Steel Institute of New York v. City of New York , 716 F.3d 31 ( 2013 )

  •      12-276-cv
    Steel Institute of New York v. City of New York
    2                       UNITED STATES COURT OF APPEALS
    4                           FOR THE SECOND CIRCUIT
    6                              August Term, 2012
    9       (Argued: December 20, 2012                Decided: May 7, 2013)
    11                              Docket No. 12-276
    13   - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -x
    17                     Plaintiff-Appellant,
    19               - v.-
    21   CITY OF NEW YORK,
    23                     Defendant-Appellee.
    25   - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -x
    27         Before:           JACOBS, Chief Judge, CALABRESI and SACK,
    28                           Circuit Judges.
    30         The Steel Institute of New York appeals the judgment of
    31   the United States District Court for the Southern District
    32   of New York (McMahon, J.), which granted the City of New
    33   York’s cross-motion for summary judgment and dismissed the
    34   complaint, alleging that the City’s regulation of cranes and
    35   other hoisting equipment is preempted by federal law.            For
    36   the following reasons, we affirm.
    1                                 BRIAN A. WOLF, Smith, Currie &
    2                                 Hancock, LLP, Fort Lauderdale,
    3                                 Florida (J. Daniel Puckett,
    4                                 Smith, Currie & Hancock, LLP,
    5                                 Atlanta, Georgia, on the brief),
    6                                 for Appellant.
    8                                 TAHIRIH M. SADRIEH (Edward F. X.
    9                                 Hart and Karen Selvin, on the
    10                                 brief), for Michael A. Cardozo,
    11                                 Corporation Counsel of the City
    12                                 of New York, New York, New York,
    13                                 for Appellee.
    15                                 M. Patricia Smith, Solicitor of
    16                                 Labor, U.S. Department of Labor,
    17                                 Washington, D.C. (Joseph M.
    18                                 Woodward, Charles F. James, and
    19                                 Allison G. Kramer, on the
    20                                 brief), for the Secretary of
    21                                 Labor as Amicus Curiae in
    22                                 Support of Appellee.
    25   DENNIS JACOBS, Chief Judge:
    27       The Steel Institute of New York, advancing the
    28   interests of the construction industry, sues the City of New
    29   York challenging local statutes and regulations that govern
    30   the use of cranes, derricks, and other hoisting equipment in
    31   construction and demolition.    The Steel Institute argues
    32   that they are preempted by the Occupational Safety and
    33   Health Act (the “Act”) and federal standards promulgated by
    34   the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (“OSHA”).
    35   The United States District Court for the Southern District
    1    of New York (McMahon, J.) dismissed the suit on summary
    2    judgment.    We affirm.
    4                                   I
    5        The Steel Institute sought declaratory and injunctive
    6    relief invalidating the City regulations listed in the
    7    margin1 on the grounds that they are preempted by the Act
    8    and OSHA’s regulations, violate the dormant Commerce Clause,
    9    and violate the Steel Institute’s procedural and substantive
    10   due process rights.
    11       Cross-motions for summary judgment were stayed pending
    12   the ongoing amendment of OSHA’s crane regulations, which
    13   were published August 9, 2010, and went into effect November
    14   8, 2010.    The preamble of the amended regulations added a
    15   statement on “federalism,” which referenced this lawsuit and
    16   disclaimed preemption of “any non-conflicting local or
    17   municipal building code designed to protect the public from
    18   the hazards of cranes.”   Cranes and Derricks in
    19   Construction, 
    75 Fed. Reg. 47,906
    , 48,129 (Aug. 9, 2010).
    20   The cross-motions were re-filed with addenda dealing with
    N.Y.C. Admin. Code §§ 28-3316.1-.6, .7.1-.8, 3319.1,
    .3-.8.7, .8.8(3)-(4), .8.8(6)-(7), .9-.9.2; Reference
    Standard 19-2 §§ 3.0-8.1, 9.0, 10.0, 13.1-21, 22.2-30.0.
    See J.A. 2.
    1    the amendments.   The Department of Labor filed an amicus
    2    curiae brief in the district court in support of the City’s
    3    position, as it has here.
