Robert Wellman, Jr. v. Butler Area School District , 877 F.3d 125 ( 2017 )

  •                                        PRECEDENTIAL
    No. 15-3394
    DR. JOHN WYLLIE, Individually, and in his
    capacity as principal of the Butler Area High School
    Appeal from the United States District Court
    for the Western District of Pennsylvania
    (D.C. No. 2-13-cv-00616)
    District Judge: Hon. Mark R. Hornak
    Argued: November 7, 2017
    Before: SMITH, Chief Judge, JORDAN and SHWARTZ,
    Circuit Judges.
    (Filed: December 12, 2017)
    Edward A. Olds, Esq.    [ARGUED]
    Olds Russ & Associates
    1007 Mount Royal Boulevard
    Pittsburgh, PA 15223
    Counsel for Appellants
    Thomas E. Breth, Esq.   [ARGUED]
    Dillon McCandless King Coulter & Graham
    128 West Cunningham Street
    Butler, PA 16001
    Counsel for Appellees
    SHWARTZ, Circuit Judge.
    Robert Wellman, Jr., appeals the District Court’s order
    dismissing his complaint without prejudice for lack of subject
    matter jurisdiction because he failed to exhaust his
    administrative remedies under the Individuals with Disabilities
    Education Act (“IDEA”), 
    20 U.S.C. § 1400
     et seq. He
    contends that the Court erred because none of his claims seek
    relief under the IDEA and, in any event, exhaustion would be
    The outcome of this appeal is largely dictated by the
    Supreme Court’s recent opinion in Fry v. Napoleon
    Community Schools, 
    137 S. Ct. 743
     (2017), which requires
    that we consider the “crux”—the “gravamen”—of the
    complaint to determine whether a plaintiff seeks relief for
    “denial of the IDEA’s core guarantee [of] . . . a free and
    appropriate education [FAPE,]” 
    id. at 748
     (quotation marks
    omitted); if so, then the plaintiff must exhaust his
    administrative remedies under the IDEA. Because the
    gravamen of each count in Wellman’s complaint seeks relief
    for the denial of a FAPE, Wellman would typically be required
    to exhaust his claims. Wellman concedes, however, that he
    released all claims seeking relief based on the denial of a
    FAPE, and thus, he has no claims to exhaust. As a result, we
    will vacate the District Court’s order dismissing the complaint
    without prejudice and remand with instructions to dismiss the
    complaint with prejudice.
    Wellman attended high school in the Butler Area
    School District (“the School District”). He suffered a head
    injury while playing flag football in his freshman physical
    education class. After school that day, Wellman attended
    football practice, where he suffered additional head injuries.
    The following day, Wellman saw his doctor and later
    underwent a CT scan, which revealed that he had sustained a
    concussion. Wellman suffered “pain” and experienced
    “staring spells, trouble sleeping, and difficulty concentrating.”
    App. 126.
    Wellman returned to school, but his mother asked the
    school to assist him until his concussion healed. Wellman’s
    mother requested that Wellman be taken out of his German and
    physical education classes, that he be given extra study halls,
    and that the football coach not allow him to engage in any
    unsuitable physical activity. Rather than allow him to rest
    during his extra study halls, however, the teachers required him
    to take make-up exams. Wellman alleges that the school’s
    indifference to his need for accommodations increased his
    stress and aggravated his cognitive problems.
    The facts are taken from the Second Amended
    Complaint. Because this appeal involves a facial challenge to
    the existence of subject matter jurisdiction under Federal Rule
    of Civil Procedure 12(b)(1), we accept as true the facts alleged
    in the complaint and construe them in favor of the nonmoving
    party. Constitution Party of Pa. v. Acihele, 
    757 F.3d 347
    , 357
    n.12 (3d Cir. 2014).
    After performing an EEG test, Wellman’s doctor wrote
    a letter asking the school to provide Wellman with academic
    accommodations, specifically tutors and more time to
    complete his assignments. The school ignored these requests.
