Unity Real Estate Co v. Hudson , 178 F.3d 649 ( 1999 )

  •                                                                                                                            Opinions of the United
    1999 Decisions                                                                                                             States Court of Appeals
    for the Third Circuit
    Unity Real Estate Co v. Hudson
    Precedential or Non-Precedential:
    Docket 97-3234,97-3236
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    Volume 1 of 2
    Filed March 29, 1999
    NOS. 97-3234 and 97-3236
    Appellant No. 97-3234
    STATES OF AMERICA (Intervenor in District Court)
    LTV Corporation (LTV), NACCO Industries,
    Inc. (NACCO); Amicus Curiae
    Appellant No. 97-3236
    MARTY D. HUDSON, Trustee of the United Mine Workers
    of America Combined Benefit Fund and Trustee of the
    1992 United Mine Workers of America Benefit Plan;
    MICHAEL H. HOLLAND, Trustee of the United Mine
    Workers of America Combined Benefit Fund and Trustee
    of the 1992 United Mine Workers of America Benefit Plan;
    THOMAS O. S. RAND, Trustee of the United Mine
    Workers of America Combined Benefit Fund; ELLIOTT A.
    SEGAL, Trustee of the United Mine Workers of America
    Combined Benefit Fund; CARLTON R. SICKLES, Trustee
    of the United Mine Workers of America Combined Benefit
    Fund; GAIL R. WILENSKY, Trustee of the United Mine
    Workers of America Combined Benefit Fund; WILLIAM P.
    HOPGOOD, Trustee of the United Mine Workers of
    America Combined Benefit Fund; THOMAS F. CONNORS,
    Trustee of the 1992 United Mine Workers of America
    Benefit Plan; ROBERT G. WALLACE, Trustee of the 1992
    United Mine Workers of America Benefit Plan; UNITED
    STATES OF AMERICA (Intervenor in the District Court)
    LTV Corporation (LTV), NACCO Industries,
    Inc. (NACCO); Amicus Curiae
    On Appeal From the United States District Court
    For the Western District of Pennsylvania
    (D.C. Civ. No. 93-cv-01802)
    District Judge: Honorable D. Brooks Smith
    Argued: November 20, 1998
    Before: BECKER, Chief Judge, ALDISERT and WEIS,
    Circuit Judges.
    (Filed March 29, 1999)
    Polito & Smock, P.C.
    Suite 400 - Four Gateway Center
    Pittsburgh, PA 15222-1207
    1150 17th Street, N.W.
    Washington, DC 20036
    Attorneys for Unity Real Estate Co.
    Assistant Attorney General
    United States Attorney
    Attorneys, Appellate Staff
    Civil Division, Room 9014
    United States Department of Justice
    601 D Street, NW
    Washington, DC 20530-0001
    Counsel for the United States of
    Morgan, Lewis & Bockius LLP
    1800 M Street, N.W.
    Washington, DC 20036
    Office of the General Counsel
    UMWA Health and Retirement
    4455 Connecticut Avenue, NW
    Washington, DC 20008
    Mooney, Green, Baker, Gibson &
    Saindon, P.C.
    1341 G Street, NW, Suite 700
    Washington, DC 20005
    Houston, Harbaugh
    Two Chatham Center, 12th Floor
    Pittsburgh, PA 15219
    Attorneys for UMWA Combined
    Benefit Fund and Its Trustees and
    UMWA 1992 Benefit Plan and its
    Jones, Day, Reavis & Pogue
    Metropolitan Square
    1450 G Street, NW
    Washington, DC 20005
    Attorneys for Amici Curiae
    The LTV Corporation and NACCO
    Industries, Inc.
    BECKER, Chief Judge.
    In Eastern Enterprises v. Apfel, 
    118 S. Ct. 2131
    the Supreme Court held unconstitutional the portion of the
    1992 Coal Industry Retiree Health Benefit Act (Coal Act), 26
    U.S.C. SS 9701-9722 (1994 & Supp. II), that required
    former coal mine operators to pay for health benefits for
    retired miners and their dependents, as applied to a former
    operator who last signed a coal industry benefit agreement
    in 1964. In this case, we are asked to apply Eastern to
    former coal mine operators who were signatories to coal
    industry agreements in 1978 and thereafter. Eastern was
    decided by a sharply divided Court, and the parties
    disagree as to what, if any, principles commanded a
    The plaintiffs, Unity Real Estate ("Unity") and Barnes &
    Tucker Co. ("B&T"), challenge the Coal Act as applied to
    them as both a violation of substantive due process and an
    unconstitutional uncompensated taking. Although it is an
    exceedingly close question, and we are highly sympathetic
    to plaintiffs' unfortunate situation, in which retroactively
    imposed liability operates to bind them to commitments
    they had thought satisfied when they left the coal industry,
    we conclude that the Act is constitutional as applied to
    these plaintiffs. Accordingly, their recourse must be to
    Congress rather than to the courts.
    First, we conclude, albeit with substantial hesitation,
    that the Coal Act does not violate due process. Our due
    process inquiry proceeds in two parts. We acknowledge at
    the outset that there is a gap between what the contracts
    between the union and the mining companies required and
    what the Coal Act now mandates from those former mining
    companies. Because this is a substantive due process
    challenge, we accord deference to Congress's judgments,
    based on the report and recommendations of the Coal
    Commission. While reasonable minds could differ on the
    point, we are satisfied that the agreements signed by the
    plaintiffs in 1978 and thereafter promised that miners and
    their dependents would receive lifetime benefits from the
    benefit funds, and that, at all events, these agreements
    informed reasonable expectations that the benefits would
    continue for life. Similarly, we conclude that it was
    reasonable for Congress to conclude that the plaintiffs'
    withdrawal from the funds contributed to the funds'
    financial instability, though the agreements themselves
    permitted withdrawal. The history of coal mining in this
    country also supports Congress's decision to step in when
    the funds that provided health benefits to retired miners
    began to falter.
    The question we must then answer is whether those
    congressional judgments provide enough of a rationale for
    closing the gap between the contracts and the needs of the
    benefit funds through the mechanism of the Coal Act.
    Consistent with our due process jurisprudence, we ask
    whether the Coal Act was a rational response to the
    problems Congress identified, taking into account the Act's
    retroactivity, which is highly disfavored in our legal culture.
    In light of Congress's findings and in the context of
    extensive government regulation of the coal industry, we
    hold that it was not fundamentally unfair or unjust for
    Congress to conclude that the former coal companies
    should be responsible for paying for such benefits, even if
    they were no longer contractually obligated to pay into the
    benefit funds. The retroactive scope of this enactment,
    especially as applied to plaintiff Unity (eleven years),
    approaches the edge of permissible legislative action, but
    we cannot say that the law is beyond the legislative power.
    We also decline to find a compensable taking on the
    ground that the Coal Act will put the plaintiffs out of
    business, because it is contrary to the reasoning of a
    majority of the Supreme Court in Eastern. Moreover,
    granting relief whenever a plaintiff could credibly argue that
    it would be driven out of business by a regulation would
    create major difficulties in evaluating the constitutionality
    of much modern legislation. We therefore decline to
    construe this regulatory burden as a "categorical taking"
    analogous to the total destruction of the value of a specific
    piece of real property.
    I. Facts and Procedural History
    A. History of the Coal Act
    1. Early Agreements in the Coal Industry
    The history behind the Coal Act has often been discussed
    in the pages of the federal reporters. See, e.g. , Eastern, 
    118 S. Ct. at 2137-42
     (plurality). Briefly, the relevant facts are
    as follows: The coal industry has witnessed a series of
    particularly vitriolic labor disputes over the past half-
    century. In 1946, motivated principally by miners' demands
    for decent health and retirement benefits, the United Mine
    Workers of America ("UMWA") called a nationwide strike. To
    forestall industrial paralysis, President Truman nationalized
    the coal mines. Following the execution of what came to be
    known as the Krug-Lewis Agreement, the government
    relinquished control of the mines. The UMWA and the
    Bituminous Coal Operators' Association ("BCOA"), a
    multiemployer group of coal producers, then executed the
    first National Bituminous Coal Wage Agreement ("NBCWA").
    The 1947 NBCWA specified terms and conditions of
    employment in the mines and, among other things,
    extended the Krug-Lewis Agreement by providing health
    and pension benefits to miners.
    A new NBCWA signed in 1950 provided that, in exchange
    for union concessions, the BCOA would create a welfare
    and retirement fund financed by a per ton levy on coal
    mined by signatory coal producers. The 1950 Fund was
    designed to receive employer contributions and to use the
    funds to provide health benefits to current and retired
    miners (and, in certain cases, to family members). Several
    more NBCWAs were signed over the next two decades. None
    of them altered this basic benefits format, although
    beginning in 1971 the UMWA and the BCOA were given
    power over the levels of benefits provided under the 1950
    Fund, removing discretion formerly vested in the Trustees
    of the Fund. See In re Chateaugay Corp., 
    53 F.3d 478
    , 482
    (2d Cir. 1995).
    2. The 1974 Agreement
    In 1974, demographic changes that had increased the
    cost of benefits, along with the passage of the Employee
    Retirement Income Security Act ("ERISA"), 29 U.S.C. S 1001
    et seq., led to a restructuring of the 1950 Fund. In its
    place, the 1974 NBCWA established four separate
    multiemployer plans, two covering pension benefits and two
    dealing with nonpension benefits. The nonpension entities
    were the 1950 Benefit Plan, which provided health benefits
    to coal workers who retired before 1976, and the 1974
    Benefit Plan, which covered those who retired on or after
    January 1, 1976. The 1974 NBCWA explicitly guaranteed
    that miners and their dependents would retain their health
    services cards--which gave them access to Plan health
    benefits--"for life." No such express warranty had appeared
    in any earlier agreement. We will discuss these changes in
    more detail below. See infra Part III.
    3. The 1978 Agreement
    In response to continued labor unrest and unresolved
    concerns over benefits, the 1978 NBCWA incorporated a
    new provision assuring health care for "orphaned" miners
    (that is, miners whose employers had abandoned either the
    coal industry or the UMWA), together with complementary
    "guarantee" and "evergreen" provisions. The "guarantee"
    clause obligated signatories to make sufficient
    contributions to maintain benefits at the negotiated levels
    during the period of agreement, whereas before there had
    been no promise to maintain any particular benefit level.
    The "evergreen" clause required signatories who continued
    to mine coal to continue making benefit contributions for as
    long as such contributions were required by future
    NBCWAs, regardless of whether a particular operator
    actually signed those subsequent NBCWAs. Additionally,
    the 1978 NBCWA for the first time defined specific health
    benefits that would be covered, a practice that continued in
    later agreements. Finally, for miners leaving covered service
    on or after January 1, 1976, primary responsibility for
    retiree health care coverage was shifted from the UMWA
    multiemployer system to individual coal companies, with
    the 1974 Plan retained as an "orphan" plan for retirees
    whose former employers went out of business.
    4. The Coal Commission
