United States v. George Georgiou , 777 F.3d 125 ( 2015 )

  •                                   PRECEDENTIAL
    Nos. 10-4774, 11-4587, 12-2077
    Appeal from the United States District Court
    for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania
    (D.C. Crim. No. 2-09-cr-00088-001)
    District Judge: Honorable Robert F. Kelly
    Argued March 19, 2014
    Before: CHAGARES, GREENAWAY, JR., and
    VANASKIE, Circuit Judges.
    (Opinion Filed: January 20, 2015)
    Louis D. Lappen, Esq. [ARGUED]
    Office of United States Attorney
    615 Chestnut Street
    Suite 1250
    Philadelphia, PA 19106
    Counsel for Appellee
    Scott J. Splittgerber, Esq. [ARGUED]
    Bachner & Associates
    39 Broadway
    Suite 1610
    New York, NY 10006
    Hope C. Lefeber, Esq.
    1500 John F. Kennedy Boulevard
    Two Penn Center Plaza, Suite 1205
    Philadelphia, PA 19102
    Counsel for Appellant
    GREENAWAY, JR., Circuit Judge.
    A federal jury convicted Appellant George Georgiou
    (“Appellant” or “Georgiou”) of conspiracy, securities fraud,
    and wire fraud for his participation in planned manipulation
    of the markets of four publicly traded stocks, resulting in
    more than $55,000,000 in actual losses. The District Court
    sentenced him to 300 months’ imprisonment, ordered him to
    pay restitution of $55,823,398 and ordered that he pay a
    special assessment of $900. The Court also subjected
    Georgiou to forfeiture of $26,000,000.
    For the first time on appeal, Georgiou argues that
    under Morrison v. National Australia Bank Ltd., 
    561 U.S. 247
    (2010), his securities and wire fraud convictions were
    improperly based upon the extraterritorial application of
    United States law. Thus, we must determine as a matter of
    first impression whether the purchases and sales of securities
    issued by U.S. companies through U.S. market makers acting
    as intermediaries for foreign entities constitute “domestic
    transactions” under Morrison. For the reasons set forth
    below, we find that these transactions are “domestic
    transactions,” and that his conviction was not based upon the
    improper extraterritorial application of United States law.
    Georgiou also argues that the District Court erred in denying
    his motion for a new trial based on purported Brady and
    Jencks Act violations. He also asserts that the District Court
    erred on several evidentiary and sentencing issues. We find
    no error. Thus, we will affirm the District Court’s Judgment
    of Conviction.
    A.    Factual Background
    From 2004 through 2008, Georgiou and his
    co-conspirators engaged in a stock fraud scheme resulting in
    more than $55 million in actual losses. The scheme centered
    on manipulating the markets of four stocks: Neutron
    Enterprises, Inc. (“Neutron”), Avicena Group, Inc.
    (“Avicena”), Hydrogen Hybrid Technologies, Inc.
    (“HYHY”), and Northern Ethanol, Inc. (“Northern Ethanol”)
    (collectively, “Target Stocks”). At all relevant times, the
    Target Stocks were quoted on the OTC Bulletin Board
    (“OTCBB”)1 or the Pink OTC Markets Inc. (“Pink Sheets”).2
    In order to facilitate their scheme, Georgiou and his
    co-conspirators opened brokerage accounts in Canada, the
    Bahamas, and Turks and Caicos.            Once opened, the
    co-conspirators used these accounts to engage in manipulative
    trading in the Target Stocks. Specifically, by trading stocks
    between the various accounts they controlled, the
    co-conspirators artificially inflated the stock prices and
    The OTCBB is “[a]n interdealer quotation system for
    unlisted, over-the-counter securities. The OTC Bulletin Board
    or ‘OTCBB’ allows Market Makers to display firm prices for
    domestic securities, foreign securities, and [American
    Depository Receipts] that can be updated on a real-time
    basis.” OTCBB Glossary, Financial Industry Regulatory
    Authority                                        (“FINRA”),
    cy/OTCBB/Glossary/P126264 (last visited Jan. 5, 2015).
    The Pink Sheets, now known as OTC Market Group Inc., is
    “an electronic inter-dealer quotation system that displays
    quotes from broker-dealers for many over-the-counter (OTC)
    securities.”           OTC       Link      LLC,       SEC,
    http://www.sec.gov/answers/pink.htm (last visited Jan. 5,
    created the false impression that there was an active market in
    each Target Stock.
    As a result of this manipulation, Georgiou and his
    co-conspirators were able to sell their shares at inflated
    prices. In addition, these artificially inflated shares would be
    used as collateral to fraudulently borrow funds on margin and
    obtain millions of dollars in loans from Caledonia Corporate
    Management Group Limited (“Caledonia”) and Accuvest
    Limited (“Accuvest”), both brokerage firms based in the
    Bahamas. Eventually, these accounts experienced severe
    trading losses since the assets purportedly serving as
    collateral proved to be worthless.3
    In June 2006, unbeknownst to Georgiou, Kevin
    Waltzer,4 one of his co-conspirators, began cooperating in an
    FBI sting operation. Through Waltzer’s cooperation, the FBI
    monitored Georgiou’s activities, including many of his
    emails, phone calls and wire transfers.
    Indeed, Caledonia was forced to liquidate its business,
    resulting in approximately $25 million in losses. These losses
    were sustained by the firm’s clients, many of whom lost their
    entire retirement savings.
    Waltzer pled guilty to one count of wire fraud, one count of
    mail fraud, and one count of money laundering, pursuant to a
    written plea agreement. He was sentenced to a term of
    imprisonment of 132 months, followed by a term of
    supervised release, and ordered to pay $40,675,241.55 in
    1.     Georgiou’s Four Manipulation
    Schemes: Neutron, Avicena,
    HYHY, and Northern Ethanol
    Georgiou and his co-conspirators manipulated the
    prices of the Target Stocks by creating matched trades,5 wash
    sales,6 and misleading email blasts. They used various alias
    accounts, nominees, and offshore brokerage accounts to
    conceal both their ownership of the Target Stocks and their
    involvement in the fraudulent scheme.
    At least some of the manipulative trades were
    transacted through market makers7 located in the United
    “A ‘matched trade’ is an order to buy or sell securities that
    is entered with knowledge that a matching order on the
    opposite side of the transaction has been or will be entered for
    the purpose of: (1) creating a false or misleading appearance
    of active trading in any publicly traded security; or (2)
    creating a false or misleading appearance with respect to the
    market for any such security.” (Indictment ¶ 9.)
    “A ‘wash sale’ is an order to buy or sell securities resulting
    in no change of beneficial ownership for the purpose of: (1)
    creating a false or misleading appearance of active trading in
    any publicly traded security; or (2) creating a false or
    misleading appearance with respect to the market for any
    such security.” (Indictment ¶ 10.)
    “A market maker is a firm that facilitates trading in a stock,
    provides quotes [for] both a buy and sell price for a stock, and
    potentially profits from the price spread.” (Indictment ¶ 33.);
    see also 15 U.S.C. § 78c(38) (A “market maker means any
    specialist permitted to act as a dealer . . . and any dealer who,
    States. Georgiou communicated via phone and e-mail with
    Waltzer about their plans, and also had occasional in-person
    meetings with Waltzer and others in the United States about
    these schemes. In these communications, Georgiou provided
    direction on how to implement the manipulative schemes, and
    demonstrated his role and culpability in orchestrating and
    perpetrating the fraud. After fourteen months, Georgiou
    wired $5,000 to the account of an undercover FBI agent as
    part of a test transaction. Six days later, Georgiou was
    2.      The Caledonia Fraud
    In December 2006, Georgiou opened a margin-eligible
    account in his wife’s name at Caledonia. As a result,
    Georgiou was able to obtain loans and purchase stock without
    using his own funds. Georgiou represented to the principals
    at Caledonia that the margin in his account would be
    collateralized by approximately $15 million worth of Avicena
    and Neutron stock, but did not disclose that the value of these
    securities had been artificially inflated.
