Robinson v. Johnson ( 2002 )

  •                                                                                                                            Opinions of the United
    2002 Decisions                                                                                                             States Court of Appeals
    for the Third Circuit
    Robinson v. Johnson
    Precedential or Non-Precedential: Precedential
    Docket No. 00-1979
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    Filed November 18, 2002
    No. 00-1979
    On Appeal from the United States District Court
    for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania
    (D.C. Civil No. 98-cv-05095)
    District Judge: The Hon. Herbert J. Hutton
    Argued October 29, 2001
    Circuit Judges.
    Sur Panel Rehearing Submitted July 19, 2002
    Before: SLOVITER, NYGAARD, and AMBRO, Circuit   Judges
    (Filed: November 18, 2002)
    Paul Rosenzweig (Argued)
    Washington, DC 20002
    Attorney for Appellant
    David C. Glebe (Argued)
    Office of the District Attorney
    Philadelphia, PA 19102
    Attorney for Appellees
    SLOVITER, Circuit Judge:
    When this appeal originally came before this panel of the
    court, we decided that state officials (hereafter"the
    Commonwealth"), against whom a habeas corpus
    proceeding had been filed, can waive the state’s defense of
    the statute of limitations that is set forth in the Anti-
    Terrorism and Effective Death Penalty Act ("AEDPA"). The
    members of the panel were unanimous on that issue. Judge
    Nygaard authored the opinion of the court, which was filed
    March 11, 2002. The factual background, and the portion
    of that earlier opinion reflecting the views of the court on
    that issue, are incorporated here as Part I with only such
    changes as are required in light of the different posture of
    the appeals.
    The remainder of the opinion considered the application
    of waiver under the facts of this case. Judge Nygaard, in
    the portion of the opinion writing for a majority of the
    panel, held that the Commonwealth waived its limitations
    defense. I dissented on the ground that under the
    procedural background in this case, the Commonwealth
    had not waived the statute of limitations defense because it
    had appropriately asserted it in its first relevant pleading
    (after remand from this court) before the District Court.
    The Commonwealth filed a Petition for Rehearing en
    banc. On April 8, 2002, the court entered an order granting
    rehearing en banc and vacating the opinion and judgment
    filed March 11, 2002. Thereafter, on May 8, 2002, the court
    vacated the April 8 order granting rehearing en banc and
    remanded the case to the original three-judge panel for
    panel rehearing.
    At the direction of the court, Robinson, the appellant,
    then filed his Answer to the Petition for Rehearing, and the
    Commonwealth, with the permission of the court, filed its
    Reply to Robinson’s Answer.
    The opinion of the court follows, Part I taken from Judge
    Nygaard’s original opinion as explained above, and Parts II
    and III authored by Judge Sloviter sur rehearing.
    Appellant, Eric Robinson, was convicted in a bench trial
    before the Court of Common Pleas of Philadelphia of first
    degree murder, conspiracy, theft by unlawful taking,
    robbery, and possession of an instrument of crime. He was
    sentenced to life imprisonment for the murder conviction
    and a concurrent aggregate sentence of twenty to thirty-five
    years imprisonment on the remaining counts.
    Robinson filed a direct appeal in the Pennsylvania
    Superior Court, which affirmed the judgment. See
    Commonwealth v. Robinson, 
    481 A.2d 1376
     (Pa. Super.
    1984) (table). The Pennsylvania Supreme Court denied
    Robinson’s request for discretionary review. This ended the
    direct review of Robinson’s case.
    Robinson then filed a pro se petition for collateral relief
    under the Pennsylvania Post Conviction Hearing Act
    ("PCHA"),1 42 Pa. Cons. Stat. Ann. SS 9541 et seq. (1984),
    alleging ineffective assistance of counsel. The court
    appointed counsel to represent Robinson, and it
    subsequently denied his petition for relief. This denial of
    collateral relief was affirmed by the Pennsylvania Superior
    Court. See Commonwealth v. Robinson, 
    563 A.2d 194
    Super. 1989) (table). Robinson did not petition for allocatur
    with the Pennsylvania Supreme Court.
    On August 29, 1991, Robinson filed his first federal
    habeas petition alleging ineffective assistance of trial
    counsel, insufficiency of evidence, and violation of the
    1. The Post Conviction Hearing Act has since been substantially
    amended and is now titled the Post Conviction Relief Act ("PCRA"), 42 Pa.
    Cons. Stat. Ann. SS 9541 et seq. (2000).
    Fourth Amendment. A Magistrate Judge issued a Report
    and Recommendation which concluded that Robinson’s
    failure to pursue discretionary review in the Pennsylvania
    Supreme Court of the ineffective assistance of counsel
    claim constituted a procedural default. The District Court
    adopted the Magistrate’s Report and Recommendation,
    concluding that the ineffectiveness claim had been
    procedurally defaulted. See Order, Robinson v. Vaughn, No.
    91-5422 (E.D. Pa. Dec. 17, 1991). Robinson appealed that
    decision, and we denied Robinson’s request for issuance of
    a certificate of probable cause because of Robinson’s failure
    to exhaust his state remedies. See Order, Robinson v.
    Vaughn, No. 91-2107 (3d Cir. Apr. 8, 1992). Thus, as to the
    ineffectiveness claim, Robinson’s first federal habeas
    petition was dismissed so that he could exhaust his
    remedies in the Commonwealth.
    Robinson returned to the Commonwealth courts and filed
    a second petition under the PCRA, again alleging ineffective
    assistance of his trial counsel and now also alleging the
    ineffectiveness of his appellate counsel. This application
    was denied, and Robinson did not appeal.
    Robinson filed a third state application for post-
    conviction relief. That petition was denied by the Court of
    Common Pleas. Robinson then appealed to the
    Pennsylvania Superior Court, which affirmed the denial.
    See Commonwealth v. Robinson, No. 
    03093 Phila. 1994
