Beazer East Inc v. Mead Corp , 412 F.3d 429 ( 2005 )

  •                                                                                                                            Opinions of the United
    2005 Decisions                                                                                                             States Court of Appeals
    for the Third Circuit
    Beazer East Inc v. Mead Corp
    Precedential or Non-Precedential: Precedential
    Docket No. 02-3727
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    Nos: 02-3727/02-4185
    The Mead Corporation,
    Appellant - Case No. 02-3727
    The Mead Corporation,
    Appellant - Case No. 02-4185
    Appeal from the United States District Court
    for the Western District of Pennsylvania
    (D.C. Civil Action No. 91-cv-00408)
    District Judge: Honorable Gustave Diamond, Chief Judge
    Argued on December 16, 2003
    Before: ROTH, MCKEE and ROSENN, Circuit Judges
    (Opinion filed June 23, 2005 )
    James Van Carson, Esquire (Argued)
    Squire, Sanders & Dempsey
    127 Public Square
    4900 Key Tower
    Cleveland, OH 44114
    Charles R. McElwee II, Esquire
    Squire, Sanders & Dempsey
    One Maritime Plaza
    Suite 300
    San Francisco, CA 94111
    David E. White, Esquire
    Thorp, Reed & Armstrong
    301 Grant Street
    One Oxford Centre, 14th Floor
    Pittsburgh, PA 15219
    D. Matthew Jameson, Esquire (Argued)
    Melissa L. Evans, Esquire
    Mark D. Shepard, Esquire
    Babst, Calland, Clements & Zomir
    Two Gateway Center, 8 th Floor
    Pittsburgh, PA 15222
    John E. Frey, Esquire
    Wildman, Harrold, Allen & Dixon
    225 West Wacker Drive
    Suite 300
    Chicago, IL 60606
    ROTH, Circuit Judge
    The Mead Corporation appeals several orders of
    the United States District Court for the Western District of
    Pennsylvania in a CERCLA 1 contribution action brought by
    Beazer East, Inc. The main issue presented in these appeals is
    Comprehensive Environmental Response Compensation
    and Liability Act (CERCLA), 42 U.S.C.A. §§ 9601-9675.
    whether the District Court, over Mead’s objection, properly
    referred part of Beazer’s action – the equitable allocation
    proceeding – to the Magistrate Judge. In conducting this
    proceeding, the Magistrate Judge resolved factual disputes
    going to one of the ultimate issues in the case – what share of
    Beazer’s response costs should be borne by each of the
    responsible parties – and, in doing so, essentially tried part of
    the case. Magistrate judges may not, however, try cases
    without the parties’ consent. Because we conclude that the
    District Court’s referral was an improper delegation of its
    traditional adjudicatory function, this case must be remanded
    for a new equitable allocation proceeding before the District
    II. Factual Background and Procedural History
    This is the second time this CERCLA contribution
    action has been before us. See Beazer East, Inc. v. The Mead
    34 F.3d 206
    (3d Cir. 1994) (“Beazer I”). In 1991,
    Beazer East, Inc., signed an Administrative Order on Consent
    (AOC) developed by the United States Environmental
    Protection Agency. The AOC required Beazer to investigate
    and cleanup the Woodward Facility Coke Plant, an industrial
    site in Alabama formerly owned and operated by Beazer.
    Beazer’s predecessor, Koppers Company, Inc (KCI), bought
    the site from The Mead Corporation in 1974. Beazer sought
    contribution for its investigation and cleanup costs from Mead
    under CERCLA, 42 U.S.C. §§ 9607(a) & 9613(f). Mead filed
    a counterclaim for indemnity based on certain provisions of
    the 1974 purchase agreement. The District Court granted
    summary judgment to Mead on this basis, but we reversed in
    Beazer I. We held that the key environmental indemnification
    provision failed the basic rule of Alabama contract law that
    promises to indemnify must be plain and unambiguous.
    Beazer I at 216-19. Accordingly, we remanded the case to the
    District Court for further proceedings on Beazer’s
    contribution claim. 
    Id. at 219
    & n.10.
    The chief tasks on remand were to determine which of
    Beazer’s response costs were necessary and consistent with
    the National Contingency Plan (NCP), 42 U.S.C.
    9607(a)(4)(B), and what percentage of those costs should be
    born by each of the responsible parties: Beazer, Mead, and
    Koppers Industries, Inc. (KII).2 42 U.S.C. § 9613(f)(1) (“In
    resolving contribution claims, the court may allocate response
    costs among liable parties using such equitable factors as the
    court determines are appropriate”). In July 1996, the District
    Court referred this second question to the Magistrate Judge,
    On remand Mead filed a third-party complaint against
    KII, the current owner of much of the site. KII was formed in
    a 1988 leveraged buy-out led by former KCI managers
    following Beazer’s acquisition of KCI. Beazer sold the
    operational portion of the site to KII in 1988, agreeing to
    indemnify KII for environmental liabilities arising from pre-
    1988 activities. KII continued to operate the site until 1998 and
    demolished all site structures in 1999.
    There is no dispute that Beazer, Mead, and KII are each
    responsible parties as defined by CERCLA, 42 U.S.C. §
    9607(a). Each entity has owned and operated the Woodward
    Facility, and hazardous substances were disposed of at the
    facility during each ownership period. See 
    id. at §
    ordering the Magistrate Judge to issue a report, “after a
    hearing if necessary,” identifying the appropriate equitable
    factors and setting forth an allocation of Beazer’s clean-up
    costs among the parties.
    Mead objected, arguing that the Magistrate Judge did
    not have authority under the Magistrates Act to decide the
    equitable allocation issue in the first instance without the
    parties’ consent. The District Court rejected this argument,
    reasoning that equitable allocation was “essentially . . . a
    pretrial matter” which can be referred to a magistrate judge
    without the parties’ consent per 28 U.S.C. § 636(b)(1), and
    that any concerns over the Magistrate Judge’s authority were
    allayed by the District Court’s retention of de novo review
    over the Magistrate Judge’s Report and Recommendation.
    The Magistrate Judge conducted a lengthy hearing on
    the equitable allocation issue in May 1997 and ultimately
    issued a Report and Recommendation in November 1999.
    Starting from the premise that responsible parties should pay
    according to their relative fault, the Magistrate Judge found
    that Mead was responsible for disposing of approximately
    90% of the waste on the site, while Beazer and KII together
    were responsible for disposing of approximately 10% of the
    waste. However, the Magistrate Judge adjusted this initial
    allocation to account for his proposed finding that the parties
    to the 1974 purchase agreement “intended that Mead be able
    to ‘walk away’ from the site, i.e., that Mead would not
    indemnify [KCI] for any future costs at the site for any
    reason, including environmental response costs.” 3 The
    Magistrate Judge proposed that Mead’s share of Beazer’s
    response costs be reduced and Beazer’s share increased by
    15% of the total costs. The Magistrate Judge also found that
    KII should bear a minor share of the response costs because,
    as the current owner, it would benefit from the environmental
    remediation of the site. The Magistrate Judge proposed that
    KII’s share of Beazer’s response costs should be 2.5%, that
    Mead’s share should be 73.75% (90% of the waste minus
    15% shifted to Beazer minus 1.25%, half of KII’s share), and
    that Beazer’s share should be 23.75% (10% of the waste plus
    15% shifted from Mead minus 1.25%).
    Following Mead’s objections, in March 2000, the
    District Court adopted the Magistrate Judge’s report with the
    following minor modifications: 1) 20% of the total costs —
    rather than 15% — would be shifted to Beazer based on the
    text, parole evidence, and legal context of the 1974 purchase
    agreement; and 2) KII’s share would be subtracted entirely
    from Mead’s share and added to Beazer’s share because
    Beazer did not bring a contribution claim against KII.
    Accordingly, Mead’s share was reduced to 67.5% (90%
    This finding was based on the M agistrate Judge’s
    interpretation of the indemnification clause in the 1974 purchase
    agreement discussed in Beazer I, the “as is, where is” clause in
    the same agreement, and the law of caveat emptor in Alabama
    at the time of the agreement. The Magistrate Judge further
    found that KCI performed a full inspection of the site prior to
    purchase, and was “well aware of the environmental condition
    of the site.”
    minus 20% minus 2.5%), and Beazer’s increased to 32.5%
    (10% plus 20% plus 2.5%).
