Bethenergy Mines v. Dir. Office of Workers' Comp. , 32 F.3d 843 ( 1994 )

  •                                                                                                                            Opinions of the United
    1994 Decisions                                                                                                             States Court of Appeals
    for the Third Circuit
    Bethenergy Mines v. Dir. Office of Workers' Comp.,
    et al.
    Precedential or Non-Precedential:
    Docket 93-3428, 93-3429, 93-3430;93-3431, 93-3432 and 93-3463
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    "Bethenergy Mines v. Dir. Office of Workers' Comp., et al." (1994). 1994 Decisions. Paper 112.
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    Nos. 93-3428, 93-3429, 93-3430,
    93-3431, 93-3432 and 93-3463
    Petitioner No. 93-3428
    United States Department of Labor and
    Petitioner No. 93-3429
    United States Department of Labor and WILLIAM LEJUENE,
    Petitioner No. 93-3430
    United States Department of Labor and THOMAS GRASSA,
    Petitioner No. 93-3431
    United States Department of Labor and GEORGE LUBERT,
    Petitioner No. 93-3432
    United States Department of Labor and
    Petitioner No. 93-3463
    United States Department of Labor and Industry;
    PATRICIA J. DOTY, (o/b/o James Levanoff Deceased),
    On Petitions for Review of Orders of the Benefits Review Board
    (Benefits Review Board Nos. 92-2703/04/05/2685/86 & 93-252 BLA)
    Argued May 6, 1994
    Before:   SLOVITER, Chief Judge, HUTCHINSON, Circuit Judge,
    and DIAMOND,* District Judge
    (Filed August 15, 1994)
    John J. Bagnato (Argued)
    Spence, Custer, Saylor, Wolfe & Rose
    Johnstown, PA 15907
    Mari Ann Hathaway
    Ceisler, Richman, Smith
    . Hon. Gustave Diamond, United States Senior District Judge for
    the Western District of Pennsylvania, sitting by designation.
    Washington, PA   15301
    Of Counsel
    Attorneys for Petitioners
    Thomas S. Williamson, Jr.
    Solicitor of Labor
    Donald S. Shire
    Assistant Solicitor
    Michael J. Denney
    Counsel for Enforcement
    Deborah E. Mayer (Argued)
    United States Department of Labor
    Office of the Solicitor
    Washington, DC 20210
    Attorneys for the Director,
    Office of Workers' Compensation Programs
    SLOVITER, Chief Judge.
    The issue presented by this appeal is a jurisdictional
    one pending as well in three other courts of appeals1 - whether
    the administrative bodies that adjudicate black lung claims or
    the district courts have jurisdiction to resolve disputes
    regarding interest assessed against coal mine operators on
    reimbursements to the Black Lung Disability Trust Fund (the
    "Fund") for medical benefits that the Fund previously paid to or
    on behalf of claimants.    Underlying this jurisdictional dispute
    is a significant legal issue, which is the authority of the
    Department of Labor (the "Department") to assess interest against
    . The other cases pending are Sea "B" Mining Company v.
    Director, OWCP, No. 93-1784 (4th Cir., filed June 22, 1993,
    argued Apr. 12, 1994); B & S Coal Company v. Director, OWCP, 93-
    3665 (6th Cir. filed June 21, 1993); Peabody Coal Company v.
    Director, OWCP, 93-2597 (7th Cir. filed July 22, 1993, argued
    Feb. 23, 1994).
    operators and carriers on such claims for the period before the
    responsible party has had the opportunity to review the data
    supporting the medical benefit.    Because of the jurisdictional
    dispute, the legal issue has not been presented here or in the
    other three circuits, despite the apparent agreement among the
    parties that there is not likely to be much litigation over the
    amount of interest once that underlying issue is finally
    In the matter before us, the Benefits Review Board (the
    "Board" or "BRB") determined that these actions may only be heard
    by the district courts.   Accordingly, it affirmed the decision of
    the Administrative Law Judge dismissing the actions.     BethEnergy
    Mines, Inc. and Barnes and Tucker Company, coal mine operators,
    filed this petition for review as part of a series of test cases.
    This court has jurisdiction over petitions for review of final
    orders of the Benefits Review Board pursuant to 33 U.S.C. §
    921(c) (1988).