    In March 2007, Georgiou borrowed approximately
    $3,394,000 from Caledonia to purchase 1,697,000 shares of
    Avicena from Waltzer. That loan was secured by Avicena
    and Neutron stock held in the name of Georgiou’s wife at
    another brokerage firm, and was never repaid.
    with respect to a security, holds himself out (by entering
    quotations in an inter-dealer communications system or
    otherwise) as being willing to buy and sell such security for
    his own account on a regular or continuous basis.”)
    During the same month, Georgiou borrowed
    approximately $2.8 million from Caledonia to purchase
    Neutron stock and to provide financing to Neutron. The loan
    was ostensibly secured by Avicena and Neutron stock held in
    a different name at another brokerage firm. This loan was
    also never repaid. Caledonia was unable to cover the
    substantial deficits incurred as a result of Georgiou’s
    activities. Ultimately, Caledonia suffered approximately $25
    million in losses. The firm was later dissolved and liquidated.
    3.      The Accuvest Fraud
    In June 2007, Georgiou met with representatives of
    Accuvest in the Bahamas to discuss opening a brokerage
    account. In September 2007, Georgiou opened an account at
    Accuvest in a different name. The trading in the account was
    handled through William Wright Associates (“Wright”), an
    Accuvest affiliate based in California. From October 2007
    through February 2008, Georgiou deposited HYHY and
    Northern Ethanol stock into this account, and in return,
    Accuvest provided a margin loan of ten percent of the value
    of the account. Georgiou did not disclose that the value of
    these securities had been artificially inflated. On several
    occasions in 2008, Georgiou directed Wright, via email, to
    wire cash from this account to Avicena, or Team One
    Marketing, a Canadian company associated with Georgiou.
    In August 2008, Georgiou instructed Wright to open a
    second Accuvest account, which was funded with 10 million
    shares of Northern Ethanol. As had happened before,
    Georgiou did not disclose that the value of these securities
    had been artificially inflated. Georgiou failed to repay the
    money that he had borrowed on margin and in cash loans
    from Accuvest. The artificially inflated stock did not cover
    the loans and Accuvest lost at least $4 million.
    B.     Procedural History
    Following a three-week trial, a jury found Georgiou
    guilty of one count of conspiracy, in violation of 18 U.S.C. §
    371, four counts of securities fraud, in violation of Section
    10(b) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (the “Act”), 15
    U.S.C. §§ 78j(b) and 78ff, and four counts of wire fraud, in
    violation of 18 U.S.C. §§ 1343 and 1349.
    Georgiou was sentenced to 300 months’ imprisonment,
    and ordered to pay over $55 million in restitution.
    The District Court had jurisdiction under 15 U.S.C. §
    78aa and 18 U.S.C. § 3231. We have jurisdiction under 28
    U.S.C. § 1291 and 18 U.S.C. § 3742(a).
    A.     Extraterritorial Effect of United States Securities
    1.     Standard of Review
    For the first time on appeal, Georgiou argues that his
    securities fraud convictions are improperly based on an
    exterritorial application of United States law. He asserts that
    without proof that any securities transactions occurred in the
    United States, the jury lacked sufficient evidence upon which
    to convict him. He further asserts that the District Court erred
    in failing to require that the jury base it verdicts solely on
    domestic transactions. Georgiou relies on Morrison, which
    held that Section 10(b) of the Act only proscribes “deceptive
    conduct [made] ‘in connection with the purchase or sale of
    any security registered on a national securities exchange or
    any security not so 
    registered.’” 561 U.S. at 266
    (quoting 15
    U.S.C. § 78j(b)).
    Because Georgiou raised neither argument below, we
    review for plain error. Fed. R. Crim. P. 52(b); Henderson v.
    United States, 
    133 S. Ct. 1121
    , 1124-25 (2013); United States
    v. Riley, 
    621 F.3d 312
    , 321-22 (3d Cir. 2010).8 A finding of
    “plain error” is warranted if: “(1) there is an ‘error’; (2) the
    error is ‘clear or obvious, rather than subject to reasonable
    dispute’; (3) the error ‘affected the appellant’s substantial
    rights, which in the ordinary case means’ it affected the
    outcome of the district court proceedings’; and (4) ‘the error
    seriously affect[s] the fairness, integrity or public reputation
    of judicial proceedings.’” United States v. Marcus, 
    560 U.S. 8
      Although Morrison was decided after Georgiou’s trial, the
    standard of review remains the same. See Griffith v.
    479 U.S. 314
    , 328 (1987) (“[A] new rule for the
    conduct of criminal prosecutions is to be applied retroactively
    to all cases, state or federal, pending on direct review or not
    yet final, with no exception for cases in which the new rule
    constitutes a ‘clear break’ with the past.”); see also United
    States v. Vilar, 
    729 F.3d 62
    , 70 (2d Cir. 2013) (“Plain error
    review applies equally where the defendant did not object
    before the trial court because he failed to recognize an error,
    and where the defendant did not object because the trial
    court’s decision was correct at the time but assertedly became
    erroneous due to a supervening legal decision.”); United
    States v. Asher, 
    854 F.2d 1483
    , 1487 (3d Cir. 1988).
    258, 262 (2010) (quoting Puckett v. United States, 
    556 U.S. 129
    135 (2009)); see also United States v. Andrews, 
    681 F.3d 509
    517 (3d Cir. 2012). Georgiou bears the burden of showing
    that the error affected his substantial rights. 
    Andrews, 681 F.3d at 517
    2.     Morrison and Extraterritoriality
    Georgiou was convicted of securities fraud pursuant to
    Section 10(b) of the Act and Section 10(b)’s implementing
    regulation, SEC Rule 10b-5 (“Rule 10b-5”). 15 U.S.C. §
    78j(b); 17 C.F.R. § 240.10b-5; see also 15 U.S.C. § 78ff
    (prescribing penalties for willful violations of the Act).
    Section 10(b) makes it unlawful:
    [t]o use or employ, in connection with the
    purchase or sale of any security registered on a
    national securities exchange or any security not
    so registered . . . any manipulative or deceptive
    device or contrivance in contravention of such
    rules and regulations as the Commission may
    prescribe as necessary or appropriate in the
    public interest or for the protection of investors.
    15 U.S.C. § 78j(b).9
    Rule 10b-5, promulgated pursuant to Section 10(b), makes it
    unlawful “for any person . . . (a) [t]o employ any device,
    scheme, or artifice to defraud . . . or (c) [t]o engage in any act,
    practice, or course of business which operates or would
    operate as a fraud or deceit upon any person, in connection
    with the purchase or sale of any security.” 17 C.F.R.
    § 240.10b–5. “Rule 10b-5 . . . was promulgated under
    The Supreme Court has limited the application of
    Section 10(b) to actors who employ “manipulative or
    deceptive device[s]” in two contexts: (1) transactions
    involving “the purchase or sale of a security listed on an
    American stock exchange,” and (2) transactions involving
    “the purchase or sale of any other security in the United
    Morrison, 561 U.S. at 273
    . Indeed, Section 10(b)
    has no extraterritorial reach. 
    Id. at 262,
    266-67 (determining
    that Section 10(b) and Rule 10b-5 had no extraterritorial
    effect in civil context); see also 
    Vilar, 729 F.3d at 74
    the same determination in the criminal context, reasoning that
    “[a] statute either applies extraterritorially or it does not”).
    Thus, we consider here whether any of the relevant
    transactions Georgiou is charged with have the requisite
    nexus to the United States under Morrison to subject him to
    liability under Section 10(b).