    679 A.2d 257
     (Pa. Super. 1996) (table). Robinson petitioned
    for, and was denied, allocatur by the Pennsylvania Supreme
    Court. See Commonwealth v. Robinson, 
    683 A.2d 880
    1996) (table).
    Robinson filed his second federal habeas petition, which
    is the one at issue in this appeal, on September 25, 1998,
    alleging ineffective assistance of counsel as a ground for
    habeas relief. His petition also reasserts as grounds for
    habeas relief the insufficiency of the evidence against him
    and the allegedly unlawful seizure of evidence in violation of
    the Fourth Amendment.
    Robinson’s petition was referred to a Magistrate Judge
    who ordered a responsive pleading including "specific and
    detailed answers and a brief or memorandum of law in
    support thereof " from the Office of the District Attorney of
    Philadelphia on November 10, 1998. On January 27, 1999,
    the District Attorney filed a letter pleading which argued
    that Robinson’s petition should be transferred to the Court
    of Appeals for the Third Circuit because it was a successive
    petition. The District Attorney contended that the denial of
    Robinson’s first federal habeas petition in 1991 precluded
    relief because he had not received permission for a
    successive petition from this Court as is required by the
    Anti-Terrorism and Effective Death Penalty Act ("AEDPA"),
    28 U.S.C. SS 2241 et seq. The Magistrate Judge
    recommended denying Robinson’s second federal habeas
    petition, and on April 26, 1999, the District Court accepted
    the Magistrate Judge’s recommendation and denied the
    Robinson appealed that decision, and we ordered the
    District Attorney to show cause why the order dismissing
    the petition should not be summarily reversed in light of
    our decision in Christy v. Horn, 
    115 F.3d 201
    , 208 (3d Cir.
    1997), where we held that when a federal habeas petition
    has been dismissed without prejudice for failure to exhaust
    state remedies, a petitioner, after exhausting his state
    remedies, need not apply to the court of appeals for
    authorization to file a federal habeas action, but may file
    his petition in the district court as if it were his first such
    filing. On December 23, 1999, the District Attorney filed a
    letter brief conceding that Robinson’s second federal habeas
    petition indeed was not successive. The District Attorney
    did not present any alternative legal grounds for affirming
    the District Court’s conclusion. Thus, we accepted the
    Commonwealth’s concession and summarily reversed and
    On remand, Robinson filed a motion to strike his original
    petition and for permission to file an amended petition
    which the Magistrate Judge granted. The District Attorney
    moved for reconsideration of the order permitting Robinson
    to amend his petition. Then on March 30, 2000, the District
    Attorney asserted that Robinson’s second federal habeas
    petition was time-barred by the limitations provision of the
    AEDPA, 28 U.S.C. S 2244(d). Robinson, in return, argued
    that the Commonwealth’s statute of limitations defense was
    The Magistrate Judge vacated his initial order granting
    Robinson leave to amend his petition, and instead
    substituted a Report and Recommendation adopting the
    District Attorney’s argument that Robinson’s second federal
    habeas petition should be dismissed on statute of
    limitations grounds. In particular, the Magistrate Judge
    concluded that (1) Robinson’s third state petition had not
    been "properly filed" because it involved claims subject to a
    state procedural default rule and did not toll the period of
    limitations; (2) therefore, Robinson’s second federal habeas
    petition was required to be filed on or before April 23, 1997;
    (3) alternatively, if the third state habeas petition had been
    "properly filed," then Robinson’s second federal habeas
    petition should have been filed on or before September 25,
    1997; and (4) finally, because Robinson had access to his
    legal papers for eleven of the twelve months prior to the
    expiration of the September 1997 limitations period, the
    period of limitations should not be equitably tolled.
    The District Court adopted the Magistrate Judge’s Report
    and Recommendation over Robinson’s renewed objection
    that the Commonwealth had waived its limitations defense
    and Robinson’s further proffer regarding the efforts he had
    made to acquire his legal papers. Robinson noted a timely
    appeal, and the District Court granted his request for a
    certificate of appealability.2 Robinson was granted leave to
    proceed in forma pauperis, and we appointed counsel to
    represent him.
    Our first question is whether it is even possible for a
    State to waive its AEDPA limitations defense, an issue
    which we have not yet specifically addressed. The statute of
    limitations provision of the AEDPA provides, in pertinent
    2. Although Robinson moved in the Court of Appeals for a certificate of
    appealability, it was the District Court which granted the request. This
    is not a problem since the District Court may grant sua sponte a
    certificate of appealability. See Dunn v. Colleran, 
    247 F.3d 450
    , 456 (3d
    Cir. 2001).
    A 1-year period of limitation shall apply to an
    application for a writ of habeas corpus by a person in
    custody pursuant to the judgment of a State court. The
    limitation period shall run from the latest of . . . the
    date on which the judgment became final by the
    conclusion of direct review or the expiration of the time
    for seeking such review.
    28 U.S.C. S 2244(d)(1)(A). The District Court dismissed
    Robinson’s habeas petition because it was filed beyond this
    1-year period of limitation.
    The law of this Circuit clearly holds that the limitations
    provision of the AEDPA is not jurisdictional in nature. See
    Miller v. New Jersey State Dep’t of Corr., 
    145 F.3d 616
    617-18 (3d Cir. 1998). As such, it is subject to equitable
    modifications such as tolling. 
     (citing Oshiver v. Levin,
    Fishbein, Sedran & Berman, 
    38 F.3d 1380
    , 1387 (3d Cir.
    Other courts of appeals (which, like us, do not view the
    AEDPA limitations period as jurisdictional) have held that a