    The economic problems that prompted the remedial
    measures in the 1974 and 1978 NBCWAs continued to
    plague the industry. In particular, the cost of health care
    rose steeply throughout the 1980s, the number of orphaned
    miners increased dramatically as more and more employers
    left the industry, and an aging population swelled the
    retired miners' ranks. By 1990, contributions from a
    shrinking number of coal producers proved insufficient to
    fund the four benefit plans, and those plans were awash in
    red ink.
    The UMWA struck the Pittston Coal Company for nearly
    11 months in 1989-90. The Secretary of Labor intervened,
    brokered a rapprochement, and, as part of the negotiated
    settlement, set up a commission to study the industry's
    problems and recommend ways of rejuvenating the benefit
    plans. The Coal Commission issued its report in late 1990.
    Congress's response to the commission's suggestions took
    the form of the Coal Act. The Act folded the 1950 and 1974
    Plans into a single UMWA-sponsored entity (the Combined
    Fund) and wove an elaborate tapestry designed to ensure
    that all retirees who were eligible to receive health benefits
    from the preexisting Plans would obtain them from the
    Combined Fund. The Act also created the 1992 Plan, which
    was designed to provide benefits to eligible retirees and
    their dependents who were not beneficiaries of the
    Combined Fund and who were not receiving health care
    coverage directly from former employers.
    The linchpin of the statutory scheme is contained in
    section 9706 of the Coal Act, which directs the assignment
    by the Social Security Commissioner of every eligible
    beneficiary to a "signatory operator" who is still "in
    business." The signatory operator ("SO") must have signed
    at least one NBCWA and must pay premiums to the
    Combined Fund sufficient to defray the estimated
    annualized health care costs for its assigned beneficiaries.
    See 26 U.S.C. S 9704.1 A retired miner is assigned first, if
    possible, to the SO that both signed the 1978 (or any
    subsequent) NBCWA and also employed him for at least two
    years more recently than any other SO. See 
     S 9706(a)(1).
    If no SO fits that description, the retired miner is assigned
    to the 1978 (or any subsequent) SO that employed him
    most recently for any length of time. See 
     S 9706(a)(2). If
    the retired miner never worked for a 1978 or subsequent
    SO that is still in business, he is assigned to the SO that
    employed him for the longest period of time. See 
    S 9706(a)(3).
    B. The Parties
    1. Unity
    Unity is a corporation owned by members of the Jamison
    family. Unity is covered by the Coal Act as a "related
    person" to several companies--formed by members of the
    Jamison family--that were ultimately absorbed into Unity.
    One, South Union-PA, had been mining coal since 1923
    and signed the 1947 NBCWA and amendments thereto
    through 1961. South Union-WVA, which took up mining
    when South Union-PA left off, signed the 1974, 1978, and
    1981 NBCWAs, although a bankruptcy court granted it
    1. The law also provides that SOs must pay an additional amount,
    proportional to the number of initial assignments, to provide coverage for
    orphaned retirees. However, it has apparently not proven necessary to
    assign SOs responsibility for orphaned retirees because of the
    of other funding sources. See Eastern, 
    118 S. Ct. at
    2142 n.3 (plurality).
    leave to reject the 1981 NBCWA in 1981. Yet another
    Jamison company, Stewart Coal & Coke Co., paid into the
    UMWA benefit funds from 1949 to 1958; when it ceased
    operations, it stopped paying into the benefit funds, but its
    former employees continued to receive benefits from the
    Funds. Other related companies signed NBCWAs and paid
    into UMWA benefit funds at various times from the 1960s
    through the 1970s.2
    Unity currently owns a small commercial building and
    parking lot in Greensburg, Pennsylvania and employs two
    individuals, a corporate officer who earns $7,000 per year
    and a janitor. Its annual gross revenues are approximately
    $50,000 and its net worth is approximately $85,000. Unity
    was assigned 74 beneficiaries of the Combined Fund and
    owed the Fund, as of September 30, 1995, over $440,000
    in unpaid premiums. In addition, Unity was assigned 2
    beneficiaries of the 1992 Plan and, as of January 31, 1996,
    owed that Fund over $18,000. The assignment was based
    upon Unity's prior employment of 63 miners, who had
    worked for Unity and its related companies, on average, for
    ten years.3 Unity represents that its Coal Act liabilities are
    over six times its total assets and that, if forced to pay, it
    will be bankrupted. These representations are not disputed
    by the Trustees.
    2. B&T
    B&T was assigned 1544 Combined Fund beneficiaries
    and some twenty 1992 Plan beneficiaries. B&T had been,
    2. While attempting to distance itself from liability, Unity and its
    have not ignored the benefits of close corporate relationships. Although
    we do not suggest that it acted with bad faith, we note that Unity repaid
    the Jamison family over $230,000 from promissory notes given by
    Stewart Coal & Coke, which merged with Unity in 1969 (over $150,000
    on those notes was paid in 1992 and 1993), and that Unity sheltered
    $288,000 in income from federal income tax because of net operating
    loss carryover from South Union-WVA's bankruptcy. At all events, Unity
    has never presented any legal challenge to the "related persons"
    provision of the Act, and hence its obligations must stand or fall
    regardless of how Unity was assigned the beneficiaries.
    3. Thirty miners had worked for the companies for more than ten years
    and thirteen for more than fifteen years.
    from 1905 on, engaged in large scale coal production until
    closing its last mining operation in 1986. It terminated an
    agreement to manage a mine effective January 1, 1987. At
    the peak of its coal mining operations from the 1970s to the
    1980s, B&T employed approximately 1100 UMWA-
    represented miners. B&T was a party to the 1971, 1974,
    1978, and 1981 NBCWAs through its membership in the
    coal operators' association. Although it withdrew from the
    association prior to the 1984 NBCWA, it later agreed to be
    bound by that NBCWA on a "me-too" basis, adhering to the
    Agreement's requirements. Its participation in the NBCWA
    terminated in 1988. At that time, B&T discontinued its
    individual employer plan and its retirees were left to be
    covered by the 1974 Benefit Plan (the "orphan" plan).
    B&T's activities are currently confined to leasing its coal
    reserves, paying workers' compensation and black lung
    claims, and treating acid mine drainage from its closed
    mines. B&T claims that if it is forced to continue paying its
    Coal Act liabilities, all of its assets will be consumed in less
    than two years, and this is not in dispute.
    C. Procedural History
    The plaintiffs challenge the constitutionality of the Coal
    Act as it applies to them (S 9706(a)(1) & (2)). Both moved for
    preliminary injunctions to prevent the Trustees of the funds
    to which the plaintiffs are required to pay under the Coal
    Act from enforcing the Coal Act against them during the
    pendency of these cases. B&T withdrew its motion for a
    preliminary injunction, and the District Court granted
    Unity's motion for a preliminary injunction. The court
    rejected Unity's Due Process Clause argument but granted
    the requested interim relief on Takings Clause grounds. See
    Unity Real Estate Co. v. Hudson, 
    889 F. Supp. 818
    Pa. 1995). All parties moved for summary judgment. The
    District Court, reconsidering its views of the merits, granted
    the defendants' motions for summary judgment and denied
    Unity's and B&T's motions for summary judgment. Unity
    and B&T appeal.
    II. The Eastern Decision
    A. The Rationales
    Eastern Enterprises was involved in coal mining until
    1965, and signed every NBCWA from 1947 until 1964. It
    was assigned liability for over 1000 miners, based on
    Eastern's status as the pre-1978 signatory for whom the
    miners had worked for the longest period of time; its total
    liability was estimated to be between $50 and $100 million.
    Eastern sued, claiming that the Coal Act was
    Four Justices concluded that the Act was a compensable
    taking as to Eastern. In practical terms, this meant that the
    Act was unconstitutional: Compensation for the taking
    would be the return of sums required to be paid by the Act.
    Although the law did not work a physical invasion, the
    plurality noted that economic regulation can constitute a
    taking. See Eastern, 
    118 S. Ct. at 2146
     (plurality). The
    plurality looked to three factors of particular significance in
    determining whether a taking had occurred: the economic
    impact of the regulation, its interference with reasonable
    investment-backed expectations, and the retroactive
    character of the government action. See 
    The plurality examined several previous cases to set the
    stage for its analysis. It looked to Usery v. Turner Elkhorn
    Mining Co., 
    428 U.S. 1
     (1976), where the Court upheld
    provisions of the Black Lung Benefits Act, which required
    coal operators to compensate miners and their survivors for
    death or disability due to mining-related black lung
    disease. The Eastern plurality explained that Usery upheld
    that law because, even though "stricter limits may apply to
    Congress' authority when legislation operates in a
    retroactive manner," holding the companies liable for black
    lung benefits was justified as a rational measure to spread
    the costs of black lung to companies that profited from the
    miners' labor. Eastern, 
    118 S. Ct. at 2147
    Next, the plurality considered Pension Benefit Guaranty
    Corp. v. R.A. Gray & Co., 
    467 U.S. 717
     (1984), where the
    Court upheld the Multiemployer Pension Plan Amendments
    Act (MPPAA), which was enacted to supplement ERISA.
    ERISA had created the Pension Benefit Guaranty
    Corporation to exercise discretionary authority to pay
    benefits when a multiemployer pension plan terminated.
    The Corporation also had authority to require employers
    who had contributed to the plan during the five years
    before its termination to pay for an amount proportional to
    their share of contributions to the plan during thatfive-
    year period. As ERISA's effective date approached, many
    multiemployer pension plans were in a precarious position,
    and so Congress enacted the MPPAA, which imposed a
    payment obligation upon any employer withdrawing from
    such plans. The obligation depended on the employer's
    share of the plan's unfunded vested benefits.
    The MPPAA applied retroactively to withdrawals within
    the five months preceding its enactment. The Eastern
    plurality explained that the Court upheld the MPPAA
    because retroactive liability prevented employers from
    taking advantage of a lengthy legislative process by
    withdrawing before Congress revised the law. The
    retroactivity in Gray, the Eastern plurality emphasized, was
    short, and limited to the needs generated by the delays
    inherent in the legislative process. See Eastern, 
    118 S. Ct. at 2147
    The plurality then reviewed Connolly v. Pension Benefit
    Guaranty Corp., 
    475 U.S. 211
     (1986), where the MPPAA
    was again at issue, this time as the subject of a takings
    challenge. The Eastern Court explained that Connolly
    upheld the law despite the employers' expectations that
    they would not have to pay, because "legislation is not
    unlawful solely because it upsets otherwise settled
    expectations." Eastern, 
    118 S. Ct. at 2148
     (plurality). Even
    though the employers in Connolly had contractual
    agreements expressly limiting their contributions to the
