Muriel Collins v. Kimberly-Clark Pennsylvania LL , 708 F. App'x 48 ( 2017 )

  •                                                        NOT PRECEDENTIAL
    No. 17-1942
    On Appeal from the United States District Court
    for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania
    (D.C. Civ. No. 2-12-cv-02173)
    District Judge: Honorable C. Darnell Jones, II
    Submitted Pursuant to Third Circuit LAR 34.1(a)
    September 13, 2017
    Before: SHWARTZ, COWEN and FUENTES, Circuit Judges
    (Opinion filed: September 14, 2017)
    Muriel Collins appeals from an order of the District Court granting the defendant’s
    motion for summary judgment pursuant to Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 56(a). For the
    reasons that follow, we will affirm.
    Collins, an African-American woman and long-time employee of Kimberly-Clark
    Pennsylvania, LLC at its Chester, Pennsylvania manufacturing facility, was terminated
    after a protracted dispute that originated when she refused to honor a subpoena issued in
    an arbitration matter involving her co-worker Joel Horne.1 Because Horne was a union
    member, his termination was subject to the grievance and arbitration process set forth in
    the Collective Bargaining Agreement. Collins was a shop steward. She initially
    recommended that Horne be terminated but subsequently attended his “second step”
    grievance meeting as his union representative. Then, on or about November 4, 2010,
    Collins was issued a subpoena to appear at his arbitration as a witness for the company.
    Collins did not honor the subpoena and reported to work instead. John Flynn, the Labor
    Relations Manager at the Chester facility, spoke to Collins at work by telephone from the
    hearing to inform her that she was expected to appear and to ask her why she was not
    there. After speaking with Flynn, Collins still refused to obey the subpoena.
    As a result of her failure to appear at the arbitration, Collins received a five day
    suspension for insubordination. She then filed grievances relating to the suspension, and
    called the company hotline, claiming that the company had willfully and with malice and
    discrimination disciplined her for refusing to commit perjury during the arbitration
    hearing by testifying that she supported Horne’s termination when she did not.2
    Inasmuch as we write primarily for the parties who are familiar with the factual and
    procedural history of this case, we will set forth only those facts necessary to our brief
    Collins wanted the company to reinstate Horne and she wanted him to get help for his
    personal problems.
    Kimberly-Clark assigned Lori Ney, a Human Resources representative, to conduct an
    investigation. Ney completed her investigation and concluded that no violations of
    Kimberly-Clark’s Code of Conduct had occurred when Collins was subpoenaed; there
    was no evidence to support her claim that she had been asked to commit perjury and no
    evidence that she was the victim of discrimination in connection with the subpoena.
    However, based on the discrepancies between Ney’s findings and Collins’ alleged
    statements in support of her allegations, Ney concluded that Collins had provided false
    information during the investigation, thereby violating the company’s Code of Conduct.
    As a result, Collins received a fifteen day suspension, a demotion of one pay level, and a
    “Last Chance Agreement”, which, as its name suggests, provided that she could be
    terminated for any future company Code of Conduct violations.
    In November, 2011, Collins called the company hotline, claiming discrimination
    and retaliation in connection with her fifteen day suspension, demotion, and Last Chance
    Agreement. She also complained that Sean Kane, a union vice-president, had referred to
    her in a voicemail as being on a “list” and used inappropriate language.3 Kimberly-Clark
    assigned Chelsea Hinkle, another Human Resources representative, to investigate.
    Following her investigation, Hinkle concluded that there was no evidence to support
    Collins’ claim that her new punishment was discriminatory or retaliatory. Hinkle
    affirmed Ney’s handling of Collins’ original grievance and she reiterated to Collins that
    Kane left a voicemail for Collins to remind her of the date of a grievance meeting. On it
    he was heard to say, “bitch, don’t play with me or you’ll be on the same motherfucking
    list as her.”
    she had been disciplined for providing false and conflicting information (regarding
    discrimination and being asked to commit perjury) in her grievance, a violation of
    Kimberly-Clark’s Code of Conduct. Hinkle further found no evidence to support that
    some “list” existed or that Collins was on it, and she noted that Kane had apologized to
    Collins for the voicemail.4 Collins filed a Charge of Discrimination with the Equal
    Employment Opportunity Commission in May, 2011, her second, which resulted in the
    issuance of a right to sue letter. Collins served her suspension and returned to work.
    In January, 2012, Collins sent an email to the entire mill asking if anyone had
    knowledge of a “list” and claiming that Horne was on the “list,” which spurred some
    complaint emails from other employees regarding Collins’ misuse of company email.