    The Black Lung Benefits Act ("the Act"), 30 U.S.C. §
    901 et seq., establishes a comprehensive legislative scheme
    designed to compensate miners for medical problems and
    disabilities related to pneumoconiosis (black lung disease).
    The Act incorporates by reference the claim management
    and adjudication procedures of the Longshore and Harbor Workers'
    Compensation Act (the "Longshore Act") to govern the Department
    of Labor's administration of Part C of the Act (the employer-
    funded federal workers' compensation program applicable to
    employees who have become totally disabled or died due to
    pneumoconiosis.)    See 30 U.S.C. § 932(a) (incorporating most of
    33 U.S.C. §§ 901-950); see also Louisville and Nashville R.R. Co.
    v. Donovan, 
    713 F.2d 1243
    , 1247 n.2 (6th Cir. 1983), cert.
    466 U.S. 936
    In this case, our concern is with claims made to the
    Department of Labor for medical benefits only.    Therefore, there
    is no need to review the history of the involvement of the Social
    Security Administration and the manner of resolving claims made
    for miners' disability or death, all of which has been reviewed
    in prior cases.    See, e.g., Pittston Coal Group v. Sebben, 
    488 U.S. 105
    (1988); Mullins Coal Co. v. Director, OWCP, 
    484 U.S. 135
    (1987); Elliot Coal Mining Co. v. Director, OWCP, 
    17 F.3d 616
    627-628 (3d Cir. 1994); Helen Mining Co. v. Director, OWCP, 
    924 F.2d 1269
    , 1271-72 (3d Cir. 1991).
    As is set forth in these cases, the Act established the
    Black Lung Disability Trust Fund, which is financed by a
    manufacturer's excise tax on coal.    That Fund pays benefits
    directly to claimants not only when there is no responsible
    operator, but also before a responsible operator is determined
    and in other circumstances established by law.    See e.g., Elliot
    Coal, 17 F.3d at 628
    ; Helen 
    Mining, 924 F.2d at 1272
    ; 20 C.F.R. §
    725.522 (1993).
    In certain circumstances, as those presented in these
    cases, when miners seek payment of medical expenses incurred for
    treatment of pneumoconiosis ("medical benefits only" or "MBO"
    claims), the Fund pays claimants before operator liability is
    determined, see 20 C.F.R. § 725.701A(b), and the Department will
    seek reimbursement from the responsible operator.   Sometime in
    1988, the Department adopted a new agency policy to collect
    interest on medical expenditures made by the Fund and later
    reimbursed by the operator or carrier.   Pursuant to this policy,
    the date on which the Fund paid the medical bill is the accrual
    date for interest.   See 20 C.F.R. § 725.608(b).
    Proceedings in these cases
    Although the facts of each of the six consolidated
    cases vary somewhat, those common to all make them appropriate
    for joint disposition here.   In each case, after determination
    that a valid MBO claim had been submitted, the district director2
    approved the claimant's request for medical treatment expenses;
    determined that one of the petitioners was the responsible
    operator; and, either some time before or after determination of
    the responsible operator, received a request from the claimant or
    his medical providers for payment for specific bills or treatment
    which, after the Department or its agent approved, was paid by
    the Trust Fund.3   Thereafter, the Department sought reimbursement
    from the operator.   In many of the cases the operator, as is its
    right, requested documentation for the medical expenses.     In all
    of the cases before us, the operator ultimately reimbursed the
    Fund for its payment (referred to by the Operators as
    reimbursement of the "principal" paid.)
    Following the operator's acceptance of responsibility
    for the MBO, the Department of Labor, pursuant to Department
    . By "district director" we refer to the initial screening
    officer of the Office of Workers' Compensation Programs of the
    Department of Labor. This individual may also be referred to as
    the "deputy commissioner" in the relevant statutes. See, e.g.,
    33 U.S.C. § 919(a) ("a claim for compensation may be filed with
    the deputy commissioner").
