Titan Sports Inc v. Turner Broadcasting , 151 F.3d 125 ( 1998 )

  •                                                                                                                            Opinions of the United
    1998 Decisions                                                                                                             States Court of Appeals
    for the Third Circuit
    Titan Sports Inc v. Turner Broadcasting
    Precedential or Non-Precedential:
    Docket 97-3267
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    Filed August 6, 1998
    No. 97-3267
    TITAN SPORTS, INC., A Delaware Corporation
    On Appeal from the United States District Court
    For the Western District of Pennsylvania
    (D.C. Civil No. 96-MC-00681)
    Argued December 9, 1997
    Before: NYGAARD, ALITO and LAY,*
    Circuit Judges
    (Amended Opinion Filed: August 6, 1998)
    *The Honorable Donald P. Lay, Senior United States Circuit Judge for
    the United States Court of Appeals for the Eighth Circuit, sitting by
    Robert L. Byer, Esq. (Argued)
    Jerry S. McDevitt, Esq.
    Paul K. Stockman, Esq.
    Kristen M. Del Sole, Esq.
    Kirkpatrick and Lockhart
    1500 Oliver Building
    Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15222
    Counsel for Appellant
    David Dunn, Esq.
    John H. Pope, Esq. (Argued)
    Davis, Scott, Weber & Edwards
    100 Park Avenue - 32nd Floor
    New York, New York 10017
    Counsel for Appellees
    NYGAARD, Circuit Judge.
    The issue on appeal is whether the district court erred by
    concluding that Mark Madden, a nonparty witness in this
    civil matter, is entitled to claim a journalist's privilege. We
    hold that he is not and will reverse.
    We will summarize only those facts necessary to give
    context to the issue. Appellant Titan Sports, Inc., and its
    competitor, Turner Broadcasting Systems (TBS), are the
    most prominent professional wrestling promoters in the
    United States. TBS's "World Championship Wrestling"
    (WCW) has challenged Titan's "World Wrestling Federation"
    (WWF) to engage in "interpromotional events," wherein
    WCW wrestling personalities would compete with WWF
    personalities. Titan has refused to permit any of its
    wrestlers to engage in the activities.
    Titan sued TBS in the United States District Court for the
    District of Connecticut alleging unfair trade practices,
    copyright infringement and other pendent state law claims,
    none of which are germane to this appeal. Titan Sports Inc.
    v. Turner Broadcasting Systems, Inc., No. 396-cv-01139 (D.
    Conn.) (the Connecticut action). As part of the discovery
    process in the Connecticut action, however, Titan issued a
    subpoena to take the deposition of Mark Madden, a
    nonparty witness who is employed by WCW, and resided in
    the Western District of Pennsylvania.
    WCW employs Madden to produce tape-recorded
    commentaries, which are replayed to callers on WCW's 900-
    number hotline. These commentaries promote upcoming
    WCW wrestling events and pay-per-view television
    programs, announce the results of wrestling matches and
    discuss wrestlers' personal lives and careers. Madden
    asserts that in the course of preparing statements for the
    WCW hotline, he receives information from confidential
    sources. He admits, however, that his announcements are
    as much entertainment as journalism.
    During a deposition, Madden refused to identify the
    sources of certain of his allegedly false and misleading
    statements recorded for the WCW's 900-number hotline.
    Madden, through counsel, invoked a "journalist's privilege"
    and the protection of the Pennsylvania Journalist's Shield
    Law, 42 Pa. Cons. Stat. Ann. S 5942.1 Titan filed a "Motion
    to Enforce Subpoena and Otherwise Compel Discovery by a
    Nonmoving Party." After Titan moved to enforce the
    subpoena, counsel for Madden and the WCW interposed
    the qualified federal common law privilege which protects
    journalists from revealing their confidential sources.
    The district court denied Titan's motion insofar as it
    sought to compel Madden to identify the sources from
    which he got information for his commentaries. The district
    court concluded that Madden was a "journalist" with
    standing to assert the privilege because he intended to
    disseminate information to third parties. The district court
    also held that Madden's interest in protecting his sources
    was not outweighed by the need for disclosure. Titan now
    1. The district court's opinion concerned only the federal privilege. The
    applicability of the Pennsylvania law is not appealed.
