Versa v. Bifold Company ( 1995 )

  •                                                                                                                            Opinions of the United
    1995 Decisions                                                                                                             States Court of Appeals
    for the Third Circuit
    Versa v Bifold Company
    Precedential or Non-Precedential:
    Docket 94-5064
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    NO. 94-5064
    On Appeal From the United States District Court
    For the District of New Jersey
    (D.C. Civ. No. 93-cv-02734)
    Argued: May 12, 1994
    Before: BECKER and LEWIS, Circuit Judges, and
    POLLAK, District Judge.*
    (Filed   February 15, 1995)
    Cooper & Dunham
    1185 Avenue of the Americas
    New York, NY 10036
    Sills, Cummis, Zuckerman, Radin
    Tischman, Epstein & Gross, P.A.
    One Riverfront Plaza
    Newark, NJ 07102-5400
    Attorneys for Appellant
    *.    The Honorable Louis H. Pollak, United States District
    Judge for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, sitting by
    Sharkey & Campisi
    188 Eagle Rock Avenue
    P.O. Box 419
    Roseland, NJ 07068
    Attorneys for Appellee
    BECKER, Circuit Judge.
    This is a trade dress infringement action in which plaintiff
    Versa Products Company, Inc. ("Versa") contends that defendant
    Bifold    Company   (Manufacturing)   Ltd.   ("Bifold")    infringed   the
    trade dress of Versa's B-316 directional control valve, a device
    commonly used in control panels of offshore oil-drilling rigs to
    facilitate emergency shutdowns, by marketing its Domino Junior
    valve, which Versa maintains copies the product configuration of
    the B-316.1      The action was brought under section 43(a) of the
    Lanham Act, 15 U.S.C. § 1125(a) (West Supp. 1994), New Jersey's
    Unfair Competition Law, 56 N.J.S.A. § 4-1 to -2 (1989), and New
    Jersey's common law of unfair competition.          Following a bench
    trial the district court found that the trade dress of Versa's
    valves     had    met   the   nonfunctionality    and     distinctiveness
    requirements of our trade dress jurisprudence, and that there was
    .    As in Duraco Products, Inc. v. Joy Plastic Enterprises,
    40 F.3d 1431
    , 1439 (3d Cir. 1994), "we will employ the
    designation `product configuration' to refer to trade dress
    alleged in the product itself, whether in a specific feature or
    in some combination or arrangement of features, and to
    distinguish that type of trade dress from `product packaging.'"
    a   likelihood     of   confusion    of   the   sources   of   Bifold's     Domino
    Junior and Versa's B-316 valves.            Accordingly, the court entered
    a permanent injunction against Bifold, precluding it from selling
    its Domino Junior valve (in its present form) anywhere in the
    United    States.       Bifold   appeals    all   aspects      of   the   district
    court's rulings.
    We need not reach the nonfunctionality and distinctiveness
    questions because the appeal may be disposed of on the likelihood
    of confusion issue, in connection with which we are called upon
    to determine whether the jurisprudence that lowers the standard
    to a "possibility of confusion" where the alleged infringer is a
    "second comer" applies in the trade dress product configuration
    context.     We also must explicate the elements of the confusion
    standard in this context.           We conclude that the lowered standard
    (applied by the district court) does not apply and that some but
    not all of the "Scott factors," see Scott Paper Co. v. Scott's
    Liquid Gold, Inc., 
    589 F.2d 1225
    (3d Cir. 1978), are pertinent,
    because     of     policy    considerations        applicable       in     product
    configuration cases.        Applying this approach we conclude that the
    district court's finding of a likelihood of confusion is clearly
    erroneous.       We will, therefore, reverse the order of the district
    court and vacate the permanent injunction.
    Versa, a New Jersey corporation with subsidiaries abroad,
    designs   and   manufactures          pneumatic   and      hydraulic   directional
    control valves.       Bifold, an English corporation, competes with
    Versa and markets a line of control valves and related products
    and services to the offshore oil industry.                    Versa alleges that
    Bifold has engaged in unfair competition in its marketing of the
    Domino Junior -- a valve manufactured by Bifold and adapted to
    the   harsh   offshore   oil     and     petrochemical       environments   --   by
    copying the trade dress, i.e., the distinctive appearance, of the
    product configuration of Versa's B-316 valve.
    The most significant feature of valves designed for offshore
    applications    is    their     stainless      steel       composition,   used   to
    withstand the corrosive effects of salt air and sour gas fumes.
    In offshore drilling platforms these valves are typically aligned
    in small control panels containing up to fifty modular valve
    bodies with a standard configuration but which, by attaching one
    of various actuators and making minor adjustments, may be adapted
    to a variety of applications.             The panel design engineers devise
    the functional specifications of panels around the capacities of
    particular valves, selecting valves based on their functionality,
    reliability, availability, and price.               The valves themselves are
    not visible from the front of a control panel when installed;
    only knobs, buttons, and status indicator actuators protrude.
    A.    Versa's B-316 Valve
    Versa began producing brass valves (its "V" series) in 1949.
    Versa dresses the series, consisting at present of an entire line
    of valves well known in the industry, with contoured lines and
    shaping that the district court found "form a distinctive product
    appearance that has been associated with Versa for decades."          In
    the late 1970's Versa designed the B-316 line of stainless steel
    valves,   the   subject     of   this   litigation.    Versa   initially
    fashioned them of stainless steel bar stock, and the valves were
    plain and unadorned.        Because of the waste of valuable metal
    associated with the machining process and the substantial manual
    labor needed to drill each valve individually, Versa converted to
    a cast version of the valve as soon as sales levels justified the
    substantial economic investment in a casting mold.
    The two versions of the valve serve the same function and
    are interchangeable.        Versa deliberately set about to give the
    cast version of the B-316 the "Versa look," that is, to have it
    resemble in appearance the V-series of Versa valves.             FF 41.
    Versa's desire to have the valve be clearly associated with Versa
    in the market was a primary impetus for its election to manu-
    facture the cast version of the B-316.
    The modular B-316 valve is comprised of a valve body and,
    optionally, one or more attached actuators used to manipulate the
    moving parts in the valve body.         The valve is a three-way valve,
    meaning that it has three ports or openings (for the ingress or
    egress of gas or fluid), which are threaded to ¼" NPT, a national
    standard and industry requirement.           The ports open into an inner
    chamber in the valve body, which houses a spool moved by an
    actuator (such as a button, knob, or electronically controlled
    solenoid actuator) to open or close the port, controlling fluid
    The configuration and function of the actuators provided
    with a valve are driven by customer demand; however, the use of
    certain    actuators   (most   of    which   Versa   purchases   from   other
    vendors) is standard with the B-316.              Versa has used the same
    knob actuator for 40 years, although many others are available.
    It also uses a particular status indicator, which indicates the
    valve's position; a particular button actuator, which is shrouded
    to prevent accidental actuation; a self-produced manual latch,
    which locks the valve spool in the open or closed position; and a
    self-produced pilot actuator, which responds to pressure in an
    attached fluid line to control the spool's position.
    Located at each end of a valve is a flange, both of which
    serve as faces to mount the actuators and to provide a flat
    surface for attachment to the control panels; holes are drilled
    into the flanges to allow the actuators to be securely mounted.
    A longitudinal top rib runs along the top of the valve body to
    allow     customers    to   attach     solenoid      (computer   controlled)
    actuators, to provide strength, and to serve as a casting gate
    (an opening in the casting mold through which the molten metal is
    poured).     A smaller bottom rib was added to provide parallelism
    in the product's appearance and to assist in the casting process.
    Finally, the valve has three mounting holes which are positioned
    to provide stable mounting to a panel or other flat surface.
    Each aspect of the valve serves a specific function essential to
    the valve's operation, cost, performance, or ease of manufacture.
    The   design      of    each   actuator      is   functional.         Functionality
    dictates    the    overall      cast   design,    but    does   not     dictate   its
    external appearance.
    The   B-316       valve's     mold   imprints   the   manufacturer's        name
    ("VERSA")    and       place   of   origin   ("N.J.     U.S.A.")   on    the   valve.
    Versa also stamps a date code and rivets a metal label displaying
    the Versa name, logo, and part number onto the valve.                           Versa
    currently dominates the United States market for stainless steel
    valves.     Aside from Bifold, only Versa sells cast stainless steel
    valves; other competitors use a cylindrical bar stock.
    B.    Bifold's DOMINO JUNIOR Series Valve
    As part of Bifold's continuing efforts to expand its product
    line, in 1985 it introduced the Domino series modular valves.
    Although    originally     machined       from   standard    bar    stock    (like
    Versa's B-316), the Domino valves became sufficiently successful
    to warrant the investment needed to design a cast version.                      An
    outside casting company designed the cast version of the Domino;
    Bifold had no involvement in the process.                   Like a B-316, the
    Domino valve has three cylindrical ports, a top rib for housing a
    solenoid feed, flanges, and a range of actuators.
    Because the Domino was too large for many of its customers'
    needs, however, Bifold designed the "Domino Junior" modular valve
    in 1990, producing it at first from bar stock.2                    In late 1991,
    eight years after the cast version of the B-316 became available,
    Bifold introduced its cast version of the Domino Junior.                    Bifold
    at the time erroneously believed that Versa had a "monopoly" on
    the wellhead control panel valve market, and created the cast
    version of the Domino Junior to "bury Versa."
    Bifold   was   aware   of   the    B-316's   appearance      and    design
    features because it had seen the product at various trade shows.
    The district court did not credit Bifold's claims that it de-
    signed the Domino Junior as a scaled down version of the Domino
    .    A fact-finding inconsistent with the tenor of the ones
    described here is that "Bifold used the Domino Junior bar stock
    valve as an excuse to justify its look-alike cast version of the
    Domino Junior product."
    and that it did not copy the B-316.3                   It found instead that,
    before and during its design of the Domino Junior cast mold,
    Bifold examined and largely copied Versa's B-316 valve, a sample
    of which it had obtained through its agent in Denmark.                          For
    example, the court found that Bifold, which regularly uses metric
    sizes in its valves, took measurements from the B-316 and used a
    metric conversion of the B-316's imperial standard size.                     Bifold
    also sent a cast B-316 valve to Manchester Tool Services, which
    it selected to be the manufacturer of the cast version of the
    Domino Junior, as a model for the cast version of the Domino
    Junior.         The two valves (the B-316 and the Domino Junior) are
    not, however, interchangeable in the field, and "replacing a
    Versa B-316 cast valve with a Bifold Domino Junior cast valve in
    an existing control panel could be problematic."
    The   district      court   also   found    that   Bifold   lacked    the
    expertise to design the cast version of the Domino Junior, had
    presented misleading testimony about who produced a prototype
    drawing of the Domino Junior, and had backdated documents to
    create the false appearance that it had designed the valve.                    The
    court found that BSA Precision Castings, Ltd. ("BSA"), which had
    designed the cast version of the Domino valve, was involved in
    the       design   of   the   cast    version   of   the   Domino   Junior   valve.
    During the time that BSA participated in the design of the cast
    version of the Domino Junior, it had in its possession drawings
    .         It also did not credit the claims of Bifold's experts.
    and castings of the B-316's major components, as well as Versa's
    actuators.       BSA had obtained the drawings, actuators, and actual
    samples of valve components from Versa three years earlier when
    it had provided Versa with a quote for the casting of the B-316.
    The court found that BSA used this data to design a casting of
    the Domino Junior valve as a look-alike of the Versa B-316,
    despite    the    fact    that   Bifold          had   asked   BSA    to    give   "due
    consideration to the appearance of the larger Domino valves."
    Although the Domino Junior and B-316 do, in fact, look quite
    similar, the district court described a number of differences
    between    the    two    manufacturers'          valves.       Because     the   Domino
    Junior's ports extend outward from the valve body, whereas the B-
    316's ports are flush with the valve body, the Domino Junior is
    slightly wider than the B-316.                  The Domino Junior ports' threads
    have metric dimensions.          The Domino Junior is made of more metal
    and weighs about thirty percent more than the B-316.                        The stroke
    -- the distance an actuator must move the internal spool to
    switch the valve's ports -- also differs from that of the B-316.
    Because Bifold electroplates its valves, the Domino Junior body
    has a duller finish than the B-316.                    The Domino Junior also has
    thicker    flanges      and   ribs       than   does   the   B-316.        The   valves'
    mounting holes have different centers.                       Bifold purchases its
    status indicators from a different company than Versa uses, and
    these     indicators      have       a    different      size,    appearance,       and
    configuration from Versa's.               Like Versa, Bifold produces its own
    manual latch, but makes it out of two cast pieces and gives it
    rounded edges, whereas Versa uses a single piece of rectangular
    bar stock material.
