Johnson v. West Suburban Bank ( 2000 )

  •                                                                                                                            Opinions of the United
    2000 Decisions                                                                                                             States Court of Appeals
    for the Third Circuit
    Johnson v. West Suburban Bank
    Precedential or Non-Precedential:
    Docket 00-5047
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    Filed August 29, 2000
    NO. 00-5047
    Tele-Cash Inc.; County Bank of Rehoboth Beach, Delaware,
    On Appeal From the United States District Court
    For the District of Delaware
    (D.C. Civ. No. 99-cv-00104)
    District Judge: Honorable Gregory M. Sleet
    Argued July 17, 2000
    Before: BECKER, Chief Judge, SLOVITER and
    NYGAARD, Circuit Judges.
    (Filed: August 29, 2000)
    Weir and Partners, LLP
    1339 Chestnut Street
    Suite 500, The Widener Building
    Philadelphia, PA 19107
    Griffin & Hackett
    116 West Market Street
    Mellon Bank Building
    Georgetown, DE 19947
    Counsel for Appellants
    Edelman, Combs & Latturner
    120 South LaSalle Street, 18th Floor
    Chicago, IL 60603
    Law Office of William L. O'Day, Jr.
    2118 Kirkwood Highway
    Wilmington, DE 19805
    Counsel for Appellee
    Wilmer, Cutler & Pickering
    2445 M Street, NW
    Washington, DC 20037-1420
    Counsel for Amici Curiae -
    The Delaware Retail Council; The
    New Jersey Retail Merchants
    Association; The Pennsylvania
    Retailers Association
    Pepper Hamilton, LLP
    3000 Two Logan Square
    Philadelphia, PA 19103-2799
    Counsel for Amici Curiae -
    American Bankers Association,
    American Financial Services
    Association, Consumer Bankers
    Association, and Delaware Bankers
    BECKER, Chief Judge.
    This appeal arises under the Truth in Lending Act
    ("TILA"), 15 U.S.C. S 1601 et seq. , and the Electronic Fund
    Transfer Act ("EFTA"), 15 U.S.C. S 1693 et seq. Plaintiff
    Terry Johnson, who entered into a short-term loan
    agreement with County Bank of Rehoboth Beach, Delaware
    ("Bank"), contends that the terms of the loan violated both
    the TILA and the EFTA. He seeks to bring a class action
    suit against both the Bank and Tele-Cash, Inc., which
    acted as the Bank's agent for the loan transaction. The
    Defendants respond that the dispute belongs in an arbitral
    forum, as the loan agreement signed by Johnson contains
    an arbitration clause. This appeal presents the question,
    one of first impression in the Courts of Appeals, whether
    claims under the TILA and the EFTA can be referred to
    arbitration under an arbitration clause when a plaintiff
    seeks to bring a claim on behalf of multiple claimants.
    Johnson submits that compelling arbitration is precluded
    by an "irreconcilable conflict" between the arbitration
    clause and the purposes of the TILA and the EFTA. He
    argues that Congress consciously inserted language into
    the statutes with the intent of encouraging district court
    judges to certify class actions under Fed. R. Civ. P. 23. He
    further maintains that in the legislative history of
    amendments to the TILA, Congress communicated that
    class action remedies play a central role in the TILA and
    EFTA enforcement schemes. Rather than simply provide
    restitution, Johnson asserts, such litigation is meant to
    serve public policy goals through plaintiffs who act as
    private attorneys general, for the class action device is
    necessary to ensure meaningful deterrence to creditors who
    might violate the acts.
    The District Court agreed with Johnson that there was
    an "inherent conflict" between compelling arbitration and
    the TILA and the EFTA and denied the Defendants' motion
    to compel arbitration under the agreement. We will reverse.
    Though there may be some tension between the purposes
    of the debtor-protection statutes and arbitration, we are not
    persuaded that the two are so at odds as to preclude
    arbitration in this context. The Supreme Court has made
    clear that the presumption in favor of arbitration
    established by the Federal Arbitration Act ("FAA"), 9 U.S.C.
    S 1 et seq., is a powerful one. Because neither the TILA nor
    the EFTA explicitly precludes the selection of arbitration
    instead of litigation, a party who agrees to arbitrate, but
    then asserts that his or her statutory claim cannot be
    vindicated in an arbitral forum, faces a heavy burden. That
    burden has not been met here.
    As a predicate to this conclusion, we note our belief that
    the public interest purposes behind the civil penalty
    provisions of the statutes are not in conflict with
    arbitration, even if arbitration clauses may prevent the
    bringing of class actions. To the extent that class actions
    serve public interest goals, those goals are also met by
    other provisions of the laws, which allow for enforcement of
    the statutes by federal agencies that possess sufficient
    sanctioning power to provide a meaningful deterrent to
    creditors who violate the terms of either act. Moreover,
    neither act grants potential plaintiffs any substantive right
    that cannot be vindicated in an arbitral forum. While it may
    be true that the benefits of proceeding as a class are
    unavailable in arbitration, neither statute confers upon
    plaintiffs the right to proceed as a class. Instead, the right
    is merely a procedural one, arising under Fed. R. Civ. P. 23,
    that may be waived by agreeing to an arbitration clause. In
    sum, because we can discern no congressional intent to
    preclude the enforcement of arbitration clauses in either
    statute's text, legislative history, or purpose, we hold that
    such clauses are effective even though they may render
    class actions to pursue statutory claims under the TILA or
    the EFTA unavailable.
