United States v. Mark Icker ( 2021 )

  •                                          PRECEDENTIAL
    No. 20-2632
    Appeal from the United States District Court
    for the Middle District of Pennsylvania
    (D.C. Criminal No. 3-19-cr-00338-001)
    District Judge: Honorable Malachy E. Mannion
    Argued: March 24, 2021
    Circuit Judges.
    (Opinion filed: September 14, 2021)
    Heidi R. Freese
    Frederick W. Ulrich [ARGUED]
    Tammy L. Taylor
    Office of Federal Public Defender
    100 Chestnut Street
    Suite 306
    Harrisburg, PA 17101
    Counsel for Appellant
    David J. Freed
    Stephen R. Cerutti, II
    Office of United States Attorney
    Middle District of Pennsylvania
    228 Walnut Street, P.O. Box 11754
    220 Federal Building and Courthouse
    Harrisburg, PA 17108
    Michelle L. Olshefski
    Jeffery St. John [ARGUED]
    Office of United States Attorney
    235 North Washington Avenue
    P.O. Box 309, Suite 311
    Scranton, PA 18503
    Counsel for Appellees
    GREENAWAY, JR., Circuit Judge.
    As a police officer, Mark Icker used his badge to harass,
    grope, and force oral sex on several women. Icker pled guilty
    only to depriving individuals of their civil rights under color of
    law, pursuant to 
    18 U.S.C. § 242
    . His convictions under § 242
    are not “sex offenses” under the Sex Offender Registration and
    Notification Act (“SORNA”), 
    34 U.S.C. § 20901
     et seq.
    Nevertheless, the District Court mandated that, as a condition
    of his supervised release term, Icker “comply with the
    requirements of [SORNA] as directed by the probation officer,
    the Bureau of Prisons, or any state sex offender registration
    agency in the location where [he] reside[s], work[s], [is] a
    student, or [was] convicted of a qualifying offense.” App. 4.
    But a district court cannot discretionarily order a defendant
    who is not convicted of any “sex offense” under SORNA to
    register under the statute. Any imposition of SORNA
    registration requirements on such a defendant constitutes plain
    error. This issue is the crux of this appeal.
    We first determine that because Icker was not convicted
    of any sex offenses, and because the record shows he was not
    given notice of any potential SORNA registration
    requirements, we will not enforce his appellate waiver as he
    did not enter into it knowingly and voluntarily. Reaching the
    merits of Icker’s claims, we hold that the District Court plainly
    erred by mandating that Icker comply with SORNA
    requirements. Icker was not convicted of any “sex offense”
    under SORNA. Because SORNA does not extend to other
    offenses, Icker cannot be subject to its terms. To the extent the
    Government argues that because the District Court imposed
    Icker’s registration “as directed” by a third party, any
    delegation of Icker’s status as a “sex offender” to a third party
    is an improper delegation of Article III powers. Therefore, we
    will vacate the judgment of conviction and remand with
    directions to vacate the SORNA conditions of Icker’s
    supervised release.
    I.      BACKGROUND
    A.     Factual Background
    From March 2018 until his termination, Icker worked as
    a part-time uniformed police officer in Luzerne and
    Lackawanna counties in Pennsylvania. During this time, and
    in his capacity as a police officer, Icker pulled over two
    women—S.R., age 22, and R.V., age 32—while they were
    driving alone during late night hours.
    In both instances, Icker pulled over and detained the
    women, claiming that they had violated vehicle codes and
    appeared intoxicated or that he could smell marijuana. Icker
    then handcuffed the women and searched their cars. During
    the search of the cars, Icker claimed to find more incriminating
    evidence—in one instance a pill bottle and in another,
    Icker confronted both women with the items he found
    in their cars and warned them that they would face
    consequences as a result of further charges (both women had
    previous involvement with the criminal justice system). He
    then advised both women that those charges could put them in
    violation of their supervision or bond, and that they could face
    Icker later asked each woman “How can you help me
    help you?” or “What can you do for me to help you?” as a way
    to ask for oral sex. PSR ¶ 5. Afterwards, in each instance,
    Icker drove the victim’s car to a location out of view and
    transported the victim in his police cruiser to a different
    location—either a park or the police station bathroom. Icker
    coerced both women into performing oral sex on him.