    The Domino Junior valves are "block-before-bleed" (meaning
    fluid flow is completely blocked during the moment required to
    change states when the valve is activated), whereas the B-316
    includes that feature only as an option.                   The Domino Junior ports
    are universal (meaning that any port can be an inlet or an outlet
    port), though Bifold customizes each valve as either normally
    open or normally closed; in contrast, Versa offers universal
    application only as an option.             Like Versa, Bifold casts its name
    into the Domino Junior's valve body and bolts onto it a metal
    label prominently displaying the Bifold name.
    Despite   all     these    differences,      the    court   concluded     that
    "[t]he Bifold Domino Junior valve and actuators are virtually
    identical in external design and visual appearance to the Versa
    B-316     valve."          It     found    an    identity      in     general    body
    configuration,       body     length,     flanges,    distance      between     ports,
    valve mounting holes, actuator mounting holes, ribs, spring cap
    (which returns the spool back to its original position), buttons,
    button caps, status indicators, knobs, manual latching pins, and
    pilot    caps.      The    valve      bodies,   buttons,     button   caps,     knobs,
    status indicators, and manual latching mechanism used by other
    competitors in the industry look quite different from both the
    Domino    Junior's      and     the   B-316's.       The    court   discounted     the
    dissimilarity of the solenoid actuators attached to the valve
    bodies    by   Versa    and   Bifold     because    only    a   small    portion      of
    Versa's B-316 valves sold include solenoid actuators.
    C.     Marketing and Sales of the Valves
    In order to determine whether Bifold had engaged in unfair
    competition with Versa, the district court considered whether
    consumers      were    likely    to     confuse     the    sources      of    the   two
    companies' valves in light of the ways in which the two valves
    are marketed and sold.           The court found that valves of this sort
    are not sold off the shelf or selected on sight.                        Rather, both
    manufacturers         sell      their     valves      based       on         functional
    specifications        detailed    in    schematic    diagrams,       manufacturers'
    catalogs, or specification sheets and samples available at trade
    shows and sales presentations.            The valves are selected by multi-
    digit part numbers identifying the particular variation desired.
    The     purchasers      and     users    of   the     valves     are         qualified,
    knowledgeable persons who comprehend the installation and use of
    the valves.       They typically prepare specifications designating
    which manufacturer's valve they prefer to use in their system
    before placing the order.
    Versa,    the    more   established     manufacturer,       has        sold   over
    100,000 B-316 valves, and is currently selling over 16,000 per
    year.    This gives it a fifty to fifty-five percent market share
    of valves sold for use in emergency shutdown systems in the
    United States.         Bifold has only recently begun marketing its
    Domino Junior valve in the United States, and immediately stopped
    its efforts to open the United States market pending the outcome
    of this litigation.
    Versa and its B-316 valve have an excellent reputation for
    producing a high quality product.             This quality level is very
    important    in    emergency     shutdown    offshore      drilling,     for   the
    failure of a valve could cause loss of human life and property as
    well   as   severe    environmental       damage.       Versa    has   therefore
    subjected its B-316 valve to rigorous quality control tests, and
    the valve has performed faithfully in the field.
    The district court found that, because of the availability
    and outstanding reputation of the B-316 cast valve for over ten
    years, the overall appearance and contours of the B-316 have come
    to distinguish the valve as Versa's (in the industry and to
    Versa's customers), with the valve body constituting the most
    defining    aspect    of   the    Versa     look.      The   valve's      overall
    appearance assists Versa in marketing its product, and Versa
    features this appearance widely in trade journals, catalogues,
    brochures, bulletins, trade shows, and sales exhibitions.                      The
    court also found that Versa deliberately created the B-316's
    distinctive       appearance     (contrasting       with   the   other     valves
    available in the market at the time) to identify the valve in the
    market as a Versa product.
    The district court found that Bifold hired Versa's former
    regional marketing manager of six years, James Carr, III, to sell
    its new Domino Junior valve.             Carr sells both Versa and Bifold
    valves,    sometimes   to    the    same   customers.         To   solicit   Domino
    Junior sales in early 1993, Carr approached Gordon Fraleigh, an
    employee of the Fraleigh Company, which for years had sold Versa
    products     to    customers       in   the   petroleum       industry.       Carr
    represented to Fraleigh, whom he had known for many years, that
    Bifold had developed an "exact copy" of the B-316 which would
    "fit in perfect" as a substitute for the B-316, and inquired
    whether Fraleigh would like to distribute the Domino Junior.
    Thereupon,    Fraleigh      became      confused    as   to    the   relationship
    between    Versa    and     Bifold.        Bifold    has      also   contemplated
    contacting other Versa distributors to sell its valves.
    D.    Likelihood of Confusion
    Beyond the confusion on Fraleigh's part, the district court
    found that some, but not all, consumers of the B-316 valves are
    sophisticated, and that the likelihood of confusion as to the
    source of the Domino Junior is enhanced with respect to the
    unsophisticated      consumers.          This    finding     is   undercut      by   the
    district court's finding, 
    see supra
    p.12, that the purchasers are
    knowledgeable and understand the valves.                   We note, however, that
    these    findings    might    be   resolved       by     noting   that    the   latter
    finding assumes expansion of Versa's market.                  Indeed, the opinion
    later suggests that any unsophisticated consumers exist only as
    "potential new customers" in "untapped" markets, that is, that
    all the current customers are sophisticated.                  See Mem. Op. at 90.
    Because there will in those potential expansion markets be no
    likelihood of confusion based on the district court's theory
    (namely, that consumers familiar with Versa's trade dress will
    mistakenly believe Bifold is affiliated with Versa, see infra at
    68-74),    we    will   ignore     the    court's      "expansion"       finding     and
    consider only its finding that the purchasers are knowledgeable.
    In addition, one customer forwarded to Bifold a telefax
    initially addressed to Versa.            And Frank Vetter, a Vice President
    and   Chief     Operating    Officer     of     Versa,    testified      that   he   was
    advised of confusion of the products at trade shows.
    Because of the valves' "virtual identity in appearance" and
    the fact that Bifold has not sold products in the United States
    previously, the district court concluded that a Versa customer in
    the United States might reasonably assume that Versa and Bifold
    are related companies or that the Domino Junior is otherwise
    related to Versa.          However, since Bifold had sold only two valves
    in the United States, both to distributors, the court found there
    had been little opportunity for Versa to document instances of
    actual confusion.
    The district court noted at the outset that Section 43(a)
    provides a cause of action for unprivileged imitation of trade
    dress    --    defined         as   the   "overall       design     or     appearance      of    a
    product       or    its   packaging"         --    because     it   involves     actual         or
    potential      deception.            Trade     dress,     it   held,       consists    not      of
    individual         features,        but   of      the    overall     appearance       of     the
    product.           We   turn    then,     to      the   court's     more    specific    legal
    Recognizing       that       unpatented         functional       features     may       be
    freely copied regardless of any likelihood of confusion -- and
    Versa has not patented the design of its B-316 valve -- the
    district court first concluded that the trade dress of the B-316
    .    Subject matter jurisdiction was grounded in the federal
    question statute, 28 U.S.C.A. § 1331 (West 1993), since Versa's
    cause of action arises under Section 43(a) of the Lanham Act, 15
    U.S.C.A. § 1125(a) (West Supp. 1994). Personal jurisdiction was
    based on the defendant's consent. The court exercised
    supplemental jurisdiction over plaintiff's pendent state law
    was nonfunctional.         The court next concluded that the B-316's
    trade    dress     was     "inherently       distinctive,"5     or,   in     the
    alternative, possessed acquired distinctiveness because it had
    acquired   secondary       meaning.6     The    distinctiveness    finding   is
    problematic      because     the   district     court    evaluated    inherent
    distinctiveness using a legal standard that this court has since
    held to be improper.          See Duraco Prods., Inc. v. Joy Plastic
    Enters., Ltd., 
    40 F.3d 1431
    , 1441-42 (3rd Cir. 1994) (rejecting
    the trademark distinctiveness taxonomy as the measure of inherent
    distinctiveness for trade dress in product configurations).                  And
    although we can scarcely blame the district court, whose analysis
    of   functionality       largely   tracked     this   court's   various    legal
    formulations, its finding of nonfunctionality is also problematic
    in view of the conflicting formulations of functionality used, as
    .    The court concluded that the trade dress was inherently
    distinctive because it was "arbitrary," meaning it was "not
    dictated by functional considerations" (which appears to be the
    same standard that the court employed for its functionality
    .    "Secondary meaning" denotes that the purchasing public
    associates the design of the product with a particular source.
    Secondary meaning need be proven only if the product is not
    inherently distinctive. The court held that secondary meaning
    was established by the length and continuity of the plaintiff's
    use -- here, continuously for 10 years; by the strength of the
    buyers' mental associations -- here, purchasers associate the
    appearance of the B-316 with Versa; by the extent of sales and
    advertising -- here, Versa has sold tens of thousands of B-316
    valves and has advertised widely; and, most persuasively
    according to the district court, by the evidence of intentional
    outlined in the margin.7   Although we have misgivings about these
    two issues, it is the district court's third conclusion that
    forms the focus of our opinion today.
    .    The district court determined that a product feature is
    functional if and only if "it affects their purpose, action or
    performance, or the facility or economy of processing, handling
    or using them." Treating functionality as a matter for fact
    finding, the court placed the burden on Versa to show that "its
    trade dress serves no purpose except to identify Versa." But
    then it held that trade dress is functional only "if it is essen-
    tial to the use or purpose of the article or . . . affects the
    cost or quality of the article," that a design is "essential"
    "only if it is dictated by the functions to be performed," and
    that a design is "essential to [an item's] use" only if the
    particular design of the whole assembly is essential (internal
    quotation marks omitted, emphases supplied). The court's inquiry
    thus focused on the extent to which the design feature was
    related to the usefulness of the product. Then, setting forth
    yet a third standard, the court held that a product design is
    nonfunctional if, viewed as a whole, the design "primarily serves
    a legitimate trademark purpose -- identifying the source of the
    product -- . . . even though it might also serve functional
    purposes" (internal quotation marks omitted).
    The several standards for functionality described by the
    district court reflect varying articulations found in opinions of
    this court. Compare, e.g., Merchant & Evans, Inc. v. Roosevelt
    Bldg. Prods. 
    Co., 963 F.2d at 635
    ("`Proof of nonfunctionality
    generally requires a showing that the element of the product
    serves no purpose other than identification.'") (quoting SK&F,
    Co. v. Premo Pharmaceutical Lab., Inc., 
    625 F.2d 1055
    , 1063 (3d
    Cir. 1980)) with Merchant & Evans, 
    Inc., 963 F.2d at 634
    question is whether a particular feature of a product is
    substantially related to its value as a product or service, i.e.,
    if the feature is a part of the "function" served, or whether the
    primary value of a particular feature is the identification of
    the provider . . . .'") (quoting United States Golf Ass'n v. St.
    Andrews Sys., 
    749 F.2d 1028
    , 1033-34 (3d Cir. 1984)).
    The district court concluded that although a large number of
    the B-316's features were functional, their combination into a
    particular form was not. It found that the B-316 valves' overall
    design did not result from "significant cost and manufacturing
    considerations," and that if the appearance of the B-316 were
    altered, "nothing of substantial value in the product [would be]
    lost." In sum, the district court found that "[t]he appearance
    The district court held that to prevail on a trade dress
    infringement claim, a plaintiff must demonstrate a likelihood of
    confusion, but not actual confusion.   It held that Versa could do
    so here if it could show that an appreciable number of buyers are
    likely to become confused as to the origin of the Domino Junior
    valve.   Importantly, the court further held that the threshold
    for likelihood of confusion is lower when a newcomer (or "second
    comer") violates a long-established trade dress.
    The district court then seemed to apply the ten factors for
    likelihood of confusion that this court enumerated in Scott Paper
    Co. v. Scott's Liquid Gold, Inc., 
    589 F.2d 1225
    (3d Cir. 1978).
    See CL 57.   Under Scott, the threshold issue is the question of
    similarity of product appearances, and the court found that the
    Domino Junior's appearance was "virtually identical" to the B-
    of the Versa B-316 valve presents a particular combination and
    arrangement of design elements that are original to plaintiff's
    valve, that identify it as a valve of Versa . . . and that
    distinguish it from other valves. This arrangement of features
    is not required by the function of the valve itself and is
    entitled to protection." Pointing to other competing valves, the
    court found that Bifold could compete with Versa's B-316 without
    copying Versa's particular configuration.
