Gordon v. Softech Int'l, Inc. ( 2013 )

  • 12-661-cv
    Gordon v. Softech Int'l, Inc.
    August Term 2012
    (Argued:     January 7, 2013    Decided: July 31, 2013
    Corrected: August 1, 2013)
    Docket No. 12-661-cv
    E RIK H. G ORDON ,
    J ACOBS , Chief Judge, and
    P OOLER and C HIN , Circuit Judges.
    The Clerk of the Court is instructed to amend the
    caption to conform to the above.
    Appeal from a judgment of the United States
    District Court for the Southern District of New York
    (Berman, J.) dismissing plaintiff-appellant's claim that
    his personal information was wrongfully disclosed in
    violation of the Driver's Privacy Protect ion Act, 
    18 U.S.C. §§ 2721-2725
    , and granting summary judgment in favor of
    defendants-cross-claimants-cross-defendants-appellees.                              We
    conclude that questions of material fact preclude summary
    judgment as to certain claims.
    Judge J ACOBS concurs in part and dissents in part
    in a separate opinion.
    J USTIN M. S HER (Yuriko Tada, on the brief),
    Sher Tremonte LLP, New York, New
    York, for Plaintiff-Appellant.
    C OLEEN F. M IDDLETON , Wilson Elser Moskowitz
    Edelman & Dicker LLP, New York, New
    York (Gregory Saracino, on the
    brief), Milber, Makris, Plousadis &
    Seiden, LLP, White Plains, New York,
    for Defendants-Cross-Claimants-
    Joseph V. DeMarco, DeVore & DeMarco LLP,
    New York, New York, for Amicus
    Curiae Identity Theft Resource
    Center and The Federal Law
    Enforcement Officers Association.
    Marc Rotenberg, Alan Butler, David
    Jacobs, Washington, District of
    Columbia, for Amicus Curiae
    Electronic Privacy Information
    Ronald I. Raether, Jr., Faruki Ireland &
    Cox P.L.L., Dayton, Ohio, for Amicus
    Curiae The Coalition for Sensible
    Public Records Access and The
    Consumer Data Industry Association.
    C HIN , Circuit Judge.
    In 1994, Congress enacted the Driver's Privacy
    Protection Act (the "DPPA").      As its name suggests, the
    DPPA, with limited exceptions, protects drivers' privacy by
    prohibiting state motor vehicle departments and others from
    disclosing "personal information" drawn from motor vehicle
    In this case, defendant Aron Leifer, a private
    citizen, engaged in a verbal altercation with the driver of
    a motor vehicle.     Miffed, he wrote down the license plate
    number of the car.       Using an online private investigative
    service and paying a fee of just $39.00, Leifer was later
    able to use the license plate number to obtain the name and
    home address of the vehicle's owner, plaintiff-appellant
    Erik H. Gordon.   Leifer then embarked on a campaign to
    harass Gordon and his family.
    Gordon commenced this action below against Leifer
    and the entities and individuals who obtained the
    information from the New York State Department of Motor
    Vehicles and released it, ultimately, to Leifer.       Gordon
    asserted claims under the DPPA and state law.    Gordon
    eventually settled his claims against Leifer, but the
    district court (Berman, J.) dismissed his claims against
    the remaining defendants on summary judgment.    Gordon
    appeals.   We affirm in part and vacate and remand in part.
    A.   Statutory Framework
    Congress passed the DPPA in 1994.   See Pub. L. No.
    103-322, tit. XXX (codified as amended at 
    18 U.S.C. §§ 2721-2725
    ).    The DPPA generally restricts state
    departments of motor vehicles ("DMVs") from disclosing
    personal information drawn from motor vehicle records.          
    18 U.S.C. § 2721
    (a); see also Reno v. Condon, 
    528 U.S. 141
    149-50 (2000) (upholding constitutionality of DPPA).
    Similarly, private citizens or entities ordinarily may not
    obtain, disclose, or resell personal information unless
    permitted by statute.   
    18 U.S.C. §§ 2722
    (a), 2721(c).
    Notwithstanding these default rules of non-disclosure, the
    DPPA identifies fourteen "permissible uses" -- exceptions
    from the default rule -- for which personal information may
    be obtained, disclosed, used, or resold.     
     § 2721(b)-
    (c).   Penalties, both civil and criminal, enforce "the
    rights of private citizens to be left alone."     139 Cong.
    Rec. S15766 (daily ed. Nov. 16, 1993) (statement of Sen.
    Harkin), available at 
    1993 WL 470986
     at S15765
    (statement of Sen. Robb) (noting that DPPA "would place
    safeguards on the privacy of the driver and vehicle
    owners"); see also 
    18 U.S.C. §§ 2723-2724
    The DPPA was enacted following the highly
    publicized murder of an actress, whose stalker-cum-
    assailant had received her home address through an
    information request at a local DMV.   Andrea Ford, "Fan
    Convicted of Murder in Actress' Slaying," L.A. Times, Oct.
    30, 1991; see also, e.g., 139 Cong. Rec. E2747 (daily ed.
    Nov. 3, 1993) (statement of Rep. Moran), available at 1993
    WL 448643.    During the floor debate, members of Congress
    emphasized that personal information accessed from state
    DMVs was often used in connection with criminal or
    threatening behavior.    See, e.g., 139 Cong. Rec. E2747
    (daily ed. Nov. 3, 1993) (statement of Rep. Moran),
    available at 
    1993 WL 448643
    ; 139 Cong. Rec. S15762, S15766
    (daily ed. Nov. 16, 1993) (statements of Sen. Boxer and
    Sen. Harkin), available at 
    1993 WL 470986
    .    The DPPA was
    therefore enacted to limit the disclosure of personal
    information drawn from motor vehicle records and to prevent
    its misuse.
    B.   Data Brokers & Resellers
    Defendant-appellee Reid Rodriguez is the co-owner
    and Chief Operating Officer of defendant-appellee Softech
    International, Inc. (together, "Softech").    Softech acts as
    a "gateway," providing access to motor vehicle records of
    all fifty states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico,
    and six provinces in Canada.    See "MVR (Driving Records),"
    Softech International Inc., http://www.softechinternational
    .com/products_mvrdr.html (last visited July 29, 2013).       A
    data broker, Softech "collect[s] information, including
    personal information about consumers, from a wide variety
    of sources for the purpose of reselling such information to
    their consumers for various purposes."    Fed. Trade Comm'n,
    Protecting Consumer Privacy in an Era of Rapid Change:
    Recommendations for Businesses and Policymakers, at 68
    (Mar. 2012), available at http://www.ftc.gov/os/2012/03/
    120326privacyreport.pdf.   Information aggregated by entities
    such as Softech can aid law enforcement actions.
    Disclosures, however, may also be made to private citizens
    or entities, and individuals are often unaware that their
    personal information is being aggregated and sold.     See 
    Defendant-appellee Dan Cohn owns and operates
    defendant-appellee Arcanum Investigations (together,
    "Arcanum"), a private investigation service.    By agreement,
    Softech provides Arcanum with access to its motor vehicle
    records; Arcanum represents that it and, to the extent it
    resells this information, any end user will use the
    information in a manner permitted by law.
    Arcanum owns and operates Docusearch.com.     For a
    small fee, Docusearch.com provides its users with the
    personal information associated with, for example, a
    license plate number.   When a Docusearch.com user inputs a
    New York State license plate number, Arcanum provides that
    number to Softech and requests the associated motor vehicle
    record for private investigative purposes .   Arcanum cannot
    access New York State motor vehicle records directly from
    the state DMV, and hence it requests this information from
    Softech.   Then, pursuant to their agreement, Softech relays
    the motor vehicle record for that license plate number to
    Arcanum.   Arcanum, through the Docusearch.com website, then
    provides that information to its customer.
    Thus, Arcanum and Softech are both resellers
    (together, the "Resellers") of personal information drawn
    from motor vehicle records.
    C.   The Facts
    Except as noted below, we construe the facts in
    the light most favorable to Gordon, the party opposing
    summary judgment.   On the evening of October 10, 2009,
    Gordon was dining at a restaurant in New York City.    His
    driver waited outside in Gordon's car, a vintage London
    taxicab.   Its New York State license plate was registered
    in Gordon's name.
