United States v. McKoy ( 2006 )

  •                                                                                                                            Opinions of the United
    2006 Decisions                                                                                                             States Court of Appeals
    for the Third Circuit
    USA v. McKoy
    Precedential or Non-Precedential: Precedential
    Docket No. 05-2461
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    No. 05-2461
    On Appeal from the United States District Court
    for the District of New Jersey
    D.C. Crim. Action No. 04-cr-00205
    (Honorable Anne E. Thompson)
    Submitted Under Third Circuit LAR 34.1(a)
    April 25, 2006
    Before: FUENTES, STAPLETON, and ALARCÓN,* Circuit
    (Filed: June 19, 2006)
    David E. Schafer, Esquire
    Julie A. McGrain, Esquire
    Office of Federal Public Defender
    22 South Clinton Avenue
    Station Plaza #4, 4th Floor
    Trenton, New Jersey 08609
    The Honorable Arthur L. Alarcón, Senior Judge, United
    States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit, sitting by
    Counsel for Appellant
    George S. Leone, Esquire
    Office of United States Attorney
    970 Broad Street, Room 700
    Newark, New Jersey 07102
    Counsel for Appellee
    ALARCÓN, Circuit Judge.
    Ricardo McKoy appeals from the District Court’s order
    sentencing him to the ten-year statutory minimum for conspiracy
    to distribute and possess with intent to distribute crack cocaine. He
    contends that the District Court erred in failing to sentence him
    below the statutory minimum pursuant to 18 U.S.C. § 3553(f). We
    On January 20, 2005, Mr. McKoy pled guilty to conspiracy
    to distribute and possess with intent to distribute crack cocaine in
    violation of 21 U.S.C. § 846. Mr. McKoy stipulated that the
    amount of cocaine base involved in the conspiracy was between 50
    and 150 grams. This amount triggered a minimum sentence of ten
    years under 21 U.S.C. §§ 841(a)(1) and 841(b)(1)(A).
    The Presentence Report (“PSR”) calculated a sentencing
    range of 108 to 135 months under the United States Sentencing
    Guidelines. The ten-year statutory minimum raised this range to
    120 to 135 months. 21 U.S.C. § 841(a)(1), (b)(1)(A). The PSR
    concluded that Mr. McKoy was not eligible for relief from the ten-
    year mandatory minimum pursuant to § 3553(f). The PSR
    indicated that Mr. McKoy had four criminal history points based
    on adjudications of juvenile delinquency. Mr. McKoy had
    received varying combinations of probation, fines, community
    service and counseling at juvenile court proceedings. Had he not
    received the criminal history points for his juvenile dispositions,
    Mr. McKoy would have qualified for relief under § 3553(f).
    The District Court imposed the statutory minimum sentence
    of 120 months on April 29, 2005. The District Court noted that it
    was bound by the statutory minimum, but for which it would have
    imposed a lower sentence. Mr. McKoy filed a timely notice of
    appeal on May 5, 2005. We have jurisdiction pursuant to 28
    U.S.C. § 1291 and 18 U.S.C. § 3742(a).
    Mr. McKoy argues that the District Court incorrectly treated
    his juvenile court dispositions as “sentences” for purposes of
    calculating his criminal history points. He also contends that under
    New Jersey law, his juvenile dispositions were “diversions,” which
    are excluded from the criminal history calculation pursuant to
    U.S.S.G. § 4A1.2(f). Finally, he argues that the District Court
    erred in concluding that it did not have the discretion, under United
    States v. Booker, 
    543 U.S. 220
    (2005), to impose a sentence below
    the statutory minimum. Our review of the District Court's
    interpretation of the Sentencing Guidelines and constitutional
    questions is plenary. United States v. Lennon, 
    372 F.3d 535
    , 538
    (3d Cir. 2004). We review the District Court’s finding of facts for
    clear error. 
    Id. Under §
    3553(f), “the court shall impose a sentence pursuant
    to the guidelines promulgated by the United States Sentencing
    Commission . . . without regard to any statutory minimum
    sentence” when certain conditions are met. One condition is that
    the defendant must “not have more than 1 criminal history point,
    as determined under the sentencing guidelines.” 
    Id. at §
    The Sentencing Guidelines in turn instruct the courts to assign “1
    [criminal history] point under § 4A1.1(c) for each adult or juvenile
    sentence imposed within five years of the defendant’s
    commencement of the instant offense.” U.S.S.G. § 4A1.2(d)(2)(B).
