Huck v. Dawson , 106 F.3d 45 ( 1997 )

  •                                                                                                                            Opinions of the United
    1997 Decisions                                                                                                             States Court of Appeals
    for the Third Circuit
    Huck v. Dawson
    Precedential or Non-Precedential:
    Docket 96-7341,96-7342,96-7444
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    No. 96-7341
    No. 96-7342
    No. 96-7444
    LEWIS F. HUCK, derivatively on behalf of
    (D.C. No. 94-cv-00001)
    LEWIS F. HUCK, derivatively on behalf of
    (D.C. No. 94-cv-00018)
    Lewis F. Huck, derivatively on behalf of
    Sea Air Shuttle Corporation,
    Argued December 13, 1996
    Before: SCIRICA, NYGAARD and McKEE, Circuit Judges
    (Opinion Filed February 6, 1997)
    Lawrence E. Duffy, Esq. (Argued)
    Martinez-Alvarez, Fernandez-Paoli,
    Centro De Seguros Building
    Suite 407
    701 Ponce De Leon Avenue
    San Juan, Puerto Rico, 00907
    Counsel for Appellant
    Frederick G. Watts, Esq. (Argued)
    John H. Benham, III, Esq.
    Watts and Benham
    No. 1. Frederiksberg Gade
    P.O. Box 11720
    Charlotte Amalie, Saint Thomas
    USVI, 00801
    Counsel for Appellees Dawson,
    Ballentine, George, Francis,
    O’Connor, Quetel, Goodwin,
    Sotomayor, Roebuck, Finch, the
    Virgin Islands Port Authority and
    Sea Air Shuttle Corporation
    Maureen P. Cormier
    Carol Moore
    Office of the Attorney General of
    The Virgin Islands
    Department of Justice
    48B-50 Kronprindsens Gade
    Charlotte Amalie, St. Thomas
    USVI, 00802
    Counsel for Appellees Hodge and
    Nygaard, Circuit Judge:
    The appellant, Lewis F. Huck, suing derivatively on behalf
    of Sea Air Shuttle Corporation, appeals separate orders of the
    district court dismissing his suit and awarding costs and
    attorneys’ fees to the appellees.    Huck argues that the district
    court erred first by applying the res judicata doctrine, and
    second, by awarding costs and attorneys’ fees to the appellees.
    We conclude that Huck’s arguments, and indeed this appeal, are
    frivolous and will affirm the orders of the district court.
    This appeal arises from the Virgin Islands Port Authority’s
    (VIPA) refusal to allow Sea Air to use VIPA owned seaplane ramps
    in St. Thomas and St. Croix.   As a result of Hurricane Hugo in
    September 1989, the seaplane service that operated between St.
    Croix and St. Thomas and used VIPA’s seaplane ramps went out of
    business.   In early 1990, VIPA issued a request for proposals to
    lease the seaplane ramps.   In the course of the bidding process,
    VIPA considered the joint proposal of Sea Air and an affiliated
    company, Caribbean Airline Services, Inc.    After investigating
    the operations of Sea Air and Caribbean, their joint proposal was
    rejected in favor of another bidder.
    In response to being rejected, Sea Air sued VIPA and the
    successful bidder.   In its various amended complaints, Sea Air
    alleged that VIPA’s choice of bidders was unlawful because it
    violated VIPA’s bidding statute; violated the due process and
    equal protection clauses of the Constitution; violated local and
    federal antitrust laws; violated Title 29, Section 543 of the
    V.I. Code (defining the powers of VIPA); violated the Commerce
    Clause; and, violated federal law under the Federal Aviation Act.
    The district court dismissed the antitrust claims on federal and
    state action immunity grounds, and the Commerce Clause and FAA
    claims because they were included in Sea Air’s third amended
    complaint, filed just two weeks before trial was scheduled to
    begin.   The district court then entered summary judgment in favor
    of the defendants on the balance of the claims.   Significantly,
    Sea Air did not appeal these orders.