    Johnson applied for and received a short-term loan for
    $250 from the Bank on July 10, 1998. The loan agreement
    disclosed an annual percentage rate of 917%, stemming
    from finance charges of $88 for the two-week loan. Thus,
    under the agreement, Johnson had to repay the loan by
    making one payment of $338 two weeks after receiving his
    $250. The loan agreement also contained the following
    arbitration clause:
    You and we agree that any claim, dispute, or
    controversy between us . . . and any claim arising from
    or relating to this Note, no matter by whom or against
    whom . . . including the validity of this Note and of this
    agreement to arbitrate disputes as well as claims
    alleging fraud or misrepresentation shall be resolved by
    binding arbitration by and under the Code of
    Procedure of the National Arbitration Forum . . . . This
    arbitration agreement is made pursuant to a
    transaction involving interstate commerce and shall be
    governed by the Federal Arbitration Act, 9 U.S.C. [SS]
    App. 20. The loan agreement further provided:
    By signing and sealing below, you agree to all of the
    terms of this Note, including the agreement to arbitrate
    Id. at 20.
    Johnson filed suit on behalf of a putative class in the
    District Court for the District of Delaware, alleging that the
    Bank and Tele-Cash, Inc., the bank's agent for the loan
    transaction, violated both the TILA and the EFTA by failing
    to properly disclose the high rate of interest, and by
    requiring loan applicants to open accounts from which they
    were required to irrevocably preauthorize electronic fund
    transfers to pay the loan.
    The Defendants moved to stay the proceedings and
    compel arbitration. Concluding that arbitration was at odds
    with the purposes of the TILA and the EFTA, the District
    Court denied a motion to compel arbitration and stay the
    proceedings or dismiss the case. The District Court did,
    however, dismiss Johnson's claim that the arbitration
    clause was unconscionable. The Defendants timely
    appealed. The District Court had jurisdiction to hear
    Johnson's action under 28 U.S.C. S 1331. Though the
    District Court's refusal to compel arbitration was
    interlocutory, such refusals are immediately appealable
    under the FAA. See 9 U.S.C. S 16(a) ("An appeal may be
    taken from . . . an order . . . refusing a stay of any action
    under section 3 of this title [or] denying a petition under
    section 4 of this title to order arbitration to proceed."). The
    question whether the TILA and the EFTA preclude
    arbitration when the plaintiff seeks to assert claims on
    behalf of a class presents a question of law over which our
    review is plenary.
    Whether a court can compel arbitration of TILA claims
    when the parties' loan agreement contains an arbitration
    clause but the plaintiff seeks to bring claims on behalf of
    multiple claimants is a question of first impression for this
    court. No other federal appellate court has squarely
    addressed the issue either. A number of district courts have
    ruled on the subject. Most of these rulings favor the view
    that the TILA does not preclude the pre-dispute selection by
    the parties of an arbitral forum should any controversy
    arise. Compare Thompson v. Illinois Title Loans, Inc., No. 99-
    2000 WL 45493
    (N.D. Ill. Jan. 11, 2000); Sagal v.
    First USA Bank, N.A., 
    69 F. Supp. 2d 627
    (D. Del. 1999);
    Stout v. Byrider, 
    50 F. Supp. 2d 627
    (N.D. Ohio 1999);
    Randolph v. Green Tree Fin. Corp., 
    991 F. Supp. 1410
    Ala. 1997), rev'd on other grounds, 
    178 F.3d 1149
    (11th Cir.
    1999), cert. granted, 
    120 S. Ct. 1552
    (Apr. 3, 2000); Lopez
    v. Plaza Fin. Co., No. 95-C-7567, 
    1996 WL 210073
    (N.D. Ill.
    April 25, 1996); Meyers v. Univest Home Loan, Inc., No. C-
    93-1783 MHP, 
    1993 WL 307747
    (N.D. Cal. Aug. 4, 1993),
    with Lozada v. Dale Baker Oldsmobile, Inc., 
    91 F. Supp. 2d 1087
    (W.D. Mich. 2000).
    In general, nothing prevents contracting parties from
    including a provision in their agreements that refers
    statutory claims arising under the contract to arbitration.
    See Gilmer v. Interstate/Johnson Lane Corp., 
    500 U.S. 20
    26 (1991). Arbitration of statutory claims will not be
    precluded absent congressional direction. "Having made the
    bargain to arbitrate, the party should be held to it unless
    Congress itself has evinced an intention to preclude a
    waiver of judicial remedies for the statutory rights at issue."
