Patricia Thompson v. Real Estate Mortgage Network , 748 F.3d 142 ( 2014 )

  •                                         PRECEDENTIAL
    No. 12-3828
    NOEL CHAPMAN, an individual; SAMUEL
    LAMPARELLO, an individual
    On Appeal from the United States District Court
    for the District of New Jersey
    (D.C. Civil Action No. 2:11-cv-01494)
    District Judge: Honorable Dennis M. Cavanaugh
    Argued November 6, 2013
    Circuit Judges
    (Filed: April 3, 2014)
    Mitchell A. Schley, Esq. [ARGUED]
    Two Tower Center Boulevard, 8th Floor
    East Brunswick, NJ 08816
    Counsel for Appellant
    Judith L. Spanier, Esq.
    Abbey Spanier
    212 East 39th Street
    New York, NY 10016
    Counsel for Appellant
    Ari Karen, Esq. [ARGUED]
    Offit Kurman
    8171 Maple Lawn Boulevard, Suite 200
    Maple Lawn, MD 20759
    Counsel for Appellees
    Douglas R. Kay, Esq.
    Offit Kurman
    8000 Towers Crescent Drive, Suite 1450
    Tysons Corner, VA 22182
    Counsel for Appellees
    Forrest G. Read, IV, Esq.
    Offit Kurman
    4800 Montgomery Lane, 9th Floor
    Bethesda, MD 20814
    Counsel for Appellees
    VANASKIE, Circuit Judge.
    In this case we consider the efforts of plaintiff Patricia
    Thompson to hold her former employers responsible for
    alleged overtime violations under the Fair Labor Standards
    Act (“FLSA”), 29 U.S.C. §§ 201–219, and the New Jersey
    Wage and Hour Law, N.J. STAT. ANN. §§ 34:11-56a – 34:11–
    56a38. Thompson appeals from an order of the United States
    District Court for the District of New Jersey, which granted
    the motion of defendants to dismiss each of Thompson’s
    claims under Rule 12(b)(6) of the Federal Rules of Civil
    Procedure. For the following reasons, we will vacate and
    In June 2009, appellant Patricia Thompson, a New
    Jersey resident, was hired as a mortgage underwriter by
    defendant Security Atlantic Mortgage Company (“Security
    Atlantic”), a “nationwide direct mortgage lender.”1 App. 23.
    Shortly thereafter, however, she was assigned to a training
    class led by a representative for a different mortgage
    company, defendant Real Estate Mortgage Network
    (“REMN”). That employee “represented that REMN was a
    sister company of Security Atlantic.” App. 93.
    Our recitation of the factual background of this
    appeal is derived from Thompson’s Amended Complaint.
    For purposes of this appeal, we accept as true all facts set
    forth in the Amended Complaint, and draw all reasonable
    inferences from such allegations in favor of the complainant.
    Warren Gen. Hosp. v. Amgen Inc., 
    643 F.3d 77
    , 84 (3d Cir.
    In February 2010, allegedly in response to an
    investigation being conducted by the U.S. Department of
    Housing and Urban Development (“HUD”) into Security
    Atlantic’s mortgage practices, Thompson and many of her
    colleagues were asked by supervisors to fill out new job
    applications to work for REMN. Thompson completed the
    application as requested. From roughly that date forward,
    Thompson’s paychecks were issued by REMN instead of
    Security Atlantic. Defendants characterize Security Atlantic,
    which is no longer in business, as “defunct.”2
    Despite Thompson’s transfer to REMN, virtually no
    change occurred in on-site operations. Thompson and her
    colleagues continued to do the same work, at the same desks,
    at the same location. Thompson’s pay rate, work email
    address, and direct supervisors remained the same.
    Thompson alleges that no employees were laid off during this
    transition, although some of her colleagues continued to
    receive paychecks from Security Atlantic.
    The basis for this lawsuit against both Security
    Atlantic and REMN is Thompson’s allegation that between
    June 2009 and the end of her employment with REMN on
    August 5, 2010:
    [D]efendants     suffered    and
    permitted plaintiff and other
    underwriters, closers and HUD
    reviewers to regularly work more
    Because that representation was made in defendants’
    motion papers before the District Court, App. 42, we treat it
    as a judicial admission. See Berckeley Inv. Grp. v. Colkitt,
    455 F.3d 195
    , 211 n.20 (3d Cir. 2006).
    than eight hours per day and more
    than forty hours per week without
    overtime compensation for all
    overtime       hours      worked.
    Employees        [were]     given
    turnaround times for assignments
    and employees routinely worked
    through lunch and at home to
    meet these requirements.
    App. 99. Thompson also alleges that “[d]efendants uniformly
    misrepresented to plaintiff and other mortgage underwriters,
    closers and HUD reviewers that they were exempt, salaried
    employees and, therefore, ineligible to receive overtime pay.”
    App. 101. The misconduct was allegedly “widespread,
    repeated and consistent.” 
    Id. Aside from
    her claims against Security Atlantic and
    REMN, Thompson also seeks relief from defendants Samuel
    Lamparello (the co-owner and President of Security Atlantic)
    and Noel Chapman (the co-owner and Executive Vice
    President of Security Atlantic). The Amended Complaint
