In Re: Gi Nam ( 2001 )

  •                                                                                                                            Opinions of the United
    2001 Decisions                                                                                                             States Court of Appeals
    for the Third Circuit
    In Re: Gi Nam
    Precedential or Non-Precedential:
    Docket 00-4141
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    Filed November 20, 2001
    No. 00-4141
    GI NAM
    Appeal from the United States District Court
    for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania
    (D.C. Civil Action No. 00-cv-00347)
    District Judge: Honorable Stewart Dalzell
    Argued: July 27, 2001
    Before: ROTH, BARRY and FUENTES,
    Circuit Judges
    (Filed: November 20, 2001)
    Steven M. Schain, Esquire
    2401 Pennsylvania Avenue
    Philadelphia, PA 19130
    Kenneth I. Trujillo, Esquire
    City Solicitor
    Marcia Berman, Esquire (Argued)
    Deputy City Solicitor, Appeals Unit
    City of Philadelphia
    Law Department
    One Parkway Building
    1515 Arch Street, 17th Floor
    Philadelphia, PA 19102-1595
    Attorneys for Appellant-City of
    Eric L. Frank, Esquire (Argued)
    Miller, Frank & Miller
    21 South 12th Street
    640 PSFS Building
    Philadelphia, PA 19103
    Attorney for Appellee-Gi Nam
    Marvin Krasny, Esquire
    Wolf, Block, Schorr & Solis-Cohen
    1650 Arch Street, 22nd Floor
    Philadelphia, PA 19103
    Attorney/Chapter 7 Trustee
    Frederic J. Baker, Esquire
    U.S. Department of Justice
    Office of the Trustee
    601 Walnut Street
    The Curtis Center,
    Suite 950 West
    Philadelphia, PA 19106
    Attorney/Assistant U.S. Trustee
    Karen A. Brancheau, Esquire
    1421 Arch Street
    Philadelphia, PA 19102
    Attorney for Amicus-Appellant
    PA District Attorneys Association
    ROTH, Circuit Judge:
    This bankruptcy appeal presents a question with
    potentially far-reaching implications for the States'
    administration of their criminal justice systems. It is also
    one of first impression in this Circuit. The issue is whether
    the debt to a State of a bond surety for a defendant who
    fails to appear is dischargeable in the surety's Chapter 7
    bankruptcy. We decide the question here only in the
    context of the case before us: The bond surety is a relative
    of the non-appearing defendant.
    We conclude that the decision of the District Court,
    holding such a debt dischargeable, contradicts the plain
    meaning of the applicable statute. In light of the problems
    that such a holding might inflict upon the functioning of
    the bail release system, we will reverse the District Court's
    I. FACTS
    David Nam (David), the son of the debtor, Gi Nam (Nam),
    was charged in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, on September
    22, 1997, with a number of offenses, including murder,
    robbery and burglary in connection with the shooting death
    of Anthony Schroeder during a March 1997 robbery. Bail
    was set at $1 million, conditioned on a 10% cash payment
    by the surety and an agreement by the defendant and the
    surety to assume legal responsibility for paying the full
    amount of the bail to the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
    By a Certification of Bail and Discharge, dated January 12,
    1998, executed by both Nam and David, Nam agreed to
    serve as surety for the bail. The operative portion of the
    Certification reads as follows:
    WE THE UNDERSIGNED, defendant and surety, our
    successors, heirs and assigns, are jointly and severally
    bound to pay the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in
    the sum of ONE MILLION dollars ($1,000,000). WE are
    bound by the CONDITIONS of this bond as shown on
    both sides of this form.
    Pursuant to the terms of the bond, both Nam and David
    agreed that the latter would appear in court at all required
    times and that Nam, as surety, would notify the court in
    writing of any change in David's address. The Certification
    also states, "If defendant performs the conditions as set
    forth herein, then this bond is to be void, otherwise the
    same shall remain in full force and this bond in the full
    sum thereof shall be forfeited." Additionally, both Nam and
    David authorized the entry of a judgment by confession
    against them in the amount of the bond, regardless of
    whether a default of the bond conditions occurred.
    On March 12, 1998, David Nam failed to appear in court
    for a pre-trial status listing in his criminal case.
    Consequently, on April 6, 1998, the Court of Common Pleas
    of Philadelphia, Criminal Section, ordered the bail bond
    forfeited pursuant to the terms of the bond agreement, the
    Pennsylvania Rules of Criminal Procedure, and local court
    rules.1 The criminal court entered a judgment against Nam
    as surety on the forfeited bond in the amount of the bail,
    plus court costs: $1,000,018.50.2 The notice of entry of
    judgment against Nam, which bears the caption of David's
    criminal case, reads in pertinent part:
    Bail in the amount of $1000000.00 has been sued out
    and judgment entered in the amount of $1000018.50
    including cost of $18.50 due to failure of the above
    named defendant to appear for trial on 3/12/98 in
    Room 604 CJC 1301 Filbert St.
    1. See Pa.R.Crim.P. 4016(A)(2)(a); Rule 510A of the Philadelphia Court
    Rules for the Criminal Division of the Court of Common Pleas.