    A few weeks later, Wellman attended a high school
    football game. Before the game, Wellman’s mother told the
    football coach that Wellman had a concussion, was not cleared
    to participate in the game, and should not be exposed to any
    possibility of physical contact. Despite this conversation, the
    football coach asked Wellman to hold one of the markers on
    the sidelines. Wellman was not wearing any protective gear.
    During the game, a player in full uniform ran into Wellman and
    knocked him over, causing another head injury.
    After this incident, Wellman’s concussion symptoms
    worsened, and he experienced severe headaches, problems
    focusing, and exhaustion. A CT scan revealed that he had post-
    concussive syndrome. Wellman began to miss school because
    of his symptoms and medical appointments, and when he was
    able to attend school, his teachers refused to provide
    accommodations for him. As a result, Wellman suffered
    significant stress, embarrassment, and anxiety.
    Wellman and his mother met with the principal
    regarding his teachers’ failure to accommodate him, 2 but the
    principal was dismissive of his problems. Because the School
    District would not accommodate him, Wellman requested and
    received homebound instruction but claimed that the teachers
    The Complaint states that Wellman’s teachers ignored
    his doctor’s request for accommodations and were “giving
    Wellman too much work.” App. 131.
    who provided the instruction were generally apathetic.
    Wellman attempted to return to school, but again his teachers
    denied his requests for accommodations, 3 and he quickly
    returned to homebound instruction for the remainder of the
    2009-10 academic year.
    Wellman attempted to return to school for the 2010-11
    academic year but was overwhelmed by severe anxiety. To
    reduce his anxiety, Wellman and his mother asked that he be
    allowed to switch his lunch period so that he could eat lunch
    with his friends, but the request was denied. Wellman had
    panic attacks at the thought of returning to school, and he
    returned to homebound instruction.
    In October 2010, Wellman’s mother requested that he
    be evaluated for an Individualized Education Plan (“IEP”). 4
    The school determined that Wellman was not eligible for an
    IEP.     However, Wellman underwent an independent
    evaluation, which concluded that he met the criteria for anxiety
    It is not clear from the complaint which
    accommodations were requested and denied during this time
    The state administers a FAPE by developing an IEP
    for every child with disabilities. 
    20 U.S.C. § 1414
    (d). Once a
    child is identified as having special needs, “[a] school district
    provides a FAPE by designing and implementing an
    individualized instructional program set forth in an [IEP],
    which must be reasonably calculated to enable the child to
    receive meaningful educational benefits in light of the
    student’s intellectual potential.” G.L. v. Ligonier Valley Sch.
    Dist. Auth., 
    802 F.3d 601
    , 607 (3d Cir. 2015) (citations and
    internal quotation marks omitted).
    disorder and cognitive disorder due to a medical condition.
    Thereafter, Wellman’s mother, his therapists, and school
    officials met. The school proposed a “Chapter 15/504 plan” 5
    to help Wellman return to school, but the parties could not
    reach an agreement on its implementation. App. 134. Four
    months later, they met again to discuss a Chapter 15/504 plan,
    but school officials appeared uninterested in giving Wellman
    “any sort of accommodations.” 
     Wellman finished his
    sophomore year in cyber school. The following year, he
    enrolled in private school, from which he eventually graduated.
    Wellman and his parents filed a due process complaint
    with the Pennsylvania Department of Education against the
    School District, requesting a hearing, an IEP, compensatory
    Chapter 15 of the Pennsylvania Code implements the
    statutory and regulatory requirements of § 504 of the
    Rehabilitation Act, 
    29 U.S.C. § 794
    22 Pa. Code § 15.1
    Section 504 requires schools to provide “a free appropriate
    public education,” defined in the Rehabilitation Act as “the
    provision of regular or special education and related aids and
    services that (i) are designed to meet individual educational
    needs of [students with disabilities] as adequately as the needs
    of [nondisabled students] are met and (ii) are based upon
    adherence to procedures that satisfy the requirements of §
    104.34 [least restrictive setting], § 104.35 [evaluation and
    placement], and § 104.36 [procedural safeguards].” 