    alleges that throughout the time periods at issue, Chapman
    and Lamparello “made decisions concerning [Security
    Atlantic’s] and REMN’s day-to-day operations, hiring, firing,
    promotions, personnel matters, work schedules, pay policies,
    and compensation.” App. 93. When a work or personnel
    issue arose at Security Atlantic or REMN that Thompson’s
    immediate supervisor could not address alone, “the supervisor
    would consult with, among others, Chapman or Lamparello.”
    Id. In June
    2010, Thompson directly asked Chapman
    about overtime compensation. He responded that he “did not
    pay overtime to underwriters.” App. 99. In July 2010,
    Chapman sent an email to “All Departments” stating, in part,
    “So many of you worked long hours, late nights and even
    weekends to make sure that all REMN customers are happy
    customers.” App. 92. Thompson quit her job at REMN on
    August 5, 2010. In 2011, both Chapman and Lamparello
    became officers of REMN.
    Thompson filed her “class and collective action”
    complaint on March 16, 2011.3 On December 30, 2011, the
    District Court dismissed the complaint without prejudice for
    failure to state a claim.
    Thompson filed her Amended Complaint on January
    27, 2012. She asserts that all four defendants violated the
    FLSA by “failing to properly compensate plaintiff, failing to
    pay plaintiff overtime pay for time worked in excess of 40
    hours in a workweek, and misclassifying plaintiff as exempt
    from the overtime wage requirements of the FLSA.” App.
    95. Thompson further seeks to hold REMN liable for
    SAMC’s own statutory violations under theories of joint
    liability and successor liability. She also contends that
    Chapman and Lamparello were her “employer[s] and/or joint
    employer[s]” by virtue of their positions with the defendant
    companies, and therefore are “personally, jointly and
    severally liable for the violations of the FLSA and the [New
    Jersey Wage and Hour Law] by [Security Atlantic] and
    REMN.” App. 92–93.
    Because the subject of this appeal is the District
    Court’s dismissal of Thompson’s personal claims for relief,
    we do not address Thompson’s “class and collective action”
    claims in any way.
    On August 31, 2012, the District Court dismissed
    without prejudice the entirety of Thompson’s Amended
    Complaint. Thompson filed a timely notice of appeal and has
    not sought leave to file a second amended complaint.
    We have jurisdiction under 28 U.S.C. § 1291 over a
    district court’s dismissal without prejudice where, as here, the
    plaintiff elects to stand on the dismissed complaint without
    further amendment. Hagan v. Rogers, 
    570 F.3d 146
    , 151 (3d
    Cir. 2009).4 Our review of a District Court’s dismissal under
    Rule 12(b)(6) is de novo. Fowler v. UPMC Shadyside, 
    578 F.3d 203
    , 206 (3d Cir. 2009). Under the “notice pleading”
    standard embodied in Rule 8 of the Federal Rules of Civil
    Procedure, a plaintiff must come forward with “a short and
    plain statement of the claim showing that the pleader is
    entitled to relief.” As explicated in Ashcroft v. Iqbal, 
    556 U.S. 662
    , 678 (2009), a claimant must state a “plausible”
    claim for relief, and “[a] claim has facial plausibility when the
    pleaded factual content allows the court to draw the
    reasonable inference that the defendant is liable for the
    misconduct alleged.” Although “[f]actual allegations must be
    enough to raise a right to relief above the speculative level,”
    Bell Atlantic Corp. v. Twombly, 
    550 U.S. 544
    , 555 (2007), a
    plaintiff “need only put forth allegations that raise a
    reasonable expectation that discovery will reveal evidence of
    the necessary element.” 
    Fowler, 578 F.3d at 213
    marks and citations omitted); see also Covington v. Int’l
    Ass’n of Approved Basketball Officials, 
    710 F.3d 114
    , 117–18
    (3d Cir. 2013).
    The District Court had jurisdiction pursuant to 28
    U.S.C. §§ 1331 and 1367(a).
    The FLSA and its state-law counterpart, the New
    Jersey Wage and Hour Law, allow employees to sue their past
    or present employers for various employment-related causes
    of action. Like the District Court and parties, we will
    distinguish between Thompson’s federal-law claims and
    state-law claims only as necessary.
    Relevant here, the FLSA provides:
    [N]o employer shall employ any
    of his employees who in any
    workweek      is    engaged      in
    commerce or in the production of
    goods for commerce, or is
    employed in an enterprise
    engaged in commerce or in the
    production     of     goods     for
    commerce, for a workweek longer
    than forty hours unless such
    employee receives compensation
    for his employment in excess of
    the hours above specified at a rate
    not less than one and one-half
    times the regular rate at which he
    is employed.
    29 U.S.C. § 207(a)(1). 5 For employees who have been
    wrongly denied overtime pay, the FLSA offers a private
    cause of action to recover the corpus of the unpaid
