Koch v. Christie's International PLC , 699 F.3d 141 ( 2012 )

  •      11-1522-cv
    Koch v. Cristie’s Int’l PLC
    1                     UNITED STATES COURT OF APPEALS
    3                                 FOR   THE   SECOND CIRCUIT
    4                    ____________________________________
    6                                  August Term, 2011
    8        Argued:     May 2, 2012                      Decided: October 4, 2012
    10                            Docket No. 11-1522-cv
    11                    ____________________________________
    13                                   WILLIAM I. KOCH,
    15                                                              Plaintiff-Appellant,
    17                                              —v.—
    23                                                 Defendants-Appellees.
    24                     ___________________________________
    26     Before: SACK and RAGGI, Circuit Judges, and KOELTL, District
    27                                Judge.*
    29         This is an appeal from the judgment of the United States
    30   District Court for the Southern District of New York (Jones,
    31   J.) dismissing the civil RICO conspiracy and common law fraud
    32   claims of plaintiff-appellant William I. Koch against the
    33   defendants after determining that the statute of limitations
    * The Honorable John G. Koeltl, of the United States District
    Court for the Southern District of New York, sitting by
    1   for those claims had expired.      The claims relate to alleged
    2   fraud in falsely attributing bottles of wine to Thomas
    3   Jefferson’s collection.   Because we find that Koch’s claims
    4   were time-barred, we affirm the judgment of the District
    5   Court.
    6   ______________
    8   Edward M. Spiro, Barbara L. Trencher, Adam L. Pollock,
    9   Morvillo, Abramowitz, Grand, Iason, Anello & Bohrer, P.C., New
    10   York, NY, and Irell & Manella LLP, Newport Beach, CA, for
    11   Plaintiff-Appellant William I. Koch.
    13   Jonathan J. Lerner, Maura Barry Grinalds, Robert A. Fumerton,
    14   Patrick G. Rideout, Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom, LLP,
    15   New York, NY, for Defendants-Appellees Christie’s
    16   International PLC, Christie, Mason & Woods, Ltd., and
    17   Christie’s Inc..
    19   ______________
    22        For wine, timing is critical.      The same is true for
    23   causes of action.
    24        This case requires us to clarify the operation of
    25   “inquiry notice” in the context of a civil action pursuant to
    26   the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act
    27   (“RICO”), 
    18 U.S.C. § 1961
     et seq., and common law fraud
    28   claims under New York law.   This analysis is necessary to
    29   determine whether the wine-related causes of action in this
    30   case were stale when brought.      The claims relate to alleged
    1   fraud in inflating the value of bottles of wine by falsely
    2   attributing them to Thomas Jefferson’s wine collection.
    3        Plaintiff-appellant William I. Koch appeals from the
    4   judgment of the United States District Court for the Southern
    5   District of New York (Jones, J.) that dismissed his claims
    6   against Christie’s International PLC; Christie, Mason & Woods,
    7   Ltd.; and Christie’s Inc. (collectively, “Christie’s”) because
    8   they were time-barred.    The District Court dismissed the
    9   claims pursuant to Rule 12(b)(6) of the Federal Rules of Civil
    10   Procedure.   Koch v. Christie's International PLC, 
    785 F. Supp. 11
       2d 105 (S.D.N.Y. 2011).
    12        The essence of Koch’s allegations against Christie’s is
    13   that Christie’s promoted as authentic a cache of wine that was
    14   ostensibly bottled in the late eighteenth century and was
    15   linked to Thomas Jefferson.    Koch alleges that these
    16   “Jefferson wines” were in fact counterfeit, and that
    17   Christie’s knew or was reckless in not knowing of the wines’
    18   dubious authenticity.    Koch purchased four bottles of the now-
    19   discredited Jefferson wines from third-party dealers in
    20   November and December of 1988, allegedly relying on
    21   promotional representations made by Christie’s.   In January of
    22   2008, Koch and Christie’s agreed to toll the statute of
    23   limitations with respect to any claims against Christie’s
    1   arising out of the Jefferson wine sales.   Koch then filed this
    2   lawsuit in March 2010.
    3        Koch argues that the District Court erred in describing
    4   and applying the legal standard with respect to the doctrine
    5   of inquiry notice, under which, in some circumstances, a court
    6   imputes to a plaintiff knowledge of facts sufficient to
    7   trigger the running of the statute of limitations where the
    8   plaintiff could have discovered those facts by a reasonably
    9   diligent investigation.   Koch further argues that, in any
    10   event, the Supreme Court’s decision in Merck & Co. v.
    11   Reynolds, 
    130 S. Ct. 1784
     (2010), changed the law with respect
    12   to what knowledge is required to trigger accrual in cases
    13   arising under RICO.   Koch also argues that the District Court
    14   erred in dismissing his New York state law claims as time-
    15   barred because the standard for inquiry notice under New York
    16   law is different from the standard under federal law in RICO
    17   cases, and his claims should survive under the New York
    18   standard.
    19        Because we find no error in the District Court’s
    20   conclusion that Koch’s claims were time-barred, we AFFIRM the
    21   judgment of the District Court.
    1                                BACKGROUND
    2           For the purpose of reviewing the grant of a motion to
    3   dismiss pursuant to Rule 12(b)(6) of the Federal Rules of
    4   Civil Procedure, we accept as true the facts alleged in the
    5   Complaint, drawing all reasonable inferences in favor of the
    6   plaintiff.    See, e.g., Muto v. CBS Corp., 
    668 F.3d 53
    , 56 (2d
    7   Cir. 2012).    We provide a summary of the relevant allegations
    8   here.
    9           The origins of this case lie with one Hardy Rodenstock, a
    10   “well-known wine connoisseur” and German national.    In the
    11   mid-1980s, Rodenstock claimed to have discovered a cache of
    12   wine in a bricked-up wine cellar in Paris.    The bottles bore
    13   the initials “Th.J.,” as well as various late eighteenth
    14   century vintages and the names of wineries from the period.
    15   Rodenstock pronounced the bottles authentic and linked them to
    16   Thomas Jefferson who had served as the United States Minister
    17   to France in the late 1700s prior to becoming the third
    18   President of the United States and whose zeal for wine is
    19   well-documented in the historical record.
    20           The Complaint alleges that Rodenstock had a longstanding
    21   and symbiotic relationship with Christie’s and specifically
    22   with J. Michael Broadbent, a wine consultant for Christie’s
    23   and the former head of its wine department.    Christie’s, as
    24   alleged in the Complaint, is “one of the world’s largest
    1   auction houses   . . . . [and] describes itself as ‘firmly at
    2   the front of the international wine auction market.’”
    3   Broadbent was the head of the wine department at Christie’s in
    4   1985, when Christie’s first sold a bottle of “Th.J wine” from
    5   the Rodenstock cache, namely a bottle of “1787 Th.J Lafitte.”1
    6        In the run up to the first sale of Th.J. wine by
    7   Christie’s, Broadbent contacted the Thomas Jefferson
    8   Foundation at Monticello.   In the course of Broadbent’s
    9   correspondence with Monticello historian Cinder Goodwin in
    10   November 1985, Broadbent noted at one point that there was “no
    11   actual proof” of the Th.J wine’s connection to Jefferson.