    2. Given that Nam had initially posted $100,000, or 10% of the total bail,
    in cash, it is not clear why the court did not enter a judgment in the
    amount of $900,018.50. That question, however, is not before this Court
    and we do not address it.
    You may reduce your financial responsibility by
    producing the defendant forthwith and filing a petition
    with the Clerk of Quarter Sessions to vacate, in total or
    in part, the judgment against you.
    When David was released on bond, Nam provided him
    with living quarters and the necessities of life. Some time
    before his pre-trial status hearing, David fled to South
    Korea where his paternal grandmother resides. It appears
    that, once David had fled to Korea, Nam followed him there
    and paid a lawyer $10,000 to represent David. See Krasny
    v. Gi and Yeoung Nam, 
    245 B.R. 216
    , 220, 225-26 (Bankr.
    E.D. Pa. 2000). Indeed, Nam testified at a S 341 creditors
    hearing before the trustee on August 9, 1999, that he had
    provided David with such assistance. See 
    id. at 220.3
    remains a fugitive.
    On May 19, 1999, Nam petitioned for bankruptcy under
    Chapter 7 of the Bankruptcy Code. Nam listed the City of
    Philadelphia as the creditor on a claim in the amount of
    $1,045,000, arising from the bail bond security. On August
    27, 1999, the City of Philadelphia filed a Complaint in
    Adversary, alleging that, although Nam had listed the bail
    bond judgment as an "unsecured non-priority claim" in the
    schedule he had filed in the bankruptcy case, such debt
    was not in fact dischargeable pursuant to 11 U.S.C.
    S 523(a)(7). On September 2, 1999, Nam filed a motion to
    dismiss the complaint pursuant to Fed.R.Civ.P. 12(b)(6),
    arguing that the bail bond debt was dischargeable.
    3. Because these facts concerning Nam's possible collusion with his son
    are not part of the record in the instant case, we do not rely upon them
    in deciding this appeal. Indeed, it follows as a matter of law from our
    holding here that we need not reach the question whether Nam has
    aided his son and thereby engaged in `wrongdoing' sufficient to forfeit
    right to seek dischargeability under the District Court's rule.
    Nevertheless, we include this information here to illustrate the
    of administering a rule such as the one formulated by the District Court
    that would make the wrongdoing of the debtor dispositive of the question
    of dischargeability. See Sections II and IV.A, infra. Indeed, given Nam's
    colorable misconduct, it would seem that the District Court misapplied
    the rule in the very case in which it announced it.
    The Bankruptcy Judge granted Nam's motion to dismiss
    on December 8, 1999. The Bankruptcy Court rejected the
    City's arguments that the judgment against Nam satisfied
    the elements of S 523(a)(7) and that forfeited bail bonds
    must be exempted from discharge in order to safeguard the
    integrity of the bail and criminal justice systems. The court
    construed S 523(a)(7) narrowly, holding that it only exempts
    from discharge "obligations imposed upon the debtor as
    punishment for his wrongdoing" and that the judgment
    against Nam arose "because a condition of the bond was
    breached and not because the surety is being punished."
    The District Court affirmed the Bankruptcy Court's
    judgment, holding that S 523(a)(7) excepts from discharge
    only sanctions that are penal, as opposed to civil, in nature
    and that result from the debtor's own wrongdoing. The
    District Court further found that Nam never assumed any
    independent obligation to produce David in court and,
    thus, that Nam committed no wrongdoing. Consequently,
    the court held the debt dischargeable. Moreover, the
    District Court enunciated a more general proposition
    concerning the application of S 523(a)(7): A judgment
    against a surety, arising from a forfeited bail bond, will be
    exempted from discharge under S 523(a)(7) only if the
    surety played some affirmative role in the defendant's
    failure to appear. This appeal followed.
    The Bankruptcy Court had jurisdiction under Title 11 of
    the United States Code, 28 U.S.C. S 1334(b), as a complaint
    to determine the dischargeability of a debt. The District
    Court had jurisdiction pursuant to 28 U.S.C. S 158(a) and
    we have jurisdiction of this appeal pursuant to 28 U.S.C.
    S 158(c) and 28 U.S.C. S 1291. We exercise plenary review
    over a district court's bankruptcy decision. Commonwealth
    of Pa. Dept. of Environmental Resources v. Tri-State Clinical
    Laboratories, Inc., 
    187 F.3d 685
    , 687 n.2 (3d Cir. 1999).
    A. SECTION 523(a)(7)
    The sole statutory provision at issue in this appeal is the
    exception to discharge provided by 11 U.S.C. S 523(a)(7),
    which states in pertinent part:
    (a) A discharge under section 727 . . . of this title does
    not discharge an individual debtor from any debt--
    . . . .
    (7) to the extent such   debt is for a [1] fine, penalty, or
    forfeiture [2] payable   to and for the benefit of a
    governmental unit, and   [3] is not compensation for
    actual pecuniary loss,   other than a tax penalty. . ..