    Later, however, Huck recycled Sea Air’s claims and sued as a
    shareholder, derivatively on behalf of Sea Air, against VIPA and
    various Virgin Islands government and VIPA officials.   The
    gravamen of his complaint was the same as that of the earlier
    dismissed action.   Huck acknowledges the identity of the two
    actions, but defends his right to file the second by contending
    that VIPA, in continuing to deny Sea Air access to the ramps,
    drove his company into bankruptcy.   Moreover, Huck contends that
    the final and unappealed judgment entered against Sea Air in the
    earlier case did not bar his lawsuit because the earlier decision
    was “fraudulently obtained,” since the defendants in that action
    did not reveal that federal funds had been used or that federal
    law arguably prohibited the granting of exclusive leases for use
    of air navigation facilities.
    The district court found Huck’s claims barred by res
    judicata, holding that Huck’s claims on behalf of Sea Air arose
    out of the same transaction and events that gave rise to the
    earlier lawsuit, and that the same had been earlier adjudicated.
    Huck, the court held, could not avoid the effects of res
    judicata simply because he was now asserting that a different
    degree or extent of damage than earlier alleged.    The fact that
    he continued to suffer from the effects of the earlier judgment
    did not render the claims to be not fully litigated.    Moreover,
    it concluded that the parties were in privity, a conclusion that
    Huck has never challenged.   Further, the court found that Huck’s
    allegations of fraud were meritless and “[could] be characterized
    as nothing other than frivolous.”    Accordingly, the district
    court dismissed Huck’s claims and entered judgment in favor of
    the defendants.   The district court then, upon motion of the
    defendants and without opposition from Huck, awarded attorneys’
    fees to the defendants.   In its memorandum explaining the award
    of attorneys’ fees, the district court stated that Huck’s
    lawsuits “were frivolous and groundless, lacking any factual or
    legal basis . . . .”   Huck now appeals those orders.
    On appeal, Huck offers an array of arguments why he believes
    the res judicata doctrine should not have barred his claims in
    the district court, including: (1) his claims are for damages
    incurred after the first judgment, and thus constitute a
    different cause of action; (2) his claims were not fully
    litigated in the first lawsuit; (3) his claims are premised on a
    different set of facts; (4) his claims seek a different remedy
    than the claims in the first lawsuit; (5) res judicata should be
    used only sparingly in civil rights cases; (6) res judicata
    should not be applied if the first judgment was erroneous; and,
    (7) res judicata should not be applied where it would result in
    "injustice."   In addition, and although he did not oppose the fee
    motion below, Huck now contends that the district court erred by
    awarding attorneys’ fees to the appellees.
    We have jurisdiction over these appeals under 28 U.S.C. §§
    1291, 1294(3).   We review the district court’s application of res
    judicata to bar the appellant’s claims under a plenary standard.
    O’Leary v. Liberty Mutual Ins. Co., 
    923 F.2d 1062
    , 1064-65 (3d
    Cir. 1991).    The district court’s award of attorneys’ fees to the
    appellees will stand “unless [the court] has erred legally, or
    the facts on which the determination rests are clearly
    erroneous.”    Commonwealth v. Flaherty, 
    40 F.3d 57
    , 60 (3d Cir.
    1994) (citation and internal quotations omitted).
    In determining whether Huck’s suits were barred by the res
    judicata doctrine (claim preclusion), we look to the law of the
    adjudicating state.   
    O’Leary, 923 F.2d at 1064
    (citing Gregory v.
    843 F.2d 111
    , 116 (3d Cir. 1988)).    Absent local law or
    precedent to the contrary, the Restatement (Second) of Judgments
    provides the applicable law.   1 V.I.C. § 4;1 Miller v. Christian,
    958 F.2d 1234
    , 1237 (3d Cir. 1992) (citation omitted) (applying
    the Restatement (Second) of Property to settle a landlord-tenant
    1 V.I.C. § 4 (1988) reads in its entirety:
    The rules of the common law, as expressed in the restatements of
    the law approved by the American Law
    Institute, and to the extent not so expressed, as generally
    understood and applied in the United States, shall be the rules
    of decision in the courts of the Virgin Islands in cases to which
    they apply, in the absence of local laws to the contrary.
