CP Solutions PTE, LTD. v. Gen. Elec. Co. ( 2009 )

  •      07-3444-cv
    CP Solutions PTE, LTD. v. Gen. Elec. Co.
    1                        UNITED STATES COURT OF APPEALS
    2                            FOR THE SECOND CIRCUIT
    3                                     --------
    4                               August Term, 2008
    6   (Argued: December 1, 2008                    Decided: January 6, 2009)
    8                             Docket No. 07-3444-cv
    9   -----------------------------------------------------------X
    12                     Plaintiff-Appellant,
    14               - v. -
    20                  Defendants-Appellees.
    21   -----------------------------------------------------------X
    22   Before:   McLAUGHLIN, B.D. PARKER, Circuit Judges, and KOELTL,
    23             District Judge.*
    25         Plaintiff appeals the dismissal of its complaint for lack of
    26   subject matter jurisdiction by the United States District Court
    27   for the District of Connecticut (Arterton, J.).
    The Honorable John G. Koeltl of the United States District
    Court for the Southern District of New York, sitting by
    1                            ROBERT K. KRY, Baker Botts LLP,
    2                            Washington, D.C. (Michael S. Goldberg,
    3                            Jeffrey A. Lamken, Alexandra M. Walsh,
    4                            Baker Botts LLP, Washington, D.C.;
    5                            Elizabeth Acee, Tyler Cooper, New Haven,
    6                            Connecticut, on the brief), for
    7                            Plaintiff-Appellant.
    9                            THOMAS J. DONLON, Robinson & Cole, LLP,
    10                            Stamford, Connecticut, for Defendants-
    11                            Appellees.
    12   PER CURIAM:
    13        Plaintiff CP Solutions PTE, LTD. (“CP Solutions”) appeals
    14   from a judgment of the United States District Court for the
    15   District of Connecticut (Arterton, J.) dismissing its complaint
    16   for lack of diversity jurisdiction.    The defendants moved to
    17   dismiss because both CP Solutions and defendant GE Multilin Power
    18   Management Lentronics (“GE Multilin”) were foreign citizens.       The
    19   district court held that GE Multilin was indispensable and
    20   therefore could not be dropped as a party, leaving the court
    21   without subject matter jurisdiction.    Because we conclude that GE
    22   Multilin was not an indispensable party, we REVERSE the district
    23   court’s judgment and REMAND.
    24                              BACKGROUND
    25        CP Solutions alleged the following in its complaint.     In
    26   December 2002, CP Solutions, a Singapore corporation, contracted
    27   with a Malaysian entity called Tru-Tech Electronics (“Tru-Tech”).
    28   CP Solutions agreed to procure parts that Tru-Tech needed in
    29   order to assemble electrical products under agreements with
    1   various General Electric (“GE”) companies, including GE Multilin.
    2   As part of the GE companies’ arrangement with Tru-Tech, they
    3   furnished Tru-Tech with circuits to be integrated into the
    4   electrical products.   Tru-Tech, which was required to pay for the
    5   circuits, ran up a large debt to the GE companies.   Pursuant to a
    6   set-off clause in their contracts, the GE companies were
    7   permitted to deduct any amount that Tru-Tech owed them from the
    8   amount payable to Tru-Tech for the electrical products.
    9        Because of the debt, CP Solutions refused to procure parts
    10   for Tru-Tech without assurance from the GE companies that they
    11   would not claim a set-off against payments owed to CP Solutions.
    12   In January 2003, the GE companies orally agreed either to pay CP
    13   Solutions directly or to guarantee payment, and not to claim a
    14   set-off against monies due CP Solutions.   The GE companies later
    15   made similar statements in writing.   In July 2003, however, the
    16   GE companies denied that they had a contract with CP Solutions
    17   and claimed a set-off for the amount Tru-Tech owed them against
    18   payments due CP Solutions.
    19        In April 2004, CP Solutions sued GE Co., GE Industrial
    20   Systems, GE Fanuc Automation North America, GE Meter, and GE
    21   Multilin in the Central District of California, seeking damages
    22   for breach of contract, fraud, and other causes of action.    The
    23   complaint alleged that GE Multilin was a “business entity, form
    24   unknown, with its principal place of business in
    1   . . . Ontario, Canada.”   CP Solutions did not differentiate among
    2   the defendants, but instead alleged that the GE employees whose
    3   actions were central to the claims bound all of the defendants
    4   and that the defendants were agents of one another.    Jurisdiction
    5   was based on diversity of citizenship.