    12   Goodwin, for her part, said she was skeptical, but would
    13   reserve final judgment.
    14        Despite this, the 1985 Christie’s Catalogue, in text
    15   allegedly written by Broadbent, discussed in detail
    16   Jefferson’s interest in wine in connection with the Th.J
    17   Lafitte.   Christie’s publicized and marketed the bottle of
    18   Th.J. Lafitte in its 1985 Catalogue and publicly released a
    19   Sale Memorandum that also connected the wine to Jefferson and
    20   that represented that the Jefferson wine was in fact from the
    21   late eighteenth century.    In December 1985, Christie’s sold
    Christie’s has explained that “Lafitte” was the main
    spelling at the end of the eighteenth century for the winery
    now spelled “Lafite.” This opinion follows the spelling used
    at various points in the Complaint.
    1   the “1787 Th.J. Lafitte” at auction for approximately
    2   $156,000, reportedly the highest price ever paid for a bottle
    3   of wine.   Christie’s then issued a December 9, 1985 press
    4   release that again tied the wine to Jefferson and again touted
    5   the wine’s authenticity.
    6        Shortly after the December 1985 sale, Rodenstock began
    7   corresponding with Monticello about the status of the
    8   Jefferson wine and suggested holding a wine tasting from the
    9   Th.J. cache at Monticello.    Monticello’s director declined,
    10   citing “doubts about the Jefferson connection.”    The
    11   correspondence culminated in an April 1986 letter to
    12   Rodenstock that included a research report (the “Monticello
    13   Report”) prepared by historian Goodwin on December 12, 1985.
    14   The Monticello Report examined Jefferson’s financial records,
    15   including records of his wine purchases, correspondence,
    16   initialed personal property, and existing wine collection, and
    17   concluded that “no solid connecting evidence could be found”
    18   between Jefferson and the Th.J. wine.   The Report did not
    19   become public at that time.    However, in October 1985, The New
    20   York Times published an article discussing the Th.J. wine and
    21   airing the doubts of Monticello Jefferson scholars.      Another
    22   Times article that ran the day after the auction noted the
    23   “scholarly doubt” as to the authenticity of the Th.J. wine.
    1        In 1986, Christie’s placed another bottle from the Th.J.
    2   cache up for auction.   Again, the Th.J. bottle was featured in
    3   the 1986 Christie’s Catalogue.     The description of the bottle
    4   in the Catalogue noted that “it is assumed that the wine . . .
    5   was once the property of Thomas Jefferson,” and that “there is
    6   a very strong case to be made for the authenticity of the
    7   engraving and provenance.”   The bottle ultimately sold on
    8   December 4, 1986, for approximately $56,000.     In 1987,
    9   Christie’s sold another half-bottle from the Th.J. cache at an
    10   annual trade show in Bordeaux, France.
    11        In November 1988, Koch purchased a bottle marked “1787
    12   Branne Mouton Th.J.” for $100,000.     Koch allegedly purchased
    13   the bottle from Rodenstock who used the Chicago Wine Company
    14   and Farr Vintners as intermediaries.     Koch alleges that he
    15   purchased the bottle in reliance on “glowing endorsements of
    16   the wines and Rodenstock,” made by Christie’s “with the intent
    17   to influence wine collectors like [Koch] to purchase
    18   Rodenstock’s wines” and that “reasonably led [Koch] to believe
    19   that the wine offered by Rodenstock was authentic.”     The next
    20   month, Koch purchased three more bottles of Th.J. wine for
    21   $211,804.40.   Koch purchased these bottles from Farr Vintners
    22   acting as Rodenstock’s agent.      The bottles were marked,
    23   respectively, as: “1787 Lafite Th.J.,” “1784 Lafite Th.J.,”
    24   and “1784 Branne Mouton Th.J.”
    1           In deposition testimony in a related case in Illinois
    2   state court,2 Koch admitted that, in the early 1990s, he read
    3   several articles detailing the “real doubts” that existed with
    4   respect to the authenticity of the Th.J. wine.     One news
    5   report from the period described the Th.J. wine issue as “the
    6   wine world’s biggest scandal.”      During this period, Koch also
    7   learned of a lawsuit by a German wine collector against
    8   Rodenstock.    The lawsuit alleged that the Th.J. wine was
    9   counterfeit.    Koch hired attorneys in 1993 to investigate and
    10   assess the provenance of the Th.J. wine.     These attorneys sent
    11   him several of the articles relating to testing of the Th.J.
    12   wine that had been conducted for the purpose of the German
    13   lawsuit, some of which had confirmed the wine as authentic and
    14   some of which had indicated that it was counterfeit.     Koch
    15   received legal advice concerning a potential action against
    16   Rodenstock in 1993 and sought the advice of counsel again in
    17   1995.    However, Koch took no legal action over the course of
    The District Court in this case took judicial notice of the
    press coverage of the controversy and litigation surrounding
    the Th.J. wines, as well as the court documents and documents
    in the public record that were “integral to the complaint.”
    Koch, 785 F. Supp. 2d at 111-12 (citing Staehr v. Hartford
    Fin. Servs. Grp., Inc., 
    547 F.3d 406
    , 425 (2d Cir. 2008) and
    Cortec Indus., Inc. v. Sum Holding L.P., 
    949 F.2d 42
    , 48 (2d
    Cir. 1991)). Koch raised no specific objection to the
    consideration of these documents at the motion to dismiss
    id. at 112
    , and does not raise the issue in this
    1   the 1990s, as the debate over the authenticity of the Th.J.
    2   wine continued.
    3        In October 2000, Koch sent samples of the Th.J. wine to
    4   the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (“Woods Hole”) for
    5   radiocarbon testing to determine their age.   In his deposition
    6   testimony in the Illinois litigation, he testified that he
    7   sent the samples for testing to see if he had been “hoaxed.”
    8   The October 16, 2000 Report from Woods Hole (the “Woods Hole
    9   Report”) indicated that there was a 26.5% probability that the
    10   wine was from the time period between the year 1680 and 1740
    11   and a 68.9% probability that the wine was from between 1800
    12   and 1960.   The Report appears to indicate only a 4.6%
    13   probability that the wine was from the period between 1740 and
    14   1800, the only period that would have been consistent with the
    15   engraving on each of the bottles that Koch bought.   Woods Hole
    16   estimated the wine’s radiocarbon age as 90 years, with a
    17   standard deviation of 35 years, although the Woods Hole Report
    18   notes that this age “does not convert directly to a calendar,
    19   or chronological, age,” and that, more broadly, “the past 350-
    20   400 year period is a very difficult one for determining
    21   calendar ages.”   Koch apparently viewed these results as
    22   “neutral,” and he took no further action to investigate the
    23   authenticity of the Th.J. wine in response to the Woods Hole
    24   testing.
    1        In 2005, Koch was asked to include a photograph of his
    2   bottles of Th.J. wine in a museum catalog.   Koch alleges that,
    3   as part of the preparation of the catalog materials, his staff
    4   contacted Monticello “to confirm the provenance of the Th.J.
