Whittle v. Local 641 ( 1995 )

  •                                                                                                                            Opinions of the United
    1995 Decisions                                                                                                             States Court of Appeals
    for the Third Circuit
    Whittle v Local 641
    Precedential or Non-Precedential:
    Docket 94-5334
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    No. 94-5334
    (D.C. Civil No. 91-04235)
    Argued January 12, 1995
    Before:   COWEN, NYGAARD and ALITO, Circuit Judges
    (Opinion Filed    April 17, l995)
    Craner, Nelson, Satkin & Scheer
    320 Park Avenue
    P.O. Box 367
    Scotch Plains, NJ 07076
    Attorney for Appellants
    Kroll & Gaechter
    25 Pompton Avenue
    Suite 309
    Verona, NJ 07044
    Attorney for Appellee Local 641
    Cohen, Shapiro, Polisher, Shiekman & Cohen
    12 South 12th Street
    2200 PSFS Building
    Philadelphia, PA 19107
    Attorney for Appellee Yellow Freight
    NYGAARD, Circuit Judge.
    Plaintiffs Michael J. Whittle and James Calandrillo
    appeal from the summary judgment granted to the defendants in
    this action under § 301 of the Labor Management Relations Act, 29
    U.S.C. § 185.   The district court held that plaintiff-appellants'
    hybrid duty of fair representation claim was time-barred.     We
    will reverse.
    This case involves a seniority dispute brought about
    when defendant Yellow Freight System, Inc. began to reorganize
    its New Jersey terminal operations.     Appellants were originally
    hired to work in Yellow's Carlstadt terminal, where they were
    represented by Teamsters Local 641.     Later, Yellow opened its
    Little Falls terminal, staffing it with employees from Carlstadt
    and another terminal in Rockaway.      Positions at Little Falls were
    filled in accordance with the change of operations procedure
    contained in the National Master Freight Agreement, which
    provides for staffing new terminals on the basis of seniority.
    Appellants wished to follow the work and transfer to
    the Little Falls terminal, believing that their employment
    opportunities would be greater at the new facility.
    Unfortunately, they did not have sufficient seniority to bid for
    jobs at Little Falls.     They approached the union's business
    agent, John Barnes, requesting that he help arrange a transfer.
    Barnes discussed the matter with company representative Jack
    Hall, who initially expressed reservations about allowing
    appellants to transfer, believing that it might eventually lead
    to a seniority dispute.   Nevertheless, Yellow did allow
    appellants to transfer to Little Falls, on condition that they
    execute an agreement, under which the appellants would retain
    their company seniority for noncompetitive benefits such as
    health insurance and the pension plan but would be assigned a new
    terminal seniority date for the allocation of all benefits for
    which workers compete, such as assignment of work.
    This arrangement apparently worked satisfactorily until
    Yellow opened another terminal in Pine Brook, New Jersey and
    closed its Little Falls facility.   Yellow planned to staff the
    Pine Brook terminal with employees from Little Falls and
    Rockaway, and this evidently made appellants apprehensive about
    their seniority vis-a-vis the Rockaway employees.    They met with
    Barnes and inquired whether their full seniority would be
    restored after the move to Pine Brook.   Barnes offered no
    comfort, however, taking the position that the agreement
    appellants signed in 1988 worked a permanent forfeiture of their
    Carlstadt seniority.
    Although appellants knew that employees from Rockaway
    with less company seniority had been placed higher on the Pine
    Brook competitive seniority list [app. 122],1 they waited until
    December 7, 1990 before grieving [app. 141].   Barnes then brought
    1Appellants assert on appeal that they noticed for the first
    time in December 1990 that the Rockaway employees had greater
    competitive seniority. They have provided no citation to the
    record to support their assertion, hence we will disregard it.
    the matter to arbitration.    On March 26, 1991, the Joint Local
    Committee of North Jersey held a hearing, at which Barnes merely
    explained to the Committee "exactly how everything happened"
    regarding the seniority and transfers.    Appellants were present
    at the hearing, but did not dispute or add to anything Barnes
    said.    Although the grievance was not filed until eleven months
    after appellants' January 2, 1990 transfer to Pine Brook, Yellow
    never asserted at the hearing that the grievance was untimely.
    The Committee ruled against appellants the day of the hearing,
    mailing a written confirmation on May 2, 1991.
    On September 25, 1991, appellants filed this hybrid
    suit under § 301 of the Labor Management Relations Act, 29 U.S.C.
    § 185.    They alleged that Yellow's action with respect to their
    seniority violated the collective bargaining agreement and that
    Local 641's failure to prosecute their cause vigorously before
    the Joint Local Committee breached the union's duty of fair
    The district court granted summary judgment to
    appellees, holding that appellants' suit was time-barred.    After
    concluding that their cause of action accrued on January 2, 1990,
    it reasoned that appellants' failure to file either a grievance
    or a legal action within six months of that date made their
    federal suit untimely.    Relying on Benson v. General Motors
    716 F.2d 862
    (11th Cir. 1983), the court held that the
    limitations period begins to run when the employee knew or should
    have known of the loss of seniority.   We disagree.
    For limitation of actions, a cause accrues when it is
    sufficiently ripe that one can maintain suit on it.   Skyberg v.
    United Food & Commercial Workers Int'l Union, 
    5 F.3d 297
    , 301
    (8th Cir. 1993) (quoting Santos v. District Council of United
    Bhd. of Carpenters, 
    619 F.2d 963
    , 968-69 (2d Cir. 1980)); City of
    Philadelphia v. Lead Indus. Ass'n, 
    994 F.2d 112
    , 121 (3d Cir.
    1993); Ghartey v. St. John's Queens Hosp., 
    869 F.2d 160
    , 163 (2d
    Cir. 1989).   Accordingly, the six-month limitations period for
    this action could have run only if appellants were entitled to
    file their suit on January 2, 1990.
    The Benson plaintiffs agreed to cede their existing
