Fraternal Order of Police Lodg v. City of Camden , 842 F.3d 231 ( 2016 )

  •                                             PRECEDENTIAL
    No. 15-1963
    CHARLES J. HOLLAND, also known as CHAD,
    On Appeal from the United States District Court
    for the District of New Jersey
    (D.C. No. 1-10-cv-01502)
    District Judge: Hon. Noel L. Hillman
    Argued January 12, 2016
    Before: McKEE,∗ Chief Judge, AMBRO and SCIRICA,
    Circuit Judges.
    (Opinion Filed: November 17, 2016)
    Judge Theodore McKee concluded his term as Chief of the
    United States Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit on September
    30, 2016. Judge Brooks Smith became Chief Judge on October 1,
    Gregg L. Zeff, Esq. [ARGUED]
    Zeff Law Firm
    100 Century Parkway
    Suite 305
    Mount Laurel, NJ 08054
    Attorneys for Appellants
    John C. Eastlack, Jr., Esq. [ARGUED]
    Daniel E. Rybeck, Esq.
    Weir & Partners
    457 Haddonfield Road
    Suite 420
    Cherry Hill, NJ 08002
    Attorneys for Appellees
    McKEE, Chief Judge.
    This case arises from a vigorous dispute between the
    Fraternal Order of Police, Lodge 1 as well as certain police
    officers (“Plaintiffs”) on one side, and the City of Camden,
    New Jersey and certain supervisory police personnel
    (“Defendants”) on the other. Plaintiffs claim that the City’s
    “directed patrols” policy constitutes an illegal quota system.
    Specifically, they allege that the policy violates New Jersey’s
    anti-quota law. They also accuse Defendants of illegal
    retaliation in violation of New Jersey’s Conscientious
    Employee Protection Act (“CEPA”), the First Amendment,
    and the Family and Medical Leave Act (“FMLA”).
    The district court granted summary judgment to
    Defendants on all of Plaintiffs’ claims. For the reasons set
    forth below, we will reverse in part, affirm in part, and
    remand for further proceedings.
    In 2008, Camden implemented a policy known as “directed
    patrols” requiring police officers to engage with city residents
    even though the residents are not suspected of any
    wrongdoing. The announced purpose of the program was to
    obtain information about the community while making the
    police presence more visible. The City claims that the
    purpose was also “to ensure that the maximum amount of
    resources was allocated to a proactive crime prevention
    strategy and better balance [the Police Department] response
    to community-generated calls.”1          The directed patrols
    program consisted of “a structured 15-20 minute deployment
    into a targeted area to accomplish a specific patrol or crime
    reduction function.”2 According to the City, the deployment
    was to last no more than 15 to 20 minutes absent extenuating
    circumstances. The policy also instructed officers to obtain
    personal information, such as the name and address of the
    individuals the officers interacted with, if the individuals
    agreed to provide it. During any encounter with residents,
    officers were also expected to “approach community
    members present and inquire about criminal activity or
    quality of life issues.”3
    According to the City, directed patrols in Camden
    were not new. “[T]he difference in the new system was that
    directed patrols would be tracked and recorded. Under the
    new violence reduction initiative, directed [p]atrols were to be
    logged by the [City’s] Computer Aided Dispatch System.”4
    In April 2009, Fraternal Order of Police, Lodge 1 filed
    a complaint against the City of Camden Police Department
    and the Attorney General of the State of New Jersey claiming
    Camden had imposed an unlawful quota policy. Officers on
    supplemental patrol were expected to conduct a minimum of
    twenty-seven directed patrols per shift and officers on regular
    patrol were expected to perform a minimum of eighteen.
    According to Plaintiffs, failure to comply with these
    Defendants’ Br. at 1.
    Id. 3 Id.
    at 2.
    Id. at 1.
    numerical requirements is cause for disciplinary action.
    Plaintiffs claim that this results in a quota system of policing
    in violation of N.J.S.A. 40A:14-181.2.
    The individual plaintiffs Officers Galiazzi, Holland,
    and Williamson further allege that Defendants violated CEPA
    by retaliating against them because they expressed their
    disagreement with the policy. Officers Galiazzi and Holland
    claim they were placed on a low-performer list for failure to
    comply with the policy. They also contend the retaliation
    included transfer from the elite unit, where they had been
    assigned, to regular patrol duty with a concomitant pay
    decrease. To support this assertion, they point out that
    another officer on the low performer list who did not object to
    the policy was not transferred.
    Officer Williamson, the President of Fraternal Order of
    Police, Lodge 1, claims Camden retaliated against him for
    leading a protest march to City Hall. Specifically, he asserts
    that the City retaliated by bringing disciplinary charges
    against him for purportedly accosting a nurse at a hospital and
    for failing to report that someone had a thumb drive with
    Camden Police Department information.