    It is undisputed that the Target Stocks were listed or
    traded on the OTCBB or Pink Sheets. However, whether the
    OTCBB or the Pink Sheets constitute “national securities
    exchange[s]” under Morrison, and whether the securities at
    issue were purchased or sold in the United States, are both
    disputed.10 The Supreme Court has not addressed either issue
    § 10(b), and ‘does not extend beyond conduct encompassed
    by § 10(b)’s prohibition.’” 
    Morrison, 561 U.S. at 261-62
    (quoting United States v. O’Hagan, 
    521 U.S. 642
    , 651
    The Indictment defines the Pink Sheets as “an inter-dealer
    electronic quotation and trading system in the over-the-
    counter (‘OTC’) securities market,” (Indictment ¶ 2) and
    provides no definition of the OTCBB. The Indictment further
    states that “[t]he United States Securities and Exchange
    in this context, i.e., whether a foreign entity’s purchase of
    securities listed on the OTCBB or Pink Sheets through
    American market makers ought be considered a “domestic
    transaction” for the purposes of Section 10(b).
    a.     “National Securities Exchange”
    Under the first prong of Morrison, Section 10(b)
    applies to “the purchase or sale of a security listed on an
    American stock exchange.” 
    Morrison, 561 U.S. at 273
    Securities listed on the OTCBB and the Pink Sheets are not
    within these parameters. According to the SEC, there are
    eighteen registered national security exchanges; the Pink
    Sheets and the OTCBB are not among them.11 See SEC
    Commission (the ‘SEC’) was an independent agency of the
    United States which was charged by law with protecting
    investors by regulating and monitoring, among other things,
    the purchase and sale of publicly traded securities, including
    securities traded on the Pink Sheets and the OTCBB. Federal
    securities laws prohibited fraud in connection with the
    purchase and sale of securities . . .” (Indictment ¶ 8.)
    Indeed, the OTCBB is, by definition, a quotation service for
    “securities which are not listed or traded on NASDAQ or any
    other national securities exchange.” OTCBB Frequently
    Asked                    Questions,                   FINRA,
    TCBB/FAQ/index.htm (“OTCBB FAQ”) (emphasis added)
    (last visited Jan. 5, 2015). Likewise, the Pink Sheets may
    include securities that “[have] been delisted from an
    exchange.”             Frequently     Asked       Questions,
    http://www.otcmarkets.com/learn/otc101-faq (last visited Jan.
    5, 2015). Unlike companies listed on a national securities
    (hereinafter “SEC Webpage on National Securities
    Exchanges”) (last visited Jan. 5, 2015); see also 15 U.S.C.
    § 78f(b) (requiring that exchanges register with the SEC and
    comply with various requirements to constitute a “national
    securities exchange”).
    Further, the stated purpose of the Act refers to
    “securities exchanges” and “over-the-counter markets”
    separately, which suggests that one is not inclusive of the
    other. See Securities Exchange Act of 1934, 48 Stat. 881, as
    amended, 15 U.S.C. § 78a et seq., (described as “[a]n Act [t]o
    provide for the regulation of securities exchanges and of
    over-the-counter markets . . . [and] to prevent inequitable and
    unfair practices on such exchanges and markets”) (emphasis
    Given that a “national securities exchange” is
    explicitly listed in Section 10(b)—to the exclusion of the
    OTC markets—and coupled with the absence of the Pink
    Sheets and the OTCBB on the list of registered national
    security exchanges on the SEC Webpage on Exchanges, we
    exchange, those quoted on the OTCBB and the Pink Sheets
    are not subject to “listing and maintenance standards, which
    are stringently monitored and enforced . . . . [and do not] have
    reporting obligations to the market.” OTCBB FAQ.
    are persuaded that those exchanges are not national securities
    exchanges within the scope of Morrison.12
    b.     Domestic Transactions in Securities
    not Listed on Domestic Exchanges
    In this case, foreign entities purchased and sold
    securities quoted on the OTCBB and the Pink Sheets. Several
    of these purchases were executed by market makers operating
    within the United States. In contrast, the Court in Morrison
    considered a “foreign cubed action . . . in which (1) foreign
    plaintiffs [were] suing (2) a foreign issuer in an American
    court for violations of American securities laws based on
    securities transactions in (3) foreign countries.” 
    Morrison, 561 U.S. at 283
    n.11 (Stevens, J., concurring in the judgment)
    (internal quotation marks omitted).13 In that case, all aspects
    But see SEC v. Ficeto, 
    839 F. Supp. 2d 1101
    , 1108 (C.D.
    Cal. 2011) (“hold[ing] that Morrison does not bar the
    territorial application of § 10(b) to manipulative trading on
    the domestic over-the-counter market”); see also United
    States v. Isaacson, 
    752 F.3d 1291
    , 1299 (11th Cir. 2013)
    (securities traded on the OTCBB or Pink Sheets “meet[]
    Morrison’s requirement for a U.S. nexus”).
    In Morrison, Australian investors purchased shares of an
    Australian bank whose stock shares were listed on the
    Australian Stock Exchange 
    Limited. 561 U.S. at 251-52
    . In
    1998, the Australian bank purchased an American mortgage
    servicing company and for three years touted the success of
    the American company’s business in its annual reports and
    public documents and statements. 
    Id. at 251-52.
    But in 2001,
    the Australian bank wrote down the value of the American
    company’s assets by more than $2 billion, which resulted in a
    of the trades at issue occurred abroad, and thus, it was
    determined that Section 10(b) did not apply. There are two
    key distinctions between Morrison and the instant case: (1)
    the transactions in this case involve stocks of U.S. companies,
    (2) that were executed through American market makers.
    To determine whether the transactions at issue were
    “domestic transactions,” under Morrison, 
    id. at 267,
    consider “not . . . the place where the deception originated,
    but [the place where] purchases and sales of securities”
    Id. at 266.
    It is the “location of the transaction that
    establishes (or reflects the presumption of) the [Security
    Exchange] Act’s inapplicability.” 
    Id. at 268.
    Several of our sister circuits interpret this to mean that
    “a securities transaction is domestic when the parties incur
    irrevocable liability to carry out the transaction within the
    United States or when title is passed within the United
    States.” Absolute Activist Value Master Fund Ltd v. Ficeto,
    677 F.3d 60
    , 69 (2d Cir. 2012); see also Quail Cruise Ship
    Mgmt Ltd. v. Agencia de Viagens, 
    645 F.3d 1307
    , 1310-11
    (11th Cir. 2011) (allegation that closing in Florida
    precipitated transfer of title sufficient to satisfy Morrison at
    motion to dismiss); SEC v. Levine, 462 Fed. App’x 717, 719
    (9th Cir. 2011) (“[T]he Securities Act governs the [] sales
    because the actual sales closed in Nevada when [a defendant]
    received completed stock purchase agreements and
    payments.”); United States v. Isaacson, 
    752 F.3d 1291
    , 1300
    drop in the value of the Australian bank’s stock. 
    Id. at 252.
    The Australian investors sued the bank in the Southern
    District of New York alleging violations of the Securities
    Exchange Act, 15 U.S.C. §§ 78j(b) and 78t(a). 
    Id. at 253-54.
    (11th Cir. 2013) (fund at issue “was ‘run out of New York
    City’ and [] [defendant’s] office was located in Florida, which
    support[] the inference that the [] [f]und purchased the
    securities in the United States.”)
    We agree that “‘[c]ommitment’ is a simple and direct
    way of designating the point at which . . . the parties obligated
    themselves to perform what they had agreed to perform even
    if the formal performance of their agreement is to be after a
    lapse of time.’” Absolute 
    Activist, 677 F.3d at 68
    Radiation Dynamics, Inc. v. Goldmuntz, 
    464 F.2d 876
    , 891
    (2d Cir. 1972)) (internal quotation marks omitted). Thus,
    “the point of irrevocable liability can be used to determine the
    locus of a securities purchase or sale.” 