    limitations defense may be waived by a State defendant in
    a habeas proceeding. See, e.g., Green v. United States, 
    260 F.3d 78
    , 85 (2d Cir. 2001) (finding that "the government
    [had] expressly waive[d] its [AEDPA] statute of limitations
    defense by advocating a remand and ‘suggesting’ the
    conditions for that remand"); Saucier v. Warden, N.H. State
    215 F.3d 1312
    2000 WL 739713
     (1st Cir.
    2000) (unpublished opinion) (finding that government did
    not waive its AEDPA statute of limitations defense, even
    though it did not assert the defense in its answer, where
    the petitioner showed no prejudice; thus implying that
    government waiver is possible); Scott v. Johnson , 
    227 F.3d 260
     (5th Cir. 2000) (finding that the government did not
    waive its AEDPA statute of limitations defense, thus
    implying that government waiver is possible); Samuel v.
    92 F.3d 1194
     (9th Cir. 1996) (table) (unpublished
    opinion) (AEDPA statute of limitations defense can be
    We join these courts of appeals and now hold that
    because the AEDPA limitations period is subject to
    equitable modifications such as tolling, it is also subject to
    other non-jurisdictional, equitable considerations, such as
    Parties are generally required to assert affirmative
    defenses early in litigation, so they may be ruled upon,
    prejudice may be avoided, and judicial resources may be
    conserved. Habeas proceedings are no exception. Rule 11 of
    the Rules Governing Section 2254 Cases in the United
    States District Courts (the "Habeas Rules") makes the
    Federal Rules of Civil Procedure applicable to habeas
    petitions to the extent they are not inconsistent with the
    Habeas Rules. Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 8(c) requires
    that a defendant plead an affirmative defense, such as a
    statute of limitations defense, in his answer. Rule 8(c)
    Affirmative Defenses. In pleading to a preceding
    pleading, a party shall set forth affirmatively . . .
    statute of limitations . . . and any other matter
    constituting an avoidance or affirmative defense.
    Fed. R. Civ. P. 8(c).
    The purpose of requiring the defendant to plead available
    affirmative defenses in his answer is to avoid surprise and
    undue prejudice by providing the plaintiff with notice and
    the opportunity to demonstrate why the affirmative defense
    should not succeed. See Blonder-Tongue Labs., Inc. v. Univ.
    of Ill. Found., 
    402 U.S. 313
    , 350 (1971); see also Williams
    v. Ashland Eng’g Co., 
    45 F.3d 588
    , 593 (1st Cir. 1995)
    ("The purpose of Rule 8(c) is to give the court and the other
    parties fair warning that a particular line of defense will be
    pursued."); Grant v. Preferred Research, Inc. , 
    885 F.2d 795
    797 (11th Cir. 1989) ("The Supreme Court has held that the
    purpose of Rule 8(c) is to give the opposing party notice of
    the affirmative defense and a chance to rebut it.") (citing
    Blonder-Tongue); Marino v. Otis Eng’g Corp. , 
    839 F.2d 1404
    1408 (10th Cir. 1988) ("The purpose behind rule 8(c) . . . [is
    to] put[ ] ‘plaintiff on notice well in advance of trial that
    defendant intends to present a defense in the nature of an
    avoidance.’ ") (citations omitted); Perez v. United States, 
    830 F.2d 54
    , 57 (5th Cir. 1987) ("The central purpose of the
    Rule 8(c) requirement that affirmative defenses be pled is to
    prevent unfair surprise. ‘A defendant should not be
    permitted to ‘lie behind a log’ and ambush a plaintiff with
    an unexpected defense.’ ").
    Technically, the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure require
    that affirmative defenses be pleaded in the answer. Rule
    12(b) states that "[e]very defense . . . shall be asserted in
    the responsive pleading thereto if one is required, except
    that the following defenses may at the option of the pleader
    be made by motion . . . ." The defenses listed in Rule 12(b)
    do not include limitations defenses. Thus, a limitations
    defense must be raised in the answer, since Rule 12(b) does
    not permit it to be raised by motion. However, the law of
    this Circuit (the so-called "Third Circuit Rule") permits a
    limitations defense to be raised by a motion under Rule
    12(b)(6), but only if "the time alleged in the statement of a
    claim shows that the cause of action has not been brought
    within the statute of limitations."3 Hanna v. U.S. Veterans’
    Admin. Hosp., 
    514 F.2d 1092
    , 1094 (3d Cir. 1975). "If the
    bar is not apparent on the face of the complaint, then it
    may not afford the basis for a dismissal of the complaint
    3. The "Third Circuit Rule" dates back at least to 1948 when we
    recognized in Hartmann v. Time, Inc., 
    166 F.2d 127
    , 139 (3d Cir. 1948),
    that affirmative defenses are ordinarily pleaded pursuant to Fed. R. Civ.
    P. 8(c), but that the defense could be raised in other ways. See also
    Williams v. Murdoch, 
    330 F.2d 745
    , 749 (3d Cir. 1964) (affirmative
    defense of res judicata may be raised by a motion to dismiss or by an
    answer); Cito v. Bridgewater Twp. Police Dep’t , 
    892 F.2d 23
    , 25 (3d Cir.
    1989) ("When reviewing a Rule 12(b)(6) dismissal on statute of
    limitations grounds, we must determine whether ‘the time alleged in the
    statement of a claim shows that the cause of action has not been
    brought within the statute of limitations.’ " (citations omitted)); Davis v.
    996 F.2d 617
    , 623 (3d Cir. 1993) (quoting Cito); Oshiver v.
    Levin, Fishbein, Sedran & Berman, 
    38 F.3d 1380
    , 1385 n.1 (3d Cir.
    1994) ("While the language of Fed. R. Civ. P. 8(c) indicates that a statute
    of limitations defense cannot be used in the context of Rule 12(b)(6)
    motion to dismiss, an exception is made where the complaint facially
    shows noncompliance with the limitations period and the affirmative
    defense clearly appears on the face of the pleading."); Rycoline Prods.,
    Inc. v. C&W Unlimited, 
    109 F.3d 883
    , 886 (3d Cir. 1997) (affirmative
    defense must be apparent on the face of the complaint to be subject to
    a Rule 12(b)(6) motion to dismiss).
    under Rule 12(b)(6)." Bethel v. Jendoco Constr. Corp., 
    570 F.2d 1168
    , 1174 (3d Cir. 1978).
