge “must make specific findings as
    to why a particular subsection of § 3B1.1 adjustment applies,” United
    States v. Ware, 
    577 F.3d 442
    , 451 (2d Cir. 2009), we think the judge
    must also make specific findings to support the denial of a role
    adjustment that the judge had previously indicated to the parties an
    intention to make.   Although all of the standards for judicial review
    of administrative agency action are not necessarily transferable to
    appellate review of district court sentences, we take some guidance
    from the Supreme Court’s recent decision in F.C.C. v. Fox Television
    Stations, Inc., 
    129 S. Ct. 1800
     (2009), concerning a change of
    position by the Federal Communications Commission.     The Court there
    observed that although “the agency need not always provide a more
    detailed justification than what would suffice for a new policy
    created on a blank slate, [s]ometimes it must--when, for example, its
    new policy rests upon factual findings that contradict those which
    underlay its prior policy.” 
    Id. at 1811
     (punctuation altered).
    In the pending case, Judge Sweet initially described Labbe’s
    conduct as sending the altered checks from a Federal Express office
    almost every weeknight during a four-week span and trying to fax to an
    individual in Nigeria a document with names, addresses, and amounts,
    a document Labbe subsequently arranged to have electronically scanned
    and e-mailed.    Judge Sweet also wrote in his sentencing opinion that
    Labbe and others altered the names of the original payees from the
    stolen checks.     Despite this conduct, and it is not clear what
    evidence supports the assertion that Labbe altered payees’ names, the
    Judge tentatively concluded that Labbe’s role was “minimal,” entitling
    him to a four-level role reduction.   In deciding not to make the four-
    level reduction, the Judge said that he agreed with the Government’s
    “argument” and “its reading of the guidelines with respect to the
    minor and minimal participants,” and that he had changed his mind.                     We
    are left uncertain whether the Judge (a) attributed to Labbe more
    misconduct than he had originally found, and, if so, what misconduct,
    or (b) was interpreting the relevant guideline differently than
    before, or (c) was simply reassessing the significance of Labbe’s
    misconduct on the same facts and same understanding of the guidelines
    as before.          We note that the Government argued to the Judge at the
    sentencing hearing that Labbe had “participated in the gathering of
    the e-mail addresses,” but it is unclear what evidence supports that
    assertion and whether Judge Sweet believed that this assertion was
    Under all the circumstances, we conclude that the case should be
    remanded so that the District Court may conduct a new sentencing
    hearing, afford the defendant and his counsel, now alerted to the
    Judge’s          inclination    not   to   accord   a   role    adjustment,    a     full
    opportunity to argue for the adjustment, and then determine, on the
    basis       of    appropriate    findings,   whether    to     make   a   minimal    role
    adjustment, a minor role adjustment, or no adjustment.2                             If an
    Since we are remanding for further findings, we need not
    determine the standard of review appropriate for the ultimate decision
    as to whether a role adjustment will be made. We have recognized that
    “[t]his circuit has not always been consistent in describing the
    standard of review for [role adjustments],” United States v. Gotti,
    459 F.3d 296
    , 349 (2d Cir. 2006), as the following decisions
    adjustment is warranted, the sentence should be modified accordingly.
    The case is remanded for further proceedings consistent with this
    opinion.   After resentencing, any party may restore our jurisdiction
    by prompt notice to the Clerk of the Court, in which event a renewed
    appeal will be submitted to this will be submitted to this panel. See
    United States v. Jacobson, 
    15 F.3d 19
    , 21-22 (2d Cir. 1994).
    illustrate: United States v. Salameh, 
    261 F.3d 271
    , 280 (2d Cir. 2001)
    (“With regard to the fact-sensitive question of whether a defendant
    merits a mitigating role reduction, we review for abuse of discretion
    the district court’s application of the Guidelines to the
    circumstances of the particular case before it.”); United States v.
    234 F.3d 111
    , 113 (2d Cir. 2000) (“We review for clear error
    a sentencing court’s finding that a defendant did not play a minor
    role in the offense.”); United States v. Gaston, 
    68 F.3d 1466
    , 1468
    (2d Cir. 1995) (“We review de novo the district court’s legal
    conclusion as to whether the circumstances constitute ‘minimal’ or
    ‘minor’ participation.”).    With respect to Guidelines calculations
    generally, we have also said, “We review issues of law de novo, issues
    of fact under the clearly erroneous standard, mixed questions of law
    and fact either de novo or under the clearly erroneous standard
    depending on whether the question is predominantly legal or factual,
    and exercises of discretion for abuse of discretion.” United States v.
    409 F.3d 114
    , 119 (2d Cir. 2005) (internal citations