    In February 2002, the District Court conducted a three-
    day trial to determine which of Beazer’s actual costs incurred
    through December 31, 1999, were recoverable CERCLA
    response costs. In August 2002 the District Court issued a
    thorough opinion largely rejecting Mead’s challenges to
    Beazer’s costs. The court determined that Beazer had
    incurred recoverable response costs of $4,805,137.60 through
    the end of 1999 and entered judgment against Mead for
    67.5% of this amount, or $3,243,467.80. Pursuant to the
    parties’ stipulation, in September 2002, the Court further
    ordered Mead to pay pre-judgment interest in the amount of
    $1,538,164.03. Finally, in October 2002, the District Court
    entered a declaratory judgment requiring Mead to pay 67.5%
    of Beazer’s ongoing response costs associated with
    implementing the AOC. The order also provided a
    framework for resolution of disputes over the necessity and
    NCP-consistency of such costs.
    Mead timely appealed these orders. In December
    2002, we assigned the case for mediation pursuant to the
    Third Circuit’s Appellate Mediation Program, L.A.R. 33.0.
    The parties strenuously dispute what transpired at the
    February 26, 2003, mediation session. Beazer claims that the
    parties reached an oral agreement while Mead claims that the
    tentative agreement reached at mediation was conditioned on
    further management approval which was ultimately denied.
    In May 2003, Beazer moved this Court to enforce the alleged
    oral settlement and dismiss Mead’s appeal with prejudice.
    The motion was referred to this panel and we decide it here
    along with Mead’s appeals.
    III. Jurisdiction
    The District Court had jurisdiction over this case under
    42 U.S.C. § 9613(b), which vests exclusive jurisdiction of
    CERCLA claims in the federal courts, as well as under 28
    U.S.C. §§ 1331 and 1332. Horsehead Industries, Inc. v.
    Paramount Communications, Inc., 
    258 F.3d 132
    , 140 (3d Cir.
    2001); Beazer 
    I, 34 F.3d at 210
    . We have appellate
    jurisdiction over the appeal from the District Court’s final
    orders described above pursuant to 28 U.S.C. § 1291.
    Industries, 258 F.3d at 140
    . Finally, we have
    original jurisdiction over Beazer’s motion to enforce the
    alleged settlement agreement. See Fed. R. App. Pro. 33 (“The
    court may, as a result of the [mediation], enter an order
    controlling the course of the proceedings or implementing any
    settlement agreement.”). See also Herrnreitter v. Chicago
    Housing Auth., 
    281 F.3d 684
    , 637 (7th Cir. 2002).
    V. Discussion
    A.     Enforcement of the alleged oral settlement.
    Beazer’s motion to specifically enforce the alleged oral
    settlement reached at the appellate mediation and to dismiss
    this appeal with prejudice must be rejected. Both Local
    Appellate Rule (LAR) 33.5 and sound judicial policy compel
    the conclusion that parties to an appellate mediation session
    are not bound by anything short of a written settlement. Any
    other rule would seriously undermine the efficacy of the
    Appellate Mediation Program by compromising the
    confidentiality of settlement negotiations.4
    Beazer requests enforcement of the alleged oral
    settlement but admits that there are genuine factual disputes
    regarding whether the parties actually reached an agreement.5
    Mead correctly argues that we cannot resolve these disputes
    without violating the confidentiality rule, LAR 33.5(c). With
    exceptions not relevant here, Rule 33.5(c) provides that no
    one at the mediation session – neither mediator, counsel, nor
    party – may disclose “statements made or information
    developed during the mediation process.” The provision
    Federal Rule of Appellate Procedure 33 gives appellate
    courts the power to order settlement conferences and to
    “implement[] any settlement agreement” reached as a result of
    such conferences. Fed. R. App. P. 33. The Third Circuit has
    established an Appellate Mediation Program to implement this
    general directive. Local Appellate Rule 33.0. The program is
    subject to the rules and procedures provided in the Local
    Appellate Rules. 
    Id. 5 Beazer
    asserts that the parties reached an oral agreement
    at the mediation conference but that Mead’s management
    ultimately reneged on the agreement while it was being reduced
    to writing over the course of the following weeks. Mead
    contends that the parties only reached “a tentative resolution of
    some of the financial terms.” According to Mead, this
    resolution was non-binding because it exceeded Mead’s
    representatives’ settlement authority. According to Beazer,
    Mead’s representatives never indicated that the agreement
    reached at the mediation session was conditioned on subsequent
    approval by Mead’s management.
    further provides that “the parties are prohibited from using
    any information obtained as a result of the mediation process
    as a basis for any motion or argument to any court.” LAR
    33.5(c) (emphases added). Beazer cannot prove the existence
    or terms of the disputed oral settlement without violating this
    provision’s broadly stated prohibitions.6
    Beazer argues that the rule is not so sweeping. Beazer
    concedes that it may not use information obtained at the
    conference in any argument going to the merits of the appeal,
    but contends that it must be able to use that information for
    the limited purposes of proving the existence and terms of a
    settlement. This argument is unpersuasive. First, the rule is
    stated in the broadest possible language and does not
    contemplate any such exception. Second, Beazer’s proposed
    exception would effectively undermine the rule and would
    compromise the effectiveness of the Appellate Mediation
    Program. A confidentiality provision “permits and
    encourages counsel to discuss matters in an uninhibited
    fashion often leading to settlement.” Lake Utopia Paper Ltd.
    v. Connelly Containers, Inc., 
    608 F.2d 928
    , 929 (2d Cir.
    1979). If counsel know beforehand that the proceedings may
    It is true that the rule also provides that
    “[n]otwithstanding the foregoing, the bare fact that a settlement
    has been reached as a result of mediation shall not be considered
    confidential.” LAR 33.5(c). However, this exception is
    unavailing. Beazer may assert the “bare fact” that a settlement
    was reached but may not offer any evidence supporting this
    assertion. Since Mead asserts that no settlement was reached,
    there is no way for us to resolve the dispute.
    be laid bare on the claim that an oral settlement occurred at
    the conference, they will “of necessity . . . feel constrained to
    conduct themselves in a cautious, tight-lipped, non-committal
    manner more suitable to poker players in a high-stakes game
    than to adversaries attempting to arrive at a just resolution of
    a civil dispute.” Id.; see also 
    Herrnreiter, 281 F.3d at 637
    (“A motion to implement a conference settlement easily could
    be a strategy to pierce the confidentiality of the negotiations
    and inform the judges of the parties’ position, rather than to
    carry out an agreement actually reached.”). Third, Beazer’s
    proposed exception would require appellate courts to receive
    evidence and resolve factual disputes, tasks more properly
    suited to the district courts. See 
    Herrnreiter, 281 F.3d at 637
    We must also consider LAR 33.5(d), which provides
    that “[n]o party shall be bound by statements or actions at a
    mediation session unless a settlement is reached.” The rule
    further provides that “if a settlement is reached, the agreement
    shall be reduced to writing and shall be binding upon all
    parties to the agreement.” Mead argues that the most
    “straightforward” reading of this rule is that no agreement is
    binding until it is written. Mead’s reading is serial: 1) if the
    parties reach an agreement, 2) then that agreement shall be
    written down, and 3) then, and only then, the agreement shall
    be binding. However, the grammatical structure of the rule is
    consistent with a parallel construction: 1) if the parties reach
    an agreement, 2)a) then it shall be reduced to writing, and,
    2)b) then it shall be binding. Under this reading, the
    agreement is binding because it has been reached, not because
    it has been written down.