    11 U.S.C. S 523(a)(7) (emendations added). In order to
    "determine whether [a debt] is dischargeable under
    S 523(a)(7), we must determine whether [such] debt meets
    the three requirements of the section." In re Rashid, 
    210 F.3d 201
    , 206 (3d Cir. 2000). Here, the parties do not
    dispute that Nam's debt is payable to and for the benefit of
    a governmental unit (either or both the Commonwealth of
    Pennsylvania and the City of Philadelphia) or that the $1
    million bail bond debt is not compensation for any
    pecuniary loss by such governmental entities or any other
    party.4 Consequently, we need only concern ourselves with
    the construction of the first prong of S 523(a)(7): the "fine,
    penalty or forfeiture" provision. The City argues that Nam's
    debt is a "forfeiture" of the bond amount arising from
    David's failure to appear and, therefore, falls within the
    plain language of the statute. Nam on the other hand
    contends that the statute only creates an exception for
    "penal" debts, a category into which Nam's debt assertedly
    does not fall.
    4. As the District Court correctly noted, the $18.50 in costs might be
    regarded as compensation for a pecuniary loss on the part of the court
    system. In what follows, we assume that is so, and confine our
    discussion to the remaining $1 million (arguably as reduced by the
    $100,000 that Nam has already paid). See District Court opinion at note
    10; note 
    2, supra
    Following the teaching of the Supreme Court, we have
    held that the "starting point of any statutory analysis is the
    language of the statute itself." Commonwealth of Pa. Dept.
    of Environmental Resources v. Tri-State Clinical Laboratories,
    178 F.3d 685
    , 688 (3d Cir. 1999), citing Pa. Dept. of
    Pub. Welfare v. Davenport, 
    495 U.S. 552
    , 557-58 (1990);
    Kelly v. Robinson, 
    479 U.S. 36
    , 43 (1986). Consequently,
    our analysis of the "fine, penalty or forfeiture" prong of
    S 523(a)(7) must begin with the plain language of the
    On its face, the judgment against Nam seems to come
    within the plain meaning of the term "forfeiture." For
    example, "forfeiture" is defined in Black's Law Dictionary as
    "a divestiture of specific property without compensation;
    . . . [a] deprivation or destruction of a right in consequence
    of the nonperformance of some obligation or condition."
    BLACK'S LAW DICTIONARY 650 (6th Ed. 1990). "Forfeiture" is
    defined by Webster's Dictionary as "the divesting of the
    ownership of particular property of a person on account of
    the breach of a legal duty and without any compensation to
    him: the loss of property or money on account of one's
    breach of the terms of an agreement, bond, or other legal
    (1971). Clearly, the judgment against Nam arose from
    David's nonperformance of his obligation to appear in court
    and Nam's breach of his duty to produce David for trial.
    Moreover, the judgment5 does not compensate the City for
    any pecuniary loss suffered but instead serves as an
    incentive to the surety to prevent the defendant's flight and
    to produce him insofar as the surety is capable.
    The District Court, however, attempted to construe
    S 523(a)(7) using traditional canons of construction. We find
    that this attempt at construction results in fact in writing
    the term "forfeiture" out of the statute.
    As a preliminary matter, we note that the District Court's
    conclusion that a forfeiture must be "penal" in order to
    come within the exception conflicts with the plain language
    of the statute. Nothing in that language equates a forfeiture
    with a penalty. Quite the contrary, "penalty" and
    5. Excluding the $18.50 in court fees. See notes 2 and 
    4, supra
    "forfeiture" are two distinct terms within the phrase "fine,
    penalty, or forfeiture." Citing Kelly v. Robinson, 
    479 U.S. 36
    (1986) and In re Collins, 
    173 F.3d 924
    (4th Cir. 1999), the
    District Court reasoned that S 523(a)(7) excepts from
    dischargeability only those forfeitures which are"penal
    sanctions that result from the debtor's wrongdoing."
    Finding no such qualification in S 523(a)(7), we disagree
    with the District Court's reasoning. We do not interpret
    Kelly to imply that the "fine, penalty or forfeiture" prong of
    S 523(a)(7) is restricted in scope to except from
    dischargeability only obligations of a penal nature.
    Furthermore, to the extent the Fourth Circuit so interpreted
    Kelly in In re Collins, we decline to adopt a similar rule
    The Kelly court addressed the question whether
    "restitution obligations, imposed as conditions of probation
    in state criminal proceedings, are dischargeable in
    proceedings under Chapter 7 of the Bankruptcy Code."
    Kelly, 479 U.S. at 38
    . The Supreme Court held that such
    restitution obligations, although not excepted expressly by
    S 523(a)(7), fall within the S 523(a)(7) exception and,
    therefore, are not dischargable. See 
    id. at 53.
    The Supreme
    Court based this holding on findings that (1) S 523(a)(7)
    "creates a broad exception for all penal sanctions" and (2)
    restitution obligations such as the one at issue in Kelly
    constitute "penal sanctions." 
    Id. at 51-53.
    Kelly, therefore,
    stands for the proposition that S 523(a)(7) excepts from
    dischargeability some penal sanctions that technically are
    neither fines nor penalties nor forfeitures. However, it does
    not follow logically from this proposition thatS 523(a)(7)
    excepts only sanctions of a penal nature.
