Serbin v. Bora Corp Ltd ( 1996 )

  •                                                                                                                            Opinions of the United
    1996 Decisions                                                                                                             States Court of Appeals
    for the Third Circuit
    Serbin v. Bora Corp Ltd
    Precedential or Non-Precedential:
    Docket 95-1806
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    NO. 95-1806
    On Appeal From the United States District Court
    For the Eastern District of Pennsylvania
    (D.C. Civ. No. 94-cv-03030)
    Argued: April 25, 1996
    Before: BECKER, NYGAARD, and LEWIS, Circuit Judges.
    (Filed September 13, 1996)
    Freedman and Lorry, P.C.
    Continental Building, Suite 900
    400 Market Street
    Philadelphia, PA 19106
    Attorneys for Appellant
    Rawle & Henderson
    The Widener Building
    One South Penn Square
    Philadelphia, PA 19107
    Attorney for Appellee
    BECKER, Circuit Judge.
    The appeal in this longshoreman's personal injury case requires
    us to consider
    once again the contours of the "active" operations duty, as developed in
    the caselaw flowing
    from the landmark case Scindia Steam Navigation Co. v. De Los Santos, 
    451 U.S. 156
    (1981), and to apply it to the facts of a stevedoring accident. The
    plaintiff is John Serbin,
    who, as the sun was rising on December 28, 1992, struggled to move a stuck
    piece of
    equipment — known as a "snatch block" — on the ship he was helping to
    unload. Unable to
    complete the job, Serbin attempted, with a coworker, to set it down, but
    he was thrown from
    the crates he was standing on to the deck seven feet below, breaking his
    knee in the fall.
    Serbin sued in the District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania
    under section 5(b) of
    the Longshore and Harbor Workers' Compensation Act, 
    33 U.S.C. § 905
    negligence of the vessel's crew that was attributable to the defendant
    ship. The district court
    granted summary judgment for the ship. Because there is a genuine issue
    of material fact as to
    whether the ship breached the active operations duty, we reverse and
    remand for further
    Serbin was a longshoreman employed by Independent Pier Company, a
    stevedore operating in the Port of Philadelphia.         Beginning at
    about midnight on
    December 28, 1992, Serbin's longshore gang began unloading fruit from the
    M/V Atlantic
    Universal, a vessel owned by defendant Bora Corp. LTD (the "ship"). The
    ship's cargo hold,
    where the fruit was located, is divided into hatches and decks. Each
    hatch, like a silo, runs
    vertically through the ship; each hatch is also split horizontally into
    five decks about seven feet
    high. Cargo, in this case fruit, is bundled into units approximately
    seven feet high so that
    each unit can fit into a deck. Separating the decks are movable hatch
    covers, like double
    doors, that form the floor and ceiling of the decks.
    The ship's crew opens and closes these hatch covers with a block
    and pulley
    system. Using a crane, the crew pulls a cable that runs through four
    snatch blocks — one in
    each corner — and then attaches to the hatch cover. After the
    longshoremen remove the unit
    of cargo from the highest deck, the crew uses the block and pulley system
    to fold open the
    next hatch cover, exposing the unit of cargo in the deck below. The
    snatch blocks, the
    moveable pulley part of the system, can pivot up (vertical position) and
    down (horizontal
    position) around hinges that attach them to the sides of the hatch covers.
    In order to open the
    hatch covers, the snatch blocks must be in the down (horizontal) position.
    After the hatch
    covers have been opened, the blocks must be returned to the up (vertical)
    position in order to
    allow the removal of the cargo below. The crew then ties the blocks to
    hold them in the up
    position. Each block weighs approximately one-hundred pounds. Unlike
    most snatch blocks,
    which are portable, the blocks on the M/V Atlantic Universal were fixed to
    the hatches and
    had metal projections extending from their hinges that served as stoppers.
    As with the hatch
    covers themselves, moving the snatch blocks is the responsibility of the
    At around 7:00 in the morning on December 28, Serbin returned
    from a
    "dinner" break to resume unloading the No. 3 hatch of the M/V Atlantic
    Universal, which had
    been loaded by another stevedore in Chile. Serbin, a forklift driver, was
    responsible for
    moving the fruit to the middle of the hatch, where a crane could lift the
    cargo out of the ship.