    . The determination that the miner is eligible for medical
    benefits does not automatically entitle the claimant to payment
    of specific medical expenses, which must be shown to be related
    to pneumoconiosis.
    policy, billed the operator for the interest due on the
    underlying claim.   As noted above, the interest was assessed from
    the date the Fund paid the claim.    In the cases before us, it
    appears that this interest period may have covered from five to
    nine years.   App. at 94-97; App. at 138, 140, 141.    In each case,
    the operator challenged this assessment of interest and the case
    was referred to Administrative Law Judge G. Marvin Bober, who
    consolidated the six cases for joint resolution.      The ALJ,
    believing that the issue was governed by the decision of the
    Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit in Vahalik v. Youghiogheny
    & Ohio Coal Co., 
    970 F.2d 161
    (6th Cir. 1992), dismissed the
    cases for lack of jurisdiction in September 1992.
    The Operators appealed the six cases to the Benefits
    Review Board, which held them in abeyance pending its resolution
    of Brown v. Sea "B" Mining Co., 17 Black Lung Rep. (MB) 1-115,
    1993 WL 172283
    (Ben. Rev. Bd. 1993) (en banc).    After it decided
    Sea "B", the Board dismissed these cases for lack of subject
    matter jurisdiction.   The Operators appealed this decision to
    this court, filing petitions for review in the six cases on
    September 2 and 15, 1993.
    The existence of subject matter jurisdiction is a
    question of law over which this court exercises plenary review.
    See Connors v. Tremont Mining Co., 
    835 F.2d 1028
    , 1029 (3d Cir.
    Right to a Hearing Before an ALJ
    The Operators argue that the failure of the ALJ and the
    Board to exercise jurisdiction over this case has denied them the
    right to a hearing and review thereof as guaranteed in 33 U.S.C.
    §§ 919 and 921 (1988).   The Act provides that claims are filed
    with the deputy commissioner who has "full power and authority to
    hear and determine all questions in respect of such claim."      33
    U.S.C. § 919(a) (emphasis added).     Should any interested party so
    desire, the deputy commissioner must order a hearing before an
    administrative law judge.   See 33 U.S.C. § 919(c) and (d); Pyro
    Mining Co. v. Slaton, 
    879 F.2d 187
    , 190 (6th Cir. 1989)
    ("according to statute, [interested parties] have a right to a
    hearing before an administrative law judge on all questions in
    respect of a claim.").
    The Act provides that following this determination
    there may be an appeal to the Board, 33 U.S.C. § 921(b)(3), and a
    petition for review thereafter to the court of appeals, 
    id. § 921(c).
       See Krolick Contracting Corp. v. Benefits Review Bd.,
    United States Dep't of Labor, 
    558 F.2d 685
    , 687-88 (3d Cir.
    1977).    The question before this court, then, is whether the
    Operators' challenge to the interest assessed against them is a
    "question[] in respect of [a] claim" such that it must be
    referred to an ALJ pursuant to 33 U.S.C. § 919 or whether, as the
    Department argues, the challenge concerns a collateral attack on
    a final compensation order, jurisdiction over which rests in the
    district court pursuant to 30 U.S.C. § 934(b)(4)(A).
    The Operators recognize that after a black lung claim
    is determined on the merits by either an award or acceptance of
    liability by an operator, they are obliged to reimburse the Fund
    for the amount paid plus what the Operators term post-judgment
    interest, i.e., interest which runs from 30 days after the award
    or the acceptance of liability.   See 30 U.S.C. § 932(d).
    The Operators contend that the charges assessed against
    them here constitute prejudgment interest, which is not
    authorized under the Act.   See, e.g., Bethlehem Mines Corp. v.
    Director, OWCP, 
    766 F.2d 128
    , 131 (3d Cir. 1985); Youghiogheny &
    Ohio Coal Co. v. Warren, 
    841 F.2d 134
    , 138-39 (6th Cir. 1987).4
    They reason that because these challenges to interest assessed
    require interpretation and application of the Act and its
    enforcement scheme, they constitute "questions in respect of such
    The Department's position is that because the interest
    assessment involves a dispute solely between the Department and
    the operator, it does not constitute a question "in respect of
    such claim."   The Department's position is that the "claim"
    within the meaning of section 919, which triggers the right to
    review through the administrative process, is the claim on behalf
    of the disabled or deceased miner (the claimant).
    . The Department disputes the characterization of the interest
    assessed as "prejudgment" for various reasons. Because the
    nature of this interest is not before the court at this time, we
    need not consider the appropriate classification thereof and use
    the term for convenience.
    This construction of "claim" has statutory support.