    seniority in exchange for "preferential consideration" at another
    General Motors plant.   They transferred to the other facility,
    but received no preferential treatment and were soon laid off.
    They then filed a hybrid suit against their employer and their
    union.   Because the collective bargaining agreement required that
    seniority lists be posted, the Eleventh Circuit Court of Appeals
    held that the limitations period started to run as soon as the
    list was posted and the employees knew they had lost 
    seniority. 716 F.2d at 864
    .   Significantly, however, the seniority dispute
    in Benson was neither grieved nor arbitrated, because both
    parties took the position that the matter was not arbitrable.
    See Benson v. General Motors Corp., 
    539 F. Supp. 55
    , 56 (N.D.
    Ala. 1981), vacated, 
    716 F.2d 862
    (11th Cir. 1983).
    When a grievance procedure does apply, the employee-
    plaintiff is required to at least attempt to exhaust his or her
    remedies under that procedure before a § 301 suit can be filed
    against the employer.   DelCostello v. International Bhd. of
    462 U.S. 151
    , 163, 
    103 S. Ct. 2281
    , 2290 (1983);
    Republic Steel Corp. v. Maddox, 
    379 U.S. 650
    , 652, 
    85 S. Ct. 614
    616 (1965).   Here, the union did not arbitrarily refuse to press
    appellants' grievance, but pursued it to arbitration, which the
    employees lost.   Hence, there was no way for the employees to
    know whether they suffered any loss from the union's alleged
    breach until the arbitration decision was issued.     It is possible
    that appellants could have won the arbitration, even if the
    union's zeal fell below the horizon of fair representation owed
    appellants.   See Lucas v. Mountain States Tel. & Tel., 
    909 F.2d 419
    , 421 (10th Cir. 1990) (per curiam); 
    Ghartey, 869 F.2d at 163
    Here, appellants' claim accrued when the adverse arbitration
    decision was reached.   See Childs v. Pennsylvania Fed'n Bhd. of
    Maintenance of Way Employees, 
    831 F.2d 429
    , 436 (3d Cir. 1987)
    (Railway Labor Act); Hayes v. Reynolds Metals Co., 
    769 F.2d 1520
    1522-23 & n.3 (11th Cir. 1985); cf. Vadino v. A. Valey Eng'rs,
    903 F.2d 253
    , 261 (3d Cir. 1990) ("Allowing the section 301 claim
    to be tolled until the unfair representation claim also accrues
    is consistent with the congressional goal of resolving labor
    disputes in the first instance through the collectively bargained
    grievance procedure. . . .").
    In Hayes, bargaining unit employees voted to combine
    two job classifications and, as a result, plaintiff was laid off.
    He pursued his grievance through the preliminary stages of the
    grievance procedure, then later requested the union to take the
    matter to arbitration.    Three months after his layoff, the union
    voted not to arbitrate plaintiff's 
    grievance. 769 F.2d at 1521
    The district court held that appellant's § 301 suit accrued
    either "when the merger of the seniority rosters became effective
    and certainly no later than plaintiff's termination[,]" noting
    that the seniority lists had been posted on or before his layoff.
    Id. at 1522.
       The Court of Appeals reversed, holding that the
    limitations period began to run on the day the union notified
    plaintiff it would not arbitrate.    
    Id. The court
    its earlier decision in Benson by pointing out that in Benson
    there was no applicable grievance procedure.    
    Id. at 1523
    We conclude that appellants' cause of action accrued no
    earlier than March 26, 1991, the date of the adverse arbitration
    decision.   Because their complaint was filed on September 25,
    1991, it was timely.
    That brings us to the effect appellants' delay in
    filing the grievance should have on timeliness.    Initially, we
    note that there is some question which contractual limitation
    period applies to grievances challenging seniority lists.
    Article 5, section 4 of the National Master Freight Agreement
    contains a thirty-day limitation, while article 44, section 2
    contains only a ten-day limitation.    We will assume, without
    deciding, that the ten-day period applied.
    The parties here arbitrated their dispute on the
    merits, and neither raised the issue of timeliness before the
    arbitrator.   Timeliness, of course, is a procedural issue, and in
    an arbitration proceeding procedural issues are for the
    arbitrator to decide.   See John Wiley & Sons, Inc. v. Livingston,
    376 U.S. 543
    , 557, 
    84 S. Ct. 909
    , 918 (1964); Troy Chem. Corp. v.
    Teamsters Union Local No. 408, 
    37 F.3d 123
    , 126-27 (3d Cir. 1994)
    (applying Association of Flight Attendants v. USAir, Inc., 
    960 F.2d 345
    , 349 (3d Cir. 1992)).   Neither party cites, nor have we
    found a case specifically dealing with objections based on
    timeliness.   Nonetheless, failing to raise a defense before the
    arbitrator generally results in a waiver of the defense, the
    rationale being that it would be unfair to allow a party to take
    a case through arbitration, then repudiate the award based on
    defenses not raised in that forum.    See Teamsters Local Union No.
    764 v. J.H. Merritt & Co., 
    770 F.2d 40
    , 42-43 (3d Cir. 1985);
    United Steelworkers Local 1913 v. Union R.R. Co., 
    648 F.2d 905
    913 (3d Cir. 1981); Amalgamated Meat Cutters Local 195 v. Cross
    Bros. Meat Packers, Inc., 
    518 F.2d 1113
    , 1121 n.19 (3d Cir.
    1975);   Lodge No. 75, Int'l Ass'n of Machinists v. Mooney
    Aircraft Inc., 
    410 F.2d 681
    , 683 (5th Cir. 1969).
    In Mooney, for example, the collective bargaining
    agreement required the arbitrator to reach a decision within
    three days of a grievance hearing.      Notwithstanding that, the
    arbitrator handed down its decision forty-four days after a
    hearing and, the losing party filed a § 301 suit.      The Fifth
    Circuit Court of Appeals held that, by not objecting to the delay
    immediately after the three-day period, the losing party waived
    the issue.    Likewise, if the appellees in this case believed that
    appellants' grievance was untimely, it was incumbent upon them to
    object in the arbitration, rather than arguing it now.      In sum,
    the employees' failure to file a timely grievance has no bearing
    on the timeliness of their § 301 suit.
    Because the district court erred when it found
    appellants' suit to be time-barred, we will reverse its judgment
    and remand the cause for proceedings on the merits.