    The Commonwealth argues, and we agree, that a
    limitations defense does not necessarily have to be raised in
    the answer. But it does not follow that a limitations defense
    can be raised at any time. Consistent with the purpose of
    Rule 8(c), courts require that defendants assert a
    limitations defense as early as reasonably possible. See
    Davis v. Bryan, 
    810 F.2d 42
     (2d Cir. 1987) ("The statute of
    limitations is an affirmative defense under Fed. R. Civ. P.
    8(c) that must be asserted in a party’s responsive pleading
    ‘at the earliest possible moment’ and is a personal defense
    that is waived if not promptly pleaded.") (citations omitted);
    Banks v. Chesapeake & Potomac Tel. Co., 
    802 F.2d 1416
    (D.C. Cir. 1986); Paetz v. United States, 
    795 F.2d 1533
    (11th Cir. 1986); Hopkins v. Andaya, 
    958 F.2d 881
     (9th Cir.
    1992); Day v. Liberty Nat. Life Ins. Co., 
    122 F.3d 1012
    1015-16 (11th Cir. 1997) (employer waived statute of
    limitations defense to AEDPA claim by not raising it until
    after a jury verdict in its motion to alter or amend
    Courts routinely consider the timeliness of a limitations
    defense. Although some have adhered to the strict language
    of Rule 8(c), which requires that a limitations defense be
    raised in the answer, others have considered the stage of
    the proceedings at which the limitations defense is first
    raised. For example, the Seventh Circuit in Venters v. City
    of Delphi, 
    123 F.3d 956
     (7th Cir. 1997), found that the
    defendants waived their statute of limitations defense when
    they did not raise it until late in the proceedings. In
    Venters, the defendants did not include their statute of
    limitations defense in their answer to the original and
    amended complaints. 
    Id. at 968
    . Instead,"the first and only
    mention of the statute of limitations came in their reply
    memorandum in support of the motion for summary
    judgment, submitted a year after the case was filed." 
    The court acknowledged that many cases "recognize that
    the failure to plead an affirmative defense can be harmless,
    notwithstanding the terms of Rule 8(c)," 
     , but found that
    in this case the defendants had deprived the plaintiff of fair
    notice and a reasonable opportunity to respond to their
    affirmative defense by not raising it until "the parties had
    largely completed an exhaustive discovery process, and the
    scheduled trial date was only a month away." 
     See also
    Strauss v. Douglas Aircraft Co., 
    404 F.2d 1152
    , 1155 (2d
    Cir. 1968) ("[W]here the party seeking to amend [the
    answer] wishes to raise a defense of limitations long after
    the answer was first filed, a court would be remiss if it did
    not carefully balance the effects of such action for it is
    manifest that risk of substantial prejudice increases in
    proportion to the length of defendant’s delay in seeking the
    amendment. . . . In sum, the party wishing to raise the
    defense is obliged to plead the Statute of Limitations at the
    earliest possible moment."); Hayden v. Ford Motor Co., 
    497 F.2d 1292
    , 1295 (6th Cir. 1974) ("Whatever the motives
    behind the plaintiff ’s and defendant’s pleading strategy, to
    allow the defendant to raise the bar of the statute of
    limitations after so long a delay [thirty months] and after so
    many intervening acts had occurred, would make a
    mockery of the intent and purpose of the statute of
    limitations."); Int’l Bhd. of Boilermakers, Local 1603 v.
    Transue & Williams Corp., 
    879 F.2d 1388
    , 1396 n.3 (6th
    Cir. 1989) (rejecting limitations defense as untimely when
    first raised in a motion to amend the district court’s
    judgment over a year after the suit was filed).
    We have even found a limitations defense to be waived
    where it was pleaded in the answer, but where it was not
    pursued before trial. In Bradford-White Corp. v. Ernst &
    872 F.2d 1153
     (3d Cir. 1989), the defendant
    raised the statute of limitations defense in its answer, but
    "it did not file a motion or present argument before the
    district court on the statute of limitations issue at any time
    before or at the trial." 
     Then, following a trial and jury
    verdict, the defendant attempted to raise its statute of
    limitations defense in post-trial motions. 
    Id. at 1154
    . We
    did not permit this, finding that "it would be grossly unfair
    to allow a plaintiff to go to the expense of trying a case only
    to be met by a new defense after trial." 
    Id. at 1161
    All of these cases reflect, in one form or another,
    attempts by the courts to keep the consideration of
    affirmative defenses consistent with at least the purpose, if
    not necessarily the language, of Rule 8(c). Affirmative
    defenses must be raised as early as practicable, not only to
    avoid prejudice, but also to promote judicial economy. If a
    party has a successful affirmative defense, raising that
    defense as early as possible, and permitting a court to rule
    on it, may terminate the proceedings at that point without
    wasting precious legal and judicial resources.
    We hold, therefore, that affirmative defenses under the
    AEDPA should be treated the same as affirmative defenses
    in other contexts, and, if not pleaded in the answer, they
    must be raised at the earliest practicable moment
    The issue before us on rehearing is whether the
    Commonwealth’s assertion of its affirmative defense of the
    statute of limitations was untimely.
    To recapitulate the sequence of events, Robinson’s
    relevant federal habeas petition was filed September 25,
    1998. On November 10, 1998, the Magistrate Judge
    ordered that the Commonwealth file a responsive pleading
    and memorandum. In its letter response, the
    Commonwealth sought transfer to this court, arguing that
    the petition was successive because Robinson had filed an
    earlier federal habeas petition that had been dismissed.4
    The Commonwealth’s successiveness argument persuaded
    the District Court, which dismissed the complaint.
    However, under the holding of Christy v. Horn, "when a
    prior petition [for habeas corpus] has been dismissed
    without prejudice for failure to exhaust state remedies, no