    The Kelly court addressed the penal nature of restitution
    obligations and the history, object and policy ofS 523(a)(7)
    because the plain language of that statute fails to address
    "restitution obligations" expressly. The instant appeal is
    distinguishable from Kelly insofar as "forfeitures" -- the
    type of obligation alleged to be at issue -- are excepted
    expressly from discharge by S 523(a)(7). Because S 523(a)(7)
    expressly excepts forfeitures without regard to penal
    nature, we need not address this characteristic in assessing
    the applicability of S 523(a)(7) to Nam's alleged forfeiture.
    Returning to the District Court's use of the canons of
    statutory construction, we find its reliance on the canon
    ejusdem generis to lead to an erroneous interpretation of
    the statute. According to that canon, "where general words
    follow specific words in a statutory enumeration, the
    general words are construed to embrace only objects
    similar in nature to those objects enumerated by the
    preceding specific words." United States v. Weadon, 
    145 F.3d 158
    , 160 (3d Cir. 1998). Nevertheless, the District
    Court's attempt to render "forfeiture" a more general term
    than "penalty" is strained and unconvincing. The
    alternative dictionary definitions of "forfeiture" which the
    District Court cites span varying degrees of generality.
    Although Black's Dictionary characterizes"forfeiture" as a
    "comprehensive term," it also defines it as a"divestiture of
    specific property" -- language which resembles that
    dictionary's alternative definitions of "penalty" in both its
    broadness and its specificity; "penalty" is an"elastic term
    with many different shades of meaning" but is nevertheless
    "generally confined to pecuniary punishment." BLACK'S LAW
    DICTIONARY 650, 1133 (6th ed. 1990).
    It is not necessary to make here the numerous similar
    observations possible with respect to the dictionary
    definition of "fine"; it suffices merely to note that the
    generality of the terms in question cannot be ascertained
    with any reliability on the basis of their dictionary
    definitions and that it is difficult to discern any lexical
    justification for the assertion that "forfeiture" is a more
    general term than "penalty." It follows that the canon
    ejusdem generis is inapplicable to this case. Moreover, even
    were it applicable, it could not be used to reach the result
    of the District Court -- the transformation of the term
    "forfeiture" into surplusage -- because ejusdem generis
    "cannot be employed to render general words meaningless."
    Ferrara & DeMercurio, Inc. v. St. Paul Mercury Ins. Co., 
    169 F.3d 43
    , 52 (1st Cir. 1999), quoting United States v. Alpers,
    338 U.S. 680
    , 682 (1950).
    Similarly flawed is the District Court's application of the
    maxim noscitur a sociis to subsume the term"forfeiture"
    within the earlier term "penalty." The Supreme Court has
    stated that "[t]he maxim noscitur a sociis, that a word is
    known by the company it keeps, while not an inescapable
    rule, is often wisely applied where a word is capable of
    many meanings in order to avoid the giving of unintended
    breadth to Acts of Congress." Folger Adam Sec., Inc. v.
    DeMatteis/MacGregor JV, 
    209 F.3d 252
    , 258 (3d Cir. 2000),
    quoting Jarecki v. G.D. Searle & Co., 
    367 U.S. 303
    , 307
    (1961). Put differently, the maxim provides that the
    meaning of an ambiguous statutory term may be derived
    from the meaning of the accompanying terms. In re
    Continental Airlines, Inc., 
    932 F.2d 282
    , 288 (3d Cir. 1991).
    Were the maxim applicable here, it would indeed be
    possible to hold that the term "forfeiture" should be read as
    "penal forfeiture" in light of the term's proximity to the word
    "penalty." S 523(a)(7). However, noscitur a sociis can have
    no application in this context because "[w]hen Congress
    has separated terms with the conjunction `or,' it is
    presumed that Congress intended to give the terms`their
    separate, normal meanings.' " In re Continental 
    Airlines, 932 F.2d at 288
    , quoting Garcia v. United States, 
    469 U.S. 70
    72 (1984). Consequently, we are again referred to the plain
    meaning of the term "forfeiture" which, as we have
    indicated supra
    , encompasses debts such as Nam's.
    As is often the case, such an analysis of the "plain
    meaning" of the statutory language in a vacuum, while
    helpful, cannot of itself provide an adequate guide to the
    proper construction of the statute. To buttress the
    preceding discussion, we now turn to the state-law context
    of S 523(a)(7) and its history. As Nam points out in his
    appellate brief, absent explicit Congressional intent to
    incorporate state law, the meaning of a term in a federal
    statute is a question of federal law. See In re Wilson, 
    252 B.R. 739
    , 742-43 (B.A.P. 8th Cir. 2000); accord In re
    917 F.2d 759
    (3d Cir. 1900) (federal law
    determines dischargeability under 11 U.S.C. S 523(a)(5)).
    Nevertheless, this fact does not render the characterization
    of debts such as Nam's under applicable state law wholly
    without meaning. Although the label that state law affixes
    to a certain type of debt cannot of itself be determinative of
    the debt's character for purposes of the federal
    dischargeability provisions, such state-law designations are
    at least helpful to courts in determining the generic nature
    of such debts under the law that most directly governs their
    creation, e.g., whether they are penal or civil, fines or
    In the case of Nam's debt, Pennsylvania law defines a
    judgment entered against a surety as a result of his failure
    to produce the defendant in court as a "forfeiture." Rule
    4016 (A)(2)(a) of the Pennsylvania Rules of Criminal
    Procedure, entitled "forfeiture," authorizes the bail authority
    to "order the case or other security forfeited" as a sanction
    for the defendant's violation of a condition of the bail bond.