    Collins also filed a report in the electronic system used to report workplace safety
    incidents in which she alleged unsafe working conditions “due to conspiracy and
    discrimination.” Collins sent another email to the entire mill regarding the Horne
    termination, claiming that the subpoena she received was not valid in that she had voiced
    her opposition to Horne’s termination. There was an additional email and an additional
    unsafe working conditions report of dubious merit. Kimberly-Clark finally terminated
    Collins on March 20, 2012 for violating the Last Chance Agreement by disrupting the
    On April 23, 2012, Collins, through counsel, filed a civil action in the United
    States District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, alleging race
    Kane explained that he had jokingly said to another employee in his office when he left
    the voicemail that his wife was currently on his “shunned list.”
    discrimination, sex discrimination, and retaliation in violation of Title VII of the Civil
    Rights Act of 1964, 42 U.S.C. § 2000e, et seq. and 42 U.S.C. § 1981. Following a period
    of discovery, during which time Collins was deposed, Kimberly-Clark moved for
    summary judgment, and, in support submitted witness declarations and excerpts from
    Collins’ deposition. New counsel was appointed to represent Collins and an amended
    complaint was filed. In that amended complaint, new counsel noted that an
    unemployment compensation referee had found that Collins had not falsified a claim of
    discrimination. In addition, the amended complaint alleged that no other similarly
    situated non-African American male employees receiving 15 day disciplinary
    suspensions were demoted or received pay cuts; and that Collins’ position had been
    temporarily filled by a white male, Frank Brown, Jr., who had received a 15 suspension
    for an inappropriate drawing. In her deposition, Collins previously had also testified that
    Kimberly-Clark engaged in unlawful discrimination by demoting her and cutting her pay
    for giving false information during an investigation, while failing to demote or cut the
    pay of white male employees who violated the company’s internet policy. Collins
    testified to other examples of disparate treatment, as well.
    After Kimberly-Clark answered the amended complaint, an additional period of
    discovery ensued. Following that, Kimberly-Clark again moved for summary judgment.
    Collins opposed the motion and submitted numerous exhibits in support of her opposition
    to summary judgment. In an order entered on March 28, 2017, after an unsuccessful
    attempt at mediation, the District Court awarded summary judgment to Kimberly-Clark.
    The District Court concluded that Collins did not establish a prima facie case of race or
    sex discrimination, or retaliation, and further rejected Collins’ retaliation claim under §
    Collins appeals pro se. We have jurisdiction under 28 U.S.C. § 1291. Collins
    raises several new claims in her Informal Brief, including claims covered by the
    “Whistleblower Protection statute,” a claim for a violation of her due process rights,
    various tort claims, and a state law claim that she was improperly denied unemployment
    compensation for ten months prior to being terminated. We generally refuse to consider
    issues that the parties did not raise in the proceedings before the District Court, see Frank
    v. Colt Industries, Inc., 
    910 F.2d 90
    , 100 (3d Cir. 1990), and will do so here. Collins has
    forfeited these claims by failing to raise them at a point and in a manner that would have
    permitted the District Court to consider their merits, see Freeman v. Pittsburgh Glass
    Works, LLC, 
    709 F.3d 240
    , 249 (3d Cir. 2013). In her amended complaint, Collins,
    through counsel, alleged only that Kimberly-Clark discriminated against her based on her
    race and sex, and disciplined and terminated her in retaliation for her complaints of
    discrimination. Our review is limited to those issues, and, with respect to those issues,
    Collins contends that the District Court was wrong to grant summary judgment to
    Kimberly-Clark, especially with respect to her retaliation claim, stating that “[a]lthough I
    believe race was a factor[,] I believe that retaliation was the ‘main’ reason for the
    suspensions, last change agreement, and the termination.” Appellant’s Informal Brief, at
    4. She has further emphatically expressed her view that “a hate crime against someone
    with a disability [Horne] was committed,” and that the subpoena issued to her was
    abusive and unethical. 
    Id. at 6.
