Virgin Islands v. Steven ( 1998 )

  •                                                                                                                            Opinions of the United
    1998 Decisions                                                                                                             States Court of Appeals
    for the Third Circuit
    Virgin Islands v. Steven
    Precedential or Non-Precedential:
    Docket 97-7299
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    Filed January 9, 1998
    No. 97-7299
    Appeal from the District Court of the Virgin Islands
    (Division of St. Croix)
    Criminal No. 96-cr-0043
    Argued December 11, 1997
    Before: SLOVITER, Chief Judge, and STAPLETON,
    and MANSMANN, Circuit Judges
    (Filed January 9, 1998)
    Harold W.L. Willocks (ARGUED)
    Chief, Territorial Public Defender
    1-B Clifton Hill - 2nd Floor
    Kingshill, St. Croix
    U.S. Virgin Islands 00850
    Julio A. Brady
    Attorney General
    Paul L. Gimenez
    Solicitor General
    Irma Industrious (ARGUED)
    Assistant Attorney General
    Department of Justice
    48B-50C Kronprindsens Gade
    GERS Bldg., 2nd Floor
    St. Thomas, USVI 00802
    MANSMANN, Circuit Judge.
    Edward Steven appeals from an order of the Appellate
    Division of the District Court affirming a judgment entered
    against him for Driving Under the Influence of an
    Intoxicating Liquor in violation of Title 20 V.I.C.S 493(a)(1)
    and rejecting Steven's constitutional challenge to that
    statute. Because we agree that Title 20 V.I.C. S 493(a)(1) is
    constitutional, we will affirm the district court's order.
    On October 19, 1995, police officers on routine patrol
    stopped Steven when they observed that his car did not
    have a license plate or taillights. In questioning Steven, one
    of the officers smelled alcohol on Steven's breath and
    noticed that his speech was slurred and his eyes were
    glassy. The officer advised Steven of his Miranda rights, and
    Steven then admitted that he had been drinking earlier that
    day. After then failing a series of sobriety tests, Steven was
    arrested on charges of Driving Under the Influence of an
    Intoxicating Liquor, in violation of Title 20 V.I.C.S 493(a)(1)
    and Operating a Motor Vehicle Without a License Plate in
    violation of Title 20 V.I.C. S 331(3).
    By order dated April 17, 1996, the Territorial Court of the
    Virgin Islands denied Steven's motion to dismiss the Title
    20 V.I.C. S 493(a)(1) charge on the basis of unconstitutional
    vagueness. Steven was found guilty of both charges on May
    16, 1996. Steven appealed the Territorial Court's judgment
    to the District Court of the Virgin Islands, asserting that
    Title 20 V.I.C. S 493(a)(1) is unconstitutionally vague. The
    district court affirmed the Territorial Court's judgment by
    opinion entered on April 23, 1997. This timely appeal
    followed. We exercise plenary review over the district court's
    determination as to the constitutionality of the challenged
    statute. United States v. Parker, 
    108 F.3d 28
    , 29 (3d Cir.
    Pursuant to the Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth
    Amendment to the United States Constitution, a criminal
    statute is unconstitutional if it "either forbids or requires
    the doing of an act in terms so vague that men of common
    intelligence must necessarily guess at its meaning .. . ."
    Connally v. General Constr. Co., 
    269 U.S. 385
    , 391 (1926).
    The concept of unconstitutional vagueness is derived from
    a basic notion of fairness; citizens must be given fair
    warning before being held culpable for conduct deemed to
    be criminal. Colten v. Kentucky, 
    407 U.S. 104
    , 110 (1972);
    Grayned v. City of Rockford, 
    408 U.S. 104
    , 108 (1972). A
    statute therefore meets the constitutional standard of
    certainty if its language conveys a sufficiently definite
    warning as to the proscribed conduct when measured by
    common understanding and practices. United States v.