    5   wine.”   This communication ultimately led to obtaining the
    6   1985 Monticello Report, which became public shortly
    7   thereafter.    Koch alleges that, in response to the “credible
    8   and serious questions” concerning the wine’s authenticity
    9   raised by the Monticello Report, he then conducted an
    10   investigation that revealed that the Th.J. wine was
    11   counterfeit.   By 2009, Koch had allegedly tracked down German
    12   engravers who claimed to have engraved the bottles with the
    13   “Th.J.” initials.
    14        On August 31, 2006, less than 18 months after he had
    15   obtained a copy of the Monticello Report, Koch sued Rodenstock
    16   in the Southern District of New York for fraud in connection
    17   with the Th.J. wine.   Rodenstock never appeared and the
    18   District Court entered a default judgment against him in 2010.
    19   See Complaint, Koch v. Rodenstock, No. 06 Civ. 6586 (S.D.N.Y.
    20   Aug. 31, 2006), ECF No. 1; Koch v. Rodenstock, No. 06 Civ.
    21   6586, 
    2010 WL 2010900
     (S.D.N.Y. May 18, 2010), ECF No. 82
    22   (Order Entering Judgment of Default).
    23        Koch filed this lawsuit on March 30, 2010, asserting
    24   claims against Christie’s for a civil RICO violation of 18
    1 U.S.C. § 1962
    (c) and civil conspiracy to defraud and aiding
    2   and abetting fraud in violation of New York Law.        Koch alleged
    3   that Christie’s conducted an enterprise and participated in
    4   the conduct of an enterprise through a pattern of racketeering
    5   activity in violation of 
    18 U.S.C. § 1962
    (c).      Koch sought
    6   treble damages under 
    18 U.S.C. § 1964
    (c) and an injunction
    7   under 
    18 U.S.C. § 1964
    (a).       Koch also asserted a claim for
    8   violation of New York’s General Business Law § 349.
    9           On March 18, 2011, the District Court dismissed all
    10   claims against Christie’s as time-barred.      The District Court
    11   held that Koch “was on inquiry notice of his injuries no later
    12   than October 16, 2000, when he submitted the Th.J bottle for
    13   testing,” and that the four-year statute of limitations for a
    14   RICO cause of action and the two-year statute of limitations,
    15   which applies to Koch’s state law claims, began to run on that
    16   date.    Koch, 785 F. Supp. 2d at 115-16, 118.    The District
    17   Court also held that the doctrine of equitable tolling did not
    18   apply to Koch’s causes of action.      Id. at 116-19.   The Court
    19   also dismissed the claim under New York’s General Business Law
    20   § 349, a ruling Koch does not appeal.
    21           This appeal followed.    Our review of the District Court’s
    22   grant of a motion to dismiss pursuant to Rule 12(b)(6) of the
    23   Federal Rules of Civil Procedure and of the District Court’s
    1   “interpretation and application of a statute of limitations,”
    2   is de novo.    See Muto, 
    668 F.3d at 56
    4                               DISCUSSION
    5                                   I.
    6        RICO claims are subject to a four-year statute of
    7   limitations.   See Rotella v. Wood, 
    528 U.S. 549
    , 552 (2000);
    8   Agency Holding Corp. v. Malley-Duff & Assocs., Inc., 
    483 U.S. 9
       143, 156 (1987); Pearl v. City of Long Beach, 
    296 F.3d 76
    , 79
    10   n.1 (2d Cir. 2002).   “Federal courts . . . generally apply a
    11   discovery accrual rule when a statute is silent on the issue,
    12   as civil RICO is here.”   Rotella, 
    528 U.S. at 555
    ; In re
    13   Merrill Lynch Ltd. P’ships Litig., 
    154 F.3d 56
    , 60 (2d Cir.
    14   1998).    The District Court held that “[t]he clock begins to
    15   run when the plaintiff has ‘inquiry notice’ of his injury,
    16   namely when he discovers or reasonably should have discovered
    17   the RICO injury.”   Koch, 785 F. Supp. 2d at 114 (citing
    18   Bankers Trust Co. v. Rhoades, 
    859 F.2d 1096
    , 1102 (2d Cir.
    19   1988)).
    20        Koch contends that the District Court incorrectly applied
    21   the law with respect to what facts must be discovered for a
    22   RICO claim to accrue.   Koch argues that the District Court
    23   misinterpreted the Supreme Court’s decision in Rotella as
    24   supporting a “discovery of the injury standard,” and that, in
    1   any event, the Supreme Court’s recent decision in Merck, 130 S.
    2   Ct. 1784, requires that a plaintiff have knowledge of a
    3   defendant’s scienter, as well as the alleged injury, for the
    4   plaintiff’s claim to accrue.   This threshold question is one
    5   of first impression for this Court.
    6         Koch argues that the Court in Rotella declined to “settle
    7   upon a final rule” with respect to RICO claim accrual.     528
    8   U.S. at 554 n.2.   That argument fails to appreciate the impact
    9   of Rotella.   In Rotella, the Supreme Court resolved a conflict
    10   among the Courts of Appeals between “some form of the injury
    11   discovery rule (preferred by a majority of Circuits to have
    12   considered it), and the injury and pattern discovery rule.”
    13   Id. at 554.   The Court definitively “eliminate[d] the latter.”
    14   Id.   The Court left open the possibility of “a straight injury
    15   occurrence rule” unsoftened by an extension to allow for
    16   reasonable discovery, id. at 554 n.2, but such a rule would be
    17   even less favorable to plaintiffs like Koch who assert RICO
    18   claims decades after the alleged injury occurred.   However,
    19   the Court made plain that, to the extent that “a discovery
    20   accrual rule” applies, “discovery of the injury, not discovery
    21   of the other elements of a claim, is what starts the clock.”
    22   Id. at 555.
    23         This Court’s decisions in RICO cases have followed
    24   Rotella’s plain language on this point.   See, e.g., World
    1   Wrestling Entm’t, Inc. v. Jakks Pac., Inc., 328 F. App’x 695,
    2   697 (2d Cir. 2009) (summary order); Frankel v. Cole, 
    313 F. 3
       App’x 418, 419-20 (2d Cir. 2009) (summary order); McLaughlin v.
    4   Am. Tobacco Co., 
    522 F.3d 215
    , 233 (2d Cir. 2008) (RICO’s
    5   four-year statute of limitations “begins to run when the
    6   plaintiff discovers-or should reasonably have discovered-the
    7   alleged injury”), abrogated in part on other grounds by,
    8   Bridge v. Phoenix Bond & Indem. Co., 
    553 U.S. 639
     (2008); see
    9   also Merrill Lynch P’ships, 
    154 F.3d at 60
     (“[T]his Circuit
    10   has adopted an ‘injury discovery’ rule in RICO cases which
    11   holds that ‘a plaintiff’s action accrues against a defendant
    12   for a specific injury on the date that plaintiff discovers or
    13   should have discovered that injury.’” (quoting Bankers Trust,
    859 F.2d at 1103
    15        Koch argues that the Supreme Court’s recent decision in
    16   Merck overruled Rotella and that, after Merck, a RICO
    17   plaintiff must have discovered the facts showing the fraud,
    18   including scienter.   This argument is without merit.
