United States v. Padilla ( 2008 )

  • 07-5359-cr
    United States v. Padilla
    August Term 2008
    (Argued: September 26, 2008                    Decided: December 2, 2008)
    Docket No. 07-5359-cr
    On Appeal From the United States District Court
    For the Eastern District of New York
    B e f o r e :     RAGGI and CALABRESI, Circuit Judges, and KEENAN,
    District Judge.*
    Appeal from a judgment of conviction for possession of a
    firearm by a convicted felon. The United States District Court for
    the Eastern District of New York, Nicholas G. Garaufis, J.,
    adopting recommendations of Roanne L. Mann, United States
    Magistrate Judge, denied a motion to suppress after concluding
    that the stop and frisk of defendant by police was constitutional.
    Appellant challenges this ruling as well as trial rulings
    restricting his cross-examination of government witnesses.
    The Honorable John F. Keenan, United States District Judge
    for the Southern District of New York, sitting by designation.
    KATHLEEN NAUGHTON, Assistant United States
    Attorney (Jo Ann M. Navickas, Assistant
    United States Attorney, on the brief), for
    Benton J. Campbell, United States Attorney
    for the Eastern District of New York, for
    SAMUEL GREGORY, New York, N.Y., for
    KEENAN, District Judge:
    Defendant-appellant     Hector    Padilla   appeals   from a
    judgment of conviction entered in the United States District Court
    for the Eastern District of New York (Garaufis, J.) after a jury
    trial for possession of a firearm as a convicted felon.         Before
    trial, the district court concluded that police had reasonable
    suspicion to stop and frisk the defendant pursuant to Terry v.
    392 U.S. 1
     (1968), and denied defendant’s motion to suppress
    the handgun that was recovered. On appeal, Padilla challenges this
    conclusion.   He also claims that the district court abused its
    discretion and violated his Fifth and Sixth Amendment rights with
    trial rulings that he claims curtailed his cross-examination of
    government witnesses.     We affirm for the reasons that follow.
    A. The Suppression Motion
    1. Facts1
    Around 8:15 p.m. on October 27, 2006, NYPD Detective
    Brendan O’Brien and his partner were sitting in an unmarked car
    conducting surveillance of a Staten Island apartment building that
    they had reason to believe was being used in the sale of narcotics.
    O’Brien had approximately nine years of experience in the NYPD,
    two-and-a-half of which were spent on narcotics detail in Staten
    Island. The apartment building under surveillance was located near
    the intersection of Boyd and Cedar streets in the neighborhood of
    Stapleton, an area known for its high rate of shootings and drug-
    and gun-related arrests.    Two undercover NYPD detectives were
    fatally shot in this neighborhood in March 2003.
    From the car, O’Brien observed a skinny, white male
    walking in the middle of Boyd Street toward the intersection where
    the apartment building is located. Based upon the man’s skinny and
    “disheveled” appearance, and the fact that he was a white man in a
    In denying Padilla’s motion to suppress, the district court
    adopted a report and recommendation issued by Magistrate Judge
    Roanne L. Mann after a suppression hearing. The sole witness at
    the hearing was Brendan O’Brien, a New York City Police
    Department (“NYPD”) detective who stopped and frisked Padilla and
    found the handgun on him. The facts set forth in this section
    are from Det. O’Brien’s undisputed testimony, which the
    magistrate judge found to be credible. Because the testimony was
    not disputed and was found credible, we take it as true for
    purposes of our opinion.
    predominantly African American neighborhood, O’Brien believed that
    he might have been a drug user on his way to the surveilled
    building to buy drugs.         Instead of turning left on Cedar street
    toward the building, however, the disheveled man continued straight
    on Boyd street, crossing Cedar toward a wooded pathway where Boyd
    At this point, Det. O’Brien noticed two other men who
    appeared to be following the disheveled man.            One of the two who
    were following was the defendant, Padilla.              The two men were
    walking together in single file and without speaking in the same
    direction along Boyd street, twenty feet behind the disheveled man.