    34 C.F.R. § 104.33
    (b)(1). “Section 504 defines disability more broadly
    than the IDEA, and thus, some students covered by Section 504
    are not covered under the IDEA.” Batchelor v. Rose Tree
    Media Sch. Dist., 
    759 F.3d 266
    , 269 n.4 (3d Cir. 2014)
    (citations omitted).
    education for two years, and payment of Wellman’s private
    school tuition. Wellman and the School District eventually
    entered into a Settlement and Release Agreement (“the
    Settlement Agreement”) with respect to the claims in the due
    process case. Under the Settlement Agreement, the Wellmans
    released the School District and its employees
    from all rights, claims, causes of action, and
    damages of any nature including, but not limited
    to, any claim for legal fees and/or costs, which
    were pursued in the above-referenced case or
    which could have been pursued in the above-
    referenced case, pursuant to the [IDEA], as
    amended; the Americans with Disabilities Act
    (ADA); or any other Federal or State statute,
    including    the     regulations    promulgated
    App. 101.
    Wellman thereafter filed suit in the United States
    District Court for the Western District of Pennsylvania against
    the School District and the high school’s principal. In the
    operative complaint, Wellman alleges that the School District
    and principal: (1) violated the Rehabilitation Act, 
    29 U.S.C. § 794
    , and the ADA, 
    42 U.S.C. § 12132
    , by refusing to
    accommodate Wellman and treating him as if his injuries were
    fabricated or exaggerated; (2) violated the Rehabilitation Act
    and ADA by insisting that Wellman hold the marker on the
    football field, even though the School District was aware that
    he had a concussion and should not have been exposed to
    unnecessary physical risk; and (3) sought relief under 
    42 U.S.C. § 1983
     for a violation of Wellman’s equal protection
    rights by failing to accommodate him, retaliating against him
    because he requested accommodations, and treating him
    differently from other disabled students.
    The School District and principal filed a motion to
    dismiss the complaint pursuant to Federal Rules of Civil
    Procedure 12(b)(1) and 12(b)(6). The District Court initially
    dismissed the claim against the principal in his official capacity
    but allowed all other claims to proceed. After this Court
    decided Batchelor v. Rose Tree Media School District, 
    759 F.3d 266
     (3d Cir. 2014), which held that exhaustion under the
    IDEA was a jurisdictional requirement, the District Court
    concluded that it lacked subject matter jurisdiction and
    dismissed the Complaint without prejudice, because (1) each
    of Wellman’s claims were related to the provision of a FAPE,
    and he failed to exhaust his claims before a special education
    hearing officer; (2) the Settlement Agreement did not render
    the claims exhausted because it did not serve the key purpose
    of developing an underlying factual record; and (3) no
    exception to exhaustion was applicable to the case, given that
    no underlying factual record was developed, there were no
    allegations of an emergency situation requiring immediate
    resolution, and Wellman’s claims all principally related to his
    education. Wellman appeals.
    We first address whether we have appellate jurisdiction
    over the challenged order.         The District Court’s order
    dismissed the complaint without prejudice for failing to
    exhaust administrative remedies. Wellman contends that
    exhaustion would be futile, and so he has chosen not to present
    the claims in his complaint to an administrative hearing officer.
    “[A]n appellant who does not attempt to avail himself of the
    administrative process, but who instead files an appeal raising
    the argument that exhaustion would be futile, ‘effectively
    stands on his original complaint’ and that in such cases we may
    exercise jurisdiction over an order dismissing a complaint
    without prejudice.” Ghana v. Holland, 
    226 F.3d 175
    , 180–81
    (3d Cir. 2000) (quoting Nyhuis v. Reno, 
    204 F.3d 65
    , 68 n.2
    (3d Cir. 2000)).