    19        Merck arose out of an alleged violation of § 10(b) of the
    20   Securities Exchange Act of 1934, 15 U.S.C. § 78j(b).
    21   See 
    130 S. Ct. at 1790
    .   Because it was a securities fraud
    22   action, 
    28 U.S.C. § 1658
    (b) governed the accrual rule in Merck.
    23   That section provides:
    1        [A] private right of action that involves a claim of
    2        fraud,     deceit,   manipulation,    or     contrivance      in
    3        contravention of a regulatory requirement concerning
    4        the securities laws . . . may be brought not later
    5        than the earlier of—(1) 2 years after the discovery
    6        of the facts constituting the violation; or (2) 5
    7        years after such violation.
    28 U.S.C. § 1658
    (b); see Merck, 
    130 S. Ct. at 1790
    9   At issue in Merck was the meaning of the statutory terms “the
    10   facts constituting the violation.”        
    Id. at 1796
    .    The Court
    11   held that “facts showing scienter are among those that
    12   ‘constitut[e] the violation.’”       
    28 U.S.C. § 13
       1658(b)) (alterations in original).       This Court has followed
    14   that holding in subsequent securities fraud cases.          See City
    15   of Pontiac Gen. Emps.’ Ret. Sys. v. MBIA, Inc., 
    637 F.3d 169
    16   173 (2d Cir. 2011) (Merck “changed the securities fraud law of
    17   this Circuit with respect to the onset of the applicable two-
    18   year statute of limitations.”).
    19        But § 1658(b) does not apply to RICO actions.           With
    20   respect to accrual, the civil RICO statute is “silent on the
    21   issue.”   Rotella, 
    528 U.S. at 555
    .       In such circumstances,
    22   “[f]ederal courts . . . generally apply a discovery accrual
    23   rule.”    
       “[I]n applying a discovery accrual rule, . . .
    24   discovery of the injury, not discovery of the other elements
    25   of a claim, is what starts the clock.”          
       Nothing in
    1   Merck’s discussion of § 1658(b) purports to alter this well-
    2   established rule or even to apply it outside the context of
    3   the statute at issue in that case.    At bottom, Merck involved
    4   a situation where the statute was not silent, but rather
    5   stated that discovery of the facts constituting the
    6   “violation” lead to accrual.    Merck, in other words, involved
    7   a statutory exception to the common law rule discussed in
    8   Rotella.   See Jay E. Hayden Found. v. First Neighbor Bank,
    9   N.A., 
    610 F.3d 382
    , 387 (7th Cir. 2010) (“For remember that
    10   it’s the discovery of the injury (and injurer) . . . that
    11   starts the limitations period running . . . .    That at least
    12   is the general rule, though there are exceptions; the
    13   limitations period in the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, for
    14   example, doesn't begin to run until the plaintiff discovers
    15   ‘the facts constituting the violation.’    But RICO requires
    16   discovery only of the injury and the injurer.” (citing Merck
    130 S. Ct. at 1796-97
    )) (citation omitted).
    18        There is a presumption that the Supreme Court does not
    19   overrule itself sub silentio.     See, e.g., Hohn v. United
    20   States, 
    524 U.S. 236
    , 252-53 (1998) (“Our decisions remain
    21   binding precedent until we see fit to reconsider them,
    22   regardless of whether subsequent cases have raised doubts
    23   about their continuing vitality.”).    Merck never mentioned
    24   Rotella and did not discuss the rationale for the discovery of
    1   the injury rule that Rotella adopted.   The underlying
    2   rationale of the Court’s decisions in both Rotella and Klehr v.
    3   A.O. Smith Corp., 
    521 U.S. 179
     (1997), upon which Rotella
    4   relied, was concerned with the lengthy limitations period that
    5   would flow from a “last predicate act” discovery rule, Klehr,
    521 U.S. at 186
    , or an “injury and pattern discovery rule,”
    7   Rotella, 
    528 U.S. at 554
    .   The Supreme Court rejected these
    8   because they “would allow proof of a defendant’s acts even
    9   more remote from time of trial and, hence, litigation even
    10   more at odds with the basic policies of all limitations
    11   provisions: repose, elimination of stale claims, and certainty
    12   about a plaintiff’s opportunity for recovery and a defendant’s
    13   potential liabilities.”   
    Id. at 555
    14        In Rotella, the appellant proposed an “accrual rule
    15   softened by a pattern discovery feature.”   
    Id. at 558
    .   Koch
    16   proposes an accrual rule softened by a scienter discovery
    17   feature.   Here, as in Rotella, such a softening feature “would
    18   undercut every single policy” served by limitations provisions.
    Id. at 558-59
     (“A limitations period that would have begun to
    20   run only eight years after a claim became ripe would bar
    21   repose, prove a godsend to stale claims, and doom any hope of
    22   certainty in identifying potential liability.”).   It would
    23   also dilute the incentive of private attorneys general
    24   diligently to investigate, prosecute, and bring unlawful
    1   activity to light.    See Klehr, 
    521 U.S. at 195
    2   civil [antitrust and RICO] actions seek not only to compensate
    3   victims but also to encourage those victims themselves
    4   diligently to investigate and thereby to uncover unlawful
    5   activity.”); see also Rotella, 
    528 U.S. at 559
    6   Congress’s intent to create “a civil enforcement scheme
    7   parallel to the Clayton Act regime, aimed at rewarding the
    8   swift who undertake litigation in the public good.”).
    9           The injury discovery rule serves those policies by
    10   holding plaintiffs to a high standard.    The Court in Rotella
    11   considered and rejected the argument that RICO fraud claims
    12   demand a more “lenient” rule of accrual, 
    id. at 557
    , and noted
    13   specifically that the requirement to plead RICO fraud claims
    14   with particularity pursuant to Rule 9(b) of the Federal Rules
    15   of Civil Procedure was not a basis for rejecting the discovery
    16   of the injury rule for accrual.     
    Id. at 560-61
    17           The rule of accrual for securities fraud cases pursuant
    18   to § 1658(b) is a statutory exception to the injury discovery
    19   rule.    In the securities fraud context, discovery of facts
    20   constituting the violation, including scienter, is necessary
    21   for the claim to accrue because the statute of limitations
    22   requires it.    Pontiac, 
    637 F.3d at
    174 (citing Merck, 130 S.
    23   Ct. at 1798).    But Merck’s scienter discovery requirement does
    24   not apply outside the realm of the statute that it interpreted.
    1   It remains the law in this Circuit that a RICO claim accrues
    2   upon the discovery of the injury alone.
    4                                 II.
    5        The next issue is when Koch’s claim accrued.
    6        In a RICO case, the first step in the statute of
    7   limitations analysis is to determine when the plaintiff
    8   sustained the alleged injury for which the plaintiff seeks
    9   redress.   The court then determines when the plaintiff
    10   “discovered or should have discovered the injury and begin[s]
    11   the four-year statute of limitations period at that point.”