    Local court rules also use the term "forfeiture"; Rule 510A
    of the Philadelphia Court Rules for the Criminal Division of
    the Court of Common Pleas authorizes the court to order
    bail to be "forfeited" when the defendant fails to appear for
    court and states that the surety is obligated to produce the
    defendant at all required court appearances "under penalty
    of forfeiture of his bail bond." Consequently, the District
    Court correctly conceded that the $1 million judgment
    against Nam is characterized as a forfeiture under state
    The history of S 523(a)(7) strongly suggests that Congress
    intended the sort of forfeiture entered against Nam to come
    within the exemption from dischargeability set forth in that
    section. Section 523(a)(7) came into being in 1978, when
    Congress enacted the present Bankruptcy Code. The
    parties to this litigation do not dispute that, in enacting the
    Code, Congress codified case law exempting certain
    penalties and forfeitures from discharge under the former
    Bankruptcy Act of 1898. Moreover, such codified case law
    included a line of authority holding that obligations against
    sureties arising from forfeited bail bonds were
    nondischargeable. In what follows, we will review the
    fundamental historical rationale for and the development of
    S 523(a)(7) against the background of the prior 1898 Act
    case law from which that statute emerged.
    In general, a discharge granted to a debtor in a Chapter
    7 bankruptcy proceeding voids all judgments previously
    applicable to the debtor, except for debts that are exempt
    from discharge under 11 U.S.C. S 523, which"expresses
    Congressional policy that certain debts should be excluded
    from discharge because of overriding public policy relating
    to the type of the debt, the manner in which liability for it
    was incurred, or the underlying social responsibility that
    it represents." Bankruptcy Service, Lawyers Edition,
    Ch. 27: Code 523, S 27:4 at 27-90 (West 1999). Such
    "[d]ischargeability exceptions reflect a decision by Congress
    to allow certain competing public interests to override the
    `fresh start' purpose of bankruptcy." Id . As the Supreme
    Court has stated, "Congress evidently concluded that the
    creditors' interest in recovering full payment of debts in
    [the] categories [encompassed by S 523(a)] outweighed the
    debtors' interest in a complete fresh start." Grogan v.
    498 U.S. 279
    , 287 (1991).
    Although the 1898 Act contained no provision specifically
    forbidding the discharge of fines, penalties, or forfeitures
    due the government, it did provide that certain types of
    debts were nondischargeable. See Bankruptcy Act of 1898,
    SS 17, 63 (repealed 1978). Pursuant to S 57j of the 1898
    Act, penalties or forfeitures owed to the government were
    only allowed as a claim in bankruptcy to the limited extent
    that such penalties or forfeitures compensated the
    government for a pecuniary loss. Section 57j provided:
    Debts owing to the United States, a State, a county, a
    district, or a municipality as a penalty or forfeiture
    shall not be allowed, except for the amount of the
    pecuniary loss sustained by the act, transaction, or
    proceeding out of which the penalty or forfeiture arose.
    30 Stat. 561, 11 U.S.C. S 93 (repealed 1978).
    It is evident then that in enacting this provision,
    Congress intended to protect general creditors against the
    reduction of debts owed them by limiting the debts
    allowable to the government to its actual pecuniary losses.
    A leading treatise on bankruptcy explained the policy
    considerations underlying S 57j in the following terms:
    It is perfectly conceivable that a bankruptcy law is
    anxious not to curtail this sovereign power to mete out
    punishment and therefore treats claims for penalties
    on a footing of equality with, if not of precedence over,
    other claims. Yet there is on the other hand the natural
    tendency and task of the bankruptcy law to mitigate as
    far as possible the losses to be sustained by creditors,
    and under this aspect there is an undeniable equity in
    the postulate that participation in the estate should be
    denied to a creditor who has neither in some degree
    contributed to the distributable funds (e.g., by the
    governmental protection on which taxation is supposed
    to be based), nor has suffered a pecuniary loss by
    parting with something in money's worth. It is this
    consideration for the bankrupt's creditors that
    pervades S 57j.
    3 Collier on Bankruptcy, P 57.22[1], at p. 382 (14th ed.
    The notion that the conflicting interests of protecting the
    government's power to punish and defending the rights of
    general creditors should be thus balanced is a recurring
    theme of the case law under the 1898 Act. See, e.g.,
    Simonson v. Granquist, 
    369 U.S. 38
    , 40 (1962) (stating that
    S 57j "plainly manifests a congressional purpose to bar all
    claims of any kind against a bankrupt except those based
    on a `pecuniary' loss. So understood, this section, which
    has been a part of the Bankruptcy Act since its enactment
    in 1898, is in keeping with the broad aim of the Act to
    provide for the conservation of the estates of insolvents
    . . . ."); Goggin v. United States, 
    140 F. Supp. 557
    , 560 (Ct.
    of Claims 1956) ("[w]hen Congress, in [S57j], drew a
    distinction between a penalty of forfeiture, on the one hand,
    and the pecuniary loss sustained, on the other, we think it
    meant that an arbitrarily set amount . . . should not be put
    in competition with the claims of the ordinary creditors of
    the bankrupt."), vacated on other grounds, 
    152 F. Supp. 78
    (Ct. of Claims 1957).