    Leifer was parked across the street in an SUV.       He
    and Gordon's driver engaged in a brief verbal altercation.
    Gordon's driver drove away, but Leifer gave chase.
    Gordon's driver then drove to a police precinct on East
    67th Street and waited for Leifer to leave the area.     The
    driver then returned to wait for Gordon outside the
    The parties dispute whether the two cars collided
    that evening.   Leifer claimed that they did, but he never
    contacted the police or filed an insurance claim.     At some
    point that night, Leifer wrote down the license plate
    number of Gordon's vehicle.
    The next day, on October 11, 2009, Leifer input
    Gordon's license plate number on Docusearch.com.     From a
    dropdown menu of purposes deemed by Docusearch.com to be
    permissible under the DPPA, Leifer selected "Insurance
    Other."   A popup window noted:
    You are required to select a DPPA Permissible
    Purpose. By imputting [sic] your response, you
    hereby certify that you are in, and assume fu ll
    responsibility for, compliance with the Driver's
    Privacy Protection Act of 1994 (DPPA) and you
    agree to indemnify, defend and hold Docusearch
    harmless from any breach of the DPPA by you, your
    agents or contractors and any damages, fees and
    costs associated therewith.
    Leifer clicked "OK."     To finalize the purchase,
    Docusearch.com requested his personal information.     Leifer
    provided an alias -- "Jack Loren" -- and stated that he
    worked for a business, later discovered to be defunct,
    called Bodyguards.com.     He also provided a credit card
    number, which he represented was issued to "Jack Loren"
    when, in fact, it was issued in Leifer's own name.
    Finally, mere hours after making a $39.00 payment, Leifer
    received Gordon's name and home address.
    Using this information, Leifer executed a series
    of Internet searches and identified Gordon's phone number,
    the members of Gordon's family and acquaintances, and their
    contact information.     Leifer then called Gordon's
    assistant, his mother, and his father's secretary.     During
    these calls, Leifer made threatening comments, which
    included, to Gordon's mother, the false allegation that
    Gordon had sexually assaulted a woman.     Leifer does not
    deny making phone calls, but asserts that, due to the
    alleged collision, he merely tried to contact Gordon to
    request his insurance information.
    D.   Procedural History
    Gordon's amended complaint dated January 5, 2011
    alleged that Leifer and the Resellers had violated the
    DPPA. 1   Specifically, Gordon contended that Leifer had
    misused his personal information and that the Resellers
    either unreasonably disclosed it or were strictly liable
    for Leifer's misdeeds.    Defendants jointly filed a motion
    to dismiss in March 2011, which the district court denied.
    See Gordon v. Softech Int'l Inc., No. 10 Civ. 5162, 
    2011 WL 1795300
     (S.D.N.Y. Apr. 28, 2011).
    After discovery, the parties cross-moved for
    summary judgment.    In a November 30, 2011 Decision & Order,
    the district court denied Gordon's motion for summary
    judgment, but granted in part and denied in part the motion
    The complaint also asserted claims for prima facie
    tort and intentional infliction of emotional harm against Leifer
    and other unnamed defendants (but not the Resellers). Gordon's
    brief is silent as to these claims, and we conclude Gordon
    abandoned any challenge to the dismissal of these claims.
    Jackler v. Byrne, 
    658 F.3d 225
    , 233 (2d Cir. 2011) (claims for
    which "brief on appeal contains no argument" are deemed
    filed jointly by Resellers and Leifer.      Without addressing
    Gordon's alternative theory that Resellers were subject to
    a duty of reasonable inquiry, the court concluded that, as
    a matter of law, Resellers could not be strictly liable for
    Leifer's alleged DPPA violation and granted summary
    judgment in favor of the Resellers.    Gordon v. Softech
    Int'l, Inc., 
    828 F. Supp. 2d 665
    , 675-76 (S.D.N.Y. 2011).
    As to Leifer, however, the district court concluded that
    material questions of fact precluded summary judgment
    regarding his liability under the DPPA. 2    
    Id. at 673-74
    On December 8, 2011, Gordon filed a letter seeking
    a conference to request reconsideration of the district
    court's decision.   Gordon argued that "a genuine issue of
    material fact exist[ed] as to whether the Resellers'
    conduct in relying on the end-user's representations . . .
    constitute[d] a willful or reckless violation" of the DPPA.
    The district court subsequently set a trial date for
    The district court's Decision & Order also granted
    summary judgment in favor of Leifer as to the intentional
    infliction of emotional distress claim, but allowed the prima
    facie tort claim to proceed. Gordon v. Softech Int'l, Inc.,
    828 F. Supp. 2d 665
    , 679 (S.D.N.Y. 2011). Neither claim is
    relevant to this appeal.
    Gordon's claim against Leifer while also noting that "the
    trial date of course is without prejudice to your
    application for reconsideration."    Before trial, Gordon and
    Leifer settled their dispute.
    By a January 17, 2012 order, the district court
    discontinued the "above-entitled action."     On February 15,
    2012, in response to an inquiry from Gordon, the district
    court issued a Decision & Order stating that the motion for
    reconsideration had been discontinued by its prior order
    "as it was rendered moot when the parties settled."     It
    further noted that, even if the motion were not moot, it
    "would have been denied for substantially the same reasons
    set forth" in the court's earlier decision.
    On February 16, 2012, Gordon appealed from the
    district court's (1) grant of summary judgment to
    Resellers, (2) order of discontinuance, and (3) denial of
    the motion of reconsideration.
    Undisputedly, Softech disclosed Gordon's personal
    information, drawn from a motor vehicle record, to Arcanum,
    which then disclosed it to Leifer.    Assuming Leifer used
    the information for improper purposes, we now consider
    whether Resellers may be liable to Gordon under the DPPA,
    and, if so, the circumstances under which liability may
    arise. 3
    A.   Applicable Law
    1.     Standard of Review
    Summary judgment is appropriate when "there is no
    genuine dispute as to any material fact and the movant is
    entitled to judgment as a matter of law."     Fed. R. Civ. P.
    56(a).     We review de novo a district court's grant of
    summary judgment after construing all evidence, and drawing
    all reasonable inferences, in favor of the non-moving
    party.     See, e.g., McElwee v. Cnty. of Orange, 
    700 F.3d 3
    Resellers argue that this appeal is untimely because
    Gordon did not file his notice of appeal until February 16,
    2012, more than thirty days after the district court's November
    30, 2011 Decision & Order. See Fed. R. App. P. 4(a). The
    argument is frivolous. The November 30 Decision & Order was a
    non-appealable order because it did not dispose of all claims.
    See Fed. R. Civ. P. 54(b). An appealable order was not entered
    until January 17, 2012, and Gordon's February 16, 2012 notice of
    appeal was thus filed within thirty days. In addition, even
    assuming the November 30 Decision & Order was a final order, the
    district court clearly treated Gordon's December 8, 2011 letter
    as a motion for reconsideration, and thus, the motion tolled
    Gordon's time to appeal. Fed. R. App. P. 4(a)(4). Hence,
    despite Resellers' arguments to the contrary, we have
    jurisdiction to hear this appeal.
    635, 640 (2d Cir. 2012).    Furthermore, our review of a
    district court's interpretation of a federal statute is
    also de novo.    See, e.g., Muller v. Costello, 
    187 F.3d 298
    307 (2d Cir. 1999).
    2.      Rules of Construction
    When construing a statute, we begin with the plain
    meaning and give all undefined terms their ordinary
    construction.    See Schindler Elevator Corp. v. United
    States ex rel. Kirk, 
    131 S. Ct. 1885
    , 1891 (2011); United
    States v. Desposito, 
    704 F.3d 221
    , 226 (2d Cir. 2013).      We
    are mindful, of course, that "[a]n exception to a general
    statement of policy is usually read narrowly in or der to
    preserve the primary operation of the provision."     Maracich
    v. Spears, 
    133 S. Ct. 2191
    , 2200 (2013) (omission,
    quotation, and internal quotation marks omitted).     Our
    analysis, "absent ambiguity, will generally end there."
    Collazos v. United States, 
    368 F.3d 190
    , 196 (2d Cir.