    As he descended to one of the lower "tween" decks, Serbin noticed that
    most of the cargo in
    the middle of the exposed deck had been unloaded, but that some units
    remained in the
    "wings." He also noticed that one of the snatch blocks improperly
    remained in the down
    position, resting on top of one of the cargo units. Serbin concluded that
    the unit of cargo
    underneath the block could not be removed while the block was in a down
    position, at least
    without damaging the top box of fruit. Serbin also believed that the
    block was unsafe where it
    was because "that's where the hookup man would normally stand in the wing.
    If anything was
    to fall he had no place to run." App. 39A. Therefore, he decided to move
    the block back to
    the up position.
    Serbin decided that he should move the block himself instead of
    waiting for the
    crew to do it, he testified, for two reasons. First, "the fruit system
    has gotten very
    competitive on the East Coast. With that in [the] way we wouldn't be able
    to send any fruit
    out and we would have had to wait for the crew to come down and move it
    and that would
    have been a waste of time, so I figured I can save time by moving it."
    Second, he had moved
    blocks in the past without difficulty, albeit sometimes with the help of a
    fellow longshoreman,
    and saw no reason why he should have any problem in this case.
    When Serbin tried to move the block, he found that he could not
    do so by
    himself. He asked another longshoreman, John McGonigle, who was working
    in the hold
    below, to help him raise it. McGonigle, incidentally, had notified a crew
    member when he too
    had noticed the problem. See infra p. 24. At all events, using a 4" x 4"
    piece of wood that
    was lying on the deck, McGonigle attempted to push the block from below,
    while Serbin,
    standing with one foot on top of the unit, tried to lift the block from
    above. They discovered
    that together they could still move the block only a little bit. As they
    attempted to set the
    block down, McGonigle lost control of the 4" x 4", the block snapped back
    down on top of the
    unit, and Serbin was catapulted off the top of the unit onto the deck
    below. Serbin suffered a
    severe knee injury in the fall — a tibial plateau fracture — that has
    permanently disabled him
    from working as a longshoreman.
    In addition to his and McGonigle's testimony, Serbin offered the
    affidavits of
    two maritime experts: George Mara, a naval architect and marine surveyor;
    and James
    Muldowney, an experienced stevedore ship boss. These experts opined that
    the block had
    become stuck on the underlying unit when the ship's crew failed to ensure
    that the block path
    was unobstructed before closing the hatch covers after the fruit was
    loaded in Chile. It was
    also the opinion of these experts that the crew should have discovered
    this condition both at
    the time it closed the hatch covers and the time it opened them in the
    Philadelphia port where
    Serbin worked. In his complaint, under section 5(b) of the Longshore and
    Harbor Workers'
    Compensation Act, 
    33 U.S.C. § 905
    (b), Serbin alleged negligence on the
    part of the ship's
    crew in failing to discover and correct the stuck block. Defendant, the
    ship owner, moved for
    summary judgment on the ground that Serbin could not establish a breach of
    any duty.
    The district court granted the motion. Serbin v. Bora Corp., No.
    94-3030, slip
    op. at 1 (E.D. Pa. Aug. 17, 1995). It first reasoned that an issue of
    material fact precluded
    deciding whether the "active operations" or the "turnover" duty of the
    Longshore Act
    governed in this case. 
    Id. at 9
    . Proceeding on the assumption that the
    active operations duty
    applied, the court reasoned that Serbin had failed to establish three of
    the four elements
    necessary to a prima facie case. According to the district court, Serbin
    failed to show (1) that
    "a stuck block generally creates a hazard"; (2) that the condition of the
    block was not
    "obvious"; and (3) that the ship failed to take reasonable precautions
    because "[t]he vessel had
    established a mechanism for addressing problems with the blocks" and
    "[Serbin] attempted to
    fix the problem himself before the crew had a chance to remedy the
    Id. at 9-12
    The district court concluded:
    Plaintiff has not presented any evidence to establish that the
    obstructed condition of the block presented a hazard that either
    was known or should have been known to the crew.   As a result,
    plaintiff cannot establish a breach of either the active
    duty or the turnover duty.
    Id. at 14
    . Serbin appeals. The standard of review for summary judgment
    motions is well
    known and hence we relegate it to the margin.
