Bahaa Aly v. Valeant Pharmaceuticals Inter ( 2021 )

  •                                         PRECEDENTIAL
    No. 19-3326
    n/k/a Bausch Health Companies Inc.;
    On Appeal from the United States
    District Court for the District of New Jersey
    District Judge: Hon. Michael A. Shipp
    Argued October 20, 2020
    Circuit Judges.
    (Opinion Filed: June 16, 2021)
    Hung G. Ta [ARGUED]
    JooYun Kim
    Hung G. Ta, Esq. PLLC
    250 Park Avenue, 7th Floor
    New York, NY 10177
    Peter Safirstein
    Elizabeth Metcalf
    Safirstein Metcalf LLP
    14 Penn Plaza, 9th Floor
    New York, NY 10122
    Counsel for Appellants
    Paul C. Curnin
    Craig S. Waldman [ARGUED]
    Simpson Thacher & Bartlett LLP
    425 Lexington Ave.
    New York, NY 10017-3954
    Richard Hernandez
    McCarter & English, LLP
    Four Gateway Center
    100 Mulberry Street
    Newark, NJ 07102
    Benjamin Sokoly
    Winston & Strawn LLP
    200 Park Avenue
    New York, NY 10166-4193
    Joseph L. Motto
    Winston & Strawn, LLP
    35 W. Wacker Drive
    Chicago, IL 60601
    Matthew Petrozziello
    Elliot Greenfield
    Debevoise & Plimpton LLP
    919 Third Avenue
    New York, NY 10022
    Barry A. Bohrer
    Schulte Roth & Zabel LLP
    919 Third Avenue
    New York, NY 10022
    Counsel for Appellees
    Michael J. Hampson [ARGUED]
    Mark B. Kramer
    Lawrence M. Rolnick
    Rolnick Kramer Sadighi
    1251 Avenue of the Americas
    18th Floor
    New York, NY 10020
    Sheila A. Sadighi
    Rolnick Kramer Sadighi
    300 Executive Drive
    Suite 275
    West Orange, NJ 07052
    Counsel of Amicus Appellant
    FUENTES, Circuit Judge.
    This is an appeal from the District Court’s order
    dismissing the complaint filed by individual shareholders of
    Valeant Pharmaceuticals Inc. (“Valeant” or the “Company”) as
    untimely. A class action (the “Class Action”) was filed against
    Valeant on behalf of investors who purchased its stock between
    February 23 and October 20, 2015 (the “Relevant Period”).1
    Appellants were putative members of that class, but by
    December 2018, the District Court had still not ruled on class
    certification. Rather than wait for a decision, Appellants filed
    the present “opt-out” complaint bringing the same claims in
    their individual capacities (the “Individual Complaint”). The
    District Court dismissed the Individual Complaint as untimely
    under the applicable two-year limitations period, concluding
    that the tolling doctrine established in American Pipe &
    Construction Company v. Utah did not apply.2 That doctrine
    The Class Action, In re Valeant Pharms. Int’l
    Inc. Sec. Litig., No. 15-cv-7658, was filed in the District Court
    of New Jersey.
    414 U.S. 538
    is central to this appeal.
    Putative class members may recover as part of the class
    or seek individual recourse, but they generally cannot do both.3
    Complications tend to arise, however, around the class-
    certification stage. Members may initially intend to proceed as
    part of a class, but certification may be denied months or years
    later for reasons outside their control.4 Alternatively, during
    the pendency of a class action, members may discover that
    their individual claims are more valuable than those of the class
    and decide to pursue them in an opt-out complaint even if
    certification is likely. In either case, members are generally
    allowed to initiate an individual action, but may run into
    limitations issues given the delay. This is where American
    Pipe comes in.
    When a class complaint is filed, American Pipe tolls the
    limitations period governing the individual claims of putative
    members. In the absence of such a rule, members may feel
    compelled to file duplicative individual suits bringing the same
    claims to protect their rights in the event certification is later
    denied. Otherwise, members would risk allowing their
    individual limitations periods to expire, potentially leaving
    them with no recourse in the long run. The doctrine is therefore
    intended to protect the rights of putative members while
    See Fed. R. Civ. P. 23(c)(2)(B) (noting the
    binding effect of a class judgment unless a member requests to
    be excluded).
    See Fed. R. Civ. P. 23(b)(3) (setting forth
    certification criteria).
    simultaneously avoiding needless identical lawsuits.
    On appeal, the parties dispute whether American Pipe
    tolling applies to individual claims that are filed before a
    certification decision is made. Appellants argue that the
    limitations period is tolled regardless of the point at which
    individual claims are filed. Appellees respond, and the District
    Court agreed, that members who wish to benefit from
    American Pipe must wait to file individual claims until after
    the court rules on certification, which Appellants did not do.
