In Re: Professional Ins Mgmt ( 1997 )

  •                                                                                                                            Opinions of the United
    1997 Decisions                                                                                                             States Court of Appeals
    for the Third Circuit
    In Re: Professional Ins Mgmt
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    "In Re: Professional Ins Mgmt" (1997). 1997 Decisions. Paper 266.
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    Filed November 25, 1997
    Nos. 96-5447 and 96-5516
    Appellants at No. 96-5516
    Appellant at No. 96-5447
    On Appeal from the United States District Court
    for the District of New Jersey
    (D.C. Civil Action No. 96-cv-02499)
    Argued June 5, 1997
    Before: BECKER and SCIRICA, Circuit Judges
    and KELLY, District Judge*
    (Filed November 25, 1997)
    *The Honorable James McGirr Kelly, United States District Judge for
    the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, sitting by designation.
    136 West Route 38
    Moorestown, New Jersey 08057-3223
    Markowitz & Zindler
    3131 Princeton Pike
    Lawrenceville, New Jersey 08648
    Attorneys for Appellant/Cross-
    Appellee, Professional Insurance
    Brach Eichler Rosenberg Silver
    Bernstein Hammer Gladstone
    101 Eisenhower Parkway
    Roseland, New Jersey 07068
    Attorneys for Appellees/Cross-
    Appellants, The Ohio Casualty
    Group of Insurance Companies,
    The Ohio Casualty Insurance
    Company, West American
    Insurance Company, American
    Fire & Casualty Company, The
    Ohio Life Insurance Company,
    Ohio Security Insurance Company,
    Ocasco Budget
    SCIRICA, Circuit Judge.
    In this appeal we must decide two questions affecting
    New Jersey automobile insurance policies: first, whether
    under the state's "two-for-one" insurance policy non-
    renewal rule,1 an insurance carrier may apply its entire
    1. N.J. Stat. Ann. S 17:29C-7.1(c) (West 1994) provides: "For every two
    newly insured automobiles which an insurer voluntarily writes in each
    quota of "two-for-one" credits to decline to renew the
    personal automobile insurance policies sold by one of its
    former agents; second, whether the insurance carrier here
    has a perfected security interest in its former agent's post-
    bankruptcy policy renewal commissions.
    The district court held the insurance carrier could
    gradually terminate the agent's personal automobile
    policies under the "two-for-one rule" without violating New
    Jersey law. The district court also held the insurance
    carrier did not have a perfected security interest in its
    former agent's post-bankruptcy renewal commissions. In re
    Professional Ins. Management, No. 96-2499 (D.N.J. July 8,
    1996). We will affirm.
    Professional Insurance Management ("PIM") is a New
    Jersey-licensed insurance broker and agent. In 1980, PIM
    became an agent for The Ohio Casualty Group of Insurance
    Companies ("Ohio Casualty"). Under the Ohio Casualty-PIM
    agency contract, PIM was authorized to market Ohio
    Casualty's personal and commercial insurance policies. PIM
    located customers, ascertained their insurance needs, and
    sold them appropriate Ohio Casualty policies. For personal
    automobile insurance policies, Ohio Casualty collected
    premiums directly from policyholders and sent PIM its sales
    commissions. For other types of insurance, PIM collected
    the premiums and forwarded them to Ohio Casualty, minus
    its earned sales commissions. Under the agency contract,
    Ohio Casualty could withhold PIM's commissions on
    personal automobile insurance policies to satisfy PIM's
    debt. Also, Ohio Casualty could terminate the contract on
    ninety days' notice.
    In the early 1990s, PIM experienced serious business
    difficulties and, as a result, owed Ohio Casualty $252,642
    territory during each calendar year period, the insurer shall be permitted
    to refuse to renew one additional policy of automobile insurance in that
    territory in excess of the 2% limitation established in subsection b. of
    this section, subject to a fair and nondiscriminatory formula developed
    by rule or regulation of the commissioner . . . ."
    in unpaid premiums. In March 1994, Ohio Casualty
    terminated its relationship with PIM. Later that year, PIM
    filed for bankruptcy. This appeal arises out of PIM's
    bankruptcy proceedings.
