Landmen Partners, Inc. v. The Blackstone Group, L.P. ( 2011 )

  •      09-4426-cv
    Landmen Partners, Inc. v. The Blackstone Group, L.P.
    2                                   UNITED STATES COURT OF APPEALS
    3                                         FOR THE SECOND CIRCUIT
    4                                     _______________________________
    6                                                    August Term, 2010
    8                        (Argued: August 25, 2010               Decided: February 10, 2011)
    10                                              Docket No. 09-4426-cv
    11                                        _______________________________
    14                        and on behalf of all others similarly situated,
    16                                                                                     Plaintiffs-Appellants,
    18                                                          —v.—
    21                            PETERSON, and HAMILTON E. JAMES,
    23                                                                                   Defendants-Appellees.*
    24                                        _______________________________
    26   Before:
    27                                 MINER, CABRANES, and STRAUB, Circuit Judges.
    28                                     _______________________________
    29            Plaintiffs-Appellants appeal from a judgment of the United States District Court for the
    30   Southern District of New York (Harold Baer, Jr., Judge), entered on September 25, 2009, dismissing
    31   plaintiffs’ putative securities class action complaint pursuant to Federal Rule of Civil Procedure
    32   12(b)(6) for failure to state a claim. We conclude that the District Court erred in dismissing
    33   plaintiffs’ complaint because plaintiffs plausibly allege that material information was omitted from,
    The Clerk of the Court is directed to amend the official caption as set forth above.
    1   or misstated in, defendants’ initial public offering registration statement and prospectus in violation
    2   of Sections 11 and 12(a)(2) of the Securities Act of 1933. VACATED and REMANDED.
    3                                  _______________________________
    4                          DAVID A.P. BROWER, Brower Piven, PC, New York, NY (Caitlin M. Moyna,
    5                                Brower Piven, PC, and Samuel H. Rudman, David A. Rosenfeld, and
    6                                Mark M. Millkey, Robbins Geller Rudman & Dowd LLP, Melville,
    7                                NY, on the brief), for Plaintiffs-Appellants.
    9                     BRUCE D. ANGIOLILLO, Simpson Thacher & Bartlett LLP (Jonathan K.
    10                           Youngwood, on the brief), New York, NY, for Defendants-Appellees.
    11   _______________________________
    13   STRAUB, Circuit Judge:
    14          Plaintiffs-Appellants appeal from a judgment of the United States District Court for the
    15   Southern District of New York (Harold Baer, Jr., Judge), entered on September 25, 2009,
    16   dismissing plaintiffs’ putative securities class action complaint pursuant to Federal Rule of Civil
    17   Procedure 12(b)(6) for failure to state a claim. See Landmen Partners Inc. v. Blackstone Group,
    18   L.P., 
    659 F. Supp. 2d 532
     (S.D.N.Y. 2009). We conclude that the District Court erred in dismissing
    19   plaintiffs’ complaint because plaintiffs plausibly allege that material information was omitted from,
    20   or misstated in, defendants’ initial public offering registration statement and prospectus in violation
    21   of Sections 11 and 12(a)(2) of the Securities Act of 1933. Accordingly, we vacate the District
    22   Court’s judgment and remand for further proceedings.
    24          BACKGROUND
    25          Because this is an appeal from a motion to dismiss under Federal Rule of Civil Procedure
    26   12(b)(6), the following facts, which we assume to be true, are drawn from plaintiffs’ Consolidated
    1   Amended Class Action Complaint as filed on October 27, 2008. See Slayton v. Am. Express Co.,
    604 F.3d 758
    , 766 (2d Cir. 2010). Where relevant, however, we include information from Securities
    3   and Exchange Commission (“SEC”) filings by the Blackstone Group, L.P. (“Blackstone”) to which
    4   plaintiffs refer in their complaint, particularly the Form S-1 Registration Statement (“Registration
    5   Statement”) and Prospectus filed by Blackstone in connection with its June 21, 2007 initial public
    6   offering (“IPO”). See Tellabs, Inc. v. Makor Issues & Rights, Ltd., 
    551 U.S. 308
    , 322 (2007)
    7   (“[C]ourts must consider the complaint in its entirety, as well as other sources . . . , in particular,
    8   documents incorporated into the complaint by reference, and matters of which a court may take
    9   judicial notice.”); see also ATSI Commc’ns, Inc. v. Shaar Fund, Ltd., 
    493 F.3d 87
    , 98 (2d Cir. 2007)
    10   (“[W]e may consider . . . legally required public disclosure documents filed with the SEC, and
    11   documents possessed by or known to the plaintiff and upon which it relied in bringing the suit.”).
    12          Lead plaintiffs Martin Litwin, Max Poulter, and Francis Brady, appointed by the District
    13   Court on September 15, 2008, bring this putative securities class action on behalf of themselves and
    14   all others who purchased the common units of Blackstone at the time of its IPO. Plaintiffs seek
    15   remedies under Sections 11, 12(a)(2), and 15 of the Securities Act of 1933 (“Securities Act”), 15
    16   U.S.C. §§ 77k, 77l(a)(2), 77o, for alleged material omissions from, and misstatements in,
    17   Blackstone’s Registration Statement and Prospectus.1 Defendants are Blackstone and Blackstone
    Defendants correctly point out that plaintiffs did not refer to their control-person
    liability claims under Section 15 of the Securities Act, which were dismissed by the District
    Court, in their opening brief on appeal. Typically, we consider challenges to district court
    rulings not raised on appeal to be abandoned. See, e.g., Major League Baseball Props. Inc. v.
    Salvino, Inc., 
    542 F.3d 290
    , 294 (2d Cir. 2008); Hobbs v. County of Westchester, 
    397 F.3d 133
    147 (2d Cir. 2005), cert. denied, 
    546 U.S. 815
     (2005); see also Fed. R. App. P. 28(a)(9).
    However, in this case, the District Court did not make a particular ruling on plaintiffs’ Section 15
    1   executives Stephen A. Schwarzman, Michael A. Puglisi, Peter J. Peterson, and Hamilton E. James
    2   (collectively referred to herein as “Blackstone”).
    3          Blackstone is “a leading global alternative asset manager and provider of financial advisory
    4   services” and “one of the largest independent alternative asset managers in the world,” with total
    5   assets under management of approximately $88.4 billion as of May 1, 2007. Blackstone is divided
    6   into four business segments: (1) Corporate Private Equity, which comprises its management of
    7   corporate private equity funds; (2) Real Estate, which comprises its management of general real
    8   estate funds and internationally focused real estate funds; (3) Marketable Alternative Asset
    9   Management, which comprises its management of hedge funds, mezzanine funds, senior debt
    10   vehicles, proprietary hedge funds, and publicly traded closed-end mutual funds; and (4) Financial
    11   Advisory, which comprises a variety of advisory services. The Corporate Private Equity segment
    12   constitutes approximately 37.4% of Blackstone’s total assets under management ($33.1 billion of
    13   $88.4 billion), and the Real Estate segment constitutes approximately 22.6% of Blackstone’s assets
    14   under management ($20 billion of $88.4 billion). According to Blackstone, “[b]oth the corporate
    15   private equity fund and the two real estate opportunity funds (taken together) . . . are among the
    16   largest funds ever raised in their respective sectors.” Blackstone further represents to prospective
    claims. Rather, the District Court mentioned the Section 15 claims only once, noting that they
    were “derivative” of plaintiffs’ Section 11 claims. Landmen Partners, 
    659 F. Supp. 2d at
    n.6. The District Court then addressed plaintiffs’ Section 11 and 12(a)(2) claims on the merits,
    and, finding them lacking, dismissed all of plaintiffs’ claims. 
    Id. at 547
    . Because plaintiffs’
    Section 15 claims are necessarily dependent on their Section 11 and 12(a)(2) claims, see 15
    U.S.C. § 77o; In re Morgan Stanley Info. Fund Sec. Litig., 
    592 F.3d 347
    , 358 (2d Cir. 2010), and
    were treated as such by the District Court, we decline to find that plaintiffs abandoned their
    Section 15 claims by failing to specifically refer to the claims in their opening brief.
    1   investors that its “long-term leadership in private equity has imbued the Blackstone brand with value
    2   that enhances all of [its] different businesses and facilitates [its] ability to expand into
    3   complementary new businesses.”
    4          In preparation for its 2007 IPO, Blackstone reorganized its corporate structure. Prior to the
    5   IPO, Blackstone’s business was operated through a large number of separately owned predecessor
    6   entities. On March 12, 2007, just prior to the launch of the IPO, Blackstone was formed as a