    Mitsubishi Motors Corp. v. Soler Chrysler-Plymouth, Inc., 
    473 U.S. 614
    , 628 (1985). The burden of establishing that
    Congress meant to preclude arbitration for a statutory
    claim rests with the party who seeks to avoid arbitration.
    Gilmer, 500 U.S. at 26
    . Such intention may be found in
    the text, legislative history, or in an "inherent conflict"
    between arbitration and the statute's underlying purposes.
    Id. (citing Shearson/American
    Express, Inc. v. McMahon,
    482 U.S. 220
    , 227 (1987)). "Throughout such an inquiry, it
    should be kept in mind that `questions of arbitrability must
    be addressed with a healthy regard for the federal policy
    favoring arbitration.' " 
    Id. (quoting Moses
    H. Cone Mem'l
    Hosp. v. Mercury Constr. Corp., 
    460 U.S. 1
    , 24 (1983)).
    It is the third category, inherent conflict, on which the
    District Court based its opinion. The Court concluded that
    an inherent conflict existed because "without the possibility
    of class action liability looming on a creditor's horizon,
    there is a very real possibility that these entities will not
    voluntarily comply with the Truth-in-Lending regulations."
    Johnson v. Tele-Cash, Inc., 
    82 F. Supp. 2d 264
    , 271 (D. Del.
    1999). We agree that if Johnson is to prevail, it must be on
    the basis of demonstrating an inherent conflict. There is
    nothing in either the text or the legislative history of the
    TILA to indicate that Congress intended to allow plaintiffs
    to avoid binding arbitration clauses. Both the statute and
    the legislative history, however, offer insight into the
    question whether an "inherent conflict" is to be found
    between the statute and arbitration.
    A. Statutory Language
    The TILA provides for civil liability for lenders who fail to
    give the disclosures required by the statute. See 15 U.S.C.
    S 1640. An aggrieved party is entitled to recover actual as
    well as statutory damages. Statutory damages can be twice
    the amount of any finance charge, but, for most
    transactions, they may not exceed $1,000 or fall short of
    $100. See 
    id. SS 1640(a)(1),
    (2). The statute specifically
    addresses the damages available in a class action, limiting
    the maximum potential recovery. Plaintiffs can recover
    in the case of a class action, such amount as the court
    may allow, except that as to each member of the class
    no minimum recovery shall be applicable, and the total
    recovery under this subparagraph in any class action
    or series of class actions arising out of the same failure
    to comply by the same creditor shall not be more than
    the lesser of $500,000 or 1 per centum of the net
    worth of the creditor.
    Id. S 1640(a)(1)(B).
    The statute further directs that
    [i]n determining the amount of award in any class
    action, the court shall consider, among other relevant
    factors, the amount of any actual damages awarded,
    the frequency and persistence of failures of compliance
    by the creditor, the resources of the creditor, the
    number of persons adversely affected, and the extent to
    which the creditor's failure of compliance was
    Id. S 1640(a).
    Though the statute clearly contemplates class actions,
    there are no provisions within the law that create a right to
    bring them, or evince an intent by Congress that claims
    initiated as class actions be exempt from binding
    arbitration clauses. The "right" to proceed to a class action,
    insofar as the TILA is concerned, is a procedural one that
    arises from the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure. See Fed.
    R. Civ. P. 23.
    B. Legislative History
    Johnson relies heavily on the legislative history behind
    several amendments to the TILA. After the law wasfirst
    enacted, some courts were reluctant to certify class actions,
    in part due to the concern that large class awards could
    overwhelm lending institutions. See generally Ratner v.
    Chemical Bank New York Trust Co., 
    54 F.R.D. 412
    , 414
    (S.D.N.Y. 1972) (refusing to certify class of TILA plaintiffs
    when "the allowance of thousands of minimum recoveries
    like plaintiff 's would carry to an absurd and stultifying
    extreme the specific and essentially inconsistent remedy
    Congress prescribed as the means of private enforcement").
    In 1974 Congress responded by enacting the limitations on
    class action recovery discussed above. In so doing, it
    created some legislative history that bespeaks the potential
    role that class actions are meant to play in the enforcement
    of the TILA's substantive requirements. Johnson contends
    that this history demonstrates Congress's intent to preserve
    a statutory class action remedy under the TILA.
    Most of the language favorable to Johnson is found in a
    report of the Senate Committee on Banking, Housing and
    Urban Affairs pertaining to the 1974 amendments. We
    quote from it at length.
    A problem has arisen in applying these minimum
    liability provisions in class action suits involving
    millions of consumers. If each member of the class is
    entitled to a minimum award of $100, a creditor's
    liability can be enormous. For example, if a large
    national department store chain with 10 million
    customers fails to include a required item of
    information on its monthly billing statement, it can be
    subject to a minimum liability of $1 billion in a class
    action suit
    . . . .
    The purpose of the civil penalties section under
    Truth in Lending was to provide creditors with a
    meaningful incentive to comply with the law without
    relying upon an extensive new bureaucracy. However,
    the Committee feels this objective can be achieved
    without subjecting creditors to enormous penalties for
    violations which do not involve actual damages and
    may be of a technical nature. Putting a reasonable
    limit on a creditor's maximum class action liability
    would seem to be in the best interest of both creditors
    and consumers.
