United Steel Paper and Forestr v. Government of the Virgin Islan , 842 F.3d 201 ( 2016 )

  •                                   PRECEDENTIAL
    No. 14-4357
    CIO- CLC,
    ANGEL DAWSON, Finance Commissioner;
    DEBRA GOTTLIEB, Director of Management and Budget
    No. 14-4358
    On Appeal from the District Court
    of the Virgin Islands
    (D.V.I. No. 3-11-cv-00076)
    (D.V.I. No. 3-11-cv-00079)
    District Judge: Honorable Curtis V. Gomez
    Argued: December 8, 2015
    Before: FISHER, KRAUSE and ROTH, Circuit Judges.
    (Filed: November 15, 2016)
    Nathan L. Kilbert, Esq. [ARGUED]
    Daniel M. Kovalik, Esq.
    United Steelworkers of America
    Five Gateway Center
    60 Boulevard of Allies, Room 807
    Pittsburgh, PA 15222
    Counsel for Appellant United Steel Paper
    and Forestry Rubber Manufacturing Allied Industrial
    and Service Workers International Union AFL-CIO-
    Amos W. Carty, Jr., Esq.
    Law Offices of Richard P. Bourne-Vanneck
    9800 Buccaneer Mall, Suite 9
    St. Thomas, VI 00802
    Counsel for Appellant St. Croix Federation AFT Local
    1826 and Rosa Soto-Thomas
    Joss N. Springette, Esq.
    Office of Collective Bargaining
    3438 Kronprindsens Gade, Second Floor
    St. Thomas, VI 00802
    Samuel A. Walker, Esq. [ARGUED]
    Office of Attorney General of Virgin Islands
    6040 Castle Coakley
    Christiansted, VI 00820
    Counsel for Appellees
    FISHER, Circuit Judge.
    In 2011, the Virgin Islands faced a severe budget crisis
    as a result of the economic recession. In response to this
    crisis, the Government of the Virgin Islands enacted the
    Virgin Islands Economic Stability Act of 2011 (“VIESA”),
    2011 V.I. Sess. Laws 84, which reduced most Government
    employees’ salaries by 8%. Many of the Government
    employees, however, were covered by collective bargaining
    agreements negotiated on their behalf by their representative
    unions. The collective bargaining agreements, agreed to and
    signed by the Governor on behalf of the Government, set
    forth detailed salary and benefit schedules to be paid to
    covered Government employees.
    The unions brought suit alleging that the salary
    reductions in VIESA constituted an impermissible
    impairment of the collective bargaining agreements, in
    violation of the Contract Clause of the United States
    Constitution. The District Court, after a bench trial, held that
    VIESA did not violate the Contract Clause. We will reverse.
    Beginning in 2009, the Virgin Islands experienced a
    fiscal crisis: for the fiscal year 2009, the Government
    projected a budget deficit in excess of $300 million; in 2010,
    the deficit was $275 million; in 2011, after initially predicting
    a small surplus, a revised report projected a $75.1 million
    deficit for 2011 and a $131.5 million deficit for 2012. On
    February 22, 2010, Debra Gottlieb, from the Government’s
    Office of Management and Budget, testified before the Virgin
    Islands Legislature. She warned the Legislature of the
    financial crisis, stating that “the territory’s cash balances are
    precariously low,” App. 321, 328, and that the operating
    deficit for fiscal year 2009 was estimated to be $159 million.
    She predicted that the operating deficit would continue
    throughout fiscal year 2011.
    As an initial response to the crisis, on June 5, 2009,
    the Virgin Islands Legislature authorized the Governor to
    borrow up to $500 million. Despite borrowing, the situation
    continued to worsen, and so from December 30, 2010, to June
    21, 2011, the Government undertook additional measures to
    combat the deficit. It imposed a marine terminal user’s tax of
    $1 per cruise ship passenger; reduced appropriations to the
    executive branch by 3%, or $17.7 million; reduced
    appropriations to the judicial branch by 3%, or $1.1 million;
    increased the tax on all gross receipts from 4% to 4.5%;
    increased the hotel tax from 8% to 10%; increased marriage
    licensing fees, liquor-licensing fees, court filing fees, fines for
    traffic violations, and the motor-vehicle rental surcharge; and
    reduced its expenditures related to its employment functions,
    including limiting energy consumption, freezing all hires, and
    cutting back on training and travel.
