Marzano v. Computer Science ( 1996 )

  •                                                                                                                            Opinions of the United
    1996 Decisions                                                                                                             States Court of Appeals
    for the Third Circuit
    Marzano v. Computer Science
    Precedential or Non-Precedential:
    Docket 95-5629
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    No. 95-5629
    On Appeal from the United States District Court
    For the District of New Jersey
    (D.C. Civil No. 94-3102)
    Argued May 23, 1996
    Before: SLOVITER, Chief Judge,
    SAROKIN and OAKES, Circuit Judges
    (Opinion filed July 31, 1996)
    Mark Falk (Argued)
    Madeline E. Cox
    Carmen J. DiMaria
    Barry & McMoran
    One Newark Center
    Newark, New Jersey 07102
    Attorneys for Appellant
    Theresa Donahoe Egler (Argued)
    Rosalie J. Shoeman
    Pitney, Hardin, Kipp & Szuch
    P.O. Box 1945
    Morristown, New Jersey 07962
    Attorneys for Appellees
    SAROKIN, Circuit Judge:
    We are asked to consider once again the proper allocation of
    burdens in cases involving allegations of discriminatory
    employment actions. Cases of this nature inevitably raise thorny
    issues because they typically require the plaintiff to establish
    proof of the employer's intent not through direct evidence, which
    is rarely available, but through complex inferential schemes.
    The issue in the specific matter before us concerns the
    elements of a prima facie case under the familiar McDonnell
    Douglas scheme in a case in which the plaintiff-employee was
    terminated, allegedly as the result of a reduction in the
    employer's workforce. The case raises as well issues involving
    the scope of the exceptions to the New Jersey Family & Medical
    Leave Act, the enforceability of communications by an employer as
    an implied contract, and the extent of liability of a parent
    corporation for its subsidiary's employment decisions.
    I. Facts and procedural posture
    Even by the standards of the acrimonious world of
    litigation, there is little in this case about which the parties
    agree. They agree that appellant, Catherine Marzano, was hired
    by one of the appellees, Computer Science Corp., in September
    1990; that she went on maternity leave in July 1993; that she
    gave birth to her son the next month; and that she was laid off
    on October 5, 1993. Beyond this bare-bones chronology, however,
    much is in dispute: who Ms. Marzano's employer was at any one
    time; how well that employer, whoever it was, was doing
    financially, and how we should determine this; what Ms. Marzano's
    job entailed; what the jobs of people hired after she was laid
    off entailed, and what qualifications were required to perform
    those respective jobs; why she was laid off; and who needs to
    establish the reason and what is necessary to do so.
    Of one thing we are certain: on September 5, 1990, Ms.
    Marzano was hired by Computer Science Corporation ("CSC") as a
    "junior technical recruiter." Her contract indicates that she
    was hired as an at-will employee. She was assigned to work in a
    division of CSC named CSD in Piscataway, New Jersey.
    At some later point, CSD was merged with CSC Partners, a
    wholly owned subsidiary of CSC. It is not entirely clear when
    the merger occurred. Defendants state that CSD and CSC Partners
    were "functionally merged" in April 1991, Appellees' Brief at 4;
    see App. at DAS 74; DAS 178-79, and that after the merger, all
    CSD employees became employees of CSC Partners.
    According to testimony by officials of CSC Partners, at the
    time of the merger Partners was comprised of twelve separate
    business units. Defendants describe a business unit as "a
    revenue generation and profit and loss center for delivering
    consulting systems, integration and development work to its
    client base." App. at DAS 138. Most of the units are organized
    around a region. App. at DAS 183. There are, for instance,
    Chicago, Minneapolis, and NY Metro units. One unit, however, was
    allegedly "devoted exclusively to servicing AT&T on a national
    basis." Appellees' Brief at 5; see App. at DAS 184-85. That
    unit was known as the AT&T National Business Unit.
    According to Ms. Marzano's affidavit, the merger had little
    effect on her day-to-day worklife, to the point where she states
    that she "continued to consider herself a CSC employee."
    Appellant's Brief at 5. More significantly, she allegedly
    continued to collect paychecks from CSC for some time after the
    merger allegedly occurred. App. at A225.
    Ms. Marzano's performance seems to have been satisfactory or
    better throughout her tenure at CSC and CSC Partners. After
    seven months of employment, she received a twenty-percent salary
    increase and a "good" performance review by her supervisor, App.
    at A227, and she received other positive feedback from the
    company. See, e.g., App. at A252.
    In June 1991, Ms. Marzano was assigned to a new position.
    She contends that she was promoted to account executive for the
    Sales Division, App. at A227. Defendants, on the other hand,
    state that "her duties were modified to an administrative support
    role for the Bell Labs account" following a reduction of
    personnel at CSC Partners. App. at DA3. In any case, Ms.
    Marzano states that she received a "very good" evaluation at the
    end of that year. App. at A228.
    In April 1992, she became marketing administrator for the
    AT&T National Account; she received a ten-percent salary increase
    and an "above-average" rating in her evaluation at the end of
    that year. App. at A228, A231.
    Mr. Marzi stated in a deposition that he was hired as
    business unit manager of the AT&T Unit in September 1992. App.
    at DAS 134. After reviewing the Unit's marketing plan and
    finding it ineffective, he discontinued it and reassigned the
    marketing personnel. App. at DAS 142-47. As a result of the
    changes, Ms. Marzano's duties were allegedly reassigned to
    provide administrative support to Mr. Marzi. App. at DAS 147-49.
    In January 1993, Ms. Marzano informed Mr. Marzi that she
    would be going on maternity leave in July. According to her
    affidavit, shortly before going on leave Mr. Marzi told her that
    she would receive additional responsibilities when she returned,
    and gave no indication that her position might be in jeopardy.
    App. at A231. She further asserts that when she left on
    maternity leave, she had a conversation with Mr. Marzi in which
    he spoke to her "as if [she] wasn't coming back." App. at A232.
    Ms. Marzano allegedly reassured Mr. Marzi that she intended to
    return immediately after maternity leave. Id.
    According to Mr. Marzi's deposition, the AT&T Unit started
    experiencing "significant losses" beginning in the spring of 1993
    as a result of AT&T's own financial difficulties, which led the
    telephone company to curtail its spending on consulting work.
    App. at DAS 136-37. As a result, the AT&T Unit allegedly started
    considering the need for staff reductions. According to
    Defendants, Ms. Marzano's position was particularly vulnerable
    because her salary was "non-billable" and non-revenue-generating,
    and her position "non-essential." Appellees' Brief at 9.
    Defendants allege that Mr. Marzi initially tried to "identify a
    more essential role for plaintiff following her leave," id., but
    after financial conditions worsened, decided to eliminate her
    position altogether along with nine others out of some fifty
    positions in the AT&T Unit in New Jersey. Id. at 10. (According
    to Defendants, the AT&T Unit was eventually merged into the NY
    Metro Business Unit in March 1994. App. at DAS 139.)
    In any case, Ms. Marzano went on maternity leave on July 27,
    1993 and gave birth to her son on August 14, 1993. App. at A232.