    The “parallel” construction of Rule 33.5(d) — which
    would make oral settlement agreements binding on the parties
    — is irreconcilable with Rule 33.5(c), because, as described
    above, there is no way to prove the existence or terms of a
    disputed oral settlement without violating the confidentiality
    provision. Therefore, we adopt Mead’s “serial” reading of
    Rule 33.5(d), according to which an agreement is not binding
    unless it is reduced to writing. We note that the Ninth Circuit
    adopted a serial interpretation of similar language in Barnett
    v. Sea Land Serv., Inc., 
    875 F.2d 741
    , 743-44 (9th Cir. 1989).7
    Further, Judge Easterbrook’s opinion in Herrnreiter
    provides persuasive policy justifications for requiring written
    As in this case, the parties in Barnett entered into
    mediation, but one of the parties refused to sign a settlement
    agreement prepared by another party after the mediation took
    place and argued that no settlement had been reached. 
    Id. Relying on
    Local Rule 39.1, a confidentiality provision
    governing mediation proceedings in the Western District of
    Washington, the District Court prohibited the party seeking to
    enforce the alleged agreement from eliciting testimony from the
    mediator about whether a settlement had been reached. 
    Id. Local Rule
    39.1 is very similar to the Third Circuit’s LAR
    33.5(c) & (d). After providing that mediation proceedings and
    statements are privileged, the rule states that “[n]o party shall be
    bound by anything done or said at the conference unless a
    settlement is reached, in which event the agreement upon a
    settlement shall be reduced to writing and shall be binding upon
    all the parties to that agreement.” 
    Id. The Ninth
    interpreted this language to mean that “until a settlement is
    reduced to writing, it is not binding upon the parties.” 
    Id. at 744.
    settlements.8 In Herrnreiter the parties admitted that they had
    reached an oral settlement at a voluntary appellate mediation
    session but they did not agree on the terms. 
    Id. at 636.
    court denied the defendant’s motion to implement the oral
    Id. at 637.
    The court noted that there is no
    transcript of appellate mediation sessions and that settlement
    conference attorneys presiding over such sessions promise
    both sides that nothing that transpires at the conference will
    be revealed to the judges; the court finally observed that
    appellate courts are not well-positioned to conduct fact-
    finding missions. 
    Id. Accordingly, the
    court concluded that
    nothing short of a mutually satisfactory written settlement
    agreement could terminate an appeal. 
    Id. “Any other
    approach would compromise the confidentiality of the
    negotiations, require the settlement attorneys to become
    witnesses in appellate factfinding proceedings, and
    substantially complicate the disposition of litigation.” 
    Id. All of
    these concerns are equally present in this case. In fact, the
    argument for preserving confidentiality of proceedings is even
    stronger in this case, where participation in the appellate
    mediation program is mandatory and the mediation is directed
    by a court-employed mediator or a judicial officer. See In re
    283 F.3d 627
    , 636-37 (4th Cir. 2002) (citation
    If there are analogous local rules governing the Seventh
    Circuit’s appellate mediation program the Court in Herrnreitter
    did not address them. Rather, it interpreted the text of Fed. R.
    App. Pro. 33, which does not contain a confidentiality provision,
    and the practice of the Seventh Circuit’s Settlement Conference
    Office. 281 F.3d at 637-38
    Beazer complains that if Mead’s interpretation of
    Rules 33.5(c) and (d) is accepted then parties will be able to
    enter into oral agreements at settlement conferences and
    simply back out on a whim, significantly deterring the federal
    policy of encouraging settlements. See D.R. v. East
    Brunswick Bd. of Educ., 
    109 F.3d 896
    , 901 (3d Cir. 1997).
    Beazer also relies on our oft-repeated position that a written
    agreement is not necessary to render a settlement enforceable.
    See, e.g., Green v. John H. Lewis & Co., 
    436 F.2d 389
    , 390
    (3d Cir. 1970) (citations omitted). Mead’s first argument is
    simply incorrect: if parties know beforehand that only a
    written settlement agreement is binding, they will be sure to
    memorialize their agreement in writing at the end of the
    mediation session. Its second argument is based on basic
    common law contract principles, see Main Line Theatres, Inc.
    v. Paramount Film Distributing Corp., 
    298 F.2d 801
    , 803 (3d
    Cir. 1962), and has no application where specific court rules
    provide otherwise.
    For all these reasons, Beazer’s motion to enforce the
    alleged oral settlement agreement and dismiss the appeal is
    B.    The District Court’s Referral to the Magistrate
    Mead argues that the Magistrates Act, 28 U.S.C. § 636,
    does not authorize the District Court’s referral to the
    Magistrate Judge, over Mead’s objection, of the equitable
    allocation issue. Mead contends that, for that reason, the
    Magistrate Judge lacked jurisdiction to conduct a hearing or
    issue a Report and Recommendation. Mead further asserts
    that, because the Magistrate Judge lacked jurisdiction, the
    District Court’s putative de novo review did not rectify the
    improper referral. We agree with Mead on both points.9
    The jurisdiction of magistrate judges is limited by
    statute and may not be augmented by the federal courts. See
    Thomas v. Whitworth, 
    136 F.3d 756
    , 758 (11th Cir. 1998)
    (citing NLRB v. A-Plus Roofing, Inc., 
    39 F.3d 1410
    , 1415 (9th
    Cir. 1994)). The District Court did not rely on any specific
    provision of the Magistrates Act in its order of referral or its
    order rejecting Mead’s objections to the referral, but it is clear
    from the context that the court considered the equitable
    allocation issue a “pretrial matter” under § 636(b)(1).10
    Beazer argues in the alternative that the referral could be re-
    characterized as a designation of the Magistrate Judge to
    serve as a special master under § 636(b)(2) and Federal Rule
    of Civil Procedure 53(b). Beazer also argues that the referral
    was permissible under § 636(b)(3), which authorizes
    magistrate judges to undertake “such additional duties as are
    The scope of a magistrate judge’s authority is a question
    of law over which this Court exercises plenary review. Bowers
    v. National Collegiate Athletic Ass'n, 
    346 F.3d 402
    , 410 (3d Cir.
    We agree with the Fifth Circuit that “[g]ood practice
    would indicate that court orders of designation or reference state
    plainly under what statutory provision the court is proceeding.”
    Archie v. Christian, 
    808 F.2d 1132
    , 1137 (5th Cir. 1987) (en
    banc); see also Silberstein v. Silberstein, 
    859 F.2d 40
    , 42 (7th
    Cir. 1988).
    not inconsistent with the Constitution and laws of the United
    States.” We conclude that the referral was not proper under
    any provision of the Magistrates Act.11
    The District Court also held that Mead’s objections to the
    referral were untimely because Mead did not immediately object
    but waited until the Magistrate Judge had issued a scheduling
    order contemplating implementation of the referral. Mead
    correctly argues that objections to a magistrate judge’s authority
    are jurisdictional and may be raised at any time. Government of
    Virgin Islands v. Williams, 
    892 F.2d 305
    , 309 (3d Cir. 1989).
    Further, for reasons provided in the next section of this opinion
    we conclude that the Magistrate Judge essentially held a trial on
    the equitable allocation issue, and trials may not be conducted
    by a magistrate judge without the parties’ consent. 28 U.S.C. §
    636(c)(1). Even if this consent requirement could be waived, a
    question we need not reach here, we agree with Mead that the
    brief lapse following the District Court’s order of referral cannot
    be construed as a waiver. Mead objected to the Magistrate
    Judge’s authority to consider the equitable allocation issue just
    after the Magistrate Judge entered its scheduling order and long
    before the Magistrate Judge had begun to consider the merits of
    this issue, much less receive the parties’ submissions or hold a
    We note that Beazer has failed on appeal to respond to
    any of Mead’s arguments on this point. Of course, an appellee
    does not concede that a judgment should be reversed by failing
    to respond to an appellant’s argument in favor of reversal. See
    Singletary v. Continental Illinois Nat'l Bank, 
    9 F.3d 1236
    , 1240
    (7th Cir.1993). However, the appellee “waives, as a practical
    1.    Equitable allocation is not a “pretrial
    We first consider whether the equitable allocation
    proceeding referred to the Magistrate Judge is correctly
    characterized as a “pretrial matter.” The Magistrates Act
    authorizes district courts to appoint magistrate judges to
    consider pretrial matters without regard to the parties’
    consent. 28 U.S.C. § 636(b)(1).12 The District Court
    considered the equitable allocation proceeding a pretrial
    matter because it constituted a “significant step” in resolving
    the case:
    First, the identification of the equitable factors that
    will be relevant in an ultimate disposition of this case
    essentially is a pretrial matter and constitutes a
    significant step in resolving the parties’ current
    dispute. In addition, submitting briefs in support of
    an allocation of Beazer’s clean-up costs among the
    parties likewise is a pretrial undertaking which is
    necessary to narrow the issues for trial.
    matter anyway, any objections not obvious to the court to
    specific points urged by the [appellant].” Hardy v. City Optical
    39 F.3d 765
    , 771 (7th Cir. 1994) (citations omitted).