    Notwithstanding these measures, the Government
    projected a deficit of $17.4 million for 2011, $90.1 million for
    2012, and $49.9 million for 2013. In response, the
    Government considered implementing several additional cost-
    cutting measures, including laying off 600 Government
    employees, eliminating some or all of the eighteen paid
    Government holidays, instituting furloughs and workweek
    reductions for Government employees, and increasing the
    gross-receipts tax. By June 21, 2011, the Governor had
    exhausted his $500 million statutory borrowing authorization,
    and the Government had made only interest payments on its
    The Government ultimately rejected these cost-cutting
    measures, and instead adopted VIESA. Under VIESA, all
    employees of the executive and legislative branches of the
    Government whose annual salary exceeded $26,000 would
    receive an 8% reduction in pay, but no employee’s salary
    would be reduced below $26,000. The legislation also
    allowed any employee who had attained thirty years or more
    of service to retire and receive a one-time payment. As a
    result of VIESA, the Government projected savings of
    approximately $28 million annually. VIESA passed the
    Legislature on June 22, 2011, and was signed into law by the
    Governor on July 5, 2011. The salary reductions contained in
    VIESA expired on July 3, 2013.
    Many of the affected union employees were subject to
    collective bargaining agreements. Relevant for our purposes,
    the Appellants—United Steel, Paper and Forestry, Rubber,
    Manufacturing, Energy, Allied Industrial and Service
    Workers International Union (“USW”), the American
    Federation of Teachers Local 1826 (“AFT”), and one of
    AFT’s vice presidents (collectively, the “Unions”)—had
    negotiated collective bargaining agreements on their
    members’ behalf.
    USW is party to four collective bargaining agreements:
    a Master agreement, which covers all 1,000 employees and
    became effective on October 1, 2009; a Supervisors
    agreement, effective on October 1, 2005 and set to expire on
    September 30, 2008, but later extended on a day-to-day basis;
    a Non-Supervisors agreement, effective on October 1, 2008;
    and an Enforcement Officers agreement, effective on October
    1, 2009. The Master and Non-Supervisors agreements were
    concluded in October 2010.
    The USW collective bargaining agreements set forth
    detailed payment schedules that specify the wages or salaries
    and benefits for all of the employees covered in the
    agreements. The Master agreement called for a 2.5% pay
    increase from the previous year. The USW Supervisors, Non-
    Supervisors, and Enforcement Officers collective bargaining
    agreements provide that the Government may reduce the
    workforce through layoffs; they also provide that the member
    employees will not strike during the duration of the
    agreement. Those three agreements further set forth grievance
    and arbitration procedures that allow for adjudication of any
    dispute. The Non-Supervisors and Enforcement Officer
    agreements provide that no modification to the agreement is
    effective unless agreed to in writing by both USW and the
    Government; the Supervisors agreement states that the parties
    are bound by the agreement and will comply with all terms
    and conditions in the agreement.
    AFT is party to three collective bargaining
    agreements—one for each type of employee it represents:
    professionals, paraprofessionals, and support staff. All three
    collective bargaining agreements were effective September 1,
    2007, and set to expire on August 31, 2011, but have been
    extended on a day-to-day basis. These collective bargaining
    agreements were concluded in May 2009, but they were made
    retroactively effective from September 1, 2007.
    Like the USW agreements, the AFT collective
    bargaining agreements set forth detailed payment plans for
    wages or salaries and benefits of its members. They provide
    that the employees will not strike for the duration of the
    agreement, and they set forth arbitration procedures for any
    dispute involving the collective bargaining agreements. All of
    the AFT agreements require that any modification be in
    writing and agreed to by all parties.
    Shortly after VIESA’s enactment, USW, AFT, and
    other collective bargaining representatives filed suit in the
    District Court of the Virgin Islands, and their cases were
    consolidated. 1 The Union-plaintiffs alleged that VIESA
    violates the Contract Clause, the Fifth Amendment’s Takings
    Clause, due process, equal protection, the separation-of-
    powers doctrine, and 42 U.S.C. § 1983. They also alleged that
    VIESA constitutes a breach of contract and a breach of the
    duty of good faith and fair dealing.
    On December 5, 2011, the District Court held a one-
    day bench trial. It rendered its judgment on March 29, 2012.
    In its opinion, the District Court first addressed the Union-
    plaintiffs’ Contract Clause claim and found that, although
    VIESA substantially impaired the collective bargaining
    agreements, such impairment was justified and did not violate
    the Contract Clause. It also held that VIESA did not violate
    the Takings Clause, procedural due process, and substantive
    due process. Accordingly, the District Court dismissed those
    federal constitutional claims.
    USW brought an appeal to this Court, which we
    dismissed for lack of jurisdiction because the other Union-
    plaintiffs’ territorial claims were still pending before the
    District Court. On September 30, 2014, following our
    dismissal of the initial appeal, the District Court dismissed all
    of the territorial claims. The court also dismissed the
    separation-of-powers claim because, since no injunctive or
    declaratory relief could be granted as a result of VIESA’s
    expiration, the claim was moot. On all the other claims,
    jurisdiction was proper, but they were nonetheless dismissed.