    Wellman has filed an appeal and argued that
    administrative exhaustion would be futile, and thus, he has
    effectively decided to stand on his complaint. We will
    therefore treat the order dismissing the complaint without
    prejudice as a final order and exercise appellate jurisdiction
    pursuant to 
    28 U.S.C. § 1291
    . See Booth v. Churner, 
    206 F.3d 289
    , 293 n.3 (3d Cir. 2000) (“[A] plaintiff can appeal from a
    dismissal without prejudice when he declares his intention to
    stand on his complaint or when he cannot cure the defect in his
    complaint.”), aff’d, 
    532 U.S. 731
    We next address whether we have subject matter
    jurisdiction. Wellman invoked federal question jurisdiction
    pursuant to 
    28 U.S.C. § 1331
     by raising claims under several
    federal statutes. The School District contends that the federal
    court lacks subject matter jurisdiction over the complaint
    because Wellman’s claims seek relief under the IDEA and 
    20 U.S.C. § 1415
    (l) requires such claims be presented to an
    administrative hearing officer, which Wellman failed to do. In
    Batchelor, this Court held that exhaustion of the IDEA
    administrative process is normally required for a District Court
    to exercise subject matter jurisdiction. 759 F.3d at 272 (citing
    Komninos v. Upper Saddle River Bd. of Educ., 
    13 F.3d 775
    778 (3d Cir. 1994)). While we have some doubts as to whether
    IDEA exhaustion is a jurisdictional requirement, 6 we are
    bound by this precedent. Moreover, we need not wrestle with
    whether exhaustion is jurisdictional because the School
    There appears to be some tension in our precedent as
    to whether a jurisdictional exhaustion requirement could be
    subject to a futility exception. Compare Wilson v. MVM, Inc.,
    475 F.3d 166
    , 174 (3d Cir. 2007) (discussing the difference
    between “prudential exhaustion” and “jurisdictional
    exhaustion,” and explaining that a prudential exhaustion
    requirement can be bypassed under certain circumstances,
    including futility, but that a jurisdictional exhaustion
    requirement “is a prerequisite to a court’s subject matter
    jurisdiction. Regardless of whether there is a compelling
    reason a plaintiff failed to exhaust, a court is without subject
    matter jurisdiction to hear the plaintiff's claim”), and Nyhuis v.
    204 F.3d 65
    , 69 (3d Cir. 2000) (noting that a
    jurisdictional exhaustion requirement “by definition cannot be
    subject to a futility exception” (emphasis in original)), with
    D.E. v. Cent. Dauphin Sch. Dist., 
    765 F.3d 260
    , 274-75 (3d
    Cir. 2014) (noting that exhaustion is a prerequisite to a district
    court’s subject matter jurisdiction, but stating that there are
    four exceptions to the exhaustion requirement, including
    futility, and explaining that “[a]bsent the existence of any of
    those exceptions, failure to exhaust will deprive a federal court
    of subject matter jurisdiction”).          Here, the exhaustion
    requirement can be excused, for example, if it is futile or if
    there are emergent circumstances that justify coming directly
    to federal court. The fact that the exhaustion requirement has
    exceptions suggests that it is not a jurisdictional prerequisite to
    our authority to hear an IDEA case.
    District insists exhaustion is required for Wellman to proceed.
    We must therefore address the School District’s contention that
    exhaustion is required, regardless of whether it is a prerequisite
    for us to exercise subject matter jurisdiction. See, e.g., J.B. ex
    rel. Bailey v. Avilla R-XIII Sch. Dist., 
    721 F.3d 588
    , 593 n.2
    (8th Cir. 2013) (“Because the District has not waived the
    exhaustion argument and we conclude the Plaintiffs were
    required to exhaust their administrative remedies, we need not
    reach this issue.”); Muskrat v. Deer Creek Pub. Sch., 
    715 F.3d 775
    , 783 (10th Cir. 2013) (“Ultimately, however, for purposes
    of this case[,] IDEA exhaustion’s status as a jurisdictional
    prerequisite is not at issue. Had defendants failed to raise
    IDEA exhaustion below or failed to renew that question here,
    then our obligation to do so independently would turn on its
    jurisdictional or nonjurisdictional nature.” (citation omitted)).
    Thus, we will next examine whether Wellman’s claims are
    subject to § 1415(l)’s exhaustion requirement.