    Id. Accordingly, territoriality
    under Morrison turns on “where, physically, the
    purchaser or seller committed him or herself” to pay for or
    deliver a security. 
    Vilar, 729 F.3d at 77
    Facts that demonstrate “irrevocable liability” include
    the “formation of the contracts, the placement of purchase
    orders, the passing of title, or the exchange of money.”
    Activist, 677 F.3d at 69
    , 70; see also 
    Vilar, 729 F.3d at 78
    .14 In Vilar, the Second Circuit concluded that Section
    10(b) applied where: (1) some victims entered into
    investment agreements in the United States; (2) another
    On the other hand, heavy marketing in the United States, a
    party’s residency or citizenship, and the fact that the
    deception may have originated in the United States were
    insufficient to support a Section 10(b) claim. Absolute
    Activist, 677 F.3d at 70
    victim “executed the documents necessary to invest . . . in her
    own New York apartment and handed those documents to a
    New York messenger”; and (3) one victim sent the money
    required for opening her account from New 
    York. 729 F.3d at 76-78
    (internal quotation marks and citation omitted).
    Here, at least one of the fraudulent transactions in each
    of the Target Stocks was bought and sold through U.S.-based
    market makers. Government witness and SEC employee
    Daniel Koster testified that all of the manipulative trades were
    “facilitate[d]” by U.S.-based market makers, i.e., an
    American market maker bought the stock from the seller and
    sold it to the buyer. (App. 1890-96, 1904-05, 1968); see also
    15 U.S.C. § 78c(38). Therefore, some of the relevant
    transactions required the involvement of a purchaser or seller
    working with a market maker and committing to a transaction
    in the United States, incurring irrevocable liability in the
    United States, or passing title in the United States. The
    record also contains evidence of specific instances in which
    the Target Stocks were bought or sold at Georgiou’s direction
    from entities located in the United States.15
    For instance: (1) on November 3, 2005, Waltzer, who was
    located in Pennsylvania, sold 69,150 shares of Neutron stock
    from one of his accounts to another of his accounts; (2) on
    May 9, 2006, from within the United States, Waltzer sold
    100,000 shares of Avicena stock from one of his accounts to
    another of his; (3) Georgiou deposited 2.5 million HYHY
    shares into an account in California; (4) on September 3,
    2008, an undercover FBI agent purchased 16,000 shares of
    Northern Ethanol stock from within the United States; and (5)
    Georgiou wired $5,000 to a bank account in Philadelphia for
    We now hold that irrevocable liability establishes the
    location of a securities transaction. Here, the evidence is
    sufficient to demonstrate that Georgiou engaged in “domestic
    transactions” under the second prong of Morrison, i.e.,
    transactions involving “the purchase or sale of any [] security
    in the United States.” See 
    Morrison, 561 U.S. at 273
    . Thus,
    the District Court’s application of Section 10(b) to
    Georgiou’s transactions was proper.
    c.     Jury Instructions
    Georgiou argues that under the District Court’s
    instructions, all four of the securities fraud counts may have
    been based exclusively on foreign margin loan transactions.
    However, Georgiou fails to demonstrate that the jury relied
    on a legally insufficient theory. The District Court’s jury
    instructions track the statutory language of Rule 10b-5. See
    United States v. Syme, 
    276 F.3d 131
    , 146-47 (3d Cir. 2002).
    “[T]he longstanding rule [is] that general verdicts will stand
    even if one of the possible grounds for conviction was
    unsupported by the evidence.” 
    Id. at 145.
    The “‘invalid legal
    theory’ exception” to this rule applies “if the indictment or
    the district court’s jury instructions are based on an erroneous
    interpretation of law or contain a mistaken description of the
    Id. Here, there
    was no such deficiency in the
    the undercover FBI agent, in furtherance of the manipulative
    trading scheme.
    Further, the District Court properly instructed the jury
    on the elements of securities fraud pursuant to Section 10(b)
    and Rule 10b-5, including the jurisdictional elements relating
    to conduct in the United States. (App. 2972-73) (requiring
    the jury to find beyond a reasonable doubt that “the defendant
    used or caused to be used the facilities of a national securities
    exchange or any means or instrumentality of interstate
    commerce in furtherance of the fraudulent conduct”). The
    District Court was not required to preclude the jury from
    considering foreign activity in evaluating the evidence.
    Furthermore, Georgiou’s fraudulent activity in the United
    States is not rendered lawful because some transactions
    occurred outside of the United States or because some victims
    are located in foreign countries.
    B.     Extraterritoriality of United States Wire Fraud
    Appellant also argues that his wire fraud convictions
    are improperly based on the extraterritorial application of
    United States law, and that these convictions are legally
    insufficient because the Government failed to demonstrate
    that his conduct violated foreign law. As Georgiou raises this
    argument for the first time on appeal, we apply plain error
    Henderson, 133 S. Ct. at 1124
    Unlike securities fraud, the statute governing wire
    fraud “prohibits ‘any scheme or artifice to defraud,’—fraud
    simpliciter, without any requirement that it be ‘in connection
    with’ any particular transaction or event.” 
    Morrison, 561 U.S. at 271-72
    (quoting 18 U.S.C. § 1343). Thus, a wire
    fraud offense is “complete the moment [a party] executed the
    scheme inside the United States. . . .” Pasquantino v. United
    544 U.S. 349
    , 371 (2005). Moreover, unlike the
    Securities     Exchange Act,         Section 1343 applies
    Id. at 371-72.
    Indeed, the explicit statutory
    language indicates that “it punishes frauds executed in
    ‘interstate or foreign commerce,’” and “is surely not a statute
    in which Congress had only domestic concerns in mind.” 
    Id. (quoting 18
    U.S.C. § 1343).
    Here, the record contains ample evidence that
    Georgiou used interstate wires to effect a “scheme or artifice
    to defraud.” 18 U.S.C. §1343. Georgiou regularly used e-
    mail to direct Waltzer’s participation in the fraud and wired
    money from a Canadian bank to an undercover FBI agent’s
    account in Pennsylvania. (See, e.g., App. 3800-04, 3778-82,
    3930-34, 4019.)
    In addition, Appellant’s argument that Pasquantino
    requires the Government to prove that Georgiou’s conduct
    was illegal in the Bahamas fails. The footnote that Georgiou
    relies on in Pasquantino references foreign tax law for the
    sole purpose of determining whether the victim had “valuable
    property interests as defined by foreign 
    law.” 544 U.S. at 371
    n.13. Here, it is undisputed that the foreign victims had a
    property interest in the money and property that Georgiou
    fraudulently obtained from them. Hence, the wire fraud
    statute is properly applied.
    Finally, Georgiou’s arguments that the District Court
    erred because it did not require the jury to limit its
    consideration to domestic transactions only and permitted the
    jury to consider invalid legal theories, also fail with respect to
    wire fraud. As discussed, the text of the relevant statute, 18
    U.S.C. § 1343, does not expressly require that a verdict be
    based on entirely domestic transactions. 
    Pasquantino, 544 U.S. at 372-73
    (Ginsburg, J., dissenting). Instead, the
    statute’s only jurisdictional requirement is that a
    communication be transmitted through interstate or foreign
    commerce for the purpose of executing a scheme to defraud.
    18 U.S.C. § 1343.
    The District Court properly instructed the jury on this
    issue, explaining that interstate or foreign commerce is “to
    send from one state to another, or to or from the United
    States . . . .” (App. 2985.) This instruction did not
    impermissibly allow the jury to convict Georgiou based
    solely on foreign activity. Thus, the District Court did not err
    with respect to its jury instruction on wire fraud.