    Plaintiffs also allege other forms of retaliation that
    included revocation of vacation time, disciplinary limits on
    sick leave, and surveillance by Camden’s Internal Affairs
    unit. Officer Holland claims that the restrictions on his sick
    leave also violated his rights under the FMLA. Finally,
    Plaintiffs assert that Camden’s retaliatory conduct also ran
    afoul of the First Amendment because the plaintiff-officers’
    objections to the policy constitute protected speech.
    New Jersey’s anti-quota law only prohibits numerical
    requirements for arrests or citations.5 Thus, Camden’s
    primary defense is that the patrols policy at issue here is not
    an illegal quota because it does not require a certain number
    of arrests or citations, only police-civilian interactions. In any
    event, Defendants argue that there was no causal connection
    between the plaintiff-officers’ objections and any adverse
    N.J. Stat. Ann. § 40A:14-181.2 (West).
    actions, and this precludes any violation of CEPA or
    Plaintiffs’ First Amendment rights.
    As we noted at the outset, the district court granted
    Defendants’ motion for summary judgment in its entirety and
    entered judgment against all plaintiffs on all of their claims.
    The court concluded that New Jersey’s anti-quota statute is
    inapplicable to the patrols policy and thus cannot support
    Plaintiffs’ allegations of a quota.6 It dismissed Plaintiffs’
    CEPA7 and First Amendment8 claims because it found that,
    even viewing the evidence in the light most favorable to
    Plaintiffs, they did not establish a causal link between their
    whistleblowing activities and the alleged adverse actions.
    Finally, the court found Officer Holland failed to establish a
    prima facie FMLA violation because he did not show that he
    was precluded from using sick leave or that he was otherwise
    prejudiced by Camden’s actions.9 This appeal followed.
    The district court had jurisdiction over Plaintiffs’
    federal claims pursuant to 28 U.S.C. § 1331. It had
    supplemental jurisdiction to hear their state law claims
    pursuant to 28 U.S.C. § 1367. The grant of summary
    judgment constitutes a final order. Thus, we have appellate
    jurisdiction under 28 U.S.C. § 1291.
    We review grants of summary judgment de novo,
    applying the same standard as the district court.10
    Accordingly, we view the evidence in the light most
    favorable to the nonmoving party. In doing so, we refrain
    from weighing the evidence and draw all reasonable
    inferences in the nonmovant’s favor.11 We will affirm the
    Fraternal Order of Police, Lodge 1 v. City of Camden, No.
    CIV. 10-1502 NLH AMD, 
    2015 WL 1471800
    , at *4 (D.N.J.
    Mar. 31, 2015).
    Id. at *7.
    Id. at *8.
    Id. at *9.
    See Montone v. City of Jersey City, 
    709 F.3d 181
    , 189 (3d
    Cir. 2013).
    See Marino v. Indus. Crating Co., 
    358 F.3d 241
    , 247 (3d
    district court’s grant of summary judgment only if we
    conclude that there is no genuine dispute as to any material
    fact when the evidence is so viewed.12
    As summarized at the outset, Plaintiffs claim that the
    district court erred in dismissing their claims under (1) New
    Jersey’s anti-quota law; (2) CEPA; (3) the First Amendment;
    and (4) the FMLA. In addition, they argue that the district
    court erred when it ignored hearsay evidence and concluded
    that Defendants were entitled to judgment as a matter of law.
    We discuss each claim of error in turn.
    A. Hearsay
    The district court was troubled that some of the
    evidence Plaintiffs planned to produce at trial was hearsay.
    That evidence consisted of statements by the individual
    plaintiffs about statements other officers purportedly made
    concerning the alleged retaliation and the nature of the
    patrols. This evidence is hearsay. However, the court erred
    in refusing to consider it at the summary judgment stage. Its
    explanation for concluding that it could not consider hearsay
    in ruling on a motion for summary judgment is limited to the
    following footnote:
    Galiazzi and Holland state in their
    depositions that they were told by other
    officers that they were transferred and
    investigated because of what they wrote
    on their counseling forms with regard to
    the quota system. The Court cannot
    consider this inadmissible hearsay, and
    no affidavits or testimony from these
    officers is provided as part of the
    Cir. 2004).
    FED. R. CIV. P. 56(a).
    Fraternal Order of Police, 
    2015 WL 1471800
    , at *5 n.9.