    The Longshore and Harbor Workers' Compensation Act, 
    33 U.S.C. § 905
    establishes a comprehensive workers' compensation program for longshoremen
    and their
    families. Section 5(b), the provision of the Act relevant for our
    purposes, provides
    longshoremen a cause of action for injuries resulting from the negligence
    of a ship or its
    crew. However, the Act neither specifies what acts constitute negligence
    nor describes the
    duties owed by shipowners to longshore workers. Instead, Congress
    intended that the scope of
    a shipowner's liability would evolve under general common law principles.
    See H.R. Rep.
    No. 1441, 92d Cong., 2d Sess. (1972), reprinted in 1972 U.S.C.C.A.N. 4698,
    4704 ("Such
    issues can only be resolved through the application of accepted principles
    of tort law and the
    ordinary processes of litigation — just as they are in cases involving
    alleged negligence by
    land-based third parties.").
    The Supreme Court set forth the basic framework for the Act's
    operation in
    Scindia Steam Navigation Co. v. De Los Santos, 
    451 U.S. 156
     (1981). "This
    duty extends,"
    the Court explained, "at least to exercising ordinary care under the
    circumstances to have the
    ship and its equipment in such condition that an expert and experienced
    stevedore will be able
    by the exercise of reasonable care to carry on its cargo operation with
    reasonable safety to
    persons and property . . . ." 
    Id. at 166-67
    As developed in Scindia and subsequent cases, the Longshore Act
    imposes three
    duties on shipowners: (1) the "turnover" duty; (2) the "active
    operations" duty; and (3) the
    "intervention" duty. The primary differences between these duties turn on
    scope of conditions
    or events for which the ship is responsible. Which duty applies, in turn,
    depends on the
    timing of the cargo operation (i.e., has it begun?) and the control over
    the area or
    instrumentality in question (i.e., does the ship or the stevedore have
    control?). The turnover
    duty comprises "both a duty to provide safe conditions and a corollary
    duty to warn of known,
    nonobvious hazards" in instrumentalities and areas "turned over" to the
    stevedore's control.
    Kirsch v. Plovidba, 
    971 F.2d 1026
    , 1028 (3d Cir. 1992). For areas and
    remaining under the ship's control, the active operations duty includes
    the turnover duty, but
    also requires the ship, after unloading has begun, not to take negligent
    actions in areas under
    its control that threaten the longshoremen's safety. See Davis v.
    Portline Transportes
    Maritime Internacional, 
    16 F.3d 532
    , 537 (3d Cir. 1994). Finally, the
    intervention duty
    requires the ship to take affirmative steps to rectify hazardous
    conditions even though it did
    not create the danger and even though the danger did not exist at the
    point of "turnover," at
    least when the ship has actual knowledge and the condition is not obvious.
    See Howlett v.
    Birkdale Shipping, 
    114 S. Ct. 2057
    A. Which Duty Applies?
    The two arguably relevant duties in this case are the active
    operations duty and
    the turnover duty. Serbin argues that the primary duty implicated here is
    the active operations
    duty. The ship insists that it is the turnover duty. The district court
    held that disputed issues
    of material fact precluded summary judgment on this issue. We agree. In
    order for the active
    operations duty to apply, Serbin must establish that the area in which the
    injury occurred, or
    the instrumentality which caused the injury, was under the substantial
    control of the vessel.
    See Davis, 
    16 F.3d at 540
    . Serbin introduced evidence that the hatches
    and their snatch
    blocks (the instrumentality which allegedly caused his injury) remained at
    all times under the
    control of the crew. Indeed, the crux of the ship's defense is that
    Serbin should have waited
    for the crew to take care of the problem.
    With the exception of the "obviousness" inquiry, however,
    discussed infra,
    which duty controls is not important here: if the block presented a
    hazard — whether through
    the turnover or the active operations theory — the ship breached its duty
    to Serbin. Serbin has
    introduced evidence of the stuck block, and the ship has produced nothing
    that could support a
    conclusion that the block became stuck after Serbin's stevedore began
    unloading in
    Philadelphia. Moreover, determining that Serbin could prevail on any
    theory will be enough
    to overcome the summary judgment against him. Therefore, like the
    district court, we will
    analyze this issue as if the active operations duty applies.