    Mr. Marzi allegedly called her a few weeks later to tell her that
    her position was being "eliminated" and that she was fired. Id.
    On October 5, 1993, CSC Partners sent Ms. Marzano a letter of
    termination confirming the bad news and attributing the decision
    to a reduction in force in the AT&T Business Unit caused by
    financial difficulties. App. at DA47. Ms. Marzano asserts in
    her affidavit that she went to speak with Mr. Marzi shortly after
    her termination, and that he told her "how his wife had collected
    unemployment so [that] she could stay home with their kids and
    how [Ms. Marzano] might be 'better off' if [she] could stay home
    with [her] son and collect unemployment." App. at 233.
    On November 1, 1993, Mr. Marzi circulated a memorandum to
    the "AT&T National Business Unit" and the "NY Metro Business
    Unit" announcing the consolidation of certain "services and
    functions" of the two units, and advertising three positions:
    administrative manager and marketing manager, both to be filled
    immediately, and "general consulting practice manager" for NY
    Metro. Ms. Marzano was, according to her affidavit, never
    advised of or considered for these positions. App. at A234-35.
    Barbara Zelasko, a person from outside CSC and CSC Partners, was
    hired as marketing manager in March 1994.
    Ms. Marzano asserts in her affidavit that pregnancy was
    referred to as the "kiss of death" at CSC because numerous female
    employees (at least seven, she states) had been terminated after
    taking maternity leave. App. at A236.
    Ms. Marzano instituted the instant action in response to her
    termination on May 18, 1994 by filing suit in the Superior Court
    of New Jersey against Computer Science Corporation and CSC
    Partners, Inc. ("Defendants"). In her complaint, Ms. Marzano
    alleged unlawful discrimination by Defendants on the basis of her
    pregnancy in violation of the New Jersey Law Against
    Discrimination, N.J.S.A.   10:5-12(a); unlawful interference with
    her rights under the New Jersey Family Leave Act, N.J.S.A.
    34:11B-9; and breach of an implied-in-fact employment contract
    based on Defendants' written policy. The case was removed to the
    United States District Court for the District of New Jersey based
    on diversity of citizenship, 28 U.S.C.   1332.
    Defendants responded to Ms. Marzano's complaint with a
    motion for summary judgment on all counts, pursuant to Fed. R.
    Civ. P. 56(c). The district court granted the motion on August
    17, 1995, bringing the proceedings before that court to an end.
    Ms. Marzano filed the instant appeal on August 28, 1995.
    II. Jurisdiction
    This is a civil action between the citizens of different
    states, and the matter in controversy exceeds the sum of $50,000.
    Therefore, the district court had original jurisdiction pursuant
    to 28 U.S.C.   1332(a)(1).
    The district court issued an order granting Defendants'
    motion for summary judgment on August 17, 1995. We have
    jurisdiction over an appeal from this final order pursuant to 28
    U.S.C.   1291.
    III. Standard of review
    We exercise plenary review over a grant of summary judgment
    by the district court, Armbruster v. Unisys Corp., 
    32 F.3d 768
    777 (3d Cir. 1994), and apply the same test that the district
    court should have applied. 
    Summary judgment should be granted if "there is no genuine
    issue as to any material fact" and "the moving party is entitled
    to a judgment as a matter of law." Fed. R. Civ. P. 56(c); seealso
    32 F.3d at 777
    . In making its determination,
    the court should view the facts in the light most favorable to
    the nonmoving party and draw all inferences in that party's
    favor. Armbruster, 
    32 F.3d at 777
    In an employment discrimination case,
    the burden of persuasion on summary judgment remains
    unalterably with [the employer] as movant. The
    employer must persuade the court that even if all of
    the inferences which could reasonably be drawn from the
    evidentiary materials of record were viewed in the
    light most favorable to [the plaintiff], no reasonable
    jury could find in [the plaintiff's] favor.
    Sorba v. Pennsylvania Drilling Co., Inc., 
    821 F.2d 200
    , 201-02
    (3d Cir. 1987), cert. denied, 
    484 U.S. 1019
    IV. The employment discrimination claim
    Ms. Marzano first claims that by terminating her employment,
    the defendants unlawfully discriminated against her on the basis
    of her pregnancy, in violation of the New Jersey Law Against
    Discrimination, N.J.S.A.   10:5-12(a).
    The district court analyzed Ms. Marzano's allegation as a
    claim of discrimination in a force-reduction setting. District
    Opinion, typescript at 4 (citing Massarsky v. General Motors
    706 F.2d 111
    , 118 (3d Cir.), cert. denied, 
    464 U.S. 937
    (1983)). We have held that in order to establish a prima faciecase of
    this sort, "the plaintiff must show he was in the
    protected class, he was qualified, he was laid off and other
    unprotected workers were retained." Armbruster v. Unisys Corp.,
    32 F.3d 768
    , 777 (3d Cir. 1994). The district court, by its own
    admission, rejected the "literal language of the retention
    requirement," District Opinion at 5, and held instead that
    to establish a prima facie case in the context of a
    work-force reduction, a plaintiff must do more than
    merely show that unprotected employees were retained in
    their positions; the plaintiff must produce some
    additional evidence that he was singled out for
    discharge because of his protected status.
    Id. at 5-6.
    Based upon this novel standard, the district court found
    that "plaintiff has merely asserted that while she was
    terminated, other employees were retained," id. at 6, and that
    she had "failed to adduce any evidence of a nexus between her
    pregnancy and her discharge" and "to demonstrate that other,
    nonpregnant workers were treated more favorably." Id. As a
    result, the court concluded that Ms. Marzano had failed to
    establish a prima facie case of discrimination, and that the
    defendants were entitled to summary judgment on this claim. Id.
    Ms. Marzano challenges the district court's conclusion on a
    number of grounds. She argues, first of all, that no workforce
    reduction occurred, that accordingly the district court applied
    the wrong legal standard to her claim, and that under the proper
    legal standard she has established a prima facie case of
    discrimination. Appellant's Brief at 27. Second, Ms. Marzano
    argues that even if a workforce reduction did occur, the court
    did not apply the correct standard, id. at 30-34, and that, under
    the correct standard, Ms. Marzano has easily made a prima faciecase of
    discrimination. Id. at 29. Third, Ms. Marzano argues
    that even if the court did apply the right test, she did produce
    "additional evidence" of the defendants' discriminatory intent
    sufficient to meet her prima facie burden. Finally, Ms. Marzano
    argues that she has produced sufficient evidence to allow a jury
    to conclude that any reason proffered by the defendants for her
    layoff is pretextual. Id. at 38.
    A. The McDonnell Douglas burden-shifting scheme
    The Supreme Court of New Jersey has adopted the methodology
    governing federal employment discrimination law for state claims
    of a similar nature. See Clowes v. Terminix International, Inc.,
    538 A.2d 794
    , 805 (N.J. 1988); Andersen v. Exxon Co., U.S.A., 
    446 A.2d 486
    , 490-91 (N.J. 1982).