    For the reasons that follow, we conclude that American Pipe
    tolled the limitations period for the claims raised in the
    Individual Complaint. We will vacate and remand for further
    5 A. 5
    The District Court had jurisdiction under Section
    27 of the Exchange Act (15 U.S.C. § 78aa) and 
    28 U.S.C. § 1331
    . We have jurisdiction under 
    28 U.S.C. § 1291
    . Our
    review is de novo. Pension Tr. Fund for Operating Eng’rs v.
    Mortg. Asset Sec. Trans., Inc., 
    730 F.3d 263
    , 268 (3d Cir.
    2013). Because this is an appeal from a dismissal pursuant to
    Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 12(b)(6), the facts in this
    section are as alleged by Appellants. Foglia v. Renal Ventures
    Mgmt., LLC, 
    754 F.3d 153
    , 154 n.1 (3d Cir. 2014) (“We are
    required to accept as true all allegations in the complaint and
    all reasonable inferences that can be drawn from them after
    construing them in the light most favorable to the
    nonmovant.”) (internal quotation marks omitted).
    The issue before us relates solely to the timeliness of the
    Individual Complaint, but we will provide a brief recitation of
    the facts for context. Valeant develops and manufactures
    generic pharmaceuticals. Appellants purchased stock in
    Valeant during the Relevant Period. Prior to their purchase,
    the Company changed its business model to focus more on
    acquiring new drugs from other companies rather than
    developing its own.         This approach was intended to
    significantly cut research-and-development costs and allow
    Valeant to market its drugs “more efficiently.”6 In the years
    that followed, Valeant made promising representations about
    the Company’s financial performance based on its new
    business model and approach. For instance, investors were
    assured that Valeant’s superior marketing and leadership
    resulted in a sales volume that was “greater than price in terms
    of [Valeant’s] growth,” and that the Company was maintaining
    “extremely high ethical standard[s]” in the process.7
    As a result of this and other factors, the price of Valeant
    stock skyrocketed nearly 350% by the end of the Relevant
    Period. Appellants argue that this value was artificially
    inflated, however, and did not accurately represent the
    Company’s financial health. Specifically, they argue that the
    new business model “relied on a secret, Valeant-controlled
    pharmacy network” and “deceptive practices that exposed the
    Company to enormous risks.”8 This network purportedly
    allowed Valeant to charge third-party purchasers and patients
    6 App. 49
     ¶ 5.
    7 App. 49
    -50 ¶ 6 (emphasis omitted).
    Appellants’ Br. at 6.
    much higher prices for its drugs than they were worth.
    Following a government investigation and private litigation
    against Valeant, the Company began disclosing its allegedly
    fraudulent practices in late 2015. A number of Valeant
    executives were fired, and the value of its stock plummeted
    almost 90% by August 2016. The Company’s shareholders
    claim to have suffered over $76 billion in market capitalization
    losses as a result, which prompted the filing of numerous class
    and individual complaints, including the ones relevant to this
    The first complaint in the Class Action was filed in
    October 2015. Several other class complaints alleging the
    same or similar violations were also filed around this time.
    Those actions were consolidated, and the operative
    consolidated complaint was filed on June 24, 2016 (the “Class
    Complaint”). The Class Complaint alleged violations of
    Sections 10(b) and 20(a) of the Exchange Act10 and Rule 10b-
    5.11 Those claims were governed by a two-year statute of
    limitations or a five-year repose period, whichever came first.12
    In December 2019, Valeant announced that the
    Class Action had been settled with respect to certain
    defendants, excluding the ones named in the present action, for
    $1.2 billion subject to court approval.
    15 U.S.C. §§ 78j(b), 78t(a).
    17 C.F.R. § 240
    28 U.S.C. § 1658
    (b) (Section 10(b) claims
    must be brought within “2 years after the discovery of the facts
    constituting the violation” but, in any event, no later than “5
    Valeant moved to dismiss the Class Complaint for failure to
    state a claim, which the District Court denied.
    Prior to a certification decision, on December 19, 2018,
    Appellants filed the Individual Complaint that is the subject of
    this appeal, bringing the same claims under Section 10(b), Rule
    10b-5, and Section 20(a), subject to the same two-year
    limitations and five-year repose periods. Appellees moved to
    dismiss the Individual Complaint as untimely, arguing that the
    limitations period began to run in June 2016 when the Class
    Complaint was filed and had therefore already expired.13 They
    argued that American Pipe could not save the Individual
    Complaint because it was filed before a certification decision
    years after such violation.”). A defendant can only be liable
    under Section 20(a) if there is first a finding of liability under
    another chapter, such as Section 10(b). See 15 U.S.C. § 78t(a)
    (“Every person who . . . controls any person liable under any
    provision of this chapter . . . shall also be liable jointly and
    severally with and to the same extent as such controlled
    person.”) (emphasis added). The viability of the Section 20(a)
    claims therefore depends on the viability of the Section 10(b)
    claims. If the Section 10(b) claims are untimely, the Section
    20(a) claims must be dismissed as well.
    We do not reach this issue today, but the parties
    dispute whether the Individual Complaint would have been
    timely even if we were to conclude that tolling does not apply.