    The first issue on appeal is whether Ohio Casualty could
    decline to renew the policies of PIM's personal automobile
    insurance customers. After PIM declared bankruptcy, Ohio
    Casualty declined to renew 65 of the 69 automobile
    insurance policies sold by PIM and scheduled to expire
    between June 17 and June 30, 1996. PIM claimed that
    Ohio Casualty impermissibly targeted these policies for
    non-renewal following the termination of the agency
    agreement between Ohio Casualy and PIM.2 Ohio Casualty
    maintained that it was permitted to do so under N.J. Stat.
    Ann. S 17:29C-7.1(c) (West 1994), New Jersey's"two-for-one
    rule," which allows an insurer to decline to renew one
    personal automobile insurance policy for every two new
    policies it writes. This action, if followed, would
    substantially reduce PIM's income by eliminating its
    renewal commissions.3
    PIM sought an injunction from the bankruptcy court to
    require Ohio Casualty to rescind its non-renewal notices
    and to renew PIM policies that came due. PIM contended
    that Ohio Casualty's actions would "destroy" its personal
    automobile insurance business since all of its policyholders
    were up for renewal in the six months commencing October
    1, 1996. PIM argued that Ohio Casualty's conduct was
    unfair and discriminatory, and violated New Jersey
    insurance law. The bankruptcy court agreed and granted
    the injunction. In re Professional Ins. Management, No. 94-
    2. PIM attributes a number of different motives to Ohio Casualty. At
    various points in its brief, PIM asserts that Ohio Casualty targeted its
    policies because the agency agreement had been terminated, because
    Ohio Casualty believed PIM had a high loss ratio, because PIM declined
    to limit the number of Ohio Casualty policies it wrote, and because Ohio
    Casualty desired to withdraw from the business of writing personal
    automobile insurance policies in New Jersey.
    3. Neither PIM nor Ohio Casualty provided us with information regarding
    the percentage of business or the value of commissions PIM lost as a
    result of Ohio Casualty's practices. Therefore, we cannot ascertain the
    extent of economic damage PIM suffered because of Ohio's conduct.
    13602 (Bankr. D.N.J. Apr. 19, 1996). On appeal, the United
    States District Court for the District of New Jersey reversed,
    holding that Ohio Casualty's decision to target PIM policies
    for non-renewal did not violate New Jersey law. In re
    Professional Ins. Management, No. 96-2499 (D.N.J. July 8,
    The second issue on appeal is whether Ohio Casualty has
    a perfected security interest in PIM's post-bankruptcy
    renewal commissions. Ohio Casualty claims it does. The
    bankruptcy court held that PIM, not Ohio Casualty,
    retained the right to receive PIM renewal commissions
    because Ohio Casualty did not perfect its security interest
    in PIM's book of business. The district court affirmed the
    bankruptcy court's order, adopting the bankruptcy court's
    reasoning. Id. This appeal and cross-appeal followed.
    The district court had jurisdiction under 28 U.S.C.
    S 158(a)(3) (1988). We have jurisdiction under 28 U.S.C.
    S 158(d) (1988). In our review of bankruptcy court
    judgments, we, like the district court, apply the clearly
    erroneous standard to factual issues and exercise plenary
    review over legal issues. In re Fegeley, 
    118 F.3d 979
    , 982
    (3d Cir. 1997). Our review of the district court's
    interpretation and application of state law is plenary.
    Infocomp, Inc. v. Electra Products, Inc., 
    109 F.3d 902
    , 905
    (3d Cir. 1997); Salve Regina College v. Russell , 
    499 U.S. 225
    , 231 (1991). In interpreting state law, we must predict
    how the highest court of that state would decide the
    relevant legal issues. Koppers Co. v. Aetna Cas. & Sur. Co.,
    98 F.3d 1440
    , 1445 (3d Cir. 1996).
    "For years, New Jersey's system of automobile insurance
    regulation, like those of many other states, has faced an
    intractable problem of providing coverage for high-risk
    drivers." State Farm Mut. Ins. Co. v. State , 
    590 A.2d 191
    195 (N.J. 1991). Because this appeal involves an
    interpretation of New Jersey's most recent legislative
    attempt to solve this problem, we will begin by briefly
    reviewing the recent history of New Jersey automobile
    insurance law.
