Unite Here v. National Labor Relations Board , 546 F.3d 239 ( 2008 )

  •      06-4440-ag
    Unite Here v. NLRB
    2                            UNITED STATES COURT OF APPEALS
    4                                  FOR THE SECOND CIRCUIT
    6                                     August Term 2007
    8    (Argued: April 7, 2008                          Decided: October 14, 2008)
    10                                  Docket No. 06-4440-ag
    12   -----------------------------------------------------x
    14   UNITE HERE,
    16                    Petitioner,
    18                              -- v. --
    23                    Respondent.
    25   -----------------------------------------------------x
    27   B e f o r e :         WALKER, CABRANES, and RAGGI, Circuit Judges.
    29           Petitioner Union appeals from a decision of the National
    30   Labor Relations Board that found that a one-time stock award
    31   given in an equal amount to all employees of a company after an
    32   initial public stock offering was a gift and therefore not
    33   subject to mandatory bargaining.             The petition for review is
    34   denied.
    1                                  IRA JAY KATZ, Associate General
    2                                  Counsel (David M. Prouty, General
    3                                  Counsel, on the brief), UNITE HERE,
    4                                  New York, NY, for Petitioner.
    6                                  RICHARD A. COHEN, Senior Attorney
    7                                  (Ronald Meisburg, General Counsel,
    8                                  John E. Higgins, Jr., Deputy
    9                                  General Counsel, John H. Ferguson,
    10                                  Associate General Counsel, Aileen
    11                                  A. Armstrong, Deputy Associate
    12                                  General Counsel, Robert J.
    13                                  Englehart, Supervisory Attorney, on
    14                                  the brief) National Labor
    15                                  Relations Board, Washington, DC,
    16                                  for Respondent.
    20   JOHN M. WALKER, JR., Circuit Judge:
    21        Petitioner, Unite Here (“the Union”), seeks review of a
    22   National Labor Relations Board (“NLRB” or “Board”) order
    23   dismissing a portion of the Union’s complaint alleging unfair
    24   labor practices against employer North American Pipe Corporation
    25   (“NAP”).   The Union claimed that NAP was required to bargain over
    26   a one-time stock award before distributing it to NAP’s employees
    27   pursuant to Sections 8(a)(1) and (5) of the National Labor
    28   Relations Act (“NLRA”).   Section 8(a)(1) of the NLRA makes it
    29   unlawful for an employer “to interfere with, restrain, or coerce
    30   employees in the exercise of the rights guaranteed [under the
    31   NLRA],” and Section 8(a)(5) makes it unlawful for an employer “to
    1    refuse to bargain collectively with the representatives of his
    2    employees.”   
    29 U.S.C. § 158
    (a)(1), (5).
    3         On appeal, the Union argues that the NLRB erred by applying
    4    an incorrect legal standard when it determined that the stock
    5    award qualified as a non-bargainable gift.    The Union also
    6    contends that the NLRB’s ultimate factual determination was
    7    erroneous.
    9                                 BACKGROUND
    10        Westlake Chemical Corporation (“Westlake”), of which NAP is
    11   a subsidiary, operates thirteen manufacturing facilities in the
    12   United States, with approximately 1500 employees.    The Union
    13   represents fifty-six NAP employees at one of Westlake’s
    14   manufacturing facilities.
    15        Westlake was privately owned until August 11, 2004, when
    16   Westlake conducted an initial public offering (“IPO”) of stock.
    17   The IPO was successful, and, a few days after the IPO, Westlake
    18   decided to make a one-time transfer of 100 shares of its stock to
    19   every Westlake employee.    In a memorandum to all Westlake
    20   employees, Westlake announced:
    21        In recognition of this important historic company event and
    22        the significant contribution made by each of you toward the
    23        growth and success of the company, the Board of Directors
    1        has authorized an award of 100 shares of common stock to
    2        each full-time, regular employee with at least six months of
    3        service as of today. These shares will be awarded to you
    4        initially in the form of stock units, and shares will be
    5        distributed to you at the conclusion of six months, provided
    6        you remained a regular, full-time employee during that
    7        period.