    The somewhat unusual procedural posture of this case
    requires that we discuss briefly our jurisdiction to hear this
    appeal. We have jurisdiction over "all final decisions of the
    district courts. . ." 28 U.S.C. S 1291.2 A final decision of a
    district court means, with limited exceptions, an order that
    ends the litigation on the merits and leaves nothing for the
    district court to do but execute the judgment. Coopers &
    Lybrand v. Livesay, 
    437 U.S. 463
    , 467, 
    98 S. Ct. 2454
    2457 (1978). Ordinarily, a pretrial discovery order such as
    this one is not considered final. Enprotech Corp. v. Renda,
    983 F.2d 17
    , 20-21, (3rd Cir. 1993), (an order denying a
    pretrial civil discovery motion to compel production of a
    document was not final and appealable). The typical
    remedy for one aggrieved by an order denying a discovery
    request is to await final judgment before appealing. 
    Id. The order
    appealed from in this case is not a typical
    discovery order. Although it relates to discovery and the
    deposition of a nonparty witness, it was not entered by the
    district court where the case was filed and is currently
    pending. The district court for the District of Connecticut
    will ultimately rule on the merits, and an appeal from its
    final judgment will be heard by the Court of Appeals for the
    Second Circuit. Other courts have recognized an"exception
    to the nonfinality of discovery orders where a district court,
    other than the district court before which the main action
    is pending, issues an order denying discovery against a
    nonparty." Hooker v. Continental Life Insurance Co., 
    965 F.2d 903
    , 905 (10th Cir. 1992); citing Truswal Sys. Corp. v.
    Hydro-Air Eng'n, Inc., 
    813 F.2d 1207
    , 1209 (Fed. Cir. 1987).3
    The premise for this exception is that these orders involve
    2. In pertinent part, 28 U.S.C. S 1291 provides that "the courts of
    appeals shall have jurisdiction of appeals from allfinal decisions of the
    district courts of the United States . . . ."
    3. When an ancillary district court enters an order against a nonparty
    which compels discovery, such an order is not immediately appealable,
    leaving the nonparty with the option to either comply with the discovery
    order or submit to contempt proceedings from which the nonparty may
    then appeal. See 
    Hooker, 965 F.2d at 905
    n.1 (citing Federal Trade
    Comm'n v. Alaska Land Leasing Inc., 
    778 F.2d 577
    , 578 (10th Cir.
    nonparties and are issued by district courts other than the
    one in which the principal action is pending, thereby
    eliminating any avenue for effective appellate review.
    We agree with this premise but believe, rather than as an
    exception, finality for purposes of our jurisdiction in this
    circumstance is determined more directly by asking
    whether the aggrieved entity has any means, other than an
    immediate appeal before us, to obtain appellate review of
    the district court's decision. For Titan, the answer is no,
    because the Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit does
    not have jurisdiction to review this order of the Western
    District of Pennsylvania. Were we to reject jurisdiction,
    appellate review of this order would be impossible.
    Consequently, because we are the only forum that may
    review the decision, we deem it final and conclude that we
    have jurisdiction under 28 U.S.C. S 1291 to review it.
    The decision we review is the district court's order
    granting a journalist's privilege to Madden. The issue is
    whether he has status as a journalist to invoke the
    protections of the privilege. We conclude that he does not.
    Because this is a purely legal question, our review is
    plenary. Bradgate Assoc. v. Fellows, Red & Assoc., 
    999 F.2d 745
    , 749 (3d Cir. 1993). We note at the outset that
    testimonial exclusionary rules and privileges are not
    favored. Indeed, the Supreme Court has not shown
    enthusiasm for the creation of constitutional privileges
    because these privileges "contravene a fundamental
    principle of our jurisprudence that the public has a right to
    every man's evidence." United States v. Bryan, 
    339 U.S. 323
    , 331, 
    70 S. Ct. 724
    , 730 (1950). Such privileges should
    not be "lightly created or expansively construed, for they
    are in derogation of the search for truth." United States v.