    In addition to these two instances, Icker groped or
    harassed three other women, using his authority as a police
    B.     Procedural Background
    From December 2018 through April 2019, authorities
    brought various charges against Icker. Icker later entered into
    a written plea agreement (the “Plea Agreement”) under which
    he agreed to plead guilty to two counts of depriving R.V. and
    S.R. of their civil right to bodily integrity under
    18 U.S.C. § 242
    . The Plea Agreement included several
    sentencing guidelines references, including that the parties
    jointly recommended a 144-month term of imprisonment. The
    Plea Agreement also included several special conditions of
    supervised release. There was no reference to SORNA
    registration as a special condition in the Plea Agreement.
    As part of the Plea Agreement, Icker also waived his
    right to direct appeal:
    28. Appeal waiver - Direct. The defendant is
    aware that Title 28, United States Code, § 1291
    affords a defendant the right to appeal a
    judgment of conviction and sentence; and that
    Title 18, United States Code, § 3742(a) affords a
    defendant the right to appeal the sentence
    imposed. Acknowledging all of this, the
    defendant knowingly waives the right to appeal
    the conviction and sentence. This waiver
    includes any and all possible grounds for appeal,
    whether constitutional or non-constitutional,
    including, but not limited to, the manner in
    which that sentence was determined in light of
    United States v. Booker, 
    543 U.S. 220
    The defendant further acknowledges that this
    appeal waiver is binding only upon the defendant
    and that the United States retains its right to
    appeal in this case.
    App. 46.
    The Government filed a two-count information in the
    United States District Court for the Middle District of
    Pennsylvania against Icker. Icker then appeared at a
    sentencing hearing before the District Court, which rejected the
    agreed upon 144-month term of imprisonment and instead
    sentenced Icker to a 180-month term. At the sentencing
    hearing, Icker did not object to the presentence report, which
    listed SORNA registration as a condition of release, despite the
    District Court’s invitation to do so. The District Court did not
    mention SORNA during the sentencing hearing, but the Court
    referenced SORNA twice in its judgment of conviction. First,
    under “Mandatory Conditions,” the District Court checked the
    following box:
    You must comply with the requirements of the
    Sex Offender Registration and Notification Act
    34 U.S.C. § 20901
    , et seq.) as directed by the
    probation officer, the Bureau of Prisons, or any
    state sex offender registration agency in the
    location where you reside, work, are a student, or
    were convicted of a qualifying offense. (check if
    Id. at 4
    Second, the “Additional Supervised Release Terms,”
    included the following:
    You must comply with the requirements of the
    Sex Offender Registration and Notification Act
    42 U.S.C. § 16901
    , et seq.) as directed by the
    probation officer, the Bureau of Prisons, or any
    state sex offender registration agency in the
    location where you reside, work, are a student,
    or were convicted of a qualifying offense[.]
    Id. at 6
    Icker then filed this timely appeal.
    The District Court had jurisdiction under 
    18 U.S.C. § 3231
    . We have jurisdiction under 
    28 U.S.C. § 1291
    18 U.S.C. § 3742
    Although Icker signed an appellate waiver, he contends
    that the waiver does not preclude this Court’s review.2 The
    Government argues that the appellate waiver applies given that
    1 The Sex Offender Registration and Notification Act is now
    located at 
    34 U.S.C. § 20901
    2 Icker’s waiver explicitly covered “the right to appeal the
    conviction and sentence” including “any and all possible
    grounds for appeal, whether constitutional or non-
    constitutional[.]” App. 46 (emphasis added).
    its broad language reaches the conditions of supervised release.
    Additionally, the Government contends that the waiver was
    entered into knowingly and voluntarily given the language of
    the waiver and the District Court’s colloquy with Icker. Our
    review of the validity and scope of appellate waivers is plenary.
    United States v. Jackson, 
    523 F.3d 234
    , 237 (3d Cir. 2008).