    . . . .
    . . . . The Committee believes the present ambiguities
    and uncertainties with respect to class action suits
    under Truth in Lending should be clarified. Moreover,
    the Committee agrees with the Federal Reserve Board
    that "potential class action liability is an important
    encouragement to the voluntary compliance which is so
    necessary to insure nationwide adherence to uniform
    disclosure" and that such remedies should not be
    restricted to actual damages. As the Committee pointed
    out in its report on similar legislation last year,"Most
    Truth in Lending violations do not involve actual
    damages and . . . some meaningful penalty provisions
    are therefore needed to insure compliance."
    Accordingly, the Committee again decided to place an
    aggregate limitation on a creditor's class action liability
    for violations not involving actual damages.
    S. Rep. No. 93-278, at 14-15 (1973). The conference report
    for the final legislation is far less expansive, not discussing
    the purposes of the caps in any great detail, but stating
    that "[t]he limitation on class action suits was further
    limited to the lesser of $100,000 or 1 percent of the net
    worth of the creditor to protect small businessfirms from
    catastrophic judgments." H.R. Conf. Rep. No. 93-1429
    (1974), reprinted in 1974 U.S.C.C.A.N. 6148, 6153.
    Several years later, the cap on class action awards was
    raised from $100,000 to $500,000. At the time, the Senate
    report, prepared by the Banking, Housing and Urban
    Affairs Committee, noted:
    The chief enforcement tool will continue to be private
    actions for actual damages and civil penalties. . . .
    . . . . The risk of any ceiling on class action recoveries
    is that, if it is too low, it acts as a positive disincentive
    to the bringing of such actions and thus frustrates the
    enforcement policy for which class actions are
    recognized. . . .
    The Committee wishes to avoid any implication that
    the ceiling on class action recovery is meant to
    discourage use of the class action device. The
    recommended $500,000 limit, coupled with the 1%
    formula, provides, we believe, a workable structure for
    private enforcement. Small businesses are protected by
    the 1% measure, while a potential half million dollar
    recovery ought to act as a significant deterrent to even
    the largest creditor.
    S. Rep. No. 94-590, at 8 (1976), reprinted in   1976
    U.S.C.C.A.N. 431, 438.
    Though Congress did not address the role of arbitration
    in the legislative history, Johnson urges that the history
    recited above demonstrates the centrality of class actions to
    the TILA's effective enforcement.1 Accordingly, we turn to
    consider whether an arbitration clause that precludes
    bringing a class action suit under the TILA irreconcilably
    conflicts with the statute.
    C. Statutory Purposes
    Because nothing in the legislative history or the statutory
    text of the TILA clearly expresses congressional intent to
    preclude the ability of parties to engage in arbitration,
    Johnson must demonstrate that arbitration irreconcilably
    conflicts with the purposes of the TILA. While Johnson may
    be correct in arguing that Congress contemplated class
    actions as a part of the TILA enforcement scheme, and even
    that class actions were self-consciously promoted by
    Congress in amending the statute, he falls short of
    1. Insofar as the committee did endorse class actions, it should be noted
    that the endorsement was not unequivocal. The committee said it would
    be considering alternatives to class actions in the future, adding "[w]e
    are hopeful that there may be workable and effective substitutes for the
    class action as a consumer enforcement device . . . ." 
    Id. 11 demonstrating
    irreconcilable conflict between arbitration
    and the TILA.
    1. TILA's public policy goals
    Johnson focuses on the ability of a class action award to
    act as a penalty against lenders who violate the TILA. This
    focus is logical. The prospect of a class action award will
    doubtless deter TILA violations more effectively than the
    prospect that debtors will pursue individual actions, either
    in court or in arbitration, because the damages available to
    individuals are generally limited. See 15 U.S.C. S 1640. In
    this manner, argues Johnson, class actions are central to
    TILA's purposes, because the statute's civil damages
    provisions are not remedial, but rather, given the frequent
    absence of actual damages, are designed to deter unfair
    credit practices. Phrased another way, the TILA, in
    Johnson's submission, is meant to encourage private
    attorneys general, and the statute as a whole is intended
    for public purposes rather than private grievances. While
    these arguments carry force, they are ultimately
    unpersuasive, for they do not translate into a conclusion
    that class actions are necessary to provide deterrence or
    fulfill any of the other goals of the Act.