    A party entering a market, the court continued, has a duty
    "to so name and dress his product as to avoid likelihood of users
    confusing it with the product of the first comer." Since, in its
    view, Bifold had overtly and intentionally copied Versa's trade
    dress in direct competition with Versa, the court concluded that
    Bifold had infringed Versa's trade dress and engaged in unfair
    competition. While Bifold could produce a valve with three ports
    with modular actuators and solenoid feeds, the court said, Bifold
    could not copy the particular, arbitrary combination and
    arrangement of design elements that identify and distinguish
    Versa valves.
    316's and hence that there was a likelihood of confusion.                     The
    district court reasoned that Bifold's clear designation on the
    product that it was the manufacturer, while relevant to Bifold's
    duty to take reasonable steps to prevent deception, was only one
    factor to be assessed in resolving the confusion issue.
    The district court found that "[a]n intent to copy trade
    dress and/or finding of copying by a junior user is often alone
    dispositive of a finding of likelihood of confusion," and that
    since Bifold had copied Versa's design there was a likelihood of
    confusion.       The   court    also   found    a   likelihood      of   confusion
    because    of   the    "competitive    proximity"      of     the   goods,   which
    "strongly favors a finding of confusion," since the court found
    that the Domino Junior can replace the B-316 at the point of
    conception of the panels.8
    Although the district court concluded that Versa was not
    entitled to damages because Bifold had only sold two of its
    valves     in   the    United   States,    it       granted    Versa     permanent
    injunctive relief on the ground that the company's good will was
    threatened by Bifold's attempt to reap the benefits of Versa's
    reputation (by basing the appearance of the Domino Junior on a
    .    The court additionally considered the "strength" of
    Versa's trade dress, evidence (albeit slim) of actual confusion,
    the method in which the valves are sold, and the labeling of
    Bifold's Domino Junior. Finally, the court also essentially held
    that New Jersey's Unfair Competition Law, 56 N.J.S.A. § 4-1 to -2
    (1989), and its common law of unfair competition parallel the
    unfair competition cause of action under Section 43(a), and hence
    that Versa prevailed on those causes of action as well.
    Versa product).      The court determined that the injunction had to
    cover not only the appearance of the article actually the subject
    of the lawsuit, but also all "confusingly similar" appearances.
    It   therefore     crafted    an   injunction    enjoining     Bifold     from
    manufacturing,     selling,    etc.,   any    cast   valve   which   "has   an
    external design and visual appearance confusingly similar to the
    cast Versa B-316 valve, described herein and shown in Exhibit A."
    Order and Injunction at 5.9
    The court then held Versa to be entitled to attorneys' fees.
    Recognizing      that   attorneys'     fees    can   be   awarded    to     the
    "prevailing party" only in "exceptional cases," the court found
    Bifold's deliberate and willful infringement to be exceptional.
    This appeal followed.         We have jurisdiction under 28 U.S.C. §
    .    The court concluded its opinion with the caveat that,
    should its injunction be overturned, "an alternate albeit less
    efficacious course can be considered," namely, attaching a metal
    label providing "made in England" and "not a Versa product" onto
    the Domino Junior. Mem. op. at 92 n.3.
    To obtain trade dress protection for the B-316 under section
    43(a) of the Lanham Act, Versa had to prove that (a) the design
    was non-functional, (b) the design was inherently distinctive or
    distinctive by virtue of having acquired secondary meaning, and
    (c) there was a likelihood of confusion.                See Two Pesos, Inc. v.
    Taco Cabana, Inc., 
    112 S. Ct. 2753
    , 2758 (1992).10                   As 
    discussed supra
    , the district court found that Versa had met each of these
    requirements, and it therefore permanently enjoined Bifold from
    copying    the     B-316's   trade     dress   and    ordered      Bifold    to     pay
    attorney's fees.          We limit our discussion to the final element
    Versa     needed    to    establish    to     prevail    on   its    trade     dress
    infringement claim -- the likelihood of consumer confusion as to
    the source of Bifold's Domino Junior.
    Such    consumer      confusion    is,    of   course,   at    the     heart   of
    trademark law.           See, e.g., Freixenet, S.A. v. Admiral Wine &
    Liquor Co., 
    731 F.2d 148
    , 151 (3d Cir. 1984).                       Likelihood of
    confusion is a factual matter, subject to review for clear error,
    see Ciba-Geigy Corp. v. Bolar Pharmaceutical Co., 
    747 F.2d 844
    851 (3d Cir. 1984), which exists when, "giving all due deference
    to the opportunity of the trial judge to evaluate the credibility
    of witnesses and to weigh the evidence," Litton Sys., Inc. v.
    Whirlpool Corp., 
    728 F.2d 1423
    , 1445 (Fed. Cir. 1984) (emphasis
    .    New Jersey statutory and common law of unfair
    competition require essentially the same elements. See SK&F,
    Co.,625 F.2d at 1065.
    omitted) (citing Inwood Lab., Inc. v. Ives Lab., Inc., 
    456 U.S. 844
    , 855, 
    102 S. Ct. 2182
    , 2188 (1982)), we are "left with a
    definite and firm conviction that a mistake has been committed,"
    Anderson v. Bessemer City, 
    470 U.S. 564
    , 573, 
    105 S. Ct. 1504
    1511 (1985).
    A.   "Likelihood" vs. "Possibility" of Confusion
    Generally,      "the   law     does    not    require   that   a   competitor
    insure against all possible confusion or the likelihood thereof."
    LANHAM ACT § 43(A) § 3.08[1], at 3-71 (1989, Release #5, May 1994)
    [hereinafter MCKENNEY & LONG, FEDERAL UNFAIR COMPETITION].              Rather, a
    plaintiff may prevail in a trade dress infringement action only
    if it shows that an appreciable number of ordinarily prudent
    consumers of the type of product in question are likely to be
    confused as to the source of the goods.                   See, e.g., Nikon, Inc.
    v. Ikon Corp., 
    987 F.2d 91
    , 94 (2d Cir. 1993); West Point Mfg.
    Co. v. Detroit Stamping Co., 
    222 F.2d 581
    , 589 & n.2 (6th Cir.
    1955).   "The mere possibility that a customer may be misled is
    not enough."       Surgical Supply Serv., Inc. v. Adler, 
    321 F.2d 536
    539 (3d Cir. 1963).
    Although this usual formulation of trade dress infringement
    requires a showing of a likelihood or probability of confusion,
    this standard has been relaxed in some cases.                   Where an alleged
    infringer    was    new   to   an    area    and    the    plaintiff    was   well-
    established, this court has at times replaced the "likelihood of
    confusion" requirement with a lower "possibility of confusion"
    standard.      These cases have all involved actions for trademark or
    tradename infringement, not trade dress, and certainly not trade
    dress alleged in a product configuration.                      See Merchant & Evans,
    Inc. v. Roosevelt Bldg. Prods. Co., 
    963 F.2d 628
    , 637-38 (3d Cir.
    1992) (considering "possibility of confusion" with respect to "a
    name    or    mark,"     in   particular,      a    "`Z'   logo"     alleged    to   be
    confusingly similar to a "`Zip-Rib' trademark"); Country Floors,
    Inc. v. Partnership Composed of Gepner & Ford, 
    930 F.2d 1056
    1065 (3d Cir. 1991) (directing application of "possibility of
    confusion" standard to "Country Tiles" and "Country Floors" names
    or marks); Telechron, Inc. v. Telicon Corp., 
    198 F.2d 903
    , 908-09
    ("a    case   of    a    first     coined   word    and    a    second   coined    word
    resembling      it").         We    must    therefore      consider      whether     the
    "possibility        of    confusion"        standard      should    govern     product
    configuration trade dress cases.                   Since unfair competition law
    regarding product configurations will diverge substantially in
    its incidents from the law regarding product packaging, 
    Duraco, 40 F.3d at 1439
    , we begin our consideration by examining the
    rationale underlying the "possibility of confusion" cases.
    Telechron, Inc. offered some explanation for the lowering of
    the requirements for showing trademark infringement in certain
    situations.        In that case the plaintiff used the name "Telechron"
    starting in 1919 as a trademark for its electric clocks and other
    timing and switching devices.               The defendant Telicon Corporation
    began marketing radio and television sets under the "Telicon"
    name for the first time in 1946.                   Agreeing with the district
    court, this court held that "`Telicon' is a colorable imitation
    of `Telechron' within the conception of trade-mark infringement."
    Inc., 198 F.2d at 908
    In an opinion by Judge Hastie, the court explained that the
    "`degree of resemblance necessary to constitute an infringement
    is incapable of exact definition.'"               Telechron, 
    Inc., 198 F.2d at 908
      (quoting      McLean      v.   Fleming,    96    U.S.    (6    Otto)      245,   251
    (1877)).      We emphasized the strong aural similarity of the marks
    and   the     evidence     of      actual   confusion,        concluding     that      the
    evidence was "adequate substantiation of tendency to confusion
    inherent in the obvious similarity of the words themselves."
    Inc., 198 F.2d at 908
    .                  Only then, expressly as an
    additional consideration, did we observe that this was "a type of
    case where a court properly requires the second comer to stay
    clearly     away    from     the     original    mark,"   and       thus   that    "`any
    possible doubt of the likelihood of damage should be resolved in
    favor of the [first user].'"                 
    Id. at 908-09
    (quoting Lambert
    Pharmacal Co. v. Bolton Chem. Corp., 
    219 F. 325
    , 326 (S.D.N.Y.
    1915) (Learned Hand, J.)).
    We recognize that application of the "keep clear" policy
    embodied by the trademark "possibility of confusion" standard
    would   not    be    entirely        senseless    in   the     context     of    alleged
    infringement of trade dress, even where the dress consists not in
    a   product's          packaging        but     in       a     nonfunctional       product
    configuration.          To the extent that product configurations are
    protectable,      a     Johnny-come-lately              copier    arguably    creates       a
    greater risk than one who more promptly markets a copy that
    consumers       will     be      misled       by     a       substantially     identical
    configuration into thinking the newcomer's product to be that of
    the established business, for there will have been more time for
    the public to come to associate that configuration with a single
    source.      In and of itself, however, that is no reason to change
    the measure of confusion (from "probability" to "possibility")
    required to make out a Lanham Act violation.                         Rather, it is at
    most   a     factor    properly     taken      into      account    in    assessing       the
    likelihood of confusion.
    The    trademark       "possibility         of    confusion"       standard    must
    therefore be supported by other considerations.                          We believe that
    the primary reasons for lowering the measure of confusion when a
    newcomer copies an established trademark are the general lack of
    legitimate reasons for copying a competitor's mark, see, e.g.,
    American Chicle Co. v. Topps Chewing Gum, Inc., 
    208 F.2d 560
    562-63 (2d Cir. 1953) ("`Why [the defendant] should have chosen a
    mark that had long been employed by [the plaintiff] and had
    become known to the trade instead of adopting some other means of
    identifying      its     goods     is    hard      to    see     unless    there    was     a
    deliberate purpose to obtain some advantage from the trade which
    [the plaintiff] had built up.'"), and the high degree of reliance
    by   consumers   on   trademarks    as   indicators    of   the    source   of
    products.     Whether or not these considerations translate to the
    realm of product packaging, we think that with respect to product
    configurations the significance of each of the factors is greatly
    First, the mere copying of product configurations does not
    suggest that the copier was necessarily trying to capitalize on
    the goodwill of the source of the original product.               See 
    Duraco, 40 F.3d at 1453
    ; see also infra at 40-48 (discussing implications
    of defendant's intent to copy).            A presumption to the contrary
    would be mandated, if ever, only in the narrow class of cases
    where both (1) a product configuration is desirable to consumers
    primarily because of the configuration's inherent or acquired
    identification    with   the    original    source,   and   (2) the    copier
    adopts affirmatively misleading labelling and/or marketing for
    the copied product, cf. Quaker Oats Co. v. General Mills, Inc.,
    134 F.2d 429
    , 432 (7th Cir. 1943) ("The pirate flies the flag of
    the one he would loot.         The free and honorable non-pirate flies
    the colors of his own distinctive ensign.").
    Second, although a product's trade dress in the form of its
    configuration could function as an indicator of the product's
    source, product configurations in general are not reliable as
    source   indicators,     for     functional    configurations       are     not
    protected and thus may be freely copied, see 
    Duraco, 40 F.3d at 1441
    , 1448-49, 1451, and inherently distinctive configurations
    will be rare, see 
    id. at 1446.