    We will affirm. Summary judgment is appropriate “if the movant shows that there
    is no genuine dispute as to any material fact and the movant is entitled to judgment as a
    matter of law.” Fed. R. Civ. P. 56(a). The moving party “bears the initial responsibility
    of informing the district court of the basis for its motion, and identifying those portions”
    of the summary judgment record which demonstrate the absence of a genuine dispute of
    material fact. Celotex Corp. v. Catrett, 
    477 U.S. 317
    , 323 (1986). If the moving party
    meets its burden, the nonmoving party then must present specific facts that show there is
    a genuine issue for trial. Fed. R. Civ. P. 56(c)(1), (e)(2); Anderson v. Liberty Lobby,
    477 U.S. 242
    , 248 (1986). A court should grant summary judgment where the non-
    movant’s evidence is merely colorable or not significantly probative, 
    id. at 249-50,
    because “[w]here the record taken as a whole could not lead a rational trier of fact to find
    for the nonmoving party, there is no genuine issue for trial,” Matsushita Electric
    Industrial Co. v. Zenith Radio Corp., 
    475 U.S. 574
    , 587 (1986) (internal quotation marks
    To prevail on a Title VII claim of discrimination, a plaintiff must first establish a
    prima facie case. A prima facie case of discrimination requires that a plaintiff show the
    following: (1) she belongs to a protected class; (2) she is qualified for the position; (3)
    she suffered some form of adverse employment action; and (4) the adverse employment
    action occurred under circumstances that give rise to an inference of unlawful
    discrimination, because, for example, the employer treated similarly situated employees
    not in the plaintiff’s protected class more favorably. St. Mary’s Honor Center v. Hicks,
    509 U.S. 502
    , 506-07 (1993); Texas Dep’t of Community Affairs v. Burdine, 
    450 U.S. 7
    248, 253 (1981); McDonnell Douglas Corp. v. Green, 
    411 U.S. 792
    , 802 (1973). “The
    central focus of the prima facie case is always whether the employer is treating some
    people less favorably than others because of their race, color, religion, sex, or national
    origin.” Sarullo v. U.S. Postal Service, 
    352 F.3d 789
    , 798 (3d Cir. 2003) (per curiam)
    (internal quotation marks removed). Demonstrating that employees are similarly situated
    involves showing that the comparators were “involved in acts . . . of comparable
    seriousness to” the plaintiff’s acts. McDonnell 
    Douglas, 411 U.S. at 804
    The District Court noted the appropriate legal standards, reviewed the summary
    judgment record, and concluded that Collins could not make a prima facie showing of
    race or sex discrimination and we agree. Collins did not sustain her burden regarding the
    Horne arbitration-related discrimination claim because she failed to show that the five
    day suspension occurred under circumstances that give rise to an inference of unlawful
    discrimination. Collins did not identify any legitimate comparators and offered no
    evidence at all to show that the circumstances concerning the issuance of the subpoena
    and the five day suspension for her refusal to honor the subpoena permit an inference of
    discrimination. We further agree with the District Court that Collins offered no evidence,
    in any event, to show that the company’s reason for the five day suspension was a
    pretext for discrimination. Collins does not dispute that she refused to honor the
    subpoena, and nothing whatever in the summary judgment record shows that the
    subpoena was issued in order to discriminate against her.5
    We further agree with the District Court that Kane’s voicemail does not constitute an
    adverse action by an employer. Kane was an officer of the union and his voicemail
    Turning to the fifteen day suspension, pay cut and demotion, and Last Chance
    Agreement, it is plain from the summary judgment record that the punishment was
    imposed on Collins by Kimberly-Clark because Collins’ original claims of discrimination
    and inducement to commit perjury, in connection with the subpoena, lacked a factual
    basis. In Kimberly-Clark’s view, the unfounded claims, and Collins’ subsequent attempts
    to bolster and support them, constituted lying during the course of an internal
    investigation in violation of its Code of Conduct. In arguing that she could show that the
    punishment meted out by the company occurred under circumstances that give rise to an
    inference of unlawful discrimination, Collins argued in her opposition to summary
    judgment that white males had received less severe punishment for similar violations of
    the company Code of Conduct. With respect to this claim, the District Court again
    concluded that Collins’ assertions and summary judgment exhibits failed to show an
    inference of discrimination and thus a prima facie case. In particular, with respect to
    white male comparators who violated company policy by viewing pornography on the
    internet, the Court reasoned that, although a violation of internet policy and the giving of
    false information during an investigation are both violations of Kimberly-Clark’s Code of
    Conduct, a jury could not properly find that the violations were comparable in nature.
    Similarly, the District Court found no evidence in the summary judgment record to show
    that the company’s decision to replace Collins with a white male after she was demoted
    relaying information about an upcoming grievance proceeding cannot be attributed to
    evinced discriminatory animus, reasoning that the mere fact that her replacement was
    white and male was insufficient to show a genuine issue for trial.