    If, however, the statute is ambiguous, "we focus
    upon the broader context and primary purpose of the
    statute."    Castellano v. City of N.Y., 
    142 F.3d 58
    , 67 (2d
    Cir. 1998) (internal quotation marks omitted).     In so
    doing, we may turn to the legislative history as a
    reflection of congressional intent.     See Puello v. Bureau
    of Citizenship & Immigration Servs., 
    511 F.3d 324
    , 327 (2d
    Cir. 2007).     In all events, however, we must construe the
    statute "so that no part will be inoperative or
    superfluous, void or insignificant."     Corley v. United
    556 U.S. 303
    , 314 (2009) (quotation omitted).
    3.      The DPPA
    Under the DPPA, state DMVs, individuals,
    organizations, and entities may not disclose "personal
    information" drawn from motor vehicle records unless
    permitted by statute. 4   
    18 U.S.C. §§ 2721
    (a) (state
    entities), 2722(a) (private individuals and entities); see
    also Reno, 
    528 U.S. at 149-50
     (upholding constitutionality
    of DPPA).     The default rule is one of non-disclosure, but
    the statute also identifies fourteen exceptions --
    "Personal information" includes "an individual's
    photograph, social security number, driver identification
    number, name, address (but not the 5-digit zip code), telephone
    number, and medical or disability information." 
    18 U.S.C. § 2725
    "permissible uses" -- for which disclosure is allowed.   See
    18 U.S.C. § 2721
    (b).     In relevant part,
    Personal information [protected by the DPPA] . . .
    may be disclosed as follows:
    . . .
    (6) For use by any insurer or insurance
    support organization, or by a self-insured
    entity, or its agents, employees, or
    contractors, in connection with claims
    investigation activities, antifraud
    activities, rating or underwriting.
    . . .
    (8) For use by any licensed private
    investigative agency or licensed security
    service for any purpose permitted under this
     § 2721(b)(6), (8).
    The DPPA also regulates the resale and
    redisclosure of protected personal information:
    An authorized recipient of personal information
    (except a recipient under subsection (b)(11) or
    (12)) may resell or redisclose the information
    only for a use permitted under subsection (b) (but
    not for uses under subsection (b)(11) or (12)).
    Id. § 2721(c). 5   "Authorized recipient" is not defined by
    statute.   But see Reno, 
    528 U.S. at
    146 (citing section
    2721(c) and declaring that DPPA regulates resale and
    redisclosure by "private persons who have obtained
    [drivers' personal] information from a state DMV").
    The DPPA creates a civil cause of action for those
    whose information has been improperly used or disclosed.
    18 U.S.C. § 2724
    (a).    Certain civil remedies may be
    imposed against any "person who knowingly obtains,
    discloses or uses personal information , from a motor
    vehicle record, for a purpose not permitted" by the DPPA .
       These remedies vary; the court may award:
    (1) actual damages, but not less than liquidated
    damages in the amount of $2,500;
    (2) punitive damages upon proof of willful or
    reckless disregard of the law;
    (3) reasonable attorneys' fees and other
    litigation costs reasonably incurred; and
    Individuals may consent to disclosure of their
    personal information, see 
     § 2721(b)(13), and subsections
    (b)(11) and (b)(12) of section 2721 capture those scenarios.
    Gordon never consented to the release of his personal
    (4) such other preliminary and equitable relief a s
    the court determines to be appropriate.
    Id. § 2724(b).
    B.   Application
    Gordon argues that the Resellers are subject to
    civil penalties under the DPPA.     First, Gordon contends
    that the Resellers should be strictly liable for misuses of
    his information by downstream recipients.     Second, in the
    alternative, Gordon asserts that Resellers are liable
    because of their own actions:     (a) Resellers disclosed his
    information for a use that was not expressly permitted by
    the DPPA, and (b) Resellers did not exercise due care when
    releasing his personal information.     We address each
    argument in turn.
    1.   Strict Liability for Downstream Acts
    Gordon primarily argues that Resellers should be
    held strictly liable for civil penalties based on Leifer's
    improper use of Gordon's personal information.     We conclude
    that a strict liability standard is inconsistent with the
    DPPA as a whole and would frustrate its legislative aims.
    The text of the DPPA does not support -- either
    explicitly or implicitly -- a strict liability standard.
    Although, as described below, the text and structure of the
    DPPA can be read to support a duty of reasonable inquiry,
    nothing in the DPPA suggests that a reseller is
    responsible, regardless of whether it is at fault, for an
    end user's misuse of personal information.     Moreover, no
    case law interpreting the DPPA suggests that a reseller
    could be strictly liable for downstream violations by
    another party.     But cf. Pichler v. UNITE, 
    542 F.3d 380
    396-97 (3d Cir. 2008) (end user liable for own actions,
    even if it did not know those actions would violate DPPA).
    We note, moreover, that strict liability offenses,
    while "not unknown to the criminal law ," are "generally
    disfavored."     United States v. U.S. Gypsum Co., 
    438 U.S. 422
    , 437-38 (1978); see also United States v. Burwell, 
    690 F.3d 500
    , 505 (D.C. Cir. 2012); Am.-Arab Anti-
    Discrimination Comm. v. City of Dearborn, 
    418 F.3d 600
    , 610
    (6th Cir. 2005).     Gordon's appeal, of course, arises in the
    civil context, but the provision describing a criminal
    offense under the DPPA mirrors the language describing a
    civil cause of action. 6   This similarity suggests that
    "knowingly" is read the same way in both provisions.       See
    Dep't of Revenue of Or. v. ACF Indus., Inc., 
    510 U.S. 332
    342 (1994) ("normal rule of statutory construction" is that
    "identical words used in different parts of the same act
    are intended to have the same meaning" (quotation and
    internal quotation marks omitted)).     But see Kirtsaeng v.
    John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 
    133 S. Ct. 1351
    , 1362 (2013)
    (acknowledging general rule, but applying different canon
    of interpretation).   We are loathe to write strict
    liability into the DPPA absent a clear indication in the
    text or the legislative history that strict liability
    The notion of strict liability is also
    inconsistent with at least some of the congressional
    concerns that prompted the DPPA.     The DPPA sought to
     § 2722(a) ("It shall be unlawful for any
    person knowingly to obtain or disclose personal information,
    from a motor vehicle record, for any use not permitted under
    section 2721(b) of this title." (emphasis added)), with id. §
    2724(a) ("A person who knowingly obtains, discloses or uses
    personal information, from a motor vehicle record, for a purpose
    not permitted under this chapter" may be liable in a civil
    action (emphasis added)).
    "strike[] a critical balance between an individual's
    fundamental right to privacy and safety and the legitimate
    governmental and business needs for this information."          145
    Cong. Rec. H2522 (daily ed. Apr. 20, 1994) (statement of
    Rep. Moran), available at 
    1994 WL 140035
    ; see also 
    H2527 (statement of Rep. Goss).       Congress knew that
    legitimate businesses used information derived from motor
    vehicle records and ensured continued access to it through
    the DPPA.     See, e.g., 139 Cong. Rec. S15762-63 (daily ed.
    Nov. 16, 1993) (statement of Sen. Hatch), available at 
    1993 WL 470986
    ; Driver's Privacy Protection Act:       Hearings on
    H.R. 3365 Before the Subcomm. on Civil & Constitutional
    Rights of the House of Rep. Comm. on the Judiciary , 103rd
    Cong. (Feb. 3-4, 1994).     In fact, Congress was cognizant of
    the concerns raised by the business community, and
    consequently it broadened the exceptions to non-disclosure
    in the law.    See 140 Cong. Rec. H2523 (daily ed. Apr. 20,
    1994) (statement of Rep. Moran) (noting that revised DPPA
    addressed commercial concerns raised during subcommittee
    hearings), available at 
    1994 WL 140035
    "[W]e will not interpret a statute in a way 'that
    apparently frustrates the statute's goals, in the absence
    of a specific congressional intention otherwise.'"     United
    States v. Livecchi, 
    711 F.3d 345
    , 351 (2d Cir. 2013)
    (quoting New York v. Shore Realty Corp., 
    759 F.2d 1032
    1045 (2d Cir. 1985)).    Thus, because we conclude that
    neither the text nor the legislative history of the DPPA
    supports reading a strict liability standard into the DPPA,
    we hold that Resellers are not strictly liable for Leifer's
    improper use of Gordon's personal information.