    The m ag istrate jud ge m ay hea r a nd decide non-
    dispositive pretrial matters but may only issue a report and
    recommendation on dispositive pre-trial matters. Compare 28
    U.S.C. § 636(b)(1)(A) with 
    id. at §
    636(b)(1)(B); see also Fed.
    R. Civ. P. 72; United States v. Polishan, 
    336 F.3d 234
    , 239 (3d
    Cir. 2003); NLRB v. Frazier, 
    966 F.2d 812
    , 816 (3d Cir. 1992).
    The District Court’s reasoning is misleading and without
    supporting authority. First, the District Court significantly
    understates the significance and scope of the referral. The
    parties did not simply “submit briefs” in support of the
    equitable allocation issue — they presented extensive
    testimonial and documentary evidence over the course of a
    12-day hearing. At the conclusion of this hearing the
    Magistrate Judge not only identified equitable factors but also
    applied those factors to make a recommendation as to the
    allocation of liability among the parties. Second, by the
    District Court’s reasoning, any issue in the case could be
    could be considered by a magistrate judge in a “pretrial”
    proceeding so long as the Court later conducted a “trial” on at
    least one issue. Whether a given issue is a “pretrial matter,”
    however, turns on the nature of the issue itself, not on the
    position in which it falls in the sequence of decision.
    A CERCLA contribution action consists of
    determining which parties are liable under CERCLA and
    apportioning the liable parties’ shares in an equitable manner.
    See 42 U.S.C. §§ 9607(a) & 9613(f)(1); New Jersey Turnpike
    Authority v. PPG Industries, Inc., 
    197 F.3d 96
    , 104 & n.7 (3d
    Cir. 1999); Kalamazoo River Study Group v. Menasha Corp.,
    228 F.3d 648
    , 656-57 (6th Cir. 2000). Here, the first phase
    was uncontested: Mead, Beazer, and KII are each liable as
    current or former owners and operators of the Woodward
    Coke Plant. See 42 U.S.C. § 4607(a)(1). The equitable
    apportionment phase was divided into two proceedings: a
    proceeding (conducted by the Magistrate Judge) to determine
    the parties’ equitable shares of response costs on a percentage
    basis, see 42 U.S.C. § 9613(f)(1), and a separate proceeding
    (conducted by the District Court) to determine which of
    Beazer’s actual costs qualify as recoverable response costs,
    see 42 U.S.C. § 9607(a)(4)(B). Contrary to the District
    Court’s assertions, then, the issue referred to the Magistrate
    Judge was not a precursor to resolution of the ultimate issue
    — it was one of the ultimate issues to be tried. In fact, it was
    the only issue in the case unique to contribution claims.
    Whether a party is liable and which costs are recoverable are
    questions governed by CERCLA’s liability provision, 42
    U.S.C. § 9607. The contribution provision, section
    9613(f)(1), provides that “[i]n resolving contribution claims,
    the court may allocate response costs among liable parties
    using such equitable factors as the court determines are
    appropriate.” This was the very task referred to the
    Magistrate Judge.
    Further, this task required the Magistrate Judge to
    resolve factual disputes going to the merits of the case. In
    Banks v. United States, 
    614 F.2d 95
    (6th Cir. 1980), the court
    reasoned that section 636(b)(1) was carefully drafted to avoid
    granting magistrate judges the authority to perform fact-
    finding on the merits of case because that function is the
    essence of a trial, and magistrate judges cannot conduct trials
    without the parties’ consent:
    The statute clearly contemplates that a magistrate be
    allowed to help a district judge with a variety of pre-
    trial motions. However, absent consent, the
    magistrate cannot conduct a trial itself. Under our
    system of law, when there are factual controversies,
    there must be a trial. Only when a party is entitled to
    judgment as a matter of law may a trial be aborted.
    See e.g. Fed R. Civ. P. 12, 56. Congress was careful
    to recognize this distinction when it amended the
    Federal Magistrate's Act. The Act permits a
    magistrate to prepare proposed findings on a variety
    of “case dispositive” motions such as summary
    judgment. Except for prisoner's cases, the act does
    not permit the magistrate to perform fact-finding on
    the merits of a case. That is the exclusive function of
    a district judge. Indeed, the magistrate judge's role is
    to free the judge from pre-trial wrangling so that he
    can try cases.
    Id. at 97.13
    In this case the Magistrate Judge did not facilitate
    the District Court’s ultimate adjudicatory function – he
    assumed that function. In the course of making his Report
    and Recommendation, the Magistrate Judge resolved two
    critical factual disputes. First, the he determined that Mead
    was responsible for approximately 90% of the waste at the
    Woodward Coke Plant. Second, he found that the parties to
    the 1974 purchase agreement intended that Mead would not
    be responsible for any environmental liabilities at the Plant.
    This interpretation is supported by the legislative history
    of the Magistrate’s Act and its amendments. See, e.g., H.R.
    Rep. No. 94-1609, at 7 (1976) (explaining that the magistrate
    judge is to “assist the district judge in a variety of pretrial and
    preliminary matters thereby facilitating the ultimate and final
    exercise of the adjudicatory function at the trial of the case.”);
    see also Gomez v. United States, 
    490 U.S. 858
    , 872 & n.23
    (1989) (collecting legislative history for the proposition that
    “magistrates should handle subsidiary matters to enable district
    judges to concentrate on trying cases”).
    By making these findings, he tried part of the case and
    usurped the role of the District Judge. Accordingly, the
    equitable allocation proceeding conducted by the Magistrate
    Judge is not a “pretrial matter” under 28 U.S.C. § 636(b)(1).
    One further argument warrants mention. Beazer and
    the District Court imply that the equitable allocation
    proceeding conducted by the Magistrate Judge was a “pretrial
    matter” simply because it preceded the recoverable costs
    proceeding conducted by the District Court. This is mere
    happenstance. The proceedings could have been held in the
    reverse order or held together. As discussed above, the
    important issue is not the order of decision but the nature of
    decision – both the equitable allocation proceeding and the
    recoverable costs proceeding required the decisionmaker to
    resolve factual disputes going to the ultimate issues in the
    2.     Equitable allocation cannot be referred to a
    special master without the parties’ consent.
    Beazer argues that, even if the referral is not
    authorized by § 636(b)(1), we should recharacterize the
    referral as a designation of the Magistrate Judge to serve as a
    special master under § 636(b)(2). We need not reach the issue
    of whether an appellate court can save a flawed referral in this
    manner because we hold that the designation of a Magistrate
    Judge to conduct an equitable allocation without the parties’
    consent would constitute an abuse of discretion.14 See Sierra
    At least one circuit court has suggested in dictum that an
    improper referral under § 636(b)(1) could be re-characterized as
    Club v. Clifford, 
    257 F.3d 444
    , 446 (9th Cir. 2001)
    (designation of special master is reviewed for abuse of
    discretion); American Cyanimid Co. v. Ellis-Foster Co., 
    298 F.2d 244
    , 247 (3d Cir. 1962) (same).
    Section 636(b)(2) provides in pertinent part that a
    judge “may designate a magistrate judge to serve as a special
    master pursuant to the applicable provisions of this title and
    the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure” without the parties’
    consent. The applicable Federal Rule is Rule 53(b), which
    provides for references to special masters:
    A reference to a master shall be the exception and not
    the rule. In actions to be tried by a jury, a reference
    shall be made only when the issues are complicated;
    in actions to be tried without a jury, save in matters of
    account and of difficult computation of damages, a
    reference shall be made only upon a showing that
    a designation of a magistrate judge to serve as a special master
    per § 636(b)(2) and Rule 53(b). In Callier v. Gray, 
    167 F.3d 977
    , 983 (6th Cir. 1999), the court upheld an ambiguous referral
    to a magistrate judge of a damages issue under the “additional
    duties” provision, § 636(b)(3). The court noted that Rule 53(b)
    might have served as an “additional basis for jurisdiction of the
    magistrate judge on the damages dispute,” but concluded that it
    did not need to reach the issue. 