    Thus, under pre-1978 bankruptcy statutes and judicial
    decisions, penalties and forfeitures owed to the government
    were, for the most part, not allowed as claims. The
    correlative question whether such debts should be
    dischargeable was firmly settled by the judiciary long before
    the enactment of the Code in 1978. Because penalties and
    forfeitures owed to the government were essentially not
    allowable, courts generally exempted them from discharge
    as a way of holding debtors responsible for such penalties
    and forfeitures while avoiding interference with the results
    of state criminal proceedings. See United States v. Ron Pair
    Enters., Inc., 
    489 U.S. 235
    , 245 (1989); 
    Kelly, 479 U.S. at 44-47
    ; Tri-State Clinical 
    Laboratories, 178 F.3d at 695
    . As
    the Kelly Court stated, "[d]espite the clear statutory
    language, most courts refused to allow a discharge in
    bankruptcy to affect the judgment of a state criminal
    Kelly, 479 U.S. at 45
    . This principle of
    nondischargeability of penalties and forfeitures payable to
    the government and not in remuneration of a pecuniary
    loss was so "uniformly accepted" by 1978 that Congress
    incorporated it into the Code as an explicit statutory
    exception to dischargeability in S 523(a)(7). Ron 
    Pair, 489 U.S. at 245
    Kelly, 479 U.S. at 44-46
    , quoting 1A Collier
    on Bankruptcy P 17.13, at 1609-10 & n.10 (14th ed. 1978);
    id. at 51
    (recognizing that S 523(a)(7)"codified the judicially
    created exception to discharge for fines [, penalties and
    The line of authority underlying this judicially-created
    exception is an old and venerable one, stretching back to
    the turn of the twentieth century. In In re Caponigri, 
    193 F. 291
    , 292 (S.D.N.Y. 1912), Judge Learned Hand addressed
    the issue whether a claim of the United States on a forfeited
    recognizance for bail in a criminal case, asserted against a
    debtor who had acted as surety for a defendant who fled,
    was allowable, given that it constituted a penalty or
    forfeiture under former S 57j. Significantly, in Caponigri, as
    in the instant case, the debtor was a surety for the criminal
    defendant and not the defendant himself. Judge Hand held
    that "the recovery on a recognizance for bail is essentially
    the recovery of a penalty, and is a 
    forfeiture." 193 F. at 292
    Judge Hand adhered to the concept of a penalty being by
    definition unrelated to any pecuniary loss; the amount of a
    penal obligation, he wrote, "is measured neither by the
    obligee's loss nor by the valuation placed by him upon what
    he has given in exchange." 
    Id. In the
    years that followed, Caponigri came to be viewed as
    controlling authority on the question of the allowability of
    forfeited bail bonds. See, e.g., In re Lake, 22 Am. Bankr.
    N.S. 168 (F. Ref. Minn. 1932). More significantly, however,
    the Caponigri decision provided an analytical framework for
    defining debts. This framework was applied to determine
    the allowability of types of penalties and forfeitures other
    than bail bonds. Many cases applied Judge Hand's penalty
    test to find obligations to be disallowed where the
    obligations were imposed for coercive or regulatory
    purposes and were not proportionate to any actual
    pecuniary loss. See, e.g., In re James Butler Grocery Co., 
    22 F. Supp. 993
    , 994-95 (E.D.N.Y. 1938); In re Erlin Manor
    Nursing Home, Inc., 
    36 B.R. 672
    , 678-79 (Bankr. D. Mass.
    1984); In re Idak Corp., 
    19 B.R. 765
    , 772-75 (Bankr. D.
    Mass. 1982).
    Moreover, the reasoning of Caponigri was applied to
    dischargeability as well as to allowability. As early as 1914,
    a court in New York held that claims by governments
    against sureties for judgments on forfeited bail bonds were
    nondischargeable under the 1898 Act. See In re Weber, 
    212 N.Y. 290
    106 N.E. 58
    (1914). See also Commonwealth v.
    McMillen, 1 Ky. Rptr. 270 (Ct. of Appeals of Ky. 1880)
    (accord). In Weber, the debtor sought the discharge of a
    judgment entered against him on a forfeited bail bond.
    Following Judge Hand's decision in Caponigri, the court
    found the obligation not to be allowable. See 
    Weber, 212 N.Y. at 291-92
    , 106 N.E. at 59. The court went further,
    however, ruling that because the obligation was not
    allowable, it was also not dischargeable: "It could not have
    been intended by the Bankruptcy Act that a bankrupt
    should be discharged of the payment of a debt which was
    not allowable." 