    The District Court concluded that the limitations period began
    to run when the Class Complaint was filed in June 2016
    because at that point, Appellants had sufficient knowledge to
    file their individual claims with sufficient detail and
    was made, and the doctrine was only intended to apply to post-
    certification individual claims.
    The District Court agreed, adopting its reasoning in a
    related case, and granted Valeant’s motion.14 The District
    Court explained that judicial efficiency—a primary purpose of
    American Pipe—“favors delaying individual claims until after
    a class-certification denial”15 so that identical class and
    individual suits are not unnecessarily proceeding at the same
    time. It feared that extending American Pipe to individual
    claims filed before a certification ruling would encourage
    copy-cat suits, forcing the courts to deal with “dispositive
    [individual] motions rehashing legal and factual issues” that
    were already resolved in the class context.16 The District Court
    also believed its decision did not prejudice Appellants’
    individual rights because they could have taken several other
    steps to protect them. For instance, they could have simply
    filed the Individual Complaint within the initial two-year
    period to be safe, or “waited until [after] the Court’s decision
    See App. 10-11 (“In Northwestern Mutual, the
    Court concluded that American Pipe tolling did not apply to
    the plaintiffs’ claims. The Court adopts the rationale
    articulated in Northwestern Mutual and reaches the same
    conclusion here.”) (citing Nw. Mut. Life Ins. Co. v. Valeant
    Pharms. Int’l, Inc., No. 18-15286, 
    2019 WL 4278929
    Sept. 10, 2019)).
    Nw. Mut., 
    2019 WL 4278929
    , at *10 (quoting
    China Agritech, Inc. v. Resh, 
    138 S. Ct. 1800
    , 1802 (2018)).
    on class certification” to take advantage of American Pipe
    tolling.17 This appeal followed.
    Our analysis begins with the history of the American
    Pipe doctrine. In that case, new parties filed an untimely
    motion to intervene as plaintiffs in a class action after
    certification was denied.18 The lower court denied the
    intervention motion as untimely.19 In reversing that decision,
    the Supreme Court explained that “the commencement of a
    class action suspends the applicable statute of limitations as to
    all asserted members of the class who would have been parties
    had the suit been permitted to continue as a class action.”20 It
    believed that a contrary rule “would deprive . . . class actions
    of the efficiency and economy of litigation which is a principal
    purpose of [Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 23]” because
    “[p]otential class members would be induced to file protective
    motions to intervene or to join in the event that a class was later
    found unsuitable.”21 The Court further explained that this rule
    was consistent with the function of limitations periods
    generally, which is to prevent surprise through the revival of
    414 U.S. at 544
    Id. at 554
    Id. at 553
    old claims.22 But surprise is not an issue here, because the
    filing of a class complaint notifies the defendant of the
    substantive claims against it as well as the “number and generic
    identities of the potential plaintiffs who may participate in the
    The Supreme Court extended the doctrine beyond the
    intervention context in Crown, Cork & Seal Company v.
    Parker, holding that it also tolled the limitations periods
    governing the individual claims of class members.24 In doing
    so, the Court explained that “[o]nce the statute of limitations
    has been tolled, it remains tolled for all members of the putative
    class until class certification is denied. At that point, class
    Id. at 554
    Id. at 555
    ; see also Crown, Cork & Seal Co., Inc.
    v. Parker, 
    462 U.S. 345
    , 353 (1983) (“Tolling the statute of
    limitations . . . creates no potential for unfair surprise [in class
    actions], regardless of the method class members choose to
    enforce their rights upon denial of class certification.”). The
    Court also considered the issue briefly in Eisen v. Carlisle &
    Jacquelin, confirming that American Pipe applied to individual
    opt-out actions. 
    417 U.S. 156
    , 176 n.13 (1974).
    462 U.S. at 350
     (“There are many reasons why a
    class member, after the denial of class certification, might
    prefer to bring an individual suit rather than intervene. The
    forum in which the class action is pending might be an
    inconvenient one, for example, or the class member might not
    wish to share control over the litigation with other plaintiffs
    once the economies of a class action were no longer
    members may choose to file their own suits.”25 The Court
    recognized that extending American Pipe in this way could
    lead to an increase in litigation, but while “a defendant may
    prefer not to defend against multiple [individual] actions in
    multiple forums once a class has been decertified, this is not an
    interest that statutes of limitations are designed to protect.”26
    And in any event, “avenues exist by which the burdens of
    multiple lawsuits may be avoided,” such as consolidation and
    multidistrict proceedings.27
    The Supreme Court has since declined to apply the
    doctrine in other contexts. In CalPERS v. ANZ Securities,28 the
    Court held that American Pipe does not toll statutes of repose.
    Unlike limitations periods, which generally begin to run when
    the plaintiff has sufficient knowledge to file a complaint,
    repose periods begin to run when the wrongdoing occurs,
    regardless of the plaintiff’s knowledge.29 While limitations
    periods discourage plaintiffs from sleeping on their rights,
    repose periods reflect a policy determination that defendants
    “should be free from liability after the legislatively determined
    Id. at 354
    Id. at 353
    Id.; see also McKowan Lowe & Co. v. Jasmine,
    295 F.3d 380
    , 389 (3d Cir. 2002) (noting that the Court
    was “confident of the capacity of district courts to control
    abuse or ineptitude” that may result as an extension of
    American Pipe to certain class claims).