    7   Delaware limited partnership and eventually became the sole general partner of five newly formed
    8   holding partnerships into which the majority of the operating predecessor entities were contributed.
    9   Blackstone receives a substantial portion of its revenues from two sources: (1) a 1.5% management
    10   fee on its total assets under management and (2) performance fees of 20% of the profits generated
    11   from the capital it invests on behalf of its limited partners. Under certain circumstances, when
    12   investments perform poorly, Blackstone may be subject to a “claw-back” of already paid
    13   performance fees, in other words, the required return of fees which it had already collected.
    14          On March 22, 2007, Blackstone filed its Form S-1 Registration Statement with the SEC for
    15   the IPO. Blackstone filed several amendments to its Registration Statement, and the Prospectus,
    16   which formed part of the Registration Statement, finally became effective on June 21, 2007. At this
    17   time, 153 million common units of Blackstone were sold to the public, raising more than $4.5
    18   billion. The individual defendants and other Blackstone insiders received nearly all of the net
    19   proceeds from the IPO.
    20          Plaintiffs principally allege that, at the time of the IPO, and unbeknownst to non-insider
    21   purchasers of Blackstone common units, two of Blackstone’s portfolio companies as well as its real
    1   estate fund investments were experiencing problems. Blackstone allegedly knew of, and reasonably
    2   expected, these problems to subject it to a claw-back of performance fees and reduced performance
    3   fees, thereby materially affecting its future revenues.
    4   FGIC Corporation
    5          In 2003, a consortium of investors that included Blackstone purchased an 88% interest in
    6    FGIC Corp. (“FGIC”), a monoline financial guarantor, from General Electric Co. for $1.86 billion.
    7    FGIC is the parent company of Financial Guaranty, which primarily provides insurance for bonds.
    8    Although municipal bond insurance traditionally constituted the majority of Financial Guaranty’s
    9    business, in the years leading up to Blackstone’s IPO it began writing “insurance” on collateralized
    10   debt obligations (“CDOs”),2 including CDOs backed by sub-prime mortgages to higher-risk
    11   borrowers. Financial Guaranty also began writing “insurance” on residential mortgage-backed
    12   securities (“RMBSs”)3 linked to non-prime and sub-prime mortgages. This “insurance” on RMBSs
    13   and CDOs was in the form of credit default swaps (“CDSs”).4
    “CDOs are diversified collections of bonds that are divided into various risk groups and
    then sold to investors as securities.” Slayton v. Am. Express Co., 
    460 F.3d 215
    , 219 n.3 (2d Cir.
    RMBSs are “a type of asset-backed security—that is, a security whose value is derived
    from a specified pool of underlying assets. Typically, an entity (such as a bank) will buy up a
    large number of mortgages from other banks, assemble those mortgages into pools, securitize the
    pools (i.e., split them into shares that can be sold off), and then sell them, usually as bonds, to
    banks or other investors.” Gearren v. McGraw-Hill Cos., 
    690 F. Supp. 2d 254
    , 258 n.2
    (S.D.N.Y. 2010).
    CDSs “are contracts that provide protection against the credit risk of a particular
    company. The seller of a CDS agrees to pay the buyer a specific sum of money, called the
    notional amount, if a credit event, such as bankruptcy, occurs in the referenced company. . . . In
    exchange for this risk protection from the CDS-seller, the CDS-buyer agrees to make periodic
    premium payments during the course of the contract. The CDS-buyer can use the CDS to
    1             By the summer of 2007, FGIC, as a result of Financial Guaranty’s underwriting practices,
    2   was exposed to billions of dollars in non-prime mortgages, with its total CDS exposure close to $13
    3   billion. From mid-2004 through mid-2007, factors including rising interest rates, the adjustment of
    4   interest rates on sub-prime mortgages, and a substantial slowing of property-value appreciation (and
    5   in some markets, property-value depreciation) caused many borrowers to be unable to refinance their
    6   existing loans when they could not meet their payment obligations. As a result, beginning in 2005,
    7   there was a significant increase in mortgage-default rates, particularly for sub-prime mortgage loans.
    8   By early 2007, before the IPO, some of the top mortgage lenders with sub-prime mortgage exposure
    9    began revealing large losses and warned of future market losses. All of these symptoms, plaintiffs
    10   allege, provided a strong indication that the problems plaguing sub-prime lenders would generate
    11   substantial losses for FGIC on the CDSs it issued to its counterparties. This likelihood was allegedly
    12   exacerbated because, in many instances, FGIC’s CDS-counterparties were able to demand
    13   accelerated payments from FGIC even before a default event occurred on the underlying referenced
    14   assets.
    15             Blackstone’s 23% equity interest in FGIC was worth approximately $331 million at the time
    16   of the IPO. Plaintiffs allege that, due to this significant interest, Blackstone was required to disclose
    17   the then-known trends, events, or uncertainties related to FGIC’s business that were reasonably
    18   likely to cause Blackstone’s financial information not to be indicative of future operating results.
    provide protection, like insurance, against the possibility that the debt instruments the buyer
    holds will seriously deteriorate in value because of a credit event in the referenced company.”
    SEC v. Rorech, 
    720 F. Supp. 2d 367
    , 370–71 (S.D.N.Y. 2010); see also Aon Fin. Prods., Inc. v.
    Societe Generale, 
    476 F.3d 90
    , 92 n.1 (2d Cir. 2007).
    1   Following the IPO, in a March 10, 2008 press release, Blackstone announced its full-year and
    2   fourth-quarter 2007 earnings. The company’s Corporate Private Equity segment reported 2007
    3   revenues of $821.3 million, down 18% from 2006 revenues. “Most significantly, Blackstone
    4   reduced the value of its portfolio investment in [FGIC], . . . which accounted for $122.2 million, or
    5   69%, of the decline in revenues for the year.” Blackstone reported that its “Corporate Private Equity
    6   fourth quarter revenues of ($15.4) million were negative, as compared with revenues of $533.8
    7   million for the fourth quarter of 2006,” a change “driven primarily by decreases in the value of
    8    Blackstone’s portfolio investment in [FGIC] . . . and lower net appreciation of portfolio investments
    9    in other sectors as compared with the prior year.”
    10   Freescale
    11          Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. (“Freescale”), is a semiconductor designer and manufacturer.
    12   In 2006, Blackstone invested $3.1 billion in Freescale, the single largest investment by a Blackstone
    13   corporate private equity fund since 2004. The Freescale investment accounted for 9.4% of the
    14   Corporate Private Equity segment’s assets under management and 3.5% of Blackstone’s total assets
    15   under management.5
    There is some ambiguity in the record as to exactly how much of the $3.1 billion was
    invested directly by Blackstone-sponsored funds. The Registration Statement includes a
    footnote that states, with respect to all portfolio companies, that the amount of equity invested
    “includes equity invested by limited partner co-investors and additional equity invested by
    limited partners of our corporate private equity funds outside of our corporate private equity
    funds.” However, the Registration Statement’s chart indicating the amount of equity invested in
    various corporate private equity fund portfolio companies does not describe the investment
    amount in any more detail. Moreover, although Blackstone states in its brief that plaintiffs “use
    an erroneous $3.1 billion figure,” and further asserts that Blackstone’s investment was “a
    fraction of the total [$3.1 billion] equity invest[ment],” nowhere does Blackstone specify the
    precise amount invested by Blackstone-sponsored funds and the record does not support any
    1           Shortly before the IPO, in March 2007, Freescale lost an exclusive agreement to manufacture
    2    wireless 3G chipsets for its largest customer, Motorola, Inc. (“Motorola”). The loss of this exclusive
    3   agreement followed two years of manufacturing and production problems for Freescale. On April
    4   25, 2007, Freescale’s management held an analysts’ call, on which it stated that “revenue[s] in our
    5   wireless business were negatively impacted by a sales decline due to weak demand in our largest
    6   customer Motorola. . . . During the last several weeks of the quarter, our main wireless customer
    7   began to reduce their orders.” Plaintiffs allege that “[t]hese adverse facts[] had a material adverse
    8   effect on Freescale’s business and, concomitantly, the material corporate private equity fund
    9   controlled by Blackstone.” Plaintiffs argue that Blackstone was required to disclose this material