    B. Did the Ship Breach Its Duty?
    In order to establish a breach of the active operations duty, a
    plaintiff must
    show that the defendant "actively involve[d] itself in the cargo
    operations and [1] negligently
    injure[d] a longshoreman, or [2] [failed] to exercise due care to avoid
    exposing longshoremen
    to harm from hazards they may encounter in areas, or from equipment, under
    the active
    control of the vessel during the stevedoring operation." Scindia, 
    451 U.S. at 167
    . In Davis,
    this Court elaborated on the "due care" requirement in prong 2 of the
    active operation duty,
    the aspect relevant here. According to Davis, to establish a prima facie
    case of breach of the
    operations duty, a plaintiff must show:
    (1) that the vessel appreciated, should have appreciated, or with
    the exercise of reasonable care would have appreciated, the
    condition; (2) that the vessel knew, or should have known, that
    the condition posed an unreasonable risk of harm to a longshore
    worker; (3) that a longshore worker foreseeably might fail to (i)
    either discover the condition or apprehend the gravity and
    probability of the harm, or (ii) protect himself or herself from
    danger; and (4) that the vessel failed to take reasonable
    precautionary or remedial steps to prevent or eliminate the
    dangerous condition.
    16 F.3d at 541
    1. Knowledge
    The first factor Serbin must establish, and thus that we must
    evaluate, is
    whether "the vessel appreciated, should have appreciated, or with the
    exercise of reasonable
    care would have appreciated, the condition." 
     The district court
    concluded that Serbin had
    satisfied this prong of his prima facie test:
    In this case, the plaintiff asserts that the "condition" at issue
    that the block was obstructed in such a manner that it could not
    be rotated. Accepting this characterization of the condition, I
    conclude that the plaintiff has presented sufficient evidence
    which a jury could conclude that the shipowner — by way of the
    vessel's crew — knew or should have known that the block was
    stuck. As discussed above, there is evidence that the task of
    moving the blocks fell to the crew. Thus, a jury could find that
    the crew in the normal exercise of their duties should have
    discovered that the block was stuck. In addition, in the hatch
    where the accident allegedly occurred, three of the four blocks
    apparently had been turned up; a jury might infer from this fact
    that the crew had attempted to move the fourth block but found
    that it was stuck. It is therefore possible to conclude that the
    crew had actual knowledge of the stuck condition of the block.
    Serbin, slip op. at 10. We agree with the district court's reasoning in
    this respect. In
    addition, Serbin introduced the affidavits of two experts who opined that
    the ship's crew
    should have discovered the stuck condition of the block both when it
    closed the hatches in
    Chile and when it opened them in Philadelphia. Therefore, like the
    district court, we conclude
    that a reasonable fact-finder could determine that the ship's crew
    appreciated (or should have
    appreciated) the condition of the block.
    2. Unreasonable risk of harm
    The second issue we must confront is whether Serbin presented
    evidence that
    could establish "that the vessel knew, or should have known, that the
    condition posed an
    unreasonable risk of harm to a longshore worker." Davis, 
    16 F.3d at 541
    The district court
    reasoned as follows:
    Based on the record that has been presented, . . . a jury could
    conclude that the vessel should have known that the stuck block
    presented an unreasonable risk of harm to longshore workers.
    Plaintiff has not come forward with any evidence that suggests
    that a stuck block generally creates a hazard and that this
    should have been known to the crew. The only evidence I can
    find in the record that an obstructed block is hazardous is the
    that in this case the plaintiff was injured attempting to move
    In order to establish that the condition was hazardous, however,
    the plaintiff must show more than the mere fact that an accident
    occurred. On the record before the court, the situation
    encountered by the plaintiff was hazardous not because the block
    was stuck but because it was stuck in conjunction with the fact
    much of the cargo on the deck had been removed, creating a hole
    into which a longshore worker could fall. In order for the crew
    to appreciate that the obstructed block would present this risk
    harm, they would have had to anticipate that a longshore worker
    would attempt to move the block after removing much of the
    cargo. No evidence in the record would support imputing this
    knowledge to the crew.
    Serbin, slip op. at 10-11. We disagree with this analysis in two major
    First, while a plaintiff certainly cannot rely on the mere fact
    that an accident
    happened to establish the existence of a hazard, the district court's
    discussion seems to suggest
    that a plaintiff must introduce specific evidence beyond the dangerous
    condition to show that
    that condition is generally hazardous. We disagree. This evidence might
    be helpful to a
    plaintiff's case, but it is not necessary. For instance, a plaintiff
    could not rely on the mere fact
    that he fell on a staircase to prevail in a negligence suit against the
    owner. But, if the plaintiff
    can show that the staircase was in disrepair, the jury is entitled to draw
    from that evidence the
    reasonable inference that the staircase presented a generally hazardous
    condition. So too in
    this case. Serbin need not introduce evidence about stuck blocks
    generally — but instead could
    rely on his evidence about this particular stuck block — if a fact-finder
    could draw the
    reasonable inference that the stuck block was a general hazard.