    Id. Both factually6
    and legally, Weber is on all fours with the
    6. The opinion does not make clear whether the debtor was the criminal
    defendant or a surety for another. Nevertheless, the Weber Court's
    wholesale adoption of Judge Hand's analysis in Caponigri suggests that
    the cases were factually identical. Additionally, at least one bankruptcy
    treatise suggests that the debtor in Weber was in fact a surety. See
    Harold Remington, A Treatise on the Bankruptcy Law of the United
    States, vol. 8, S 3304 at 156 (6th ed. 1956) (citing Weber as authority
    the proposition that "[j]udgment against the bondsman on an appearance
    bond in a criminal case, forfeiting the bond, is . .. not dischargeable")
    instant case. Moreover, the parties to this appeal agree, and
    the Supreme Court instructed in Kelly, that cases under
    the 1898 Act, relating to the dischargeability of certain
    fines, forfeitures and penalties, comprise part of the
    judicially-created body of exceptions that Congress codified
    in S 523(a)(7), and therefore guide courts' dispositions of
    such cases. As the District Court stated, "courts
    interpreting the present Bankruptcy Code have referred to
    the practices under the Act of 1898 that preceded it, and in
    construing provisions of the Code that were codifications of
    earlier judge-made law, as S 523(a)(7) evidently was, courts
    interpret the codification to match the prior judge-made law
    absent evidence of specific intent that it be interpreted
    otherwise, see 
    Kelly, 479 U.S. at 44
    , 47." District Court
    Opinion at 18 n.19. Nevertheless, the District Court failed
    to follow this teaching insofar as it entirely ignored Weber,
    notwithstanding the City's heavy reliance on that case in its
    reply brief.
    The District Court sought to explain its refusal to rely
    upon pre-Code jurisprudence with the assertion that
    practice relating to the dischargeability question at issue
    was "mixed" during that period.This view is b ased upon a
    single case, United States v. Hawkins, 
    20 F.2d 539
    Cal. 1927). Hawkins, however, conflicts with all other
    judicial and scholarly authority which recognizes the
    exception to dischargeability for penalties and forfeitures --
    an exception which the District Court itself acknowledged
    as axiomatic in its opinion.7 Given that Hawkins is a
    summary opinion of only two paragraphs, bereft of analysis
    (emphasis added). Regardless of identity of the debtor in Weber, however,
    that decision still governs the instant case because of the broad scope of
    its underlying rationale: "It could not have been intended by the
    Bankruptcy Act that a bankrupt should be discharged of the payment of
    a debt which was not allowable." 
    Weber, 212 N.Y. at 291-92
    , 106 N.E.
    at 59.
    7. See In Re: Gi Nam, 
    254 B.R. 834
    , 846 n.25 (E.D. Pa 2000) (noting
    "pre-Code judicial practices by which courts found that judgments of
    state criminal courts were not discharged in bankruptcy despite that the
    strict application of the letter of the Act of 1898 would have discharged
    them" (citing 
    Kelly, 479 U.S. at 44
    and lacking any references to Caponigri, Weber, McMillen,
    or the judicially-created exception to dischargeability for
    penalties and forfeitures, it is virtually worthless as a
    precedent.8 Even if we could properly rely on Hawkins, the
    decision by its terms stands only for a very narrow
    proposition not directly applicable here: S 17 of the 1898
    Act provides no exception whatever to dischargeability for
    penalties and forfeitures. We conclude that the District
    Court erred in relying on Hawkins for the proposition that
    pre Code practice concerning the dischargeability of
    penalties and forfeitures was "mixed."
    The clarity and weight of the judicial authority 
    discussed supra
    are great enough that such authority provides a
    sufficient basis for deciding this appeal. Nevertheless, the
    implications of this case for the administration of justice
    are potentially of such a magnitude that it is necessary to
    devote more than passing attention to the public policy
    considerations underlying the dischargeability question.
    These issues range from socioeconomic equity to the ability
    of the several States to administer their justice systems.
    First and foremost among these policy concerns is the
    issue of socioeconomic fairness. Let us return to some
    critical facts presented by this case -- facts emphasized by
    neither party to this litigation. Here, Nam, the father of the
    fugitive defendant, had sufficient means to pay $100,000 in
    cash and to assure payment of the remaining $900,000 in
    the event of forfeiture. As the Pennsylvania District
    Attorneys Association points out in its amicus brief, the
    parents and relatives of the typical accused felon in
    Philadelphia, who is more likely than not economically
    disadvantaged, do not have such resources at their
    8. The Bankruptcy Court here recognized the limited usefulness of
    Hawkins, noting that the "court's decision in United States v. Hawkins
    . . . consists of only two paragraphs. The court simply held that none of
    the four exceptions to discharge listed in S 17 of the Act covered the
    of a surety on a bail bond. It did not analyze whether the words `fine,
    penalty or forfeiture' cover a surety's obligation on a bail bond." In Re:
    Nam, 255 B.R. at 155
    command. The average defendant is forced to remain in jail
    while awaiting trial, all but certainly experiencing far poorer
    living conditions than the defendant free on bail. At least
    one bankruptcy court has discussed this danger:
    Eventually, freedom on bail would be restricted to
    those defendants who could pay cash up front, i.e.,
    wealthy defendants only. Poor and middle class
    defendants would be forced to languish in overcrowded
    jails. [Among t]he end results would be . . . inequitable
    discrimination against those defendants not fortunate
    enough to possess thousands of dollars in ready cash.