    There was no one else around.      From the manner in which the two men
    were walking, in single file while remaining directly behind the
    disheveled man, it appeared to Det. O’Brien that they were trying
    to avoid the man’s peripheral vision so that he would be unable see
    them were they to approach from behind.
    The two men continued across Cedar street, staying behind
    the   disheveled   man   and   heading   toward   the   same   wooded   path.
    O’Brien thought it was odd that the only persons on the street at
    that time would all choose to walk through an unlit wooded path in
    that high crime area after dark, instead of using the lighted
    sidewalks.   He believed that a crime might possibly happen inside
    the wooded lot— either that the two men would rob the disheveled
    man, or that the three would engage in a drug transaction.
    With his suspicions aroused, O’Brien drove around the
    block to observe whether the three men exited the path or remained
    in the wooded area.    It took O’Brien approximately thirty seconds
    to circle the block.    On the other side, he saw that the two men
    had caught up to the disheveled man, and the three had exited the
    path and appeared to be walking as a group.        Although O’Brien did
    not think that the two men already had robbed the other in that
    short span of time, he believed that a robbery still might occur.
    He testified that he
    still thought [the robbery] could possibly be taking place;
    that they had got up close to him now and where [the wooded
    path] exits there, Gray Street, I said it comes, turns to
    Gordon Street, there also is a very wooded lot right there
    also, maybe you could say desolate, [the robbery] can happen
    as they exit also.
    O’Brien also testified that a drug deal could have happened in the
    thirty seconds it took the men to walk across the lot.            According
    to O’Brien, the fact that the three men had crossed the lot and
    were exiting it as a group thirty seconds after entering neither
    increased   nor   decreased   his   suspicion   about   whether   criminal
    activity was afoot.
    As O’Brien was pulling up in the car, from about fifty
    feet away from the men, he observed Padilla reach underneath his
    jacket and shirt, adjust something in the center of his waistband,
    and continue walking.     Although O’Brien could not make out the
    dimensions of the adjusted object, it appeared to have some weight
    to it because of the way it shifted and the way Padilla moved his
    hand. From O’Brien’s police experience, he recognized the movement
    as   consistent    with   the   adjustment     of   a   gun   lodged   in   one’s
    waistband.      O’Brien testified that he knew that firearms commonly
    are concealed in the waistband and that, when they are, they
    require readjustment because they shift and become uncomfortable.
    O’Brien previously had made eight to ten arrests where persons
    observed to make the same gesture turned out to be carrying guns in
    their waistbands. He also had become accustomed on an almost daily
    basis to seeing his fellow officers make the same movement to
    adjust concealed firearms carried by them.                    Although O’Brien
    realized   at    the   time   that   Padilla   could    have   been    adjusting
    something other than a firearm, he did not recognize the gesture as
    being consistent with any innocent explanation.2
    Still suspecting that a robbery or drug deal might take
    place, and now believing that one of the two followers might be
    At the suppression hearing, Det. O’Brien demonstrated the
    hand gesture twice for the magistrate judge. On cross-
    examination, the defense inquired whether Padilla might have been
    adjusting a cell phone or keys clipped to his belt. On re-
    direct, O’Brien testified that he had never seen a person wear a
    cell phone or keys right in the middle of the waistline.
    Defense counsel also asked whether Padilla might have been
    adjusting his genitals, but O’Brien (again on redirect) stated
    that he did not think so because “a person’s genitals are not in
    the middle of their stomach area.” In O’Brien’s experience, he
    had only seen illegal items—generally guns but, on one occasion,
    firecrackers—tucked into the center of the waistband. O’Brien
    also testified that Padilla’s movement was not consistent with
    tucking in a shirt or pulling up one’s pants.
    armed, O’Brien pulled the car in front of the three men.                 He and
    his partner got out without guns drawn and instructed the men to
    place their hands on the vehicle.          O’Brien immediately patted down
    the exterior of Padilla’s clothing near his waistline.                Feeling a
    hard object shaped like a gun, O’Brien reached underneath Padilla’s
    clothing, removed a loaded .38 caliber revolver from his waistband,
    and placed him under arrest.