    The doctrine has been properly defined by the District Court
    of the Virgin Islands as “the legal principle that a final
    judgment, rendered upon the merits, without fraud or collusion,
    by a court which had jurisdiction over the parties and the
    subject matter, is conclusive in a subsequent action between the
    parties or their privies based upon the same cause of action.”
    Julien v. Committee of Bar Examiners, 
    923 F. Supp. 707
    , 716
    (D.V.I. 1996) (quoting Bank of Nova Scotia v. Bloch, 
    533 F. Supp. 1356
    , 1359 (D.V.I.), aff’d, 
    707 F.2d 1388
    (3d Cir. 1982)).
    Applying this doctrine, plaintiff’s claims will be barred by the
    application of res judicata if: (1) the earlier judgment is final
    and on the merits; (2) the claims asserted by the plaintiff are
    the same as those asserted in the earlier action; and, (3) the
    parties are the same as, or in privity with, the parties from the
    earlier action.   
    Julien, 923 F. Supp. at 716
    .   This interpretation
    is consistent with Section 24 of the Restatement (Second) of
    Judgments (1982) which describes the scope of res judicata as
    (1) When a valid and final judgment rendered in an action
    extinguishes the plaintiff’s claim pursuant to the rules of
    merger or bar (see §§ 18, 19), the claim extinguished
    includes all rights of the plaintiff to remedies against the
    defendant with respect to all or any part of the
    transaction, or series of connected transactions, out of
    which the action arose.
    (2) What factual grouping constitutes a “transaction”, and what
    groupings constitute a “series”, are to be determined
    pragmatically, giving weight to such considerations as
    whether the facts are related in time, space, origin, or
    motivation, whether they form a convenient trial unit, and
    whether their treatment as a unit conforms to the parties’
    expectations or business understanding or usage.
    Significantly, “it is well established that res judicata
    precludes a party both from relitigating matters already
    litigated and decided and from litigating matters that have never
    been litigated, yet should have been advanced in an earlier
    Julien, 923 F. Supp. at 717-18
    (citing 18 Charles A.
    Wright, et al., Federal Practice and Procedure § 4406 (1981));
    Bloch, 533 F. Supp. at 1359
    ; Lawaetz v. Bank of Nova
    23 V.I. 132
    , 141 (D.V.I. 1987) (citation omitted).
    Here, there is no doubt that the prerequisites -- finality
    of judgment, identity of claims, and privity of parties -- are
    met.    Huck’s claims on behalf of Sea Air clearly: (1) arise out
    of the same transaction and events that gave rise to the earlier
    lawsuit; (2) mirror the claims and causes of actions asserted in
    the first lawsuit; and, (3) involve parties in privity.
    Accordingly, we find that the district court properly applied the
    doctrine of res judicata to bar Huck’s claims.    Huck’s litany of
    arguments to the contrary do not raise even a colorable challenge
    to this conclusion.
    Huck’s first contention is that after the district court
    entered its first judgment against Sea Air, VIPA continued to
    deny Sea Air access to the sea ramps and, as a result, Sea Air
    was forced to file for bankruptcy.    Accordingly, Huck seeks
    compensation “for damages suffered subsequent to the decisions in
    the prior lawsuit, as a consequence of the continuing denial of
    access to the seaplane ramps, based on Defendants/Appellants'
    conduct being violative of federal law and depriving Sea Air of
    constitutionally protected rights.”    In other words, Huck asserts
    that the continued denial of access to the ramps, although fully
    in compliance with the court's judgment, creates a new cause of
    action for liability, and thus res judicata is inappropriate.
    Huck’s contention is absurd.   First, Huck’s argument ignores
    the fact that in the initial judgment the district court
    determined that VIPA had a right to deny Sea Air access to the
    sea ramps, thereby settling the question of whether Sea Air was
    being deprived of its constitutional rights.2   Second, the
    conduct of which Huck complains, i.e., the denial of access to
    the sea ramps, is precisely the same conduct challenged in the
    earlier suit.   Finally, it is difficult to understand how Huck
    can conclude that VIPA, by acting upon authority of and in
    accordance with the final judgment of the district court, created
    a new cause of action that was not barred by res judicata.    This
    is not a case where there has been a change of circumstances
    concerning material operative facts that would serve to make the
    application of res judicata improper, nor does Huck argue so.