    a. The effects of arbitration on private litigation
    First, even if plaintiffs who sign valid arbitration
    agreements lack the procedural right to proceed as part of
    a class, they retain the full range of rights created by the
    TILA. These rights remain available in individual arbitration
    proceedings. The Supreme Court has made clear that when
    arbitration will preserve a plaintiff 's substantive rights,
    compelling arbitration in accordance with an arbitration
    clause will not impede a statute's deterrent function. "[S]o
    long as the prospective litigant effectively may vindicate [his
    or her] statutory cause of action in the arbitral forum, the
    statute will continue to serve both its remedial and
    deterrent function." Mitsubishi Motors Corp. v. Soler
    Chrysler-Plymouth, Inc., 
    473 U.S. 614
    , 637 (1985). Johnson
    does not argue that the arbitral forum selected in his
    agreement is somehow inadequate to vindicate any of his
    rights under the TILA or that arbitrators would be unable
    to afford him any relief that he could individually obtain in
    a court proceeding, including injunctive relief or attorney's
    fees. Cf. Randolph v. Green Tree Fin. Corp., 
    178 F.3d 1149
    1158 (11th Cir. 1999), cert. granted, 
    120 S. Ct. 1552
    3, 2000) (reversing order compelling arbitration in a TILA
    case because the clause at issue "raises serious concerns
    with respect to filing fees, arbitrators' costs and other
    arbitration expenses that may curtail or bar a plaintiff 's
    access to the arbitral forum"); Baron v. Best Buy Co., Inc.,
    75 F. Supp. 2d 1368
    , 1370 (S.D. Fla. 1999) (appeal
    pending) (refusing to compel arbitration in a TILA case
    when arbitration agreement required parties to bear own
    expense for attorneys' costs in contravention of TILA
    provisions that provide for recovery of attorneys' fees).
    Under the prevailing jurisprudence, when the right made
    available by a statute is capable of vindication in the
    arbitral forum, the public policy goals of that statute do not
    justify refusing to arbitrate. The notion that there is a
    meaningful distinction between vindicating a statute's
    social purposes and adjudicating private grievances for
    purposes of determining whether a statute precludes
    compelling arbitration under a valid arbitration clause was
    rejected by the Supreme Court in Gilmer v.
    Interstate/Johnson Lane Corp., 
    500 U.S. 20
    (1991). That
    case concerned whether claims under the Age
    Discrimination in Employment Act ("ADEA") must be
    available in a judicial forum. The Court concluded
    otherwise, despite arguments based on the ADEA's
    important social policy goals. "As Gilmer contends, the
    ADEA is designed not only to address individual grievances,
    but also to further important social policies. We do not
    perceive any inherent inconsistency between those policies,
    however, and enforcing agreements to arbitrate age
    discrimination claims." 
    Id. at 27
    (citation omitted). Class
    actions could be similarly effective in promoting the ADEA's
    social policies, and, as discussed below, that statute lends
    itself more easily to being construed as creating a
    substantive right to a class action. Gilmer therefore appears
    to foreclose much of Johnson's argument.
    We also note that while arbitrating claims that might
    have been pursued as part of class actions potentially
    reduces the number of plaintiffs seeking to enforce the TILA
    against creditors, arbitration does not eliminate plaintiff
    incentives to assert rights under the Act. The sums
    available in recovery to individual plaintiffs are not
    automatically increased by use of the class forum. Indeed,
    individual plaintiff recoveries available in a class action
    may be lower than those possible in individual suits
    because the recovery available under TILA's statutory cap
    on class recoveries is spread over the entire class. Nor will
    arbitration necessarily choke off the supply of lawyers
    willing to pursue claims on behalf of debtors. Attorneys'
    fees are recoverable under the TILA, see 15 U.S.C.
    S 1640(a)(3), and would therefore appear to be recoverable
    in arbitration, as arbitrators possess the power to fashion
    the same relief as courts.2 In sum, though pursuing
    individual claims in arbitration may well be less attractive
    than pursuing a class action in the courts, we do not agree
    that compelling arbitration of the claim of a prospective
    class action plaintiff irreconcilably conflicts with TILA's goal
    of encouraging private actions to deter violations of the Act.
    Whatever the benefits of class actions, the FAA"requires
    piecemeal resolution when necessary to give effect to an
    arbitration agreement." Moses H. Cone Mem'l Hosp. v.
    Mercury Constr. Co., 
    460 U.S. 1
    , 20 (1985) (emphasis in the
    b. The availability of administrative enforcement
    Our conclusion that there is no irreconcilable conflict
    between the TILA's social policy goals and arbitration of
    claims that could have been heard as part of a class action
    is bolstered by the statute's administrative enforcement
    provisions. These provisions offer meaningful deterrents to
    violators of the TILA if private enforcement actions should
    2. There does not appear to be a problem with securing the full range of
    remedies available under the TILA in this case because Rule 20(d) of the
    National Arbitration Forum, the arbitrators selected in the parties'
    contract, currently authorizes arbitrators to "grant any remedy or relief
    allowed by applicable substantive law and based on a Claim, Response,
    or Request properly submitted by a Party under this Code." Of course if
    the arbitral rules in question precluded the substantive relief made
    available by the statute, or the forum otherwise presented barriers to a
    plaintiff 's assertion of his or her rights, we would have a different
    fail to fulfill that role. The statute gives general enforcement
    power to the Federal Trade Commission as the "overall
    enforcing agency," and permits it to employ its powers
    under the Federal Trade Commission Act, see 15 U.S.C.