Document Info

Docket Number: 94-5334

Filed Date: 4/17/1995

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 10/13/2015

Authorities (18)

Benson v. General Motors Corp. , 539 F. Supp. 55 ( 1981 )

Richard W. Lucas v. Mountain States Telephone & Telegraph ... , 909 F.2d 419 ( 1990 )

No. 84-7366 , 769 F.2d 1520 ( 1985 )

harold-e-benson-v-general-motors-corporation-a-corporation-and-the , 716 F.2d 862 ( 1983 )

frank-santos-carl-gurrieri-and-mario-vozzo-each-of-them-individually-and , 619 F.2d 963 ( 1980 )

justina-ghartey-v-st-johns-queens-hospital-local-1199-drug-hospital , 869 F.2d 160 ( 1989 )

Amalgamated Meat Cutters & Butcher Workmen of North America,... , 518 F.2d 1113 ( 1975 )

Teamsters Local Union No. 764 v. J.H. Merritt and Company , 770 F.2d 40 ( 1985 )

Troy Chemical Corporation v. Teamsters Union Local No. 408 , 37 F.3d 123 ( 1994 )

Association of Flight Attendants, Afl-Cio v. Usair, Inc , 960 F.2d 345 ( 1992 )

Louis Vadino v. A. Valey Engineers , 903 F.2d 253 ( 1990 )

United Steelworkers of America Local 1913 And/or Sam Godich ... , 648 F.2d 905 ( 1981 )

Reginald Childs v. Pennsylvania Federation Brotherhood of ... , 831 F.2d 429 ( 1987 )

city-of-philadelphia-and-philadelphia-housing-authority-v-lead-industries , 994 F.2d 112 ( 1993 )

Lodge No. 725, International Association of MacHinists v. ... , 410 F.2d 681 ( 1969 )

John Wiley & Sons, Inc. v. Livingston , 84 S. Ct. 909 ( 1964 )

Republic Steel Corp. v. Maddox , 85 S. Ct. 614 ( 1965 )

DelCostello v. International Brotherhood of Teamsters , 103 S. Ct. 2281 ( 1983 )

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