    See Restatement (Second) of Judgments § 24 comment f.   Instead,
    he argues that the same facts that resulted in the earlier
    judgment have caused continued damage.
    Huck’s second argument against the application of res
    judicata is that the district court, by denying Sea Air leave to
    amend its complaint in the earlier action, prevented all claims
    from being fully litigated, and thus he should be allowed to
    bring those claims now.   This argument was foreclosed when
    We note that neither Sea Air, nor Huck, in a derivative
    capacity, appealed this finding.
    neither Sea Air nor Huck, derivatively, appealed the first
    judgment.   The issues that Huck contends were not fully litigated
    in the earlier action -- the Commerce Clause and FAA claims --
    could have been properly raised and litigated by Sea Air, but
    were not.   As such, the application of res judicata to bar the
    assertion of those claims in this action is appropriate.
    Julien, 923 F. Supp. at 717-18
    (citation omitted); 
    Lawaetz, 23 V.I. at 141
    .   Indeed, the Restatement offers a complete response
    to Huck’s argument:
    The rule of § 24 applies to extinguish a claim by the plaintiff
    against the defendant even though the plaintiff is prepared
    in the second action
    (1) To present evidence or grounds or theories of the case not
    presented in the first action, or
    (2) To seek remedies or forms of relief not demanded in the first
    Restatement (Second) of Judgments § 25; see also Restatement
    (Second) of Judgments § 25, Comment a (“The rule of § 24 puts
    some pressure on the plaintiff to present all his material
    relevant to the claim in the first action . . . .   The material
    to be brought forward comprises, roughly, `evidence’ -- connoting
    facts; `grounds’ -- facts grouped under a legal characterization;
    `theories of the case’ -- premises drawn from the substantive
    law; `remedies or forms of relief’ -- measures or kinds of
    recovery.”).   The trial court’s decision to deny Sea Air’s motion
    to amend its complaint does not change this outcome.   Restatement
    (Second) of Judgments § 25 comment b (“It is immaterial that the
    plaintiff in the first action sought to prove the acts relied on
    in the second action and was not permitted to do so because they
    were not alleged in the complaint and an application to amend the
    complaint came too late.”).   Moreover, neither Sea Air nor Huck,
    in a derivative capacity, ever appealed the trial court’s denial
    of the motion to amend the complaint, which would have been the
    proper recourse to preserve the right to litigate the claims.
    See, e.g., Sendi v. NCR Comten, Inc., 
    624 F. Supp. 1205
    , 1207
    (E.D.Pa. 1986) (holding that “the fact that plaintiff was denied
    leave to amend does not give him the right to file a second
    lawsuit based on the same facts”).3
    Huck’s third argument is also frivolous.   Huck maintains
    that since he is alleging a cause of action for harm that
    occurred after the first judgment, he may prove different facts,
    and thus res judicata is inapplicable.   This, however, is an
    incorrect statement of the law, and, as we noted earlier, there
    is no merit to Huck’s claim that he suffered a separate injury as
    the result of the continued losses from denial of access to the
    sea ramps.   See Restatement (Second) of Judgments § 25 comment b.
    The remainder of Huck’s contentions are likewise without
    merit.   Huck argues that since he is pursuing a different remedy
    We note also that, despite its decision to deny Sea
    Air’s motion to amend its complaint, the trial court’s opinion
    clearly indicates that it was aware of the substance of the
    Commerce Clause and FAA claims and found them to be unpersuasive.
    In addition, insofar as one of the “unlitigated” claims Huck
    wishes to bring is for damages resulting from violations of
    federal law under the FAA, we note that he has no standing from
    which to assert this claim. Montauk-Caribbean Airways, Inc. v.
