Duquesne Lgt v. Westinghouse ( 1995 )

  •                                                                                                                            Opinions of the United
    1995 Decisions                                                                                                             States Court of Appeals
    for the Third Circuit
    Duquesne Lgt v Westinghouse
    Precedential or Non-Precedential:
    Docket 95-3027
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    No. 95-5035
    NAOMI ORTIZ, on behalf of herself
    and all others similarly situated
    NAOMI ORTIZ, on behalf of
    herself and the uncertified
    class consisting of all
    residents of New Jersey who are
    or have been parties to
    contracts to rent to own
    merchandise from Defendant and
    have been charged illegal fees
    and/or interest since April 13,
    1988, Defendant, its agents,
    employees, and all related
    entities excluded therefrom,
    On Appeal from the United States District Court
    for the District of New Jersey
    (D.C. Civ. No. 94-01875)
    Argued August 25, 1995
    BEFORE:   GREENBERG, COWEN, and SAROKIN, Circuit Judges
    (Filed:   September 12, 1995)
    Philip Stephen Fuoco
    24 Wilkins Place
    Haddonfield, NJ 08033
    Lisa J. Rodriguez (argued)
    Lisa Chanow Dykstra
    Chimicles, Jacobsen & Tikellis
    One Haverford Centre
    351 West Lancaster Avenue
    Haverford, PA 19041
    Attorneys for Appellant
    J. Samuel Choate, Jr. (argued)
    128 North Pitt Street
    Alexandria, VA 22314
    Jeffrey Zucker
    Abraham Pressman & Bauer
    1818 Market Street
    35th Floor
    Philadelphia, PA 19103
    Attorneys for Appellee
    GREENBERG, Circuit Judge.
    This appeal requires us to address whether rent-to-own
    agreements which are terminable at any time without additional
    charges fall under the purview of the Truth in Lending Act
    (TILA), 15 U.S.C. § 1601 et seq.    The district court, relying
    primarily on a Federal Reserve Board regulation, concluded that
    they do not.   The court therefore granted the lessor's motion to
    dismiss the federal count of the complaint, declined to exercise
    jurisdiction over the supplemental state claims, and remanded the
    case to the Superior Court of New Jersey.     Because we agree with
    the district court, we will affirm its judgment.
    Appellant Naomi Ortiz, the named plaintiff in this putative
    class action, entered into a rental agreement to lease a sofa and
    a love seat from appellee Rental Management, Inc. (RMI) in
    November 1992.    The rental agreement specified that Ortiz at her
    option   could make rental payments on any one of four schedules:
    —   weekly payments of $28.49;
    —   biweekly payments of $56.98;
    —   semi-monthly payments of 61.72; or
    —   monthly payments of $108.63.
    The agreement also required her to pay an initial charge of
    $113.63 for delivery of the furniture, and established a
    delinquency charge of $5.00 for late payments.    Ortiz generally
    followed the weekly payment plan, although she exercised her
    option to make some biweekly payments in the summer and fall of
    1993.    The rental agreement provided that Ortiz could cancel it
    at any time and return the furniture without further obligation.
    It also stated that if she made 78 weekly payments or 18 monthly
    payments (periods that differ in duration by no more than a
    couple of days), she would own the sofa and love seat.    Thus, the
    agreement is characterized as a rent-to-own (RTO) agreement.
    After making about 70 weekly payments -- eight payments less
    than the number required to transfer ownership of the property to
    her -- Ortiz ceased making payments, though according to RMI's
    representations at oral argument before us, she retains
    possession of the furniture.    Instead, on April 13, 1994, she
    filed this class action in the Superior Court of New Jersey
    alleging that in offering the RTO agreement, RMI violated the
    TILA by failing to comply with certain of its disclosure
    requirements.   In support of her claim Ortiz alleged that the
    wholesale price of the furniture was $380.00, far less than the
    total amounts in weekly payments required for her to acquire
    title to the furniture and far less than the amount she had paid
    at the time she filed the lawsuit.1    She characterizes the
    difference in the two amounts as a finance charge and based on
    this characterization contends that the RTO agreement is a credit
    sale within the meaning of the TILA.    In addition to the TILA
    claim, Ortiz asserted causes of action under various New Jersey
    statutes and common law doctrines.