    AFT and USW timely appealed.
    In addition to AFT and USW, several other unions
    brought suit in the District Court. We refer to those plaintiffs
    below as the “Union-plaintiffs.” For purposes of our case,
    only AFT, AFT’s vice president, and USW appealed the
    District Court’s judgment.
    We review the District Court’s findings of fact for
    clear error and exercise plenary review over the District
    Court’s conclusions of law. Post v. St. Paul Travelers Ins.
    691 F.3d 500
    , 514-15 (3d Cir. 2012). The District Court
    had jurisdiction under 28 U.S.C. § 1331. We have jurisdiction
    under 28 U.S.C. § 1291. 2
    The Government argues that this case is moot, thus
    depriving this Court of subject-matter jurisdiction. Because
    Article III of the Constitution limits the jurisdiction of federal
    courts to certain “Cases” or “Controversies,” U.S. Const. art.
    III, § 2; see also Rendell v. Rumsfeld, 
    484 F.3d 236
    , 240 (3d
    Cir. 2007), we must determine, before reaching the merits,
    whether this appeal presents a justiciable case or controversy.
    The constitutional requirement that the exercise of
    We perceive no obstacle to the Unions’ suit posed by
    the Eleventh Amendment because the Revised Organic Act of
    the Virgin Islands—which extends constitutional provisions
    to the Virgin Islands and does not expressly provide Eleventh
    Amendment protection, see 48 U.S.C. § 1561—authorizes
    suits against the Virgin Islands “arising out of contract,” 
    id. § 1541(b).
    Thus, even if the Eleventh Amendment did apply to
    the Virgin Islands—a question we do not decide today—the
    Revised Organic Act indicates that Contract Clause violations
    would fall outside the scope of the Amendment’s protection.
    Cf. United States v. Government of Virgin Islands, 
    363 F.3d 276
    , 286-87 (3d Cir. 2004) (declining to decide whether the
    Eleventh Amendment applies to the Virgin Islands); Fleming
    v. Dep’t of Pub. Safety, 
    837 F.2d 401
    , 407 (9th Cir. 1988)
    (concluding the Northern Mariana Islands lack Eleventh
    Amendment immunity because it was not expressly conferred
    upon them).
    judicial power depends upon the existence of a case or
    controversy has three elements: “(1) a legal controversy that
    is real and not hypothetical, (2) a legal controversy that
    affects an individual in a concrete manner so as to provide the
    factual predicate for reasoned adjudication, and (3) a legal
    controversy with sufficiently adverse parties so as to sharpen
    the issues for judicial resolution.” Int’l Bhd. of Boilermakers
    v. Kelly, 
    815 F.2d 912
    , 915 (3d Cir. 1987) (quoting Dow
    Chem. Co. v. EPA, 
    605 F.2d 673
    , 678 (3d Cir. 1979)). A case
    is moot when “the issues presented are no longer live or the
    parties lack a legally cognizable interest in the outcome.”
    County of Los Angeles v. Davis, 
    440 U.S. 625
    , 631 (1979)
    (internal quotation marks omitted). “The central question of
    all mootness problems is whether changes in circumstances
    that prevailed at the beginning of the litigation have
    forestalled any occasion for meaningful relief.” 
    Rendell, 484 F.3d at 240
    (internal quotation marks omitted). “[I]f a case
    becomes moot after the District Court enters judgment, an
    appellate court no longer has jurisdiction to review the matter
    on appeal.” 
    Id. at 241.
           The Government argues that this case is moot because,
    since the District Court rendered its judgment, VIESA has
    expired. The Unions present two bases on which, despite
    VIESA’s expiration, we may reach the merits: (A) the
    “capable of repetition, yet evading review” exception to
    mootness applies; and (B) the case is not moot because our
    decision here will affect collateral arbitration proceedings
    between the same parties.
