United States v. Williams ( 2002 )

  •                                                                                                                            Opinions of the United
    2002 Decisions                                                                                                             States Court of Appeals
    for the Third Circuit
    USA v. Williams
    Precedential or Non-Precedential: Precedential
    Docket No. 01-3351
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    Filed July 30, 2002
    No. 01-3351
    Appeal from the United States District Court
    For the Western District of Pennsylvania
    D.C. No.: 99-cr-00195
    District Judge: Honorable Robert J. Cindrich
    Argued: June 14, 2002
    Before: ROTH, RENDELL, ROSENN, Circuit Judges
    (Filed July 30, 2002)
    Christopher A. Feliciani (Argued)
    Berk, Whitehead, Kerr, Feliciani
    & Turin
    115 North Main Street
    Greensburg, PA 15601
    Counsel for Appellant
    Bonnie R. Schlueter (Argued)
    Office of United States Attorney
    633 United States Post Office
    & Courthouse
    Pittsburgh, PA 15219
    Counsel for Appellee
    ROSENN, Circuit Judge.
    The common law felony of arson was a crime "against
    another’s habitation, not against another’s property but
    against his life and safety at his place of abode." State v.
    105 A.2d 844
    , 845 (NJ 1954). Historically, the
    states prosecuted the crime of arson not only under
    common law but also under statutes that expanded its
    reach. With the passage of the Anti-Arson Act of 1982, Pub.
    L. 97-298, 
    96 Stat. 1319
     (1982), Congress stated clearly
    "that federal authorities will henceforth share responsibility
    with state officials to investigate and prosecute arson
    crimes." United States v. Gelb, 
    700 F.2d 875
    , 879 (2nd Cir.
    1983). Specifically, Congress enacted legislation making it a
    federal crime to maliciously damage or destroy by fire any
    building used in interstate commerce or in any activity
    affecting interstate commerce. 18 U.S.C. S 844(i).1 The
    primary issue raised on this appeal, one of first impression
    in this circuit, is whether the arson of a vacant building
    available for rent but not actually leased at the time of the
    fire sufficiently affects interstate commerce as to constitute
    a federal crime.
    A jury in the United States District Court for the Western
    District of Pennsylvania convicted Shawn Williams of
    malicious destruction of property by fire in violation of
    S 844(i), and mail fraud in violation of 18 U.S.C. S 1341.
    The District Court sentenced Williams to 60 months’
    imprisonment followed by 60 months of supervised release
    on both counts, to run concurrently. The defendant timely
    appealed the judgment of conviction and sentence. We
    1. 18 U.S.C. S   844(i) provides: "Whoever maliciously damages or destroys
    . . . by means   of fire . . . any building . . . used in interstate . . .
    commerce or in   any activity affecting interstate . .. commerce shall be
    imprisoned for   not less than 5 years and not more than 20 years."
    2. We have appellate jurisdiction pursuant to 28 U.S.C. S 1291.
    In the early morning hours of September 23, 1998, a
    street sweeper smelled and saw smoke rising from the roof
    of the former state unemployment office on West Otterman
    Street (Otterman building) in Greensburg, Pennsylvania.
    Eventually, the fire department brought the fire under
    control and a fire investigator concluded that the fire had
    been intentionally set.
    Police officer Paul Cyak found four fuel containers in the
    vacant Otterman building. One of the containers was a blue
    kerosene-type can with a Sheetz convenience store label
    with code numbers on it. The can had been delivered to
    Sheetz in New Stanton, Pennsylvania, late in the evening of
    September 22, 1998, and it was purchased at 1:32 a.m. on
    the morning of the fire. The New Stanton Sheetz store was
    located between Williams’s home and the Otterman
    Officer Cyak learned that in April 1998, Williams and Nat
    Lamolinara, his ex-business partner, acquired the building
    for $111,000. Williams and Lamolinara made a down
    payment of $11,000; Lhormer Realty held the remainder of
    the mortgage.
    From April 1998 until the September 1998 arson,
    Williams displayed a large banner on the front of the
    building advertising its availability for rent. He also
    advertised the property for rent in a local newspaper.
    During that period, Lamolinara had on several occasions
    shown the building to potential tenants. Thomas, at
    Williams’s behest, had also shown the building to
    Primestar-Excalibur (Primestar), a satellite television
    company with headquarters in Virginia.