    10   adverse development in its Registration Statement.
    11   Real Estate Investments
    12          As noted above, Blackstone’s Real Estate segment constitutes 22.6% of its total assets under
    13   management. Although the parties seem to agree that the majority of Blackstone’s real estate
    14   investments were non-residential in nature, the Registration Statement provides that its “real estate
    15   opportunity funds have made a significant number of investments in lodging, major urban office
    16   buildings, residential properties, distribution and warehousing centers and a variety of real estate
    17   operating companies.” Moreover, Blackstone concedes that its real estate funds maintained at least
    18   one “modest-sized residential real estate investment.” There is no indication in the record, however,
    amount other than $3.1 billion. Accordingly, because this is a motion to dismiss, we draw the
    reasonable inference in favor of plaintiffs that Blackstone’s equity investment in Freescale was
    the full $3.1 billion. See Elec. Trading Group, LLC v. Banc of Am. Sec. LLC, 
    588 F.3d 128
    , 133
    (2d Cir. 2009), cert. denied, 
    130 S. Ct. 3276
    1   of the exact dollar amount of Blackstone’s residential real estate investment(s), and thus it is not
    2   possible to discern the exact percentage of the Real Estate segment’s assets under management
    3   attributable to residential properties.6
    4           As detailed above with respect to FGIC, several factors were causing the real estate and
    5   mortgage securities markets to deteriorate by the time of the IPO, including the adverse effects of
    6   a series of negative developments in the credit markets. Thus, plaintiffs allege, it was foreseeable
    7   that Blackstone would have performance fees clawed back in connection with its real estate
    8   investments and that Blackstone would not generate additional performance fees on those
    9   investments.
    10           In addition to Blackstone’s alleged material omission of information related to the downward
    11   trend in the real estate market and its likely impact on Blackstone’s real estate investments, plaintiffs
    12   allege that the Registration Statement included the following affirmative material misstatement:
    13                   The real estate industry is also experiencing historically high levels of growth
    14           and liquidity driven by the strength of the U.S. economy . . . and the availability of
    15           financing for acquiring real estate assets. . . . The strong investor demand for real
    16           estate assets is due to a number of factors, including persistent, reasonable levels of
    17           interest rates . . . and the ability of lenders to repackage their loans into
    18           securitizations, thereby diversifying and limiting their risk. These factors have
    19           combined to significantly increase the capital committed to real estate funds from a
    20           variety of institutional investors.
    The Registration Statement does disclose that “over 85% of the investments of
    [Blackstone’s] real estate opportunity funds are in office building and hotel assets,” i.e.,
    commercial real estate. It is unclear, however, whether that means that the remaining 15% of
    Blackstone real estate investments are in residential real estate, which would amount to a $3
    billion investment. Such an investment, in addition to being 15% of the assets under
    management in the Real Estate segment, would be 3.4% of Blackstone’s total assets under
    1   GAAP and Risk Disclosure Allegations
    2          Plaintiffs’ complaint includes additional allegations that are related to, and in many ways
    3   overlap with, the allegations detailed above. First, they allege that Blackstone’s unaudited financial
    4   statements for the three-month periods ending March 31, 2007, and March 31, 2006, respectively,
    5   which were included in the Registration Statement, violated generally accepted accounting
    6   principles (“GAAP”) and materially overstated the values of Blackstone’s real estate investments
    7   and its investment in FGIC. Plaintiffs also allege that Blackstone’s disclosure of certain risk factors
    8   was too general and failed to inform investors adequately of the then-existing specific risks related
    9   to the real estate and credit markets.
    10   Procedural History and District Court Opinion
    11          The initial complaint was filed in the District Court by Landmen Partners, Inc., on April 15,
    12   2008. On September 15, 2008, the District Court appointed Martin Litwin, Max Poulter, and Francis
    13   Brady as lead plaintiffs, and on October 27, 2008, the lead plaintiffs filed the operative,
    14   Consolidated Amended Class Action Complaint. Blackstone filed a motion to dismiss the complaint
    15   on December 4, 2008, and, following oral argument, the District Court granted the motion, with
    16   prejudice, in an opinion dated September 22, 2009. See Landmen Partners Inc. v. Blackstone
    17   Group, L.P., 
    659 F. Supp. 2d 532
     (S.D.N.Y. 2009).
    18          The District Court’s opinion primarily focused on the materiality of the alleged omissions
    19   and misstatements concerning FGIC, Freescale, and Blackstone’s real estate investments. First, the
    20   District Court analyzed the relative scale or quantitative materiality of the alleged FGIC and
    21   Freescale omissions. After noting our (and the SEC’s) acceptance of a 5% threshold as an
    1   appropriate “starting place” or “preliminary assumption” of immateriality, the District Court noted
    2   that “Blackstone’s $331 million investment in FGIC represented a mere 0.4% of Blackstone’s [total]
    3   assets under management at the time of the IPO.”7 
     at 541 (citing ECA & Local 134 IBEW Joint
    4   Pension Trust v. JP Morgan Chase Co., 
    553 F.3d 187
    , 204 (2d Cir. 2009)). The District Court then
    5   addressed plaintiffs’ argument that the materiality of the omissions is best illustrated by the effect
    6   the eventual $122.2 million drop in value of Blackstone’s FGIC investment had on Blackstone’s
    7    2007 annual revenues. 
     The District Court found that while the decline in FGIC’s investment
    8    value may have been significant relative to the Corporate Private Equity segment’s annual revenues,
    9    it was quantitatively immaterial as compared with Blackstone’s $3.12 billion in total revenues for
    10   2007.8 
    11          The District Court next looked at the quantitative materiality of the Freescale omissions,
    12   again comparing Blackstone’s investment to its total assets under management. The court stated that
    13   “the $3.1 billion investment in Freescale represented 3.6% of the total $88.4 billion the Company
    14   had under management at the time of the IPO.” 
     The District Court did not mention that the
    15   investment in Freescale accounted for 9.4% of the Corporate Private Equity segment’s $33.1 billion
    16   of assets under management. The District Court found it significant that the complaint did not (and
    17   likely could not) allege that Freescale’s loss of its exclusive supplier relationship with Motorola
    The investment accounted for approximately 1% of the Corporate Private Equity
    segment’s assets under management.
    The District Court incorrectly stated that the “$122 million write down for FGIC was a
    mere 0.4% of Blackstone’s $3.12 billion in annual revenue.” Landmen Partners, 
    659 F. Supp. 2d at 541
    . In fact, $122 million is nearly 4% of $3.12 billion.
    1   would cause Blackstone’s investment in Freescale to lose 100% of its value. 
    Id. at 542
    2          The District Court then pointed to the structure of the Blackstone enterprise as further
    3   support for the immateriality of the alleged omissions. According to the District Court, because the
    4   performance of individual portfolio companies only affects Blackstone’s revenues after investment
    5   gains or losses are aggregated at the fund level, the poor performance of one investment may be
    6   offset by the strong performance of another. 
     Accordingly, “there is no way to make a principled
    7   distinction between the negative information that Plaintiff[s] claim[] was wrongfully omitted from
    8   the Registration Statement and information . . . about every other portfolio company.” 
    9   District Court found that requiring disclosure of information about particular portfolio companies
    10   or investments would risk “obfuscat[ing] truly material information in a flood of unnecessary detail,
    11   a result that the securities laws forbid.” 
    12          Next, recognizing that a quantitative analysis is not dispositive of materiality, the District
    13   Court found that only one of the qualitative factors that we, or the SEC, often consider were present
    14   in this case. Specifically, the court found that: (1) none of the omissions concealed unlawful
    15   transactions or conduct; (2) the alleged omissions did not relate to a significant aspect of
    16   Blackstone’s operations; (3) there was no significant market reaction to the public disclosure of the
    17   alleged omissions; (4) the alleged omissions did not hide a failure to meet analysts’ expectations;