    A case is not necessarily moot simply because the
    challenged law has expired; “if the underlying dispute
    between the parties is one ‘capable [of] repetition, yet
    evading review,’ it remains a justiciable controversy within
    the meaning of Article III.” N.J. Turnpike Auth. v. Jersey
    Cent. Power & Light, 
    772 F.2d 25
    , 31 (3d Cir. 1985) (quoting
    Neb. Press Ass’n v. Stuart, 
    427 U.S. 539
    , 546 (1976)). The
    “capable of repetition, yet evading review” exception to the
    mootness doctrine applies “only in exceptional situations,
    where (1) the challenged action is in its duration too short to
    be fully litigated prior to cessation or expiration, and (2) there
    is a reasonable expectation that the same complaining party
    will be subject to the same action again.” Kingdomware
    Techs., Inc. v. United States, 
    136 S. Ct. 1969
    , 1976 (2016)
    (brackets and internal quotation marks omitted); see 
    Rendell, 484 F.3d at 241
    The Unions argue that this case triggers the “capable of
    repetition, yet evading review” exception because the short
    duration of VIESA means that it, or similar legislation, could
    never be reviewed. The continued financial problems facing
    the Virgin Islands make it plausible that the Virgin Islands
    will enact new wage-reduction legislation despite being party
    to collective bargaining agreements.
    We agree that the duration of VIESA—two years—is
    too short to be fully litigated prior its expiration. That much is
    clear from the procedural history of this case. The Unions
    filed suit immediately after VIESA was enacted in July 2011,
    and the District Court resolved the federal claims, including
    the Contract Clause claim, on March 29, 2012, and the
    remaining territorial claims on September 30, 2014. The
    Unions timely appealed, but VIESA had expired over a year
    prior to the notice of appeal.
    The more difficult question is whether this case meets
    the second prong of the two-part test: is there a reasonable
    expectation that the Unions will be subject to the same
    action? For the alleged harm to occur again, the Government
    would have to pass another law calling for another round of
    wage reductions that affects the same Union employees. But
    the mere power to reenact a challenged law is not enough.
    “Rather, there must be evidence indicating that the challenged
    law likely will be reenacted.” Nat’l Black Police Ass’n v.
    District of Columbia, 
    108 F.3d 346
    , 349 (D.C. Cir. 1997).
    The Unions claim that new “wage-reduction legislation is
    entirely plausible in view of the fiscal crisis facing the Virgin
    Islands.” Unions’ Supp. Letter Br. 4. For example, the Unions
    point to statements made by the Governor in his State of the
    Territory Address that “our government is teetering on the
    brink of financial collapse,” and “our territory has never been
    in such a state in its history.” 
    Id. (brackets omitted).
    But these
    statements show only that the Virgin Islands’ economy
    remains in a perilous state; they do not show that this new
    wage-reduction legislation is likely to be enacted. Similarly,
    the Governor’s statement that “even meeting the
    government’s payroll will continue to be a challenge,” 
    id., is simply
    an observation of the financial situation facing the
    Virgin Islands, not evidence that the Legislature might pass
    new legislation similar to VIESA. The Unions provide no
    basis on which we can determine that they could reasonably
    expect to be subject to VIESA-like legislation again. Without
    such evidence, we are left to speculate. That is not enough to
    trigger the “capable of repetition, yet evading review”
    exception to the mootness doctrine.
    Even if this case is not “capable of repetition, yet
    evading review,” the Unions argue that it is not moot because
    this Court’s decision will have collateral legal consequences,
    namely, that it will affect the Unions’ rights in a pending
    arbitration before the Virgin Islands Public Employee
    Relations Board in which the Unions are challenging
    VIESA’s wage cuts.
    An action is not moot if it will have collateral legal
    consequences. Nat’l Iranian Oil Co. v. Mapco Int’l, Inc., 
    983 F.2d 485
    , 490 (3d Cir. 1992). In National Iranian Oil, we
    held that the case was not moot because, inter alia, the district
    court’s order below would have possible collateral legal
    consequences in the form of collateral estoppel in future
    Id. National Iranian
    Oil had petitioned the district
    court to compel arbitration of a contract dispute with Mapco.
    The district court dismissed National Iranian Oil’s petition as
    untimely based on its holding that the three-year Delaware
    statute of limitations applied to the action, rather than the ten-
    year Iranian statute of limitations urged by National Iranian
    Oil, who had filed its petition six years after the relevant
    events. In response to this decision, National Iranian Oil filed
    two additional lawsuits in other federal district courts for the
    same breach of contract claim for which it sought arbitration.
    Because the “district court’s holding that the Iranian statute of
    limitations does not apply would have a collateral estoppel
    effect in those actions and could result in their dismissal,” we
    held that the action was not moot. 
    Id. Likewise, in
    our case, the District Court’s holding that
    VIESA does not violate the Contract Clause will have
    collateral legal consequences on the binding arbitration
    between the Unions and the Government, which is set to take
    place before the Public Employee Relations Board. In the
    arbitration, the Unions allege that the Government failed to
    pay the covered employees their full wages and salaries due
    to them. The arbitrator’s decision will likely depend on the
    validity of VIESA. But the Public Employee Relations Board
    may not adjudicate the constitutionality of VIESA because it
    lacks the authority to do so. As a result, a decision here is
    necessary to provide a preclusive effect in the binding
    arbitration. 3 Therefore, the case is not moot, and we may
    proceed to the merits.