    On September 22, 1998, the evening before the Otterman
    building burned down, Primestar and Williams had
    negotiated the terms of an agreement to lease the building.
    Later that evening, Williams faxed the proposed lease to
    Louis Busato, Primestar’s Northeast Regional Sales
    Manager, who then forwarded the lease to corporate
    headquarters. Upon corporate approval of the lease, it
    would have taken effect on September 25, 1998. During the
    weeks leading up to the arson, Primestar had stopped
    looking for other buildings because its "heart was set on
    this place." Busato planned on moving employees into the
    building within two to four days of signing the lease.
    Although the purchase price for the building was
    $111,000, it was insured by Lebanon Mutual Insurance
    Company (Lebanon Mutual) for its replacement value at
    approximately $500,000. Lebanon Mutual settled Williams’s
    claim, paying $336,000 to Williams and Lhormer Realty,
    holder of the mortgage. Lebanon Mutual also paid Williams
    another $64,000 for the cost of removing the debris from
    the land.
    In due course, the Government charged Williams with
    and convicted him of malicious destruction of property by
    fire in violation of 18 U.S.C. S 844(i), and mail fraud in
    violation of 18 U.S.C. S 1341.
    Williams raises three issues on appeal: (1) there was
    insufficient evidence to satisfy S 844(i)’s affecting interstate
    commerce element; (2) the District Court’s jury instruction
    was plain error; and (3) Congress’s failure to provide a
    "safety valve" for first time offenders underS 844(i) violates
    the equal protection component of the Fifth Amendment’s
    Due Process Clause. We now turn to the first issue and
    begin our discussion of the interstate commerce element of
    the offense.
    A property’s use in an activity affecting interstate
    commerce is an essential element of the crime of arson
    under 18 U.S.C. S 844(i). United States v. McGuire, 
    178 F.3d 203
    , 205 (3d Cir. 1999). Like all elements of criminal
    offenses, the Government must prove the jurisdictional
    element beyond a reasonable doubt. 
     Williams argues
    that there was insufficient evidence to establish a sufficient
    connection between the Otterman building and interstate
    commerce.3 Because the jury convicted Williams, we review
    3. Williams frames the question in terms of federal subject matter
    jurisdiction. The District Court, however, properly exercised jurisdiction.
    United States v. Carr, 
    271 F.3d 172
    , 178 (4th Cir. 2001) ("[T]he
    the evidence in the light most favorable to the Government
    and will sustain the verdict unless a rational juror could
    not have found that the Government proved the affecting
    interstate commerce element beyond a reasonable doubt.
    United States v. Dent, 
    149 F.3d 180
    , 187 (3d Cir. 1998).
    Williams asserts that the destruction by fire of a vacant
    building is "clearly a local activity" that is not the concern
    of the federal government. He, therefore, argues that
    according to United States v. Lopez, 
    514 U.S. 549
    for such local activity to become a concern for the federal
    government, the activity must substantially affect
    commerce and that a property advertised for rent does not
    substantially affect commerce.
    The federal arson statute, although it does not regulate
    commercial or economic activity, regulates the damage and
    destruction of business property that has the requisite
    interstate nexus. Lopez "did not purport to overrule cases
    upholding application of the Commerce Clause power to
    wholly intrastate activities satisfying the requisite nexus to
    interstate commerce." United States v. DiSanto, 
    86 F.3d 1238
    , 1245 (1st Cir. 1996). And, as the United States
    Supreme Court noted in Lopez, the statute there did not
    contain a jurisdictional element that "would ensure,
    through case-by-case inquiry, that the [crime] in question
    affects interstate commerce." 
    514 U.S. at 561
    . Here,
    however, the statute contains such an element.
    Accordingly, our analysis is governed by the Supreme
    Court’s opinion in Jones v. United States, 
    529 U.S. 848
    (2000), which specifically addressed this aspect ofS 844(i).
    ‘jurisdictional element’ is merely one element of the criminal activity . . .
    and whether it is demonstrated in an individual circumstance does not
    affect a court’s constitutional or statutory power to adjudicate a case.")
    (internal quotations omitted); see also United States v. Gaydos, 
    108 F.3d 505
    , 509 (3d Cir. 1997) ("[W]e join the other circuits which have
    concluded that S 844(i) remains constitutionally viable after Lopez.").