    pension plan, the Court held that their express contracts
    could not impair Congress's authority. See Connolly, 
    475 U.S. at 223-24
    . The Connolly Court noted that the MPPAA
    did not work a physical invasion. Although the economic
    impact of the law was substantial, the amount was directly
    related to the previous relationship between the employer
    and its pension plan, and therefore the economic impact
    factor did not establish that a taking had occurred. See 
    id. at 225
    . Moreover, there was no interference with reasonable
    investment-backed expectations, because at the time the
    MPPAA was enacted, prudent employers had notice that
    pension plans were regulated and that withdrawal might
    trigger additional financial obligations. See 
    id. at 227
    The third time was not the charm for the MPPAA's
    challengers in Concrete Pipe & Products, Inc. v. Construction
    Laborers Pension Trust, 
    508 U.S. 602
     (1993). In that case,
    the employer focused on the fact that its contractual
    commitment to its pension plan did not impose withdrawal
    liability. The Court rejected the claim that the contract
    made a difference and reiterated its holding that there was
    no taking as long as an employer's liability would generally
    not be " `out of proportion to its experience with the plan.' "
    Id. at 645
     (quoting Connolly, 
    475 U.S. at 226
    ). Although the
    employer's liability under the MPPAA exceeded ERISA's
    original cap on withdrawal liability, the Court found "no
    reasonable basis to expect that [ERISA's] legal ceiling would
    never be lifted." Id. at 646. The employer voluntarily
    negotiated a plan within ERISA's scope, making its burden
    under the MPPAA neither unfair nor unjust. See id. at 646-
    The Eastern plurality summarized this line of cases as
    Our opinions in Turner Elkhorn, Connolly, and Concrete
    Pipe[ ] make clear that Congress has considerable
    leeway to fashion economic legislation, including the
    power to affect contractual commitments between
    private parties. Congress also may impose retroactive
    liability to some degree, particularly where it is
    "confined to short and limited periods required by the
    practicalities of producing national legislation." Our
    decisions, however, have left open the possibility that
    legislation might be unconstitutional if it imposes
    severe retroactive liability on a limited class of parties
    that could not have anticipated the liability, and the
    extent of that liability is substantially disproportionate
    to the parties' experience.
    118 S. Ct. at 2149
     (plurality) (citation omitted).
    The plurality held that the Coal Act, as applied to Eastern,
    presented such an extreme case.
    On the economic impact factor of the takings test, the
    plurality found "no doubt that the Coal Act has forced a
    considerable financial burden upon Eastern," between $50
    and $100 million. 
     (plurality). The plurality referred to
    previous cases requiring that liability be proportional to a
    party's experience with the object of the challenged
    legislation. In the pension plan cases, the parties had
    voluntarily negotiated and maintained pension plans, at
    least for a while, and consequently their statutorily imposed
    liability was linked to their own conduct. See 
    id. at 2149-50
    (plurality). Eastern did not participate in the negotiations
    for the 1974 or subsequent NBCWAs, nor did it agree to
    make contributions thereunder. "[The 1974, 1978, and
    subsequent agreements] first suggest an industry
    commitment to the funding of lifetime health benefits for
    both retirees and their family members." 
    Id. at 2150
    The plurality then concluded that the Coal Act
    substantially interfered with Eastern's reasonable
    investment-backed expectations. See 
    id. at 2151
    It reasoned that retroactivity is generally disfavored in the
    law, and that the length of the period of retroactivity and
    the extent of Eastern's liability raised substantial questions
    of fairness. See 
    id. at 2152
     (plurality). Finally, the plurality
    found the nature of the government action to be quite
    unusual, because the liability imposed was substantial,
    based on conduct thirty to fifty years in the past, and
    unrelated to any commitment Eastern made or injury it
    caused. See 
    id. at 2153
    The plurality declined to reach Eastern's substantive due
    process argument, although it noted that takings and due
    process analyses are often correlated. See 
     (plurality); see
    also Connolly, 
    475 U.S. at 223
    . The plurality reiterated the
    Court's past concerns about using the "vague contours" of
    the due process clause to nullify laws. Eastern, 
    118 S. Ct. at 2153
     (plurality) (citation omitted). Justice Thomas agreed
    with the plurality's Takings Clause analysis but wrote
    separately to reaffirm his belief that the Ex Post Facto
    Clause would also apply to Eastern's predicament. See 
    id. at 2154
     (Thomas, J., concurring).
    Justice Kennedy concurred in the judgment, providing
    the critical fifth vote to strike the law down as applied to
    Eastern. He found takings analysis inapplicable: "The Coal
    Act imposes a staggering financial burden on the petitioner
    . . . but it regulates the former mine owner without regard
    to property. It does not operate upon or alter an identified
    property interest, and it is not applicable to or measured by
    a property interest." 
    Id. at 2154
     (Kennedy, J., concurring).
    Instead, he emphasized the law's distaste for retroactivity
    and found that the Coal Act's extreme retroactivity violated
    due process as applied to Eastern. See 
    id. at 2158-59
    (Kennedy, J., concurring). When the Court upheld
    retroactive legislation in the past, he noted, the statutes at
    issue were "remedial, designed to impose an actual,
    measurable cost of [the employer's] business which the
    employer had been able to avoid in the past." 
    Id. at 2159
    (Kennedy, J., concurring) (citation and internal quotation
    marks omitted) (alteration in original). Justice Kennedy
    concluded that "[s]tatutes may be invalidated on due
    process grounds only under the most egregious of
    circumstances. This case represents one of the rare
    instances in which even such a permissive standard has
    been violated." 
     (Kennedy, J., concurring).
    Four Justices dissented, finding neither a taking nor a
    due process violation.
    B. Drawing Instruction from Eastern: Does It Control This
    The splintered nature of the Court makes it difficult to
    distill a guiding principle from Eastern. There are five votes
    against the plurality's Takings Clause analysis. However,
    Justice Kennedy's substantive due process reasoning is not
    a "narrower" ground that we might take to constitute the
    controlling holding. There is a fundamental conceptual
    difference between a takings claim and a substantive due
    process claim. If the government pays just compensation, it
    may take property for public use under the Takings Clause.
    Due process protections, by contrast, define what the
    government may not require of a private party at all. It is
    the difference between a liability rule and a property rule.
    See Guido Calabresi & A. Douglas Melamed, Property Rules,
    Liability Rules, and Inalienability: One View of the
    85 Harv. L. Rev. 1089
     (1972); Thomas W.
    Merrill, The Economics of Public Use, 
    72 Cornell L. Rev. 61
    66 (1986). To be sure, in this case the result of the two
    claims would be the same because the only potential taking
    is the imposition of a monetary obligation, but neither
    constitutional ground is a more limited version of the other.
    Amici, other former coal companies, submit that the
    holding of Eastern is that employee benefits funding
    legislation is unconstitutional if it imposes substantial
    retroactive liability on selected employers, and if that
    liability is unrelated to injuries caused or promises made by
    those employers. While this may be reasonably accurate in
    a general sense, it does not provide guidance for
    determining how substantial is too substantial or how tight
    the fit between parties' past acts and the liability imposed
    on them must be. Nor does it help define an intersection
    between substantive due process and takings law, as the
    word "unconstitutional" is here being used to cover, if not
    a multitude of sins, at least two.
    Eastern, therefore, mandates judgment for the plaintiffs
    only if they stand in a substantially identical position to
    Eastern Enterprises with respect to both the plurality and
    Justice Kennedy's concurrence. See Association of
    Bituminous Contractors, Inc. v. Apfel, 
    156 F.3d 1246
    , 1254-
    55 (D.C. Cir. 1998) [ABC, Inc.] (reaching the same
    conclusion about Eastern). In addition, we are bound to
    follow the five-four vote against the takings claim in
    Eastern, although we will consider plaintiffs'"categorical
    takings" claim, not presented in Eastern, in greater detail
    infra Part IV.
    Because the plaintiffs signed NBCWAs in 1974 and
    thereafter, they are factually distinguishable from Eastern
    Enterprises. Language in the plurality and the concurrence
    suggesting that expectations fundamentally changed after
    1974 supports our conclusion. See Eastern, 
    118 S. Ct. at 2150
     (plurality) ([The 1974, 1978, and subsequent
    agreements] first suggest an industry commitment to the
    funding of lifetime health benefits for both retirees and
    their family members."); 
    id. at 2159
     (Kennedy, J.,
    concurring); see also 
    id. at 2161
     (Stevens, J., dissenting)
    (stating that the miners' and operators' "implicit agreement
    was made explicit in 1974"). Although we recognize that the
    Court was not presented with argument focused on post-
    1978 signatories and thus may not have had before it all
    the available evidence about later contracts, that very
    distinction compels the conclusion that Eastern is not on
    all fours with the case before us.
    To the extent that Eastern embodies principles capable of
    broader application, we believe that due process analysis
    encompasses the relevant concerns. We must identify a set
    of calipers with which to evaluate the challenged provisions
    of the Coal Act, and we believe that the relevant
    measurement is the extent of the gap between the coal
    companies' contractual promises to the Funds and the
    requirements of the Coal Act. In making our decision, we
    first give deference to Congress's determination of the
    problem to be addressed, and then ask whether Congress's
    solution comports with fundamental principles of due
    III. Retroactivity and Due Process
    A. The Standard of Review
    The standard of review when a substantive due process
    violation is alleged is forgiving; it bars only arbitrary and
    irrational congressional action. At the same time, our legal
    system has a long-standing and well-justified distaste for
    retroactive laws, because of their heightened potential for
    unfairness. See, e.g., Eastern, 
    118 S. Ct. at 2158
    J., concurring) (discussing our "singular distrust of
    retroactive statutes"); Bowen v. Georgetown Univ. Hosp.,
    488 U.S. 204
    , 208 (1988).
    The situation is not unlike that faced in Turner
    Broadcasting System, Inc. v. Federal Communications
    117 S. Ct. 1174
     (1997). In Turner, a case
    involving a First Amendment challenge to Congress's
    regulation of cable systems, the Court applied intermediate
    scrutiny and required substantial evidence justifying
    Congress's conclusion that regulation was necessary, but
    nonetheless emphasized the importance of deference to
    Our sole obligation is "to assure that, in formulating its
    judgments, Congress has drawn reasonable inferences