    This brings us to our second point of disagreement with the
    district court's
    analysis: whether a reasonable fact-finder could draw the inference that
    the hazard posed an
    unreasonable risk of harm. Because Serbin must show that the block posed
    a general hazard,
    he is entitled to the inferences flowing from the many (i.e., general)
    ways a stuck block could
    injure someone. See Kleinknecht v. Gettysburg College, 
    989 F.2d 1360
    1369 (3d Cir. 1993)
    ("The type of foreseeability that determines a duty of care . . . is not
    dependent on the
    foreseeability of a specific event."); Suchomajcz v. Hummel Chem. Co., 
    524 F.2d 19
    , 28 n.8
    (3d Cir. 1975) ("The concept of foreseeability means the likelihood of the
    occurrence of a
    general type of risk rather than the likelihood of the occurrence of the
    precise chain of events
    leading to the injury."); Restatement (Second) of Torts § 435(1) ("[T]hat
    the actor neither
    foresaw nor should have foreseen the . . . manner in which [the harm]
    occurred does not
    prevent him from being liable.").
    It was not necessary, therefore, that the crew anticipate that "a
    worker would attempt to move the block after removing much of the cargo."
    A stuck block
    could conceivably have injured someone in any number of ways. For
    instance, to name just a
    few of the scenarios that could have occurred in Serbin's situation alone,
    the block could have
    (1) suddenly dislodged and sent him sprawling to the ground, causing
    serious injury even if the
    ground was not seven feet below; (2) snapped back and crushed his fingers
    underneath; or (3)
    having never budged despite Serbin's and McGonigle's efforts, seriously
    injured Serbin's back
    from the strain. Thus, recognizing that the stuck block presented a
    general hazard would not
    require clairvoyance on the part of the crew that a longshoreman would
    hurt himself in this
    particular way. A fact-finder could reasonably conclude that the crew
    should have recognized
    the general danger the stuck block posed.
    3. Foreseeable failure of longshoreman to protect against harm
    The third question is whether Serbin introduced evidence that
    could support a
    fact finding that "a longshore worker foreseeably might fail to (i) either
    discover the condition
    or apprehend the gravity and probability of the harm, or (ii) protect
    himself or herself from the
    danger." Davis, 
    16 F.3d at 541
    . The district court explained:
    For similar reasons, a jury could not find that a longshore
    would foreseeably fail to (1) discover the condition, (2)
    apprehend its gravity, or (3) protect himself or herself from the
    danger. Once having attempted without success to move the
    block, a longshore worker could be expected to realize that the
    block was obstructed. In fact, the plaintiff acknowledges that
    prior to the accident, he discovered that the block was stuck.
    attempted to move it by himself but, finding that he could not,
    called on his co-worker McGonigle for assistance. The plaintiff
    has thus presented no evidence that it was foreseeable that a
    longshore worker would fail to discover the obstructed condition
    of the block. Similarly, the plaintiff has not produced evidence
    that it was foreseeable that a longshore worker would fail to
    appreciate the gravity of the block's stuck condition. As
    discussed above, the evidence that has been presented suggests
    that the hazard associated with the stuck block existed only in
    conjunction with the removal of the cargo below. A longshore
    worker attempting to move a stuck block while standing atop a
    seven-foot stack of fruit boxes can be expected to appreciate the
    danger of falling. It is not foreseeable that such a longshore
    worker would fail to protect himself from this danger.
    Serbin, slip op. at 11-12. As this passage reveals, the district court's
    analysis of this prong of
    Davis essentially boils down to a test of "obviousness." We agree with
    this characterization.
    See Davis, 
    16 F.3d at 543-44
     (discussing this prong in terms of
    "obviousness"). But we
    disagree with the district court's conclusion for a number of reasons.
    To begin with, this Court has consistently stated that
    obviousness is generally a
    question for the jury, not often appropriate for resolution by the court
    on summary judgment.