    In 1983, New Jersey instituted a state-sponsored
    automobile insurance fund, the Joint Underwriting
    Association, to provide high risk drivers with "coverage at
    rates equivalent to those charged in the voluntary market."
    Id. at 195
    . The Joint Underwriting Association selected
    insurance carriers to collect premiums, arrange coverage,
    and administer JUA insurance policies. In addition to
    normal premium income, the JUA received funding from
    Department of Motor Vehicles surcharges for moving
    violations and drunken driving convictions, as well as flat
    charges and residual market-equalization charges imposed
    on voluntary-market insureds. Thus, under the JUA, the
    general population of motorists partially subsidized the
    insurance costs of high-risk drivers. 
    Id. at 196
    The Joint Underwriting Association was a failure. It lost
    money because collected premiums and additional funding
    were not sufficient to meet the amount of claims against
    JUA policies. In addition, the insurance industry began to
    refuse to insure anyone except the safest risks. Many safe
    drivers were forced to obtain JUA insurance. As a result, by
    1988, over 50% of New Jersey's drivers, including many
    who had never had an accident or serious traffic violation,
    had to be insured through the JUA. 
    In 1988, the legislature attempted to modify the JUA
    insurance system by "depopulating" the state pool to
    include only the highest risk drivers. Matter of Aetna Cas.
    and Sur. Co., 
    591 A.2d 631
    , 635 (N.J. Super. 1991), certif.
    599 A.2d 162
     (N.J. 1991), cert. denied, 
    502 U.S. 1121
     (1992). As a result, by 1992, the JUA covered only
    20% of New Jersey's automobile insureds. Despite this
    change, the JUA still operated at a deficit. See Governor's
    Reconsideration and Recommendation Statement, N.J. Stat.
    Ann. S 17:28-1.4 (West 1994) ("The ever-increasing costs of
    our out-of-balance insurance system, coupled with the
    artificially low rates maintained for even the bad drivers in
    the JUA, has caused a deficit of approximately $2.5 billion
    in the JUA and cash flow problems which have reached a
    critical point.").
    In 1992, the New Jersey legislature adopted the Fair
    Automobile Insurance Reform Act ("FAIRA"), which replaced
    the JUA with mandatory private-sector insurance. See Fair
    Automobile Insurance Reform Act of 1990, N.J. Stat. Ann.
    S 17:33B-1 et seq. (West 1994). Under FAIRA, insurance
    companies conducting business in New Jersey are required
    to insure New Jersey drivers who had previously been
    insured through the JUA. As FAIRA's "take all comers" rule
    stipulates: "No insurer shall refuse to insure, refuse to
    renew, or limit coverage available for automobile insurance
    to an eligible person who meets its underwriting rules as
    filed with and approved by the commissioner in accordance
    with the provisions of section 7 of P.L.1988, c. 156
    (C.17:29A-46)." N.J. Stat. Ann. S 17:33B-15 (West 1994).
    FAIRA also requires insurance companies to renew their
    automobile insurance policies. N.J. Stat. Ann. S 39:6A-3
    (West 1994) ("No licensed insurance carrier shall refuse to
    renew the required coverage stipulated by this act of an
    eligible person as defined in section 25 of P.L.1990, c.8 (C.
    17:33B-13) except in accordance with the provisions of . . .
    17:29C-7.1 or with the consent of the Commissioner of
    Insurance."). The New Jersey legislature provided several
    important exceptions to this mandatory renewal obligation.
    One exception, the "two-for-one rule," is the subject of this
    appeal. The "two-for-one rule" provides that an insurer may
    decline to renew one personal automobile policy for every
    two new policies it writes in a specific geographic area. N.J.
    Stat. Ann. S 17:29C-7.1(c) (West 1994). The rule also
    stipulates that an insurer's non-renewal policy must
    comply with the "fair and nondiscriminatory formula"
    developed by the Commissioner of Insurance. 
    Ohio Casualty employed the "two-for-one" non-renewal
    exception to terminate 65 of the 69 personal automobile
    insurance policies sold by PIM and scheduled to expire
    between June 17 and June 30, 1996. PIM contends this
    treatment violates the requirement that the rule be
    employed in a "fair and nondiscriminatory" fashion.