    Williams argues instead that the evidence was insufficient to satisfy the
    interstate commerce element of the offense. Gaydos, 
    108 F.3d at 509
    ("[Defendant’s] best argument is that the evidence was insufficient to
    satisfy the interstate commerce nexus necessary to support her
    conviction under S 844(i).").
    In Jones, the Court addressed the question of whether
    arson of an "owner-occupied private residence" falls within
    S 844(i)’s ambit. The Court held that arson of such a
    dwelling is not subject to federal prosecution underS 844(i).
    Id. at 850-51. The Court noted that it had previously held
    in Russell v. United States, 
    471 U.S. 858
     (1985), that
    S 844(i) applies to buildings used as rental property. Id. at
    853; Russell, 
    471 U.S. at 862
     ("By its terms . . . the statute
    only applies to property that is ‘used’ in an‘activity’ that
    affects commerce. The rental of real estate is
    unquestionably such an activity."); accord Gaydos, 
    108 F.3d at 509
     ("Russell established that renting real estate is
    an activity that affects interstate commerce for purposes of
    S 844(i)."). The dispositive factor in Russell was the owner’s
    "renting his apartment building to tenants at the time he
    attempted to destroy it by fire." Jones, 
    529 U.S. at 853
    (internal quotations omitted). Accordingly, it followed that
    the building was being used in an activity affecting
    commerce within the meaning of S 844(i). 
    The Jones Court contrasted Russell’s facts with Jones’s.
    The Court focused on S 844(i)’s use of the phrase "used in
    interstate or foreign commerce," finding that the key word
    is "used." 
    Id. at 854
    . The Court stated that Congress did
    not define S 844(i)’s crime as arson of a building whose
    damage might affect interstate commerce, but rather
    "require[d] that the damaged or destroyed property must
    itself have been used in commerce or in an activity affecting
     (alteration in original) (internal quotations
    Thus, the proper inquiry is an analysis of the "function of
    the building itself, and then a determination of whether
    that function affects interstate commerce." 
    quotations omitted). The Court ruled that the word"used"
    is "most sensibly read to mean active employment for
    commercial purposes, and not merely a passive, passing, or
    past connection to commerce." 
    Id. at 855
    . It held that
    private, owner-occupied residences are not used in
    activities affecting interstate commerce and that arson of
    such buildings therefore does not fall under S 844(i)’s reach.
    Id. at 856-58
    In the instant case, Williams focuses on the Supreme
    Court’s discussion regarding the word "used" and argues
    that, because the Otterman building had not been leased at
    the time of the fire,4 it was not, under Jones, being actively
    employed for commercial purposes. We reject this
    argument. Gaydos is instructive.
    Gaydos involved a defendant who argued that the house
    she burned down was not rental property because at the
    time of the arson it was vacant, uninhabitable, and she had
    no intention of renting it again. 
    108 F.3d at 507
    . We agreed
    with the defendant, holding that the trial record did not
    support a finding that the house at issue remained in or
    was intended to return to the stream of commerce. 
    Id. at 510
    . We first noted that the record demonstrated that all
    tenants had vacated the house and that the house was
    uninhabitable at the time of the arson. 
     We then stated
    that there was no evidence that the defendant had any
    intent to improve the living conditions in the building. 
    Finally, we found no evidence rebutting the defendant’s
    contention that the house had "been permanently removed
    from the rental market and had no prospect of generating
    any future rental revenue." 
    Id. at 510-11
    Although ruling in favor of the defendant, in dicta we
    stated that a temporary cessation of activity at a business
    property does not place the property beyond the reach of
    S 844(i). 
    Id. at 509
     ("This argument has been accepted by
    every Court of Appeals that has addressed the issue.");
    accord United States v. Martin, 
    63 F.3d 1422
    , 1427 (7th Cir.
    1995) (holding property vacant and not rented for three
    months but still available for rent did not lose its
    commercial character by virtue of the temporary cessation
    4. At oral argument Williams repeatedly referred to the Otterman
    building as "abandoned." "Abandoned property" is defined by Black’s
    Law Dictionary as "[p]roperty that the owner voluntarily surrenders,
    relinquishes, or disclaims." BLACK’S LAW DICTIONARY 1233 (7th ed. 1999).
    Williams actively sought to lease the building in the months before the
    arson. He did not -- voluntarily or otherwise-- surrender, relinquish, or
    disclaim his interest in the building. Therefore, the Otterman building
    was not an abandoned building, but was an unoccupied building
    available for rent.
    of activity). We thus interpreted the collective case law as
    suggesting that
    once the business nature of the property at issue is
    established, courts will presume, absent indicia of an
    intention to permanently remove the property from the
    stream of commerce, that the requisite nexus between
    the property and interstate commerce is satisfied,
    notwithstanding temporary changes or modifications in
    the use of the property.