    418 U.S. 683
    , 710, 
    94 S. Ct. 3090
    , 3108 (1974).
    Pretrial discovery is therefore, "accorded a broad and liberal
    treatment." Hickman v. Taylor, 
    329 U.S. 495
    , 507, 
    67 S. Ct. 385
    , 392 (1947). If no claim of privilege applies, a non-party
    can be compelled to produce any matter "relevant to the
    subject matter involved in the pending action" or
    "reasonably calculated to lead to the discovery of admissible
    evidence." Fed. R. Civ. P. 26(b)(1).
    Nonetheless, we have recognized that when a journalist,
    in the course of gathering the news, acquires facts that
    become a target of discovery, a qualified privilege against
    compelled disclosure appertains. Riley v. City of Chester,
    612 F.2d 708
    (3d Cir. 1979) (journalist's privilege for civil
    cases); United States v. Cuthbertson, 
    630 F.2d 139
    (3d Cir.
    1980) (journalist's privilege for criminal cases). Premised
    upon the First Amendment, the privilege recognizes
    society's interest in protecting the integrity of the
    newsgathering process, and in ensuring the freeflow of
    information to the public. It is an interest of "sufficient legal
    importance to justify some incidental sacrifice of sources of
    facts needed in the administration of justice." Herbert v.
    441 U.S. 153
    , 183, 
    99 S. Ct. 1635
    , 1652 (Brennan,
    J., dissenting).
    Although we have determined that a journalist's privilege
    exists, we have never decided who qualifies as a"journalist"
    for purposes of asserting it. The Supreme Court has warned
    of the difficulties in such an undertaking:
    [S]ooner or later, it [will] become necessary to define
    those categories of newsmen who qualify for the
    privilege -- a questionable procedure in light of the
    traditional doctrine that liberty of the press is the right
    of the lonely pamphleteer just as much as the large,
    metropolitan publisher.
    Branzburg v. Hayes, 
    408 U.S. 665
    , 703-04, 
    92 S. Ct. 2646
    2668 (1972).
    We have found few cases that discuss who, beyond those
    employed by the traditional media, has status to raise the
    journalist's privilege. Courts have previously permitted
    documentary film-makers to invoke the protections of the
    journalist's privilege. See Silkwood v. Kerr-McGee, 
    563 F.2d 433
    , 436 (10th Cir. 1977). Also, authors of technical
    publications and professional investigative books have been
    permitted to claim the privilege. See Apicella v. McNeil Lab.
    66 F.R.D. 78
    (E.D.N.Y. 1975) (technical publications
    are within the scope of journalist's privilege because the
    traditional doctrine of freedom of the press is the right of all
    types of reporters); Shoen v. Shoen, 
    5 F.3d 1289
    , 1293 (9th
    Cir. 1993) (professional investigative book author has
    status to claim journalist's privilege). No other court,
    however, has considered whether the privilege may be
    invoked by those like Madden who are neither
    "pamphleteers" nor "metropolitan publishers," and certainly
    not engaged in investigating, publishing, reporting or
    broadcasting in the traditional sense.
    To date, only one other court of appeals has fashioned a
    test to answer the question of who has status to invoke a
    journalistic privilege. In von Bulow v. von Bulow, the Court
    of Appeals for the Second Circuit identified the principles
    underlying the application of the journalist's privilege. 
    811 F.2d 136
    , 142 (2nd Cir. 1987). First, the court recognized
    that the process of newsgathering is a protected, albeit
    qualified, right under the First Amendment. This right
    emanates from the strong public policy supporting the
    unfettered communication of information by a journalist to
    the public. Second, the court required a true journalist, at
    the beginning of the news-gathering process, to have the
    intention of disseminating her information to the public.