    4        The district court granted the City’s cross-motion for
    5    summary judgment in December 2011, chiefly relying on Gade
    6    v. National Solid Wastes Management Ass’n, 
    505 U.S. 88
    7    (1992).   See Steel Inst. of N.Y. v. City of N.Y., 
    832 F. 8
        Supp. 2d 310, 320-32 (S.D.N.Y. 2011).    Although the court
    9    recognized that the City regulations directly and
    10   substantially regulate worker safety and health in an area
    11   where an OSHA standard exists (which usually would trigger
    12   preemption), the court concluded that the City regulations
    13   are saved from preemption under Gade because they are laws
    14   of “general applicability.”   
    Id. at 323-27
    .    “[C]onsiderable
    15   deference” was given to the Secretary of Labor’s
    16   interpretation of the preemptive effect of the Act and the
    17   OSHA regulations.   
    Id. at 328
    .    The district court also
    18   summarily dismissed the Commerce Clause and due process
    19   claims.   
    Id. at 332-37
    .   The Steel Institute’s appeal
    20   challenges only the ruling on preemption.
    21       We review de novo an order granting summary judgment,
    22   drawing all factual inferences in favor of the non-moving
    1    party.   Costello v. City of Burlington, 
    632 F.3d 41
    , 45 (2d
    2    Cir. 2011).   Summary judgment is appropriate when “there is
    3    no genuine dispute as to any material fact and the movant is
    4    entitled to judgment as a matter of law.”   Fed. R. Civ. P.
    5    56(a).   No material fact is at issue in this case.
    7                                  II
    8        The federal government regulates worker safety through
    9    the Occupational Safety and Health Act, which is
    10   administered by OSHA.   See 
    29 U.S.C. §§ 651-78
    .   The Act
    11   authorizes promulgation of occupational safety or health
    12   standards, 
     § 655, that are “reasonably necessary or
    13   appropriate to provide safe or healthful employment and
    14   places of employment,” id. § 652(8).   It is significant to
    15   our analysis that the Act does not protect the general
    16   public, but applies only to employers and employees in
    17   workplaces.   See, e.g., id. § 651(b)(1).
    18       In the absence of a federal standard, the Act allows
    19   states to regulate occupational safety or health issues.
    20   Id. § 667(a).   If there is a federal standard in place, a
    21   state may submit a “State plan” for the Secretary’s approval
    22   by which the state “assume[s] responsibility for development
    1    and enforcement” of occupational safety and health standards
    2    in the area covered by the federal standard.     Id. § 667(b)-
    3    (c).
    4           OSHA has promulgated regulations concerning the use of
    5    cranes, derricks, and hoisting equipment: 
    29 C.F.R. § 1926
    6    Subpart CC governs “Cranes and Derricks in Construction,”
    7    and Subpart DD governs “Cranes and Derricks Used in
    8    Demolition and Underground Construction.”     The federal
    9    standards apply to “power-operated equipment, when used in
    10   construction, that can hoist, lower and horizontally move a
    11   suspended load,” including various types of cranes,
    12   derricks, trucks, and other hoisting equipment.     29 C.F.R.
    13   § 1926.1400(a).
    14          Among other things, the federal rules regulate:
    15          • ground conditions that support cranes and similar
    16          equipment, id. § 1926.1402;
    18          • procedures and conditions for design, assembly,
    19          disassembly, operation, testing, and maintenance of the
    20          machinery, id. §§ 1926.1403, .1417, .1412, .1433;
    22          • proximity of the equipment to power lines during
    23          assembly, operation, and disassembly, id.
    24          §§ 1926.1407-.1411;
    26          • proximity of employees to the machinery and hoisted
    27          loads, id. §§ 1926.1424-.1425;
    29          •   signaling between workers, id. §§ 1926.1419-.1422;
    1        •     fall protection for workers, id. § 1926.1423; and
    3        • worker qualification, certification, and training,
    4        id. §§ 1926.1427-.1430.