    2.   Resellers' Liability Due to Their Own Actions
    a.   Disclosure for an Impermissible Use
    Gordon contends that the Resellers disclosed his
    personal information for a use that was not specifically
    identified in the DPPA's list of fourteen exceptions.      See
    18 U.S.C. § 2721
    (b).    We review the disclosure of each
    Reseller separately and conclude that, while Softech
    disclosed Gordon's personal information for a permitted
    use, a material question of fact exists as to the propriety
    of Arcanum's disclosure.
    i.    Softech
    Gordon alleges that Softech disclosed his personal
    information to Arcanum even though Arcanum did not identify
    a permissible use; this argument is meritless.      When
    Arcanum, a private investigative agency, requested Gordon's
    personal information from Softech, it selected "DPPA
    Purpose No. 8."      Rodriguez Dep. 49:8-11, Feb. 16, 2011;
    Cohn Dep. 29:3-10, Apr. 13, 2011.      This corresponds to the
    exception in section 2721(b)(8), "[f]or use by any licensed
    private investigative agency . . . for any purpose
    permitted under this subsection."      
    18 U.S.C. § 2721
    see also Rodriguez Dep. 49:12-16.
    Hence, this exception includes two limiting
    factors:     (1) the entities that may claim the exception,
    and (2) the purposes for which information may be
    requested.    Arcanum's request satisfied both requirements.
    First, as discussed above, Arcanum was a licensed private
    investigative agency and therefore eligible to claim the
    exception.    Second, Arcanum had provided Softech with an
    Affidavit of Intended Use that specifically identified
    three intended uses for the records requested, all of which
    complied with exceptions in section 2721(b). 7
    When Softech accessed the New York State DMV
    database and provided Arcanum with Gordon's name, address,
    and additional information pertaining to his car , it
    disclosed that information pursuant to an exception in
    section 2721(b), to an entity eligible to invoke the
    exception, for three purposes permitted by the DPPA.       See
    18 U.S.C. § 2721
    (b)(8).    Therefore, the district court
    correctly concluded as a matter of law that Softech had
    disclosed Gordon's personal information for a use expressly
    permitted by statute. 8
    Specifically, the affidavit indicated that Arcanum
    would use information only for the purposes outlined in section
    2721(b)(3) (for limited purposes in the normal course of
    business), section 2721(b)(7) (to provide notice to owners of
    towed or impounded vehicles), and section 2721(b)(13) (when the
    party in interest had consented in writing).
    Gordon also argues that Softech's disclosure under
    the private investigative agency exception violated the terms of
    an agreement between Softech and Arcanum. Under either Florida
    or New York law, Gordon, because he is a non-party who was not
    an intended third-party beneficiary of the agreement, cannot
    allege a DPPA violation on breach of contract grounds. See,
    e.g., Bochese v. Town of Ponce Inlet, 
    405 F.3d 964
    , 981-83 (11th
    Cir. 2005) (discussing Florida law); State of Cal. Pub. Emps.'
    Retirement Sys. v. Shearman & Sterling, 
    95 N.Y.2d 427
    , 434-35
    (2000) (discussing New York law).
    ii.   Arcanum
    Arcanum disclosed Gordon's personal information to
    Leifer based on Leifer's selection of "Insurance Other "
    from the Docusearch.com dropdown menu.     Gordon contends
    that "Insurance Other" did not correspond to a permitted
    use. 9
    Although Resellers insist that Gordon waived this
    argument by failing to raise it below, we disagree.
    Gordon's amended complaint noted that Arcanum "disclosed .
    . . Gordon's personal information without a permissible use
    under the DPPA."     Amended Complaint, ¶¶ 79, 81.   This
    necessarily implied that Gordon challenged whether the
    stated use -- "Insurance Other" -- fell within the section
    2721(b) exceptions. 10   Furthermore, Gordon argued below that
    Although Resellers further argue that Leifer wanted
    Gordon's personal information in preparation for litigation,
    pursuant to the exception in section 2721(b)(4), Leifer only
    claimed one exception -- "Insurance Other." Section 2722(a)
    prohibits disclosure "for any use not permitted" by statute, and
    Arcanum did not know that Leifer's use might later qualify for
    this exception. A reseller's ex post decision about a
    recipient's intended use of information cannot justify its
    decision to disclose the information in the first place.
    When cross-moving for summary judgment, Gordon
    explicitly argued that "Insurance Other" was not a permitted
    use, but made that argument only with respect to Softech.
    "to qualify under [the insurance exception] you have to
    either be an insurance company or a self-insured entity."
    Nov. 22, 2011 Tr., at 17:21-23.       Counsel for Arcanum was
    present, but did not object.     Accordingly, we determine
    that the issue was not waived.
    Under a textual approach, "Insurance Other" does
    not track the language of the insurance exception, which
    allows a person to disclose or use DPPA-protected personal
    information "in connection with claims investigation
    activities, antifraud activities, rating or underwriting ."
    18 U.S.C. § 2721
    (b)(6).    Thus, a disclosure for "Insurance
    Other" could be outside the scope of the statute , as the
    generic phrase encompasses many insurance-related
    activities beyond the stated activities of section
    2721(b)(6).    See Maracich, 
    133 S. Ct. at 2199-2200
    (examining DPPA's litigation exception and noting that
    "[u]nless commanded by the text . . . these exceptions
    ought not operate to the farthest reach of their linguistic
    possibilities if that result would contravene the statutory
    The insurance exception, moreover, may only be
    claimed by certain entities:     an "insurer or insurance
    support organization, or [] a self-insured entity."     
    § 2721(b)(6).   When deposed, Leifer conceded that he did
    not work at an insurance company, and could not identify
    what a self-insured entity or an insurance support
    organization was.   Leifer Dep. 81:22 to 82:19, July 12,
    2011.   Arcanum has pointed to nothing in the record to
    suggest that Leifer was, in fact, eligible to request
    information pursuant to that exception.     Thus, even if we
    were to assume that a collision had occurred, an insurance
    claim had accrued, and "Insurance Other" was coterminous
    with section 2721(b)(6), a reasonable jury could easily
    find that Leifer was not eligible to request information
    pursuant to the insurance exception.
    The Resellers insist that "Insurance Other"
    covered all insurance-related uses, but only to the extent
    contemplated by the exception in section 2721(b)(6).        This
    argument relies on the fact that each Docusearch.com
    customer certified that it was "in, and assume[d] full
    responsibility for, compliance with the Driver's Privacy
    Protection Act of 1994" by clicking "OK" on a pop-up
    window.   Furthermore, the customer also check ed a box,
    thereby consenting to the terms of a "Client Agreement," in
    which the customer "represent[ed] and warrant[ed] that it
    will provide Docusearch with accurate and complete
    information regarding the searches requested, and that
    search results will not be used for any purpose other than
    the purpose stated to Docusearch."
    We need not decide whether these representations
    sufficiently narrowed the scope of "Insurance Other" ;
    Resellers' argument still ignores the fact that only
    certain entities are eligible to claim the insurance
    exception.   Whether Leifer is one of them is determinative
    of Arcanum's liability.   If Leifer was not eligible to
    claim that exception, Arcanum's disclosure would have been
    for a use not permitted by section 2721(b).   Hence, with
    respect to Arcanum, we conclude that the district court
    erred by granting summary judgment without having first
    considered (1) whether Leifer was eligible to request
    information pursuant to the insurance exception, (2) if so,
    whether a collision had occurred, and (3) if so, whether an
    insurance claim had accrued.     These material questions of
    fact preclude summary judgment as to Arcanum's liability.
    b.   Resellers' Duty of Reasonable Care:    Legal
    Gordon further contends that, even if Resellers
    disclosed his personal information for what they believed
    to be a permitted use, they are still liable because they
    violated a duty of reasonable care imposed by the DPPA.
    Resellers contend that the DPPA imposes no such duty.
    Based on the language of the statute, its structure, and
    its legislative history, we conclude that the DPPA imposes
    a duty on resellers to exercise reasonable care in
    responding to requests for personal information drawn from
    motor vehicle records.
    i.   The Statutory Language
    The default rule under the DPPA is non -disclosure.