    The United States Supreme Court, in McDonnell Douglas Corp.
    v. Green, 
    411 U.S. 792
     (1973), articulated the analytical
    framework for federal claims of employment discrimination in
    which the plaintiff seeks to make his or her case through
    circumstantial evidence. McDonnell Douglas set forth the basic
    allocation of burdens among employer and employee and order of
    presentation of proof:
    First, the plaintiff has the burden of proving by the
    preponderance of the evidence a prima facie case of
    discrimination. Second, if the plaintiff succeeds in
    proving the prima facie case, the burden shifts to the
    defendant "to articulate some legitimate,
    nondiscriminatory reason for the employee's rejection."
    Third, should the defendant carry this burden, the
    plaintiff must then have an opportunity to prove by a
    preponderance of the evidence that the legitimate
    reasons offered by the defendant were not its true
    reasons, but were a pretext for discrimination.
    Texas Dept. of Community Affairs v. Burdine, 
    450 U.S. 248
    , 252-53
    (1981) (citations omitted).
    While the burden of production may shift, "[t]he ultimate
    burden of persuading the trier of fact that the defendant
    intentionally discriminated against the plaintiff remains at all
    times with the plaintiff." 
    Id. at 253
    In McDonnell Douglas, the Court explained that the plaintiff
    could meet his or her prima facie burden
    by showing (i) that he belongs to a racial minority;
    (ii) that he applied and was qualified for a job for
    which the employer was seeking applicants; (iii) that,
    despite his qualifications, he was rejected; and (iv)
    that, after his rejection, the position remained open
    and the employer continued to seek applicants from
    persons of complainant's qualifications.
    McDonnell Douglas, 
    411 U.S. at 802
    At the same time as it was articulating the elements of a
    prima facie case, the McDonnell Douglas Court explained in no
    uncertain terms that these elements might vary in "differing
    factual situations." 
     at 802 n.13. Similarly, we have often
    remarked that "'the nature of the required showing' to establish
    a prima facie case of disparate treatment by indirect evidence
    'depends on the circumstances of the case.'" Torre v. Casio,
    42 F.3d 825
    , 830 (3d Cir. 1994) (citing Massarsky v.
    General Motors Corp., 
    706 F.2d 111
    , 118 n.13 (3d Cir.), cert.denied, 
    464 U.S. 937
     (1983)). In the context of a claim of
    discriminatory termination of employment, for instance, we have
    held that the plaintiff must "prov[e] by a preponderance of the
    evidence that (1) he belongs to a protected class; (2) he was
    qualified for the position; (3) he was dismissed despite being
    qualified; and (4) he ultimately was replaced by a person
    [outside the protected class]." Chipollini v. Spencer Gifts,
    814 F.2d 893
    , 897 (3d Cir.), cert. dismissed, 
    438 U.S. 1052
    (1987); see also Sempier v. Johnson & Higgins, 
    45 F.3d 724
    , 728
    (3d Cir.) (same), cert. denied, 
    115 S. Ct. 2611
     (1995); Torre, 
    42 F.3d at 830
    In a further effort to fine-tune our jurisprudence on the
    subject, we have held that the fourth prong of the prima facie
    case should be "relaxed" when the employee's layoff occurred in
    the context of a reduction in force. Torre, 
    42 F.3d at 831
    . In
    such a situation, "it obviously is unnecessary for the plaintiff
    to . . . show that he was actually replaced by" someone outside
    the protected class. Massarsky, 706 F.2d at 118 n.13; see alsoDuffy v.
    Wheeling Pittsburgh Steel Corp., 
    738 F.2d 1393
    , 1395 n.3
    (3d Cir.) (same), cert. denied, 
    469 U.S. 1087
     (1984). Rather,
    "it is sufficient to show that he was discharged, while the
    [employer] retained someone [outside the protected class]."
    Healy v. New York Life Insurance Co., 
    860 F.2d 1209
    , 1214 n.1 (3d
    Cir. 1988), cert. denied, 
    490 U.S. 1098
     (1989); see also DiBiase
    v. SmithKline Beecham Corp., 
    48 F.3d 719
    , 723 n.2 (3d Cir.),
    cert. denied, 
    116 S. Ct. 306
     (1995); Torre, 
    42 F.3d at 831
    32 F.3d at 777
    ; Billet v. CIGNA Corp., 
    940 F.2d 812
    816 n.3 (3d Cir. 1991); Duffy, 738 F.2d at 1395 n.2; Massarsky,
    706 F.2d at 118.
    B. Reduction in workforce
    We turn, first, to the threshold question of whether Ms.
    Marzano's employment was terminated as part of a reduction in
    workforce caused by financial distress, as Defendants claim. It
    is worth noting that this question bears not only on what legal
    standard governs Ms. Marzano's discrimination claim, but on her
    two other claims as well.
    The two parties disagree as to what is the appropriate work
    unit for us to consider in answering this question. Ms. Marzano
    argues that her employer at the time of her layoff was CSC
    Partners. She offers substantial evidence of CSC Partners's
    stellar financial performance in the years preceding and
    following her termination, including receipt of an Eagle Award
    for financial success in 1993 by the AT&T Business Unit. App. at
    A194-96; see Appellant's Brief at 9-12. In addition, she offers
    substantial evidence that CSC was also extremely profitable
    during the relevant time-period. Id. at 8-9. As a result, she
    suggests that Defendants' contention that she was laid off as the
    result of a reduction in workforce caused by financial distress
    is "not credible." Id. at 36.
    Defendants do not challenge Ms. Marzano's rosy account of
    their financial picture, and do not claim that Ms. Marzano was
    laid off as part of a workforce reduction in either CSC as a
    whole or CSC Partners as a whole caused by either firm's
    financial situation. Appellees' Brief at 39. Rather, they note
    that from the time of her termination, Ms. Marzano was
    consistently told that her layoff was caused by the deteriorating
    financial situation of the division of CSC Partners for which she
    worked, the AT&T National Business Unit [the "AT&T Unit" or the
    "Unit"], as a result of which a workforce reduction was taking
    place within that unit. In her termination letter dated October
    5, 1993, Ms. Marzano was specifically told:
    [R]evenues generated by the AT&T Business Unit have not
    materialized as anticipated. Over the past several
    months, our efforts to develop new business
    opportunities within AT&T have been largely
    unsuccessful. . . . [T]he CSC Consulting/AT&T Business
    Unit is forced to reduce the number of administrative
    personnel supporting the practice.
    Letter from Marzi to Marzano of 10/5/93.
    According to Defendants, "[b]etween October 1993 and April
    1994, ten positions, including plaintiff's, out of approximately
    50 located in the AT&T National Business Unit in New Jersey, were
    eliminated." Appellees' Brief at 10. Defendants also allege
    that the Unit was ultimately merged into another Partners unit,
    the NY Metro Business Unit. Id. at 13.
    Ms. Marzano, however, argues that the Court should reject
    any argument made by Defendants based on the AT&T Unit's
    financial situation. She asserts that "[t]he purported AT&T
    Business Unit is not an independent unit," but "simply part of
    CSC Partners." Appellant's Brief at 14. Magistrate Judge
    Hughes, who reviewed the financial documents of both CSC Partners
    and the AT&T Unit in considering a discovery motion by Ms.