    9        Please accept our appreciation for your efforts. We are
    10        confident that as we work together we can continue to build
    11        a strong and successful Westlake Chemical Corporation for
    12        all of our shareholders, including each of you.
    14   Westlake followed this announcement with a letter to each
    15   employee explaining that Westlake had taken steps to account for
    16   the tax obligations applicable to the award of stock and that
    17   each employee could elect to have the requisite tax paid either
    18   by withholding shares of common stock or by withholding cash from
    19   the employee’s base pay.   Westlake awarded the same number of
    20   shares to all eligible hourly, supervisory, and management
    21   employees at all of its facilities.   The value of the 100 shares
    22   was approximately $1450 at the time of their issuance.
    23        Westlake never sought to bargain with the Union over the
    24   stock award.   After learning of the stock award, the Union filed
    25   an unfair labor practice complaint alleging among other things
    26   that NAP, through whom Westlake had distributed the shares, had
    27   violated Sections 8(a)(1) and (5) of the NLRA, 
    29 U.S.C. § 28
       158(a)(1),(5), by awarding shares of stock to the employees it
    1    represented without affording the Union prior notice and an
    2    opportunity to bargain.    The Board, with one member dissenting,
    3    found that no violation had occurred because the stock award was
    4    a one-time-only gift tied to the success of the IPO and that the
    5    award bore an insufficient connection to wages to bring it within
    6    the scope of the NLRA under the doctrine of Benchmark Indus., 270
    N.L.R.B. 22
     (1984), aff’d, Amalgamated Clothing v. NLRB, 
    760 F.2d 8
        267 (5th Cir. 1985) (unpublished table decision).
    9         The Union now appeals from the NLRB’s decision.
    11                              DISCUSSION
    12        Congress has delegated authority to the National Labor
    13   Relations Board to decide whether a specific grievance is subject
    14   to mandatory bargaining.   Olivetti Office U.S.A., Inc. v. NLRB,
    926 F.2d 181
    , 185 (2d Cir. 1991).     “[M]indful that decisions
    16   based upon the Board’s expertise should receive, pursuant to
    17   longstanding Supreme Court precedent, ‘considerable deference,’”
    18   Ewing v. NLRB, 
    861 F.2d 353
    , 357 (2d Cir. 1988) (citations
    19   omitted), “we afford the Board ‘a degree of legal leeway,’” NLRB
    20   v. Caval Tool Div., 
    262 F.3d 184
    , 188 (2d Cir. 2001) (citation
    21   omitted).   “This court [therefore] reviews the Board’s legal
    22   conclusions to ensure that they have a reasonable basis in law.”
    1    Caval Tool Div., 
    262 F.3d at 188
    .      Its legal conclusions will be
    2    disturbed only if found to be “arbitrary or capricious.”
    3    Laborers’ Int’l Union of N. Am. v. NLRB, 
    945 F.2d 55
    , 58 (2d Cir.
    4    1991).
    5         “Factual findings of the Board will not be disturbed if they
    6    are supported by substantial evidence in light of the record as a
    7    whole.”   Caval Tool Div., 
    262 F.3d at 188
    .     When reviewing for
    8    substantial evidence, our inquiry is limited to “determin[ing]
    9    whether the supporting evidence, even if not preponderating in
    10   this court’s view, nevertheless provides a sufficient basis for
    11   the Board’s decision.”   NLRB v. Interboro Contractors, Inc., 388
    12 F.2d 495
    , 499 (2d Cir. 1967).