    As the district court noted, the Commissioner of
    Insurance has promulgated a discrimination formula under
    N.J. Stat. Ann. S 17:29C-7.1(c). N.J. Admin. Code S 11:3-
    8.5(c) (1995) provides: "Nothing in [the "two-for-one rule"]
    shall be construed to authorize insurers to act in
    contravention of any applicable State or Federal law
    prohibiting discrimination on impermissible bases." PIM
    has not alleged that Ohio Casualty's conduct violates
    federal or state anti-discrimination laws. Nor are we aware
    of any facts suggesting that Ohio Casualty has done so.
    PIM contends that under N.J. Stat. Ann. S 17:22-6.14a(l)
    (West 1994) the New Jersey legislature intended to provide
    terminated agents with protection from targeted non-
    renewal. N.J. Stat. Ann. S 17:22-6.14a(l) provides, in part:
    [N]o insurance company which has terminated its
    contractual relationship with an agent . . . shall, upon
    the expiration of any automobile insurance policy . . .
    which is required to be renewed pursuant to . . .
    C.39:6A-3, refuse to renew . . . or refuse to service a
    policyholder . . . upon the written request of the agent
    . . . . The company shall pay a terminated agent who
    continues to service policies pursuant to the provisions
    of this subsection a commission in an amount not less
    than that provided for under the agency contract in
    effect at the time the notice of termination was issued.
    . . .
    But the plain language of the entire statutory section
    undermines PIM's argument. The statute explicitly permits
    non-renewal under the "two-for-one rule." N.J. Stat. Ann.
    S 17:22-6.14a provides:
    However, nothing in this section shall be deemed to
    prevent nonrenewal of an automobile insurance policy
    pursuant to the provisions of section 26 of P.L. 1988,
    c.119 (C.17:29C7.1).").4
    4. The New Jersey Appellate Court reached a similar conclusion when it
    considered the targeting of agents under N.J.S.A. 17:29C-7.1(b)--the
    "2%" rule--which is another exception to New Jersey's requirement of
    mandatory renewal. This section provides:
    There is nothing in the language of this section that
    insulates former agents from the "two-for-one" rule.
    Nor does PIM cite anything in the legislative history to
    support its interpretation. PIM argues that the"legislative
    and judicial history of insurance law demonstrates a strong
    public interest in protecting" insurance agents. But PIM
    points to nothing specific in the legislative history to
    support its position and instead cites "obvious public
    policy," other statutory provisions that protect insurance
    agents, and pending legislation that would amend the"two-
    for-one" rule. But as Ohio Casualty points out, the New
    Jersey Legislature gave insurers the "two-for-one" credits
    "[i]n order to encourage depopulation of the JUA and
    expansion of the voluntary market." Senate Committee
    Statement to Senate, S. 202-2637 (N.J. 1988). See also
    Reconsideration and Recommendation Statement of Governor
    For each calendar year period, an insurer may issue notices of
    intention not to renew an automobile insurance policy in the
    voluntary market in an amount not to exceed 2% of the total
    number of voluntary market automobile insurance policies of the
    insurer...which are in force at the end of the previous calendar
    in each of the insurer's rating territories in use in this State.
    In Mary R. Barry & Inland Agency, Inc. v. Selective Ins. Group, Inc.,
    Appellate Division No. A-3544-94T2 (May 14, 1996), the insurance
    company had applied the "2%" rule to eliminate 209 out of 465 personal
    automobile policies written by a terminated agent. The terminated agent
    complained that an insurance company should not be able to target a
    terminated agent under the "2%" rule. Citing N.J.S.A. 17:22-6.14(a)
    ("[N]othing in this section shall be deemed to prevent non-renewal of an
    automobile insurance policy pursuant to the provisions of section 26 of
    P.L. 1988, c.119 (C.17:29C7.1)"), the court found that the insurance
    company's decision to target the agent's policies for non-renewal did not
    violate New Jersey law.
    Barry may be distinguished, however, because unlike the 2-for-1 rule,
    the New Jersey legislature has not made the "2%" rule subject to the
    "fair and nondiscriminatory formula." Nonetheless, the court's opinion is
    instructive because in interpreting this exception to the requirement of
    mandatory renewal, the court gave effect to the plain meaning of the
    Kean, N.J. Stat. Ann. S 17:28-1.4 (stating that he agreed to
    "two-for-one" rule "[i]n the spirit of compromise").