    Mr. McKoy first argues that his juvenile record consists
    only of “dispositions,” not “sentences.” “Under the New Jersey
    Code of Juvenile Justice, juveniles who are adjudicated delinquent
    are not sentenced but rather are subject to a ‘dispositional
    hearing.’” United States v. Moorer, 
    383 F.3d 164
    , 169 n.3 (3d Cir.
    2004) (citing N.J. Stat. Ann. § 2A:4A-41) (emphasis added). Mr.
    McKoy argues that under the plain language of the Sentencing
    Guidelines, only prior sentences bar relief under § 3553(f). See
    U.S.S.G. § 4A1.2(a)(1), (d)(2)(B).
    Mr. McKoy’s argument is flawed because it relies on state
    law terminology. In determining what constitutes a “prior
    sentence” under the Sentencing Guidelines, courts must look to
    federal, not state law. See, e.g., United States v. Morgan, 
    390 F.3d 1072
    , 1074 (8th Cir. 2004); United States v. Williams, 
    176 F.3d 301
    , 311 (6th Cir. 1999); United States v. Gray, 
    177 F.3d 86
    , 93
    (1st Cir. 1999).
    This Court held in United States v. Bucaro, 
    898 F.2d 368
    (3d Cir. 1990), that a defendant’s Pennsylvania state adjudications
    of juvenile delinquency may be used to calculate his sentencing
    range under the Sentencing Guidelines, even though “Pennsylvania
    does treat an adjudication of juvenile delinquency differently from
    a criminal conviction.” 
    Id. at 370,
    372. Similarly, in 
    Williams, 176 F.3d at 301
    , the defendant argued that “his juvenile convictions
    should not have been counted toward his total criminal history
    score under the Sentencing Guidelines because Ohio law does not
    consider these violations to be ‘convictions’ or ‘sentences.’” 
    Id. at 311.
    The Sixth Circuit reasoned that federal, not state law, governs
    how a juvenile adjudication is treated. It held that “[r]egardless of
    how [the defendant’s] offenses of assault and manslaughter are
    categorized under Ohio law, they are considered sentences under
    federal law.” Id.; see also United States v. Kirby, 
    893 F.2d 867
    868 (6th Cir. 1990) (per curiam) (same).
    Under federal law, “prior sentence” is defined as “any
    sentence previously imposed upon adjudication of guilt, whether
    by guilty plea, trial, or plea of nolo contendere, for conduct not part
    of the instant offense.” U.S.S.G. § 4A1.2(a)(1). For offenses
    committed before the age of eighteen, only
    those that resulted in adult sentences
    of imprisonment exceeding one year
    and one month, or resulted in
    imposition of an adult or juvenile
    sentence or release from confinement
    on that sentence within five years of
    the defendant’s commencement of the
    instant offense are counted.
    Id. at n.7.
    The Guidelines explicitly include offenses committed
    before the age of eighteen and instruct courts to:
    (A) add 2 points under § 4A1.1(b) for
    each adult or juvenile sentence to
    confinement of at least sixty days if
    the defendant was released from such
    confinement within five years of his
    commencement of the instant offense;
    (B) add 1 point under § 4A1.1(c) for
    each adult or juvenile sentence
    imposed within five years of the
    defendant's commencement of the
    instant offense not covered in (A).
    Id. § 4A1.2(d).
    The Application Notes to the Sentencing
    Guidelines explain that § 4A1.2(d) is intended to reduce disparity
    caused by varying state juvenile systems and varying availability
    of juvenile records among the states. 
    Id. at n.7.
    The Sentencing
    Guidelines intended to encompass all juvenile offenses meeting the
    criteria of § 4A1.2(d).
    Accepting Mr. McKoy’s argument would undermine the
    larger goal of the Sentencing Guidelines to accomplish uniformity
    in sentencing. As the Government correctly points out, if New
    Jersey juvenile court “dispositions” are not treated as “sentences”
    under the Sentencing Guidelines, defendants would be immune
    from receiving criminal history points for juvenile offenses
    committed in New Jersey, yet would receive points for juvenile
    offenses committed in other states.