    based on substantial evidence." . . . [S]ubstantiality is
    to be measured in this context by a standard more
    deferential than we accord to judgments of an
    administrative agency. We owe Congress' findings
    deference in part because the institution "is far better
    equipped than the judiciary to `amass and evaluate the
    vast amounts of data' bearing upon" legislative
    questions. This principle has special significance in
    cases, like this one, involving congressional judgments
    concerning regulatory schemes of inherent complexity
    and assessments about the likely interaction of
    industries undergoing rapid economic and
    technological change. Though different in degree, the
    deference to Congress is in one respect akin to
    deference owed to administrative agencies because of
    their expertise. This is not the sum of the matter,
    however. We owe Congress' findings an additional
    measure of deference out of respect for its authority to
    exercise the legislative power. Even in the realm of
    First Amendment questions where Congress must base
    its conclusions upon substantial evidence, deference
    must be accorded to its findings as to the harm to be
    avoided and to the remedial measures adopted for that
    end, lest we infringe on traditional legislative authority
    to make predictive judgments when enacting
    nationwide regulatory policy.
    Id. at 1189
     (citations omitted).
    While we are not applying a First Amendment test to this
    due process claim, we consider Turner instructive in a
    situation such as this, where both careful scrutiny of the
    retroactivity involved and deference to the legislature's
    judgments about cognizable harms and appropriate
    remedies are in order. We must decide whether sufficient
    evidence exists to support Congress's judgment that post-
    1978 signatories of NBCWAs could justly be charged with
    responsibility for retirees' health benefits, based on the
    promises they made to coal miners and on the effects of
    their departure from the industry on the Funds. See also
    Concrete Pipe, 
    508 U.S. at 639
     (Congress's judgment
    receives deference even when its retroactive solution to a
    problem has some weaknesses). We will then evaluate
    whether it was rational for Congress to legislate to close the
    gap between the coal companies' promises and their
    contractual obligations, taking into account the retroactivity
    of the law.
    B. Does the Evidence Support Congress's Conclusion that
    the Coal Companies Should Be Held Responsible?
    1. The Relationship Between Benefits and Work
    Performed by Miners
    Before we address the problems occasioned by the mass
    departure of coal companies from the industry in the 1980s
    and the expectations created by the NBCWAs, we mustfirst
    dispose of the plaintiffs' argument that the Coal Act is
    unjustified because it charges them with financial
    responsibility for non-coal-mining-related health problems.4
    The plaintiffs submit that their liability is
    disproportionate to their actual responsibility because they
    are required to pay for miners' dependents and for all
    health conditions, however unrelated to mining work. Thus,
    they conclude, their liability does not depend in any
    rational way on benefits they received from the miners'
    work in the mines. That the company may be responsible
    4. The plaintiffs further argue that there is no reasonable relationship
    between their potential liability and the former employment
    relationships; they are responsible for the miners' dependents even if the
    miners only worked for them a day. This argument is skewed. In fact,
    the miners for which the plaintiffs are responsible worked for the
    plaintiffs, on average, for many years. There is no evidence in the record
    to suggest that the plaintiffs' hypothetical ever occurred; instead, the
    evidence indicates that Congress correctly found that many beneficiaries
    were entitled to benefits based on miners' long years of service with
    particular companies. Furthermore, one day of work would not qualify a
    miner for benefits under the statute, since a miner must work for twenty
    years in the industry or be disabled in the course of employment to
    qualify for benefits. See 26 U.S.C. S 9703(f); In re Chateaugay, 
    53 F.3d at 489
    . In combination with the statutory scheme of assigning
    beneficiaries to the SO for whom a covered miner worked longest, this
    initial eligibility requirement guards against the disquieting result
    posited by the plaintiffs.
    for a miner's entire family does not make the burden
    unrelated to past benefits, however. While it is true that a
    miner's virility may have little to do with his productivity,
    the post-1978 agreements clearly provided for family
    coverage; when those agreements were signed, the
    companies could predict, with some actuarial reliability,
    their responsibilities for family benefits. Coverage for
    dependents was the price of labor peace, and the
    companies received a benefit from the promise of that
    coverage. See Nobel, 720 F. Supp. at 1178.
    Proportionality does not require that the burdened
    parties have physically injured the beneficiaries of a
    retroactive law. The Eastern plurality relied on a
    concatenation of circumstances to find a lack of
    proportionality: First, the benefits were not related to work-
    related injuries, and, second, the benefits were not related
    to anything Eastern Enterprises ever promised. In Usery,
    the black lung benefit case, only the first factor was present
    and the law was upheld as proportional, while in Connolly
    only the second factor was present and the law was also
    upheld. Those cases demonstrate that the necessary
    proportionality may be of either type, and there is no need
    for both to be present. The argument to the contrary limits
    the coal companies' responsibility for their past actions to
    physical events. It makes more sense to recognize the
    relevance of the companies' promises and negotiations with
    the miners, especially since the NBCWAs were just as
    necessary to the companies' continued operations as
    blasting or digging.
    2. Responsibility for the Funds' Instability
    The defendants argue that B&T's and Unity's liability to
    the Funds is proportional to their general experience in the
    coal industry. The companies have only been assessed
    liability based on the miners they actually employed, and
    those miners' dependents. The Eastern plurality considered
    the former employment relationship alone insufficient
    because the employers had not promised lifetime benefits,
    at least until 1974, years after Eastern left the industry.
    See Eastern, 
    118 S. Ct. at 2150
     (plurality). Unlike Eastern,
    however, Unity and B&T, as BCOA members, at some
    points in time negotiated for and adhered to the very
    agreements that established the benefit funds at issue. Like
    the employers in Concrete Pipe and Connolly, their liability
    is linked to their voluntary negotiation of a benefit plan,
    even though Congress retroactively increased the costs of
    that negotiation. See Eastern, 
    118 S. Ct. at 2149-50
    Moreover, it can credibly be contended that the departure
    of companies such as Unity's subsidiaries and B&T helped
    to create the financial crisis in the plans that ultimately led
    to the Coal Act. When B&T, along with several other
    employers, left the industry, litigation ensued. See United
    Mine Workers v. Nobel, 
    720 F. Supp. 1169
     (W.D. Pa. 1989),
    aff 'd, 
    902 F.2d 1558
     (3d Cir. 1990). As a consequence, the
    B&T retirees' benefits became funded by the 1974 Plan for
    orphaned miners. After these events, the Plan had to
    borrow funds and remaining employers were required to
    increase their contribution rates to make up the shortfall.
    Similarly, when South Union-WVA declared bankruptcy, it
    informed the Funds that it was no longer in business and
    would no longer provide health benefits for its retirees. As
    Mr. Jamison contemplated when he notified the Trustees
    that South Union-WVA had shut down, see J.A. at 170, the
    1974 Fund was forced to take responsibility for those
    retirees. See Schifano v. United Mine Workers 1974 Benefit
    Plan & Trust, 
    655 F. Supp. 200
     (N.D. W. Va. 1987)
    (litigation arising out of South Union-WVA's bankruptcy).
    Thus, the plaintiffs' acts increased the burden on the Fund,
    contributing to its overstressed state, at least to some
    Although the Fund may, as plaintiffs argue, have been
    financially stable when the plaintiffs left the industry, it
    was surely foreseeable that departures would lead to
    instability, given the benefit funding structure under the
    NBCWAs. While the plaintiffs contend that the benefit
    funds only became unstable after the plaintiffs left the
    industry and there were changes in the contribution levels
    required from coal operators who remained in the industry,
    it was also foreseeable that those contribution levels could
    change, and it was the NBCWAs to which the plaintiffs
    adhered that initially created a system vulnerable to such
    changes. It was thus rational to conclude that operators in
    this position should bear some responsibility for the costs
    of the corrective legislation. "It is surely proper for Congress
    to legislate retrospectively to ensure that costs of a program
    are borne by the entire class of persons that Congress
    rationally believes should bear them." United States v.
    Sperry Corp., 
    493 U.S. 52
    , 65 (1989).
    The plaintiffs argue that holding them responsible for the
    benefit funds' financial instability because they left the coal
    industry would obligate every operator to remain in the
    industry no matter how unprofitable mining became, which
    amounts to an "erosion taking." We disagree, since this is
    simply a variant of the total takings claim that we reject
    below. The law does not require the plaintiffs to stay in any
    business, which was a necessary element of all the prior
    "erosion taking" cases. See, e.g., Brooks-Scanlon Co. v.
    Railroad Comm'n, 
    251 U.S. 396
    , 399 (1920) (legislature
    cannot require a company to continue doing business,
    though it may require the company to fulfill its legal
    obligations if it chooses to continue operations). Instead,
    the Coal Act merely recognizes that all acts have
    consequences, and that sometimes it is not permissible for
    a company simply to walk away, leaving its former
    employees in the lurch.
    In ABC, Inc., the Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit
    relied heavily on the distinction between pre-1974
    participation in the coal industry and post-1974
    participation. The court found the distinction relevant for
    two reasons: the post-1974 agreements began the explicit
    promises of lifetime benefits, a matter we take up below,
    and also created a funding structure that allowed (or even
    induced) companies to leave the industry and slough off the
    burden of their retirees' benefits on the remaining
    companies. Before 1974, a company that left the industry
    did not create any obligations on the part of other
    companies to increase contributions to the benefit funds,
    but after 1974 that changed. Judge Silberman reasoned
    [I]t is surely rational for the Congress to expect that the
    member companies' failure to contribute while their
    retirees received benefits contributed to the underlying
    crisis that the plans faced in the late 1980s. Although
    the coal contractors may not have been the dominant
    cause of that underfunding, legislation need not
    burden the most responsible party to survive rational
    basis review.
    ABC, Inc., 
    156 F.3d at 1255-56
    ABC, Inc. also found that Justice Kennedy's additional