    Regardless of the purported intent of the legislature, and
    it appears to support Ohio Casualty's position, we are not
    free to ignore the plain and unambiguous language of the
    statute. Friedrich v. United States Computer Services, 
    974 F.2d 409
    , 419 (3d Cir. 1992) ("Although a statute should be
    interpreted in a fashion that does not defeat the
    congressional purpose . . . a court may not rewrite an
    unambiguous law.") (citations omitted). Until such time as
    the New Jersey Legislature decides to alter implementation
    of the "two-for-one" rule, we must interpret the statuory
    scheme as written. See In re Barshak, 
    106 F.3d 501
    , 506
    (3d Cir. 1997).
    As in many states, New Jersey has established a complex
    regulatory scheme for the administration of personal
    automobile insurance. PIM contends the district court erred
    because "the formula contemplated by the Legislature is
    clearly something other than the nondiscrimination
    regulation as promulgated by the Commissioner."
    (Appellant Brief at 48). But PIM cites no authority for this
    claim. Instead, it relies upon the 1967 edition of the
    Random House Dictionary of the English Language, which,
    according to PIM, defines "formula" as "a set of words, as
    for stating something or declaring something definitely or
    authoritatively, for indicating procedure to be followed, or
    for prescribed use on some ceremonial occasion." (Appellant
    Brief at 49). PIM asserts that the Commissioner's anti-
    discrimination regulation, N.J. Admin. Code S 11:3-8.5(c),
    "does not fit this definition at all," because "[i]t does not set
    up any type of procedure for non-renewal and is therefore
    not a reasonable interpretation of the statutory requirement
    for a formula." 
     PIM suggests that because the
    Commissioner has not provided an adequate formula, the
    courts should do so.
    But the New Jersey legislature specifically directed the
    Commissioner of Insurance to promulgate a fairness
    formula. N.J. Stat. Ann. S 17:29C-7.1(c) ("[The `two-for-one'
    rule is] subject to a fair and nondiscriminatory formula
    developed by rule or regulation of the commissioner."). The
    Commissioner promulgated N.J. Admin. Code S 11:3-8.5(c),
    which prohibits insurers from acting "in contravention of
    any applicable State or Federal law prohibiting
    discrimination." Apparently, the Commissioner has declined
    to forbid the use of the "two-for-one" rule against a
    terminated agent's book of business. As the district court
    stated, "[i]t is not for this court to decide that the
    Commissioner did not go far enough" when it declined to
    provide protections against discrimination in addition to
    those currently available under state and federal law.
    Those who are charged with the adoption and
    administration of New Jersey's automobile insurance laws
    are aware of the problems highlighted by this litigation, yet
    they have not decided to change the current scheme. Since
    passage of the "two-for-one" rule, the New Jersey legislature
    has considered and rejected proposed changes to New
    Jersey's insurance laws that would provide insurance
    agents with the protections PIM seeks here.5 That
    legislation has been introduced seeking to eliminate the
    precise conduct objected to by PIM is an indication that
    these "protections" are not currently available under New
    Jersey law. See Mary R. Barry & Inland Agency, Inc. v.
    Selective Ins. Group, Inc., Appellate Division No. A-3544-
    94T2, slip op. at 9 (May 14, 1996) ("Since the proposed bill
    was intended to curtail this practice, it is reasonable to
    conclude that the practice does not contravene the current
    statutory scheme."). Nor has New Jersey's Commissioner of
    5. In 1993, the Legislature considered changes that would eliminate the
    "two-for-one" rule and the "2%" rule. S. Res. 2064, 207th Leg. (N.J.
    1993) (reintroduced as S. Res. 158 on January 8, 1994). That bill was
    never reported from the Senate Committee. A similar bill--S. Res. 557,
    210th Leg. (N.J. 1996)--was introduced on January 20, 1996. On June
    20, 1996, the Senate Committee substituted a version of the Bill that did
    not completely eliminate the "two-for-one" and "2%" rules but instead
    provided that an insurance company could not nonrenew more than
    10% of a particular agent's book of business in a given year. On
    November 25, 1996, however, the Senate substituted a different version
    of the bill. This version, which is currently pending before the Senate,
    would eliminate the "two-for-one" rule and the "2%" rule altogether.