    5    OSHA has authority to enter and inspect regulated worksites,
    6    and may enforce the regulations through citations, monetary
    7    penalties, criminal penalties, and by seeking injunctive
    8    relief.    See, e.g., 
    29 U.S.C. §§ 662
    , 666.
    10                                 III
    11       The City’s crane regulations2 are part of the Building
    12   Code and are enforced by the New York City Department of
    13   Buildings (“DOB”).    See N.Y.C. Admin. Code §§ 28-101.1,
    14   -201.3.    “The purpose of [the City’s construction code,
    15   which includes the Building Code,] is to provide reasonable
    16   minimum requirements and standards . . . for the regulation
    17   of building construction in the city of New York in the
    18   interest of public safety, health, [and] welfare . . . .”
    19   Id. § 28-101.2.
    20       The statutes at issue in this case are codified in
    21   Chapter 33 of the Building Code, which concerns “Safeguards
    22   During Construction or Demolition.”    At the outset, Chapter
    Although the City regulations are referenced in this
    opinion as “crane regulations,” they apply to other
    equipment as well, including derricks and hoists.
    1    33 delineates its scope: “The provisions of this chapter
    2    shall govern the conduct of all construction or demolition
    3    operations with regard to the safety of the public and
    4    property.   For regulations relating to the safety of persons
    5    employed in construction or demolition operations, OSHA
    6    Standards shall apply.”    Id. § 28-3301.1.
    7        In the district court, the City adduced evidence of
    8    local accidents caused by cranes, derricks, and other
    9    hoists.   J.A. 134-97.   For the period 2004 through 2009, the
    10   City cited fifteen instances of hoisting equipment failures
    11   that caused injury to twenty-seven members of the public and
    12   fifteen workers, and the deaths of one member of the public
    13   and eight workers.   J.A. 136.       Relying on a declaration from
    14   a DOB engineer, the district court found that “because New
    15   York City is the most densely populated major city in the
    16   United States, construction worksites necessarily abut, or
    17   even spill over into adjoining lots and public streets.”
    18   Steel Inst., 832 F. Supp. 2d at 314.        “Cranes therefore pose
    19   a unique risk to public safety in New York City--at least
    20   when they are used away from isolated commercial or
    21   industrial yards.”   Id.
    1        Generally, the City requires that hoisting equipment
    2    “be installed, operated, and maintained to eliminate hazard
    3    to the public or to property.”3   N.Y.C. Admin. Code
    4    § 28-3316.2.   Specific requirements on hoisting equipment
    5    include:
    6       • following an accident, the owner or person in charge
    7       of hoisting equipment must immediately notify the DOB
    8       and cease operation of the equipment, id. § 28-3316.3;
    10       • hoisting equipment must: be designed, constructed,
    11       and maintained in accordance with DOB rules; be
    12       approved by the DOB; and display appropriate permits,
    13       id. §§ 28-3316.4-.5, .8;
    15       • hoist ropes must be regularly inspected and replaced
    16       in accordance with DOB rules, id. § 28-3316.6; and
    18       • operators of hoisting equipment must be qualified to
    19       operate the equipment and must lock it before leaving,
    20       id. § 28-3316.7.
    21   A separate set of requirements applies more specifically to
    22   cranes and derricks.   See id. § 28-3319.   These include a
    23   requirement that “[n]o owner or other person shall authorize
    24   or permit the operation of any crane or derrick without a
    25   certificate of approval, a certificate of operation and a
    The City regulations apply broadly to “hoisting
    equipment,” defined as “[e]quipment used to raise and lower
    personnel and/or material with intermittent motion.” N.Y.C.
    Admin. Code § 28-3302.1. That includes “power operated
    machine[s] used for lifting or lowering a load,” including
    but not limited to “a crane, derrick, cableway and hydraulic
    lifting system, and articulating booms.” Id.
    1    certificate of on-site inspection.”       Id. § 28-3319.3; see
    2    also id. § 28-3319.4-.6.     The crane and derrick requirements
    3    do not apply to “cranes or derricks used in industrial or
    4    commercial plants.”   Id. § 28-3319.3(6).