    It is unlawful for a state DMV or any employee or officer
    thereof to "knowingly disclose or otherwise make available
    to any person or entity . . . personal information"
    obtained from a motor vehicle record, except as provided i n
    section 2721(b).   
    18 U.S.C. § 2721
    (a).    Resellers are
    subject to the same general rule of non-disclosure; with
    limited exceptions not relevant here, resellers "may resell
    or redisclose the information only for a use permitted
    under subsection (b)."     
     § 2721(c) (emphasis added); see
    also Taylor v. Acxiom Corp., 
    612 F.3d 325
    , 338 (5th Cir.
    Moreover, the DPPA creates a civil cause of action
    for unauthorized disclosure:     section 2724(a) provides that
    a "person who knowingly obtains, discloses or uses personal
    information, from a motor vehicle record, for a purpose not
    permitted under this chapter shall be liable to the
    individual to whom the information pertains, who may bring
    a civil action in a United States district court."     
    18 U.S.C. § 2724
    (a).    Logically, the language makes clear,
    albeit implicitly, that resellers are obliged to use some
    care in disclosing personal information obtained from motor
    vehicle records.    If resellers may not disclose personal
    information except as permitted by the DPPA, they must be
    obliged to make some inquiry before concluding that
    disclosure is permitted.     See also Roth v. Guzman, 
    650 F.3d 603
    , 618 (6th Cir. 2011) (Clay, J., dissenting) (rejecting
    notion that upstream source had "no actual duty . . . other
    than the ministerial task of soliciting rote
    representations from prospective requesters" of DPPA-
    protected personal information).    It would make no sense
    that this obligation could be met simply by accepting an
    end user's mere "say-so" in the presence of red flags
    suggesting the requested information was being sought for
    an improper purpose.   Under this theory, advocated by
    Resellers, an upstream source could always avoid liability
    by securing a representation that the recipient of personal
    information had a permissible use or by hiding behind one
    or more dropdown menus so that a user would always -- and
    could only -- select a permitted use.    The civil remedies
    provision would be rendered toothless if resellers could
    insulate themselves from liability based solely on the
    conclusory representations of end users, with out being
    required to exercise due care themselves.
    We note also that the statute's use of the word
    "knowingly" is not inconsistent with the notion that some
    duty of care exists.   Cf. 
       Case law is replete with
    situations where knowledge contemplates what a party "knew
    or should have known." 11   Negligence law in particular
    frequently invokes the concept of constructive knowledge
    when deciding whether a particular outcome was
    foreseeable, 12 and criminal law applies a similar concept
    when imposing criminal liability under a theory of
    conscious avoidance. 13
    See, e.g., Farmer v. Brennan, 
    511 U.S. 825
    , 843 n.8
    (1994) (inferences not conclusive but prison official in Bivens
    suit "would not escape liability if the evidence showed that he
    merely refused to verify underlying facts that he strongly
    suspected to be true, or declined to confirm inferences of risk
    that he strongly suspected to exist"); In re Potomac Transp.,
    909 F.2d 42
    , 46 (2d Cir. 1990) (construing privity and
    knowledge under provision of maritime law to mean ship owner
    knew or should have known that particular condition existed).
    See, e.g., Ehrens v. Lutheran Church, 
    385 F.3d 232
    235 (2d Cir. 2004) (to state claim of negligent supervision,
    plaintiff must allege, inter alia, that employer knew or should
    have known of employee's propensity for injury-causing conduct);
    Williams v. Long Island R.R. Co., 
    196 F.3d 402
    , 406 (2d Cir.
    1999) (employer may breach liability under Federal Employers
    Liability Act, 
    45 U.S.C. § 51
     et seq., if it knew or should have
    known of workplace hazard but did not inform or protect its
    See, e.g., United States v. Beech-Nut Nutrition Corp.,
    871 F.2d 1181
    , 1195 (2d Cir. 1989) (finding conscious avoidance
    applies when "defendant claims to lack some specific aspect of
    knowledge necessary to conviction but where the evidence may be
    construed as deliberate ignorance" (citation and internal
    quotation marks omitted)); United States v. Finkelstein, 
    229 F.3d 90
    , 95-96 (2d Cir. 2000) (distinguishing conscious
    avoidance from negligence but holding it is relevant when
    considering sentencing enhancements).
    ii.   The Structure of the Civil Penalties
    The structure of the DPPA also supports the
    conclusion that resellers owe a duty of reasonable care.
    The DPPA provides that a court may award "punitive damages
    upon proof of willful or reckless disregard of the law."
    18 U.S.C. § 2724
    (b)(2); see also Pichler, 
    542 F.3d at 397
    (willful or reckless disregard is when "a party appre ciated
    it was engaging in wrongful conduct" (internal quotation
    marks omitted)).    In contrast, the preceding subdivision
    provides that the court may award "actual damages, but not
    less than liquidated damages in the amount of $2,500."       
    18 U.S.C. § 2724
    (b)(1).    The actual damages provision is
    silent as to the degree of fault necessary to trigger
    liability for actual damages.    If, however, as the statute
    suggests, punitive damages are available only for willful
    and reckless violations of the DPPA, then actual damages
    must require something less -- that is, conduct that is
    neither willful nor reckless.
    As we have rejected a theory of strict liability,
    the most appropriate standard, in our view, is
    reasonableness:   a reasonableness standard best harmonizes
    the wording, the structure, and, as discussed below, the
    purpose of the DPPA.   Accordingly, we conclude that a
    reseller is liable for actual (or liquidated) damages when
    it fails to use reasonable care to ensure that personal
    information is being obtained for a permissible purpose.
    We note too that the Department of Justice ("DOJ")
    has reached a similar conclusion.   In a non-binding
    advisory opinion, DOJ concluded that a state DMV could
    release personal information to resellers "upon reasonably
    concluding that the information [requested by the
    commercial distributor] will be used for authorized
    purposes only."   Letter from Robert C. McFetridge, Special
    Counsel to the Assistant Att'y Gen., Civil Div., Dep't of
    Justice, to Peter Sacks, Office of the Att'y Gen., The
    Commonwealth of Mass. (Oct. 9, 1998) (on file with the
    Court) [hereinafter "DOJ Letter"], at 2 (emphasis added);
    see also, e.g., Graczyk v. W. Publ'g Co., 
    660 F.3d 275
    280-81 (7th Cir. 2011) (discussing DOJ Letter), cert.
    132 S. Ct. 2391
     (2012); Taylor, 612 F.3d at 339
    (same).   An entity cannot reasonably conclude that a person
    or entity may access DPPA-protected personal information if
    it does not exercise some modicum of care.    See Cook v. ACS
    State & Local Solutions, Inc., 
    663 F.3d 989
    , 997 (8th Cir.
    2011) (summarizing DOJ letter as stating that states must
    "reasonably conclude that the information would be used
    only for authorized purposes").
    iii. The Legislative History
    We acknowledge that there is some ambiguity in the
    statute.   The DPPA does not explicitly provide for a duty
    of reasonable care, and it is silent as to the degree of
    fault necessary for an award of actual or liquidated
    Moreover, the word "knowingly," as used in
    sections 2722(a) and 2724(a), is ambiguous:   depending on
    one's reading of the statute, civil liability could attach
    (1) to any act committed intentionally, or (2) only for an
    act undertaken with knowledge of an improper purpose .    For
    example, in Pichler v. UNITE, 
    542 F.3d 380
     (3d Cir. 2008),
    the Third Circuit concluded that the end user -- a union --
    could be civilly liable for using DPPA -protected personal
    information for an improper purpose even though, at the
    time, the union did not know that its purpose would be
    deemed improper.   
    Id. at 396-97
    .    By contrast, in Roth v.
    650 F.3d 603
     (6th Cir. 2011), the Sixth Circuit
    concluded that a state DMV was not subject to civil
    liability under the DPPA unless it actually knew that the
    recipient, who had represented that it had a permissible
    use for the requested DPPA-protected personal information,
    would use it for an improper purpose.     
    Id. at 611-12
    .   We
    need not resolve the disagreement, however, as both Pichler
    (addressing use by an end user) and Roth (addressing
    disclosure by the state) are distinguishable from this
    case, which addresses disclosure by resellers .