    Insurance promulgated a more stringent fairness formula.
    Revision or elimination of the "two-for-one" rule has been
    under consideration in the legislature and in the
    Department of Insurance. In the face of unambiguous
    statutory language, efforts to change the law should be
    directed there.
    For these reasons, we agree with the district court that
    Ohio Casualty's use of its non-renewal credits on policies
    sold by PIM did not violate New Jersey insurance law.
    For personal automobile insurance policies, Ohio
    Casualty collected premiums from PIM's customers and
    then sent PIM its sales commissions. During the course of
    the 1990's, PIM fell into debt, owing Ohio Casualty
    $252,642.40. Under the agency agreement, Ohio Casualty
    was entitled to retain PIM's commissions to offset PIM's
    debts. After PIM filed for bankruptcy, Ohio Casualty
    retained and used PIM's post-bankruptcy policy renewal
    commissions to offset PIM's debts. Ohio Casualty claims it
    has a right to retain these commissions because it has a
    perfected security interest in them. PIM maintains that
    Ohio Casualty has not perfected its interest because the
    post-bankruptcy renewal commissions are contract rights
    and therefore must be perfected by filing.6
    The bankruptcy court held that Ohio Casualty did not
    have a perfected interest in the commissions because it did
    not have a perfected interest in PIM's book of business.7
    The bankruptcy court held:
    As a general matter, Ohio's collateral, in the agency
    agreement between the two parties, is the expirations,
    6. At oral argument, the parties agreed that for purposes of this cross-
    appeal we should assume that the 1980 agency agreement constitutes a
    security agreement. Furthermore, we only address the retention of
    commissions collected after PIM filed for bankruptcy.
    7. An agent's book of business refers to the body of information
    developed and collected by the agent including a policyholder's name,
    address, policy type, date of expiration, policy number and other
    information pertinent to a customer's insurance needs.
    also known as the debtor's book of business.
    Expirations have been determined to be best
    categorized for UCC purposes as "general intangibles,"
    which may be perfected only by filing, not by
    possession. In re Roy A. Dart Ins. Agency, Inc., 
    5 B.R. 207
    , 14-16 (Bank D. Mass. 1980). Possession of the
    commissions due to the agent does not act to perfect
    Ohio's security interest in debtor's expirations. Debtor's
    opportunity to collect commissions following the
    turnover of its Ohio book of business is not disturbed
    on this basis.
    In re Professional Ins. Management, No. 94-13602, slip op.
    at 31 (Bankr. D.N.J. Apr. 19, 1996). The district court
    affirmed the bankruptcy court's ruling on this issue,
    adopting the bankruptcy court's reasoning without
    additional analysis. In re Professional Ins. Management, No.
    96-2499, slip op. at 30 (D.N.J. July 8, 1996).8
    Although we agree with the bankruptcy court's
    conclusion, our reasons to affirm the judgment are
    different. Under paragraph three of the agency agreement,
    Ohio Casualty's collateral interests in PIM's book of
    business and in PIM's commissions are separate and
    independent.9 The right to withhold commissions functions
    8. In analyzing whether PIM's interest is perfected, we look to New Jersey
    law. Although a federal statute, 11 U.S.C. S 552(b)(1) (1988), protects a
    creditor's pre-petition perfected security interest, the determination of
    whether PIM's security interest is perfected is a matter of state law.
    Pearson v. Salina Coffee House, Inc., 
    831 F.2d 1531
    , 1533 (10th Cir.
    1987), (citing In re Chaseley's Foods, Inc., 
    726 F.2d 303
    , 307 (7th Cir.
    1983); Havee v. Belk, 
    775 F.2d 1209
    , 1218-19 (4th Cir. 1985); In re
    196 B.R. 635
     (S.D. Fla. 1996)); see also Butner v. United States,
    440 U.S. 48
    , 55 (1979) (noting that state law governing perfection of
    security interests applies "unless some federal interest requires a
    different result").