                        Since substantially identical
    products      are        often     sold     by    different         manufacturers          under
    different names, consumers are accustomed to relying on product
    packaging and trademarks to identify product sources.                             Indeed, if
    any    modification           of   the    likelihood     of       confusion      standard       is
    justified         in    the    product     configuration          context,      the   standard
    might      well    be       heightened,    perhaps      to    a    "high    probability         of
    confusion."             Nevertheless,       we    see   no     need    to    adopt       such    a
    standard      today,          preferring     for      now     merely       to    reject     the
    "possibility           of    confusion"     standard     for      product       configuration
    infringement cases, and adhering to the conventional "likelihood
    of confusion" standard.
    B.   The Scott Factors in the Product Configuration Context
    Having          concluded    that    the    appropriate         standard       in   this
    product      configuration          trade     dress     infringement            action     is    a
    likelihood of confusion, we must determine what that inquiry
    entails in this context.                   Although the law of trade dress in
    product configurations will differ in key respects from the law
    of trademarks or of trade dress in product packaging, settled law
    provides the starting point for our analysis.
    We stated in Ford Motor Co. v. Summit Motor Prods., Inc.,
    930 F.2d 277
    , 297 (3d Cir.), cert. denied, 
    112 S. Ct. 373
    that the analysis of the likelihood of confusion requires a court
    to evaluate a number of factors:
    (1) the degree of similarity between the owner's mark and
    the alleged infringing mark; (2) the strength of [the]
    owner's mark; (3) the price of the goods and other factors
    indicative of the care and attention expected of consumers
    when making a purchase; (4) the length of time [the]
    defendant has used the mark without evidence of actual
    confusion arising; (5) the intent of the defendant in
    adopting the mark; (6) the evidence of actual confusion; (7)
    whether the goods, though not in competition, are marketed
    through the same channels of trade and advertised through
    the same media; (8) the extent to which the targets of the
    parties' sale efforts are the same; (9) the relationship of
    the goods in the minds of the public because of the
    similarity of function; (10) other facts suggesting that the
    consuming public might expect the prior owner to manufacture
    a product in the defendant's market.
    Id. at 293
    (citing Scott Paper Co. v. Scott's Liquid Gold, Inc.,
    589 F.2d 1225
    , 1229 (3d Cir. 1978)); accord Charles Jacquin et
    Cie, Inc. v. Destileria Serralles, Inc., 
    921 F.2d 467
    , 474-75 (3d
    Cir. 1990); cf. RESTATEMENT (THIRD)    OF   UNFAIR COMPETITION § 21 (Tent.
    Draft No. 2, Mar. 23, 1990).        This test was developed not for
    product configuration cases but for "cases of alleged trademark
    infringement   and   unfair   competition    by   a   producer   of   a   non-
    competing   product,"   see   Fisons   Horticulture,      Inc.   v.   Vigoro
    Indus., Inc., 
    30 F.3d 466
    , 473 (3d Cir. 1994), and not all of the
    factors will be appropriate for or function the same way with
    respect to trade dress inhering in a product configuration, so we
    consider them in turn.
    1.   Similarity of Appearance          (Scott Factor 1)
    In   trademark     infringement       cases,       the     first    and    primary
    factor to be considered in the likelihood of confusion inquiry is
    "the   degree     of    similarity    between       the    owner's        mark   and    the
    alleged infringing mark."            See Ford Motor 
    Co., 930 F.2d at 293
    In trade dress infringement cases where product packaging is at
    issue,      the   corresponding       factor       is    the      similarity      of    the
    protectable trade dress.             Similarity of appearance is properly
    considered paramount in trademark and product packaging trade
    dress infringement cases, for unless the allegedly infringing
    mark or dress is substantially similar to the protectable mark or
    dress, it is highly unlikely that consumers will confuse the
    product     sources     represented    by    the        different       marks    or    trade
    For the same reason, substantial similarity of appearance is
    necessarily       a    prerequisite     to     a    finding        of    likelihood      of
    confusion in product configuration cases.                      Unlike in trade mark
    or product packaging trade dress cases, however, a finding of
    substantial similarity of trade dress in a product configuration
    does not by itself strongly suggest a likelihood of confusion.
    Consumers     have     grown   accustomed      to       relying    on    trademarks      as
    trustworthy indicators of the source of the product:                        that is the
    point of a trade mark.            Perhaps to a somewhat lesser extent,
    consumers also rely on other aspects of product packaging to
    identify the manufacturer.            Such behavior is rational, for in a
    trade mark or product packaging case, all the consumer usually
    has   to    go    on    to    identify       the    source     of     the      product     is   the
    trademark and packaging (and any marketing featuring that mark or
    In a product configuration trade dress infringement case, by
    contrast,        consumers       do    not        have   to    rely       on    a     potentially
    distinctive           configuration          to     identify        the        source      of   the
    product;11       rather,      they     can    generally        look    to       the   packaging,
    trademarks, and advertising used to market the product, which are
    typically much less ambiguous.                       Consumers therefore have less
    need,      and    so    are    much     less       likely,     to     rely       on    a   product
    configuration           as     an     indicator          of    the     product's           source.
    Accordingly,          they    are     less   likely       to   be     confused        as   to   the
    sources          of     two         products         with      substantially               similar
    configurations.              Thus, in trade dress infringement suits where
    the dress inheres in a product configuration, the primary factors
    to be considered in assessing likelihood of confusion are the
    product's labeling, packaging, and advertisements.12                                    "The most
    common and effective means of apprising intending purchasers of
    .    The product configuration may have acquired
    distinctiveness, or it may be inherently distinctive.
    .    This observation is consistent with our discussion of
    the Scott factors (also known as the Lapp factors, after
    Interpace Corp. v. Lapp, Inc., 
    721 F.2d 460
    (3d Cir. 1983)) in
    Fisons Horticulture, 
    Inc., 30 F.3d at 476
    n.11, where we stated:
    "The weight given to each factor in the overall picture, as well
    as its weighing for a plaintiff or defendant, must be done on an
    individual fact-specific basis."
    the source of goods is a prominent disclosure on the container,
    package, wrapper, or label of the manufacturer's or trader's name
    . . . [and when] that is done, there is no basis for a charge of
    unfair competition."          Venn v. Goedert, 
    319 F.2d 812
    , 816 (8th
    Cir. 1963), quoted in Litton Sys., 
    Inc., 728 F.2d at 1446
    Indeed, except where consumers ordinarily exercise virtually
    no care in selecting a particular type of product (as may be the
    case with inexpensive disposable or consumable items, cf. 
    Venn, supra
        (cookies)),    clarity        of   labeling   in     packaging     and
    advertising will suffice to preclude almost all possibility of
    consumer     confusion   as   to   source    stemming   from   the   product's
    configuration.      Cf. Bose Corp. v. Linear Design Labs, Inc., 
    467 F.2d 304
    , 309 (2d Cir. 1972) ("The presence of [the source's]
    name    on   the   product    [stereo    speaker   cabinets]    goes   far    to
    eliminate confusion of origin.") (emphasis supplied); 
    id. at 310
    ("[T]here is hardly likelihood of confusion or palming off when
    the name of the manufacturer is clearly displayed.").
    2.   Strength of the Owner's Mark           (Scott Factor 2)
    In    trademark      cases,   the     strength   of    the   owner's   mark
    directly affects the likelihood that consumers will be confused
    as   to    the   sources    of   products    bearing   substantially     similar
    marks.     Strength includes both "[d]istinctiveness on the scale of
    trademarks"         and     "[c]ommercial      strength,      or    marketplace
    recognition."        Fisons Horticulture, 
    Inc., 30 F.3d at 479
    .                A
    strong trademark is thus one that carries widespread, immediate
    recognition that one producer (even if unknown) is associated
    with the mark, and so with the product.            If a second comer adopts
    a mark substantially identical to a strong mark, there is a
    correspondingly high likelihood that consumers will mistakenly
    associate the newcomer's product with the owner of the strong
    mark.      The same may be said of a "strong" trade dress consisting
    of a product's packaging.
    But these observations do not translate literally into the
    product configuration context.              As we have explained elsewhere,
    the trademark distinctiveness scale is ill-suited for application
    to trade dress inhering in a product configuration.                 See 
    Duraco, 40 F.3d at 1440-42
    .         Having rejected the distinctiveness scale in
    this context, we are left with commercial strength as the measure
    of trade dress strength in a product configuration.                Yet strength
    of a product configuration must mean more than the ability of
    large     numbers    of    consumers   to   identify   the    configuration   as
    coming from a particular producer.             This would sanction too much
    reliance   by   consumers    on    product   designs   that,    lacking    the
    protection of a patent, are in large measure copyable at will.
    Duraco, 40 F.3d at 1447-48
      (criticizing   the   "capable    of
    distinguishing" interpretation of distinctive trade dress).
    Rather, "strength" of product configuration as relevant to
    determining likelihood of confusion on the part of ordinarily
    careful consumers should be found only if consumers rely on the
    product's configuration to identify the producer of the good.
    This may perhaps be the case with products purchased largely
    because of their appearance, such as "Carebears," cf. American
    Corp., 807 F.2d at 1142
    .           Such focus, however, is not
    generally found in and should not be encouraged in the industrial
    design context, where product appearance typically plays a lesser
    role in buyers' selection processes.            Hence, to differentiate
    between these types of product configuration cases, courts should
    require evidence of actual reliance by consumers on a particular
    product configuration as a source indicator before crediting that
    configuration's "strength" toward likelihood of confusion.
    3.   Attention Expected of Consumers        (Scott Factor 3)
    The third Scott factor is "the price of the goods and other
    factors   indicative      of   the   care   and    attention     expected   of
    consumers when making a purchase."            "The greater the care and
    attention,   the   less    the   likelihood       of    confusion."    Fisons
    Inc., 30 F.3d at 476
    n.12.                We believe that this
    factor takes on enhanced importance when a claim is made for
    infringement of trade dress in a product configuration, both as a
    result of the intersection of the patent laws with the Lanham
    Act, and as a function of the difference between a trademark and
    a product configuration.
    The penumbra of the federal patent laws restricts the degree
    to which courts may grant legal recognition of consumer reliance
    on product configurations as source indicators, for their limited
    scope of protection impliedly imposes restraint on the workings
    of Section 43(a).      Accordingly, we must bear in mind the Supreme
    Court's counsel that "mere inability of the public to tell two
    identical articles apart is not enough to support an injunction
    against copying . . . that which the federal patent laws permit
    to be copied."      Sears, Roebuck & Co. v. Stiffel Co., 
    376 U.S. 225
    , 232, 
    84 S. Ct. 784
    , 789 (1964).13                 "[T]he federal policy,
    .    We recognize that we deal here not only with state
    unfair competition law but also with a federal statute. It is
    therefore true that the Supremacy Clause does not, as in Sears,
    Roebuck & 
    Co., 376 U.S. at 225
    , and Compco Corp. v. Day-Brite
    Lighting, Inc., 
    376 U.S. 234
    84 S. Ct. 779
    (1964), operate to
    bar Section 43(a) from protecting trade dress in the form of the
    product configuration of Versa's B-316 valve.
    found in Art. I, § 8, cl. 8, of the Constitution and in the
    implementing federal statutes, of allowing free access to copy
    whatever    the    federal     patent       and       copyright      laws    leave    in the
    public domain," Compco Corp. v. Day-Brite Lighting, Inc., 
    376 U.S. 234
    , 237, 
    84 S. Ct. 779
    , 782 (1964), is "an ever-present
    consideration," MCKENNEY & LONG, FEDERAL UNFAIR COMPETITION § 5.03, at
    Furthermore, one expects a consumer exercising ordinary care
    to   ascertain      the    source     of    a     product       to   rely    much    more    on
    packaging, trademarks, and advertising, which if not deceptive
    tend to reveal the product's source unambiguously, than on the
    product configuration, which usually does not contain an explicit
    statement of the producer's identity.                       While it might be shown
    that     consumers        in   fact        rely       on   a     particular         product's
    configuration to identify its source, such deviation from the
    normal pattern (i.e, from reliance on trademarks, packaging, and
    advertising) would be rare.                 Because clear labeling thus should
    generally be legally and factually sufficient to remedy confusion
    where unpatented product configurations are at issue, clarity of
    labeling     (and     marketing)           must       be   taken      into     account       in
    considering       whether      there       is     a     likelihood      that        consumers
    exercising ordinary care will be confused as to the sources of
    substantially identical products.