    In light of the ambiguity in the statute, we look
    to its legislative history, and the legislative history
    supports the conclusion that resellers must exercise some
    degree of care.    The legislative history emphasized that
    the DPPA would protect "an individual's fundamental right
    to privacy and safety."    145 Cong. Rec. H2522 (daily ed.
    Apr. 20, 1994) (statement of Rep. Moran), available at 
    1994 WL 140035
    ; see also 
     at H2527 (statement of Rep. Goss).
    Protecting this right was particularly important in light
    of two mandates associated with driving:    all drivers must
    register with the state, and no drivers may obscure the
    license plate number on their cars.    See 139 Cong. Rec.
    S15764 (daily ed. Nov. 16, 1993) (statement of Sen. Boxer),
    available at 
    1993 WL 470986
    ; 140 Cong. Rec. H2523 (daily
    ed. Apr. 20, 1994) (statement of Rep. Moran), available at
    1994 WL 144035
    ; 139 Cong. Rec. S14436 (daily ed. Oct. 26,
    1993) (statement of Sen. Warner), available at 
    1993 WL 470986
     (drivers that register with the DMV "should do so
    with full confidence that the information they provide will
    not be disclosed indiscriminately").    Because disclosures,
    such as the one made by Softech to Arcanum to Leifer, are
    often "totally incompatible with the purpose for which the
    information was collected," regulating the circumstanc es of
    disclosure was of paramount importance to Congress.    See
    139 Cong. Rec. S15764 (daily ed. Oct. 26, 1993) (statement
    of Sen. Boxer), available at 
    1993 WL 470986
    Concerns that state actions had undermined public
    safety also catalyzed the enactment of the DPPA, which was
    passed as part of the Violent Crime Control and La w
    Enforcement Act of 1994, Pub. L. No. 103-322, 108 Stat.
    1796.   Congress perceived a need to better regulate
    disclosure of personal information because such disclosures
    had been used to stalk, rob, and even kill private
    citizens.    See, e.g., 139 Cong. Rec. E2747 (daily ed. Nov.
    3, 1993) (statement of Rep. Moran), available at 
    1993 WL 448643
    ; 139 Cong. Rec. S15762, S15766 (daily ed. Nov. 16,
    1993) (statements of Sen. Boxer and Sen. Harkin).      Assuming
    Gordon's allegations are true, Leifer's threats to Gordon's
    family and friends were precisely the sort of acts that
    Congress sought to curtail.
    Given the nature of information available through
    motor vehicle records -- e.g., social security number,
    medical or disability information, and home address -- the
    DPPA's purpose would be severely undermined if resellers'
    disclosures were not subject to a duty of reasonable
    inquiry.    See Reno, 
    528 U.S. at 151
     ("The DPPA regulates
    the universe of entities that participate as suppliers to
    the market for motor vehicle information -- the States as
    initial suppliers of the information in interstate commerce
    and private resellers or redisclosers of that information
    in commerce." (emphasis added)).     And, in light of the
    clear congressional intent to safeguard the privacy and
    safety of drivers, it is inconceivable that a dropdown
    menu, a check box, and a representation that no laws would
    be violated could satisfy any reasonable diligence floor.
    See 139 Cong. Rec. S15765 (daily ed. Nov. 16, 1993)
    (statement of Sen. Robb), available at 
    1993 WL 470986
    ; see
    also Roth, 
    650 F.3d at 619
     (Clay, J., dissenting) ("[T]he
    DPPA compels the conclusion that the Act imposes . . . a
    duty of reasonable inquiry."); Welch v. Jones, 
    770 F. Supp. 2d 1253
    , 1260 (N.D. Fla. 2011) (no DPPA violation in
    reseller's disclosure where recipient identified its
    permissible use under penalties of perjury, and reseller
    verified recipient's identity, even though the recipient
    ultimately used the information impermissibly).
    In light of the text, structure, and legislative
    history of the DPPA, we hold that resellers are subject to
    a duty of reasonable care before disclosing DPPA -protected
    personal information. 14   See 
    18 U.S.C. § 2721
    Notwithstanding the similarities among upstream
    sources of DPPA-protected personal information, as this case
    does not require us to consider the effect on state DMVs, we
    limit our holding to private resellers under the statute.
    c.     Resellers' Duty of Reasonable Care:   As
    Applied to Softech and Arcanum
    i.   Softech
    Softech released Gordon's personal information per
    Arcanum's request for "use by any licensed private
    investigative agency."    Rodriguez Dep. 49:15-16.    Moreover,
    Softech and Arcanum had an ongoing business relationship
    through which Softech knew Arcanum was a licensed private
    investigative agency, and Arcanum had contractually agreed
    that it would only use information for three purposes
    permitted by the DPPA.    Hence, at a minimum, Softech's
    disclosures to Arcanum were permitted by the private
    investigative agency exception.       See 
    18 U.S.C. § 2721
    (b)(8).    Nothing in the record suggests that, in
    complying with the information request , Softech acted
    Gordon contends that Softech's disclosure was
    still unreasonable because Arcanum's Affidavit of Intended
    Use affirmed that Arcanum would only use information for
    three stated purposes -- none of which were for public
    investigative services. 15   Furthermore, the agreement
    provided that Arcanum was required to "strictly abide" by
    the terms of the affidavit.    Softech contends that its
    automated system would "check[] that the DPPA [permissible
    use] selected is the one that they actually, upon signin g
    up with us, was the one that they selected on the Affidavit
    of Intended Use," and reject the request if it were not.
    Rodriguez Dep. 46:11-14, 16-20.      Yet when Arcanum requested
    information pursuant to an exception not listed on its
    Affidavit of Intended Use, Softech did not reject Arcanum's
    request; instead, it released Gordon's personal
    We do not believe that these circumstances create
    a genuine issue of fact for trial.      Although, when it
    initially entered into a relationship with Softech, Arcanum
    agreed that it would seek information only for three
    permissible purposes, no legal obstacles prevented Arcanum
    from requesting information from Softech (or precluded
    Softech from giving information to Arcanum) for other
    See supra note 7.
    permissible purposes in the future.     Moreover, Arcanum was,
    in fact, a licensed private investigative agency , and
    Arcanum had provided Softech with an Affidavit of Intended
    Use that promised that Arcanum would use the information
    only in accordance with the requirements in section
    2721(b)(8).   Further, as a reseller, Softech's disclosure,
    to a user for an apparently permissible use, was permitted
    under section 2721(c). 16   Finally, even assuming that
    Softech had inquired further, nothing in the record
    suggests that Softech would have uncovered any red flags
    suggesting the information was being sought for an improper
    purpose.   Hence, we conclude that the district court
    properly granted summary judgment in favor of Softech.
    ii.   Arcanum
    By contrast, we conclude that a reasonable jury
    could find that Arcanum failed to exercise reasonable care
    We further note that each of the four Courts of
    Appeals to have considered the issue has concluded that
    resellers (like Softech and Arcanum) need not themselves use the
    information before disclosing it in a manner permitted by the
    DPPA. See Cook v. ACS State & Local Solutions, Inc., 
    663 F.3d 989
    , 997 (9th Cir. 2011); Graczyk v. W. Publ'g Co., 
    660 F.3d 275
    , 279-80 (7th Cir. 2011); Howard v. Criminal Info. Servs.,
    654 F.3d 887
    , 891-92 (9th Cir. 2011); Taylor v. Acxiom
    612 F.3d 325
     (5th Cir. 2010).
    when it disclosed Gordon's personal information to Leifer.
    In seeking the information, Leifer used the alias "Jack
    Loren."    He used a credit card number that did not match
    the name "Jack Loren."     He claimed he worked for a
    business, "Bodyguards.com," that was not operational.     He
    selected a purpose, "Insurance Other," that, at least
    arguably, is not a permitted purpose.     He did not provide
    any information or proof relating to his status as an
    insurance company, a self-insured entity, or an insurance
    support organization, to verify his eligibility to invoke
    the insurance exception.