    concern that liability imposed based on a past employment
    relationship should be "remedial" was satisfied for
    employers who, unlike Eastern, withdrew from the industry
    after the 1974 agreements. Such employers "withdrew from
    their prior commitment to contribute to the funds at
    precisely the point in time . . . at which the benefit
    obligation dramatically expanded, and therefore
    `contributed to the perilous financial condition of the 1950
    and 1974 plans which put the benefits in jeopardy.' " 
    Id. at 1257
     (quoting Eastern, 
    118 S. Ct. at 2159
     (Kennedy, J.,
    Unlike Eastern, Unity and B&T, as BCOA members,
    participated in the negotiations that created the post-1978
    funding structure. They benefited from the NBCWAs by
    obtaining labor peace. Although the contract allowed the
    companies to unload their obligations to the retirees onto
    the Trustees, they should reasonably have anticipated that
    such a strategy would threaten the Funds and might well
    prompt a congressional response. We cannot say that it
    was irrational for Congress to charge the miners' former
    employers with the costs of their benefits, when the miners
    qualified for lifetime benefits from the Trustees because of
    their former employment (we expand on this point infra)
    and the employers' departure from the industry contributed
    to the problem confronting the Trustees.
    B&T and Unity urge that they are not responsible for
    most of the burden on the Funds. However, B&T was a
    large employer, whose departure from the industry added
    over a thousand beneficiaries to the Funds' "orphans," and
    its individual impact was therefore significant. In addition,
    Unity may be held partially responsible because, though its
    individual contribution to the problem was small, the
    aggregate effects of its actions and parallel actions by other
    companies contributed to the problem. Congress may
    reasonably include all of the parties whose acts, taken
    together, gave rise to a problem, even if the individual
    contributions of each are small. Cf. Wickard v. Filburn, 
    317 U.S. 111
    , 127-28 (1942) (applying the same reasoning to
    Congress's Commerce Clause power).
    3. The Background of Government Regulation
    We consider the background of government regulation
    significant as well. The coal industry has been heavily
    regulated for decades, including the government-imposed
    1948 Krug-Lewis Agreement, which created the basic health
    benefits structure. The companies had no reasonable
    expectation that the government would not expand its
    regulation of health benefits in the coal industry, given the
    history of labor unrest and government intervention. See
    136 Cong. Rec. S17814 (daily ed. Oct. 27, 1990) (statement
    of Sen. Glenn) (containing Congressional Research Service
    report on the extensive history of federal intervention into
    the health status and benefits of coal workers and into
    labor relations in the coal industry more generally).5
    The coal operators were also aware of the growing
    number of government requirements that vested benefits be
    paid, whether or not an employer was contractually
    obligated to pay for them, as the industry's response to
    ERISA indicated. The situation is thus analogous to those
    in Connolly and Concrete Pipe, in which the Court found
    that, in light of the history of federal pension regulation,
    employers could not reasonably assume after 1978 that
    their obligations to pension funds would never exceed the
    specific terms of their contracts, see Connolly, 
    475 U.S. at 227
    , nor could they reasonably assume that Congress
    would not increase the statutory cap on ERISA withdrawal
    liability, see Concrete Pipe, 
    508 U.S. at 646
    . The parties
    were well aware that pension plans could subject employers
    to retroactive liability in cases of underfunding, and could
    5. Indeed, amicus LTV was the specific target of at least one bill to
    mandate that it continue to fund health benefits for its retired miners as
    early as 1986. See 132 Cong. Rec. S9879 (daily ed. July 30, 1986) (bill
    discussed by Sens. Byrd, Dole, Durenberger, Glenn, Heinz, & Specter);
     at E2714 (daily ed. Aug. 1, 1986) (statement of Rep. Rahall).
    have foreseen that Congress might act similarly with
    respect to health benefits.
    4. The Contractual Language
    Turning to the expectations created by the contracts, the
    threshold question is whether we need to distinguish
    between explicit and implicit promises of lifetime benefits.
    Although the plaintiffs concentrate on explicit promises, an
    issue on which their position is strong, we think that
    explicit promises are not necessary in order to justify
    congressional action. The question is what reasonable
    expectations the coal companies' actions created. While an
    expectation cannot be reasonable without some foundation
    in the real world, an explicit representation that the
    companies would provide lifetime benefits is not required,
    since reasonable expectations may arise from a consistent
    course of conduct as well.
    Plaintiffs and amici argue that the coal companies never
    made any promises, implicit or explicit, or raised any
    expectations of lifetime benefits. They first point to the text
    of the NBCWAs, which did not themselves require the coal
    companies to provide lifetime benefits under all
    circumstances. They dissect the various contractual
    provisions and characterize their import as follows: (1) the
    health card that miners received for benefits"for life" did
    not guarantee any specific benefits; (2) the"evergreen"
    clauses only referred to an employer commitment to
    continue funding benefits, but did not promise anything
    about the scope of those benefits; (3) the "evergreen"
    clauses only applied to operators who stayed in the coal
    business; (4) the contracts allowed benefits to be
    suspended or reduced; and (5) the guarantee of benefits
    lasted only through the term of the agreement. Additionally,
    an UMWA negotiatior testified in the course of other
    litigation that everything was up for renegotiation at the
    end of a contract and that the parties could have agreed to
    eliminate benefits entirely. See District 17, UMWA v. Allied
    735 F.2d 121
    , 126 (4th Cir. 1984), vacated, 
    765 F.2d 412
     (4th Cir. 1985).
    It is true that the funding contribution requirements were
    limited to the life of the agreement, "ending when this
    Agreement is terminated," in 1978 and subsequent
    NBCWAs. Yet all of these arguments have the same
    fundamental weakness, which is that they go to the
    contract and not to the reasonable expectations that might
    have been created by the contract. The UMWA negotiator's
    testimony is a particularly strong example of this: the
    parties could have agreed to eliminate benefits in any given
    negotiation, but there was no realistic chance that they
    would. The defendants do not dispute that the contracts
    did not provide for the payments mandated by the Coal Act.
    If the contracts had so provided, the Coal Act would have
    been unnecessary. The plaintiffs' dissection of the contracts
    is a brilliant exercise, and were we deciding a case on labor
    and contract law principles the outcome would be clear in
    their favor.6 But this is not an action brought for
    contractual violations. We focus our attention instead on
    what conclusions Congress might rationally draw about the
    parties' relations and expectations, and what it might fairly
    do to close the gap between the contractual obligations of
    the coal companies and the Funds' actual liabilities.
    The NBCWAs did not in themselves guarantee that the
    coal companies would pay for lifetime benefits for retirees
    and their dependents. There thus is a tenable argument
    that the NBCWAs did not obligate the Trustees of the
    Funds to pay lifetime benefits, because the evolution of the
    benefit structure did not indisputably culminate in a
    lifetime guarantee. Indeed, the former coal companies have
    a number of strong arguments, and reasonable people
    could well disagree about Congress's choice to impose
    liability on them. Nonetheless, we conclude that Congress
    could reasonably have reached the conclusions it did about
    the expectation of lifetime benefits and about the coal
    companies' responsibility for the situation in which the
    Funds found themselves after the changes of the 1970s and
    6. However, not all of these arguments are persuasive even as a matter
    of contractual interpretation. As we discuss below, after 1978 health
    benefits were specified in the contract, and that the evergreen clause and
    the health card sections of the agreement did not rescribe the other
    sections of the contract does not mean that those specifications were
    without effect.
    a. Contractual Clarity
    The plaintiffs submit that Eastern turned on the fact that
    the relevant NBCWA provisions clearly did not provide for
    lifetime benefits. We believe that this is a subtle but
    significant "spin" on the plurality's view, which found that
    the obligations imposed on Eastern were unrelated to its
    contractual obligations. The plurality noted that, during
    Eastern's participation in the industry, retirement and
    health benefits were far less extensive than they later
    became; the benefits were also not vested. Furthermore,
    benefits were subject to alteration or termination with far
    fewer constraints than those later imposed by the shift of
    control from the Trustees to the BCOA and the UMWA. In
    fact, entire categories of beneficiaries provided for under the
    Coal Act were not part of the older NBCWAs, and"Eastern
    could not have contemplated liability for the provision of
    lifetime benefits to the widows of deceased miners."
    118 S. Ct. at 2150
     (plurality). All these facts meant
    that there was no rational relationship between Eastern's
    past acts and its Coal Act-imposed obligations.
    If Connolly retains any force, as we think it does, the
    clarity of contractual provisions is far from dispositive.
    Connolly itself involved a contract whose limits were at least
    as clear as those in the contracts at issue here. Even
    crystalline contractual provisions, accompanied by well-
    established practice and understandings, can create
    reasonable expectations extending beyond the four corners
    of a contract. Though courts may be unable to enforce
    those expectations, Congress is not so constrained. We
    believe that our position is bolstered by a careful reading of
    the Eastern plurality opinion, which did not suggest that an
    implicit promise (that is, one not clearly found in the
    contract) would be insufficient to sustain the Coal Act if
    that promise had a reasonable basis in actual practice or in
    the penumbra created by contractual promises. Instead, the
    plurality found no evidence of any implied lifetime promise.
    See Eastern, 
    118 S. Ct. at 2152
     (plurality). Justice
    Kennedy, likewise, focused not on the clarity of the contract
    but on the lack of a connection between pre-1978 coal
    operators and retired miners' reasonable expectations and
    instability in the benefit structure. See 
    id. at 2159
    (Kennedy, J., concurring).
    b. Lifetime Benefits
    The plaintiffs argue that the NBCWAs never promised
    "lifetime benefits," and that the miners' only reasonable
    expectation based on the NBCWAs would have been that
    any operators who remained in the coal industry and
    continued to sign agreements would pay for their benefits
    indefinitely. From that perspective, the Coal Act
    retroactively transformed a series of three- or four-year
    commitments into an open-ended, decades-long obligation.
    The plaintiffs' reading of the agreements is too crabbed.
    The 1974 NBCWA has thirteen separate references to