    The IDEA requires participating states to provide
    disabled children with a FAPE, 
    20 U.S.C. § 1412
    (a)(1)(A), and
    sets forth an administrative mechanism for resolving disputes
    concerning whether a school has complied, 
     § 1415. The
    IDEA provides for an impartial due process hearing conducted
    by the state or local educational agency, id. § 1415(f), and the
    right to appeal the results to the state educational agency if the
    due process hearing was conducted by the local educational
    agency, id. §1415(g). The IDEA also requires parties to use
    these procedures whenever they seek relief “available under
    this subchapter” even if they are pursuing relief under other
    federal laws. Id. § 1415 (l). Specifically, the IDEA provides
    [n]othing in this chapter shall be construed to
    restrict or limit the rights, procedures, and
    remedies available under the Constitution, the
    Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 [
    42 U.S.C. § 12101
     et seq.], title V of the
    Rehabilitation Act of 1973 [
    29 U.S.C. § 791
    seq.], or other Federal laws protecting the rights
    of children with disabilities, except that before
    the filing of a civil action under such laws
    seeking relief that is also available under this
    subchapter, the procedures under subsections (f)
    and (g) shall be exhausted to the same extent as
    would be required had the action been brought
    under this subchapter.
     § 1415(l). Thus, a plaintiff who seeks relief available under
    the IDEA must exhaust his administrative remedies before
    filing a lawsuit, even if he relies on laws other than the IDEA.
    Courts of Appeals have disagreed about how this
    provision applied to non-IDEA claims, such as claims under
    the ADA, Rehabilitation Act, and § 1983. The Supreme Court
    weighed in on this issue in Fry v. Napoleon Community
    Schools. In Fry, the plaintiffs alleged that their daughter’s
    school district discriminated against her in violation of the
    ADA, the Rehabilitation Act, and state law when it barred her
    from bringing her service dog to school to assist her with
    mobility and balance problems. 
    137 S. Ct. at 750-52
    . The
    Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit held that Fry was
    required to exhaust her IDEA remedies, even though she filed
    non-IDEA claims. 
    Id. at 752
    . The Supreme Court reversed,
    holding that “exhaustion is not necessary when the gravamen
    of the plaintiff’s suit is something other than the denial of the
    IDEA’s core guarantee—what the Act calls a ‘free appropriate
    public education.’”         
    Id. at 748
    20 U.S.C. § 1412
    (a)(1)(A)). In reaching this conclusion, the Court noted
    that the IDEA requires exhaustion only where the plaintiff
    “‘seek[s] relief that is also available’ under the IDEA.” 
    Id. at 752
    20 U.S.C. § 1415
    (l)). “[T]o meet that statutory
    standard, a suit must seek relief for the denial of a FAPE,
    because that is the only ‘relief’ the IDEA makes ‘available.’”
     The Court explained that “in determining whether a suit
    indeed ‘seeks’ relief for such a denial, a court should look to
    the substance, or gravamen, of the plaintiff’s complaint.” 
    In determining whether the gravamen of a plaintiff’s
    complaint is the denial of a FAPE, the Court directed courts to
    consider one “clue” in the form of two hypothetical questions:
    “First, could the plaintiff have brought essentially the same
    claim if the alleged conduct had occurred at a public facility
    that was not a school—say, a public theater or library? And
    second, could an adult at the school—say, an employee or
    visitor—have pressed essentially the same grievance?” 
    Id. at 756
     (emphasis in original). The Court explained that if the
    The Court declined to decide whether exhaustion
    would be required if a plaintiff complained of the denial of a
    FAPE but sought remedies which were not available under the
    IDEA (e.g., money damages). Fry, 
    137 S. Ct. at
    752 n.4.
    Under our precedent, however, a plaintiff’s request for
    remedies not available under the IDEA does not remove the
    claim from being subject to exhaustion. Batchelor, 759 F.3d at
    276-78. Thus, Wellman’s request for damages unavailable
    under the IDEA or in the administrative forum does not exempt
    his claims from the exhaustion requirement.
    answer to both of these questions is yes, then it is unlikely that
    the complaint is about the denial of a FAPE. Id. By contrast,
    when the answer to both of these questions is no, then the
    complaint probably concerns a FAPE. Id.