    [court] authorization is necessary and the petitioner may
    file his petition in the district court as if it were the first
    such filing." 
    115 F.3d at 208
    Although Robinson relied on the decision in Christy in
    his objections to the Magistrate Judge’s Report and
    4. The Commonwealth argued at the time that Robinson’s first petition
    was dismissed on the merits, but, in fact, the docket entry for our order
    dated April 8, 1992 states that Robinson’s request for a certificate of
    probable cause was denied because "of a failure to exhaust state
    Recommendation, the District Court, in a brief order that
    did not refer to Christy, adopted the Magistrate Judge’s
    recommendation that the habeas petition be dismissed.
    Thereafter, on December 13, 1999 we ordered the
    Commonwealth to show cause why we should not
    summarily reverse the District Court’s dismissal of
    Robinson’s habeas petition in light of Christy . The
    Commonwealth filed a letter brief conceding that under
    Christy the petition was not successive because the earlier
    petition had been dismissed on exhaustion grounds. On
    February 2, 2000, we reversed the dismissal and remanded
    the case to the District Court "for consideration as if [the
    petition] were [Robinson’s] first habeas petition." Order,
    Robinson v. Johnson, No. 99-1434 (3d Cir. Feb. 2, 2000).
    On February 18, 2000, the Magistrate Judge ordered the
    Commonwealth to file a response on the merits of the
    petition. On March 2, 2000, Robinson filed a motion in the
    District Court to strike his petition for habeas corpus relief
    and to permit him to file an amended petition. On March
    14, 2000, the Magistrate Judge granted Robinson’s motion
    and gave him 45 days to amend his petition. On March 30,
    2000, the Commonwealth filed a response to the petition,
    there asserting for the first time its argument that
    Robinson’s habeas petition was barred by AEDPA’s statute
    of limitations. In the same document, the Commonwealth
    moved for reconsideration of the order granting leave to
    amend. The Magistrate Judge vacated his prior order
    allowing Robinson to amend his petition and issued a
    report and recommendation that the habeas petition be
    dismissed as untimely, which the District Court adopted.
    Robinson argues that the Commonwealth’s assertion of
    the statute of limitations defense was too late and that it
    should have been asserted at the same time as the
    Commonwealth’s challenge to the petition on
    successiveness grounds. He contends that nothing in the
    Federal Rules of Civil Procedure prevented the
    Commonwealth from asserting all of its defenses in its
    initial answer. On reconsideration of this argument, we do
    not agree with Robinson’s waiver argument.
    Because Fed. R. Civ. P. 12 was promulgated before the
    enactment of AEDPA, the rule does not refer to the
    successiveness issue and it therefore does not categorize
    that issue among the defenses referred to in the rule. Most
    courts that have considered the issue treat the
    successiveness issue as comparable to the defense that the
    court lacks jurisdiction of the subject matter. See Spivey v.
    State Bd. of Pardons & Paroles, 
    279 F.3d 1301
    , 1303 (11th
    Cir. 2002) (per curiam) (holding that where prisoner’s
    S 1983 claim was the "functional equivalent" of a second
    habeas petition, and "he did not first apply with this Court
    for permission to file a second or successive petition as
    required by 28 U.S.C. S 2244(b)(3)(A), the district court
    lacked jurisdiction to entertain [his] claim"); United States v.
    142 F.3d 1211
    , 1212 (10th Cir. 1998) (per
    curiam) (concluding that when petitioner failed to obtain
    "prior authorization" from the court of appeals before filing
    his third habeas petition in the district court, the"district
    court lacked subject matter jurisdiction" to decide the
    petition and its order on the merits "must be vacated");
    Nelson v. United States, 
    115 F.3d 136
    , 136 (2d Cir. 1997)
    ("to the extent the district court dealt with the[successive]
    S 2255 motion on its merits, the judgment of that court be
    and it hereby is vacated for lack of jurisdiction in that court
    to entertain the motion" because petitioner had not
    obtained an order authorizing such a petition from the
    court of appeals).
    Rule 12(g) requires the consolidation of all defenses
    "which th[e] rule permits to be raised by motion." Fed. R.
    Civ. P. 12(g). Although, as discussed earlier, the so-called
    Third Circuit Rule permits a limitations defense to be raised
    by motion, Rule 12 does not list it among the enumerated
    defenses deemed waived if not consolidated with other
    defenses. See Fed. R. Civ. P. 12(h) (setting forth defenses
    waived if omitted from motion in circumstances described
    in Rule 12(g)).
    A somewhat comparable situation arose in Perry v.
    207 F.3d 379
     (7th Cir. 2000), where the defendant
    filed a motion to dismiss the second amended complaint for
    failure to state a claim, which was granted in part. In
    response to the third amended complaint, defendant filed a
    motion to dismiss on the ground that the statute of
    limitations had run. The district court granted the motion,
    and the court of appeals affirmed, holding that defendant
    had not waived the statute of limitations defense because
    he had not filed an answer. The court stated, "[defendant]
    did not waive his statute of limitations defense by waiting
    to file it until after the 12(b)(6) motions had run their
    Id. at 383
    The Commonwealth’s letter response to Robinson’s
    habeas petition seeking transfer to this court was
    equivalent to a motion to dismiss for lack of subject matter
    jurisdiction. A motion to dismiss for lack of subject matter
    jurisdiction is an even more favored affirmative defense
    than a motion to dismiss for failure to state a claim. See
    Fed. R. Civ. P. 12(h). It follows that in initially seeking
    transfer to this court the Commonwealth did not act
    inconsistently with Rule 12’s requirements as to the
    presentation of defenses.
    Equally important is the recognition that AEDPA places