    We disagree. “[T]he rule in this circuit is that hearsay
    statements can be considered on a motion for summary
    judgment if they are capable of being admissible at trial.”14
    In ruling on a motion for summary judgment, the court need
    only determine if the nonmoving party can produce
    admissible evidence regarding a disputed issue of material
    fact at trial.15 The proponent need only “explain the
    admissible form that is anticipated.”16 Thus, in ruling on
    Defendants’ motion for summary judgment, the district court
    should have limited its inquiry to determining if the out-of-
    court statements Plaintiffs were relying on were admissible at
    trial, and they clearly were. Plaintiffs identified the out-of-
    court declarants—Sergeants Frett, Moffa, and Whitesell, and
    Lieutenants Cook and Strang—and noted their availability to
    In arguing to the contrary, Defendants rely in part on
    Philbin v. Trans Union Corporation.17 In Philbin we
    explained that “Philbin is unable to identify the person who
    relayed this information to him . . . . Thus the hearsay
    statement by this unknown individual is not ‘capable of being
    admissible at trial,’ . . . and could not be considered on a
    motion for summary judgment.”18 Here, Plaintiffs identified
    the third-party declarants, and nothing suggests that those
    declarants would be unavailable to testify at trial. That is all
    Stelwagon Mfg. Co. v. Tarmac Roofing Sys., 
    63 F.3d 1267
    1275 n.17 (3d Cir. 1995) (emphasis added); see also Celotex
    Corp. v. Catrett, 
    477 U.S. 317
    , 324 (1986) (“We do not mean
    that the nonmoving party must produce evidence in a form
    that would be admissible at trial in order to avoid summary
    judgment.”); Shelton v. Univ. of Med. & Dentistry of N.J., 
    223 F.3d 220
    , 223 n.2 (3d Cir. 2000) (“In this circuit, hearsay
    statements can be considered on a motion for summary
    judgment if they are capable of admission at trial.”).
    FED. R. CIV. P. 56(c)(2).
    FED. R. CIV. P. 56 advisory committee’s note to 2010
    101 F.3d 957
    (3d Cir. 1996).
    Id. at 961
    that was required to survive that aspect of Defendants’ motion
    for summary judgment.19
    We do not, of course, intend this ruling to control
    whether these out-of-court statements will actually be
    admitted at trial. That question need not be answered now.
    Accordingly, we will reverse the district court’s exclusion of
    hearsay in determining if the record allowed Plaintiffs to
    survive a motion for summary judgment.
    B. New Jersey Anti-Quota Law
    Plaintiffs assert that Camden’s patrols policy violates
    New Jersey’s anti-quota statute.         That statute, entitled
    “Quotas for arrests or citations prohibited; use of numbers in
    law enforcement officer evaluations,” provides in relevant
    a. A State, county or municipal
    police department or force . . .
    shall not establish any quota for
    arrests     or     citations.    The
    department       or force       may,
    however, collect, analyze and
    apply information concerning the
    number of arrests and citations in
    order to ensure that a particular
    officer or group of officers does
    not violate any applicable legal
    b. The department or force shall
    not use the number of arrests or
    See Blackburn v. United Parcel Serv., Inc., 
    179 F.3d 81
    102 (3d Cir. 1999) (“We will assume that Blackburn’s
    testimony regarding what Zileski told him was effectively a
    proffer of the testimony that Zileski himself would give at
    trial, and we therefore treat this as evidence capable of being
    admitted at trial.”); J.F. Feeser, Inc. v. Serv-A-Portion, Inc.,
    909 F.2d 1524
    , 1542 (3d Cir. 1990) (“[T]here is no indication
    that Spagnola’s salesforce would be unavailable to testify at
    trial. [Thus t]he averments of Spagnola’s affidavit are capable
    of proof through admissible evidence.”).
    citations issued by a law
    enforcement officer as the sole
    criterion for promotion, demotion,
    dismissal, or the earning of any
    benefit     provided     by    the
    department or force. Any such
    arrests or citations, and their
    ultimate dispositions, may be
    considered in evaluating the
    overall performance of a law
    enforcement officer.20
    Plaintiffs claim that this statute applies to the directed
    patrols policy even though the statute’s text only addresses
    arrests and citations. Although the challenged patrols policy
    only requires civilian encounters, Plaintiffs claim that it is
    applied in a manner that also mandates citations. In arguing
    to the contrary, Camden claims that since the New Jersey law
    only applies to arrests and citations and the patrols policy has
    no such requirements, the policy is consistent with the New
    Jersey statute.
    In granting summary judgment on this claim in favor
    of Camden, the district court correctly relied on the limited
    scope of the text of the statute—which does apply only to
    arrests and citations, and not to the civilian “encounters” that
    are at the center of this dispute. Accordingly, we will affirm
    the court’s grant of summary judgment in favor of Camden
    on Plaintiffs’ claims under the anti-quota law.
    C. Conscientious Employee Protection Act
    CEPA protects employees against retaliation by
    employers for whistleblowing activities. It provides in
    relevant part:
    An employer shall not take any
    retaliatory action against an
    employee because the employee
    does any of the following: . . .