    In addition to these two questions, the Court identified
    one additional consideration:
    A further sign that the gravamen of a suit is the
    denial of a FAPE can emerge from the history of
    the proceedings. In particular, a court may
    consider that a plaintiff has previously invoked
    the IDEA’s formal procedures to handle the
    dispute . . . . A plaintiff’s initial choice to pursue
    that process may suggest that she is indeed
    seeking relief for the denial of a FAPE—with the
    shift to judicial proceedings prior to full
    exhaustion reflecting only strategic calculations
    about how to maximize the prospects of such a
    remedy. Whether that is so depends on the facts
    . . . . [b]ut prior pursuit of the IDEA’s
    administrative remedies will often provide
    strong evidence that the substance of a plaintiff’s
    claim concerns the denial of a FAPE, even if the
    complaint never explicitly uses that term.
    Id. at 757.
    Thus, under Fry, we must focus on the “gravamen of the
    plaintiff’s suit.” Fry, 
    137 S. Ct. at 748
    ; see also 
    id. at 752
    court should look to the substance, or gravamen, of the
    plaintiff’s complaint.”); 
    id. at 755
     (“What matters is the crux—
    or, in legal speak, the gravamen—of the plaintiff’s complaint .
    . . .”). Black’s Law Dictionary defines gravamen as “[t]he
    substantial point or essence of a claim, grievance, or
    complaint.”      Black’s Law Dictionary (10th ed. 2014).
    Although the Supreme Court’s language spoke in terms of the
    “complaint,” which could mean that the Court was not
    endorsing a claim-by-claim approach, this is not how we
    understand the opinion. The word “gravamen” bespeaks
    concern with both individual claims as well as the collection of
    claims called a complaint. See 
     To apply the Fry test
    without consideration of the actual claims could result in
    situations where claims that are included in a complaint
    because they involve the same parties or course of events but
    do not involve the provision of a FAPE get swept up and forced
    into administrative proceedings with claims that are seeking
    redress for a school’s failure to provide a FAPE. Although
    these administrative proceedings ensure that FAPE claims are
    first reviewed by agencies with the appropriate subject matter
    expertise, these agencies do not employ similar expertise when
    it comes to claims that do not involve the provision of a FAPE.
    For example, if a student who was challenging the sufficiency
    of her IEP also happened to be physically assaulted on the bus
    going to school, one could envision the plaintiff bringing a
    single complaint with different claims arising from her school
    experience, one of which seeks relief for physical injuries
    sustained while on the school bus and which has nothing to do
    with her access to a FAPE and IDEA relief. Surely the Court
    would not have envisioned that such a claim would be subject
    to the IDEA’s procedural requirements, nor would subjecting
    such a claim to these procedural requirements necessarily
    result in any benefit to either the parties or court reviewing the
    matter at a later date. Put differently, claims related to the
    implementation of an IEP involve the provision of a FAPE and
    are subject to exhaustion, see J.M. v. Francis Howell Sch. Dist.,
    850 F.3d 944
    , 951 (8th Cir. 2017) (“[Plaintiff] also claims the
    administrative process would not have addressed all her
    claims. This, however, does not excuse exhaustion. Although
    the administrative process may not address all claims, this
    court has held [that] exhaustion is not futile because it would
    allow the agency to develop the record for judicial review and
    apply its expertise to the plaintiff’s claims to the extent those
    claims are related to implementation of the IEP.” (citations and
    internal quotation marks omitted)), but claims that go beyond
    the student’s educational experience are not, see J.S. III v.
    Houston Cty. Bd. of Educ., No. 15-14306, 
    2017 WL 4351313
    at *4-5 (11th Cir. Oct. 2, 2017) (isolation of a severely disabled
    and cognitively impaired student could give rise to a FAPE
    claim for failing to follow his IEP but isolating him for no
    educational purpose is a form of discrimination similar to the
    type that could be brought by an institutionalized adult and thus
    is cognizable as an ADA claim and not “merely a FAPE
    violation under the IDEA”). In short, under Fry, a court must
    review both the entire complaint and each claim to determine
    if the plaintiff seeks relief for the denial of a FAPE.