    Marzano, reached a similar conclusion. Marzano v. Computer
    Science Corporation, Inc., Civil No. 94-3102 (CSF) (D.N.J. June
    22, 1995) (mem.) (Hughes, M.J.) [hereinafter Hughes Opinion].
    Judge Hughes found, first of all, "evidence of other
    projects where AT&T worked in conjunction with several other
    units" of CSC Partners. Id., typescript at 5. The expenses and
    profits from these joint projects were credited to the AT&T
    account, but "the other units were allowed to get 'shadow credit'
    for their efforts on this project." Id. As Judge Hughes
    explained, "[t]his is not indicative of what one would expect
    from an independent unit. Rather, it is more indicative of many
    aspects of a corporation coming together in order to benefit the
    collective body of the Partners organization." Id.
    Judge Hughes also discussed evidence that the AT&T Unit's
    financial records incorporate the revenue of other supposedly
    independent units. Id. at 5. Judge Hughes found it
    "inexplicable how these profit and loss units can portray the
    revenues of other units as their own, while at the same time
    Defendants maintain the position that they are independent of
    each other." Id. at 5-6.
    Finally, Judge Hughes expressed concern over testimony by
    employees of the defendants that suggests that profits from one
    unit, the "El Segundo" pseudo unit, were allocated to that unit,
    while expenses were allocated to some other unit, so that both
    units' financial pictures would offer a distorted picture of
    their profitability. Id. at 6.
    Summarizing his findings, Judge Hughes explained that the
    AT&T Unit "has cooperated on projects with other units of
    Partners, it has been involved with the transfer of expenses and
    revenues between units, and it has had one of its more lucrative
    sections removed at a very convenient time." Id. at 7. Based on
    all this evidence, he reached the following conclusion:
    The AT&T unit does not reach the level of independence
    achieved by [separate, self-sufficient, independent
    portions of a corporation]. The AT&T unit was one of
    many symbiotic units, working, sharing and transferring
    their resources to each other, for the benefit of the
    whole. . . . All in all, it appears the AT&T unit is
    independent in name only.
    While the defendants do not challenge the Magistrate Judge's
    various findings, they reject Ms. Marzano's conclusion and argue
    that the existence of the AT&T Unit "is simply beyond cavil."
    Appellees' Brief at 37. There is, indeed, ample evidence that
    CSC Partners contained a division that operated by that name.
    What is in dispute is whether the division was independent enough
    from the rest of CSC Partners to constitute an autonomous "unit,"
    whose personnel actions and financial performance should or even
    could be considered separately from the rest of the firm. As to
    this issue, Judge Hughes certainly recognized that there is a
    question of fact regarding whether the AT&T Unit was an
    independent profit-and-loss center within the firm.
    The defendants argue that their "sworn testimony which
    described the severe financial pressures facing the AT&T National
    Business Unit stands unrebutted." Id. at 36-37. Interestingly
    enough, the testimony to which they refer is that of Robert
    Marzi, whose deposition took place on April 25, 1995. App. at
    DAS 170. It is clear that the Magistrate Judge, for one, did not
    find Mr. Marzi's testimony "unrebutted," since nearly two months
    later he issued his opinion in which he concluded that "it
    appears the AT&T unit is independent in name only." And while it
    is literally true, as the defendants claim, that "Judge Hughes
    did not find that the reduction-in-force was based on anything
    other than the financial statements of the AT&T National Business
    Unit," Appellees' Brief at 40, we are hard-pressed to find any
    significance to this fact, since the Magistrate Judge did not
    address this question in any way. Rather, the question before
    the Judge was whether the AT&T Unit "was a separate revenue
    generating profit and loss unit," Hughes Opinion, typescript at
    2-3, and he expressed considerable doubt on the subject.
    By casting doubt on the validity of the AT&T Unit's
    financial statements, Judge Hughes did in fact implicitly leave
    open the possibility that the reduction in force might have been
    based on something other than the financial statements, that
    there might not have been an independent AT&T Unit, that
    accordingly the Unit could not be in financial distress while the
    rest of CSC Partners was flourishing, and that therefore no
    reduction in force could occur as a result of the alleged unit's
    alleged financial distress. As Judge Hughes's opinion
    demonstrates, there is ample evidence in the record on the basis
    of which a finder of fact could conclude that the AT&T Unit's
    financial statements are of no value, and that the so-called AT&T
    Unit was merely a part of "the collective body of the Partners
    organization." Id. at 5. Based on this conclusion, a factfinder
    could further conclude that no valid and true reduction in force
    occurred in the unit since the unit had no independent existence
    of its own.
    Because the district court conducted its analysis under the
    legal standard applicable to discrimination in a force-reduction
    setting, we presume that it concluded, as a matter of law, that a
    reduction of force did occur in the AT&T Unit. For the reasons
    just articulated, we conclude that the issue of whether the AT&T
    Unit was the appropriate work unit and whether a reduction in
    force did occur was a question of fact that should have been
    presented to the jury and which, on summary judgment, should be
    resolved in favor of the non-moving party, i.e., Ms. Marzano. We
    hold that the district court committed legal error when it failed
    to do so.
    C. Prima facie analysis
    Because the district court could not conclude as a matter of
    law that a reduction in force (RIF) did occur, the court could
    only grant summary judgment for the defendants if it found that
    Ms. Marzano could not make a prima facie case of discrimination
    under either applicable legal setting -- i.e., reduction in force
    or no reduction in force. However, the court did not analyze Ms.
    Marzano's allegations in the context of a "straight" layoff (as
    opposed to a layoff which takes place in a RIF context). In
    addition, while the court did find that Ms. Marzano could not
    meet her prima facie burden in the RIF context, it committed
    legal error in reaching its conclusion.
    The district court concluded that Ms. Marzano could not make
    a prima facie case in the context of a reduction in force. The
    court correctly articulated the standard governing such
    situations in the Third Circuit: "to demonstrate a prima faciecase '[i]n
    RIF cases, the plaintiff must show he was in the
    protected class, he was qualified, he was laid off and other
    unprotected workers were retained.'" DiBiase, 
    48 F.3d at
    723 n.2
    (citing Armbruster, 
    32 F.3d at 777
    ); see also Torre, 
    42 F.3d at 831
    ; Seman v. Coplay Cement Co., 
    26 F.3d 428
    , 431 (3d Cir. 1994);
    940 F.2d at
    816 n.3.
    The only dispute between the parties concerns the fourth
    prong of the requirement. As the district court explained,
    Defendants argue that plaintiff cannot establish a
    prima facie case of pregnancy discrimination because
    she cannot demonstrate that her employer afforded more
    favorable treatment to nonpregnant employees. Indeed,
    several nonpregnant employees were terminated in
    conjunction with the reduction in force of the AT&T
    National Business Unit, seemingly refuting plaintiff's
    claim that she was singled out because of her
    Plaintiff argues, however, that the relevant
    inquiry is not whether other persons outside the
    protected class were terminated, but whether persons
    not in the protected class were retained.