    12   Merrill Lynch P’Ships, 
    154 F.3d at 59
    .    As a general matter,
    13   “the limitations period does not begin to run until [a
    14   plaintiff] ha[s] actual or inquiry notice of the injury.”     
    15   at 60.
    16        The District Court in this case held that “[t]he RICO
    17   statute of limitations . . . runs even where the full extent
    18   of the RICO scheme is not discovered until a later date, so
    19   long as there were ‘storm warnings’ that should have prompted
    20   an inquiry.”   Koch, 785 F. Supp. 2d at 114 (quoting Jakks, 328
    21   F. App’x at 697).   Such storm warnings, the District Court
    22   explained, “need not detail every aspect of the alleged
    23   fraudulent scheme.”   Id. (quoting Staehr v. Hartford Fin.
    24   Servs. Grp., Inc., 
    547 F.3d 406
    , 427 (2d Cir. 2008)).     Rather,
    1   such storm warnings are sufficient where, “a person of
    2   ordinary intelligence would consider it ‘probable’ that fraud
    3   had occurred.”   
     (quoting Dodds v. Cigna Secs., Inc., 12
    4 F.3d 346
    , 350 (2d Cir. 1993)).3   We agree that the statute of
    5   limitations began to run at least by October 2000, by which
    6   time Koch was on inquiry notice with respect to his RICO
    7   injury, and therefore the RICO claim was time-barred before
    8   January 2008, when Koch and Christie’s agreed to toll the
    9   statute of limitations.
    Koch argues that the District Court erred in holding that he
    was “on inquiry notice of his injuries no later than October
    16, 2000,” because “[b]y this date, a reasonable person should
    have been alerted to ‘storm warnings’ that the Th.J wine was
    possibly counterfeit.” Koch, 785 F. Supp. 2d at 116 (emphasis
    added). However, the District Court correctly stated, in the
    section of its opinion laying out the legal standard, that the
    standard for triggering inquiry notice is whether “a person of
    ordinary intelligence would consider it ‘probable’ that fraud
    had occurred.” Koch, 785 F. Supp. 2d at 114 (citing Dodds, 12
    F.3d at 350). Moreover, while the District Court’s language
    may have been incorrect inasmuch as it used the term
    “possible” rather than “probable,” the District Court’s
    holding was plainly that there was “ample evidence showing
    Plaintiff was aware of his injuries no later than October 16,
    2000.” Id. at 116. In any event, our review of the District
    Court’s decision with respect to inquiry notice is de novo,
    and, as explained in greater detail below, the District Court
    reached the correct conclusion because the Woods Hole Report,
    which indicated a greater than 90% chance that the Th.J. wine
    was not from the date that it purported to be, would suggest
    to a plaintiff of reasonable intelligence that his injury was
    probable, not simply possible.
    1       In Lentell v. Merrill Lynch & Co., Inc., 
    396 F.3d 161
    2   Cir. 2005), this Court set out a detailed description of when
    3   inquiry notice occurs:
    4        Inquiry notice-often called “storm warnings” in the
    5        securities context-gives rise to a duty of inquiry
    6        “when the circumstances would suggest to an investor
    7        of ordinary intelligence the probability that she
    8        has been defrauded.”     In such circumstances, the
    9        imputation of knowledge will be timed in one of two
    10        ways: (i) “[i]f the investor makes no inquiry once
    11        the duty arises, knowledge will be imputed as of the
    12        date the duty arose”; and (ii) if some inquiry is
    13        made, “we will impute knowledge of what an investor
    14        in the exercise of reasonable diligence[ ] should
    15        have discovered concerning the fraud, and in such
    16        cases the limitations period begins to run from the
    17        date such inquiry should have revealed the fraud.”
    Id. at 168
     (citations omitted).
    19        While inquiry notice as described in Lentell was
    20   developed in the context of securities fraud cases, it applies
    21   equally in RICO cases.   See, e.g., Jakks, 328 F. App’x at 697;
    22   Merrill Lynch P’Ships, 
    154 F.3d at 60
    .   In the securities
    23   fraud context, this Court has recently explained that “Merck
    24   overruled this analysis.”   Pontiac, 
    637 F.3d at 174
    25   Merck, 
    130 S. Ct. at 1798
    ).   Merck held that, in securities
    26   fraud actions, “the limitations period begins to run only
    27   after ‘a reasonably diligent plaintiff would have discovered
    1   the facts constituting the violation, including scienter—
    2   irrespective of whether the actual plaintiff undertook a
    3   reasonably diligent investigation.’”   
     (quoting Merck, 130
    4   S. Ct. at 1798).   However, as discussed above, the Court’s
    5   holding in Merck on this point was grounded explicitly on the
    6   securities-related statute at issue in that case, which tied
    7   the statute of limitations to the “discovery of the facts
    8   constituting the violation.”   Merck, 
    130 S. Ct. at 1796
    .    The
    9   Court acknowledged that the common law rule, which imputes
    10   knowledge as of the date of inquiry notice to a plaintiff who
    11   makes no inquiry for the entire statutory period after the
    12   duty to inquire arose, might be unaffected.   
     at 1797
    13   (“[T]he court-created ‘discovery rule’ exception to ordinary
    14   statutes of limitations is not generally available to
    15   plaintiffs who fail to pursue their claims with reasonable
    16   diligence.   But we are dealing here with a statute, not a
    17   court-created exception to a statute.”).
    18        This Court’s pre-Merck securities fraud cases grounded
    19   inquiry notice doctrine upon common law principles that are
    20   applicable to RICO actions.    See, e.g., Armstrong v. McAlpin,
    699 F.2d 79
    , 88 (2d Cir. 1983) (“[W]here the circumstances are
    22   such as to suggest to a person of ordinary intelligence the
    23   probability that he has been defrauded, a duty of inquiry
    24   arises, and if he omits that inquiry when it would have
    1   developed the truth, and shuts his eyes to the facts which
    2   call for investigation, knowledge of the fraud will be imputed
    3   to him.” (quoting Higgins v. Crouse, 
    42 N.E. 6
    , 7 (N.Y.
    4   1895))).   Compare Dodds, 12 F.3d at 350 (“[W]hen the
    5   circumstances would suggest to an investor of ordinary
    6   intelligence the probability that she has been defrauded, a
    7   duty of inquiry arises, and knowledge will be imputed to the
    8   investor who does not make such an inquiry.” (citing
    9   Armstrong, 
    699 F.2d at 88
    )).4   And this Court has previously
    10   drawn on the pre-Merck securities fraud cases in explaining
    11   the nature of inquiry notice and accrual in RICO actions.     See,
    12   e.g., Merrill Lynch P’ships, 
    154 F.3d at
    60 (citing Dodds, 12
    That the Lentell analysis treats differently plaintiffs who
    act differently comports with the discovery rule’s animating
    common law principle: parties have a duty to pursue potential
    claims with reasonable diligence. Compare Holmberg v.