    Third, the court stated that an individual may successfully
    claim the journalist's privilege if she is involved in activities
    traditionally associated with the gathering and
    dissemination of news, even though she may not ordinarily
    be a member of the institutionalized press. Fourth, the
    relationship between the putative journalist and her
    sources may be confidential or nonconfidential. And fifth,
    unpublished resource material likewise may be protected.
    In holding that "the individual claiming the privilege must
    demonstrate, through competent evidence, the intent to use
    the material in order to disseminate information for the
    public and such intent must have existed at the inception
    of the newsgathering process," the court turned to its
    opinion in Baker v. F&F Investment, 
    470 F.2d 778
    (2nd Cir.
    1972). Baker was a civil rights case in which it was alleged
    that racial discrimination was practiced in the sale of
    housing in Chicago. During discovery, the plaintiffs
    deposed the editor of the Columbia Journalism Review, who
    had written an article on "blockbusting" -- an allegedly
    illegal housing application process -- ten years earlier. That
    article, which had been published in the Saturday Evening
    Post, had been based, in part, on information forwarded to
    the editor by an anonymous real estate agent. The editor
    refused to disclose the identity of the real estate agent at
    The court held that the editor could not be compelled to
    disclose the identity of his source. Central to the court's
    holding was its concern that the "deterrent effect such
    disclosure is likely to have upon future `undercover'
    investigative reporting . . . threatens freedom of the press
    and the public's need to be informed." 
    Id. at 782
    in original). Based on the rationale of Baker, the court
    concluded that "the critical question in determining if a
    person falls within the class of persons protected by the
    journalist's privilege is whether the person, at the inception
    of the investigatory process, had the intent to disseminate
    to the public the information obtained through the
    investigation." von 
    Bulow, 811 F.2d at 143
    . In contrast, a
    person who "gathers information for personal reasons,
    unrelated to dissemination of information to the public, will
    not be deterred from undertaking his search simply by
    rules which permit discovery of that information in a later
    civil proceeding." 
    Id. In other
    words, von Bulow holds that
    the purpose of the journalist's privilege was not solely to
    protect newspaper or television reporters, but to protect the
    activity of "investigative reporting." 
    Id. at 142-43.
    Indeed, in adopting the test set forth in the von Bulow
    decision, the Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit has
    indicated that the journalist's privilege was designed not to
    protect a particular journalist, but "the activity of
    investigative reporting more generally." Shoen v. Shoen, 
    5 F.3d 1289
    , 1293 (9th Cir. 1993). Thus, "it makes no
    difference whether the intended manner of dissemination
    was by newspaper, magazine, book, public or private
    broadcast or handbill because the press, in its historic
    connotation comprehends every sort of publication which
    affords a vehicle of information and opinion." 
    Id. at 144
    (quoting Lovell v. Griffin, 
    303 U.S. 444
    , 452, 
    58 S. Ct. 666
    669 (1938)).
    We find the reasoning of the court in von Bulow, and by
    extension in Shoen to be persuasive. In our view, the von
    Bulow test is consistent with the goals and concerns that
    underlie the journalist's privilege. Because this test
    emphasizes the intent behind the newsgathering process
    rather than the mode of dissemination, it is consistent with
    the Supreme Court's recognition that the "press" includes
    all publications that contribute to the free flow of
    information. See 
    Lovell, 303 U.S. at 452
    , 58 S. Ct. at 669
    (1938). This test is also consistent with the Supreme
    Court's concerns that the privilege apply only to legitimate
    members of the press. 
    Id. at 457,
    S. Ct. at 674. This test
    does not grant status to any person with a manuscript, a
    web page or a film, but requires an intent at the inception
    of the newsgathering process to disseminate investigative
    news to the public. As we see it, the privilege is only
    available to persons whose purposes are those traditionally
    inherent to the press; persons gathering news for
    publication. It is the burden of the party claiming the
    privilege to establish their right to its protection. von 
    Bulow, 811 F.2d at 144
    The district court correctly looked to von Bulow as the
    appropriate test to use in determining who qualifies as a
    "journalist" for purposes of claiming privilege. We believe,
    however, that the district court read the von Bulow decision
    too expansively and in doing so elided the requirement that
    the individual be engaged in the activity of news gathering
    or investigative reporting. The district court believed that
    because Madden "sought, gathered or received" materials
    from the WCW with the intention of disseminating that
    material, he was a journalist. We conclude that more is
    required to claim the privilege.