    Arcanum failed to inquire as to Leifer's
    eligibility to invoke the insurance exception, and it never
    checked the accuracy of the purported "Jack Loren" identity
    or the purported business affiliation.     Arcanum apparently
    did not even bother to verify whether the name associated
    with the credit card number provided by "Jack Loren"
    matched the name associated with the Docusearch.com
    Moreover, the Docusearch.com dropdown menu offered
    a selection of fourteen purportedly "Permissible
    Purpose[s]," and instructed the customer that he "Must
    Select One" of the purportedly permissible purposes.     Thus,
    the Docusearch.com website was designed -- as a reasonable
    jury could so find -- to ensure that end users selected one
    of fourteen purportedly permissible purposes, without
    providing them with an opportunity to articulate the true
    purpose -- permissible or not -- behind a particular
    records request.   Although Arcanum did ask Leifer to
    represent that he was seeking the information for a lawful
    purpose, a reasonable jury could find on these facts that
    Arcanum failed to use reasonable care, and that, had it
    been reasonably diligent, Arcanum would have discovered
    that Leifer was seeking the information for an improper
    purpose.   See King v. Crossland Sav. Bank, 
    111 F.3d 251
    259 (2d Cir. 1997) ("[T]he assessment of reasonableness
    generally is a factual question to be addressed by the
    jury.").   Accordingly, the district court erred in granting
    summary judgment to Arcanum.
    For the reasons set forth above, we AFFIRM the
    judgment of the district court to the extent it granted
    summary judgment in favor of Softech International, Inc.
    and Rodriguez, and we VACATE the judgment to the extent it
    granted summary judgment in favor of Arcanum
    Investigations, Inc. and Cohn on Gordon's claims under the
    DPPA.   We REMAND for further proceedings not inconsistent
    with this opinion.
    1   DENNIS JACOBS, Chief Judge, concurring in part and
    2   dissenting in part:
    4       Insofar as the majority opinion superimposes a
    5   negligence duty of care on the civil damages remedy of the
    6   Driver’s Privacy Protection Act (“the Act”), I respectfully
    7   dissent.
    8                                I
    9       An industry of “resellers” has arisen to facilitate
    10   acquisition by legitimate end-users of information collected
    11   by state motor vehicle bureaus.   The Act is designed to
    12   reduce abuses of the information and invasions of privacy.
    13   At the same time, Congress was careful to craft remedies for
    14   such abuse that would not impair the useful industry.      See,
    15   e.g., Protecting Driver Privacy: Hearing on H.R. 3365 Before
    16   the Subcomm. on Civil and Const. Rights of the H. Comm. On
    17   the Judiciary, 103d Cong. 4 (1994) (statement of bill
    18   sponsor Rep. James P. Moran) (“Careful consideration was
    19   given to the common uses now made of this information and
    20   great efforts were made to ensure that those uses were
    21   allowed under this bill.”), available at 
    1994 WL 212698
    ; 145
    22   Cong. Rec. H2522 (daily ed. Apr. 20, 1994) (statement of
    23   Rep. Moran) (“[The Act] strikes a critical balance between
    1   an individual’s fundamental right to privacy and safety and
    2   the legitimate governmental and business needs for this
    3   information.”).   The civil cause of action is worded in a
    4   way well-calculated to target abuses without inflicting
    5   collateral damage on the industry itself: “[a] person who
    6   knowingly obtains, discloses or uses personal information,
    7   from a motor vehicle record, for a purpose not permitted
    8   under this chapter shall be liable to the individual to whom
    9   the information pertains, who may bring a civil action in a
    10   United States district court.”    
    18 U.S.C. § 2724
    11   added).
    12       The majority opinion states that this language imposes
    13   a duty upon resellers to “to make some inquiry before
    14   concluding that disclosure is permitted.”    Maj. Op. at 31
    15   (emphasis removed).   I agree to the extent that resellers
    16   should require end-users to specify a legitimate use and
    17   give them notice that misuse subjects them to liability.
    18   But it is undisputed that Arcanum, the reseller here, did
    19   make such inquiry and provide such notice: it required the
    20   customer to represent which legitimate purpose was being
    21   pursued; it referenced the Act; and it elicited an
    22   indemnification in the event of a statutory violation--all
    23   of which served to warn the customer that violation of the
    24   Act would entail consequences.
    1       So the real holding of the majority opinion is that
    2   these measures are not enough, and that resellers have a
    3   duty of inquiry to verify the identity of the customer, and
    4   to perform related investigations, as though selling a
    5   firearm or dispensing a narcotic.   That is a negligence
    6   standard, and it is a judicial invention that alters the
    7   nature of the industry’s service and its economics, and
    8   thereby upsets the balance of the Act.
    10                                 II
    11       The facts of this case arrange themselves into a law
    12   school exam question.   Defendant Aron Leifer had some run-in
    13   with the driver of a car owned by plaintiff Erik Gordon.
    14   Leifer jotted down the license plate number, used
    15   Docusearch.com to get information associated with the
    16   license plate number, and then harassed Gordon.
    17   Docusearch.com is a website of defendant Arcanum
    18   Investigations, which is owned and operated by defendant Dan
    19   Cohn.
    20       As the Docusearch.com website required, Leifer
    21   certified that he had a permissible purpose for the
    22   information under the Act, and warranted that he would
    23   indemnify Arcanum against any breach.    But he used an alias
    24   (Jack Loren) to submit his request, and falsely selected
    1   “Insurance Other” as his permissible purpose from a drop-
    2   down menu.     Arcanum forwarded the request to defendant
    3   Softech International, Inc., for processing.          The master
    4   services agreement between the companies included a
    5   certification from Arcanum that it would only request
    6   records for certain purposes permissible under the Act, that
    7   it would require its end users to certify compliance, and
    8   that it would indemnify Softech against any violation.
    9       Gordon brought a damages action against Leifer under
    10   the Act.     Leifer had no permissible reason for procuring the
    11   license information, got it by false statements (using a
    12   false name that did not match his credit card, and a false
    13   affiliation with Bodyguards.com, a defunct website), and
    14   used the information to violate Gordon’s privacy.          Leifer
    15   settled the claim.     That settlement fulfilled the purposes
    16   of the Act.     The district court dismissed the claims against
    17   all the remaining defendants.       I would affirm.     The majority
    18   vacates the dismissal as to Arcanum and Mr. Cohn.
    20                                  III
    21       “[O]ur inquiry begins with the statutory text, and ends
    22   there as well if the text is unambiguous.”       BedRoc Ltd., LLC
    23   v. United States, 
    541 U.S. 176
    , 183 (2004).       The Act as a
    24   whole could be clearer than it is, but Congress made the
    1   civil remedy clear enough, given the ends in view: imposing
    2   damages on those who abuse the information, while preserving
    3   the industry that facilitates its use for fair purposes.
    4       The only mental-state requirement in the civil cause of
    5   action is the adverb “knowingly,” which modifies the verbs
    6   “obtains, discloses or uses,” which are further modified by
    7   the adverbial phrase, “for a purpose not permitted under
    8   this chapter . . . .”   
    18 U.S.C. § 2724
    .    Civil liability is
    9   therefore imposed only on a person who obtains, discloses,
    10   or uses personal information knowing that it is for a
    11   purpose--such as peddling goods or harassment--that is not
    12   legitimate.   Leifer is such a person.   Arcanum and Softech
    13   are not, in my view, because they made disclosure only after
    14   eliciting an affirmation of proper purpose, advising as to
    15   statutory requirements, and exacting a warranty of
    16   indemnification, which made the warning ominous.
    17       The majority opinion superimposes on the statutory
    18   wording a duty of (variously) “reasonable inquiry” (Maj. Op.
    19   at 20, 39, 40), “due care” (32), “reasonable care” (30, 34-
    20   36, 40), “some inquiry” (31), “reasonableness” (35), and
    21   “reasonable diligence” (40).   These amount to “negligence”
    22   (33), and, as applied to this case, they mean that there is
    23   a duty of a reseller to make inquiries of the end-user, at
    24   least when there are “red flags” (32, 43).    The flags here
    1   are said to be: use of an alias; use of a credit card in a
    2   different name (Leifer’s own); use of an entity
    3   (Bodyguards.com) that was defunct; and selection of
    4   “Insurance Other” from the drop-down menu, which is not a
    5   term expressly listed in the statute as a permitted use
    6   (though insurance is, see 
    18 U.S.C. § 2721
    (b)(6) and (9)).