    Id. at 983
    n.10. The court
    entertained this idea even though the referral in that case was
    made specifically under § 636(b)(1)(B), not § 636(b)(2). We
    take no position on this issue.
    some exceptional condition requires it.15
    The non-jury standard of review applies here. Thus, unless
    the proceeding referred to the Magistrate Judge in this case is
    characterized as part of a “difficult computation of damages,”
    the reference can only be justified upon a showing that some
    “exceptional condition” required it.
    Beazer makes no argument that any “exceptional
    condition” exists in this case, nor does Beazer argue that the
    Magistrate Judge performed any difficult computations.
    Rather, Beazer contends that the referral was proper because
    the equitable allocation proceeding conducted by the
    Magistrate Judge was a “predicate” to a “difficult
    computation of damages” performed by the District Court.
    Beazer’s expansive reading of Rule 53(b) is at odds with the
    Supreme Court’s restrictive interpretation.
    In La Buy v. Howes Leather Co., 
    352 U.S. 249
    , 256,
    259 (1957), the Court affirmed the appellate court’s issuance
    of a writ of mandamus compelling the District Court to vacate
    its order referring essentially the entirety of two complex
    antitrust cases to a special master. The Court noted that while
    masters could “aid judges” in the performance of specific
    duties, they could not be permitted to “displace the court.” 
    Id. at 256;
    see also Prudential Ins. Co. v. United States Gypsum
    991 F.2d 1080
    , 1086 (3d Cir. 1993) (“A district court has
    Both § 636(b)(2) and Rule 53(b) provide that a magistrate
    judge may be designated as a special master without regard to
    Rule 53(b)’s limitations upon consent of the parties. Because
    Mead did not consent, this exception is inapplicable.
    no discretion to delegate its adjudicatory responsibility in
    favor of a decision maker who has not been appointed by the
    President and confirmed by the Senate.”) (citing La Buy); In
    re Bituminous Coal Operators' Ass'n, Inc. 
    949 F.2d 1165
    1168 (D.C. Cir. 1991) (“Rule 53 . . . authorizes the
    appointment of special masters to assist, not to replace, the
    adjudicator, whether judge or jury, constitutionally indicated
    for federal court litigation”). The Court found that the
    references at issue “amounted to little less than an abdication
    of the judicial function depriving the parties of a trial before
    the court on the basic issues involved in the litigation.” La
    Buy, 352 U.S. at 256
    .16 The Court acknowledged, however,
    that difficult damages computations could sometimes be
    referred to a master without the parties’ consent. “The
    detailed accounting required to determine the damages
    suffered by each plaintiff might be referred to a master after
    the court has determined the over-all liability of defendants,
    The Court also rejected the judge’s claim that docket
    congestion, complexity, and length of time necessary for trial
    constituted “exceptional circumstances” justifying the reference.
    Id. at 258-29;
    see also Charles Alan Wright & Arthur R. Miller,
    9A Federal Practice and Procedure § 2605, at 662 (2d ed. 1994)
    (noting that the Court rejected “the three most obvious matters”
    that might be thought to constitute “exceptional conditions”); In
    re Armco, Inc., 
    770 F.2d 103
    , 105 (8th Cir. 1985) ("Beyond
    matters of account, difficult computation of damages, and
    unusual discovery, it is difficult to conceive of a reference of a
    nonjury case that will meet the rigid standards of the La Buy
    decision.") (internal quotations omitted).
    provided the circumstances indicate that the use of the court’s
    time is not warranted in receiving the proof and making the
    Id. at 259.
            Accountings and other damages computations may be
    referred without the parties’ consent because they generally
    do not call for any peculiar judicial talent or insight. See 9A
    Charles Alan Wright & Arthur R. Miller, Federal Practice and
    Procedure § 2605 at 655-66 (2d ed. 1994). Equitable
    apportionment, on the other hand, is a quintessentially judicial
    endeavor. CERCLA’s contribution provision authorizes the
    court to “allocate response costs among liable parties using
    such equitable factors as the court determines are
    appropriate.” 28 U.S.C. § 9613(f)(1). In a given case, “a
    court may consider several factors or a few, depending on the
    totality of the circumstances and equitable considerations.”
    New Jersey Turnpike Authority v. PPG Industries, Inc., 
    197 F.3d 96
    , 104 (3d Cir. 1999) (citation omitted). This flexible
    inquiry involves discretion, judgment, and legal reasoning that
    simply is not connoted by the phrase “difficult computation of
    damages.” This case provides a good illustration of this point.
    The Magistrate Judge’s proposed allocation turned
    chiefly on three factors: 1) volume of waste should be the
    pre-eminent equitable factor given CERCLA’s over-arching
    “polluter-pays” principle; 2) Mead was responsible for
    approximately 90% of the waste; and 3) Mead was
    nonetheless entitled to a reduction in its share based on the
    parties’ intent that Mead would not be responsible for future
    environmental liabilities. In weighing these factors, only the
    second is reasonably related to a “computation of damages.”
    The other two turn on questions of law, policy, equity, and
    contractual intent. Further, even with respect to weighing the
    second factor, the computations performed by the Magistrate
    Judge were not “difficult” – they entailed elementary
    subtraction and addition of percentages. The Magistrate
    Judge did not crunch any numbers to determine that Mead
    was responsible for 90% of the waste on the site; rather, he
    decided which expert’s percentage estimates were more
    convincing. In fact, even this decision largely turned on a
    legal question: should Beazer be able to recover all of its
    response costs based on an AOC ordered under the Resource
    Conservation and Recovery Act that required investigation
    and monitoring of the entire industrial site, or should it be
    limited, as Mead’s chief expert contended, to costs that would
    have been assessed under a more modest hypothetical AOC
    issued pursuant to CERCLA? Thus, the issues referred to the
    Magistrate Judge here were not akin to a complicated
    accounting or difficult damages calculation. Rather, they
    were foremost among the “basic issues” to be tried, and the
    District Court’s referral of those issues without the parties’
    consent was “an abdication of the judicial function.” La 
    Buy, 352 U.S. at 256
    Beazer also argues that our opinion in Beazer I ended
    the “liability phase” of this case, that everything that occurred
    on remand constituted the “damages phase,” and therefore
    everything on remand could have been properly referred to a
    master. This formalistic argument is inconsistent with La
    Buy’s reasoning. In United States v. Microsoft Corp., 
    147 F.3d 955
    , 954-55 (D.C. Cir. 1998), the D.C. Circuit Court of
    Appeals vacated a reference to a special master to determine
    the parties’ rights under a complex consent decree. Seeking
    to uphold the reference, the Department of Justice invoked the
    “well-established tradition” allowing special masters to
    oversee compliance during the remedial phase of litigation,
    arguing that the reference to oversee implementation of the
    consent decree fell squarely within that tradition. 
    Id. at 954.
    (citations omitted). The court rejected this position, holding
    that “[t]he matters referred to the master are no more
    “remedial” than would be those of any total referral of a
    contract case. The concern about nonconsensual references
    turns on the determination of rights, not on a formalistic
    division of the juridical universe into pre-trial, trial and post-
    trial. It is for this reason that special masters may not decide
    dispositive pretrial motions.” 
    Id. (citation omitted).
    Similarly, the reference here involved a complex and delicate
    determination of equities.
    We note, however,that there is some support for
    Beazer’s position. In United States v. Conservation Chemical
    106 F.R.D. 210
    , 216 (W.D. Mo. 1985), the District Court
    referred all pretrial and discovery matters as well as the trial
    on the merits to a special master without the parties’ consent.
    The reference included “the authority to hold hearings and
    issue recommendations on the claims for . . . apportionment
    of costs.” 