    Application of the Fry framework to Wellman’s entire
    complaint and each of his claims shows that his grievances all
    stem from the alleged failure to accommodate his condition
    and fulfill his educational needs. A review of his detailed
    factual allegations shows that the conduct about which he
    complains would not have occurred outside the school setting
    and that a nonstudent could not (and would not) have “pressed
    essentially the same grievance.” Fry, 
    137 S. Ct. at 756
    . Most
    of the more than thirty paragraphs within the section of the
    complaint entitled “Statement of Facts” set forth Wellman’s
    requests for specific accommodations to help him achieve the
    level of learning expected from him, such as removing him
    from his German and physical education classes, providing
    him with extra study halls, tutors, and additional time to
    complete assignments, and conveying to the teachers and
    football coach that he not engage in any unsuitable activity that
    might aggravate his symptoms and condition. Wellman alleges
    that, rather than being provided with these accommodations,
    he was taken out of study hall so he could take exams, given
    too much work and denied extra time to complete it, had
    apathetic homebound instructors, and was not given support to
    address the impact of his concussive condition on his ability to
    These factual allegations are expressly incorporated by
    reference into each count of the complaint, and each count
    includes additional allegations. In Count I, which seeks relief
    under the ADA and Rehabilitation Act, Wellman reiterates the
    allegation that the school did not make accommodations for his
    educational and physical activities while at school and he
    specifically asserts that “[t]he failure to provide
    accommodations made [his] inability to survive in the school
    inevitable” and that he was “effectively excluded from school.”
    App. 138, 39. In short, in this count, he complains about the
    educational experience that he had while in the School
    District. 8 This is not the sort of claim that would be brought
    by a nonstudent against a non-school facility. Thus, under Fry,
    At oral argument, Plaintiff’s counsel essentially
    acknowledged that Count I concerns the denial of a FAPE.
    Oral Arg. Recording at 2:00-3:30, Wellman v. Butler Area Sch.
    Dist., No. 15-3394 (3d Cir. Nov. 7, 2017), available at
    this claim seeks relief under the IDEA and is subject to
    Count II is also subject to exhaustion. Count II seeks
    relief under the ADA and Rehabilitation Act due to the
    school’s alleged failure to ensure that Wellman was not
    exposed to danger after the initial head injury he sustained
    during physical education class but was still permitted to
    participate in school activities. In this regard, the complaint
    alleges that Wellman’s mother asked that Wellman be given
    the accommodations of not being required to “suit[] up or [be]
    exposed to danger of playing conditions, but was still allowed
    to attend the [football] game.” App. 140. Thus, football was
    an extracurricular school activity that Wellman’s mother
    wanted him to experience safely. 9 While there could be a
    scenario in which these events may not relate to a FAPE, as
    pleaded, it appears that the failure to ensure that Wellman was
    not placed in a dangerous situation at an extracurricular activity
    was offered as another example of how the school failed to
    accommodate him so that he could benefit from his educational
    experience. App. 142 (alleging that “[a]s a consequence of the
    deliberate indifference of the School District to Wellman’s
    need for accommodations, Wellman was exposed to an
    extremely dangerous situation for a young man trying to
    recover from a concussion. . . . The [concussion he suffered
    while on the sidelines was] due to the deliberate indifference
    of the School District to Wellman’s need for
    accommodations”). Because these factual allegations are
    His mother also complained about how the school
    treated students who suffered sports-related injuries and that
    the players were pressured to ignore their injuries and to
    intertwined with his complaints about the school’s failure to
    accommodate his educational needs, which include his
    participation in extracurricular activities, see S.H. v. State-
    Operated Sch. Dist. of Newark, 
    336 F.3d 260
    , 264 (3d Cir.
    2003) (observing that an IEP “must detail those special
    education services [that] . . . allow the child to progress in both
    the general curriculum and participate in extracurricular
    activities . . .” (citing 20 U.S.C. 1414(d)(1)(A)(iii))), and
    because such allegations could not be brought by a nonstudent
    or outside the school setting, the claim set forth in Count II
    seeks relief for failing to provide a FAPE and is subject to
    Count III, which alleges a claim under § 1983, also
    seeks relief for failing to provide a FAPE. It incorporates all
    of the factual allegations within the complaint and further
    asserts that the School District’s special education department
    refused to provide Wellman services, and that the school
    treated him differently because his claim for such services was
    based upon the concussions he sustained during school
    activities, which the principal did not view as a disabling
    condition. Again, his grievance is that he was unable to access
    educational services, which is something only a student at
    school can seek. Thus, this is not a claim that could have been
    brought outside a school setting or by a nonstudent and, as a
    result, it is a claim that also seeks relief for failing to provide a
    FAPE and is subject to exhaustion.