    RMI removed the case to the district court on April 26,
    1994, and soon thereafter moved to dismiss Ortiz's TILA claim for
    failure to state a claim upon which relief could be granted
    pursuant to Fed. R. Civ. P. 12(b)(6).    The district court granted
    the motion to dismiss in a memorandum opinion dated January 6,
    1995.   It reasoned that amendments which the Federal Reserve
    Board promulgated in 1981 to Regulation Z, which it had issued
    previously to carry out the purposes of the TILA, placed rent-to-
    own contracts such as that Ortiz signed outside the ambit of the
    statute, and that these regulations were entitled to deference.
    Consequently, in the district court's view the TILA simply did
    not govern the RTO agreement.   The court declined to exercise
    jurisdiction over Ortiz's state law claims, and thus it remanded
    the remainder of the complaint to the New Jersey Superior Court.
    The RTO agreement was annexed to the complaint but the $380.00
    figure is not mentioned in the complaint. It appears, however,
    that RMI does not dispute that figure and thus we will accept it
    on this appeal.
    Judgment was entered in the district court on January 11, 1995,
    and Ortiz filed a timely notice of appeal.    The district court
    had federal question jurisdiction under 28 U.S.C. §§ 1331, 1441,
    and we have jurisdiction pursuant to 28 U.S.C. § 1291.    We
    exercise plenary review over a district court's grant of a motion
    pursuant to Fed. R. Civ. P. 12(b)(6) to dismiss a complaint.
    The TILA imposes disclosure requirements on persons in the
    business of extending credit to consumers.    In particular, the
    TILA delineates specific requirements for credit transactions,
    15 U.S.C. §§ 1604, 1631, 1632, as well as detailed instructions
    on how charges and interest rates must be calculated, 15 U.S.C.
    §§ 1605, 1606.   The TILA only applies to "credit sales," however,
    and therefore this case turns on the statutory and regulatory
    definition of that term.
    Congress defined that term under the TILA as follows:
    The term 'credit sale' refers to any sale in which the
    seller is a creditor. The term includes any contract
    in the form of a bailment or lease if the bailee or
    lessee contracts to pay as compensation for use a sum
    substantially equivalent to or in excess of the
    aggregate value of the property and services involved
    and it is agreed that the bailee or lessee will become,
    or for no other or a nominal consideration has the
    option to become, the owner of the property upon full
    compliance with his obligations under the contract.
    15 U.S.C. § 1602(g).
    As the district court recognized, courts interpreting this
    statutory language following the enactment of the TILA split on
    whether contracts like the one at issue here were covered by the
    act.   See op. at 5 (citing cases).   However, the Federal Reserve
    Board, the agency entrusted by Congress to promulgate
    interpretive regulations enforcing the TILA, consistently opined
    in a series of nonbinding advisory letters issued between 1973
    and 1977 that rent-to-own contracts are beyond the purview of the
    act.   See Remco Enters., Inc. v. Houston, 
    677 P.2d 567
    , 570-71
    (Kan. Ct. App. 1984) (citing "[u]nofficial staff opinions").       Its
    informal opinions were quite significant, see James P. Nehf,
    Effective Regulation of Rent-to-own Contracts, 
    52 Ohio St. L
    751, 758, 764 (1991) (hereinafter, Nehf, Rent-to-own Contracts),
    because rent-to-own contracts were common when Congress enacted
    the TILA in 1968, and because the Board's interpretive Regulation
    Z essentially tracked the statutory language.
    In 1981, the Board formalized its informal opinion and
    amended Regulation Z in one important way. The regulation reads
    Credit sale means a sale in which the seller is a
    creditor. The term includes a bailment or lease
    (unless terminable without penalty at any time by the
    consumer) under which the consumer:
    (i) Agrees to pay as compensation for use a sum
    substantially equivalent to, or in excess of, the total
    value of the property and services involved; and
    (ii) Will become (or has the option to become), for no
    additional consideration or for nominal consideration, the
    owner of the property upon compliance with the agreement.
    Regulation Z, 12 C.F.R. § 226.2(a)(16).   The language added by
    the amendment is "(unless terminable without penalty at any time
    by the consumer)."    The amended regulation became effective in
    April 1982.