    S 1607(c), such as the issuing of cease and desist orders,
    see 15 U.S.C. S 45. The TILA also grants enforcement
    authority to the variety of federal agencies that have
    jurisdiction over various lending institutions, including the
    Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, the Federal
    Reserve Board, and the FDIC. See 15 U.S.C.S 1607(a). In
    addition to allowing these federal agencies to order the
    adjustment of inaccurately disclosed finance charges, see
    id. S 1607(e),
    the TILA cross references section 8 of the
    Federal Deposit Insurance Act, 12 U.S.C. S 1818, to set
    forth other enforcement powers, see 15 U.S.C. S 1607(a).
    Therefore the agencies may, for example, impose monetary
    penalties of up to $5,000 per day (or of $25,000 per day if
    the violations are part of a pattern of misconduct), see 12
    U.S.C. S 1818(i), or in some instances order the suspension
    and removal of institution directors or officers, see 12
    U.S.C. S 1818(e).
    Johnson responds by invoking the portion of the
    legislative history that speaks to the need to avoid"relying
    upon an extensive new bureaucracy." S. Rep. No. 93-278,
    at 14 (1973). This reference is of limited usefulness, for this
    snippet of legislative history does not indicate congressional
    intent that arbitration be precluded, or that individual
    actions are inadequate to serve the function of deterring
    violations of the TILA. It may be true that Congress saw
    value in maintaining the availability of class actions, but
    that does not translate to the conclusion that it intended to
    preclude private parties from contracting around their
    availability. Under the framework established by the
    Supreme Court, legislative history may be used to
    demonstrate congressional intent to preclude arbitration.
    See Gilmer v. Interstate/Johnson Lane Corp., 
    500 U.S. 20
    26 (1991). When that history is used, as here, merely to
    demonstrate that the judicial remedies provided for or
    contemplated by a statute are important, it is of noticeably
    reduced value. The importance of statutory judicial
    remedies are always evident from their mere existence--
    Congress obviously enacted them for a reason. Were they
    not the object of a congressional goal, they would not have
    been enacted. It is therefore hard to see how the legislative
    history relied upon by Johnson could possibly be dispositive.3
    Insofar as Congress's intent, broadly contemplated, is
    concerned, we must give equal consideration to Congress's
    policy goals in enacting the FAA. The statute was intended
    to overcome judicial hostility to agreements to arbitrate, see
    Dean Witter Reynolds Inc. v. Byrd, 
    470 U.S. 213
    , 219-21 &
    n.6 (1985), and it reflects "a liberal federal policy favoring
    arbitration agreements," see Moses H. Cone Mem'l Hosp. v.
    Mercury Constr. Co., 
    460 U.S. 1
    , 24 (1983). See also H.R.
    Rep. No. 68-96, at 1 (1924) ("Arbitration agreements are
    purely matters of contract, and the effect of this bill is
    simply to make the contracting party live up to his
    agreement."). Indeed, a Senate Judiciary Committee Report
    supporting the legislation explained that arbitration
    provides benefits to both consumers and businesses in
    speed and lower costs. "The desire to avoid the delay and
    expense of litigation persists. The desire grows with time
    and as delays and expense increase. The settlement of
    disputes by arbitration appeals to big business and little
    business alike, to corporate interests as well as to
    individuals." S. Rep. No. 68-536, at 3 (1924).
    Similarly, the committee found that there was general
    satisfaction among participants with arbitration. See 
    id. A 1982
    House of Representatives report reached similar
    3. Moreover, even if legislative history were dispositive, there is
    history accompanying the original version of the TILA that indicates the
    importance of administrative enforcement in securing the rights of most
    consumers. The House Report, prepared by the Committee on Banking
    and Currency, explained that enforcement on the administrative level
    was essential to the legislative purpose of the Act. See H.R. Rep. No. 90-
    1040 (1968), reprinted in 1968 U.S.C.C.A.N. 1962, 1975. "For the
    relatively unsophisticated consumer, particularly those of modest means,
    administrative enforcement will provide their only protection against
    unscrupulous merchants or lenders." 
    Id. The report
    also characterizes
    the civil remedies as secondary to the administrative ones. "While
    primary enforcement of the bill would be accomplished under the
    administrative enforcement section discussed above, further provision is
    made for the institution of civil action by an aggrieved debtor." 
    Id. at 1976.
    conclusions, stating that "[t]he advantages of arbitration are
    many: it is usually cheaper and faster than litigation; it can
    have simpler procedural and evidentiary rules; it normally
    minimizes hostility and is less disruptive of ongoing and
    future business dealings among the parties; [and] it is often
    more flexible in regard to scheduling . . . ." H.R. Rep. No.
    97-542, at 13 (1982). These benefits have been similarly
    recognized by the Supreme Court as being part of
    Congress's intent in passing the FAA. See Allied-Bruce
    Terminix Co. v. Dobson, 
    513 U.S. 265
    , 280 (1995) (citing the
    1924 Senate Report and the 1982 House Report). We
    therefore cannot consider the legislative history relied upon
    by Johnson without giving equal heed to the clear
    congressional policy behind the FAA.