    Waivers of appeal are generally permissible regardless
    of the merits of the claim, and courts must construe them
    strictly. United States v. Khattak, 
    273 F.3d 557
    , 558, 561–62
    (3d Cir. 2001). We will generally decline to entertain an appeal
    and will enforce an appellate waiver when “(1) . . . the issues
    [the defendant] pursues on appeal fall within the scope of his
    appellate waiver and (2) . . . he knowingly and voluntarily
    agreed to the appellate waiver, unless (3) enforcing the waiver
    would work a miscarriage of justice.” United States v. Wilson,
    707 F.3d 412
    , 414 (3d Cir. 2013) (quoting United States v.
    675 F.3d 244
    , 249 (3d Cir. 2012)) (alteration in
    Thus, to determine whether an appellate waiver was
    knowingly and voluntarily agreed to, we must look to the
    context surrounding the defendant’s acceptance of the waiver.
    See Khattak, 
    273 F.3d at 563
    . Here, Icker did not knowingly
    and voluntarily agree to the waiver of this appeal. Thus, we
    decline to enforce the waiver.3
    3 Even if Icker’s appellate waiver was entered into knowingly
    and voluntarily, and the scope of the waiver covered this
    appeal, enforcing this waiver would be a miscarriage of justice.
    See Khattak, 
    273 F.3d at 562
    . Here (1) the error was clear, as
    discussed infra, (2) the error is grave, (3) the error presents a
    legal question, not a fact question, (4) the error creates a
    First, Icker’s Plea Agreement sets forth many special
    conditions of supervised release but fails to make any reference
    to SORNA registration. Because the Plea Agreement never
    mentioned any SORNA requirements, and because Icker did
    not plead guilty to any “sex offense” under SORNA as part of
    that agreement, he had no reason to know that he would be
    subject to SORNA. Second, while the District Court addressed
    the appellate waiver with Icker during the plea colloquy, it did
    so without specific reference to SORNA. 4
    Thus, neither the terms of the Plea Agreement nor the
    in-person colloquy mentioned or discussed a SORNA
    registration condition. Moreover, this void in information and
    notice establishes that Icker could not have understood that he
    was waiving his right to appeal a SORNA registration
    condition. The fact that Icker admitted to sexual conduct is not
    burdensome obligation for Icker, and (5) the impact to the
    Government in correcting this error would be minimal. See 
    id. at 563
    . Our case law favors reaching the merits.
    4 During the plea colloquy, the District Court asked:
    Do you also understand that under circumstances
    normally you and/or the government would have
    the right to appeal any sentence that is imposed
    in the case, but as part of your plea agreement in
    this case, you have agreed to waive or give up
    your right to appeal the sentence? Do you
    understand that?
    App. 57. Icker affirmed that he understood. This was the
    extent of the District Court’s discussion of the waiver with
    Icker before he entered his plea. The District Court did not
    discuss the breadth, scope, or covered conditions of his
    supervised release.
    enough for him to be on notice of potential SORNA
    requirements when his Plea Agreement and plea colloquy did
    not mention such additional conditions, and he had not been
    convicted of any sex offenses under SORNA. As a result,
    Icker’s appellate waiver does not apply on these facts, and we
    will proceed to the merits of his appeal.
    A.     SORNA
    The United States Congress enacted the SORNA as
    Title I of the Adam Walsh Child Protection and Safety Act of
    2006. Congress passed SORNA “to protect the public from
    sex offenders and offenders against children” by
    “establish[ing] a comprehensive national system for the
    registration of [sex] offenders.” 
    34 U.S.C. § 20901
    . SORNA
    “reflects Congress’ awareness that pre-Act registration law
    consisted of a patchwork of federal and 50 individual state
    registration systems.” Reynolds v. United States, 
    565 U.S. 432
    435 (2012).
    Consistent with its goals, SORNA registration
    requirements apply to state and federal “sex offender[s].” See
    34 U.S.C. §§ 20911
    , 20913. SORNA defines “sex offender”
    to mean “an individual who [has been] convicted of a sex
     § 20911(1). With certain exceptions not
    applicable here, SORNA defines “sex offense” to include:
    (i) a criminal offense that has an element
    involving a sexual act or sexual contact with
    (ii) a criminal offense that is a specified offense
    against a minor;
    (iii) a Federal offense (including an offense
    prosecuted under section 1152 or 1153 of title
    18) under section 1591, or chapter 109A, 110
    (other than section 2257, 2257A, or 2258), or
    117, of title 18;
    (iv) a military offense specified by the Secretary
    of Defense under section 115(a)(8)(C)(i) of
    Public Law 105-119 (10 U.S.C. 951 note); or
    (v) an attempt or conspiracy to commit an
    offense described in clauses (i) through (iv).