    137 S. Ct. 2042
    Id. at 2049.
    period of time.”30 Repose periods are therefore not generally
    subject to equitable tolling, and the Court saw no reason to
    make an exception under American Pipe.31
    Later, in China Agritech, Inc. v. Resh, the Supreme
    Court added that American Pipe does not permit “follow-on
    class action[s]” to be filed “past expiration of the statute of
    limitations.”32 There, the plaintiffs sought to file a new
    untimely class complaint after certification was denied in the
    previous attempt. They argued that American Pipe applies
    equally to class complaints as it does to individual claims. In
    rejecting this theory, the Court reasoned that “American Pipe
    Id. (quoting CTS Corp. v. Waldburger, 
    573 U.S. 1
    , 9 (2014)).
    See id. at 2051 (“The purpose and effect of a
    statute of repose . . . is to override customary tolling rules
    arising from the equitable powers of courts. . . . [T]he Court
    repeatedly has stated in broad terms that statutes of repose are
    not subject to equitable tolling.”). The Court in ANZ also
    rejected the plaintiffs’ constructive-filing argument—i.e., that
    the timely filing of a class complaint actually “brings” a
    plaintiff’s individual suit for purposes of statutory deadlines.
    Id. at 2054-55. While the filing of a class complaint may put a
    defendant on notice as to the substance of the claims against it,
    it does not actually commence or “bring” the individual action.
    If it did, there would be no need for a “tolling” rule at all, as
    the individual complaint would have been deemed filed on the
    same date the class action was commenced. Id. at 2055. To
    the extent Appellants raise a constructive-filing argument here,
    see Appellants’ Br. at 14, we find it unavailing under ANZ.
    138 S. Ct. 1800
    , 1804 (2018).
    tolls the limitation period for individual claims because
    economy of litigation favors delaying those claims until after a
    class-certification denial. . . . With class claims, on the other
    hand, efficiency favors early assertion” so that the appropriate
    representatives can be named.33 It continued that “[t]he time
    to file individual actions once a class action ends is finite,” but
    “the time for filing successive class suits, if tolling were
    allowed, could be limitless.”34 The plaintiffs’ view would have
    “allow[ed] the statute of limitations to be extended time and
    again; as each class [was] denied certification, a new named
    plaintiff could file a class complaint [to] resuscitate[] the
    litigation.”35 The Court declined to construe the doctrine in
    this way, which would certainly not promote the efficiency of
    litigation contemplated by American Pipe.36
    Though the Supreme Court has not yet done so, several
    other Courts of Appeals have considered the question before
    us. Appellants ask us to join the view of the Second, Ninth,
    and Tenth Circuits, which have held that American Pipe tolls
    the limitations period for individual claims filed both before
    and after the certification stage. As the Second Circuit
    American Pipe rests [on] the
    notion that class members are
    Id. at 1806-07
     (emphasis added).
    Id. at 1809
    Id. at 1808
    Id. at 1811
    treated as parties to the class action
    “until and unless they received
    notice thereof and chose not to
    continue.” Because members of
    the asserted class are treated for
    limitations purposes as having
    instituted their own actions, at
    least so long as they continue to be
    members of the class, the
    limitations period does not run
    against them during that time.
    Once they cease to be members of
    the class—for instance, when they
    opt out or when the certification
    decision excludes them—the
    limitation period begins to run
    again on their claims. Nothing in
    the Supreme Court decisions . . .
    suggests that the rule should be
    otherwise for a plaintiff who files
    an individual action before
    certification is resolved.37
    The Second Circuit further reasoned that though American
    Pipe was concerned with judicial economy, the doctrine was
    primarily “created to protect class members from being forced
    In re Worldcom Sec. Litig., 
    496 F.3d 245
    , 255
    (2d Cir. 2007) (quoting American Pipe, 
    414 U.S. at 551
    (emphasis added and internal citations omitted).
    to file individual suits in order to preserve their claims.”38 The
    doctrine was not intended to prioritize convenience over its
    core equitable purpose.39
    The Ninth and Tenth Circuits have followed the Second
    Circuit’s lead. In In re Hanford Nuclear Reservation
    Litigation, the Ninth Circuit held that pre-certification
    individual claims were subject to tolling, noting that class
    members “have a right to file at the time of their choosing[,]
    and denying tolling would diminish that right.”40 The Tenth
    Circuit also saw no reason to deny tolling, as doing so would
    essentially “lock[] putative members into the class” until
    certification in some cases, which makes particularly little
    sense in light of how long it can take to reach that stage.41 In
    fact, the Tenth Circuit believed that restricting American Pipe
    in this way “ha[d] the potential to backfire” and could “compel
    individual class members to make a choice as the limitations
    period for their individual claim approaches: file an individual
    action now or sit tight for a class certification decision, no
    Id. at 256.