    health service cards "for life" or "until death." Plaintiffs
    submit that this simply referred to a health card that no
    one would ever take away but that could be reduced to a
    worthless piece of paper at any time. However, not only did
    the 1978 NBCWA have sixteen separate references to
    coverage "for life" or "until death," it also refers to an
    "entitle[ment] to receive health benefits until death" in at
    least one section. 1978 NBCWA, Art. XX, at 116. The
    plaintiffs submit that this reference was inextricably linked
    to the references to health service cards. We agree, but
    think that the slippage between lifetime health cards and
    lifetime health benefits counsels against the plaintiffs'
    position: The lifetime health card may just as easily be seen
    as a shorthand reference to lifetime benefits, which may be
    why the parties did not correct (in this carefully negotiated
    contract) the reference to "benefits until death."7 This
    language, synonymous with the health card language,
    appears to reflect the bargaining parties' understanding
    that the lifetime provision of health benefits was an
    absolute requirement for any contract. See Nobel, 
    720 F. Supp. at 1175
     (finding that the coal operators understood
    that lifetime benefit language was crucial to the ratification
    of any contract and that the BCOA therefore abandoned its
    attempt to remove such language).
    7. The plaintiffs also note that the "benefits until death" language
    appears in a provision discussing restrictions on benefits whenever the
    beneficiary exceeded the earnings limit. However, the point of the
    provision was that the beneficiaries were entitled to benefits during any
    period that they did not exceed the earnings limits until death.
    We do not rest our decision on the reference to "benefits
    until death"; rather, it is a datum supporting the overall
    conclusion that the health card was expected to guarantee
    benefits for life. The 1981 and 1984 NBCWAs continue in
    the same vein with sixteen references to coverage "for life"
    or "until death." While we appreciate the force of the
    plaintiffs' arguments to the contrary, we are persuaded that
    it would have been reasonable for miners to expect that the
    "lifetime" health card actually meant that lifetime benefits
    would be provided to anyone in possession of a health card.
    Plaintiffs nonetheless argue that the appearance of the
    phrases "for life" and "until death" in the 1974 and
    subsequent agreements does not imply any commitment to
    provide lifetime benefits. According to them, we should
    understand the lifetime health card as doing no more than
    serving the valuable administrative function of ensuring
    portability. At most, the plaintiffs argue, the possession of
    a health card merely entitles a retiree to whatever benefits,
    if any, were available under the NBCWA then in effect. The
    plaintiffs interpret "lifetime" to mean simply that, if an
    NBCWA were in place, miners could not lose their benefits
    after a fixed period of time (a problem that had arisen in
    the past when the Trustees cut off retired miners after five
    years or some other fixed period).
    This is a strained reading of the terms "for life" and "until
    death," which refer to persons (the miners and their
    dependents) and not to the continued existence of an
    NBCWA. Furthermore, this argument does not aid the
    plaintiffs much, as NBCWAs were in effect through the
    passage of the Coal Act and even to this day, although the
    plaintiffs are no longer signatories to them. There is no
    real-world difference between a lifetime guarantee and a
    guarantee that lasts while NBCWAs continue to exist,
    especially as the guarantee did not depend on any
    particular employer's continued adherence to the NBCWAs.
    The fact that NBCWAs continue is evidence that it was
    reasonable to expect them to continue, and thus that it was
    reasonable to expect that a "lifetime" guarantee, even one
    that could theoretically expire if the entire NBCWA system
    collapsed, was in reality a lifetime guarantee. Cf. D'Amico v.
    City of New York, 
    132 F.3d 145
    , 151 (2d Cir. 1998)
    (reasoning that the occurrence of an event is evidence that
    a decisionmaker was justified in predicting that event).
    The plaintiffs further point out that the 1950 and 1974
    Plans contained language stating that, if assets became
    insufficient, benefits could be suspended or reduced. The
    Plans were incorporated into the 1974, 1978, 1981, and
    1984 NBCWAs by reference. Moreover, the plaintiffs note
    that the Plans were subject to modification or amendment,
    and there were provisions that would take effect"[i]n the
    event of the termination of the 1950 Plan." The plaintiffs
    also contend that when miners received health cards, they
    were specifically told that their benefits were subject to
    amendment or termination "at any time." 1958 Annual
    Report. Of course, later NBCWAs were designed to limit the
    Trustees' authority to do so, by defining the benefits to be
    provided, by establishing lifetime eligibility for a health
    card, and by eliminating the Trustees' ability to alter
    benefits without the consent of the union and the BCOA
    after 1971.
    But the NBCWAs always clearly stated that they were in
    effect for limited terms. The individual employer plans for
    health benefits that were established under the 1978
    NBCWA, like the 1950 and 1974 Plans, had the stated
    purpose of providing benefits "during the term of this
    Agreement." The plaintiffs conflate the issue of whether the
    coal companies' contribution requirements were "lifetime,"
    which they clearly were not under the contract, with the
    issue of whether the contracts provided for lifetime health
    benefits. The lifetime health card was intended to put an
    end to the Trustees' pre-1974 practices of cutting
    beneficiaries off if their former employers were delinquent
    in paying into the Funds or if they had received benefits for
    a set period of time. Thus, the Trustees could reasonably be
    seen as required to pay lifetime benefits to all retirees and
    their dependents in possession of a health card; the
    contractual terms had the effect of binding the Trustees to
    a lifetime commitment, although they did not of themselves
    bind the coal companies to the same commitment. 8
    8. The plaintiffs also argue that the Trustees understood that benefits
    were limited to the term of the agreement. When the 1974 NBCWA
    Despite the plaintiffs' contention that the numerous
    cases holding that "for life" means lifetime benefits were
    wrongly decided, we are unpersuaded that those cases
    lacked support for their conclusion. See, e.g., In re
    Chateaugay Corp., 
    945 F.2d 1205
    , 1210 (2d Cir. 1991);
    District 29, UMWA v. UMWA 1974 Benefit Plan & Trust, 
    826 F.2d 280
    , 282-83 (4th Cir. 1987); Grubbs v. UMWA, 
    723 F. Supp. 123
    , 128 (W.D. Ark. 1989); Nobel, 
    720 F. Supp. at 1178
    .9 The plaintiffs assert that, at all events, Eastern
    throws these cases into doubt. We disagree, because the
    Supreme Court said nothing about the Trustees'
    obligations, nor did the Court take up the post-1978
    contracts at all.
    Furthermore, contrary to the submission of the plaintiffs,
    these lower court cases did analyze the provisions of the
    contract, recognizing that the Trustees were obligated to
    provide benefits only "during the term of this agreement,"
    just as the companies were only required to contribute
    during the term of the contract. Rather than ignoring this
    temporal language, the decisions found that other language
    in the contract, combined with testimony from the
    expired on December 6, 1977, the Trustees stopped providing health
    benefits to retired miners, and the subsequently negotiated 1978 NBCWA
    prohibited retroactive funding of such benefits. This is significant, but,
    given that the benefit funds were fundamentally reconfigured at the
    same time to focus on individual employers, it would have been difficult
    to deal with those few months retroactively during the transition to the
    new regime. The short gap necessitated by the delay in negotiating a new
    contract during bitter labor strife does not disprove the general promise
    of lifetime benefits in the future.
    9. UMWA Health & Retirement Funds v. Robinson, 
    455 U.S. 562
    also refers to "lifetime" benefits. See 
    id. at 565-66
    . The plaintiffs
    that NBCWAs were in place at all times relevant to Robinson, and so that
    case provides no basis for suggesting that benefits would be available in
    the absence of an NBCWA. However, this argument actually favors the
    defendants. We reiterate that we are not construing the contract but
    deciding what reasonable expectations it might generate. In that
    analysis, the fact that NBCWAs persisted for decades, although it was
    always possible that they would expire, favors the defendants, since the
    long history of NBCWA renegotiation makes the expectation that benefits
    would continue more reasonable.
    negotiators, obligated the Trustees to provide lifetime
    benefits. See District 29, UMWA, 
    826 F.2d at 282
    . That the
    contracts may contain contradictory language does not, as
    plaintiffs and amici contend, make any construction
    requiring lifetime benefits unreasonable; instead, there was
    evidence pointing in both directions. Just as it was not
    unreasonable for courts to conclude that the contracts
    provided lifetime benefits, it was not unreasonable for
    Congress to rely on similar evidence, even though Congress
    could also reasonably have disagreed. In fact, we could
    even consider such judicial decisions, the earliest of which
    were referenced in the Coal Commission Report, as data
    justifying Congress's conclusion that lifetime benefits were
    promised, since Congress may reasonably look to the
    findings of a coordinate branch. See Coal Comm'n Report at
    3, 28, 47, 55-56.
    The question, then, is not whether the health benefits are
    truly "for life" but whether the former coal companies can
    justly be associated with the promises of lifetime benefits
    that by contract run only against the Trustees. The
    argument is that it was acceptable, by virtue of the
    contractual limitations, for companies to walk away and
    leave the Trustees and the companies remaining in the coal
    industry to pay the tab. And it is this underlying claim that
    we think Congress could rationally reject. In this regard, we
    reiterate that our obligation is to determine what Congress
    could reasonably have found.
    Congress certainly possessed credible evidence that
    miners expected those benefits. The Coal Commission, for
    example, reported to Congress in 1990 that
    Retired coal miners have legitimate expectations of
    health care benefits for life; that was the promise they
    received during their working lives and that is how
    they planned their retirement years. That commitment
    should be honored.
     at vii. The Commission based its conclusions on
    substantial evidence, including testimony from many
    industry participants on both sides of the issue. Even a
    dissenting member of the Commission, who was the
    president of a coal company, acknowledged that the post-
    1978 agreements created a promise of lifetime benefits. See
    id. at 81 (statement of Commissioner Holsten). 10 Although
    the Coal Act's statutory scheme was proposed nine and two
    years, respectively, after Unity and B&T ceased to be bound
    by an NBCWA, and that is certainly a significant period of
    time, we cannot say that it is beyond the pale in light of the
    lifetime nature of the commitment at issue.
    c. Other Contractual Provisions
    The negotiations of the 1970s took place in a changing