    In the first instance, Ortiz urges us to disregard the
    Board's interpretation, as codified in amended Regulation Z. This
    we will not do.   Congress explicitly empowered the Federal
    Reserve Board to promulgate regulations to flesh out the details
    of the TILA:
    The [Federal Reserve] Board shall prescribe regulations
    to carry out the purposes of this subchapter. . . .
    [T]hese regulations may contain such classifications,
    differentiations, or other provisions, and may provide
    for such adjustments and exceptions for any class of
    transactions, as in the judgment of the Board are
    necessary or proper to effectuate the purposes of this
    subchapter, to prevent circumvention thereof, or to
    facilitate compliance therewith.
    15 U.S.C. § 1604(a).2
    In the presence of such an explicit delegation of
    congressional authority, we must defer quite broadly to the
    Board's interstitial regulations.   Specifically, in Chevron,
    U.S.A., Inc. v. Natural Resources Defense Council, Inc., 
    467 U.S. 837
    104 S. Ct. 2778
    (1984), the Supreme Court directed courts to
    exercise the highest level of deference to regulatory
    authorizations such as section 1604(a).   
    Id. at 843-44,
    104 S.Ct.
    at 2782.   As we have explained, "when Congress expressly
    delegates authority to an administrative body to fill in the gaps
    of a given statute, the regulations 'are given controlling weight
    unless they arbitrary, capricious, or manifestly contrary to the
    statute,'" Sacred Heart Medical Center v. Sullivan, 
    958 F.2d 537
    Congress amended this section in 1994 to exclude certain
    mortgage transactions from the Board's regulatory powers; the
    amendment is not relevant to this case.
    544 (3d Cir. 1992) (citing 
    Chevron, 467 U.S. at 844
    , 104 S.Ct. at
    In both of its major TILA cases, the Supreme Court has
    emphasized the broad powers that Congress delegated to the Board
    to fill gaps in the statute.   When it upheld the Board's power to
    extend the TILA's coverage to any seller that accepted payments
    in four or more installments, the Court reviewed the legislative
    history of the TILA and stated:
    The hearings held by Congress reflect the difficulty of
    the task it sought to accomplish. Whatever legislation
    was passed had to deal not only with the myriad forms
    in which credit transactions then occurred, but also
    with those which would be devised in the future. To
    accomplish its desired objective, Congress determined
    to lay the structure of the Act broadly and to entrust
    its construction to an agency with the necessary
    experience and resources to monitor its operation.
    Section 105 [15 U.S.C. § 1604] delegated to the Federal
    Reserve Board broad authority to promulgate regulations
    necessary to render the Act effective.
    Mourning v. Family Publications Serv., Inc. 
    411 U.S. 356
    , 365, 
    93 S. Ct. 1652
    , 1658 (1973).   In rejecting the seller's argument that
    the Board had exceeded its regulatory powers, the Court found
    that "the language of the [regulatory] enabling provision
    precludes us from accepting so narrow an interpretation of the
    Board's power."   
    Id. at 371,
    93 S. Ct. 1661
    In a subsequent decision addressing disclosure requirements
    governing acceleration clauses in debt contracts, the Court again
    placed great emphasis on Congress' broad grant of regulatory
    powers:   "Because of their complexity and variety, . . . credit
    transactions defy exhaustive regulation by a single statute.
    Congress therefore delegated expansive authority to the Federal
    Reserve Board to elaborate and expand the legal framework
    governing commerce in credit."   Ford Motor Credit Co. v.
    444 U.S. 555
    , 559-60, 
    100 S. Ct. 790
    , 794 (1980)