    2. The Magistrate Judge’s Report and Recommendation
    The magistrate judge issued a report recommending that
    Padilla’s motion to suppress be denied.          She found Det. O’Brien’s
    testimony to be wholly credible and concluded that, under the
    totality of the circumstances, he had reasonable suspicion to stop
    and frisk Padilla pursuant to Terry v. Ohio, 
    392 U.S. 1
    The magistrate concluded that the following facts, taken
    together,   established    reasonable      suspicion    and     justified     Det.
    O’Brien in briefly detaining Padilla: (1) the fact that the area
    was a high-crime neighborhood with a high incidence of drug- and
    gun-related violence; (2) the fact that the detention occurred
    after dark and that, as O’Brien testified, it was odd for people to
    travel on the isolated, unlit path after dark rather than stay on
    the   lighted   streets;   (3)   the   suspicious      manner    in   which    the
    defendant and his companion had followed the disheveled man onto
    the wooded pathway; and (4) the defendant’s hand gesture, which
    O’Brien recognized from his police experience as consistent with
    the adjustment of a gun tucked into one’s waistband.                 With respect
    to the hand gesture, the magistrate judge watched two in-court
    demonstrations and described the gesture as a “distinctive gripping
    motion, as if holding and adjusting (first up and then down)
    something comparable in size, shape, and heft to a handgun.” United
    States v. Padilla, No. 06 Cr. 824 (NGG), 
    2007 WL 1958894
    , at *7
    (E.D.N.Y.    June   29,     2007)   (adopting         Magistrate’s   Report   and
    Recommendation,     dated    Mar.   2,       2007).     She   also   specifically
    credited O’Brien’s testimony that the gesture did not appear to
    conform with any innocent alternative explanation.
    Finally, the magistrate judge concluded that the patdown
    search was justified. She found that O’Brien had reason to believe
    that Padilla was armed and dangerous, based on his hand gesture and
    the other facts suggesting that a robbery or drug transaction was
    about to occur.
    Over defense objection, the district court adopted the
    magistrate’s report and recommendation in its entirety and denied
    the suppression motion.
    B. The Trial
    Trial began on August 6, 2007 and lasted two days.                In
    his opening statement, Padilla’s counsel articulated the following
    defense theory:     While on their way to the apartment building to
    buy drugs, defendant and the other two men saw the detectives
    staking the place out from their unmarked car.             In response, the
    three men continued to walk straight on Boyd street and entered the
    wooded path.    The men then saw the police lights of the detectives’
    car as it circled the wooded lot.         Knowing that the police were in
    pursuit, one of the two men with whom Padilla was walking dumped
    the gun along the path.         Defense counsel told the jury that the
    evidence would show that the police found the gun on the wooded
    path and planted it on Padilla, which is why Padilla’s fingerprints
    were not found on the gun.
    The government’s evidence at trial consisted of the
    testimony of Det. O’Brien, his partner Det. William Owens, Det.
    Thomas Murphy, a member of the narcotics team who arrived on the
    scene in time to observe the firearm being removed from Padilla’s
    waistband, and Det. Bachia, who testified that Padilla confessed to
    possessing the firearm after he was arrested.
    The    government’s      first     witness     was   O’Brien,   who
    reiterated and expanded upon his testimony at the suppression
    hearing. He testified that Det. Murphy and another officer arrived
    on the scene as he was getting out of the police car to stop the
    three men.     O’Brien then patted down Padilla, recovered the gun
    from his waistband, and placed him under arrest.               Next, O’Brien
    radioed for an NYPD Evidence Collection Team to test the gun for
    fingerprints.      The   team    responded   but   was    unable   to   obtain
    fingerprints from the gun.