    Id. Predictably, the
    Eighth Circuit Court of Appeals
    held that no “exceptional condition” justified the District
    Court’s sweeping reference. In re Armco, 
    770 F.2d 103
    , 105
    (8th Cir. 1985). But then, without explaining its reasoning,
    the court affirmed all aspects of the reference except for the
    trial on the liability issues. Thus, the court affirmed reference
    of all post-liability damages proceedings. 
    Id. Although not
    explicitly stated, this reference necessarily covered any
    equitable allocation proceedings that might be necessary to
    resolve contribution claims brought by any of the liable
    The Armco Court’s unexplained decision to uphold the
    reference of dispositive matters without any showing of
    exceptional conditions has been met with perplexity by two
    other circuit courts. Stauble v. Warrob, Inc., 
    977 F.2d 690
    696 (1st Cir. 1992) (noting that the court was “baffled” by the
    Armco Court’s decision to authorize reference of dispositive
    pre-trial motions); In re United States, 
    816 F.2d 1083
    , 1091
    (6th Cir. 1987) (noting the court’s inability “to follow the
    [Armco] Court’s reasoning” on this issue). We also do not
    consider Armco to be persuasive authority. It is possible that
    the Armco Court was overly solicitous towards the District
    Court’s Rule 53(b) reference because it perceived that the
    District Court required an extraordinary degree of flexibility
    to handle an enormous CERCLA case involving more than
    250 parties. See 9A Wright & Miller, Federal Practice and
    Procedure § 2605, at 666 (“Despite the restrictive standard set
    out in the La Buy case, the actual utilization of masters under
    Rule 53(b) in the past two decades has been quite lively[,]
    undoubtedly [in response to] the rapid growth of complex
    litigation in the federal courts, particularly in cases requiring
    significant scientific and technical knowledge, [and]
    management skills”). In contrast, this case does not present
    similar administrative challenges — there are only three
    parties, and one, KII, has played only a minor role in the
    Accordingly, we reject Beazer’s contention that the
    District Court could have designated the Magistrate Judge to
    hear the equitable allocation issue as a special master without
    Mead’s consent.
    3.      Equitable allocation cannot be referred
    under the “additional duties” clause.
    Finally, we reject Beazer’s suggestion that the referral
    was proper under the “additional duties” clause. 28 U.S.C. §
    636(b)(3). This clause covers only subsidiary matters in the
    absence of the parties’ consent, and equitable allocation is
    central, rather than subsidiary, to a CERCLA contribution
    The parties’ consent or lack thereof is a key factor in
    deciding whether a referral is authorized under the “additional
    duties” clause. In Gomez v. United States, 
    490 U.S. 858
    , 876
    (1989), the Court held that this clause did not authorize
    magistrate judges to supervise voir dire proceedings in a
    criminal case over a defendant’s objection. However, in
    Peretz v. United States, 
    501 U.S. 923
    , 932-36 (1991), the
    Court held that the “additional duties” clause did authorize the
    reference of voir dire in a criminal case where the defendant
    consented to the reference. The Court reasoned that the scope
    of the clause varied significantly according to whether the
    parties’ consented to the reference. See 
    Peretz, 501 U.S. at 931-33
    Gomez, 490 U.S. at 970-71
    . As the Court explained
    in Gomez and reiterated in Peretz, the scope of § 636(b)(3)’s
    residuary clause had to be interpreted in light of the duties
    specifically authorized in the other sections of the Act.
    Peretz, 501 U.S. at 930-31
    Gomez, 490 U.S. at 864
    The Court explained that “the duties that a magistrate judge
    may perform over the parties’ objections are generally
    subsidiary matters not comparable to supervision of jury
    selection. However, with the parties’ consent, a district judge
    may delegate to a magistrate judge supervision of entire civil
    and misdemeanor trials. These duties are comparable in
    responsibility and importance to presiding over voir dire at a
    felony trial.” 
    Peretz, 501 U.S. at 932
    Thus, in the absence of Mead’s consent, the referral
    would only be authorized under § 636(b)(3) if we
    characterized the equitable allocation proceeding as a
    “subsidiary matter.” See Charles Alan Wright et al, 12
    Federal Practice & Procedure § 3068.1 at 329 (2d ed. 1997).
    As explained in the previous two sections, equitable
    allocation is central to Beazer’s CERCLA action, not
    subsidiary thereto. Accordingly, the referral could not be
    authorized under the “additional duties” clause over Mead’s
    This conclusion is consistent with Congressional
    intent. As the Court in Peretz explained, “[t]he Act is
    designed to relieve the district courts of certain subordinate
    duties that often distract the courts from more important
    matters.” 501 U.S. at 934
    . In support of this assessment, the
    Court cited several statements from the legislative history of
    the Act and its various amendments. See, e.g., H.R. Rep. no.
    94-1609, p. 7 (1976) (stating that a magistrate judge is to
    “assist the district judge in a variety of pretrial and
    preliminary matters thereby facilitating the ultimate and final
    exercise of the adjudicatory function at the trial of the case”).
    Equitable allocation is at the very core of a CERCLA
    contribution action and is not a preliminary or subordinate
    4.     Remand is required notwithstanding the
    District Court’s purported de novo review.
    Beazer contends, and the District Court reasoned, that
    any flaw in the referral is corrected by the District Court’s
    purported de novo review of the Magistrate Judge’s proposed
    equitable allocation. This argument is unavailing.
    First, as noted above, a magistrate judge’s authority is
    jurisdictional. Without the parties’ consent, a magistrate
    judge cannot conduct a trial or any part thereof, see 28 U.S.C.
    § 636(c)(1) (“[u]pon the consent of the parties, a . . .
    magistrate judge . . . may conduct any or all proceedings in a
    jury or nonjury civil matter”), and “[t]he mere existence of a
    recommendation [and accompanying de novo review] will not
    change a full trial [or any part thereof] into a pre-trial
    motion.” Jeffrey S. v. State Bd. of Educ., 
    896 F.2d 507
    , 512
    n.17 (11th Cir. 1990) (citing Hall v. Sharpe, 
    812 F.2d 644
    647 (11th Cir. 1987)). Second, § 636(b)(1)(B) provides that
    certain dispositive pre-trial motions may be referred to a
    magistrate judge, but the magistrate judge’s proposal must be
    reviewed de novo by the court. Mead correctly argues that
    this provision would be meaningless if no specific statutory
    delegation were necessary so long as the District Court
    conducted a de novo review. Third, the District Court’s error
    cannot be considered harmless no matter how admirable the
    Magistrate Judge’s efforts may have been. See United States
    v. Ruiz-Rodriguez, 
    277 F.3d 1281
    , 1293 n.17 (11th Cir. 2002)
    (“[H]armless error analysis does not apply when a magistrate
    judge lacks the power to act.”). Since the Magistrate Judge
    lacked the power to conduct the equitable allocation
    proceeding in this case, there was nothing for the District
    Court to review.17
    Although the issue of appropriate remedy is less settled
    where the flawed referral is to a special master (or a
    magistrate judge acting as a special master) rather than to a
    magistrate judge qua magistrate judge, remand for a new trial
    is the proper remedy even if the District Court’s referral could
    be re-characterized as a designation of the Magistrate Judge to
    serve as a special master. First, while at least two courts of
    appeals have suggested that a remand for a new trial may not
    be required where the district court reviews the master’s
    report de novo, Sierra Club v. Clifford, 
    257 F.3d 444
    , 447 (9th
    Cir. 2001) (vacating reference but declining to decide whether
    de novo review by the district judge could save a flawed
    Stauble, 977 F.2d at 698
    n.12 (same), we rejected
    a similar argument in Prudential. The District Court in
    Prudential had stated that the reference was limited to pre-
    trial motions, and that it would review every conclusion of
    law proposed by the special master de 
    novo. 991 F.2d at 1086
    n.11. We reasoned, however, that de novo review of legal
    matters could not save an improper referral because such
    review was always available regardless of whether the referral
    violated Rule 53(b). 
    Id. That is,
    if de novo review of legal
    issues cured referrals made in violation of Rule 53(b), that
    Because we conclude that the District Court could not
    save the flawed referral no matter what level of review it
    conducted, we need not consider whether it actually performed
    a de novo review of the Magistrate Judge’s report and
    provision would be meaningless.