    18   (5) the alleged omissions did not change a loss into income or vice versa; and (6) the alleged
    19   omissions did not affect Blackstone’s compliance with loan covenants or other contractual
    20   requirements. The District Court noted that the one qualitative factor it found present in this
    21   case—that the alleged omissions had the effect of increasing Blackstone’s management’s
    1   compensation—was not enough, by itself, to make the omissions material. 
     at 543–44.
    2   Accordingly, the District Court held that the alleged omissions concerning FGIC and Freescale were
    3   immaterial as a matter of law. 
    Id. at 544
    4          The District Court then separately analyzed the alleged omissions and misstatements
    5   regarding Blackstone’s real estate investments. The District Court first noted that the complaint
    6   failed to “identify a single real estate investment or allege a single fact capable of linking the
    7   problems in the subprime residential mortgage market in late 2006 and early 2007 and the roughly
    8   contemporaneous decline in home prices (which are well-documented by the [complaint]) to
    9   Blackstone’s real estate investments, 85% of which were in commercial and hotel properties.” 
    10   According to the District Court, without further factual enhancement as to how the troubles in the
    11   residential mortgage markets could have a foreseeable material effect on Blackstone’s real estate
    12   investments, plaintiffs’ allegations fell short of the plausibility standard set forth in Bell Atlantic
    13   Corp. v. Twombly, 
    550 U.S. 544
    , 570 (2007). In addition, the District Court found that plaintiffs had
    14   failed to allege any facts that, if true, would render false those statements alleged to be affirmative
    15   misrepresentations. The District Court further found that insofar as plaintiffs alleged that Blackstone
    16   was required to disclose general market conditions, such omissions are not actionable because
    17   Sections 11 and 12(a)(2) do not require disclosure of publicly available information: “The omission
    18   of generally known macro-economic conditions is not material because such matters are already part
    19   of the ‘total mix’ of information available to investors.” Landmen Partners, 
    659 F. Supp. 2d at 545
    20   Finally, the District Court noted that the complaint contained no allegations that Blackstone knew
    21   that market conditions “were reasonably likely to have a material effect on its portfolio of real estate
    1   investments,” 
    id. at 545
    , and stated that “generalized allegations that problems brewing in the market
    2   at large made it ‘foreseeable’ that a particular set of unidentified investments would sour are
    3   insufficient to ‘nudge[] [the] claims across the line from conceivable to plausible,’” 
     at 546
    4   (alterations in original) (quoting Twombly, 
    550 U.S. at 570
    ). The District Court’s opinion concluded
    5   with a brief analysis of the GAAP allegations. The District Court found that because those
    6   allegations were largely derivative of plaintiffs’ other allegations, they were insufficient to state a
    7   claim for essentially the same reasons that the primary allegations failed. Accordingly, the District
    8   Court granted Blackstone’s motion to dismiss and dismissed plaintiffs’ claims with prejudice.
    9   Judgment was entered in favor of Blackstone on September 25, 2009. Plaintiffs filed a timely notice
    10   of appeal on October 23, 2009.
    12   Standard of Review
    13          “We review de novo the dismissal of a complaint under Rule 12(b)(6), accepting all factual
    14   allegations as true and drawing all reasonable inferences in favor of the plaintiff.” ECA & Local
    15   134, 
    553 F.3d at 196
    . “To survive a motion to dismiss, a complaint must plead enough facts to state
    16   a claim to relief that is plausible on its face.” 
     (internal quotation marks omitted). “A claim has
    17   facial plausibility when the plaintiff pleads factual content that allows the court to draw the
    18   reasonable inference that the defendant is liable for the misconduct alleged.” Ashcroft v. Iqbal, 556
    19   U.S. ___, 
    129 S. Ct. 1937
    , 1949 (2009).
    20          Notably, plaintiffs’ complaint explicitly does not allege fraud; rather, it alleges that
    21   Blackstone acted negligently in preparing its Registration Statement and Prospectus. See Rombach
    1   v. Chang, 
    355 F.3d 164
    , 171 (2d Cir. 2004) (“Fraud is not an element or a requisite to a claim under
    2   Section 11 or Section 12(a)(2) . . . . [A] plaintiff need allege no more than negligence to proceed
    3   under Section 11 and Section 12(a)(2) . . . .”). Moreover, Blackstone does not argue on appeal that
    4    plaintiffs’ claims are premised on allegations of fraud. Accordingly, as pleaded, plaintiffs’ claims
    5    are not subject to the heightened pleading standard of Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 9(b). See id.
    6    (holding that Rule 9(b)’s heightened pleading standard applies to claims under Section 11 and
    7    Section 12(a)(2) only “insofar as the claims are premised on allegations of fraud”). Stated
    8    differently, this is an ordinary notice pleading case, subject only to the “short and plain statement”
    9    requirements of Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 8(a).
    10   Sections 11 and 12(a)(2) of the Securities Act
    11           Section 11 of the Securities Act imposes liability on issuers and other signatories of a
    12   registration statement that, upon becoming effective, “contain[s] an untrue statement of a material
    13   fact or omit[s] to state a material fact required to be stated therein or necessary to make the
    14   statements therein not misleading.” 15 U.S.C. § 77k(a). Section 12(a)(2) imposes liability under
    15   similar circumstances on issuers or sellers of securities by means of a prospectus. See id. §
    16   77l(a)(2). So long as a plaintiff establishes one of the three bases for liability under these
    17   provisions—(1) a material misrepresentation; (2) a material omission in contravention of an
    18   affirmative legal disclosure obligation; or (3) a material omission of information that is necessary
    19   to prevent existing disclosures from being misleading, see In re Morgan Stanley Info. Fund Sec.
    20 Litig., 592
     F.3d 347, 360 (2d Cir. 2010)—then, in a Section 11 case, “the general rule [is] that an
    21   issuer’s liability . . . is absolute.” In re Initial Pub. Offering Sec. Litig., 
    483 F.3d 70
    , 73 n.1 (2d Cir.
    1   2007); see also Herman & MacLean v. Huddleston, 
    459 U.S. 375
    , 381–82 (1983) (“[Section 11] was
    2   designed to assure compliance with the disclosure provisions of the [Securities] Act by imposing
    3   a stringent standard of liability on the parties who play a direct role in a registered offering. . . .
    4   Although limited in scope, Section 11 places a relatively minimal burden on a plaintiff.” (footnote
    5   omitted)). The primary issue before us is the second basis for liability; that is, whether Blackstone’s
    6   Registration Statement and Prospectus omitted material information that Blackstone was legally
    7   required to disclose.9
    8   Required Disclosures Under Item 303 of Regulation S-K
    9          Plaintiffs principally contend that Item 303 of SEC Regulation S-K, 
    17 C.F.R. § 10
       229.303(a)(3)(ii), provides the basis for Blackstone’s disclosure obligation. Pursuant to Subsection
    11   (a)(3)(ii) of Item 303, a registrant must “[d]escribe any known trends or uncertainties . . . that the
    12   registrant reasonably expects will have a material . . . unfavorable impact on . . . revenues or income
    13   from continuing operations.” Instruction 3 to paragraph 303(a) provides that “[t]he discussion and
    14   analysis shall focus specifically on material events and uncertainties known to management that
    15   would cause reported financial information not to be necessarily indicative of future operating
    16   results or of future financial condition.” 
    17 C.F.R. § 229.303
    (a) instruction 3.           The SEC’s
    17   interpretive release regarding Item 303 clarifies that the Regulation imposes a disclosure duty
    18   “where a trend, demand, commitment, event or uncertainty is both [1] presently known to
    19   management and [2] reasonably likely to have material effects on the registrant’s financial condition
    There is, of course, the additional issue of the alleged material misstatements related to
    Blackstone’s affirmative disclosures about the strength of the real estate market at the time of the
    IPO. We will address those alleged misstatements below.
    1   or results of operations.” Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and
    2   Results of Operations, Securities Act Release No. 6835, Exchange Act Release No. 26,831,
    3   Investment Company Act Release No. 16,961, 
    43 SEC Docket 1330
     (May 18, 1989) [hereinafter
    4   MD&A].
    5          Although the District Court opinion and the parties on appeal primarily focus on the
    6   materiality of Blackstone’s alleged omissions, Blackstone does urge that plaintiffs’ complaint fails