    6        In December 2004, the district court in California
    7   transferred the case to the District of Connecticut.   The parties
    8   proceeded to discovery.   In November 2006, more than two years
    9   after the case was filed, the defendants moved to dismiss the
    10   suit for lack of subject matter jurisdiction.   They argued that
    11   diversity of citizenship did not exist because both CP Solutions
    12   and GE Multilin were foreign citizens.   The defendants also
    13   maintained that GE Multilin was an indispensable party and
    14   therefore could not be dropped to preserve jurisdiction.
    15        CP Solutions opposed the motion to dismiss on the grounds
    16   that: (1) GE Multilin Power Management Lentronics, the party
    17   named in the complaint, never existed; (2) a Canadian subsidiary
    18   of GE Co. named GE Multilin, Inc. existed until it was dissolved
    19   in February 2004, with its assets and liabilities passing to
    20   another GE company; and (3) a nonexistent or dissolved entity is
    21   not an indispensable party pursuant to Federal Rule of Civil
    22   Procedure 19.   CP Solutions also proposed to amend the complaint
    23   to omit GE Multilin and to allege that only GE Co. breached the
    24   contract.
    1        In January 2007, the district court granted the defendants’
    2   motion to dismiss.   The court recognized that a nondiverse party
    3   can be dropped from a suit to preserve diversity jurisdiction,
    4   but held that GE Multilin (which it construed to be GE Multilin,
    5   Inc.) could not be omitted because it was indispensable to CP
    6   Solutions’s breach-of-contract claim.      The court reasoned that
    7   “[a] party to a contract which is the subject of the lawsuit ‘is
    8   the paradigm of an indispensable party.’” CP Solutions PTE, LTD.
    9   v. Gen. Elec. Co., 
    470 F. Supp. 2d 151
    , 157 (D. Conn. 2007)
    10   (quoting Travelers Indem. Co. v. Household Int’l, Inc., 
    775 F. 11
       Supp. 518, 527 (D. Conn. 1991)).       The court also refused to allow
    12   CP Solutions to file its amended pleading.
    13        CP Solutions moved for reconsideration.       In July 2007, the
    14   district court adhered to its ruling.      The court applied four
    15   factors relevant to determining whether a party is indispensable
    16   and found that: (1) a judgment rendered without GE Multilin as a
    17   party might deprive CP Solutions of the opportunity to recover
    18   all of its damages, (2) the court could not conceive of a way to
    19   minimize this prejudice, (3) omitting GE Multilin would likely
    20   lead to piecemeal litigation, and (4) CP Solutions could sue all
    21   of the defendants in state court.
    22        CP Solutions now appeals.
    1                                DISCUSSION
    2        We review a district court’s decision as to whether a party
    3   is indispensable for abuse of discretion.   Universal Reins. Co.
    4   v. St. Paul Fire & Marine Ins. Co., 
    312 F.3d 82
    , 87 (2d Cir.
    5   2002).   A court abuses its discretion if its decision rests on an
    6   error of law or a clearly erroneous factual finding, or cannot be
    7   located within the range of permissible choices.    Zervos v.
    8   Verizon N.Y., Inc., 
    252 F.3d 163
    , 169 (2d Cir. 2001).
    9        District courts possess original jurisdiction over actions
    10   between “citizens of a State and citizens or subjects of a
    11   foreign state,” and between “citizens of different States and in
    12   which citizens of a foreign state are additional parties.”      28
    13 U.S.C. § 1332
    (a)(2), (3).    Diversity jurisdiction does not exist,
    14   however, “where on one side there are citizens [of a State] and
    15   aliens and on the opposite side there are only aliens.”
    16   Universal Licensing Corp. v. Paola del Lungo S.p.A., 
    293 F.3d 17
       579, 581 (2d Cir. 2002).    The parties agree that CP Solutions and
    18   GE Multilin are both foreign citizens and that therefore
    19   diversity is lacking unless CP Solutions can amend the complaint
    20   to omit GE Multilin.1
    21        Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 21 allows a court to drop a
    22   nondiverse party at any time to preserve diversity jurisdiction,
    CP Solutions does not challenge the district court’s conclusion
    that, by naming GE Multilin as a defendant, it intended to sue GE
    Multilin, Inc., the Canadian corporation dissolved in 2004. We
    therefore accept that conclusion for purposes of this appeal.