    See, e.g., 
    id. at 540
    ; Kirsch, 
    971 F.2d at 1030
    . We think that reasonable
    minds could differ
    on whether an "obstructed" block presented an obvious danger under these
    circumstances, and
    that it is for the fact-finder, therefore, to decide the obviousness issue
    in this case.
    Second, we believe that the record in this case does not
    establish, especially at
    the summary judgment stage, that Serbin knew the block was "obstructed."
    Serbin testified:
    Q.   Did you start to move the block? Because you mentioned that
    sometimesyou can move the block with just one person.
    A.   Myself?
    Q.   Yes.
    A.   No.    That's why Johnny had to help me.   I couldn't move it
    Q.   Did you try to move it yourself first?
    A.   Yes, and I couldn't do it.
    App. 54A-55A (emphases added).
    John McGonigle, who helped Serbin try to move the block,
    Q.    [N]ormally — I'm not talking about the day of Mr. Serbin's
    accident —
    when you lift a block like this, is it something that one
    person can do?
    A.   No, usually two men.
    Q.   When you usually do it, do you use any type of
    equipment or did you just do it by hand?
    . . .
    A.      Yes, we did that a few times, different jobs.
    Q.      Normally, would you use a four-by-four to lift the
    A.      Well, whatever you could find, a four-by-four, two-by-four.
    If there
    was fruit or anything in the way, you could go over and pick
    it up with
    the chisel (i.e. fork lift) forks.
    App. 78A-79A (emphasis added).
    Therefore, Serbin testified only that he could not move the block
    by himself.
    He did not testify that it was "obstructed" — as opposed to being too
    heavy. Moreover, he
    answered affirmatively that he could sometimes move a block himself,
    providing the
    reasonable inference that sometimes he could not move a block himself.
    The evidence does
    not, then, establish that Serbin knew that the block was "obstructed,"
    i.e., stuck by metal
    stoppers wedged into the cargo below so that it would not move even with
    two men and a
    lever. And McGonigle testified that moving a block was usually a two-man
    job, presumably
    because the blocks are heavy, and that it was not abnormal to use levers
    to augment the
    strength of the two men. McGonigle's further testimony that other methods
    were available
    "[i]f there was no fruit or anything in the way" could possibly indicate
    that he had experience
    with this type of situation, that Serbin presumably shared this
    experience, and that the "fruit in
    the way" created an obstruction. Or it could just indicate that the fruit
    barred one avenue of
    access to the block. These questions of inference are for the fact-
    Granting the reasonable inferences to Serbin, the testimony
    establishes that
    Serbin simply thought this to be a heavy block that would require
    additional assistance —
    including both more manpower and a lever — to move. And a fact-finder
    could conclude that
    Serbin was reasonable in his assumption. If Serbin reasonably did not
    apprehend the stuck
    condition of the block, he also would have no reason to take steps to
    protect himself against it.
    A disputed issue of material fact, therefore, precludes summary judgment
    on this issue.
    The third reason we disagree with the district court's
    conclusions about
    foreseeable failure of the longshoreman to protect against harm is that,
    if the active operations
    duty applies, obviousness is not a complete bar to liability. See Davis,
    16 F.3d at 543-45
    . In
    Davis, we held that the potential obviousness of a danger — in that case a
    "grease and ice
    spot" — would not relieve a shipowner of its active operations duty to
    provide reasonably safe
    conditions under the Longshore Act, but rather could be taken into account
    in apportioning
    comparative negligence. 
    Id. at 540
    . "[E]ven if we shared the district
    court's view that a
    reasonable jury must conclude that the danger was obvious, known to Davis,
    and easily
    avoidable," this Court said, "we still would not affirm its order granting
    [the defendant]
    summary judgment because we cannot conclude as a matter of law that [the
    defendant] was 0%
    and Davis was 100% at fault." 
     We concluded in Davis that both the
    structure and the
    legislative history of the Longshore Act demonstrated that Congress, in
    enacting the Act,
    rejected the common law tort doctrines of contributory negligence and
    assumption of risk in
    favor of the admiralty concept of comparative negligence. 
    Id. at 544
    . A
    complete bar to
    recovery for obvious dangers, we reasoned, would be inconsistent with the
    Act because it
    would effectively implement these outmoded and congressionally rejected
    Rather, a ship could be at fault for failing to correct an unreasonable
    danger even if the
    longshoreman was also at fault for failing to avoid it: "[I]t is
    fundamental that there may be
    more than one proximate cause of an injury." 