    On    cross-examination,    the     defense     sought   to   inquire
    whether the detectives had searched the wooded path and, in fact,
    found the gun there instead of on Padilla’s person. The government
    objected to this line of questioning, and the trial court sustained
    the objections.
    Det. Murphy next took the stand.           He testified that he
    received a radio communication from O’Brien and Owens and arrived
    on the scene in time to see O’Brien pull the handgun from Padilla’s
    waistband.        On cross-examination, the defense again attempted to
    inquire whether any of the officers searched the wooded pathway.
    The district court sustained the government’s objections, ruling
    that the questions went beyond the scope of direct examination.
    The next witness was Det. Owens, who testified that he
    was working with Det. O’Brien on the evening in question.                        His
    testimony    corroborated     O’Brien’s        explanation    of   how     the   two
    detectives came to stop Padilla.             Like O’Brien, Owens observed the
    two men follow the other into the wooded lot, saw them exit it
    together on the other side, and observed Padilla make a movement to
    adjust an item, which Owens believed to be a gun, in his waistband.
    Owens also testified to radioing the rest of the field team, which
    included Det. Murphy and another officer, prior to stopping the
    three men.    Owens frisked one of the other men and subsequently saw
    O’Brien hand another officer the gun that O’Brien had found on
    On cross-examination, the defense again turned to the
    topic of who, if anyone, searched the wooded pathway.            The trial
    court   sustain   the   prosecution’s   objections   to   each   of   these
    At a conference held at the conclusion of the first day
    of trial, Padilla’s counsel moved for a mistrial on the grounds
    that he should have been permitted to ask the detectives about
    everything they did at the scene of the arrest, including whether
    they went back to search the wooded path.        The court denied the
    mistrial motion.
    After the conference, the court issued a trial memorandum
    stating that “[i]f defense counsel wishes to pursue a theory that
    the weapon at issue was planted on the Defendant . . .           he is of
    course free to do so on his direct case,” for example by calling as
    witnesses the other two men stopped on the night in question.          The
    memorandum went on to state that defense counsel would continue to
    be permitted to “cross examine any of the Government’s witnesses
    with proper questions regarding their role or direct observations,”
    but that the court would “not permit any argument that is not based
    upon the evidence or lack of evidence in this case, whether it is
    in the Defendant’s cross examination, direct case, or closing
    At a conference on the morning of the second day of
    trial, the government advised the court that the three detectives
    who had testified on the previous day were present and available to
    be called by the defense. Defense counsel then requested that “the
    Court revisit a number of [the] rulings that it made.”                  He sought
    permission to cross-examine the earlier witnesses to ask them (1)
    whether the detectives went back and checked the pathway with
    flashlights for evidence; (2) whether the firearm was found on the
    pathway; and (3) the substance of any background information the
    officers had obtained from the other two men Padilla was with at
    the time of his arrest.           When asked by the court who the defense
    wanted to put back on the stand, defense counsel replied that he
    wished   to    recall      Det.   O’Brien      only.    The   court   granted    the
    defense’s request to reopen cross-examination on the three subjects
    identified by defense counsel.
    When   the    trial   resumed,      the   government    called    Det.
    Bachia, who had interviewed Padilla after his arrest.                          While
    Padilla was in custody, the detective advised him of his Miranda
    rights, which Padilla acknowledged in writing by signing a waiver
    of rights form.       Padilla then confessed that he was on his way to
    buy heroin when he was stopped by the police, who recovered the
    firearm from his waistband.          Padilla further explained that he had
    stolen the firearm five or six months before the arrest.
    Det.   O’Brien      then   was    recalled   for   reopened   cross-
    examination.      He testified that he did not examine the pathway in
    the wooded lot and did not know if any other police officer did.
    The       government     rested,      and     the    parties     entered
    stipulations on the prior felony and interstate commerce elements.
    The defense called no witnesses.               After three and one-half hours
    of deliberations, the jury returned a guilty verdict.