    7   to adequately allege that Blackstone was required by Item 303 to disclose trends in the real estate
    8   market for the purpose of Sections 11 and 12(a)(2). We disagree. Plaintiffs allege that the
    9   downward trend in the real estate market was already known and existing at the time of the IPO, and
    10   that the trend or uncertainty in the market was reasonably likely to have a material impact on
    11   Blackstone’s financial condition. Therefore, plaintiffs have adequately pleaded a presently existing
    12   trend, event, or uncertainty, and the sole remaining issue is whether the effect of the “known”
    13   information was “reasonably likely” to be material for the purpose of Item 303 and, in turn, for the
    14   purpose of Sections 11 and 12(a)(2).
    15   Legal Standard of Materiality
    16          Materiality is an “inherently fact-specific finding,” Basic Inc. v. Levinson, 
    485 U.S. 224
    , 236
    17   (1988), that is satisfied when a plaintiff alleges “a statement or omission that a reasonable investor
    18   would have considered significant in making investment decisions,” Ganino v. Citizens Utils. Co.,
    228 F.3d 154
    , 161–62 (2d Cir. 2000) (citing Basic, 
    485 U.S. at 231
    ).10 “[T]here must be a
    Although Ganino addresses materiality in the context of claims brought pursuant to
    Section 10(b) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the test for materiality is the same when
    claims are brought pursuant to Sections 11 and 12(a)(2) of the Securities Act. See Rombach, 355
    1   substantial likelihood that the disclosure of the omitted fact would have been viewed by the
    2   reasonable investor as having significantly altered the ‘total mix’ of information made available.”
    3   Id. at 162 (alteration in original) (internal quotation marks omitted). However, “it is not necessary
    4   to assert that the investor would have acted differently if an accurate disclosure was made.” Id.
    5   Rather, when a district court is presented with a Rule 12(b)(6) motion, “‘a complaint may not
    6   properly be dismissed . . . on the ground that the alleged misstatements or omissions are not material
    7   unless they are so obviously unimportant to a reasonable investor that reasonable minds could not
    8   differ on the question of their importance.’” Id. (quoting Goldman v. Belden, 
    754 F.2d 1059
    , 1067
    9   (2d Cir. 1985)); see also TSC Indus., Inc. v. Northway, Inc., 
    426 U.S. 438
    , 450 (1976) (noting that
    10   even at the summary judgment stage, the “determination [of materiality] requires delicate
    11   assessments of the inferences a ‘reasonable shareholder’ would draw from a given set of facts and
    12   the significance of those inferences to him, and these assessments are peculiarly ones for the trier
    13   of fact”).
    14           “[W]e have consistently rejected a formulaic approach to assessing the materiality of an
    15   alleged misrepresentation.” Ganino, 
    228 F.3d at 162
    ; see also ECA & Local 134 IBEW Joint
    16   Pension Trust v. JP Morgan Chase Co., 
    553 F.3d 187
    , 204 (2d Cir. 2009) (“While Ganino held that
    17   bright-line numerical tests for materiality are inappropriate, it did not exclude analysis based on, or
    18   even emphasis of, quantitative considerations.”). In both Ganino and ECA & Local 134, we cited
    19   with approval SEC Staff Accounting Bulletin No. 99, 
    64 Fed. Reg. 45,150
     (1999) [hereinafter SAB
    20   No. 99], which provides relevant guidance regarding the proper assessment of materiality. See ECA
    F.3d at 178 n.11.
    1   & Local 134, 
    553 F.3d at
    197–98; Ganino, 
    228 F.3d at
    2           As the SEC stated,
    3                   [t]he use of a percentage as a numerical threshold, such as 5%, may provide
    4           the basis for a preliminary assumption that . . . a deviation of less than the specified
    5           percentage with respect to a particular item . . . is unlikely to be material. . . . But
    6           quantifying, in percentage terms, the magnitude of a misstatement . . . cannot
    7           appropriately be used as a substitute for a full analysis of all relevant considerations.
    10   SAB No. 99, 64 Fed. Reg. at 45,151; see also ECA & Local 134, 
    553 F.3d at 204
     (noting that a “five
    11   percent numerical threshold is a good starting place for assessing . . . materiality” (emphasis
    12   added)). Accordingly, a court must consider “both ‘quantitative’ and ‘qualitative’ factors in
    13   assessing an item’s materiality,” SAB No. 99, 64 Fed. Reg. at 45,151, and that consideration should
    14   be undertaken in an integrative manner. See Ganino, 
    228 F.3d at 163
    ; see also In re Kidder Peabody
    15   Sec. Litig., 
    10 F. Supp. 2d 398
    , 410–11 (S.D.N.Y. 1998); SAB No. 99, 64 Fed. Reg. at 45,152
    16   (“Qualitative factors may cause misstatements of quantitatively small amounts to be material . . . .”).
    17           In this case, the District Court confronted a Rule 12(b)(6) motion, a motion for which
    18   plaintiffs need only satisfy the basic notice pleading requirements of Rule 8. So long as plaintiffs
    19   plausibly allege that Blackstone omitted material information that it was required to disclose or
    20   made material misstatements in its offering documents, they meet the relatively minimal burden of
    21   stating a claim pursuant to Sections 11 and 12(a)(2), under which, should plaintiffs’ claims be
    22   substantiated, Blackstone’s liability as an issuer is absolute. Where the principal issue is materiality,
    23   an inherently fact-specific finding, the burden on plaintiffs to state a claim is even lower.
    24   Accordingly, we cannot agree with the District Court at this preliminary stage of litigation that the
    25   alleged omissions and misstatements “are so obviously unimportant to a reasonable investor that
    1   reasonable minds could not differ on the question of their importance.” Ganino, 
    228 F.3d at
    2   (internal quotation marks omitted).
    3   Materiality of Omissions Related to FGIC and Freescale
    4           As to the materiality of the omissions related to FGIC and Freescale, Blackstone first argues
    5   that the relevant information was public knowledge, and thus could not be material because it was
    6   already part of the “total mix” of information available to investors. Specifically, Blackstone
    7   contends that, as the complaint itself alleges based on citations to news articles and analysts’ calls,
    8   the shift in FGIC’s strategy toward a less conservative approach to bond insurance and Freescale’s
    9   loss of its exclusive contract with Motorola were facts publicly known at the time of the IPO.
    10           It is true that, as a general matter, the “‘total mix’ of information may . . . include information
    11   already in the public domain and facts known or reasonably available to [potential investors].”
    12   United Paperworkers Int’l Union v. Int’l Paper Co., 
    985 F.2d 1190
    , 1199 (2d Cir. 1993) (internal
    13   quotation marks omitted); see also Garber v. Legg Mason, Inc., 
    537 F. Supp. 2d 597
    , 612 (S.D.N.Y.
    14   2008) (holding that defendants had no duty under the securities laws to disclose the publicly
    15   reported departure of an asset manager), aff’d, 347 F. App’x 665 (2d Cir. 2009) (summary order).
    16   But case law does not support the sweeping proposition that an issuer of securities is never required
    17   to disclose publicly available information. See, e.g., Kapps v. Torch Offshore, Inc., 
    379 F.3d 207
    18   213, 215 (5th Cir. 2004) (holding that the “definition of ‘material’ under Section 11 is not strictly
    19   limited to information that is firm-specific and non-public” and noting that “the SEC requires an
    20   issuer to disclose certain ‘trends’ that could affect its business, and in appropriate circumstances this
    21   requirement may extend to certain trends that are not firm-specific or are publicly available”);
    1   United Paperworkers, 
    985 F.2d at 1199
     (stating that “the mere presence in the media of sporadic
    2   news reports . . . should not be considered to be part of the total mix of information that would
    3   clarify or place in proper context the company’s representations in its proxy materials”); see also
    4   Kronfeld v. Trans World Airlines, Inc., 
    832 F.2d 726
    , 736 (2d Cir. 1987) (“There are serious
    5   limitations on a corporation’s ability to charge its stockholders with knowledge of information
    6   omitted from a document such as a . . . prospectus on the basis that the information is public
    7   knowledge and otherwise available to them.”), cert. denied, 
    485 U.S. 1007
    8          In this case, the key information that plaintiffs assert should have been disclosed is whether,
    9   and to what extent, the particular known trend, event, or uncertainty might have been reasonably
    10   expected to materially affect Blackstone’s investments. And this potential future impact was
    11   certainly not public knowledge, particularly in the case of FGIC, which was not even mentioned in
    12   Blackstone’s Registration Statement and thus cannot be considered part of the “total mix” of