    (citing 15 U.S.C. § 1604 and Mourning).    The Court declared that
    "deference is especially appropriate in the process of
    interpreting the Truth in Lending Act and Regulation Z" and held
    that "[u]nless demonstrably irrational, Federal Reserve Board
    staff opinions construing the Act or Regulation should be
    Id. at 565,
    100 S.Ct. at 797.
    Ortiz thus faces an extremely high burden -- she must
    convince us that the Board's regulation is demonstrably
    irrational.   Ortiz has failed to overcome this burden.     In the
    first place, the landscape that existed when the Board amended
    Regulation Z was far from clear.     Indeed, the statutory language
    does not lend itself easily to a single unchallengeable
    interpretation.   For example, although the statute refers to
    "credit sales," it provides that certain leases are covered.         And
    although it covers leases that are "contracts to pay as
    compensation for use a sum substantially equivalent to or in
    excess of the . . . value of the property," it is unclear whether
    the language refers to the lessee's rights or obligations.      After
    all, a lessee may have a right to exercise an option to become an
    owner of the property, but may be obliged only to make rental
    payments for the time periods he or she actually uses the
    property.   It is clear, then, that there was a gap in the
    Thus, it is hardly surprising that courts interpreting the
    TILA prior to the 1981 amendment of Regulation Z reached
    conflicting conclusions with respect to RTO agreements.    In
    Waldron v. Best T.V. and Stereo Rentals, Inc., 
    485 F. Supp. 718
    (D. Md. 1979), the court declined to say that a lease contract
    terminable at will fell definitively outside the TILA's purview.
    Rather, "[d]espite the presence of the termination clauses, the
    agreement was essentially a contract for the credit sale of the
    TV set to plaintiff for a sum substantially greater than the cash
    sale value of the set."   
    Id. at 719.
      In reaching its decision,
    the court relied heavily on the fact that "the contract was to
    remain in force unless . . . the plaintiff exercised her right to
    terminate the contract and forfeit the equities she had built up
    in the set by her weekly payments . . . ."   
    Id. In Smith
    v. ABC
    Rental Sys. of New Orleans, Inc., 
    491 F. Supp. 127
    (E.D. La.
    1978), aff'd, 
    618 F.2d 397
    (6th Cir. 1980), however, the court,
    interpreting a nearly identical contract, reached precisely the
    opposite conclusion:   Because the agreement was terminable at any
    time, "plaintiff was never obligated for any sum other than the
    $16.00 weekly rental for each week he chose to keep the set." 
    Id. at 129.
      Therefore, "[t]he week-to-week rental is not a sum
    substantially equivalent to the set's value, and the transaction
    in question is . . . not a credit sale."   
    Id. It was
    against this backdrop that the Board amended
    Regulation Z to provide that rental agreements "terminable
    without penalty at any time by the consumer" are not covered by
    the TILA.   As Nehf has explained the situation before and after
    the amendment:
    [a]mid all th[is] uncertainty, it was undeniably true
    that the unpredictability of the situation was
    inadequate for all concerned. Thus, the Board . . .
    revised Regulation Z . . . to settle the issue. The
    revised (and current) definition of 'credit sale' . . .
    should have resolved the debate in favor of the RTO
    industry because the heart of an RTO contract is its
    provision for the consumer to return the property at
    any time without further payment. Several courts have
    since held that the regulation does indeed end the
    Nehf, Rent-to-Own Contracts, 
    52 Ohio St. L
    . J. at 766.      While
    Ortiz argues that the Board's interpretation is presumptively
    unreasonable because it does not have the effect of protecting
    consumers, we find no authority for the proposition that the
    Board must decide every conceivable question, even detailed and
    technical ones, in favor of expanding the scope of the TILA.
    Rather, the Board has broad discretion to draw the lines
    necessary to effectuate the act.       We therefore cannot say that
    the Board's adoption of one of two plausible interpretations of
    the gap in the statute is demonstrably irrational.
    Ortiz relies on Clark v. Rent-It Corp., 
    685 F.2d 245
    Cir. 1982), cert. denied, 
    459 U.S. 1225
    103 S. Ct. 1232
    but that case does not help her.       Although it adopted a reading
    of the statute consistent with her contentions, the contract
    addressed in that case arose prior to the effective date of the
    1981 amendment of Regulation Z.    Thus, the court did not discuss
    either the amended regulation or the deference due the Board.         As
    such, Clark is simply one of a number of pre-amendment Regulation
    Z cases that reached varying results without the benefit of the
    Board's formal view.
    In view of our conclusion that we should defer to the
    regulation, we next determine whether the contract at issue is
    "terminable without penalty at any time by the consumer."
    In this regard, the facts as Ortiz presents them show that if she
    wanted to terminate the lease, she only had to return the
    furniture.   At that point she would not forfeit a deposit to
    which she had title or claim, be obliged to pay any additional
    charges, or be subject to legal action for a recovery of the
    remaining rental payments.     Accordingly, she could terminate the
    lease without penalty.