    9. The agency agreement provides, in part: "3. The Agent's records and
    use and control of expirations shall remain the Agent's absolute property
    and be left in his undisputed possession; provided, however, in the event
    of termination of this agreement, if the Agent has not properly accounted
    for and paid all premiums for which he is liable, the Agent's records as
    respects business placed with the Company shall become the property of
    the Company and the Company shall have sole right to use and control
    as additional security over and above the right to assign,
    sell, or transfer PIM's book of business. For that reason, the
    perfection status of Ohio Casualty's interest in PIM's book
    of business does not determine its rights to PIM's post-
    bankruptcy commissions. Instead, each source of collateral
    must be analyzed separately. Although the district court
    and bankruptcy court failed to conduct this analysis, we
    will affirm, because Ohio Casualty does not have a
    perfected security interest in the retained commissions.
    When a debtor enters bankruptcy, an unperfected
    creditor's interest in collateral is subordinated to the rights
    of the bankruptcy trustee. N.J. Stat. Ann. S 12A:9-301
    (West 1994); 11 U.S.C. S 544(b) (1988). For that reason, in
    order to hold a secured position vis-a-vis the bankruptcy
    trustee, Ohio Casualty had to perfect its security interest in
    PIM's commissions before PIM filed for bankruptcy. We do
    not believe it did so.
    As we have noted, Ohio Casualty maintained a security
    interest in PIM's cash commissions independent from any
    interests it possessed in PIM's book of business. Ohio
    Casualty contends that it has a perfected interest in the
    post-bankruptcy commissions under 11 U.S.C. S 552(b)(1),
    which provides:
    if the debtor and an entity entered into a security
    agreement before the commencement of the case and if
    the security interest created by such security
    agreement extends to property of the debtor acquired
    before the commencement of the case and to proceeds,
    product, offspring, or profits of such property, then
    such security interest extends to such proceeds,
    such expirations to the extent of the Agent's total indebtedness to the
    Company, unless the Agent provides other security acceptable to the
    Company . . . The Company, in the exercise of the right reserved to it
    above, may, at its option, retain all commissions which are payable or
    which may become payable under contracts of insurance represented by
    such expirations, or renewals, thereof, and apply same against the
    amount of the Agent's indebtedness to the Company, or may sell, assign,
    transfer or otherwise dispose of such expirations to any other agent or
    broker . . . ."
    product, offspring, or profits acquired by the estate
    after the commencement of the case to the extent
    provided by such security agreement and by applicable
    nonbankruptcy law, except to any extent that the
    court, after notice and a hearing and based on the
    equities of the case, orders otherwise.
    As the Supreme Court has noted: "Section 552(b) sets forth
    an exception, allowing postpetition `proceeds, product,
    offspring, rents, or profits' of the collateral to be covered
    only if the security agreement expressly provides for an
    interest in such property, and the interest has been
    perfected under `applicable nonbankruptcy law.' " United
    Sav. Ass'n of Texas v. Timbers of Inwood Forest Associates,
    484 U.S. 365
    , 374 (1987) (citations omitted); see also
    2 Thomas M. Quinn, Quinn's Uniform Commercial Code
    Commentary and Law Digest P 9-306 (2d ed. 1991) ("The
    security interest in proceeds is a continuously perfected
    security interest if the interest in the original collateral was
    perfected . . . .") (quoting U.C.C. S 9-306). To prevail under
    S 552(b)(1), Ohio Casualty must establish that (a) the
    commissions in question are the proceeds of a PIM pre-
    bankruptcy asset and that (b) it had a perfected security
    interest in that collateral prior to bankruptcy.
    Ohio Casualty contends that PIM's right to commissions
    for post-petition renewal of policies PIM sold prior to
    bankruptcy was a pre-petition asset, that Paragraph 3 of
    the Ohio Casualty-PIM agency agreement gave it a security
    interest in that asset, and that the commissions eventually
    generated after bankruptcy as policies were renewed were
    the proceeds of that asset. Even if this reasoning is correct
    -- a question on which we take no position -- Ohio
    Casualty's claim cannot prevail because it failed to perfect
    its interest in the claimed asset before PIM filed for
    We believe there are two ways to characterize Ohio
    Casualty's collateral. Ohio Casualty's security interest is
    either in the commissions themselves or in the right to
    acquire future commissions. Under either analysis, we find
    that Ohio Casualty did not have a perfected security
    interest prior to the initiation of the bankruptcy proceeding.