    13        The issue before us is whether Westlake’s award of its
    14   shares amounted to a unilateral increase in wages or an
    15   alteration of the terms and conditions of employment such that,
    16   in the absence of bargaining, it violated NLRA §§ 8(a)(1) and
    17   (5), 
    29 U.S.C. § 158
    (a)(1), (5).       See NLRB v. Katz, 
    369 U.S. 736
    18   747 (1962) (“Unilateral action by an employer without prior
    19   discussion with the union does amount to a refusal to negotiate
    20   about the affected conditions of employment under negotiation,
    21   and must of necessity obstruct bargaining, contrary to the
    22   congressional policy.”).
    1    I.   The Board’s Legal Conclusions
    2         The Union contends that the Board applied an incorrect legal
    3    standard because “gift doctrine case[ ]law” requires that, to be
    4    non-bargainable, an award must be of token value or given on
    5    holidays such as Christmas.   This argument challenges the Board’s
    6    legal determination, which we will not disturb unless it is
    7    arbitrary and capricious.   The Union’s argument is without merit,
    8    and we perceive nothing erroneous, much less arbitrary and
    9    capricious, in the Board’s rejection of it.
    10        The question of whether an award constitutes wages and
    11   therefore is the subject of mandatory bargaining turns upon
    12   whether the award is “so tied to the remuneration which employees
    13   received for their work that [it was] in fact a part of it.”
    14   NLRB v. Niles-Bement-Pond Co., 
    199 F.2d 713
    , 714 (2d Cir. 1952).
    15   In ascertaining whether a stock award is so tied to remuneration
    16   that it must be the subject of bargaining, the Board looks to the
    17   relationship of the award to other employment-related factors,
    18   including work performance, wages, hours worked, seniority, and
    19   production.   See Benchmark Indus., 270 N.L.R.B. at 22.   An award
    20   that is sufficiently tied to these work-related factors is
    21   considered part of the overall compensation that an employee
    22   receives and is therefore mandatorily bargainable.   For example,
    1    a bonus has been considered “employment-related” when it was tied
    2    to the company’s profits, Waxie Sanitary Supply, 
    337 N.L.R.B. 3
       303, 304 (2001), or when it was paid based on supervisory
    4    recommendations and work performance, Radio Television Technical
    5    Sch., Inc. v. NLRB, 
    488 F.2d 457
    , 460 (3d Cir. 1973).      An
    6    additional consideration in the analysis is the regularity with
    7    which similar awards or payments have been made in the past.
    8    Bonuses that are not tied to other employment-related factors
    9    have been found to be the subject of mandatory bargaining when
    10   they were “paid over a sufficient length of time to have become a
    11   reasonable expectation of the employees and, therefore, part of
    12   their anticipated remuneration.”       NLRB v. Electro Vector, Inc.,
    539 F.2d 35
    , 37 (9th Cir. 1976) (citation and internal quotation
    14   marks omitted); accord United Shoe Mach. Corp., 
    96 N.L.R.B. 1309
    15   1314-15 (1951).
    16        Contrary to the Union’s argument, the determination of
    17   whether an award or bonus is bargainable, does not depend on
    18   whether it is of “token value.”    Although the Board has
    19   demonstrated its reluctance to hold that awards of nominal value
    20   are subject to mandatory negotiation, see, e.g., Benchmark
    21   Indus., 270 N.L.R.B. at 22 (describing dissent’s contention that
    22   a dinner and a five-pound ham constituted wages as “overly
    1    legalistic”), it has found bonuses of significant value not to be
    2    the subject of mandatory bargaining where the bonus is
    3    insufficiently tied to employment-related factors and not “of
    4    such a fixed nature . . . to have become a reasonable expectation
    5    of the employees and, therefore, part of their anticipated
    6    remuneration,” Phelps Dodge Mining Co. v. NLRB, 
    22 F.3d 1493
    7    1496 (10th Cir. 1994) (citation and internal quotation marks
    8    omitted) (holding that “appreciation” bonuses, one of which was
    9    given to all employees in an amount equal to eighty hours of work
    10   at each employee’s standard pay rate, were not subject to
    11   mandatory bargaining); see also NLRB v. Wonder State Mfg. Co.,
    344 F.2d 210
    , 213 (8th Cir. 1965) (finding award of one week’s
    13   pay to be a gift and not subject to mandatory bargaining).