    Id. (explaining that the doctrine was “not meant
    to induce class members to forgo their right to sue
    534 F.3d 986
    , 1009 (9th Cir. 2008).
    State Farm Mut. Auto. Ins. Co. v. Boellstorff, 
    540 F.3d 1223
    , 1233-34 (10th Cir. 2008) (noting the seven-year
    period between the filing of the class complaint and
    certification, and the potential costs associated with further
    matter how long it might take.”42 The court anticipated that
    “[l]itigants in this bind might file placeholder suits rather than
    risk placing their individual actions on ice during a potentially
    prolonged class certification process.”43
    We are aware of only one federal appellate court that
    has held otherwise.44 In Wyser-Pratte Management Company
    v. Telxon Corporation, the Sixth Circuit held that the plaintiffs
    Id. at 1234
    The parties appear to disagree as to whether the
    First Circuit has squarely reached this issue. Glater v. Eli Lilly
    & Company involved a personal-jurisdiction issue where the
    plaintiff was party to a class action and related individual suit.
    712 F.2d 735
     (1st Cir. 1983). The plaintiff commenced her
    individual action before certification was resolved. She argued
    that her citizenship in the individual case should have been
    determined as of the date the class action was filed and, in
    doing so, attempted to invoke American Pipe principles. 
    Id. at 739
    . In rejecting this theory, the First Circuit noted that
    “[e]ven assuming that American Pipe may have some
    relevance [in this context, it] . . . says nothing about [plaintiff’s]
    ability to maintain a separate action while class certification is
    still pending. The policies behind . . . American Pipe . . . would
    be disserved[] by guaranteeing a separate suit at the same time
    that a class action is ongoing.” 
     Though the First Circuit
    invoked American Pipe principles in dicta, its holding was
    confined to the personal-jurisdiction question before that court,
    and we find its reasoning unpersuasive in any event for the
    reasons described below.
    had forfeited the benefit of American Pipe by filing individual
    claims before a certification decision had been made.45 The
    court believed its conclusion was consistent with cases like
    Crown, which described American Pipe as tolling the
    limitations period “until class certification is denied.”46 This
    characterization arguably supports the conclusion that
    American Pipe tolling is contingent on a certification denial.
    The Sixth Circuit, which was the first to decide this issue, has
    since called its conclusion into question, noting that Wyser-
    Pratte “represents the minority rule” and that the court “ha[s]
    doubts about its holding.”47
    With this in mind, we now turn to the merits.
    Appellants argue that the District Court misapplied
    American Pipe, and that class members should not be forced to
    413 F.3d 553
    , 569 (6th Cir. 2005).
     (quoting Crown, 
    462 U.S. at 354
    Stein v. Regions Morgan Keegan Select High
    Income Fund, Inc., 
    821 F.3d 780
    , 789 (6th Cir. 2016). Wyser-
    Pratte also relied somewhat heavily on the district court’s
    reasoning in In re Worldcom, which the Second Circuit later
    reversed.    See supra (discussing the Second Circuit’s
    approach); Wyser-Pratte, 
    413 F.3d at
    569 (citing In re
    Worldcom, Inc. Sec. Litig., 
    294 F. Supp. 2d 431
    , 452 (S.D.N.Y.
    2003), rev’d, 
    496 F.3d 245
     (2d Cir. 2007)).
    wait until after a certification decision to benefit from the
    doctrine. We agree, and adopt the reasoning of the Second,
    Ninth, and Tenth Circuits. American Pipe makes clear that the
    filing of a class action is the operative event that tolls the
    limitations period, and that once the period is tolled, it remains
    tolled for all putative members until they are no longer part of
    the class.48 The Court has not held that anything further, such
    as a certification denial, is required to benefit from tolling.
    Like the majority of our sister circuits, we see no reason not to
    take the Supreme Court’s words at face value.49
    Tolling was primarily intended to benefit putative or
    unidentified members of the class, who are considered “mere
    passive beneficiaries of the action brought [on] their behalf.”50
    Our conclusion that American Pipe is triggered automatically
    upon the filing of a class complaint is consistent with the well-
    founded principle that members need not actively monitor case
    American Pipe, 
    414 U.S. at 553
    See In re Worldcom, 
    496 F.3d at 255
    Supreme Court has repeatedly stated that ‘the commencement
    of a class action suspends the applicable statute of limitations
    as to all asserted members of the class who would have been
    parties had the suit been permitted to continue as a class
    action.’ We see no reason not to take this statement at face
    value.”) (quoting Crown, 
    462 U.S. at 353-54
    ); see also
    Weitzner v. Sanofi Pasteur Inc., 
    909 F.3d 604
    , 611 (3d Cir.
    2018) (noting that American Pipe “included no express
    restrictions in the broad language it used to describe the claims
    to which tolling would apply”).