    5        Even more stringent requirements are imposed on “tower”
    6    and “climber” cranes.4   See id. § 28-3319.8.      For these
    7    contraptions, a licensed engineer must submit a detailed
    8    plan for “erection, jumping, climbing, and dismantling.”
    9    Id. § 28-3319.8.1.    Before operating such a crane, the
    10   general contractor must conduct a “safety coordination”
    11   meeting with a licensed engineer, the crane operator, and
    12   other designated individuals.        Id. § 28-3319.8.2.   In
    13   addition, the DOB publishes “Reference Standards” (“RS”)
    14   governing this equipment.5
    A tower crane is a crane that is mounted on a
    vertical mast or tower, and a climber crane is a crane
    supported by a building that can be raised or lowered to
    different floors of the building. Id. § 28-3302.
    For example, RS 19-2 regulates the design,
    construction, and testing of “power operated cranes and
    derricks.” Mobile cranes constructed prior to October 2006
    must comply with standards promulgated by the American
    National Standards Institute (“ANSI”) in 1968. RS 19-2
    § 4.1.1; see ANSI Standard B30.5 (1968). Mobile cranes
    constructed after October 2006 must comply with one of two
    standards promulgated in 2004. RS 19-2 § 4.1.2; see ANSI
    Standard B30.5 (2004); European Comm. for Standardization
    CEN EN 13000 (2004).
    1          To enforce this regulatory scheme, the DOB issues a
    2    stop-work order if it finds that any crane, derrick, or
    3    hoisting machine is “dangerous or unsafe.”   RS 19-2 § 9.1.
    4    In sum, the City’s statutes and regulations provide a
    5    comprehensive framework to regulate the design,
    6    construction, and operation of cranes, derricks, and other
    7    hoisting equipment in the City.
    9                                  IV
    10         The Steel Institute argues that the City’s crane
    11   regulations are preempted by the Act and OSHA regulations
    12   because they impose occupational health and safety standards
    13   in an area where federal standards already exist.     The City
    14   responds that its regulations are not preempted under the
    15   analysis in Gade v. National Solid Wastes Management Ass’n,
    505 U.S. 88
     (1992), and that, even if they are, they are
    17   saved by the exception afforded by Gade for laws of general
    18   applicability.
    19         Preemption can be either express or implied.    
    20   98.   Implied preemption may take the form of field
    21   preemption (if the federal scheme is so pervasive as to
    22   displace any state regulation in that field) or conflict
    1    preemption (if state regulation makes compliance with
    2    federal law impossible or otherwise frustrates the
    3    objectives of Congress).   Id.; see also N.Y. SMSA Ltd.
    4    P’ship v. Town of Clarkstown, 
    612 F.3d 97
    , 104 (2d Cir.
    5    2010) (per curiam).
    6        There is a strong presumption against preemption when
    7    states and localities “exercise[] their police powers to
    8    protect the health and safety of their citizens.”
    9    Medtronic, Inc. v. Lohr, 
    518 U.S. 470
    , 475, 484-85 (1996).
    10   “Because of the role of States as separate sovereigns in our
    11   federal system, we have long presumed that state laws . . .
    12   that are within the scope of the States’ historic police
    13   powers . . . are not to be pre-empted by a federal statute
    14   unless it is the clear and manifest purpose of Congress to
    15   do so.”    Geier v. Am. Honda Motor Co., 
    529 U.S. 861
    , 894
    16   (2000) (Stevens, J., dissenting); see also N.Y. SMSA Ltd.
    17   P’ship, 
    612 F.3d at 104
    .    “Protection of the safety of
    18   persons is one of the traditional uses of the police power,”
    19   which is “one of the least limitable of governmental
    20   powers.”   Queenside Hills Realty Co. v. Saxl, 
    328 U.S. 80
    21   82-83 (1946).
    1        Here, New York City has exercised its fundamental
    2    police power to protect public safety, but has done so by
    3    regulating an area where federal occupational standards
    4    exist.   Gade controls.     In that case, Illinois enacted
    5    statutes regulating the licensing and training of employees
    6    who work with hazardous waste.         Gade, 
    505 U.S. at 91
    .   The
    7    issue was whether the Illinois regime was preempted by OSHA
    8    regulations on “Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency
    9    Response,” which included training requirements for
    10   hazardous waste workers.      