    legal context, as the Coal Commission's report to Congress
    recognized. ERISA made clear that employers who promised
    pension benefits were going to have to give them, and when
    the parties negotiated the 1974 and later agreements, that
    idea was certainly in mind. Moreover, starting in 1974, the
    new agreements removed the Trustees' discretion to set
    benefit levels and eligibility standards. See Coal Comm'n
    Report at 24.
    By 1977, anxiety had intensified, and the miners struck
    for nearly four months over, among other things, health
    benefit issues. The federal government intervened to settle
    the strike. The 1978 agreement introduced the "evergreen"
    10. The conclusions of the Coal Commission Report are not rendered
    suspect by Eastern; although the plurality and Justice Kennedy
    concluded that Congress could not reasonably decide that pre-1978
    signatories were responsible for creating expectations of lifetime
    it is notable that the Coal Commission never proposed the "super
    reachback" provision challenged in Eastern. See Eastern, 
    118 S. Ct. at 2141
     (plurality); Coal Comm'n Report at 61, 63, Supp. App. at 420, 422.
    The Commission's proposal provided for liability under what became
    S 9706(a)(1) and S 9706(a)(2), which only apply to post-1978 signatories,
    while S 9706(a)(3) was added late in the legislative process. See J.
    Atwood Ives, Federal Document Clearing House Congressional
    Testimony, House Ways & Means Oversight, Coal Workers Retirement
    Benefits, June 22, 1995. The Coal Commission'sfindings remain
    persuasive evidence from which Congress could conclude that signatory
    operators remaining in the coal industry after 1978 created a reasonable
    expectation of lifetime benefits among miners and their families. See also
    138 Cong. Rec. S5081, S5082 (daily ed. Apr. 8, 1992) (statement of Sen.
    Boren) (referring to the expectations created by the 1978 agreement); 
    (statement of Sen. Dole) (same).
    and "guarantee" clauses and rearranged the benefit funds
    in major ways. See id. at 26. The evergreen clause only
    applied to companies that stayed in the coal mining
    industry. As such, it has no bearing on these plaintiffs
    except insofar as it expresses an intent by the negotiators
    to keep health benefits funded, as the miners expected
    them to be, in the context of growing burdens on NBCWA
    coal operators.
    Under the guarantee clause, signatory employers
    committed to make the contributions necessary to maintain
    the contractually specified benefits throughout the term of
    the agreement, even if that required an increase in the
    contribution rates specified at the outset of the contract
    term. This was essentially a shift "from a defined
    contribution obligation, under which employers were
    responsible only for a predetermined amount of royalties, to
    a form of defined benefit obligation, under which employers
    were to fund specific benefits." Eastern, 
    118 S. Ct. at 2140
    (plurality). The evergreen clause represented a similar effort
    by the bargaining parties to protect the funding base for
    ongoing health coverage.
    The coal companies contend that everyone recognized
    that, when the contract ended, the benefits would end. The
    1978 guarantee clause guaranteed benefits and provided
    for increased contribution if necessary only "during the
    term of this Agreement." The defendants respond that the
    "end of contract/end of benefits" equation is not the end of
    the story. They argue that it was reasonable for the miners
    to expect that the contract would be replaced by another
    contract, and then another, and then another, with at least
    comparable benefits, even if the industry and its
    participants changed. After all, that is what had taken
    place for the past fifty years: the slow but steady expansion
    of benefits. The NBCWAs, they argue, were negotiated in a
    context where the miners believed that, in return for wage
    and employment concessions, they would be able to
    guarantee their futures. In fact, as noted above, the
    NBCWAs have endured for decades after the changes of the
    1970s, evidencing the reasonableness of a belief that the
    agreements would continue.
    We do not ignore the plaintiffs' history in the industry,
    which extended for many decades and ended over thirty
    years after Eastern Enterprises left the coal industry. Unity
    mined coal for 58 years and B&T for 80. Coal companies
    such as Unity and B&T received benefits from the steady
    expansion of health and retirement benefits, including wage
    concessions and union agreement to mechanization, during
    that period. Their long-term participation made it
    particularly understandable that miners would expect that
    the companies' adherence to promises of lifetime benefits in
    the NBCWAs would be honored.
    5. Conclusion
    Our review of the evidence suggests that there are several
    plausible interpretations of the events leading up to the
    Coal Act. It could well be the case that former coal
    companies are not the most responsible parties in the
    deterioration of the health of the benefit funds, but
    Congress could also rationally find that they bore
    significant responsibility in setting up a structure that
    invited operators to abandon mining and shunt the burden
    of caring for retirees on other parties. Similarly, it could be
    that the contracts did not create a lifetime benefit obligation
    on the part of the Trustees, yet Congress had substantial
    evidence to the contrary. We will defer to Congress's
    judgments on the nature of the problem before it, including
    judgments about causation and reasonable expectations.
    The next question, therefore, is whether Congress's
    reasonable evaluations of the problem justified the
    corrective measures it mandated in the Coal Act.
    C. Is the Coal Act a Rational Response to the Problem
    Congress Identified?
    Given that evidence exists to support Congress's
    interpretation of the history of the coal industry and the
    NBCWAs, we must ask whether that evidence is enough to
    justify a retroactive law of this scope. For the following
    reasons, we conclude that the Coal Act's retroactivity does
    not render it irrational in violation of due process.
    1. The Length of the Retroactivity
    The heart of retroactivity analysis is an evaluation of the
    extent of the burden imposed by a retroactive law in
    relation to the burdened parties' prior acts. We note as an
    initial matter that the length of the retroactivity alone is not
    dispositive in this case. The retroactivity is significantly less
    extensive than that in Eastern. We evaluate retroactivity not
    from the time the plaintiffs first signed an industry
    agreement, nor from the time the miners' right to benefits
    accrued, but rather from the end of the plaintiffs'
    contractual obligations to pay for such benefits. 11 For Unity,
    that period is eleven years, and for B&T four years, because
    B&T was bound by the 1984 NBCWA until 1988. This is
    substantially less time than the gap between Eastern's exit
    from the coal business and the enactment of the Coal Act,
    although, at least for Unity, it is still quite long.12 We
    conclude that this degree of retroactivity is not so extensive
    as to violate Justice Kennedy's standard, although Unity
    offers a close case.13
    11. We choose the expiration of NBCWA obligations because, although
    covered retirees may have stopped working for the plaintiffs before those
    dates, the contracts obligated the plaintiffs to continue paying for
    benefits until those contracts expired and, after 1978's evergreen clause,
    until the plaintiffs left the industry. This was not true of the relevant
    contracts in Eastern. Thus, the retroactivity extends not from the date of
    the miners' retirement but from the period during which the plaintiffs
    were free of any contractual obligation to pay for benefits.
    12. The retroactivity approved in Usery was actually much greater in
    some circumstances. The black lung law was enacted in 1969 and began
    imposing liability on employers in 1973. Yet benefits were given to
    miners who left mine work as early as 1923. See Usery, 
    428 U.S. at
    n.4 (Powell, J., concurring in part). In addition, the Comprehensive
    Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA), 42
    U.S.C. SS 9601-9657, has an unlimited retrospective temporal reach,
    which has yet to be invalidated by any court to consider the issue. See,
    e.g., United States v. Monsanto Co., 
    858 F.2d 160
    , 173-74 (4th Cir.
    13. We focus on Justice Kennedy's explication of the relevant due
    process principles because the plurality did not reach Eastern's due
    process claim. See Rappa v. New Castle County , 
    18 F.3d 1043
    , 1058-61
    (3d Cir. 1994) (where "no single approach can be said to have the
    support of a majority of the Court," then "no particular standard
    constitutes the law of the land" and lower courts are bound by the result
    as applied to "substantially identical" cases).
    Instead of relying solely on the length of the retroactivity,
    we assess the relationship of the retroactively imposed
    liability to the governmental interests asserted in its
    defense. See Eastern, 
    118 S. Ct. at 2159
     (Kennedy, J.,
    concurring) (retroactive remedies must bear "a legitimate
    relation to the interest which the Government asserts
    supports the statute"); 
    id. at 2163
     (Breyer, J., dissenting)
    ("[A] law that is fundamentally unfair because of its
    retroactivity is a law which is basically arbitrary.").
    The plaintiffs argue that retroactivity has only been
    upheld in three situations: (1) where the employer
    continues to operate in the regulated industry after the
    enactment of a retroactive law; (2) when employers would
    otherwise be able to take advantage of the delays inherent
    in the legislative process; and (3) where a worker's injury or
    illness is related to his or her work. This categorization is
    unsatisfactory. The first category lacks adequate analytical
    foundation. If a law is truly retroactive, applying to conduct
    completed before the law was enacted, it would seem only
    marginally relevant that an employer kept doing what it
    had been doing before, for the liability would be based on
    past acts, not post-enactment acts; the continuation in the
    old business would not seem to justify the retroactivity. If
    it would be fundamentally unfair to make a business pay
    for its long-past acts, it would seem equally unfair to put
    that business to the choice of leaving its established
    business or paying for its long-past acts.
    We posit a different standard: Where Congress acts
    reasonably to redress an injury caused or to enforce an
    expectation created by a party, it can do so retroactively.
    The ERISA and MPPAA cases establish that Congress may
    retroactively bar employers from giving their employees
    vested pensions in multiemployer plans and then leaving
    those plans to collapse. Those cases did not examine
    whether the employers continued to operate the same kind
    of business as they did when their former employees'
    pensions became vested. Our categorization also recognizes
    that workers can be harmed not just by late-appearing
    physical consequences of their jobs but also by an
    employer's failure to live up to a long-term promise that
    formed part of the worker's reasonable expectations on the
    job. Both a promise of benefits and a job-related illness
    have a nexus to the worker's employment, as we discussed
    supra Subsection III.B.1.
    2. The Size of the Burden
    The amici (other former coal operators) call our attention
    to the size of the burden imposed, arguing that, because
    the Eastern plurality found that paying lifetime benefits