    13   information already available to investors. Again, the focus of plaintiffs’ claims is the required
    14   disclosures under Item 303—plaintiffs are not seeking the disclosure of the mere fact of
    15   Blackstone’s investment in FGIC, of the downward trend in the real estate market, or of Freescale’s
    16   loss of its exclusive contract with Motorola. Rather, plaintiffs claim that Blackstone was required
    17   to disclose the manner in which those then-known trends, events, or uncertainties might reasonably
    18   be expected to materially impact Blackstone’s future revenues.
    19          While it is true that Blackstone’s investments in FGIC and Freescale fall below the
    20   presumptive 5% threshold of materiality, we find that the District Court erred in its analysis of
    21   certain qualitative factors related to materiality. First, the District Court and Blackstone place too
    1   much emphasis on Blackstone’s structure and on the fact that a loss in one portfolio company might
    2   be offset by a gain in another portfolio company. Blackstone is not permitted, in assessing
    3   materiality, to aggregate negative and positive effects on its performance fees in order to avoid
    4   disclosure of a particular material negative event. Cf. SAB No. 99, Fed. Reg. at 45,153 (noting in
    5   the context of aggregating and netting multiple misstatements that “[r]egistrants and their auditors
    6   first should consider whether each misstatement is material, irrespective of its effect when combined
    7   with other misstatements”).       Were we to hold otherwise, we would effectively sanction
    8   misstatements in a registration statement or prospectus related to particular portfolio companies so
    9   long as the net effect on the revenues of a public private equity firm like Blackstone was immaterial.
    10   The question, of course, is not whether a loss in a particular investment’s value will merely affect
    11   revenues, because even after aggregation of gains and losses at the fund level, it will almost certainly
    12   have some effect. The relevant question under Item 303 is whether Blackstone reasonably expects
    13   the impact to be material. We see no principled basis for holding that an historically “private”
    14   equity company that has chosen to go public is somehow subject to a different standard under the
    15   securities disclosure laws and regulations than a traditional public company with numerous
    16   subsidiaries. See Mohsen Manesh, Legal Asymmetry and the End of Corporate Law, 34 Del. J.
    17   Corp. L. 465, 482 (2009) (noting that Blackstone, as a publicly listed entity, is “substantively
    18   indistinguishable from [its] publicly traded corporate counterparts”). In a case of pure omissions,
    19   to the extent that the securities laws require information to be disclosed and the information in
    20   question is material in the eyes of a reasonable investor, Blackstone must disclose the information.
    1   Blackstone’s structure is no defense on a motion to dismiss.11
    2           Second, the District Court erred in finding that the alleged omissions did not relate to a
    3   significant aspect of Blackstone’s operations. In discussing “considerations that may well render
    4   material a quantitatively small misstatement,” SAB No. 99 provides that “materiality . . . may turn
    5   on where [the misstatement] appears in the financial statements:” “[S]ituations may arise . . . where
    6   the auditor will conclude that a matter relating to segment information is qualitatively material even
    7   though, in his or her judgment, it is quantitatively immaterial to the financial statements taken as a
    8   whole.” SAB No. 99, 64 Fed. Reg. at 45,152. SAB No. 99 also provides that one factor affecting
    9   qualitative materiality is whether the misstatement or omission relates to a segment that plays a
    10   “significant role” in the registrant’s business. Id. In this case, Blackstone makes clear in its offering
    11   documents that Corporate Private Equity is its flagship segment, playing a significant role in the
    12   company’s history, operations, and value. Blackstone states that its Corporate Private Equity fund
    13   is “among the largest . . . ever raised,” and that its “long-term leadership in private equity has
    14   imbued the Blackstone brand with value that enhances all of [its] different businesses and facilitates
    15   [its] ability to expand into complementary new businesses.” Because Blackstone’s Corporate
    16   Private Equity segment plays such an important role in Blackstone’s business and provides value
    17   to all of its other asset management and financial advisory services, a reasonable investor would
    18   almost certainly want to know information related to that segment that Blackstone reasonably
    19   expects will have a material adverse effect on its future revenues.            Therefore, the alleged
    Blackstone would certainly be free to argue before a jury that its structure renders the
    omissions related to FGIC and Freescale immaterial. We simply hold that Blackstone’s structure
    does not permit a finding of immateriality as a matter of law.
    1   misstatements and omissions relating to FGIC and Freescale were plausibly material.
    2          Furthermore, with respect to Freescale in particular, Blackstone’s investment in the company
    3   accounted for 9.4% of the Corporate Private Equity segment’s assets under management, and the
    4   investment was nearly three times larger than the next largest investment in that segment as reported
    5   in Blackstone’s Prospectus. Even where a misstatement or omission may be quantitatively small
    6   compared to a registrant’s firm-wide financial results, its significance to a particularly important
    7   segment of a registrant’s business tends to show its materiality. See In re Kidder Peabody, 
    10 F. 8
       Supp. 2d at 410–11 (noting that while amount of “false profits may have been minor compared to
    9   GE’s earnings as a whole, they were quite significant to” a subsidiary’s profits, which, “in turn,
    10   represented a significant portion of GE’s balance sheet”). Viewed in that light, we cannot hold that
    11   the alleged loss of Freescale’s exclusive contract with its largest customer and the concomitant
    12   potential negative impact on one of the largest investments in Blackstone’s Corporate Private Equity
    13   segment was immaterial.
    14          Finally, the District Court failed to consider another relevant qualitative factor—that the
    15   omissions “mask[] a change in earnings or other trends.” SAB No. 99, 64 Fed. Reg. at 45,152. Such
    16   a possibility is precisely what the required disclosures under Item 303 aim to avoid. Here,
    17   Blackstone omitted information related to FGIC and Freescale that plaintiffs allege was reasonably
    18   likely to have a material effect on the revenues of Blackstone’s Corporate Private Equity segment
    19   and, in turn, on Blackstone as a whole. Blackstone’s failure to disclose that information masked a
    20   reasonably likely change in earnings, as well as the trend, event, or uncertainty that was likely to
    21   cause such a change.
    1           All of these qualitative factors, together with the District Court’s correct observation that the
    2   alleged omissions “doubtless had ‘the effect of increasing management’s compensation,’” see SAB
    3   No. 99, 64 Fed. Reg. at 45,152, show that the alleged omissions were material. Accordingly, we hold
    4   that plaintiffs have adequately pleaded that Blackstone omitted material information related to FGIC
    5   and Freescale that it was required to disclose under Item 303 of Regulation S-K.
    6   Materiality of Omissions and Misstatements Related to Real Estate Investments
    7           We also find that the District Court erred in its analysis of the alleged omissions and
    8   misstatements related to Blackstone’s real estate investments. First, the District Court’s opinion
    9   implies that to state a plausible claim, plaintiffs’ complaint had to identify specific real estate
    10   investments made or assets held by Blackstone funds that might have been at risk as a result of the
    11   then-known trends in the real estate industry. See Landmen Partners Inc. v. Blackstone Group, L.P.,
    659 F. Supp. 2d 532
    , 545–46 (S.D.N.Y. 2009). This expectation, however, misses the very core of
    13   plaintiffs’ allegations, namely, that Blackstone omitted material information that it had a duty to
    14   report. In other words, plaintiffs’ precise, actionable allegation is that Blackstone failed to disclose
    15   material details of its real estate investments, and specifically that it failed to disclose the manner
    16   in which those unidentified, particular investments might be materially affected by the then-existing
    17   downward trend in housing prices, the increasing default rates for sub-prime mortgage loans, and
    18   the pending problems for complex mortgage securities. That is all Item 303 requires in order to
    19   trigger a disclosure obligation: a known trend that Blackstone reasonably expected would materially
    20   affect its investments and revenues. Plaintiffs allege that they were unaware of, but legally entitled
    21   to disclosure of, the very information that the District Court held had to be specified in plaintiffs’