     (quoting Moore v. M.P.
    Howlett, Inc., 
    704 F.2d 39
    , 43 (2d Cir. 1983)).
    The ship contends that a subsequent decision of the Supreme
    Court, Howlett v.
    Birkdale Shipping Co., 
    114 S. Ct. 2057
     (1994), effectively overruled
    Davis. We disagree.
    Howlett held that obviousness was a bar to liability under a different
    aspect of the Act — the
    turnover duty. Under this duty, the ship need warn only of "latent
    hazards in the cargo stow,"
    the Court said, because "[t]o impose a duty upon vessels to exercise
    scrutiny over a cargo
    loading operation to discover defects that may become hidden when the stow
    is complete
    would require vessels to inject themselves into matters beyond their
    ordinary province." 
    Id. at 2066
    . The Court made clear that the scope of the turnover duty with
    respect to the stow is
    "narrow" because "the cargo stow is separate and distinct from other
    aspects of the ship." 2066-67. In contrast, "[t]he vessel's
    responsibilities to inspect [the ship itself, and its gear,
    equipment and tools] are commensurate with its access and control." 
    Id. at 2066
    . "Because
    the vessel does not exercise the same degree of operational control over,
    and does not have the
    same access to, the cargo stow," the Court concluded, "its duties with
    respect to the stow are
    limited by comparison." 
    Id. at 2067
    Thus, the Court held that, if the hazard in that case — a sheet
    of clear plastic in
    the cargo stow — was obvious to a competent stevedore, summary judgment
    would be
    appropriate for the ship. Moreover, the seminal case in this area,
    Scindia, also suggested that
    the obviousness bar to liability under the turnover duty did not apply
    under the active
    operations duty. Compare 
    451 U.S. at 167
     (turnover duty: "[I]f [the
    ship] fails at least to
    warn the stevedore of hidden danger which would have been known to him in
    the exercise of
    reasonable care, he has breached his duty . . . ." (emphasis added) with
     (active operations
    duty: "[T]he vessel may be liable if it actively involves itself in the
    cargo operations and
    negligently injures a longshoreman or if it fails to exercise due care to
    avoid exposing
    longshoremen to harm from hazards they may encounter . . . ."). By
    omitting the modifier
    "hidden," the Scindia Court seems to have indicated that the active
    operations duty is not
    limited to nonobvious dangers. In interpreting the Act as doing away with
    an "obviousness"
    bar to recovery under the active operations duty in Davis, we
    distinguished the narrower scope
    of the ship's responsibility under the turnover and intervention duties.
    16 F.3d at 537
    . "This
    formulation lies in stark contrast to the rule applicable when the vessel
    does not actively
    involve itself in the cargo operations," we explained, "in which event the
    vessel may rely and
    depend on the experience and expertise of the stevedore." 
    Indeed, in Davis itself we recognized that this Court had already
    decided that
    obviousness was a bar to liability under the turnover duty: "The focus on
    obviousness in
    971 F.2d at 1031
    , was linked to the turnover duty and in Derr v.
    Kawasaki Kisen
    835 F.2d 490
    , 496 (3d Cir. 1987), cert. denied, 
    486 U.S. 1007
    (1988), to the duty to
    warn; here, we must come to grips with the active operations duty, a duty
    which contrasts
    materially from the duties Derr and Kirsch considered." 
    16 F.3d at 540
    (citations omitted).
    We explained the different nature of the active operations duty:
    When, however, the hazard occurs due to the vessel's active
    operations, as is plausibly the case here, it no longer is proper
    for the vessel to defer to the stevedore's expertise in handling
    cargo. The problem of apportioning responsibility between the
    vessel and stevedore by manipulating the vessel's standard of
    care to account for both entities disappears, because the vessel
    in such events responsible for the injury, and liability, if any,
    should attach to it according to its comparative fault. . . . In
    short, unlike with the turnover duty, which generally applies to
    hidden defects in cargo areas, the vessel cannot rely on the
    stevedore's expertise to protect its workers from the vessel's
    active operations.
    Id. at 548
     (emphasis added).