    Objects to, or refuses to
    N.J. Stat. Ann. § 40A:14-181.2 (West) (emphases added).
    participate in any activity, policy
    or practice which the employee
    reasonably believes: (1) is in
    violation of a law, or a rule or
    CEPA is remedial legislation and must therefore be construed
    liberally in employees’ favor.22
    New Jersey courts have created a four-pronged test for
    adjudicating CEPA claims that largely replicates the three-
    part burden-shifting test that is used to decide federal
    retaliation claims.23 To establish a CEPA violation, a plaintiff
    must prove that: (1) she reasonably believed her employer
    was violating a law or rule; (2) she performed a protected
    whistleblowing activity; (3) an adverse employment action
    was taken against her; and (4) there is a causal connection
    between the whistleblowing activity and the adverse action.24
    The district court found Plaintiffs’ CEPA claim failed
    because it was “deficient on at least two of the required
    elements,” namely, the first and last prongs.25 We disagree.
    Plaintiffs correctly argue that the first prong only
    requires that they had a reasonable belief the policy was
    illegal.26 They need not prove an actual illegality. The court
    found the plaintiff-officers faltered here because, although
    they may have subjectively believed the policy was illegal,
    “that belie[f] was not objectively reasonable.”27 The court
    specified that “[a]ny officer who reads the clear and plain
    N.J. Stat. Ann. § 34:19-3 (West).
    See Blackburn v. United Parcel Serv., Inc., 
    179 F.3d 81
    , 91
    (3d Cir. 1999) (“The New Jersey courts have repeatedly held
    that CEPA was enacted ‘to protect employees from retaliatory
    actions by employers.’”) (internal citation omitted).
    See Caver v. City of Trenton, 
    420 F.3d 243
    , 254 (3d Cir.
    Id. 25 Fraternal
    Order of Police, 
    2015 WL 1471800
    , at *4.
    Blackburn, 179 F.3d at 94
    n.4; Dzwonar v. McDevitt,
    828 A.2d 893
    , 901 (N.J. 2003).
    Fraternal Order of Police, 
    2015 WL 1471800
    , at *4.
    language of the statute would immediately understand that it
    only applies to ‘arrests’ and ‘citations,’ . . . the directed patrol
    policy does not encompass arrests or citations.”28
    However, CEPA is not intended “to make lawyers out
    of conscientious employees but rather to prevent retaliation
    against those employees who object to employer conduct that
    they reasonably believe to be unlawful.”29 Requiring a
    showing that the anti-quota law actually applies to the written
    policy imposes an obstacle that is as unfair as it is
    unreasonable. These plaintiffs should not have to satisfy a
    standard that is more appropriate for someone with a law
    degree. Moreover, under CEPA “a plaintiff [need not even]
    allege facts that, if true, actually would violate that statute,
    rule, or public policy.”30 Thus, Plaintiffs clearly satisfied the
    first prong of their prima facie case for a CEPA violation.
    Summary judgment on the CEPA claim was therefore not
    Camden attempts to reduce Plaintiffs’ proof on the
    second prong of CEPA to frivolity by arguing that the
    plaintiff-officers’ protests amount to nothing more than the
    whining of a “squeaky wheel” and by suggesting that CEPA
    is “a ‘Whistleblower Act,’ not a ‘Chronic Complainer
    Act.’”31 This is offensive. Irrespective of the underlying
    validity of the plaintiff-officers’ claims, they certainly
    concern non-trivial matters.         They allege workplace
    retaliation, as well as a law enforcement policy with possible
    constitutional implications for matters of increasingly urgent
    public interest.32     We did not need the most recent
    Id. 29 See
    Blackburn, 179 F.3d at 94 
    n.4 (internal citation
    Dzwonar, 828 A.2d at 901
    Blackburn v. United Parcel Serv., Inc., 
    3 F. Supp. 2d 504
    517 (D.N.J. 1998) aff’d, 
    179 F.3d 81
    (3d Cir. 1999).
    In fact, Camden’s own case law citations highlight the
    seriousness of the plaintiff-officers’ allegations. For instance,
    Camden cites a case that explains that an employee could not
    reasonably believe extended lunch breaks or personal phone
    calls would fall under CEPA, and complaints about such
    controversies arising from attacks on police or police
    shootings of unarmed civilians to appreciate that the
    relationship between police officers and residents in the high
    crime areas that they patrol is of the utmost importance.33 It
    is indeed unfortunate that the City chooses to view police
    officers with these kinds of concerns as “chronic
    complainers” and “squeaky wheels.”
    Plaintiffs also satisfied their burden under the third
    prong. CEPA defines retaliation as including “discharge,
    suspension or demotion of an employee, or other adverse
    employment action taken against an employee in the terms
    and conditions of employment.”34 The record suggests that
    the plaintiff-officers’ transfers from the elite unit to regular
    patrol came with a change in duties and a decrease in pay and
    status. Accordingly, at this stage, these transfers are
    “demotions.” At the very least, they affect “the terms and
    conditions of employment” as required under CEPA. Thus,
    they qualify as adverse employment actions under CEPA’s
    third prong.