    In summary, both the entire pleading and each
    individual count show that Wellman seeks relief because the
    School District failed to provide him with academic
    accommodations that would have allowed him to succeed and
    remain enrolled in the school despite his injury. These
    allegations concern the denial of a FAPE, see Fry, 
    137 S. Ct. at 753-54
     (explaining that the FAPE requirement entitles a
    child to “meaningful access to education based on her
    individual needs” (citation and internal quotation marks
    omitted)), and foreclose the conclusion that Wellman could
    have brought the same complaint against another public
    facility or that an adult at the school could have brought the
    same complaint.
    The history of the proceedings also show that the
    gravamen of Wellman’s suit seeks relief for the denial of a
    FAPE. As the Fry Court noted, “prior pursuit of the IDEA’s
    administrative remedies will often provide strong evidence that
    the substance of a plaintiff’s claim concerns the denial of a
    FAPE, even if the complaint never explicitly uses that term.”
    137 S. Ct. at 757
    . Here, Wellman’s parents filed a due process
    complaint against the School District requesting a hearing, an
    IEP, and compensatory education for two years based upon the
    same conduct alleged in the instant complaint. Under Fry,
    Wellman’s pursuit of administrative remedies is further
    evidence that his complaint concerns the denial of a FAPE.
    Therefore, considering Wellman’s complaint, including
    each count therein, and the history of the proceedings, we
    conclude that the gravamen of Wellman’s complaint is the
    denial of a FAPE and that the District Court correctly
    concluded that Wellman’s complaint is the type that would
    ordinarily require administrative exhaustion.
    Here, however, Wellman’s parents signed a settlement
    agreement that explicitly released all claims that were or could
    have been pursued in the due process proceeding pursuant to
    the IDEA or any other federal or state statute. Wellman
    concedes that he released all claims within the jurisdiction of
    the administrative hearing officer. All of his claims for relief
    were based upon the denial of a FAPE. 10 As a result, since his
    complaint seeks relief for the denial of a FAPE, and he has
    conceded that he released all claims related to the denial of a
    FAPE, he has no claims to present to an administrative hearing
    officer and thus no claims to exhaust. Wellman therefore has
    no basis upon which relief can be granted, and so his complaint
    must be dismissed with prejudice.
    Even if we did not conclude that all of the claims in
    his complaint seek relief under the IDEA, the language of the
    release seems to convey a general release and would have
    released the claims that did not seek relief for failing to provide
    a FAPE. The Settlement Agreement states that the Wellmans
    “release[d], relinquish[ed], and discharge[d] the Butler School
    District . . . from all causes of action, and damages of any
    nature, . . . which were pursued in the above-referenced case or
    which could have been pursued in the above reference case,
    pursuant to . . . any . . . Federal or State statute . . . .” App. 101.
    While Wellman could try to argue that he could not have
    brought a claim for damages under the ADA, Rehabilitation
    Act, and § 1983 in the administrative case, it is unlikely he
    would succeed in making such an argument since all of the
    injuries he claims to have suffered, such as anxiety, severe
    emotional distress, embarrassment, and mental illness stem
    from educational deprivations that were or could have been the
    subject of the administrative proceedings and hence his ability
    to seek damages for those injuries has been released. And, as
    stated previously, the fact that he could not recover the
    compensatory damages he now seeks in this lawsuit as part of
    the administrative proceedings does not convert his claims into
    non-IDEA claims. See Batchelor, 759 F.3d at 276-78.
    For the foregoing reasons, we will vacate the District
    Court’s order dismissing the complaint without prejudice and
    remand with instructions to dismiss the complaint with