    Id. at § 20911(5)(A).
    SORNA specifies that all sex offenders “shall register,
    and keep the registration current, in each jurisdiction where the
    offender” lives, works, or attends school. Id. § 20913(a).
    When an offender changes his name, residence, employment,
    or student status, within three business days the offender must
    appear in person in at least one jurisdiction where the offender
    lives, works, or is a student to notify that jurisdiction of the
    change in registration information. Id. § 20913(c). SORNA
    also requires that the jurisdiction receiving this information
    immediately provide it to all other jurisdictions in which the
    offender must register to achieve a comprehensive national
    registry. Id. Failure to comply with SORNA can lead to
    criminal penalties. Id. § 20913(e); see 
    18 U.S.C. § 2250
    B.     The District Court Committed Plain Error
    We review a district court’s decision to impose a
    condition of supervised release for abuse of discretion. United
    States v. Loy, 
    237 F.3d 251
    , 256 (3d Cir. 2001). When,
    however, a defendant fails to object to a specific condition at
    sentencing, as is the case here, we review for plain error.
    United States v. Maurer, 
    639 F.3d 72
    , 77 (3d Cir. 2011). The
    Supreme Court has described a four-part inquiry for plain-error
    review under Federal Rule of Criminal Procedure 52(b):
    “[t]here must (1) be an ‘error’ that (2) is ‘plain’ and (3) ‘affects
    substantial rights’” of the defendant. United States v. Williams,
    974 F.3d 320
    , 340 (3d Cir. 2020) (quoting United States v.
    507 U.S. 725
    , 732 (1993)). “If these three conditions
    are satisfied, then it is within the sound discretion of the court
    of appeals to correct the forfeited error—but only if (4) the
    error seriously affects the fairness, integrity or public
    reputation of judicial proceedings.” 
     (quotation marks
    omitted) (quoting Olano, 
    507 U.S. at 732
    a.   A Defendant Who Is Not Convicted of a Sex Offense
    Cannot Be Subject to SORNA’s Registration Requirements
    Icker’s convictions for depriving individuals of their
    civil rights under color of law, pursuant to 
    18 U.S.C. § 242
    , are
    not “sex offenses” under SORNA. 5 However, the Government
    5  During oral argument, the Government asserted that a
    conviction under 
    18 U.S.C. § 242
     could be a sex offense.
    Given that this conviction is not an enumerated offense under
    34 U.S.C. § 20911
    (5)(A), the criminal offense must be one that
    “has an element involving a sexual act or sexual contact with
    34 U.S.C. § 20911
    (5)(A)(i). Section 242 of Title 18
    of the United States Code requires only that, under color of
    law, Icker willfully deprived a victim of her liberty without due
    process of law, which includes the right to bodily integrity. 
    18 U.S.C. § 242
    ; see United States v. Shaw, 
    891 F.3d 441
    , 446–
    47 (3d Cir. 2018). The Government asks us to read the statute
    broadly and assume that because Icker’s criminal conduct was,
    in part, sexual, we should find that his convictions constitute a
    “sex offense.” But to do so would read the statute so broadly
    argues that because the conduct of Icker’s criminal acts is
    “‘reasonably related’ to the sexual abuse of women,” the
    District Court did not err by choosing to discretionarily impose
    SORNA registration requirements. Appellee’s Br. 23. We
    agree with Icker that because he was not convicted of a “sex
    offense” under SORNA, the District Court cannot impose
    SORNA requirements. The District Court’s imposition here
    was thus error, and plainly so, because it contradicted the
    language of the statute and it affected Icker’s substantial rights.
    A district court lacks the authority to require a defendant
    to register under SORNA if he or she has not been convicted
    of a “sex offense,” as defined by 
    34 U.S.C. § 20911
    The Government maintains that, while SORNA “certainly
    defines what constitutes a ‘sex offense,’ nothing in SORNA’s
    statutory scheme limits registration to only those convicted of
    such offenses.” Appellee’s Letter Br. 2 (emphasis added).