    District Opinion, typescript at 5.
    The district court acknowledged that our opinions on the
    subject have enunciated the standard in "the precise language
    articulated by plaintiff." 
     However, the court rejected a
    "literal interpretation" of our language on the ground that under
    such a test, "every plaintiff in a protected group would be
    allowed a trial simply because he was discharged during a
    reduction in force." 
     Presumably to protect the judiciary
    from a flurry of frivolous discrimination lawsuits by disgruntled
    laid-off employees, the court adopted a different requirement
    from that which our explicit language called for:
    [T]o establish a prima facie case in the context of a
    work-force reduction, a plaintiff must do more than
    merely show that unprotected employees were retained in
    their positions; the plaintiff must produce some
    additional evidence that he was singled out for
    discharge because of his protected status.
     typescript at 5-6.
    Finding that "plaintiff has merely asserted that while she
    was terminated, other employees were retained," 
    at 6, the court concluded that Ms. Marzano had failed to
    establish a prima facie case of discrimination, and that as a
    result the defendants were entitled to summary judgment on this
    Because it departs from the law of this Circuit and because
    it subverts the analytical framework designed by the U.S. Supreme
    Court in McDonnell Douglas, we reject the requirement of
    "additional evidence" imposed by the district court on Ms.
    Marzano, and hold that the court erroneously concluded that Ms.
    Marzano had failed to meet her prima facie burden in the
    reduction-in-force context.
    As an initial matter, the district court was not free to
    depart from "the precise language" articulated by this court or
    to "decline[] to adopt the literal interpretation" of our
    jurisprudence unless, of course, a more recent Supreme Court case
    requires such a departure or our own precedent in other cases
    suggests a modification in certain circumstances. Defendants
    argue that the "additional evidence" requirement is consistent
    with Third Circuit precedent, and point for support to certain
    portions of our opinion in Hook v. Ernst & Young, 
    28 F.3d 366
    Cir. 1994). See Appellees' Brief at 28. However, the discussion
    in Hook to which they direct our attention concerns the elements
    required to show employment discrimination in a so-called "mixed-
    motives" case, and in no way bears on the elements of a primafacie case in
    the type of discrimination case that is before us,
    which is known as a "pretext" case. See Hooks, 
    28 F.3d at 375
    In other words, Hooks is of no relevance to the instant case.
    We reject the "additional evidence" requirement not solely
    on hierarchical grounds, however, but also because it subverts
    the entire analytical framework constructed by the U.S. Supreme
    Court, this Court and other circuits for the consideration of
    summary judgment motions in employment discrimination cases.
    What makes an employer's personnel action unlawful
    discrimination is the intent behind that action. See U.S. Postal
    Service Board of Governors v. Aikens, 
    460 U.S. 711
    , 715 (1983)
    ("The 'factual inquiry' . . . is '[whether] the defendant
    intentionally discriminated against the plaintiff.'") (citation
    omitted). For obvious reasons, it is extremely difficult -- not
    to say impossible -- to establish directly the motivation of
    one's employer, or that of any third party. See 
    id. at 716
    courts have recognized that the question facing triers of fact in
    discrimination cases is both sensitive and difficult. . . .
    There will seldom be 'eyewitness testimony as to the employer's
    mental processes.").   There are exceptions, of course, such as
    when a plaintiff can produce the proverbial "smoking gun" -- for
    instance, an internal memorandum instructing the personnel
    director not to hire persons belonging to a certain protected
    class. But our legal scheme against discrimination would be
    little more than a toothless tiger if the courts were to require
    such direct evidence of discrimination. As we explained in
    Chipollini, "we do not require direct proof of . . .
    discrimination because it is often unavailable or difficult to
    find. . . . 'Even an employer who knowingly discriminates on the
    basis of [protected status] may leave no written records
    revealing the forbidden motive and may communicate it orally to
    no one.'" 814 F.2d at 899 (citing LaMontagne v. American
    Convenience Products, Inc., 
    750 F.2d 1405
    , 1410 (7th Cir. 1984)).
    As a result, most employment discrimination lawsuits seek to
    prove intent through inference. In the typical case, the
    plaintiff attempts to establish the employer's motivation by a
    process of elimination. In other words, because plaintiffs
    generally cannot present evidence affirmatively pointing to their
    employer's actual reason for taking certain action against them,
    they must instead try to show that no reason other than
    discrimination is plausible, and that accordingly discrimination
    must have been the reason. To enable a jury to reach this
    conclusion, plaintiffs must establish three elements: (1) that
    their employer took an adverse employment action against them;
    (2) that the facts of the case are compatible with discrimination
    being the reason; (3) that the employer is unable to provide an
    alternative nondiscriminatory reason for the action, or that its
    stated reason is false. Since there must be some reason for the
    employer's action and since no reason other than discrimination
    has been shown to be plausible, this scheme allows a jury to
    infer that discrimination must be the reason.
    The burden-shifting analysis enunciated by the Supreme Court
    in McDonnell Douglas and developed and refined in subsequent
    judicial forays into the subject is designed to ensure that
    plaintiff has enough evidence to construct the chain of
    inferences described in the previous paragraph, and therefore get
    to trial. In the first instance, the plaintiff must establish a
    prima facie case. The evidentiary burden at this stage is rather
    modest: it is to demonstrate to the court that plaintiff's
    factual scenario is compatible with discriminatory intent --
    i.e., that discrimination could be a reason for the employer's
    action. As we have held on numerous occasions, this initial
    burden "is not intended to be onerous." Sempier, 
    45 F.3d at
    (citing Burdine, 
    450 U.S. at 253
    ); see also Torre, 
    42 F.3d at 829
    (describing prima facie case as "relatively simple"); McKenna v.
    Pacific Rail Service, 
    32 F.3d 820
    , 825 (3d Cir. 1994) (same);
    Massarsky, 706 F.2d at 118 (describing prima facie case as
    "easily made out").
    Jumping over this first hurdle, however, has important
    consequences. By meeting his or her prima facie burden, the
    plaintiff earns the right, as in a poker game, to require the
    employer to show its hand -- that is, to offer an explanation
    other than discrimination why the employee suffered an adverse
    employment action. It is as if plaintiff told the employer, "I
    cannot get into your mind to prove with certainty that you acted
    against me based on a discriminatory motive. You, on the other
    hand, know the reason why you acted against me. I have done the
    best I can, which is to show that discrimination could have been
    the motive. Therefore, it is your turn to prove me wrong by
    articulating the non-discriminatory reason for your action." If
    the employer is unable to proffer a nondiscriminatory reason,
    plaintiff is entitled to summary judgment or judgment as a matter
    of law, as the case may be; if the employer proffers a reason and
    the plaintiff can produce enough evidence to enable a reasonable
    factfinder to conclude that the proffered reason is false,
    plaintiff has earned the right to present his or her case to the
    In the context of a reduction in force, we have held that to
    demonstrate a prima facie case, "the plaintiff must show he was
    in the protected class, he was qualified, he was laid off and
    other unprotected workers were retained." DiBiase, 
    48 F.3d at
    723 n.2; Armbruster, 
    32 F.3d at 777
    . The third element, that
    plaintiff was laid off, establishes that he or she suffered an
    adverse employment action. The second and fourth elements, that
    plaintiff was qualified and that other unprotected workers were
    retained, establishes that plaintiff was treated differently from
    his or her colleagues, and introduces a question: Why? In other
    words, it raises the question of what is distinctive about
    plaintiff that caused the employer to treat him or her
    differently from his or her colleagues. The first element, that
    she was in the protected class, identifies one possible answer,
    one condition in which she differs from her colleagues who were
    retained: her protected status. It does not necessarily
    demonstrate that her protected status is the reason why she was
    treated differently; but it makes it a plausible explanation, one
    that is compatible with the facts of the case.