    the defense of successiveness on a different level than other
    affirmative defenses, such as the statute of limitations.
    Practically speaking, it is unique. Second or successive
    petitions for habeas relief have always faced significant
    obstacles to consideration in the federal courts because
    they are, for the most part, wasteful of judicial time and
    effort. The passage of AEDPA in 1996 strengthened these
    obstacles by creating a special screening process for the
    consideration of second or successive petitions, often
    referred to as a " ‘gatekeeping’ mechanism." Felker v.
    518 U.S. 651
    , 657 (1996). Section 2244(b) provides
    both procedural and substantive limits on the filing of
    second or successive petitions. One of the most significant
    changes is the requirement that the applicant must secure
    approval from the court of appeals to file a successive
    petition. 28 U.S.C. S 2244(b)(3)(A) (2001); H.R. Conf. Rep.
    No. 104-518, at 111 (1996). Unless the court of appeals
    grants such permission, the district court may not consider
    the second or successive petition.
    Review of the language of S 2244(b)(3)(A) makes apparent
    the threshold nature of the inquiry into successiveness. The
    statute provides:
    Before a second or successive application permitted by
    this section is filed in the district court, the applicant
    shall move in the appropriate court of appeals for an
    order authorizing the district court to consider the
    28 U.S.C. S 2244(b)(3)(A) (emphasis added).
    Robinson argues that there is no significance to the
    statute’s introduction to this requirement with the word
    "before." We are not persuaded. No other defense is
    accompanied by this statutory imperative, and it is
    apparent that the statutory structure gives priority to the
    successiveness challenge.
    It is true, as Robinson argues, that the Commonwealth
    could have raised its statute of limitations defense in the
    District Court when it raised the successiveness issue in
    response to Robinson’s 1998 petition for habeas, but
    imposing such a requirement is contrary to the procedure
    established by AEDPA. When a second or successive
    habeas petition is erroneously filed in a district court
    without the permission of a court of appeals, the district
    court’s only option is to dismiss the petition or transfer it
    to the court of appeals pursuant to 28 U.S.C. S 1631. The
    statute limits the authority of the district court to consider
    second or successive petitions without an order of the court
    of appeals. The district courts recognize this limitation. In
    United States v. Enigwe, No. 92-00257, 
    1998 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 15149
    , at *11-*12 (E.D. Pa. Sept. 28, 1998) (citations
    omitted) (quoting Pratt v. United States, 
    129 F.3d 54
    , 57
    (1st Cir. 1997)), aff ’d 
    248 F.3d 1131
     (3d Cir. 2000)
    (unpublished), the court stated: "Th[e] statutory directive
    means that a district court, faced with an unapproved
    second or successive habeas petition, must either dismiss
    it or transfer it to the appropriate court of appeals."
    As the Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit has
    stated when considering a similar issue:
    [O]nly this court may authorize the commencement of
    a second or successive petition. . . . From the district
    court’s perspective, it is an allocation of subject-matter
    jurisdiction to the court of appeals. A district court
    must dismiss a second or successive petition, without
    awaiting any response from the government, unless the
    court of appeals has given approval for its filing. Even
    an explicit consent by the government to beginning the
    case in the district court would be ineffectual; the
    power to authorize its commencement does not reside
    in either the district court or the executive branch of
    Nunez v. United States, 
    96 F.3d 990
    , 991 (7th Cir. 1996)
    (emphasis in original).
    There is no practical opportunity for a district court to
    consider merits defenses, such as the statute of limitations
    defense, before this court grants authorization to do so
    under 28 U.S.C. S 2244(b)(3)(A). It would circumvent the
    intent of the gatekeeping function of S 2244 for a district
    court to proceed to rule on the merits of a second or
    successive petition or on any affirmative defense before the
    court of appeals has made a decision whether to let the
    petition for habeas corpus proceed in the district court.
    Defenses such as the statute of limitations would be
    premature at this stage. We therefore reject Robinson’s
    argument that the Commonwealth waived its statute of
    limitations defense by not raising it in the District Court
    when it challenged Robinson’s petition on the ground of
    Robinson next argues that the Commonwealth was
    obliged to raise its statute of limitations defense in this
    court in response to his appeal from the District Court’s
    dismissal of his petition for habeas corpus. Although
    Robinson is correct that AEDPA does not preclude a court
    of appeals from considering the statute of limitations
    defense in deciding whether to grant permission to file a
    successive habeas petition, and it may well choose to do so,
    there is no rule that requires the Commonwealth to raise
    that issue at the appellate level. And, of course, Rule 12
    governing waiver of defenses and consolidation of
    affirmative defenses in a motion applies only to pleadings in
    the district court. Moreover, it is not the usual practice of
    this court to consider and determine a defense that has not
    been considered in the first instance by the district court.
    Often, such defenses require submission of evidentiary
    material which appellate courts are not in a position to
    consider in the first instance. It follows that the
    Commonwealth was not obliged to raise its statute of
    limitations defense on appeal and therefore cannot be
    deemed to have waived the defense for failure to raise it on
    Indeed, as the Commonwealth points out, there was no
    appeal of the District Court’s dismissal as that term is
    ordinarily construed. Instead, Robinson sought a certificate
    of appealability from this court under 28 U.S.C.