    A. The Terry Stop
    There is no dispute that Padilla was seized within the
    meaning   of    the   Fourth    Amendment      when    he    complied     with   Det.
    O’Brien’s order to stop and place his hands on the police car.                    The
    sole issue is whether there was reasonable suspicion to justify the
    encounter under Terry v. Ohio, 
    392 U.S. 1
    We    review   the     district     court’s      reasonable    suspicion
    determination de novo. Ornelas v. United States, 
    517 U.S. 690
    , 697
    (1996). The factual findings underlying that determination must be
    accepted unless clearly erroneous. United States v. Bayless, 
    201 F.3d 116
    , 132 (2d Cir. 2000).         All evidence supporting the denial
    of the suppression motion is viewed in a light most favorable to
    the government. 
    Under Terry, a police officer may briefly detain an
    individual     for    questioning    if    the   officer       has   “a   reasonable
    suspicion that the individual is, has been, or is about to be
    engaged in criminal activity.” United States v. Villegas, 
    928 F.2d 512
    , 516 (2d Cir. 1991).        A Terry stop is “an intermediate response
    allowing police to pursue a limited investigation when they lack
    the precise level of information necessary for probable cause to
    arrest.” United States v. Elmore, 
    482 F.3d 172
    , 178 (2d Cir. 2007).
    Accordingly,      the    amount    of   suspicion       needed    to    justify    the
    encounter is less than a “fair probability” of wrongdoing, and
    “considerably less than proof of wrongdoing by a preponderance of
    the evidence.” United States v. Sokolow, 
    490 U.S. 1
    , 7 (1989).
    In reviewing reasonable suspicion determinations, we look
    to the totality of the circumstances to see whether the officer had
    a   “particularized       and     objective   basis”      to     suspect    criminal
    activity.      United    States    v.   Arvizu,   
    534 U.S. 266
    ,    273   (2002)
    (quotation marks omitted).          The officer “must be able to point to
    specific and articulable facts which, taken together with rational
    inferences from those facts, reasonably warrant [the] intrusion.”
    392 U.S. at 21
    .             While the officer may not rely on an
    “inchoate and unparticularized suspicion or ‘hunch,’” 
    id. at 27
    , he
    is entitled to “draw on [his] own experience and specialized
    training    to    make    inferences      from    and    deductions        about   the
    cumulative information available to [him] that might well elude an
    untrained person.” United States v. Muhammad, 
    463 F.3d 115
    , 121 (2d
    Cir.   2006)     (quoting   Arvizu,     
    534 U.S. at 273
        (alterations      in
    original, internal quotation marks omitted)).                    Therefore, courts
    evaluate the circumstances surrounding the stop “‘through the eyes
    of a reasonable and cautious police officer on the scene, guided by
    his experience and training.’” Bayless, 
    201 F.3d at 133
    United States v. Oates, 
    560 F.2d 45
    , 61 (2d Cir. 1977)).
    “[T]he determination of reasonable suspicion must be
    based    on     commonsense      judgments     and   inferences       about   human
    behavior.” Illinois v. Wardlow, 
    528 U.S. 119
    , 125 (2000).                        Even
    conduct that is “as consistent with innocence as with guilt may
    form the basis for an investigative stop where there is some
    indication of possible illicit activity.” Villegas, 
    928 F.2d at 516
    .    Terry recognized that a “series of acts, each of them perhaps
    innocent in itself,” can when “taken together warrant[] further
    investigation.” Terry, 
    392 U.S. at 22
    During a lawful stop, if the investigating officer has
    reason    to    believe   that    the   detained     individual    is    armed    and
    dangerous, he may conduct a patdown search for concealed weapons.
    Id. at 23-27
    ; Adams v. Williams, 
    407 U.S. 143
    , 146 (1972).                       “The
    purpose of this limited search is not to discover evidence of
    crime, but to allow the officer to pursue his investigation without
    fear of violence.” Williams, 
    407 U.S. at 146
    .                     Therefore, the
    protective      search    is   permissible     “whether   or    not     carrying    a
    concealed weapon violate[s] any applicable state law.” 