    At that point, the burden switches to the employer, who must
    proffer an alternative explanation for treating the plaintiff
    differently from those unprotected employees who were retained.
    Chief Justice (then Justice) Rehnquist explained the reason for
    placing that burden on the employer as follows:
    A prima facie case under McDonnell Douglas raises an
    inference of discrimination only because we presume
    these acts, if otherwise unexplained, are more likely
    than not based on the consideration of impermissible
    factors. And we are willing to presume this largely
    because we know from our experience that more often
    than not people do not act in a totally arbitrary
    manner, without any underlying reasons, especially in a
    business setting. Thus, when all legitimate reasons
    for rejecting an applicant have been eliminated as
    possible reasons for the employer's actions, it is more
    likely than not the employer, who we generally assume
    acts only with some reason, based his decision on an
    impermissible consideration such as race.
    Furnco Construction Corp. v. Waters, 
    438 U.S. 567
    , 577 (1978);
    see also Chipollini, 814 F.2d at 897.
    When the employer proffers a reason for treating the
    plaintiff differently from his or her colleagues that the
    factfinder rejects, McDonnell Douglas and its progeny allow the
    factfinder to conclude that since the employer was unable to give
    any satisfactory reason for its action, the discriminatory reason
    suggested by the plaintiff must be the one.
    As noted earlier, the district court rejected the primafacie test
    that we articulated in Armbruster on the ground that
    "every plaintiff in a protected group would be allowed a trial
    simply because he was discharged during a reduction in force,"
    District Opinion at 5, and therefore held that Ms. Marzano needed
    to produce "additional evidence" to meet her prima facie burden.
    Id. at 6. In so concluding, the court committed reversible legal
    First of all, the court is simply wrong when it suggests
    that our test would open the judicial floodgates and let every
    plaintiff in a protected group who is discharged go to trial and
    defeat summary judgment. Rather, the effect of our rule is that
    in every case where an employee in a protected class is laid off
    as part of a reduction in force while unprotected colleagues are
    retained, the employer may be compelled to state the
    nondiscriminatory reason -- assuming there is one -- for the
    It is true that if plaintiff can then produce evidence to
    cast doubt on the employer's stated reason, the case should go to
    trial. But such is the nature of the evidentiary beast.
    Employment discrimination cases center around a single question:
    why did the employer take an adverse employment action against
    plaintiff? Because this "is clearly a factual question,"
    Chipollini, 814 F.2d at 899, summary judgment is in fact rarely
    appropriate in this type of case. Simply "by pointing to
    evidence which calls into question the defendant's intent, the
    plaintiff raises an issue of material fact which, if genuine, is
    sufficient to preclude summary judgment." Id. See Sempier, 
    45 F.3d at 732-33
     (cases in which plaintiff attacks employer's
    stated reasons for adverse employment action "must be resolved by
    a jury and cannot be resolved on summary judgment").
    To require plaintiff to produce "additional evidence" of
    discrimination at the prima facie stage, as the district court
    did in this instance, would be a cure worse than the disease. It
    would topple the complex evidentiary edifice constructed by the
    Supreme Court, and impose on plaintiff the very burden that
    McDonnell Douglas sought to avoid -- that of uncovering a smoking
    The defendants contend that the standard articulated by the
    court "does not require, as plaintiff suggests, a 'smoking gun.'"
    Appellees' Brief at 29. As to what other type of evidence might
    satisfy the "additional evidence" requirement that the district
    court enunciated, however, the Defendants do not say; instead,
    they cite several cases from other circuits with no comment.
    None of these cases, however, comes close to offering an answer.
    See, e.g., Bialas v. Greyhound Lines, Inc., 
    59 F.3d 759
    , 763 (8th
    Cir. 1995) (requiring plaintiff to "come forward with additional
    evidence that age was a factor in his termination," without
    specifying what form this "other evidence" might take).
    The Eighth Circuit, in an earlier case, did suggest that
    [s]uch showing could be made . . . by statistical
    evidence (as, for example, where a pattern of forced
    early retirement or failure to promote older employees
    can be shown) or circumstantial evidence (such as a
    demonstration of a preference for younger employees in
    the business organization.
    Holley v. Sanyo Manufacturing, Inc., 
    771 F.2d 1161
    , 1166 (8th
    Cir. 1985).
    However, we find this answer unsatisfactory in the present
    context. First, except in the largest organizations it might be
    more difficult to compile meaningful statistics regarding
    pregnant women than for older employees. Second, we find the
    imposition of such a requirement overly onerous at the prima
    facie stage. For this reason, we predict that New Jersey would
    decline to follow the lead of those federal circuits that have
    adopted the "additional evidence" requirement.
    Defendants argue that the district court properly required
    "additional evidence," but offer, inter alia, a more nuanced
    argument than that articulated by the court. They argue that the
    fourth element of the prima facie case "encompasses the
    requirement that plaintiff show that similarly situatedunprotected
    employees were retained." Appellees' Brief at 26
    (citing Torre, 
    42 F.3d at 831
    ), and that there were no such
    similarly situated employees in the AT&T Unit. Appellees' Brief
    at 27. The implication, the defendants argue, is that
    because of her unique role, plaintiff cannot establish,
    as she must, that other similarly situated, unprotected
    employees were retained.
    Because plaintiff was unable to show that other
    similarly situated, unprotected employees were treated
    more favorably, the District Court correctly ruled that
    plaintiff must make some "additional showing" of
    discrimination . . . .
    Id. at 27-28.
    We reject Defendants' argument. First of all, Torre did not
    create any legal requirement such as the one that Defendants
    attempt to impose on Ms. Marzano. The Court in that case simply
    remarked that "when Torre was terminated in the reduction in
    force, other, similarly-situated [sic] but younger employees were
    retained by Casio." Torre, 
    42 F.3d at 831
    . The fact that
    similarly situated employees were retained certainly strengthens
    the plaintiff's case, and makes more urgent the employer's task
    of providing a reason other than discrimination for its different
    treatment of plaintiff. But the Court did not create a new legal
    requirement in the process, and Defendants can cite no case in
    this Circuit, nor do we know of any, where it was described as a
    Moreover, we reject Defendants' argument because it would
    seriously undermine legal protections against discrimination.