    Much as courts are required to police the boundaries of
    similarity    within       which    a      jury    may     be    permitted     to     find   a
    likelihood of confusion under the Lanham Act, Country Floors,
    Inc., 930 F.2d at 1063
    , courts must also establish the perimeters
    of ordinary care that constrain likelihood of confusion.                            The
    following non-exhaustive considerations should guide a court's
    determination of the standard of ordinary care for a particular
    product.        Inexpensive goods require consumers to exercise less
    care in their selection than expensive ones.                    The more important
    the use of a product, the more care that must be exercised in its
    selection.        In   addition,       "the    degree    of    caution     used   . . .
    depends    on    the   relevant       buying   class.         That   is,   some   buyer
    classes, for example, professional buyers . . . will be held to a
    higher standard of care than others.                     Where the buyer class
    consists of both professional buyers and consumers, . . . . the
    standard    of    care      to   be   exercised   by    the     reasonably    prudent
    purchaser       will   be    equal    to   that   of    the    least   sophisticated
    consumer in the class."           Ford Motor 
    Co., 930 F.2d at 293
    4.    Actual Confusion or Lack Thereof          (Scott Factors 4 & 6)
    The fourth Scott factor is "the length of time defendant has
    used the mark without evidence of actual confusion arising."
    While we hold that this factor applies to product configuration
    cases as well as to trade mark and product packaging cases (for
    it is obviously relevant), we take this opportunity to underscore
    the   role    of   the   "lack    of   actual   confusion"   factor.      If   a
    defendant's product has been sold for an appreciable period of
    time without evidence of actual confusion, one can infer that
    continued marketing will not lead to consumer confusion in the
    future.      The longer the challenged product has been in use, the
    stronger this inference will be.
    "Evidence     of   actual    confusion"    (the   sixth   Scott    factor
    bearing on likelihood of confusion) is similarly relevant:                  the
    more evidence of actual confusion that a plaintiff can muster,
    the stronger the likelihood of confusion in the future, but lack
    of evidence of actual confusion (at least where the time period
    that the two products have been in competition is short or "when
    the   particular    circumstances       [do   not]   indicate   such   evidence
    should have been available," AMF Inc. v. Sleekcraft Boats, 
    599 F.2d 341
    , 353 (9th Cir. 1979)) does not raise an inference that
    there is no likelihood of confusion.                 As the case law makes
    clear, proof of actual confusion is not required for a successful
    trade dress infringement action under the Lanham Act.              Ford Motor
    Co., 930 F.2d at 292
    (quoting Opticians Ass'n v. Independent
    920 F.2d 187
    , 195 (3d Cir. 1990)); accord 2 J. THOMAS
    id. § 23:20.
    We see no reason that these factors would not also apply to
    product configuration cases.            However, we emphasize again, 
    see supra
    at 35-37, that to make out unfair competition a plaintiff
    must show a likelihood that a consumer exercising ordinary care
    to discover the identity of the source would suffer confusion or
    be mistaken because of the appearance of the allegedly infringing
    product configuration.          Thus, instances of actual confusion may
    not weigh in favor of a finding of likelihood of confusion unless
    the   confused   consumer       was   acting   with   the   care   expected   of
    consumers purchasing the type of good at issue.               See G.D. Searle
    & Co. v. Hudson Pharmaceutical Corp., 
    715 F.2d 837
    , 840 & n.6
    (1983) (ignoring testimony of witness who "was not acting as a
    reasonably prudent consumer of the type of goods in issue when
    purchasing the product").
    5.   Defendant's Intent   (Scott Factor 5)
    The fifth Scott factor is "the intent of the defendant in
    adopting the mark."           Whatever merit this factor may have in the
    context of trade mark and product packaging trade dress cases, we
    doubt that it is an appropriate consideration in a trade dress
    infringement case where the trade dress is alleged in the product
    configuration itself.           In the likelihood of confusion inquiry in
    trademark cases and product packaging trade dress cases, we do
    not focus on a defendant's bare intent to adopt a mark or product
    packaging      substantially         identical      to    a     plaintiff's         mark   or
    packaging, since there is little basis in fact or logic for
    supposing from a defendant's intent to copy (without more) that
    the defendant's actions will in fact result in confusion.                             Thus,
    what we have held is that a defendant's intent to confuse or
    deceive    consumers     as     to    the   product's         source    may    be    highly
    probative of likelihood of confusion.                    See American Home Prods.
    v. Barr Lab., Inc., 
    834 F.2d 368
    , 371 (3d Cir. 1987) (product
    packaging case -- color of pain relief medication); see also
    Fisons Horticulture, 
    Inc., 30 F.3d at 479
    -80 (identifying "intent
    of promoting confusion and appropriating the prior user's good
    will"     as   appropriate       inquiry       in      forward     confusion          cases)
    (internal      quotation      marks    omitted)        (trademark       case    --    marks
    "Fairway"      and   "Fairway    Green");      Sands,         Taylor    &    Wood    Co.   v.
    Quaker    Oats   Co.,   
    978 F.2d 947
    ,     960     (7th    Cir.       1992)   ("[T]he
    defendant's intent is relevant to the issue of likelihood of
    confusion only if he intended to palm off his products as those
    of another." (internal quotation marks omitted) (trademark case
    -- words "Thirst Aid" used in advertising campaign); First Brands
    Corp. v. Fred Meyer, Inc., 
    809 F.2d 1378
    , 1385 (9th Cir. 1987)
    ("Intent of a defendant in adopting his trade dress is a critical
    factor, since if the trade dress were adopted with the intent of
    depriving benefit from the reputation of the plaintiff, that fact
    alone may be sufficient to justify the inference that there is a
    confusing similarity.") (emphasis supplied) (product packaging
    case -- color and shape of antifreeze jug).
    Because American Home Products involved a claim that the
    color of a rival producer's ibuprofen tablet infringed the trade
    dress of the plaintiff's Advil tablet, we believe that the case
    is   closer     to     a     product       packaging         case    than    a   product
    configuration     case.           Even    were    we    to   consider   it   a   product
    configuration case, however, American Home Products is consistent
    with our present discussion of defendant's intent.                      Judge Seitz's
    opinion   did    not       hold    that    independent        significance       must   be
    accorded a defendant's mere intent to copy; rather, it held that
    "intent to confuse might be highly probative of likelihood of
    confusion" and that "[a]t most, defendant's intent is a factor
    tending   to    suggest      likelihood          of    confusion."      American    Home
    Inc., 834 F.2d at 371
    (emphases supplied).                               In what
    follows, we simply clarify this circuit's intent-to-confuse rule
    for product configuration cases, delineating the circumstances
    under which a defendant's intent to confuse or deceive consumers
    may    be    considered   a    factor   in   the    likelihood   of   confusion
    We realize that some courts have adopted a broader rule
    holding that a defendant's intent to copy strongly supports an
    inference of likelihood of confusion.               See, e.g., Bauer Lamp Co.
    v. Shaffer, 
    941 F.2d 1165
    , 1172 (11th Cir. 1991); Mobil Oil Corp.
    v. Pegasus Petroleum Corp., 
    818 F.2d 254
    , 258 (2d Cir. 1987).
    Like the intent-to-confuse rule, this intent-to-copy rule relies
    essentially on a (rebuttable) presumption of efficacy -- although
    the intent-to-copy rule requires a double inference, see, e.g.,
    Perfect Fit Indus., Inc. v. Acme Quilting Co., 
    618 F.2d 950
    , 954
    (2d Cir. 1980) ("If there was intentional copying the second
    comer will be presumed to have intended to create a confusing
    similarity       of    appearance     and    will    be   presumed    to    have
    succeeded.")      --   since    the   defendant's     intent   standing    alone
    (without reference to the defendant's competence and the nature
    of the defendant's actions) reveals little about the probable
    outcome of the defendant's conduct.14
    .     Thus we must disagree with one commentary, which,
    relying on case law (but not attempting to defend or explain its
    assertion), states: "Once intent to benefit or capitalize under
    Section 43(a) is found, the presumption or inference of
    likelihood of confusion logically ensues." MCKENNEY & LONG, FEDERAL
    UNFAIR COMPETITION § 3.08[11][c] (emphasis supplied). Indeed, we
    note that this treatise contains a passage that, at least when
    generalized, illustrates the fallacy of the intent presumption:
    "the fact of likelihood of confusion [or lack thereof] among
    members of the relevant trade and purchasing public may be
    discerned by a court even if a defendant intended to realize a
    contrary result." 
    Id. § 3.08[11][a].
          The justification for these inferences in a trade mark or
    product packaging case is that there is little or no competitive
    need to copy another's distinctive symbol or presentation to sell
    one's product, and that anyone who does so is most likely trying
    to   cash   in    on   the     competitor's       good    will     attached     to   the
    competitor's mark or packaging in order to sell his or her own
    product.     See,      e.g.,    2   MCCARTHY, TRADEMARKS     AND       UNFAIR COMPETITION
    § 23.33 ("[W]e can readily read into defendant's choice of a
    confusingly similar mark the intent to get a free ride upon the
    reputation of a well known mark.").                     This presumption largely
    duplicates       the   weight      given    to    the    substantial-identity-of-
    appearance factor (Scott factor 1) in the likelihood of confusion
    inquiry, and the extra weight assigned to the intent to deceive
    is somewhat punitive.           Cf. 2 MCCARTHY, TRADEMARKS       AND   UNFAIR COMPETITION
    § 23.32 ("Where there is hard evidence of defendant's intention
    to get a free ride on plaintiff's reputation, the court is free
    to engage in the traditional rhetoric which accompanies punishing
    the evildoer[.]").
    Although     these     two    types    of    inference      from      defendant's
    intent do not directly serve the purpose of preventing consumer
    confusion or misappropriation of a producer's good will -- either
    of which might arise from good faith or bad faith actions -- the
    inferences may serve as a deterrent to infringement.                          But where
    product configurations are concerned, we believe there is little
    room for deterrence if appropriate labeling and marketing are
    One primary purpose of the Lanham Act is to foster fair
    competition.    See, e.g., Merchant & Evans, 
    Inc., 963 F.2d at 640
    n.13 (citing Park 'N Fly, Inc. v. Dollar Park and Fly, Inc., 
    469 U.S. 189
    , 193, 
    105 S. Ct. 658
    , 661 (1985), and Jay Dratler, Jr.,
    Trademark Protection for Industrial Designs, 1988 U. ILL. L. REV.
    887, 926 n.10).        Indeed, we have said that prevention of unfair
    competition is the doctrinal basis for trade dress infringement
    suits under the Act.       American Greetings Corp., 
    Inc., 807 F.2d at 1140-41
    & n.2.        Where product configurations are concerned, we
    must be especially wary of undermining competition.              Competitors
    have broad rights to copy successful product designs when those
    designs are not protected by (utility or design) patents.             It is
    not unfair competition for someone to trade off the goodwill of a
    product, see Kellogg Co. v. National Biscuit Co., 
    305 U.S. 111
    59 S. Ct. 109
    , 115 (1938); it is only unfair to deceive
    consumers as to the origin of one's goods and thereby trade off
    the good will of a prior producer.            See also 
    Duraco, 40 F.3d at 1445
    Unless   very    narrowly   tailored,    deterrents   to   copying    of
    product designs -- as opposed to product packaging or trademarks
    --   would   inhibit    even   fair   competition,   thus   distorting     the
    Lanham Act's purpose.          We believe that the best way to further
    Congress's intent is to limit carefully the scope of any possible
    deterrence of competition.             Cf. Merchant & Evans, 
    Inc., 963 F.2d at 640
    ("[C]ourts should tailor trademark remedies to decrease
    the   likelihood   of      confusion     without     unnecessarily          inhibiting
    competition.").        Recognizing that trade mark and trade dress
    cases on one hand and patent cases on the other do not involve
    identical considerations, we nevertheless turn for guidance in
    this task to patent cases concerning defendants' intent, for, as
    we have noted, we must decide product configuration cases so as
    harmonize with the federal patent laws.                     
    See supra
    at Error!
    Bookmark not defined.-36.
    In patent infringement cases, a defendant's bad intent is
    relevant in at least two contexts.             First, under the doctrine of
    inequitable     conduct,       infringement         claims    may      be     rendered
    unenforceable    if    a    plaintiff     intended     to    deceive    the    Patent
    Office by failing to disclose material evidence.                        See, e.g.,
    Braun, Inc. v. Dynamics Corp. of America, 
    975 F.2d 815
    , 822 (Fed.