    As we have indicated previously, we agree with von Bulow
    that the person claiming privilege must be engaged in the
    process of "investigative reporting" or "news gathering."
    Moreover, we agree with Shoen, which held that the critical
    question for deciding whether a person may invoke the
    journalist's privilege is "whether she is gathering news for
    dissemination to the public." 
    Shoen, 5 F.3d at 1293
    . We
    hold that individuals are journalists when engaged in
    investigative reporting, gathering news, and have the intent
    at the beginning of the news-gathering process to
    disseminate this information to the public. Madden does
    not pass this test.
    Madden's activities in this case cannot be considered
    "reporting," let alone "investigative reporting." By his own
    admission, he is an entertainer, not a reporter,
    disseminating hype, not news. Although Madden proclaims
    himself to be "Pro Wrestling's only real journalist,"
    hyperbolic self-proclamation will not suffice as proof that
    an individual is a journalist. Moreover, the record reveals
    that all of Madden's information was given to him directly
    by WCW executives. Madden's deposition testimony
    acknowledges that WCW employees were his sole source of
    information for his commentaries. He uncovered no story
    on his own nor did he independently investigate any of the
    information given to him by WCW executives. Madden also
    fails the test in two other critical aspects: first, he was not
    gathering or investigating "news," and second, he had no
    intention at the start of his information gathering process
    to disseminate the information he acquired. Madden's work
    amounts to little more than creative fiction about
    admittedly fictional wrestling characters who have dramatic
    and ferocious-sounding pseudonyms like "Razor Ramon"
    and "Diesel." As a creative fiction author, Madden's primary
    goal is to provide advertisement and entertainment-- not
    to gather news or disseminate information. It is clear from
    the record that Mr. Madden was not investigating"news,"
    even were we to apply a generous definition of the word.
    Madden admits in his deposition that his work for the WCW
    amounts to a mix of entertainment with reporting. He
    states that "with the WCW 900 number, I say things tongue
    [in] cheek. I say things for satire value, I say things to be
    funny, and sometimes I will take something like that and
    use it for humor value." Furthermore, the record indicates
    that WCW executives told Madden to "be a little crazy, say
    off the wall stuff, entertain, use a lot of humor, sort of work
    -- sort of be like the bad guy in the literal sense, not in
    terms of what I say is always going to be false, but in terms
    of what I say is going to get people excited."
    Even if Madden's efforts could be considered as
    "newsgathering," his claim of privilege would still fail
    because, as an author of entertaining fiction, he lacked the
    intent at the beginning of the research process to
    disseminate information to the public. He, like other
    creators of fictional works, intends at the beginning of the
    process to create a piece of art or entertainment. Fiction or
    entertainment writers are permitted to view facts
    selectively, change the emphasis or chronology of events or
    even fill in factual gaps with fictitious events-- license a
    journalist does not have. Because Madden is not a
    journalist, it follows that he cannot conceal his information
    within the shadow of the journalist's privilege. 4
    To summarize, we hold that individuals claiming the
    protections of the journalist's privilege must demonstrate
    the concurrence of three elements: that they: 1) are
    engaged in investigative reporting; 2) are gathering news;
    and 3) possess the intent at the inception of the news-
    gathering process to disseminate this news to the public.
    Madden, having failed to sustain his burden, cannot protect
    his sources or his information by invoking the journalist's
    privilege. We will reverse the order and remand the cause to
    the district court.
    A True Copy:
    Clerk of the United States Court of Appeals
    for the Third Circuit
    4. We have indicated that a bona fide journalist has a qualified
    We do not reach the district court's balancing of the competing interests
    involved in the application of this privilege because of our determination
    that Madden does not have status to raise the privilege in the first