    imposed a "considerable" burden on Eastern Enterprises,
    by definition the same is true for all other entities required
    to pay benefits under the Coal Act, since the amount of the
    payment per beneficiary is the same under every part of the
    law. In Eastern, however, the total amount at issue was
    between $50 and $100 million, whereas here the total cost
    is well under $1 million to date for Unity and around $2.5
    million per year for B&T, an amount that will continue to
    decrease as beneficiaries die. Therefore, the plaintiffs are
    not in the same situation as Eastern Enterprises.
    We will not find a due process violation if the regulation
    is proportional to the harm legitimately addressed by the
    legislature. Yet the proportionality requirement will only be
    applied when the harm inflicted by the government is
    substantial enough to raise an issue as to whether a
    violation of due process has occurred. As the total absolute
    burden imposed by a statute increases, it becomes simpler
    for a court to determine that the legislature has exceeded
    the bounds of rationality, whereas a smaller burden means
    that Congress's error, if any, is less likely to justify the
    extreme sanction of invalidation on due process grounds.
    If, for example, Congress imposed a one-dollar burden on
    each member of some industry, and we concluded thatfive
    cents was the only amount that could be linked to
    Congress's asserted justification for the burden, we would
    still be disinclined to strike down the statute; the fact that
    the burden imposed was twenty times the actual cost would
    not be determinative. As the actual amount of the burden
    decreases, errors in its calculation increase in relative
    magnitude, but the leeway given to Congress in enacting
    social and economic legislation mandates that we look to
    absolute rather than relative magnitudes, so that our
    review is limited to those laws that work the most severe
    disruptions of settled expectations.
    For similar reasons, we doubt that a former coal
    company would have a credible claim of "considerable"
    burden if it were only responsible for a small number of
    beneficiaries under the Act, even if the company was in
    such dire financial straits that the liability would push it
    over the economic edge. It is the aggregate cost--the total
    size of the burden imposed--and not the per-beneficiary
    cost that is significant under our due process
    jurisprudence. While the burden in this case is certainly
    substantial, and thus we will carefully scrutinize the Coal
    Act, the burden is not dispositive in itself. We acknowledge
    that the Coal Act will put these particular plaintiffs out of
    business, but that fact is again a matter of relative burden,
    not absolute burden and, because it does not determine the
    due process issue, we reserve our discussion of this
    consideration for our analysis of the plaintiffs' takings
    challenge infra Part IV.
    3. Proportionality and Congress's Ability To Go Beyond
    Private Contracts
    As we stated above, proportionality is the proper test of
    economic impact. The burden imposed on regulated parties
    may be heavy, but the Connolly Court found that a large
    burden is not unconstitutional if the liability actually
    imposed is not out of proportion to the claimant's prior
    experience with the object of the legislation. See Connolly,
    475 U.S. at 226
    ; see also Eastern, 
    118 S. Ct. at 2150-51
    (plurality) (discussing the justifications for imposing liability
    as part of the analysis of the economic impact factor). Prior
    experience can consist of conduct that creates reasonable
    expectations about the object of the legislation or conduct
    that creates the problems that impelled the legislature to
    act. Given that the situation that impelled Congress to
    enact the Coal Act contained elements of both, we believe
    that the necessary proportionality exists.
    The Coal Act bridges a gap between the contractual
    promises of coal companies and the full extent of the
    funding required to provide retired miners with lifetime
    health benefits. The Trustees and the government argue
    that the companies' extracontractual acts, signalled by
    contractual language but going beyond that language,
    justify Congress's decision to bridge that gap. The
    extracontractual acts fall into two general categories: the
    instability of the pre-Coal Act benefit funding structure to
    which the former coal companies contributed, and the
    expectation of lifetime benefits created by contractual
    language combined with the parties' consistent practices.
    As we have explained, we consider these reasons sufficient
    justification for the liability imposed by the Coal Act.
    As the defendants put it, the NBCWAs made a long-term
    commitment to provide health-care benefits but only a
    short-term contractual commitment for funding.14 They
    argue persuasively that this arrangement would be silly,
    even suicidal, for the miners and the funds were it not
    made in the context of a belief that the industry would
    continue on pretty much as it had been for the past few
    decades. Given this, we think that Congress could
    reasonably conclude that it would be fair to hold the coal
    companies to the implicit part of their promise, because
    when they left the industry the explicit part lost its
    meaning. See ABC, Inc., 
    156 F.3d at 1255-57
    The Eastern plurality did not reject the Connolly principle
    that government may do more than require private parties
    to live up to their contracts:
    [C]ontracts, however express, cannot fetter the
    constitutional authority of Congress. Contracts may
    create rights of property, but when contracts deal with
    a subject matter which lies within the control of
    Congress, they have a congenital infirmity. Parties
    cannot remove their transactions from the reach of
    dominant constitutional power by making contracts
    about them.
    If the regulatory statute is otherwise within the
    powers of Congress, therefore, its application may not
    be defeated by private contractual provisions. For the
    same reason, the fact that legislation disregards or
    14. This disposes of plaintiffs' contention that the guarantee clause of
    1978 would have been superfluous if there were already a lifetime
    guarantee of benefits. The guarantee clause was an attempt to insure
    that the Trustees could live up to their obligations, an attempt that
    ultimately failed.
    destroys existing contractual rights does not always
    transform the regulation into an illegal taking. . ..
    [H]ere, the United States has taken nothing for its own
    use, and only has nullified a contractual provision
    limiting liability by imposing an additional obligation
    that is otherwise within the power of Congress to
    475 U.S. at 223-24
     (citation omitted); see also
    118 S. Ct. at 2148
    In Connolly, a contract limited the employers' obligations
    even if contributions proved insufficient to provide the
    promised benefits. The challenged legislation converted that
    defined contribution obligation to a broader defined benefit
    obligation. Congress enacted the law so that retirees could
    receive the vested benefits they had been promised and that
    they legitimately expected. The Court found a reasonable
    relation between the employers' acts and ERISA-imposed
    liability, even though the employers could not have foreseen
    a defined benefit obligation from the face of the contract.
    Here, the signatory operators created a benefit fund with a
    legal obligation to pay out more than the operators were
    required to pay in, just as in Connolly, and the Coal Act
    was Congress's attempt to close that funding gap.
    The plaintiffs distinguish Connolly by arguing that the
    problem in that case was that companies had made broad
    promises that the pension funds to which they contributed
    would pay pensions, but only obligated themselves
    contractually to pay a much smaller amount to those
    pension funds. The plaintiffs claim that, in this case, the
    promises that the Funds would pay benefits were narrow,
    because those benefits could be reduced or eliminated at
    any time, and the contractual obligations were broad
    during the period of their existence. As we have discussed
    above, however, Congress decided that even though the
    coal companies' contractual obligations were not broad
    enough to sustain the Funds, their promises that the
    Funds would pay benefits--made as part of the BCOA-
    union negotiations--were broad. This is a reasonable
    reading of the NBCWAs, particularly given that the 1974
    NBCWA removed the Trustees' discretion to change benefit
    levels without the bargaining parties' permission and that
    the 1978 NBCWA began the practice of enumerating the
    exact health benefits to be provided. Cf. Nobel, 
    720 F. Supp. at 1180
     (holding that benefits could not be reduced
    or discontinued by the Trustees despite the financial
    burden on the Trust).
    The Coal Act extended the operators' contractual
    obligations to include responsibility for the expectations
    generated and invited by the contracts. Essentially, the Act
    is Congress's attempt to do equity. We agree with the court
    in ABC, Inc., which wrote:
    The constitutionally significant feature about these
    later agreements is that they made it reasonable for
    employers to expect a similar state-imposed duty, and
    thus rendered such a duty, when eventually imposed,
    not unfairly retroactive. That appellants could have
    successfully defended a breach of contract suit seeking
    lifetime benefits under the 1974 agreement is of no
    ABC, Inc., 
    156 F.3d at 1258
    The plaintiffs argue that it is implausible that operators
    in an industry with "very high turnover of employers,"
    Connors v. Link Coal Co., 
    970 F.2d 902
    , 903 (D.C. Cir.
    1992), would have agreed to a perpetual funding obligation
    enforceable even against operators who left the coal
    industry entirely, whether for economic reasons (high labor
    costs, competition from other fuels, and the like) as B&T
    did or because they were out of coal. We agree that it is
    unlikely that the coal companies intended to create this
    exact funding structure, although modern employment
    relations often include post-retirement promises that may
    prove burdensome when conditions change for an
    employer. The crucial question, however, is whether the
    companies' actions, through the BCOA through which
    negotiations with the unions were conducted, created
    reasonable expectations about benefits and established a
    funding structure vulnerable to "dumping" retirees when
    companies left the industry. If so, Congress is not
    precluded from acting to redress the harms caused by this

Document Info

Docket Number: 97-3234,97-3236

Citation Numbers: 178 F.3d 649

Filed Date: 3/29/1999

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 1/12/2023

Authorities (21)

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Wickard v. Filburn , 63 S. Ct. 82 ( 1942 )

United Mine Workers of America Health & Retirement Funds v. ... , 102 S. Ct. 1226 ( 1982 )

Usery v. Turner Elkhorn Mining Co. , 96 S. Ct. 2882 ( 1976 )

Unity Real Estate Co. v. Hudson , 889 F. Supp. 818 ( 1995 )

United Mine Workers Ex Rel. Rabbit v. Nobel , 720 F. Supp. 1169 ( 1989 )

Connolly v. Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation , 106 S. Ct. 1018 ( 1986 )

Bowen v. Georgetown University Hospital , 109 S. Ct. 468 ( 1988 )

United States v. Sperry Corp. , 110 S. Ct. 387 ( 1989 )

Concrete Pipe & Products of Cal., Inc. v. Construction ... , 113 S. Ct. 2264 ( 1993 )

Turner Broadcasting System, Inc. v. Federal Communications ... , 117 S. Ct. 1174 ( 1997 )

Eastern Enterprises v. Apfel , 118 S. Ct. 2131 ( 1998 )

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