    1   complaint.
    2          Moreover, there are two problems with the District Court’s finding that plaintiffs’ claims fail
    3   because they cannot establish any “link[]” between the declining residential real estate market and
    4   Blackstone’s heavy investments in commercial real estate. See 
    id. at 544
    . First, the offering
    5   documents indicate, and Blackstone admits, that Blackstone has at least one modest-sized residential
    6   real estate investment, and, drawing all reasonable inferences in plaintiffs’ favor, its residential real
    7   estate holdings might constitute as much as $3 billion and 15% of the Real Estate segment’s assets
    8   under management. See supra n.6. This alone is enough on a Rule 12(b)(6) motion to establish a
    9   plausible link between the alleged trend in the residential real estate market and Blackstone’s real
    10   estate investments.    Second, even if the overwhelming majority of Blackstone’s real estate
    11   investments are commercial in nature, it is certainly plausible for plaintiffs to allege that a collapse
    12   in the residential real estate market, and, more importantly, in the market for complex securitizations
    13   of residential mortgages, might reasonably be expected to adversely affect commercial real estate
    14   investments. Blackstone’s own disclosures in its Registration Statement make this link clear, given
    15   that it admits that “the ability of lenders to repackage their [residential] loans into securitizations”
    16   is one factor contributing to the “significant[] increase [in] the capital committed to [predominantly
    17   commercial] real estate funds.”
    18          Finally, the District Court erred when it stated that “Plaintiff[s] fail[] to allege any
    19   facts . . . that if true, would render false the few statements alleged to be affirmative
    20   misrepresentations.” Landmen Partners, 
    659 F. Supp. 2d at 544
    . To the contrary, plaintiffs provide
    21   significant factual detail about the general deterioration of the real estate market and specific facts
    1   that, drawing all reasonable inferences in plaintiffs’ favor, directly contradict statements made by
    2   Blackstone in its Registration Statement. First, the chart in plaintiffs’ complaint illustrating the
    3   seasonally adjusted price change in the U.S. housing market contradicts Blackstone’s representation
    4   that the “real estate industry [was]. . . experiencing historically high levels of growth,” because the
    5   chart shows that the rate of price appreciation began to decline significantly beginning in late 2005.
    6   In addition, Blackstone’s representation that “strong investor demand for real estate assets is due [in
    7   part] to . . . persistent, reasonable levels of interest rates” is refuted by plaintiffs’ allegations that “[a]s
    8   key short-term and the prime rates rose [beginning in June 2004], other interest rates rose as well,
    9   including those for most residential mortgage loans” and that “[t]his rise in interest rates made it more
    10   difficult for borrowers to meet their payment obligations.” Also, Blackstone’s statement that “lenders
    11   [were able] to repackage their loans into securitizations, thereby diversifying and limiting their risk,”
    12   is at least impliedly refuted by plaintiffs’ detailed allegations as to how the increasing sub-prime
    13   mortgage loan defaults were going to impact negatively the existing and future uses of, and value
    14   associated with, CDOs, RMBSs, and CDSs.
    15           Absent these errors, the materiality of the alleged omitted and misstated information related
    16   to Blackstone’s real estate investments becomes clear. First, Blackstone’s real estate segment played
    17   a “significant role,” SAB No. 99, 64 Fed. Reg. at 45,152, in Blackstone’s business. While
    18   Blackstone’s real estate segment may not be as prominent to the company’s traditional identity as its
    19   Corporate Private Equity segment, Blackstone’s real estate segment nevertheless constituted 22.6%
    20   of Blackstone’s total assets under management. A reasonable Blackstone investor may well have
    21   wanted to know of any potentially adverse trends concerning a segment that constituted nearly a
    1   quarter of Blackstone’s total assets under management. Second, the alleged misstatements and
    2   omissions regarding real estate were qualitatively material because they masked a potential change
    3   in earnings or other trends. Finally, the alleged misstatements and omissions, if proven, had “the
    4   effect of increasing management’s compensation,” id. For all these reasons, we conclude that the
    5   District Court erred in dismissing plaintiffs’ allegations relating to Blackstone’s real estate
    6   investments. Plaintiffs plausibly allege that Blackstone omitted material information that it was
    7   required to disclose and that it made material misstatements in its IPO offering documents.
    8           With regard to all of the alleged omissions and misrepresentations, the District Court and
    9   Blackstone raise the legitimate concern that plaintiffs’ view of materiality would require companies
    10   like Blackstone to “issue compilations of prospectuses for the scores of portfolio companies and real
    11   estate assets in which its private equity and real estate funds have any interest.” Although, as the
    12   District Court correctly noted, “[i]ncluding all such information would . . . obfuscate[] truly material
    13   information in a flood of unnecessary detail, a result that the securities laws forbid,” id. at 542 (citing
    14   I. Meyer Pincus & Assocs. v. Oppenheimer & Co., 
    936 F.2d 759
    , 762 (2d Cir. 1991)), we are not
    15   persuaded that such a concern is warranted in this case because of two protections from that result.
    16   First, as in all bases for liability under Sections 11 and 12(a)(2), the omitted information must be
    17   material. Although materiality is undoubtedly a flexible concept due to its fact-specific nature, it is
    18   still capable of some defined boundaries. And needless to say, not every portfolio company or real
    19   estate asset in which Blackstone invests will be deemed material. Moreover, in the area of pure
    20   omissions, disclosure of the information must be required. Here, plaintiffs adequately plead that Item
    21   303 of Regulation S-K requires Blackstone to disclose the omitted information, but without that
    1   regulatory requirement Blackstone would be under no obligation to disclose even material
    2   information. Thus, it is only when there is both materiality and a duty to disclose that a company
    3    may be held liable for omitting information from a registration statement or prospectus. These
    4    requirements provide sufficient protection against the opening-of-the-floodgates argument advanced
    5    by Blackstone and accepted by the District Court.
    6   Additional Allegations and Denial of Leave to Amend
    7           We conclude by briefly addressing two remaining issues presented by this appeal. First, as
    8   to plaintiffs’ remaining allegations, we find, as did the District Court, that plaintiffs’ GAAP
    9   allegations “are essentially derivative of those discussed above,” id. at 546, although we, in turn,
    10   conclude that these allegations are sufficient to state a claim for largely the same reasons. In
    11   addition, although the District Court did not specifically address plaintiffs’ risk disclosure allegations,
    12   we similarly conclude that these allegations are derivative of those already discussed and,
    13   accordingly, those claims are also reinstated upon remand.
    14           Second, we do not reach the issue whether the District Court exceeded its allowable discretion
    15   by dismissing plaintiffs’ complaint without providing leave to amend. However, we note that where,
    16   as here, leave to amend is requested informally in a brief in opposition to a motion to dismiss, we
    17   have held that it is within the district “court’s discretion to deny leave to amend implicitly by not
    18   addressing the request.” In re Tamoxifen Citrate Antitrust Litig., 
    466 F.3d 187
    , 220 (2d Cir. 2006).
    2          In sum, we hold that the District Court erred in dismissing for failure to state a claim
    3   plaintiffs’ complaint brought pursuant to Sections 11, 12(a)(2), and 15 of the Securities Act because
    4   (1) plaintiffs plausibly allege that Blackstone omitted from its Registration Statement and Prospectus
    5   material information related to its investments in FGIC and Freescale that Blackstone was required
    6   to disclose under Item 303 of Regulation S-K; (2) plaintiffs plausibly allege that Blackstone both
    7   omitted material information that it was required to disclose under Item 303 and made material
    8   misstatements in its offering documents related to its real estate investments; and (3) plaintiffs’
    9   remaining GAAP and risk disclosure allegations are derivative of their primary allegations, and
    10   therefore these secondary allegations are sufficient to state a claim. Accordingly, we vacate the
    11   District Court’s judgment and remand for further proceedings.