    7       The standard adopted by the majority opinion therefore
    8   requires at least that a reseller make inquiry and
    9   investigation into: the user’s identity, the match between
    10   the user’s name and the credit card used, and the current
    11   status and activity of the employing entity.     Without those
    12   inquiries, there would be no red flags; they wave here only
    13   by reason of the inquiries made via discovery in litigation.
    14   Yet the majority subjects Arcanum and Mr. Cohn to a jury
    15   trial because they failed to look for these red flags before
    16   releasing Gordon’s driver information.     Implicit in that
    17   ruling is a requirement that resellers conduct inquiries
    18   looking for red flags in every application.     And that
    19   presupposes personnel who can identify anomalies, and
    20   evaluate responses to inquiries (e.g., “I’m using my
    21   employer’s credit card”; “Oh, Bodyguards.com is doing
    22   business under another name”; etc.).     Although the majority
    23   opinion persuasively demonstrates that Congress did not
    24   intend to impose strict liability, see Maj. Op. at 19-23,
    1   the burden imposed by the majority opinion is, in effect,
    2   not all that much less.
    3       The standard expressed in the statutory wording, a
    4   “knowing” misuse, is straightforward and easy to apply to
    5   transactions that are (like these) numerous and fleeting.
    6   By contrast, the duty of reasonable inquiry imposed by the
    7   majority opinion has no clear boundaries.   See, e.g.,
    8   Catharine Pierce Wells, A Pragmatic Approach to Improving
    9   Tort Law, 
    54 Vand. L. Rev. 1447
    , 1452 (2001) (“[N]egligence
    10   doctrine has never consisted of the kind of rules that can
    11   make outcomes seem predictable and certain.”).    It was
    12   reasonable for Congress to draw the line at a knowing
    13   violation, especially in view of its intent to preserve the
    14   industry of resellers (a goal acknowledged in the majority’s
    15   rejection of strict liability, see Maj. Op. at 21-22).     With
    17   a clear, logical interpretation of the text available, there
    18   is no need to look any further.   BedRoc, 
    541 U.S. at 183
    20                                IV
    21       The majority adduces three arguments in support of
    22   imposing a “duty of reasonable care” that would require
    23   measures beyond those that Arcanum employed.     None of these
    24   reasons is convincing.
    1       First, the majority opinion cites legislative history,
    2   suggesting that it “supports the conclusion that resellers
    3   must exercise some degree of care.”     Maj. Op. at 37.     But
    4   the citations reflect only an intent to protect the privacy
    5   of drivers’ personal information--a broad objective that
    6   does not impose a duty of inquiry and that is compatible
    7   with a standard that protects resellers that commit no
    8   knowing wrong.   The majority opinion thus succumbs to the
    9   fallacy that all remedial legislation reflects an intent to
    10   advance the remedial purpose by flattening every competing
    11   consideration.   The majority writes: “Leifer’s threats to
    12   Gordon’s family and friends were precisely the sort of acts
    13   that Congress sought to curtail.”     Maj. Op. at 39.     All this
    14   statement tells us about the duty of care is that a culpable
    15   end-user such as Leifer should be liable, as he would be
    16   under my reading as well.
    17       Second, the majority opinion reasons that since the Act
    18   allows punitive damages in cases of “willful or reckless
    19   disregard of the law,” 
    18 U.S.C. § 2724
    (b)(2), the threshold
    20   for generic civil liability must be lower.    Maj. Op. at 34.
    21   But surely the distinction between the actual and punitive
    22   damages is “disregard of the law”--and a law can be
    23   disregarded only by persons who are aware of it.    People in
    24   relevant industries will know it, but few others will have
    1   sufficient awareness to disregard it when they handle driver
    2   records.   This Act is not the kind of law imbibed with
    3   mother’s milk.
    4       Under a plain text reading, liability for actual or
    5   liquidated damages arises for a knowing disclosure made for
    6   an impermissible purpose, while punitive damages are
    7   available only when that disclosure is made in disregard of
    8   restrictions that the actor knows have been implemented by
    9   the Act.   The punitive damages clause does not refute the
    10   requirement of a “knowing” mental state.
    11       Third, the majority writes that the statute only makes
    12   sense “logically” if it is associated with a duty of care.1
    13   Maj. Op. at 31 (“Logically, the language makes clear, albeit
    14   implicitly, that resellers are obliged to use some care in
    15   disclosing personal information obtained from motor vehicle
    16   records.”).   The thrust of the argument is that, without a
    The Sixth Circuit managed to “logically” interpret
    the statute without recognizing a duty of care. See Roth v.
    650 F.3d 603
    , 611 (6th Cir. 2011) (disclosure is
    permitted so long as the reseller has a permissible reason
    to provide the records to the requestor). In fact, the
    majority opinion in that case ignored express calls from the
    dissenting opinion to identify such a duty. See 
    id. at 618
    (Clay, J., dissenting) (“The majority opinion circumvents
    the legal question of what duty the DPPA imposes on
    Defendants . . . . In doing so, the majority reasons that as
    long as a requestor represents . . . that it will use
    drivers’ personal information in accordance with a DPPA
    exception, [motor bureau employees] do not violate the Act
    if they then knowingly disclose that information.”).
    1   duty of care requirement, “an upstream source could always
    2   avoid liability by securing a representation that the
    3   recipient of personal information had a permissible use,”
    4   i.e., a certification or an indemnification agreement, both
    5   of which were used by Arcanum here.     Maj. Op. at 32.   The
    6   majority fears that this possibility would render the civil
    7   remedy “toothless.”    
       I disagree.   The civil remedy
    8   works admirably in the overall scheme.
    9          The Act, which regulates an activity that uses
    10   middlemen, sensibly places civil damages liability on the
    11   person who knowingly handles the information for an improper
    12   purpose.    The Act operates in a way that is reasonable and
    13   effective (and thus “logical”).     Liability for damages is
    14   imposed at the point in the sequence of transactions where
    15   there is knowing misconduct.    Punitive damages are imposed
    16   for wilful or reckless “disregard of the law,” that is, on
    17   persons who know about this fairly obscure enactment
    18   (usually by virtue of being in the business of violating
    19   it).    See 
    18 U.S.C. § 2724
    (b)(2).   And the act also imposes
    20   a criminal fine for knowing violations.     See 18 U.S.C.
    21   § 2723.    The scheme as a whole induces prudent resellers to
    22   warn end-users and to obtain representations of compliance.
    23          In this case, the victim (Gordon) recovered damages
    24   from the violator (Leifer).    So it cannot be said that the
    1   Act was “toothless” in this case.        The Act doesn’t have to
    2   bite everybody.
    3       The Act treats on an equal footing the end-users, the
    4   resellers, and the state motor vehicle bureaus.        So one
    5   should be able to test the soundness of a ruling on the
    6   reseller’s duty by seeing if it can fairly be applied to the
    7   motor vehicle bureau as well.        It is therefore telling that
    8   the majority opinion expressly concedes that its ruling does
    9   not apply to the state motor vehicle bureaus.        See Maj. Op.
    10   at 40 n.14.   Not that I disagree on that score: for my part,
    11   I am not sure that every employee of a motor vehicle bureau
    12   can be counted on to mobilize as an eager detective.
    13       The measures taken by Arcanum and Softech adequately
    14   assured that they would not knowingly make a disclosure for
    15   an unpermitted purpose.   But the majority opinion remands
    16   for a negligence finding as to the website’s instruction
    17   that the customer “Must Select One” of the permissible uses
    18   from the drop-down menu, and does so on the theory that such
    19   an instruction affords no opportunity to state the true
    20   reason.   In my view, there is no basis for thinking that
    21   Leifer would otherwise have revealed his true need for the
    22   information (that would be: “I need to harass the
    1   registration holder with salacious phone calls”), or that
    2   the instruction (“Must Select One”) is an order to pick one
    3   even if it is false.   A lot of website owners should worry
    4   about the implications of the majority opinion.

Document Info

Docket Number: 12-661-cv

Filed Date: 8/1/2013

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/19/2016

Authorities (29)

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