    Furthermore, the referral in this case encompassed
    questions of fact as well as questions of law, and Rule
    53(e)(2) provides that in non-jury trials the district court
    “shall accept the master’s findings of fact unless clearly
    erroneous.” Fed. R. Civ. Pro. 53(e)(2) (emphasis added);
    Apex Fountain Sales, Inc. v. Kleinfeld, 
    818 F.2d 1089
    , 1097
    (3d Cir. 1987) (noting that review of master’s legal
    conclusions is plenary, but that district court must accept
    master’s factual findings unless clearly erroneous). Relying
    on this provision, the court in Microsoft rejected the argument
    that de novo review can save an improper referral because the
    master’s factual conclusions cannot be reviewed de novo
    under Rule 
    53(e)(2). 147 F.3d at 955
    ; see also Sierra 
    Club, 257 F.3d at 448
    (suggesting but not reaching same
    conclusion). In this case the District Court claims that it
    reviewed both the Magistrate Judge’s factual findings and its
    legal conclusions de novo. This is inconsistent with Rule
    53(e)(2), and a district court cannot cure one violation of Rule
    53 by committing another. Finally, it would be inappropriate
    to re-characterize the referral as a flawed designation of a
    special master solely to avoid the remand required by case law
    construing other provisions of the Magistrates Act.
    Accordingly, this case must be remanded for a new
    equitable allocation proceeding before the District Court. We
    note that Beazer’s contribution action is now in its fourteenth
    year and will likely enjoy several more birthdays, partly
    because our reversal today will require the parties to retread
    well-worn ground. In an attempt to avoid further duplicative
    litigation and speed this case towards its conclusion, we take
    this opportunity to resolve two other issues raised by the
    parties on appeal.
    C.       The District Court’s Equitable Allocation Was
    First, we agree with Mead that the District Court
    committed legal error, and therefore abused its discretion, in
    prioritizing the parties’ respective contributions of waste at
    the Woodward Coke Plant in determining the appropriate
    allocation of Beazer’s response costs.18 The District Court
    found that the parties to the 1974 sale intended that Mead
    would not bear any environmental liability following the 1974
    sale, but reduced Mead’s equitable share by only 20% in
    recognition of this and related findings that we refer to here as
    the “purchase agreement factors,” all of which favor Mead.19
    The District Court’s decision to prioritize the volume
    of waste over the purchase agreement factors appears to
    follow two related rationales explicitly developed in the
    Magistrate Judge’s Report and Recommendation. The
    A district court’s allocation of CERCLA response costs
    in a contribution action is reviewed for abuse of discretion. See,
    e.g., Kalamazoo River Study Group v. Rockwell Intern. Corp.,
    274 F.3d 1043
    , 1047 (6 th Cir. 2001). An abuse of discretion
    occurs when “the district court's decision rests upon a clearly
    erroneous finding of fact, an errant conclusion of law or an
    improper application of law to fact.” International Union v.
    Mack Trucks, Inc., 
    820 F.2d 91
    , 95 (3d Cir.1987).
    The District Court found that the parties to the 1974
    agreement “intended that Mead be able to ‘walk away’ from the
    site, i.e., that Mead would not indemnify [KCI, Beazer’s
    predecessor] for any future costs at the site for any reason,
    including environmental response costs.” The District Court also
    found that KCI purchased the property pursuant to the doctrine
    of caveat emptor, that the purchase agreement contained an “as
    is” clause, that KCI was “well aware of the environmental
    condition of the site” after performing a full inspection prior to
    purchase, and that “reasonable parties negotiating the sale of an
    industrial site in Alabama in 1974 would expect that the seller
    would not be held liable for any future environmental costs.”
    Magistrate Judge concluded that “CERCLA is premised upon
    the policy that the ‘polluter pays.’” Thus, the Magistrate
    Judge began from the premise that each party’s equitable
    share should be driven by its respective contribution of waste.
    The Magistrate Judge deviated only slightly from this premise
    to account for the equitable factors surrounding the 1974 sale.
    The Magistrate Judge also concluded that it would be
    inconsistent with our decision in Beazer I to allocate “all or
    even most” of the response costs to Mead. The District Court
    somewhat ambiguously adopted each rationale. However,
    neither Beazer I, nor CERCLA itself, requires that the parties’
    intent to shift environmental risk be subordinated to the
    “polluter pays” principle – as long as someone pays.
    Therefore, the District Court’s allocation, which was based in
    part on its agreement with the Magistrate Judge’s flawed
    reasoning, was an abuse of discretion.
    First, the Magistrate Judge’s and District Court’s
    prioritization of the “polluter pays” principle in equitable
    allocation proceedings is inconsistent with CERCLA’s
    contribution provision. That provision authorizes the district
    courts to “allocate response costs among liable parties using
    such equitable factors as the court determines are
    appropriate.” 28 U.S.C. § 9613(f)(1). Courts examining this
    language and its history have concluded that Congress
    intended to grant the district courts significant flexibility in
    determining equitable allocations of response costs, without
    requiring the courts to prioritize, much less consider, any
    specific factor. In a leading case, the Seventh Circuit Court of
    Appeals explained that “the language of section 9613(f)
    clearly indicates Congress’s intent to allow courts to
    determine what factors should be considered in their own
    discretion without requiring a court to consider any particular
    list of factors.” Environmental Transportation Systems, Inc.
    v. ENSCO, 
    969 F.2d 503
    , 508 (7th Cir. 1992); see also United
    States v. R.W. Meyer, Inc., 
    932 F.2d 568
    , 576-77 (6th Cir.
    1991) (reasoning that section 9613(f)(1)’s language “confirms
    the legislative intent to grant courts flexibility in exercising
    their discretion”) (citations to legislative history omitted). As
    we have held, “a court may consider several factors or a few,
    depending on the totality of the circumstances.” New Jersey
    Turnpike Authority v. PPG Industries, Inc., 
    197 F.3d 96
    , 104
    (3d Cir. 1999) (citation omitted).
    Accordingly, the “polluter pays” principle has no
    canonical or transcendent importance under § 9613(f)(1); it is
    certainly not the “primary policy” of contribution claims, as
    implied by the District Court. It is simply one of many factors
    that may or may not bear on a given equitable allocation
    determination. See 
    Kerr-McGee, 14 F.3d at 326
    possible factors). Specifically, there is no basis in CERCLA’s
    text or history for prioritizing a priori the parties’ relative
    contributions of waste over their contractual intent to allocate
    environmental liability among themselves. To the contrary,
    CERCLA expressly authorizes private indemnity agreements,
    see 28 U.S.C. § 9607(e)(1); Fisher Development Co. v. Boise
    Cascade Corp., 
    37 F.3d 104
    , 110 (3d Cir. 1994) (finding in §
    107(e)(1) “a policy favoring private ordering of ultimate risk
    distribution”), and the District Court’s insistence on elevating
    relative waste contribution is fundamentally inconsistent with
    CERCLA’s policy of favoring private indemnity agreements.
    Second, Beazer I dealt with the legal interpretation of
    Paragraph 4(c). As a matter of equity, however, the intent of
    the parties, which is manifested by their actions and in the
    written agreement, can be taken into account – no matter what
    our legal conclusion was in Beazer I. Beazer I does not tip
    the equitable scales one way or another. In Beazer I, we
    determined that the 1974 agreement was governed by
    law, 34 F.3d at 211-15
    , and that indemnification
    agreements are enforceable under Alabama law only if they
    contain “a plain and unambiguous expression of intent to
    cover the cost of the liability in question.” 
    Id. at 216.
    Applying this standard, we concluded that “nothing in this
    agreement demonstrates a clear and unambiguous intent to
    transfer all CERCLA liability to [KCI].” 