    Id. at 92
    11       The Court characterized the Illinois laws as “dual
    12   impact” statutes because they “protect[ed] both workers and
    13   the general public.”      
    Id. at 91
    .     A plurality of the Court
    14   held that the Act displaced conflicting state rules through
    15   implied conflict preemption (there being no express
    16   preemption in the Act).6     
    Id. at 98-99
     (O’Connor, J.,
    17   plurality op.).   Viewing the Act as a whole, the Court
    18   concluded that it “precludes any state regulation of an
    19   occupational safety or health issue with respect to which a
    20   federal standard has been established, unless a state plan
    Justice Kennedy’s separate concurrence opined that
    the Act expressly preempts state occupational safety and
    health standards. 
    Id. at 111-12
     (Kennedy, J., concurring).
    1    has been submitted and approved pursuant to § 18(b).”        Id.
    2    at 102.
    3          The Gade Court rejected the state’s argument that dual
    4    impact statutes are not preempted.     Id. at 104-05.
    5    “Although ‘part of the pre-empted field is defined by
    6    reference to the purpose of the state law in
    7    question, . . . another part of the field is defined by the
    8    state law’s actual effect.’”     Id. at 105 (quoting English v.
    9    Gen. Elec. Co., 
    496 U.S. 72
    , 84 (1990)) (emphases added).
    10   Accordingly, a state law that “constitutes, in a direct,
    11   clear and substantial way, regulation of worker health and
    12   safety” is preempted under the Act.     
    Id. at 107
    13   quotation marks omitted).
    14         Critically, the Court recognized an exception for state
    15   and local regulations that are of “general applicability.”
       But the Court held that because the Illinois statutes
    17   were primarily “directed at workplace safety,” they were not
    18   laws of general applicability and therefore succumbed to
    19   preemption.   
    Id. at 107-08
    20         The New York City crane regulations are unquestionably
    21   “dual impact” regulations.     For the most part, they are
    22   intended to protect public safety and welfare.     See N.Y.C.
    1    Admin. Code § 28-101.2.     There is considerable evidence of
    2    accident risks posed by cranes, derricks, and other hoisting
    3    equipment.     See, e.g., Steel Inst., 832 F. Supp. 2d at 314;
    4    J.A. 134-97.     Many of the provisions are specifically
    5    designed to protect the safety of the general public in the
    6    vicinity of cranes and other hoisting equipment.      See, e.g.,
    7    RS 19-2 § 23.3.5 (prohibiting loads from being carried over
    8    occupied buildings unless top two floors are evacuated).
    9    The risk to the public in New York City is substantial and
    10   palpable.7
    11       That is the purpose of the City regulations; we must
    12   also gauge their effect.     Gade, 
    505 U.S. at 105
    .   In their
    13   effect, the regulations protect worker health and safety in
    14   a “direct, clear and substantial” way.     
    Id. at 107
    .     For
    15   example, Section 3316.7 of the Building Code provides that
    During Hurricane Sandy in October 2012, a crane
    collapsed and dangled over West 57th Street in Manhattan for
    nearly a week. See, e.g., Charles V. Bagli, As Crane Hung
    in the Sky, a Drama Unfolded to Prevent a Catastrophe Below,
    N.Y. TIMES, Nov. 6, 2012. Public accounts suggest that City
    DOB inspectors had found problems with the crane’s wire
    ropes in the months before the accident and halted work on
    the site for over a week in September 2012. Kerry Burke et
    al., Crane Collapse in Midtown Manhattan as Hurricane Sandy
    Storms into the East Coast, N.Y. DAILY NEWS, Oct. 29, 2012.
    And it was City DOB inspectors who were on site to inspect
    the crane after it was repaired. Josh Barbanel, High Drama
    With Crane Comes to an End, WALL ST. J., Nov. 4, 2012.
    1    only designated, specially qualified workers may operate
    2    hoisting equipment.     See N.Y.C. Admin. Code § 28-3316.7.