    108 F.3d at 510
    . In contrasting Gaydos’s holding
    with other cases, we stated that
    in each of th[o]se cases, however, there was a clear
    intention that the property at issue either remain in, or
    return to, the stream of commerce. . . . [T]he trial
    records in th[o]se cases demonstrate that the particular
    properties were treated by their owners as if they had
    never left the stream of commerce.
    Here, in contrast to Gaydos, a reasonable trier of the
    facts could have concluded that Williams intended the
    building, at the very least, to return to the stream of
    commerce. He actively pursued such a course. Evan
    Thomas, the building’s former owner, testified that, from
    April 1998 until the September 1998 arson, there was a
    sign in front of the Otterman building advertising office
    space for lease. Lamolinara, Williams’s ex-business partner,
    testified that there was a banner advertising space for
    lease, and an advertisement for the same in a local
    newspaper. Lamolinara also testified that he had shown the
    building "several times . . . to potential tenants." Thomas
    testified that he had, at Williams’s behest, shown the
    building to Primestar.
    Furthermore, Louis Busato, Primestar’s Northeast
    regional manager, testified that he and Williams had
    negotiated terms to lease the Otterman building. Indeed,
    the proposed lease had been drafted by Williams and faxed
    over the evening before the building burned down. The
    arson occurred on September 23, 1998; the lease was
    supposed to commence on September 25, 1998. Busato
    planned to move employees into the building within two to
    four days of signing the lease because conditions were so
    cramped at their present location. Primestar had even
    stopped looking for a building because its "heart was set on
    this place." Thus, Primestar relied on its belief that it would
    soon occupy the Otterman building and terminated its
    search for other rental space. It can be reasonably assumed
    that Primestar, a Virginia corporation negotiating to lease
    Pennsylvania property, had its interstate commercial
    activities disrupted when it learned of the destruction of the
    Otterman building. A rational trier of the facts could find
    that this satisfied the requisite interstate commerce nexus.
    On the other hand, Williams asserts that United States v.
    227 F.3d 1058
     (8th Cir. 2000), supports his position.
    Ryan involved the arson of a permanently closed fitness
    center. The Court held that an earlier panel’s conclusions
    that the Fitness Center was (1) about to be placed on the
    market for sale, and (2) had the potential for commercial re-
    entrance, did not satisfy the interstate commerce element of
    S 844(i). 
    Id. at 1063-64
    . The Court noted that the property
    "was not formally listed for sale or rent at the time of the
    Id. at 1060
    . This case is completely different.
    In contrast with the building in Ryan, Williams’s
    Otterman building was available for rent at the time of the
    fire; the lease execution was in the process of
    consummation. Moreover, the conclusion that the interstate
    commerce element is satisfied is not based merely on
    predictions of the building entering commerce or its
    potential for commercial re-entrance, but rather is based on
    the Otterman building’s actual entrance on the market: it
    had been available for rent for the six months preceding the
    arson. Ryan, therefore, is not on point.
    Williams’s argument ultimately hinges on an overly-literal
    and narrow definition of the word "used." As the
    Government points out, "[t]he logical extension of this
    would be a holding that federal jurisdiction does not attach
    at night, because the business employees are at home
    sleeping, and no one is actually putting the building itself
    to active use in interstate commerce." The District Court
    wisely noted the sophistry of Williams’s argument when it
    inquired: "[S]uppose the tenant signed the lease but doesn’t
    move into the building next week? Would we say then it’s
    not actively in interstate commerce?" As Gaydos suggests,
    "once the business nature of the property at issue is
    established, courts will presume, absent indicia of an
    intention to permanently remove the property from the
    stream of commerce, that the requisite [interstate
    commerce] nexus" exists. 
    108 F.3d at 510
    . Here, the
    evidence of Williams’s leasing activities established the
    business nature of the Otterman building before its arson.
    Accordingly, there was sufficient evidence for a reasonable
    trier of the facts to conclude that the interstate commerce
    nexus had been satisfied.
    Williams further argues that the District Court erred in
    its jury instructions. Because Williams did not raise the
    objection at trial, we reverse only if we find plain error.