    Cir. 1992); Allen Organ Co. v. Kimball Int'l, Inc., 
    839 F.2d 1556
    , 1567-68 (Fed. Cir. 1988).             Second, a plaintiff may receive
    increased    damages       where   a    defendant    willfully      infringed     its
    patent.     See, e.g., Braun, 
    Inc., 975 F.2d at 822
    ; E.I. du Pont de
    Nemours & Co. v. Phillips Petroleum Co., 
    849 F.2d 1430
    , 1440
    (Fed. Cir. 1988).          In either case, however, the plaintiff must
    prove by clear and convincing evidence that the defendant had the
    relevant bad intent.          See, e.g., Braun, 
    Inc., 975 F.2d at 822
    (intent to deceive Patent Office and willful infringement); Allen
    Co., 839 F.2d at 1567
    (intent to deceive Patent Office);
    E.I.   du   Pont    de    Nemours     &    
    Co., 849 F.2d at 1440
    infringement).           Although    in     the    present        context         we    are   not
    dealing with increased damages or actions taken by the Patent
    Office,     product      configuration        trade       dress       cases       nonetheless
    implicate    patent-like       restrictions         on     competition.                Like   the
    doctrine     of    inequitable        conduct,        a        heightened         evidentiary
    standard would serve to ensure that deviations from the "the
    federal policy . . . of allowing free access to copy whatever the
    federal patent and copyright laws leave in the public domain,"
    Corp., 376 U.S. at 237
    , 84 S. Ct. at 782, are not casually
    countenanced.         And    much    as    the    burden        of    proof       for   willful
    infringement       assures    that        competitors          are    not     penalized        by
    increased damage awards without compelling evidence, we think it
    similarly important to competitors -- as well as the public --
    that competition not be hobbled by monetary damages or injunctive
    prohibitions absent similarly compelling evidence.
    Accordingly, for all the foregoing reasons, we hold that in
    the product configuration context, a defendant's intent weighs in
    favor of a finding of likelihood of confusion only if intent to
    confuse     or    deceive    is     demonstrated          by    clear       and    convincing
    evidence, and only where the product's labeling and marketing are
    also affirmatively misleading.                    Of course, a plaintiff might
    succeed in proving likelihood of confusion without evidence of
    affirmative deception.            We only hold that, to be considered as
    evidence of a likelihood of confusion in a product configuration
    case, the defendant's intent must meet the conditions we have set
    6.   Marketing Considerations           (Scott Factors 7-10)
    The remaining factors identified by Scott as bearing on the
    likelihood of confusion address various aspects of the marketing
    of the products.           In the product configuration context, none of
    these four factors tends to establish a probability of confusion,
    rather than a mere possibility, and thus we conclude that they
    should be treated as necessary but insufficient conditions for
    showing a likelihood of confusion.
    The seventh Scott factor is "whether the goods, though not
    competing, are marketed through the same channels of trade and
    advertised through the same media."                 We believe that this factor,
    which is explicitly formulated for application to non-competing
    products,      serves      primarily    to    establish        the     possibility     of
    confusion      and      carries   little     weight     toward       establishing      the
    probability        of   confusion;     if    not   shown,      it    may   exonerate    a
    defendant, but if established, it merely allows the plaintiff's
    case   to     go   forward.       Moreover,        it   will   rarely      need   to   be
    considered in a product configuration trade dress infringement
    case, for the goods at issue will almost by definition be in
    "The    extent     to   which   the    targets     of     the    parties'     sale
    efforts are the same" is the eighth Scott factor.                             Like the
    marketing channel inquiry, this factor was developed largely for
    non-competing products, see, e.g., Interpace Corp. v. Lapp, Inc.,
    721 F.2d 460
    , 462-63 (3d Cir. 1983); Scott Paper 
    Co., 589 F.2d at 1229-30
    , and relates more to the possibility than the probability
    of confusion.          Particularly in a product configuration case, this
    factor should be considered necessary but not sufficient:                                  If
    different        consumers       buy        the    defendant's       product      and     the
    plaintiff's          product,    the        defendant      will   typically        win;    if
    substantially             overlapping       audiences      buy    the     products,       the
    plaintiff does not automatically win, but will usually have the
    opportunity          to    further     develop      its    case   for     likelihood       of
    "The relationship of the goods in the minds of the public
    because     of       the     similarity       of    function"      and        "other    facts
    suggesting that the consuming public might expect the prior owner
    to manufacture a product in the defendant's market" are the ninth
    and tenth Scott factors for determining likelihood of confusion.
    Bearing in mind that these factors also were developed for non-
    competing products, we believe that they are largely superfluous
    in product configuration cases.                      The requisite similarity of
    trade dress in the product designs themselves would in most cases
    presuppose       a    similarity       of    function      between      the    products    at
    issue.    Hence, some measure of so-called "competitive proximity"
    will   always        be    present     in    product      configuration        trade    dress
    infringement cases and therefore, while a necessary condition for
    there to be a likelihood of confusion, this factor is not a
    sufficient      condition,   nor    does   it   by   itself    create    a   strong
    presumption that confusion is likely to ensue.
    C.    The Balance of the Modified Scott Factors Here
    In this case, "[t]he dispositive issue is . . . consumer
    confusion as to source.           Regardless of how much secondary meaning
    it possesses, a product's trade dress will not be protected from
    an imitator that is sufficiently different in its features to
    avoid such confusion."        Freixenet, S.A. v. Admiral Wine & Liquor
    Co., 731 F.2d at 151
    .             For the reasons we explained above, we
    believe     that     the   district    court    committed      legal     error   in
    initially applying a "possibility of confusion" standard, and,
    applying       the   (modified)    Scott   factors,    we     conclude    that   it
    clearly erred in inferring from the evidence and testimony that
    an appreciable number of buyers are likely to be confused as to
    the origin of Bifold's Domino Junior valve.             See CL 55, 62, 64.
    1.   The Governing Standard:          Likelihood of Confusion
    The district court held that
    [a] lower standard for "likelihood of confusion" is applied
    where a newcomer to an area already occupied by a long
    established entity is the alleged violator.      The Third
    Circuit uses the phrase "possibility of confusion" to
    describe this standard.
    CL 56 (citations omitted).            As we explained above, 
    see supra
    23-28, this standard is inapplicable in product configuration
    cases.     We decline, however, to reverse on this basis.
    Although the district court announced the "possibility of
    confusion" standard in its Conclusions of Law, it appears that
    the court might not have relied on the lowered threshold in
    finding      for   the   plaintiff.        None    of   the   other     "Conclusions"
    bearing on the issue of confusion included the "possibility"
    language; those that mentioned any measure used "likelihood" of
    confusion, the correct standard.                  Accordingly, in an excess of
    caution, we treat Conclusion of Law 56 as surplusage, and review
    the judgment for clear error with respect to the conclusion that
    Bifold's actions present a likelihood of confusion, Ciba-Geigy
    Corp., 747 F.2d at 851
    .            We apply the Scott factors as modified,
    see supra
    Section II.B.
    2.     Viability of the District Court's Similarity Fact Finding
    The district court correctly identified the similarity of
    product appearances (Scott factor 1) as the threshold inquiry in
    ascertaining likelihood of confusion.                     However, it improperly
    imported the trade mark/product packaging standard for the weight
    to     be   assigned     this    factor,    holding       that   "if     the   overall
    impression created by the trade dress is essentially the same, it
    is very probable that the products are confusingly similar."
    From there, it apparently reasoned that because "[t]he overall
    appearance of the Versa B-316 valve and the Bifold Domino Junior
    valve       is   virtually      identical[,]      there    is    a    likelihood      of
    confusion."        See also CL 64 ("Bifold Domino Junior valves have a
    very    similar     appearance      to   Versa     B-316      valves;    there   is    a
    likelihood of confusion.").
    Despite    the   appreciable      differences    between    the      valves'
    see supra
    at 10-11, we do not hold the district
    court's    finding      of   similarity    of   appearance    to       be   clearly
    erroneous.       But in a product configuration case, the similarity
    of the product designs does not alone give rise to a strong
    inference of likelihood of confusion, 
    see supra
    at 30-32, since
    the greatest weight must be given to the primary means by which
    consumers identify the products' sources:              packaging, trademarks,
    and advertising.        Accordingly, the similar appearance of the two
    valves' designs allows Versa to argue -- but does not establish
    -- a likelihood of confusion.              The district court's findings
    concerning   the     trade    channels    and   advertising      media      used   by
    Bifold and Versa (Scott factor 7) and Bifold's targeting of the
    same   customer    group     (Scott   factor    8)   similarly    do    little     to
    establish likelihood of confusion.
    3.   Intent, Competitive Proximity, and Likelihood of Confusion
    Compounding its error regarding the effect of the similarity
    of the valves' appearances, the court asserted that "[a]n intent
    to copy trade dress and/or finding of copying by a junior user is
    often alone dispositive of a finding of likelihood of confusion."
    Even as concerns trade marks and product packaging, however, only
    an intent to deceive or confuse consumers can suffice to raise a
    presumption of likelihood of confusion in this circuit.                           
    See supra
    at 41.        Moreover, in a product configuration case the
    defendant's intent (Scott factor 5) is not relevant to the issue
    of   likelihood     of      confusion       absent   affirmatively    misleading
    labeling and marketing.              Here, Bifold's identification of its
    Domino Junior valves is by no means misleading, 
    see supra
    at 11;
    infra    at   Error!    Bookmark      not    defined.-65,    and   thus    Bifold's
    intent should not be considered.
    Similarly, the district court erred in holding that "[w]hen
    products are used in the same application, such a competitive
    proximity of goods strongly favors a finding of likelihood of
    confusion"     (emphasis         supplied).      This   proposition       finds    no
    support in the two decisions of this court cited by the district
    court, see Interpace 
    Corp., 721 F.2d at 462
    ; Scott 
    Paper, 589 F.2d at 1229
    , and at all events it is not applicable where trade
    dress    consists      in   a    product    configuration,    as   our     previous
    discussion explains.            
    See supra
    at Error! Bookmark not defined..
    4.   Strength of the Trade Dress and Likelihood of Confusion
    Turning      to    the   Scott    factors   that   are   relevant    to   the
    likelihood of confusion in this product configuration case, we
    first note that the "strength" of Versa's trade dress in its B-
    316 valves' configuration (Scott factor 2) may not support a
    conclusion     of      likelihood     of   confusion    because   there   is     no
    evidence that consumers rely on the appearance of the B-316 valve
    to identify it.         
    See supra
    at 33-34.         To the contrary, all the
    evidence shows that consumers order valves by multi-digit part
    and model numbers peculiar to the manufacturer.               In selecting the
    valves buyers do not specify the desired appearance but rather
    designate functional specifications listed in schematic diagrams,
    specification       sheets,    and     manufacturers'     catalogues.          Such
    precision    in     ordering    is     necessary,   for   Versa    offers      many
    variations of its valves.             Thus, the "strength" of the B-316's
    trade dress does not bolster Versa's case for a likelihood of
    5.   The Evidentiary Role of Actual Confusion
    This    brings    us     to    evidence    of   actual    confusion      (Scott
    factor 6) or the lack thereof (Scott factor 4).                     The district
    court correctly noted that Versa need not prove actual confusion,
    only a likelihood of confusion.             Although the district court did
    not address the pertinent evidence in its Conclusions of Law or
    explicitly rely there on evidence of actual confusion, we will
    address     the    Findings    of    Fact      arguably   relevant       to   actual
    confusion that might support the district court's conclusion of
    likelihood    of    confusion.        Our   examination       confirms    that   the
    district court's ultimate conclusion was clearly erroneous, not
    supported by record evidence, let alone evidence cited anywhere
    in the opinion.
    a.       Carr's    Involvement       Reflects   No    Actual      or   Likely
    The district court commenced the "Likelihood of Confusion"
    section of its Findings of Fact by discussing Bifold's "sole
    sales representative in the United States."               The court found (and
    there is record evidence to support) that Bifold hired James
    Carr, III, a former Versa regional marketing manager; that Carr
    has already tried to sell Bifold products to Gordon Fraleigh, a
    Versa distributor who knew Carr for a number of years while Carr
    was    a   regional   sales   manager     for   Versa;    and   that   Carr   told
    Fraleigh that the Bifold valve was an "exact copy" of the Versa
    B-316, as a result of which there was confusion in Fraleigh's
    (heightened by Carr's former relationship with Versa) mind as to
    the relationship between Versa and Bifold.
    This depiction of the facts, however, is misleading.                     It
    presents only a snapshot of Fraleigh's mental processes, taken
    from a particular angle at a single instant in time.                    Examining
    Fraleigh's uncontested testimony from a different angle reveals
    the situation more fully:          First, the telephone call in question
    occurred sometime around the early part of 1993, but Fraleigh
    knew that Carr left Versa's employ in 1990.               Thus, at the time of
    this call, Fraleigh knew Carr was not with Versa; indeed, during
    the call, Carr told Fraleigh that he was with Bifold, an English
    company, and he did not say that Bifold was connected with Versa
    or    that   its   valves   were   made   by    Versa.     Second,     Fraleigh's
    employer, the Fraleigh Company, distributes the products of about
    seventy    companies,       including     Versa,      and   before    the    call   in
    question Carr had phoned Fraleigh representing various non-Bifold
    product lines competitive with Versa.                  Fraleigh was apparently
    confused    only    because    he   had    not     previously     seen      duplicate
    products in the fluid power industry and because Carr had once
    been a Versa representative.