    327 U.S. 392
    , 397 (1946) (“[T]his Court long ago
    adopted as its own the old chancery rule that where a
    plaintiff has been injured by fraud and ‘remains in ignorance
    of it without any fault or want of diligence or care on his
    part, the bar of the statute does not begin to run until the
    fraud is discovered.’” (quoting Bailey v. Glover, 
    88 U.S. 342
    348 (1874))) (emphasis added), with Higgins, 
    42 N.E. at 6-7
    (“When . . . facts are known from which the inference of fraud
    follows, there is a discovery of the facts constituting the
    fraud . . . . That the defrauded party did not actually draw
    the inference, but shut his eyes to it, does not stop the
    running of the statute. He ought to have known, and so is
    presumed to have known, the fraud perpetrated.”).
    1   F.3d at 350).   Because Merck was interpreting the meaning of
    2   the term “discovery” in the accrual statute for securities
    3   fraud actions,5 it did not alter the accrual rules for RICO
    4   actions.   Therefore, the Lentell articulation of inquiry
    5   notice continues to apply in RICO actions.
    6        Koch argues that, notwithstanding Lentell, inquiry notice
    7   can never trigger the running of the statute of limitations.
    8   Rather, he argues, the statute does not begin to run until a
    9   plaintiff “in the exercise of reasonable diligence, should
    10   have discovered” the injury.   See Rothman v. Gregor, 
    220 F.3d 11
       81, 97 (2d Cir. 2000) (quoting Sterlin v. Biomune Sys., 154
    12 F.3d 1191
    , 1201 (10th Cir. 1998)).   However, in Rothman, which
    13   preceded Lentell, the plaintiffs “actually inquired further
    14   after” a duty of inquiry arose.   
    Id. at 97
    .   Rothman, a
    15   securities fraud case, is illustrative of Lentell’s second
    16   prong; in that case, it would have been improper to begin the
    17   running of the statute at the time that the duty to inquire
    18   arose.   Where a RICO plaintiff does begin or has begun to
    19   inquire once the duty arises, the Court must determine when a
    20   reasonably diligent investigation would have revealed the
    Indeed, the Court in Merck rejected altogether the
    application of inquiry notice in 
    28 U.S.C. § 1658
    (b), finding
    that “[w]e cannot reconcile it with the statute, which simply
    provides that ‘discovery’ is the event that triggers the 2–
    year limitations period.” 
    130 S. Ct. at 1798
    1   injury to a person of reasonable intelligence, and the statute
    2   of limitations begins to run on that date.    Cf. Lentell, 396
    3   F.3d at 168.   The existence of “storm warnings” sufficient to
    4   trigger inquiry notice does not begin the clock when the
    5   plaintiff actually pursues an investigation.
    6        Nevertheless, when a RICO plaintiff “makes no inquiry
    7   once the duty arises, knowledge will be imputed as of the date
    8   the duty arose.”   Id.   Thus, once there are sufficient “storm
    9   warnings” to trigger the duty to inquire, and the duty arises,
    10   if a plaintiff does not inquire within the limitations period,
    11   the claim will be time-barred.     In such a case, knowledge of
    12   facts that would suggest to a reasonably intelligent person
    13   the probability that the person has been injured is
    14   dispositive.   See Jakks, 328 F. App’x at 697 (“The RICO
    15   statute of limitations . . . runs even where the full extent
    16   of the RICO scheme is not discovered until a later date, so
    17   long as there were ‘storm warnings’ that should have prompted
    18   an inquiry.”).
    19        The District Court correctly determined that this is such
    20   a case.   At least by October 16, 2000, when the Woods Hole
    21   Report was issued, inquiry notice had been triggered.    By
    22   then, Koch was aware of numerous articles noting that the
    23   provenance of the Th.J wine could not be proved and noting
    24   comments by Monticello experts on Thomas Jefferson that cast
    1   serious doubt on Jefferson’s ownership or relationship to the
    2   wine.    Attorneys retained to investigate the authenticity of
    3   the Th.J. wine brought these articles to Koch’s attention.
    4   Around that same time, the plaintiff became aware of a lawsuit
    5   in a German court accusing the man who supposedly found the
    6   Th.J wine and from whom the plaintiff had bought the wine, of
    7   forging the bottles, based on testing that dated the wine to
    8   1960.    The Woods Hole Report indicated that the wine was
    9   likely not from the period that the defendants had claimed it
    10   to be.    Indeed, the Woods Hole Report indicated a greater than
    11   90% probability that the Th.J. wine was not from the years
    12   listed on their bottles.    All of these facts, but particularly
    13   the Woods Hole testing, which related directly to the
    14   authenticity of the    age of the wine and not merely to its
    15   relationship to Thomas Jefferson, would suggest to a
    16   reasonably intelligent person that the wine was not authentic.
    17   The circumstances suggested far more than the “mere
    18   possibility” that Koch had bought counterfeit wine.    Thus, by
    19   October 16, 2000, Koch had a duty to conduct a reasonably
    20   diligent investigation into the Th.J. wine.
    21           It is not disputed that Koch did not begin any such
    22   investigation until 2005.    Because the duty to inquire had
    23   arisen and been unmet for more than four years, the District
    1   Court correctly imputed to Koch knowledge of the injury as of
    2   the date the duty arose.   His claim is therefore time-barred.
    4                                   III.
    5        Koch also argues that the District Court erred in
    6   dismissing his common law fraudulent conspiracy and aiding and
    7   abetting claims.   Under New York law, the time within which an
    8   action based upon fraud must be commenced is “the greater of
    9   six years from the date the cause of action accrued or two
    10   years from the time the plaintiff . . . discovered the fraud,
    11   or could with reasonable diligence have discovered it.”    N.Y.
    12   C.P.L.R. 213(8) (MCKINNEY 2004); see Sargiss v. Magarelli, 909
    13 N.E. 2d 573
    , 576 (N.Y. 2009).     Because the alleged fraud was
    14   completed in 1988, when Koch purchased the Th.J. wine, his
    15   common law claims are timely only if they were brought within
    16   two years of the date the fraud was discovered or could have
    17   been discovered with reasonable diligence.
    18        Koch relies on Erbe v. Lincoln Rochester Trust Co., 144
    19 N.E.2d 78
     (N.Y. 1957), for the proposition that whether a
    20   plaintiff is “possessed of knowledge of facts from which
    21   [fraud] could be reasonably inferred,” such that the statute
    22   of limitations begins to run, “[o]rdinarily . . . presents a
    23   mixed question of law and fact and, where it does not
    24   conclusively appear that the plaintiffs had knowledge of facts
    1   of that nature a complaint should not be dismissed on motion.”
    Id. at 80-81
    .   He argues that New York law provides a higher
    3   threshold for inquiry notice than the standard under RICO law,
    4   and that this precludes dismissal of a fraud claim on a motion
    5   to dismiss.    This argument is without merit.
    6        Erbe arose from a bank’s sale of stock in a closely-held
    7   corporation.    
    Id. at 79
    .   The bank was an executor and
    8   creditor of an estate, a major portion of which consisted of
    9   stock.   
       In 1943, the bank sold the stock to itself at a
    10   public auction.   