    American Pipe, 
    414 U.S. at 552
    developments to benefit from Rule 23 protection.51 The
    approach we adopt today is also consistent with the function of
    limitations periods generally. As the Supreme Court affirmed
    in both American Pipe and Crown, statutes of limitations are
    intended to prevent the “surprise” revival of old claims that
    plaintiffs failed to diligently pursue.52 But surprise is not an
    issue in this context.53 This is particularly so under the facts
    before us, where the Appellees were undisputedly aware of the
    substantive claims at issue for more than two years before the
    Individual Complaint was filed. Appellees will not be
    prejudiced if they are required to defend themselves against
    claims they have known about since 2016.54
    We also conclude that denying tolling in this context,
    i.e., where members filed individual claims after the initial
    limitations period expired but before a certification decision,
    would serve no compelling purpose. In this posture, the
    District Court’s rule would essentially “lock” putative
     (“Rule 23 is not designed to afford class
    action representation only to those who are active participants
    in or even aware of the proceedings.”).
    id. at 554
    ; Crown, 
    462 U.S. at 353
    462 U.S. at 353
    As Crown makes clear, a defendant’s desire not
    to defend against similar claims in multiple proceedings is not
    one that statutes of limitations are designed to protect. 
    Appellees’ potential need to do so here does not constitute
    members into the class until after certification.55 Class
    members, even those intent on proceeding individually, would
    be forced to delay filing their claims indefinitely just to take
    advantage of American Pipe. Such a requirement is potentially
    costly, and certainly inefficient.56 It can take years for a class
    action to reach the certification stage, and, in the meantime,
    members may “deem their own claims valuable enough” to
    pursue in an opt-out complaint, or otherwise decide that “class
    certification is doubtful.”57 The approach we adopt today will
    allow members in either situation to promptly file their
    individual actions, rather than indefinitely delay the resolution
    of those claims for no good reason.
    We disagree with the District Court that Appellants
    would not be prejudiced if their Individual Complaint is
    dismissed as untimely because there were technically other
    options available to them.58 Appellees do not dispute that
    American Pipe applies to individual claims filed after
    certification, and they suggest that Appellants could have
    State Farm, 
    540 F.3d at 1233
    putative class members into the class until the class
    certification decision makes little sense and could adversely
    affect certain individuals.”).
    See Nw. Mut., 
    2019 WL 4278929
    , at *10 (“Given
    that Northwestern Mutual’s claims would be timely if [it] had
    pursued a different course of action, the Court cannot conclude
    that failing to expand American Pipe in this instance would
    result in an injustice.”).
    simply waited until that point if they wanted to avoid any
    tolling and timeliness issues. But this approach makes little
    sense for the reasons we have already articulated—it would
    leave members who decide to proceed individually after the
    limitations period would have normally run but before
    certification in limbo for an indefinite period of time.59
    Appellees also suggest that Appellants could have assumed
    tolling did not apply and brought the Individual Complaint
    within the initial two-year period to be safe. But the doctrine
    would serve no purpose if members were expected to file their
    individual claims within the first two years regardless. In fact,
    suggesting that members should do so—just to avoid
    timeliness problems—tends to encourage the duplicative “just
    in case” litigation that American Pipe seeks to prevent.
    Appellees respond that we should not be swayed by the
    Second, Ninth, and Tenth Circuits’ approach because those
    decisions pre-date ANZ and China Agritech. We recognize that
    the Supreme Court’s recent jurisprudence tends to underscore
    the importance of judicial economy, but we cannot construe the
    doctrine in a way that would undermine its primary purpose—
    to protect the individual rights of putative members. While
    American Pipe was established in part to avoid duplicative
    filings, it is, at its core, an equitable doctrine.60 That doctrine
    This approach is especially untenable because of
    the competing repose period in this case, as discussed infra.
    See ANZ, 137 S. Ct. at 2052 (“The balance of the
    Court’s reasoning [in American Pipe] . . . reveals a rule based
    on traditional equitable powers, designed to modify a statutory
    was “created to protect class members from being forced to file
    individual suits in order to preserve their claims.”61 The
    District Court’s view would surely cause at least certain
    members to forfeit their individual rights, simply (and
    ironically) because they filed too early.62
    We have previously recognized that while this Court
    remains “concerned with judicial economy . . . it need not be
    time bar where its rigid application would create injustice”);
    see also In re Worldcom, 
    496 F.3d at 256
     (“The district court
    may be correct that its conception of the American Pipe rule
    would reduce the number of individual suits filed by class
    members. But this is beside the point. While reduction in the
    number of suits may be an incidental benefit of the American
    Pipe doctrine, it was not the purpose of American Pipe either
    to reduce the number of suits filed, or to force individual
    plaintiffs to make an early decision whether to proceed by
    individual suit or rely on a class representative.”).