    Thus, the Government asserts there are instances in which
    SORNA registration may not be required under the statute, but
    a sentencing court can find that it is still warranted and can
    impose SORNA registration requirements at its discretion. We
    reject this interpretation and application of SORNA.
    First, by its terms, SORNA is limited to sex offenses.
    See United States v. Brown, 
    740 F.3d 145
    , 147 (3d Cir. 2014)
    (“Congress was careful to delineate specific circumstances in
    which a conviction involving sex will not lead to classification
    as an offender under SORNA.”). Here, the District Court
    plainly erred when it expanded the scope of SORNA, applying
    as to include crimes such as battery, which can involve no
    sexual conduct. Further, such determinations should be left to
    a jury or fact finder, not assumed to exist based on the facts on
    it to a defendant who was never convicted of a “sex offense”
    as defined by SORNA itself, as the language of the statute is
    clear as to its limited scope.
    As discussed, SORNA defines “sex offense” to include
    specific enumerated offenses or “a criminal offense that has an
    element involving a sexual act or sexual contact with another.”
    34 U.S.C. § 20911
    (5)(A). Icker was convicted of depriving
    individuals of their civil rights under color of law in violation
    18 U.S.C. § 242
    . This crime does not fall within the scope
    of § 20911(5)(A), which clearly enumerates crimes or requires
    that an element of the crime involve sexual conduct.
    Second, while a district court has broad discretion to
    impose conditions of supervised release pursuant to 
    18 U.S.C. § 3583
    , this power is limited by statute, and SORNA
    registration is specifically limited to those required by the
    statute to comply. Pursuant to § 3583, in exercising its
    discretion, the district court’s conditions must (1) be
    “reasonably related” to the sentencing factors of § 3553, (2)
    “involve[] no greater deprivation of liberty than is reasonably
    necessary for [those] purposes,” and (3) be “consistent with
    any pertinent policy statements issued by the Sentencing
    18 U.S.C. § 3583
    6 Nothing prevents a district court from using its authority to
    impose other conditions that would also likely be given to a sex
    offender, such as counselling, therapy, or mental health
    evaluations. See, e.g., Wilson, 707 F.3d at 416 (affirming a
    district court’s condition requiring a mental health assessment,
    and, if necessary, a mental health treatment program, for a
    defendant who pleaded guilty to drug charges).
    Section 3583(d), however, makes two explicit
    references to SORNA: that (1) “[t]he court shall order, as an
    explicit condition of supervised release for a person required
    to register under [SORNA], that the person comply with the
    requirements of that Act,” and that (2) “the court may order, as
    an explicit condition of supervised release for a person who is
    a felon and required to register under [SORNA], that the
    person submit” his or her person, residence, and property to
    searches by various officials. Id. at. § 3583(d) (emphasis
    added). This language carries over to other sections of the
    statute—first, concerning when “a defendant required to
    register under [SORNA]” commits certain crimes, id. at §
    3583(k), and second, concerning whether the court may
    impose additional conditions “if [the defendant is] required to
    register under [SORNA],” id. at § 3563(b)(23) (emphasis
    To read § 3583 to also allow district courts to impose
    SORNA compliance on persons not required to register by the
    terms of SORNA itself would make these references
    superfluous. See United States v. Cooper, 
    396 F.3d 308
    , 312
    (3d Cir. 2005) (“It is a well known canon of statutory
    construction that courts should construe statutory language to
    avoid interpretations that would render any phrase
    It is not within a district court’s power to broaden a
    statute and its application, but even if it could do so, SORNA
    could not be practically imposed on a person who has not been
    convicted of a sex offense. Individuals required to register for
    SORNA are subject to its requirements for a term of years or
    for life based on the “tier” that their offense falls within. 
    34 U.S.C. § 20915
    (a) (noting a tier I sex offender must register for
    fifteen years, a tier II sex offender must register for twenty-five
    years, and a tier III sex offender must register for life). If there
    is no “sex offense” to tie the registration to, the text of SORNA
    does not dictate the duration of required registration. Thus, if
    SORNA were allowed to be imposed on non-sex offenders,
    how long must they register for? The answer is unclear. In
    following the Government’s argument, a defendant convicted
    of a lesser offense could ostensibly be given lifetime
    registration requirements despite SORNA’s specific intent to
    limit registration based on the severity of the offense. See 
    Thus, the plain language of SORNA does not anticipate any
    discretionary application of its requirements.