    1   Newman-Green, Inc. v. Alfonzo-Larrain, 
    490 U.S. 826
    , 832 (1989),
    2   provided the nondiverse party is not “indispensable” under Rule
    3   19(b),2 see Curley v. Brignoli, Curley & Roberts Assocs., 915
    4 F.2d 81
    , 89 (2d Cir. 1990).   Rule 19(b) specifies four factors:
    5   (1) whether a judgment rendered in a person’s absence might
    6   prejudice that person or parties to the action, (2) the extent to
    7   which any prejudice could be alleviated, (3) whether a judgment
    8   in the person’s absence would be adequate, and (4) whether the
    9   plaintiff would have an adequate remedy if the court dismissed
    10   the suit.   Fed. R. Civ. P. 19(b).
    11        In its initial decision, the district court did not apply
    12   these factors but instead adopted a bright-line rule that all
    13   parties to a contract are indispensable.   Such a rule is
    14   inconsistent with Rule 19(b)’s flexible standard.   See Universal
    15   Reins., 
    312 F.3d at 87
     (noting “the flexible nature of [the] Rule
    16   19(b) analysis”); Jaser v. N.Y. Prop. Ins. Underwriting Ass’n,
    815 F.2d 240
    , 242 (2d Cir. 1987) (“[A] court should take a
    18   flexible approach when deciding what parties need to be present
    19   for a just resolution of the suit.”).   Indeed, we have previously
    Effective December 1, 2007, Rule 19(b) no longer uses the term
    “indispensable.” See Fed. R. Civ. P. 19 Advisory Committee’s
    note to 2007 amendment (“[‘Indispensable’] has been discarded as
    redundant.”). We use the term here for the sake of convenience.
    In all other respects, we cite the present version of Rule 19.
    There is no substantive difference between the present rule and
    the rule as applied by the district court prior to the 2007
    amendment. See Republic of Philippines v. Pimentel, 
    128 S. Ct. 2180
    , 2184 (2008).
    1   rejected a party’s attempt to rely on the same argument that the
    2   defendants assert here.   See Merrill Lynch & Co. v. Allegheny
    3   Energy, Inc., 
    500 F.3d 171
    , 180 (2d Cir. 2007).     This case amply
    4   demonstrates the frailties of so rigid a rule.
    5        Although the district court in its decision on
    6   reconsideration identified the correct Rule 19(b) factors, it
    7   abused its discretion in applying the factors.     As to the first
    8   two factors, the district court improperly relied on prejudice to
    9   CP Solutions.   Whatever prejudice to CP Solutions there might be,
    10   it is prejudice the plaintiff is willing to bear and therefore
    11   should not have troubled the district court.   And any prejudice
    12   caused by GE Multilin’s absence is considerably less than the
    13   prejudice to CP Solutions from dismissal after more than two
    14   years of litigation.
    15        The relevant question is whether the defendants will be
    16   prejudiced if GE Multilin is dropped.   See, e.g., Universal
    17   Reins., 
    312 F.3d at 88
     (evaluating prejudice to parties arguing
    18   that joinder was required).   The other GE defendants maintain
    19   that they will be prejudiced because a judgment for CP Solutions
    20   might hold them accountable for GE Multilin’s wrongdoing.      They
    21   also argue that a judgment for CP Solutions without GE Multilin
    22   might impair GE Multilin’s ability to defend itself in a later
    23   action.   We find no merit in these contentions.
    1        Given the absence from the complaint of any action
    2   attributable only to GE Multilin, the chance that GE Multilin’s
    3   actions were the sole or primary cause of CP Solutions’s damages
    4   appears remote.   In addition, CP Solutions offered to amend the
    5   complaint to allege that only GE Co. breached the contract.       This
    6   amendment would ensure that only GE Co. would be subject to
    7   liability, and only by virtue of its own duties and actions.          See
    8   Fed. R. Civ. P. 19(b)(2) (requiring courts to consider possible
    9   methods to avoid prejudice).   Even if this were not the case, the
    10   other GE defendants could seek to bring a claim against GE
    11   Multilin or its successor company.       See Janney Montgomery Scott,
    12   Inc. v. Shepard Niles, Inc., 
    11 F.3d 399
    , 412 (3d Cir. 1993)
    13   (rejecting argument that defendant would unfairly bear all of the
    14   plaintiff’s losses on breach-of-contract claim due to non-joinder
    15   because defendant could bring indemnity or contribution action
    16   against absent person).
    17        The potential prejudice to GE Multilin also fails to support
    18   the district court’s conclusion.       GE Multilin is dissolved and
    19   has no assets.    We doubt that CP Solutions would be eager for the
    20   chance to procure blood from a stone.      The district court’s
    21   finding to the contrary is unsupported by anything in the record.