    3    Similarly, the regulations require that a detailed plan be
    4    submitted for the use of tower or climber cranes, and a
    5    safety meeting must be held before a crane is “jumped.”       Id.
    6    § 28-3319.8.    While these restrictions protect the general
    7    safety of those near and around construction sites, the
    8    direct and immediate effect is to protect workers at the
    9    site.
    10       The federal standards here--on “Cranes and Derricks in
    11   Construction” and “Cranes and Derricks Used in Demolition
    12   and Underground Construction”--regulate the same things,
    13   i.e., the use of “power-operated equipment,” including
    14   cranes, derricks, and other hoisting equipment, “when used
    15   in construction.”     
    29 C.F.R. § 1926.1400
    (a).   The City
    16   regulations may employ different means, but they nonetheless
    17   constitute “regulation of an occupational safety or health
    18   issue with respect to which a federal standard has been
    19   established.”    Gade, 
    505 U.S. at 102
    .   Under Gade, the
    20   City’s crane regulations are preempted unless they are saved
    21   from preemption as laws of general applicability.
    1        Gade exempts from preemption “state laws of general
    2    applicability (such as laws regarding traffic safety or fire
    3    safety) that do not conflict with OSHA standards and that
    4    regulate the conduct of workers and nonworkers alike.”      505
    5    U.S. at 107.   Even a law that directly and substantially
    6    protects workers “cannot fairly be characterized as [an]
    7    ‘occupational’ standard[]” if it “regulate[s] workers simply
    8    as members of the general public.”     Id.   But a law “directed
    9    at workplace safety” will not be saved from preemption.      Id.
    10       The Gade exception saves the City regulations from
    11   preemption because they are of general applicability.     They
    12   do not conflict with OSHA standards; at most, the City’s
    13   regulations provide additional or supplemental requirements
    14   on some areas regulated by OSHA.     By their terms they apply
    15   to the conduct of workers and nonworkers alike.8
    16       Most importantly, the City regulations are not directed
    17   at safety in the workplace.   In Gade, the preempted state
    18   laws imposed licensing requirements on “hazardous waste
    For example, Section 3316.3, which requires that
    hoisting accidents be reported to the DOB, applies to the
    “owner or person directly in charge of” the hoisting
    equipment. N.Y.C. Admin. Code § 28-3316.3. Similarly,
    Section 3319.3 requires various certificates for the
    operation of a crane or derrick and applies to “owner[s] or
    other person[s].” Id. § 28-3319.3.
    1    equipment operators and laborers working at certain
    2    facilities.”   
    505 U.S. at 93
     (emphasis added).    That law was
    3    not saved from preemption as a law of general applicability
    4    because it was “directed at workplace safety.”     
     at 107
    5    (emphasis added).     Gade’s holding reflects the plain
    6    language of the Occupational Safety and Health Act, which
    7    focuses only on “employment performed in a workplace.”     29
    U.S.C. § 653
    (a) (emphasis added).     Congress intended that
    9    the Act help “reduce the number of occupational safety and
    10   health hazards at their places of employment.”     
    11   § 651(b)(1) (emphasis added); see also id. § 654 (requiring
    12   employers to furnish employees with “a place of employment”
    13   free from hazards).
    14       New York’s crane regulations, by contrast, apply all
    15   over the City, not just in workplaces or construction sites.
    16   As the district court found, New York City is always
    17   undergoing construction, and construction risks are by no
    18   means confined to a single building or lot.9    “Cranes, which
    19   can be as tall as 1800 feet, and move loads as heavy as 825
    20   tons, do not confine themselves to the property on which
    When a person hoists a piano into his attic, the
    risk is between him and his piano; if he hoists it above a
    pulsing avenue, the risk is not contained and the peril is
    of a general kind.