    Georgiou’s argument that the jury may have relied on
    a legally invalid theory also fails. Here, the District Court’s
    instructions on the elements of wire fraud were proper, and
    the evidence was sufficient to convict on the market
    manipulation theory. Thus, the jury was not presented with a
    legally invalid theory of guilt, and the District Court did not
    C.     Violations of Brady and Jencks Act Disclosure
    Georgiou contends that the Government suppressed
    evidence concerning cooperating witness Kevin Waltzer’s
    history of mental illness and substance abuse, as well as
    statements Waltzer made to the SEC, in violation of Brady v.
    373 U.S. 83
    (1963), and the Jencks Act, 18 U.S.C.
    § 3500.
    1.     Brady Violations
    “Our review of the denial of a motion for new trial on
    the basis of a Brady argument is de novo with respect to the
    district court’s conclusions of law and is based on the ‘clearly
    erroneous’ standard with respect to its findings of fact.”
    United States v. Milan, 
    304 F.3d 273
    , 286 (3d Cir. 2002)
    (citing United States v. Perdomo, 
    929 F.2d 967
    , 969 (3d Cir.
    1991)). Under Brady, the Government is required, upon
    request, to produce “evidence favorable to an 
    accused.” 373 U.S. at 87
    . The failure to do so will result in a due process
    violation if the suppressed evidence “is material either to guilt
    or to punishment, irrespective of the good faith or bad faith of
    the prosecution.” 
    Id. To establish
    a Brady violation, a
    defendant must demonstrate that: “‘(1) evidence was
    suppressed; (2) the suppressed evidence was favorable to the
    defense; and (3) the suppressed evidence was material either
    to guilt or to punishment.’” United States v. Pelullo, 
    399 F.3d 197
    , 209 (3d Cir. 2005) (quoting United States v. Dixon, 
    132 F.3d 192
    , 199 (5th Cir.1997)).
    Evidence is favorable if it is impeaching or
    exculpatory. Banks v. Dretke, 
    540 U.S. 668
    , 691 (2004);
    Johnson v. Folino, 
    705 F.3d 117
    , 128 (3d Cir. 2013). “The
    evidence is material only if there is a reasonable probability
    that, had the evidence been disclosed to the defense, the result
    of the proceeding would have been different. A ‘reasonable
    probability’ is a probability sufficient to undermine
    confidence in the outcome” of the trial. United States v.
    473 U.S. 667
    , 682 (1985); see also Kyles v. Whitley,
    514 U.S. 419
    , 441-54 (1995). Thus,
    “[t]he materiality of Brady material depends
    almost entirely on the value of the evidence
    relative to the other evidence mustered by the
    state.” Suppressed evidence that would be
    cumulative of other evidence or would be used
    to impeach testimony of a witness whose
    account is strongly corroborated is generally not
    considered material for Brady purposes.
    Conversely, however, undisclosed evidence that
    would seriously undermine the testimony of a
    key witness may be considered material when it
    relates to an essential issue or the testimony
    lacks strong corroboration.
    Johnson, 705 F.3d at 129
    (quoting Rocha v. Thaler, 
    619 F.3d 387
    , 396-97 (5th Cir. 2010)).
    Georgiou argues that the Government suppressed
    Waltzer’s bail report (“Bail Report”) and the minutes from
    Waltzer’s arraignment and guilty plea (“Minutes”). Both the
    Bail Report and the Minutes contain evidence of Waltzer’s
    cocaine use and mental health history. Specifically, the Bail
    Report references Waltzer’s history of treatment for
    psychiatric disorders and substance abuse. The Minutes
    include Waltzer’s statements about his treatment for
    depression and anxiety and his use of Paxil, a prescription
    medication, to treat those conditions.
    a.     Waltzer’s Substance Abuse
    Georgiou argues that the Government failed to disclose
    evidence of Waltzer’s substance abuse in the Minutes and the
    Bail Report in violation of its Brady obligations. However,
    Appellant received statements concerning Waltzer’s drug use
    in the Government’s pretrial production, including notes
    showing a statement from Waltzer that he “did drugs and
    drank alcohol . . . and developed an addiction to cocaine . . .
    [and] last used cocaine six months ago.” (Supp. App. 1338.)
    Indeed, Waltzer testified on direct and cross-examination
    about his cocaine use. (App. 502-04, 848-49.) Thus,
    additional evidence of his substance abuse would have been
    Johnson, 705 F.3d at 129
    ; see also United States
    v. Barraza Cazares, 
    465 F.3d 327
    , 335 (8th Cir. 2006) (no
    Brady violation where “all that was unknown to the defendant
    and his attorney was the fact of Lopez’s statement, not the
    content of that statement”). Because evidence of Waltzer’s
    substance abuse was provided to Appellant prior to trial, this
    material was not suppressed, and the first prong of Brady is
    not satisfied.
    Moreover, assuming arguendo that evidence of
    Waltzer’s former drug use had been suppressed, such
    evidence is not favorable to the Appellant for purposes of our
    Brady analysis. At trial, Waltzer testified that his cocaine use
    did not impact his ability to understand, remember or testify
    about his interactions with Appellant. (App. 503.) Appellant
    chose not to probe this issue more fully on cross-examination.
    (App. 848-49.) There is no evidence—in the pretrial
    discovery, trial testimony, Minutes, or Bail Report—to
    suggest that Waltzer’s former substance abuse impacted the
    reliability of his testimony. Thus, because this evidence
    neither constitutes impeachment nor exculpatory material, it
    is not favorable to the Appellant.
    Finally, evidence of Waltzer’s substance abuse cannot
    be deemed material because there is not a “reasonable
    probability” that this evidence would have changed the
    outcome of the trial. 
    Bagley, 473 U.S. at 682
    ; see also 
    Kyles, 514 U.S. at 454
    . Indeed, evidence of Waltzer’s substance
    abuse was considered at trial on both direct and cross-
    examination. To the extent Appellant argues that additional
    information about the intensity or duration of Waltzer’s
    substance abuse may have impacted the trial’s outcome, he
    explains neither why he did not probe these issues more fully
    on cross examination, nor why such new information would
    have changed the trial’s outcome when the substance abuse
    evidence that was set out at trial did not. Thus, it cannot be
    deemed material.
    Because evidence of Waltzer’s substance abuse in the
    Minutes and the Bail Report was neither suppressed,
    favorable nor material, Appellant’s Brady arguments
    concerning this evidence must fail.
    b.     Waltzer’s Mental Health History and
    Georgiou also argues that information regarding
    Waltzer’s mental health was suppressed in both the Bail
    Report and the Minutes. In the Minutes, Waltzer stated that
    he had seen a mental health provider for depression and
    anxiety, and was taking Paxil for depression. However, in
    response to questioning from the court, he agreed that his
    “head [has] always been clear,” and that his medication did
    not affect “how [he] think[s].” (App. 4249-50, 4245, 4355.)
    The Bail Report also includes information that Waltzer had
    “been diagnosed in the past with Anxiety Disorder, Panic
    Disorder and Substance Abuse Disorder.” (App. 4187.)
    The Minutes and Bail Report were not suppressed
    under the first prong of Brady because they were accessible to
    Appellant. “Brady does not oblige the [G]overnment to
    provide defendants with evidence that they could obtain from
    other sources by exercising reasonable diligence.” Perdomo,
    26 929 F.2d at 973
    . Indeed, Appellant “was in a position of
    parity with the government as far as access to this material,”
    United States v. Jones, 
    34 F.3d 596
    , 600 (8th Cir. 1994), and
    thus, “the transcript [] was as available to [the defendant] as it
    was to the Government.” United States v. Ladoucer, 
    573 F.3d 628
    , 636 (8th Cir. 2009) (finding no Brady violation
    from the government’s failure to produce the transcript of its
    witness’s state court testimony in an unrelated matter because
    the defendant “could have obtained a copy of the transcript
    Here, as the District Court observed, “it is apparent
    that with just minimal due diligence on the part of Georgiou,
    he could have obtained a copy of [Waltzer’s] guilty plea
    transcript because he certainly was aware that the main
    witness against him had pled guilty before Judge Dalzell.”