    The statute provides that a claim must be filed with "the deputy
    commissioner in the compensation district in which such injury or
    death occurred."   33 U.S.C. § 913(a).    Section 919(d), which
    governs "Procedure in respect of claims," provides that "a claim
    for compensation may be filed with the deputy commissioner . . .
    any time after the first seven days of disability following any
    injury, or at any time after death."     33 U.S.C. § 919(a).
    Because the "claim" to which these sections refer is that of the
    injured or deceased miner, the administrative procedure outlined
    in the subsections (c) and (d) of section 919 is available only
    to a party (usually the employer-operator or its carrier) who
    seeks to challenge some aspect of the miner's "claim," such as
    the miner's eligibility for some or all of the compensation
    sought or granted.
    It is not disputed that determinations of underlying
    operator liability in MBO cases raise questions in respect of a
    claim.   Though framed as contests between the particular operator
    and the Fund over reimbursement, these determinations provide the
    means by which an operator may challenge the validity of all or
    part of the miner's initial claim, including each medical
    expense, even though it has already been paid by the Fund.
    Proceedings before the ALJ and the Board in these matters thus
    center on the evaluation of the claimant's entitlement to
    payments already disbursed by the Fund.    See, e.g., Stiltner v.
    Doris Coal Co., 14 Black Lung Rep. (MB) 1-116, 
    1990 WL 284122
    (Ben. Rev. Bd. 1990) (en banc) (affirming award of medical
    benefits and thus ordering operator and carrier to reimburse the
    Fund based on determination that miner's respiratory conditions
    were related to coal mine employment), rev'd in part, Doris Coal
    Co. v. Director, OWCP, 
    938 F.2d 492
    (4th Cir. 1991); Skaggs v.
    Imperial Colliery Co., 14 Black Lung Rep. (MB) 3-311 (Admin. Law
    Judge 1990) (evaluating employer's challenge to certain medical
    bills already paid based on its contention that they were not
    related to miner's pneumoconiosis); Wright v. Beth-Elkhorn Coal
    Corp., 14 Black Lung Rep. 3-692 (MB) (Admin. Law Judge 1990)
    (employer not liable to reimburse Fund for medical expenses
    because miner was not eligible for them and Fund had paid them
    These underlying liability determinations stand in
    sharp contrast to the Operators' challenge to the Department's
    assessment of interest against them for the period before they
    accepted responsibility for the medical benefits.    The interest
    sought is not to benefit the claimant, nor is it sought on behalf
    of the claimant.    It is sought merely to reimburse the Fund for
    the time-value of money expended by the Fund when it paid for the
    miner's medical benefits.    This latter dispute is one exclusively
    between the Operators and the Fund.    As a result, although the
    demand for interest is predicated in the first instance on the
    fact that the miner filed the claim, it cannot be said to raise
    any "questions in respect of such claim," all of which have been
    resolved by then.
    It follows that sections 919 and 921 do not provide the
    Operators the right to a hearing before an administrative law
    judge, nor to an appeal to the Benefits Review Board in these
    interest cases.    Instead, the Operators' opportunity to challenge
    this interest assessment is controlled by those statutory
    provisions concerning access to the district courts for
    enforcement of black lung liability.
    District Court Jurisdiction
    District court jurisdiction arises under the Act under
    two statutory provisions: 33 U.S.C. § 921(d), one of the
    incorporated provisions of the Longshore Act, and 30 U.S.C. §
    934, a provision within the Black Lung Act itself.    In Connors v.
    Tremont Mining Co., 
    835 F.2d 1028
    (3d Cir. 1987), we set forth
    the requirements for district court jurisdiction under 33 U.S.C.
    § 921(d) (Section 21 of the Longshore Act) as follows: "there
    must be . . . first, [a] final compensation order [that] has been
    effectuated, and second, . . . the responsible operator has
    failed to comply with that compensation order."    
    Id. at 1031.
    District court access is also provided by 30 U.S.C. §
    934 (Section 424 of the Black Lung Act).   Subsection (b)(2)
    If any operator liable to the fund under paragraph
    [934(b)(1)] refuses to pay, after demand, the amount of
    such liability (including interest), then there shall
    be a lien in favor of the United States for such amount
    on all property and rights to property, whether real or
    personal, belonging to such operator.