    550 F.2d 1180
    , 1186 (9th Cir.), cert. denied, 
    434 U.S. 929
    Title 20 V.I.C. S 493(a)(1) provides, in relevant part, that
    "[i]t is unlawful for any person who is under the influence
    of an intoxicating liquor . . . to drive, operate, or be in
    actual physical control of, any motor vehicle within the
    Territory." Steven contends that the term "under the
    influence" as used in the statute is so vague as to render
    the statute unconstitutional. We disagree.
    Courts have consistently rejected constitutional
    vagueness challenges to statutes containing the term
    "under the influence." See, e.g., Government of the Virgin
    Islands v. Tonge, 
    1996 WL 255710
     (Terr. V.I. August 17,
    1996)(rejecting constitutional vagueness challenge to Title
    20 V.I.C. S 493(a)(1)); People v. Seefeldt, 
    445 N.E.2d 427
    App. Ct. 1983)(upholding constitutionality of a statute
    prohibiting driving "under the influence of intoxicating
    liquor"); State v. Campbell, 
    681 P.2d 679
     (Kan. Ct. App.
    1984)(finding that the term "driving under the influence"
    does not render a statute void for vagueness). In addition,
    courts have recognized for over half a century that driving
    "under the influence" is commonly understood to mean
    driving in a state of intoxication that lessens a person's
    normal ability for clarity and control. See, e.g, Weston v.
    65 P.2d 652
    , 654 (Ariz. 1937); State v. Graham, 
    222 N.W. 909
    , 911 (Minn. 1929). This common understanding
    is consistent with the obvious purpose of drunk driving
    statutes; i.e., to prevent people from driving unsafely due to
    an alcohol-induced diminished capacity. Because driving
    "under the influence" is commonly understood, it therefore
    puts citizens on fair notice of proscribed conduct.
    Accordingly, we find that Title 20 V.I.C. S 493(a)(1) is not
    void for vagueness.
    At oral argument, Steven suggested that S 493(a)(1) is
    unconstitutionally vague unless some proof of blood alcohol
    level is offered to prove intoxication. We disagree. This issue
    was definitively decided in Government of the Virgin Islands
    v. Zachry, 
    24 V.I. 244
     (Terr. Ct. 1989). In Zachry, the
    territorial court specifically upheld the constitutionality of
    the "driving under the influence" statute and noted that
    "driving under the influence must be construed under a
    bare minimum analysis; any consumption, however minute,
    of alcohol violates S 493(a)(1)." Zachry, 24 V.I. at 247. The
    Zachry court distinguished the "driving while intoxicated"
    offense under S 493(a)(2), which requires a specific
    percentage of blood alcohol content, from the "driving under
    the influence" offense under S 493(a)(1), which does not
    require a minimum blood alcohol content. Id. at 246-47. We
    read Zachry, therefore, to hold that because the touchstone
    of the "driving under the influence" statute is the effect the
    alcohol creates, i.e. the inability to drive safely, as opposed
    to the quantity of alcohol consumed, no minimum blood
    alcohol level is required for a conviction underS 493(a)(1) so
    long as the driver's capacity to operate the motor vehicle
    safely is impaired. Zachry is consistent with and supports
    our view of the statute.1
    Steven further contends that the statute fails to pass
    constitutional muster because it permits subjective
    pretextual interpretation by law enforcement officials. This
    argument is without merit. The fact that the officers
    exercised independent judgment in assessing whether
    Steven was intoxicated at the time of his arrest does not
    bear upon the constitutionality of the otherwise clear drunk
    driving statute.
    Accordingly, because we conclude that Title 20 V.I.C.
    S 493(a)(1) is sufficiently definite to survive constitutional
    scrutiny, we will affirm the order of the Appellate Division
    of the District Court affirming the judgment entered by the
    Territorial Court against Steven.
    A True Copy:
    Clerk of the United States Court of Appeals
    for the Third Circuit
    1. The district court questioned the holding in Zachry by stating "to the
    extent that Zachry conflicts with this opinion, it is expressly
    Op. at 12-13. Because we do not read Zachry to be inconsistent with our
    view, we have no need to overrule Zachry here.