    compensation along with equivalent liquidated damages,
    costs, and attorney’s fees. 
    Id. § 216(b).
    Our first inquiry in most FLSA cases is whether the
    plaintiff has alleged an actionable employer-employee
    relationship. An “employer” is “any person acting directly or
    indirectly in the interest of an employer in relation to an
    employee . . . .” 
    Id. § 203(d).
    An “employee” is “any
    individual employed by an employer.” 
    Id. § 203(e)(1).
    “employ” means “to suffer or permit to work.” 
    Id. § 203(g).
    As we have recently recognized, the breadth of these
    definitions is both intentional and obvious:
    When      determining    whether
    someone is an employee under the
    FLSA, “economic reality rather
    than technical concepts is to be
    the test of employment.” Under
    this theory, the FLSA defines
    employer “expansively,” and with
    “striking breadth.” The Supreme
    Court has even gone so far as to
    acknowledge that the FLSA's
    definition of an employer is “the
    The language of New Jersey Wage and Hour Law §
    34:11-56a4 is substantially similar to the FLSA, and provides:
    “Each employer shall pay to each of his employees . . . 1 1/2
    times such employee’s regular hourly wage for each hour of
    working time in excess of 40 hours in any week[.]” § 34:11-
    broadest definition that has ever
    been included in any one act.”
    In re Enterprise Rent-A-Car Wage & Hour Emp’t Prac.
    683 F.3d 462
    , 467–68 (3d Cir. 2012) (citations
    Thompson first challenges the District Court’s
    dismissal of her most straightforward claims, i.e., that (1)
    Security Atlantic committed statutory violations by failing to
    compensate Thompson appropriately between her date of
    hiring in June 2009 and her transfer to REMN in February
    2010, and (2) REMN committed entirely separate statutory
    violations by failing to compensate Thompson appropriately
    between her date of hiring in February 2010 and the
    conclusion of her employment in July 2010. The District
    Court did not explain its reasoning for dismissal of these
    claims. Nor did defendants below mount a serious argument
    for such dismissal. Accordingly, we are left without the
    benefit of an articulated legal basis for the District Court’s
    ruling. Defendants now attempt to justify the dismissal of
    these claims by arguing that Thompson’s allegations
    improperly “group[] all defendants—individual and
    corporate—together and fail[] to differentiate between them
    as to alleged wrongful conduct.” Appellees’ Br. at 20.
    The pleadings here put the corporate defendants on fair
    notice that the alleged violations began during Thompson’s
    employment with Security Atlantic and persisted throughout
    her relatively brief tenure with the two companies.
    Accordingly, we will vacate the District Court’s dismissal of
    Thompson’s claims against Security Atlantic and REMN
    under a theory of primary liability.
    Thompson also appeals from the District Court’s
    dismissal of her claims insofar as they depend on a theory of
    joint employment between Security Atlantic and REMN.
    Under the FLSA, multiple persons or entities can be
    responsible for a single employee’s wages as “joint
    employers” in certain situations. 29 C.F.R. § 791.2. One
    such scenario occurs where both employers “exert significant
    control” over the employee, N.L.R.B. v. Browning–Ferris
    Indus. of Pa., Inc., 
    691 F.2d 1117
    , 1124 (3d Cir. 1982), “by
    reason of the fact that one employer controls, is controlled by,
    or is under common control with the other employer.” 29
    C.F.R. § 791.2(b)(3). Under these circumstances, each joint
    employer may be held jointly and severally liable for the
    FLSA violations of the other, in addition to direct liability for
    its own violations.
    We have recently treated this topic in some depth, see
    In re 
    Enterprise, 683 F.3d at 467
    –71, and in so doing
    announced a directive that we described as the “Enterprise
    test.” 6   When assessing whether a “joint employer”
    Defendants suggest that Thompson’s failure to cite
    Enterprise in the District Court, and the District Court’s
    subsequent omission of that precedent from its opinion of
    August 31, 2012, precludes Thompson from benefitting from
    it now. The Enterprise decision, however, does not constitute
    a “claim” requiring presentation to the District Court. See Yee
    v. City of Escondido, 
    503 U.S. 519
    , 534 (1992) (“Once a
    federal claim is properly presented, a party can make any
    argument in support of that claim; parties are not limited to
    the precise arguments they made below.”). Thompson’s
    “joint employer” claims were well established in the record.
    relationship exists, a court should consider the following non-
    exhaustive list of relevant factors:
    (1) the alleged employer’s
    authority to hire and fire the
    relevant employees; (2) the
    alleged employer’s authority to
    promulgate work rules and
    assignments and to set the
    employees’        conditions      of
    employment:          compensation,