    22   Nor is there any indication that CP Solutions would want to
    23   pursue the GE subsidiary that acquired GE Multilin’s assets and
    24   liabilities, especially in light of the proposed amended
    1   complaint attributing wrongdoing only to GE Co.    Such farfetched
    2   hypotheticals are insufficient to establish the prejudice that
    3   Rule 19(b) contemplates.    See Fed. R. Civ. P. 19(b) Advisory
    4   Committee’s note to 1966 amendment (noting that courts should
    5   consider whether the prejudice would be “immediate and serious,
    6   or remote and minor”).
    7        Moreover, even if GE Multilin’s conduct remained relevant
    8   after it was dropped as a party, GE Co. could champion its
    9   interest.     See Pujol v. Shearson/Am. Exp., Inc., 
    877 F.2d 132
    10   135 (1st Cir. 1989) (Breyer, J.) (finding no prejudice to dropped
    11   subsidiary in part because parent company would adequately
    12   represent its interests).    GE Co. and GE Multilin are represented
    13   by the same counsel, and the defendants have not alerted us to
    14   any evidence that suggests GE Co.’s and GE Multilin’s interests
    15   are adverse.     See, e.g., Prescription Plan Serv. Corp. v. Franco,
    552 F.2d 493
    , 497 (2d Cir. 1977) (finding no prejudice to dropped
    17   parties because “counsel for those remaining in the case will be
    18   no less vigorous in their advocacy because they represent two
    19   fewer persons”).
    20        As to the third Rule 19(b) factor, a judgment in GE
    21   Multilin’s absence would be adequate.    “[A]dequacy refers to the
    22   ‘public stake in settling disputes by wholes, whenever
    23   possible.’”    Republic of Philippines, 
    128 S. Ct. at 2193
    24   Provident Tradesmens Bank & Trust Co. v. Patterson, 
    390 U.S. 102
    1   111 (1968)).   Thus, this factor concerns the “‘social interest in
    2   the efficient administration of justice and the avoidance of
    3   multiple litigation.’” 
     (quoting Ill. Brick Co. v. Illinois,
    431 U.S. 720
    , 738 (1977)).    As we have explained, piecemeal
    5   litigation is improbable.    In contrast, it would be far more
    6   efficient to bring the case to final judgment in federal court
    7   than to send the parties to state court for a do-over.
    8        In evaluating this factor, “[w]e are influenced by the
    9   procedural posture in which this case comes to us.”    Merrill
    10   Lynch, 
    500 F.3d at 180
    .     Although the case has not yet been
    11   tried, the parties have litigated for over two years, including
    12   conducting discovery.   It would make little sense to require them
    13   to start over in state court simply because an asset-less,
    14   dissolved subsidiary of a diverse defendant cannot be joined in
    15   federal court.   See Newman-Green, 
    490 U.S. at 836
     (holding that
    16   when a defect in diversity jurisdiction can be corrected,
    17   “requiring dismissal after years of litigation would impose
    18   unnecessary and wasteful burdens on the parties, judges, and
    19   other litigants waiting for judicial attention”).
    20        Finally, although CP Solutions might be able to sue GE
    21   Multilin together with the other defendants in state court, that
    22   consideration is far outweighed by the unfairness to CP Solutions
    23   and the harm to judicial economy resulting from dismissal.       As we
    24   have said, “when federal diversity jurisdiction will exist if
    1   nondiverse parties are dropped, the bare fact that a state court
    2   forum is available does not, by itself, make it appropriate to
    3   dismiss the federal action.”    Samaha v. Presbyterian Hosp. in
    4   City of N.Y., 
    757 F.2d 529
    , 531 (2d Cir. 1985) (per curiam).
    5        Because the question of indispensability is a matter
    6   committed to the district court’s discretion, Universal Reins.,
    312 F.3d at 87
    , ordinarily we might vacate the judgment and
    8   remand for reconsideration.    In this case, however, we do not
    9   believe it would be within the permissible range of choices to
    10   conclude that GE Multilin is indispensable.   See Zervos, 
    252 F.3d 11
       at 169.   We therefore reverse the district court’s decision and
    12   remand with instructions to allow the case to proceed without GE
    13   Multilin.
    14                                 CONCLUSION
    15        For the foregoing reasons, we REVERSE the judgment of
    16   dismissal and REMAND the case to the district court with
    17   instructions to allow CP Solutions to amend the complaint to drop
    18   GE Multilin as a party.