    14        Whether the award is given during the holiday season is
    15   similarly of little consequence.       There is nothing in the Board’s
    16   established test that limits the gift doctrine to holiday gifts.
    17   To be sure, many awards given during the holidays have been found
    18   to bear an insufficient relationship to employment-related
    19   factors to constitute part of the employee’s wages, but we have
    20   found no case restricting the gift doctrine’s applicability to a
    21   particular holiday or season.   The Board acted reasonably in
    22   refusing to recognize such an arbitrary and unprincipled
    1    requirement.
    2           We thus find that the Board did not err, much less abuse
    3    its discretion in rejecting the Union’s contention that the gift
    4    doctrine is limited to awards of token value or those given at
    5    Christmas time.
    7    II.   The Board’s Factual Findings
    8          The Union challenges the Board’s factual findings on the
    9    same grounds that were the bases for one Board member’s dissent.
    10   The dissent believed that the stock award was sufficiently tied
    11   to compensation that it should have been mandatorily bargainable.
    12   The ultimate question of whether the stock award is so tied to
    13   remuneration that it is in fact a part of it is “a question of
    14   fact [and if] the Board’s finding to that effect [is] supported
    15   by substantial evidence it ends the matter.”   Niles-Bemont-Pond
    16   Co., 
    199 F.2d at 714
    17         First, the dissent noted that Westlake made preparations to
    18   withhold taxes from the stock award, which is consistent with a
    19   view that the stock award constituted wages.   The majority
    20   acknowledged that this factor might cut against treatment of the
    21   stock award as non-bargainable, but concluded that this factor
    22   was outweighed by other considerations.
    1         Second, the dissent also argued that the stock award was
    2    tied to the number of hours worked, in that only full-time
    3    employees were eligible for the award.   The majority pointed out,
    4    however, that the respondent never made this argument before the
    5    Board, and it noted both that the record was barren as to how
    6    Westlake determined full-time employment and that the Union
    7    proffered no evidence that any Union member was excluded because
    8    of this condition.
    9         Last, the dissent argued that the award was tied to
    10   seniority because only employees who had worked for Westlake for
    11   six months were eligible and that the award was a condition of
    12   employment because it did not vest until the employee remained in
    13   full-time employment for six additional months.   The majority
    14   found the link between the prescribed time periods set forth in
    15   the award announcement and the stock award to be “far too tenuous
    16   to support a conclusion that employees were receiving the stock
    17   because of their performance.”   N. Am. Pipe Corp., 
    347 N.L.R.B. 18
       No. 78, 2006-2007 NLRB Dec. ¶ 17174, at 4 (July 31, 2006).    The
    19   majority concluded that the employees received the stock award
    20   because the successful IPO permitted it and not as a reward for
    21   working at NAP for six months prior to and six months after the
    22   stock award.
    1         There is no basis to disturb the majority’s factual
    2    conclusions.   The stock award here was a one-time event, given to
    3    each employee, regardless of rank, in an equal amount.    The
    4    record fully supports the majority’s finding that the stock was
    5    issued to mark the success of the IPO and not because NAP sought
    6    to compensate those employees who had been at Westlake for six
    7    months and to entice those employees to stay for at least six
    8    more.   Though the dissent made colorable arguments as to why the
    9    Board could have concluded that some of the employment-related
    10   factors supported a finding that the stock award should be
    11   treated as wages, the majority’s conclusion is supported by
    12   substantial evidence.
    13        In sum, we find that the Board’s legal determinations were
    14   not arbitrary and capricious and that the Board’s ultimate
    15   determination is supported by substantial evidence.
    17                                  CONCLUSION
    18        For the foregoing reasons, the petition is DENIED.