    In short, Johnson's reliance on the legislative history
    summarized in Part II.B is fundamentally flawed. He uses
    it not to show that Congress intended that parties could
    avoid a valid arbitration clauses if they wished to litigate a
    TILA claim, but rather, and in a more attenuated manner,
    to show that class actions have important purposes under
    the statute. But nothing in the cited passages demonstrates
    that parties cannot choose to waive judicial remedies in
    favor of arbitration. In any case, the loss of the availability
    of a class action does not mean the loss of meaningful
    deterrence to TILA violations, insofar as the public remedies
    discussed above remain. It may be true that the
    unavailability of class actions removes an incentive for
    lenders to comply with the statute, but it is far from the
    only incentive to do so.
    We similarly do not view the fact that Congress seems to
    have self-consciously encouraged class actions as
    particularly telling. In acting to ease the certification of
    see supra
    Part II.B, Congress did nothing to
    preserve the right to a class action over arbitration or
    preclude opting for arbitration. Rather, it only altered the
    factors that judges consider in determining whether to
    allow the procedural right of a class action to be exercised.
    Notably, Congress did not add language compelling judges
    to recognize prospective classes under any circumstances.
    One can therefore look at the 1974 and 1976 amendments
    as efforts by Congress to place class actions on the same
    footing as any other lawsuit, no more or less subject to
    arbitration than a cause of action arising under any other
    2. Substantive Rights
    Johnson also argues that the TILA does effectively create
    an unwaivable right to bring a class action. The strongest
    statement of this argument is as follows. Congress enacted
    a scheme in which the court hearing a class action could
    set a damage figure up to a certain amount for certain
    patterns of conduct. This judicial flexibility in imposing
    damages up to $500,000 only exists if a class action is
    allowed, as individual plaintiff claims are generally capped
    at $1,000. Therefore, a right of classes to a judicially
    crafted punitive remedy is lost if this court orders
    arbitration of Johnson's claims. Similarly, if class actions
    are precluded, arbitrators acting in lieu of courts would not
    have a basis for considering, in connection with a class
    remedy, the frequency and persistence of compliance
    failures by the creditors, the number of persons adversely
    affected, or the creditors' intent. See 15 U.S.C. S 1640(a).4
    This argument is unavailing in light of Gilmer v.
    Interstate/Johnson Lane Corp., 
    500 U.S. 20
    (1991). The
    ADEA, at issue in Gilmer, presented far more powerful
    textual support than the TILA for concluding that there is
    a right to proceed collectively despite the existence of an
    arbitration clause. The ADEA actually provides for collective
    litigation. See 29 U.S.C. S 626(b) (referencing the remedies
    in 29 U.S.C. S 216). "An action . . . may be maintained
    against any employer (including a public agency) in any
    Federal or State court of competent jurisdiction by any one
    4. This court has never addressed the question whether class actions can
    be pursued in arbitral forums, though it appears impossible to do so
    unless the arbitration agreement contemplates such a procedure. See
    Champ v. Siegel Trading Co., 
    55 F.3d 269
    , 274-75 (7th Cir. 1995). At
    oral argument, the parties indicated that the rules of the National
    Arbitration Forum, which govern the arbitration agreement here,
    preclude the joinder of actions unless all parties affirmatively consent.
    We therefore assume, for purposes of this appeal, that Johnson's effort
    to pursue his claims as a representative of a class would be precluded
    by enforcement of the arbitration clause.
    or more employees for and in behalf of himself or
    themselves and other employees similarly situated." 29
    U.S.C. S 216(b) (emphasis added). In short, the statute
    creates a right to sue collectively, which is not similarly
    created by the TILA. Yet the Supreme Court still ruled that
    the ADEA did not preclude arbitration notwithstanding the
    unavailability of the class action remedy there (and also
    notwithstanding all of the public interests vindicated by the
    statute as discussed above in Part II.C.1). See 
    Gilmer, 500 U.S. at 32
    Johnson argues that Gilmer is taken out of context vis-a-
    vis the provision for class actions because the Supreme
    Court noted that the EEOC, in enforcing the ADEA, could
    still seek class-wide relief, while the FTC is not similarly
    capable. We do not believe that this argument carries any
    force. As discussed above, powerful punitive enforcement
    mechanisms remain available to administrative bodies
    under the Act even if these tools are not in the form of class
    Furthermore, simply because judicial remedies are a part
    of a law does not mean that Congress meant to preclude
    parties from bargaining around their availability. This is
    manifest in the Supreme Court's treatment of the
    availability of class actions in Gilmer."But `even if the
    arbitration could not go forward as a class action or class
    relief could not be granted by the arbitrator, the fact that
    the [ADEA] provides for the possibility of bringing a
    collective action does not mean that individual attempts at
    conciliation were intended to be barred.' " 
    Gilmer, 500 U.S. at 32
    (quoting Nicholson v. CPC Int'l Inc., 
    877 F.2d 221
    , 241
    (3d Cir. 1989) (Becker, J., dissenting)) (alteration in the
    original). The same holds true for the TILA. Even if we were
    to conclude that the statute implies a right to proceed as a
    member of a class, Gilmer indicates that rights of this
    nature are waivable so long as the rights the statute was
    designed to protect may be vindicated by other means. We
    do not think this unfair. Only those who consent to credit
    agreements with binding arbitration clauses are forced to
    abandon this procedural avenue; those who do not consent
    to arbitration in their contracts have the full selection of
    In sum, Johnson's arguments that the TILA precludes
    arbitration are unpersuasive. "[I]f Congress intended the
    substantive protection afforded by a given statute to
    include protection against waiver of the right to a judicial
    5. Of course even when arbitration clauses are included in agreements,
    they may be set aside if they are fraudulently induced or are in some
    way unconscionable. As noted above, Johnson did allege that his
    arbitration clause was unconscionable, but the District Court found no
    basis for the conclusion that the clause was in any way oppressive, in
    large part because the clause did not create an arbitration procedure
    that favors one party over another. See Johnson v. Tele-Cash, Inc., 82 F.