    The District Court properly considered Mr. McKoy’s
    juvenile “dispositions” as “sentences” under the Sentencing
    Guidelines and § 3553(f). In accordance with federal law, the
    punishments Mr. McKoy received as a juvenile were sentences
    “imposed upon adjudication of guilt” regardless of the terminology
    New Jersey used to describe them.
    Mr. McKoy next contends that his juvenile court
    dispositions cannot be counted as criminal history points because
    they are “diversionary.” The Sentencing Guidelines provide that
    “[d]iversions from the judicial process without a finding of guilt
    (e.g., deferred prosecution) are not counted . . . a diversion from a
    juvenile court is not counted.” U.S.S.G. § 4A1.2(f).
    Only two cases have considered what constitutes a
    diversionary juvenile court disposition under § 4A1.2(f). In United
    States v. Crawford, 
    83 F.3d 964
    (8th Cir. 1996), the Sixth Circuit
    summarily rejected the argument that a juvenile sentence of
    probation and community service should not be counted under §
    4A1.2(f). It reasoned that the defendant “had completed the
    probation and community service, and thus discharged the sentence
    Id. at 966.
    The First Circuit addressed a similar
    situation in United States v. DiPina, 
    230 F.3d 477
    (1st Cir. 2000).
    In DiPina, the court rejected an argument that a Rhode Island
    juvenile court delinquency disposition imposing an eighteen-month
    term in the custody of the Rhode Island Training School was a
    diversionary disposition. 
    Id. at 483-84.
    The court reasoned that
    “[t]here was no deferral in the prosecution, adjudication, or
    sentencing . . . and DiPina was sentenced to imprisonment.” 
    Id. at 483.
    The court further noted that the Rhode Island statutory
    scheme provided for a type of juvenile disposition involving
    deferred prosecution, which the juvenile court chose not to employ
    in Mr. DiPina’s case. 
    Id. at 484.
    Mr. McKoy seeks to distinguish his situation from the facts
    before the court in DiPina. He argues that Mr. DiPina was
    “sentenced” in a juvenile proceeding, whereas Mr. McKoy was
    subject to a “dispositional hearing.” See 
    id. at 481.
    As discussed
    above, the state law nomenclature for a juvenile offense is
    irrelevant to the interpretation of the Sentencing Guidelines. See
    id. at 484
    (“[I]t is federal law, not Rhode Island law, that controls
    the analysis of whether the heroin disposition was diversionary.”).
    Moreover, Mr. McKoy’s juvenile disposition does not fit the
    definition of “diversion” applied in DiPina because there was “[n]o
    deferral in the prosecution” at Mr. McKoy’s dispositional hearing.
    Id. at 483.
    New Jersey law, like the Rhode Island law in DiPina,
    provides for a type of deferred prosecution disposition, which the
    juvenile court did not impose on Mr. McKoy. N.J. Stat. Ann.
    2A:4A-43(b) (juvenile court may adjourn entry of a disposition for
    up to twelve months to determine “whether the juvenile makes a
    satisfactory adjustment”); 
    DiPina, 230 F.3d at 484
    . Because Mr.
    McKoy’s juvenile dispositions did not involve any form of deferred
    prosecution, they were not diversionary. They were correctly
    included in the calculation of Mr. McKoy’s criminal history points.
    Finally, Mr. McKoy argues that the District Court should
    have treated § 3553(f) as advisory because failure to do so violates
    the Sixth Amendment under United States v. Booker, 
    543 U.S. 220
    (2005). In Booker, the Supreme Court held that 18 U.S.C.
    § 3553(b)(1), which required courts to follow the federal
    Sentencing Guidelines, violated the Sixth Amendment because it
    made sentence enhancements dependant on facts not proved to a
    jury beyond a reasonable doubt. 
    Id. at 249-50,
    258. The Court
    remedied this constitutional infirmity by excising §§ 3553(b)(1)
    and 3742(e), effectively rendering the Sentencing Guidelines
    Id. at 259.
    The Court left the remainder of § 3553 in
    tact–including § 3553(f). 
    Id. at 264-65.
    However, § 3553(f) states
    that courts “shall impose a sentence pursuant to the guidelines
    promulgated by the United States Sentencing Commission . . .
    without regard to any statutory minimum sentence” if certain
    factors are fulfilled. 18 U.S.C. § 3553(f) (emphasis added). It also
    requires a district court to consult the Sentencing Guidelines in
    order to determine the defendant’s eligibility for a lower sentence.