    benefits, and work schedules,
    including the rate and method of
    payment;      (3)    the     alleged
    employer’s involvement in day-
    to-day employee supervision,
    including employee discipline;
    and (4) the alleged employer’s
    actual control of employee
    records,    such      as    payroll,
    insurance, or taxes.
    Id. at 469.
    As with the existence of an employer-employee
    relationship in the first instance, however, the determination
    depends on “all the facts in the particular case.” 29 C.F.R. §
    Here, the District Court emphasized that Thompson’s
    employment by Security Atlantic was separate and distinct
    from her employment by REMN. This may be correct if one
    We would be remiss if we failed to apply our own binding
    precedent simply because it was not cited before the District
    considers only the name of the payor appearing on
    Thompson’s pay stubs. But Thompson alleges more. The
    Amended Complaint states that an employee of REMN
    conducted Thompson’s training immediately after she was
    hired by Security Atlantic in June 2009, indicating that
    REMN had at least some authority to “promulgate work rules
    and assignments” even before REMN formally hired
    Thompson in February 2010. The employee responsible for
    Thompson’s training allegedly described REMN as Security
    Atlantic’s “sister company,” a term which suggests some
    broader degree of corporate intermingling. And the scenario
    described by Thompson, in which she and virtually all other
    Security Atlantic employees were abruptly and seamlessly
    integrated into REMN’s commercial mortgage business while
    some of those same employees continued to be paid by
    Security Atlantic, supports Thompson’s claim that the two
    companies shared authority over hiring and firing practices.
    We caution that our assessment rests heavily on the
    procedural posture of this litigation. Thompson, a low-level
    employee with each of the defendant companies, has had no
    opportunity for discovery as to payroll and taxation
    documents, disciplinary records, internal corporate
    communications, or leadership and ownership structures. It
    may well be that a fully developed factual record will
    preclude a finding that Security Atlantic and REMN were
    “joint employers” of Thompson for any of the pay periods at
    issue. But under these circumstances, we cannot say that
    Thompson’s Amended Complaint fails to state a claim upon
    which relief can be granted. We will vacate the District
    Court’s dismissal of Thompson’s claims in this regard and
    remand for further proceedings.
    Thompson alternatively seeks to hold REMN liable for
    Security Atlantic’s alleged violations not only on a joint
    employer theory, but also on the theory that REMN, as an
    alleged successor in interest to Security Atlantic, is obligated
    to assume that company’s debts and liabilities. The parties
    dispute which law, state or federal, governs Thompson’s
    FLSA successor liability claims.7
    Defendants urge that we apply New Jersey law, which
    holds that successor corporations are legally distinct from
    their predecessors and do not assume any of the debts or
    liabilities of the prior entity, except where:
    Defendants argue that Thompson waived the
    opportunity to rely on federal common law by failing to raise
    the issue of its applicability before the District Court. The
    prudential rule that we not consider claims raised for the first
    time on appeal is at its strongest when a party presents an
    issue for the first time on appeal and thereby prevents the
    opposing party from introducing evidence relevant to that
    issue. See Harris v. City of Philadelphia, 
    35 F.3d 840
    , 845
    (3d Cir. 1994). In this case, the proceedings remain at the
    pleadings stage. Neither party has introduced evidence of any
    kind. Nor is it a surprise to defendants on appeal that
    Thompson seeks relief on a theory of successor liability.
    Because we consider it extremely unlikely that our de novo
    analysis would be materially affected if that question had
    been presented squarely at an earlier juncture, and because
    the question of the law applicable to a claim predicated upon
    successor liability under the FLSA is an open and important
    question in this Circuit, we decline to hold that Thompson’s
    failure to raise the issue effected a waiver in this instance.
    (1) the purchasing corporation
    expressly or impliedly agreed to
    assume such debts and liabilities;
    (2) the transaction amounts to a
    consolidation or merger of the
    seller and purchaser; (3) the
    purchasing corporation is merely
    a continuation of the selling
    corporation, or (4) the transaction
    is entered into fraudulently in
    order to escape responsibility for
    such debts and liabilities.
    Ramirez v. Amsted Indus., Inc., 
    431 A.2d 811
    , 815 (N.J.
    1981). Here, Thompson claims that REMN is a “mere
    continuation” of Security Atlantic, and is therefore
    accountable for its legal liabilities. We have previously