    The Contract Clause provides that no State shall pass
    any law “impairing the Obligation of Contracts.” U.S. Const.
    art. I, § 10. 4 Although the Clause speaks in absolute terms, it
    is not “the Draconian provision that its words might seem to
    imply.” Allied Structural Steel Co. v. Spannus, 
    438 U.S. 234
    240 (1978). The Contract Clause “does not prevent the State
    from exercising such powers as are vested in it for the
    promotion of the common weal, or are necessary for the
    general good of the public,” even though contracts previously
    entered into may be affected. 
    Id. at 241
    (internal quotation
    marks omitted). Thus, the Contract Clause “does not trump
    the police power of a state to protect the general welfare of its
    citizens.” Buffalo Teachers Fed’n v. Tobe, 
    464 F.3d 362
    , 367
    (2d Cir. 2006).
    The Supreme Court has developed a three-part analysis
    “for harmonizing the command of the Clause with the
    necessarily reserved sovereign power of the states to provide
    for the welfare of their citizens.” Balt. Teachers Union v.
    Mayor & City Council of Balt., 
    6 F.3d 1012
    , 1015 (4th Cir.
    1993) (internal quotation marks omitted). To determine
    whether legislation violates the Contract Clause, this Court
    must analyze whether the law has operated as a substantial
    The Government and Unions both agreed to stay the
    arbitration pending the outcome of this appeal.
    The Contract Clause was made applicable to the
    Virgin Islands in 1954 through section 3 of the Revised
    Organic Act of the Virgin Islands, 48 U.S.C. § 1561. See
    West Indian Co. v. Government of Virgin Islands, 
    844 F.2d 1007
    , 1016 (3d Cir. 1988).
    impairment of a contractual relationship; whether the
    government entity, in justification, had a significant and
    legitimate public purpose behind the regulation; and whether
    the impairment is reasonable and necessary to serve this
    important public purpose. See Energy Reserves Grp., Inc. v.
    Kan. Power & Light Co., 
    459 U.S. 400
    , 411-13 (1983);
    Nieves v. Hess Oil V.I. Corp., 
    819 F.2d 1237
    , 1243 (3d Cir.
    The Government conceded before the District Court
    that the collective bargaining agreements entered into with
    the Unions constitute contractual relationships and that, if any
    impairment of the contractual relationship existed, such
    impairment was substantial. App. 32. Therefore, for our
    purposes, we must decide only whether VIESA impaired the
    collective bargaining agreements. We have no trouble
    concluding that it did.
    To assess whether there has been an impairment of a
    contractual relationship, we ask whether legitimate
    expectations have been thwarted. See Transp. Workers Union
    of Am., Local 290 ex rel. Fabio v. Se. Pa. Transp. Auth., 
    145 F.3d 619
    , 622 (3d Cir. 1998). The collective bargaining
    agreements set forth detailed payment and benefits schedules
    at which the Union employees were to be compensated. The
    Government agreed to the collective bargaining agreements
    and had already approved the appropriations to pay those
    salaries. In exchange for the agreed-upon salaries, the Union
    employees made various concessions, including their right to
    strike. In return for those concessions, the Union employees
    expected that they would receive the salary provided for in
    the collective bargaining agreements. See Buffalo Teachers
    Fed’n, 464 F.3d at 368
    (“The promise to pay a sum certain
    constitutes not only the primary inducement for employees to
    enter into a labor contract, but also the central provision upon
    which it can be said they reasonably rely.”). 5
    Moreover, the collective bargaining agreements
    provided that they could not be modified without mutual
    assent. As a result, the Government lacked the unilateral
    power to alter the employees’ salaries. The Union employees’
    expectation that they would receive the benefit of their
    bargain without unilateral modification by the Government
    was therefore a reasonable expectation. Compare Transp.
    Workers, 145 F.3d at 622
    (holding that, because the
    government retained the power to modify the contracts
    without the plaintiffs’ agreement, the plaintiffs had no
    reasonable expectations that could be thwarted), with Balt.
    Union, 6 F.3d at 1015
    (“Only if the employees’
    salaries were subject to unilateral adjustment by the City
    under the terms of the contract could it possibly be concluded
    [that there was no impairment of the contracts at issue].”).