    Under their scheme, any employee whose employer can for some
    reason or other classify him or her as "unique" would no longer
    be allowed to demonstrate discrimination inferentially, but would
    be in the oft-impossible situation of having to offer direct
    proof of discrimination. We see no value in, and no mandate in
    our jurisprudence for, such a requirement.
    This is not to say that the "uniqueness" of an employee is
    irrelevant to the ultimate outcome. Consider, for instance, the
    situation of an employee who performs tasks in the firm that no
    one else performs, and whose functions become obsolete. In that
    case, the employee's "uniqueness" may explain why he or she, and
    not an unprotected colleague, was terminated. Such a scenario,
    however, goes to the employer's reason for its action, and may be
    presented to the judge after the plaintiff has made his or her
    prima facie case, when the burden switches to the employer to
    proffer a nondiscriminatory reason for its action.
    All employees can be characterized as unique in some ways
    and as sharing common ground with "similarly situated employees"
    in some other ways, depending on the attributes on which one
    focusses, and the degree of specificity with which one considers
    that employee's qualifications, skills, tasks and level of
    performance. The relevant issue for our purposes is not whether
    there is some way in which an employee can be classified as
    unique but, rather, whether the employee can be classified as
    unique in some way relevant to his or her layoff. This question,
    in turn, cannot be considered independently from the reasons
    proffered for the employee's termination. Therefore, arguments
    as to the employee's uniqueness should be considered in
    conjunction with, and as part of, the employer's rebuttal -- not
    at the prima facie stage. See Healy, 
    860 F.2d at
    1214 n.1
    (noting that "because the prima facie case is easily made out,
    the prima facie case is rarely the focus of the ultimate
    disagreement. Rather, 'the exigencies of a reduction-in-force
    can best be analyzed at the stage where the employer puts on
    evidence of a non-discriminatory reason for the [discharge].")
    (citing Coburn v. Pan American World Airways, Inc., 
    711 F.2d 339
    343 (D.C. Cir.), cert. denied, 
    464 U.S. 994
    Because we conclude that the test that this Court has
    articulated in the past to establish a prima facie case of
    employment discrimination in a reduction-in-force context
    properly advances the evidentiary scheme devised by the Supreme
    Court, and because we find that this test satisfactorily protects
    the interests of employer and employee, we believe that New
    Jersey would adopt the test articulated by this Court in DiBiaseand
    Armbruster, and find that the district court erred when it
    rejected established Third Circuit law.
    Furthermore, because we find that the district court
    improperly concluded that Ms. Marzano could not meet her primafacie burden
    in the RIF context, and because the court did not
    consider whether she could meet her burden in a non-RIF context,
    we hold that the district court erroneously granted Defendants'
    summary judgment on the discrimination ground and remand for
    further consideration.
    V. The Family & Medical Leave Act claim
    Ms. Marzano's second claim is that the defendants violated
    her right, under the New Jersey Family Leave Act, "to family
    leave . . . [and] to be restored by [the defendants] to [her
    previous position] or to an equivalent position of like
    seniority, status, employment benefits, pay, and other terms and
    conditions of employment." N.J.S.A.    34:11B-7. While the Act
    does contain an exception when "the employer experiences a
    reduction in force or layoff and the employee would have lost his
    position had the employee not been on leave," 
     Ms. Marzano
    argues that the exception does not apply because the defendants'
    claim of financial distress, which was the stated reason for the
    alleged force reduction, is false.
    The district court rejected Ms. Marzano's argument that a
    genuine issue of material fact existed on the ground that she
    could not defeat the motion for summary judgment
    simply by challenging the employer's motivation for
    reducing its work force. Regardless of whether it was
    financially induced or whether it was motivated by some
    other legitimate business reason, there is no dispute
    that Partners experienced a reduction in force during
    the time plaintiff was out on maternity leave.
    Op. at 7-8. The district court concluded that the force-
    reduction provision of the Family & Medical Leave Act applied,
    and that summary judgment was warranted. 
    As we discussed at length supra in Part IV, there is a
    genuine question of fact regarding whether or not Ms. Marzano's
    employer experienced a reduction in force. Therefore, we cannot
    conclude on this record that the statutory exception applies to
    Ms. Marzano's termination.
    VI. The breach-of-contract claim
    Ms. Marzano's final allegation is that her layoff was in
    breach of an implied contract whereby "an employee is entitled to
    be restored to the same or equivalent position after taking
    maternity leave."
    The district court granted summary judgment on this claim on
    two grounds. First, the court found that "plaintiff has failed
    to identify a written policy wherein her employer impliedly
    promised that any employee taking a family leave of absence would
    be restored to the position held prior to commencing the leave
    period." District Opinion at 9. Second, the court concluded
    that "a breach of implied contract claim . . . is not cognizable
    in the context of a work force reduction." Id. at 9.
    Ms. Marzano grounds her claim in New Jersey common law,
    under which
    when an employer of a substantial number of employees
    circulates a manual that, when fairly read, provides
    that certain benefits are an incident of employment
    (including, especially, job security provisions), the
    judiciary, instead of "grudgingly" conceding the
    enforceability of those provisions, should construe
    them in accordance with the reasonable expectations of
    the employees.
    Woolley v. Hoffmann-La Roche, Inc., 
    491 A.2d 1257
    , 1264 (N.J.
    She argues that the court erroneously granted summary
    judgment on this count because, inter alia, a memorandum
    circulated on August 16, 1993 by CSC Partners management to all
    employees "expressly states that an employee is entitled to be
    restored to the same or equivalent position after taking family
    leave," Appellant's brief at 49, and "[b]ased on that policy,
    [she] reasonably expected to be returned to her job after taking
    family leave." 
    There is no categorical test to determine whether an
    employment manual could give rise to reasonable expectations of
    employees that it confers enforceable obligations. Witkowski v.
    Thomas J. Lipton, Inc., 
    643 A.2d 546
    , 550 (N.J. 1994). Among the
    important factors that the court should consider, however, are
    "the definiteness and comprehensiveness of the [policy] and the
    context of the manual's preparation and distribution." 
    In this instance, the document to which Ms. Marzano directs
    our attention is not an employment manual but a two-page
    memorandum, a far less formal document. In addition, while the
    memorandum does state, inter alia, that "[a]n employee returning
    from FMLA leave is entitled to be restored to the same position
    held prior to taking FMLA leave, or to an equivalent position,
    with the same pay and benefits," App. at A267, it is very clear
    from the text of the memorandum that this sentence merely
    notifies employees of a provision contained in the Family and
    Medical Leave Act. In other words, the context of the memorandum
    was to apprise CSC Partners employees of their rights under New
    Jersey law, not to inform them of any new "benefits" that the
    company decided to grant its employees.
    For this reason, we conclude that the district court
    properly granted summary judgment on this count.
    VII. CSC's liability
    Defendants argue on appeal that Ms. Marzano improperly named
    Computer Science Corp. as a defendant and that the claims against
    CSC must be dismissed as a result. Appellees' Brief at 46-47.