    summarized New Jersey law pertaining to the “mere
    continuation” rule as follows:
    Factors relevant to the “mere
    continuation” exception include
    continuity       of      ownership;
    continuity     of     management;
    continuity       of       personnel;
    continuity of physical location,
    assets and general business
    operations; and cessation of the
    prior business shortly after the
    new entity is formed.          Also
    relevant is the extent to which the
    successor intended “to incorporate
    [the predecessor] into its system
    with as much the same structure
    and operation as possible.” Thus
    the court should determine
    whether “the purchaser holds
    itself out to the world as the
    effective continuation of the
    seller.” However, the proponent
    of successor liability need not
    necessarily establish all of these
    Marshak v. Treadwell, 
    595 F.3d 478
    , 490 (3d Cir. 2009)
    (quoting Bowen Engineering v. Estate of Reeve, 
    799 F. Supp. 467
    , 487–88 (D.N.J. 1992)).
    Thompson urges that, as to her FLSA claim, we apply
    a federal common law standard for successor liability that has
    slowly gained traction in the field of labor and employment
    disputes over the course of almost fifty years. That standard,
    which presents a lower bar to relief than most state
    jurisprudence, was designed to “impos[e] liability upon
    successors beyond the confines of the common law rule when
    necessary to protect important employment-related
    policies[,]” Einhorn v. M.L. Ruberton Constr. Co., 
    632 F.3d 89
    , 94 (3d Cir. 2011), and dictates consideration of only the
    following factors: “(1) continuity in operations and work
    force of the successor and predecessor employers; (2) notice
    to the successor-employer of its predecessor’s legal
    obligation; and (3) ability of the predecessor to provide
    adequate relief directly.” Brzozowski v. Corr. Physician
    Servs., Inc., 
    360 F.3d 173
    , 178 (3d Cir. 2004) (quoting Rego
    v. ARC Water Treatment Co. of Pa., 
    181 F.3d 396
    , 402 (3d
    Cir. 1999)).
    The Supreme Court crafted the federal common law
    standard in the context of a claim under the Labor
    Management Relations Act, see John Wiley & Sons, Inc. v.
    376 U.S. 543
    , 548–51 (1964), and later applied
    the standard to claims under the National Labor Relations
    Act. See Golden State Bottling Co. v. N.L.R.B., 
    414 U.S. 168
    181–85 (1973). In the past decade we have further extended
    the federal standard to claims brought under Title VII, see
    Brzozowski, 360 F.3d at 177
    –79, and ERISA, see 
    Einhorn, 632 F.3d at 93
    Two of our sister circuits have addressed the merits of
    this issue and concluded that application of the federal
    standard to claims under the FLSA is the logical extension of
    existing case law. See, e.g., Teed v. Thomas & Betts Power
    711 F.3d 763
    , 765–77 (7th Cir. 2013); Steinbach v.
    51 F.3d 843
    , 845 (9th Cir. 1995). We agree. In
    Teed, Judge Posner, writing for the Court of Appeals for the
    Seventh Circuit, stated the following case for the ongoing
    vitality of the standard itself and for its applicability to claims
    under the FLSA:
    The idea behind having a
    distinct       federal      standard
    applicable to federal labor and
    employment statutes is that these
    statutes are intended either to
    foster labor peace, as in the
    National Labor Relations Act, or
    to protect workers' rights, as in
    Title VII, and that in either type of
    case the imposition of successor
    liability will often be necessary to
    achieve the statutory goals
    because the workers will often be
    unable to head off a corporate sale
    by their employer aimed at
    extinguishing the employer's
    liability to them.      This logic
    extends to suits to enforce the Fair
    Labor Standards Act. “The FLSA
    was passed to protect workers'
    standards of living through the
    regulation of working conditions.
    29 U.S.C. § 202.               That
    fundamental purpose is as fully
    deserving of protection as the
    labor peace, anti-discrimination,
    and worker security policies
    underlying the NLRA, Title VII,
    42 U.S.C. § 1981, ERISA, and
    MPPAA.” Steinbach v. Hubbard,
    51 F.3d 843
    , 845 (9th Cir. 1995).
    In the absence of successor
    liability, a violator of the Act
    could escape liability, or at least
    make relief much more difficult to
    obtain, by selling its assets
    without an assumption of
    liabilities by the buyer (for such
    an assumption would reduce the
    purchase price by imposing a cost
    on the buyer) and then dissolving.
    And although it can be argued that
    imposing successor liability in
    such a case impedes the operation
    of the market in companies by
    increasing the cost to the buyer of
    a company that may have violated
    the FLSA, it's not a strong
    argument. The successor will
    have been compensated for
    bearing the liabilities by paying
    less for the assets it's buying; it
    will have paid less because the net