    We therefore find that VIESA impaired the collective
    bargaining agreements. Because the Government stipulated
    Other courts have consistently found that contracts
    were impaired where compensation levels called for in the
    contracts were reduced. E.g., Balt. Teachers 
    Union, 6 F.3d at 1018
    (finding that “[i]n the employment context, there likely
    is no right … more central to the contract’s inducement” than
    the right to compensation, and holding that salary reductions
    constituted a substantial impairment); Condell v. Bress, 
    983 F.2d 415
    , 419 (2d Cir. 1993) (holding that a payroll lag
    whereby union employees were paid 90% of their salary and
    received the withheld 10% of their pay at the termination of
    their employment constituted a substantial impairment); Ass’n
    of Surrogates & Supreme Court Reporters v. New York, 
    940 F.2d 766
    , 772 (2d Cir. 1991) (same).
    that, should we find the collective bargaining agreements
    were impaired, such impairment was substantial, the first
    prong of the three-part test is met.
    Because we find that VIESA substantially impaired the
    collective bargaining agreements, we must next determine
    whether the Government had a significant and legitimate
    public purpose in enacting VIESA. A legitimate public
    purpose is one aimed at remedying a broad and general social
    or economic problem; it need not be addressed to an
    emergency or temporary situation. See Energy Reserves 
    Grp., 459 U.S. at 411-12
    . The record in this case is replete with
    evidence that the Virgin Islands faced an immediate fiscal
    problem that needed to be addressed, and the Unions do not
    dispute that VIESA was enacted to address this significant
    and legitimate public purpose.
    That VIESA was aimed at a significant and legitimate
    public purpose does not end our inquiry. Once a legitimate
    public purpose has been identified, we must then decide
    whether the impairment is both necessary and reasonable to
    meet the purpose advanced by the Government in
    justification. See U.S. Trust Co. v. New Jersey, 
    431 U.S. 1
    , 22
    (1977) (“Legislation adjusting the rights and responsibilities
    of contracting parties must be upon reasonable conditions and
    of a character appropriate to the public purpose justifying its
    adoption.”); N.J. Retail Merchs. Ass’n v. Sidamon-Eristoff,
    669 F.3d 374
    , 386 (3d Cir. 2012) (“[T]he court must ascertain
    ‘whether the adjustment of the rights of the parties to the
    contractual relationship was reasonable and appropriate in
    light of that purpose.’” (quoting Transp. 
    Workers, 145 F.3d at 621
    When determining whether legislation is necessary and
    reasonable, the State is ordinarily entitled to deference in its
    legislative judgment. However, when the State itself is a
    contracting party, “complete deference to a legislative
    assessment of reasonableness and necessity is not appropriate
    because the State’s self-interest is at stake.” U.S. 
    Trust, 431 U.S. at 26
    . If we afforded complete deference to the State in
    such a case, “a State could reduce its financial obligations
    whenever it wanted to spend the money for what it regarded
    as an important public purpose, [and] the Contract Clause
    would provide no protection at all.” 
    Id. For this
    reason, when
    a State is a contracting party, its “legislative judgment is
    subject to stricter scrutiny than when the legislation affects
    only private contracts.” 
    Nieves, 819 F.2d at 1249
    . Despite our
    more exacting scrutiny, some deference is appropriate, and
    the inquiry becomes “whether a less drastic modification
    would be sufficient and whether the legislation was
    reasonable in light of changed circumstances.” Keystone
    Bituminois Coal Ass’n v. Duncan, 
    771 F.2d 707
    , 717 (3d Cir.
    We first consider whether VIESA was necessary. To
    determine whether the impairment was necessary, our task is
    two-fold. First, we must ensure that the Government did not
    “consider impairing the obligations of [its] contracts on a par
    with other policy alternatives.” Balt. Teachers 
    Union, 6 F.3d at 1020
    (quoting U.S. 
    Trust, 431 U.S. at 30-31
    ). Second, we
    must consider whether the Government imposed a drastic
    impairment when an “evident and more moderate course
    would serve its purposes equally well.” 
    Id. (quoting U.S.
    Trust, 431 U.S. at 31
    We have reason here to be concerned that the
    Government considered impairing the collective bargaining
    agreements on a par with other policy alternatives. While the
    Government clearly implemented the various measures
    described above in an attempt to raise revenue and alleviate
    the effects of the fiscal crisis before it implemented VIESA
    and the record reflects it considered some additional measures
    as alternatives to VIESA, the record also indicates that
    Government officials did not place impairment of the
    agreements in a category separate from other policy options.
    For example, Debra Gottlieb testified that the Governor’s
    economic policy team gave no “special consideration” to
    policy options that would not alter the agreements, but rather
    “considered all options available to the Government.” App.
    869; see also App. 938 (Member of Governor’s economic
    team indicating the Government never even considered
    eliminating tax breaks before pursuing VIESA, thereby
    placing contractual impairment above other policy options.).