    Moreover, a slightly broadened temporal focus exposes the
    manifest error in the district court's fact finding.                     Initially,
    we note that Fraleigh's testimony reveals that he did not even
    know whether Carr was referring to Bifold's Domino Junior valve.
    Nor did Fraleigh see the valve, for he and Carr conversed by
    telephone.       Fraleigh's testimony, then, cannot be evidence that
    the appearance of the Domino Junior was so like Versa's trade
    dress that it would confuse consumers as to the sources of the
    valves.     Furthermore, Fraleigh testified that, because of his
    confusion, he called Versa Products to find out what was going
    on.   Versa's sales manager, Joe Sudol, explained that Bifold was
    a   competing     company    from   England   that      had   copied     the   B-316.
    Indeed, he asked Fraleigh to try to get information on Bifold's
    Plainly, then, Fraleigh's testimony does not represent an
    instance    of    "actual    confusion."         It    reflects      only    fleeting
    uncertainty as to the relationship between Bifold and Versa, not
    a mistaken belief that there was any affiliation between the two
    companies.       Fraleigh was able with minimal effort to procure the
    modicum of information he needed to dispel his uncertainty.15   We
    believe that Fraleigh acted as a prudent distributor-customer of
    these sorts of valves, and as a result was not confused in the
    Lanham Act sense.16
    .    In the absence of evidence to the contrary, it is also
    most likely that Carr himself would have told Fraleigh the truth
    -- that Bifold is an unaffiliated competitor of Versa -- had
    Fraleigh asked. Courts may not simply presume that individuals
    will lie in direct violation of trademark and unfair competition
    laws. Indeed, Versa's counsel conceded that "I'm not and cannot
    offer to this Court that we have proof of a distributor that has
    done that [i.e., falsely indicated that Bifold is associated with
    Versa's products]." Nor did Versa even offer other instances in
    this industry where such misrepresentation had occurred. (Versa
    Vice-President and Chief Operating Officer Frank Vetter opined
    only that "it becomes very easy for a Bifold perhaps distributor
    [sic] to go in and, as you might hear later on in testimony,
    [say] that this valve is a direct interchange with a Versa valve,
    it fits in the same place, it performs the same function." This
    is a far cry from evidence that distributors mispresent the
    sources of the valves they sell. The district court therefore
    correctly characterized such testimony as "highly speculative,"
    and Versa's expert witness Gerald Murphy as not qualified to
    "opine as to whether somebody's going to lie or not."
    Pharmaceutical cases relying on possible substitution of one
    maker's drug for another by pharmacists filling prescriptions are
    not to the contrary. In such cases, the finding of likelihood of
    confusion is supported by evidence that improper substitution
    commonly occurs in prescription filling, and that the minuscule
    markings on pills with similar trade dress are sufficiently
    difficult to read by many customers that the markings do not
    reduce the likelihood of confusion. See, e.g., SK&F, 
    Co., 625 F.2d at 1059
    & n.2, 1061.
    .     Thus, aside from its bearing on the channels of trade
    and target audiences, 
    see supra
    at 48-49, evidence that Carr has
    still been able to get access to Versa valve products and has
    recently sold Versa valves to the same customers to whom he will
    be selling Bifold valves is irrelevant to likelihood of
    b.   The Wentworth Fax Reflects No Actual Confusion
    Second,     the    district        court     asserted          that     at   least     one
    customer has forwarded to Bifold a telefax that was initially
    addressed to Versa.             The fax from Trevor Wentworth opened with
    the following statement:                  " Derek reference our telecon this
    morning     here    are    the       requirements         for    the       above    referenced
    project."     The original addressee was Versa, "Attention:                               Dave,"
    and after those names were crossed out, the same fax was sent to
    Bifold, "Attention:             Derek Close"; the fax number -- "Auto" --
    was    unchanged.         But    this     fax      may    have        been    a    request    for
    competitive bids,17 including only Versa's part numbers because
    Wentworth     had    spoken          to   Bifold's            sales     representative         by
    telephone and had not yet been sent any spec sheets; or (although
    unlikely) it might reflect a customer so befuddled that he could
    not remember to whom he had spoken that morning, and thus not a
    customer exercising ordinary care.                       At all events, there is no
    evidence    that    the    customer          had   even        seen    the     appearance      of
    Bifold's    Domino       Junior      valve    to    be    able        to     confuse   it    with
    Versa's trade dress on its B-316 valve.                          For these reasons, and
    because     there    was        no    testimony          at     trial        concerning      this
    unexplained fax, the district court clearly erred when it used
    this evidence to buttress its conclusion that there was confusion
    -- actual or likely -- as to the sources of the valves or the
    relationship (or lack thereof) between Versa and Bifold.18
    .    Bifold explains on appeal, and Versa does not contest,
    that the fax "was a request for a price quote, and the customer
    c.     The   Hearsay   Evidence   Constitutes   No   Evidence   of
    was seeking competitive bids." Br. of Appellant, at 38. We do
    not, however, determine that this explanation is true; rather, we
    cite it only as a possibility. There was no explanation offered
    at trial, for the district court at the outset admitted (without
    discussion) all documentary evidence appearing on a list prepared
    by either party and not objected to.
    .    Since the fax referred to B-series and V-series valves
    and was sent initially to Versa, we believe that the competitive
    bid explanation is the only plausible one in the absence of
    evidence to the contrary. By contrast, a fax sent initially to
    Versa but asking for a quote on Domino Junior valves would
    suggest confusion.
    Third,     the    district       court      erred      in    relying       on    hearsay
    evidence for the proposition that there was actual confusion.
    The district court recorded as a finding of fact that "When Mr.
    Frank    Vetter    was    asked        by    Bifold's    attorney         for   examples        of
    actual confusion between Bifold's Domino Junior valve and Versa's
    B-316 valve, Mr. Vetter related that he had been advised of
    confusion at trade shows."                    We agree that the record reflects
    Vetter's response.              But his answer is pure hearsay:                        Vetter's
    testimony upon which the district court relied was that "I have
    been    advised    by     our    sales       manager    in    Europe       that    there      was
    confusion at trade shows, that people had indicated that the
    valves     resembled,       were        identical       and    they        would       lead     to
    confusion."       Vetter could not even identify the people allegedly
    confused, instead referring Bifold's attorney to "the brief."
    Moreover, Vetter's response only proves that people thought the
    valves' appearances were similar, not that they were actually
    confused by the similar appearances.                         In this light, even if
    Vetter's     testimony          were        not   hearsay,     it     still        would       not
    demonstrate confusion as to the sources of the valves engendered
    by the similarity in appearance of the valves.
    The district court similarly erred in making a finding of
    fact     that     "Hans     Albert,          Sales     Manager       for     Versa,          B.V.,
    substantiated       that        he   had      discussions          with    people       at    the
    Stavanger, Norway trade show regarding the issue of confusion,
    including Mr. Ellingston of Hark & Ellingston, a major competitor
    in Norway[,] and Mr. Ungerskruge, an employee of a company named
    Holter that manufacture[s] wellhead control panels."            Again, this
    testimony   is   hearsay,   to   which   Bifold   objected.     Versa    then
    offered it solely to prove that Alberts had a conversation with
    two   identifiable   people,     and   the   district   court   ruled    that
    Albert's    testimony   must     not   concern    the   substance   of    the
    conversation.    Accordingly, this testimony has no bearing on the
    issue of the likelihood of consumer confusion as to the sources
    of the valves, and it was therefore error for the district court
    to include it as the basis for a finding of fact.             Even were the
    substance of the testimony admissible, Vetter testified only that
    he spoke with people "with regard to the issue of confusion."
    Thus, the testimony is not probative of a likelihood of confusion
    as to source as a result of the alleged trade dress infringement.
    d.    Summary Concerning Actual Confusion
    In sum, we believe that there was no evidence of actual
    consumer confusion as to source upon which the district court
    could have relied to find a likelihood of confusion.                                   Moreover,
    as the district court found, "[o]nly two Domino Junior valves
    have been sold to date in the United States and those have been
    sold   to    Versa's          sales   representative         so     that    there      has    been
    little,      if     any,      opportunity        to    develop      evidence      of     further
    confusion in the United States."                      Accordingly, evidence of actual
    confusion or lack thereof does not weigh in favor of or against a
    finding      of    likelihood         of     confusion.        We    turn    to     the      final
    relevant Scott factor.
    6.   Labeling, Care Expected                     of    Consumers,     and    Likelihood         of
    As noted above, the third Scott factor is "the price of the
    goods and other factors indicative of the care and attention
    expected      of    consumers         when      making   a   purchase."           As    we    have
    described, this factor is fundamental in product configuration
    cases,      where       the    most   important        facts   are    the    marketing        and
    labeling      of        the   similarly         configured     products.          As     we    now
    explain, the district court clearly erred in not finding these
    factors dispositive in this case.
    The district court was technically correct in stating that
    "[t]he fact that the source of the product is clearly designated
    on the product does not establish that plaintiff has failed to
    demonstrate         a    likelihood        of    confusion     as    such    an   element       is
    simply one factor to be assessed when resolving the confusion
    issue."          However,          it   failed      to     appreciate    the    converse
    proposition, that a court need not consider all these elements
    when some are dispositive.                   See Freixenet, 
    S.A., 731 F.2d at 151-52
    .     Here, as the court properly observed, "[i]n selling a
    competing valve, Bifold's duty is to take reasonable steps to
    prevent deception."                Under the circumstances, Bifold more than
    adequately       met   its     duty     to   take    reasonable       steps   to prevent
    a.    Bifold's           Extensive      Labeling       Precludes    Likelihood   of
    Although the configurations of Versa's B-316 and Bifold's
    Domino Junior valves are quite similar in appearance, we deal
    here with a product configuration case, and thus the labeling of
    the products takes on a heightened importance.                            
    See supra
    Error! Bookmark not defined.-32.                 The facts found by the district
    court    clearly       show    that     Bifold      took    entirely    reasonable    and
    adequate steps to prevent confusion.
    The district court found that "[t]he name VERSA and the
    place of origin, `N.J., U.S.A.,' are cast into the metal [of the
    B-316    valve    body]       to    identify     Versa     as   the   valve's   source."
    Moreover, "[e]very valve body that Versa sells bears a label
    displaying the VERSA name, logo and part number."                        Similarly, the
    court noted that "Bifold casts its name into the DOMINO JUNIOR
    valve body, and bolts onto the body a metal label displaying the
    BIFOLD name."
    But this brief recitation fails to convey the adequacy of
    Bifold's efforts.          "In the case of a relatively high-priced,
    single-purchase       article,     . . .    there   is   hardly   likelihood     of
    confusion or palming off when the name of the manufacturer is
    clearly displayed."         Merchant & Evans, 
    Inc., 963 F.2d at 636
    (internal quotation marks omitted); see also Bose 
    Corp., 467 F.2d at 310
    (same).         Here, the metal label bolted onto the Domino
    Junior valves does more than "display[] the BIFOLD name."                      The
    name appears in a logo of sorts in a font markedly different from
    that used in the Versa logo.               The label also contains Bifold's
    part   number   and    a   valve    serial    number,    the    place   of   origin
    (Wigan, England), Bifold's telephone number, and its fax number.
    Moreover, this is not a case where "[t]he items are relatively
    inexpensive     and   consumers     cannot     be   expected    to   examine   the
    labels carefully," Scott Paper 
    Co., 589 F.2d at 1230
    , and even a
    quick glance at the permanently affixed label reveals that Bifold
    is the source of the Domino Junior valve. Thus, Bifold's labeling
    will suffice to dispel any confusion about the valve's source
    that the configuration of the Domino Junior valve might otherwise
    engender in purchasers who exercise ordinary care.
    b.   The Manner in Which the Valves Are Sold                       Virtually
    Precludes Likelihood of Confusion
    In addition to the clear labeling, the manner in which the
    valves    are    marketed     further        nullifies    any     likelihood     of
    confusion. As the district court found:
    The Versa B-316 and Bifold DOMINO JUNIOR valves are not sold
    on a shelf or selected on sight.    Buyers order the valves
    based on functional specifications as shown on schematic
    diagrams, manufacturer's catalogs or specification sheets
    and   samples  available   at   trade  shows   and  sales
    Moreover, purchasers cannot buy Versa B-316 or Bifold Domino
    Junior valves by name only.                 B-316 valves can be purchased only
    by    specifying      a    multi-digit      part     number    pursuant         to     Versa's
    comprehensive part numbering system.                   Similarly, Bifold requires
    the   use     of   its     own   part    numbering     system,      with    the        numbers
    obtainable only by reference to a Bifold specification sheet.