    We do, however, conclude that not all of the disputed
    actions would constitute retaliation under CEPA. The district
    court was correct in finding that placement on an “abuse of
    sick time” list, the cancellation of a vacation, and a visit by an
    Internal Affairs officer do not rise to the level of adverse
    employment actions absent more than is alleged here.35
    matters are not a protected whistleblowing activity. Estate of
    Roach v. TRW, Inc., 
    754 A.2d 544
    , 552 (2000). The
    allegations here are far weightier, and thus fall more squarely
    within CEPA’s purview.
    See Julie Turkewitz, Baton Rouge Grapples with Anxiety
    and Grief Amid Vigils for Officers, N.Y. TIMES (July 19,
    louisiana-shooting.html; Kimberly Kindy et al., A Year of
    Reckoning: Police Fatally Shoot Nearly 1,000, WASH. POST
    (Dec. 26, 2015),
    N.J. Stat. Ann. § 34:19-2(e) (West).
    Fraternal Order of Police, 
    2015 WL 1471800
    , at *6.
    CEPA does encompass a range of retaliatory actions.
    However, in order for actions to qualify under CEPA, they
    must have “impacted on the employee’s ‘compensation or
    rank’ or be ‘virtually equivalent to discharge.’”36 These
    additional actions fall short of that threshold.
    Likewise, Officer Williamson’s allegations do not
    qualify as adverse action under CEPA. He contends that
    Camden retaliated against him in four ways:                     (1)
    reprimanding him for an incident in which he allegedly
    accosted a nurse; (2) charging him with a disciplinary action
    for not reporting that an attorney had a thumb drive with
    information about the Camden Police Department; (3)
    investigating him as a result of an argument during a union
    meeting; and (4) investigating him for “procedural
    violations.” As the district court rightly noted, these actions
    did not affect Officer Williamson’s compensation or rank nor
    were they equivalent to discharge.37 Thus, only the plaintiff-
    officers’ claim of retaliatory transfers satisfies the third prong
    of CEPA.
    Finally, CEPA’s fourth prong requires proof of a
    causal connection between the whistleblowing activity and
    the adverse employment action. The district court found that
    “[t]he missing fundamental element of plaintiffs’ NJ CEPA
    claims is the causal connection between their ‘whistle-
    blowing’ and their adverse employment actions.”38 We
    disagree with several aspects of the district court’s analysis of
    this issue.
    First, the district court concluded that the real reason
    for the adverse actions was deficient performance, not the
    plaintiff-officers’ objections.39 We fail to see how that factual
    conclusion negates the existence of a genuine issue of
    material fact. Rather, whether the adverse actions resulted
    from deficient performance or objections to the disputed
    Caver v. City of Trenton, 
    420 F.3d 243
    , 255 (3d Cir. 2005)
    (internal citation omitted).
    Fraternal Order of Police, 
    2015 WL 1471800
    , at *7.
    Id. at *4.
    Id. at *5-6.
    policy is precisely the type of factual dispute that is
    inappropriate for summary judgment.
    Second, the district court afforded insufficient weight
    to the temporal proximity of the plaintiff-officers’ objections
    and the alleged retaliatory actions. Though we generally hold
    that closeness in time alone cannot establish causation,40 we
    have found that close temporal proximity41 or an added factor
    making the closeness unusually suggestive can suffice.42
    Here, Plaintiffs submitted evidence that the court should have
    viewed in the light most favorable to them.43 That evidence
    disclosed that some of their objections were followed by
    adverse consequences within a matter of days. For instance,
    they asserted that “[d]espite Holland’s improved statistics, he
    was placed on the low performer list . . . and transferred to
    regular patrol . . . . only days after he opposed his written
    counseling.” Retaliatory motive is often revealed by such
    evidence.44 At the very least, it certainly raises a question of
    fact for a jury.
    See Farrell v. Planters Lifesavers Co., 
    206 F.3d 271
    , 280
    (3d Cir. 2000) (“[T]emporal proximity alone will be
    insufficient to establish the necessary causal connection when
    the temporal relationship is not ‘unusually suggestive.’”).
    See Jalil v. Avdel Corp., 
    873 F.2d 701
    , 708 (3d Cir. 1989)
    (“He demonstrated the causal link between the two by the
    circumstance that the discharge followed rapidly, only two
    days later, upon Avdel’s receipt of notice of Jalil’s EEOC
    See Krouse v. Am. Sterilizer Co., 
    126 F.3d 494
    , 503 (3d
    Cir. 1997) (“Even if timing alone could ever be sufficient to
    establish a causal link, we believe that the timing of the
    alleged retaliatory action must be ‘unusually suggestive’ of
    retaliatory motive before a causal link will be inferred.”).
    See Marino v. Indus. Crating Co., 
    358 F.3d 241
    , 247 (3d
    Cir. 2004).