    Ms. Marzano argues, however, that there is a "genuine issue of
    material fact regarding the interrelationship of CSC and CSC
    Partners," Appellant's Reply Brief at 24, and that accordingly
    CSC was properly named as a defendant. Id. at 22.
    It is a "fundamental proposition[]" of New Jersey corporate
    law that a corporation is a separate entity from its
    shareholders, State of New Jersey v. Ventron Corp., 
    468 A.2d 150
    164 (N.J. 1983) (citing Lyon v. Barrett, 
    89 N.J. 294
    , 300
    (1982)), and that shareholders are insulated from the liabilities
    of the corporate enterprise. Ventron Corp., 468 A.2d at 164.
    "Even in the case of a parent corporation and its wholly-owned
    subsidiary, limited liability normally will not be abrogated."
    Id. (citing Muller v. Seaboard Commercial Corp., 
    5 N.J. 28
    , 34
    A court may not depart from this principle and pierce the
    corporate veil unless it finds that "a subsidiary was 'a mere
    instrumentality of the parent corporation.'" Ventron Corp., 468
    A.2d at 164 (citing Mueller, 
    5 N.J. at 34-35
    ). The requisite
    finding is that "the parent so dominated the subsidiary that it
    had no separate existence but was merely a conduit for the
    parent." Ventron Corp., 468 A.2d at 164.
    We are aware of no case in New Jersey or the Third Circuit
    on the subject of piercing the corporate veil in the context of
    an employment discrimination lawsuit. Other courts, however,
    have considered the issue. Closest to home, a Pennsylvania
    federal district court held that "[w]here separate corporate
    entities are so interrelated and integrated in their activities,
    labor relations, and management, it is clear that for Title VII
    jurisdictional purposes they may be treated as a single
    employer." Ratcliffe v. Insurance Co. of North America, 
    482 F. Supp. 759
    , 764 (E.D. Pa. 1980).
    Other courts have addressed similar questions and conducted
    similar types of analysis. In Johnson v. Flowers Industries,
    814 F.2d 978
     (4th Cir. 1987), the plaintiffs brought an age
    discrimination lawsuit against the company that employed them,
    West Virginia Baking Company (WVBC), as well as WVBC's parent-
    company, Flowers Industries, and another Flowers subsidiary. The
    court, after noting that "when a subsidiary hires employees,
    there is a strong presumption that the subsidiary, not the parent
    company, is the employer," 
    id. at 980
    , noted that the presumption
    could be overcome if the parent-company "exercises excessive
    control in one of two ways." 
    Id. at 981
    First, the parent could control the employment
    practices and decisions of the subsidiary. If the
    parent company hired and fired the subsidiary
    employees, routinely shifted them between the two
    companies, and supervised their daily operations, it
    would be hard to find that the parent was not their
    employer. Second, the parent might so dominate the
    subsidiary's operations that the parent and the
    subsidiary are one entity and thus one employer. For
    example, the subsidiary may be highly integrated with
    the parent's business operations, as evidenced by the
    commingling of funds and assets, the use of the same
    work force and business offices for both corporations,
    and the severe undercapitalization of the subsidiary.
    The parent might also fail to observe such basic
    corporate formalities as keeping separate books and
    holding separate shareholder and board meetings.
     The court concluded that "the courts have found parent
    corporations to be employers only in extraordinary
    circumstances." Id.; see also Frank v. U.S. West, Inc., 
    3 F.3d 1357
    , 1363 (10th Cir. 1993) (same).
    In Daniels v. Kerr McGee Corp., 
    841 F. Supp. 1133
     (D. Wyo.
    1993), the plaintiff sought to pierce the corporate veil against
    his employer's parent-company in his wrongful discharge action
    based on several facts demonstrating interrelatedness:
    interlocking directorates between the two corporate entities;
    reference in the parent's annual report to the operations of the
    subsidiary, and inclusion of the revenues generated by the
    subsidiary; management by the parent of the benefit plan for the
    subsidiary's employees; use of the same corporate logo; shared
    corporate headquarters; medical examination of the plaintiff by a
    doctor employed by the parent. 
    Id. at 1136-37
    . The court, while
    acknowledging that "there is some degree of interdependence
    between these two corporations," concluded that the facts cited
    by plaintiff could not "overcome the strong presumption of
    Id. at 1137
    . The court noted that plaintiff
    conceded that he was an employee of the subsidiary only, that the
    subsidiary was adequately capitalized and had sufficient assets
    to satisfy any potential judgment against it, and that "the
    decision to terminate the plaintiff was made by the management of
    the subsidiary and that the parent had no role in that decision."
    By contrast, the Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit did
    pierce the corporate veil in a lawsuit alleging improper
    termination on the grounds that the parent-company "dominated"
    its subsidiary and "effectuated [the plaintiffs'] discharges,"
    and that the employees were terminated as the result of personnel
    actions ordered by the CEO and the Board of the parent-company.
    Gorrill v. Icelandair/Flugleidir, 
    761 F.2d 847
    , 853 (2d Cir.
    In the instant case, it is undisputed that at the time of
    her layoff, Ms. Marzano was an employee of CSC Partners, and CSC
    Partners only. While she suggests that there is a question of
    fact regarding the interrelatedness of the two companies that
    should go to the jury, Appellant's Reply Brief at 23, she points
    only to the following evidence to support her position: first,
    that she was initially hired by CSC, and "continued to believe
    she was a CSC employee until the day she was fired," id.; second,
    that while Defendants claim that her division merged with CSC
    Partners sometime between 1991 and 1992, "from the employee's
    perspective, there was no notice of any changes or explanation of
    what [the merger] meant, if anything," id. at 24; third, that she
    continued to receive paychecks from CSC as late as May 1992, and
    continued to belong to the CSC pension plan, id.; fourth, that
    "CSC Partners['s] maternity leave policy was based on information
    provided by CSC Corporate on the FMLA," id.; and, finally, that
    she continued to have regular involvement with CSC corporate as
    part of her job responsibilities." Id.
    Even if we accept all of Ms. Marzano's statements as true,
    we conclude that these facts, taken together, do not demonstrate
    that CSC and CSC Partners were "so interrelated and integrated in
    their activities, labor relations and management" that we should
    pierce the corporate veil. Her only direct involvement with CSC
    at the time of her layoff was her participation in CSC's pension
    plan. In addition, she offers no evidence that CSC was in any
    way, shape or form involved in CSC Partners' management or
    personnel decisions. For this reason, we conclude that the
    charges against CSC should be dismissed.
    VIII. Conclusion
    For the reasons expressed above, we reach the following
    conclusions. First, we will affirm the grant of summary judgment
    for CSC Partners on the breach-of-contract count. Second, we
    will vacate the grant of summary judgment for CSC Partners on the
    discrimination count, and remand to the district court for
    further action consistent with this opinion. Third, we will
    reverse the grant of summary judgment for CSC Partners on the
    FMLA count, and remand to the district court to proceed to trial
    on this issue. Finally, we will remand and instruct the district
    court to enter an order dismissing all the claims against CSC.

Document Info

Docket Number: 95-5629

Filed Date: 7/31/1996

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 10/13/2015

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