    value of the assets will have been
    diminished by the associated
    Thomas & Betts argues
    that the Act imposes liability only
    on “employers,” 29 U.S.C. §§
    203(d), 216(b), and Thomas &
    Betts was not the employer of the
    suing workers when the Act was
    violated. But that is equally true
    when successor liability is
    imposed in a Title VII case, as the
    case law requires. It argues that
    Wisconsin has an interest in this
    case because it too has minimum
    wage and overtime laws. But
    states also have their own laws,
    paralleling Title VII, forbidding
    employment discrimination. It
    points out that most FLSA suits
    are brought by individuals for the
    recovery of individual damages
    rather than by the government
    (though in fact the Department of
    Labor brings many), but likewise
    most Title VII suits are private
    rather than public. It argues that
    violations of the FLSA are
    “victimless,” because no one is
    compelled to work for a company
    that violates that Act. Neither is
    anyone forced to work for a
    company that discriminates on
    grounds forbidden by Title VII,
    such as race and sex. Yet there
    are victims of the violations in
    both FLSA and Title VII cases—
    workers who would be paid
    higher wages if their employer
    complied with the FLSA and
    workers who would have better
    jobs and working conditions if
    their employer complied with
    Title VII. Moreover, there is an
    interest in legal predictability that
    is served by applying the same
    standard of successor liability . . .
    to all federal statutes that protect
    employees . . . .
    Id. at 766-67.
    We find that pronouncement well reasoned, directly
    applicable, and in accord with our own jurisprudence. 8
    Indeed, this case mirrors Einhorn, in which we
    declared that “[i]n light of the Seventh Circuit's
    Moreover, defendants provide no compelling reason why the
    federal common law standard should not be applied, as in
    Brzozowski and Einhorn, to this employment-related claim
    arising under a broad and worker-friendly federal statute. See
    29 U.S.C. § 202.
    The issue remains as to whether Thompson’s
    allegations satisfy the federal common law standard in the
    case at hand. Here, the District Court concluded that the
    Amended Complaint, with respect to successor liability,
    alleges only “retention of employees and office space.” App.
    10. That assessment of the facts alleged in the Complaint is
    unduly narrow. The Amended Complaint in fact alleges that
    essentially all facets of the business at issue, including
    operations, staffing, office space, email addresses,
    employment conditions, and work in progress, remained the
    same after the February 2010 intercession of REMN. App.
    94–95. We presently need not speculate as to the technical
    nature of the relationship between the two companies,
    although such evidence may be of great importance upon a
    motion for summary judgment. See, e.g., 
    Steinbach, 51 F.3d at 846
    (finding no successor liability where the purported
    successor had only leased the predecessor’s equipment and
    used employees “on a temporary basis”). For purposes of the
    instant motion we find Thompson’s allegations sufficient to
    demonstrate a plausible “continuity in operations and work
    Brzozowski, 360 F.3d at 178
    With respect to the second factor, pre-transfer notice of
    the obligation’s existence to REMN, Thompson alleges that
    comprehensive analysis [applying the federal common law
    standard to ERISA claims], we need not reinvent the 
    wheel.” 632 F.3d at 96
    Security Atlantic was essentially controlled by a small
    supervisory and managerial group, including Lamparello and
    Chapman, who dictated payroll and scheduling and had
    ongoing knowledge of systematic FLSA violations.
    Thompson contends that when she and her colleagues were
    hired by REMN, the same practices continued under the same
    management, who were eventually integrated into corporate
    leadership roles with REMN. On these allegations it is
    unclear whether REMN had knowledge of Security Atlantic’s
    allegedly improper overtime practices prior to the transfer.
    And we have no desire to undermine the importance of this
    factor with respect to REMN’s ultimate liability. As we
    stated in Einhorn, “[t]he requirement of notice and the ability
    of the successor to shield itself during negotiations temper
    concerns that imposing successor liability might discourage
    transactions.” 632 F.3d at 96
    . But this factor, like
    others in this case, is not one as to which Thompson should
    be expected to come forward with detailed proof at this stage.
    As to the third factor, the predecessor’s “ability . . . to
    provide adequate relief directly,” defendants have represented
    that Security Atlantic is now “defunct,” which we take to
    mean that it is likely incapable of satisfying any award of
    damages to Thompson. In total, then, these allegations are
    enough to surmount a motion to dismiss under the federal