    Applying these principles, we find that the district
    court    correctly    determined        that   the   officers     had   reasonable
    suspicion to stop the defendant.                 While conducting narcotics
    surveillance in a high-crime neighborhood, Det. O’Brien observed a
    skinny, disheveled man whose appearance suggested drug use being
    followed by two men down an otherwise deserted street.                  The two men
    walked   in    single   file    and,   without      speaking    to   one   another,
    remained directly behind the disheveled man at a distance of twenty
    feet, such that they would avoid his peripheral vision if they
    approached from behind.          This manner of walking, which appellant
    himself describes as “ostensibly suspicious” (Appellant’s Br. at
    30), supported the detective’s suspicion that the two men might
    have been targeting the disheveled man for a robbery.
    Watching all three men walk onto an isolated, dark path
    at night rather than stay on the lighted sidewalks caused the
    detective to further suspect that criminal conduct–either a robbery
    or a drug deal—was about to take place.                 Det. O’Brien testified
    that it seemed unusual for persons to travel by the path in that
    neighborhood after dark. This assessment was based not only on his
    observations of the area but also on his familiarity with the
    neighborhood’s high incidence of shootings and drug-related crimes.
    See Arvizu, 
    534 U.S. at 276
     (stating that officers are entitled to
    assess situations in light of their experience and familiarity with
    a particular area and its inhabitants).               The high-crime nature of
    the   neighborhood      was    properly    “among     the    relevant   contextual
    considerations” in his assessment of the situation. Wardlow, 
    528 U.S. at 124
    .         Furthermore, although it was only 8:15 p.m., the
    choice   of    the   unlit    route    after   dark    was    another   fact   that
    reasonably contributed to the suspicion that criminal activity was
    afoot. Bayless, 
    201 F.3d at 134
     (stating that, in the presence of
    other suspicious factors, the “sometimes innocuous factors such as
    the time of day . . . take on added significance”).
    Padilla   argues    that   any    suspicion    generated     by the
    curious procession onto the wooded path should have dispelled when
    the three men emerged from the other side as a group just thirty
    seconds later, because at that moment it was apparent that no
    robbery had taken place along the path.         According to Padilla, the
    only facts that remain to justify the stop are his presence in a
    high-crime neighborhood, “the fact that the sun had set,” and his
    adjustment of a concealed object in his waistband. (Appellant’s Br.
    at 24.)   He submits that these facts are insufficient under Terry
    and its progeny.
    This   argument    fails   because    Det.    O’Brien    offered   a
    reasonable explanation why he remained suspicious even after the
    men emerged from the wooded path.         The detective believed that the
    two men might have just caught up to the disheveled man at the end
    of the path, and that a robbery was about to occur.               This belief
    was not based on an “inchoate and unparticularized suspicion or
    hunch,” as appellant asserts, but on the detective’s observation
    that the path exited into a desolate area near another wooded lot
    which was similarly well-suited for a robbery.           The fact that the
    crime did not happen at the exact location originally expected did
    not, in the circumstances of this case, significantly lessen the
    chances that a crime would be committed.         “[T]here was nothing to
    indicate abandonment of an intent to commit a robbery at some
    point.” Terry, 
    392 U.S. at 28
    In addition, Det. O’Brien testified that the men could
    have engaged in a drug deal during the thirty seconds it took them
    to cross the path.    Thus, there was no reason why the initial
    suspicion of drug activity should have abated.     If anything, the
    fact that Padilla and his companion exited the wooded lot alongside
    the apparent drug user, after entering separately, would seem to
    support the hypothesis that the men had met inside to conduct a
    drug deal.