Document Info

Docket Number: 09-4426

Filed Date: 2/10/2011

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 12/21/2014

Authorities (28)

in-re-initial-public-offering-securities-litigation-john-g-miles-saswata , 483 F.3d 70 ( 2007 )

andrew-keith-slayton-on-behalf-of-himself-and-all-others-similarly , 460 F.3d 215 ( 2006 )

Major League Baseball Properties, Inc. v. Salvino, Inc. , 542 F.3d 290 ( 2008 )

In Re Morgan Stanley Information Fund Securities , 592 F.3d 347 ( 2010 )

Slayton v. American Express Co. , 604 F.3d 758 ( 2010 )

ECA, Local 134 IBEW Joint Pension Trust of Chicago v. JP ... , 553 F.3d 187 ( 2009 )

Electronic Trading Group, LLC v. Banc of America Securities ... , 588 F.3d 128 ( 2009 )

Richard P. Hobbs v. County of Westchester and Mr. Montalto, ... , 397 F.3d 133 ( 2005 )

myrna-rombach-on-behalf-of-herself-and-all-others-similarly-situated , 355 F.3d 164 ( 2004 )

aon-financial-products-inc-a-delaware-corporation-and-aon-corporation , 476 F.3d 90 ( 2007 )

United Paperworkers International Union, Plaintiff-Appellee-... , 985 F.2d 1190 ( 1993 )

ATSI Communications, Inc. v. Shaar Fund, Ltd. , 493 F.3d 87 ( 2007 )

fed-sec-l-rep-p-96061-i-meyer-pincus-associates-pc-v , 936 F.2d 759 ( 1991 )

steven-goldman-on-behalf-of-himself-and-all-others-similarly-situated-v , 754 F.2d 1059 ( 1985 )

karl-l-kapps-individually-and-as-trustee-brian-peterson-jorge-vargas , 379 F.3d 207 ( 2004 )

joseph-a-ganino-robert-e-creighton-louise-a-creighton-william-j , 228 F.3d 154 ( 2000 )

Joel Kronfeld v. Trans World Airlines, Inc. Transworld ... , 832 F.2d 726 ( 1987 )

Garber v. Legg Mason, Inc. , 537 F. Supp. 2d 597 ( 2008 )

Landmen Partners Inc. v. Blackstone Group, L.P. , 659 F. Supp. 2d 532 ( 2009 )

Gearren v. McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. , 690 F. Supp. 2d 254 ( 2010 )

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