    We therefore conclude that a discretionary imposition
    of SORNA on non-sex offenders is plainly erroneous.
    b.     The Judgment of Conviction Required Registration
    The Government also maintains that the District Court
    did not mandate a SORNA registration requirement, and thus
    Icker cannot appeal the District Court’s judgment of
    conviction. According to the Government, the District Court
    did “not simply say ‘You must register as a sex offender
    pursuant to SORNA’” but instead “impose[d] a conditional
    directive to comply with SORNA only ‘as directed by the
    probation officer, the Bureau of Prisons, or any state sex
    offender registration agency.’” Appellee’s Br. 19 (emphasis in
    original). The Government asserts that because registration
    under SORNA was conditional on a determination by third
    parties, this Court has no basis to review. We disagree.
    The governing statutory language provides that:
    The court shall order, as an explicit condition of
    supervised release for a person required to
    register under the Sex Offender Registration and
    Notification Act, that the person comply with the
    requirements of that Act.
    18 U.S.C. § 3583
    (d) (emphasis added). The plain language of
    the statute requires that a court determine whether the
    defendant has been convicted of “sex offense” as defined in 
    34 U.S.C. § 20911
    (5)(A), which is appropriate because the
    question of whether an offense is a “sex offense” is one of law.
    See Brown, 740 F.3d at 149.
    Further, the language of the judgment of conviction
    states that Icker “must comply with the requirements of
    [SORNA] as directed by the probation officer, the Bureau of
    Prisons, or any state sex offender registration agency in the
    location where you reside, work, are a student, or were
    convicted of a qualifying offense.” App. 4 (emphasis added);
    see also App. 6. While it is true that these third parties would
    dictate the actual procedures Icker must follow, the District
    Court still is not conditionally requiring him to comply with
    If we were to take the Government’s view of “must
    comply as directed,” we would be impermissibly placing the
    legal analysis of determining what constitutes a “sex offense”
    with the probation office, the Bureau of Prisons, or state
    agencies, which would establish an impermissible delegation
    of Article III powers. See United States v. Pruden, 
    398 F.3d 241
    , 251 (3d Cir. 2005) (explaining that it is “‘an
    impermissible delegation of judicial authority’” to allow the
    probation office to determine whether a defendant is required
    to undergo mental health intervention, but it is permissible to
    delegate to the probation office “‘the details with respect to the
    selection and schedule of the program’” (quoting United States
    v. Peterson, 
    248 F.3d 79
    , 85 (2d Cir. 2001)); Loy, 
    237 F.3d at 266
     (noting that a “sentencing court may not wholesaledly
    ‘abdicate[] its judicial responsibility’ for setting the conditions
    of release” by having the probation office determine what the
    word “pornography” entails) (quoting United States v.
    53 F.3d 1426
    , 1438 (7th Cir. 1995)) (alteration in
    original). It is not permissible to give a “probation officer an
    unfettered power of interpretation.” Loy, 
    237 F.3d at 266
    Accepting the Government’s position would be an
    extraordinary delegation of power to probation offices, who
    are in the business of executing and implementing judicial
    orders, not analyzing, evaluating and making legal
    determinations on questions of law, and other such parties.7
    Because it is beyond the power of Article III courts to delegate
    the duty of determining who is a sex offender to the probation
    office, Bureau of Prisons or state agency, we find this argument
    V.      CONCLUSION
    For these reasons, we will vacate the District Court’s
    judgment of conviction and remand with directions to modify
    the District Court’s Judgment to remove the SORNA-related
    7 The Government’s position is further weakened when testing
    its practicality. The Government posits that Icker should wait
    to appeal this point until after the probation office, Bureau of
    Prisons, or a state agency orders compliance with SORNA.
    Certainly waiver would be a difficult, if not insurmountable,
    barrier to relief at that point. Not surprisingly, the Government
    chose not to opine on this point.