    S 2253(c)(1). We granted a certificate of appealability limited
    to "[w]hether the District Court erred by dismissing
    Appellant’s petition for writ of habeas corpus under 28
    U.S.C. S 2254 as a second or successive petition for which
    Appellant did not obtain authorization from this Court to
    file under 28 U.S.C. S 2244(b)(3)." Order, Robinson v.
    Johnson, No. 99-1434 (3d Cir. Dec. 13, 1999). 5
    The Commonwealth was directed to show cause within
    fourteen days why the District Court’s dismissal should not
    be summarily reversed and remanded for consideration as
    if it were Robinson’s first petition. The Commonwealth
    limited its response to the issue identified.
    This court’s order was directed specifically to the
    Commonwealth filing an answer as to whether the habeas
    petition was successive. As proceedings were directed solely
    to determining whether the petition would be allowed under
    the successiveness rules, there would have been no reason
    for the Commonwealth to raise an alternate ground to
    uphold the dismissal, which might require the development
    of a record. Ordinarily, the court of appeals’ consideration
    of a request for authorization to file a second or successive
    petition is limited to whether the applicant has made a
    prima facie showing that the petition complies with the
    habeas statute’s substantive successive petition standards.
    28 U.S.C. S 2244(b)(3)(C). Because of this limited scope of
    review, the Commonwealth appropriately limited its
    response to the issue of successiveness.
    5. In support of this argument, Robinson relies on the principle that a
    party who failed to raise an argument in its initial appeal is held to have
    waived its right to raise that argument on remand or on a second appeal.
    That principle must be limited to issues appropriate to be raised on
    appeal. It does not require a party to raise an issue that had not been
    previously treated or even raised in the district court.
    After the Commonwealth conceded that Robinson’s
    petition was not successive in light of the development of
    the law, this court remanded the petition to the District
    Court "for consideration as if it were [Robinson’s] first
    habeas petition." Order, Robinson v. Johnson , No. 99-1434
    (3d Cir. Feb. 2, 2000). This language mirrors that in our
    decision in Christy where we held that "when a prior
    petition has been dismissed without prejudice for failure to
    exhaust state remedies, no [prior] authorization is
    necessary and the petitioner may file his petition in the
    district court as if it were the first such filing." 
    115 F.3d at 208
     (emphasis added). Once the issue of successiveness
    was disposed of, the Commonwealth could then move
    beyond that threshold issue to present defenses to the
    petition, such as the statute of limitations. It was only at
    this point that the normal rules regarding the waiver of
    defenses under Fed. R. Civ. P. 8(c) applied. Because the
    Commonwealth raised the statute of limitations in its first
    pleading that was filed in the District Court on remand, we
    hold that it did not waive this defense.
    It follows that we must reject Robinson’s suggestion that
    the Commonwealth’s failure to raise its statute of
    limitations defense in this court constituted a waiver.
    Robinson suggests that if the Commonwealth did not
    waive the statute of limitations defense, then this court
    should hold that his case warrants equitable tolling and
    should be remanded to the District Court for an evidentiary
    hearing on that question. We have held that the statutes of
    limitations in AEDPA are subject to tolling in light of
    equitable considerations. Miller, 
    145 F.3d at 617
    . In Miller,
    we explained that "equitable tolling is proper only when the
    ‘principles of equity would make [the] rigid application [of a
    limitation period] unfair.’ " 
    Id. at 618
     (quoting Shendock v.
    Director, Office of Workers’ Compensation Programs , 
    893 F.2d 1458
    , 1462 (3d Cir. 1990) (in banc) (alteration in
    original)). "Generally, this will occur when the petitioner
    has ‘in some extraordinary way . . . been prevented from
    asserting his or her rights.’ " 
     (quoting Oshiver v. Levin,
    Fishbein, Sedran & Berman, 
    38 F.3d 1380
    , 1380 (3d Cir.
    To be successful in asserting this exception to the statute
    of limitations, the petitioner must "show that he or she
    ‘exercised reasonable diligence in investigating and bringing
    [the] claims’ . . . . Mere excusable neglect is not sufficient."
    Id. at 618-19 (quotation omitted). In addition, we have
    cautioned that "a statute of limitations should be tolled
    only in the rare situation where equitable tolling is
    demanded by sound legal principles as well as the interests
    of justice." Jones v. Morton, 
    195 F.3d 153
    , 159 (3d Cir.
    1999) (quotation omitted). See also Nara v. Frank, 
    264 F.3d 310
     (3d Cir. 2001) (remand for evidentiary hearing on
    whether equitable tolling is warranted because of
    defendant’s mental health problems and failures by his
    Robinson argues that his circumstances warrant an
    evidentiary hearing on the availability of equitable tolling.
    Robinson states that he was transferred to a different unit
    at his correctional institution just under five weeks before
    the expiration of the statute of limitations for his petition.
    Br. of Appellant at 31. He contends that at the time of the
    transfer in August 1997, all of his personal belongings,
    including his legal papers, were taken from him and never
    returned. Br. of Appellant at 31. He asserts that without
    those legal papers he could not submit a timely petition.
    The record shows that Robinson filed a grievance in
    December 1997, over two months after the limitations
    period had expired, stating that he had asked prison staff
    members to obtain his documents in September 1997. See
    Robinson’s 3/2/00 motion for an order mandating District
    Attorney to provide records. He states that his papers were
    never returned, Br. of Appellant at 31-32, but that on an
    undisclosed date, he acquired a copy of his 1991 habeas