    Ortiz seeks to avoid this conclusion by contending that with
    each payment on the lease she developed an equity in the
    furniture which she would lose on its return which loss she
    characterizes as a penalty.3    She finds support for this
    proposition in an unpublished opinion of the New Jersey Superior
    Court, Green v. Continental Rentals, No. L 3182-90 (N.J. Super.
    Ct. Law Div. Mar. 25, 1994).
    To adopt Ortiz' argument would be to allow the exception to
    swallow the rule.   If payments made pursuant to a rent-to-own
    contract are considered "forfeited equity" should the lessee
    Actually, she contends that the penalties include "a forfeiture
    of money paid, a forfeiture of equity accrued in the goods, a
    forfeiture of the goods, and forfeiture of [her] option to
    purchase the goods." Brief at 20. The first three so-called
    penalties are the same thing and we do not regard the last as a
    penalty any more than surrendering possession of the furniture is
    a penalty.
    return the furniture, virtually every rent-to-own contract would
    fall within the purview of the statute.   That, in turn, would
    render the distinctions drawn by the Board's Regulation Z
    essentially meaningless.   As Nehf points out, after examining the
    history behind Regulation Z in detail:
    If a broader notion of penalty were accepted, the only
    lease-purchase agreements that would not be deemed
    credit sales would be those in which equity is never
    created, i.e., leases in which the remaining price to
    be paid for obtaining ownership is at all times equal
    to or greater than the fair market value of the goods.
    As a practical matter, such an interpretation would
    require that, to be exempt from TILA, a terminable
    lease could not transfer ownership unless the dealer
    charged a final payment approximating the product's
    then-fair market value. This view is difficult to
    justify under the statute because it would render part
    of the definition of credit sale superfluous. Both the
    statute and Regulation Z provide that a lease is a
    credit sale only if the lessee becomes the owner of the
    leased goods for nominal consideration at the end of
    the agreement. An option purchase price approximating
    fair market value is generally considered to be more
    than nominal, and all leases, even long-term obligation
    leases, containing such options are generally held not
    to be credit sales. Thus, an RTO contract with a fair
    market value purchase option would be exempt from TILA
    in any event, irrespective of its terminability, and
    TILA's 'contracts to pay' clause, as well as the
    Board's 'penalty' language in revised Regulation Z,
    would add little, if anything, to the definition.
    Nehf, Rent-to-Own-Contracts, 
    52 Ohio St. L
    .J. at 768 (footnotes
    Additionally, as one court has explained, "[a]lthough the
    renters may have an economic incentive to make the number of
    rental payments necessary to acquire ownership of the goods, the
    agreements provide them the right to terminate at any time."     In
    re Hanley, 
    135 B.R. 311
    , 313 n.1 (C.D. Ill. 1990).   Thus, "[t]he
    contractual right to terminate precludes a finding that rent-to-
    own agreements are truly sales with a forfeiture of the property
    upon termination of payments."    
    Id. We find
    the Hanley court's
    analysis persuasive.   Regulation Z can have meaning only if the
    term "penalty" is construed to refer to additional charges
    imposed upon termination of the agreement.    In this case there
    are no additional charges.   Therefore, in spite of our sympathy
    for Ortiz's predicament, we hold that the equity Ortiz
    "forfeited" by failing to continue making rental payments is not
    a penalty for TILA purposes.4
    For the foregoing reasons we will affirm the judgment
    entered January 11, 1995.
    Ortiz also argues that her contract is not terminable at any
    time as it could be terminated only "at the end of a rental
    cycle." Brief at 8. The contract, however, does provide that
    the lessee may at her option "at any time terminate this
    agreement, without further obligation or penalty," by returning
    the property and making all payments due under the lease to that
    point. Of course, inasmuch as rent is payable in advance,
    ordinarily a lessee desiring to terminate a lease would be wise
    to do so at the end of a rental cycle. Nevertheless, the lease
    is terminable at any time and the possibility that a lessee will
    not retain the use of the property for a period for which she had
    paid rent is no more a penalty than her surrender of her "equity"
    in the furniture.