    If Ohio Casualty's interest is in the cash commissions
    themselves, its security interest is perfected by possession,
    rather than by filing a financing statement with the
    Secretary of State. N.J. Stat. Ann. S 12A:9-304 (West 1994).
    But perfection of cash collateral dates from the moment the
    secured creditor takes possession of the funds. N.J. Stat.
    Ann. S 12A:9-305 (West 1994). Here, Ohio Casualty
    admittedly took possession of the post-petition
    commissions after PIM filed for bankruptcy. Therefore, its
    security interest was not perfected prior to the bankruptcy
    filing date and its interest is subordinate to that of the
    bankruptcy trustee. 2 Thomas M. Quinn, Quinn's Uniform
    Commercial Code Commentary and Law Digest P 9-306[A][5]
    (2d ed. 1991) ("The secured creditor's claim to the proceeds,
    if `unperfected,' is vulnerable in bankruptcy.").
    Alternatively, if Ohio Casualty's security interest is in the
    right to future renewal commissions, its right to PIM's
    renewal commissions is contractual, flowing from the
    agency agreement. Under New Jersey law, contract rights
    are typically considered "general intangibles." See N.J. Stat.
    Ann. S 12A:9-106, comm. (West 1994) ("The term `general
    intangible' brings under this Article miscellaneous types of
    contractual rights and other personal property which are
    used or may become customarily used as commercial
    security."). General intangibles, unlike cash, are perfected
    by filing a financing statement with New Jersey's Office of
    the Secretary of State. N.J. Stat. Ann. S 12A:9-302 (West
    1994); N.J. Stat. Ann. S 12A:9-401 (West 1994). But Ohio
    Casualty failed to file a security interest. Because its
    contractual interest in PIM's future commissions was not
    perfected before bankruptcy, Ohio Casualty can not claim
    protection under 11 U.S.C. S 552(b)(1) with respect to any
    proceeds of that asset. See United Sav. Ass'n, 484 U.S. at
    10. At oral argument, Ohio Casualty contended that its interest was
    perfected because renewal is mandatory. This contention is meritless. As
    noted, renewal is not mandatory in New Jersey; insurance companies
    can decline to renew policies under the "two-for-one" and "2%" rules.
    Ohio Casualty's argument that its interest in the future commissions
    should be treated as a present possessory interest in money to be paid
    at a future date, and not a contractual right, is unconvincing.
    The perfection rules were adopted by the drafters of
    Article Nine of the Uniform Commercial Code to provide
    potential creditors with adequate notice that certain assets
    of the debtor had already been pledged as collateral for
    previously acquired debt. They give creditors the means to
    identify the security status of the debtor's collateral prior to
    the provision of capital. 2 Thomas M. Quinn, Quinn's
    Uniform Commercial Code Commentary and Law Digest,
    119-101[A][4][E] (2d ed. 1991) ("The parties to whom
    `perfection' does speak are the trustee in bankruptcy,
    creditors of the debtor who attach the collateral, later
    lenders who advance money against the same collateral,
    possible buyers of the collateral, and anyone else for that
    matter who deals with the collateral in some way . .. . It
    does so by requiring the creditor to publish his interest in
    the collateral in such way as to alert these concerned
    outsiders of that interest.").
    Here, Ohio Casualty took no steps, like filing afinancing
    statement, to put potential PIM creditors on notice of its
    interests in PIM's future commissions. Were we to adopt
    Ohio Casualty's position, it would undercut the purpose of
    the perfection rules. That Ohio Casualty had a right to
    offset PIM's commissions against PIM's debts under its
    agency agreement is insufficient, by itself, to create a
    perfected security interest. Future creditors could not rely
    on that agreement to provide notice of Ohio Casualty's
    claims since the future creditors were not privy to, nor had
    notice of, the contract.
    Ohio Casualty was required to file a financing statement
    to perfect any security interest it possessed in pre-petition
    contractual rights to post-petition PIM commissions. It
    failed to do so. Therefore, we will affirm the district court's
    judgment that Ohio Casualty maintains an unperfected
    security interest in the commissions.
    For the foregoing reasons we will affirm the judgment of
    the district court.
    A True Copy:
    Clerk of the United States Court of Appeals
    for the Third Circuit