    1    they are being used when they break, or worse, collapse;
    2    they inevitably damage surrounding buildings and risk
    3    injuring people in their homes and on the street.”     Steel
    4    Inst., 832 F. Supp. 2d at 314 (internal citation omitted).
    5    A salient feature of the City’s regime is that crane
    6    activity confined to a workplace is expressly excluded from
    7    the scope of the City regulations: the regulations do not
    8    apply “to cranes or derricks used in industrial or
    9    commercial plants or yards” (unless used for construction of
    10   the facility itself).   N.Y.C. Admin. Code § 3319.3(6).    The
    11   City regulations therefore are directed at public safety
    12   even though they achieve this goal, in part and
    13   incidentally, by regulating the conduct of workers.
    14       Police powers that protect everyone in the City will
    15   naturally regulate some workers.   Many of the regulations
    16   that protect New Yorkers on a daily basis may bear upon the
    17   conduct of workers, but nonetheless can be considered laws
    18   of general applicability.   They are specific applications of
    19   a general prohibition on conduct that endangers the
    20   populace, such as taxi regulations that protect drivers
    21   while protecting passengers and pedestrians.   The point is
    22   best appreciated by imagining the crowded city without such
    23   regulations.
    1        The Supreme Court cited fire and traffic safety laws as
    2    prime examples.   Gade, 
    505 U.S. at 107
    .   Consider a state or
    3    local regulation concerning the use of bridges and tunnels
    4    by drivers of rigs carrying explosive materials.    OSHA may
    5    protect truck drivers, and may specifically protect truck
    6    drivers who are moving explosive loads.    But the state or
    7    local regulation is not directed at a workplace: its main
    8    concern is the safety of the population, and the security of
    9    the infrastructure.   A regulated truck driver, like any
    10   member of the general public, cannot expose fellow citizens
    11   to unreasonable danger.   The City’s crane regulations, like
    12   fire codes and traffic laws, are an exercise of the police
    13   power to protect the safety of the public in a crowded
    14   metropolis.10
    A further example: New York’s Fire Code regulates
    the use of welding devices. See N.Y.C. Rules of the Fire
    Dep’t § 2609-01(b). The regulations apply to anyone who
    picks up a welding torch, and are presumably intended both
    to protect the welder from injury and to protect New York’s
    dense city blocks from fire. OSHA also regulates welding,
    but pursuant to its congressional mandate, it does so for
    the safety and health of covered workers. See Subpart Q--
    Welding, Cutting and Brazing, 
    29 C.F.R. § 1910.251
    The City’s fire safety requirements, although they may
    directly and substantially protect workers, would be laws of
    general applicability saved from preemption. See Gade, 
    505 U.S. at 107
    1          The Steel Institute relies heavily on the Eleventh
    2    Circuit’s decision in Associated Builders & Contractors
    3    Florida East Coast Chapter v. Miami-Dade County, 
    594 F.3d 4
        1321 (11th Cir. 2010) (per curiam).   Miami’s wind-load
    5    standard for tower cranes was held to be preempted by OSHA
    6    regulations on the same subject.   
    Id. at 1323
    .   Even if it
    7    were binding on us, which of course it is not, the case is
    8    distinguishable.   The ordinance was not a public safety
    9    measure because in Miami “[c]onstruction job sites are
    10   closed to the public and it is undisputed that the
    11   Ordinance’s wind load standards regulate how workers use and
    12   erect tower cranes during the course of their employment.”
    Id. at 1324
    .   It was deemed significant that Miami “failed
    14   to identify a single incident in which a crane accident
    15   injured a member of the general public during a hurricane.”
       Moreover, although the Eleventh Circuit cited Gade, it
    17   did not consider whether Miami’s ordinance could be saved
    18   from preemption as a law of general applicability.   
    19         In sum, the City’s crane regulations are dual impact
    20   regulations that affect both public safety and worker
    21   conduct.   Because there is a federal standard in place
    22   addressing much the same conduct, the City regulations are
    23   preempted unless exempt under Gade as laws of general
    1    applicability.     We conclude that they are laws of general
    2    applicability, not directed at the workplace, that regulate
    3    workers as members of the general public, and are therefore
    4    saved from preemption.
    6                                    V
    7        The parties dispute whether deference is owed to the
    8    Department of Labor’s views on whether the City’s crane
    9    regulations are preempted.     We do not defer to an agency’s
    10   legal conclusion regarding preemption, but we give “some
    11   weight” to an agency’s explanation of how state or local
    12   laws may affect the federal regulatory scheme.     Wyeth v.