    Thus, we conclude that a fact-finder could reasonably determine
    that the
    obstructed condition was not obvious. We also hold that, if the active
    operations duty governs
    this case, obviousness will not bar liability, but rather will factor into
    a determination of
    comparative negligence.
    4. Reasonable steps to avoid harm
    The final issue we must evaluate is whether the ship "failed to
    take reasonable
    precautionary or remedial steps to prevent or eliminate the dangerous
    condition." Davis, 
    16 F.3d at 541
    . According to the district court:
    [P]laintiff has not shown that defendant "failed to take
    precautionary or remedial steps to prevent or eliminate the
    dangerous condition." The vessel had established a mechanism
    for addressing problems with the blocks: as the plaintiff
    acknowledges, it had made it known that the blocks were the
    province of the crew. Indeed, the application of the active
    operations duty proceeds, as discussed above, on the assumption
    that the blocks were the responsibility of the crew. McGonigle
    had already alerted a crew member to the fact that one of the
    blocks was in the down position. Plaintiff, however, attempted
    to fix the problem himself before the crew had a chance to
    remedy the problem. Plaintiff cannot show that defendant
    breached the active operations duty, and this theory must be
    Serbin, slip op. at 12. We disagree. Serbin contests that the vessel had
    not established a
    "mechanism" for dealing with block problems, and we can find nothing in
    the record to
    support the ship's and the district court's assertion that it did.
    Although the active operations
    duty does proceed "on the assumption that the blocks were the
    responsibility of the crew,"
    Serbin introduced evidence that it was customary for longshoremen to
    remove hazardous
    conditions themselves (including those involving blocks and hatch covers)
    so as to unload the
    ship quickly and efficiently. If this is true — as we must assume on
    summary judgment — the
    ship was on notice that a competent longshoreman, perhaps unable to
    ascertain that the block
    remained "down" because it was stuck, would attempt to move it.
    McGonigle's testimony that he notified a member of the ship's
    crew of the
    problem is also not dispositive. That another longshoreman notified a
    crew member of the
    block's incorrect position does nothing to establish that the ship took
    reasonable steps to
    rectify it. McGonigle testified that he had no idea if the crew member
    would take care of the
    block — or indeed whether he even spoke English — and the record contains
    no evidence that
    the ship took any steps toward taking care of the block. And even if the
    ship had a system in
    place, and had taken steps to move the block (or would have taken steps,
    given more time),
    these hypothetical factors cannot be enough to establish "reasonably
    precautionary or remedial
    measures" as long as the ship could reasonably foresee, as we have
    concluded that it could,
    that, despite such a system, a longshoreman might seek to correct the
    problem himself. Under
    these circumstances, the ship was left with two options: (1) inspecting
    and remedying
    dangerous conditions before the stevedore began cargo operations, or (2)
    making clear that
    longshoremen were not themselves to correct problems on the ship. This
    record permits a
    reasonable inference that the ship did not do either.
    The ship also argues that it could reasonably rely on Serbin to
    stop working
    pending the moving of the block because OSHA regulations require him to do
    so. These
    regulations, the ship contends,
    specifically state that when there is a problem with a hatch
    "that would jeopardize the safety of the [longshoreman, the
    problem] shall be reported at once to the officers in charge of
    29 C.F.R. § 1918.31
    (c) (emphasis added).
    Furthermore, the OSHA regulations state that "[p]ending
    replacement or repairs by the vessel, work shall not be performed
    in the section containing the unsafe covers or in adjacent
    unless the flooring is made safe." 
    The problem with this argument is that it assumes one of the
    ultimate issues in
    this litigation: Serbin's knowledge of the condition. Because the
    regulations require reporting
    of "hatch cover" problems that would "jeopardize the safety" of
    longshoremen — rather than
    all "hatch cover" problems — Serbin would need to have knowledge of the
    block's dangerous
    condition in order to comply. Serbin, of course, denies having such
    knowledge, and the ship
    introduced no evidence to the contrary. Therefore, even assuming that a
    regulation governing
    "hatch covers" also covers "snatch blocks," this argument is unavailing.
    A fact-finder could
    reasonably conclude that the ship failed to take reasonable steps to
    rectify the block's
    Serbin has produced evidence from which a reasonable fact-finder
    conclude that the ship breached its duty to him under section 5(b) of the
    Longshore Act. We
    will, therefore, reverse the order of the district court granting summary
    judgment and remand
    for further proceedings consistent with this opinion.