    (App. 58.) Likewise, the existence of the Bail Report was not
    hidden from Appellant, and it could have been accessed
    through his exercise of reasonable diligence. Accordingly,
    the Minutes and the Bail Report cannot be deemed to have
    been suppressed.
    Further, evidence concerning Waltzer’s mental health
    is neither favorable to the Appellant nor material. In this
    case, this evidence neither undermines Waltzer’s reliability
    nor calls into question his “‘ability to perceive, remember and
    narrate perceptions accurately,’” and thus is not “clearly
    relevant to his credibility.” Wilson v. Beard, 
    589 F.3d 651
    666 (3d Cir. 2009) (quoting Cohen v. Albert Einstein Med.
    592 A.2d 720
    , 726 (Pa. Super. Ct. 1991)); see also 4
    Jack B. Weinstein & Margaret A. Berger, Weinstein’s Federal
    Evidence § 607.05[1] (Joseph M. McLaughlin ed., 2d ed.
    2014) (“A witness’s credibility may always be attacked by
    showing that his or her capacity to observe, remember, or
    narrate is impaired. Consequently, the witness’s capacity at
    the time of the event, as well as at the time of trial, is
    The evidence at issue here shows that Waltzer had
    been seeking medical attention for anxiety and depression for
    several years, and had been taking medication to treat those
    conditions. (App. 4187.) In the Minutes, Waltzer stated that
    his medication did not affect his mental capacity, and the
    District Judge, the Government, and Waltzer’s attorney all
    agreed he was competent to plead guilty. (App. 4250.) Cf.
    Wilson, 589 F.3d at 666
    (suppressing mental health evidence
    found material under Brady where it showed that witness had
    “an inability to form adequate perceptions, that he is easily
    confused, has dissociative tendencies, blackouts, motor visual
    problems, weak long and short term memory, poor judgment,
    and distorted perceptions of reality.”) (internal quotation
    marks omitted). Furthermore, evidence of Waltzer’s mental
    illness was not material because, relative to the strength of the
    evidence against Appellant, there is not a “reasonable
    probability that, had the evidence been disclosed to the
    defense, the result of the proceeding would have been
    Bagley, 473 U.S. at 682
    c.     Documents from SEC Meetings with
    Georgiou also argues that the Government violated
    Brady in failing to produce documents from meetings
    between the SEC and Waltzer. The Government produced
    pretrial discovery from the SEC, including trading and
    financial records of the Target Stocks. Subsequent to this
    production, Georgiou withdrew his discovery motion as moot.
    (Supp. App. 1228.) However, the Government had not
    produced notes taken during two SEC interviews of Waltzer,
    at which members of the prosecution team were present.
    Subsequent to Appellant’s posttrial challenge, the
    Government reviewed these notes and determined that they
    did not contain any Brady material.
    We agree with the District Court’s assessment that
    there is no basis in the record to suggest that these notes
    contained Brady material. Pure speculation that exculpatory
    information might exist is insufficient to sustain a Brady
    claim. See United States v. Andrus, 
    775 F.2d 825
    , 843 (7th
    Cir. 1985) (“‘Mere speculation that a government file may
    contain Brady material is not sufficient to require a remand
    for in camera inspection, much less reversal for a new
    trial.’”) (quoting United States v. Navarro, 
    737 F.2d 625
    Cir. 1984), cert. denied, 
    469 U.S. 1020
    (1984)). Thus,
    Appellant has not set out a viable Brady claim based on these
    In light of the extensive evidence in the trial record,
    including recordings of Appellant discussing fraudulent
    activities, emails between Appellant and co-conspirators
    regarding manipulative trades, voluminous records of the
    trades themselves, bank accounts and wire transfers,
    Appellant’s argument that the evidence of Walter’s substance
    abuse and mental illness, or his meetings with the SEC, is
    material for our Brady analysis cannot stand. Waltzer’s
    testimony is “strongly corroborated” by recordings of phone
    calls and meetings, and records of actual trades. See 
    Johnson, 705 F.3d at 129
    Rocha, 619 F.3d at 396-97
    ). Thus,
    this evidence would “generally not [be] considered material
    for Brady purposes” because when considered “‘relative to
    the other evidence mustered by the state,’” the allegedly
    suppressed evidence is insignificant. 
    Id. (quoting Rocha,
    F.3d at 396). Moreover, for the foregoing reasons, the
    evidence at issue had not been suppressed, nor is it favorable
    to the Appellant. As such, Appellant’s Brady arguments must
    2.      Jencks Act Disclosures
    The Jencks Act obliges the Government to disclose
    any witness statement “in the possession of the United States
    which relates to the subject matter as to which the witness has
    testified.” 18 U.S.C. § 3500(b). This requirement is limited
    to production of statements “possessed by the prosecutorial
    arm of the federal government.” United States v. Reyeros,
    537 F.3d 270
    , 285 (3d Cir. 2008) (quoting United States v.
    349 F.3d 144
    , 154 (3d Cir. 2003)). However, unlike
    Brady, “[t]he Jencks Act requires that any statement in the
    possession of the government—exculpatory or not—that is
    made by a government witness must be produced by the
    government during trial.” United States v. Starusko, 
    729 F.2d 256
    , 263 (3d Cir. 1984).
    Here, Appellant has failed to identify any statements
    that were withheld in violation of the Jencks Act. Indeed,
    Appellant does not dispute that the Government produced
    boxes of impeachment evidence concerning Waltzer,
    including records of Waltzer’s numerous prior frauds,
    evidence of his plea and cooperation, trading and financial
    records, and prior statements to law enforcement. The
    additional statements Appellant seeks either were not within
    the possession of the prosecutorial arm of the government,
    i.e., those held by the SEC, or do not exist. Likewise, the
    Government did not have possession of the Bail Report, and
    thus was not obligated to provide it. (See App. 108-09.) (the
    Government explained that it neither examined nor took
    possession of the Bail Report, and the Report included
    language indicating that it should not be removed from the
    D.    Evidentiary Rulings
    1.     Koster’s Testimony and Summary Charts
    After the jury returned its verdict, Georgiou moved for
    a new trial, arguing, inter alia, that Government witness
    Daniel Koster, an SEC employee, should not have been
    permitted to testify as a lay witness under Federal Rule of
    Evidence 701. The District Court denied this motion on the
    grounds that Koster’s testimony was permissible under Rule
    On appeal, Georgiou again argues that the District
    Court erred by allowing Koster to testify as an undeclared
    expert and to offer opinions and legal conclusions that
    usurped the role of the jury. He also argues that the District
    Court admitted prejudicial charts into evidence without
    providing cautionary instructions to the jury.           The
    Government responds that these arguments have been
    waived,16 and lack merit.