    petition from a former cellmate and, with the aid of this
    copy, he was able to write his new petition. Br. of Appellant
    at 32. As we previously noted, Robinson filed this petition
    with the District Court in September 1998.
    The facts of this case do not present a basis for equitable
    tolling. Robinson was only deprived of his legal papers for
    a few weeks of the year-long statute of limitations. He
    argues, based on the disposition in Miller, that an
    evidentiary hearing is required. However, Miller was the first
    case in which this court held that AEDPA’s statute of
    limitations may be equitably tolled in appropriate
    circumstances. Thus, the court remanded so that the
    District Court could consider the issue in the first instance.
    In contrast to the facts in Miller, here Robinson had raised
    equitable tolling in the District Court, and was
    unsuccessful. Miller neither holds nor states that an
    evidentiary hearing must be held in every case where the
    petitioner alleges deprivation of access to legal papers.
    In addition, Robinson has not shown that he exercised
    adequate diligence in attempting to file a timely petition.
    Although he did informally request return of his papers
    after his August 19, 1997 transfer, the grievance filed in
    December 1997, after the expiration of his federal
    limitations period, stated that he needed the documents for
    his state court filings. While he ultimately received a copy
    of his old habeas petition, he filed his petition without the
    benefit of his removed legal papers, suggesting, if not
    demonstrating, that they were not necessary to his federal
    Several other courts that have considered this issue
    under similar circumstances have held that deprivation of
    legal material for a relatively brief time period is not
    sufficient to warrant tolling. See Fisher v. Johnson, 
    174 F.3d 710
     (5th Cir. 1999) (equitable tolling not warranted
    when prisoner restricted to psychiatric ward for seventeen
    days without access to legal materials, but holding that it
    might have been a stronger case if the incapacitation
    occurred closer to the filing deadline); Allen v. Lewis, 
    255 F.3d 798
    , 801 (9th Cir. 2001) (per curiam) (denial of access
    to legal materials for one month near beginning of the
    statute of limitations did not warrant application of
    equitable tolling) (rehearing en banc on other grounds, 
    295 F.3d 1046
     (9th Cir. 2002)); but see Valverde v. Stinson, 
    224 F.3d 129
    , 133-35 (2d Cir. 2000) (finding confiscation of
    legal papers "extraordinary" and sufficient to warrant an
    evidentiary hearing, and rejecting argument that petitioner
    should be faulted for failing to file earlier to protect against
    possible confiscation).
    Admittedly, in Allen and Fisher the petitioners were
    deprived of their materials early in the limitations period
    when there was adequate time to correct the problem.
    Robinson’s deprivation occurred at the very end of the
    limitations period. His case more closely resembles that in
    Valverde where the papers were confiscated at the end of
    the limitations period. But Robinson still has not
    demonstrated the diligence necessary to warrant an
    evidentiary hearing on his claim. For example, Robinson
    does not claim that he was working on the habeas petition
    before his papers were removed, although there was
    adequate time to have done so. Summarizing, he had the
    majority of the limitations period to work on his petition,
    filed his formal grievance long after the limitations period
    expired, ultimately filed his petition without the benefit of
    the removed papers, and did not seek to file a timely
    petition and then clarify it once he had access to his
    materials as 28 U.S.C. S 2242 and Fed. R. Civ. P. 15(a)
    would allow. See United States v. Duffus, 
    174 F.3d 333
    , 337
    (3d Cir. 1999). Robinson has not alleged facts sufficient to
    show that "sound legal principles as well as the interests of
    justice" demand pursuit of the "sparing" doctrine of
    equitable tolling. Jones, 
    195 F.3d at 159
    . 6
    For the reasons set forth, we will affirm the order of the
    6. Robinson argues that the equities favor him because he has been
    waiting for more than 3 years for a determination of the merits of his
    habeas petition. Robinson, a convicted first-degree murderer, has been
    exceedingly lax throughout in his adherence to the procedural
    requirements. There would have been no issue of exhaustion with
    respect to his first habeas petition had he filed the petition for allocatur
    in 1989 with the Pennsylvania Supreme Court, which he did not. He did
    not appeal the denial of his second petition under the PCRA. It was only
    with his third PCRA application, filed in 1994, that he proceeded to
    exhaust all of the Pennsylvania procedures. He is hardly in the position
    of a clean hands petitioner. Moreover, because Robinson’s petition was
    untimely, as the District Court found and we have affirmed, the delay in
    hearing the merits of the habeas petition cannot have caused him any
    District Court dismissing Robinson’s petition for a writ of
    A True Copy:
    Clerk of the United States Court of Appeals
    for the Third Circuit

Document Info

Docket Number: 00-1979

Filed Date: 11/18/2002

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 3/3/2016

Authorities (40)

Pratt v. United States , 129 F.3d 54 ( 1997 )

Williams v. Ashland Engineering Co. , 45 F.3d 588 ( 1995 )

William H. Grant v. Preferred Research, Inc., a Georgia ... , 885 F.2d 795 ( 1989 )

Ronald Keith Spivey v. State Board of Pardons , 279 F.3d 1301 ( 2002 )

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Robert F. Davis v. James Grusemeyer, Raymond Gurak, Donald ... , 996 F.2d 617 ( 1993 )

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Donald Green, Also Known as Sly, Also Known as Stone v. ... , 260 F.3d 78 ( 2001 )

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Ronald Jones v. Willis Morton, Warden of Trenton State ... , 195 F.3d 153 ( 1999 )

Shendock v. Director, Office of Workers' Compensation ... , 893 F.2d 1458 ( 1990 )

Joseph George Nara v. Frederick Frank , 264 F.3d 310 ( 2001 )

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