    In re Worldcom, 
    496 F.3d at 256
     (emphasis in
    id. at 255
     (“As the Supreme Court has
    repeatedly emphasized, the initiation of a class action puts the
    defendants on notice of the claims against them. A defendant
    is no less on notice when putative class members file individual
    suits before certification. . . . [T]he same is certainly true of
    class members who file individual suits before the court
    decides certification”) (internal citation omitted); see also In re
    Hanford, 534 F.3d at 1009 (explaining that plaintiffs “have a
    right to file at the time of their choosing and denying tolling
    would diminish that right”).
    achieved at the expense of litigants for whom the American
    Pipe tolling rule was designed.”63 This observation rings
    equally true here, and we are not convinced that efficiency
    concerns should trump the doctrine’s core equitable purpose.64
    295 F.3d at 389
    In theory, extending American Pipe to pre-
    certification individual claims may lead to an increase in
    litigation. See Crown, 
    462 U.S. at 353
     (recognizing the risk of
    increased litigation but noting that this was not an interest
    limitations periods are designed to protect); see also ANZ, 137
    S. Ct. at 2054 (“District Courts, furthermore, have ample
    means and methods to administer their dockets and to ensure
    that any additional filings proceed in an orderly fashion.”). But
    this risk may not be as high as Appellees suggest. Common
    sense tells us that when a member determines his or her claims
    are substantially more valuable than those of the class, he or
    she is likely to pursue an individual complaint no matter what.
    See State Farm, 
    540 F.3d at 1233
     (members may decide to
    proceed individually because they “deem their own claims
    valuable enough”). Members who file individual claims before
    certification are likely the same members who—if forced to
    wait until after certification—would have opted out regardless.
     (“[M]ost litigants with claims valuable enough to
    pursue separately will likely have filed their individual claims
    before the end of their own limitations period. As such, the
    group that would file individual suits during the window at
    issue here is likely to approximate in number the group that
    would later opt-out if a class is certified or file individual suits
    if not.”). Our decision will not prompt an influx of additional
    And though China Agritech describes “efficiency and
    economy of litigation” as the “watchwords of American
    Pipe,”65 that decision does not cast any doubt on the approach
    we adopt today. There, the Supreme Court declined to extend
    American Pipe in a way that would have allowed for the
    constant revival of otherwise untimely class claims.66 Our
    conclusion that American Pipe tolls the limitations period
    governing pre-certification individual claims does not pose the
    risk of endless tolling.67
    Appellees also suggest that this Court’s decision in
    Weitzner is inconsistent with the Second Circuit’s approach.
    Weitzner did not involve the issue that is before us, but we
    observed in passing that “American Pipe is designed to protect
    individual claims filed after the denial of class certification.”68
    We recognize that American Pipe tolling may have been
    anticipated to apply most commonly in the post-certification
    suits so much as it will simply avoid an unnecessarily delayed
    filing of opt-out claims.
    138 S. Ct. at 1811
    Id. at 1808
    id. at 1809
    . Nor does the Court’s decision in
    ANZ compel a different result. In ANZ, the Court declined to
    extend American Pipe to statutes of repose. 137 S. Ct. at 2051.
    Repose periods are fundamentally different from statutes of
    limitation like the one before us. Id. The ANZ decision also
    rejected a “constructive filing” theory that is not dispositive in
    this case. Id. at 2054-55.
    Weitzner, 909 F.3d at 610.
    context, and that this idea is accordingly reflected in the
    relevant case law.69 But nothing in our precedent suggests that
    American Pipe applies exclusively to post-certification claims.
    What we can discern from the existing jurisprudence, however,
    is that American Pipe tolling begins, for all putative members,
    when the class action is commenced. Our decision reflects a
    straightforward application of this principle.
    Finally, we also find the District Court’s holding
    untenable because it would lead to counterintuitive results.
    Should we affirm that decision, individual claims filed well
    before certification could be dismissed as untimely, while other
    claims filed at a much later date would be allowed to proceed.
    Class members who were “contemplating opting out and filing
    their own lawsuits would be penalized for giving the
    defendants and the Court earlier notice.”70 We have sought to
    avoid similar outcomes in other contexts and see no compelling
    reason not to do so here.71
    See, e.g., China Agritech, 
    138 S. Ct. at 1804
    Winn-Dixie Stores, Inc. v. E. Mushroom Mktg.
    Coop., No. 15-6480, 
    2019 WL 130535
    , at *8 (E.D. Pa. Jan. 8,
    See Wallach v. Eaton Corp., 
    837 F.3d 356
    , 374
    (3d Cir. 2016) (explaining, in the presumption-of-timeliness
    context, that “if the presumption of timeliness applied only to
    certified classes, . . . motions to intervene brought prior to class
    certification might be deemed untimely, even though those
    same motions would be timely if brought years later, after a
    class was certified. The illogic of such result and the goals of
    Appellees respond that “the potential for [anomalous]
    results exists under any equitable tolling doctrine,” and so we
    need not worry much about it in this scenario.72 Even if that
    were true, the issue is compounded by the competing statute of
    repose in this case. As evidenced by the timeline before us,
    putative members may not become aware of any wrongdoing
    until after a class complaint is filed or the fraud is otherwise
    made public.73 But by that point, the repose period is likely to
    have been already running in the background for some time.74
    In the event a certification ruling is made more than five years
    after the wrongdoing took place, some members would be
    forced to file individually before certification regardless. If
    they did, however, the District Court’s rule would likely
    require dismissal of those claims under the limitations period
    because they would have been filed before certification. But if
    efficiency . . . emphasized . . . in American Pipe militate that
    we extend the presumption of timeliness . . . to the pre-
    certification context.”) (emphasis added); McKowan, 
    295 F.3d at 389
     (explaining that there was “no good reason” why the
    class claims of intervening members “should not be tolled
    where the district court had not yet reached the issue of the
    validity of the class”).