    United States v. Wolfe, 
    245 F.3d 257
    , 260-61 (3d Cir. 2001).
    The plain error standard is satisfied when the District
    Court’s error is obvious or clear and is deemed to have
    affected the substantial rights of the party. 
    Id. at 261
    . An
    error affects the substantial rights of a party if it is
    Under plain error review, the defendant bears the burden
    of establishing that the error prejudiced the jury’s verdict.
     Even if the defendant establishes plain error, Federal
    Rule of Criminal Procedure 52(b) provides this Court with
    discretion whether to correct the error.5 
     We are not
    required to correct the error. 
     Instead, we reverse when
    the defendant is actually innocent or where, regardless of
    the defendant’s innocence, the error "seriously affect[s] the
    fairness, integrity or public reputation of judicial
     (alteration in original) (internal quotations
    Williams asserts that the District Court committed plain
    error by instructing the jury to determine whether the
    5. The rule provides: "Plain errors or defects affecting substantial rights
    may be noticed although they were not brought to the attention of the
    property was used in "an activity affecting interstate
    commerce" rather than modifying "commerce" with the
    word "substantial" to track Lopez’s language. The
    instructions, however, must be looked at as a whole in
    order to determine whether the jury was apprised of the
    issues and applicable law. Limbach Co. v. Sheet Metal
    Workers Int’l Ass’n, 
    949 F.2d 1241
    , 1259 n.15 (3d Cir.
    The District Court instructed the jury as follows:
    The word "commerce" refers to all of the various
    types of economic relationships which may exist
    between parties, such as buying, selling, bartering or
    renting. . . . .
    The phrase "interstate commerce" means commerce
    which affects more states than one. . . . It also includes
    activities wholly within a given state, but which ha[ve]
    a substantial effect on commerce between or among
    the states.
    The phrase "used in interstate commerce or used in
    an activity affecting interstate commerce" means active
    employment for commercial purposes, and not merely
    a passive, a passing, or a past connection to
    The determination of whether property is used in
    interstate commerce or in an activity affecting
    interstate commerce, should focus on the function of
    the property and whether that function affects
    interstate commerce.
    In this case, you must make a   determination as to
    the function of the [Otterman]   building . . . at the time
    of the fire, and then you must   make a determination of
    whether that function affected   interstate commerce.
    The Court’s instructions tracked S 844(i)’s language.
    Section 844(i)’s language refers to destroying a building
    used "in any activity affecting interstate or foreign
    commerce." Thus, the statutory language lacks Lopez’s
    "substantial" modifier, and speaks only of an activity
    affecting -- not necessarily substantially affecting --
    interstate commerce. Indeed, the District Court started this
    part of its instruction by quoting the statutory language by
    referring to "[t]he phrase ‘used in interstate commerce or
    used in an activity affecting interstate commerce.’ "
    Therefore, in the subsequent instructions, the Court spoke
    of the jury’s responsibility, pursuant to S 844(i)’s statutory
    language, to determine whether "property is used in
    interstate commerce or in an activity affecting interstate
    Post-Lopez case law from the Supreme Court also speaks
    in terms of "affecting commerce," and not"substantially
    affecting commerce." In Jones, the Court noted that
    Congress required that the destroyed property have been
    used in an activity affecting commerce before such arson is
    covered under S 844(i). 
    529 U.S. at 854
    . It framed the
    inquiry as one aimed at determining whether the function
    of the building "affects interstate commerce." 
    quotations omitted). Even in the post-Lopez environment,
    the Supreme Court did not interpolate "substantial" into
    S 844(i)’s language.
    Furthermore, it is doubtful that lay jurors comprehend
    the distinction between activities that affect interstate
    commerce and activities that substantially affect interstate
    commerce. Because S 844(i)’s affecting interstate commerce
    provision is an element of the criminal offense, a defendant
    is entitled to a jury determination of whether the element
    has been satisfied beyond a reasonable doubt. Apprendi v.
    New Jersey, 
    530 U.S. 466
    , 477 (2000). As a matter of law,
    however, arson of an unoccupied building available for rent
    is sufficient to satisfy S 844(i)’s jurisdictional element.
    Therefore, the significant factual question put to the jury
    was whether the building was available for rent at the time
    of the arson. On appeal, Williams does not dispute that the
    building was available for rent.
    A District Court’s instruction tracking the exact language
    of a statute is not plain error, or indeed error at all.