    13   Levine, 
    555 U.S. 555
    , 576-77 (2009); see also Geier v. Am.
    14   Honda Motor Co., 
    529 U.S. 861
    , 883 (2000).     “The weight we
    15   accord the agency’s explanation of state law’s impact on the
    16   federal scheme depends on its thoroughness, consistency, and
    17   persuasiveness.”     Wyeth, 
    555 U.S. at
    577 (citing United
    18   States v. Mead Corp., 
    533 U.S. 218
    , 234-35 (2001), and
    19   Skidmore v. Swift & Co., 
    323 U.S. 134
    , 140 (1944)).
    20       OSHA cannot tell us whether the City regulations are
    21   preempted or whether the Gade exception applies.     But we are
    22   reassured by OSHA’s view--to the extent that it is based on
    23   OSHA’s long experience in formulating and administering
    1    nationwide workplace standards--that the City regulations
    2    (and other municipal codes like it) do not interfere with
    3    OSHA’s regulatory scheme.
    4        The preamble to the 2010 amendments of OSHA’s crane
    5    regulations specifically references this case and states
    6    that the City’s crane regulations are not preempted.     75
    7    Fed. Reg. at 48,129.     The Department, now as amicus, takes
    8    the same position.     That view is consistent with
    9    longstanding OSHA policy.     For example, in 1972, OSHA issued
    10   a policy statement addressing local fire regulations:
    11       It is the belief of [OSHA] that it was not Congress’
    12       intent in passing the Act to preempt these extensive
    13       [fire regulation] activities with respect to places of
    14       employment covered by the Act. While there is an
    15       overlap of jurisdiction in workplaces, [OSHA] feels
    16       that the much broader goals of fire marshals’
    17       activities preclude their being preempted.
    19   OSHA Policy Statement Concerning State & Local Fire Marshall
    20   Activities, at 1 (1972) (cited in Mem. of Law of the
    21   Secretary of Labor as Amicus Curiae in Support of Defendant
    22   (“Dist. Ct. Amicus Br.”), Att. 3, Steel Inst. of N.Y. v.
    23   City of N.Y., No. 09-cv-6539 (S.D.N.Y. Jan. 6, 2011)).
    24   Similarly, a 1981 OSHA directive indicated that “[s]tate
    25   enforcement of standards which on their face are
    26   predominantly for the purpose of protecting a class of
    27   persons larger than employees” would not be preempted, even
    1    when a federal standard is in place.     OSHA, The Effect of
    2    Preemption on the State Agencies Without 18(b) Plans, at 2
    3    (1981) (cited in Dist. Ct. Amicus Br., Att. 4).
    4        In 1992, the United States (on behalf of the Department
    5    of Labor) submitted an amicus brief in Gade, advocating the
    6    view--partly adopted by the Court--that “[a] state law of
    7    general applicability that only incidentally affects
    8    workers, not as a class, but as members of the general
    9    public, cannot fairly be described as an ‘occupational’
    10   standard.”     Br. for the U.S. as Amicus Curiae Supporting
    11   Resp’t, at 24 n.14, Gade v. Nat’l Solid Wastes Mgmt. Ass’n,
    12   No. 90-1676 (Mar. 2, 1992) (cited in Dist. Ct. Amicus Br.,
    13   Att. 5).     “[The Act] does not typically preempt state fire
    14   protection, boiler inspection, or building and electrical
    15   code requirements, even though there are OSHA standards on
    16   these subjects, because the state standards do not aim to
    17   protect workers as a class, and do not have that primary
    18   effect.”     Id.
    19       Although no deference is compelled, we grant “some
    20   weight” to OSHA’s view in reaching our conclusion that local
    21   regulatory schemes such as the City’s crane regulations have
    22   the aim and primary effect of regulating conduct to secure
    1   the safety of the general public, rather than the safety of
    2   workers in the workplace.
    3       The City’s crane regulations are saved from preemption
    4   as laws of general applicability.   The judgment is affirmed.