    There is also reason for concern here that, as the
    Unions claim, the Government imposed a more drastic
    impairment than was necessary. The Unions argue, for
    example, that the Government could have laid off 600
    Government employees, resulting in $30 million of savings;
    furloughed some employees using the layoff provisions in the
    collective bargaining agreement; and reduced the number of
    paid Government holidays. Tax increases and renegotiation
    of the collective bargaining agreements present other
    alternatives the Government could have explored and,
    perhaps, discarded after thoughtful review. See, e.g., U.S.
    Trust, 431 U.S. at 30
    n.29, 32 (raising the possibility that tax
    increases could have been used to avoid impairing a contract);
    Sidamon-Eristoff, 669 F.3d at 388
    (considering policies used
    in other States as potential alternatives). In dismissing the
    Unions’ policy alternatives, the District Court observed that
    proposals such as additional taxing, borrowing, furloughs,
    and layoffs could have resulted in a greater net reduction in
    pay for Government employees, while at the same time
    reducing the Government’s ability to provide basic services.
    App. 49-51. The absence of any feasibility studies, which it
    appears were not commissioned by the Government, not only
    deprives us of any meaningful way to corroborate the District
    Court’s assessment, but also reinforces our concern that the
    Legislature indeed may have imposed a more drastic
    impairment than necessary and may not have adequately
    considered alternatives before impairing its contractual
    That said, these are close and difficult decisions for
    any legislature to make in the face of a financial crisis, and
    VIESA provides a close case as to the necessity inquiry. The
    courts are tasked with assessing the necessity of a given
    impairment and do not accord legislatures “complete
    deference,” U.S. 
    Trust, 431 U.S. at 26
    —particularly where, as
    here, a State or territory is itself a party to the contract it seeks
    to abrogate. But the Contract Clause also “does not require
    the courts … to sit as superlegislatures,” choosing among
    various options proposed by plaintiffs, as “we [are] ill-
    equipped even to consider the evidence that would be relevant
    to such conflicting policy alternatives.” Balt. Teachers 
    Union, 6 F.3d at 1021-22
    Fortunately, we need not decide today whether—
    despite our concerns—VIESA was necessary because, as
    explained below, we conclude it was unreasonable, which is
    alone sufficient to render it improper under the Contract
    Clause. Thus, for purposes of this analysis, we assume
    without deciding that VIESA was necessary and move on to
    consider its reasonableness.
    Even assuming VIESA was necessary, the
    Government is not entitled to impair its contracts at will. The
    Contract Clause is not toothless. In addition to being a
    necessary impairment, any impairment must also be
    reasonable, and it “is not a reasonable one if the problem
    sought to be resolved by an impairment of the contract
    existed at the time the contractual obligation was incurred.”
    Univ. of Haw. Prof’l Assembly v. Cayetano, 
    183 F.3d 1096
    1107 (9th Cir. 1999) (internal quotation marks omitted); see
    also U.S. 
    Trust, 431 U.S. at 31
    In United States Trust, the Supreme Court held that
    New Jersey’s impairment of its covenant was unreasonable
    because, inter alia, the problem the impairment was meant to
    remedy was well known when New Jersey agreed to the
    covenant it 
    impaired. 431 U.S. at 31-32
    . New Jersey enacted
    the law at issue to repeal a covenant between itself and New
    York that limited the ability of the two states to subsidize
    Id. at 3,
    13-14. New Jersey claimed that doing
    so served an important public purpose—the need for mass
    transportation in the New York metropolitan area. 
    Id. at 29-
    30. The Court, however, found that, because the need for
    mass transportation had been well known for many years,
    including when New Jersey entered into the covenant with
    New York, changed circumstances could not justify impairing
    its covenant. 
    Id. at 31-32.
    Thus, the law at issue was not
    reasonable, and it violated the Contract Clause.
    In this case, the Government claims that VIESA was
    necessary because of the economic crisis and severe budget
    deficits. But to pass muster under our Contract Clause
    analysis, the impairment must be reasonable, in addition to
    being necessary. Even assuming VIESA was necessary to
    address the economic crisis and severe budget deficits, the
    Government knew of the economic crisis facing the Virgin
    Islands at the time it was negotiating with the Unions and
    when it concluded the collective bargaining agreements with
    USW and AFT.
    As to USW, there is extensive evidence demonstrating
    the Government’s knowledge of the budget crisis at the time
    the Government agreed to provide a 2.5% salary increase to
    USW employees—as indicated by the USW Master
    agreement—on October 23, 2010. Prior to those agreements
    and as early as 2009, the Government had already projected
    significant budget deficits. Revenue had fallen by 30%—
    more than $250 million. And on February 22, 2010, Debra
    Gottlieb testified before the Legislature regarding the Virgin
    Islands’ difficult financial situation. Gottlieb warned that the
    Government’s “cash balances are precariously low.” App.