    The Government submitted a trial memorandum, including
    the following stipulations reached by the parties: (1)
    “[v]arious trading records and financial evidence relating to
    the scheme will be introduced in the form of summary charts
    and testimony pursuant to Rule 1006”; (2) Koster would
    “present testimony and accompanying charts concerning the
    We review the denial of a motion for a new trial for
    abuse of discretion. United States v. Brennan, 
    326 F.3d 176
    189 (3d Cir. 2003). “‘An abuse of discretion arises when the
    District Court’s decision rests upon a clearly erroneous
    finding of fact, an errant conclusion of law[,] or an improper
    application of law to fact.’” Pineda v. Ford Motor Co., 
    520 F.3d 237
    , 243 (3d Cir. 2008) (quoting In re TMI Litig., 
    193 F.3d 613
    , 666 (3d Cir. 1999)).
    manipulative trading activity charged in the indictment”; and
    (3) Koster may further testify as a “summary fact witness to
    explain the relevance of his trading analysis to the other
    evidence presented in the case.” (App. 5593-94.) Georgiou
    objected generally to the use of a summary witness, and to the
    use of witnesses and charts to summarize anything other than
    voluminous writings, recordings, or photographs, specifically
    objecting to summary of oral testimony.
    However, Georgiou did not dispute that the “charts and
    the underlying records have been produced to defendant” and
    that “defendant has stipulated that [they] are authentic and
    qualify as business records under Rule 803(6).” (Id. at 5594.)
    Before trial, Georgiou’s counsel indicated that he had
    concerns about the proposed testimony of the Government’s
    SEC witnesses and would be objecting if they “stray[ed] from
    within [] legal limits,” specifically identifying “the issue of
    opinion testimony or improper summary of things not
    admissible in evidence.” 
    Id. at 1520.
    However, counsel also
    stated his concerns with the charts had been “resolved.” 
    Id. Furthermore, at
    trial, no objections were lodged by Appellant
    with respect to Koster’s testimony, or the admission of charts.
    “A new trial should be ordered only when substantial
    prejudice has occurred,” United States v. Armocida, 
    515 F.2d 29
    , 49 (3d Cir. 1975), and “if the interest of justice so
    requires.” Fed. R. Crim. P. 33. To grant a new trial, a court
    must determine that “the allegedly improper statements or
    conduct make it ‘reasonably probable’ that the verdict was
    influenced by the resulting prejudice.” Forrest v. Beloit
    424 F.3d 344
    , 351 (3d Cir. 2005) (quoting Greenleaf v.
    Garlock, Inc., 
    174 F.3d 352
    , 363-64 (3d Cir. 1999)).
    “We review the District Court’s decisions as to the
    admissibility of evidence for abuse of discretion. To the
    extent that these rulings were based on an interpretation of the
    Federal Rules of Evidence, however, our review is plenary.”
    United States v. Serafini, 
    233 F.3d 758
    , 768 n. 14 (3d Cir.
    2000) (citing United States v. Pelullo, 
    964 F.2d 193
    , 199 (3d
    Under Federal Rule of Evidence 701, if a witness does
    not testify as an expert, opinion testimony must be: “(a)
    rationally based on the witness’s perception; (b) helpful to
    clearly understanding the witness’s testimony or to
    determining a fact in issue; and (c) not based on scientific,
    technical, or other specialized knowledge within the scope of
    Rule 702.” Fed. R. Evid. 701.
    Under Federal Rule of Evidence 1006, a party may
    “use a summary, chart, or calculation to prove the content of
    voluminous writings [or] recordings . . . that cannot be
    conveniently examined in court,” as long as the originals or
    duplicates are made available for examination or copying by
    other parties. Fed. R. Evid. 1006.
    Georgiou argues that Koster’s testimony was based on
    specialized knowledge and thus inadmissible from a lay
    witness. We agree with the District Court’s assessment that
    Koster’s testimony, including comparisons of stock quantities
    and prices did not require prohibited “scientific, technical, or
    other specialized knowledge,” and thus was squarely within
    the scope of Rule 701. (App. 40.) Koster’s testimony
    provided factual information and summaries of voluminous
    trading records that he had personally reviewed in his
    capacity as an SEC employee and as part of the SEC’s
    investigation of Georgiou. See SEC v. Treadway, 430 F.
    Supp. 2d 293, 321-22 (S.D.N.Y. 2006) (rejecting challenge to
    admissibility of testimony of SEC witness under Rule 701
    because witness was “simply an SEC employee providing his
    view of the facts as a summary of certain evidence and as an
    aid to the Court,” and that witness’s declaration “was more
    akin to a summary document than an expert analysis”).
    Because Koster “present[ed] testimony and accompanying
    charts concerning the manipulative trading activity charged in
    the indictment . . . [and] explain[ed] the relevance of his
    trading analysis to the other evidence presented in the case,”
    within the scope of Rule 701 and the parties’ pretrial
    stipulation, the District Court did not abuse its discretion in
    admitting his testimony as a lay witness. (Gov’t Trial Mem.,
    App. 5594.)
    The District Court also did not abuse its discretion in
    allowing Koster’s remaining testimony on re-direct because
    Georgiou’s counsel first elicited Koster’s opinion on cross-
    examination. Under the doctrine of curative admissibility,
    i.e., “opening the door,” “when one party introduces
    inadmissible evidence, the opposing party thereafter may
    introduce otherwise inadmissible evidence to rebut or explain
    the prior evidence.” Gov’t of the Virgin Islands v. Archibald,
    987 F.2d 180
    , 187 (3d Cir. 1993) (citing C. McCormick, On
    Evidence § 57 (4th ed. 1992)).
    2.     Exclusion of evidence pursuant to FRE
    Georgiou also argues that the District Court erred in
    prohibiting testimony and extrinsic evidence regarding
    allegations of a post-cooperation fraud perpetrated by
    Waltzer.17 The District Court excluded this evidence as
    collateral and cumulative under Federal Rules of Evidence
    608(b) and 403. The District Court’s decisions regarding the
    admissibility of evidence are reviewed for abuse of discretion.
    Serafini, 233 F.3d at 768
    n. 14 (citing 
    Pelullo, 964 F.2d at 199
    Under Rule 608(b) of the Federal Rules of Evidence,
    “extrinsic evidence is not admissible to prove specific
    instances of a witness’s conduct in order to attack or support
    the witness’s character for truthfulness.” Fed. R. Evid.
    608(b). Further, Federal Rule of Evidence 403 authorizes a
    district court to “exclude collateral matters that are likely to
    confuse the issues.” United States v. Casoni, 
    950 F.2d 893
    919 (3d Cir. 1991); see also Fed. R. Evid. 403 (“The court
    may exclude relevant evidence if its probative value is
    substantially outweighed by a danger of . . . confusing the
    Appellant sought to call a law enforcement agent to testify
    about his investigation of Waltzer on unrelated crimes, and
    seven lay witnesses to testify that they were victims of an
    unrelated fraud perpetrated by Waltzer. He argued that this
    testimony would show Waltzer’s bias and pattern of fraud.
    issues . . . or needlessly presenting cumulative evidence.”). A
    matter is collateral if it is “factually unrelated to [the] case”
    such as an “unrelated criminal investigation.” 
    Casoni, 950 F.2d at 919
    . Moreover, given the District Court’s “wide
    discretion in limiting cross-examination[,] [a] restriction will
    not constitute reversible error unless it is so severe as to
    constitute a denial of the defendant’s right to confront
    witnesses against him and it is prejudicial to substantial rights
    of the defendant.” 
    Id. (quoting United
    States v. Adams, 
    759 F.2d 1099
    , 1100 (3d Cir. 1985)).
    Georgiou’s rights under the Confrontation Clause were
    not implicated here, as the record reflects that the District
    Court allowed Appellant to cross-examine Waltzer about his
    alleged criminal acts, and limited further questioning only
    after Waltzer denied engaging in misconduct. (App. 803-819;
    835-846; 867-872.) See 
    Casoni, 950 F.2d at 919
    Supreme Court has said the Constitution’s Confrontation
    Clause guarantees an opportunity for effective cross-
    examination, not cross-examination that is effective in
    whatever way and to whatever extent, the defense might
    wish.”) (quoting Delaware v. Van Arsdall, 
    475 U.S. 673
    , 679
    The District Court’s imposition of a reasonable limit
    on the scope of cross-examination was permissible in order to
    “strike a balance between the constitutionally required
    opportunity to cross-examine and the need to prevent
    repetitive or abusive cross-examination.” 