    As he was driving toward the men, Det. O’Brien observed
    Padilla reach underneath his jacket and shirt and adjust a weighty
    object concealed at the center of his waistline.    From his police
    experience—which included eight to ten arrests of armed individuals
    observed to make the same movement, and the regular sight of his
    fellow officers adjusting concealed firearms carried by them in the
    This case is unlike United States v. Arenas, 
    37 F. Supp. 2d 322
     (S.D.N.Y. 1999), the principal case that appellant relies
    upon to support his dissipation argument. There, the officers’
    suspicion that the three men under surveillance were “casing” a
    cell phone store should have dispelled when the men left the
    store and headed toward the subway, away from any establishment
    in which they might perpetrate a robbery. 
    Id. at 329
    . The
    officers could not articulate any reason why they continued to
    suspect criminal activity, and their testimony demonstrated that
    they “decided to stop [the defendant] and his companions, not
    because the officers believed the men to be committing a crime,
    but rather because they feared that the men would disappear into
    the subway system.” 
        In contrast, at the time of Padilla’s
    stop, he and his companion had closed the distance on their mark,
    and a robbery was possible at any moment.
    same    fashion,    Det.     O’Brien   recognized     Padilla’s       gesture     as
    consistent with the adjustment of a concealed firearm. Viewing the
    gesture “through the eyes of a reasonable and cautious police
    officer on the scene, guided by his experience and training,”
    201 F.3d at 133
     (internal quotation marks omitted), it was
    reasonable   to    infer     that   Padilla    was   carrying    a    gun   in    his
    Padilla maintains that the gesture was ambiguous because
    the dimensions of the adjusted object could not be seen through his
    clothing.    However, after watching two in-court demonstrations of
    the    gesture,    the   magistrate    judge    concluded      that   it    was    “a
    distinctive gripping motion, as if holding and adjusting (first up
    and then down) something comparable in size, shape, and heft to a
    handgun.” Padilla, 
    2007 WL 1958894
    , at *7.               Padilla also contends
    that he could have been adjusting an innocuous item, such as a cell
    phone, a key ring or a belt buckle.              Yet Det. O’Brien testified
    that the adjustment was not consistent with any of the innocent
    explanations      proposed    by    defense    counsel    at   the    suppression
    hearing, and the magistrate credited this testimony.                  Even if the
    gesture were consistent with conceivable innocuous adjustments, its
    “distinctive” consistency with the adjustment of a firearm provided
    the detective with a reasonable basis to suspect that Padilla was
    armed. See Wardlow, 
    528 U.S. at 125
     (stating that “[e]ven in Terry,
    the conduct justifying the stop was ambiguous and susceptible of an
    innocent explanation”).
    The suspected possession of a concealed handgun was
    another fact contributing to the suspicion that a robbery or a drug
    deal was afoot.   Handguns are, of course, tools of the narcotics
    trade, United States v. Riley, 
    452 F.3d 160
    , 167 (2d Cir. 2006),
    and frequently the weapon of choice in robberies. See, e.g., United
    States v. Whitley, 
    529 F.3d 150
    , 151 (2d Cir. 2008).
    The totality of the circumstances in this case—the high-
    crime neighborhood, the sight of two men surreptitiously following
    a man whose appearance suggested drug use down an otherwise-
    deserted street, the choice of a dark path not commonly used at
    night, the apparent adjustment of a concealed firearm–provided
    ample basis for an investigative stop.   Indeed, given the distinct
    possibility that an armed robbery might be about to occur, the
    officers would have been derelict in their duty had they failed to
    take action.
    Moreover, because the officers had reason to believe at
    the inception of the stop that Padilla was armed and dangerous,
    they were entitled to frisk him prior to questioning.   “There is no
    reason why an officer, rightfully but forcibly confronting a person
    suspected of a serious crime, should have to ask one question and
    take the risk that the answer might be a bullet.” Terry, 
    392 U.S. at 33
     (Harlan, J., concurring).