    See Kachmar v. SunGard Data Sys., Inc., 
    109 F.3d 173
    177 (3d Cir. 1997) (“Cases in which the required causal link
    has been at issue have often focused on the temporal
    proximity between the employee’s protected activity and the
    adverse employment action, because this is an obvious
    method by which a plaintiff can proffer circumstantial
    The district court expressly refused to consider the
    testimonial evidence the plaintiff-officers submitted tending
    to show a link between their objections and the alleged
    retaliation. The court believed that evidence could not be
    considered because it was hearsay.45 We have already
    explained why that was error. For these reasons, we will
    reverse the district court’s dismissal of the plaintiff-officers’
    retaliatory transfer claims under CEPA.
    D. First Amendment
    The plaintiff-officers claim that Defendants violated
    their First Amendment rights by retaliating against them for
    objecting to the patrols policy. A public employee’s
    statement is protected by the First Amendment when “(1) in
    making it, the employee spoke as a citizen, (2) the statement
    involved a matter of public concern, and (3) the government
    employer did not have ‘an adequate justification for treating
    the employee differently from any other member of the
    general public’ as a result of the statement he made.”46
    The plaintiff-officers provide compelling arguments to
    support their claim that their speech involved a matter of
    public concern. They objected to the policy on police
    department counseling forms, writing, among other things,
    “QUOTA[]S ARE ILLEGAL!.”47 These writings were
    internal and arguably of a private nature, but that does not
    mean they do not pertain to a matter of public concern.
    Matters of public concern may overlap with personal
    evidence ‘sufficient to raise the inference that her protected
    activity was the likely reason for the adverse action.’”)
    (internal citation omitted).
    Fraternal Order of Police, 
    2015 WL 1471800
    , at *5 n.9.
    Gorum v. Sessoms, 
    561 F.3d 179
    , 185 (3d Cir. 2009)
    (quoting Hill v. Borough of Kutztown, 
    455 F.3d 225
    , 241 (3d
    Cir. 2006)).
    47 Ohio App. 519a
    . See Feldman v. Phila. Hous. Auth., 
    43 F.3d 823
    , 829 (3d Cir. 1994) (“Disclosing corruption, fraud, and
    illegality in a government agency is a matter of significant
    public concern.”).
    grievances.48 Indeed, many employees may not be motivated
    to speak out on matters of public concern until they feel
    personally aggrieved by their employer.49 When all else at
    work is going well, it is the rarest of employees who is so
    altruistic that she will risk her livelihood to object to a matter
    of public concern. The law does not, and should not, ignore
    legitimate claims of retaliation merely because the employee
    is less than pleased in the workplace.50
    In addition, as the Supreme Court stressed in
    Pickering, “free and open debate is vital” to matters of
    legitimate public concern.51 The disputed policy here directly
    affects how police officers interact with the public, especially
    with residents of crime infested communities. That is not
    only a matter of public interest, it has become a matter of the
    utmost importance. Therefore, restriction of the plaintiff-
    officers’ right to voice their opinions cannot be taken
    lightly—“freedom of speech is not traded for an officer’s
    The district court reasoned that, “even accepting that
    plaintiffs’ opposition to the directed patrol policy was a
    See Rankin v. McPherson, 
    483 U.S. 378
    , 387 n.11 (1987)
    (“The private nature of the statement does not . . . vitiate the
    status of the statement as addressing a matter of public
    concern.”); Garcetti v. Ceballos, 
    547 U.S. 410
    , 420 (2006)
    (“That Ceballos expressed his views inside his office, rather
    than publicly, is not dispositive. Employees in some cases
    may receive First Amendment protection for expressions
    made at work.”).
    See Brennan v. Norton, 
    350 F.3d 399
    , 413 (3d Cir. 2003)
    (“Common sense suggests that public employees, no less than
    other employees, will be more likely to speak out when they
    are disgruntled or personally dissatisfied with some aspect of
    their employment or employer.”).
    id. at 412
    (“This does not, however, suggest that speech
    which is motivated by private concern can never qualify as
    protected speech. It clearly can if it addresses a matter that
    concerns the public as well as the speaker.”).
    Pickering v. Bd. of Ed. of Twp. High Sch. Dist. 205, Will
    Cty., Ill., 
    391 U.S. 563
    , 571-72 (1968).
    Biggs v. Vill. of Dupo, 
    892 F.2d 1298
    , 1303 (7th Cir. 1990).
    matter of public concern, plaintiffs cannot meet the other two
    elements of their First Amendment violation claims.”53 The
    court concluded that their First Amendment claims failed for
    lack of causation for the same reasons as their CEPA
    claims.54 We have already explained why the court erred in
    dismissing the CEPA claims. Nevertheless, we agree with the
    district court that the plaintiff-officers’ First Amendment
    claims cannot proceed.