       The plaintiffs, who were interested in
    11   the estate, sued ten years later for fraud, and the action was
    12   dismissed on the grounds that it was barred by the six year
    13   statute of limitations that then existed.6       
    Id. at 79-80
    At the time Erbe was decided, “[t]he New York Civil Practice
    Act, § 48, subd. 5, provide[d] a six-year period of
    limitations as to actions for fraud, a period which [began] to
    run only from the discovery of the fraud.” Rieser v. Balt. &
    Ohio R.R. Co., 
    228 F.2d 563
    , 566 (2d Cir. 1955); see Civil
    Practice Act § 48, subd. 5, compiled in, 8 Gilbert-Bliss Civil
    Practice of the State of New York 13 (1956) (“The cause of
    action in [a fraud] case is not deemed to have accrued until
    the discovery by the plaintiff . . . of the facts constituting
    the fraud”); see also Erbe, 144 N.E.2d at 80 (citing Civil
    Practice Act, § 48, subd. 5).
    In 1965, New York enacted the predecessor of what is now
    N.Y. C.P.L.R § 203
    (g). See 
    1965 N.Y. Laws 56
    . That section
    now provides, with certain exceptions, that “where the time
    within which an action must be commenced is computed from the
    time when facts were discovered or from the time when facts
    could with reasonable diligence have been discovered, . . .
    the action must be commenced within two years after such
    actual or imputed discovery or within the period otherwise
    1        The New York Court of Appeals reversed the dismissal,
    2   because the record did not “disclose a sufficient basis for
    3   imputing a knowledge of the fraud alleged to the plaintiffs at
    4   a date greater than six years prior to the commencement of
    5   this action.”   
    Id. at 80
    .   The Court characterized the facts
    6   in the record as merely “facts which aroused plaintiffs'
    7   suspicions as to the defendant bank's good faith in the prior
    8   Surrogate's proceedings,” and “not necessarily knowledge of
    9   facts from which the alleged fraudulent conspiracy might be
    10   reasonably inferred.”   
    Id. at 81
    .   However, the Court
    provided, computed from the time the cause of action accrued,
    whichever is longer.” N.Y. C.P.L.R. 203(g) (MCKINNEY 2001).
    The section was enacted at the suggestion of the joint
    legislative committee tasked with overhauling New York’s
    system of civil practice in the early 1960s. See 7B
    McKinney’s Consolidated Laws of 
    N.Y. Ann. § 203
    , at 213
    (2003). The joint committee recommended the shorter discovery
    rule because “where the facts are not discovered, and the
    period consequently would not begin to run until long after
    the event, there seems no reason why the plaintiff should not
    be required to proceed expeditiously after such discovery.”
    Sixth Report to the Legislature by the Senate Finance
    Committee Relative to the Revision of the Civil Practice Act
    74 (1962). The joint committee acknowledged that, at the
    time, the proposed two-year discovery provision “ha[d] no
    counterpart in present practice.” Id.; see also 1 Weinstein,
    Korn & Miller, New York Civil Practice: CPLR ¶ 203.App.03 (2d
    Ed.) (noting that the two-year discovery provision had “no
    precedent either in New York statutory or case law.”). In
    N.Y. C.P.L.R. § 213
    (8), the limitations provision for
    fraud-based actions, was amended to include explicitly the two
    year discovery limitation of § 203(g), although New York
    courts had applied the two-year discovery provision to fraud
    actions since the provision’s enactment. Id. at ¶¶ 203.35,
    213App.01, 213App.03.
    1   acknowledged the longstanding rule in New York that
    2   “plaintiffs will be held to have discovered the fraud when it
    3   is established that they were possessed of knowledge of facts
    4   from which it could be reasonably inferred, that is, inferred
    5   from facts which indicate the alleged fraud.”   Id. at 80.
    6        The statement of New York law in Erbe remains accurate.
    7   See Sargiss, 909 N.E.2d at 576 (“The inquiry as to whether a
    8   plaintiff could, with reasonable diligence, have discovered
    9   the fraud turns on whether the plaintiff was ‘possessed of
    10   knowledge of facts from which [the fraud] could be reasonably
    11   inferred.’   ‘Generally, knowledge of the fraudulent act is
    12   required and mere suspicion will not constitute a sufficient
    13   substitute.’   ‘Where it does not conclusively appear that a
    14   plaintiff had knowledge of facts from which the fraud could
    15   reasonably be inferred, a complaint should not be dismissed on
    16   motion and the question should be left to the trier of the
    17   facts.’” (quoting Erbe, 144 N.E.2d at 80-81)) (internal
    18   citations omitted).   However, New York law does not support a
    19   contrary result in this case.
    20        Unlike in Erbe, there is no factual dispute about what
    21   knowledge Koch had in this case; rather, the question is
    22   whether he could reasonably have inferred the fraud from that
    23   knowledge.   For the reasons already explained, Koch could have
    24   inferred the fraud based on the facts he had in October 2000,
    1   when he learned that there was a high probability that the
    2   wine that he alleges he bought in reliance on the
    3   representations of authenticity made by Christie’s was in fact
    4   counterfeit, and certainly by 2005, when he came into
    5   possession of the Monticello Report.   Even beginning to run
    6   the limitations period at the latter date would render Koch’s
    7   common law claims time-barred under New York’s two-year
    8   statute of limitations.
    9        Moreover, New York law recognizes, as RICO law does, that
    10   a plaintiff may be put on inquiry notice, which can trigger
    11   the running of the statute of limitations if the plaintiff
    12   does not pursue a reasonable investigation.   See Gutkin v
    13   Siegal, 
    926 N.Y.S.2d 485
    , 486 (App. Div. 2011) (“‘[W]here the
    14   circumstances are such as to suggest to a person of ordinary
    15   intelligence the probability that he has been defrauded, a
    16   duty of inquiry arises, and if he omits that inquiry when it
    17   would have developed the truth, and shuts his eyes to the
    18   facts which call for investigation, knowledge of the fraud
    19   will be imputed to him’” (quoting Higgins, 
    42 N.E. at 7
    20   Thus, while it is true that New York courts will not grant a
    21   motion to dismiss a fraud claim where the plaintiff’s
    22   knowledge is disputed, it is proper under New York law to
    23   dismiss a fraud claim on a motion to dismiss pursuant to the
    24   two-year discovery rule when the alleged facts do establish
    1   that a duty of inquiry existed and that an inquiry was not
    2   pursued.7   See Sielcken-Schwarz v. Am. Factors, 
    192 N.E. 307
    3   310 (N.Y. 1934) (citing Higgins, 
    42 N.E. at 7
    ); see, e.g,
    4   Shalik v. Hewlett Assocs., L.P., 
    940 N.Y.S.2d 304
    , 305-
    5   06 (App. Div. 2012) (“The two-year period begins to run when
    6   the circumstances reasonably would suggest to the plaintiff
    7   that he or she may have been defrauded, so as to trigger a
    8   duty to inquire on his or her part”) (citation omitted)
    9   (affirming dismissal because “the defendants established,
    10   prima facie, that the plaintiffs possessed information
    11   regarding the questionable authenticity of the decedent’s
    12   signature on the Amendment more than two years before they
    13   filed the complaint”); Gutkin, 
    926 N.Y.S.2d at 486
    ; Waters of
    14   Saratoga Springs, Inc. v. New York, 
    498 N.Y.S.2d 196
    15   199 (App. Div. 1986), aff’d, 
    498 N.E.2d 146
     (N.Y. 1986).