    B. Rulings on Cross-Examination
    Defendant   claims    that     the    trial   court    abused      its
    discretion and violated his rights to confront witnesses and
    present a defense by initially disallowing cross-examination into
    whether the detectives searched the wooded path and, in fact, found
    the gun there.   The right to confront witnesses is violated when a
    defendant is “prohibited from engaging in otherwise appropriate
    cross-examination designed . . .         ‘to expose to the jury the facts
    from which jurors ... could appropriately draw inferences relating
    to the reliability of the witness.’” Delaware v. Van Arsdall, 
    475 U.S. 673
    , 680 (1986) (quoting Davis v. Alaska, 
    415 U.S. 308
    , 318
    (1974)).   “[T]he main and essential purpose of confrontation is to
    secure for the opponent the opportunity of cross-examination.” Id.
    at 678 (internal quotation marks and emphasis omitted).
    Here, the district court reconsidered its initial ruling
    on the morning of the second day of trial and stated that it would
    permit reopened cross-examination into the subjects that defense
    counsel wished to explore.      All three detectives were available to
    re-take the stand. Thus, defendant was afforded the opportunity of
    cross-examination   guaranteed    by     the    Confrontation     Clause.     See
    United States v. Maldonado-Rivera, 
    922 F.2d 934
    , 956 (2d Cir. 1990)
    (finding   no   Confrontation    Clause     violation    and     no   abuse    of
    discretion in trial court’s ruling prohibiting the defense from
    referring in cross-examination to cassette tapes made by FBI agents
    during surveillance, where “the court did not adhere to this
    ruling”   but   instead        “permit[ted]    cross-examination        on     a    wide
    variety of topics . . . including the use and reuse of [the]
    cassettes”).       Nevertheless, Padilla opted to recall only Det.
    O’Brien, who testified that he did not search the path and did not
    know if anyone else did.          Defendant thereby waived the opportunity
    to confront the other two detectives on these subjects.
    Assuming arguendo that the initial ruling was an abuse
    of    discretion,     it   was    harmless.         The    assumed     error       is    a
    misapplication of an evidentiary rule and, as discussed above, not
    a violation of the Confrontation Clause.               Therefore, we apply the
    harmless error standard enunciated in Kotteakos v. United States,
    328 U.S. 750
    , 765 (1946). See United States v. Estrada, 
    430 F.3d 606
    , 622 (2d Cir. 2005).          Under this standard, the error is deemed
    harmless if “there is ‘fair assurance’ that the jury’s ‘judgment
    was not substantially swayed by the error.’” 
     (quoting United
    States v. Yousef, 
    327 F.3d 56
    , 121 (2d Cir. 2003)).                        The trial
    court did not, as defendant claims, impermissibly preclude him from
    presenting his theory of defense. See United States v. Reindeau,
    947 F.2d 32
    ,    36   (1991)    (holding     that      such   an   error    is       not
    harmless).      The      net   effect   of    the   court’s      rulings   was      that
    defendant had to wait until the next day to ask the questions he
    wanted.      In light of the overwhelming evidence of guilt, which
    consisted of three eyewitnesses and a full confession, we are
    confident that the overnight delay did not substantially influence
    the verdict.
    Padilla argues that the later ruling did not remedy the
    error because, by initially sustaining the government’s objections
    to his questions about whether police searched the path, the court
    “utterly delegitimized all defense inquiries on that subject in the
    eyes of the jury.” (Appellant’s Br. at 47.)          Yet Padilla himself
    denied the later ruling its full curative effect when he decided
    not to reopen cross-examination of two of the three detectives. He
    cannot complain now of self-inflicted harm.           He also failed to
    request that the jury be instructed not to draw an improper
    inference from the court’s initial ruling.            In any event, any
    residual prejudice from that initial ruling could not have affected
    the verdict, given the strength of the government’s case.
    We   have   considered    all   other   arguments   raised   by
    appellant and find them to be without merit.            For the reasons
    stated above, the judgment of conviction is AFFIRMED.