    30 U.S.C. § 934(b)(2) (emphasis added).    Section 934(b)(4)(A)
    In any case where there has been a refusal or neglect
    to pay the liability imposed under paragraph [934(b)]
    (2), the Secretary may bring a civil action in a
    district court of the United States to enforce the lien
    of the United States under this section with respect to
    such liability or to subject any property, of whatever
    nature, of the operator, or in which he has any right,
    title or interest, to the payment of such liability.
    Id. (emphasis added).
               We have recognized the interaction between the two
    sections giving the district courts enforcement jurisdiction as
    [i]f an operator fails to pay an award of disability
    benefits for which he is liable, the successful
    claimant or the Secretary may bring an action in
    district court to enforce the order. See 33 U.S.C. §
    921(d). Moreover, the Secretary may bring an action to
    enforce a lien against an operator who fails to make
    payments to the Black Lung Disability Trust Fund. 30
    U.S.C. § 934(b)(4)(A).
    Compensation Dep't of Dist. Five, United Mine Workers of America
    v. Marshall, 
    667 F.2d 336
    , 339 n.6 (3d Cir. 1981).   Thus, 33
    U.S.C. § 921(d) enforces the operator's liability to pay benefits
    and 30 U.S.C. § 934(b) enforces the operator's liability to repay
    the Trust Fund.
    There is no doubt that the Operators have failed to pay
    the amounts assessed in these six consolidated cases.   They
    argue, however, that an award is not final under either section
    921(d) or 934(b) unless the calculation of the amount due is
    finally decided, citing Sun Shipbuilding & Dry Dock Co. v.
    Benefits Review Board, United States Dep't of Labor, 
    535 F.2d 758
    , 761 (3d Cir. 1976) (per curiam).   In Sun Shipbuilding, we
    held that a decision is not final where the "extent of damage
    undetermined." 535 F.2d at 760
    .   Here, in each case the
    amount of underlying liability for the MBO has been clearly and
    finally determined and is not challenged by the operators.     Thus,
    Sun Shipbuilding is inapposite.
    The Operators also argue that the district director's
    determinations of interest are not final because they were
    afforded no opportunity to contest them.     Whatever persuasiveness
    this claim may have in other contexts, in these cases the
    Operators have withdrawn their controversions to the specific
    medical expenses.   Thus, there was a final determination in each
    We do not disagree that the Act gives the operators no
    right to challenge the interest determination in the
    administrative process.   Once the liability of the particular
    operator and the medical expenses for each claimant has been
    determined, the operator's liability for that amount plus
    interest becomes fixed as a matter of law.     See, e.g., 30 U.S.C.
    § 934(b)(1) (once the operator's liability is determined, "then
    the operator is liable to the United States for repayment to the
    fund of the amount of such benefits the payment of which is
    properly attributed to him plus interest thereon.").     Indeed,
    determination of the amount of interest due is a ministerial
    calculation because the rate is set by law.     See 30 U.S.C. §§
    934(b)(5)(A) and (b)(5)(B) (incorporating by reference schedule
    provided in 26 U.S.C. § 6621).    It follows that the Department
    and the Board are correct that the Operators will have the
    opportunity to raise their challenge to the imposition of
    interest as a defense to a district court action brought by the
    Secretary for enforcement.5
    Our determination that the district courts, and not the
    Office of the Administrative Law Judges and the Board, have
    jurisdiction over the claims presented here is supported by the
    recent opinion of the Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit in
    Youghiogheny & Ohio Coal Co. v. Vahalik, 
    970 F.2d 161
    (6th Cir.
    1992).   There, faced with a similar, albeit not precisely the
    same, situation which this court now considers, the Court of
    Appeals determined that neither the ALJ nor the Board had
    jurisdiction over the claim of the Department for interest in a
    medical benefits case, holding that the Department must file an
    action in the district court seeking enforcement of its lien and
    collection on the liability.    In Vahalik the operator had paid
    the initial interest assessment and then received a second
    assessment on the ground that the first had been based on a
    miscalculation.    The operator resisted payment, asserting the
    common law defenses of "account stated and settled" and equitable
    estoppel.    Although neither the ALJ nor the BRB questioned their
    own jurisdiction over the dispute, when the matter was on review
    before the Court of Appeals the Department challenged the
    jurisdiction assumed by the ALJ and the BRB over an operator's
    objection to interest assessed on reimbursement paid to the Fund.