    We must give separate consideration to Thompson’s
    claims under the New Jersey Wage and Hour Law. Because
    these claims were cognizable in the District Court only by
    virtue of supplemental jurisdiction, they are governed by the
    New Jersey standard for successor liability. Even so,
    however, we conclude for the same reasons described above
    that dismissal is not appropriate at this time. The Amended
    Complaint describes continuity of operations, management,
    physical location, assets, and general operations.            The
    predecessor corporation, Security Atlantic, went out of
    business shortly after the transfer. In light of these claims, we
    will not fault Thompson for her inability to make specific
    allegations as to continuity of ownership at this stage,
    particularly given her reasonable assertion that the inner
    workings of the privately held corporations at issue remain
    hidden to her. She has adequately raised a plausible claim for
    relief on a successor liability theory under the New Jersey
    Wage and Hour Law. Accordingly, we will vacate the
    District Court’s order with respect to Thompson’s claims
    under the FLSA and New Jersey Wage and Hour Law against
    REMN on a theory of successor liability and remand for
    further proceedings.
    The FLSA imposes individual liability on “any person
    acting directly or indirectly in the interest of an employer in
    relation to an employee . . . .” 29 U.S.C. § 203(d). Aside
    from the corporate entity itself, a company’s owners, officers,
    or supervisory personnel may also constitute “joint
    employers” for purposes of liability under the FLSA. We
    have addressed that specific topic in the analogous context of
    the Family and Medical Leave Act:
    [A]n individual is subject to
    FMLA liability when he or she
    exercises “supervisory authority
    over the complaining employee
    and was responsible in whole or
    part for the alleged violation”
    while acting in the employer's
    interest. Riordan v. Kempiners,
    831 F.2d 690
    , 694 (7th Cir. 1987)
    (discussing individual liability
    under the FLSA's analogous
    definition of an “employer”). As
    the Fifth Circuit explained in
    interpreting the FLSA's analogous
    employer provision, an individual
    supervisor has adequate authority
    over the complaining employee
    when          the       supervisor
    “independently exercise[s] control
    over     the    work    situation.”
    Donovan v. Grim Hotel Co., 
    747 F.2d 966
    , 972 (5th Cir. 1984)
    (quoting Donovan v. Sabine
    Irrigation Co., 
    695 F.2d 190
    , 195
    (5th Cir. 1983)); see also Falk v.
    414 U.S. 190
    , 195
    (1973) (holding that a company
    exercising “substantial control of
    the terms and conditions of the
    work” of the employees is an
    employer under the FLSA).
    Haybarger v. Lawrence County Adult Prob. & Parole, 
    667 F.3d 408
    , 417 (3d Cir. 2012). The focus is on “the totality of
    the circumstances rather than on technical concepts of the
    employment relationship.” 
    Id. at 418
    (quotation marks
    Here, the Amended Complaint alleges that Lamparello
    and Chapman “made decisions concerning Security Atlantic’s
    and REMN’s day-to-day operations, hiring, firing,
    promotions, personnel matters, work schedules, pay policies,
    and compensation.” App. 93. When a work or personnel
    issue arose at Security Atlantic that Thompson’s immediate
    supervisor could not address alone, “the supervisor would
    consult with, among others, Chapman or Lamparello.” 
    Id. And in
    June 2010, when Thompson asked Chapman about
    overtime compensation, he responded that he “did not pay
    overtime to underwriters.” App. 99.
    Defendants argue that Thompson’s allegations as to
    the workplace roles and responsibilities of Chapman and
    Lamparello are limited and conclusory. Thompson responds
    that, as a former low-level employee in a privately held
    corporation, she will not have access to the specific facts
    regarding Chapman and Lamparello’s involvement in
    Security Atlantic and REMN until after discovery, and that
    her limited allegations regarding their substantial workplace
    decision-making authority and involvement in day-to-day
    operations are sufficient for purposes of the pleadings.
    We conclude that Thompson provides enough
    information in the Amended Complaint, including allegations
    of the scope of the individual defendants’ workplace authority
    and of specific statements by Chapman as to overtime pay, to
    “allow[] the court to draw the reasonable inference that the
    defendant[s] [are] liable for the misconduct alleged.” 
    Iqbal, 556 U.S. at 678
    . We will therefore vacate the District Court’s
    order with respect to its dismissal of Thompson’s claims
    against Chapman and Lamparello in their individual
    capacities and remand for further proceedings.
    For the foregoing reasons, we will vacate the District
    Court’s order of August 31, 2012, and remand for further
    proceedings consistent with this Opinion.