    784 F.2d 91
    , 97-98 (2d Cir.) (holding that Congress created
    no express or implied private right of action under the Federal
    Aviation Act), cert. denied, 
    479 U.S. 872
    (1986); accord Air
    Transport Ass’n v. Public Utilities Commission, 
    833 F.2d 200
    207-08 (9th Cir. 1987), cert. denied, 
    487 U.S. 1236
    in his action (monetary damages in contrast to the injunctive
    relief sought by Sea Air), res judicata cannot be applied.      This
    assertion is again contrary to the law.     Restatement (Second) of
    Judgments § 25 comment f (“[a]fter judgment for or against the
    plaintiff, the claim is ordinarily exhausted so that the
    plaintiff is precluded from seeking any other remedies deriving
    from the same grouping of facts . . . .”).     In addition, Huck
    declares without support that res judicata should be used only
    sparingly in civil rights cases.     He further insists that res
    judicata cannot be applied where “it is based on a prior decision
    which is clearly erroneous.”   These arguments amount to little
    more than a demand that the decision of the trial court be
    redecided on the merits -- an option Sea Air and Huck waived when
    they failed to appeal the initial judgment against Sea Air.
    Finally, Huck maintains that res judicata should not be applied
    where it would result in injustice.     We find no injustice when
    the doctrine of res judicata is properly applied to prevent
    appellees from being subjected to “endless relitigation of issues
    already decided.”   
    Bloch, 533 F. Supp. at 1359
    .     This is
    especially so here, when even a cursory review of the doctrine's
    basic principles should have alerted counsel that Huck’s
    derivative suit was repetitious and without colorable legal or
    factual support.
    In summary, we find no merit to any of Huck’s arguments that
    the district court inappropriately applied res judicata to bar
    his claims against the appellees.     It is clear that Huck’s
    derivative actions arose from the same core of operative facts
    and circumstances as the earlier Sea Air suit.   It is also
    undisputed that there was privity between the parties in Huck’s
    suits and the earlier Sea Air action.   Given that there was an
    identity of facts, claims, and parties between the Sea Air suit
    and Huck’s derivative actions we conclude that the application of
    res judicata to bar Huck’s action was proper.    Accordingly, we
    will affirm the district court’s order granting the appellees’
    motions for summary judgment and dismissing Huck’s suits.
    Huck also challenges the order of the district court
    awarding costs and attorneys’ fees to the appellees.   At the
    outset, we note that Huck failed to oppose the appellees’ motion
    for costs and attorneys’ fees and thus cannot raise the issue for
    the first time on appeal.   See Kiewit Eastern Co., Inc. v. L & R
    Construction Co., Inc., 
    44 F.3d 1194
    , 1203-04 (3d Cir. 1995)
    (affirming district court’s finding that party waived right to
    attorneys’ fees and costs because issue was not adequately raised
    before the court); McDonald v. McCarthy, 
    966 F.2d 112
    , 119 (3d
    Cir. 1992) (holding that defendants who had an opportunity to
    contest the accuracy and reasonableness of requested attorneys’
    fees, but failed to do so, waived their right to raise objections
    on appeal); accord Chicago v. Matchmaker Real Estate Sales
    982 F.2d 1086
    , 1101 (7th Cir. 1992) (“By challenging the
    attorneys’ fees award for the first time on appeal, the
    defendants have waived the issue.”), cert. denied, 
    508 U.S. 972
    (1993); accord Pope v. MCI Telecommunications Corp., 
    937 F.2d 258
    , 266-67 (5th Cir. 1991), cert. denied, 
    504 U.S. 916
    Huck has offered no explanation for his failure to oppose the
    appellees’ motion.
    Notwithstanding his waiver, we will briefly consider Huck’s
    challenges to the district court’s award of attorneys’ fees.
    Huck’s first contention is that the award of attorneys’ fees
    cannot be sustained if “the lower court erred in dismissing the
    suit on res judicata grounds.”    Since we have already held that
    the application of res judicata was appropriate, Huck’s
    contention is meritless and cannot serve as the basis for
    reversing the award.
    Huck next asserts that the award of was erroneous because
    the district court opinion did not explicitly find that Huck’s
    suits were frivolous or groundless.    Essentially, Huck argues
    that because “[t]here is only one mention of the word `frivolous’
    in [the] memorandum and it is with respect to a very limited part
    of the cases,” attorneys’ fees cannot be imposed as a matter of
    law.    Huck’s contention, however, is patently wrong.   The
    district court, in its order supporting the award of attorneys’
    fees, expressly found that “both of these lawsuits were frivolous
    and groundless, lacking any factual or legal basis . . . .”