    Moreover, even if it were error, there is no evidence
    establishing Williams’s innocence.
    Finally, Williams argues that S 844(i) violates the Fifth
    Amendment’s equal protection component because it does
    not provide him with access to 18 U.S.C. S 3553(f). Section
    3553(f) is a safety valve provision that permits"less
    culpable defendants in drug-related crimes who fully assist
    the Government to avoid the application of the mandatory
    minimum sentence." United States v. Pratt, 
    87 F.3d 811
    812-13 (6th Cir. 1996). Williams’s argument is devoid of
    We apply rational basis review to Williams’s
    constitutional challenge. United States v. Hawkins, 
    811 F.2d 210
    , 216 (3d Cir. 1987). We will uphold the legislation
    if it bears a rational relation to a legitimate Government
     Legislation is irrational if it creates a
    classification wholly irrelevant to achieving its objective. 
    Section 3553(f) provides a safety valve for some drug
    offenders, so that they can avoid draconian mandatory
    minimum sentences. There are five factors that must be
    satisfied before a drug offender has access to the safety
    valve. Assuming arguendo that S 3553(f) applies to federal
    arson, two of the conditional factors make Williams
    ineligible for the provision. First, the defendant must not
    have used violence in connection with the offense. 18
    U.S.C. S 3553(f)(2). Arson is, however, an inherently violent
    act, and Williams therefore cannot satisfy that condition.
    Second, the defendant must have "truthfully provided to
    the Government all information and evidence the defendant
    has concerning the offense." 18 U.S.C. S 3553(f)(5). Williams
    has yet to admit his culpability and has not provided the
    Government with any information relating to the offense.
    Thus, he cannot satisfy that condition. Accordingly, even
    assuming Williams’s eligibility for the safety valve, he does
    not satisfy two of the five prerequisites.
    However, Congress plainly had a rational basis for not
    providing a safety valve for federal arson. As the District
    Court held, providing a safety valve for nonviolent first-time
    drug offenders has a rational relationship to the legitimate
    Government goal of providing exceptions to draconian
    mandatory minimum sentences for such individuals. On
    the other hand, held the Court, it is entirely rational that
    Congress would not create such an exception for arson,
    "which is an extremely dangerous and violent offense," and
    by definition is excluded from the safety valve. The Court
    cogently continued: "Arson is not a nonviolent offense. For
    that reason, it seems to the Court clear that Congress saw
    a rational distinction between drug offenses carried out in
    some nonviolent way and crimes which by their very nature
    involve violence."
    Skinner v. Oklahoma, 
    316 U.S. 535
     (1942), which
    Williams cites, is of no avail and indeed even cuts against
    him. Skinner involved an Oklahoma practice of sterilizing
    habitual criminals. 
    Id. at 536-37
    . The Court noted that the
    equal protection clause does not prevent legislatures from
    recognizing degrees of evil, and legislating accordingly. 
    Id. at 540
    . A state need not ignore experience that marks a
    class of offenders or offenses for special treatment. 
    Court, however, distinguished Skinner’s facts: "We are
    dealing here with legislation which involves one of the basic
    civil rights of man." 
    Id. at 541
    . Therefore, the Court held
    that strict scrutiny applied and invalidated the law. 
    Id. at 541-42
    Williams’s equal protection challenge, in contrast to
    Skinner, does not concern a basic civil right; it is not
    subject to strict scrutiny, but to a rational basis review.
    Congress rationally could have concluded that it did not
    want to provide a safety valve for first-time violent
    offenders. Indeed, as noted earlier, even first-time drug
    offenders are not eligible for the safety valve if the crime
    involved violence. Congress’s decision to deny a safety valve
    for first-time violent offenders rationally relates to its
    legitimate interest in providing such a safety valve for first-
    time non-violent drug offenders. Accordingly, the District
    Court did not err in ruling that S 844(i)’s lack of a safety
    valve does not violate the equal protection component of the
    Fifth Amendment’s Due Process Clause.
    In summary, the Government produced sufficient
    evidence to satisfy the interstate commerce element and
    convict Williams of violating S 844(i). Furthermore, the
    District Court committed no reversible error in its jury
    instruction or in holding that S 844(i) does not violate Fifth
    Amendment equal protection. Accordingly, the District
    Court’s judgment will be affirmed.
    A True Copy:
    Clerk of the United States Court of Appeals
    for the Third Circuit