Document Info

Docket Number: 12-3828

Citation Numbers: 748 F.3d 142

Judges: Greenaway, Roth, Vanaskie

Filed Date: 4/3/2014

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 8/31/2023

Authorities (23)

Einhorn v. M.L. Ruberton Construction Co. , 632 F.3d 89 ( 2011 )

Hagan v. Rogers , 570 F.3d 146 ( 2009 )

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Fowler v. UPMC SHADYSIDE , 578 F.3d 203 ( 2009 )

Raymond J. Donovan, Secretary of Labor, United States ... , 747 F.2d 966 ( 1984 )

Raymond J. Donovan, Secretary of Labor, United States ... , 695 F.2d 190 ( 1983 )

Mary J. Riordan v. William L. Kempiners and Shirley Randolph , 831 F.2d 690 ( 1987 )

National Labor Relations Board v. Browning-Ferris ... , 691 F.2d 1117 ( 1982 )

Warren General Hospital v. Amgen Inc. , 643 F.3d 77 ( 2011 )

Haybarger v. Lawrence County Adult Probation & Parole , 667 F.3d 408 ( 2012 )

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Ramirez v. Amsted Industries, Inc. , 86 N.J. 332 ( 1981 )

Golden State Bottling Co. v. NLRB , 94 S. Ct. 414 ( 1973 )

Falk v. Brennan , 94 S. Ct. 427 ( 1973 )

John Wiley & Sons, Inc. v. Livingston , 84 S. Ct. 909 ( 1964 )

Bowen Engineering v. Estate of Reeve , 799 F. Supp. 467 ( 1992 )

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