    Id. at 219
    . The
    Magistrate Judge correctly reasoned that Beazer I reached no
    conclusion regarding the parties’ actual intent; only that, as a
    matter of Alabama law, the contract did not contain a
    sufficiently clear expression that KCI would indemnify Mead
    against all environmental liability associated with the site.
    id. Thus, the
    Magistrate Judge concluded that “there is no
    inherent inconsistency in the ruling made on appeal and a
    decision by this court that, as a matter of equity, the parties’
    intentions concerning indemnity, to the extent they can be
    divined from both the document and any other evidence
    offered by the parties, should be considered in equitable
    allocation.” 20
    T he M agistra te Judge prope rly c ite d K err-M cG ee
    Chemical Corp. v. Lefton Iron & Metal Co., 
    14 F.3d 321
    Cir. 1994) in support of this distinction between legal and
    equitable rulings. In that case, the District Court concluded that
    the relevant indemnification provision was insufficiently clear
    as a matter of Illinois law, 
    id. at 327,
    and consequently “ignored
    the [provision] when allocating responsibility for cleanup costs.”
    Id. at 326.
    In dictum, the Seventh Circuit concluded that this
    was error, reasoning that “[a]lthough contractual arrangements
    between parties are not necessarily determinative of statutory
    liability, Lefton’s intent to indemnify Kerr-McGee should be
    considered in the allocation of cleanup costs.” 
    Id. The court
    further explained that the fact that “Lefton — with knowledge
    of the creosote on the site — agreed that it took the property “as
    is” and would assume future liabilities resulting from that
    pollution is certainly a significant circumstance.” 
    Id. The court
    noted that “[t]he fact that Kerr-McGee’s predecessor Moss-
    American was the source of most of the pollution at the site may
    also weigh in the Court’s analysis; this however is not reason to
    However, the Magistrate Judge further reasoned that
    shifting all or most of the response costs to Beazer based on
    the purchase agreement factors “would give the agreement,
    found legally insufficient under Alabama law, the force of
    law, and would place [the District] Court’s decision at odds
    with the ruling made by the Court of Appeals.” This
    conclusion does not follow from Beazer I.
    The District Court, however, rejected Mead’s
    contention that the Magistrate Judge had misinterpreted
    Beazer I. The court quoted from its penultimate paragraph,
    seemingly for the proposition that Mead’s “fair share” of
    Beazer’s response costs should be greatly influenced, if not
    largely determined, by Mead’s relative contributions of
    hazardous waste to the site. The penultimate paragraph
    Our refusal to construe Paragraph 4(c) as a clear
    promise by Beazer to indemnify Mead against
    CERCLA response costs leaves both Beazer and
    Mead responsible for their fair share of the cleanup
    costs associated with the Coke Plant. That result
    reinforces CERCLA policy. “Congress enacted
    CERCLA, a complex piece of legislation ... to force
    polluters to pay for costs associated with remedying
    their pollution.” United States v. Alcan Aluminum
    964 F.2d 252
    , 258 (3d 
    Cir.1992). 34 F.3d at 219
    . Apparently, the District Court considered this
    quotation from Alcan Aluminum to support (or perhaps
    ignore other relevant considerations.” 
    Id. The issue
    of the
    appropriate weight to be accorded to each factor was not before
    the court, and the court had no occasion to suggest an answer to
    this question since it ultimately concluded that the
    indemnification provision did cover CERCLA liability, so no
    equitable allocation proceeding was required. 
    Id. at 327-28.
    require) elevating the “polluter pays” principle above all other
    equitable factors.
    The quoted paragraph does not warrant such
    significance. The first two sentences uncontroversially state
    that holding Mead and Beazer responsible for their fair share
    of cleanup costs reinforces CERCLA policy. 
    Id. at 219
    . The
    next sentence, the quotation from Alcan Aluminum, is to the
    effect that Congress intended that polluters pay for the costs
    of remedying their pollution. 
    Id. (quoting Alcan,
    964 F.2d at
    258).21 The District Court apparently inferred from the
    juxtaposition of these statements that each party’s “fair share”
    must be more or less rigidly tied to its share of pollution at the
    site. Such an interpretation is, however, fundamentally at
    odds with CERCLA’s contribution provision as well as with
    CERCLA’s policy of favoring private indemnity agreements.
    We note, moreover, that in the footnote at the end of
    the penultimate paragraph, the Beazer I Court quoted the
    “equitable factors” language of section 9607(a) and went on
    to note that on remand, “the trial court will have to revisit the
    parties’ contribution claims and correspondingly apportion
    liability for attendant CERCLA response costs.” This
    direction is significantly broader than a direction that liability
    should be apportioned to reflect each party’s share of
    pollution at the site – which the Beazer I Court could easily
    have stated if that were its intent.
    It is clear, then, that the District Court erred in
    eliminating significant consideration of the parties’ intent in
    its equitable allocation. See Kerr-McGee, 
    14 F.3d 321
    , 326
    (“Although contractual arrangements between parties are not
    Alcan Aluminum had nothing to do with contribution
    actions under § 113(f); the issues considered in Alcan Aluminum
    bore on Alcan’s initial liability under CERCLA and to what
    degree it was required to reimburse the government for clean-up
    See 964 F.2d at 259
    , 267-71.
    necessarily determinative of statutory liability, Lefton’s intent
    to indemnify Kerr-McGee should be considered in the
    allocation of cleanup costs.”). Moreover, to the extent that
    the court felt itself bound by the “polluter pays” principle or
    by our oblique reference to that principle in Beazer I, that
    conclusion was unwarranted. Because we donclude that the
    District Court’s ultimate allocation of Beazer’s costs was
    predicated in large part on this error, that conclusion was an
    abuse of discretion.
    Mead would have us go further and prescribe that the
    purchase agreement factors must be prioritized on remand,
    but we think this is inappropriate. CERCLA places both the
    selection and weighing of equitable factors in the sound
    discretion of the district court, not the appellate court.
    Accordingly, we leave these matters for the District Court to
    decide on its own on remand, unfettered by the legal errors
    discussed above.
    D.     Any Declaratory Judgment Should Contain a
    Contingency Provision.
    Finally, we are sympathetic with Mead’s contention
    that the District Court’s declaratory judgment fixing the
    parties’ equitable shares of future response costs should
    contain a provision authorizing the parties to re-litigate the
    District Court’s equitable allocation if new facts or future
    events render the current division inequitable. For example,
    Mead argues that once the investigatory phase of the case
    concludes and the remedial phase ensues, the District Court’s
    equitable allocation would no longer be fair if any required
    remediation is “primarily or exclusively directed to those
    areas of the Site where Beazer is responsible for the majority
    of the contamination.”
    Because the equitable allocation proceeding in this
    case must be conducted again on remand by the District
    Court, the declaratory judgment already entered in this case is
    null and void. If and when the District Court enters a new
    declaratory judgment covering future costs, however, we
    agree with Mead that the judgment should contain some kind
    of provision authorizing the parties to re-litigate the allocation
    of those costs for good cause shown in response to new events
    or new evidence that would reasonably bear upon the equity
    of the allocation. Such contingency provisions are generally
    favored in CERCLA contribution actions, see United States v.
    261 F.3d 1
    , 45 (1st Cir. 2001) (quoting contingency
    provision imposed by district court); Achusnet Co. v. Coaters,
    972 F. Supp. 41
    , 69 (D. Mass. 1997); Boeing Co. v.
    Cascade Corp., 
    920 F. Supp. 1121
    , 1142 (D. Or. 1996), and
    we agree with the wisdom of those cases. We leave the
    specific design of the provision to the discretion of the
    District Court, with the help of the parties. We recognize
    Beazer’s concern that Mead might use such a provision to re-
    litigate issues that will have already been decided in the
    equitable allocation proceeding to be conducted on remand,
    but we think this concern can be adequately addressed by
    application of the ‘law of the case’ doctrine.22
    VI. Conclusion
    For the reasons stated above, we will reverse the
    judgments of the District Court and remand this action for
    further proceedings consistent with this opinion.
    Finally, contrary to Beazer’s suggestion, Federal Rule of
    Civil Procedure 60(b) is insufficient to protect Mead’s rights if
    new events render the initial allocation inequitable because
    motions based on new evidence brought under that rule must be
    made “not more than one year” after the judgment was entered.

Document Info

Docket Number: 02-3727

Citation Numbers: 412 F.3d 429

Filed Date: 6/23/2005

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 1/12/2023

Authorities (41)

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