    § 3553(f)(1). Mr. McKoy argues that this mandatory language
    forces courts to apply the Sentencing Guidelines, and thus violates
    Booker. He argues that the District Court should have treated the
    requirements of § 3553(f) as advisory to the extent they reference
    the Sentencing Guidelines.
    Those courts of appeals that have considered this issue have
    rejected this argument. United States v. Brehm, 
    442 F.3d 1291
    1300 (11th Cir. 2006); United States v. Barrero, 
    425 F.3d 154
    157-58 (2d Cir. 2005); United States v. Bermúdez, 
    407 F.3d 536
    544-45 (1st Cir. 2005); United States v. Payton, 
    405 F.3d 1168
    1173 (10th Cir. 2005); United States v. Vieth, 
    397 F.3d 615
    , 620
    (8th Cir. 2005). We agree with our sister courts.
    Booker is inapplicable to situations in which the judge finds
    only the fact of the prior conviction. 
    Booker, 543 U.S. at 244
    Apprendi v. New Jersey, 
    530 U.S. 466
    , 489 (2000) (“Other than the
    fact of a prior conviction, any fact that increases the penalty for a
    crime beyond the prescribed statutory maximum must be submitted
    to a jury, and proved beyond a reasonable doubt.” (emphasis
    [T]he district court’s findings with
    respect to the length of the sentence
    imposed also fall within the exception
    for the fact of a prior conviction
    because those facts are ‘sufficiently
    interwoven with the facts of the prior
    crimes that Apprendi does not require
    different factfinders and different
    burdens of proof’ for their
    425 F.3d 154
    , 157-58 (2d Cir. 2005). Here, the District
    Court found only that Mr. McKoy had been sentenced under New
    Jersey law. This is permitted by Booker. 
    Id. The authority
    upon which Mr. McKoy relies to argue that
    the District Court found facts regarding his sentences is
    distinguishable. In each case, Shepard v. United States, 
    544 U.S. 13
    (2005), United States v. Washington, 
    404 F.3d 834
    (4th Cir.
    2005), and United States v. Ngo, 
    406 F.3d 839
    (7th Cir. 2005), the
    district court found facts about the underlying circumstances of the
    defendant’s crime. In Shepard, the district court examined the
    circumstances of the prior convictions to determine whether they
    were for “generic burglary.” 
    Shepard, 125 S. Ct. at 1257-58
    . In
    Washington, the court examined the prior conviction to determine
    if it was a crime of violence. 
    Washington, 404 F.3d at 836-38
    Similarly, in Ngo, the district court considered the facts of the prior
    conviction to determine whether they had been consolidated for
    sentencing or part of a common scheme or plan. 
    Ngo, 406 F.3d at 842
    . The court of appeals concluded that it was consistent with the
    Sixth Amendment for the district court to consider whether the
    cases had been consolidated. 
    Id. at 843.
    The district court could
    make the factual determination “by resorting only to information
    with the ‘conclusive significance’ of a prior judicial record.” 
    Id. (quoting Shepard,
    125 S. Ct. at 1262). However, the court held
    that the question whether the crimes were part of a common
    scheme or plan involved the type of fact-finding from which the
    district court was precluded. As in Shepard, it involved an inquiry
    into the circumstances of the prior conviction. 
    Id. at 843.
    Here, the
    District Court was not called upon to consider the underlying
    circumstances of Mr. McKoy’s prior sentences to determine that
    they counted towards Mr. McKoy’s criminal history.
    Interpreting § 3553(f) as advisory would effectively excise
    that section from the statute. 
    Brehm, 442 F.3d at 1300
    (“to treat
    calculation of safety valve eligibility criteria as advisory would, in
    effect, excise 18 U.S.C. § 3553(f)”). In Booker, the Court
    considered the constitutionality of the remaining subsections of
    § 3553, including § 3553(f), and declined to excise any except for
    § 3553(b)(1). 
    Booker, 543 U.S. at 259
    (“the remainder of the Act
    satisfies the Court’s constitutional requirements”). Effectively
    excising one of the remaining subsections would be inconsistent
    with Booker. The District Court properly considered Mr. McKoy’s
    juvenile dispositions in calculating his criminal history points
    under the Sentencing Guidelines, and correctly denied Mr. McKoy
    relief under § 3553(f).
    For the foregoing reasons, we will we will affirm the
    judgment of the District Court.