    New York Courts also grant summary judgment based on the
    same clear principle that if a plaintiff is on inquiry notice
    and fails to make any investigation for two years, the
    plaintiff’s action will be time-barred under the two-year
    discovery rule. See, e.g., Marasa v. Andrews, 
    892 N.Y.S.2d 494
    , 495 (App. Div. 2010); TMG-II v. Price Waterhouse &
    572 N.Y.S.2d 6
    , 7 (App. Div. 1991) (holding that, based
    on published news reports detailing a lawsuit filed against
    the defendant, “the underlying facts of the fraud claim
    against [the defendant], to the extent that they were not
    already known, could have been discovered with the exercise of
    due diligence more than two years before the action was
    commenced”), leave to appeal denied, 
    588 N.E.2d 97
    1        Indeed, the standard applied in this Circuit with respect
    2   to inquiry notice in RICO and pre-Merck securities fraud cases
    3   shares its origin with the standard for inquiry notice under
    4   New York law.   In Armstrong v. McAlpin, this Court adopted the
    5   language of Higgins v. Crouse, a seminal case with respect to
    6   the common law of inquiry notice in New York, finding Higgins
    7   “fully applicable in cases such as the instant one, which
    8   involve claims of securities fraud.”   
    699 F.2d at 88
    .   Koch
    9   presents no argument why the rule under New York law is
    10   different from the RICO rule: where the facts would suggest
    11   the probability of fraud to a reasonably intelligent person,
    12   failure to investigate will prove fatal to the plaintiff’s
    13   claim if such a claim is not brought within the statutory
    14   limitations period beginning from the time of such inquiry
    15   notice.
    16        The District Court in this case concluded that “[i]t is
    17   clear that as of the testing of the wine in 2000, Plaintiff
    18   ‘had knowledge of facts from which the alleged fraud might
    19   reasonably be inferred.’”   Koch, 785 F. Supp. 2d at 118
    20   (quoting Jeffrey BB. v. Cardinal McCloskey Sch., & Home for
    21   Children, 
    689 N.Y.S.2d 721
    , 724 (App. Div. 1999)).   This
    22   conclusion was correct.   At the very least, the Woods Hole
    23   Report prompted a duty to inquire under New York law, and,
    24   because Koch made no such inquiry over the course of the next
    1   two years, knowledge of the fraud can be imputed to him.8
    2   See, e.g., Shalik, 
    940 N.Y.S.2d at 305
    .   The District Court
    3   properly dismissed Koch’s common law fraud claims.
    5                                  IV.
    6        Finally, Koch argues that the District Court erred in
    7   refusing to toll the statute of limitations in this case due
    8   to alleged fraudulent concealment by Christie’s.   This
    9   argument is without merit.
    10        “Under federal common law, a statute of limitations may
    11   be tolled due to the defendant's fraudulent concealment if the
    12   plaintiff establishes that: (1) the defendant wrongfully
    13   concealed material facts relating to defendant’s wrongdoing;
    14   (2) the concealment prevented plaintiff’s ‘discovery of the
    15   nature of the claim within the limitations period’; and (3)
    16   plaintiff exercised due diligence in pursuing the discovery of
    17   the claim during the period plaintiff seeks to have tolled.”
    18   Corcoran v. N.Y. Power Auth., 
    202 F.3d 530
    , 543 (2d Cir. 1999)
    19   (internal citation omitted); see also Abbas v. Dixon, 
    480 F.3d 8
    Koch does not appear to press the argument that, under New
    York law, all of the elements of the fraud, including
    scienter, must be known for the claim to accrue. Even if he
    did we would not need to reach the question. Koch failed to
    make any investigation after he was on inquiry notice of the
    fraud in October 2000 until at least 2005, by which time the
    two-year statute of limitations had expired.
    1   636, 642 (2d Cir. 2007) (“Under New York law, the doctrines of
    2   equitable tolling or equitable estoppel may be invoked to
    3   defeat a statute of limitations defense when the plaintiff was
    4   induced by fraud, misrepresentations or deception to refrain
    5   from filing a timely action”) (internal quotation marks and
    6   citation omitted).   “We review a district court's decision to
    7   deny equitable tolling for abuse of discretion.”    Zerilli–
    8   Edelglass v. N.Y.C. Transit Auth., 
    333 F.3d 74
    , 81 (2d Cir.
    9   2003).
    10        Reasonable diligence is a prerequisite to the
    11   applicability of equitable tolling.    See, e.g., Klehr, 521
    12   U.S. at 194 (“[A RICO] plaintiff who is not reasonably
    13   diligent may not assert fraudulent concealment”) (internal
    14   quotation marks omitted); Abbas, 480 F.3d at 642 (noting with
    15   respect to equitable tolling under New York law that diligence
    16   is an “essential element of equitable relief”) (citation
    17   omitted).   Based on the undisputed fact that Koch did not
    18   pursue any investigation for over four years after receiving
    19   the Woods Hole Report, Koch did not act with reasonable
    20   diligence during that period.     While Koch makes specific
    21   allegations with respect to the 2006 efforts of Christie’s and
    22   Broadbent to hinder his investigation, the District Court
    23   correctly found that those allegations were irrelevant because
    24   the statute of limitations had already run by that time.      As
    1   the District Court explained with respect to those
    2   allegations, the “tolling period cannot delay the expiration
    3   of a deadline when that deadline has already expired.”      Koch,
    4   785 F. Supp. 2d at 117 (quoting Nichols v. Prudential Ins. Co.
    5   of Am., 
    406 F.3d 98
    , 108 (2d Cir. 2005)).
    6           Koch’s allegations with respect to the period before the
    7   Woods Hole Report, such as the somewhat generalized allegation
    8   that Christie’s intentionally failed to disclose the details
    9   of the Monticello Report, do not indicate how Christie’s
    10   prevented Koch from discovering his claim.    Koch alleges that
    11   he was able to obtain the Monticello Report by simply making a
    12   phone call and that within two years he had uncovered the
    13   fraud.    There is no allegation that any defendant took any
    14   action that prevented Koch from making the same phone call
    15   immediately after he had seen the Woods Hole Report in October
    16   2000.    The ineluctable conclusion is that Koch failed to file
    17   his claim within the statute of limitations not due to the
    18   defendants’ fraudulent concealment, but due to his own failure
    19   to exercise reasonable diligence.    The District Court’s
    20   refusal to apply an equitable toll to any of Koch’s causes of
    21   action was not an abuse of discretion.
    1                             CONCLUSION
    2        We have considered all of the arguments of the parties.
    3   To the extent not specifically addressed above, they are
    4   either moot or without merit.    For the reasons explained
    5   above, we AFFIRM the judgment of the District Court.

Document Info

Docket Number: 11-1522-cv

Citation Numbers: 699 F.3d 141

Judges: Koeltl, Raggi, Sack

Filed Date: 10/4/2012

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 8/5/2023

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