    Appellees’ Br. at 7.
    See ANZ, 137 S. Ct. at 2049 (noting that repose
    periods begin to run when the wrongdoing occurs); see also Br.
    of Amicus Curiae Fir Tree Capital Management LP in Support
    of Plaintiffs-Appellants at 9 (“Amicus Br.”).
    For example, in this case, the first fraudulent
    misrepresentation is alleged to have been made in 2013, but the
    Class Complaint was not filed until 2016.
    those members waited until after certification to take
    advantage of American Pipe, their claims could be barred by
    the repose period. We cannot imagine that American Pipe was
    intended to force plaintiffs into this sort of bind.75
    This issue is perhaps best illustrated by example.
    Imagine that a company makes a fraudulent statement in 2020.
    The fraud is not uncovered until 2022, and a class complaint is
    filed the same year.76 As here, the class claims (and
    corresponding individual claims) are governed by a two-year
    limitations period and a five-year repose period, whichever
    comes first. By 2024, the class action is progressing, but there
    has been no certification ruling. Class members are comforted
    by the fact that their individual claims are covered by American
    Pipe and see no reason to file individually at that time. But by
    early 2025, there is still no certification ruling, and anxious
    members cognizant of the repose period decide to file their own
    complaints and proceed individually instead. A class is finally
    certified in 2026. In this scenario, the District Court’s rule
    would require us to find the individual complaints untimely
    under the limitations period because they would have been
    Nothing in ANZ suggests otherwise. Though the
    Supreme Court declined to extend tolling to statutes of repose,
    it did not consider the interplay of repose and limitations
    periods in this context or the problems likely to arise. See ANZ,
    137 S. Ct. at 2049-54.
    For purposes of this illustration, we assume the
    statute of limitations would have, in the absence of tolling,
    started to run upon the filing of the class complaint. Appellees
    argue that this is the case here, though we need not decide that
    issue today.
    filed pre-certification and therefore not subject to tolling. But
    if those members waited to file until after certification to take
    advantage of American Pipe, the repose period would have
    already expired. Members in this position would be without
    any individual recourse, which is precisely the result American
    Pipe seeks to avoid.
    Appellees downplay the repose issue by pointing out
    that it will not be a universal problem. Not every case involves
    a competing repose period, but that does not change the fact
    that the one before us does, as will any class action bringing
    similar securities fraud claims. We also find the analysis of the
    amicus, which points to 92 recent class actions where
    certification was not resolved within five years of the
    beginning class period, persuasive on this point.77 Under the
    District Court’s rule, any member whose claims are subject to
    a repose period may very well have no choice but to file within
    the initial two years to avoid forfeiting their individual rights.
    The tolling doctrine would serve no purpose in this context,
    The issue of whether the repose period has
    expired is not before us today. But the timing in this case
    illustrates the problems that may arise in similar scenarios.
    Here, the first misrepresentation alleged in the Class Complaint
    was made in January 2013, but a class was not certified until
    May 2020. If Appellants had waited until after certification to
    file their Individual Complaint with the hopes of benefitting
    from American Pipe tolling, their claims could have been
    barred by the repose period, and they would have been “forced
    to participate in the class.” Amicus Br. at 10.
    and we are not convinced that the Supreme Court intended or
    envisioned such a result.78
    For these reasons, we conclude that the statutes of
    limitations governing the claims raised in the Individual
    Complaint are subject to American Pipe tolling. Because we
    hold that the limitations period has been tolled, we need not
    decide whether the Individual Complaint was timely in the
    absence of tolling.
    We will vacate the District Court’s order and remand
    the case for further proceedings consistent with this opinion.
    Even where there is a competing repose period at
    issue, members will generally always have the option to
    proceed as part of the class or file their individual claims within
    the initial limitations period without relying on tolling. But
    American Pipe was intended to protect the individual rights of
    members while encouraging, but not forcing, class
    participation. See American Pipe, 
    414 U.S. at 551-53
    ; Crown,
    462 U.S. at 351-53
     (noting that Rule 23 encourages class
    participation but that members must still have a “meaningful”
    right to opt out and pursue individual claims, which justifies
    the tolling rule) (citing Eisen, 
    417 U.S. at
    176 n.13). And for
    the same reasons we have already expressed, it makes little
    sense to establish a tolling rule if members are encouraged to
    file their individual claims within the initial two-year period
    regardless, under the assumption that tolling may not apply.