    The Supreme Court has explained that “when public
    employees make statements pursuant to their official duties,
    the employees are not speaking as citizens for First
    Amendment purposes, and the Constitution does not insulate
    their communications from employer discipline.”55 Here, the
    plaintiff-officers were not speaking as citizens when they
    wrote on the counseling forms. Citizens do not complete
    internal police counseling forms.         Rather, completing
    counseling forms as part of the police disciplinary process
    falls under officers’ official duties. Therefore, the plaintiff-
    officers’ speech here “owe[d] its existence to [their] public
    employee[] professional responsibilities.”56
    Because the plaintiff-officers were not speaking as
    citizens, if their supervisors thought the writings were
    “inflammatory or misguided, they had the authority to take
    proper corrective action.”57 Though the First Amendment
    provides robust protection to statements pertaining to matters
    Fraternal Order of Police, 
    2015 WL 1471800
    , at *8.
    Id. (“For the
    same reasons explained above with regard to
    their NJ CEPA claims, plaintiffs have not provided sufficient
    evidence to go to a jury that their speech was a substantial or
    motivating factor in the alleged retaliatory actions, or that the
    Camden Police Department would not have taken the same
    action even if the speech had not occurred. Consequently,
    defendants are entitled to summary judgment on plaintiffs’
    First Amendment violation claims.”).
    Garcetti v. Ceballos, 
    547 U.S. 410
    , 421 (2006) (emphasis
    Gorum v. Sessoms, 
    561 F.3d 179
    , 185 (3d Cir. 2009)
    (citation omitted).
    Garcetti, 547 U.S. at 423
    of public concern, it does not empower public employees to
    “constitutionalize the employee grievance”58 when they are
    acting in their official capacities. Accordingly, we will affirm
    the court’s dismissal of the plaintiff-officers’ First
    Amendment claims.59
    E. Family and Medical Leave Act
    The FMLA affords eligible employees “a total of 12
    workweeks of leave during any 12-month period”60 in order
    to tend to “a serious health condition that makes the employee
    unable to perform the functions of the position.”61 In
    addition, employees are entitled to FMLA leave to care for a
    family member with a serious health condition.62 It is
    “unlawful for any employer to interfere with, restrain, or deny
    the exercise of or the attempt to exercise, any right provided”
    in the FMLA.63 A claim that these rights have been breached
    is referred to as “interference.”64
    Officer Holland alleges that he was approved for
    FMLA leave to care for his seriously ill mother in May 2009.
    Connick v. Myers, 
    461 U.S. 138
    , 154 (1983).
    We will also affirm the district court’s dismissal of the
    plaintiff-officers’ New Jersey Constitution First Amendment
    claim, which the court premised on identical grounds.
    Fraternal Order of Police, 
    2015 WL 1471800
    , at *8 n.12.
    Because the district court also based its dismissal of the
    plaintiff-officers’ § 1983 claim on its rejection of their First
    Amendment claim, we will affirm the district court’s § 1983
    holding as well. 
    Id. at *8
    n.13 (“Because plaintiffs cannot
    sustain their First Amendment claims, their claims against the
    City of Camden also fail.”).
    29 U.S.C. § 2612(a)(1).
    29 U.S.C. § 2612(a)(1)(D).
    29 U.S.C. § 2612(a)(1)(C).
    29 U.S.C. § 2615(a)(1).
    Two types of claims can arise under the FMLA, retaliation
    (29 U.S.C. § 2615(a)(2)) and interference (29 U.S.C. §
    2615(a)(1)). See Lichtenstein v. Univ. of Pittsburgh Med.
    691 F.3d 294
    , 301 (3d Cir. 2012). Officer Holland’s
    claim sounds in interference.
    However, on May 27 he was orally warned that he was using
    too much leave. Then, on June 17 he received a letter from a
    Lieutenant stating he was being placed in the “Chronic Sick
    Category.” When he informed the Lieutenant of his approved
    FMLA leave, the Lieutenant said the Inspector did not care if
    it was approved and Officer Holland would continue to be
    placed in the category and would eventually be disciplined.
    Officer Holland also asserts that Camden staff visited him at
    home while he was on leave.
    Officer Holland claims these actions interfere with
    protected FMLA leave.65 He argues that a DOL regulation
    provides an expanded definition of FMLA interference as
    including not only denying leave, but also deterring an
    employee from using it. This regulation provides that
    “[i]nterfering with the exercise of an employee’s rights would
    include, for example, not only refusing to authorize FMLA
    leave, but discouraging an employee from using such
    leave.”66 Camden granted Officer Holland’s request for
    FMLA leave to care for his mother. However, Officer
    Holland claims that, pursuant to this regulation, a reasonable
    trier of fact could find that Camden’s placing him on a
    chronic sick list and threatening to discipline him chilled the
    assertion of his FMLA rights.