    Finally, as the district court also found, "[t]he purchasers and
    users    of    Versa's         B-316    valves   are    qualified,         knowledgeable
    personnel who understand how the valves are to be installed and
    The appearance of these valves simply plays no role in the
    ordering process, which instead requires the use of detailed
    technical specifications and lengthy, manufactuer-specific part
    numbers.           Under       these    circumstances,        we    find        it     utterly
    inconceivable that one of -- let alone an appreciable number of
    -- the professional buyers of these valves will be confused, by
    the     appearance        of     the    Domino     Junior,     as    to     the       valves'
    manufacturers or the relationship between them.
    c. Summary of the Labeling and Care Expected of Consumers
    The     foregoing         evidence     must     be     viewed       as        virtually
    precluding any likelihood of confusion.                       These valves are not
    bought by children or casual consumers, nor are they purchased
    solely by name.            There is no likelihood of confusion -- indeed,
    virtually no possibility that the appearance of the Bifold Domino
    Junior valve body will mislead purchasers into thinking that they
    are ordering a Domino Junior valve from Versa or a B-316 valve
    from Bifold, and the enormous safety concerns surrounding the
    applications where these valves are used increase the already
    great care used by purchasers of these valves.19              Typically, they
    are    found      in    offshore   oil   drilling   control     applications,
    hazardous and demanding environments where loss of human life,
    major environmental damage (and consequent liability), and huge
    property loss may be at stake if a valve does not function
    properly     in    an    emergency   shutdown.      Because    of    the   dire
    consequences of using an improper valve, engineers who design the
    control panels would be expected to exercise a high degree of
    caution in selecting valves, and thus would be highly unlikely to
    mistake a Versa B-316 for a Bifold Domino Junior.
    Therefore, in light of the importance of the valves, the
    process by which they are purchased, the sophistication of the
    consumers, and the clarity of Bifold's labeling, there is no
    likelihood        (or   even   a   realistic   possibility)     of    consumer
    confusion as to the source of Versa's or Bifold's valves, and we
    .    Although Versa intended its witnesses' testimony to
    highlight the hazards of confusing a Versa valve with a Bifold
    valve -- which would be product confusion, not source confusion
    as required for a Lanham Act violation -- the testimony is
    nonetheless indicative of the care that ordinarily prudent valve
    consumers may be expected to use.
    conclude that the district court's contrary finding was clearly
    7.    Private   Labeling   Theories   Do   Not   Support   Likelihood    of
    We must still address one additional theory under which the
    district court found a likelihood of confusion:                 the private
    labeling theory.      The district court concluded, ostensibly as a
    finding of fact, that
    [g]iven the virtual identity in appearance of the Versa B-
    316 cast valve and the Bifold DOMINO JUNIOR cast valve and
    the fact that Bifold has not previously sold products in the
    United States, anyone in the industry might reasonably
    assume that Versa had manufactured but privately labelled
    the Bifold DOMINO JUNIOR valve or that the DOMINO JUNIOR
    valve is otherwise associated with Versa.
    FF 232.   The court further concluded that
    [t]he 'second comer" Bifold DOMINO JUNIOR valve looks so
    similar to the established Versa B-316 valve that it looks
    like a private label manufactured by Versa. The two valves
    could be confused; consumers would think that there is some
    relationship between the two valves and two companies.
    FF 233   (citations   omitted).   Although       we   believe   that   these
    conclusions present mixed questions of fact and law, for the
    district court focused upon what consumers might "reasonably"
    assume, we need not invoke plenary review, for we are firmly
    convinced that they represent clear error, and that the theory of
    confusion in which they are grounded does not support a claim
    under the Lanham Act or New Jersey law.
    In FF 232, the district court concluded from coincidence of
    similarity of appearance and recency of entry into a market that
    consumers might reasonably assume private labelling or some other
    relationship between the Domino Junior and Versa valves.                   The
    district court is correct that the Lanham Act protects against
    confusion not only as to source but also as to connection between
    manufacturers of similar products.          See, e.g., Institute for
    Scientific Info., Inc. v. Gordon & Breach, Science Publishers,
    931 F.2d 1002
    , 1007 (3d Cir. 1991).                    But the court's
    inference would potentially subject any new competitor with a
    product whose appearance resembles that of an established product
    to an injunction on this private labeling theory.              We have simply
    been presented with no evidence that "private labeling" occurs
    today on a scale significant enough to justify such a sweeping
    extension of the law of unfair competition.
    Even a presumption of more limited scope would not support
    the district court's inference.       Where product configurations are
    at issue, consumers are not generally likely to jump to the
    "private   labeling"   conclusion;    consider     for   example    Oreo   and
    Hydrox brand sandwich cookies, which are strikingly similar in
    appearance.      Consumers    would   not   have    assumed      upon   later
    emergence of one brand that the first producer had marketed a
    slight variation of its cookie under a private label.              Rather, as
    in situations like the present one, consumers generally are more
    likely   to   conclude,   quite   reasonably,    that    a    competitor   has
    entered the market with a substantially identical product.
    Second, the record evidence does not support the district
    court's conclusion.             Versa's counsel's opening statement at trial
    fairly summarized the content of Gerald Murphy's testimony, which
    formed      the    sole    evidentiary       basis    for     the   district       court's
    private labeling conclusion:
    Mr. Murphy [Versa's expert witness] will also tell that as a
    result of his experience, look-alike products are naturally
    associated   by  way    of  operating  characteristics   and
    reputation. Just because the valves look alike, the Bifold
    Domino Junior valve will command attention from sales
    representatives and others that it would not otherwise
    obtain. That it will get sales opportunities from people in
    this industry that otherwise would not be available to the
    Bifold Domino Junior product, except for the fact that the
    Bifold Domino Junior product looks exactly like the Versa B-
    316 product and is then able to trade off the reputation of
    the Versa B-316 product.
    What Versa and the district court have failed to come to grips
    with   is    the    precept      that     "[e]xploiting       the   `goodwill       of the
    article,' Kellogg 
    Co., 305 U.S. at 121
    , 59 S. Ct. at 115 -- the
    attractive features, of whatever nature, that the product holds
    for consumers -- is robust competition; only deceiving consumers,
    or   exploiting      the    good     will    of     another    producer,      is    unfair
    Duraco, 40 F.3d at 1445
    (one emphasis omitted).
    Moreover, and most importantly, all of Murphy's non-speculative
    testimony supported (as Versa said in its opening) a finding of
    exploitation        of    the    goodwill     of,    at   most,     the     Versa    B-316
    product, not the Versa identification itself.
    Murphy      testified      about    past     situations      where   misfortunes
    involving valves of one producer led to sales difficulties for
    other manufacturers of similar valves.                    He did not testify about
    incidents where one producer copied another's trade dress, but
    rather about instances where negative perceptions associated with
    a particular type of valve were transferred to valves of the same
    type made by other manufacturers.             Thus, his testimony showed the
    possibility of the ill will of one valve's diminishing the good
    will of a similar valve.           But even had Murphy testified that the
    valves he was discussing had confusingly similar trade dress --
    which he did not -- that would not suffice to show that consumers
    abandoned the type of valve that had manifested defects because
    they thought all valves of that type came from related sources.
    Rather,     consumer     may   have     abandoned   the   valves    because   they
    assumed     that   all   valves    of    a   similar   type    shared   "operating
    It is true that in Badger Meter, Inc. v. Grinnell Corp., 
    13 F.3d 1145
    (7th Cir. 1994), the Court of Appeals for the Seventh
    Circuit relied in part on a private labeling theory to uphold a
    finding of likelihood of confusion in a trade dress infringement
    suit   by   a   water    meter    manufacturer      against    a   competitor who
    copied the appearance of one line of meters.                  There, however, the
    defendant was known within the relevant market to have previously
    sold water meters of another manufacturer under its own label.
    Id. at 1152.
          Here, in contrast, there is no evidence that Bifold
    is known in the American market as having a history of selling
    other valve manufacturers' products under its own label.                      Thus
    Versa may not rely on the inference that consumers familiar with
    an established defendant with a known history of private labeling
    will assume that it is selling an established plaintiff's product
    under a private label agreement.
    Unable to avail itself of the Badger Meter inference, Versa
    attempts to ensnare Bifold by arguing that because Bifold is not
    yet known in the American market, valve purchasers may assume
    that Versa has manufactured the Domino Junior but is selling it
    under a private label.         A rule sanctioning this inference would
    tend to strangle competition by adopting what is in essence a
    presumption that consumers will believe an established business
    has a greater market share than it really does.                 The district
    court's conclusion that "anyone in the industry might reasonably
    assume that Versa had manufactured but privately labelled the
    Bifold DOMINO JUNIOR valve or that the DOMINO JUNIOR valve is
    otherwise associated with Versa," represents a dramatic extension
    of the law of unfair competition, one which we cannot believe
    that Congress intended or that New Jersey would adopt.
    We doubt that a company truly concerned about the quality of
    its valves and its putatively distinctive product configuration
    would    use   private     labeling.      The   use    of   private   labeling
    undermines     a   claim   that   a    product's   appearance    denotes   its
    source, because consumers will be less likely to associate the
    multifariously labeled product with a single source.              See, e.g.,
    Tone Bros., Inc. v. Sysco Corp., 23 U.SP.Q.2d 1184, 1190-91 (S.D.
    Iowa 1992), and cases cited therein.                  And if Versa were to
    contend       that    all     the   purchasers     know   that   in     fact    Versa
    manufactures the valves identified by a private label, we are not
    certain what the private labelling would accomplish.                      Moreover,
    it would seem that any manufacturer employing private labeling
    for its product necessarily exercises control over that practice,
    and if it is the plaintiff's actions that cause the confusion,
    the plaintiff will not be heard to complain.                Cf. Weil Ceramics &
    Glass, Inc. v. Dash, 
    878 F.2d 659
    , 676 (3d Cir. 1989) (Becker,
    J., concurring) ("[The plaintiff] has in effect engineered the
    possibility          of   a    likelihood     of    confusion     and      therefore
    infringement in this case.               This is not the sort of injury
    trademark infringement actions under the Lanham Act were intented
    to remedy.").         We decline to establish a rule that would allow a
    plaintiff to expand its own rights by using private labeling to
    assure    a    design       monopoly   even   despite     adequate    labeling      by
    We       have    explained     elsewhere      that   "the   primary       concern
    [behind the trademark act] was to protect consumers and trademark
    holders from spurious imitations."               
    Id. at 673
    (Higginbotham, J.,
    for the court).           Where, as here, a second comer has taken steps
    to conspicuously label its product (however similar to that of an
    established manufacturer), the newcomer has hardly represented
    its product to be that of its competitor, and so has not offered
    a "spurious imitation."             Thus, even if there were evidence that
    Versa uses private labeling, we do not believe that it could form
    the basis for a finding of likelihood of confusion.          As it is,
    however, there is absolutely no evidence that Versa or any other
    competitor of Bifold's in the offshore oil well industry uses
    private labeling.    Accordingly, the district court clearly erred
    when it accepted Versa's argument that Bifold's labeling will not
    prevent consumer confusion.20
    To    have   prevailed   in   its     action   for   trade   dress
    infringement, Versa needed to show the existence of a likelihood
    that an appreciable number of consumers of the relevant type of
    valves would probably be confused as to the source of Bifold's
    Domino Junior valve or its affiliation (or lack thereof) with
    Versa.    Upon reviewing the trial record, with due regard for the
    labeling actually used by Bifold, we conclude that Versa failed
    to meet its burden, and that the district court's finding that
    Versa had shown a likelihood of confusion is clearly erroneous.
    We therefore will reverse the order of the district court, and
    vacate the permanent injunction and award of attorneys' fees
    against Bifold.
    .    New Jersey's commmon law and statutory prohibitions of
    unfair competition (which address, inter alia, "passing off"
    one's goods as those of another manufacturer and unprivileged
    imitation) generally parallel the federal cause of action for
    unfair competition under section 43(a) of the Lanham Act. See
    Co., 625 F.2d at 1065
    (3d Cir. 1980). Thus, "private
    labeling" does no more work for Versa under its state law unfair
    competition claim (
    see supra
    at 2, 22 & n.10) than it does under
    federal law.

Document Info

Docket Number: 94-5064

Filed Date: 2/15/1995

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 10/13/2015

Authorities (41)

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