    In re: Bean, 
    66 B.R. 454
    , 457 (Bankr. D.Colo. 1986). The
    District Court's decision, therefore, opens the door to
    accusations that the Philadelphia justice system treats the
    wealthy and the poor differently.
    Also of concern are the implications of the District
    Court's decision for principles of federalism and comity that
    must be respected in order to insure the proper functioning
    of the several States' justice systems. In Kelly , the Supreme
    Court stated that "we must consider the language of S 523
    in light of the history of bankruptcy court deference to
    criminal judgments and in light of the interests of the
    States in unfettered administration of their criminal justice
    Kelly, 479 U.S. at 43-44
    . Throughout its opinion,
    the Supreme Court repeatedly emphasized the significant
    deference due to state criminal proceedings in the context
    of federal bankruptcy law. Discussing S 523, the Court
    wrote, "[o]ur interpretation of the [Bankruptcy] code also
    must reflect the basis for this judicial exception, a deep
    conviction that federal bankruptcy courts should not
    invalidate the results of state criminal proceedings." 
    Id. at 49
    (citation omitted). The District Court's opinion fails to
    take account of these important considerations, and,
    insofar as its decision in favor of Nam sanctions the use of
    federal bankruptcy laws to evade the financial
    consequences of noncompliance with Pennsylvania's bail
    system, it constitutes the very sort of federal interference
    with a State's administration of justice which the Supreme
    Court condemned in Kelly.
    The course that the District Court urges entails not only
    relatively abstract problems such as these, but also
    potentially grave concrete consequences for the States'
    administration of their respective criminal justice systems
    and the proper functioning of the bail system. In terms of
    a basic behavioral incentive analysis, the rule that the
    District Court proposes would throw into doubt the viability
    of the current bail system by creating perverse incentives
    for sureties who are also relatives of the defendant, as well
    as for such defendants themselves. Once a criminal
    defendant becomes convinced that his relative will be able
    to escape financial responsibility (other than the negative,
    albeit temporary and comparatively lesser, consequences of
    the bankruptcy filing itself) for the bail amount if the
    defendant flees, the incentive to appear for trial diminishes
    sharply. Similarly, given that the surety would no longer
    face a sizable debt should the defendant flee (again, leaving
    aside the consequences of a bankruptcy), the surety would
    no longer be deterred from assisting the defendant in his
    flight. This is a particularly serious risk in cases, such as
    the Nams', in which the criminal defendant faces execution.
    Many a father might consider the opportunity to purchase
    his son's life at the cost of enduring a bankruptcy
    proceeding to be an attractive bargain.9
    The States' bail systems are "central to our modern
    criminal procedure"; any threat to their efficacy and
    integrity damages the States' criminal justice systems. In
    9. Of course, these concerns do not come into play when a professional
    bail bondsman acts as surety for a criminal defendant. In such cases,
    the professional bondsman is not inherently interested in helping the
    defendant avoid punishment; nor is the defendant likely troubled by the
    impact of his actions on the bondsman's finances. Professional
    bondsmen are compensated in advance through fees for the risk that the
    defendant will flee; consequently, the forfeiture of a bail bond is, from
    the perspective of the bondsman, merely an anticipated cost of doing
    business. See In re Collins, 
    173 F.3d 924
    , 932 (4th Cir. 1999).
    Nevertheless, the instant case does not present, and we therefore do not
    address ourselves to, the question of professional sureties. For that
    reason, we find both Collins and the recent Fifth Circuit decision in In
    260 F.3d 400
    (5th Cir. 2001) inapplicable to the case at bar in
    part because those cases involved commercial bail bondsmen. It should
    be noted that many jurisdictions, including Philadelphia, do not provide
    for professional bondsmen.
    Bean, 66 B.R. at 456-57
    ; see Commonwealth v.
    449 Pa. 325
    , 335-36, 
    296 A.2d 829
    , 834 35
    (1972) (discussing purpose and importance of bail system);
    Ruckinger v. Weicht, 
    356 Pa. Super. 455
    , 457, 
    514 A.2d 948
    , 949 (1986) (same). Were we to permit the rule that the
    District Court proposes, the effectiveness of the bail system
    would be reduced because the risk of flight by criminal
    defendants released on bail under bonds executed by
    nonprofessional sureties would increase. The adverse
    consequences of the proposed rule are obvious. They
    include hampering the States' ability to prosecute criminal
    defendants, thereby increasing the danger such persons
    pose to the public; imposing increased costs on the States
    for locating and capturing fugitives; increasing the costs of
    pre-trial detention for defendants who otherwise would be
    released on bail; and exacerbating the already serious
    problem of overcrowding in detention facilities. Such costs,
    however "difficult to quantify," are, contrary to the District
    Court's view, hardly "marginal" considerations.
    For the foregoing reasons, we will reverse the decision of
    the District Court and remand this case for further
    proceedings consistent with this opinion. We hold that, in
    light of the statute's plain language, its history, and
    applicable case law, 11 U.S.C. S 523(a)(7) does not except
    from discharge in a Chapter 7 bankruptcy a bail bond
    forfeiture judgment entered against a family surety for
    failure to produce the defendant for trial.
    A True Copy:
    Clerk of the United States Court of Appeals
    for the Third Circuit