    Camden contends that this “interference” was in part
    an internal miscommunication. According to Camden,
    Officer Holland was questioned about his use of leave
    because one branch of the department was unaware this leave
    had been approved under the FMLA. Camden further asserts
    that none of its actions were “sufficient to deter a person of
    ordinary firmness from exercising [their] right[s].”
    Camden officials only visited Officer Holland once
    while he was on leave, and we agree that this was minimally
    intrusive. Without more, we agree that Camden’s conduct is
    Officer Holland also advances an FMLA claim pursuant to
    New Jersey’s FMLA, N.J. Stat. Ann. § 34:11B-9 (West).
    Analysis of Officer Holland’s claim is the same under the
    federal and state FMLAs. Accordingly, our assessment under
    the federal FMLA covers both claims.
    29 C.F.R. § 825.220(b) (emphasis added).
    not actionable under the FMLA.            Although we are
    sympathetic to Officer Holland’s family situation, “there is no
    right in the FMLA to be ‘left alone.’”67 Camden’s actions
    may have been insensitive, but they were not beyond the
    limitations the FMLA places on employers attempting to
    manage their workplaces.68
    Officer Holland’s claim is also doomed by an
    insufficient showing of injury. The FMLA “provides no
    relief unless the employee has been prejudiced by the
    violation.”69 The only case Officer Holland cites to the
    contrary is Shtab v. Greate Bay Hotel.70 There, the district
    court found a jury could conclude that denial of immediate
    FMLA leave for an employee who had just returned to work
    constituted interference.71 Shtab does not support Officer
    Holland’s claim that reprimands such as those he alleges can,
    on their own, support relief under the FMLA. Rather, they
    must occur in tandem with actual harm.72 Officer Holland
    does not allege he was actually denied FMLA leave. In fact,
    he concedes that he was able to take time off to care for his
    mother. Accordingly, the court was correct in granting
    summary judgment against Officer Holland.
    F. Qualified Immunity
    Callison v. City of Phila., 
    430 F.3d 117
    , 121
    (3d Cir. 2005).
    Id. at 120.
    Ragsdale v. Wolverine World Wide, Inc., 
    535 U.S. 81
    , 89
    173 F. Supp. 2d 255
    (D.N.J. 2001).
    Id. at 258-59,
    See Conoshenti v. Pub. Serv. Elec. & Gas Co., 
    364 F.3d 135
    , 143 (3d Cir. 2004) (finding that an employee would only
    be able to prove FMLA interference if he established that the
    employer’s actions rendered “him unable to exercise that
    right in a meaningful way, thereby causing injury”) (emphasis
    In addition to suing the City of Camden, Plaintiffs also
    sued several officers in their individual capacities.73 Those
    officers objected to the suits on the ground that they are
    protected by qualified immunity. The doctrine of qualified
    immunity “shields government officials from civil damages
    liability unless the official violated a statutory or
    constitutional right that was clearly established at the time of
    the challenged conduct.”74 In assessing qualified immunity
    claims, we conduct a two-part inquiry. We must first
    determine whether the facts demonstrate the violation of a
    right. If they do, we must then decide if the right at issue was
    clearly established at the time of the alleged misconduct.75
    According to Defendants, Plaintiffs’ claim fails the first part
    of the test because, as the rest of the case makes clear, no
    rights were violated.
    The district court agreed that the doctrine of qualified
    immunity shields these individual officers from suit. It
    explained: “Because the Court finds that plaintiffs cannot
    support their claims that defendants violated their
    constitutional rights, the qualified immunity analysis ends
    We agree with the district court’s conclusion that
    qualified immunity depends, in part, on whether a legal
    violation occurred. Since Plaintiffs have not shown a
    violation of federal law, we need not reach the issue of
    qualified immunity.
    For the foregoing reasons, we will reverse the district
    court’s order granting summary judgment to Defendants on
    Plaintiffs’ CEPA claims. We will remand for proceedings
    consistent with this opinion. We will affirm the district
    Police Chief Scott Thomson, Inspector Orlando Cuevas,
    and Lieutenant Joseph Wysocki.
    Reichle v. Howards, 
    132 S. Ct. 2088
    , 2093 (2012).
    See Pearson v. Callahan, 
    555 U.S. 223
    , 232 (2009).
    Fraternal Order of Police, 
    2015 WL 1471800
    , at *7 n.11.
    court’s dismissal of Plaintiffs’ New Jersey anti-quota law,
    First Amendment claims, and Officer Holland’s FMLA claim.

Document Info

Docket Number: 15-1963

Citation Numbers: 842 F.3d 231

Filed Date: 11/17/2016

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 1/12/2023

Authorities (29)

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Shtab v. Greate Bay Hotel and Casino, Inc. , 173 F. Supp. 2d 255 ( 2001 )

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