    . We take no position as to whether the Operators themselves
    might seek to invoke the district court's jurisdiction by some
    affirmative filing.
    The Vahalik court agreed, reasoning that "[o]nce final
    eligibility and liability determinations are made, the benefits
    of agency expertise become irrelevant, and jurisdiction is vested
    in the district courts for the enforcement of agency orders."
    Id. at 162.
    This does not mean that the Operators will not have an
    opportunity to challenge the assessment of interest, either on
    the basis of a legal challenge or on the basis of a disagreement
    as to calculation.   In fact, in Reich v. Youghiogheny & Ohio Coal
    Co., No. C2-92-793, (S.D. Ohio May 13, 1994), the enforcement
    action brought by the Department under 30 U.S.C. § 934 to collect
    the interest at issue in the Vahalik case, the district court
    thoroughly addressed the challenges raised by the operator to the
    imposition of interest allegedly due to the Fund.   Without
    commenting on the correctness of the district court's decision
    regarding the validity of the interest claim (an issue not before
    us today), we note that the proceeding under that section
    provided the defendant a full and fair opportunity to litigate
    its challenges to the interest assessed.
    Thus we are satisfied that a district court enforcement
    proceeding would provide sufficient opportunity to the operators
    to raise their challenges to the interest assessments.   In fact,
    the Court of Appeals for the First Circuit has recently commented
    that the enforcement proceeding established by 30 U.S.C. § 921
    permits several possible bases for challenging the award in the
    district court:
    it is . . . clear that the employer may contest factual
    allegations upon which the section 921(d) enforcement
    petition necessarily depends, including the main issue
    whether the employer is in default. Moreover, arguably
    at least, the employer might be entitled to raise
    factual challenges relating to (1) the amount in
    default, (2) whether new evidence indicates that the
    initial compensation order was procedurally defective,
    or otherwise not "in accordance with law," or (3)
    employee conduct that might tilt the fundamental
    balance of equities in favor of judicial restraint.
    Williams v. Jones, 
    11 F.3d 247
    , 253 (1st Cir. 1993) (emphasis and
    footnotes omitted).   The court based this determination on its
    recognition that a section 921(d) proceeding represents the
    party's "first and only forum for a full hearing of such factual
    disputes prior to the issuance of an injunctive enforcement
    order, with its attendant exposure to coercive contempt
    Id. at 254.
      Thus, we see no reason to conclude
    that the Operators will not be given a fair opportunity to
    challenge the validity of the interest assessments in an
    enforcement proceeding, whether under 33 U.S.C. § 921 or 30
    U.S.C. § 934.
    Finally, the Operators argue that policy rationales
    weigh against a rule that would vest jurisdiction in this case
    and others like it in the district courts.    They argue that there
    are hundreds of cases which present similar facts, and that
    Congress could not have intended that these cases be tried in the
    district courts.   However, at oral argument, the Operators
    conceded that once the issue of the authority of the Department
    to assess what they term prejudgment interest is decided by a
    court of appeals, either on appeal from a district court or via
    petition from the Benefits Review Board, few, if any, cases
    concerning the imposition of interest will arise.
    Thus, the Operators' policy argument is reduced to a
    preference for having the determination of the interest issue
    determined in an administrative proceeding, apparently because it
    is less expensive.   Even though, as noted above, it is not likely
    that there will be many grounds for challenging an interest award
    following determination of the threshold issue, we assume that
    there may be indeed a number of such instances.   Furthermore, we
    assume that there may be valid reasons to prefer the
    administrative process for determination of minor money claims
    over the adjudication of such cases by the district courts.    In
    the cases before us, the amount of interest assessed ranged from
    $70.03 to $25,671.   However, it is not our view as to the
    appropriate forum that is determinative.   Instead, we are dealing
    with Congress's scheme, and we are not free to make a decision
    based on our judgment in the matter.   If the operators have
    policy considerations that they believe are persuasive, their
    resort must be to Congress.
    For the foregoing reasons, we will deny the petition
    for review of BethEnergy and Barnes and Tucker because we agree
    with the Board that it lacked subject matter jurisdiction over
    this dispute.