    Supp. 2d 264, 279 (D. Del. 1999). Though Johnson complains on appeal
    that the arbitration clause was a contract of adhesion, he does not make
    any argument to contradict the District Court's conclusion that the
    arbitration clause is not unconscionable.
    Johnson also claims that waiver of judicial remedies through a
    contract of adhesion violates the Equal Credit Opportunity Act ("ECOA"),
    which prohibits discrimination against any credit applicant who
    exercised a right created under the chapter of the U.S. Code that
    includes the TILA. See 15 U.S.C. S 1691. But Johnson does not properly
    allege that there has been any discrimination, or that he exercised any
    right under any act. Johnson's purported authority for the proposition
    that the ECOA is applicable is Owens v. Magee Fin. Serv., 
    476 F. Supp. 758
    (E.D. La. 1979), and Bryson v. Bank of New York, 
    584 F. Supp. 1306
    (S.D.N.Y. 1984). Both cases, however, presented strikingly different
    facts from those at issue here, as they involved oppressive conduct
    against individuals who actively sought to assert rights under the TILA.
    In Owens, a creditor defendant, already being sued for a TILA violation
    by the debtor, made additional credit contingent on the debtor's signing
    a settlement document of her active lawsuit. See 
    Owens, 476 F. Supp. at 768
    . Bryson involved a denial of a loan application simply because an
    applicant inquired about the ability to obtain a loan without taking
    credit insurance. This was a violation because TILA provides consumers
    with the right to refuse to purchase such insurance unless the premium
    is included in the statement of the finance charge of the loan. See
    Bryson, 584 F. Supp. at 1318
    These differences aside, Johnson plainly cannot claim that Defendants'
    conduct violated the ECOA or its implementing regulation because, as
    we discuss in the text, we hold today that the arbitration clause
    contained in the loan agreement did not serve to deprive Johnson of any
    rights held under the TILA.
    forum, that intention will be deducible from text or
    legislative history." Mitsubishi Motors Corp. v. Soler
    Chrysler-Plymouth, Inc., 
    473 U.S. 614
    , 628 (1985). No such
    intent is deducible here.
    The District Court further held that compelling
    arbitration of claims arising under the EFTA irreconcilably
    conflicts with that statute as well. This ruling was based on
    the fact that the EFTA contains limitations on class action
    recovery that mirror those contained in the TILA. Compare
    15 U.S.C. S 1640(a), with 15 U.S.C.S 1693m(a). The District
    Court inferred that Congress's use of identical language
    bespoke identical goals, and that Congress was seeking to
    encourage the certification of class actions under the EFTA
    as it had under the TILA. Because the Court had concluded
    that this goal created an inherent conflict with arbitration
    in the TILA context, it followed that the same conflict was
    manifest when EFTA claims were arbitrated. See Johnson v.
    Tele-Cash, Inc., 
    82 F. Supp. 2d 264
    , 272 (D. Del. 1999).
    While we agree that resolution of the arbitration issue with
    respect to TILA claims would also apply to the EFTA, our
    disagreement with the District Court about whether the
    TILA precludes compelling arbitration commands a
    similarly contrary conclusion about the EFTA issue. The
    EFTA's class action language was drafted in 1978, after the
    identical language was placed in the TILA by the 1974 and
    1976 amendments. See Electronic Fund Transfer Act, Pub.
    L. No. 95-630, S 915, 92 Stat. 3737 (1978) (codified at 15
    U.S.C. S 1693m(a)). We do not believe that Congress would
    have different intended meanings for identical statutory
    language contained in similar statutes. Because there is no
    irreconcilable conflict between arbitration and the goals of
    the TILA, we similarly hold that claims arising under the
    EFTA may also be subject to arbitration notwithstanding
    the desire of a plaintiff who previously consented to
    arbitration to bring his or her claims as part of a class.
    The order of the District Court denying the motion to stay
    proceedings and compel arbitration will be reversed and the
    case remanded for further proceedings consistent with this
    A True Copy:
    Clerk of the United States Court of Appeals
    for the Third Circuit