    Our review de novo of the summary judgment record leads us to the same
    conclusion. See Alcoa, Inc. v. United States, 
    509 F.3d 173
    , 175 (3d Cir. 2007) (appellate
    court reviews district court’s grant of summary judgment de novo). Collins showed that
    she was a member of two protected classes, that she was qualified for her job, and that
    she suffered an adverse employment action with respect to the 15 day suspension, pay cut
    and Last Chance Agreement (although we do not agree with Collins’ apparent assertion
    that allowing her to continue to work under the Last Chance Agreement rather than
    terminating her employment for refusing to sign it constitutes an adverse employment
    action). However, her summary judgment evidence relating to the fourth prima facie
    requirement -- that Kimberly-Clark treated similarly situated employees not in her
    protected classes more favorably -- is insufficiently probative, see 
    Anderson, 477 U.S. at 249-50
    , of the requirement that she show that these adverse employment actions occurred
    under circumstances that give rise to an inference of unlawful discrimination. Again,
    Collins’ case is devoid of comparator evidence sufficient to show a genuine issue for
    trial, for the reasons given by the District Court.6
    We note that the specific issue of Kimberly-Clark’s allegedly more favorable treatment
    of white males who view internet pornography on company time required the District
    Court to decide whether this misconduct is as serious as Collins’ misconduct in providing
    untruthful or contradictory information to company investigators. In moving for
    summary judgment, and again in its brief on appeal, Kimberly-Clark submits that
    violating its “internet policy is not comparable to providing false information in a Code
    of Conduct investigation,” Appellee’s Brief, at 21. Under the circumstances of this case,
    the judgment made by the company about the relative seriousness of the two offenses is
    Next, Title VII prohibits retaliation by making it unlawful for employers to
    discriminate against “any individual . . . because he has opposed any . . . unlawful
    employment practice” or because that individual has “made a charge, testified, assisted,
    or participated in any manner in an investigation, proceeding, or hearing.” 42 U.S.C. §
    2000e-3(a). To establish retaliation, a plaintiff must proffer evidence to show that (1) she
    engaged in activity protected by Title VII; (2) the employer took an adverse employment
    action against her; and (3) there was a causal connection between the plaintiff’s
    participation in the protected activity and the adverse employment action. See Moore v.
    City of Philadelphia, 
    461 F.3d 331
    , 341-42 (3d Cir. 2006). To establish causation at the
    prima facie stage, a plaintiff must introduce evidence about the “scope and nature of
    conduct and circumstances that could support the inference” of a causal connection.
    Farrell v. Planter’s Lifesavers Co., 
    206 F.3d 271
    , 279 (3d Cir. 2000). “Where the
    temporal proximity between the protected activity and the adverse action is unusually
    suggestive, it is sufficient standing alone to create an inference of causality and defeat
    summary judgment.” LeBoon v. Lancaster Jewish Community Center Ass’n, 
    503 F.3d 217
    , 232 (3d Cir. 2007) (internal quotation marks removed).
    In rejecting Collins’ assertion that there was a genuine issue of fact for trial in
    connection with her retaliation claim, the District Court carefully and thoroughly
    examined the temporal links between the adverse actions, including the unpaid
    suspensions, the demotion, the pay reduction, the Last Chance Agreement, and the
    sufficient to show that there is no genuine issue for trial, in the absence of any rebuttal
    evidence to show that the company’s position is disingenuous or insincere.
    termination; and Collins’ protected activities, including her EEOC Charges of
    Discrimination, and her use of the company hotline and internal grievance proceedings to
    pursue her claims of discrimination.7 The Court concluded that there was nothing
    unusually suggestive of a causal connection, see 
    LeBoon, 503 F.3d at 232
    . Collins has
    not specifically challenged the District Court’s temporal links analysis in her Informal
    Brief. Moreover, in the absence of other summary judgment evidence of a causal
    connection, we agree with the District Court’s overall conclusion that Collins did not
    make out a prima facie case of retaliation with respect to the unpaid suspensions,
    demotion, pay cut, and Last Chance Agreement. With respect to Collins’ termination, the
    District Court, in addition to addressing whether she had made a prima facie case, further
    considered whether Kimberly-Clark’s reasons for terminating her were a pretext for
    retaliation. To prove causation at the pretext stage, the plaintiff must show that she
    would not have suffered an adverse employment action “but for” her protected activity.
    See University of Texas Southwest Medical Center v. Nassar, 
    133 S. Ct. 2517
    , 2534
    (2013).8 The District Court concluded that the termination would have occurred
    regardless of any alleged retaliatory motive, and we agree. Collins’ email activity and
    her use of work safety complaints to press her baseless allegations concerning the
    The District Court concluded, and we agree, that Collins’ mass email to other
    employees did not constitute protected activity. See 42 U.S.C. § 2000e-3(a). In addition,
    the District Court properly concluded that Collins’ work safety complaints were not
    protected activity, even though she may have used them to communicate her discontent
    about personnel issues. 
    Id. 8 The
    burden for establishing causation at the prima facie stage is less onerous, as the
    District Court acknowledged.
    subpoena and her feelings about Horne’s arbitration were disruptive and the reason for
    her termination.9
    For the foregoing reasons, we will affirm the order of the District Court awarding
    summary judgment to Kimberly-Clark.
    For the reasons given by the District Court, Collins’ retaliation claim pursuant to §
    1981 also presented no triable issue.