    Moreover, the fact that Huck’s claims were dismissed based on the
    application of res judicata further supports the district court’s
    conclusion that there was no basis upon which to bring these
    suits and thus they were frivolous.
    Finally, Huck stands logic on its head and asserts that
    because the claims made by Sea Air in the earlier suit were not
    frivolous, his reassertion of those claims in his suits cannot be
    considered frivolous or groundless.     We infer from his argument
    that Huck would have this court adopt the position that once
    particular claims are deemed not to be frivolous, they are not,
    and cannot be, frivolous no matter how many times and in what
    context they are reasserted.     As with his other “legal arguments”
    challenging the award of attorneys’ fees, Huck offers no support
    for his position and we find it to be without merit.
    It is clear that a court may award attorneys’ fees to a
    prevailing defendant in a civil rights action if the court finds
    that the action was frivolous.     
    Flaherty, 40 F.3d at 60
    .   Here,
    the district court expressly held that Huck’s suits “were
    frivolous and groundless, lacking any factual or legal basis . .
    . .”    Based on our review of the record and our disposition of
    the present appeal, we agree with the district court’s assessment
    of the substance of Huck’s actions.     Accordingly, we will affirm
    the order of the district court awarding costs and attorneys’
    fees to the appellees.
    One final matter: we observe that the appellees have not yet
    sought costs or damages under Federal Rule of Appellate Procedure
    38.4   Although we do not usually raise the issue of Rule 38
    damages sua sponte, and do not do so now, given our decision on
    the merits herein, the history of the case, and that appellees
    Rule 38 reads in its entirety:
    If a court of appeals determines that an appeal is frivolous, it
    may, after a separately filed motion or notice from the
    court and reasonable opportunity to respond, award just
    damages and single or double costs to the appellee.
    may anticipate recovering attorneys’ fees herein, we feel it
    advisable to offer a note of instruction.
    The purpose of an award of attorneys’ fees under Rule 38 is
    “to compensate appellees who are forced to defend judgments
    awarded them in the trial court from appeals that are wholly
    without merit, and to preserve the appellate court calendar for
    cases worthy of consideration.”    Nagle v. Alspach, 
    8 F.3d 141
    145 (3d Cir. 1993) (citations and internal quotations omitted),
    cert. denied, 
    510 U.S. 1215
    (1994).    We note that this appeal was
    wholly without merit.   Indeed, the district court’s decision to
    award costs and attorneys’ fees to the appellees because it found
    Huck’s suits to be frivolous should have urged upon him and his
    counsel some extra caution, and given him pause to devote
    additional examination to the legal validity and factual merit of
    his contentions.   Moreover, instead of producing strong legal
    arguments to convince us that his appeals were meritorious,
    Huck's counsel has offered unsupportable legal and factual
    conclusions and merely reargued the already-litigated claims.
    Hence, the predicate for an award under Rule 38 is met.
    Rule 38, however, is not just a sanctions provision,
    arguably raising an obligation upon the court to act to protect
    its own integrity or that of a party.    Instead, when the court
    determines that an appeal is frivolous, it is given the option of
    awarding damages upon "notice from the court," or, alternatively,
    awaiting a motion from the injured party.    Because, however, the
    remedy this rule offers an injured party is more in the nature of
    an award upon a finding of liability in tort, we believe in this
    case the more sound jurisprudential approach is to stay our hand
    and await a request for redress, if appellees feel strongly
    enough, and consider themselves injured sufficiently by the
    action of appellant or its counsel on appeal.   This permits the
    usual opportunities and procedures that attend a claim upon
    injury -- i.e., demand, discussion, settlement, alternate dispute
    resolution, etc. -- to function before we are called upon to act.
    In sum, we will affirm the orders of the district court
    dismissing the appellant’s suits and awarding costs and
    attorneys’ fees to the appellees.
    Please file the foregoing opinion
    Circuit Judge