    Casoni, 950 F.2d at 919
    . By the time Appellant sought to cross-examine Waltzer
    on his involvement in post-cooperation fraudulent activities,
    the record already contained evidence of Waltzer’s past
    illegal conduct and his cooperation with the Government, all
    of which is directly relevant to Appellant’s theory that
    Waltzer was biased in favor of the government. (App. 835-
    846; 867-872.) Indeed, Appellant directly questioned Waltzer
    on whether he was untrustworthy and biased for the
    Id. Because “[t]he
    jury was in possession of
    sufficient information to make a discriminating appraisal of
    [the witness’s] possible motives for testifying falsely in favor
    of the [G]overnment,” the District Court did not abuse its
    discretion in excluding certain extrinsic evidence and limiting
    the cross-examination of Waltzer. See U.S. v. McNeill, 
    887 F.2d 448
    , 454 (3d Cir. 1989).
    3.     Motion to unseal
    We reject Georgiou’s argument that the District Court
    erred in denying his motion to unseal. Georgiou filed the
    motion after filing a notice of appeal with this Court,
    appealing the District Court’s denial of his Motion for
    Reconsideration and New Trial. “The filing of a notice of
    appeal . . . confers jurisdiction on the court of appeals and
    divests the district court of its control over those aspects of
    the case involved in the appeal.” Griggs v. Provident
    Consumer Discount Co., 
    459 U.S. 56
    , 58 (1982). Because the
    District Court lacked jurisdiction at the time Appellant filed
    his motion to unseal, there was no error in denying this
    E.     Sentencing
    The District Court sentenced Georgiou to 300 months’
    imprisonment, followed by a three-year term of supervised
    release, and ordered restitution of $55,832,398, a special
    assessment of $900, and forfeiture of $26,000,000. Georgiou
    challenges this sentence as procedurally and substantively
    unreasonable, arguing that the District Court erred
    procedurally in failing to apply Dura Pharmaceuticals, Inc. v.
    544 U.S. 336
    (2005), to the Guidelines loss
    calculation, resulting in substantive error.
    Georgiou also challenges the sentence enhancements
    on the grounds that the District Court did not require the
    Government to properly establish the number of victims for a
    six-point enhancement under U.S.S.G. § 2B1.1 (b)(2)(C).
    Georgiou further argues that the District Court erred in adding
    six levels to the Guidelines range due to the dissolution of
    Caledonia and the sophisticated nature of the fraud. Finally,
    Georgiou asserts that the District Court erred in basing
    restitution on the Guidelines loss calculation, and in its
    imposition of the forfeiture order.
    The District Court determined that the total actual
    losses amounted to $55,832,398. This calculation accounted
    for the losses suffered by: (1) the three institutions Georgiou
    defrauded through his use of manipulated stocks, namely,
    Accuvest ($3,613,856), Alliance ($5,890,748), and Caledonia
    ($22,000,000) (see App. 5489); (2) Alex Barrotti
    ($16,000,000), to whom Georgiou made a false promise to
    cover trading losses for trades made at Georgiou’s direction
    (see App. 5488); and (3) numerous victim shareholders who
    bought HYHY stock during Georgiou’s “pump and dump”
    scheme ($8,327,794). (See App. 5491, Supp. App. 996.)
    Based on these figures, Georgiou received a 24-level
    increase to the base offense level of seven pursuant to
    U.S.S.G. § 2B1.1(b)(1)(M) (providing for a 24 point
    enhancement where the loss exceeds $50,000,000). (App.
    5516-24; App. 5308.)
    Our “review of a district court’s decision regarding the
    interpretation of the Sentencing Guidelines, including what
    constitutes ‘loss,’ is plenary.”       United States v. Napier,
    273 F.3d 276
    , 278 (3d Cir. 2001) (quoting United States v.
    190 F.3d 220
    , 226 (3d Cir. 1999). We review
    factual findings for clear error. 
    Id. (citing Sharma,
    190 F.3d at
    1.     Loss Calculation
    Georgiou argues that the District Court incorrectly
    calculated the total loss attributable to his offense, resulting in
    a higher total offense level. He contends that the loss
    calculation contained in the Presentence Investigation Report
    (“PSR”) was grossly overstated because it ignored the impact
    of market forces on the values of the Target Stocks.
    Georgiou asserts that such an assessment is required under
    Dura Pharmaceuticals, 
    544 U.S. 336
    Although it is undisputed that the District Court did
    not consider the impact of market forces in its loss
    calculation, it was not required to do so.              Dura
    Pharmaceuticals was decided in the context of a civil
    securities fraud class action. 
    Id. at 341.
    While some of our
    sister circuits have applied the Dura Pharmaceuticals loss
    calculation in the criminal sentencing context, we have not.
    Thus, there is no basis on which to find the District Court’s
    loss calculation clearly erroneous. Indeed, the record here
    indicates that the accounts responsible for the losses in the
    Target Stocks were controlled by the Appellant and his
    co-conspirators. Appellant conceded as much in recorded
    conversations. (See, e.g., App. 702-05, 725-32, Supp. App.
    Moreover, assuming arguendo that an error had
    occurred in failing to assess the impact of market forces on
    the Target Stocks, any such error would be harmless. In
    applying Section 2B1.1(b), courts must use “the greater of the
    actual or intended loss.” U.S.G.G. § 2B1.1 cmt. n.3(A).
    During sentencing, the District Court found that Georgiou
    was responsible for intended losses that “far exceeded a
    hundred million [dollars]” based on his scheme involving
    Northern Ethanol. (App. 5485-86, 5490.) However, the
    District Court did not consider intended losses in its
    calculation because Georgiou’s total offense level, 45, already
    exceeded the guideline maximum of 43. (App. 5308.)
    Therefore, under either calculation, Georgiou’s total offense
    level would have been in excess of 43. Thus, his sentence was
    not impacted by the District Court’s alleged error.
    2.      Victim Enhancements
    Georgiou’s challenge to the six-level upward
    adjustment for 250 or more victims under U.S.S.G
    §2B1.1(b)(2)(C) also fails. The jury found that Appellant
    participated in a “pump and dump” scheme with HYHY, and
    had paid for a mailer on the stock to be sent to seven million
    people. (Supp. App. 987.) Koster, the SEC witness,
    identified 1,918 investor accounts that purchased the stock
    during the period of the scheme, each of which lost over
    $1,000. (App. 5427-29.) Thus, there were well over 250
    victims, and the District Court’s upward adjustment based on
    number of victims was not clearly erroneous.
    3.      Forfeiture
    Georgiou did not object—though he had several
    opportunities to do so—to the Court’s imposition of the
    forfeiture order, which had been submitted to the Court prior
    to sentencing. Thus, any claims on the basis of this forfeiture
    have been waived. Furthermore, even absent the waiver, the
    forfeiture is proper under 18 U.S.C. § 981(a)(1)(C) and 28
    U.S.C. § 2461(c) because the $26,000,000 subject to
    forfeiture “constitutes, or is derived from proceeds traceable
    to the offenses of which the defendant was convicted.” (See
    App. 1355, 1378-79, 1392-1402, 1415, 1482-96, 1836-38,
    5488-89, Supp. App. 995-96.) Because Appellant waived his
    objections and because the order was, in fact, proper, there is
    no basis for a finding of clear error with respect to the
    For the reasons stated above, we will affirm
    Georgiou’s Judgment of Conviction.

Document Info

Docket Number: 10-4774

Citation Numbers: 777 F.3d 125

Filed Date: 1/20/2015

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 1/12/2023

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