    321. She further cautioned that “the operating deficit is
    expected to continue throughout fiscal year 2011.” App. 322.
    Gottlieb’s testimony expressly indicated that one possibility
    for addressing the crisis was to implement “an across the
    board payroll reduction that equated to a 10% salary
    reduction,” which “would yield approximately $51.7 million
    in expenditure reductions.” App. 325. At this point, as shown
    by Gottlieb’s testimony, both the Governor—who signed the
    agreements—and the Legislature—which later voted to
    impair them—were fully aware from the outset that tax
    revenues continued to decline, and that in order to maintain a
    balanced budget, the Virgin Islands would have to
    significantly increase revenue or substantially reduce
    expenditures. And apart from Gottlieb’s presentation, the
    Governor had already been authorized to borrow $500 million
    to alleviate some of the Government’s budget shortfalls,
    which were predicted for the upcoming years.
    With respect to the AFT collective bargaining
    agreements, although these agreements were concluded
    earlier, in May 2009, the timing is nearly as suspect. In May
    2009, the economic recession was in full swing. The
    Legislature initially authorized the Governor to borrow $500
    million in early June 2009, only a few weeks after the
    Governor signed the AFT agreements. It was obvious then
    that the Virgin Islands’ budget crisis would require legislative
    action. And the Government already knew that revenue had
    dropped sharply. Despite its knowledge of the financial
    difficulties, the Government nevertheless entered into the
    collective bargaining agreements.
    Even if the crisis worsened after the collective
    bargaining agreements were approved, we would not alter our
    conclusion. The Government knew it was facing severe
    budget deficits and that the financial condition of the Virgin
    Islands was precarious. That the budget deficit projections
    grew and the financial condition became increasingly dire is
    not a change in the kind of problem that VIESA sought to
    solve. It is a change in degree. Under United States Trust, this
    change in degree is not enough to render the impairment
    “reasonable in light of changed 
    circumstances.” 431 U.S. at 32
    We are also troubled by the assurances made to Union
    representatives during the negotiations. USW representatives,
    concerned that funding would not be available for the salary
    increases as a result of the financial crisis, asked the
    Government’s chief negotiator if the Government would be
    able to fund the agreements. He responded yes. Rather than
    negotiating lower salaries with the Union employees, the
    Government promised the Union employees certain wages—
    even a pay increase for USW employees—in return for their
    making several concessions. Instead of honoring that promise
    or never making it in the first place, the Government chose
    the politically expedient route of reducing wages after it had
    received its benefit of the bargain. The Contract Clause is not
    a dead letter, and if it is to continue to have any force, it must
    prohibit such self-serving, post hoc changes in contractual
    We do not fault the Virgin Islands Government for its
    attempt to alleviate the severe budget crisis it was facing. The
    financial crisis required a solution. While we afford
    considerable deference to the Legislature’s decision as to
    what the solution should be—even when the State (or, as in
    this case, the territorial government) is a party to an impaired
    contract—that deference is not absolute, nor can a
    Legislature’s decision to impair a contract stand if it was
    unreasonable. Here, we are asked to decide whether the
    Virgin Islands’ impairment of its contracts with Union
    employees was reasonable in light of the fact that it knew of
    the precarious financial condition when it agreed to the
    contracts. United States Trust requires that we hold that the
    impairment was unreasonable. Because any impairment must
    be both necessary and reasonable, the impairment here does
    not survive Contract Clause scrutiny. 6
    Because VIESA substantially impaired the USW and
    AFT collective bargaining agreements, and such impairment
    was unreasonable, we hold that VIESA violates the Contract
    We note, however, that although VIESA substantially
    impaired the collective bargaining agreements, such
    impairment was not unreasonable on its face. Rather,
    VIESA’s impairment of the agreements here was
    unreasonable in light of the timeline of events in this
    particular case. The agreements with AFT and USW were
    concluded after the justification for VIESA was known to the
    Government. Thus, VIESA violates the Contract Clause as
    applied only to the USW and AFT collective bargaining
    Clause as applied to those collective bargaining agreements.
    Accordingly, we will reverse the District Court’s order. We
    will also remand to the District Court so that it may
    reconsider its holding with respect to the Unions’ territorial
    claims, specifically the Public Employee Relations Act claim,
    in light of this opinion.

Document Info

Docket Number: 14-4357

Citation Numbers: 65 V.I. 468, 842 F.3d 201

Filed Date: 11/15/2016

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 1/13/2023

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